HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBOA Decisions 07/21/1972 CITY OF RRIENDSW®®D 109 Willowick Avenue , FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 482 - 3323 July 21 , 1972 Mr. Homer Tutton, President Builders Truss Company, Inc. 1401 S. Friendswood Drive Friendswood, Texas 77546 Dear .Mr. Tutton: As Secretary. of the Friendswood Board of Adjustment, I have been instructed by the Board to write. you this letter advising what action the Board has taken to your letter dated July 13, 1972 in which you asked for •an extension beyond July 15, 1972 on which date the Board had ordered you to. shut down your plant. The Board of Adjustment met on Tuesday, July 18, 1972 to consider your re- quest. Mr. Roger Koppa, Chairman of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission, was present. He confirmed that a public hearing is to be held on July-27, 1972 to discuss your application for rezoning• the land on which your plant is located from C-1 to M-1 , Light Industry District.: Because of'this pending action, which may result in City Council voting to rezone this land, the following motion was made and passed unanimously by the Board of Adjustment; "The Builders Truss Company be granted an extension to continue its operation until October 15, 1972 contingent upon the Company's compliance with all limitations of the Board's opinion of April 11 , 1972. " These limitation's are numbered 1 thru 4 on pages 2 and 3 of this opinion, copy of which you have. If there are any questions regarding this extension, 'I will be glad to get them answered for you. Very truly yours, George W. Rummel , Secre ar.,y Friendswood Board of Adjustment GWR/mw cc: Honorable Ralph Lowe, Mayor James Morgan, City Manager Ody K. Jerden, City Attorney MINUTES OF A SPECIAL HEARING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT July 18, 1972 A special meeting was held by the Friendswood Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, July 18, 1972 at the City Hall . This meeting was called to consider the re- quest of the Builders Truss Co. , Inc. , for an extension in time beyond the July 15 shutdown date of their plant as rendered in a decision of the Board on April 11 , 1972. This Builders Truss request was made in a letter dated July 13, 1972, by Mr. Homer Tutton, President. The following Board members were present: Mrs. Ivy Fossler, Chairman George W. Rummel , Secretary Mrs. Leah North Mr. Bruce Foster. Mr. William E. Dykes The meeting was opened by Mrs. Fossler at 7 :40 P.M. The Secretary read the letter from Mr. Tutton, copy in files. A motion was made by Ed Dykes that an extension be, given to the Builders Truss ; a Co. allowing them to continue their operation until October 15, 1972. Seconded by Bruce Foster. Leah North amended this motion to read that the extension' be contingent upon the Company' s compliance with all limitations of the Board's opinion of April 11 , including hours in which the plant can be operated and no plant operations on Saturday afternoons and Sundays. The amendment was seconded by Bruce Foster. ' Before voting on the motion and amendment, the following points were discussed: (1 ) Roger 'Koppa, Chairman of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission, stated that his Commission had posted notices for a public hearing on July 27, 1972 to consider rezoning the land occupied by the Builders -Truss Plant to M-1 , Light Industry District. Mr. Koppa said his Commission was going to recommend that this rezoning be done. Mr. Koppa also stated that three reading by the City.Council would be required to change this ; zone to .M-1 .. If there were no objections or delays the action could be I completed in six (6) weeks. j George Rummel read the portion of the Board opinion that relates to Ordinance 132, paragraph 5(e) stating, "Excessive noises shall not be permitted in any area. " He pointed out that sides had not been added to the building contain-' ing the saws and the air stapling guns to cut down on the noise about which ' residents in the vicinity of the plant had previously complained. E . Mr. Tutton- said the plant was complying with all restrictions regarding operation but nothing had been done to eliminate noise. Mr. Tutton asked permission to cut the grass around the plant on weekends and this was granted. Id As there was no further discussion the Board voted unanimously in favor of both the amendment and original motion. The -Secretary was instructed to write a letter to Mr. Tutton of Builders Truss - Co. and to all those who received a copy of Mr. Tutton ' s letter advising that the Board of Adjustment had ruled favorably in granting this extension. George W. Rummel , Secr tary Friendswood Board of Adjustment GWR/mw Copies: Mayor Lowe James Morgan Ody Jerden Board Members (5) File �gl'sx'aso I M i i i i I I A.Lj� �- I BUILDERS TRUSS CO. , INC. 1401 S . Friendswood Dr. Friendswood, Texas 77546 July 13, 1972 Zoning Board of Adjustments City of Friendswood 109. Willowick Friendswood, Texas 77546 Attention: Mrs . Ivey Fossler, Chairman Dear Mrs . Fossler and Members of the Board: On April 11, -1972, Builders Truss Co. , Inc . was instructed by the Board of Adjustments to discontinue operations in the City of Friendswood by no later than July 15, 1972 . Since that time, Builders Truss Co . , Inc . has made application for a rezoning of the area in which the Company operates and a ! hearing has been set before the Planning and Zoning' Commission 'l on July 27, 1972 . The purpose of this letter is to make a formal application for a stay or amendment of the Board of Adjustment 's order of April 11, 1972 so that Builders Truss Co . , Inc . will be instructed to discontinue operations in the City of Friendswood by no later than such time as the City Council accepts or rejects the request for rezoning or October 15 , 1972, whichever first occurs . The purpose of such a stay or amendment will be to allow the City to complete its action with regard to the Builders Truss Co . prior to the time that the Company would be required to discontinue operations , thus effecting irreparable hardships and damage upon employees of the Company,! as well as upon the Company. We apologize for the late date at which this request is presented. As -you may know, however, we previously made a ` written request to the City Council for such a stay by our letter of June 16, 1972 and this request was unanimously granted by City Council on June 19 , 1972 . Thereafter, we were informed by, Mayor Lowe that upon advice of the City Attorney, the City Council had no power to grant such a stay . 1 Zoning Board of Adjustments July 13, 1972 Page 2 ;t After some research, we believe the Board of Adjustments does have the power to grant a stay or to amend its order of April 11, 1972, and we respectfully and urgently request that j the Board stay or amend its order of April 11 so that irreparable damage will not be done while this matter is still under consideration by a different part of the government of the City of Friendswood. Very truly yours, BUILDERS TRUSS CO. , INC . f By 7V&11 Ajel Homer Tutton President cc : Honorable Ralph Lowe Mayor James Morgan City Manager Ody K. Jerden City. Attorney i ;•;,; MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD'BOARD OF'ADJUSTMENT .April 11, 1972 A special meeting was held of the Friendswood Board of Adjustment on. Tue4day, - Apri1 11, 1972. -The purpose of this meeting was to arrive at a. decision on . ., the case of the Builders Truss Company.. The following Board members were present: Mrs. Ivy Fossler, ,Chairman Mr. George Rummel, Secretary Mrs. Leah North Mr. William E. Dykes The meeting was opened at 8:15 p.m, by Mrs. Fossler. An opinion regarding the Builders Truss Company ,had been drawn and signed ,by five (5) members 'of the Board before this meeting .went into session. -A motion was made by Dykes, seconded by North, and carried unanimously that this opinion be accepted. A signed copy of the opinion was given to Mr. Homer C. Tutton, owner o'f Builders Truss Company, and the entire opinion "was read aloud. by. the ', ` Secretary. �- There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. George W. Rummel, Secretary . Friendswood Board of Adjustment, GWR/mw` l E CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS Re: OPINION ON THE CASE OF THE BUILDERS TRUSS COMPANY 1408 South Friendswood Drive, Friendswood Texas After listening to all the testimony presented at the two hearings on this case on March 21 and March 28, 1972, and, after reading all available letters, petitions and documents on this case, the Friendswood Board of Adjust- ment has come to the following conclusions: (1 ) The Builders Truss Company is in compliance with City of Friendswood Zoning Ordinance 132 insofar as it stores and sells lumber and other building materials in a C-1 Business District. (2) The Builders Truss Company is not in compliance with City of Friendswood Zoning Ordinance- 132 in its manufacture of roof trusses in a C-1 Business District. It is the opinion of this Board that the Planning and Zoning Commission clearly specified the permitted uses in the C-1 Business District. On page 23 of this Ordinance under "Purpose", they state: "This district consists mainly of- land occupied by or suitable for neighborhood shopping facilities for the sale of convenience goods and the furnishing of certain personal services to satisfy most of the daily needs of the adjacent residential neighborhood. " Our interpretation of the permitted use "Building Materials" on page 24 of the Ordinance is the sale of building materials as normally done through a lumber yard, hardware store or other retail establishment. The Builders Truss Company, in its admitted manufacture of roof trusses that are sold largely outside the Fri-endswood shopping area, is not in compliance as a "service to satisfy the daily needs of the adjacent residential neighborhood" but is in- deed in the business of manufacturing a building material . " There is no area zoned at this time in Friendswood for this purpose. We also read in the City of Friendswood files a petition to the City r'-...- -41 A-4- ..d l In 1071J r4---f4 k.. ...... ..rhn vnr-0rin from two of these persons at the hearing on.-March 21st that this noise had not, been reduced or eliminated since the petition was -signed.,. On page 28, para- graph 5 (e) of Ordinance 132., it says - "Excessive noises shall not be permitted in any area. " The Builders Truss Company is not in compliance with this portion of the Ordinance. The owner of The Builders Truss Company, Mr. Homer C. Tutton, did not state the purpose of the Company in his application for a building permit, and in his sworn-testimony he admits that he did not discuss this verbally with Mr. . L. 'B. Cline, the Administrative Offici-al of the City of Friendswood. Mr. C1ine, ,Mr. Rodger J. Koppa and Mr. Frank Green (the last two men being members of the Planning and Zoning Commission) all- stated under oath that they under- stood the purpose of the Company was to build a shed to store lumber and building materials. They had no information presented at' the time the building permit was requested and on the plans submitted that indicated that roof trusses were to be manufactured on the premises. Ft is the conclusion of the following.members of the Board of Adjustment that the letter dated February 18, 1972 from Mr. L. B. Cline to Mr. Homer C. Tutton be upheld and enforced; namely, that all manufacturing and fabricating be stopped or the City of Friendswood will pursue all legal remedies available under State Law and Ordinance 132. The Board of Adjustment recognizes. that to close this manufacturing plant immediately will cause hardship to the people who will be dismissed from em- ployment and to the management of the plant and their customers who expect to receive roof trusses for building homes. Therefore, the .Board will grant a variance from Mr: Cline's letter ordering all manufacturing to cease on or, before March 1 , 1972. This closing date will be extended, :to_ July, 15, 1.972, _pro- viding the management of the plant agrees in writing to the following: (1 ) No manufacturing or fabrication shall take place before 7:00 A.M. or . after 7 :00 P.M'. on, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, .Thursday or Friday of each week, or before 7:00 A.M. or after 12:00 noon on Saturdays. I (4) All precautions shall betaken in storing materials to discourage rats or other vermin from living thereon, and if any are discovered to take any steps necessary to eliminate them. (5) That the Builders Truss Company make application for a "Certificate of Zoning Compliance" as required by the zoning ordinance. This requirement applies not only to the new building erected by Builders Truss Company, but to buildings purchased by Builders Truss, -but which are not now being utilized in the same manner as before this purchase. The Ordinance clearly places the responsi- bility of using a building or piece of property in compliance with . Ordinance 132 on the owner of .the property and requires that said owner inform the City of any alterations or changes to anIapproved use, the approval of which requires a "Certificate of Zoning Compliance This opinion is agreed to by the following members of the City of Friends- wood Board of Adjustment: 1 i MINUTES OF A SPECIAL HEARING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD BOARD OF- ADJUSTMENT March 28, 1972 A special meeting was held of the Friendswood Board of Adjustment on. Tuesday, March 28, 1972 at the City Hall . This was the second hearing of the case of the Builders Truss Company, 1408 South Friendswood ,Drive. The following Board members were present: , Mrs. Ivy Fossler, Chairman Mr. George Rummel , Secretary Mrs. Leah North Mr. Bruce Foster Mr. William E. Dykes Mr. Milton Windler The meeting was opened by Mrs. Fossler at 8:10 p.m. Mr. Roger Koppa, a member of the Friendswood Planning Commission, testified under oath that his understanding of the purpose of the Truss Company was to operate a storage yard for the sale of building materials. On that basis he approved the plans submitted. Mr.• Roy questioned Mr. Koppa as to what the practice is for an applicant to secure a Certificate of Zoning Compliance under Section 9, Paragraph 4 of Ordinance 132. . At the time the Truss Company submitted, its plans and building permit application, the City did not have a "Certificate". Approval of the plans and building permit constituted all the .formal approval necessary. Mr. Cline also testified under questioning by Mr. Roy that no Certificate of Compliance was used when the Truss Company application was submitted. Under questioning by Mr. Hellmut Erwing, one of the Friendswood Attorneys, Mr. Cline said that in his conversations with Mr. 'Tutton he understood the site was to be used to store building materials. Mr. Tutton testified under oath that he never asked for a Certificate of Compliance. The roof of the building erected by the Truss Company is made of prefabricated wood trusses. The Company started to manufacture roof trusses in this plant about October 1 , 1971 . Mr. Dunnam testified under oath that he had been employed by"the Company since December 1 , 1971 . No trash or lumber waste has been burned since he has been there. The Company has purchased a dump truck -for $2500.00 to . haul the trash. There is no rodent or rat problem at the plant. Only a- small amount of lumber is shipped out not fabricated. Almost all lumber is fab- ricated into trusses. Mr. Donald West, one of the signers of the -pet ition requesting the City to shut the Truss Company Plant down, pointed out that the Company had only received approval for use of one building, the one they built. There were several buildings on the property when it was purchased, all of which are now being used by Builders Truss Company but no application for the use of a these buildings was ever made. City o (Xiendsw®od 109 WILLOWICK,FRIENDSWOOD,TEXAS 77546 482-3323 MAYOR EDWARD F.STUART l COUNCILMEN RALPH G.GONZALEZ RONALD G. HAMIL RALPH L.LOWE April 3, 1972 JAMES E.MAGER WILLIAM B.PATTON CITY ADMINISTRATOR L. B.CLINE SECRETARY BOBBIE C.HENRY Mr. Homer Tutton Builders Truss Company 1408 South Friendswood Drive Friendswood,-Texas 77546 Dear Mr. Tutton: ? The Friendswood Board of Adjustment will meet on Tuesday; April 119 1972 at 8:00 p.m. in the City Hall . f At that time we expect to render a decision regarding zoning com- pliance of the Builders Truss Company. We invite you to attend this meeting if you so desire. Yours very,truly, f .. George W ummel , Secretary City of Friendswood Zoning Board of Adjustment i GWR/bh cc: Mr. Carl C. Roy, Attorney 9108 East Houston Road Houston, Texas 77028 S 45°26'3 0".w N N _4 60,2 5',v! 1.2.0 w.. P00 N 46°..25 W' 934.75 . .. _ _ / `I.P, 120 5E7)3/4'I:P � 5-45:26 l00 0 314IP j ,S®6 dO !1 B sdsad.S �', � Yi A/a � .. � ^ Gil I m �y D Uj Z r R1 545°E 6E CD { m p'go �- 00 UI n U, _ o. 3 `46°25' E . 395.52' � 167.4' .. o FRIENDSWOOD - GALVESTON COU N1'Y F3D. o ° N a city griendswood 109 WILLOWICK,FRIENDSWOOD,TEXAS 77546 482-3323 p MAYOR EDWARD F.STUART COUNCILMEN RALPH G.GONZALEZ RONALD G.HAMIL RALPH L.LOWE . April 3, 1972 - JAMES E.MAGER i WILLIAM B.PATTON CITY ADMINISTRATOR i L. B.CLINE SECRETARY BOBBIE C.HENRY i Mr. Homer Tutton Builders Truss Company f 1408 South Friendswood Drive Friendswood,-Texas 77546 Dear Mr.. Tutton: The Friendswood Board of Adjustment will meet on Tuesday, April 11 , 1972 at 8:00 p.m. in the City Hall . At that time we expect to render a decision regarding zoning com- pliance of the Builders Truss Company. We invite you to attend this meeting if you so desire. I f Yours very.truly, 1 George W Iuermimel , Secretary City of Friendswood Zoning Board of Adjustment . GWR/bh cc: Mr. Carl C. Roy, Attorney , 9108 East Houston Road Houston, Texas 77028' • t I MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF FRIENDSWOOD BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS March 21 , '1972 . A special" meeting was held-of the Fri'endswood Board .of Adjustment, on Tuesday, March 21 , •1972 .at the City .Hall . . The purpose of.,the meeting was to hear .the ` case of the Builders Truss 'Company' 1408 South Fr.iendswood Drive. The. fol]owing Board members were present. . . Mrs. .'Ivy-Foss l er--Chairman Mr.. George W. Rummel--Sect.. Mr. Bruce Foster Mrs . Leah North Mr. William E. Dykes e Mr Milton Windl r -" The'-meeting was opened by firs.. Fossler, who asked the'Board' Secretaryoto .rea . the following: , . 1 . A' letter dated February 26, 1972 from Mr:: Carl •C. Roy, 'Attorney and Agent for Builders Truss . Company,, requesting ,' hearing before ; the Board of-Adjustment. 2. . A- notice. posted by the Secretary setting:.the date,. time and ;place of' the hearing. f A. A• letter 'from Mr. Cline to Mr. Homer C :Tutton,' owner of Truss Plant, dated February .18, 1972, ordering•,him .to stop.all fabrication at the Plant on or ,before March .1 1972. ; . Mr. - Carl; Roy;'- Attorney, presented the case for the:„Truss Plant. ,: .He "contended' that, the Plant was in compliance with..Ord iriance .#132 on .the following basis 1 The Plant is located i n a .C.-1 zoning area: ;;. 2. A, C-1 area allows. "building materials" a-nd his interpretation of this is that manufacturing of building materials is allowed Trusses 'for' houses are building materials. 3. The Friendswood Planning Commission approved the plans submitted by Tutton Enterprises on August 5, 1971 and the Building Inspector `approved the type building on August, 9," 1971 and issued Building -Permit No B-661 . Mr.' Home r. Tutton testified under oath that. he did,not buy 'the property where the: Plant is located until after the plans had been approved and the building permit - j issued. -' He said he never would- have purchased the property if he .thought 'there would be objection to manufacturing trusses on same. He said he had about $250,000.00 total " investment in the plant. He said he had not filled out .. ;:. portions of the ,bui l,di ng permit application', such as "purpose of, building y because *no one asked him to.. j.r M • r _ x } � Mr. Thomas R. Dunnam,' General Manager of the Truss Plant testified ,under..:oath•;to r the following 1 . 'The Plant. working hours are now 7:00 A.M. to •7:00 P.M. ; five days per week.: In the past the plant has .work'ed unti 1 , midni ght. and on ; Saturdays to 'get the orders fi 11 ed. ,•:-They .emol oy about:20 people ' 2: '.. They manufacture.about 150 trusses.:per.day: Th'e r- first' quarter,:+..,,-.,, sales were about $100,000.00,'-they expect to have annual-, sales of $500,000.00. They charge 5% State tales' Tax, ,of which 1% will 4 i eventually 'go to the.City of Friendswood 3. ; Mr: Dunnam went into some detail as -to how the trusses were made _ and answered questions about the. Plant Mr.'. Richard White, •a• Sound Engineer hired by Builders Truss: to conduct noise -.. �` l • 'levels 'at different points around the P1ant,' testified �under'.oath' regarding..the- .. results of _these tests." A :copy of:,his report was 'given::to each Board Member;; There was .considerable questioning by Board ,Members of Mr i " White regarding these tests. . f { The Board Secretary read a .notarized statement dated 'March 16, 1972 by Mr. •' Rodger 'J. Koppa, member 'of the Fr'iendswood Planning Commission::.-.It was'*.-- Mr. Koppa who signed the original drawings _for the Truss• P1.ant,- approving `same: :. Mr: Koppa ' s statement says:that Mr. Cline informed the -Planning building "was to. be•. used for the storage of equipment and••lumber; .as, a storage ._:_:;: shed. " - :: Mr. Frank :Green; a member of the Planning Commission, . who was present when the plans were approved, testified ,under oath that .Mr. .Koppa-_'s .statement described wh•at•.hi s .im ressions' were of .the use of this building. Mr...•L. B. C1 i ne. testified under- oath that -his conversation's with.Mr.' Tutt�6n�:'1 ed . him to understand the buildingwas to be. used for._ the storage of buildin 9 9 c materials, primarily lumber:, ..He said the m2ntion of ,some �sawin'g came up but: hey' understood this to -be- a minimum usage for ,the convenience 'of. customers who ?` wanted' something cut to size, which .is a normal lumber yard service. The Board Secretary next read a 'petition- Councildated January 10, '1972;' to the Git y y-- .• of the City' of.•Fri endswood.. This petition; -signed by `fourteen J14) i people, representing seven (7) . families, requested the Council. to shut"down the. : manufacturing operations- of the Truss -Plant for various-reasons: . Mr. J. .D. Burns, one of the signers of the above petition, --testified under';oath' .•` i to the'-fol 1 owi ng 1 . He resides about 300_ to ' •350 yards from the Plant. = ,. 2. The Plant has operated many times' unti 1 mi gni ght or after. ' 3. The, noise of the pneumatic staple guns,' highspeed saws and forked lift truck have kept he and his family awake on many nights., .He r Is'considering sel-ling his residence: if it is not stopped. Mr. Donald F. West; another: signer of: the "above petition; testified urider.. oatK - ' to the following 1 . He lives about. 100 yards from the.Pi ant. 2:' The same noises as above described by Mr. Burns have kept his familyt awake at night. 3. The forked 1 i ft :truck used to` handle 't4,e •1 umber and trusses" runs around outdoors and in addition .to the noise it. causes the ground to , .; tremble. 4. The lumber and trusses are piled all over the'property in. an un sightly ma,Pner and could attract rats. Mr. Ody Jerden, Attorney for the City of, FriendsWood, questioned Mr:. Dunnam about the plans submitted and the building permit application. Mr: Dun nam verified that these. were the true plans and that ,the writing on the. bui1din.g,.0 ". permit- in 1 i g ht. blue ink 'was 'hi s wri ti ng'.. The hearing was adjourned by Mrs: Fossler about .10.:00 P.M. until `Tuesday, MarcVi '.` - ' 28,, 1972 at 8:00 P.M., at the, Friendswood City Hall .. j Respectfully submitted, George W. ,Rummel , Secretary Board of.Adjustment GWR/mw a c_ , - t P' UB.LIC NOTICE = s t PUBLIC. HEARING - FRIENDSWOOD ZONING. BOARD OF-.ADJUSTMENT •TUESDAY, MARCH 21 $ 1972 -' 8:00 P..M. ' NOTICE IS HEREBYtGIVEN THAT A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD•`IN .THE ..FRIENDSWOOD,. ::: CITY:"HALL -FOR THE PURPOSE• OF HEARING .OPPOSITION TO THE.MANUFACTURING. OPERATIONS OF THE BUILDERS TRUSS COMPANY, 1408 SOUTH• FRIENDSWOOD. DRIVE . FRIENDSWOOD, .TEXAS: `GEORGE 'W.'. RUMMEL, SECRE ARY FRIENDSWOOD BOARD-OF,"ADJUSTMENT.: ktr� y, s': rytt •L.�,_�,�, �y �p<n,� S'�eti�,rr,a�„a�.{^'��1�r yA �,t y:s 'rr�`f 43(� Y �i�Y'Y`"T.�+.'' r Tiu. - ,;y' a � �i'�' l'IU�D,�ER�Q�rsvreyfe,aelto"1'vant�eve`flons"o�pi6e'r sttle�(�44�' ''y{�f;���=����'�;;a; -• . l: �,s�tF��r�r�ia5� � ic�4t53Nnar,gz�� '� cHEc EuBLoi ( oh�rlresre`quarhd o�these ' d { J. ' w �w ,n.{y� J:Ss<_ r•{t9Cru CE8)fi�yt i t �•F fra y r xtShovroNthgm,ttlateandaddYes� �,, � 44f rhtr Y .,, ' wliere delilteied4i� f ,deliverN(rY f r 4ri} x T xw ry �g f 4 �# �t}o atldressee x ?�C'I�'6-`� t' -r4�s�tr ,a; 9,,r,�,r'C'` -�r§i �' yl��., y.Ya a 4n,t ,k ,y;•�Sy�F�c-.<SFS't jO6i i ad aertrcie d�8gfl�2�'E+ iQ• d� < k�-r'iA+J'..,,i� REGISTERED NO' > � ri A,ks ns ;mac rQ 1.2M' �4LIN III..) �cr�, :•�zrs 'xRr,sT•ryr' i$,<..- # .�^G•{NAr REOR NA.ME�OF DD{� (141atsta6:u¢yb �iiled,�inz , k ESSEE y a±fit�.�"S�}t$r �� �xit.a" ::'u'` 'n., .F��zr s�xr��," �v'�c�•�, w".k.4 ` wy���'� t Lti-sa-£��' - r .CERTIFIED p ,; ' a ems. • x;� ,J5^}Y �� c h ,j r*f, F jt Ia-4`.3"4� ra - ,144' 3 �"`r _«�-: S y /t'3+: �¢IGNATU E�OF ADDF3ESSEES'�AGENTj lE AN rtt � .r #' •„ � ' JNSURED µ{t!wfr Ski an Sx S S}} �; anrfi �kTr7 #Y ##b �� +4'�a. ) r �v�l ±� yyr h# • �s" n�,7.�r• t• y t 'fi•x""r.7r.,y t 77 r ''ritC'f^rxt r + t `3 t`t{ C§y � ��s' tit� n '� 4�7E<D L RED } ux x _at„M1r hr � a� fat rzt �aJ <tTyr2+ Shy 4z'.Li '�r`r�r'4.� y;,„tr ;:��x•� vSHOW.��lNE�RE�DELIVEREDy,(OQrcl�x 21 a .. • .• • ��, r�� %`!•x' rrt 'r � ± s,`,,�0.*,:'�E,,,, � er t- it ��i?,y fret¢ridx#,ctude�LIPGada)•s�zi"�'f� n. ,� rk",. •£ �-p aa, ;rP? r`t �'h3 g74x 1b tir }P' a,-xT+ 'tiU.z, I+e; ,4 A9 tiri S 3 r ;'4 7FC�L ;1.•n r. h9 i a ;iz .,^+ r1-VA �`5 x t+ - . 2 y .., '}'Na a.g.-��t•1��� a_ P .y4`zr1SSSs " 1-�s v �.a3.� a?k-7•.,„�,y, c F,.5y{.,Vt�{�a �-e" r`4 � '��l .. §1 ��M L � �' '� t '2 `.» �y' f ,l lea Si ]`... �y _ •- {.,_i,:t..�a �t'ct Y}ti�����"��'�=€'�15Y"fta•�.,"-3+ti•+ �+.,xA �'��.,,rrt� tiff_=.�$T��y cr!-G ��ra e3 x Yri d. �, ,iT ..3yats.•r,�•, f , March 16,1972' } STATEMENT TO THE FRIENDSWOOD BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT On the night of August 5,'_197],. during a meeting of the Friends z ' wood Planning Commission, the City, Administrator and Zoning.Adminis y trative Official, Mr, Lawrence Cline, gave us' to review a plat of a piece of property belonging to Mr. T.utton, which. depicteda 'proposed building which met all the spatial requirements of the Schedule of . Regulations in Ordinance 132 for the C-1 (Commercial) .district in' which the said -property is -located, Mr. -Cline informed us that the bui 1 di ng 'was..to be 'used for--the storage of. equipment and lumber, as a storage. shed. .On' th.e basis: of this information, and the data on the plat, the plat.was approved' by the Commission, and, in lieu of a Certificate of Zoning :Compli ance (such form had not at that time been adopted by the Commission) the plat was stamped "Approved-Planning Commission" with my -signature as Chairman pro tem with-the date 8-5-71 . A copy of this plat is : part of the City- record.; The, title:of the plat--"Pre Fab Truss Shop" .was interpreted. by. me to refer to the mode of construction of the building and not to: ,,'.. its use. A copy of, the actual notes made at the -time of the,meeting by myself on this .application is attached to. this statement, and I further attest that -these° notes •were. made by me on the'.date indicated. Rodger J. Koppa•.. Member Friendswood Planning Commission Given unddr .my hand and seal - of office this 16th day of March, 1972, x&_ ,. BOBBIE C. HENRY . Notary Public in and for Galveston.County; Texas . irly Cumm;ssio Expifes June 1, igIf ^-"'�L*G,ai+w.+.c...c:..m..:u.wxnv....!.aw� ..,.•Tear•...::,�.v Ww+......r.�.;m.—^--.•^ _ M1 � - -- ,� I ��.�.�� V � � - - . , . " • . ' 1. �. s , kA -- � ���1/f/v'l.�,.�:, •��1.2�.�.: �;� �- cif r,.t_, . . � • .. '. t; W9 Given under my.-hand and seal of office this 16th day of March, 1972. � f a BOBBIE C. HENRY Notary Public in and for Galveston,County, Texas- �T My Commission Expires June 1� 19 �3 NOISE LEVEL REPORT «` FOR BUILDERS TRUSS COMPANY t . FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS ' MARCH 15 , . 1972 Richard White ' `' ` BSEE, MSME & MBA.' .. PURPOSE : This report will discuss. the findings ..of a. four day noise.., survey. made. 'by .the writer for Builders Truss. ' Company of s'. Friendswood, Texas ; to measure the noise levels 'generated : .. :,.. by the manufacturing of. trusses ..at this, location.. - ` -INTRODUCTION The human ear is an . extremel_y'-• sensitive- instrument `-with a i remarkably 'extensive dynamic range. At .the lower erid man.. can hear a signal having a sound pressure•level, no greater. than 0002 ,v. -bar:' (Cat , 1000 .H2) , while -"at the. upper limit . .. a signal must exceed 200 )3 bar to overload his auditory` system. On the logritmic - decibel scale'' used =conventionally to describe ' the sound pressure leve1 of auditory. si'gnal_s , 200 P bar- equals - to 120 decibels (db) referenced to man �. . threshold ' for hearing.- Also, -in' a more simple- way of explaining a decibel., (A decibel one tenth of a be1. ) The decibel 'is used because the human' ear responds_'to ratio changes rather than to absolute changes . A change ' in audio _: ''. .` = power level of 1; db is barely perceptible to the ear , In'. recent- years there has been• growing concern •'tha't man : < is . polluting his environment . Now the' issue is raised whether `• the uncontrolled propagation of noise also constitutes such'.:: j a health hazard." A number of empirical -community noise studies have been conducted in this country, Great Britain, the r Netherlands , Sweden, West Germany, and other .countries in effort -to establish quantitative relationships between ,levels .' ' of different noises andtheir acceptability t'o different:. _ . . . proportions of exposed persons . �' t TYPICAL OVER-ALL 'SOUND LEVELS AT A GIVEN DISTANCE FROM NOISE SOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL �• .. - ' decibels - i re 0.0002 mlcrobar - •- • ' i -140- .. 50-11P SIREN(100') F-84 AT TAKE-OFF(80'FRGSt TAl1,) '•' . HYDRAULIC PRESS(T) -130-. - LARGE PNEUMATIC RIVETER(41 BOILER SHOP(MAXIMUSS LEVEL) PNEUMATIC CHIPPER(51 -120- MULTIPLE SANDBLAST UNIT(4') ENGINE ROUId OF SUb?AARINE(FULL SPEED) 1 TRUMPET AUTO HORN(3') JET ENGINE TEST CONTROL ROOM. . AUTOMATIC PUNCH PRESS(3'), _110- - - CHIPPING HAMMEH(3') WOODWORKING SHOP '- �'}'. - CUT- OFF SAW{21 INSIDE DC-6 AIRLINER. WEAVING ROOM ' ANNEALING FURNACE(41 .-100- AUTOMATIC LATHE,.(3') CAN MANUFACTURING PLANT 4 SUBWAY TRAIN(20') I INSIDE CHICAGO SUBWAY CAR HEAVY TRUCKS(20') ti- TRAIN WHISTLES(500') 'go- INSIDE MOTOR BUS 10-IIP OUTBOARD (50') INSIDE SEDAN IN CITY TRAFFIC SMALL TRUCKS ACCELERATING - so- LIGHT TRUCKS IN CITY(20') I OFFICE WITH TABULATING MACHINES QR\/TIMe- jj\;tzgv. AUTOS(zo) I HEAVY IItTi l'1C(25'TO 50') 1' BonOERs -M\R SS cu PPcP�RIY t-��E - 70- I - AVERAGE_TRAFFIC(100.1 - I' ACCOUNTING OFFICE - CONVERSATIONAL SPEECH(3') CHICAGO INDUSTRIAL AREAS 60- 15,000 KVA, 115-KV TRANSFORMER(200') - 50- PRIVATE BUSINESS OFFICE LIGHT TRAFFIC (100') AVERAGE RESIDENCE - .° ' 40- MINIMUM LEVELS FOR RESIDENTIAL AREAS IN CHICAGO AT NIGHT - 30- BROADCASTING STUDIO(SPEECH) 1. _ • - I BROADCASTING STUDIO(MUSIC) - 20- STUDIO FOR SOUND PICTURES' (' 10- THRESHOLD Or HEARING -YOUNG MEN CO - - •- - 1000 to 4000 cps .- !i- Ff E 1 _ LilC.:.-�pT. .Si:il��',D' T EVE LJ I, , = = is TEST, METHODS : ; -The objective of the noise measurements for-.Euilder,s-..Truss Company was to define- the acoustic' lev6Is:- in'•aI1 24 one-third octave bands in a position relative to ;the source. The inveSET:; gator used, a general radio. noise meter.-Type No: 155S-�,AP, : Serial . - No. . 402 ,' calibrated before each test: !, Three basic..tests Mere ., conducted : .(1) One ' test was on Saturday; the l.lth .of."March, . : ;: ` .. 1972 , to obtain :average , arnbient noise' levels ,: (2) The `other two' tests were conducted on Monday, the ..13th of. Marbh -.1972. . The first tes t, was conducted during the,-*day. with 'a]_1' machinery operating ' i. e. ; saw, air gun and hammering, '..: The second test 5 on Monday was conducted in the evening ,to show the evening .1 .1S The test results are shown' in Figures 2 through •4. . All. micropfione . equipment was placed approximately 1.2 -meter's' above ground . level which is roughly the average human ear level.' Environmental. conditions for. the. measurements were under atmospheric:,conditions of low winds , no, precipitation and average relative humidity,.": :-, -3- Yam. :- _ ,. Cr^• __ �wl�rE mil.j.12' Sce n x'• /-St r //n/a/ r P w i 44 sty 51 6rr[t NTOM tTE .VOSS .SUBDIVISION I 6� Total Area / 7`•4233. Acres \e, �, J\+a\ 52'04j� 43\\\ 1 wr•. f'�p . . S 43�35' N ' 591.6B`—- .._.. 1 i 42 FIG. '1 = TEST STATION LOCATIM . — Nb-MBERS I THROUGH 7 r , NIGHT TIME TESTS The repetition of these tests 'at night time under the same conditions resulted in a difference of 'l.ess than 3 db..- {•.. 61 RESULTS �. The. results of ':this noise study conducted by this writer for the Builders . Truss Company, which is, located in a. suburban community by the name of Friendswood,' <Texas , , fevealed'a general-,. background noise level varying between .66 and 84 , db depending - r,:; on the location and time -of day at which,.measurements were,' obtained. However, transient noise as -high. as 95 ,db .were re- corded when large .,diesel trucks drove by the recording station. Also'; transient noises . in excess of ' 84 db were recorded at` the _ ' Builders Truss. Company property line which is - w.ithin several hundred feet of. the . Intersection of FM528 and. FM 518 All The;se- transient 'souxces were from normal traffic noises` enerated b LO this intersection and main road in front of the company property . - line. ' First, , I will discuss ' the test 'res` 1' s for Saturday, the filth :of. March., The noise of the motor vehicle traffic on FNI 518 revealed that' the'. noise ,leve I was :dependent on engine speed, load size and the 'position of the observer. .` For .this .investigation; the sound j meter was. placed at average- hearing height. and at ..the property line. of Builders Truss Com an The results show be and a s �adow of doubt that the noise- generated' by the traffic on. this road far' exceeds, any levels generated by Builders " Truss . Company. (Se`e Figure 3) The repetition of this 'test in the: eve' under. the same conditions and observers resulted in a . difference of less than 3 db from 'the . results of the • day time .test.. 4& -5- i Ambient''reading . (no traffic) . 66 db. 2.. With- normal traffic flow 73"•db 3 . With trucks & heavy . 'equipment' 95, db -.: 4. . Worst caseautomobiles' 84 db . = I will now discuss the test results : recorded'Monday', 13 March'.. , 1972.. Figure 2' shows the test locations; nuzibered segc.entially The. noise source was at the location.'of the machinery noted as point A'. Below you will find a' summary: of test stations'' :; ..`. : .. and results , , for. the day time test. . Station 1. : 81 db (Noise 'Source).' ': Station 2. 7.0 db 3 72 Station db .: {: Station 4 . 75 db. Station 5 73 db :. Station 6 77 'db r. Station 7 84 db (Air Conditioner) Three main points have emerged, from this . survey : A The predominance of traffic as -a •p greater noise source at ' the "property: _. line than the manufacturing facilities . I_ 2 . The Day-Night MFG CO Model.'No. 60DNR108C a air conditioner had a higher noise source than the heavy equipment operating. 3. The tremendous attenuation of the noise source . as a function of distance`. E. -6- 777 _RocO ---- - 44 Y: - 8Vr/c'mQ ° NTOIN 'T.TE VOS,S SUBQIVISIbN .ToYcI Area= h�9 h�0 L 7'.4233 Acres o e__._ 7ocY�uc�cL, rt SAop { - RESULTS N - n• STATION 1 ,81 db STATION 2 7 1 db .,. ..` ,..,. ,...,� S 43°�5' :% - 55/.68'. \ =��'%► - - STATION 3 72 'b STATION -4 75 db I - STATION 5 73 dl. 42 STATION 6 77_ db STATION_ 7 84 db (Air C 2 " - AVERAGE .READINGS AT PROPERTY LINE_ & DTHER `TEST STATIONS FIG. W -CH ALL EQUIPMENT OPERATING While' more ,research is still needed and is in;:progress to: ` establish •definitive standards, af, noise acceptability, . - enough has' beenlearned to .^ '• g . identify 'the-.:important:variables ` ' and to indicate the general levels of.. response. The sound pressure level of nominal noise currently . experienced by. the average community .varies- between`'S0 and`100 db,,,, dependi:ng - on community structure and ' its proximity to `n�ise generating sources . Since most of the high leve,l .noi,ses are of a'.'trans ient nature and of, short . duration, they are ..presently aaeI1 1eIot7 those levels which can be ..expected to:-produce-:long term,.or F. permanent physiological impairment. 'Norma'.ly,,we can expect ` the average background noise . level. in the urban community :to a roximate 60 to 85 db :due to ever da stxee't ~traffic and PP Y,. y neighborhood activity. When such communities .contain`or. are , ' proximity e source such as can airport, in close roxzrizt to a nois _ shipping dock or. su erhi hwa sound: ressurb' levels in excess` PP� g _ P g Y� p. . 4 of 100 db may be experienced, depending- on , the distance ' sepera Ling them from . the source: In a quiet city residential area such as Friendswood,' background noise level as`- an average should be �around 65 to ; 75 db, however, even this community maybeex osed to Y'. relativel' -'.hig• h-noise Ieve1 P transients on the order e . of 90 to 100 _db rsulting from :nearbly' ' highway and '.rail' traffic or aircraft ove'rflights . on a.pproachito Ellington Air Force Ease, and Hobby Airport 1 . The federal.-.law now requires , any .firm producing goods' 'under j'.a contract with the Government to limit the noise in •the :working . environment. to 90 db and control exposure of workers to 'leve'ls ' above 90 db No where at the ' property :lines "did this:.level appear except when generated by an outside. .so.urce other than:' Builders Truss Company. _ It ' is the •wrter 's opinion that . Builders ' Truss Company 'does not exceed any ,normal standards. noµ available; or in, any ' does it appear that noise levels reach high`. enough- -,ay to qualify as an imminent and serious hazard to health, .safe;ty;``'_., or comfort to' the. citizens of Frie As�aood. �,. -8- - ® R .� . WOOD :W0RKING. SHOP I_. N M01; M014ER OR CYCLE ci HEAVY TRUCK BUILDERS TRUSS C o -' CJcirACT CARS INS TDE DC-6 AIRLINER 71 INSIDE SEDAN IN CITY TRAFFIC NO� iAL I ,� CONDITIONStj r AIR CONDITIONER- ' i � . 20 , , r _ y 100 9® = 7 'so 1 woos ,. i , 6 •• 70 .5 60 O��O �w1.D'EQs 'tRv x x Hequy -tR�cs - RU -NOSEvs • EUILDE -VOISEFIG:. iEtrK _ .•,.5....„�._-.�., ...]...N.S•.., ...a.SX.. .�_.:. v ...v"�' ..:`b..i. ..�.t. __- -,r .-. ,..., _.'S r. e. ..�. -� ..lrt ....r1 ,.. ,Y ,...v ~.t. ......,.•.• .-... �_(. .-.. ._ ... ... .. ,�'. . ....._ j .d` I ' CONCLUSIONS : Historically, the term "noise" has been used - in two different ways . In 'one, an essentially objective meaning is-implied as' when it is used to describe the physical. characteris tics- of.. . certain classes o£ sou.nd. For' instance " the term•`"white . noi.se;".'..: . refers toga sound signal :of a s tatistically .`random nature 'which contains ' equal. .energy per .unit band over' a s pecific total frequency spectrum. : The term "noise" is -also,.. and most frequently:,defined 'as un, wanted sound. It is . this definition, :premised °on- a value judge inent:' having ari emotional_-connotation, �7hich--applies in :the- tr'leat ment of noise as an atmospheric pollutant.- 'It is felt', therefore - that!-a' significant and important pc-Art—of 'thecomplaint against Builders Truss Com an is that it is the onl noise eneratin. Comp an y , g. . g source in the area that they .tend to identify: People �compla'in . ' : only when they can identify a source - of noise; For, example; .;we go _•_ ' home 'and -turn on the dishwasher, the disposal,,..the air condita:oner,` (which generates . more -noise than Euilde-rs Truss Company), buts it does not bother us because we are in control and can.,identify1 . . ` with, the noise source. ; To produce a, single document' taking .account of all conditions , As difficult and I have concentrated .my efforts- on producing one which can be used to show the results in a . simple' manne.r. To . , be able to' show the effect that the noise created by tuildersf -9- �.. Truss Company has on the community, the :a'Mbient noise existing , before introduction of. the machinery noise, must'.be .known": . The area surveyed was the -Antionette ' Voss subdivision,-! i.e:, Lot, 44 and part of. Lots 43,' 51 and 52 and 'adjacent ' 'to- -FIA Road 518 The .source of. the ambient- noise was identified as.-]_ocal traffic 'on' Road. :. F I. 518 and it showed levels varying from .6G to 84` db iahen traffic . _ passed. The amplitudes went as high as 95 db when ..a, large truck` . : • passed by and the highest machine noise level_ recorded; on . ni was only 72 db', see_ Figure 4. s -10- REFERENCES : ' 1; Mikeska, E.E. ,. Noise in. the Modern .Home , ' Noise -'Control; May 1958. 2 . Stevens. S . S. . Procedures for Calculating Loudness F ,. .Mark VI, J. Aco.us.-Soc. .Amer, 1.961'. 3. Community Reaction to. Noise; -.NASA ':Conference. on..Research Relating 4o Noise, Oct. 1968. 4 4. -Stevens S. S.'. Calculations of Loudness : of, Complex Noi"se,. J-Acous . Soc. - American, 1956 5 . I.E. S. 1969, .Pro,ceedings , (Man in his Environment) - April. 1969 6 . Airport Noise and the Urban Dweller.: A ' P.ro` osed Solution]-`,' y b C.M. Haar, May 1968. 7 . Noise 'as a Health Hazard; American Speech-and Hearin& Association, 1969. 1 } f MEMORANDUM TO FILE HISTORY OF' HOMER -C. TUTTON'S TRUSS`PLANT IN• FRIENDSWOOD July 9; 1971 Application by Mr.` Tutton f'or - building:permit,'far "shed type construction." (No usage listed) . ': August 51 Planning.'Commissi'on approved plat .for•,'shed..; August 9 Building permit ,issued by K. B. Jones: (Note wording at bottom of'permit form relative _to compliance with zoning-or dinance) ' October...; Operation; questioned by Councilman Patton and Mayor Stuart (date, unknown) . Undated letter from L. B Clone, as 'a 'result,of inquiries, transmitting copy of Or.d. .132, and stating 'that' "s.eIIing of .bui 1 di ng supplies is permitted but no:t :fabri cation ". January' 10, Letter 'from L:: B: C.1 i ne relating to not se `at night 1972 ' January 13 Petition from citizens , - of -area setting forth complaints about _noise odors, appearance, presented to Council --at Workshop.. January 20: Subject discussed at Regular Council Meeting With .a parties represented: January 27 Discussed by Council with Attorney Attorney requested file on history of case. . February aH.istory of case given. to Attorney by City .Secretary. • i , t -a R ✓+•f, q,,}y-r,'��.�i �',;w"1+ i_�l. WV. •F' ,r' a x,.. .x �•tr,r+ _ � Th �JCS iffy•���,xr�2,}� 1..;',�r�r dF <',�+��1'i utter, cur ow. �; `�x �y �r i�..�r y ,2•z,�r� ',�y �,s?S,y t ��,,.a � xr t t f - .+• '' rt -r,'S t':a 6 h "f�, �"t`rav „r t.k X� J/!. Sr r r i -1•� sra' r+Std'����,' 4Cj,�"+c'y'r" x".y��y.j �HL..% 1 ` r a r t tti c eJ t �5�a Ear! z ti� ,, k�1 nr1Y�� ! ea �f r .k. :y`^` .. �'�....�r�ity"c•L.•ia..�� a {'*a• '4s. .7r �' *s a �i `k1� r { 'Quiet,3,;please� iz > a, a rf t .s a s ` , TI i m�A§ the nessaget of an act ;against 7aoise: aI passed ;by.,the,Ilotise'b � �,t 3 t lutian y a vote of 356 'tb 32 J c x >�� r .l The. bill is expected 3:to Cleat_ the Senate:and ;White " s s Tdiring`,thls Sesslo clarriCorigress. use and become la,w The act.;empowers the government_to p ceilings on rioiseemitted by,:iiew construction machinery, arlsM portatlon e ui ment; electronic amp�afiei�s and other 9 P• noise making machinery THey scientific evide�iee :tJ3at 4';_ { uent�ex osure."to high] P g Y,amphfiecl mgsic does ,der 7 E ` manent damage to.the hearing twas enougli'ta,balanee n"� s Y 4 5 , < 4 t'• the protests expected from youn ¢people naw accu� t gtT ew t elect oril� the I fassive battering theytake,.flom their yr_ �� F "'� K"4 amp iel s ,.� ,� t� , b�s t •�q "3- -�, y Ilidusry. offe ed llttlef o OSIi Ox y� s �� +k `:c r` H'v� Sh0lt2 that r ) g rifec Y se. he>as bLe21TM ��� � `w`''" }4[F x ate is the public 15 illin to a hi k , ter " for'quieter'equipmeiit.And the public shouid�he ate z; ful -IOr any.'r2C�uctiOn'of tjie.noise•that IS Lln7v0 s� z•. I k` t s on aul coy streets from lackhainx�riers, lotidspeaT ers" let'planes The hill i o z s ;t ierfeci: It ]eaves c6ntrnI"of;let e Xgine, '4't `' , I: r noise under-AAhe Federal Aviation Admm stration:'In{ ;`i - t{'as! z _'�' `r three years of holding.'this control,,th.e FAA liar,done r hale to'curtail::the shriek of:the $ut the act,dries make clear tha .quiet:is a quality to be preserved 1n`our guaranteed f pursue happiness:, • a-• .B}+`.:..r'I:5�.•F"K r.iaJ'f4fi �iJ .r ,� i' $'r r 4v'{' `t,+'': a 4 �% .1 '• to s4 ?�y m v�a.r +i. '.y s'k{ gis3r 2, y 4 ta ® ( , ®\ , W5 "," , .,i - _ V. g� Koppa,said he thought the comma S x Mayon Ed Stuart and mgmbers' ;;�U�S` ',: ��uf��tUr� S� ' Sh®� -,�U .`.ssion was told That the building . f 'M ` ° w.o d..City:Council - • : ' was to be:a ,storage shed..He. : x ;' �N M ti of the Fr#ends o. said,'he; remembered:seeixtg a; _ tt .Thursda ahe City„ - ®U 'Z�ne. .eih�®rs 9t�ti®n - �� £ admi ed Y notation in a corner of the plans r made a boob:boo when it approved °..;lation of the city zoning ordinance, City_building inspector'Jones, saying Truss Shop;but no signi a=buildin permit for Builders-., the plans. for -the plant were who 'gave the plans to Cline of ficant discussion was made.of the g approved August .5•.by the city , firmed•that .,he,'understood the facts = ` 7.i .Truss Co`.'.at 1408:Friendswood.. . A sC 9;last ear planning >and , zoning -comma v building would..be,:used,to man ;. Cline submitted the plans to the Drive on ugu Y �- 5,ssfon, facture trusses used.coinmerc commission, J. _D: Burns, :a Friendswood At.that-time, zoning questions ial and residential roof constru= The City Council memberspre- resident;.who:owns a home with were being interpreted by the ction: sent at the Thursday's workshop hi a. of the truss with�<<: .planning commission because no, ".The,plans were titled Prefab ,-. .meeting concurred that the"City. hi a.1 00ing operatxf6et es s steted m; :board of: adjustment or certifi Truss Strop.", he_commented, would have.:to have a legal op Pneumatic Hammer. City Council.with,apet3tionsigned- cates•of.compliance existed, Mr Tom liunnam;.'.assistant anion concerning its ability tostop.S commission-:minutes',fro m'sev- by 14 residents he said lived I Qnly commercialtiusinesses'or to Homer- C. Tutton, .owner:of Builders.Truss Company:from eral months-prior to the approval _;the general vicinity of'the plant, residences may be located in"the Builder's Truss Company,showed manufacturing in'a•commercial of the truss plant show the commi- zone where Builders Truss..Co'.' Plans stamped with the approval scions consideration of a recom- zone°.Only a .retail business is` The petition"is`seeking relief, purchased land and setup operat- of the zoning commission which allowed-in a .commercial-zone. ... mendation to..the city council: to from the plant's activities, which ions. I were titled'Pre Fab Truss Shop; For immediate :relief. the change.the zoning,,for an area that it says,create excessive noise and : He said his company went to the• Ma or suggested includes'the plant site.The change Y The Council remained unclear y ggested to the.petition `. causes air,pollution City to be sure.all requirements ers that the file com laints a- would allow'the plant to operate 'about who was •responsible. for for their operation would 'met Y P legally: The.boo:boo•bq,the City per - the'error.' 'City administrator, bout noise or smoke pollution as tams :to AAA cumbersome_ City Cline, ,whop" is also the zoning''_ @uestioned'on the subject - violations of the city nusiance. The, area-considered.by the Zonmg'Orchnance administrator„said :;when he:, ' eral members of the Planning and ordinance C' _ planning .commission for change Although`city,zonmg'admmist received plans- for the•building= Zoning Commission could not re= Dunham said his:;company will :` is bounded by F1VI:528,_and Briar Tator Lai* Cline statedpos= he was told it.would be`only:for member the exact circumstances= ' .fight in .court any_attempt by the meadow on the east and west by itivel Thursday;,that the`truss .: storage;.but that;there would-be.• of • the approval n of ,the`plans City to stop their operation. FM 518 and Sunset on the north and Y = Commis§ion secretary,,Rodger As a coincidence;Zhe Rlanning. •south, u anufactut7nIf ope.ration Is m vo1= some satvin unuunuu o i g� ; a !,� �, .�_...•-"� �-.N':: ,`: Jnununlnlloumnnnnuunuuuneumiuuplinuunluilllunnunuuuuu0ltlimuuingiuum a�-. • r'. __ :.• �..: .��.'._� - . . . - r'� � �`c , r r 4 • ti - � s� nL+.`�+`z �� � abs �•1 �..f,ci, `Q�"r�'k'� d r - 6 .�(i w a Yw .y.• � f��st'�y,yy'�-'3,'r"a' 4; 5. �.. / s ).> Fi- R f .,; � "�•F � f ��. \ �G l�-w� Y t )F 1 b.,� ILI� • . . K � ���, �'€r��� 5 ^. Pik ° Spa "itR-'�...�Fl i aW BUILDING`a truss for.prefab roofing . ,s �� N � 43`r i r� i F•"fe The manufacture of prefabricated trusseru.ss Whf s has be come'a large'and competitive.business: Several plants are:aocated in'the,Houston area including anew plant �hr lr ¢a11ed.Builders Truss.Company located in'Friends `ts wood. . a Prefab trusses.are and`faster to.use than stronger £ individual roof framing: They offei the volume builder r:. Y For vtt a savings in time and materials. y c c Builders Truss Company.is still trying to get into'a f� profit- making Position`after its''original startup F... d� -`September of 1971 says manager Torn Dun dam �< The.Company employs 24persons and expects9o0 mtohave h ' r ' nearly--5o at the end of the year.. It will pay $ �f? city, school and county taxes thisyear It uses no more , water than most homes, -In an attempt to be a goodneighbor the plant has in � > installed plastic-coverings over its open shed to dead *� ed ttie noise and has purchased-a truck to haul scrap: lumber to ahe county landfill.,his'net�hbors should not } In one,way, Dunham says, } , feel too bad. 'Before. Builders Truss went Attaeast eration the land was used as a go at farm. p we don't smell as bad-as-that,"-he said, ,, Page', 3 Second. (Mager) (But stated 'that he- did not feel. Council action was ',�► ` necessary if funds. are,.ay.ailable) "Vote: Unanimous 3 CouncilmanlGonzalez reported that the meeting in League City for.:the.: 25th on annexation has been cancelled, and :that''Mayor.Arolfb plans to Visit the cities-'concerneda all according to,.Councilman "Skelly of League City. He 'also .stated that,he fel t% i t urgent-that` appoi ntment` be made ,to ' fill vacancy on, the Zoning Board of Adjustment. so that they: can de to: handle thi s take action on pending questions. Decision _was. ma item in a SPECIAL SESSION on January 24 4. .Councilman Lowe .asked;that. actilon be taken-:on Friendswood's vote fore` alternates to,the �Houston-Galveston Area Council : This item is..,to be handled later, in the meeting as a, Resolution - UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Mapping Program In connection with the: joint .mapping program.witli 'the school , Mayor Stuart called attention to maps being- drawn -uo by the City Engineer, which would be equal,, those .being .considered,' but would necessitate hiring of a draftsman for speedy-completion. ,'"Point was made that the City has already obligated its _ to parti ci pate i n the mappi ng , program with the school , since they were, not aware of ,the.Engineer`s maps MOTION: (Patton). That theMayor ..be authorized 'to 'sign the mapping contract as modified -: .Second: . Lowe (Statement:"It is to the overall 'interest of this community that the City and school . cboperate' in duplication of, s projec t A' loss of $2100 would outweigh the- city: s 'reniging on a commitment Vote: FOR (4) Patton, Hamil , Lowe.,. Mager g AGAINST (2)°'Gonzalez, ,S,tuart 2.' ., HrGAC Alternates to Executive Committee from cities under 259000 population: A Resolution designating Ralph Lowe .as alternate for James � Cook and': George, T." Vicker-s- as alternate for. Jack Reid was presented for action MOTION; (Gonzalez) To adopt the Resolution Ct`' Second: Mager t 1 Vote:'. YES (5) Hamil, Lowe, Mager, Gonzalez, Stuart (Patton -was absent from the.-room) Unanimous 3. Truss' Plant Zoning Question Mr. J.'•D:...Burns -asked if ,any action. had been taken .on a petition against. operation of. ,this plant which was presented to Council at the last Workshop session., ..He. was: told that. this -is--in the hands of the City Attorney, although the, petition 'is .not officially one,_, record since it was presented at a workshop As .a result following motion was made: -MOTION: (Patton) That the. petiion regardin the Truss Plant. be; incor ; 1 porated -into the minutes. of this Council Meeting. : .Second:: Mager ! Vote: Unanimous . (6) Hamil ,: Lowe,'Mager p Gonzalez,. Stuart, Patton., t . An o en. discussion followed the motion including tatements ,from Mrs.:.Barron,; seller of the property, Mr. Tom Dunnam,' Manager,of Builders Truss_ Comp�any, .�. and Mr . Clint Hackney.;, The 'Attorney, is. beingrequested to give .a written - opinion of this' situation., . . r ROYCARL C. ATTORNEY AT LAW - - 9106 EAST HOUSTON ROAD• "; HOUSTON. TEXAS 77028 OFFICE PHONE 631-2946 February 261 ..1972 Miss Ivey Fossler 917 Merriwood Friendswood, Texas 77546 Ifi re:' Builde.Vs. Truss Company; 1408 South Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas,. To. - Board of Adjustments - City' of Friendswood #t Miss Ivey Fossler I , This,. is to advise that Builders Truss , Company wishes to appeal the decision of the City of Friendswood ;concerning the zoning restrictions . It is the contention• of Builders Truss .Coiupany that they have not violated the zoning ordinance: . If it be decided by the Board of Adjustment, that Builders Truss Company has violated the zoning ordinance, it' is hereby making application to said Board in writing 'for a special . exception under Section 11, (2) of ordinance no..-132 , City of Friendswood.. ,' • r ' these matters ;:;, Please advise when you might grant a :hea ing on t Thanks in- advance for your attention .to this matter . . Very truly yours, Car Roy . Attorney and Agent for, Builders Truss Company CCR/gc. ... CITY OF FRIENDSWOOO 109 Wi`llowick Avenue: . FRIERIDSWOOD; TEXAS- 77546. 482 -3323 February 18, 1972 CE'ri i lFi -Homer C. Tutton 'Truss Plante 903 Blue Wi11dw .. Houston, Texas Dear .Sir: Pursuant- to the attached opinion of. Fr-i endswoods :Corporation Counsel: You p are, hereby ordered to sto all fabrication and/or manufacturing operations .at your plant' located, at �1408 South Friendswood Driwe �- The present l ocation. of the plant i s i n a commerci al.-zone.. which does ' not. permit ma,nufacturing: or :fabrication. If all manufacturing or fabricating is ,not stopped on...or, before. ,, March 1 ,' 1972 the City of Friendswood will pursue -all l' legal .remedies available under State Law and Ordinance 4132. .. ; If you disagree°with the opinion as stated above-you ,may a-pp'eal` to ;. the Board of Adjustments Mrs. Ivy Fossler, 917 .Merriwood, . Frie' ndswo6d; Address'Chai rman. Thank you,' a k — lus¢- ®sage)' . L. B.. Cline RECEIPT. FOR CEO 6IF�L� 4V�f�.� -�Or: (P �a Zoning .Administrator , T ST RK T AT IT.EE NO LBC/mw , T _ f I P A , Enclosure (1 ) H E ND ZIP COGS �.: �? diIONAL Sfi(V!CE: FDR h�Ii1Dt1AL FEflS `r 1, Shays Yo wamh a8d date deiiv�red .• 6 3. ~ �� HETURt� W th d?hvery W adoressee only.:.. 6 f S r `ate RECEIPT 2. Sgaw's to whore,hate and where delivered . 35o ^C. "s,. SERVICES With Ieljv'eiy to cadres>ee onli.. JN �. DELIVfN Tq.ADDRESSEE ONLYIf 5�� �� {I SPECIAL DELIVERY ( _ extr❑ (_e fequ�iro Cn PS corm 3800 H0 INSURANCE CUVERAGE '11'R0Vi0ED—. � (Sep otfi'er side/ Apr. l9'li NO, FOR it+iE Rh'tIDNAL kIAIL ocr goo-as7••ea ' r - , oby It "JI TtI7IN •:•['Olt.`;iiY.. 1'1 I A1It F l ^f; i[OU TON 1w�VlC b: "ltl'SP Isull.nIr(3. s a L'chruary 17 , 197? ..c;ra}�i ,� :.�� .for a.nd C_i.•ty Counc11 3 i lendswood Texas ; Cl ilC;l�\�I�Od TC'tias 77J C� ;c r?uil leis mruss Contparr.y :ii.so known,. �!s Ci1stom Gons;truc.t oiz Cotnparry;. F�omer Ce Tutton ''.s TYL(SS G �t�cmen . . I have _oviewed tlZe file, on tile ';1.tzst�ly .of Lhe caprioneEl !_te and1 ) rYre facts.• po�_.nt: to �� v ���lation, o{ he 7oiz � n�t:_ tn?n e b:- the ;.ame.d. business .enteip'r_ i`�e. the zone ng ,Ordinance cC h� `c'Lty,, of "Fr, er1C1S�J000 Ci suana `-to-authol:ity E r antC�d.,hy., t1iE :;Texas Levi la to e in '�.r.tic lcs 101 et . seder , .,hr�°ictc 1.01 lh Ver'non 's' Annot at-o J i1._.Statute _ T1;e �t :lute fuLtlzer ��ro��lcl( f•or" enrolcemCnt ' r�,� bcth c� vl ] Y ;- Uorzalties . :A'r_ticl.e 101Th Vernon ' s ' <%rtnotC �• ior�c . �,�es. reads in part- ` 1 t 7 n .case. any hull.dirld •or ',St � uctttre zc :. yLlCt C� ]:'E_C C)ll,�L1"uCt �'." i s (,r . rec�ed,, coast. . c ,- , repaired; convert.ed,, ,or main i.n CA, . or ena- buiidin.g,.':.st'rLlCi L1rC' , or- land 1S -.user , n viola t on oz .tYli;s . act or of any . ordi n ,-ic9 'c,r `0r_hbr . r r, ,l \ f ref�ulat.io.l, uc.y.e.,.under autllorlt ,' CGi) Err' bv, the , prop e- local_ "�lutl�cr.:i_� o t'�e; I =.l.i1. iri• adclil:ic)i,. 'to o�hu_ t, lute- any aPPr=oT-)rIate action `oz p 'ocee3ln5s Lc': - preven,L such LlnJ_awLi]_" erect,ioti,', corts.trucLiori, re� construction, altcratioiz, repair , •co.nv.ersi ori, Honorable Mayor and City, Council ; February 17 ;:; 1972 -2 maintenance, , or use, to restrain•, correct, - or abate such. violation, to prevent the occupancy of said building, structure, ..or '1and,' ' or: p.r,e F vent any , illegal act, conduct, business , o:r use in ora.bout such. premises . Inasmuch as the facts of • this situation clearly show an c;cisting violation of the Zoning Ordinance, it +is :my rcornenda tion that the " Councih and 'Mayor take action' to direct the •opera icon 'of . the Truss Plant to- cease and desist- no' later. than flarcn .] , i 97' ,fin the . event that the` manufacturin�� operations are'; not " s tobped on or before that date, the city should im-:~,ediate7 y purSLI its remedies provided under the Statute, including an .action fci{ injunctive relief: Respectfully submitted', Ody K. EJ erden " . Corporation: Counsel. v. ...j . OICJ: tb' : `. J . ODY K. •JERDEN ATTORNEY AT LAW . 1026 HOUSTON BANI{ &TRUST BUILDING 1010 JEFFERSON ' HOUSTON, TEXAS 77002 228-0717 ; .February. 17, 1972 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Friendswood, Texas . 109 Willowick Drive Friendswood, Texas 77546 ; Re: Builders Truss Company also known as Custom Construction Company; _Homer 'C. Tutton ' s Truss Plant Gentlemen: j I have reviewed the , file on the history of ..the captioned}' .. matter and all the facts point to a violation of the 'Zoning Ordinance by the named business enterprise.' The Zoning Ordinance of the City of, Friendswood was pared pursuant to authority granted by the Texas- Legislature `7 in Articles 1011a, et. seq. ,' 'Article 1011h Vernon 's Annotated ' ` . ' Civil Statutes. The Statutes further provide 'for enforcement by both civil and/or criminal penalties. Article 1011h Vernon ' s ,Annotated, r. Civil Statutes reads in part:' . . in case. any building or structure is erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, repaired, converted, or 'maintained, or any building, .structure, or land is used ;in viola- tion of this act or of any ordinance or other regulation made under authority conferred here- by, the proper local authorities of the munici- pality, in addition} to other remedies,. may in- stitute any appropriate action or proceedings to .' prevent ' such unlawful erection, construction; re- construction, alteration, repair, conversion, - Honorable Mayor and City Council February ,17, '1972 -2.- maintenance, or use, to restrain, correct, `or abate such violation, to prevent the occupancy of said building, .structure, ' or land; or "pre- vent any illegal act, conduct, 'business, or use in or about such premises. " Inasmuch as the facts, of this situation clearly show, an existing violation' of the Zoning Ordinance, it' is' my recommenda- tion that the Council and 'Mayor take action .to direct the -opera.;• :,: +. tion of- the Truss Plant to cease and desist no' later-. than -March :1, 19:72 . In the 'event that the manufacturing operations . are-. not stopped. on 'or before that' date, the City" should. immediately pursue...' its remedies provided under the Statute,:-,includ ng ..an action for, injunctive relief. Respectfully submitted,''. .` Ody K. Irden . _. . . Corporation Counsel .: :. OKJ: tb ,y. j January '10, 1972 We'.:'.the,:undersigned, residents of the City of Friendswood, -Texas, do lieiceby petition the city council to prohibit the Custom Construction - Company, located at 1408 Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas to continue their operation of manufacturing trusses. This firm maintains its operation several nights a week, creating a noise nuisance that causes considerable duress to the residential community. This noise, created by pneumatic or impact tools, continues until midnight and' ' several times beyond midnight, making sleeping difficult- and at times impossible. Their business operation, produce's considerable amounts of scrap lumber material. Their disposal of this scrap material by%burn• ing has created unpleasant and excessive smoke odors inside the homes in this area and a lingering odor of smoke in the -general area for in excess of twenty four hours after their burning. We feel this is a serious affront to the control of pollution in Friendswood. This industrial operation is conducted in an unsightly shed-type building with sheet plastic for walls, thus presenting an eyesore to residents of the area and to entering everyone y g or passing through Friendswood on this main thoroughfare. We therefore feel that it is in the best interest of the community to cease the operation of Custom Construction . Company immediately. f mot,. ��� �) ,�1�•... 1 • Mr- Homer Tuttow l' " isE`af Sir, A ,t Oe feceived several complaints ab)o ut ?i l Sc from om y; ou: operation frst:! :i.L:i p.`IEc until you :i lraa). The citizens Ff7 Z,h..+t i>Y'ti:a aregoing. I . .-: �' �' � epee ?;f? ��'<l_ i:�t�:'�:1 c,.R,�t't .,t. ..;1'�y Council l t:t;i��•S. i:3�, �rJ.. S :��1 1,1r�s�3 i;",_1'at: ;. EiYI':_ S you C 'I keep t noise i.o :!` that �:? o. He as our. . t �s 'ti tr J 421��: 1��✓I.J �✓ d�� ri:. ` C.;o.opYe:t'4ati on before e phis iioe i'L9:"ther. CITY OF FRIENT)SWOOD 109 Wi l lowick Avenue` FRIENDSW00D, TEXAS 77546 482 . 3323 N Mr: A'.C;rT'ut•tie 1403 S Fxiendswood Drive =n� Friendswood,Texas . Dear Sir i "I am sending ,you a copy of Zoning Ordinance # 1. P.pl.ease cheek on page ?3 (C-t business di.stri ct ) and be sure ,you are, complying with-the. Ordinanoe.. The Mayor and one Councilman Questioned me on the operations{{ , at your. site The -storage or se.1.l-ing of building supplies is permi.ted- but `n-ot. fabrication. I am sending this to you for information and guide IIT10s Thanks . Zoning Administrator 4 I 1 " t FRIENUBW(UG " 1'LAi�1NIi�Tiz" 06jVUg1SSION Minut a s. of "a ape c ial 'Meet ing August > Absent Nam°. Nelson 1� Application of..Mr. Benson' to 'build approx.. 25 dupl�xea on a .cal/R-1 districted. "lot''.©n"FM 2'351 : :The :duplexes- would`- b®- `1®cat®d. ®n the .R-1 area -of the 1ot`, leaving, the f'rant C�-1 district property fer`' future': commercial;' �ievel®pmerit . The , duplexes might be sold .to - individual';; owner landlerds..::- Mr. 'Bens®n advised '_to petition Frith`"neigYk�mrs for:' razcnirig to R-2, . ®r seek special_ exception.(dubs®us) - fr®m:�3oard �f .: `'- Ad strent .: 2 ., Application .of i r.J�Tutton tb. ;build a shed' fer own equipment ®n his 0-1. zorisd property ® .The plat was approved Minut®s .of` aMeeting held e�ugust 12, . 1971 1.A11 'memb®r`s agreed the Planning Commissicn''sh®uld interest itself in flood plain management;a 2 . All,,members agreed that the Commission` should ':me®t with City Council as., soon as possible, ,t.o discuss- a, :wider r .. the , Commission in the area , of planning and, prflposed annc� at ion. (A news retort ,. Houston Post 'dtd.. 8-12-7,1;-, on the . subs®ct ; ®f F riendswood ann®xat.ion' Flans read t o Commission :by - the S cretar; 3 . ,Th® , 3asue, of public parks was discussed placement anal numbers, iri the context of the Bovay Report : -Also the subject'. of �' public: swimming pool -for Fkiendswood vra"s,advaric.®d , twIth no conclusions reached. One ides would. be. to -have such a` pool' .as a 'public school facility , with use Of' the pool by'city residents in the summer,'•, or after °_school` hours " 4o An action ite�u was . assigned' -to . all -members t® , study the 3®vay Kepopt In detail; particularly. the: 1995 'us® map (p. 22): 5 . 'r�asiticd� on annexation of the:"gchool; property`: ' >" M Nop.pa and. Fir. Nelson--against_ annexation.: unt it C 9.ty w Charter` in effect ,; since strip; annexation to�:school at this time would : 1-ave , area ;around',school.: subject: control by the city--undesirable gnowth, -uses pessible . If Charter not passed., then for . anne,xat icon , ' f+Ir . Green and hit. tallsa for a,nnexat ion_ of the sch�a®lz. property at- this-tine to ensure adequate p®lic® pratQction and 'city services. r 6: The Commission members had n® opinion on-:'the• :pr®F®set .. annexat ibri. of the Van 3oekel tract Minutes ®f` a Meet ing held August 26 , 1971 1 .Flat of- L-.B .',#ootter�s: revi®w®d and, a�pr©ved . :. August 2,6 '1971, L 2 . Mrs . C�re8 Hughes d"iscussed 'the," z.oning ,®r�ance,' with regard",to her• usage.. of a` mobile home..build in on her g property which is in, a C®1 d istrict The" Ordinance schedule ; for C-1- does not permit: such a building to.,.be. used , Por a t©m but n thin' i the ordanc® p e ent ' the'4' 'moU Ile home o �� used.. or a .office or' commerc.lai eatabl lshment . 3 . Th®: ylanning Commission (NIr . .Gre®n absent) met'. a1 . 'joint - `sessi'on with-;the ''Workshop .City., Council ,to discuss any "quest ions .they might have on th®. package. of pr®posed amemdments to the 'Zoning Ordinance . :The; ensuing dlscussi®n is'a part 'of- the record of the C ity '.Counc it .on that meat ing. The City-- Attorney,' Moir. 'Jerden, was rgquested to ren3®r .a legal critique within' the next two •week s;, following 'which public hekarings will be scheduled .'by- the -Planning.Commissien on these' amendments . At her . request' , Mrs . Warren N®rth' is _:_ to`, be .provided with a copy of. th® proposed. amendments by the City S®cretary, .,Mrs.: Henry . •Respectfully 'subniitt®d;9 Rage r K oppa Sed'retary. l} 4 5 I 50 450191E 903.12' _- .. .'1,Ower Llne Ie• - ---------- ------ S4ell _Rood ____._______-- woti. -. ®w.o a )'�.• .'1` I-Sly e - 0 J I 'vl Melo/ �0 Brh Bldy 4' i ° /-Sry._Melo/ II Bwldm9 /-StY. I _ •4i, 44 - Brick e , l; Res �/ l hl 73' NTOIN TE VOSS SUBDIVISION � a ---- Total Area 7`42 33 Acres / s S\\ ;4- ,; i JJ43'- 12 1 aos — .S r os. � .p �t SURVEY :OF LOT.:44" AND PART // (l �_ `' !�'_ f ,1!•L ('.'.:'c 1.Kr! f OF:'L.OT.S , �5,'.5i .AN,D 52.,' j r Ai11T01 f�EYTE ;DOSS:-SUSD.uvisiON vF ' 'F _ 7o C 0 - y ` GAL.VESTON� UPd71�, 'TEXAS \ `1 ! i lo6 C E ... .. SCALE "15TERED _RUHL.IC SURVEYOR 411 �r =y Souttiem Title "'Co GF N4 1328-71 4907. SrN' 'JACINTO HOUSTON,TEXAS CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD DATE TYP OF P MIT PERMIT NUMBER LOCATION RESIDENTIAL NEW OLD COMMERCIAL NEW OLD- SUBDIVISION STREET LOT BLOCK LOT BLOCK PURPOSE PURPOSE APPLICANT �CCONTRACTOR OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CONTRACTOR ADDRESS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR �t.���� ' AA, = PLUMBING CONTRACTOR LOT SIZE SETBACK FRONT SIDE SIDE REAR ' UTILITY LOCATION ------- SEWER ELECTRIC WATER GAS EASEMENT LOCATION UTILITIES REQUIRED PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION TYPE12 PRESENT CONSTRUCTION TYPE NO , STORIES �% HEIGHT ROOF PITCH 1 � 1 TOTAL AREA UNDER ROOF X FEE ----- PLUMBING FEES -------- -- ----- -- --------- ------------------- ELECTRICAL FEES ----- --------- -��� � -�-- -3 - ------------------- . - i LATECHARGE ---------------------------------------------------------------- MINIMUM BUILDING PERMIT FEE ------------------------------------------------ SIGNFEE ------------------------------------------------------------------ BUILDING MOVING FEE --------------------------------------------------------