HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2010-09-28 Keep Friendswood Beautiful Minutes September 28, 2010 Members and Staff in attendance: Sherry Goen Loretta Murphy Gail Rodgers Marty Abbe Martha Cotton Frank Garza Paul Marx John Merrifield Patty Steinke Susan Decambre Kaye Corey Mary Stockwell Guest: Nick Strope Guest: Stacy Pagel Guest: Susan Stephens Staff: Kimberly Ramirez City Manager: Roger Roecker Director of Community Services: James Toney 1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:29 p.m. 2. Discussion/approval of August 24, 2010 minutes: Gail Rodgers made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, Marty Abbe seconded the motion and the motion was passed unanimously. 3. Communications/Guest **Welcome Guest-Susan Stephens: Sherry Goen introduced a new member of the board, Susan Stevens and will be appointed officially to the board next month. Stacy Pagel was a guest at the meeting to discuss recycling issues concerning recycling Polystyrene (Styrofoam). Stacy stated that Polystyrene takes up 25 to 30 percent of landfill space, if we can get some of it out of there, we can keep Friendswood more beautiful. She stated its half life is 10 thousand years, 70 thousand for the rest of it. It was patented by DOW in 1937. Stacy stated that the chemicals that are in the polystyrene have cancer causing agents. When the product is incinerated properly it will be safer to the environment. It can make the ozone layer even worse. We don’t have a recycling area for Styrofoam in Friendswood and she would like to work with Pearland in a joint effort to purchase a machine that recycles the polystyrene. Stacy has already spoke with Pearland and they are willing to work with Friendswood if the city can get the machine, the machines can be obtained by grants but all the grants have been given out for this year. She would like to have recyclable cups at local restaurants and be able to sell these cups and have the cups as an option to be refilled instead of using a Styrofoam cup. Stacy would like to have the cities support of the boy scouts in selling these cups or have a number 6 recycling container outside their establishment. Food establishment can have their logo on the cups. Scouts can help because they can hand out scout tips. Stacy would like to make it easy for people to recycle. Sherry Goen stated that she thinks is an awesome idea and would like to look into it more. Entrance Signs: Roger Roecker stepped into the meeting to discuss the entrance signs. Roger thanked the board for everything they do. He stated that theirs one minor glitch on the FM2351 entrance sign, that it was hit by a car. Roger Roecker stated their will not be any additional expenses on the repair of the sign. Roger stated that their has been some concerns on the location on the El Dorado sign and its location. The concern is about people traveling in from the freeway and taking a left hand turn by the sign. Morad Kabiri has confirmed that the sign meets all the requirements. The sign has 250 ft of visibility which exceeds the 200 ft requirement. Roger stated he recommends moving on with the construction, and wanted to make the board aware of the topic will be on Monday’s council agenda. He would like the board’s opinion on the location of the El Dorado sign. Kaye Corey asked if the sign would be cut back, and Roger stated no. Their was an option of moving back or cutting the sign back and Roger stated that wouldn’t be an option. Roger stated that there is another option of moving the sign to another property adjacent to the current location. Sherry Goen stated she wouldn’t like to move the sign, but wouldn’t want KFB or the City of Friendswood is responsible for any accidents that would happen in the area. The other alternative is to move the sign and it would be expensive. Roger informed the Board that the city will be doing some improvements to Blackhawk in the future and it will turn into 4 lanes. He stated that with the improvements to Blackhawk would improve the visibility. A new speed limit sign has been installed near the sign, with the speed limit being 30 miles an hour. Roger recommends moving the sign instead of modifying the sign. Patty Stienke stated that if the sign is moved it could be a grander sign with more landscaping, irrigation, and lighting. Sherry Goen has driven the intersection and noticed that you would have to inch your way thru the intersection. Roger informed the board that council is aware of the cost of moving the sign. Marty Abbe stated the sign needs to stay where it is. Sherry Goen questioned if the board needs to be at the council meeting, and Roger answered yes, they could come. Susan Decambre stated she thinks it’s a shame that council has to spend time on this topic when they have so many other important topics to discuss. Roger Roecker also stated that he thinks the signs are beautiful. **IESI Discussion on Recycling Options Moved to October Meeting 4. Discussion and possible action regarding: A. Volunteer hours for September: Sherry Goen stated that board members need to get the numbers to John. She informed the new members of keeping track of their hours. B. Median Maintenance/New Plants/Irrigation: Kaye Corey questioned if the board has looked at the soil that is going into the medians, it looks like clay. James Toney was informed that the contractor under bid the cost of landscaping the medians. The contractors presented the bid of sodding the medians with one crepe myrtle. Their suppose to bring in planting soil before they landscape. James informed the board that he rejected the proposal of planting one crepe myrtle in the median and sodding the border of the median and seeding the middle. The Board stated that the proposal was unacceptable. James stated he will fight for having good soil, irrigation and vegetation in the medians but doesn’t have much control of the sod and seeding. C. Clean up letters: Construction site on FM528 by the Gardens needs to be mowed, Kaye Corey stated it looks better, Sunset and Castlewood was mowed. Kaye Corey stated that there is a house on 702 Sunset and Evergreen, curb has grass runners. Gutters are so full of trash that there is vegetation growing on the vegetation. James Toney will contact public works to see if they offer any suggestions. D. Keep Friendswood Beautiful **2011 Grant: Sherry Goen asked if the board would want to pursue it again and asked John Merrifield to use the grant from last year and redo the dates. Sherry Goen stated that this time they can filter most of their activities on recycling and working with youth groups. James Toney asked if we can let the grant writer look at it before its submitted. Sherry stated that we would need to concentrate on beautification. James Toney will contact the grant writer. **Banners for Centennial Park: James Toney stated that there are 6 poles at Centennial, budget for 6 poles and are waiting for the pictures. Board would like one shot but several pictures to choose from. Kids playing, Kid fish, the Amphitheater, and the 4th of July. Board would like to order addition patriotic banners for the 4th of July. **Business Cards: The business cards have arrived and passed out to the board. **Landscaping at Hanger-Nick Strope was a guest at the meeting. He is an Eagle Scout and presented his plan for landscaping the hanger. The city will help with the irrigation at the hangar. Nick is planning on scheduling the landscaping of the project on the second week of November. Sherry Goen stated that the board appreciates the scouts on beautifying the city buildings. **Stevenson Park Painting Project (FCC)-Oct 2nd Kimberly Ramirez state that their will be 25 volunteers at the park to paint the fence. **Replacement plants at library--Library Youth to Adopt a Spot-Loretta Murphy stated that their were 42 plants that were planted at the library but is concerned that the bed is not being maintained. Loretta talked to the library and they will ask the friends of the library and the youth group to help maintained the bed but the thought is that the bed should be maintained by KFB; Kaye Corey will contact the chair of the library board. E. Business Beautification Award--Friendswood High School: Beautification Plaque will be ready Friday. F. Stevenson Park **Adopt a spot Signs Brochure/Participation (Post office and Library): Letters are almost ready G. Positive letters to Businesses for Property Improvement: Frank Garza suggested sending letter an Amoco in appreciation for maintaining their facility. H. Improvement Letters: Wandering trail and FM2351 needs to be mowed. I. Entrance signs update **Concerns regarding El Dorado Entrance Sign **October 4th Council Meeting Attendance Lighting/Landscaping: James Toney has 2 companies that he has talked to on obtaining water for irrigation at the signs. It will cost approx $3,000 to boar underneath the road. The city will take over after that. James Toney stated that he has received quotes from 2 companies that will cost around $3,000 for each location. Will be comparing the solar technology and warranty on both quotes and seeing who will give the city the best deal. $7,500 will be moved to next year’s budget for lighting and irrigation. James Toney suggested not giving out the grant next year and using the $2,000 for the lighting, irrigation, and landscaping of all 3 signs. Cornerstone has sent in a quote for landscaping one sign. The cost if $2500 for the landscaping per sign. Sherry suggested we hold off on the landscaping of the signs and pursue the lighting first. Patty made a motion to move 3 crepe myrtles and all associated vegetation in front of the new entrance sign, Mary seconded the motion. J. KFB Website--Any Tweet or website ideas: Sherry Goen requested board members to send pictures to Kimberly. K. Committees **Fall Haul a Day-Nov 6th -Flyer has been finished and will be sent out on group builder later this week. Sherry Goen stated will have a sign up sheet at the next meeting. **Santa in the Park-Dec 11-Their will be a movie in the park, snow hill, disco bus, Santa, and coloring contest. Contact Kroger to see if they will donate Christmas trees. **Holiday Lights/Decorations--Meeting on October 7th time?- L. New Business **Trees/Date for Tree giveaway-Jan 22. Board requested that the event needs more seedlings, same order of trees. Next meeting-October 26, 2010 Council Meeting-October 4, 2010 Fall Haul a Day--November 6, 2010 5. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Approved by: Kimberly Ramirez Date: 10-26-10