HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2015-06-23KFB Board Minutes
June 23, 2015
Susan Stephens
Paul Marx
Frank Garza
Martha Cotton
Sherry Goen
Patty Steinke
Kaye Corey
Kate Cross
James Toney, Director of Parks and REcreation
Kimberly Ramirez, Staff
Katy Blanchard, Staff
Kathy Baker, guest
1. Call to order: Meeting was called to order at 6:30
2. Discussion/approval of May 26, 2015 Minutes: Susan, Martha seconded
3. Communications/Guest:
A. Volunteer hours: please turn in your hours to sherry
B. Median Maintenance:
C. Keep Friendswood Beautiful
**Governor's Grant KTB Conference Report: Sherry informed the board that the conference
was successful and show the video that was shown at the conference when we were presented
with our award. Sherry stated that we met with TxDOT today and he will design a plan for
FM518 and then will present to the board for approval. We need to get the plans to TxDOT
within a month so we can start to get the wheel rolling. We're looking at fall of 2016 before we
break ground. Kaye, Paul, Susan, Sherry and Todd are on the grant subcommittee. On July 28
at 5:30 we will make the presentation to the subcommittee then present the plans to the board
at 6:30. If approved we'll send to TxDOT. Kaye asked if the subcommittee would have input
into the design, sherry stated yes during that time. Cost wise, trees are very expensive, we
want to follow the rock line and there will be a limit on trees. We’re limited on what we can do
because it’s cost effective to how much we have available. Plan a is fm2351 to Friendswood
link. Hopefully we can go into plan b if funds are available and trying to follow the design on
FM 2351.
**Texas New Mexico Grant: June 30th, we'll find out
**Stevenson Park Message Board Update: James stated that July 13th there is a plan to have
kfb board members present they will recognize us again for our winnings at that time our great
leader and think everyone and make the pitch to council to partner with the city and offer
$10,000 to help pay for a new reader board and be approved at the august council meeting.
Sherry showed the board the award we won and wants to put the sign in the electronic reader
board. Kaye asked if we could partner with the city to get a street sweeper, James stated that
possibly get with public works to see if we can get a street sweeper. He will have that
discussion with him.
**Entrance Sign Update: James stated that the deposit has been sent and the sign is in
**Rain Barrel Program Report: rain barrel has been sold out. We have extended the rain
barrel program to 70 barrels.
**New Teacher's Luncheon: Katy showed the board the teacher giveaway.
D. Committees
Business beautification award: put the sign at the gardens.
E. New business: booth at the 4th of July. Have tractor out at the 4th.
F. Adjournment meeting adjourned at 7:02
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