HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2011-04-26 Keep Friendswood Beautiful April 26, 2011 Members and Staff Attendance: Sherry Goen Paul Marx Loretta Murphy Gail Rodgers Susan Stephens Patty Stienke Martha Cotton Mary Stockwell Kaye Corey Director of Community Services: James Toney Kimberly Ramirez, Staff Council Liaison: Jim Barr 1. Call to order: Meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. 2. Discussion/approval of March 22, 2011 minutes: Paul Marx made a motion to the approved the minutes as presented, Gail Rodgers second the motion and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Communications/Guest: Roy Bradley a Scout from Troop 445, has chosen Stevenson park for his Eagle project by taking benches and adding bricks as a base at the bench area near the Compassionate Friends Memorial site. Roy will be add bricks to 6 benches by placing sand as a foundation and digging out a 2 inch to lay the brick on sand so the bricks wont sink. He will be adding garden edging around the bricks to keep them in tact. Roy stated it would be 2 to 3 hundred dollars for the total cost of the project. He will start within the next 2 months. Loretta made a motion that Keep Friendswood Beautiful contributes $75 for the Compassionate Friends bed and to build a sidewalk near the moment area, Martha Cotton seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. Keep Friendswood Beautiful was very appreciative of his project. A. Volunteer hours for March for March: Sherry Goen informed the board to send in their volunteer hours to John Merrifield. B. Median Maintenance: Sherry Goen stated that all the plants have been moved and replanted at the medians and it looks great. Reader board: Susan Delcambre doesn’t think it would be a problem getting the reader board landscaped before the concert in the park. Kaye Corey stated that Bradshaw Nursery would be a great place to purchase plants and it shouldn’t be too difficult to get an account by that time. James Toney stated that Corey Kirkland with Cornerstone will dig everything out and replant the new landscaping. Susan Delcambre suggested adding drip irrigation. Patty Stienke stated that the estimate is $986 for the reader board. Patty stated that if they are looking for a long range plan for landscaping the board could go out and get 3 bids. Medians: Jim Barr questioned if we could obtain mulch from GCCDD, James Toney stated that the mulch GCCDD has is not for beautification. James Toney stated we would need 60 yards of mulch for the medians. Kaye Corey suggested possibly pulling the Indian Hawthorne’s from the reader board and moving to the 518 medians that need replacements. James Toney stated that the irrigation is working and Corey Kirkland will be installing new batteries in the irrigation system at the medians. Sherry Goen stated that the mulch from Hills Sand is $720, Cornerstone labor will be $1020, $1033 to install 22 Indian Hawthorne’s and 4 Crepe myrtles will cost $3073.20 and that will complete the medians landscaping on Friendswood Dr. Patty Stienke questioned when the solar lighting will be installed on the other 2 signs, James Toney stated within the next few months. Patty Stienke made a motion that we spend $3073.20 on mulch, crepe myrtles, labor and Indian Hawthorne’s Gail Rodgers second the motion and the motion was passed unanimously. C. Clean up letters: Martha Cotton stated that the old Bayou Gardens location looks terrible. Loretta Murphy stated that the new business on Shadwell has 6 signs in front of their business, Loretta. D. Keep Friendswood Beautiful: KTB Susan Stephens: Susan Stephens stated she was planning on nominating FISD teacher Cathy Corley from Bales for a KTB education award but theirs a lot more to the nomination than she thought. Susan suggested waiting until next year to send in nomination so we can be more prepared. KFB Slogan: Loretta Murphy made a motion to take the bird off the new KFB draft logo, Susan Stephens second the motion and the motion passes unanimously. KTB Conference in Austin: The conference is scheduled for June 21st-23rd. Susan Stephens, Sherry Goen, and Kimberly Ramirez agreed to go. Sherry Goen stated that they KFB made a 93.9 on the grade card for the GCAA application scores and comments. Sherry stated that KFB did so much better this year. Loretta Murphy stated that KFB needs to find a location to have a city cleanup. The board suggested being more involved in the Don’t Mess with Texas campaign, and possibly handing out t-shirts for those who participate. Gail Rodgers suggested that KFB could have a Don’t Mess with Texas sign given to local businesses for their effort in keep Friendswood Beautiful. Susan Stephens suggested to become more involved with other organizations and make more connections within the community, like the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, and schools. Sherry Goen will chair a subcommittee for public awareness to help improve KFB chances to qualify for the GCAA award, Patty Stienke, Gail Rodgers, Susan Stephens, and Kimberly Ramirez volunteered to be on the subcommittee. E. Spring sparkle Report/Fig Fest: Sherry Goen stated that 431 people attended the Spring Sparkle city wide cleanup and received $923 from the garage sale. F. Stevenson park/Rotary Pavilion: James Toney stated that the manager of Ace Hardware will be helping the Rotary install a stamped concrete sidewalk adjacent to the pavilion and Shadwell. The Rotary is very happy with the results on the landscaping at the pavilion. The Rotary are also in the process of having Dawson signs refresh the current Rotary pavilion sign and are planning to add another sign to the pavilion. G. Positive letters to businesses for property improvement/appreciation letters: The board agreed to send a positive letter to Quaker Church. H. Improvement letter: Susan Delcambre asked if we have got a contact for captain’s corner, Sherry will contact Jeremy with ace hardware to get the contact of the owner of Captains Corner. The flower bed at the post office needs tending to. Kaye Corey suggested contacting scout, Garrett that did the Eagle Scout project at the post office to see if he could get some scouts to help maintain the bed. I. Entrance sign Update: Discussed in Median Maintenance J. KFB Report to council-May 2, 2011 7pm in the council chambers: Sherry Goen will present a power point to council. K. Committees Business Beautification Award--Paul Marx: Sherry Goen stated that Dunn Bros landscaping looks very nice. Paul Marx presented the beautification award on Friday before last with frank and it has gone over really well. Look at the green center and he thought it would be a good idea. Something to keep in mind for next quarter. Banner Committee/Report-John Merrifield: John Merrifield was going to prepare a flyer but Martha Cotton hasn’t seen it. Recycling Committee Susan Delcambre and Paul Marx had a great meeting, and the crowd was overwhelmed in favor of recycling, except one person that doesn’t want to recycle. The reporter from The Reporter news was there and asked a lot of questions and thinks we are going to get good press from the article. Jim Barr stated he thought the meeting went very well. He stated that a suggestion for a resident stated that in Texas City all residents can get free mulch from their green waste, Jim thought we could possibly partner with neighboring cities. Jim also thought the attendance of the meeting would be better if group builder was working better, but it was a very positive meeting. L. New Business Fourth of July-Parade and Booth: KFB will be participating in the 4th of July. M. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 8:15p.m. Approved by: Kimberly Ramirez Date: 6/28/11