HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2013-04-23
Keep Friendswood Beautiful
Meeting Minutes
April 23, 2013
Board members in attendance
Chris Chism
Patty Steinke
Frank Garza
Susan Stephens
Martha Cotton
Sherry Goen
Kaye Corey
James Toney, Direction of Community Services
Kimberly Ramirez, Staff
Billy Enochs, Council Liasion
1. Called to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:39pm
2. Discussion/approval of March 26, 2013 minutes: Kaye Corey made a motion
to approve the minutes as presented, Frank Garza second the motion and the
motion passed unanimously.
3. Communications/guest: Sherry read an email from Penny Burke requesting
that Keep Friendswood Beautiful supports planting more plants in our parks that
will help birds, insects, and their habitat. Kaye spoke on the master gardeners
monarch butterfly way station, certified thru the national wildlife federation, the
way station is arches like the passion vine or pipe vine. Kaye stated all of this
can be done easily. Board discussed adding plants to the gazebo area that
had nectar and adding milkweed to Fig bed. Board would like to register their
way station with the national wildlife federation, they also thought of planting
these types of plants in 1776 Park as well. Sherry informed the board that she will
reply to Penny’s email. Kimberly informed the board that a Girl Scout troop
planted new flowers and added mulch to their adopted bed in Stevenson Park
by the pool. Sherry asked if Keep Friendswood Beautiful wants to participate in
the Crawfish festival on May 25th, the board agreed.
A. Volunteer hours: Sherry requested that board members send her their hours.
B. Median Maintenance: Board commented that all the medians look great.
C. Stevenson park: Sherry stated that she wanted to thank Corey, with
Cornerstone Maintenance for all his work in Stevenson Park, the park looks
D. Keep Friendswood Beautiful
Solar Lights: James stated we’re waiting for the 5 solar lights to be installed, and
then we will have a total of 15 solar lights in Stevenson Park.
Spring Sparkle Report: Kimberly informed the board of the numbers from the
Spring Sparkle event, $744.30 was brought in from the garage sale and 545 cars
came in and participated in the event. Frank requested to have traffic vest for
future clean ups.
KTB Conference: Sherry informed the board that KFB will have a presentation at
the conference on how to promote your organization with a mascot on
Wednesday, June 19th.
Approve KTB conference travel expenses: Sherry informed the group that it will
cost $500 to send Katy Blanchard, the KFB mascot to the KTB conference in San
Antonio and needs to board’s approval, Martha Cotton made a motion to
approve spending $500 for the travel expenses for the mascot, Chris Chism
second the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Approve money for marketing material: Sherry stated that we need to spend
$1,000 for giveaways, more Figgy booklets and promotional items for KFB. Patty
made a motion to spend $1,000 on marketing material, Susan second the
motion and it was approved unanimously.
Keep Friendswood Beautiful Scholarship consideration: James stated we can't
give out a scholarship. James stated we had an idea for an incentive grant and
possibly partner with Economic development and offer a matching grant for
adding landscaping to new businesses. James will set up meeting with Karen
Capps and see how we can create a partnership with them.
KFB Presentation to Council: Sherry stated it is scheduled for May 6 at May’s city
council meeting at 7pm. Kimberly has created a power point for the
Business Beautification award: Frank stated the sign is at the Park wood Animal
Hospital. Frank stated he talked to the dry cleaners in Captains Corners about
fixing their mini blinds and removing the broken awning, they told him they
would take care of it. Kaye stated that McDonalds is doing a good job on their
Fig Fest Report: Sherry stated we made $19.44 in donations, next year we'll have
Bond Advisory group: Sherry informed the board that Paul and I are still on the
advisory group; all the groups are pulling their information together and
hopefully will have something put together in early June.
Fourth of July: Sherry stated that Figgy is going to ride in the parade and asked
the board in the want to have a booth at the day program, board stated yes.
2013 goals/projects update:
Additional entrance signs: Chris asked what the best way to approach the
property owner is; James stated its best for a city employee talk to him. Once
we get a general idea what he’s willing to do then we can move forward with
the paperwork.
Banners for 528 Softball field: James stated we’re having problems contacting
the vendor. James stated we're going to approach another company on
getting the banners done.
Landscaping on 2351 and 518: James stated we had a meeting today with the
consultants, everything is pretty much done with the specs, and city staff will
check specs on irrigation and go to city attorney to approve the RFP. James
stated Kaye had some concern with planting the Vitex tree. We need to agree
on the plants. Kaye asked if James is concerned that the fact that their using an
irrigation system that’s not tried and true and its new system and only have
information on this system for less than a year. James Toney stated that the
reason why it doesn’t concern me is because of the brand, which is Hunter and
he has talked to our parks foreman who has installed the same irrigation system
at the City of Houston and after a year it still works. James stated we have to go
solar because there’s no power in the medians. He stated that yes this is a new
product but doesn’t have concerns about it because of the brand and theirs
one year maintenance on the project including the plants. Patty asked if Todd
and Kaye could review the plants again. Kaye asked Paul, the parks foreman if
the Vitex tree would be a good tree to plant, he stated no and she also asked
her landscaper his opinion and he stated no. She thinks it’s too much
maintenance. She stated that Paul suggested the savannah holly. Kaye asked
the consultant his opinion and he suggested crepe myrtles. She stated that
would be exactly like planting the Vitex but with more maintenance. James
stated that TXDOT will only let us put in plants in the medians that will only get 36"
tall including the curb, excluding trees. Board suggested knockout roses,
because it gives us color year round. James stated that fox tail fern, knockout
roses, and lantana that have to be trimmed. Kaye stated that the pigmy Laura
pedlum will get about 18" tall but will spread up to 5'. Todd wanted a red, white
a blue scheme. Crepe myrtles are pink, the Vitex is blue. Sherry asked when we
have the plant decision made; James Toney said you have some time. I think
about 2 weeks to finalize what you want to do. The bid will include the plant
selection. Patty suggested going with low maintenance. Patty, Kaye and Paul
will discuss option on tree selection.
H. New business Susan stated that she got information from Back the Bay.
I need to call her more about her campaign. Possibly use an older kid groups to
keep creeks and bayous clean.
Next meeting-may 28, 2013
4. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8pm.
May 25, Crawfish Festival
May 6 Council meeting
May 28 KFB meeting.
Approved by:
Kimberly Ramirez
May 28, 2013