HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2009-04-02 Regularr
1.The meeting was called to order at 7:01pm with the following people in attendance:
Chairman Kevin Holland
Commissioner Mike Huss
Commissioner Jim Gibson
Commissioner Hassan Moghaddam
Planner Mona Miller
Int. Director of CD Morad Kabiri
City Councilman Jim Hill
Vice Chairman Mark McLean
Commissioner David O'Farrell
Commissioner Ruben Garcia
City Attorney Bobby Gervais
Development Specialist Aubrey Harbin
Dep. Director of CD Frank Manigold
2.Communication from the public/committee liaisons
Bill Finger provided the Commission with a written statement detailing his thoughts on the
proposed changes of the Home Occupation ordinance. He stated that he has observed
problems that citizens are experiencing with the current ordinance.
Commissioner O'Farrell asked Mr. Finger to expand on his thoughts of the proposed
changes being defacto re-zoning of SFR. Mr. Finger said that the proposed definition
allows office park activity in residentially zoned areas in which permitted uses are not
outlined and there are no parking requirements. He stated that offices should be a buffer
between residential and commercial areas. He stated that if a residentially zoned property
was to be rezoned as office park, notifications and notices to surrounding property owners
would be required. He stated that people have no way of knowing this will happen next
door to them or not.
Commissioner O'Fa1Tel1 also asked Mr. Finger to expand on his idea of non-residents
working at a property zoned SFR. Mr. Finger stated that Mr. O1iiz, another resident in
Friendswood, cunently has a construction company being operated in a residential area and
that it is difficult to do anything once the home occupation is started. He said that it is
unknown how trips per day would be monitored in a residential area.
Robin Hall stated to the Commission that the whole ordinance should be taken into
consideration, not just the number or nature of employees. She said that Code Enforcement
came to her house and explained the parameters of the current ordinance. She suggested
making the home occupation a no-nuisance ordinance not just initiated by complaints. She
stated that the complaint driven nature of the ordinance puts neighbors against neighbors.
She stated that there are many service businesses with one part-time employee in
Friendswood; they start the businesses in their homes until they can rent lease spaces. Ms.
Hall stated that traffic of trucks, etc. is a nuisance and also said that under the current
ordinance, Mary Kay and Avon sales representatives would be in violation. As an example
of a problematic scenario, she explained that a husband and wife team acting as CP As is
allowed by the current ordinance, which does not limit the number of clients coming to the
residence. She stated that at tax time in April, the traffic could be a nuisance.
3.Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to the Calvary
Church site/landscape plan (3700 FM 528)
Motion to approve amended site plan as shown, to add crepe myrtles along the
Blackhawk right-of-way, and replace the crepe myrtles along FM 528 with bigger trees:
Second: Garcia
Vote: 7 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried
Applicant, Dan Loaiza, explained that crepe myrtle trees were required along the rear of
the property, but the placement of the trees in this location is not reasonable, so they
relocated them elsewhere on the site, as shown on the amended site pl _an. They also
showed the addition of the air conditioning pads and screening, as well as the added
Miller explained that the trees required along the rear property line would be located in a
pipeline easement, which is not allowed. She also explained that the crepe myrtles
planted along FM 528 are too small.
Commissioner O'Farrell asked if at all possible some trees could be located throughout
the new parking lot to break up the sea of asphalt. Mr. Loaiza clarified that the existing
parking is grandfathered and the church was not required at the time of site plan approval
to install islands in the parking lot.
4.Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to Appendix C,
Zoning Ordinance of the City of Friendswood Code of Ordinances, regarding
amendments to Section 20, Definitions, P. Home Occupation.
Motion to approve with the following amendment on item #11: The use of off-site
personal services : Gibson
Second: McLean
Vote: 0 to 7 (Unanimous) Motion Failed
There was much discussion regarding the legal enforcement issues in regards to the
proposed restrictions on home occupations. There was discussion about adding
provisions for on-street parking; however, Building Official Frank Manigold explained
that Code Enforcement cannot do anything about vehicles parked on the street because 2
that falls under the jurisdiction of the police department.
Commissioner McLean stated that a Certificate of Occupancy is required for businesses
and that he has an issue with having non-residents working in residential areas; he stated
that it is not fair to other merchants or to the tax base for the City.
Commissioner Gibson explained that the ordinance does not allow products to be kept in the home, which keeps the business from owing ad valorem taxes. He stated that the
purpose is just to tighten up the ordinance that is already in place.
Kabiri explained that because the motion failed, the item will be on the next agenda for
Planning and Zoning in order to get a recommendation to send to City Council.
5.Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to Appendix C,
Zoning Ordinance of the City of Friendswood Code of Ordinances, regarding
amendments to Section 11, The Board of Adjustment-Powers and duties.
Motion to Approve:
Vote: 7 to O (Unanimous) Motion Carried
6.Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to the Design Criteria
Manual regarding Downtown District Amenities Suggestions by adding Appendix E.
Motion to Approve with removal of "suggestions" from the title and the removal of "or
suggested" from the first sentence: McLean
Second: Garcia
Vote: 7 to O (Unanimous) Motion Carried
Commissioner McLean felt that the wording in the text of the document explains that the
proposed info1mation is suggested and that specific items are not required.
7.Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to Appendix C, Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Friendswood Code of Ordinances, Permitted Use Table,
NAICS use #8111, Automotive Repair and maintenance
No action taken.
Miller explained that this proposed change is an attempt to rectify problems brought up at
previous meetings regarding excessive amounts of cars parked in parking lots of car
repair businesses. The junked vehicle ordinance was also reviewed and tried to correct
the issue, but state law would not allow changes that would be needed to correct the
8.Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to Appendix C, Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Friendswood Code of Ordinances, Permitted Use Tabie,
NAICS use #721, Accommodation
Motion to accept staff's recommendation: Gibson
Vote: 7 to O (Unanimous) Motion Carried
Miller explained that there is a proposal for an RV park in Industrial (I) zone.
Accommodations are allowed in Light Industrial (LI), but not Industrial. She explained
that some cities have cumulative zoning which allows uses in less stringent zones that are
allowed in more stringent zones. The proposed change is to allow Accommodations in
the Industrial zone.
9.Discussion regarding review and possible amendments to City of Friendswood, Code of
Ordinances, entire Appendix C -Zoning Ordinance
Miller provided the Commissioners with a copy of the proposed format of the Zoning
Ordinance. Chairman Holland requested that everyone review the proposal and the item
be on the agenda for the next meeting.
10.Discussion regarding "Boot Camp" topics
Commissioner McLean is still working with Miller in getting the materials put together.
11.Commu nications from the Commission
•Commissioner Gibson stated that he will be out of town for the next meeting.
•Commissioner O'Farrell congratulated and thanked Mr. Buzbee for the renovation
of Roberts Auto Parts.
•The Commissioners also questioned a letter and petition received regarding
citizens protesting the commercial development of a property because of traffic
Miller explained that this is in regards to the proposed development of a
veterinary clinic at FM 518 and Mary Ann Drive. The property owner started the
platting process to combine three lots and build a vet clinic. She also explained
that there are a number of pipelines traversing the prope1ty and that the applicant
has not submitted any additional information to the City.
a.Council Liaison -None
b.Staff -Miller explained that she would send an e-mail with an update on
upcoming meetings.
13.The meeting was adjourned at 8:46pm.
These minutes submitted by: r II n