HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2013-09-24Keep Friendswood Beautiful
September 24, 2013
Susan Stephens
Patty Steinke
Frank Garza
John Merrifield
Martha Cotton
Paul Marx
Chris Chism
Sara Eakin
James Toney, Director of Community Services
Kimberly Ramirez, Staff
1. Called to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
2. Discussion/approval of September 24, 2013 minutes: Martha Cotton made a motion to
approve the minutes as presented, Patty Steinke second the motion and the motion passed
3. Communication/guest: NA
A. Volunteer Hours: Sherry reminded the board to turn in their volunteer hours to her.
B. Median Maintenance/Clean up lots: Patty stated that she liked the roses, yellow bells and
the crepe myrtles in the median in front of the park and would like to see the rest of the
medians look the same. The roses in the new medians are not looking good right now. Sherry
said well look at that and Patty will get with Corey on a getting advice on a change. James
stated we currently mow the Blackhawk medians and right now we just mow and do
maintenance as needed; for example raise the canopy or remove dead trees. James asked if
this group is interested in doing more at those medians when it comes to funding. Patty asked if
it’s just one HOA, Sara stated it Forest Bend and Wedgewood HOA. Sara stated they have a
meeting once a year.
C. Mike Wegner--100+ year old oak tree update/matching grant: Sherry informed the board
that Mike thanked the board in his email and he will be in contact with us.
D. Keep Friendswood Beautiful
**Litter Signs At Basketball/Volleyball/Splash Pad Areas In The Stevenson: Kimberly stated
the signs have been installed in Stevenson.
**Eagle Scout Project/Joshua Miles: Sherry stated Joshua wants to work with KFB on his Eagle
Scout project. Sherry thinks it would be a great photo op also we can provide water. Sara made
a motion to support Joshua Miles Eagle Scout project, Susan second the motion and the motion
passed unanimously.
**Water Conservation Information: Table
**Order trees for tree giveaway (October): Do you want to order the same thing as last year.
Todd asked if we should add pecan trees this year. He stated it’s a long lasting tree and it will
fruit as well. We plan to order 175 trees. Sherry stated the Tree Giveaway is scheduled for
January 18th. Todd asked if we stay at the same size, board stated yes and will have the same
sign in process.
*KTB Training Opportunities: Sherry requested for everyone to participate in the webinars.
**Santa in the park street banner update: The proof for the banner was shown to the board.
James stated we're still waiting for a 2nd rendering. Should be ready and delivered next month.
**Purchase 4 green mesh trash cans: James stated they have arrived and will be installed this
E. Committees:
Business Beautification: Frank suggested McDonalds, Susan suggested Friendswood Animal
clinic. Todd suggested Texan bank. Board will award 407 S. Friendswood Drive Office Complex.
**Santa in the Park (Dec 14): Board suggested adding the booths for the Christmas event. Will
need a lot more adult volunteers. We’ll try to get summer staff to help out. Paul asked when
to shut down the ticket booth. Possibly move the booth by the gazebo. Board suggested more
signage with stakes. James stated we’ll try to get an ATM this year. We can have the food
vendors set up like the 4th of July layout. Possibly have Santa’s this year.
Sherry informed the board that we will be meeting with Brite Lights soon about possible
addition to holiday décor. Martha made a motion to have Brite Lights of Houston install
interior decoration inside City Hall, Susan second motion and the motion passed unanimously.
F. 2013 goals/projects update
**Update on landscaping on FM2351: James stated we're checking the final plans with staff
and then we can go out to bid.
**Recognition Letters: Sherry will send letter to McDonalds on Park wood.
G. New Business
**Fall Haul a Day Nov 2nd: Sherry stated we need someone to contact Pete with Sonic and be
in charge of the food again, Martha stated she will. Paul asked for safety vest, Kimberly stated
we received the vest today. Sherry encouraged board to bring your garage sale items. Board
suggested purchasing more Clean up signs. Kimberly will order 20 more signs same size and
garage sale signs. Board wants big garage sale signs.
City Bond Election: Sherry informed the board about the kickoff meeting that is scheduled for
October 3 at HomeTown Bank.
4. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 7:41pm.
Approved by:
Kimberly Ramirez
October 22, 2013