HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2013-06-25Keep Friendswood Beautiful
June 25, 2013
Board members in attendance:
Sherry Goen
Paul Marx
Patty Steinke
Jeremy Sampson
Martha Cotton
Sara Eakin
Kaye Corey
Chris Chism
Susan Stephens
Frank Garza
James Toney, Director of Community Services
Kimberly Ramirez, staff
1. Call to order: Called to order at 6:30 p.m.
2. Discussion/approval of May 28, 2013 minutes: Susan made a motion to
approve the minutes as presented, Martha second the motion at it passed
3. Communications/Guest: NA
A. Volunteer Hours: Sherry informed the board to turn in their volunteer minutes.
B. Median Maintenance: James stated that the budget has dropped for the
FM2351 median landscape project, and there is now $380,000 available to
complete the project. We’re hoping the bid will be awarded at the September
council meeting.
C. Stevenson Park/Prep for the 4th of July: KFB will be at the day event with a
booth, Figgy will be in the parade and the park is ready as far as beautification.
D. Keep Friendswood Beautiful:
**Solar Light Project—Poster size picture: Get quotes on flags for events and get
with Jeremy on solar light poster for events.
**KTB Conference Report: Sherry stated that the conference was outstanding.
We really learned a lot. Sherry stated that she did get information on water
conservation and talked to a private Liasion from the state water conservation
board. One of the things that she said was that consumers are the first people
that you have to hit first, people don’t know the amount of water you use to run
your house. Sherry stated that there should be a state or local drought plan and
registering how much water is being consumed, whether it’s a home, school
district and what the first step is. We had some people approach the city on
water conservation, is it something that KFB wants to get involved in, there’s a lot
of research that needs to be done, but the first thing is getting the consumer
aware and educate. Sherry stated it’s going to take survey’s education, looking
at the consumption of water that is consumed in Friendswood. Kaye stated that
Susan and Lewis Meckler have researched this extensively and would like to do
a presentation to the board. Jacob White is about the only company that is
conserving water using native plants and storing rain water. Kaye stated maybe
it’s something that we can promote as far as water conservation and rain
barrels. We have to educate, if we decide to do this KFB has a process that we
go thru. We need to get our ducks in a roll if we’re going to pursue this. Sherry
stated that she will send info on water conservation and we will return to the
board and discuss. James Toney stated that he attended the conference this
year and he was very impressed with KFB’s presentation. He stated that they did
an excellent job. Kaye suggested doing the program at the library. Katy
Blanchard did a great job as Figgy. Sherry stated that we saw the Big Belly
vendor and James stated that he’s looking into acquiring the trash/recycling
containers. Their solar powered and able to be wrapped, the containers are
state of the art and a lot of cities are getting them.
**Gift Bags for FISD Teachers: We’re working on participating at the teacher’s
**Survey: James stated the recent survey that went out showed the numbers
were low in the city as far as recycling. Sherry stated we’ll send out the survey
and use Survey Monkey
**Litter Signs at Basketball and Volleyball courts in Stevenson: Kimberly informed
the group we’re working on the artwork.
**Grass at Stevenson: James stated we recently put down some grass in the
drive by the gazebo. Patty stated the grass looks great. James stated Green
Leaf Construction is putting a proposal in to irrigate the entire park. James
stated the Splash Pad opened Friday night. It’s located right next to the
swimming pool and volleyball courts. We’re in the process of ordering picnic
tables and talking to the rotary club in building a smaller pavilion in that park.
E. Committees
**Business Beautification Award-San Joaquin Subdivision: San Joaquin Parkway
HOA was awarded this quarter’s award. Karen Capps mentioned to a new
business about the matching grant and the business they talked to was
**Fourth of July: Figgy will ride in the parade/KFB Booth Stevenson volunteers will
be needed for event.
F. 2013 goals/projects update:
**Additional entrance signs: The FM528 location is a NO, and we are waiting on
the 518 location to contact the new owner of that easement.
**Banners on FM528 softball field: James stated that we’re waiting for the logo
from girl’s softball.
**Update Landscaping on FM2351 and 518: Sending proposal to TXDOT
**Appreciation/Recognition Letters-Sent to Calvary Church/Hunters Creek
G. New Business: Talked about sponsorship sources, James talked about
approaching Exxon and Dunberry on lending their name to associate with our
events and hoping for sponsorship support. Sherry asked if they know of any
other businesses to approach. Martha Cotton questioned why a beer vendor
was at the Crawfish Festival at Centennial Park. James stated in return for being
there, KFB was one of several nonprofit groups received a donation for their
participation. KFB received a solar light from the event.
Next meeting: July 23, 2013, Sherry asked board if they wanted to skip this
month. Martha made a motion that the board skips the July board meeting,
Susan second the motion and the motion was approved unanimously.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:51 p.m.
Approved by:
Kimberly Ramirez
August 27, 2013