HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2011-10-25 Keep Friendswood Beautiful Board Minutes October 25, 2011 Board member in attendance: Loretta Murphy Sherry Goen Frank Garza John Merrifield Susan Delcambre Kaye Corey Paul Marx Martha Cotton Susan Stephens Patty Steinke Director of Community Services: James Toney Director of Community Development: Morad Kabiri Staff: Kimberly Ramirez Guest: Jillian Olson 1. Called to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. Discussion/approval of September 27, 2011 minutes: Loretta Murphy made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, Susan Stephens second the motion and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Communications/Guest: Morad Kabiri: Morad Kabiri informed the board that council, staff and the P & Z board came up with a master plan of what Friendswood should look like. In 2007 an ordinance was adopted with park benches, trash receptacle, street lamps and buildings closer to the street. To invite visitors to walk rather than drive thru the downtown area. There have been a few projects in the downtown area like the Bansfield building on Shadowbend that have followed, since then council went back to enforce guidelines, and listed as a suggestion instead of a requirement. Recently we had one business go under construction rather than having brick pavers they will install a concrete sidewalk in the middle and have brick pavers on the outside of the sidewalk. Unfortunately our regulation doesn’t specify which type of pavers that is required. With what KFB is doing for the beautification in Friendswood & Z would like to have KFB work on this project. Mo stated that he is here to answer any questions. Sherry asked if there is a committee for the downtown development. Morad, stated yes. Loretta stated that what bothers her most is the lighting that the lighting doesn’t match. Sherry asked if he can go over what type of incentives that are offered. All fees are waived. 2008 they expanded the NEC. They modified specific to the new expanded area. . Sherry asked Morad what do you see KFB role in this. Mo stated that KFB has an eye for beauty that he doesn’t have, any recommendation that KFB makes he doesn’t have a problem taking it to council. KFB would like to focus on the lighting. Sherry stated that we received a request from P & Z and that KFB would make a recommendation back to them and to present to council. Do you want to form a committee? KFB stated yes, the subcommittee will include Kaye Corey, Sherry Goen, Paul Marx, and Patty Steinke, along with James Toney. KFB will make their recommendation by the end of the year. Paul Marx will chair committee A. Volunteer Hours: Sherry informed the board to give your hours to John Merrifield. B. Median Maintenance: Kaye Corey stated that we have not completed the landscaping of the medians on FM 518. We need to decide if that will be one of the priorities for this fiscal year. Sherry asked if we should follow the same pattern. Kaye stated yes. Check with Corey on fertilization of the roses on the medians. Kaye suggested maybe something like a lantana that doesn’t require much water and they will bloom all the time, Turk caps, go good with some drought hardy plants out there that will stay green thru the winter. Sherry asked when wills the best time to do this? James Toney asked the board if they want to irrigate the Perry’s median and maybe consider getting a quote. James stated he is in the process of creating some specs and guidelines for a RFP for the landscaping project on FM2351. An electronic reader board on Blackhawk will be double sided it will also have a mass arm light near Blackhawk. All of FM2351 medians will be landscaped. Kaye will help with the landscaping of FM2351. Board would like to keep downtown uniformed and try using native plants. Kaye suggested addressing the irrigation at Perry’s median, work on landscaping FM518 first and then working on FM518 and FM2351 going towards Pearland. James asked the board for recommendations for the FM2351 landscaping and what you would like to see on this street. Kaye asked if were using Cornerstone? James suggested to use Cornerstone for consist sake. Susan Delcambre suggested using low volume irrigation. Kaye stated it takes more care than regular irrigation. Kaye made a motion that KFB funds the irrigation for the Perry’s median, Loretta second the motion and the motion passed unanimously. C. Clean up letters: Kaye stated that she did received email from Cathy from properties that need to be cleanup. Cathy followed thru with most of the properties that she had cleaned up and is still working on other properties. Susan Delcambre stated that Eagle A/C property looks bad and Bayou Gardens still looks bad. D. Keep Friendswood Beautiful Oct 15 Cleanup at Westwood/Bales and 1776 Park: Sherry stated that we had families come to the Westwood/Bales nature center cleanup; Kathy Corley was thrilled with our work. It looks much, much better. Susan Stephens stated at the 1776 cleanup consisted of mostly teens; they cleaned the trails, the pond area and laid mulch along the trails with the help of Friendswood Firewood. We did ask them to leave a few stumps near the pond for seating. This was a really nice project. Susan Delcambre suggested putting the project in the paper. James Toney stated that the new mowing contract will reduce the amount of mowing in the buyout lots in half. We’re also looking into establishing a trail system to cut in trails into 1776 & Imperial Estates back behind the houses. Waterway Clean up in West Ranch Nature Reserve-James Toney stated the last time he talked to the scout was when he signed off on his project. Workshop on Irrigation. Susan Delcambre stated that Lewis has been out of town; Sherry stated we have been approach by Corey to do the irrigation project and he’s looking to be complete the project by the end of December. Susan stated he will talk to Lewis and check with his schedule. KTB Updates: Alvin training: Sherry, Susan S, Loretta, Martha, and Kimberly will attend the training in Alvin. October 21 Stadium Cleanup with FHS Stadium Stewards Report: Jillian stated that she’s notice it’s the adults that are the messiest at the football games. They got some video footage and will use it for media coverage at the school. Sherry stated that maybe for next year we can come up with a plan, pass a trash bag in the stands or use signage. Jillian suggested having shirts. James Toney suggested having the announcer encourage the cleanup with passing the bag. Jillian suggests throw shirts into the crowd as a giveaway. Sherry stated the last time that Jillian was here she wanted some grapplers for the school. KFB suggested to give the group a lump sum for the high school recycle club. KFB also wants to give recycle bins to the teachers for their classrooms. Need to get decals with KFB logo on it. Tree Giveaway: Board would like to purchase container trees instead of seedlings this year. Possibly 250 container trees, and give out 1 per person. Kaye suggested native trees. Fall Haul A Day: Board would like to purchase larger clean up signs. Kaye Corey made a motion to purchase 10 large signs at $20 apiece. Susan Delcambre seconds the motion and the motion passed unanimously. Kimberly will order more signs to replace small badger signs. Paul Marx suggested having a police officer at intersection. Litter Force Presentation: Susan Stephens stated that the Litter Force are cartoon characters and they are portrayed as super heroes. We got an email that they chose Friendswood to participate and they are working with Westwood elementary scheduled for the afternoon of the 29th of November. Members of KFB will be at the event too. Adopt a Street Consideration: Susan Stephens stated that only certain areas can be adopted for the adopt a highway program. Susan stated that Pearland adopts certain roads and areas needs attention that are not TXDOT roads. Susan suggested taking pictures of groups that have adopted highways in Friendswood and approach groups and take pictures. Solar Lighting Report Paul Marx: James stated that he will meet with the business with Paul Marx. Sub Committee on Downtown Development: See Communications from the public. Rotary Pavilion Update: Sherry stated that it looks wonderful. Sherry will send a thank you note to the Rotary. Stevenson Park Businesses for Property Improvement/Appreciation Letters: James Toney got a quote for additional sidewalks at Stevenson from Green Leaf Contracting for a sidewalk to pavilion near the playground; it will cost approx. $3000. Loretta wants to ask the Rotary for $1500. James also got a quote to redo the ramp area near the gazebo and the sidewalk around it, this cost is $9000. The walking path area would be stamped and the steps would be redone as well. The estimate is $22,000 for that project. Loretta would like to irrigate the drive area near Shadwell. Sherry suggested starting an organization that would be called “Friends of Stevenson Park”. Improvement Letters: NA Committees Business Beautification Award: NA Santa in the Park Dec 10th Thinking about contacting Chick fil a, we have received $1350 in sponsorships so far. Holiday Decorations Begins Nov 14th Additional Purchase for 2011: November 14th, 1pm start setting up. Sherry informed the board of the cost for holiday lighting, $1700 for fire station #1, $2,000 to add lighting to Stevenson Park. Kaye would like to spend money on permanent lighting instead of Christmas temporary lighting. James suggested on solar lighting. $900 for the pavilion, restroom is about $517. James Toney suggested approaching the fire station on helping with installing lights for Christmas. It will cost $2000 for additional lighting for the reader board pavilion and the restrooms. Loretta made a motion to professionally decorate the fire station and the reader boards for $2500, Martha second the motion, the motion failed. Sub-Committee Report Presentations to Community Groups and Teen Court: NA Volunteers: NA KFB Mascot Recommendation: NA New Business: NA 4. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned 9:31p.m. Approved by: Kimberly Ramirez Date: 12/6/11