HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2011-09-27
Keep Friendswood Beautiful
Board Minutes
September 27, 2011
Board member in attendance:
Susan Stephens
Susan Delcambre
Loretta Murphy
Martha Cotton
Frank Garza
Sherry Goen
Mary Stockwell
Kaye Corey
Gail Rodgers
Paul Marx
Patty Steinke
John Mendenhall
Staff: Kimberly Ramirez
Guest: John Olanson, Friendswood High School
Guest: Jillian Olson, Friendswood High School
1. Called to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:34 p.m.
2. Discussion/approval of August 23, 2011 minutes: Martha Cotton made a motion to approve
the minutes as presented, Susan Delcambre second the motion and the motion was approved
3. Communications/Guest: Jillian Olson, a student council and energy and environment
chairperson. She stated that they have campus cleanup once a month. FHS is looking for grapplers
to help with campus cleanups. The recycling club is stadium stewards after home football games
they stay and help clean up the stadium. The recycling club is looking for more trash cans in the
stands and recycling bins. They need more trash cans outside in the parking lot too. Susan stated
that most of the recyclable trash is water bottles they currently have 5 recycle containers, 3 on home
side and 2 on the visitor side. Sherry asked if the classrooms recycle paper, Jillian stated yes they
do. Sherry asked about the cafeteria, and Jillian and John stated yes they do have 3 recycle
containers. Sherry asked about how does the students respond to recycling, Jillian stated that
some students do recycle and some forget. The school picks up every Tuesday and most of the bins
are full. John Mendenhall suggested that they should put an ad on the schools media. Sherry
suggested having the FISD high school students do a skit to work in a partnership with KFB.
Jillian stated they are trying to make it easier to keep the school clean. Interact club and student
council is looking for volunteer to work at KFB events. Sherry stated that were glad that we have
this connection. Susan Stephens wanted to set a date for KFB stadium clean up. The board agreed
upon working the October 21st game. Sherry stated that they were delighted that John and Jillian
came to the meeting and want to work in partnership with KFB.
A. Volunteer Hours: Sherry Goen stated that John Merrifield sent an email to the board to send
him their volunteer hours.
B. Median Maintenance: Sherry stated that a grant that Community development is managing
has funds available to irrigate landscape and add and entrance sign with solar lighting to FM2351
C. Clean up letters: Frank Garza stated that he has talked to Cathy Gray and they finally
cleaned up Winding Way. The board stated that Wandering Trail never was mowed, and the
property across the library hasn’t been cleaned.
D. Keep Friendswood Beautiful
1776 Park Clean up-Church of Latter Day Saints Oct 15-80 people from the Church of Latter
Day Saints will be volunteering with the cleanup at 1776 and the other half of the group will be at
Westwood Nature center. Patty stated that we have been approved to help with the cleanup of the
nature center, the vegetation is highly overgrown. Kathy Corley is a master naturalist and is in
charge of the center. She says the area needs weeding and vegetation pulled back. Patty
proposed that the board helps her, Penny Burke has some contacts to help deepen her pond and
Brady from Friendswood Firewood has volunteered to open the canopy. She needs help her
moving plants and weeding. We need materials like shovels, rakes, trash bags and clippers.
Patty encourages board to please mark your items that you bring to the cleanup. Board will meet
at 8am for the cleanup.
Waterway Clean up in West Ranch Nature Reserve-Eagle Scout project-Sherry stated that we
have not heard from the Eagle Scout handling the west ranch cleanup. Paul Marx stated that he met
the Eagle Scout 3 weeks ago, he does want to make more trails and he will turn information into his
scout master. He stated that he wanted to do it on November 5th 2011.
Monarch Butterfly Way station: Susan Delcambre stated that she talked to 5 schools about the
way stations and hasn’t heard anything from it. Workshop on Irrigation: Susan stated that we can’t
get time at the hangar and at the activity bld. facilities are booked for the time she’s looking for.
Sherry suggested getting it in the works before January.
KTB Updates: Sherry stated to get tablecloth ordered and KTB signs for entryways. Will get
back with TXDOT on adopt a highway. Susan Stephens stated that Wal-Mart will allow to give you
space to give out information.
Update on Banners for Friendswood Dr: Sherry sated that banners will be purchased for
Friendswood Dr with pictures on the banners and recognitions
Tree Giveaway: Sherry stated that the tree giveaway discussion is this something that we want to
do this year. KFB spent $1200 on the event with 124 attending at $9 per person. Cost
effectiveness and other priorities on in consideration on having this event next year. Kaye asked if
that included the potted trees. (Yes) Loretta stated that there were a lot seedlings left over at last
year’s event. Susan suggested holding off this year for the tree giveaway. Sherry stated the issue
of cost and possibly waiting a year or should we table it until next month. Kaye suggested a native
plant giveaway. Loretta stated that KFB has offered the tree giveaway for so many years that the
citizens will be disappointed if we don’t have one in 2012. Susan Stephens suggested educating
on xeriscaping. Kaye Corey made a motion to table this discussion, Frank Garza second the
Fall Haul A Day: Water, breakfast, garage sale signs, and tent will be on hand at the event.
Susan Delcambre suggested having a shredding company at the event, it cost $800. She suggested
that Copy Dr could have their event in conjunction with the Fall Haul. Martha Cotton volunteered
to contact Copy Dr to see if they would be interested in working with KFB at this event.
E. Rotary pavilion update: Kimberly Ramirez stated she will meet with John with Green Leaf
contracting at 8:30 am to choose the type of stamped concrete that will be installed and check on the
status of the BBQ pits.
F. Stevenson Park: Sherry stated that the compassionate friend’s area looks great and a wind
chime was donated to that area of the park. Loretta stated that the grass needs to be mowed in this
G. Positive Letters to Businesses for Property Improvement/Appreciation letters: NA
H. Improvement Letters NA
I. Committees:
Business beautification award: Martha Cotton made a motion to award the 4th quarter Business
Beautification award to Dunn Bros, Mary Stockwell second the motion and the motion passed
Santa in the park: James Toney met with the chamber and discussed moving the event from 3-5
and then the parade and after the parade they will have a concert in the park. There will be Santa,
a snow hill, local entertainment and a Concert in the park at this year’s event. Kimberly Ramirez
is drafting a letter for sponsorship.
Meeting with Stacy/Brite Light of Houston
Holiday decorations: Sherry presented the proposal from Brite Lights of Houston, for decorating
the fire station #1 it will cost $1700, the reader board, pavilion and the restrooms is $2069. Kaye
Corey requested more permanent lighting in the park near the back portion of the park. Loretta
stated that there is a solar lighting company in Friendswood now and Paul Marx stated he will
approach the business to see if they would be interested in installing lights in Stevenson.
Subcommittee report: Sherry, Gail, Loretta, Kimberly and Drew Pennywell attended the chamber
meeting. The subcommittee met with the Lions club meeting last night. Sherry, Gail and Kim
attended the meeting, the group was very receptive. Gail stated it was a great meeting, she stated
that she will be at the prayer breakfast on October 15th.
4. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Approved by:
Kimberly Ramirez