HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2010-11-30 Keep Friendswood Beautiful Minutes November 30, 2010 Members and Staff in attendance: Sherry Goen Susan Delcambre Martha Cotton Loretta Murphy Susan Stephens Frank Garza Paul Marx Kaye Corey Patty Steinke Mary Stockwell Director of Community Services: James Toney Staff: Kimberly Ramirez Council Member: Jim Barr 1. Call to order: The Meeting was called to order at 6:29 p.m. 2. Discussion/approval of October 26, 2010 minutes: Loretta Murphy made a motion to approve the October 26, 2010 minutes as presented, Martha Cotton second the motion and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Communication/Guest: NA 4. Discussion and possible action regarding: A. Volunteer Hours for November: Sherry Goen informed everyone to turn in their hours to John Merrifield for grant information. B. Median Maintenance/New Plants/Irrigation: Sherry Goen stated that the completed medians look great. James Toney stated that he wanted to make a few changes with the landscaping for the medians. Sherry Goen thanked Kaye Corey for developing the plans for the medians. James Toney stated the crepe myrtles from the FM518 medians were moved to the El Dorado entrance sign location. C. Clean up Letters: Frank Garza stated that the high grass was cut on the Winding Way, but the vacant lot across the street from the library needs to be mowed. Patty Steinke questioned the status of the lot on Shadowbend with the blue roof. James Toney stated he will look into seeing what we could do about the property. D. Keep Friendswood Beautiful **Banners for Centennial Park: James Toney will get quotes and proofs for the Centennial banners this week and have them ready by next month’s meeting. Board requested to stay with the same color theme at all parks. **Replacement Plants at Library: Kaye Corey stated that new nandinas at the library bed were planted by the junior gardeners. **Grants Training on Dec 2 from 1-4-Lake Jackson: Loretta Murphy, Martha Cotton and Sherry Goen will be attending the training. **Litter Survey: Sherry Goen requested to send out litter survey on group builder this week. **Begin Writing Grant in January--Possible Dates? Board would like to start meeting every Friday in January to discuss and obtain information for the grant application. E. Tree Giveaway--January 22nd-8am-10am (7:30 for KFB)-Sherry Goen asked the board if we should keep the same hours as last year. Board requested to change time to 8am-10:30 am. F. Stevenson Park: Kaye Corey requested mulch to be added to the junior gardener’s bed. Kaye Corey stated that the Heritage Gardeners will donate a tree to the city in honor of Arbor Day and wanted to know where it can be planted. James Toney stated that she needs to write a letter and when he’ll decide where the tree would be planted. G. Positive Letters to Businesses for Property Improvement: Paul Marx made a motion to have Amoco as the 1st quarter Beautification award recipient. Loretta Murphy suggested sending a letter to Johnson Space Center Credit Union for their holiday decorating. H. Improvement letters: Board suggested sending a letter to the Shell station on FM2351. Kaye Corey stated that she noticed city workers cleaning out the storm drains on Sunset and she stated that it looked so good and is a big improvement. I. Entrance Signs Update: **Water and Plants: Sherry Goen stated that the landscaping of the entrance signs should wait until spring, would like to have landscaping plans ready by the February meeting. **Lighting: James Toney stated that $5500 left over from the entrance sign capital project budget from last fiscal year’s budget will be moved to this fiscal year budget to fund the solar lighting. James Toney stated that the quote for the solar lighting from dusk to dawn, 100 amps for all 3 signs sign will be $8,500, and the quote for 6 hours is $7881 for all three signs. Gail Rodgers made a motion to use the $2000 budgeted for the annual beautification grant to fund solar lighting for the entrance signs, Mary Stockwell seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. Patty Steinke made a motion to spend $7500 on the solar lighting for 3 entrance signs and recommend due to safety concerns have them on from dusk to dawn. Mary Stockwell seconds the motion and the motion passed unanimously. J. KFB Website--Any Tweet or Website Ideas: NA K. Committees **Fall Haul a Day Results: 390 yards of trash, which added up to 778 tons and 80 yards of metal? There were 516 participants and the board collected $725 from the garage sale. **Santa in the Park-December 11 6:30-9:30 for workers: Gail Rodgers stated that there will be volunteers from the Lions Club helping out at the event. Chara Dance Academy will be performing and the Friendswood Fine Arts Institute will be handling the coloring contest this year. The Methodist choir will be returning and two churches will serve baked goods. A new organization, the Friendswood Animal Advocates will have animals for adoption at the playground. Jim Barr stated he needs volunteers for the recycling committee. Susan Delcambre and Paul Marx volunteered. James Toney received a quote on the new 50 ft. street banner for the city wide clean up. The banner will cost $573 and the 60 ft. is $668 plus date patches on either side of the banner will cost $200. Mary Stockwell made a motion to spend $868 for the Spring Sparkle and Fall Haul street banner, Martha Cotton second the motion and the motion was passed unanimously. L. New Business: January 22--Tree Giveaway Next Meeting--January 25, 2011 5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:49 p.m. Approved by: Kimberly Ramirez Date: 1-25-11