HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2017-04-25KFB Board Meeting
April 25, 2017
Board members in attendance
Sherry Goen
Susan Stephens
Leslie Perlata
Frank Garza
Mary Piwetz
Tim Anderson
Jeff Smith
Patty Steinke
Natasha McAdoo
Todd Mendenhall
Paul Marx
James Toney
Tammy Zurwaski
Kaye Corey
Kimberly Ramirez, Staff
Girl Scouts Troop 26283
Zoe Hein, guest
Laura Hein, guest
McKenzie Becker, guest
Meredith Becker, guest
1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:34pm.
2. Discussion/approval of March 28, 2017 minutes: Jeff approved the minutes as presented, Susan
second the minutes and they were approved unanimously.
3. Communications/Guest: Girl Scouts, Zoe Hein and McKenzie Becker were in attendance to present
their Silver Star project with troop 26283. They presented their idea to build bat houses in the 1776
park, which will provide the bat a safe home and away from residents. They informed the board of the
benefits of bats and why their wanting to construct the bat home. Their asking Lowes and Home Depot
for donations. How many houses do they want to erect, depending on the location.
A. Volunteers hours: Sherry informed the board to turn in their hours.
B. Committee Reports
**Executive Committee—Sherry Goen:
**Keep Texas Beautiful-Susan Stephens: Susan stated that she is working on submitting an awards
application for Junior Master Gardeners for the KFB awards, Kaye is helping with that. Susan stated that
Sept 9th is National Planting Day and would like to participate in this program this year.
**Public Awareness-Natasha McAdoo Photo Contest Update: Natasha stated that is going well, we
have had several entries. The FB page has gone up 200% within the past month. 614% within the past 7
days. We have some great sponsors and prizes, $500 gift card to Baybrook mall, $200 Brasserie 1895
and a $100 gift card from Sno Beach donated. Shawn is helping the recycle club with postage on mailing
the plastic tops.
**Education—Patty Steinke—Workshop/School Presentation for School’s Out for summer concert:
Patty stated their attending Mary Queens Earth Day event, Figgy will be present during the breaks
between masses, Sherry, Paul and Patty will be attending. Martha is working on getting us into the
schools to promote schools out for the summer.
**Beautification—Kaye Corey: Sherry informed the group that Top Golf will be doing a service project
in Stevenson park to plant three beds with the help of KFB. Kaye is still working with the Barbara Willy
on trying to partner with the Monarch Gateway. Kaye purchased the plants at Moss Nursery for the
Rotary bed.
**Parks-Tom Goodwin: James informed the board that he did an interview with community impact on
parks and trails in Friendswood. New benches at the fishing pier on the dock. OCP and Dog park, we
just received a survey back on the property, should be taking something back to council in the June
meeting. Jeff informed the board that he’s spent a lot of time at the lake and received lots of good
feedback. Patty asked where will additional parking will go, there’s a possibility of obtaining the
property near the pavilion area location.
**Environmental Action-Paul Marx—“Cease the Grease” Update: Paul didn’t have anything to report
on that. Compost workshop currently has 13 signed up for the event. Tammy thanked Katy and
Kimberly for their help on getting everything set up for the workshop.
C. Median Maintenance/518 and 2351 Update: Sherry stated that she rode around to take pictures
with Jeff Newpher; the medians look fantastic, the new banners, the new signs and the newly
landscaped FM518 medians. Sherry sent a letter to the city manager’s office on how impressed she is
with the beautification of the city. Todd stated on the maintenance of the beds at the medians and
requested that weeding is not done with a weed eater, but with your hands.
D. Keep Friendswood Beautiful
**KTB Awards: See Keep Texas Beautiful
**Top Golf/volunteers—April 26—9-to 1-Stevenson and Entrance Sign: See Beautification
**Rotary/Heritage Gardeners/KFB Monarch Butterfly Project: See Beautification
**Composting Workshop –May 6, 2017—Library--10:30-noon: See Environmental Action
**Spring Sparkle: Kimberly informed the board that 615 cars drove thru the event, and we brought in
$1003 from the garage sale, very successful event especially using the basketball pavilion.
**Stevenson Solar Light: James stated we have the poles but no lights; we’re currently looking for lights
to match the lights we currently have.
**Schools out for Summer Concert-May 12, 2017: Same as last year.
**Mary Queen Earth Day Event-April 30—Patty stated that all who can attend we’ll be there from 8am
to 1pm.
**Business Beautification Award: Sterling Builders on Winding Way,
**Matching Grant Applications: Kaye informed the board that we have received 3 applications; the
matching grants were awarded to the Orchard. Jeff made a motion to approve awarding The Orchard
HOA the matching grant this year, Natasha second the motion and the motion was approved
unanimously. We recommended that Friends Church and the Heritage Gardeners apply again next
4. New Business: Sherry informed the board that marketing material is needed, Susan made a motion
to spend up to $1,000 on promotional material, Tammy second the motion and the motion was
unanimous. Kaye stated Heritage Gardeners picked up items from Spring Sparkle and will sell at their
garage sale, theses items will be recycled instead of throwing it away.
5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:39pm.
Approved by:
Kimberly Ramirez
May 23, 2017