HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2016-01-26Keep Friendswood Beautiful Board Meeting Minutes January 26, 2016 Board members in attendance: Sherry Goen Susan Stephens Natasha McAdoo Paul Marx Kaye Corey Tom Goodwin Leslie Perlata Patty Steinke Todd Mendenhall Chris Chism Natasha McAdoo Katy Blanchard Tammy Zurwaski, KFB Volunteer James Toney, Director of Parks and Recreation Kimberly Ramirez, Staff Katy Blanchard, Staff Rhonda Neel, P & Z Liasion Anderson, guest 1. Committee Meetings to Set Yearly Goals from 5:30-6:30 Regular KFB Meeting from 6:30-8:00 2. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:35pm. 3. Discussion/approval of December 2, 2015 Minutes: Susan made a motion to approve the minutes as amended, Paul second the motion and the motion was passed unanimously. 4. Communications/Guests: Chris Ochoa was a guest at the meeting, Sherry informed the board that KFB nominated Progressive for a KTB award; Chris informed the board that they will be able to offer the Friendswood Junior High a recycle dumpster. With the info that they get from what is dumped in there they will be able to create a program for the school district wide. Sherry told Chris that KFB appreciates everything Progressive does for them. Sherry introduced Mr. Anderson as possibly a new board member, Rhonda Neel, P & Z Liasion, and Tammy Zurwaski, our KFB Volunteer. A. Volunteer Hours: Sherry informed the board to turn in their hours. B. Committee Reports and Goals for the Year **Public Awareness---Natasha McAdoo and Kate Cross: Natasha informed the board that this committee would get people more involved using social media and starting this with a contest. Natasha also mention that the committee would like to put together a KFB Fundraiser in 2017. Also getting KFB out there with other local organizations. **Education—Patty Steinke-Patty stated that the junior high is starting to recycle at the junior high, committee would like to encourage cafeteria recycling, this Thursday is the ribbon cutting for the high school dumpster. The rain barrel workshop is scheduled for August 6th. Expand the Figgy presentations to Girl Scout troops and possibly having a presentation at the Library during the grand opening. James suggested contacting the janitorial company on helping with recycling. **Beautification---Kaye Corey-Paul has been added to the beautification committee, Kaye suggested to add more landscaping around the memorial per the Heritage gardeners, the Heritage gardeners are also looking at adding landscaping in front of the Brown museum, new landscaping is planned for the psb bed and also adding a new PSB sign to this median putting in a new sign. Kaye stated that she would like to continue the solar lighting program at Stevenson Park and would like the solar lighting at FM2351 entrance sign repaired, and make sure the upkeep on FM2351 continues. **Parks—Tom Goodwin: PDO, support the current projects, expand our parks and green space. 2 parks have been recently renamed at this time it could be good that this group could help with the new signs for this project. **Environmental Action—Paul Marx: Organize a cleanup whether it is waterway or a citywide cleanup. Code enforcement, get all the board members involved with that Paul will be the contact. C. Median Maintenance/Grant Project Update/ Cleaning out of Medians Update: Kimberly did talk to Dana with TxDOT we’re waiting on TxDOT for the median plans. We’ll get the renderings soon. Bart will get back with us on more information within the next couple days. Demo will start in March. D. Keep Friendswood Beautiful **Budget Report and Budget Considerations for 2016 *New Shirts: Paul would like caps for the board, Kimberly will get a quote for them. Susan made a motion to approve the purchase of new shirts and caps for the board, Tom second the motion and the motion passed unanimously. *Marketing Materials (teacher luncheon, city events, etc.): Kimberly informed the group of marketing items needed this year, teachers luncheon, mousepads, pencils etc. Natasha made a motion to spend $1,000 for marketing material this year, Chris second the motion and the motion passed unanimously. *Stevenson Landscaping: Kimberly informed the group on landscaping needed for Stevenson Park for spring color along with entrance signs. Total cost would be $5,000. Chris made a motion to approve the cost of $5,000 for Stevenson Park and entrance signs landscaping, Patty second the motion and the motion passed unanimously. *New City Signs to Replace Old Wooden Ones: Kimberly informed the board of new signs needed for the medians and parks. The plan is to replace the wood one with new metal signs like the entrance sign on Bay Area Blvd. Todd made a motion to approve the cost of $450 to spend on new signs on FM518 and parks, Natasha second the motion and the motion passed unanimously. *KTB Conference (Sugarland June 20-22) Expenses: Kimberly informed the board that the cost of the conference for 3 board members will be $930.00 and single days is $115 per person. Natasha made a motion to approve the cost of $930 for board members to attend the conference, Patty second the motion and the motion passed unanimously. Sherry asked the board to let Kimberly know by May 1st if they would like to attend. *Movie in the Park: Kimberly informed the board that the movie Inside Out is available for KFB to sponsor at Movie in the Park on July 22; cost of sponsorship is $300. Patty made a motion to approve $300 for the Movie in the Park sponsorship, Leslie second the motion and the motion passed unanimously. *Rain Barrel Workshop: Kimberly informed the board that the cost for the rain barrel education seminar is $1500. Patty made a motion to spend $1000 for the rain barrel workshop and those Parks funds $500 of that cost, Susan seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. *Other Considerations: Chris requested new signs and more landscaping. ** Santa in the Park Report (How to Spend Money (bench for HomeTown, solar lights, Decorations): Sherry stated we’re looking for a permanent kind of bench for HomeTown bank, additional solar lights, and additional decorations. Todd suggested removing the VIP tent because it excludes people. Chris suggested new Santa outfit for Santa. Todd suggested give HomeTown a bench in the park or provide a floral display for their lobby monthly. Todd thinks the solar light will be the best. Kimberly suggested giving HomeTown cups with their logo on it as a thank you for their sponsorship. Natasha made a motion to purchase cups and have them engrave for the HomeTown Bank board members, Susan second the motion and the motion passed unanimously. Susan would like to add another solar light for Stevenson Park. Kimberly will be getting for additional Christmas décor. **Tree Giveaway Report: Sherry informed the board that it was a great event, all the trees were gone within 20 minutes. 120 trees were given away. ** FHS Recycling Club Report: Katy informed the group that the recycle container ribbon cutting will be at 4:30 at the tennis courts, from their we’ll go to the stadium parking lot for an actual ribbon cutting. **Street Sweeper Update: James informed the group that we will be getting a street sweeper contact that cleans all TxDOT highways in Friendswood, Patty was so happy to hear this news. **KTB Conference (Sugarland January 20-22): Sherry informed the board to let Kimberly know if you’re interested in attending by May. **Meeting with Other Affiliates: Sherry informed the board that the executive committee will be meeting with neighboring affiliates next month to discuss issues, concerns and ideas. 5. New Business: James informed the board that Calvary chapel is interested in doing a community project. We’re thinking possibly having them do the demo project. James informed the board that the Stevenson park reader board has been approved and should be install by summer. James stated he’s going on the Back to School Concert and possibly partnering with the recycle club. We want Vocal trash to perform, which they also will be performing at concert in the park. July 30th is the proposed date at the stadium. 6. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 pm. Approved by: Kimberly Ramirez Date: February 23, 2016