HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2012-07-24Keep Friendswood Beautiful Board Minutes July 24, 2012 Board Members in Attendance: Sherry Goen Frank Garza Paul Marx Kaye Corey Pat Sullivan Loretta Murphy Patty Steinke Martha Cotton Jeremy Sampson Mary Stockwell James Toney, Director of Community Services 1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. Discussion/approval of June 19, 2012 minutes: Kaye Corey indicated that wording was left out on #4. We need to add in “our recommendation on the property code was to keep the code but modify or simplify it to fit Friendswood’s needs. This would require scrutiny of the number of employee’s needed and appropriate budget.” Mary Stockwell noted two typos on page 3 on sentences that included “if they don’t the City will issue a citation” and “do you bug”. Jeremy Sampson made a motion to accept the amended minutes, and Martha Cotton seconded. The motion passed unanimously. 3. Communications/Guests: Mrs. Sara Eakin, who is interested in joining KFB. a. Volunteer Sheets: send form into Sherry Goens. b. Median Maintenance: Roses were planted on FM 518 today. Ten more are needed. Patty Steinke made a motion to purchase 10 more 3 gallon knockout roses at a cost of $140 to finish the rose plantings. Mary Stockwell seconded. The motion passed unanimously. c. Clarification of Property Maintenance Code position: has been done to the board’s satisfaction. No action is to be taken on the issue at this time by KFB, as the council has repealed the entire ordinance. d. Keep Friendswood Beautiful i. KTB Conference Report: Susan Stephens and Kimberly Ramirez attended the conference in June, and reported that 501C3 status is highly recommended by many affiliates. Sherry indicated that KFB will be investigating the advantages/disadvantages of this designation for accumulating donations and sponsorships. Kimberly and Susan also indicated that KFB might consider zero waste events, and that maybe Santa in the Park would be a good candidate. KFB may also consider using corporate teams as volunteers at our events, Adopt a Street at high traffic areas, rent a recycling bin, and leadership notebook development. ii. Banners: two are in disrepair in Centennial Park, and James has sent them back to Arnett Marketing to see if they are warranted. The banners for Renwick Park are on their way. Members agreed that the Sports Park and Old City Park will be receiving banners during the next budget cycle. iii. Summer Camp: Susan, Pat, Sherry and Figgy have been attending the Summer Camps and teaching the children about recycling and other green matters. iv. Post Office Clean-up: will be Tuesday, July 31st at 9:00 a.m. The Teen Court volunteers will do the work, with adult supervision. v. Stevenson Park Trees: Kaye showed the committee pictures of aging hackberry trees. She proposed planting new trees in the vicinity of those so that when they die an established tree will be there to replace it. James indicated that he would prefer KFB assist with the placing of the trees, but his office will purchase the trees. He would like to have large trees (50 gallons) near irrigation for new plantings. Paul pointed out that dead trees are being used as light poles in the park, and asked if plans were in place to replace them. No plans are currently in place. vi. KAB National Planting Day: tabled vii. KFB signage for playgrounds: trash is being left around our city playgrounds. At Stevenson Park there are only two receptacles, and they are often full. Loretta suggested 4 receptacles for this area. James will work to get two more receptacles. Members thought signs with Figgy’s picture and childlike crayon type font reminding people not to litter would be effective. Sherry indicated that the lead summer camp counselor was interested in having children come up with some ideas. Kaye stated that the Junior Master Gardeners would like to adopt the playground at Stevenson Park for their Adopt a Spot location. e. Survey of KFB projects/events: Sherry would like to develop a survey of our current projects and events to be sent to people that the committee works with such as the chamber, city employees, Rotary, etc. In this Zoom survey, we would ask their input so that we can prioritize our activities and get ideas for new ones. The committee will be able to see the survey in September, and it will be administered during the fall. f. Committees: i. Business Beautification Award: was given to Texas Gulf Bank for the 3rd quarter. Paul Marx will submit it to the local newspapers. Paul also attended the P & Z meeting on July 19th and indicated that P & Z members are still working with the KFB Downtown recommendations. Paul believes most of our recommendations will be accepted by P & Z. Also, Benfield Properties on FM 518 will be remodeling and will be using our recommendations. ii. Park Pals have earned $997 towards a new solar light for Stevenson Park. They are selling raffle tickets for a 42” TV. The drawing will be July 27, 2012. The 6 volunteers have worked each Concert and Movie in the Park event to raise these funds. iii. Political Sign Committee reported that they are recommending restrictions for the placement of political signs on city property. The recommendations include a single sign per candidate, to be no larger than 16 square feet, to be placed only in the front of City Hall in the half moon grassy area. Justifications for a change in the current ordinance will be included as this document proceeds to P & Z for consideration. Mary made a motion that the committee accepts the recommendations of the political sign committee, Martha seconded, and the motion was approved unanimously. g. New Business: i. Frank Garza announced his resignation from KFB due to additional personal demands. ii. Fall Hall will be scheduled at the next meeting, but November 3rd or 10th are possible dates. iii. James asked for a volunteer to chair Santa in the Park. Jeremy and Sara agreed to co-chair the event. **The next meeting will be August 28, 2012. 4. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Approved by: Kimberly Ramirez Date: August 28, 2012