HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2009-03-23 Special, Joint Public Hearing w/ City CouncilPLANNING & ZONING COMM ISSION
MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2009
The Joint Public Hearing was called to order at 7:00pm with the following people in attendance:
Chaiiman Kevin Holland
Commissioner Ruben Garcia
Commissioner David O'Farrell
City Planner Mona Miller
Int. Dir. of CD Morad Kabiri
Vice Chairman Mark McLean
Commissioner Hassan Moghaddam
City Attorney Bobby Gervais
Development Coord. Aubrey Harbin
City Council and Mayor
To receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding the following:
A.Amending Appendix C, Zoning Ordinance of the . City of Friendswood Code of
Ordinances, regarding amendments to Section 20, Definitions, P. Home occupation.
Bill Finger stated that he is disturbed by the proposed ordinance which will increase
safety issues, increase cost to City because of enforcement issues, and increase traffic.
He stated that multiple homes with the number of allowed trips per day would be a
significant increase in traffic (5 homes would allow 80 tpd). He also stated a concern
about the safety of personal property due to non-residents being in the neighborhoods
and a decrease in property values. Mr. Finger stated that the City would also incur a
decrease in tax revenue by allowing commercial activity in non-commercial zoned
properties, which he also stated that he felt was defacto zoning.
Frank Ortiz stated that he is against the proposed ordinance because of personal
experiences he is currently facing. A general contractor moved in next door to his
residence and turned the garage into an office. He stated that construction vehicles are
parked on the street and increase traffic. He explained that buses have a difficult time
getting down the street. He also stated that the proposed ordinance will make
enforcement by the HOAs more difficult.
Bobby Jones said there are 3 to 4 businesses in her neighborhood and that vehicles
parked on roads limit the accessibility of fire trucks and other emergency vehicles. She
stated that it takes the HOA 2 to 3 months to refer cases to the HOA attorney.
Dedra Brown stated that this issue arose because of one person and that she feels the
ordinance should be reviewed in its entirety and all concerns addressed. She said that
the proposal sets no limits and does not restrict the number of patrons; it restricts race
car repair, but not all vehicles. She said there are a number of businesses that she could
run that would not violate the proposed ordinance.
Faye Roberson stated that she is opposed to the proposed ordinance because attorney
fees are expensive for the HOAs.
B.Amending the Design Criteria Manual, Appendix C-Parking Group Table.
Kabiri explained that the proposed parking calculations are based on national trends
and that recommended changes will fill in To Be Determined values that are currently
in the Design Criteria Manual Parking Group Table. Mayor Smith explained that it is a
goal of the Planning and Zoning Commission to make the ordinances clear and more
Opposed: None
Favor: None
C.Amending Appendix C, Zoning Ordinance of the City of Friendswood Code of
Ordinances, regarding amendments to Section 11, The Board of Adjustment-Powers
and duties, to add exceptions for the Zoning Board of Adjustment to grant variances.
Chairman Holland explained that the Zoning Board of Adjustments is asking for a
broader scope of authority to improve quality of life in Friendswood.
Robert Wearing asked what ZBOA is asking for.
Mayor Smith explained that ZBOA is very limited on granting variances and has asked
for changes in what they are allowed to grant variances for in addition to the ability to
use common sense in their decision making.
Bill Finger asked if the extensions were consistent with state law. City Attorney
Gervais said that the parameters are consistent with state law. Mr. Finger also stated
that he was on the Planning and Zoning Commission when discretion was taken away
from ZBOA. He said he would like to ensure that the ordinance does limit ZBOA
SPECIAL MEETING {second floor conference room, immediately following Joint Public
1.The special meeting was called to order at 7:51pm with the following people in attendance:
Chairman Kevin Holland
Commissioner Ruben Garcia
Commissioner David O'Farrell
Development Coord. Aubrey Harbin
Vice Chairman Mark McLean
Commissioner Hassan Moghaddam
City Planner Mona Miller
2.Communication from the public/committee liaisons
Bill Finger expanded on his comment made earlier in the JPH with City Council. He stated
that he feels the process of notification of ordinance changes is unethical. He stated that
minor changes would make information more public. He also stated that the home
occupation ordinance proposes next door neighbors to have a defacto office park.
3.Consent Agenda:
a.Approval of minutes for the January 22, 2009 regular meeting
b.Approval of minutes for the January 26, 2009 special meeting
c.Approval of minutes for the February 12, 2009 special meeting
Motion to Approve: Moghaddam
Second: Garcia
Vote: 5 to O (Unanimous) Motion Carried
4.Consideration and possible action regarding the request for a one time six month
preliminary plat approval extension for:
a.West Blvd., Street Dedication
b.Falcon Ridge Blvd., West of West Blvd. Street Dedication No. 1
c.Falcon Ridge Blvd., West of West Blvd. Street Dedication No. 2
d.The Lakes at West Ranch, Section One
Motion to Approve: McLean
Second: Garcia
Vote: 5 to O (Unanimous) Motion Carried
5.Consideration and possible action regarding amendments to the Park Plaza commercial
site plan
Motion to Approve the amended site plan: McLean
Second: O'Farrell
Vote: 5 to O (Unanimous) Motion Carried
Commissioner O'Farrell asked why changes were being made. Sel Thint explained that
the changes included changes to the elevations of the building only such as building
height, adding a do1mer to each side of the building, adding stone to the towers and
dormers, and changes to the windows, none of which change the footprint of the building.
Commissioner O'Farrell said that he is excited about the building, but concerned about
the parking. Chairman Holland and Sel Thint both clarified that the project did meet the
minimum parking requirements outlined in the Design Criteria Manual. Mr. Thint also
stated that he is working with adjacent businesses on working out shared parking
6.Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to City of
Friendswood, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 26. Environment., Article V. Junked
Motion to recommend definition in Code of Ordinances, Chapter 26 Junked Vehicle
definition, item 1 to read "Is self-propelled and inoperable and which does not have
lawfully affixed thereto an unexpired license plate 0f and a valid motor vehicle safety
inspection certificate and which is wrecked, dismantled, partially dismantled, or
discarded; or": McLean
Vote: 5 to O (Unanimous) Motion Carried
Miller explained that this issue was raised when the Parking Group Table was being
discussed with City Council. A few businesses that have parking of unsightly vehicles
and City Council asked P&Z to review the ordinance to possibly make changes so that
these types of situations are avoided in the future. There was also the desire to eliminate
the grandfathering of the current unsightly vehicles. After meeting with the City
Attorney, it was determined that there are no changes that could be made that would
eliminate the grandfathering of the existing businesses. She explained that there is a need
to update the City's definition of junked vehicles to be in compliance with the state's
definition. The only other solution is to possibly change the Permitted Use Table to
require a SUP for automotive repair in the CSC zoning category.
7.Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to the Design Criteria
Manual regarding Downtown District recommendations
Motion to Table: Moghaddam
Second: McLean
Vote: 5 to O (Unanimous) Motion Tabled
Miller explained that this proposed document is recommendations only, not requirements,
for seating, tree wells, light poles, and pavers in the Downtown District. She explained
that she is still waiting on specifications for one set of pavers. The item also needs to be
re-adve1tised as Appendix E of the Design Criteria Manual.
8.Discussion regarding review and possible amendments to City of Friendswood, Code of
Ordinances, entire Appendix C -Zoning Ordinance
Miller explained that we have had discussions before about simplifying the zoning
ordinance by grouping the zoning categories and the requirements for each category. She
stated that she is proposing a Multifamily Residential section rather than separating
medium, low and high multifamily residential categories. Some suggestions were to
examine the zoning categories and eliminate or combine districts such as OPD and LNC.
Chairman Holland stated that he would like the deviations from zoning ordinance in
proposed PUDs noted in the PUD documents. Miller explained that staff is now
requiring a list of exceptions to the ordinances for PUDs. Holland also stated that we
need to look at the widths of private streets.
9.Discussion regarding "Boot Camp" topics
Mark explained that he provided staff with about 17 items to copy for eachCommissioner. Staff is working on putting the information together and Commissioners
will have it soon.
10.Communications from the Commission
Chairman Holland stated that he would like to thank Mike Brown for his service to the
Commission and announced that the new commissioner is Mike Huss.
a.Council Liaison -None
b.Staff -Miller presented the Commission with the February 2009 DRC report.
She also explained that the items that were heard tonight at the JPH with City
Council were inadve11ently left off of tonight's agenda; therefore, they will be
placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting, which will be April 2, 2009.
12.The meeting was adjourned at 8:31pm.
These minutes submitted by: