HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2009-09-10 SpecialPLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
1.The meeting was called to order at 7pm with the following people in attendance:
Chairman Kevin Holland
Commissioner Ruben Garcia
Commissioner Hassan Moghaddam
Bobby Gervais, City Attorney
Aubrey Harbin, Development Specialist
Vice Chairman Mark McLean
Commissioner Jim Gibson
Frank Manigold, Deputy Dir. of CD
Mona Miller, City Planner
Councilman Jim Hill
2.Communication from the public/committee liaisons
3.Consent Agenda:
A.Approval of minutes for the July 20, 2009 special meeting
B.Approval of minutes for the August 6, 2009 regular meeting
C.Approval of minutes for the August 17, 2009 special meeting
Motion to Approve: McLean
Second: Moghaddam
Vote: 5 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried
4.Consideration and possible action regarding the preliminary plat of The Dominion, being
9.801 acres out of Lot 19, David Fahey Subdivision, Mary Fabreau Survey, recorded in Book
#118, Page 417 of the map records of Galveston County, Friendswood, Texas
Motion to approve with staff comments and approval from GCCDD: Moghaddam
Second: Holland
Vote: 5 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried
Commissioner McLean asked the applicant if a bridge would be built over the creek and who
would maintain it. Dan Johnson, engineer for the project, explained that a bridge would be
built to access the subdivision, but that it had not been decided who would maintain it. He
assured the Commissioners that it would be addressed at the time of final plat and a plat note
would be provided on the final plat.
5.Consideration and possible action regarding the amended commercial site plan for Park Plaza
at 907 S. Friendswood Drive
Motion to approve with staff comments: Gibson
Second: Hoghaddam
Vote: 5 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried
Miller clarified that the proposed changes on the site plan include installing the sidewalk pavers
all the way to the driveway in front of Quick Car (approx. 25ft). The owner of Quick Car
asked that they be extended in front of his property. She also explained that there has been a
slight change in the amenities proposed. The owner questioned who was going to
maintain/empty the trash receptacles, and Miller explained that currently, there are no
procedures in place for this; therefore, the owner removed the trash receptacles from the site
plan for now because of the maintenance issue. The approval of this site plan is also contingent
upon the 2nd reading of the zone change by City Council on September 14.
6.Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to Appendix B -
Subdivisions of the Code of Ordinances, Section III. General requirements and design
Motion to approve with the following change to paragraph 4: " ... such private streets shall
comply with, and are privately maintained to, the requirements of public streets.": McLean
Vote: 5 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried
Miller explained that the proposed changes are grammatical corrections, a correction to a
reference of the cul-de-sac length, and removing the requirement of PUD or GHD if a
developer builds private streets. Commissioner McLean proposed a change in the wording in
paragraph 4.
7.Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to Appendix B
Subdivisions of the Code of Ordinances, Section II. Procedures for submission of plats.
Motion to discuss: Gibson
Second: McLean
Miller explained that the proposed changes in this section add the stipulation of drainage
district approval for preliminary and final plat submittals. City Attorney Gervais stated that by
making the drainage district a City requirement, it could make it the City's problem too if the drainage district gets into litigation with a property owner regarding a regulatory taking or
something similar. Miller explained that Engineering does review drainage plans, but the
drainage districts are separate entities and staff would prefer approved drainage plans submitted
with the plats, whereas they submit to the City and drainage district simultaneously.
Staff informed the Commissioners that Morad Kabiri has more input on this issue, but he was
not present at the meeting, so no action was taken. 2
8.Consideration and possible action regarding Single Family Residential -Estate zoning
Motion to approve recommendation that the proposed notification letter by staff be sent to City
Council for review and approval: McLean
Second: Moghaddam
Vote: 5 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried
Miller explained that this was on the last agenda and has been discussed at length previously,
but a formal motion and second were not made, so it is on this agenda for sake of formality.
9.Discussion regarding Open Meetings Act
Chairman Holland reminded Commissioners not to engage in dialogue via e-mail. If an e-mail
is sent out, Commissioners can respond to staff individually, but do not "reply all" and have
conversations with other commissioners.
10.Discussion regarding sidewalk requirements
Miller explained that sidewalk requirements came up in a previous meeting in regards to a
commercial site plan. Currently, sidewalks are required on all developments with the exception
of open ditch residential lots; however, some prope1ties are vested under the old requirement of
sidewalks only being required on curb and gutter streets for both residential and commercial
development. The question was raised as to whether or not we could require sidewalks on a
property that is vested, and the answer to that question is no.
11.Communications from the Commission
Moghaddam informed Chairman Holland that he has a scheduling conflict with the Library
Board meetings. He will contact staff to reassign him to another committee/board.
Holland stated that lots of good things are happening at the Drainage District.
a.Council Liaison -none
b.Staff -Miller explained to the Commissioners that the August 2009 DRC repo1ts were
sent out to them and that the Texas APA Conference is coming up in October and will
be in Galveston. Commissioners need to let staff know if they plan to attend or not.
Next meeting will be in October, unless something comes up between now and then.
13.The meeting was adjourned at 7:42pm.
These minutes submitted by: