HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2014-02-24Keep Friendswood Beautiful Board Minutes February 25, 2014 Board Members in Attendance Kaye Corey Todd Mendenhall Sherry Goen Patty Steinke Martha Cotton Katy Blanchard James Toney, Director of Community Services Kimberly Ramirez, Staff Susan Steinburg, Guest 1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. Discussion/approval of December 10, 2013 minutes: Kaye made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, Katy second the motion and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Communications/Guests: Sherry introduced Susan Steinburg as a guest and a person that’s interested in joining the board. Jennifer Smith with Dance Expressions attended the meeting to present her matching grant application for her business. The board looked over the applications and the pictures and awarded her the matching grant. Kaye made a motion to award Dance Expressions with this year’s matching grant in the amount of $2,000, Martha second the motion and the motion passed unanimously. A. Volunteer hours: Sherry informed the board to send her volunteer hours. B. Median Maintenance/Landscaping Plan: Patty informed the board of what she wants changed on the FM518 median landscaping plans, she stated she wants to keep Crepe Myrtles and Indian Hawthorns, asked what type of funding are we looking at. Sherry questioned if they want to plant roses and hawthorns from Pearland to FM2351. Todd stated this is the most economical way of doing this. Kaye stated the hawthorns have been in there for 20+ years and she thinks it’s outdated. Kaye stated that Todd is suggesting making the Hawthorne into hedges. Sherry asked about the society garlic, Todd suggested to transplant. Sherry stated if we can come up with a plan we can take that to council for the downtown look that gives us the consistency. Todd stated that we need to create a plan to keep each median the same size. It’s very easy to bid that way. James suggested he likes the idea of a phased project. Todd suggested promoting median sponsorship. Todd will write up a plan and will have ready by next month’s meeting. C. Keep Friendswood Beautiful **Movie in the Park Sponsorship ($350): Sherry asked if the board would be interested in participating again this year. The movie that KFB would sponsor is Cloud with the Chance of Meatball II, an environmental movie. Patty made a motion to spend 350 to sponsor a movie for Movie in the Park, Katy second the motion and the motion passed unanimously. **Grant completion: Sherry stated it’s completed and it looks great. Sherry informed the board that KFB nominated the Community Service Dept. for an organizational award this year. **Joshua mills Eagle Scout project- Sherry stated he did a fantastic job on his Eagle Scout Project. **Tree Giveaway- Great event, Sherry thanked Todd and Kimberly for organizing the event. Kimberly informed the board that we brought in $115 worth of donations. **Dates for Spring Sparkle (April 12), Fall Haul-October 25th **DMWT registration-Susan has registered KFB for this event. **Entrance signs-James suggested having a couple members from KFB and city staff to ask the homeowner for property acquisition to add a new entrance sign. Martha, Jeremy, Chris are on the monument sign committee. **HOA update regarding Blackhawk improvements-Table **Update on parks bond projects-James stated he is very busy meeting with contractors. Council has agreed to put the following projects in the first issuances, Centennial park, lighting, Sports park; 2 new fields, update lighting, add a restroom building and remodeling the house up front if they can’t fit a restroom near the new fields. Stevenson park; lighting, tennis court lighting, and possibly redoing the walking trails. C: Committees **Business Beautification Award-Patty suggested Dance Expressions, James suggested Huntington woods apartments. Martha made a motion to give the 2nd quarter Beautification Award to Huntingwood’s Apartment Homes, Todd second the motion and the motion passed unanimously **Santa in the Park Evaluation Sherry stated the layout was very good this year. Patty stated the Santa line flowed well this year and using signage for the 1 photo per family went very well. Katy stated that the Santa and Ms. Claus were very nice and professional and they loved what they were doing. Board was very happy with the fireworks display during the tree lighting. **Girl Scout troop$200 from sales to use for maintaining their flower bed by the pool: Sherry informed the board that the money the Girl Scout troop raised will be going towards landscaping the pool bed. E. New business **2014 Goals **Recycle bowl: Katy stated they learned about this event from a KTB seminar she will be checking in with the school and seeing how much they recycle each week and send in the results and there’s a chance for one of our schools to win. We can go further and promote them in the schools and we can give them award thru KFB as well. **Calendar contest: Katy stated that she learned about it from a KTB seminar. It’s an art contest for school age children from kindergarten thru 5th grade. We submit them to KTB for their annual calendar. Katy stated that the ones that we don’t send off we can use them for a Keep Friendswood Beautiful Calendar. **Replacement signs: James stated that the sign on Bay Area needs to be replaced. Frank stated their old trailer at the masonic lodge, he stated it looks terrible. Kaye stated she will talk to Marty Abbe and request it to be moved to the back of the property. 4. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 8:03 p.m. Approved by: Kimberly Ramirez Date: April 22, 2014