HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2016-05-24Keep Friendswood Beautiful
May 24, 2016
Board members in attendance
Sherry Goen
Susan Stephens
Kaye Corey
Tim Anderson
Leslie Perlata
Mary Wise
Tom Goodwin
Martha Cotton
Todd Mendenhall
Frank Garza
Natasha McAdoo
Paul Marx
Jeff Smith
Rhonda Neel, P & Z Liaison
James Toney, Director of Parks and Recreation
Kimberly Ramirez, Staff
Katy Blanchard, Staff
Caden, Eagle Scout
1. Call to order: Meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m.
2. Discussion/approval of April 26, 2016 Minutes: Susan made a motion to approve the
minutes as presented, Tom Goodwin second the motion and the motion was passed
unanimously. Board suggested mentioning the dog park fundraiser on the KFB Facebook page.
3. Communications/Guest: Guest, Caden Fisher presented his dog park presentation, total
estimated cost of the project is $29,000. Showed the board a layout of the dog park, 30,000
square feet. He explained to the board about his fundraising plan including sponsorship levels.
Board was very impressed with his presentation and informed Caden that they would support
his in any way they can.
A. Volunteer Hours: Sherry informed the board to turn in their volunteer hours.
Committee Reports
**Executive Committee---Sherry Goen/Susan Stephens: Sherry informed the board that they
met with the new board members and all had orientation on the process of the new KFB board.
Sherry stated it’s going to be great to have more people that are hard workers.
**Public Awareness---Natasha McAdoo (Update on Photo Contest): Natasha informed the
group that the likes on our Facebook page went up 90% because of the photo contest and we
learned a lot on the first time having a photo contest. We had over 200 entries and very good
participation. We’re looking at doing a 2017 calendar using the pics we have obtained from the
**Education—Patty Steinke: Patty was not in attendance. June 3rd educational workshop.
**Beautification---Kaye Corey informed the group of the Water smart Program that KFB wants
to be involved in, we talked about putting in a butterfly garden in Stevenson, with low volume
irrigation and label the different type of plants in the garden. On the other side could possibly
be a rain garden. We went out to look at other sites like Centennial Park or the Lake. The
water smart program representatives will attend next month’s meeting; Kaye stated she would
like beautification to include education, labeling trees and getting information on our
environment. Tree giveaway, many of them in our parks. We want to establish an education
project here in Stevenson Park.
**Parks—Tom Goodwin (Sports Park Grand Opening/Eagle Scout Project): Tom informed the
group to reach out to the communities with projects such as the eagle scout project, support
projects like that. Invited the board to attend the parks dedication at the sports park on May
29th at 3pm. Please wear your shirts; honoring this serviceman is what keeping this town
beautiful. Tom spoke with Caden yesterday, he let him know he has our full support and
informed him don’t be afraid to ask, James or himself will be there to help. Please support
Caden and give him thumbs up. Sherry informed the board that we need to help get the word
out. Sherry suggested having a booth at 4th of July and supporting him. Caden will be at this
Friday’s concert,
**Environmental Action—Paul Marx: Paul stated that he got together for the first time
tonight, recycling and trying to promote recycling. Put out some literature, email, water bill
promote the recycle bin. Code enforcement, if anyone sees anything please send it to Paul, lots
that need to be mowed, junk cars, survey.
C. Median Maintenance/Grant Project Update: Trees will be transplanted this week to the
sports park along with the roses, the hawthorns have already been removed. Work will start on
cleaning up the FM2351 medians, the Pearland side entrance sign was hit by a car but it will be
repaired soon.
D. Keep Friendswood Beautiful
**Budget Considerations/Santa in the Park Funds: The KFB budget will increase for the cost of
Santa in the park, budget neutral since revenue will be brought in from sponsors and ticket
**Stevenson Landscaping; Stevenson Park looks good, the gazebo area has been power
washed, and more of the area will be power washed soon.
**KTB Youth Award Update: MS Woodley won 3rd place, she has been notified.
**KTB Conference (Sugarland June 20-22) Sherry informed the board that we’re still going to
the conference and we have 2 stars presenting at the conference this year, Katy and Kimberly.
**Rain Barrel Workshop (August 6) Katy will check with more info on when we will start
selling the barrels Katy will send info out to the board soon.
**Water Smart Report (June Presentation)
**FHS Recycling Club Report: Katy informed the board that their done and Katy informed the
group if you have caps bring them to the meetings. Will send a couple boxes over the summer.
She met with next year’s leaders and got their contact info and will contact them if we need
them over the summer.
**Back to School Event w/Vocal Trash and FISD Report: Sherry informed the group of the
event, Parks did an awesome job. She thanked everyone who worked the event, had a great
turnout of KFB members. They are open on doing this annually.
4. New Business
5. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8pm.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, June 28, 2016 at 6:30 pm. at City Hall
Approved by:
Kimberly Ramirez
June 28, 2016