HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2016-09-27Keep Friendswood Beautiful Meeting Minutes September 27, 2016 Board members in attendance Leslie Peralta Susan Stephens Mary Wise Paul Marx Tom Goodwin Todd Mendenhall Katie Travis Sherry Goen, Chair Tim Anderson Kaye Corey Rhonda Neel, P & Z Liaison Natasha McAdoo Martha Cotton Shawn Potter Brett Benfield, Friends of Downtown Friendswood Sally Branson, Friends of Downtown Friendswood Carol Marcantel, Rotary Michael Marcantel, Rotary Karolyn Gephart, Reporter News James Toney, Director of Parks and Recreation Kimberly Ramirez, Staff Katy Blanchard, Staff 1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm. 2. Discussion/Approval of August 23, 2016 Minutes: Paul Marx approved the minutes as presented, Mary Wise second the motion and the motion was approved unanimously. 3. Communications/Guest-FHS Recycling Club and Falcon Ridge HOA: Sherry informed the board that we have 20 official board members. Sherry introduced Michael and Carol with the Rotary, Michael suggested to partner with KFB on a beautification project near the sidewalk to the bridge. Would like to add a flower bed, butterfly garden it could be an educational project for the city. State of Texas has a lot of grants available for butterfly gardens. Sherry offered to have the beautification committee get with the Rotary and come up with a project. We also have Falcon Ridge in attendance to receive their check from their matching grant project. Kaye informed them that they have surpassed the matching grant application and KFB will give them $2000. Jeff Bladley and David Finely from the Forest Bend HOA were present to receive their check. They informed the group that many of the planting days they started at 5:30am, they dug all the holes by hand but the HOA came together as a community to finish this project, irrigation was added as well. Our next group is the Friendswood Recycling Club; Sherry introduced them and their looking beautiful as well. The Recycle Club had a presentation prepared for the meeting; they informed the group of what the recycle club does. Every week they gather after school on Wednesdays, emptying recycling bins and other materials that will go into the landfills, caps are sorted, and bottles and cans are separated. They recognize the recycler of the week and give out a traveling trash trophy for the teachers. The teachers are really glad to accept it; they like to reach out to the community at Fall Haul, Chalk Walk, Recycle Bowl and Santa in the Park. It’s also involved with the Ronald McDonald Charity House. Caps of Love which is an amazing organization which helps disables children acquire wheel chairs. We would like to ask for your help with donations. Things the club needs, hand sanitizer, gloves, can liners, recycling bins, cake donations, shipping fees and prizes. How many people are in recycle club, student stated that theirs up to 100 students participating. Katy loves working with the kids and if anyone wants to help on Wednesday afternoons they would love to have you. Sherry informed the group that they did an awesome, awesome job, and we can do what we can to help you. Sherry informed the group that they look outstanding. None of this could happen without an outstanding leader, we nominated Ms. Woodley for a KTB award and she won. Jan Mimetz is also helping out with the group. Sherry thanked Katy for all her work she does with this group. Sherry introduced Sally and Brett from the Friends of Downtown Friendswood, Brett wanted to inform the group on the mural initiative, 600 block of N Friendswood Dr by the Sherwin Williams building, they thought it would a good canvas for the mural, he showed a pic of the mural which is historical, it highlighted figs, birds and historical elements of the mural. We kicked off fundraising for it and are working on raising $25,000. It’s scheduled to start at the end of October. We would like to add more murals in the downtown area. We’re willing to partner with anyone. They would like to see something different in 6 different areas in Friendswood. Mary stated that the art class would like to fund the next wall. Anat Ronen is the artist for the mural, they suggested going to their website. A. Volunteer Hours: Sherry informed the board to turn in their hours B. Committee Reports with Considerations for Budget Needs for 2016-2017 **Executive Committee—Sherry/Susan/Natasha: Sherry wanted to thank Kimberly and Katy for the good job that they did at the presentation to HomeTown Bank and have renewed for this year. The board is happy that this is one of their signature sponsored events. **Public Awareness—Natasha McAdoo/Utility Billing Request for Packer in water bill: we’re looking forward to Santa in the park and someone can take a selfie in the park. Katy thought of having an “Elfie wall” their iPad apps, and you can come up with a snap chat filters. Pic-n-post, it’s a rental company that can do this. Natasha stated that talking about murals, one can be a simple on a quote about friends can be cute. Postcard style would be cute. Polaroid pics with Santa in the park. Each one could have a different theme. **Education—Patty Steinke **Beautification—Kaye Corey: Kaye stated we need funds for the tree giveaway Todd is taking care of the tree giveaway this year. We were thinking of giving away 150 trees this year, Todd stated that they gave us some landscape plants and trees to giveaway. Yaupon Holly, Hoskins shadow globe, eagle stone holly, Japanese boxwood, Italian cypress, green giant magnolia, water, nuttal oak available. Chinquapin, landscape ornamental. All of these are what we can choose from in January. Magnolia, white oak and red oak. Kaye suggested that we need to go out and look at them and choose what the best looks. Let’s choose what we want and I’ll go out and see them and we’ll find some backups. Natasha made a motion to spend $2250 for the tree giveaway, Susan second the motion and it was approved unanimously. Solar lights, 6 lights have been approved. It’s looking like we’re almost complete with the solar lights project. Christmas decorations. Kimberly is getting quotes on lighted garland and Santa in the park banners. Todd informed the board to look at hometown bank benches compared to other benches along FM518. James asked does that company offer the same bench with 2 footings. James stated that there were suggestions to add benches, possibly a swing set some type of sitting area; he suggested something off the path. James stated currently we’re putting exercise equipment around the lake. Sherry suggested getting with James before we start a beautification project. Susan asked about signage, the entrance sign at bay area. She would like to see a sign similar to that. Kaye would like to praise Paul Stacy for helping heritage gardeners with the post office garden he installed the timer, hose and set up the whole irrigation system by helpself. Praises for Paul, he is the same guys that were honored by council. **Parks—Tom Goodwin. Mary stated that they already have a ton of volunteers for Fall Haul and Santa in the Park. She’s trying to do what recycle club is doing; painting rock groups their painting 10 rocks a piece and put them in the Park during the art in the park event and at snow beach. Kaye stated the front flower bed needs to be cleaned out and possibly expanded. Kaye stated that she can help out in any way. **Environment Action-Park Marx: Paul is trying to get someone to teach a class on composting. C. Median Maintenance/Grant Project/TxDot update on 518 and replanting on 2351: James stated that TxDOT let the contract, city staff discusses the project and it will start October 15 and it will take 45 days to complete, they’re going to level the medians, planting and come back and to do the irrigation. There is one year maintenance on the medians plus another year. Weeding is it going to be their contract or ours. Their looking to find a laydown yard to put their equipment. Fm2351, sod has been installed at all the medians, irrigation has been repaired. Kaye suggested removing the stakes, James stated yes. Paul stated a truck went thru the entrance median and damaged the irrigation. They did pick the lowest bidder but their guidelines stated that it will be maintained for 2 years. D. Keep Friendswood Beautiful **FDFA/Heritage Gardeners/KFB Fall Decorating Contest Displays up October 16-Nov. 5/Judging Oct 19/Volunteer Judges Needed Need 2-4 KFB Volunteers to hand out contest info to businesses on Sept. 30: I need 2 to 4 volunteers to hand out flyers to local businesses along FM518? Katie volunteered to hand out flyers. **Friends of Downtown Friendswood: Martha talked to Brett about the canoe safari, Oct 2017. **Tree Giveaway (Available Trees?): **Update on Banners: shelved the banners for right now. **Fall Haul—November 12th (Work sign-up sheet at October meeting): Fall haul signup sheet, Martha can you contact sonic, please add your name to the sign in list for the Fall Haul. Mary stated that her group can help with the garage sale. **Santa in the Park-3 new things that will be added a 3rd snow slide, an app and an Elfie wall. **Additional Solar Lights in Stevenson E. New Business: Recycle club needs hand sanitizer, trash bags, and a $5 gift card. Meeting is Wednesday at 3:45. Cake walk, they will do this at Santa in the park and they’ll need cake donations. Martha asked if kfb can donate to the friends of downtown Friendswood, staff informed that KFB is not able to make a monetary donation. Natasha informed the group that there will be a KFB CHRISTMAS party, December 13th at Natasha’s house. F. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:13pm Approved by: Kimberly Ramirez Date: December 6, 2016