HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2011-02-22 Keep Friendswood Beautiful Minutes February 22, 2011 Members and Staff in attendance: Board Member: John Merrifield Board Member: Sherry Goen, Chair Board Member: Martha Cotton Board Member: Loretta Murphy Board Member: Susan Delcambre Board Member: Frank Garza Board Member: Susan Stephens Board Member: Paul Marx Board Member: Kaye Corey Board Member: Mary Stockwell Board Member: Gail Rodgers Staff: Kimberly Ramirez Director of Community Services: James Toney Economic Development Coordinator: Karen Capps Council liaison: Jim Barr 1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:36 p.m. 2. Discussion/approval of January 25, 2011 minutes: Susan Delcambre made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, Frank Garza second the motion and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Communications/Guest: Sherry Goen introduced Karen Capps, the Economic Development Coordinator for the City of Friendswood. Karen Capps informed the board of the history about the main street committee and their purpose. Karen stated that a survey was sent out to determine the people who traveled in Friendswood and it resulted in 80 % of people were just passing thru the town. If the city didn’t do something proactively, that TXDOT would increase the speed limit if nothing was planned for downtown. The board was seeking a different type of zoning and different incentives for businesses in Friendswood. The economic development board was created to oversee the redevelopment of downtown. In 2007 the committee started working on the zoning of the downtown area with creating the 70 ft building heights, allow residential but not on the bottom floor, zero lot lines, means up to the curb, still have to provide 15 ft landscape area, 8ft sidewalks and 6 ft on the side, there is now 3 or 4 different type of designs streetscape which includes benches and pedestrian lighting. Sherry Goen stated that KFB is looking for ways that the board can approach businesses. Sherry Goen stated that she doesn’t want to get involve in the code enforcement part of the beautification. The board asked Karen Capps what do you think is the best way to approach the businesses. Karen suggested getting with her before approaching businesses. 4. Discussion and possible action regarding: A. Volunteer Hours for January: Sherry Goen instructed the board to give their volunteer hours to John Merrifield. B. Median Maintenance/Rocks across from Sonic Landscaping Costs: James Toney stated that Cornerstone is in the process of getting a permit from TXDOT to install the pavers at the median by Sonic. Kaye Corey stated that the medians need to be improved/changed. Kaye Corey asked if James Toney confirmed if the crepe myrtles that were planted were indeed Miami, James Toney confirmed that the contractor stated that the selection planted was Miami. Sherry Goen stated that board needs to give Corey Kirkland with Cornerstone some guidelines for improving the medians. Kaye Corey suggested meeting and coming up with an idea, and tweaking the plans to improve the medians. Kaye Corey stated that there are some trees on FM2351 that still have stakes, tree stakes are not suppose to stay on trees for more than a year, and the tree stakes need to be removed. C. Clean up letter: Frank Garza stated that grass is still on the curb on Winding way reported by Frank. D. Keep Friendswood Beautiful **Banners for Centennial Park/New City Banners: James Toney stated that the banners were purchased and should be shipped to us shortly. **KTB--Susan Stephens--Great American Cleanup/Don’t Mess w/Texas: Susan Stephen stated that Spring Sparkle has been registered with Keep Texas Beautiful. Sherry Goen stated that Kimberly Ramirez will be making a spreadsheet to keep track of all events and informed the board to send all pictures, articles to Kimberly Ramirez. **Date for Karen Capps to address KFB board? NA **KFB Slogan: Kimberly Ramirez presented the board with logo samples that was produced by Inline graphix. The board voted on one particular logo and made suggestions on changes. Staff will send out samples to Inline KFB logo, the logo was voted on. Will send out to Inline graphics for editing. **2010 Annual Report: Kaye Corey made a motion to join Keep America Beautiful, Mary Stockwell second the motion and the motion passed unanimously, but not to exceed $150. E. 5 Star Volunteer Award--Amoco--March Council Meeting? - James Toney stated the date hasn’t been confirmed, possibly March 7th. F. Stevenson Park--Loretta Murphy-Loretta Murphy suggested to have the Teen Court committee help with KFB projects. She suggests that the reader board needs to be professionally landscaped. Susan Delcambre stated that she will research what kind of plants would be best to plant in that area. G. Positive Letters to Businesses for Property Improvement: Sherry Goen stated that a letter was sent to Autumn Creek last month. H. Improvement Letters: NA I. Entrance: James Toney stated the solar lighting has been ordered, it takes 4 to 6 weeks to ship. Landscaping at El Dorado bid will be submitted by Cornerstone. J. KFB Website--Any tweet or Website ideas? Spring Sparkle needs to added to web page, submit information on face book page about the event and yard sale. K. Committees: **Business Beautification award--Paul Marx: **Banner Committee/Report March Meeting--John Merrifield: John stated he talked to Megan, with Hometown Bank about sponsoring a banner and she thought it was a good idea. John suggested coming up with a 1 page flyer to help promote sponsoring banners. L. New Business **Spring Sparkle--April 9th--Centennial Park-Need to confirm logistics for event. Next meeting--March 22, 2011 5. Adjournment: Meeting is adjourned at 8:34 p.m. Approved by: Kimberly Ramirez Date: 3-22-11