HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1964-06-15 RegularMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION October 4, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Plannind and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, October 4, 1973, at the Friendswood City Hall. Chairman C. C. Bost called the meeting to oreder at 7:45 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Charles Coe Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. Leah North, Secretary Robert Phillips Clyde Raney James Shore 1. MINUTES September 20, 1973 - Approved with the following correction: Page fours Motion to regUest.bill for aerial photos was made by Shore, not Raney. September:27, 1973 - Approved with the following correction: Page 31 Motion to put Wood -Whitaker rezoning on "hold" passed 3-1, with Spears dissenting, not unanimously. 2. HEARING Rezoning Chairman Bost called the hearing to order Request at 8:00 P.M. to hear the request for a specific # use permit for an area not to exceed three acres in the form of a square with the center located (Grown Central #2) 900' east of the most westerly west line and 200' north of the south line of a 55.129 acre. tract described in a deed recorded in Vol. 2242, Page 211, of the Galveston County records. Mr. 0. K. Haynie and Bill McAndrews were present to represent Crown Central. The Chairman asked if there were anyone in the audience who wished to speak against the specific use permit. There were none. The Crown Central representative as.ked that this location be made "approximate." There was some discussion as to whether it would be better to ask for specific use on the entire tract rather than a small area, but it was decided that this would entail withdrawing the present request and submitting another, along with another hearing. This was not considered practical. 2 FPZC-M-10-4-73 MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Phillips, that the Commission recommend the tract in question be granted a specific use permit for an oil well on the property as described. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. BUILDING PERMITS Autumn Hills Mr. David Strickler, Victor T. Cra�vblt.�U_,, and Nursing Home Ron L. Pohlmeyer were present to present a Expansion plan for the expansion of the Autumn Hills nursing home located at the corner of Quaker and Heritage Drives in an R--2 (Multi -family) Zone. The plans call for a total of 120 beds, compared with the present total of 47; 65 employees will be hired, compared with the present 27. A discussion ensued as to whether this was considered as a "hospttal," which is permissable in an R-2 Zone, or an "institution," which requires a specific use permit in an R-2 zone. It was determined that the state does not consider this a hospital. The representatives were advi.sed that a hearing was necessary before an ordinance could be passed granting them a permit to use the area as a specific use for an institution for the aged. The Secretary gave tham an application form for rezoning. This is necessary before any approval of any building permit. MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Shore, that a hearing be called for November 1, alternate date November 8, at 8 P.M. for the purpose of considering the rezoning of the rest home loXt',and adjacent vacant lot to specific use from R-2. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Members who are able will meet on the site at 9 A.M. Monday to look at the area. Parking as presented is inadequate. 4. INFORMATION REPORTS A. Building Pe its. City Manager forget to get them to us. B. Sian Ordinance. No action. C. Pipeline Ordinance. Passed and approved, third and final reding. '- Not yet published. D. Rewording of Zoning Ordinance. Passed second reading, Zeitler dissenting. I FPZC-M-10-4-73 E. Rezoning Cecil Brown 16 acres to C_1. Tabled since August 6. F. Rezoning Fire Station area. Tabled since August 6. G. Heritage Estates Subdivision. No action. H. Mustang Meadows Subdivision. Must meet all Council requirements for Council approval. I. Rezoning: high School. No action. J. Polly Ranch Estates. No action. Roads awaiting County approval. K. National I vestors H d e. Information in attorney's hands. L. Quaker Drive R-O=W. No action. M. Slab height. No new information. Mr. Shore will ask Mr. Jones to -�ive-1 Out LP cXaA Mr.)oltes use(I yr re�erence, r Attachment N. Taylor Building Permit. The Secretary read a letter from Mr. #1 Taylor to Mr. Cline disputing the Commission's information. 0. Professional Planning. The Secretary read a letter from Mr. Ralph S. Ellifrit, outlining his background as a professional planner. P. Sam Vester Subdivision. The Chairman requested that the Secretary put Jim Gartrell on the agenda for next week to discuss a new subdivision owned by Sam Vester. S. MISCELANEOUS BUSINESS . Wood -Whitaker Rezoning. Mr. Raney reported that Mr. Wood had Robert Smith re -survey the land. He says the Rauch marker is 1 foot 8 inches off. MOTION WAS MADE BY Spears, seconded by Raney, that the "hold" be removed from the Wood/Whitaker proposal and it be passed to Council. MOTION FAILED, 2-4. For: Spears, Raney. Against: Bost, North, Phillips �StfoREle, MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Spears, that a hearing be called for November 8, alternate date November 15, at 8 P.M. to hear arguments regarding the W ood/Whitaker rezoning from R-2 to C-l. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. (Property owners in the vicinity had ;not been notified by mail of the original hearing.) Taylor -Building Permit. After considerable discussion, MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, seconded by North, that Attachment a recommendation be made to the City Manager #2 that the Building Inspector or Zoning Administrator 4 FPZC-M-10-4-73 order cessation of construction until a full set of plans, elevation, arch;tectural, electrical, plumbing, etc., are ap!)Vov&d by the Building Official, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Prior to this motion, it had been determined that the building plans as submitted to the Building Official were for the shell of the building, only, and no plans were submitted for partitions or front, although partitions and front were in the process of being built. The original protest by the Commission had been based on the location of the slab, but the attorney had advised us that this protest should have been made when it first happened. This latter violation was in the process of happening, therefore, it was filed.on. Also, no plumbing or electrical plans were evident. 6. MEETING WITH ATTORNEY Prior to the consideration of Miscellaneous Business, the Commission had consulted with the attorney, Be J. Hooks, on several items. The Press and two members of the public were present during these discussionu. 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 12:20 A. M. Secretary Approved: AUDIENCE Those who signed the register were: David C. Strickler, 5633 Richmond, Houston, 782-5442 Victor T. Ca-u ble+9219 Katy Fwy. , Houston, 467-2807 Ron L. Pohlmeyer, 9219 Katy Fwy., Houston, 467-2213 0. K. Haynie, Crown Central, 224-8550 Bill McAndrews, Crown Central, 224-8S50 FPZC-14-10-11-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION October 11, 1923 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, Friendswood, Texas on Thursday, October 11, 1973- Chairman C. C. Bost presided. MEMBERS PRESENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah forth, Secretary Bob Phillips Clyde Raney Jim Shore MEMBERS ABSENT Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. Charles Coe Councilmen Patton and Baker were also present at the start of the meetings Mayor Lowe and Councilman Windler arrived later. 1. MINUTES October 4, 1973 - Approved as corrected as follows: Page 2s Word is "lot," not "lost." Page 3: Shore voted against motion to pass the Wood/Whitaker rezoning recommendation to Council. Page 32 Mr. Shore was to find out what Mr. Jones used for reference in determining slab height. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS The Chairman asked the Secretary if there was anything in action to report concerning the information reports. The Secretary reported no significant change in any item since meeting, so information reports were not treated in detail to take care of the members of audience before the meeting Council members at 9:00 P.M. particular last in order with 3. BUILDING PERMITS Attachment A list of building permits were furnished by the City Manager. #1 Mrs. North asked the City Manager if he had obtained the information regarding slab heights on buildings approved recently in areas where the 100-year flood height had not been delineated, as she had requested by phone that afternoon. The City Manager replied that he did not have the information, but that he would be responsible for seeing that the slabs were above the 100-year flood level. He also stated that he would be responsible for seeing that the slabs would be elevated as recommended in the Planning Commission's recent memo, dated October 1, filed under FPZC-9-20-73, Attachment #1, recommending minimum slab height of eighteen inches above the road in order to avoid flood problems. 2 FPZC-M-10-11-73 The question was raised as to what Mr. Jones was using as a criterion to set the slab heights for some of the dwellings which were not included in areas where data had been obtained from the Corp of Engineers by the Planning Commission. The City Manager indicated that he had phoned the County Building Official. It was pointed out by Mrs. North that homes built along Coward and Chigger Creek on data acquired by the County Building Official had been flooded in June and that the Corp of Engineers data would be better. Mrs. North also questioned why the City Manager felt that it was his obligation to check on slab heights when Ordinance 157 gave the responsibility to the Planning Commission, The City Manager stated that it was his understanding that the Charter had precedence over ordinances and that the Charter stated that he was to be responsible for the administration of the City and that this was an administrative problemo therefore his reponsibility. No requests for building permits came before the commission. 4. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Mr. Jim Ellis, 1202 Myrtlewood, Pearland P. 0. , 482-1893, appeared to request information regarding a tennis court which he would like to build on Tennis Club Melody Lane, next to the Sikes home. The court Request would be built on three acres, no club house would be built, and fifteen to twenty people would be expected to participate. Some discussion ensued as to whether this would be considered a private or a commercial establishment and whether in the future it might want to expand. ACTION The Chairman informed Mr. Ellis that we will contact him after research to see where he fits into the zoning ordinance. 5. SUBDIVISIONS Attachment Greenbriar Mr. Jim Gartrell and Mr. Sam Vester, owner, #2 Subdivision presented pre -application plans for Greenbriar Subdivision, proposed to be developed on 54.69 acres bounded by Sunset, Castlewood, Greenbriar, and a pipeline easement. Eighty-two Lots are proposed on asphalt, open -ditch streets. One copy of an information letter and three copies of the plans were received. The original letter and Copy #1 of the plans were retained for the Commission's files. Copies two and three of the plans were given to the City Manager. Sewer service. Sewer plans submitted have been approved by Ken Toon, Water and Sewer Superintendent. Mr. Vester had contracted with the City to extend the sewer, according to Mr. Gartrell. DRainage. Mr. Shore questioned the drainage. Mr. Gartrell stated that an easement would be granted for the outfall of the former drainage ditch. FPZC-M-10-11-73 Lot width. Mr. Bost questioned the 110 foot lot width, but it was felt by the Commission that the 120 foot requirement was not yet in existence, since the amendment requiring this had only passed second reading of the City Council. Pedestrian path. Mrs. North asked if it would be possible to have a pedestrian path atthe end of the cul-de-sac across from the high school, since otherwise all pedestrian traffic from the subdivision would either have to cut across someone's yard or go all the way out to Castlewood and back down Greenbriar to the High School. Mr. Vester said that he had no objection, but Mr. Gartrell brought up what he thought would be problems, such as litter and Hondas. Barrier posts were suggested as a possibility. Adjacent streets. Mrs. North asked Mr. Gartrell to indicate the location of the adjacent streets in Imperial Gardens. Mr. Gartrell agreed to do this. Park area. Mr. Raney asked if any provision were planned for park area. Mr. Gartrell did not think this necessary since the area was so close to the school. No action was taken, other than to pass the two sets of plans on to the City for comment. . MEETING WITH CITY COUNCIL Mayor Lowe and Councilmen Patton, Baker and Windler were present. Councilmen Gonzalez, Haken, and Zeitler were absent. Mayor Lowe opened the discussion by saying that he thinks the Commission members should follow certain guidelines before appearing as individual mambers before Council. He suggested that before any member should come before Council they should get a vote first from the Commission. A considerable discussion followed. One of the suggestions made was that a minority report might be made in cases of disagreement. Councilman Patton stated that he was only interested in what the Comdesion does that does not follow the Charter or Subdivision Ordinance. If the law needs changing we should figure out some way to change it. He is not interested in internal problems. The City Manager stated that giving approval contingent on if we have the i_tmes acted on The question was asked of the Drainage District approval of required and one time it was not now requiring this. one problem is that we end up certain items. It would be better first, then approve the plat. Mayor whether we are now requiring plats, since one time approval was not. The Mayor replied that we are 4 FPZC-M-10-11-73 Councilman Windler thought that we should require more time for subdivisions to give noticeto get on the agenda, as on Friday following the Thursday meeting. It was decided that when a Commission member feels strongly enough in disagreement with the rest of the Commission to take their argument to the Council that the member should inform the Commission of this in order to gave the rest of the Commission an opportunity to rebut the argument. Council left at 11230 P.M. 6. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Autumn Hills MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Shore, Rezoning that the hearing regarding the rezoning of the Autumn Hills rest home to Specific Use - Institution for the Aged be held on November 1, with November $ the alternate date. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Wood/Whitaker MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Spears, that Rezoning the hearing regarding the rezoning of the Wood - Whitaker tract from R-2 to C-1 be called for November 8, with November 15 as an alternate date. MOTION PASSED, 5-1, Raney dissenting. This calling of another hearing was made necessary because written notice had not been given the adjoining lot owners at the previous hearing. Crown Central The Secretary reminded the Commission that the Request #3 hearing for Crown Central Request #3 had been set for October 25, with November 1 being the alternate date, at 8 P.M. No legal description of the property has been received as yet. Attach Flood Insurance Shore asked how we could 'et the Federal Government # to study the remaining areas of Friendswood which have not yet had the 100-year flood delineated. A discussion followed. MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, seconded by North, that the City Manager be asked to write to the proper authorities to ask for an immediate study of the undelineated areas of Friendswood as it pertains to flood insurance. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Attach Simpson Apartments A correction Apartments of September 6, Simpson from the filed. 7. ADJOURNMENT to the Board of Adjustment minutes 1973 and a letter adressed to Mr. Board of Adjustment was read and There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned. Approved:/Oe-G.C/%3 Secretary:�'S�� FPZC-M-10-18-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION October 18, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held in Friendswood City hall on Thursday, Octoberl8, 1973. Chairman C. C. Bost called the meeting to order at 7.40 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Tracy Spears, Vice Chairman Leah North, Secretary Bob Phillips Clyde Raney James Shore MEMBERS ABSENT Charles Coe Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. AUDIENCE Present at various times during the meeting were Gerry Knight, Sam Vester, Dixie and Jim Gartrell. 1. MINUTES No minutes of previous meetings were available. The Secretary promised to get organized during the next week, all repair work having been completed on her house except one room of carpet. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS A. Sign Ordinance. The Secretary reported that the City Manager had that afternoon asked the City Attorney for written comment. B. Su di ision Ordinan e. Commissioner Raney stated that he was putting some things together, working around the ordinance suggested by the City Engineer a year ago. C. Flood Insurance Ordinance. Commissioner North is preparing a copy for presentation to the Council. This was approved by the i Commission on July 19, 1973 to refer to Mr. Heaney for approval and Council for consideration. D. Rewo i of ZoningOrdinance: Passed third and final reading last Monday night. E. Rezoning of High School. No new action. F. Rezoning of Cecil Brown 16 acres to 0-1. No new action. G. Rezoning of Fire Station Site. No new action. lAttachment H. ReZoning to specific use Crown Central -request 2. The #S Secretary reported that this had not yet been initiated by City Council, that she would notify or re -notify the City Secretary. Drilling permit has been approved by Council. I. Rezoning to specific use Crown Central e uest 1. Passed second reading on October 15. J. Rezoning to specific use. Crown Central_ request. Hearing has been set. K. Heritage Estates Subdivision. No new action. Bost reports they are waiting on City Engineer Heaney to complete storm sewer plans. North reports deed restrictions have not yet been received. 2 FPZC-M-10-18-73 North reported information that, of the "out -lots" from the original Cook tract which were not included in Heritage Estates, but were sold previously to owners of lots fronting on Clearview Avenue in Empe,re Chateau, an interior lot had been sold to someone other than a lot owner on Clearview. A discussion followed. Attachment Motion was made by Raney, seconded by Spears, that the #1 Secretary send a memo to the City Manager requesting that building permits be refusEd and advise no utilities available if lots are being sold for building lots. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. L. Polly Ranch Estates. No new action since roads sent to County ^for approval. M. Coward Creek Subdivision* Needs signing by Mayor and f iling. N. Planning Commission Hearing status. The Secretary presented the notices for three hearings which were advertised in the October 18 Journal. Since there was a time conflict in the hearings as originally called by the Commission, the Secretary asked that the times as advertised be approved. MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Raney that the Commission approve the time changes for the hearings. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 0. Quaker Drive R-O-W interrupstion. Referred to City Manager at meeting of September 20. No action. P. National. Inver or's Hedge. The Secretary reported that the letter was mailed to Bernard Brooks, attorney for National. Investors, ten days ago. Commissioner Raney requested that he speak to the City Manager and Council regarding this. No objections. R. Autumn Hills meeting. Commissioners Spears, Raney and Bost, City Manager Morgan and City Engineer Heaney met with Autumn Hills representatives on site a week ago Monday. Bost reported that they were to present a plat of the building and the road as it exists on an accurate survey. The City hopes to work out an adequate R-O-W for Heritage Drive in this area. Mr. Heaney will locate the property owners involved so that it can be done right. Some concern was expressed that this information was needed prior to the hearing and that lack of it might necessitate calling of another hearing with associated fee. R. Crown Central request#2 oil well. Raney reported that he expressed what he felt was the Commission's desire for the Council to procede with the issuance of a drilling permit prior to actual rezoning to specific use. Reason for the urgency, he felt, was to get this on the tax rolls by Jan. 1. North considered this excellent planning. I FPZC-M-14-18-73 S. Street Plans, North reported that Council has street plans on their workshop agenda for next Monday night and suggested that Commission members might consider attending. North suggested that planning the streets would be considered a legitimate Planning Commission function. A discussion followed concerning information the Commission thought would be important in deciding which streets should be done first. The Chairman suggested that figures were needed concerning which streets were the most heavily travelled and that first priority should be given to streets that all citizens use, such as the streets to the schools. No formal action was taken concerning the communication of this information to the Council. 3. BUILDING PERMITS No building permits came before the Commission. 4. SUBDIVISIONS No subdivisions had been scheduled on the agenda. The following action were taken, however. Mustang The Secretary read a letter from the City Meadows Manager, dated October 16, requesting that four criteria be met prior to our signing the plat. Council was apparently not aware that the plat had been given Commission approval July 12. The Secretary asked that prior to signing the Commission receive a copy of the plat and plans as approved by the Commission. This Mr. Gartrell did. Jim Gartrell asked that the plat be signed tonight, since he was anxious to get going. Mr. Shore stated that he did not want to see us sign anything else with any more contingencies. Mrs. North objected to signing because the item was not on the agenda and the ordinance was not drawn up as the Council had requested. Mrs. North noted, also, that the deed restrictions were entirely different from the ones first submitted and questioned whether the developer was aware of the changes. Mr. Gartrell assured her that he was. She asked if he had a copy. Mr. Gartrell said that he did. Mr. Bost signed the plat, Attachment Mr. Raney suggested a memo to the City Manager #1 stating that requirements #1, #2, and #4 were in compliance. The Commission has not seen the ordinance (requirement #3), but this is Council's responsibility, The Commission had no objections. Greenbriar Since Mr. Gartrell and Sam Vester, developer, were present, Commission commented on Greenbriar 4 FPZC-M-10-18-73 Subdivision, although a report has not yet been received back from the City Engineer. Access on main streets. Mr. Shore asked if deed restrictions would prohibit rear access from lots which back up to Sunset and Greenbriar. Mr. Gartrell assured him this would be done. Question of multiple access of the lots fronting on Castlewood and Greenbriar was discussed• North stated that we had required Dunbar Estates to back their lots up to Melody Lane. Raney and Bost thought that this would present a poor appearance. North suggested that Briarmeadow Subdivision was done this way. Bost stated that, in Briarmeadow's case, this gave a better yeild. No action taken. Drainage. North questioned adequacy of 20 foot easem ent along Greenbriar. Gartrell said this was the existing easement. Phillips was concerned about the depth of the ditch below Falling Leaf lane. Side lot lines. Shore pointed out a 15' side lot line on #79 adjacent to a thoroghfare. This Mr. Gartrell agreed to correct, along with another one on Sunset. R-O-W. North questioned the adequacey of the rights -of -way on adjoining streets. Mr. Gartrell said that all streets had adequate 60 foot rights - of -way and that Sunset had 100 feet. Shore questioned whether this was wide enough for Sunset, since we had agreed to utilize Sunset as an arterial when we chose the #2 alternate for Greenbriar Drive. Water and sewer. North asked how the proposed water and sewer lines fit into the master plan. Gartrell stated that these were as prescribed by Toon. 5• MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Attachment IGMA Course The Secretary read a note from the City Manager #3 relating that the ICMA Planning Course which used to be $90 per individual is now $150 per individual, but is also $150 per group plus $10 per additional individual. There was some discussion as to whether anyone other than North had time to take it. Action was tabled until next meeting. Charles Coe At the request of the Chairman, Spears read a Resignation letter of resignation from Charles Coe dated !Attachment September 13. MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Raney, that the resignation be accepted to pass on to FPZC-M-10--18-73 Council with regret. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Access Control Access control was discussed. Spears stated that Bob Atkinson had prepared a good report on access control. Since the Secretary did not have a copy, Raney loaned his to her while another is being run by Bost. After further discussion, it was decided that Phillips would head the study of access control. Bost will call Bob Atkinson and obtain cost figures on having Atkinson work with Phillips. North would like to sit in on this. Architectural After discussion of the best way to achieve Control architectural control, it was agreed by the Commission that Tracy Spears should come up with recommendations. Architectural control in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and New Orleans were mentioned. Fire Zones After discussion, it was agreed by the Commission that North would report on fire zone possibilities.' Spears will try to get a copy of the Houston Ordinance pertaining to this. Talisman School Shore expressed a concern regarding the sign now Sign present at the intersection of Castlewood and Greenbriar which announces that this location is the new location of Talisman School. No-one was positive what Talisman School is, but Mr. Shore's concern stemmed from a statement he understood Attorney B. J. Hooks to make concerning the rights a commercial enterprise once gained by simply having a sign up which went unchallenged announcing that they would soon build there. After some dicussion, Phillips ascertained that it was an illegal sign, having been placed in a residentially zoned district. Attachment MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, seconded by Phillips #1 that a memo be sent to the City Manager calling attention to the Talisman School sign as being illegal. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to dicsuss, the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 P.M. Addend It was reported that r. Tay or had left town,having returned his share of the building to Mr. Wofford. I rinff�lggl Secretary Approved: FPZC-M-10-25-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION October 25. 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall on Thursday, October 25, 19?3. Chairman C. C. Bost presided, calling the meeting to order shortly after 7130 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Vacancy - Position 7 (Coe) Leah North, Secretary Robert Phillips Clyde Raney James Shore 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS October 18, 1973 - Approved as presented. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS A. Jim Ellis - tennis court status. Mr. Jim Ellis was in attendance to in quire about what the Commission had concluded in its research regarding his request for a tennis club on Melody Lane. The Secretary reported that there appeared to be three possible alternatives: 1) There was a possible chance that he could be eligible for a Temporary Certificate of Zoning Compliance if classed as a "temporary facility." 2) The Zoning Ordinance could be amended to include such recreational facilities as a tennis club under "Specific Use" and then the property could be rezoned as a specific use as a tennis club. This would take two public hearings and the passage of two ordinances by the Council - not a speedy action. 3) The property involved could be rezoned to C-1. The Secretary stated that these conclusions were based on treating a tennis court as swimming pools were treated in the zoning ordinance, since tennis courts are not mentioned. The Commission concurred that alternative #2 was the only one the Commission would consider. Mr. Ellis was informed that certain requirements were necessary prior to any consideration by the Commission. He should present a plan showing all planned courts, clubhouse location, and adequate parking. Conditions which might be considered if the Specific Use were recommended were discussed, including such things as a) making it revocable, b) reversion to R-1 if the specific use is discontinued, c) limiting number of members, d) acquiring additional right-of-way on Melody Lane, e) limitation on use of lights, f) fence, landscaping. Mr. Bost reminded him that the sewer line in Village Green is too shallow for him to hook into. He will return later. 2 FPZC--M-10-25-73 N. Autumn Hills Information. Chairman Bost reported receving three copies of a survey dated 11-22-72 by Jack C. McKnight ,Attach of the Autumn Hills building proposal. He gave two copies to Mr. Heaney, retained one. Mr. Heaney has marked one with Attafi recommendation as to right--of-way to be obtained and a #2 drain line from the rear of the property to Quaker Drive. A ten foot access road along the edge of one building was proposed in place of access to the parking from Shady book. Mr. Heaney has suggested that the Ctty should pay the difference between cost of installing an adequate drain in front and the cost of installing 12", 15", or 18" drain tile. A lengthy discussion followed. Parking. Mrs. North questioned whether adequate parking was available, since she had observed the paces nearly full on a Sunday. Other members disagreed, feeling that it was adequate except for very brief periods of time. Alley access. Mrs. North and Mr. Phillips questioned the adequacy of the ten foot "alley" which permits only one-way access for nearly three hundred feet to the back parking lot. Further discussion was delayed until the hearing. P. National IUvestors Hedge. Mr. Raney reported that he had met with Council Monday and asked how far we should go. Council instructed us to get with the Attorney and work out legal steps necessary to cause compliance. Present these to Council next meeting and they will take action. Also, Council directed the City Manager to issue no more electric permits. Raney recommended that the Commission appoint someone to meet with the attorney now. A lengthy discussion followed. Final consensus was that any action would be held in abeyance for one week. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. 0. No significant action since last meeting. 3. BUILDING PERMITS No building permits were referred to the Commission. 4, SUBDIVISIONS The Chairman stated that Greenbriar would not be presented tonight because of a controversy over the sewer and drainage. Some 150 acres drain through the present drain, which would require an eighty-four inch culvert at the Creek, according to Mr. Bost. Parking on Cast lewood and Greenbriar. North mentioned her concern regarding parking on lots facing Greenbriar and Castlewood. Since these streets are probably collector streets, requir ing two lanes to be open for traffic at all times, and since she does not think the City should have to build an extra lane for parking purposes, she feels off-street parking should be required for any lots facing these streets. 5. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. I FPZC-M-10-25-73 Attach #3 Attach #4 Membership Since the terms of Spears, Phillips, expire prior to the next meeting, and have not yet been reappointed, it was to hold a regular meeting next week. Sign Violations MOTION WAS MADE memo be sent to following signs illegals and Raney since they agreed not by Shore, seconded by Raney, that a the City Manager in regard to the which the Commission considers Fruit stand sign (on 2351) Truman Taylor Insurance (W. Edgewood) Friendswood Bank (maybe) (W. Edgewood) Lakey's Drugs (E. Edgewood) Fox Meadows Sign (E. Parkwood) Talisman School (Greenbrier at Castlewood MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Hearing fees Raney stated that he felt that our fees for hearings were not adequate, that discussion with officials led him to believe that it could cost the City $10.00 per letter to notify surrounding property owners. Mr. Bost stated that in some places a larger fee is initially required and a refund made if the cost does not equal the fee. It was Agreed to put this topic on the next agenda. Drainagecosts Mr. Bosts informed the commission that the City's cost of the additional drainage in Heritage Estates Subdivision was running one thousand dollars per acre through the subdivision itself. Sunset width Mr. Shore asked if Sunset right-of-way was actually 100 feet. Mrs. North stated that Mr. Heaney said it was only 80 feet. (This is in relation to the Greenbriar Subdivision.) Nassau Bay The Secretary read a letter from the chairman of the request Nassau Bay Planning Commission, requesting a copy of our comprehensive plan. The Commission agreed that a copy of the Bovay report should be sent to him. 5, ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9352 P.M. Secretary / Approved: !� PPzc-m-11-1-73 The terms of Clyde Raney, Robert Phillips and Tracy Spears having expired andreappointments not having been made, no meeting was held on this regular meeting date. LZ Secretary FPZC-M-11-8-73 ACTION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall on Thursday, November 8, 1973. Chairman C. C. Bost presided. MEMBERS PRESENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Robert Phillips Clyde Raney Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS October 25, 1973 - November 1, 1973 - MEMBERS ABSENT James Shore - out of town Vacancy - Position 7 Approved as presented. No meeting held. 2. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Clear Creek Drainage Mrs. Hilda McCraw appeared before the Commission to Problems call to our attention her concern regarding the lack of a drainage easement in Polly Ranch Estates. She said that Tom Langford, head of Harris County Flood Control had stated that the Plan ing Commission had not required the needed R-O-W for drainage. Therefore, since Friendswood would not help itself, why should Harris County help them? A discussion followed. Mr. Bost was of the opinion that the plat had already been recorded and could not be changed. Mrs. North stated that she had checked the County records and found no record of the plat. Councilman Patton stated that the result of the suit concerning the replating of this subdivision was that the judge entered that it must be entered as settled (in the suit). The Chairman directed the Secretary to find out what the court did say. Mrs. McCraw called to the Commission's attention several subdivisions which are already approved in the the Clear Creek basin. Pearland Sportsmans Club Uel Clanton , Vice President of the Pearland Sportsmans Rifle Range club, stated that they would like to have their rifle range, which existed prior to annexation by the City, rezoned to make it comply with all ordinances. Mr. Bost told him that unless he wanted to expand that they could keep operating. Mr. Raney said that he should go to Mr. Cline and get a certificate of non- compliance. Councilman Patton felt that he needed approval of the Council for the shooting of firearms within the City limits. 2 FPZC-M-11-8-73 3. HEARINGS Crown Central #3 Chairman Bost called the hearing to order regarding the request of Crown Central Petroleum to rezone for Specific Use Lot 13 out of Section 5 of the BS&F Survey A-625, said tract presently being zoned R-1 Single -Family residential. The Chairman stated that anyone having objections would have five minutes in which to state their objections. He called twice for anyone having objections. No one answered. Councilman Zeitler arrived at this point. Commissioner Raney stated that he had received half a dozen calls concerning possible damage to Lunday Lane by oil well equipment. A core sample of the streets shows two inches of shell. Mr. 0. K. Haney, of Crown Central, stated that the only alternative to coming in Lunday Lane would be to build an access road into the site from F. M. 528. A considerable discussion followed. Several questions were asked by Raney of Haney. Why are ten acres necessary? Notsure of exact location of well. Is there any way to drill another well on the ten acres? No, not the way the current reservoir is. Must have forty acres per well. No tank batteries? No. City Manager Morgan asked how much road would be involved. Haney answered 2000 feet. Haney also stated that after the well was drilled, the area designated for specific use could be restricted to a smaller acreage, including ingress and egress lines. If the well is a dry hole or not used, they will come back in and ask for revokation of the specific use permit. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Phillips, that the Commission recommend approval of the request for the ten acre tract, with requirements for road repair to be approved by the City throught the City Manager and the road to be left in as good or better condition than at the present time. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Autumn Hills Chairman Bost called the hearing to order regarding the Nursing Home request of Autumn Hills Nursing Home to rezone to specific use (institution for aged) two tracts of land out of lot 12, Block 2, Friendswood Subdivision. One tract, on the corner of Quaker Drive and East Heritage, is 150' by 255'. The second tract, lying at right angles to it, is 378' by 108'. North questioned the legal description as set out in the public notice as not being precise enough. She stated that the original request had been for the entire Block 2, Lot 12, which was incorrect. Therefore, the City Engineer had been asked to come up with a better description. His description 3 FPZC-M-11-8-73 was accurate, but did not pinpoint the property. The Chairman directed that the survey be the record of the request, less 60' of R-O-W on Quaker Drive. The rest Attach of the Commission concurred. #1 A short recess was held so that the members of the audience could look at the plans proposed for th location. Following the recess, the Chairman called for questions or discussion. W. R. Whipkey objected to the entrance off Shady Nook. John Roberts also objected to the Shady Nook entrance. Fred CAmp had no objections if a hedge of wax leaf ligustrum would be planted to hide his back yard from the parking area. Councilman Bill Patton wished to make a statement as a citizen. He objected to opening up Shady Nook. If this is done he feels the value of residential property on one of the most secluded streets in Friendswood would be devalued. David Strickler, architect for Autumn Hills, stated that the new kitchen would be cut off from both streets if Shady Nook were not opened. He suggested that the garbage trucks would make no more trips down the street to the nursing home than they do now to service the individual homes. Problems: (as listed by the Commission) 1. City needs a 60' easement on Heritage. 2. Drainage needed from the back of the property, according to the City Engineer. 3. Entrance from Shady Nook. 4. Parking off Quaker Drive. 5. Building set -back. North asked about fire doors. These are automatic and all will be sprinkled. North also asked what the two rectanglular outlines were near the Shady Nook entry. The answer was that this was landscaping. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Spears, that approval be delayed until all problem areas are resolved between Autumn HIlls and the Planning Commission. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. SUBDIVISIONS Stone Gate Mr. Malcolm Collins presented a pre -preliminary plat of a Subdivision subdivision proposed off 2351 near Prairie Wilde. Containing 7.721 acres of land, the 320 by 1270 foot tract would have 22 residential lots and one commercial reserve 200' deep. 4 FPZC-M-1 1 -8-73 Inefficiency in utility services and street layout were discussed. Also, the question was raised whether the fifty foot drainage easement is owned by the City from F. M. 518 to this lot. Mr. Collins was informed that a state Highway Department permit would be needed for his entrance. MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Raney. that the developer get together with the owners of the adjacent land (which has similar problems) and see if they can work out something together which will make for a better subdivision. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Collins will check with the City Engineer regarding the drainage easement. Greenbriar Mr. Jim Gartrell submitted a revision of the plat and plans Subdivision for Greenbriar Subdivision. Three sets were submitted. One was retained by the Commission; two were given to the City Manager. Mr. Gartrell stated that they would like a waiver on the corner lot set backs on certain interior streets. Drainage Easement. The route of this easement has been completely revised, eliminating the right angle turns. North asked if fifty feet were adequate R-O-W. Gartrell stated that this could change - that it would be whatever the side slope worked out tomal%e it. Pedestrian path. North again asked for a pedestrian path across from the High School. Again objections were raised. Side set backs. Raney asked if the twenty foot side -set backs requested on the minor streets were adequate to park a car. Gartrell assured him that it was. A discussion followed regarding the relative costs of subdivisions. Bost, Spears, and Phillips left at 11:50 P.M. Zeitler left soon after, after announcing that there would be Council workshop on the Subdivision Ordinance Monday and that the Commission is requested to attend. 5. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS National INvestor's The following agreement was arrived at concerning National Hedge Investor's Hedge: (1) Contingent on Ken Toon's okay, the hedge will be placed over the water line at the edge of the asphalt. (2) The asphalt will be removed to the property line. (3) Maintenance agreement shall include replacement and trimming of plants, -36.11-to 42"-pl ants .41 (4) Front hedge to be maintained at 30'. (5) They will have to make decision regarding placement of middle entry on Heritage side as to whether it 5 FPZC--M-11-8-73 favor parking or loading. (6) Ditch is to be smoothed out after work completed. (7) Plants to be 36 inches on center. 6. ADJOURNMENT All other items on the agenda were postponed until next week's meeting and the meeting adjourned. � e. >KA� Secretary Approved :jJ� Addendum: Prior to the meeting, Commissioners Raney, Phillips and Spears were sworn in to new three year terms ending 1976 by Mayor Lowe. Addendum: The following audience was recorded as being presents Ray Utley, 913 G1enlea Court W. Z. Woodward, 201 Quaker Drive, 482-7125 Fred W. Camp, 209 N. Heritage, 482-7760 Reg Peterson, 2115 Pease, Houston, 522-2643 Milton C. Riedel, 5133 Maple, Bellaire, M05-5589 J. H. Roberts III, 804 Bonnie Doone, 482-6384 W. A. Whipkey, 207 Shadynook, 482--70 2 Catherine Whipkey, 207 Shadynook, 482-7012 W. P. Stanlee, Jr., Box 1616, Alvin, 585-7851 Kenneth M. Camp, 203 Shady Nook, 482-7851 David C. Strickler, 5633 Richmond, Houston, 782-5442 Victor T. Cauble, 9219 Katy, Houston, 478-2807 Ron S.Ibhlmeyer, 9219 Katy Freeway, Houston, 448-2788 W. B. Patton, Councilman Ed Zeitler, Councilman ilel S. Clanton, 603 Fallingleaf, 482--7187 Malcolm A. Collins, 318 Dawn Hill, 482-6111 J. M. Augent (sp?), Houston, 482-6407 Dr. Joseph Symon, Friendswood Jim Gartrell FPZC-M-11-15-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION November 15, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall on Thursday, Novemberl5, 1973- Chairman C. C. Bost presided, calling the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. The Secretary returned two information books on PUDs to Councilman Zeitler, who was present at the start of the meeting. MEMBERS PRESENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Tracy Spears, Vice --Chairman Leah North, Secretary Robert Phillips Clyde Raney James Shore 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS MEMBERS ABSENT Vacancy, Position 7 Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. November 8, 1973 - Approved with the following correction: Page fours omit words "36" to 42" plants." 2. INFORMATION REPORTS Postponed until later in the meeting. 3. HEARING At 8 P.M. the Chairman called to order a hearing regarding the requested rezoning of the following tract from R-2 (Multiple - family Residential) District to C-1 (Business) District: Attach "That part presently zoned R-2 out of a certain 3.3576 acre #1 tract of land out of Lot 9, Block 2, Friendswood Subdivision, according to the plat of said subdivision recorded in Volume 25-A, page 18, in the office of the County Clerk of Galveston County, Texas, located on Morningside and Magnolia and being the back of the property located at 305, 307 and 309 South Friendswood Drive." Request was made by owners W. B. Wood and Harold Whitaker. The Chairman asked if anyone wished to speak on the rezoning. Mrs. E. D. Rauch asked if an architectural plan had been submitted. The Chairman stated that he had a copy on his desk of the revised plan. The copies of the original plans, which had been red -lined by the Commission were missing from the files of the Building Official and the Planning Commission. Since the one on the Chairman's desk was the only one available, the Chair called a recess while he went to get it. When the meeting reconvened, the Rauchs, who previously had voiced an opposition to the rezoning on the basis of a boundary dispute, conferred with Mr. Wood and Mr. Whitaker. The Chair asked again if there was anyone who wished to speak. The Rauchs indicated that they had reached an agreement with the developers, 2 FPZC-M-11-15-73 and the Chair stated that the discrepancy of 1.8' between the Rauchs and the Wood/Whitaker tract would be settled by their surveyors. (Of interest during the discussion of surveys, was a survey made in 1962 by County Surveyor Paul Milligan which Attach indicated that the Magnolia R"OW is sixty-six Feet wide.) #2 Mr. Phillips had some questions to ask of Mr. Wood and Mr. Whitaker& How soon can you start building if we rezone tonight? Eighteen months, we are told. Q. If rezoned, would you consider moving the trailers prior to ours t ru c t i on? A. Possibly, since have had some utility supply problems with the present construction. Q. Would you consider permitting R-1 (Single-family Residential) use on Morningside? A. The land values are too exorbitant to use for R-1. Q. Would you consider contingencies that would be restricted to that particular shopping center? A. That would be hard to commit at this time. Mr. Phillips then expressed his concern that there may be no real legal ties binding them to the present plan in the future. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by North, that the Commission recommend approval for the following reasons: (1) An attempt to eliminate sixty additional apartment tracts; (2) The deeper (554') Commercial tract thus formed better serves the needs of the community. Further discussion followed. Mr. Phillips thought we should ask the City Council to change the zoning to R-1 if it feels this way (regarding the reasons). Mr. Shore agreed, with the further thought that this action would extend Commercial into an area which is residential. Mrs. North pointed out that the corresponding area across Magnolia Street is also Commercial. Mr. Phillips stated that he understood we would be faced with requests for rezoning to C--1 along Shadowbend A enue if we recommended this rezoning. Mr. Shore stated thaT he had no compunction against voting against C-1 in these areas. He did not feel that the two were related. Mr. Bost stated that letters were sent to sixteen people within 200 feet of the rezoning request. Only one party appeared (Rauch) and they had no objection. The vote was called for. MOTION FAILED. For: Raney, North. Against: Phillips, Shore. Abstained: Host, Spears. (Note: this motion was later reconsidered at the end of the meeting.) MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Shore, that the Commission consider the results of the hearing and make a decision on Thursday week (Nov. 29). MOTION PASSED: For: Bost, Spears, Phillips, Shore. Abstaining: Raney, North. a FPZC-M-11-15--73 After this last motion Mr. Whitaker stated that he would have a letter in to the Commission by next Thursday to withdraw the petition. He was duly informed that the Commission had the authority to rezone with or without petition from the land owner. Mrs. North stated that she felt the Commissioners who abstained should state why they abstained. Mr. Spears stated that he felt we need to decide what to do with the whole area. Mr. Bost stated that he would abstain from now on until the Commission arrives at some plan. The hearing was concluded at 9:40 P.M. 4. BUILDING PERMITS - None. 5. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Autumn, Hills Messrs. Strickler, Cauble, and Pohlmeyer Hearing Decision appeared to present a revised plot plan for Autumn Hills building. A discussion of the plan followed. MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Shore, that the Commission recommend approval of the request to rezone to Specific Use - Institution for the aged with the following conditions (1) There is to be no access from Shady Nook. (2) A sixty foot R-O-W for Heritage Drive shall be deeded to the City. (3) A drainage culvert shall be installed, covered, and blacktopped on Quaker Drive according to the City Engineer's specifications. The entire cost of the culvert and blacktop is to be borne by the Autumn Hills Corporation. (4) A screening hedge is to be planted between the parking area and the Fred Camp property. (5) A landscaped greenery buffer approxi- mately 45' by 108' is to be maintained abutting Shady Nook. (6) Drainage of the back yard area and parking area is to be approved by the City Engineer with the City to pay for the diTference in culvert size required to take the drainage off Shady Nook. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Raney, that the parking requirement be reduced to eighteen spaces due to the nature of the particular business. North questioned whether we could not more realistically call this number thirty, since 4 FPZC-M-11-15--73 the present noncomforning spaces and the additional offstreet spaces total more than this, but the Commission felt that this might cause difficulties in the future if the convalescent center were to lose the non- conforming spaces due to the street being improved. MOTION PASSED. Tore Bost, Spears, Phillips, Raney, Shore. Against: None. Abstaining. North. MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Shore, that an additional nine nonconforming parking spaces be allowed on Quaker Drive. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by North, that no additional nonconforming parking be allowed on Heritage Drive. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by North, that a variance be granted allowing a 15'6" setback instead of a 25' setback on the one new wing because of a hardship which would be caused by shifting the building. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. INFORMATION REPORTS (10s55 P-M- ) The Chairman asked if anyone had any information reports which they wished to discuss. National Investors North reported that the maintenance agreement Hedge. should be here by next Thursday. A building permit for an arts and crafts shop was granted on the recommendation of Raney and North last Friday with the stipulation that absolutely no occupancy would be permitted if the requirements were not met by the time the building is complet- ed. Raney stated that he thought the people leasing this area should be informed. Hedge was installed last week -end. Attach Polly Ranch Shore asked the status of the drainage #3 Drainage easement in Polly Ranch. He was given a copy of the letter dated August 29, 1973, from Billy McAninch to the Commission. Subdivision Raney reported that the Subdivision Ordinance Ordinance had been changed considerably since the Commission had seen it and is now in acce*ble form except for a few objectionable parts, in his opinion. FPZC-M-11-15--73 North felt that the definition of "The City" needed to be changed, since it now indicates that the City is the City Council or the administrative staff where, in many places, it should be the Planning Commission. 7. MORE MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Attach Rezoning Request The Secretary called to the Commission's #4 Crown Central #4 attention that a request for a Specific Use had been received from Crown Central, the legal description being as follows; "Lot 10 of the George Van Pelt Subdivision out of the B. S. & F. Survey No. 5, A-625, Galveston County, Texast said beginning point bearing South 870 56' 31" East a distance of approximately 1040' from the intersection of the North line of the American Canal Co. 150' easement and the East line of State F. M. Highway 528. Thence from said point of beginning go South 870 56' East a distance of 485'; Thence North 20 4' East a distance of 801.9'; Thence North 870 56'We�st a distance of 385'; Thence South 90 9' West a distance of 810' to place of beginning and containing 8.6 acres of land, more or less." MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by North, that a hearing be called on this request for December 6, 1973 at 8 P.M. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Commission Spears stated that he felt the Commission Meetings needed to have workshop meetings on a regular basis. We need to formulate a comprehensive plan from Clearview to 2351 to Clear Creek. A discussion followed. MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by R ney that the Planning and Zoning Commission Mold regular meetings on the first, third, and fourth Thursdays of each month, with workshop on the second Thursdays and no meeting on the firth Thursdays. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, Rezoning Hearing This item was put on last week's agenda at the Fees. request of Raney. MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Spears, that Raney be appointed Chairman of a committee to come up with recommendations on this subject. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY• 6 FPZC-M-11-15-73 Dow Pipeline North stated her concern that, although we have not received any more accurate descriptions of a proposed Dow Chemical pipeline through the City as was promised in a letter from Bill Decker last May, that the Commission should not fail to take some sort of action concerning the pipeline, particularly since she had talked to a landowner in the past week who had been approached by Dow to sell land. A discussion followed. The Chairman stated that he had called Decker several times and that Decker said the survey was not ready yet. North felt that a written record whould be maintained. ACTION Attach MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Spears, #5 that the Commission send a letter calling their attention to Ordinance• 174 (Zoning) and Ordinance 187 (Pipeline) requirements. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, 8. MORE INFORMATION REPORTS Illegal Signs The Secretary reported that the memo requested by the Commission to be sent to the City Manager was written last Thursday and delivered to him this Monday. Attach The Secretary read excerpts from a letter from #6 Thomas 'Lay explaining the oversized sign at Fox Meadows. He maintains that this is an old sign, not a new one, and was merely painted. A discussion questioning the validity of this position followed, but no action was taken. The Secretary also reported on her conversations with Mr. Cline regarding two other apparently illegal signs. (By phone on November S, 1973.) Fruit stand sign on 2351. Mr. Cline has talked with the people. They said they would take it down, but the husband fell and broke his collar bone, so it is still up. Talisman School.. He has chased down the owners through John Ward, Supt. of Schools, as being Dr. Powers of Pasadena, who does want to put in a Day Care Center and Kindergarten. Mr. Cline called him on November 7, but got no answer. He thinkihe should write him a letter. g. MORE MISCELLANEOUS -BUSINESS Wood/ Whitaker Shore stated that he had been thinking over the Rezoning vote taken earlier this evening on the Wood/ Whitaker request to rezone to C-1. 2 FPZC-M-11-15-73 The Secretary advised him that it was proper to make a motion to reconsider. MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, seconded by Spears, to reconsider the decision regarding the Wood/ Whitaker tract. A discussion followed. Mr. Shore felt that the approval had been killed on a technicality, that the recommendation for approval had passed once previously atthe first hearing, and that only the fact the residents had not been properly notified caused a second vote to be taken tonight. MOTION PASSED. For: Spears, Shore, Raney, North. Against: Phillips. Abstaining: Bost. MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Shore that the Commission recommend the rezoning of the WoodAlhitaker tract from R-2 to C-1. MOTION PASSED. For: Spears, Shore, Raney, North. Against: Phillips. Abstaining: Bost. ICMA Course The Secretary brought up once again that the cost of the ICMA course for an individual was $150 and that additional members could take the course as a group for the additional cost of only the book, if wanted, and the materials. No one felt they had -the time to take the course besides the Secretary. This information will be transmitted to the City Manager. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned. Secretary p Approved: Addendum: Members of the audience included: Frank Thayer, 12462 Mooredale, Houston, 444-9431 Germaine Greer, Box 1891, Houston E. D. Rauch, Box 78, Friendswood, 482-1700 Verda Rauch, Box 78, Friendswood, 482-1? 00 Pat Beem, 4903 Live Oak, Diskinson, 337-2837 Tony Paschall, Friendswood Journal, J. H. Roberts 111, 804 Bonnie Doone, 482-6384 W. R. Whipkey, 207 Shady Nook, 482--7012 Ray Utley, 913 Gleniea Court Addendum] The petition to rezone was.not submitted tonight. The Secretary will be notified when it is ready for submittal. FPZC-M-11-22-73 November 22, 1973 being Thanksgiving, no meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was held. Secretary FPZC-M--11-29-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION November 29, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall on Thursday, November 29, 1973• Vice - Chairman Tracy Spears presided in the absence of the Chairmant calling the meeting to order at 7335-P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Clyde Raney James Shore AUDIENCE Among members of the audience were: MEMBERS ABSENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Bob Phillips Vacancy (Position 7) Cappy Ricks, 4010 #1 Shell Plaza, 222-2111 Fred McAllister, 18'222 Barbuda Lane, Nassau Bernard Brooks, 4801 Richmond, 621-1783 Ray Utley, 913 Glenlea Court Bill Murphey, Workman-Banfield Realty Jim Gartrell Dixie Gartrell 1. MINUTES November 15, 1973 - Approved as presented. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K . L. Bay, 333-3590 Status: Memo on illegal signs. The fruitstand sign on 2351 been taken down; Talisman School sign was turned around by owner; owners of other signs will be written letters by the Statuss Quaker Drive R-O--W interruption: No action. National Investors' Hed e. See Building Permits. Subdivision -Ordinance. Posted for first reading next Monday. Sign Ordinance. No action. Still in attorney's hands. Flood Insurance -Ordinance. No action. North is to give copy City Engineer and attorney. RP7.nnine of High School. No action. e to C-1. No action. o action. has City. to Rezoning to Specific Use Crown Central reguest 2. Second reading due Dec. 3. Rezoning to Specific Use, Crown_ Central_ request_#3. Second reading due Dec, 3. Rezoning to Specific Use, Crown_ Coal request A. City Secretari was unable to meet the deadline for putting this in the paper due to having to be in court. Therefore, this is on the agenda again tonight to call another hearing date. M. Rezoning to Specific Use Autumn Hills Rest Home. The Commission was in error in granting variances to the Rest Home, since the FPZC-M-11-29-73 2 authority to grant variances to the Zoning Ordinances rests with AITACR the Board of Adjustment. The Secretary has written a letter to h/1 Mr. Strickler advising him of this fact, as well as contacting him him by phone. Ivy Fossler, Chairman of the Board of Adjustment has been informed, also. 0. Heria e Estates Subdivision. No action. P. Cowa d Creek Subdivision. No action. R. Access Control - Phillips. Commissioner absent, so no action. R. Architectural Control - Spears. No report. S. Fire Zones - North. No report. T. October Building -Permits. Copy not received from City Manager. School Bus Barn violation. The Secretary reported that a citizen had asked her why the Planning Commission had permitted the school to build a building without a front set -back. That she had investigated, found preparations made to pour a slab which appeared to be almost on the Front property .line or within a foot or two on W oodlawn. That a building permit had been issued for the building when the Field House permit was issued. That school authorities, when questioned, felt they had been given a variance by the previous Planning Commission. That she had, as an individual, filed a complaint. And that building had stopped. The School is now in the process of appealing to the Board of Adjustment, although she is unsure whether they are appealing the decision to stop the work because it was in violation of the zoning ordinance or because they were asking for a variance in the set -back requirements from the Board. ACTIOPfz Raney requested the Chairman to request the Secretary to ask the Board of Adjustment to give the Commission notice when then hearing comes up on this. The Secretary will do this. Rezoning. ACTION: Since this problem brought up the fact that the land Jr. High the bus barn is being constructed on is still zoned R-1 School residential and the school is thus a nonconforming use which technically cannot be expanded, the Chairman requested the Secretary to request the calls from the School so that the 'City can get it rezoned. The Secretary will do this. U. An- additional information reports. None. V. Dow Pipeline. A letter has been written by the Secretary to Mr. Decker. Minutes of November 15. Attachment # .) This calls his attention to both the Zoning Ordinance and the Pipeline Ordinance. 3. ZONING Attach Attac' # Altemus Mr. C. A. Ricks appeared on behalf of the Merle Subdivision Altemus', who own 126 acres with 350 foot frontage on 518, 3000 feet deep. He presented copies of the survey plats and aerial photographs showing the tract of land. 'Camp Manison has an access strip around part of the land. They would like to subdivide the land, having some commercial area, perhaps in the interior. The Commission did not appear to favor the Commercial tract. Drainage problems inherent in the tract were discussed. 150' easement measured from the creek would probably be required. Mr. Spears J FPZC--M--11-29--73 would like to see 20% of the units to be townhouses. Mrs. North questioned this.unless the total density would be kept to three units per acre which stall will give us a population of 109,000. ACTION: The Secretary gave Mr. Ricks a copy of the current plat approval procedure. Mr. Raney suggested that they should contact a professional land planner. Mrs. North suggested that he also talk with the City Engineer. Action Mr. Ricks requested that he be put on next week's agenda. 4. BUILDING PERMITS National Investors Mr. Bernard Brooks was present to discuss the Hedge maintenance agreement regarding the hedge. He was agreeable to any suggestions the Commission would make. The Commission will have the agreement retyped, signed, and sent back for Mr. Curtis to sign. Attach The Commission then agreed on changes in #3 wording to the maintenance agreement, a copy of t!jp which is attached 03). Attach National Investors #V Theater The Secretary reported that K1ine's Arts and Crafts was allowed to go into a temporary location at the center after a telephone poll of the Commission last week. Mr. Brooks presented his analysis of the parking at the center, also a corrected copy of the parking layout. After some discussion of the number of spaces required, the possibility of alloting some spaces for compact cars, the agreement that many of the shops would not be open while the theater is open, etc., MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that the drawing be approved showing the parking at Captain's Corner as revised 11--29-73 for 510 cars based on one space per 200 spare feet of building area. MOTION PASSED, 3-1, North dissenting because she did not think that this was the motion needed. MOTION WAS MADE, by Raney, seconded by North, that the Planning Commission recommend the release of the hold on building permits in the center, including the theater. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. FPZC-M-11-29-73 5. MORE REZONING 4 Pearland An application was presented which had been Attach Sportsmans received by the Secretary requesting rezoning # .5� Club of a 55.159 acre tract presently used as a rifle range. The Secretary questioned whether there was anything under the Specific Use heading which would permit this. The feeling of the Commission was that they would not wish to approve the rezoning even if they could. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded bShore, ATrAcff to deny the request and return the $40.00 ft b check. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Crown Central The hearing for this request, originally set for Request #4 December 6, missed the public notice deadline. Therefore, it was necessary to set another hearing date. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, AITI{CIf that a public hearing to hear Crown Central 's � 7 request #4- to rezone to Specific Use for Oil Well drilling be called for December 20, 1973 at 8:00 P.M. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Oil Well Mr. Raney, who is also working part-time Procedure inspecting the oil wells, presented what he considered a problem regarding the time lag from the first request for a hearing to the final ordinance passage. In the meantime the oil company must obtain a drilling permit, which technically should not be granted until the zoning has passed, but this is too long to wait and causes complications with the drilling schedules if adhered to. After some discussion, it was agreed that the following procedure would improve the present situation: 1. The Commission will recommend "any" two or three (or other) acres within a larger acreage be rezoned. 2. Council will incorporate and pass this description in an emergence/ ordinance. 3. Drilling permit will be granted by Council. 4. Well drilling will start and surface casing put in. This will pinpoint the well. S. Council will pass a regular ordinance with the specific few acres surrounding the actual drilled well. (The emergency ordinance will expire.) The Secretary will notify Council of this Attach recommendation by letter. PPZC-M-11-29-73 6. SUBDIVISIONS Greenbriar Jim Gartrell, Gulf Coast Engineering, asked for approval of preliminary plans of Greenbriar Subdivision Section One. Members of the Commission did not remember having seen the plat previously as presented. Mr. Gartrell said that he had submitted it to the City two days prior to I-/fc# Thanksgiving. A note from the City Manager stated 0-8 that the City Engineer found it to be in order except for the need of an additional fire hydrant at lot 1, Block 2. Mr. Gartrell showed that his plans indicated a fire hydrant was added there. There was some concern expressed regarding the general plan for Greenbriar, including the R-O-W needed for streets, especially Sunset, the maintenance of the drainage ditch, and deed resitrjctions. Mr. Gartrell agreed to modify the general plan to straighten the Sunset/Castlewood intersection and felt that a pedestrian path would be all right. However, he was only asking for approval of Section One. He did not have the deed restrictions, but they will4ithe same as LesLyn. North objected to granting approval of the preliminary plat of Section One since it had not been on the agenda and this was the first time the Commission had seen it. MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, seconded by Raney, that the preliminary subdivision layout of Greenbriar Section One be approved. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, 7. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Policy Mr. Raney stated that he felt that letters which left City Hall should be written over the signature of the Chairman, not the Secretary. After some discussion, this was agreed to by the Commission. Secretarial Help Mr. Raney also stated that he thought the Secretary was having to spend too much time on the Commission's business and felt that the Secretary deserved some help. Mr. Spears will talk to the City Manager regarding this. The Secretary will figure out how this help can be used to best advantage. Permit Procedure A short discussion regarding problems with the present method of issuing permits ended with the problem being referred to the Council Representative who was present at this time. FPLC-NI-11-29-73 0 Unauthorized Mr. Spears reported that a section of land Attach Subdivision at Winding Way and Briarmeadow was being # �� subdivided by a Mr. T. L. Roach of 1206 Winding Way. MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, seconded by North, that a letter be written notifying Mr. Roach that the Commission has heard that he is flu subdividing property and reminding him that he 11/j must come before the Planning Commission. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Subdivision The importance of filing completed subdivision Filing plats, such as Heritage Estates and Coward Creek, was discussed. It was the Commission's opinion that these subdivisions should be filed prior to January 1 if they were to appear upon Attach the tax rolls as lots instead of open land. #/0 It was agreed to write a note to the City Manager regarding this. B. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned. �Z-a U, '�&M Secretary Approved: f ` 97-3 FPZC-M-12-6-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION December 6 . 1473 A regular meeting of the Fr.iendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall.on Thursday, December6, 1973. Chairman C. C. Bost presided, calling the meeting to order at 7:30 P#M4 MEMBERS PRESENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Bob Phillips Clyde Raney James Shore Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. 1. MINUTES MEMBERS ABSENT Vacancy (Position #7) November 29, 1973 - Approved as presented. (Page 3. Mr. Shore wondered if it were clear that the motion to release building permits did not release occupancy permits. The Commission thought that it was clear.) 2. INFORMATION REPORTS A. Status: Quaker D ive R-O-W onterru Lion. No action. B. Subdivision Ordinance. Passed first reading last Monday night. C. Sign Ordinance. No action. Attorney has in his hands for written comments. D. Flood Insurance Ordinance. No action. North has it. E. Rezoning of High School. City Secretary has calls. Needs to be written and posted. F. Rezoning of -olher FISD property. A letter has been sent to Dickie Warren, President of the Board, requesting the calls to these properties. (Minutes of 11-29-73, Attachment #2.) G. Rezoning of'City properties. No action. H. Rezoning of Cecil Brown acres to C-1. No action. I. Rezoning` of Fire Station tract. No action. J. Rezoningo Specific U se. Crown Central Request #2. Passed second reading last Monday night. K. Rezoning to Specific Use, Crown Central Request Passed second reading last Monday night. L. Rezoning to Specific Use, Autumn Halls rest home. No action. M. Rezoning to C-1. Wood -Whitaker tract. Not yet posted. N. Heritage Estates S D. Has not yet been filed because have not given City their deed restriction yet. Tax Assessor/Collector Carbone will put these lots on the tax roll, whether it is filed or not, according to the City Manager. 0. Coward GreekS/D. Mayor needs to sign. Same taxing policy as above applies to these. P. Mustang Meadow S . Latest information g'.ven at Council meeting was that loan companies would not give loans on lots which were obligated to the City for water and sewer installations. Opinion differs as to whether subdivision is dead or not. Some report that the owners will permit it to be subdivided into small lots. FPZC-M-12-6-73 z Q. Polly Ranch S/D. No new action since August so far as city is concerned. R. Dow_ pipeline. A letter was sent to Mr. Decker, attorney for Dow, on November 27 (Minutes of 11-15-73, Attachment #5.) No answer has been received. S. Access control. - Phillips. No report. T. Architectural Control - Speaars. No report. U. Fire Zones - North. North reported she had not been able to find where she had read a model fire zone ordinance. Spears had contacted someone in Houston who told him how they formed their fire zones, starting with concentric circles from the downtown area and modifiying these circles to existing streets. Shore questioned whether this wouldn't be better if more than one center were used. North questioned whether this would be adaptable to Friendswood, since we have a different situation, including the zoning which Houston does not have. V. October and November Buildingpermits. A list furnished by the City Manager was reviewed. It was noted that two permits had been issued on Crawford which appeared to be on an extension of Crawford not accepted or approved by the City. W. Any other Information Reports --(School Bus Barn). The Secretary handed out a notice to members announcing a hearing called by the Board of Adjustment for Monday, December 17, 7:30 P.M., City Hall. Spears, Raney and North are interested in attending. 3. ZONING None, but take not?of items under "Subdivision" heading regarding Altemus and Ray Utley. 4. BUILDING PERMITS National Investors The City Manager reported the Maintenance Agreement, as amended by Planning Commission, approved by Council at last Monday's meeting, and signed by the Mayor, was ready to mail back as soon as he got the address from the Secretary. Raney asked how the agreement was to be enforced after the shopping center was built out. The City Manager stated that, since it was a legal agreement, that it could be enforced in the courts. 5. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Amoco Pipeline An unusually large audience was in attendance from Quakers Landing Quakers Landing subdivision. They had become concerned when survey crews had come through their subdivision with plans to install another pipeline through an easement which lies largely under the right-of-way of Echo Avenue (Last). The City Manager, James Morgan, reported on a phone discussion which he had with Mr. W. W. (Bill) White (944-5150) regarding the pipeline. The Railread Commission has increased the production allowable, so there is need to add a 16'' pipe from Hastings Field to Webster on the existing easement. They will bore under roads, will restore the land to the same condi.tion in which Attac they found it. If there is any permanent damage _a Fi'ZC-M-12-6-73 ACTION to property, they will pay damages. The City Manager told the audience that the City feels that the Oil and Gas (Pipeline) Ordinance and the Zoning Ordinance will require that any new pipelines to come before the Planning and Zoning Commission for a Specific Use permit. He is sure that the City Council would want to get injunctive relief if necessary. Ralph Weldon, a citizep, ated that Councilman Gonzalez had been A` 9;�tehat there was to be a meeting next Wednesday at the Library, with Amoco present. The line is supposed to carry crude oil at 500 to 700 p.s.i. pressure. Commissioner Rgney stated that he would like to attend this meeting. He stated some of the controls put on pipeline installations by the ordinance passed on October 1 of this year.. In response to a question, the City Manager stated that Mr. White had informed him that they had tried to get the developer to build around the pipeline easement. When he did not want to, they sig d a very good agreement with him in which they do not have to replace any pavement. Mr. White told the City Manager that they have the right to go in, but will not except as a last resort. The Secretary will trace down this agreement tomorrow at the County Court House. More discussion followed, with some of the information being contradictory. Mr. White was quoted by at least one of the audience as saying that they might leave the street very torn up. The opinion was also expressed that many of the homes were already built within 40 feet of the present pipelines, which is now illegal. Also, that to install a new pipeline 40 feet from existing homes would, of necessity, place it in the middle of the street and make boring impractical. No action was taken. The City Manager has already informed Mr. White of our ordinances. 6. SUBDIVISIONS Longwood Park Mr. Ken Yowell appeared before the Commission Attach #1 Proposed Section to discuss what he thinks is a subdivision. Three He presented the Commission with a survey of the land showing twelve lots and showed a copy of Londwood Park subdivision which shoves this area as "proposed Section Three." He also Attach #2 exhibited tax bills from the School, City, and FPZC-M-12--6-73 County which indicated that he has been taxed this year on separate lots. He stated that water and sewer lines were already in along the two streets involved. lie could not show us that the plat had been recorded, however. Spears informed him that any piece of land divided in two parts is a subdivision. Mr. Bost informed him that we would have to have the City Engineer take a look at this, also the Utilities Superintendent. Mr. Yowell will obtain the deed restrictions which he says pertain to the area and leave them with the City Secretary. He bought the land from Nathan Spungin in December, 1972. Action 14 ftm ir" Action %1 wm l' Mrs. North will research the land transactions ACTION on this proprty when she visits the County 611klfff Court House tomorrow. Altemus Mr. C. A. Ricks presented a colored schematic Proposal of land use for the Altemus property showing a 12/ reserve for a commercial area to support the subdivision anc,,a townhouse areap prepared by Robert MuSevrec.he 'and Associates at 9: Q4 P.IVI, No subdivision lots were shown and this plan was not left with the Commission. Considerable discussion followed regarding -the pros and cons of Commercial in that area. The possible extension of Sunset through that area would create a triangle between two arterials which might be hard to develop as residential land. It was agreed to give a cppy of the survey of the property to City Engineer Heaney to define the right-of-way on. Host took the survey to give to the City Manager to pass on to Mr. Heaney. North objected to the amount of time being given to the discussion, questioning whether this was a proposed subdivision or a request for rezoning. The Chairman asked the Commission what their feelings were on the Commercial. Phillips stated that his position was the same as earlier, that he dial not want to consider more commercial now. Raney did not want to decide until the Sunset arterial was defined. North could not agree to commercial at this time. Bost said that he had been looking at the Captain's Corner and thought that more and smaller centers would be built in the future. Mr. Dicks agreed to return on the twentieth and the discussion was ended at 9155• Action d FPZC-M-12-6-73 Woodlawn Office Mr. Jim Gartrell and Ray Utley appeared on behalf Complex of Clint Hackney to propose an office -complex on the land behind the Captains Corners shopping enter. This land faces Woodlawn across from the trailer park and faces Heritage across from some single-family homes. Area is approximately 630' by 390'. It is presently zoned for single- family residential, but backs on the 200' Commercial strip on 2351. A complex of half a dozen office buildings with an attractive design to blend into the neighborhood, one-story tall, is proposed. Mr. Gartrell stated that they had the choice of developing it into office buildings or putting it into small lots. Landscaped green areas are proposed to make it attractive. The question was raised regarding the possibility of cutting Laurel Drive through to 2351 to relieve the traffic on Heritage and Woodlawn. Mr. Gartrell thought the owner would give the right-of-way if the City would curb and gutter it. The discussion ended at 10:30, with Mr. Gartrell to return on December 20. Greenbriar, Not ready to present by developer says Mr. Gartrell. Section One 7. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Hearing Fees Raney recommended that the:$40.00 fee for rezoning hearing apply if no more than two letters have to be sent to adjoining propoerty owners. He recommends that an additional 1�10.00 be charged for each additional letter that must be sent. Considerable discussion followed. Reasoning behind the proposed changes included the fact that rezoning increases the value of the land greatly and that rezoning of certain types, such as that for pipelines, requires the sending of many letters, searching for the owners and their addresses, etc., and the present $40,00 fee does not begin to cover the costs. Attach MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, seconded by Phillips, that # the recommendation be accepted and that the Commission recommend to Council that they adopt the suggested fees immediately. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Sunset -Drive The proposed route of Sunset Drive as mapped out on the aerial photos by the City Engineer was discussed. It was noted that the decision to accept the #2 alternative to Greenbriar arterial was based on accepting a Sunset arterial. This was according to advice given by Oliver Stork of H-GRITS. Bost expressed the thought that we may have erred in not considering the original FPZC-M-12-6-73 6 Gre.enbriar arterial as proposed in the Bovay Report. After some further discussion Spears stated that he would like us to call a hearing in January and discuss the road situation then. MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Raney, that a hearing -be called for January 24, 8:00 P.M., regarding the proposed Sunset arterial. The Attac) City Engineer should be present to explain his # proposal. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. INFORMATION REPORTS Council representative Ed Zeitler, who had not been able to attend prior to 9:00 P.M. gave us additional information and confirmation of our information regarding several items. C. S�n_Ordinance. B. J. Hooks, City Attorney, is still working on this. E. Rezoning of High School. City Secretary is still. working on this. G. Rezoning of Citypro,perties. Nothing has been done. H. Rezo-ning of Cecil Brown 16 acres to C-l. Council has taken the position that it will move out one way or the other by the end of the year. The Browns still want a hundred foot set -back on the Fire Station, which would be costly to the City. I. Rezoning of Fire Station tract. Same as "H" above. P. Mustang Meadows. No lending instution would buy the ordinance that in effect gave the City first lein on the land. Q. Polly Ranch. Raney asked why the City did not annex this area. He is concerned that without zoning the owners could put in anything. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 P.M. Next Thursday will be a workshop regarding the zoning plan for the area bounded by 2351, 518, Castlewood and Clear Reek. V" J, � P, �� Secretary Approved: /L • 90 197,-? FPZC--M-12-13-73 A workshop session was held on the second Thursday of December, 1973 in accordance with the new meeting policy. The topic discussed was revision of the comprehensive zoning plan. Bost and Phillips were absent. Secretary FPZC-M--12-20-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION December_20, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood was held at Friendswood City Hall on Chairman Tracy Spears presdied in the MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Clyde Raney James B. Shore AUDIENCE Among the audience were: Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, December 20, 1973, Vice - absence of the Chairman. MEMBERS ABSENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Bob Phillips Reg. Peterson, 2115 Pensa, Houston, 522-2943 M. C. Reidel, 5133 Maple, Bellaire, M05-5589 Larry Neely, 3618 Penwood, 675-9161 J. J. Bardovsky, 3401 Longherridge, Pearland, 485--3629 H. T. Neely, 6670 Sylvan Rd., 675-3101 B. E. O'Larry, 7611 Glenview #5, 645-5321 1. MINUTES 10-11-73 - Approved as presented. 12-6-73 - Approved with the following corrections: (1) Page 3, second paragraph: Change "concerned" to "contacted." (2) Page 4: "Musemeche" is architect's name. 2. REZONING RE UESTS Altemus C. A. Ricks left a revised copy of a commercial/ townhouse proposal for the Altemus property, He did not stay for discussion because of a previous commitment, but requested to be on the agenda January 3, 3, SUBDIVISIONS Attach Longwood Mr. Yowell appeared to discuss the status of his #1 Park tract of land. The Secretary reported that her search Section #3 of deed records at the Court House (Clerk's Office) showed that the first description of individual tracts of land appeared in the deed from Spungin to Yowell in December of 1972. The plat itself was not recorded. The next previous deed from Paul Long to Spungin did not give the calls for any individual tract of land. Therefore, it was her opinion that it was not a subdivision. Utilities. Mr. Yowell stated that there is a six-inch water line on the extension of Thomas and a 4" line on the exten sion of Crawford. This is a Pearland-served line. FPZC-M-12-20-73 2 Streets. Streets have been graded, but there is no indication that they have been dedicated other than by the original Hoidale-Coffman Subdivision which gave the Crawford Drive R-O-W. Building Permit Policy of City. Although Crawford Drive in that area is not adequately surfaced, the Commission noted that building permits had been issued by the City for tracts with access off Crawford. The Commission, after discussion, agreed that Mr. Yowell could sell lots where no new streets were required and where utilities were in so long as he stayed with the original plat as proposed. He is to come back to us with the deeds to the lots which should show any required utility easements. 4. HEARING Crown Central At 8:40 P4M. Chairman Spears called the hearing to Attach Request #4 order on a request from Crown Central Petroleum #2 Corporation to rezone the following tract from R-1 Single-family residential to Specific Use as an oil well and related structures "Lot 10 of the George Van Pelt Subdivision out of the B. S. & F. Survey No. 5, A-625, Galveston County, Texas; the beginning point bearing South 870 56' 31" East a distance of approximately 1040' from the intersection of the North line of the American Canal Co. 150' Easement and the East line of State F. M. Highway 528. Thence from said point of beginning go South 870 56' East a distance of 485'; Thence North 20 4' East a distance of 801.91; Thence North 870 56' West a distance of 385'; Thence South 90 9' West a distance of 810' to place of beginning and containing 8.6 acres of land, more or less." The start of the hearing had been delayed at 8:00 P.M. because the participants in the hearing had not yet arrived. The Chair asked of there were any objections to be expressed. H. T. Neely. Stated that he owned the Bickley place abutting the 8.6 acres and would like to know what was being planned. Mr. Haney and Mr. MacAndrews from Crown Central took part in the informative discussion which followed. A map showing the surrounding tracts and the well locations was studied by the interested members of the audience. Mr. Raney informed them that the City has an ordinance to protect their interests if they are bothered by any of the I FPZC-M-12-20-73 HitACtf #q Action See- !� �W Attach #3 Action b« AtrAI-tt h17 Air-Acif drilling operations. After the informative discussion no objections were voiced. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that the Commission recommend approval of the request. 5. REZONING_ REQUESTS MOT10N PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. O'Larry Mr. B. E. O'Larry asked the procedure regarding rezoning of a property which he purchased in 1967 from Bofisil and for which he had prepared plans for a drive-in grocery two years ago as his retirement plan. This tract is the triangle between Sun Meadow and Windsong. Mr. Raney informed him thet this area was automatically zoned R-1 when annexed and gave him the procedure for rezoning. The Secretary gave the forms to request the rezoning.0 He will contact City Hall later to obtain the estimated cost of the rezoning request. Heritage At 9:45 Jim Gartrell and Ray Utley appeared to Woodlawn Office discuss a proposed office complex behind Captain's Complex Corners on Heritage and Woodlawn Avenues. Sidewalks. Gartrell agreed that a five foot easement for sidewalks could be proved on Woodlawn to ease the hazard for pedestrians. Utilities. Ken Toon, Water and Sewer Superintendent, mentioned the need for an additional easement on Heritage to accomodate the water and sewer lines which are both on the northwest side of the street. Gartrell took his tract back which had been given to the Commission. He will prepare building plans. Egress. North questioned the nearness of one access driveway to the Heritage intersection with Woodlawn. This problem was not resolved. 6. SUBDIVISIONS Jim Gartrell requested final approval of Greenbriar, Section One. Two copies of the plat, plans, and Greenbriar profiles along with a letter from the City Manager Section One dated December 20 were left for the Planning Commission by the City. The Secretary stated that she had not placed this subdivision on the agenda because she had checked with the City Engineer late last Friday afternoon and he had not received the plat, plans and profiles. She therefore concluded that theplans could not be submitted five days prior to the Commission meeting as required in Ordinance 23-A. Mr. Gartrell complained that he had given them to the City Manager. FPZC-M-12-20-73 4 The Secretary also stated that the overall plan ofthe subdivision was different than any which had been presented to the Commission. After some discussion this was agreed to and Mr. Gartrell stated that he would bring us a revised version for our files. Objection was also raised by Shore to approving a plat when revisions remained to be made, which is the case with this plat. The Commission agreed to put the question of final approval on the January 3 agenda. Mr. Gartrell took back one set of prints. The Secretary insisted on keeping one for the Commission records to attach to the letter stating this had been approved by the City Engineer although it had not been signed. The Secretary gave Mr. Gartrell a copy of the plat redlined by CPS to use in drawing up the final version. This was dated Dec. 11, 19?3, drawn by MB, 304-D-49, SH.6. Restrictive Covenants ' . Mr. Gartrell also presented AJJ1.1+ for the first time the proposed restrictive6 covenants. North, leafing through, questioned the desireability of the covenants expiring in 2000 A.D. unless a change is made in them agreed to by three -fifths of the lot owners and an additional term of covenature established. There was some discussion, but no resolution since the facts conflicted. 7. INFORMATION REPORTS A. Statust Quaker Drive R-O-W interruption. Nothing. B. Subdivision Ordinance, Raney reported that Council had tabled the Subdivision Ordinance in order to add street specifications. The Commission expressed concern that no forward action was being taken. C. Sign_ Ordinance. Although no formal communication has been received by the Commission, Raney felt that Council would not pass this ordinance since the City Attorney has been critical of it. lie requested the Denver Ordinance of Spears and received it. He will read it. North is also interested in reading it. D. Flood Insurance Ordinance. North has given a copy to the City Engineer for comment before presenting it to Council. E. Rezoning of High School. No action by City. F. Rezonina of other_FISQ,propexty. Letter requesting calls has been sent to the School Board. No reply as yet. G. Rezoning of Cily Propeilty. No action rby City. It was suggested that the Commission might have to do this. H. Rezoning of Cecil Brown 16 acres to C-1. Action on this apparently hinges on donation of Fire Station tract which apparently is held up pending changes in fire station design. 1. Rezoning_oFire Sta,tion tract. See "H" above. FPZC-M-12-20-73 J. Rezonin to Specific Use._ Crown Central. resquest .#22.._Passed third and final reading at Council's December 17 meeting and may be taken off our list, according to Raney. K. Rezoning to Specific Use, Crown Central request #3. Ditto. L. Rezoning to S ecific U e Autumn hills rest —home. Raney reported that this was tabled by Council because Council had heard that Autumn Hills was trying to buy an additional piece of land. M. Rezoning to C-1. Wood -Whitaker tract. Passed first reading last Monday night. N. Heritage Estates S D. No action by City. O. Coward Creek_ S _ . No action by City. P. Mustang Meadows S/D. Status indefinite. Raney would like the Commission to remind Council by memo of our approval and request action. No action taken on this suggestion. Q. Polly Ranch S/D. It was reported that Billy McAninch said he didn't know he had to resubmit this to the Council for final approval. Consensus of the Commission was that if this were true, he had to be kidding. R. Dow. Pipeline. No reply has been received from Dow. S. Amoco_ pipeline. Raney reports City has received letter from Amoco. Some discussion followed regarding whether the Commission should contact the Council regarding the City's position on this. Action was deferred until January 3 since Council does not meet prior to this. T. Access Control - Phillips. No report - absent. U. Architectural Control - Spears. Spears reported that he had received the Santa Fe, New Mexico architectural control restrictions. V. Fire Z ones- No th. No further information. W. Zoning Ordinance enforcement. Raney reported that a trailer Action had been erected on FM 528 near Windsong in violation of the Zoning Ordinance. North reported that this information had been given to her, also. The Commission agreed to send a memo to the City Manager to inform him that the Planning Commission is deeply disturbed by this additional violation of the ordinance and asking him what we have to do to get the Zoning Ordinance enforced. Raney stated that he would file on this violation. X. Bus barn violation. North and Raney reported on the outcome of the Board of Adjustment hearing held last Monday which they had attended. The School requested a variance from the 25' set -back and this was granted by the Board, contingent on the School's resolving a safety hazard. North gave additional information that she had talked to several informed people after the hearing who thought building the barn there was still a mistake. For this and several other reasons, including the fact that the School wishes to park buses and erect a chain link fence on the right--of-way line (approximately) she refiled her complaint that the bus barn was in violation of current zoning restrictions (presently R-1). This information was given to the School Board on Tuesday night, filed with Mr. Cline on Wednesday morning. A discusssion followed. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that a letter be sent to the school district recommending that through traffic ACTION be permanently prohibited on "FISD 1" regardless of the outcome Attach of the bus barn controversy for purposes of safety. #Ia MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. FPZC-M-12-20-73 6 Y. National Investor's Hedge. No information on maintenance agreement since the City sent their revised version back to NI attorney. Z. National_Investor's theater. North expressed concern that the theater may be building (according to the newspaper) but the City had not yet issued a building permit. She is concerned that the exit doors do not meet the National Fire Protection Association codes. No action taken. 8. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Hearing Fees At the December 13 workshop meeting the Commission Policy reached the conclusion that the present schedule of hearing fees ( a flat $40, regardless of size, etc.) was costing the City money. Several methods of fee assessment were discussed, but it was cmeluded that the most fair was based on the number of letters that had to be sent to adjoining property owners. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that the Commission call no zoning hearing unless a check sufficient to cover costs of $40 ror the first two letters and $10 per additional letter required to notify property owners is received by the City. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Annexations Next meeting. 9. ADJOURNMENT A discussion of future annexations was held. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that the Commission recommend to the Council that Polly Ranch be annexed in 1974. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. action North suggested that we consider the annexation of strips along the main roads in our extraterritorial jurisdiction in order to control such things as the fireworks stands which appear just outside our City boundaries. It was reported that Councilmen Baker and Gonzalez are opposed to any annexations in Harris County. No action was taken by the Commission on this suggestion. Chairman Spears reminded us that the next meeting date falls in the Christmas holidays. MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Raney, that no meeting be held next week because of Christmas vacation. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 12:05 A.M. Approved: % a1v '� -4 >, Secretary FPZC-M-12-27-73 Because of the Christmas holidays, no meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on December 27, 1973. citu 4 griendswood tOD WILLOWICK, RRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77540 MAYOR RALPH L. LOWE CITY MANAGER JAMES C. MORGAN 402.3323 COUNCILMEN DENNY R. BAKER RALPH G. GONZALEZ RICHARD L. HAKEN WILLIAM B. PATTON MILTON L. WINOLER EDWARD O. ZEITLER FPZC-1-17-74 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION January 17, 197�F A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at the Friendswood City'Hal1 on Thursday, January 17, 1974. Chairman Bost presided. The meeting was called to order at 7s45 P,M. MEMBERS PRESENT C . C, Bost Tracy Spears Clyde Raney Ken Fossler Bob Phillips Jim Shore MEMBERS ABSENT Leah North AUDIENCE R. A. Dudney, Dow Chemical, 3636 Richmond Ave., Houston, 77027 James R. Ansell, Att'y, 504 lst Hutchings -Sealy National Bank Building, Galveston, Tex. 77550 James Gawlik, A.I.A., Architect, P.U. Box 1087, LaPorte, 77571 Tom and Robin Manison, Camp Manison, Friendswood, Tex. Kitc.ia M. Beasley, 112 Winding Road, Friendswood, Tex. Omar J. Holguin, 114 Winding Road, Friendswood, Tex. Dr. Schuyler S. Hoff, Jr., 914 Mary's Ct., Friendswood, Tex. Herman Runge, 912 Mary's Ct., Friendswood, Texas R. E. Creamer, 910 Mary's Ct., Friendswood, Tex. Roger Mills, 209 Sunnyview, Friendswood, Tex. 1. MINUTES No minutes were available from the previous meeting. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS a) School properties - Bost. Chairman Bost reported that School Superintendent J. Ward had informed him that the legal descriptions for all school properties would be available at the next meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. b) National Investors' "Captain's Corner" Shopping Center ---All. Several members reported that the hedge alongside National Investors' "Captain's Corner" Shopping Center is dying. Acting Secretary Shore was requested to phone the City Manager and request that the maintenance agreement be enforced. c) Re,zonl to C-1 - Wood -Whitaker tract -_Raney. Passed second reading on January 7. Up for final reading on January 21. d) Rezoning to Specific Use - Autumn Hills Rest Home - Raney. Passed second reading on January 7, Up for final reading on January 21. � FPZC-M-1-17-74 e) Amoco Pipeline - Raney. 2 A letter stating City's position had been written to Amoco by City age C'c y Q-tt�Y H' ..J. A44., Attach f) Illegal -Mobile Homes - Raney. Letter sent by City Administrator Cline advising home owner of City ordinances. Action to enforce is up to City Administration. g) Greenbriar Subdivision, Section I - Bost. Awaiting signature of Secretary of Planning and Zoning Commission. No action. 3. BUILDING PERMITS a) Jim Gawlik. Waived his appointment. Asked to be placed on next week's agenda at same time. b) Simason's`Apa-rtments. 1) Presentation by W. R. Simpson, 208 Carey Lane, Friendswood. 2) Mr. Simpson stated that he had approval from Administrator Cline on Certificate of Zoning Compliance but did not have it in his possession. (Secretary's notes Mr. Fossler later -questioned this procedure of granting Certificate prior to Mr. Simpson's appearing before Planning and Zoning Commission.) 3) Raney has conferred with Mr. Ll,ewelyn of Exxon and is satisfied that Mr. Simpson and Exxon have reached agreement on the handling of the pipeline R-O-W. Mr. Simpson confirms this. He has nothing in writing. 4) Bost reads Raney's comments (herewith attached). Attach 5) Discussion ensued as to whether Mr. Simpson has complied #2 with Zoning Ordinance and the direction of the Board of Adjustment. Outcome was that Mr. Simpson complied with Zoning Ordinance as of the time that Board of Adjustment gave him their ruling. The directive of the Board of Adjustment is considered to be outside the purview of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Spears did not agree, saying that Simpson had not met time requirements and this should not be allowed to proceed. b) A ruling on the distance requirement between the Exxon pipeline and the closest building line is the responsibility of the City Council, according to Raney, and should not have a bearing on the Commission's actions. Acting Secretary Shore was requested to send a memo to City Manager Morgan on this subject. 7) Phillips moved, Fossler seconded, that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of Mr. Simpson's apartment project plans insofar as these plans having met the requirments of the Zoning Ordinance as it was written as of September 24, 1974 (date of letter from Board of Adjustment to Simpson). MOTION PASSED, 4-1; Spears against, Raney abstaining. 0 I FPZC-M--1--17-74 4. REZONING a) Dow pipeline - Request to rezone for specific use. 1) Presentation by R. A. Dudney, Dow Chemical 3636 Richmond Ave, Houston, Tex ?7027 James R. Ansell, 504 lst Hutchings -Sealy National Bank Building, Galveston, 77550. 2) Lengthy discussion ensued between property owners, mainly from Village Green, and Mr. Dudney. Clyde Raney was present, remainder of Commission having withdrawn to City Manager's office to discuss subdivision status. 3) No specific action taken regarding zoning change. Dow representatives were requested to: a) Submit a proposal of adjustment of pipeline to meet City needs as to water, sewers, streets, etc., at Dow's expense. b) Determine distances from dwellings to pipeline (not easement) along proposed pipeline route. They were also informed that from time of application of zoning change request to final action could take as long as twelve weeks or longer. The Dow representatives stated that this posed no problems. 4) Dow representatives will confer with City administration as to citizens to be notified and cost of application. Date for hearing will be set later. b) Woodlawn Herita e office complex 1) Presentation by James Gartrell, Jr. P. 0. Box 382 La Marque, Texas Ray Utley, for Clint Hackney 2) Gartrell presented: a) Two sets of plans Action b) Application for zoning change (No fee was paid.) 3) Discussion followed. Phillips requested that developers give some thought to a form of sign control. They agreed to do so. Gartrell stated that a 2J foot easement for utilities was granted along Heritage to match the National Investors' easement. He plans to apply for building permit prior to zoning change so as to be ready if and when change is approved. No objections were raised as far as plans were concerned. 4) No action taken. $. SUBDIVISIONS a) Greenbriar Section II 1) Presentation by, James Gartrell, Jr. FPZC-M-1-17-74 4 2) Gartrell stated that right-of-way is granted on plat so as to eliminate offset on Castlewood. Utility Superintendent Toon,' who was present, stated that he had no objection but that the City budget will not allow the street and/or utilities to be moved in the near future, The A ting Secretary was requested to write a letter to the City Council advising them of the dedication of the Right-of-way. 3) No action taken. Subject will be placed on agenda for next week. b) Heritage Estates, Section II. Not on agenda. No action requested or taken. Mr. Gartrell left two copies of plat. Requested to be placed on agenda next week. 6. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS 1) Chairman Bost ..announced at 10:15 that Commission was going into closed session to discuss questions regarding personnel. 2) Interview. with Robert Atkinson, consulting engineer, followed. Mr. Atkinson presented program for establishing new master plan (zoning, streets, drainage, etc.) for City, based on previous studies and reflecting current situation. (Program herewith attached as part of minutes.) 3) Chairman Bost announced at 11s40 that Commission was returning to "open" meeting status. 4) MOT10N WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Raney, that the Commission retain Robert Atkinson as a consultant to the Planning and Zoning Commission and to implement generally the program as outlined in the attachment, with tha attachment serving as a basis for salary and program goals. MOTION PASSED unanimously, Fossler abstaining. Chairman Bost will discuss this matter with City Manager Morgan and will inform the City administration of the arrangement. 7. ADJOURNMENT At 12s00 Fossler moved, Raney seconded, to adjourn;. Motion passed unanimously. ' ng Secretary ` Approved iy alob &I'l-YGt-w (d l ` 7y�, Attachments: 1) Raney's comments on Simpson's project. 2) Copy of memo to City Manager concerning Simpson/Exxon pipeline distance requirement. 3) Plans for Woodlawn/Heritage office 4) Application for zoning change for 5) Plat for Heritage Estates, Section 6) Copy of letter to City Council res 7) Atkinson's planning proposal. complex. woodlawn/Heritage complex. II. Greenbriar II R-O-W . FPZ C-M--1-24- 74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISS10N January 24, 1974 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall on Thursday, January 24, 1974. Vice -Chairman Tracy Spears presided in the absence of Chairman C. C. Bost. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Kenneth Fossler Bob Phillips Clyde Raney James B. Shore C. C. Bost, Chairman Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. AUDIENCE Those signing the attendance roster were: Bob Carpenter, Friendswood News Tom and Robin Manison, Camp Manison, 482-1251 George and Ann Sevaty, Camp Manison Bob White,Camp Manison Edsel Buchanan, 808 Lochmoor, 482-7262 Wanda Yancey, 206 Whitehall, 482-2344 Tom Roach, 1206 Winding Way, 482-2781 Geraldine Knight, Workman-Banfield Realty, 482-3411 1. MINUTES January 17, 1974 2. INFORMATION REPORTS - Approved with the following Correction: (by Raney) Page 2, first sentence: City Attorney B. J. Hooks, not City Manager. A. Statuss Quaker Drive R-O-W. No action. B. Subdivision Ordinance. Has passed First Reading. C. Sign Ordinance. No new action reported. D. Flood Insurance Ordnance. Waiting for City Engineer's comments. E. Rezoning of High Sphool. No new action reported. F. Rezoning of other FISD property. No new action reported. G. Rezoning of City -pro-pe ies. No new action reported. H. Rezoning of Cecil Brown 16 acres to C-1. No new action. I. Rezoping oos Fire Station_Site•(Sunset and W. Edgewood.) No action. J. Rezoning to Specific Use Crown Central -Request 4. Passed first reading on January 21. K. Rezoning to Specific Use Autumn HillsRest Home. Passed third and final reading on January 21. L. Rezoning -to Wood -Whitaker Tract. Passed third and final reading on January 21. At the time of passage, Councilman Windler expressed the sentiment that he would like to see a comprehensive plan presented by the Commission. That he was not in favor of requests for rezoning to Commercial Use coming in bit by bit. M. Heritage Estates, Section One �. Has been recorded. N. Coward Creek S/D. Not yet filed. Waiting on deed restrictions. 0. M-ugtane Meadows Ste. ?. FPZC-M-1-24-74 (Information Reports -continued) 2 P. Polly Ranch S/D. Approved by Council January 7, 1974. Plat had been filed in County Clerk's Office in September without signature of Council or Planning Commission Secretary. Mrs. North appeared at this meeting to protest approval until certain areas were complied with. A copy of the plat as filed and copies of the legal instruments accompanying the Attach Court Order, as well as the Court Order were subsequently #1 given to the Secretary for Commission files. Q. Dow Pipeline. The Secretary reported that representatives of Village Green (Hoff"and others) would like to meet with the Commission before the hearing. It was the feeling of the Commission that there was a possibility that the citizens might come before the Commission to voice opposition and ACTION then not come to the hearing. However, the representatives may request to be on the agenda if they still wish to be heard. R. Amoco Pipeline. North expressed the feeling that the Commission should contact Amoco, since Amoco has not initiated action. Raney felt that Amoco's letter stated that they were aware of City Ordinances. No action taken. S. National Investor's Hedge. No new developments. T. Statuss Illegal signs ' - The Secretary reported on a letter received from Tony Banield protesting a request to remove a Attach sign advertising Salem Square Apartments on the basis of what #20 he considered a questionable interpretation of the zoning ordinance by one of the Commission members and also citing the existence of several other signs near the Salem Square sign. This letter was sent to the City Manager, not the Commission, and was read at the last Council meeting. No action was taken by Council. Spears asked if all the sign owners got letters. Fossler would like a copy of the letter which was sent out. The Secretary will get this information. ACTION V. Any other information reports. None. U. School Bus Barn. No new action reported. W. Access Control - Phillips. No report. Has THD info from Sec'y file. X. Architectural Control - Spears. Has Santa Fe ordinance. Y. Fire Zones - North. No report. 74-A..Open Meetings law and open records law. Report skipped in interest of time. 74-B. Illegal trailers. No new action reported. 74-C. Greenbriar S D. Section ONe, 74-D. Simpson Apartments. Mr. Simpson appeared before Council on January 21, requesting permission to build his apartments. He was told -that he had not complied with the Board of Adjustment's requirements in time and Council did not have the authority to give him approval. 74-E. Rezoning request: Woodlawn/Heritage Office complex.-R-1 to C-1. Recommendation to rezone needs to be'given to the City Secretary by the Commission Secretary. 74-F. Dunbar Estates Bridge. The Secretary reported that she had observed the Dunbar Estates bridge during recent flooding after hearing two complaints. She found that the water was going over and around the bridge. That a large pipe against the downstream side of the bridge was trapping debri and seemed to be contributing to a backing up of water. Also, fill.seemed to have been added underneath the ends of the bridge in the original stream banks. Spears thought the bridge had been planned to be above flood levels. North replied that it had not been, that water seemed about four to six inches higher on the upstream side. No action needed. None taken. 3 �. HEARING- SUNSET DRIVE EXTENSION FPZC-1-24-74 Mr. Spears called the hearing to order at 8:10 P.M. He stated that each speaker would be given five minutes initially to speak and that it was usual for the opponents of the proposal to speak first. He asked the audience if any were opposed to the extension and wished to speak. Tom Manison. Mr. Tom Manison, owner of Camp Manison, through which the southerly extension of Sunset would run, spoke first. he stated that he wished to go on record as being opposed. He gave a background on the camp. In Houston there are now only four major corporation picnic areas. Camp Manison is one of two that can take care of 1000 or more people. In the Camp itself, the major improvements are on the east side of the proposed road. He stated that a road through the middle would put him out of business, since children would have to cross a boulevard to get to trail areas or camping. He also granted that the extension would probably increase the value of his real estate, but was not his interest. He said that he understood that one of the Commission's objectives was to keep the density of housing low and that having 175 acres of camp area contributed to that goal. Raney asked if another location of the road through Camp Manison would work the same hardship. Mr. Manison answered that running the road through the "back" side of the property would still be a hardship, but that he would not object to that location. He repeated that the present proposal would put him out of business. Mr. Manison also felt that where the bridge was located which would take Sunset across Chigger Creek there existed about 100 yards widthwise that floods, which would make for an expensive bridge. Mr. Spears asked if there was anyone Ise who wished to speak. There was no response from the audience. Bob Atkinson. Since the Commission's new Planning Consultant was present, he was asked his opinion. Since Mr. Atkinson had not seen the proposal before, his suggestions were to be taken as tentative, but he suggested (1) that the curve south of the intersection with F. M. 528 be flattened, and (2) that Sunset could be broughtinto the intersection at F. M. 518, possibly paralleling the pipeline easement, and (3) that F. M. 518 from the north could then be curved into what would then be Sunset to meet it at a right angle near the intersect! intersection. This could be done in stages, which the original proposal could not do. The connection of F.M. 518 to Sunset could be made in one stage development, the widening of the thoroughfare in another stage, and flattening the curve in another. Also, this suggestion would shorten the paving required and would not necessitate another bridge across Chigger Creek. Mr. Manison asked to be notified of any future meetings on Sunset. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Phillips, that no action be taken as a result of the hearing until a more intensive study of traffic control is undertaken with our Planning Consultant. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. FPZC-M-1-24-74 4 4. BUILDING PERMITS (815o P.M.) Ron's Crispy Mr. Jim Gawlick, architect, appeared to present Chicken more questions regarding set -back in a Commercial Zone on a corner. He believed that there was a contradiction in the Zoning Ordinance between Pages nine and ten regarding the definition of "yard" and page 37, note b under C-1, which he thought could be a typographical error. A discussion followed. Mr. Spears took a poll of the Commission to see if the Commission agreed that Mr. Gawlick would either have to accept the thirty foot set --back off Shadowbend or seek a variance. Spears, Phillips, Raney and North agreed. Fossler had no opinion. The discussion continued. Mr. Spears informed Mr. Gawlick that he would have to accept the thirty foot set -back or go to the Board of Adjustment for a variance. Mr. Gawlick questioned if the City Attorney were available for an opinion. He was again advised that he should ask Mr. Cline the procedure to go to the Board of Adjustment. 5. REZONING REQUESTS None on agenda. 6. SUBDIVISIONS (9:22 P.M.) Pine Shadows Preliminary Plans of Pine Shadows were presented (Roach) by Tom Roach, owner. No contour line was shown, the Commission agreed that they had told Mr. Roach this would not be necessary. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Phillips, that the preliminary plans be approved. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Greenbriar II Neither of these subdivisions were ready. Heritage II 7. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS "Movie" sign Mr. Spears presented a request for a sign that had been referred to the Commission by Mr. Cline. After some discussion about what was meant by some of the description of the sign, it was suggested by Mr. Spears that the theater owners should be present to present details. Optimist Club Another referral from Mr. Cline concerned a Sign request from the Optimist Club to add a sign to the Chamber of Commerce sign on the northerly edge of the City on F. M. 518. It was determined that the location of this sign is actually in Pearland and Mr. Cline was to be so informed. 5 FPZC-M-1-24-74 "Access" standards Planning Consultant Atkinson presented a proposal for Driveway, Sidewalk, and Parking Lot standards, presenting copies to all Commission members. He suggests that this be incorporated into the Building Code. He has talked to the Texas Highway Department in regard to the construction on 518. They tell him that for curbed streets in the City, the City gives final permission for curb cuts. If it is included in the Building Code, that City can permit or not permit curb cuts. He will bring drawings and exhibits to accompany the worded standards next week. Curb cuts (518) Spears asked who was determining the location of the curb cuts on 518 now. Atkinson replied that the lot owner probably was. Phillips asked if he were suggesting that all come before the Planning Commission. Atkinson replied that he was making the suggestion because someone needs to make the decision. Perhaps the residential permits could be handled by Mr. Cline and the Commercial by the Commission. Raney asked about residences on State Highways, stating that he was not sure he wanted to give up all residential. Atkinson suggested that we might require that residences on major highways arranged their drives so that they do not have to back out. Mr. Cline could handle this, perhaps. Need for concrete Fossler stated that he thought the seven items figures listed were great, but that concrete numbers were needed. More items could be handled by the administrative if concrete numbers were given. Atkinson said that these will be presented next meeting. Mr. Atkinson stated that adoption of these standards would give flexibity to the Commission (or Mr. Cline). The City would not be bound to give as many access drives as the lot owner might want. The City would not have to grant an access every twenty feet, but jest enough to give reasonable access. Parking stripes Atkinson stated that the City needs to require people to stripe their parking lots. Problems with existing facilities we can't do anything about, but when the facilities are enlarged, we could make the requirement for striping. He stated that usually remodeling over a certain percent (of cost) requires a building permit. Phillips asked where the building permit lists that the Commission used to get were. He wonders if permits were issued for the improvements at places like Gil's T.V. The Secretary will obtain. Curb cuts (518) Atkinson stated that he is supposed to be getting copies of the construction plan for 518 from the Highway Department. He will give recommendations to us for curb cuts. FPZC-IVI-1-24-74 M Woodlawn-Heritage The question of the rezoning for W oodlawn-Heritage Rezoning Office complex was raised. The Secretary had not included it on the agenda since the fee for the rezoning had not been received by the agenda deadline. The Commission felt that the hearing should be called. MOTION WAS MADE by Phillips, seconded by Fossler, to set the hearing for March 7, 8 P.M., for the rezoning request to change the Woodlawn-Heritage tract from R-1 to C-1. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Ron's Crispy (11:07) Mr. Gawlick requested additional time. Chicken He was permitted to present his argument again. No action was taken. Election of It was agreed to hold the Commission's election of Officers officers on February 21. Kids Day In response to a request from Police officer Williams the Commission agreed to cooperate in holding a "Kid's Day" in the near future. Name plates The Secretary suggested that the Commission needs identifying name plates since more and more of the people appearing before us are not from Fri_endswood and are not acquainted with the Commissioners. This was brought to her attention recently when one of the people who appeared before the Commission asked who the man was in the middle called "Red." (Chairman C. C. Bost was the correct answer.) The Secretary volunteered to make some signs. Spears also volunteered that he could get some plastic ones. Books The Secretary reminded the Commission that three of them have books out which need to be brought back and passed around. "Mr. Planning Commissioner" was given to Fossler. Amoco Raney told the Commission he was meeting with Amoco Monday at 3 P.M. regarding gathering lines is any of the Commission were interested. 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business brought before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned. Xlal Secretary Approved: ��%�� FPZC-M-1 -31 -74 Since January 31, 1974 was the fifth Thursday of the month, no meeting was held. Secretary FPZC-M-2-4-74 S P-EM MINUTES OF A SPECIAL EMERGENCY MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION February 4.1 A special emergency meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning L Commission was held at the Friendswood City Hall on Monday, February 4, 1974, at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of calling a hearing in regard to a Specific Use Permit for the route of the Amoco Pipeline's Proposed Alvin Station to Webster Junction 16-inch Pipeline Crossing the City of Friendswood, Texas. An emergency meeting was necessitated by the need to meet the deadline for getting the public notice in this week's newspaper in order to hold the hearing as soon as possible. Notice for the meeting setting forth the reasons for the emergency was posted at 11:45 o'clock A.M. on February fourth, meeting the statutory requirements for the public announcement of such an emergency meeting. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Kenneth Fossler Bob Phillips Clyde Raney Jim Shore Copies of the letter dated January 28, 1974 to Mayor Lowe from W. W. White, Project Manager for Amoco were passed out by the Secretary and discussed, as was the map submitted by Amoco. Clyde Raney asked if the map included profiles. None were located. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that a hearing be called at the earliest possible date, February 28, at 8 P.M. to consider a Specific Use Permit for the hereinbefore mentioned pipeline route. MOTION PASSED unanimously. Further discussion followed. North noted that the City would need legal calls before the ordinance is passed. She would like to see the blanket easement through the R. Hoppel survey defined as an easement with a finite width. Raney questioned whether the company would be willing to do this. Ken Toon, Water Superintendent appeared to inform the C.ommission of the location of the main water line in Quaker's Landing. He stated that he had informed a young man from the oil company of the location of this line, which he feels is being crowded by the proposed pipaine and would very likely be dmaged when the pipeline was dug. Bost felt that there would be problems if the waterline were within three feet of the pipeline, which appears possible. Raney has a copy of the Dow pipeline proposal and also took copy #1 of 2 (3?) of the Amoco proposal.. There being no further business on the agenda, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M. r` Secretary Approved: _ �! -21- 7 q�rp�ck/- FPZC-2-7-74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION February 1974 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City H111, 109 East Willowick, on Thursday, February 7, 1974. Chairman C. C. Bost was absent, so Vice -Chairman Tracy Spears called the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Spears, Vice-chairman Leah North, Secretary Clyde Raney Kenneth Fossler Bob Phillips Jim Shore MEMBERS ABSENT C. C. Bost, Chairman AUDIENCE Ray Price, 4801 Richmond Ave., Houston, 621-9372 Charles D. Wilson, Architect, 4901 Richmond, 621-4621 Bernard Brooks, 621-17$3 Tom Roach, 1206 Winding Way Ken Yowell Jim and Dixie Gartrell Van Williams Jim Gawlik 1. MINUTES January 24, 1974 - Approved with correction of a typographical error. January 31, 1974 - No meeting was held because it was a fifth Thursday. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS Postponed until later in order to hear from National Investors. 3. BUILDING PERMITS Weiner Store Bernard Brooks, Attorney, Charles D. Wilson, Expansion Architect, and Ray Price appeared to speak for ($:00 P.M.) National Investors. Mr. Brooks explain that they (National have a lease with Weiners Department store. W einers Investors) needs expansion of storage facilities which would necessitate moving fifty feet of wall out to line up with the wall closest to Heritage Drive. Hedge He explained that they would comply with the maintenance agreement on the hedge, would install 36" vibernum japonicas, and dig out the asphalt on a two -foot strip. They would like to wait on this, however, until any expansion work is done. Mr. Dave Wilson, who stated that he had been retained in the last month or so by National Investors, (as an architect) stated that National Investors is planning to clean out the ditch. He was told to talk to Mr. Heaney in regard to the grades. FPZC-M-2-7--74 2 Access The location of the middle access drive on Heritage was discussed. This must be used by trucks loading at Weiners. The final concensus was that, if placed opposite the "mall" area, it could be used for pedestrian/ bicycle traffic as well as for drivers dropping off people to go to the movie. Expansion The main reason for their attendance, however, was to (8.30 P.M.) discuss the possibility of expanding the Weiners store. Since they are proposing to move fifty feet of wall to within six feet of the property line, instead of the thirty that is required, they were informed 'that they would have to obtain a variance from the Board of Adjustment. The Commission would make a recommendation to the Board of Adjustment, however. Spears and North felt that the expansion might be acceptable if the "backside" of the building were approved in appearance. Shore felt expansion would simply compound the mistake that was made in the first place by allowing them to build part of their wall so close to the property line. Mr. Wilson suggested a porcelain enamel faschia board which would extend down from the roof. This would not be a mansard shape, but would be flat to blend better with the rest of the center. Spears mentioned the problem of covering the wires. Raney suggested the need for something to break up the long blank expanse. It is possible that the hedge and the faschia board suggested may solve the entire problem. day National Investors had a 130/limit, of which 30 days has already passed to plan and construct the Weiner Store. The Commission felt that Mr. Wilson could bring back a drawing of the suggested "beautification" project during the period required for the Board of Adjustment to post notice of their hearing on the variance. The Commission agreed to permit Mr. Wilson to appear at a meeting next week, at which time he will present a proposed elevation. Mr. Brooks summarized our meeting as coverin four points: (1) Entrance loaction agreed upon, new plants to be installed,(3) ditch to be cleaned out, (4) facade is unresolved. 4. REZONING REQUESTS W oodlawn/ Since calling of hearing had not appeared on last Heritage weeks offical agenda, it was necessary to repeat the (9315 P.M.) action taken last week. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Fossler, to call a hearing for March 7 at BP.M. to consider the rezoning request to change the Woodlawn-Heritage tract from R-1 to C-1. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, FPZC--M-2-7-74 (Rezoning Requests - continued) Attach City Park The Secretary read a request received from the City #2 area Manager requesting that the Commission initiate proceedings for rezoning the recently purchased park property from C-1 to Specific Use: Parks, Recreation, and Youth Councselling (or words that would acheive the same purpose) and to also initiate proceedings to rezone the adjacent approximate two acres from C-1 to Specific Use; City Administration, Fire, and Police Facilities. A legal description will be submitted to the Commission. Since the item was not on the agenda, the Commission could not proceed to call the hearing, but agreed that it should be placed on the agenda of a meeting to be held next week. j. SUBDIVISIONS Attach Pine Shadows Mr. Tom Roach was present to hear his final linen #3,#4 (9:25) considered. This had been submitted to the City Manager on February 1 for consideration tonight. The letter from the City Manager indicated that the plat had been approved by Mr. Toon and Mr. Heaney. The depth of the existing sewer line (outside the subdivision) was indicated as causing a large expenditure by the City when the sewer taps were made. The consensus of the Commission was that this would have to be accepted by the City. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Phillips, that the Final Plat as presented be approved. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. The one copy of the linen and the red -lined copy of the proposed preliminary plat were returned to the City Manager's office. Longwood Park Mr. Ken Yowell was present for discussion. The Section III Secretary having neglected to include this on the (9-32) agenda, there was no objection that it be handled as a routine business item since it is pre -application information. The number of lots shown on the original Longwood Park Section Three as proposed when Section One was filed indicated ten lots. Mr. Yowell had changed this to twelve. Plans have been approved by the Attach City Engineer and Water Superintendent. MOTION WAS MADE by Phillips, seconded by North that the pr-e-preliminary plans be approved. because Mr. Raney objected to approval/the sketch did not include a location map. MOTION PASSED, 4-2. For: Spears, Fossler, Phillips, North. Against: Shore, Raney. FPZC-M-2-7-74 4 Mr. Yowell asked if he would be able to finish the first 250' of Thomas Drive extension, completing the rest of the 500' later. He was advised to submit the subdivision in two sections if this was his plan. A discussion followed as to whether he could submit his preliminary plans to the City Manager or whether he needed to submit them to the Commission. Shore noted that the Plat Approval Procedure indicated "to the Planning Commission." North said this procedure had not been followed with Mr. Gartrell, although she favored submitting the plans to the Commission so that the Commission is not hit cold with a subdivision. No resolution. Greenbriar ZI Mr. Jim Gartrell was present to discuss approval of (9=55 P•M•) Greenbriar Subdivision, SEction 11. Raney questioned whether a deed had yet been submitted for the H-O-W being given on Castlewood at the Sunset Attach intersection. Gartrell felt that the dedication of #6 the plat would take care of this, but North pointed out that the heavy lines surrounding the subdivision do not include the area of the R-O-W. Therefore she did not think dedication of the plat would include any area outside the plat such as the R-O-W in this instance. Council is requesting R-O-W dedication, according to letter from City Manager. Sunset R-O-W. No additional width had been given on Sunset. North felt that an additional twenty feet should be given, since the Commission had been considering Sunset as an arterial. Gartrell felt that ten feet should be taken off of the adjacent existing subdivision of Imperial Gardens. It was pointed out to him that this would bring the R-O-W close to existing homes within the subdivision. Ditch. Gartrell stated that they will take care of the main drainage ditch when they develop section 111, This was in response to a question by North about bringing in such small sections one at a time, when the main drainage problem occurred in the sixth and last section. Castlewood seweg. North questioned whether the sewer on Castlewood would service the lots across Castlewood, since she objected to the City's having to lay a redundant line on the other side of the street. Gartrell stated that this line would service homes sixty feet back on the other side. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Phillips, that approval be given to the preliminary plans of Grennbriar II. MOTION PASSED 6-1, North dissenting because of the lack of additional R-O-W on Sunset. 5 FPZC -M-2 -7-- 74 Heritage Estates Mr. Gartrell objectedfhe fact that he had just II received a copy of the agenda today which indicated (10:25) that Heritage II had not been included on the agenda by the Secretary since the plans had not been received as requested by the City Manager by last Friday afternoon. Mr. Gartrell was of the opinion that all the profiles of all the sections had been approved and signed prior to the approval of Section I. Mrs. North stated it was her understanding that Mr. Gartrell had been requested to bring in the plans which he wanted approved, since only one copy had been found in the Planning Commission's file and this did not tally with the one copy in the City Engineer's file which Mr. Heaney had received last July. Mr. Gartrell said he had not been asked to bring in additional Heritage II plats and plans. He did agree to bring the City Manager another set if he did not have one and later said he would bring in profiles for the Planning Commission Files. He was still of the impression, however, that Mr. Toon, Mr. Heaney and the Plarning Commission has all approved the utilites previously. Copies of the plat, which Mr. Gartrell had brought for the Commission, were retrieved by Mr. Gartrell. 6. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Fire Station Mr. Van Williams of the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Plans Department presented a sketch showing the proposed (lo:4o) layout of the new fire station as it would be located on the two acre tract adjacent to the newly acquired park land on the corner of F. M. 518 and Winding Way. This location was agreed upon Monday night by the City Council as the location for the station after the proposed location at Sunset and Edgewood was rejected because of design problems. He asked for the Commission's suggestions regarding set -back, etc. Considerable discussion followed. Fossler felt that the sketch presented was inadequate to make a judgement from. He wanted to see a sketch showing the relationship to adjacent land, roads, etc. Spears felt that the City Council should present its overall plan for the tract, including the location of additional City buildings which Council may wish to locate there. North, who may have lost her objectivity here because she is also a volunteer fireman, expressed the opinion that if this last suggestion were taken it would be another two years'delay, which she did not think was fair to the volunteer Fire Department. FPZC-M-2-7-74 (Fire Station - e continued) The reason for the need for action tonight by the Commission was because the City Council wants to sign the contract with the low bidder this coming Monday night. After more discussion, the consensus of the Commission seemed to be as follows: (1) Set -back. Sixty feet as a minimum. Fossler felt that the building should be set back as far as possible from an appearance stand -point as well as the practical one considered - that an aerial ladder truck should be able to sit in frontof the building without obstructing vision around the curve. (2) The Fire Department should have exclusive use of the driveway. North also mentioned that, according to the Zoning Ordinance, twenty --two parking spaces were required. Not discussed were driveway width or facade. Leon Brown It was brought to the Commission's attention that, Esoteric Art although on April 26, 1974 the Commission recommended Center approval of a building permit for the Esoteric Art (11215) Center on condition that (1) future parking arrangements were to be approved at a later date, (2) all additional parking was to be off-street, and (3) the parking arrangement was to be approved by the Planning Commission prior to approval of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance, what appears to be concrete parking space has been poured at the Center. The Secretary this building the building restrictions. 7. .INFORMATION REPORTS was directed to notify Mr. Cline that Attach was to come back before the Commission, #7 permit having been issued with U. School bus barn. Construction having been begun again, North filed an appeal to the Board of Agjustment with Mr. Cline last Tuesday morning. The School Board was requested by the Commission on December third, 1973, to furnish the Commission with the legal calls for the land so that rezoning could be initiated by the Commission. To date this information has not been received. 0. Mustang Meadows. A report that the tract once designated as "Mustang Meadows" is being sold off by metes and bounds is being investigated. E. Rezoning of High School. The Secretary was directed to send a memo to the Clty Manager requesting that this action, recommended last March by the Commission, proceed. Attac F. Rezoning of other FISD properties. See "U" above. # 2 8. ADJOURNMENT rPzc-M-2-7-74 There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11s35 P.M. A special meeting is to be held next week. Secretary ,/ Approved: "Z 7 i a'2' t? tl� W, FPZC-M-2-14-74 Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION February 14, 1924 A special meeting was held by the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission on February 14, 1974, for the purpose of calling a hearing regarding the rezoning of 12.5 acres more or less recently acquired by the City of Friendswood at the most northerly intersection of Winding Way and South Friendswood Drive, and for the purpose of considering a National Investors' proposal for the expansion and improvement of the Heritage Drive facade of the Captain's Corner shopping center. Chairman C. C. Bost called the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Kenneth Fossler Clyde Raney Jim Shore MEMBERS ABSENT Bob Phillips AUDIENCE Chris Perner, 506 Fairdale Rd., 482-7079 Fred McAllister, 18222 Barbuda Lane, 333-3590 1. CALLING OF HEARING Motion was made to call a hearing for March 21 at 8 P.M. regarding the rezoning of the 10.5 acres and the 2.0 acres. Fossler noted that the Zoning Ordinance permitted public parks in R-1 Single-family residential zones and since R-1 uses are permitted in all other districts, he questioned the need to rezone the 10.5 acres for a public park. The other members of the Commission concurred. MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Fossler that a hearing be called for March 21, 1974 at 8 P.M. to consider the rezoning of a two acre tract out of the 12.5 acres recently acquired by the City of Friendswood at the intersection of South Friendswood Drive and Winding Way from C-1 Commercial to Specific Use: City Government Administration, Fire, Ambulance, and Police Facilities. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0, Raney being absent. 2. NATIONAL INVESTORS EXPANSION Raney arrived. Mr. Dave Wilson, architect, and Mr. Ray Price, property manager for National Investors were present to present a proposal for the expansion and beautification of the Heritage facade of the Captain's Corner shopping center. Three copies of the proposal were presented to the Commission. Considerable discussion followed. Fossler brought up the deplorable condition of the asphalt paving and was assured that the maintenance man for National Investors was in the process of taping bids for repair of the asphalt. It was agreed that the Board of Adjustment would have to grant a variance for the moving of the wall nearer to the street, but that the Planning Commission could give the Board a recommendation. FPZC-M-2-14-?4 2 Special (National Investors - continued) MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Raney, that the Commission recommend to the Board of Adjustment approval be given to the extenrsion of the Weiners Department store as shown in the sketch presented with the restrictions as follows: (1) A flat mansard is to extend the entire length of the building on the Heritage side. (2) A two root minimum of black topis to be removed inside the property line. (3) The hedge is to be replanted. (4) A concrete six-inch curb is to be installed between the asphalt and the hedge. (5) Bicycle racks and plantings are to be installed in the mini. -mall. (6) The middle entrance on the Heritage side is to be aligned with the mall. MOTION TO AMEND was made by Shore, seconded by North, by eliminating the item referring to the hedge. Shore felt that this item was already taken care of through previous actions of the Commission and City Council. MOTION TO AMEND PASSED unanimously. MAIN MOTION (minus item #3) PASSED, 5--1, Shore dissenting because he felt that allowing the additional building within six feet of the property line on Heritage compounded an existing problem. Bost requested that the utility department (Ken Toon) be contacted in regard to the location of the waterline prior to installation of the hedge. North had no objection to this, but felt that the decision should be brought back to the Commission, since the Commission had gone through this location process once before. Mr. Wilson agreed to check with Mr. Toon and come back before the Commission. 3. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the agenda, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 P.M. A workshop with Clyde Raney discussion pipelines and Bob Atkinson, Planning Consultant followed. Secretary Approved /^ %VG,,,-, Di FPZC-M-2-21--74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOO D PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION February 21, 1974 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at the Friendswood City Hall on Thursday, February 21, 1974. Chairman C. C. Bost presided, calling the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT C. C. Bost, Chairman None Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Kenneth Fossler Bob Phillips Clyde Raney James B. Shore AUDIENCE Those signing the register were'' George Biscamp, Box 796, League City, 332-2122. Fred McAllister, 18222 Barbuda, Nassau Bay, 333-3590. W. F. Revely, 4127 Clovernook Lane, Seabrook, 474-4535. Chris Perner, 506 Fairdale Road, 482-7079. 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. February 4, 1974 - Approved as presented. February 7, 1974 - Approved as presented. February 14, 1974 - Approved as presented. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS. B. Subdivision Ordinance. Passed by City Council on February 18, 1974. C. Sign Ordinance. Raney stated that he had read the Denver Ordinance and it is even stricter than what we had proposed. He feels that it would be defensible here, and that we need to find out why the feeling of the Council is what it is. D. Flood Insurance Ordinance. North stated that this had been in the City Engineer's hands for some time now and that as soon as she can re -read it, it can be presented to Council. ACTION E. Rezoning of High School. City had taken no action. Secretary was directed to Attach notify the City again and ask for an answer. #1 F. Rezoning of other FISD pro2erty_. No action from FISD. Secretary was directed to remind them again with a letter signed by the Chairman. G. Rezoning of City properties. The Commission needs to set a date for the public hearing on the Municipal Site. H. Rezoning of Cecil Brown 16 acres to C-1. There was discussion of the proper I. Rezoning of Fire Station Site. action to be taken on this. Shore FPZC-M-2-21-74 2 Information Reports (continued) questioned what the status of the Master Plan of Coward Creek Subdivision would be now that the rezoning is not going through. N. Coward Creek Subdivision. This subdivision has still not been filed, although it was approved last June. No deed restrictions have been received by the City. 0. Mustang Meadows S/D. It was agreed that this item could be eliminated from'the list. P. Polly Ranch S/D. Developers of Polly Ranch a^e conferring with the City Council in regard to the agreement concerning sewers. Q. Dow Pipeline. A letter needs to be sent to Dow stating that we have not yet received the necessary application for Specific Use. R. Amoco Pipeline. Public hearing for rezoning to Specific Use has been called for the twenty-eighth. S. National Investor's Hedge. Can be dropped from information reports. T. I1.legal signs. Action by City unknown. Secretary directed to request a written report on status. Copies of request to City Council. U. School Bus Barn. A general discussion of how the bus barn came to be approved at its present location took place. U. Any other information reports. None. 1974 A. 0 en meetings law and open records law. The Secretary will run copies for the Commission. B. Illegal trailers. There is a notice of Board of Adjustment hearing in regard to this scheduled for next Thursday. A discussion on enforcement or lack of enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance followed. Questions of whether a variance is provided for this problem and whether a variance can be legally granted by the Board of Adjustment were raised, but not answered. At this point the City Manager arrived and gave us some additional information. 1973-A. Status: Quaker Drive R-0 41 interruption. The City Manager stated that he had been unable to contact Mr. Kallur, who owns the lot now. The Secretary stated that the minutes reflected that Dr. Fairleigh had promised to acquire the ten feet for the City. U. School bus barn. They are building again. The first complaint against them in regard to set -back) was satisfied by the granting of a variance by the Board of Adjustment. The second complaint involved improper zoning. Nothing has come in on application for rezoning. ACTION Attach ACTION Attach # *361-. ACTION Attach # T. Illegal Signs. _ Mr. Cline has received from telephoned replies, but no follow-upACTION has been made. A report will be given next week. 1974-C. Greenbriar S/D. Section One. The City Manager thinks this was filed the same date as Heritage Estates in January. 3 FPZC-M-2-21-74 Information Reports (continued) ACTION 1974-H. Esoteric Art Center - Zoning Violation. Mr. Brown was sent a letter by the City Zoning Administrator after he had poured the concrete. The City Manager said that he would follow up on this. North asked him if he needed a memo. He said this was not necessary. D. Simpson Apartments. Raney asked the current status. He was told that Mr. Mr. Simpson has contacted the Board of Adjustment. G. Pine Shadows Subdivision. In hands of City Council, but was not put on agenda. 3. BUILDING PERMITS Biscamp: Mr. George Biscamp, of Biscamp Consturction Company was in Mustang Auto attendance to present a drawing of a metallic building to be Parts used as an auto parts house. This would be located at the (8:25) corner of West Spreading Oaks and South'Friendswood Drive. He has in mind setting it back fifty or sixty feet. Lot size is 100 feet by 150 feet. The building would be approximately fifty by sixty and set five feet off the lot line. He does own another lot next to the corner lot, which is 80 feet by 100 feet. Actual depth of these lots is 290 feet, but he is inter- ested only in the front 150 feet. He could move this proposed building to the inside lot. Phillips questioned whether 25 feet was sufficient to maneuver in the rear of the building. Fifteen parking spaces are needed at one space for every 200 square feet, according to Fossler. North asked what the color of the mansard was planned to be. Mr. Biscamp answered that it would be mustang blue because the auto parts store was planned as Mustang Auto Parts. "Movie"Sign Mr. Fred McAllister and Mr. Chris Perner presented sketches of (9:00) a proposed sign advertising the Movies. A problem has arisen in that the sign is larger than the fifty square feet allowed in the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Perner stated that the original plan for the sign had included flashing lights, but that it had been agreed that a single molded piece of plastic would be used instead. North questioned the use of red and yellow as colors in the sign, but was told that this was part of the copy right. A discussion followed regarding the proper authority to handle the sign. MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, seconded by North, that the Commission recommend to the Board of Adjustment that a variance be granted to accept the movie sign as presently planned to be erected on the existing poles at the Captian's Corner Shopping Center. MOTION PASSED, 6-1, Fossler dissenting because he questioned whether this should be sent to the Board of Adjustment. McAllister and Perner took the copied of the proposal and will FPZC-M--2-21-74 4 Municipal Site (9:32) Fire Station Theater 4. SUBDIVISIONS have them redrawn Bost will check the redrawn plans. Mayor Lowe was present to discuss changing of the Municipal Site from cne corner of Stevenson Park to the other. He has talked with the Parks and Wildlife Department. They would support this change if the City would write letter requesting it. Mayor Lowe does not want to make the rquest until the Planning Commission and the City Council and the Fire Department say that it is all right. The Commission agreed that changing the site would be preferable. Planning Consultant Atkinson commented that it would be too bad if there were not room in front of the Fire Station to pull the truck out on. Fossler questioned whether the request for building permit had been received by the City. The Secretary had no record that it had. Heritage Estates Heritage Estates, Section Two was presented for Preliminary Section Two Approval by James Gartrell. The Secretary noted that the (9:50) plans had just come in Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Gartrell maintained that he had given plans to the City Manager in January. The Secretary knew of no such plans.Spears noted that Preliminary Plans are to be submitted to the Commission, while Final Plans are to be submitted to the City Manager. Fossler asked if three sets had been delivered. Gartrell says five sets have been delivered so far. Anmemo from Mr. Morgan stated plans were approved by Heaney and Toon. Attach North objected to the length of the block (1700 feet), saying that it was in violation of both the new and the old subdivision ordinances. Spears objected to the objection, stating that this had been decided long ago. MOTION WAS MADE by Phillips, seconded by Spears, that Preliminary Approval be given to Heritage Estates, SEction Two. MOTION PASSED, 5-2. For: Bost, Spears, Phillips, Raney, Fossler. Against: North, Shore. Shore stated that he thought it was time we started following procedure. North voted against because the block was too long and violation of the subdivision ordinance. The attorney will be questioned in regard to the dedication ACTION of the right-of-way. Raney suggested that Mr. Gartrell could help us in redrawing 6. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS the procedures to fit the new ordinance. Gartrell agreed. Raney left (10:40) ETJ Planning The Secretary read a memo from the City Manager dated Feb. 20 concerning the Commission's thought regarding planning in 5 FPZC--M-2--21-74 Attach #) :3 our Harris County ETJ. The City Attorney has informed him that we have the authority to impose our restrictions in both Forest Bend and Wedgewood. He would like for us to discuss the extent of the planning which we would like to initiate in these areas. Action was deferred until the next meeting. 7. PLANNING CONSULTANT Driveway, Sidewalk, Bob Atkinson presented Driveway, Sidewalk and Paqrking Parking Standards standards. These standards were discussed at length, but no (10:45) final action taken. S. ELECTION OF OFFICERS (11:50) Nominations were opened for Chairman. Spears nominated Bost. Fossler moved that nominations be closed, seconded by Phillips. Motion passed unanimously and Bost was acclaimed Chairman. Spears nominated North for Secretary. Shore nominated Spears for Vice -Chairman. Fossler moved, seconded by Phillips, that nominations be closed for Vice -Chairman. Motion passed unanimously and Spears was acclaimed Vice -Chairman. Attach Fossler_moved, seconded by Shore, that nominations be closed for Secretary. #lz Motion passed unanimously and North was acclaimed Secretary. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11:52. Spears returned Zoning Primer. Phillips requested that Building Permit lists be obtained on a more regular basis. � iJ-o �J)_ �-) .2 ') � C, Secretary Approved: �' " FPZC-M-2-28-74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING'OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION February 28 1924 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, on Thursday, February 28, 1974. Chairman C. C. Bost was absent, so Vice -Chairman Tracy presdied, calling the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. In the absence of the Secretary, James Shore served as Secretary. MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Spears, Clyde Raney Bob Phillips Ken Fossler Jim Shore Vice -Chairman MEMBERS ABSENT C, C. Bost, Chairman Leah North, Secretary AUDIENCE A list of those who signed the register is attached. Number:27. 1. MINUTES No minutes of previous meetings were available. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS Po y Ra ch Subdivision. Mrs. Louise Bacon appeared before the Commission to protest what she claims is a violation of the recorded plat of the subdivision. Shore reported on conversation with City Manager Morgan. Morgan has contacted i:ounty and County (Ben Blackledge, building inspector will not issue permits until controversy is cleared up. Spears states that it is his understanding from Ed Stuart, builder, that building permits have been obtained for homes currently being constructed (Lots #7 and #25). Mrs. Bacon says her information from county is that no permits have been issued. City Attorney Hooks stated that if Mrs. Bacon's charges are correct, it appears that the Polly Ranch Subdivision had been replatted without being recorded, which violated County ordinances. 3. HEARINGS-AMOCO PIPELINE-- 8:00 P.M. Amoco represented by: W. W. White, Houston, Texas W. V. Ballew, Jr., Houston, Texas (Law firm of Baker, Botts,) Mayor Ralph Lowe opened discussion --feels that Amoco could force pipeline thru on proposed route, but he,would suggest an alternate route; e.g. leaving proposed routing at Sunset, following Sunset to Greenbriar down Greenbriar and across.518 and Clear Creek on a line roughly along an extension of Greenbriar. He asked that Amoco keep in mind three points: 1) Maximum advantage to City 2) Minimum cost to City 3 Timing of construction to keep inconvenience to City residents to minimum Mr. White and Mr. Btillew responded. They wanted to keep all pipelines in existing corridors for sake of economy and because easement already exists. FPZC-M-2-28-74 2 Spears- No fee has been received for hearing to best of his knowledge. Ballew-Amoco is a responsible company. They will pay required fees. Lowe -City will cooperate, but again asks Amoco to consider alternate route. Ralph Gonzalez -Although it would be difficult to keep Amoco from using existing easement and is not necessarily op osod to it, he is oppoesed to installing lift station on Lot 28 in Quaker's Landing. Amoco should stay within easement and abide by Quaker's Landing deed restrictions. White -Amoco does not own Lot #28, but has option to buy it. Ballew-There will be no lift station - only a valve. Ken Watts, President Quaker's Landing Civic C1ubTCivic Club will oppose action which violates or tends to compormise deed restrictions. White -New line must cross under Clear Creek at 20' below mean sea level. Bulk of excavation will be in Harris County. Amoco will put cut-off valve on both sides of Clear Creek. C9n put Cedar fence around valve in Quaker's Landing. Watts -Is aware of existing easement, but questio s use of lot #28. Is opposed toexposed above -ground valve. A ks if Planning and Zo ning Commission could ask for performance bond to be posted by Amoco. Asks Amoco to minimize construction time and hold size of crews to minimum. Ballew--Lot #28 will not be used for commercial purposes. Might later be sold for residence. White -Amoco had severe engineering problem. Must separate new line from old line as new line goes deeper,in order to prevent old line from falling in. This is reason for needing more room on Lot 28. Ken Toon, City Utility Superintendent -Does not believe "as built" drawings are accurate. Wants ditches "shored" at all times, with utility contractors standing by to prevent disruptions in service. White -Contractors will be standing by. All utility companies contacted as a matter of policy. Ballew-Amoco had considered alternates. Has decided on course which will minimize incomvenience and cost. Sam Vester, resident and developer -Doesn't object to crude oil, but what about other products? At this point, a discussion of pipeline strengths, pressure ratings, products, and regulations ensued. From the discussion, it appears that, although the product could be changed from a liquid to a gas at some later date, it would be impractical to do so because of additional boring and casing which would have to be done under streets and roads. Also, the pressure would have to be reduced to such an extent that it may not be practical to clor gas in this particular pipeline. Richard Summers, resident -Will Amoco replace my fence, repair my pasture, restore my crops? White and Ballew-Company will restore land and fencos and pay for crop damages. Charles Maderer, President, Lori Woods -Will each property holder be contacted? White -Yes. I FPZC-M-2-28-74 Bob Allen, resident -Quakers Landing-Amoco's two existing lines are in bad state of repair -corrosion, etc. Feels that an additional pipeline thru Quaker's Landing will compound the problem. White -Great strides in cathodic protection since those pipelines were laid. Amoco expects many years of trouble -free service from new pipline. Clyde Raney, Commission member- Does Amoco object to a clause in contract, that would allow their lines to be lowered later, at Amoco's expense, to accomodate City utilities? White -If you contemplate such action in foreseeable future, let us know now. We will make necessary changes. Toon-No action contemplated as of now. Hearing recessed at 9115 P.M. 4. ROUTINE BUILDING PERMITS Biscamp Construction Company, George Biscamp. One print of proposed building at F, M. 518 and Spreading Oaks. Discussion centered on appearance at S.E. end of building. Biscamp agreed to incorporate following changes to prepared plans. 1) Expand ingress and egress to 30' on 518. openings adn first opening on Spreading Oaks. Lti,- L"cde_ 2) Mansard color to be of an "earth/tone." 3) Stucco construction on S.E. side, 4) Sidewalk on street frontage. Blueprint of plans were redlined to reflect changes and initialed by Biscamp to change original drawing and mail print to Commission. Based on marked-pu drawings, Fosslwer MOVED, Phillips seconded, that plans be approved. Motion passed 4-1, Raney opposing. Raney wants -Jinal corrected drawing in files before taking action. Red -lined drawing retained in Commission files. 5. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Re -port -from City t Manager (Earlier, when Mrs. Bacon had appeared, Spears asked if the City can ask the County to withhold building permits until the City had accepted subdivision improvements, etc. Morgan feels that it can.) 1)County has tentatively agreed to withhold building permits in Polly Ranch until streets and utilities are acceptable. 2) Asks Planning and Zoning Commission about other areas in ETJ in adjoining counties as well as Galveston. At this point RANEY MOVED, Fossler seconded, that the Acting Secretary send a memo to the City Manager asking him to write County, and asking them not to issue any building permits within Friendswood's ETJ until subdivision had been accepted by this City. Also, the memo will instruct City Manager to contact Harris county asking them how to co-ordinate permit procedure in Harris County portion of Friendswood's ETJ. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. FPZC-M--2-28-74 4 3) Status report on signs. Letters have been sent to violators. All letters have been answered, with either indications that the signs would be removed or that an appeal would be lodged with the City, e.g. Tony Banfield, Lakey's Apothecary. City Manager was asked concerning Forest Bend's and PUZ Realty's signs at 518 and 528. Morgan was not sure of status and will look into it. b. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business. Fossler moved, Raney seconded, for adjournment. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned 1100 P.M. Acting Secretary Approved:. Attachments;- 1) List of Audience. 2) Redlined print of proposed building, Biscmap Construction Co. 3) Copy of memo to City Manager: "Building Permits in ETJ." FPZC-3-7-74 Meeting Notice Agenda NOTICE OF MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission will be held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick,Friendswood, Texas, on: THURSDAY MARCH 7, 1974 7:30 P.M. at which time the following items of business will be discussed; 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS (See attached list.) 3. HEARINGS 8:00 Hearing on the rezoning of the tract of land bounded by West Heritage, Woodlawn, and F. M. 2351 which is zoned presently as R-1 Single Family Residential: Request by C. Hackney to rezone from R-1 Single Family Residential to C-1 Commercial. Hearing decision: Regarding the request from Amoco Pipeline to rezone to Specific Use. Hearing held on February 28. 4. BUILDING PERMITS Any routine building permits 5. REZONING REQUESTS None 6, SUBDIVISIONS None 7. PLANNING CONSULTANT Bob Atkinson on Driveway, etc. standards 8. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Any routine business 9. ADJOURNMENT Pn7, i d�- cLS, V Secretary CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the Friendswood City Hall on the third day of March, 1974, at 10`,C)`; o'clock P.M. Planning and Zoning Commission Secretary INFORMATION REPORTS 12r 1/73 A. Statuss Quaker Drive R-O-W interruption. B-.- ubt7 -ui�-ice [�rd i-nax e-. U f f 2 - 2 1 - 74 C. Sign Ordinance. D. Flood Insurance Ordinance. E. Rezoning of High School. F. Rezoning of other FISD property. G. Rezoning of City properties. 16 to C-1. H. Rezoning of Cecil Brown acres 1.R��ezoning of ccFire Station Site. �r Icy f4s-I�e�en�ng^tra--�'peeifie-�1seT-Atit�bifHt3-I=[ills-Res`t7.-}�et�a.Off �r-F?QYIP1Mi}pa--te-G-l��V 6ed-V�I►lta er--tpae$. Off 1.-24-74 PST-Hertta.ge-Estates-S/B. Off 1-24--74 N. Coward -Creek Subd'vision. aw-g--D-. 0 f f 2 - 2 1 - 74 P. Polly Ranch S/D. Q. Dow Pipeline. R. Amoco Pipeline. 5-.- -Nam %trn 1 I-�}v�e�tor-' �- age'. U f f 2 -2 ] - 74 T. Statuss Illegal signs- U. School Bus Barn., V. Any other information reports. W. Access Control - Phillips. X. Architectural Control -- Spears. Y. Fire Zones - North. 1/24/74 2/2-1/74 A. Open meetings law. and open records law. •.B. Illegal trailers. C. Greenbr.i.ar S/Ds Section One. D. Simpson Apartments E. Rezoning requests WoodlOawn/Heritage �'z - D�nba^ Es�tats- fir midge G Pine Shadows Subdivision. Off 1-24-74 1-24-74 office complex. R-1 to C-1• E 4 A t Center - possible violation. }{. soteric r I. Weiner Dept. Store expansion. 2/28/74 .T. Illegal townhouses. 3/7/7.4 K. Building permit status, etc. Polly --Ranch Estates FPZC-M-3-7-74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION March 2, 1974 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall on March 7, 1974. Chairman C. C. Bost presided, calling the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Kenneth Fossler Bob Phillips Clyde Raney Jim Shore MEMBERS ABSENT None Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. (Arr: 8:35) AUDIENCE See attached list. Twenty-two signatures on register. 1. MINUTES Delayed in order to hear Mr. Lobella and Mrs. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS Bacon prior to the hearing. 3. BUILDING PERMITS Lobella Mr. 0. L. Lobella, 8219 Glenalta, Houston, 77017. Gymnastic presented a sketch of proposed studios for Building gymnastic classes to be located on Laurel Drive where the present Lobella Dance studios are operating in a building and land owner by Robert Townsend. The proposed building is 68' by 66' (appro'x.), with a sketched forty foot set -back. No survey was presented. Lot size is 70' by 107'. It was pointed out that a metallic building could probably not be built so close to the property line because of Building Code restrictions. Mr. Lobella was asked by Mrs. North what capacity he wished the building to have. He did not have a definite figure, although this number would affect exit requirements, etc. It also did not appear that parking would be sufficient. Mr. Lobella stated that he could use masonry walls, at least for a height of eight feet. Since time was short and a number of suggestions need to be made, the Secretary,was directed to make copies for the Commissioners. We will write him with our recom- mendations. Unresolved was the question whether re -zoning was required. This is a C-1 Zone. 4. MISCELLANEAOUS BUSINESS Polly Ranch Estates Mrs. Louise Bacon, a resident of Polly Ranch Alleged Estates appeared before the Commission in regard Violations to an alleged plat violation in Polly Ranch Estates Apparently two building permits have been issued by the County, fors lots #7 and #25, but the main discussion revolved about Lot #7. The lot is staked out and the slab poured. Deed restrictions require a fifteen foot set --back, subdivision FPZC-M-3-7--74 2 Polly Ranch Estates (continued) ordinance in effect when subdivision was accepted required 7i', present subdivision ordinance says 10', Mr. MacAninch says slab is set back 8', Mrs. North thinks it looks more like four or six. (This problem has been brought to the Council's attention. Council voted last Monday to file an injunction if the subdivision ordinance were being violated. However, since no land has actually been conveyed and Mr. MacAninch avers that he will transfer the need seven feet of Lot #6, the apparent position of the City Attorney is that no actual violation has yet taken place.) Mrs. Bacon requested that the Commission consider requesting the City Council to reconsider the plan submitted by Mayor Lowe at their last meeting and make an ordinance concerning this, The Mayor's suggestion was to require any change in lot lines to be brought back to the Planning Commission for approval. The Secretary reported that she had talked with County Building Inspector Blaekledge who told her that the County legal department informed him that he would not enforce City Ordinances or Deed restrictions, but could only enforce the County regulations concerning building. She also reported a conversation with County Judge Ray Holbrook, who stated that if the Friendswood Council would vote to request that the Commissioners retrict selling of lots by lot -lines only, that he would present this to the Commissioners. They could try to enforce set --backs, but could not enforce water and sewer requirements. A long discussion being possible, action was deferred until after the hearing. 5. HEARING W oodlawn/Heritage Mr. Jim Gartrell and Mr. Ray Utley, representing Office tract owner Clint Hackney, and homeowners Dean E. Cook, 203 W. Heritage Drive, and Mr. and Mrs. John Petraitis, 205 W. Heritage were present. The hearing was called to order. After it was determined by the Chair that the majority of people in the audience were not present for this hearing, the people present were invited to the Commissioner's table and an informal presentation and discussion ensued. Mr. Gartrell presented building plans for a tract approcimately 260' by 480' on the corner of Heritage and Woodlawn. Since the request for rezoning was for a tract 380' by 630', North questioned what the plans were for the strips between the building permit area and Captain's Corner and between the building permit area and FPZC--M-3-7-74 W oodlawn Heritage Hearing (continued) the back of the Commercial lots on 2351. Mr. Gartrell stated that the 120' between the Office area and 2351 would be sold to the businesses on 23�1 for parking space. Another office building would be built in the 150' strip next to the Captain's Corner Shopping Center. The homeowners expressed concern that this area could become like some areas with metallic buildings. Raney stated that this is why the Commission required that a building permit request be submitted at the same time. He stated that the Commission's intent was not to grant rezoning for any other type building than what was presented. Phillips asked about the plantings_ proposed for the area. Gartrell stated that they were considering azaleas along the street frontage, with trees being placed in the areas by the buildings. Entrance on Heritage. Gartrell stated that they will move the entrance to the North since the 150' strip is to be used for another building. Control ofbuilding. Chairman Bost cautioned the homeowners that he did not want them to be misled. That we have no control after the zoning change is granted. That we can go only on the good faith of the developer. Empty b ildin s. Mrs. Petraitis expressed concern regarding the possibility of empty "shells" being left like are in the Captain's Corner Shopping Center. _Laurel extension. Shore questioned the possibility of extending Laurel Drive through to F. M. 2351. Decision. Fossler suggested having a meeting next week before workshop to decision. Shore objected, since he soon be having special meetings all defeat our purpose of establishing week. No action was taken. Will be special consider the felt we would the time and a workshop on next agenda. Amoco Pipeline Mr. Raney, who is City Pipeline Inspector, Hearing Decision presented a compomise plan which had been worked (8:30) out with Amoco Pipeline yesterday afternoon in regard to Lot #28 in Quaker's Landing. This would permit the pipeline 'to be built on the existing pipeline easement and the ten foot utility easement which exists, without encroaching on the building area of Lot #28. Mr. Guy Odom, developer of the subdivision, who lives next to Lot #28 and through whose property the pipeline easement runs, took issue with Raney's statement that he had been very cooperative. Mr. FPZC-M-3-7-74 4 Amoco Hearing Decision (continued) Odom wished to know if an environmental impact statement had been made. He expressed his concern in regard to trees that might die. He asked if the Commission had hired consulting engineers to study the problem. Pavement replacement. The question was asked hcw much pavement would be broken. Raney believes that none will be. He explained that all driveways and roadways are to be bored, even the rock gardon in Lori Woods. (This is in contrast with the original agreement which the developer made with the pipeline company when they gave him permission to run his street paving over the pipeline easement.) Street obstruction. One homeowner said that he had heard a rumor that they would have to park and walk to their homes. Raney said not. However, rather than spoil dirt on yards, it will be put on the pavement with City Council's permission. Length of time for construction. Raney stated that, barring weather problems, the construction ohould take about six weeks. Lot #28 proceeds. Councilman and Mayoral Candidate Ralph Gonzalez spoke, stating that he felt that the Civic Association should benefit from the gift of Lot #28 instead of the City. Civic Club President Ken Watts stated that the Civic Club would like to have the lot to sell for residential use and use the interest income as a perpetual maintenance fund for Quaker's Landing. Council representative on the Planning Commission Zeitler stated that it had never come before the Council that a lot would be deeded to them. He thought, however that the Council would go along with a proposal to deed the lot to the An unidentified homeowner asked who suggested that the lot be given to the City. He felt that in December the lot was to 'be given to the Civic Club. He further complained that "it slams like we gave and you take." Discussion disclosed that he was also unhappy about the condition of Clearview Avnue leading in to the subdivision and he was referred to the City Council member present. Raney stated that if he had known a week ago that the Civic Club wanter the Lot, he would have worked in this direction, But that he had understood they did not want it. Apparently the Civic Club had meant they did not want it as a park. Change to hazardous materials. The question was asked whether exotic fuels could be pumped through this pipe in the future. Raney stated that a switch to hazardous materials means public hearings FPZC-M-3-7-74 Amoco Hearing Decision (continued) in Washington, D.G. and Austin, Texas, as well as addition of sleeves, cathodic protection, etc. It has never been economically feasible. Creek Borin . One homeowner was concerned how the boring could take place within the easement line. Raney stated that the boring would take place from the Harris County side of the Creek. Lot #28 would be used for spoil temporarily. Lot #2$. Mr. Odom asked if the spoil would be in the tree lane. Raney stated that nothing would be passed into the Lot #28 side of the easement line. Mr. Watts stated that he could not speak for any individual, but that hethought the majority of people thought this was the best agreement that could be reached. MOTION AS MADE by.Raney is on page seven of these minutes. The following is a list of people who signed the register as being present for this hearing. Robert Allen 712 Quaker Drive 4$2-2983 Thomas J. Hanny {`?) 7654 Park Place Blvd. 645-6618 Felton M. Baker 5 Haverford 482-3221 Ed R. Spradley 706 Quaker Drive 482-2734 Tom Pancamo 6 Haverford Lane 482-2219 Clinton Edwards 14 Haverford Lane 482-6544 Monte Moore 10 Haverford 482-6324 Gere Thomas 2 Whittier 482-7153 K. B. Watts 809 Quaker 482-2972 Ward Jones 1 Whittier 482--1208 Dorothy Jones 1 Whittier 482-1208 Frances Baker 708 Quaker Drive 482-3804 Robert L. Baker 708 Quaker Drive 482-3804 Jim (?) A. Brown 710 Quaker Drive 482-7183 Glen C. Hodge 705 uaker Drive 482-6835 T. L. Summers 6 Whittier Drive 482-1$79 Mr. and Mrs. Guy R. Odom i Haverford 482-2281 C. D. Ferguson 1 Penn Circle 482-2078 Frank McDowell, Jr. 4 Haverford 482-3148 Page six is blank. Continue on page seven. I FPZC-M-3--7-74 Amoco Hearing Decision (continued) STATEMENT OF CLYDE RANEY REGARDING APPROVAL OF AMOCO PIPELINE'S REQUEST FOR REZONING TO SPECIFIC USE "For the following reasons I am going to move for approval of Amoco's request to rezone to Specific Use a Pipeline easement: 1. Amoco Pipeline Company has owned this easmment for approximately forty years. 2. Amoco proposes to install an additional pipeline for their own use within an existing easement. This does not add an additional pipeline corridor anywhere within our City. 3. The material being transported is basically a safe product, and in event of a leak would be messy, but not necessarily lethal, such as gas could be. 4. Amoco Pipeline Company is a common carrier pipeline company and has the legal right to install this line without approval of this city, but in the interest of being a good neighbor has agreed to comply with our regulations. "I therefore move approval of Amoco Pipeline Company's request to rezone to specific use: Pipeline easement (This easement to be as asdescribed in the Amoco request of January 28, 1974.), with the following conditions: 1. Amoco Pipeline Company is to comply with all City of Friendswood ordinances while constructing the proposed pipeline and performing maintenance on the existing pipeline. 2. Amoco Pipeline Company is to secure approval from the Friendswood Drainage District as to depth of pipeline in present or proposed drainage ditches. 3. Amoco Pipeline Company is to install their pipeline at a -depth of not less than four (4) feet of cover within the City and is to install their pipeline to a depth of not less than six (6) feet under Greenbriar, Sunset, and F.M. 518 including the right-of-way of those streets. 4. Amoco Pipeline is to immediately restore at their expense with a licensed contractor any City utility lime which may become damaged as a result of their pipeline construction or maintenance operation. 5. Amoco Pipeline Company is to restore all surface improvements (trees, shrubs, hedges, lawns, pools, entrance markers, Stteets sidewalks, driveways, etc.) affected by the contruction or maintenance of its pipelines to their original condition immediately upon completion of Amoco's construction or maintenance operation.. 6. Lot 28, Quaker's Landing Subdivision, will be used for access and construction purposes. However, the pipeline easement is not to be extended beyond the existing utility easement. Any valve installed within this easement is to be completelyy buried. Upon' ompletion of the pipeline installation Lot 28 is to be deeO�`Amoco to the City of Friendswood and sold by the City as a residential building site. 7. All three pipelines crossing Clear Creek are to be installed and tied in during this construction program." FPZC-M-3-7-74 8 MOTION HAVING BEEN MADE by Raney, seconded by Spears, a discussion followed. The only problem of agreement seemed to concern the disposition of the Lot #28, the question being whether it should go to the City or to the Civic Club as had been requested this evening. Mr. Raney expressed the opinion that the City Council could decide otherwise, but he would like the motion to stand as suggested, since as of 3:30 P.M. yesterday that was the way Amoco had approved the agreement. He had not understood that the Civic Club wanted the lot. (It had been first offered to them as apark, but they had not wanted it at that time.) MOTION PASSED, 5-2. For: Raney, Spears, Phillips, North, Shore. Against: Bost, Fossler. Fossler objected because he did not think the Commission should tell the Council what to do with the piece of property (Lot 28). s. SUBDIVISIONS Fox Meadows Mr. Ted Bogren of Municipal Engineering (g:WO) presented three copies of plans and profiles and five copies of a proposed replat of Fox Meadows, along with a check for $ 31.70, in application for preliminary approval. The question was raised in regard to the new lots, which are only 112 feet wide. Bogren referred to Mrs. North who had read him a paragraph stating that the Commission could approve narrower lots if the density did not become more than 2.7 per acre. North could not relocate the paragraph readily, but will mark it for next time. Bost questioned the plans for water and sewer taps and suggested that Bogren get with the Utility Department to see how this is to be handled. Bost requested that.Bogren present a letter stating the reason for replatting.' No action was requested tonight. Plans were presented to comply with the Subdivision Ordinance. Plans will be discussed at the workshop meeting next week, action scheduled for the 21st. 6. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Campaign Sign Raney presented a proposal in regard to Policy campaign sign policy. Raney moved, Phillips seconded that the proposal be sent in a memo to Council, requesting that all campaign signs be kept on private roperty (with owner's consent, added Bost and removed three days after the election. North objected, stating that private property campaign signs were illegal under the present ordinances and restricting to private property also gave undue advantage to large property owners. Also, if enacted at this time, would be discriminatory against the slate which has we Campaign Sign Policy (continued) FPZC-M- 3-7-74 already erected their signs on the Rights -of -way. NORTH MOVED TO TABLE until after the election. Discussion followed. No second was received for the move to table. Phillipswithdrew his second to the original motion. Bost declared the original motion dead for lack of a second. The consensus seemed to be that the Commission would tackle the whole sign ordinance again after the election. The sign ordinance we proposed to Council last year which they failed to act upon did regulate campaign signs. "The Movies'' Sign Raney reported that a request for a size variance would be presented at a Tuesday meeting of the Board of Adjustment. Board of Adjustment Raney reported that the Board would like to meet Communications with the Planning Commission and discuss our philosophy. Fossler felt that the two Boards should be kept separate. Bost asked if the Board had been receiving communications regarding recommendations from the Planning Commission. The Secretary could not recall, but agreed that they should be given memos regarding our referrals to them. Policy The Commission agreed that the Board of Adjustment should be given memos in the future. Polly Ranch Estates Raney presented a memo to be sent to the City Alleged violation Council requesting that the Council adopt immediately in ordinance form Mayor Lowe's proposal. of March 4 requiring that revisions of plats be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Chairman Bost removed himself from the r o,am . MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by North, that the memo be sent. MOTION PASSED, 5-0-1. For: Fossler, Shore, North, Raney, Spears. Abstaining: Phillips. Absent: Bost. Fossler questioned why the Commission should have plats submitted if the developers could change lot lines nearly at will afterwards. 7. INFORMATION REPORTS Councilman Zeitler asked which of the items on the list were things Council should attend to. Items E, Rezoning of High School, and G, Rezoning of City properties was mentioned. Also, the Commission has had no word of final disposition of Items H and I, rezoning concerning the Fire Station site on Sunset. Raney suggests a memo be sent to us. 74-C and 74-G have possibly been passed by Council, but no confirmation of filing. Item N, Coward Creek Subdivision is no secheduled to be FPZC-M-3--7-74 la Information Reprts (continued) to be filed since the deed restrictions have been received by the City. It was felt we could scratch item 74--D, Simpson Apartments. It was brought to Councilman Zeitler's attention that item 74-11, Esoteric Art Center was in violation of the Zoning Ordinance and had not appeared before the Commission again as requested to do. 8. ADJOURNMENT Billy MacAninch being present at this time, a discussion regarding his activities and plans for Polly Ranch ensued. He stated that he would be glad to give us help if we would like to rephrase the ordinance (in order to correct the lot line problem) which he feels legally does not at the present time prevent him from changing lot lines at will so long as they comply with the subdivision ordinance as it was at the time P lly Ranch was approved. North asked him how much this would cost. Billy said he would give it. At 11:15 the meeting lost its quorum. Bost gave North copies of the calls for the School properties which he had obtained Saturday and found a building permit request from Gawlik which we had forgotten to consider. This will be taken care of next week in a special session. Also not acted upon were the minutes from the meeting of February 28. Secretary Approved: J NOTICE OF MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission will be held in Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Wi_llowick, Friendswood, Texas, on: THU'RSDAY MARCH 14, 1974 7:30 P.M. at which time the following items will be considered: 1. UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM MEETING OF MARCH 7. A. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS B. INFORMATION REPORTS C. BUILDING PERMITS 1) Request for building permit, corner W. Shadowbend and 518 (Gawlik) 2) Information on building requirements (Lobella) Secretary Following the special meeting, a regular workshop (informal) meeting will be held at which any current items will be discussed, but no action may be taken. Included in the items discussed will be the proposed replat of Fox Meadows Subdivision. : Secretary CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the Friendswood City Hall on the tenth day of March, 1974, at jd; 3D o'clock P.M. v4g ��z ?. Planning and Zoning Commission Secretary INFORMATION REPORTS W73 A. Status: Quaker Drive R-O-W interruption. &.- rxbrtYi-i-s-i-an- -Clr-d i4Mw-a. O f f 2 -21- 74 C. Sign Ordinance. D. Flood Insurance Ordinance. E. Rezoning of High School. F. Rezoning of other F'ISD property. G. Rezoning of City properties. H. Rezoning of Cecil Brown 16 acres to C-1. 1. Rezoning of Fire Station Site. �r—F�t�et��ng-te-S}�ee���e-uses-Grewa-Geatra�-�e��est-��. 14s-Re�epir�g--to--Epee ���e-i�seT-Astsm�►-k[�lls-Rest-I�eme .Off ._Re�rc�w}p�-tB-G-I�-Y�eed-Y�k�teker-tp2tet. Off 1-24-74 Nos-Herl-tatge-Eetatee-E/B. Off 1-24-74 N. Coward Creek Subdivision. �tamg �a�kows-�y�ri-. Off 2 -21- 74 P. Polly Ranch S/D. Q. Dow Pipeline. R. Amoco Pipeline. 0 f f 2-21--74 T. Status: Illegal signs. U. School Bus Barn. V. Any other information reports. W. Access Control - Phillips. X. Architectural Control - Spears. Y. Fire Zones - North. '_7/74 A. Open meetings law and open records law. Off 1-24-74 1-24-74 B. Illegal trailers. C. Greenbriar S/D: Section One. 1/24/74Off 3-7-74 E. Rezoning request: Woodlawn/Heritage office complex. R-1 to C-1. �'z-r��a-Estates-�ir�tigez Off 1-24-74 2/21/74 G. Pine Shadows Subdivision. H. Esoteric Art Center -- possible violation. I. Weiner Dept. Store expansion. 2/28/74 J. Illegal townhouses. 3/7/74 K. Building Permit status, etc. Polly Ranch Estates FPZC-M-3-14-74 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION March 14; 1974 A special meeting ofthe Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Thursday, March 14, 1974, at Friendswood City Hall, for the purpose of completing the unfinished business of the previous meeting of March 7, 1974. Chairman C. C. Bost presided, calling the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT C. C. Bost, Chairman None Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Kenneth Fossler Bob Phillips Clyde Raney Jim Shore Ed Zeitle r, Council Representative 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS February 28, 1974 - Approved with the following correction: Page 3 - Add "or wood" under item 2 under routine building permits. March 7, 1974 - Approved with the following corrections: Page 7: Item 5, second line, add "streets" Page 7: Item 5, second line, first word is "trees" 2. INFORMATION REPORTS It was agreed to postpone information reports until later in the meeting. 3. BUILDING PERMITS Ron's Crispy Mr. Jim Gawlik, Architect, was present to discuss the Ron's Chicken Crispy Chicken building at the corner of South Friendswood (8:00) Drive and West Shadowbend. Number of occupants. In response to a q stion by North, Gawlik replied that he though forty to fifty or sixty to seventy occupants might be in the building at one time. Front Elevation. Gawlik stated that the building will have separate fronts, probably with a shed roof in the middle, mansard on either end. Roof Color. In answer to Spears,Mr. Gawlik stated that the color of tie roof shingles on the chicken section would be yellow. A discussion of the color followed. Mr. Gawlik maintained that yellow was required, that we did not want a business that would not succeed. The consensus of the majority of the Commission was m-p in favor of a brightyellow roof. Raney referred to the Heimsath report and asked Mr. GAwlik to help the Commission in regard to this. Later in the evening a mustard yellow was FPZC-1,1-3-14-74 2 suggested, but Mr. Gawlik stated that a mustard color is one of the worst colors to stand up under the sun. Landscaping. North asked about landscaping the front of the building. Mr. Gawlik said that people needed to see the front of the building for the business for it to be successful. Phillips thought that there would be problem with planting in the City -Right -of -Way. Sidewalk. Fossler showed Mr. Gawlik the four foot sidewalk on t e�Biscamp building plan. This sidewalk is two feet off the property line on the City right-of-way. Mr. Gawlik thought that one foot was more usual. Curb radii. There was some discussion as to whether we preferred the driveway entrance design as suggested by Mr, Gawlik or the ten foot constant radius. We decided we needed to talk with our Planning Consultant. Wall Color. In answer to Raney's query, Mr. Gawlik stated that the wall co or would be white. Sign. Raney suggested that a low level sign such as used in the "Agena Building" in Clear Lake City would present a good appearance. Mr. Gawlik thought this would be fine if it could be put forward on the City right-bf-way. Shore felt that the sign should be an integral part of the building. He would like to see the design before we vote. Mr. GAwlik said that the proposed sign is a thirty inch version of the Pearland sign. Roof Line. Mr. Fossler expressed concern about the plans for the rest of the roof line. Survey. The Secretary noted that a survey was needed. Sidewalk. Mr. Gawlik suggestdd strongly that the City require reinforcement in the sidewalks which we require. Planning Consultant Atkinson stated that the sidewalk should be laid where it will be even with driveway entrances without a step. Fill. North asked if fill would be used. Mr. Gawlik replied that the building would be built up above grade. Color. Mr. GAwlik stated that it was felt that another store was losing money because it did not have the right color. Consensus. The following items were "rediined" on the plans. (1) Survey needed. (2) Sidewalks on F. M. 518 and Shadowbend. (3) Signs to be shown. (4) Colors. Mr. GAwlik will return, with modifications as above. 3 FPZC-M-3-14-74 Building Permits (continued) Lobella Gym The Lobella information request was presented for comment. The (9:50) Commission suggested that Mr. Lobella needed to familiarize himself with the Southern Building Code, particularly in regard to fire protection requirements. Each Commissioner had had copies of the Lobella proposal since last meeting. The Secretary will give Mr. Lobella this information. 4. INFORMATION REPORTS (9:52) 1973-A. Status: Quaker Drive R-O-W interruption. North reported that the Kallus lot had a sold sign on it. F. Rezoning fo other FISD property. The Secretary reported that we now have the calls for the remaining school properties. H. Rezoning of Cecil Brown 16 acres to C-1. I. Rezoning of Fire Station Site Sunset . The Commission is waiting for the copies of the letter which the Council wrote to Mr. Brown thanking him for his offer. Q. Dow Pipeline. The Secretary had not yet written the letter which the Commission authorized. R. Amoco Pipeline. A Committee has been appointed to settle the dispute which has arisen in regard to the disposition of the Lot #28 in Quaker's Landing. One member from each of the three Civic Clubs involved (Quaker's Landing, Lori Woods, Imperial Gardens), two citizens, and one Planning Commission member. The Planning Commission member is to be chosen by the Commission. Fossler wanted to know what the Commission's feeling was in regard to the lot. The consensus remained that the City should receive the lot, but no consensus was reached'on whether or not the Commission should suggest what the money should be spent for or wbat'the money should be spent for. MOTION WAS MADE by Phillips, seconded by Shore, that North be chosen for the Committee. Discussion followed. MOTION PASSED, 5-1-1. For: Bost, Spears, Fossler, Phillips, Shore. Against: Raney. Abstaining: North. U. School Bus Barn. Fossler reported that the Board of Adjustment had told the school that the road was to be closed. People are still coming by the Bus 'Barn, however. Y. Fire Zones. North reported that she had studied the Southern Building Code in regard to Fire Zones. Metal buildings were not excluded, but frame construction was. 1974-B. Illegal trailers. The illegal trailers on E. Heritage and F. M. 528 were granted exceptions by the Board of Adjustment. H. Esoteric Art Center violation. The Secretary reported that the City had had no response from the letter which they had sent previously to the Esoteric Art Action Center, telling them they were supposed to come back before the Commission. She was directed to request that the City Manager write another letter - I. Weiner De artment Store expansion. Was approved by the Board of Adjustment. K. Buy in Permit status, etc., Polly Ranch Estates. Raney informed the Commission that two new or finances ad been passed by the City Council as emergency measures and that an injunction was being sought by the City. The question was raised as to the effect of this on Forest Bend and Wedgewood. This will put on the agenda for discussion next week. FPZC-M-3-14-74 4 5. SUBDIVISIONS Greenbriar, Plat and plans of Greenbriar, SEction two, were reviewed. Section Two It was noted that the City needs a deed for the Right-of-way on Castlewood and also that we need to check the sewer line which will be under the road when the road is moved. Bost directed the SEcretary to write a memo to the City Manager in regard to these things. Fox Meadows Engineer Bogren needs to be informed that the Planning Commission cannot act on their request for a replat because the new ordinances forbid replatting to smaller lots. 6. REZONING, Dunbar Estates The Secretary reported the receipt of what may an application for rezoning of the same area which was requested to be rezoned last year. The applications were sent by Certified Mail, but only one was signed, the date was that of April of 1973, and the phone number given was no longer in service. The Secretary will continue to try to get in touch with Mr. Bloodworth, the applicant. 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss,the meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. Secretary Approved: 9�� NOTICE OF MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given of a regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission to be Meld at the Friendswood City Hall at 109 East Willowi.ck, Friendswood, Texas, on: THURSDAY MARCH 21, 1974 7:30 P.M. at which time the following items of business will be considered: 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 2. BUILDING PERMITS (routine) 3. HEARINGS 8:00 P.M. Hearing on the rezoning of two acres within a 12.5 acre tract recently acquired by the City of Friendswood at the northernmost intersection of Winding Way and F. M. 518 from 0-1 Commercial and R--1 Single -Family Residential to Specific Use: City Administration, Fire, Ambulance, and Police Facilities. (Rezoning Request # RR-1974-3) 4. SUBDIVISIONS. Longwood Park, Section I1 (old III) -- Request for preliminary approval. (Submi tted 3-15) Greenbriar, Section II - Request for final approval. (Sbmtd 3-14) 5. REZONING REQUESTS (new submissions) Dunbar Estates Commercial FISD School Prop 6. PLANNING CONSULTANT 9130 P.M. Curb cuts 7• INFORMATION REPORTS (See attached .list) 8. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Possible Violations of Subdivision Ordinance 9. ADJOURNMENT Secretary CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the Friendswood City Hall on the /7nuday of March, 1974, at /I','/D o'clock P.M. �Li Planning and Zoning Commission Secretary ADDITION TO AGENDA FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMSSION MEETING MARCH 21, 1974 Notice is hereby given that the following item was inadvertently omitted from the previously posted agenda of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to be held on March 21, 1974, and is hereby added to the agenda as an emergency item inasmuch as the plat in question has been presented to the Commission on March 7, resubmitted in slightly revised form on March 14, and delay in consideration of the plat will cost the developer additional moneys while not giving the Planning Commission any additional information. SUBDIVISIONS Fox Meadows replat, revision one. Preliminary approval requested. Secretary CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of addition to agenda of a meeting was posted on the bulletin board of the Friendswood City Hall on the twentieth day of March, 1974, at q AS o'clock P.M. Planning and Zoning Commission Secretary INFORMATION REPORTS 12/31/73 A. Status: Quaker Drive R-O-W interruption. -i_0� jjx4U4, as e. O f f 2 - 21-- 74 . C. Sign Ordinance. D, Flood Insurance Ordinance'. E. Rezoning of High School. F. Rezoning of other FISD property. G. H. Rezoning of City properties. Rezoning of Cecil Brown 16 acres to C-1. I. Rezoning of Fire Station Site. rya-F�e�er�i�g-te-Speeif�e-Usef-6rew�-Gestra�-ree}uest-,�4r to-epeef ie-�seT-A�ttt��rra-kills-Rest-Dete .Of f :-Re�er�ing- �x-Pze+�� �,a-te-G-1Y-4�ead-V�k�take�-t�aet. Off 1-24-74 Mv-Hertta.ge-Estates--S/A. Off 1-24-74 N. ' Coward Creek Subd'vision. Off 2-21--74 P. Polly Ranch S/D. Q. Dow Pipeline. R. Amoco Pipeline. �'.Off 2-21-74 T. Status' Illegal signs: U. V. School Bus Barn. Any other information reports. Vl. Access Control - Phillips. X. Architectural Control -- Spears. .! Y. Fire Zones - North. Off 1-24-74 1-24-74 1/17/?4 A. Open meetings law and open records law. B. Illegal trailers. C. Greenbriar S/D: Section One. 24./74 �}-.- -imps �rrr t�'p��n �,� Off 3 - 7 -- 74 ' E. Rezoning request: Woodlawn/Heritage office complex. R-1 to C-1. �'-a-D�s�b�-$sses-bitigeti Off 1-24-74 i 2/21/74 G. Pine Shadows,Subdivision. H. Esot:eric Art Center - possible violation. I. Weiner Dept. Store expansion. f 2/28/74 J. Illegal 'townhouses. 1 3/7/74 K. Building Permit status, etc. Polly Ranch Estates FPZC-M-3-21-74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION March 21, 1974 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood C}_ty Hall, 109 E. Willowick, Friendswood, Texas, on March 21, 1974. Chairman C. C. Bost called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT C. C. Bost, Chairman (Left: 9:30) Jim Shore Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman {Left] 10:40) Leah North Secretary (Arr: 8:00) Bob Phillips Clyde Raney (Left: 8:50) Kenneth Fossler (Arr: 8:15) Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. present for a portion of the meeting. AUDIENCE Signing the attendance register were: Richard M. Smith, Sr., 406 Glenlea Dr., 482-3557 Ray Utley, 913 Glenlea Court, 482-1477 Ken Yowell, 212 Dover Lane, 482-3876 LaMarr Beatty, 113 Imperial Drive, 482-7938 Jim Gawlik, Box 1087, La Porte, 471-1863 Bob Atkinson, 8642 Greiner St., Houston, 461--1144 Jim and Dixie Gartrell, Bobbie Henry, Bill and Myra Patton, and Mayor Lowe were present for portions of the meeting. 1. MINUTES No minutes were available. The Secretary also apologized for forgetting to mail agendas to Commission members due to the distractions of discussion involving the latest amendment to the Subdivision Ordinance and buying a new dishwasher. 2. HEARING-- Municipal. Site adjacent to park land. Chairman Bost called the hearing to order at 8:05. Chairman Bost asked if any one in the audience were opposed to the rezoning. There were no replies. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Spears, that the Commission recommend approval of the request to rezone the two acre site to Specific Use; City Government Administration, Fire, Ambulance, and Police Facilities. MOTION TO AMEND WAS MADE by North, seconded by Spears, by adding after the words "two acre site" the words " as recommended by the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department at the northerly corner of the 12.5 acre sire. Discussion followed. Fossler arrived at 8:15 and was briefed on the motions. PPZC-M-3-21-74 2 MOTION TO AMEND THE AMENDMENT was made by North, seconded by Spears, by adding the words "being approximately 442 feet wide and 212 feet deep" after the words in the amendment "12.5 acre site." MOTION TO AMEND THE AMENDMENT PASSED, 4-1-1. For: Raney, Phillips, Spears, North. Against: Bost. Abstaining: Fossler. MOTION TO AMEND PASSED, 5-0-1. For: Raney, Phillips, Spears, North, Fossler. Against: None. Abstaining; Bost. ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED, to recommend approval of the two acre site as recommended by the Friendswood Volunteer Fare Department at the northerly corner of the 12.5 acre site, and being approximately 442 feet wide and 212 feet deep, to Specific Use: City Government Administration, Fire, Ambulance, and Police Facilities, PASSED, 5--0--1. For: Raney, Phillips, Spears, North, Fossler. Against: None. Abstaining: Bost. No conditions on the use of the site were recommended at this time. Mr. LaMarr Beatty of the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department had suggested layouts of the area and suggested plot plan of the Fire Station as well, as the suggested area for the rezoning. It was decided to discuss this at the next meeting. 3. REZONING REQUESTS Woodlawn- Mr. Ray Utley was present representing owner Clint Heritage Hackeny's request for rezoning of the area at the Office corner of Woodlawn and Heritage Drive from R-1 to Complex C-1. The Secretary had neglected to put this item on the agenda, but it was agreed by the Commission that, since the hearing had been two weeks ago and we had not been able to act last week because of our workshop meeting, that we could take a vote this evening and ratify it at the next meeting when the Secretary would place at on the agenda. This would enable the City Secretary to post the ordinance this coming Monday and allow the Council to act on it the following Monday, Delaying of action by the Commission tonight would cause a two -week delay. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Spears, to recommend approval of the rezoning from R-1 to C-1 (Single -Family Residential to Commercial) the Hackney site at the corner of Woodlawn and Heritage, being 380 feet by 630 feet approximately and being all of that portion of the block bounded by West Heritage, Woodlawn, W. Edgewood, and S. Friendswood Drive that is not already zoned as C-1 Commercial. MOTION PASSED, 5-0-1� North abstaining,b-eetmrs-a� a FPZC-M-3-21-74 4. SUBDIVISIONS Greenbriar II Jim Gartrell requested final approval of Greenbriar 11 Final Subdivision. Castlewood Dedication. The Secretary reported that the City Attorney felt that this dedication should either be done by legal deed or included within the heavy lines of the plat. This had not been complied with. Sewer line at this intersection. The Secretary reported that.City Engineer Heaney had informed her that this would cause no future problems, since it was deep enough under the road that it would not have to be moved as was required of the utility lines on F. M. 518. MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Phillips, that the Subdivision be given final approval. MOTION PASSED, 5-1, North dissenting because of failure to comply with the City Attorney's recommendations. A discussion followed concerning the proper form of dedication, with Fossler asking of Mr. Gartrell were willing to go by the Attorney's recommendations. Mr. Gartrell objected to using the heavy line method because, as he explained, then the lots transferred would run to the middle of the street (or the edge of the property). He apparently would prefer to use deeds. No resolution of this problem at this time. Heritage II Mr. Gartrell asked that approval of the preliminary plat Preliminary of Heritage EstatesILbe considered at next meeting. These plans were received by the City Tuesday. North wished to discuss what had been submitted, but the consensus of the Commission was to delay discussion until next week when it was on the agenda. Heritage III Mr. Gartrell asked that presentation of the praiminary Preliminary plat of Heritage Estates, Section Three, be put on the agenda for the next meeting. Clyde Raney left at 8:50 P.M. Fox Meadows Mr. Ted Bogren of Municipal Engineering, representing (8:50 P.M.) the developers of Fox Meadows, requested preliminary approval of a replat of Fox Meadows. This replat is the seconded version of the replat and was received by Commission on March 14, 1974. Reasons for the replat were stated as being (1) Prospective buyers have expressed an interest in smaller lots due to prices and the maintenance larger lots require. (2) The developer desires a name change of the streets. LFrom Horseshoe Bend Drive to Layfair Place.] (3) Show additional easements that have been required by the Utility companies. These reasons were listed in a letter dated March 8, 1974. (Attached.) FPZC-M-3--21-74 4 The Secretary reported that the City Manager had informed her by phone that Mr. Toon and Mr. Heaney had reviewed the plat and plans and found them to be acceptable. Mr. Toon has a letter from the developer agreeing to the additional water and sewer taps necessary Procedure to vacate plat. This procedure was discussed, but disagreements over the proper steps to be taken arose. It was agreed that this could be checked out prior to Final Plat approval. MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Phillips, that approval be given to the Preliminary Plans of Fox Meadows, Section dine, Replat. MOTION TO AMEND was made by North, seconded by Spears, by adding the sentence "The Planning Commission finds that extraordinary hardships may result from strict compliance with the re uirements included in Subdivision Ordinance 10, passed since the original approval of Fox Meadows Subdivision, and exempts Fox Meadows Replat from any additional requirements contained therein." "Except for the spacing of fire hydrants" was contained in the original motion to amend by North, but was withdrawn when it did not receive a second. MOTION'TO AMEND PASSED, 4-0-1. For: Bost, Spears, North, Phillips. Against; None. Abstaining: Fossler. Absent: Raney, Shore. MAIN MOTION AS AMENDED PASSED, 4-0-1, by the same vote. 5. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Dunbar Estates The Secretary reported the receipt on March 11 by certified Rezoning mail, return receipt requested, of what could either be the return of borrowed files or an application for rezoning which is a duplicate of that received a year ago. Only one of two applications was signed; the date on the applications was of 4/16/73 with the signed application having this date crossed out, but no other date substituted; the phone number given on the application is no longer in service; repeated calls at the phone number listed for Mr. Bloodworth in the phone book brought to answer; a tali and request for him to return the call at another number brought no reply. The Secretary will contact him by certified mail, return receipt requested. Lobella Gym The Secretary talked to Mr. Lobella by phone when he called in regard to the disposition of his building permit request. (Attachment # ) She informed him of Building Code problems and the need for a survey. Also that the parking was questionable, but that the zoning was all right. Although Mr. Lobella felt that he could FPZC-M-3-21-74 meet the Building Code requirements, the Secretary cautioned him to come back before the Commission with more complete plans before exercising his option to buy, particularly because of the parking problem. FISD Rezoning The calls for the metes and bounds of the school properties have been received by the Commission. The commission will go over the request before calling a hearing. Subdivision A discussion of violations of the Subdivision Ordinance Ordinance in the Friendswood Extraterritorial Jurisdiction other Violations than in Polly Ranch was held. Chairman Bost left during (9;25) this discussion. MOTION WAS MADE by Fossler, seconded by Phillips, that the Secretary ask the City Attorney to notify the developers of Forest Bend and Wedgewood that since they are in the Friendswood ETJ they must comply with Friendswood Ordinances (regarding Subdivisions). 4-o, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY,/Shore, Bost, and Raney absent. 6. INFORMATION REPORTS 1973-A. Quaker Drive R-O-W interruption. The Secretary reported that she had sent a memo to the City Manager noting that this lot had been sold and asking that this be flagged for Planning Commission attention if a building permit is requested for it. (Attachment # )• E. Rezoning of High School. City Secretary Bobbie Henry, who was present, stated that she had not typed the ordinance yet. H. Rezoning of Cecil Brown 16 acres to C-1. 1. Rezoning of Fire Station Site (Sunset). Council Representative Zeitler furnished a copy of the letter which City Council sent to Mr. Brown, thanking him for the offer and closing the matter. N. Coward Creek Subdivision. Has not yet been filed, according to the City Manager. T. Illegal Sins. Tony Banfield has requested a meeting with the Board of Adjustment. U. School Bus Barn. North reported the building was erected while contact was being made with an attorney concerning it. Fossler reported that the street had not been closed off as requested and wondered what the City could do. Apparently the street was only closed to through traffic and cars are using the entrance by the bus barn as access to parking. No action was taken. 1974-B. Illegal trailers. The Bookman trailer on F. M. 528 and the trailer on East Heritage were both given variances recently by the Board of Adjustment. C. Greenbriar Subdivision Section One. Was filed 1-24-74. G. Pine ShadoNsSubdivision. has not yet been filed, according to the City Manager. FPZC-M-3-21-74 N 1974-H. Esoteric Art Center - zoning violation. No reply has been received by the City to a letter calling to the owner's attention that he was to re urn to the Planning Commission for parking planning. I. Weiner Department Store Expansion. Has been approved for a variance of set -back by the Board of Adjustment. J. Illegal townhouses. Located on SunMeadow Drive. Since they are already erected, the consensus was to take the item from the list. K. Building Permit Status etc. Poll R nch Estates. The City Council is still exploring the possibility of an .injunction. Last Monday night's action was to instruct the City Manager to employ a surveyor to establish the common lot line of Lot #7 and #6. The surveyor has been hired. L. Potential zoning violation. The Secretary reported that she noticed what appeared to be preparation for the installation of illegal parking areas at Rosie Harper's beauty shop on East Heritage. This was reported to the City Manager who has asked Zoning Administrator Cline to look into it. M. Autumn Hills Nursing Home. City Secretary Henry reported that she has not yet received the deed to the right-of-way which was a condition of the re -zoning of the Nursing Home area, so does riot regard the rezoning as an accomplished fact. 7. PLANNING CONSULTANT (10,00) Curb cuts, esp ecially along the new stretch of Friendswood Drive, were discussed. Mr. Atkinson felt that when building permits are obtained, the Commission can require an opening to be changed. From the builders point of view, he can presently get curb and driveway entrance put in at no cost, taking the chance that if it is wrong that he will re -do it. The Commission agreed that the requirements needed to be finalized and agreed to meet with Mr. Atkinson next week at 8:00 P.M. in order to do this. Then he will get with the City Attorney. 8. BUILDING PERMITS Ron's Crispy Although not on the agenda, Mr. Gawlik was present and Chicken (10s30) requested to speak survey for the with the Commission. He presented a lot involved and also building plans. Mr. Spears left. An extended discussion took place, particularly in regard to the proposed color (bright yellow) of the roof. The logo for the business is red letters on yellow. Mr. Fossler questioned whether it was more important for him to have a particular logo or whether it was more important for Friendswood to tone down the appearance of the main street. It was pointed out to Mr. Gawlik I FPZC-M-3-21-74 9. ADJOURNMENT The meeting Spears left did discuss that the Commission is very sensitive about not repeating mistakes. Mr. Fossler was also concerned that the Commission receive assurance that the roofline would be finished and not left completely flat. ai n. Mr. Gawlik called to the Commission's attention that we have 75/ non-compliance with the sign ordinance already. He will comply with whatever sign ordinance is in effect. Pole signs run about $ 6000, officially lost its quorum and was thus adjourned when at 10:40. The remaining three members of the Commission with Mr. Gawlik until 10:55, at which time everyone left. Secretary OffGt C E,L, NOTICE OF MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission will be held at the Friendswood City Hall, 109 E. Willowick, Friendswood, Texas, on: THURSDAY MARCH 28, 1974 7:30 P-M- at which time the following items of business will be considered: 7;30 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. 2. REZONING REQUESTS 1974-1 Decision on request to rezone from R-1 to C-1 at corner of Woodlawn and Heritage. Hearing held 3-7-74. 1974-5 Crown Central Request #5 for rezoning from R'--I, Single Family Residential to Specific Use: Oil well and related structures a four acre area out Mary Sloan survey A-184. 3, PLANNING CONSULTANT 8:00 Attempt to finalize Driveway, Sidewalk and Parking Lot standards. 4. BUILDING PERMITS (routine) 9:00 Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department -Lot layout and Building Design 9:30 Ron's Crispy Fried Chicken (Jim Gawlik) 5. SUBDIVISIONS_ 9:45 Fox Meadows - Request for approval of final plat. Longwood Park -Request for approval of preliminar plat. 9:50 Heritage Estates, Section Three - Presentation of Preliminary Plat. 10:00 heritage Estates,,- Section Two - Request for approval of Preliminary Plat. 10:30 b. INFORMATION REPORTS (See attched list.) 10:45 7. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Violations of Subdivision Ordinance Any other routine business 11:15 8. ADJOURNMENT �j a -I- U. JL -ka j Secretary CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the Friendswood City Hall the twen y-fourth day of March, 1974p at clock P.M. Lea fI, VX4 Planning and Zoning Commission Secy, INFORMATION REPORTS 12 ' '1/73 A. Status: Quaker Drive R-U-W interruption. F3i--v: _rim- -&i n a- Uff 2 - 2 I - 74 C, Sign Ordinance. D. Flood Insurance Ordinances E. Rezoning of High School. F. Rezoning of other F1SD property. G. Rezoning of City properties. Off 3-21-74. 6 es-to-C-- 1� 1/24/74 2/21/74 2/28/74 3/7/74 3/28/74 }{._-}�ofTrrrg-erf-Geexl-Brown -1 -ae� 21_7�. re-Statjan-site= Off 3- -�e�West-P. d r-�iGz'eii�lig-te-s,,peeif ie-i�ses-Crew►-6e�t�ai K:-Reaeniflg-te-Speei€ie-�.se�-At�tt�mta-kills-I�Pst-�iem�.L'ff -Need-W}ita}cer-tpaet, off 1-2-74 Mir-}#er�tage-Estates-S/D. off 1-24-74 N. Coward -Greek Sub d'vision. S--Sy�D-. off 2 - 21- 74 Q. Dow Pipeline. R. Amoco Pipeline. Uff 2 - 2 1 - 7 4 5-.- 4,at', Illegal t't�rsigns. ' TT. Status.' U. School Bus Barn. V. Any other information rpsorts. W, Access Control _ Spears. X. Architectural Control p Y. rife Zones - !North. A. Open meetings law -and open records law. off 3-21-.74. 5 Se�tic�r-(k�&. Uff 3 - 2 1 - 7 4. Off 1-24-74 1-24-74 Cam-- Gee etr�x�i-�- /-- D-.- S-i�rps are AzF, rt-met�t-s of f 3- 7- 74/H E. Rezoning requests Woodlawneritage office complex. R-1 to C-1• 1 .F1- qd bar-Estates-br dg� : Off -2. G. Pine Shadows Subdivisi-on. . ble violation. H. Esoteric Art Center - p I, Weiner Dept. Store expansion. �T-Illegal- tow�aho sus Uff 3-21-74. K. Building Permit status, etc. Polly-Hanch Estates E. Potential Zoning Violation. �4 . Autumn Hills Nursing Home -- deed to R-O-W . FPZC-M-3-28-74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION March 28. 197! A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on March 28, 1974 at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, Friendswood, Texas. Chairman C. C. Bost presided. MEMBERS PRESENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Kenneth Fossler Bob Phillips Clyde Raney Jim Shore AUDIENCE MEMBERS ABSENT Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. Among the members of the audience were A. J. Harper, Myra Patton, and Tony Paschall from the Friendswood Journal. 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS March 21, 1974 - Approved with the following correction: Page two, last line; Delete the words "because of lack of discussion before the vote." 2. REZONING �RE Uj ESTS 1974-1 Public Hearing on the rezoning of the land at the Woodlawn/ corner of Woodlawn and West Heritage was held on Heritage March 7, 1974. A vote was taken at the March 21, 1974 meeting to recommend the requested rezoning, but, since the item was not listed on the agenda, ratification of the vote is necessary at this meeting. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Spears, that the Commission recommend approval of the rezoning From R-1 to C-1 (single-family reisdential to commercial) of the Hackney property at the corner of Woodlawn and Heritage, being 380 feet by 630 feet approximately and being all of that portion of the block bounded by West Heritage, Woodlawn, W. Edgewood, and S. Friendswood Drive that is not already zoned as C-1 Commercial. Attach A discussion followed. A 22 foot easement is shown # on the request for a building permit. This does not dedicate the easement to the City as a plat would do. Therefore the Commission authorized a memo to the City Manager/ Zoning Administrator/ and Building Official calling their attention to the necessity of a utility easement and review before the Planning Commission acts upon the building permit. MOTION PASSED unanimously. FPZC-14-3-28-74 2 Rezoning Requests (continued) 1974-5 A request for rezoning to Specific Use: Oil Well and Crown -Central related structures has been received from Crown #5 Central Petroleum Corporation for a four acre site, the center of which is located 865 feet north of the south line of the Ware lease and 210 feet east of the 60 foot light company right-of-way, and to be called Ware #1 well. MOTION WAS MADE 'by North, seconded by Shore, to call a public hearing in regard to this request on the twenty-fifth day of April at 9 P.M. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 1974-6 Although not on the agenda, the Secretary reported that a request for rezoning to Specific Use: Oil Well and Crown -Central related Structures has been received from Crown Central #6 Petroleum Corporation for a four acre site, the well site of which is located 100 feet north-easterly of the south- west line of Lot 15 Van Pelt Subdivision, and 330 feet southeasterly of the north-west line of said Lot 15, being all a part of Lot 15. MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Raney, to include the public hearing in regard to this request at the same time as the previous request, April 25 th, at 9 P.M. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. BUILDING PERMITS Colonial Mr. A. J. Harper was present in answer to a request Coiffures from Zoning Administrator Cline. He apparently was (8:15) planning to install a parking area at Colonial Coiffures that would violate the Zoning Ordinance by allowing cars to back directly into the right -of --way. He stated, in response to a question, that he planned to put in crushed rock with stabilizer. He planned to do this for safety's sake. Recently a car from across the street backed into a cutomer's car which was parked parallel in the street. It was brought out by the Commission that this beauty shop had been given a variance in order to expand a non -conforming use. The parking problem should have been dealt with at that time by either or both the Board of Adjustment or the Planning Commission, but the Planning Commission had never seen the request for the building permit after referral to the Board of Adjustment. He was told that he needed permission to install parking. Fossler commented that the Zoning Ordinance requires one parking space per 100 square feet of building. Raney noted that we need an idea put down on paper-. Chairman Bost informed Mr. Harper that he should sketch something off on a sheet of paper showing his plans, with one space per 100 square feet of building. 3 FPZC-M-3-28-74 4. PLANNING CONSULTANT (8=30) Planning Consultant Bob Atkinson was present to discuss and attempt to finalize Driveway, Sidewalk, and Parking Lot Standards. Proposals as received on January 24, 1974 and February 21, 1R74 were discussed and critiqued. MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Phillips, that Mr. Atkinson rewrite the proposal, incorporating the suggestions made the Commission tonight, and then confer with the City Attorney in regard to making it into an ordinance. MOTION PASSED unanimously, Bost being absent from the room. 5. SUBDIVISIONS Longwood Park The City Engineer was unable to approve the Section III plans presented since it did not include any (II) drainage plans. The Speretary gave a letter to this (10415) effect to Engineer Bruce Frenzel and Ken Yowell, along with instructions fromthe Commission to put the specifications for streets and utilities, etc., into a blue -line drawing. 6. BUILDING PERMITS Friendswood Mr. Van Williams and Mr. LaMarr Beatty of the Volunteer Volunteer Fire Department were present to present Fire a proposed lay -out of the Municipal Site at the Dept. Stevenson Memorial Park site. Proposed set -back was (10..25) forty feet from front property line. Side parking allowed only about eight spaces, twelve foot aisle, only two foot from side property line. Most discussion centered on these items. Zoning Urdnance requires one space per 400 square feet, or twenty-two spaces. Distance from side property line does not leave enough space for ten foot radius on entrance. Fossler especially objected to the narrow aisle, being concerned that one stalled car could stop all traffic. Mayor Lowe, who was then present, suggested that the Fire Department plan it so that they had enough room, since the City Hall plans are not in the immediate future. Five of the Commissioner's felt that the minimum set -back should be sixty feet, Raney would accept fifty, Bost did not give an opinion. Although the Highway Department is supposed to have said that they would not need any more right-of-way when F. M. 518 is widened in that area, the Commission felt that the risk of their changing their minds in the future was too great to count on it. The Fire Department was directed to come back with another plan showing what they would like to have, including a sixty foot set -back, twenty -foot deep parking stalls, eighteen foot aisle, and ten foot set -back from the side property line. FPZC-iW-3-28-74 4 Building Permits (continued) Ron's Crispy Mr. Gawlik presented a colored rendition of the Fried planned facade of the Crispy Fried Chicken Building Chicken proposed for the corner of West Shadowbend and South Friendswood Drive. North felt that it was very nice except for the roof on the fried Chicken section. Fossler suggested that Mr. Gawlik get occupants who would approve a front elevation as the Commission was suggesting. Shore expressed his misgivings in regard to the color of the roof on the Crispy Fried Chicken section. Considerable discussion followed on these points. MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, seconded by Raney, to withhold approval until the Commission gets closer compliance with the Heimsath report in regard to the roof color and we have more details on the signs, and completed drawings of the front elevation showing completed roof lines. More discussion followed. Spears MOVED THE PREVIOUS QUESTION. Vote was taken on the original motion. MOTION PASSED, 5-0-2. For: Spears, Raney, Shore, Fossler, North. Against: None. Abstainingi Bost, Phillips. Mr. Gawlik asked for a copy of our requirements and the Heimsath report. 7. SUBDIVISIONS Fox Meadows Mr. Ted Bogren was present and added to the final Repla.t linen the requirement that all slabs be at 26.0 Foot elevation minimum as had been on hte original plat. MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Raney that the Commission approved the final plat of Fox Meadows replat. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Heritage Estates Mr. .lames Gartrell was present to request approval Section Two of the final plat of Heritage Estates, Section Two. This was mistakenly listed on the agenda as preliminary approval_. Shore asked if the ten foot strip on the Kallus property which had been sold to K allus prior to request for subdivision of the remainder of the Cook property had been resolved. North noted that it had not and that the lot is supposed to have resold. Bost noted that the ten foot strip had neither been deeded nor marked on the plat as dedicated on the Heritage 11 plat. G artrell noted on the plat that this would be dedicated. A copy of }lerita e Estates, section One, was brought out at the reques of the Chairman and it was discovered that the ten foot FPZC-M-3-28-74 Subdivisions (continued) strip (along Quaker Drive) had never been dedicated on this. The consensus was that this should be caught when section three is presented and not to hold up Section Two on this account. Mr. Gartrell was told that the City would need a deed. MOTION WAS MADE by Phillips, seconded by Spears, that approval be given to the final plat of Heritage Estates, Section Two. MOTION PASSED, 5--1-1. For: Bost, Spears, Fossler, Phillips, Raney. Against: North, because there was only one fire hydrant spaced in the middle of the subdivision. Abstaining: Shore. 8. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Subdivision The Secretary reported that she had informed the Ordinance City Attorney of our motion made at the last meeting Violations requesting him to notify the developers of Forest (12:35) Bend and Wedgewood that since they are in the Friendswood E`1'J they must comply with our Subdivision regulations. Mr. Hooks had said that we were under no legal obligation to notify them - that it was legally their responsibility to know the law. It there was a violation, we needed to be specific. Conveyance of portions of lots would be a violation, as would the fact that the subdivisions were not presented to the Friendswood Planning Commission for approval and were recorded in Harris County without our signatures. No action Attach was taken except to direct the Secretary to remind # the City Manager of our previous memo asking him to get in touch with people in Harris County. Slab Height Raney brought up the fact that he thought the City Attach RE lation had been given guidelines when granting of resident- # 12:36) ial building permits outside approved subdivisions had been assumed by the City. He reported that on Lot #10 in El Dorado and Tract #24 in Windsong permits had been issued for buildings which were less than the recommended height above grade, culvert, or road height. Spears and North confirmed that height recommendations had been given to the City and that the Commission had been assured that these recommendations were being adhered to. A memo will Attach be sent to the Manager and Council members concerning # this. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned. Secretary .� Approved: �197� NOTICE OF MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission will be held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Wi_llowick,.friendswood, Texas on: T14URSDAY APRIL 4, 1974 7,30 P.M. at which time the following items of business will be considered: 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 2. INFORMATION REPORTS (See attached last.) 3. BUILDING PERMITS (routine) Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department A. J. Harper for Colonial Coiffures Ron's Crispy Fried Chicken Any other routine building permits. 4. REZONING REQUESTS 1974-6 Ratify action calling hearing in regard to request for specific Use: Oil Wells and related structures on Lot 15 Van Pelt Subdivision. 5. SUBDIVISIONS Heritage Estates, Section Three - Presentation of Preliminary Plans 6. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Any routine business which may be brought up before the Commission. 7. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATE Leah P. North, Secretary I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the Friendswood City Hall on the thrity-first day of March, 1974, at 11,'/0 o'clock P.M. [ O'd c Planning and 'Zoning Commission Secretary FPZC-M-4-4-74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION April 4, 1974 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at the Friendswood City Hall on April 4, 1974. Vice -Chairman Tracy Spears presided in the absence of Chairman C. C. Bost, who was absent because of illness. MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Spears, Vice_Chairman Leah North, Secretary Kenneth Fossler Bob Phillips Jim Shore AUDIENCE MEMBERS ABSENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Clyde Raney Ed Zeitler, Council Representative Members of the audience signing the register were: Dorothy Jones, #1 Whittier Drive, 482-1208. Robert Cailleteau, 631 Quaker Drive, 482-7458. Edward A. Spelis, 307 Clearview, 482--3687. James E. Page, 401 Clearview, 482-2584. Bruce J. Goss, 309 Stonehenge Lane, 482-1322 A. J. Harper, 201 Heritage, 482-2684. 1, MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. March 14, 1974 -- Approved as presented. March 28, 1974 - Approved as presented. 2. BUILDING PERMITS. Colonial Mr. A. J. Harper presented a survey of lots which he owns Coiffures near the intersection of Morningside and East Heritage Drive, (8:00) along with a sketch of proposed parking. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission that Mr. Harper should obtain additional dimensions for the Commission for us to consider at the next meeting. Friendswood VFD No representatives were present, so no discussion. (8:30) 3. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. Apartment Mrs. Dorothy Jones presented some figures comparing the cost of Policy apartment units versus single family units. These figures were (8:30) based on information received from Tax Assessor -Collector Alta Carbone. FPZC-M-4-4-74 2 Miscellaneous Business (continued) $883 Per student per year in FISD TAXES Per SCHOOL Year CITY DRAINAGE DENSITY PER ACRE Average $25,000 Average Home - About 50% Apartment of homes in FW $330.00 $118.00 150.00 81.11 25.00 9.01 505.00 $208.12 3.3 Houses 18 Apartments 16 People 63 people (2 child, 1.5 adults 8 vehicles 25 vehicles 10 students 36 students $109 paid per $59 paid per student student Her conclusion was that it is more economically feasible to put in single family residences. Mrs. Jones was particularly interested in the apartment area at the corner of Clearview and Quaker Drive. She felt that the three subdivisions in this area of $50,000 plus homes should be taken"into consideration by the Planning Commission and that another 5.89 acres of apartments was not needed. She concluded by saying that she and some other residents would like to get this area rezoned if possible and asking how this could be requested. Members of the audience agreed. A discussion followed. North suggested that they could wait until the results of our study of the Comprehensive Plan is completed. Phillips suggested that they petition theCity Council. Spears mentioned that there was a present problem concerning, adequate sewage and road access if apartments were planned at the present time. Final consensus of the Commission was that the residents could petition either to the Planning Commission or the City Council, but that it would be better to petition the City Council if action were desired prior to the results of the study of the Comprehensive Plan. Bruce Goss Mr. Bruce J. Goss appeared to present his plans to operate an Art Foundry art foundry and workshop which he would like to locate in (9:52) Friendswood. In response to questioning, Mr. Goss stated that the foundry would make light use of welding, would make light castings of bronze and aluminum, the products of sculptors and artists. Bronze sundials on art bases might also be produced. They would have a melt furnace not over 500 pounds, which the EPA does not object to. Use of the building would be about one-third materials storage, one-third foundry, and one-third sales. There would be a very minimal showroom. They would utilize the lost wax process. There would be very little noise. The furnace would be flued for safety. Heat and natural gas products would be emitted. Some emissions from heating metal. Building size would be about 50 by 100. 3 FPZC-M-4-4-74 Art Foundry Ccontinuedj Some deliveries would be necessary. Two thousand pounds of bronze should last two or three weeks. Emissions are nothing that would be hazardous, but he doesn't,�run an analysis of the metals. Copper, lead and tin are to be used. Acids would be hauled and dumped at approved places. Most operations would be at night. Shore asked if he would be willing to limit the size and number of furnaces. Goss did not like to be limited on the number. Shore stated that he had a hang-up on the size of the operation, how clean it would be, and how it would be handled. Mr. Goss stated that there was aplace downtown which we could see. The Commission agreed that they would like to see an operation before taking any action. Mr. Goss will be back in two weeks. 4. BUILDING PERMITS Ron's Crispy Mr. Jim Gawlik presented an overall elevation of the proposed Fried Chicken building, a blue -line drawing of the sign to go on the fascia, and Attach (9:40) a memo from Clovis Heimsath recommending that we adopt his design. #2 MOTION WAS MADE by Phillips, seconded by Fossler, that the building permit be approved. MOTION PASSED, 3-2. For: Phillips, Fossler, North. Against: Spears, Shore. Discussion of the fascia sign(s) followed. It was the consensus of the Commission that the size of the fascia sign as presented was within the fifty square foot limitation stated in the Zoning Ordinance. A sign on the side fascia was also proposed, however. Spears questioned this second sign. Discussion followed. MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Shore, that only one fascia sign be permitted. MOTION PASSED, 3-2. For: Against: Fossler, North. 5. MISCELANEOUS BUSINESS Spears, Shore, Phillips (who first abstainer Crown Central #5 Mr. Orville Haynie and Mr. W. E. McAndrews, Jr. were present in Ware #1 well regard to drilling at Ware #1 well. Rezoning at this site is in (10:25) progress, but their drill rig is available now. They would like to start drilling at this site and take the business risk that they would be able to obtain rezoning. In response to questions, it was determined that there were no other owners within two -hundred feet of the well. MOTION WAS MADE. by North, seconded by Phillips, that the Commission recommend approval of Crown Central's request to go forward with their operations at Ware #1 subject to the results of the May 2 public hearing. MOTION PASSED, 3-0-2. For: Spears, Phillips, North. Abstaining: Shore, Fossler. FPZC-M-4-4-74 4 6. REZONING REQUESTS Crown Central RR-1974-5 Crown Central RR-1974-6 7. SUBDIVISIONS #5 MOTION WAS MADE by Fossler, seconded by Phillips that a public hearing be held on May 2 at 9 P.M. for both RR-1974-5 (Crown #6 Central request #5) and RR-1974-6 (Crown Central request #6), both requests being for the rezoning of R-1 Single family areas to Specific Use: Oil wells and related structures. It was necessary to include both in this motion, since a previous motion to hold the hearings on April 25 had not been put in the. paper in time. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Heritage Estates No one was present to present Heritage Estates Preliminary Plan. Section Three (11:00) 8. INFORMATION REPORTS 1) Polly Ranch Estates. Results of the survey made by Robert C. Smith for the Attach City of Friendswood indicate that the common lot line between lots 6 and 7 #3 of the re -plat of Polly Ranch Estates is actually twelve and a half feet from the line as surveyed by Mr. Gartrell. This substantially corroborates the claim made by Mrs. Louise Bacon, a lot owner, that the lot line was thirteen feet off. The question was raised as to whether the rest of the plat was off, if this line was off. Also, the new lot line passes through the slab of a house under construction. It was reported that engineer Gartrell was moving his original stakes to conform with the City's survey. Since a road has already been cut through, based on the original survey, question was raised regarding the necessity of a re -plat showing actual locations. No action. 2) Kallus lot: Quaker Drive R-O-W interruption. The Secretary reported being contacted by a possible purchaser of this lot who had been told by the real estate salesperson that houses were to built behind this lot and a road put in. Spears wondered how the Commission could flag this lot. North reported that she had already sent a memo to the City Manager, Zoning Administrator, and Building Official requesting that any request for a building permit be relayed to the Commission. 3) Lot #28, Quaker's Landing. The Secretary handed out copies of the report of Attach The comittee to recommend the disposition of the lot in Quaker's Landing which #4 is to be given away by Amoco Pipeline. Recommendation of the Committee, chaired by Roger Mills, was that the lot be deeded to the City of Friendswood, to be subsequently sold as a residential building site and that the revenue received as a result of this sale be used to additionally equip the Friendswood Volunteer Fire and Ambulance Service. This recommendation was accepted by the Council on April 1. 4) Personal Liability of Planning Commission members. The Secretary handed out copies of a memo from the City -Manager -covering a talk with Riley Fletcher, Counsel for the Texas Municipal League. The conclusion was that while the Planning Comission Attach could be sued for actions taken by it as a body, that the loss of such a suit #5 was very unlikely. 5 FPZC-M-4-4-74 Attach #6 ACTION ACTION Attach #7 Information Reports (continued) 5) Subdivision in ETJ in Harris County. The Secretary handed out copies of a memo from the City Manager regarding Subdivision enforcement in the ETJ. He has written Harris County Judge Bill Elliott (Commissioner's Court), talked with City of Houston Planning Department, and written to U. S. Homes, suggesting that they should send a representative to meet with the Planning Zommission. No contact has yet been made in Wedgewood. 6) Autumn HIlls Rest Home rezoning,The Secretary reported that Mr. Fleck has contacted the City questioning the requirement of deeding a sixty -foot right-of-way as a condition of the rezoning of the Autumn Hills Rest Home. Spears stated that this was between the buyers of Autumn Hills and Mr. Fleck, which expressed the consensus of the Commission. The Commission also reiterated that this right-of-way was necessary because of increased traffic generated by the enlarged facility and a requirement of orderly development in the area. 7) Wofford tract. The Secretary reported that a sewerline was being laid to service this tract of land, which is reportedly divided by metes and bounds into commercial and residential tracts, the latter of which may not meet our subdivision requirements, The consensus was that they should appear before the Commission. 8) Dunbar rezoning request. Fossler asked the status of the Dunbar request. The Secretary reported that a certified letter, receipt requested, had been sent, asking Mr. Bloodworth to make contact with us, but that no reply had been received. 9) 8" slab in Windson . It was reported that a building permit had been issued for a residence in Windsong, but that the slab height was only 8" above natural ground, in conflict with the Planning Commission recommendation of 18" which we thought was being enforced. Spears directed the S cretary to write a memo to City Manager Morgan in regard to this. 9. CALLING OF SPECIAL MEETING AND ADJOURNMENT The Chairman called a special meeting for next Thursday to consider the unfinished business of tonight's meeting, particularly the parking plan for Colonial Coiffures. Planning Consultant Atkinson will be invited to discuss revision of the Comprehensive Plan. There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11:40 a.. Approved / r I FPZC-Notice-4-11-74� NOTICE OF MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given of a special meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission to be held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, Friendswood, Texas on: THURSDAY APRIL 11, 1974 7:30 P.M. at which time the following items o business will be considered: 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 2. INFORMATION REPORTS *Mayor Lowe - Plans for Park (Football, Soccer, Mini) at Renwick S/D site 3. ROUTINE BUILDING PERMITS A. J. Harper - Colonial Coiffures 4. ANY ROUTINE BUSINESS WHICH MAY BE BROUGHT BEFORE THE COMMISSION . ADJOURNMENT ecretary After the special meeting an informal workshop discussion will be held, primarily to discuss revision of the Comprehensive City Plan with Planning Consultant Bob Atkinson. Any other matters which may be before the Commission may be discussed, but not acted upon. Secretary CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the Friendswood City Hall on the seventh day of April, 1974, at //;/S— o'clock P.M. *Indicates addition made 4-9--74 at 12:45 P.M. lanning and Zoning Commission Secretary FPZC-M-4--11-74 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION April 11, 1974 A special meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on April 11, 1974 at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, Friendswood, Texas. Purpose of the meeting was to consider unfinished business from the previous meeting regarding parking at Colonial Coiffures on East Heritage Drive. Vice -Chairman Tracy Spears presided in the absence of Chairman C. C. Bost. MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Spears, Vice --Chairman Leah North, Secretary Bob Phillips Clyde Raney Kenneth Fossler Jim Shore AUDIENCE Those signing the register were: MEMBERS ABSENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. Lewis A. Florer, 307 Bellmar Lane, 482--3689. J. T. Tate, 305 Stadium Lane, 482--6453- Mary Tate, 305 Stadium Lane, 482-6453. Donna McCalla, 305 Bellmar Lane, 482-3082. David McCalla, 305 Bellmar Lane, 482-3082. Mildred Cochran, 109 Mary Ann, 482--7005. Dorothy Jones, 1 Whittier Dr., 482-1208. Grace Baker, 811 Merriebrook, 482-7094. Margie Lowe, 1605 S. Friendswood Drive, 482-3456. T. John Tirado, 530 Heather Lane, 482-2822. Robert Cailleteau, 631 Quaker Drive, 482--7458. T. Summers, 6 Whittier Drive, 482-1879. Brooks, Myers, 401 Stadium Lane, 482-3198. B. R. Baker, 507 Clearview, 482-1120. Glenn Summers, 215 Brigadoon, 482-3297. 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. No minutes were available. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS. 1) Mayor's Report. Mayor Ralph Lowe and City Engineer Heaney presented a plan for acquiring additional park land on the Renwick Subdivision site adjacent to the present Little League Ball Parks. Since delays have been encountered in the development of the subdivision, Mayor Lowe is of the opinion that the land will be available to the City. He is hopeful that the City can acquire a grant from the parks and Wildlife Department for fifty per cent of the cost of $24,000. Eleven lots of the proposed subdivision would be left facing on Mary Ann Drive. Mr. Heaney stated that developer A. J. Peterson will build a six foot fence behind these lots. Mayor Lowe asked if there were any objections to this plan. A discussion followed. One meber of the audience asked if the street FPZC-M-4-11-74 2 Information Reports (continued) through the park were going to be left dirt or paved. Phillips questioned if it were possible to change the street plan, since he was concerned that it would be used for through traffic. Later Planning Consultant Bob Atkinson expressed the same concern, suggesting access to one parking lot from one street, or, as an alternative, two separate parking areas, each with access from a different street. Raney asked how soon a replat would be ready for the Commission. Mayor Lowe stated that he needed Planning Commission and City Council' general concurrence and then would go to the Parks and Wildlife Department. North expressed the desire that a like amount of money could be be made available for the purchase of a fire station site. Some discussion followed on this, with the suggestion being made that perhaps part of this site could be used. This met with objections from mothers in the audience who stated that Stadium is covered with children during the hours that school is starting or letting out. Mayor Lowe also stated that plans will be made to extend F. M. 518 to the Chigger Creek Bridge and extend Whispering Pines through the ]Iacknej property to F. M. 518 at this point. North mentioned that Whispering Pines needed to be connected with Briarmeadow eventually. Mayor Lowe stated that the Highway Department has come up with tentative costs of the F.M. 518 improvement of $ 71,000. 2) North reported a discussion with a contractor in regard to the Lobella proposal for a gymnasium on Laurel Drive. The parking problem was discussed. Physical culture and health studios require one space per 200 square feet. Studios for teaching any form of fine arts, drama, etc., require one space per 400 square feet. Raney did not think we should approve a building built over a wooden frame building as this is proposed. No decision, since formal plans have not been presented. 3) North and Raney reported that Village Green is becoming concerned about the Dow pipeline. Stakes were being set behind Village Green on Sunday and some of the homeowners have contacted Dow and arranged for a meeting with them on April 25. There is some indication that this pipeline route is planned, not only for a CO pipeline, but that Big 3 will pipe ]i2, N2, or 12 back. Raney stated that when Dudney was here last that he said they would not construct the pipeline until fall and Raney had reminded him that it would take several weeks of work within the City for approval. North reported a verbal conversation with their attorney reminding him that formal application needed to be made for rezoning. Nothing has been received. 4) Polly Ranch. Raney asked if anyone had heard from Polly ranch. No one had. Shore stated that he would like to see the City Managerstcaighten this out. Raney stated that he had spoken to the City Manager today on this subject. The question arose during the discussion about how much replatting would be necessary and how much of the plat was off. FPZC-M-4-11-74 3. ROUTINE BUILDING PERMITS Wofford Mrs. Wofford presented plans of a track: of land Site on South Friendswood Drive between W:inding'W ay and Chigger Creek, across from the new Stevenson Park. The tract is all under one ownership at this time, but had been surveyed into several tracts by Mr. Wofford before his death. It is not believed that any of these were recorded. A problem arose when a sewer line was started to service the building known as the "Taylor building" (See 10-4-73) on South Friendswood Drive and also to service three "lots" on 'Minding Way. Since these "lots~' are less than 120 feet in width, they cannot meet Zoning Ordinance requirements for a building permit. Mrs. Wofford agreed that if they were not recorded that they could be divided into two lots. Spears suggested that a section divided off around a ravine on the property should be included in one of the building lots. He informed Mrs. Wofford that she must have it engineered before we can approve it. She will return. She left copies of what surveys she has on the tract and on the sewer Line. Colonial Coiffures Mr. A. J. Harper left dimensions of the lot, building location and revised parking plans with the Commission. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by North, that approval be given to the proposed parking area as revised by Mr. Harper, Mr. Harper to be requested to submit a scale drawing clearly defining the size of the parking lot, the number of parking spaces, and the width of each space. In the discussion that followed, Raney stated that there was a question in his mind whether this was really our responsibility or whether the Board of Adjustment should have taken care of it when they granted the request of Colonial Coiffures to expand a non -conforming., use. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Heritage Estates, Heritage Estates, Section Three, having been submitted Section Three to the City and request for preliminary approval having been made for next week, the Secretary showed the plans to the Commission. After some discussion, it was agreed to wait until next week when Mr. Gartrell is present, to list any additional information which has not been submitted. Resignation, Spears gave a letter to the Secretary which was a C. C. Bost copy of Bost's resignation submitted to Mayor Lowe and effective of this date. The time required to serve has become more than his business will allow him to spend at the present time. FPZC-m-4-11-74 Miscellaneous Business (continued) 4 Girl Scout A copy of a letter to the Storage Van Horn was submitted to approved the plan on May approved it on June 28, a spot has been selected 5. ADJOURNMENT City Manager from Lloyd the Commission. Council 25, 1R73, and the Commission 1973. After some delay, from the building. There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned. (9130 P.M.) cX-L F elt to - �R m, Secretary Approved: WORKSHOP Following the formal meeting, a workshop session was held with Planning Consultant Bob Atkinson. Driveway Standards. Mr. Atkinson will talk with City Attorney B. J. Hooks and try to get this ordinance into preliminary form by next Thursday night. Comprehensive _Plan. Considerable discussion took place concerning the revision of the Comprehensive Plan, with the Commissioners stating their views. Mr. Atkinso has reviewed the Bovay Report. Ile expressed the opinion that there were some good things in it and some others that didn't wuite work. Things have changed since the Bovay Plan. The size of the City has changed. We now have Flood plains. NASA was booming then and the TV station was doing well. Raney had prepared a colorcoded map of present and possible future zoning. This was discussed. Atkinson felt that much of the Commercial development between the two main intersections of Friendswood/Edgewood and Friendswood/Packwood would become marginal businesses. he suggested that the Commission could let the present people stay and expand if they wanted or needed to. Changing of some Commercial areas to Townhouse areas was discussed, especially in the area of Kingspark/Nhitehall. kp, -L -y! )aA- Secretary Approved: q`? FPZC-Notice-4-18-74 NOTICE OF MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission will be held at the Friendswood Gity hall, 109 East Willowick, Friendswood, Texas on: T HURSDAY APRIL 18, 1974 7130 P.M. at which time the following items of business will be considered: 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS. 3. ROUTINE BUILDING PERMITS. 4. SUBDIVISIONS 9:00 Longwood Park, Section II - Request for preliminary approval. 9:15 Heritage Estates, S'ction Three -- Request for preliminary approval. 5. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. Election of officers - to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Chairman. Key Rate - Possibility of Friendswood obtaining own rating. Any other routine business which may come before the Commission. 6. PLANNING CONSULTANT. Driveway Standards Ordinance 7. ADJOURNMENT. CERTIFICATE OZ*-U`�44 Secretary I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the Friendswood City Hall on the twelfth day of April, 1974, at o'clock P.M. U` Planning and Zoning Commission Secretary FPZC-M-4-18-74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANING AND ZONING COMMISSION April 18, 1974 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall on April 18, 1974. Vice-Charman Tracy Spears presided in the absence of C. C. Bost, who has resigned. The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Kenneth Fossler Bob Phillips Clyde Raney Jim Shore AUDIENCE MEMBERS ABSENT Vacancy (C. C. Bost) Present during protions of the meeting were Marie Moore, Friendswood Journal, Don Carpenter, Friendswood News, and John 1'irado. 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. April 4, 1974 - Approved as presented. April 11, 1974 - Approved as presented. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS. 1) The Secretary reported on a call from Mr. Goss (of the Art foundry_), who would not be here tonight. He had not found a foundry which he wished us to see. He is also looking at alternate locations. 2) Elementary School Plans. Gymnasium. The Secretary reported attending a meeting of the School Board at which Mr. Wolf, architect presented plans for a new elementary school on Briarmeadow Drive and also an additional gymnasium at the High School. She asked him to come before the Planning Commission before finalization of any plans. 3) Johnson Kiddie Corner. The Secretary reported a question from the Fire Marshall Oren McClure in regard to our approval of a structure which is being used as a nursery school. This structure apparently has violations of the Fire Code as applied to Day care centers. The Secretary had not recorded in the minutes, but did remember that the Commission had been told that the proposed structure had been approved by the Fire Marshall. The Commission concurred that this statement had been made. 4) Windsong 8" slab. The Secretary 6 conversation with City Manager Morgan, during which he telephoned the City Attorney B. J. Hooks. The Attorneys opinion was that the City could not enforce the eighteen inch slab height requested by the Planning Commission unless this requirement were put in an ordinance. The City Manager, however, will advise the builder that this height is desirable. The Commission agreed that the eighteen inch requirement should be put in ACTION ordinance form. The Secretary will write a memo to the City Manager requesting Attach that this be done. Wording is not yet resolved. FPZC-M-4-18-74 FA 5) Fire Code. Raney asked that North check with the Volunteer Fire Department in regard to progress on a proposed Fire Code. North agreed. 6) Lobella Gym. Raney inquired if there had been any more word in regard to the Lobella gym, North reported no further contact since last week. 7) National Investor's Hedge status. A question was raised on the status of the National Investor's Hedge and the Weiner Store expansion. Raney requested that ACTION the Secretary contact Mr. Brooks, attorney for National Investors and ask what the current status is. 3. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Key Rate North asked that the Commission pursue the question of obtaining a Key Rate for the City of Friendswood as compared to the present method of using Houston's Key Rate. There is some evidence that this would save money on insurance costs in Friendswood. North was instructed to get information on this. Election of Since the resignation of Chairman C. C. Bost has been accepted Officers by the City Council, it was necessary to hold a special election to fill the vacancy. Raney nominated Tracy Spears for Chairman, seconded by Shore. No further nominations were,made and Spears was elected unanimously. Spears having been Vice -Chairman, this office was now vacant. Phillips nominated Clyde Raney for Vice -Chairman, seconded by Shore. No further nominations were made and Raney was elected Attach unanimously. #3 Budget A discussion of the future bu get took place, since the (8:30) developers had not yet arrived to discuss subdivisions. !North would like to see some money in the budget to cover the cost of participation in utility lines to subdivisions. If there were no money left in the budget for this, then subdividers could install the lines at their cost or wait until the City had the money to do it. North thinks the subdividers would end up installing the lines in order to get them done sooner. Raney suggested that the Commission budget for attorney services. Shore thought this might work, with the attorney attending our meetings, Cost figures were discussed. Spears will check out more accurate costs. Building Code Raney brought up the need to amending of the building code. Amendments Several items were discussed which need more research. The possibility of including the eighteen inch slab requirement in the Flood Insurance Ordinance was suggested by Raney. Sign Ordinance Raney would like to resurrect the Sign Ordinance. He feels that the proposed ordinance was less strict than the sign ordinance of the City of Denver. If the Denver Attorney thinks that their ordinance is defensible in court, why is the ordinance proposed by the Commission not defensible? 3 FPZC-M-4-18-74 4. SUBDIVISIONS Longwood Park Mr. Ken Yowell and Mr. Bruce Frenzel, engineer, were present to Section II .(III) request preliminary approval for Longwood Park Section II. (8.55) A letter from the City Manager was passed to the Commission Attach stating that the plat conformed to all City requirements. #1 Raney questioned whether Crawford woulad come up to City standards. Consensus was that it would not, but that it had already been accepted by the City. MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Phillips, that approval be given to the Preliminary Plat with the conditions that the final plat show the covenants as required in the new subdivision ordinance and that the section be referred to as Section III, instead of Section II, since it was originally proposed as Section III in the original Longwood Plat. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Heritage Estates No one was present to present the Heritage Estates III plans. Section III Plans were reviewed by the Commission. Letter from City Manager stating the City Engineer Heaney finds the plans insufficient in drainage detail was read. Also, Water and Sewer Utility Super" intendent Toon had marked his copy showing that the sewer line running from the subdivision to Clearview Avenue should be designated as a ten inch line instead'of an eight inch line. There were also a couple of errors noted on the plat by North and Fossler noted some dimensions which were missing on some cul-de-sac lots. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seoncded by Shore, that the Preliminary Plat as presented by disapproved. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 4.BUILDIND PERMITS Fire Station La Marr Beatty, of the FriendswoodVolunteer Fire Department came into the meeting to inform the Commission that during their meeting concerning the Fire Station, the engineer wanted to go to a 12 inch slab instead of a 16 inch slab and save the Department $3000. A discussion followed. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Phillips, that the 12 inch slab be recommended for approval due to the improbability of the lot's flooding, and also due to the comment by Councilman Zeitler that there are plans for F. M. 518 widening to be extended past the site. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Fc-,s&M-,.r Ie!i- at Q`.:33 Carl Warwick and Mr. Tom Montgomery. representing Carl Warwick and Associates Associates presented a building request for a temporary building to be built near the corner of West Castlewood and F.M. 518, After discussion, Mr. Montgomery was directed to the Board of Adjustment through Mr. Cline, since this is a temporary building FPZC-M-4-18-74 4 Building Permits (continued) and would require a Temporary Certificate of Zoning Compliance issued by the Board of Adjustment. If it were to be considered as a permanent building, the Planning Commission might not want to approve it. The Commission will write a memo later to the Board of Adjustment. We would like to have the Board take care of the whole package, including parking. North would like to see some planting requirements. Shore suggested that there might be a sidewalk requirement if the building were to be permanent. 5. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Polly Ranch The Commission had been informed by the City Manager that Billy McAninch was to attend tonight to discuss the problems in Polly Ranch Estates. Mr. McAninch was not in attendance. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that a memo be written to the City Manager advisins him that Polly Ranch Estates has not submitted a replat and is in violation of the Subdivision Ordinance and therefore a restraining order should be sought immediately to stop construction of the present house(s) until a replat is obtained. Attach MOTION PASSED, �0-1. Phillips abstaining #4 %z. 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 10:10. P.M. Secretary Approved: L4 0--w czvx-o- c GLc L Following adjournment, the upcoming meeting next Thursday between Dow Chemical Company and Village Green Civic Club was discussed. It Is suggested that Raney attend this meeting. A-- FPZC-Notice-4-18-74 NOTICE OF MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WILL BE HELD AT FRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL, 109 EAST WILLOWICK, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS ON: THURSDAY APRIL 25, 1974 7:30 P,M. AT WHICH TIME THE FOLLOWING ITEMS OF BUSINESS WILL BE CONSIDERED: 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS. 3. ROUTINE BUILDING PERMITS. Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department 4. REZONING. None 5. SUBDIVISIONS. None b. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. Representative from Forest Bend John Robinson - on parks and planning 7. ADJOURNMENT. Secretary CFRTTFTCATF I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the Friendswood City Hall on the twenty --first day of April, 1974, at �/,o,�- o'clock P.M. *added 10:20 P.M. April 21, 1974 Planning and Zoning Commission Secretary FPZC-M-4-25-74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLAITING AND ZONING COMMISSION A pri]. 25,_L924 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on April 25, 1974 at the Friendswood City Hall, 109.tEast Willowick. Chairman Tracy Spears presided, calling the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Spears, Chairman Clyde Raney, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Kenneth Fossler Bob Phillips Jim Shore AUDIENCE Signing the guest register were: MEMBERS ABSENT Vacancy Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. Jim McVey, 5102 Encino Court, 482-6182. Roger Medors, US Homes, Stafford, Texas, 499-2561 Jeff Lewis, U. S. Homes, Stafford, 499-2561 Gary Hannon, U. S. Homes, Stafford, 498-5259 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS April 18, 1974 - Approved with the following corrections: Page One, Page Four, Page Four: Page Five: February 21, 1974 - Minutes 2. BUILDING PERMITS last paragraph; Insert word "had."(CR) last paragraph: "As"to "is." (CR) Fossler left at 9:33. (KF) Vote on Polly Ranch was 4-0-1, with Fossler absent. (KF) were passed out to members. Friendswood Vol. Mr. Van Williams and Mr. LaMarr Beatty of the Fire Department Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department presented a layout for the proposed Fire Station which incorporated the recommendations made by the Commission at a previous meeting. Mr. Williams stated that he felt the East Drive was the only thing in question -and the Commission concurred. A discussion followed on whether theplan should be for the east drive to also serve as park egress. if this were done, it would be an unprotected (by stop light) ingress/egress, would share space with emergency vehicles, and would necessitate widening the drive to at least 24 feet The consensus of the Commission was that the egress to the park should come from Winding Way. Public parking could be off this access and behind the Fire Station and be used for both park use and public meetings in the Station. MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Phillips, FPZC-M-4-25-74 2 the the Commission recommend approval of the layout presented with the stipulation that the drives are private and not for park use. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS U. S. Homes Mr. Jeff Lewis, Attorney, Mr. Gary Hannon, Forest Bend Engineer, and Mr. Roger Medors, Operations Man, S/D all represp:nting U. S. Homes building in Forest Bend Subdivision were presont to enable the Commission to review plats and plans of the Subdivision. Total Lots left. U. S. Homes is now working in Sections 3,4, 5, and 6. Seventy lots are left in Section 5, 190 in Section 6. A total of 337 are left, including a few in Sections 1 and 2. The end of the program is projected to be in two years. Flood Elevations. In Section 5 there are several "Class B" lots which may never be built on. These are lots on which the slab elevation, electric box, compressor, have to be raised. Two mandatory inspections are necessary and elevations are shot. Flood plain restrictions are Harris County's. La}Lout. A layout of the entire plat was shown. Size of the area is 328 acres and approximately 1000 lots. They are finishing out at a rate of about twenty per month. The majority of lots are in the 60 to 65 foot range. Although they could not leave the copies of the plats which they brought, Mr. Medors said that they could send copies of the plats. Replatting. Mr. Hannon reminded us that actual buildings may vary from the plat because -the section has been replatted. Fossler asked if they had the xeplats. Mr. Medors stated that the replatting was done by metes and bounds only. Medors also stated that the density of the tract decreased 98/ of the time when replatting was done. North asked if the Commission could get copies of the replats. Medors explained that the replats were drawings which are used in the sales offices and are on boards. There was some discussion on how to get a copy of the boards. Medors thought he might try a picture. North asked why they didn't go ahead and file the replat. This would greatly help the tax assessor/ collector. She was told that if they filed a replat, they would have to get all the lot owners to sign their consent. 3 FPZC--M-4-2 5-74 U. S. Homes (continued) Sand bar at ditch. Spears asked if they could fix the sand bar which has formed from the silt which has washed into Clear Creek from the main drainage ditch. Mr. Hannon stated that Tom Langford (Harris County Flood Control) takes care of this periodically. North questioned this. Miscellaneous. Raney asked if they had received any letters previously from the City in regard to their subdivision. Medors stated that this letter was the first. He stated that he understood that the City of Houston had given us jurisdiction. Raney reminded them thay have a conflict in lot sizes with the Friendswood Ordinance. Density. Medors explained that the 328 acres excludes the townhouses, of which there is only one section. This section consists of 14.58 acres and contained approximately 145 townhouses as estimated by the Commission. Miscellaneous. Raney asked what kind of water lines were used. Hannon stated that they used six and eight inch asbes'os concrete, which he thought was the same as transite. North asked what brand. Hannon replied "Certainteed." The open area "c" adjacent to F. M. 528 has been sold. The quads are all built. Lewis stated that the unrestricted reserves are sold. Total quads are twelve units of four each. Phillips asked if they would increase the number of townhouses if they had more acreage. The answer was "no" because the townhouses this far out were not selling, according to Medors, possibl3 affected by the fuel crisis. Spears asked if they had any more areas which they planned to develop. Lewis stated that they had one more tract on F.M . 518, but ao Y"Ore. ir+ r , 1 1� 1 PIi�tSwcrr �.. Fossler asked if they were familiar with our subdivision ordinance. They were getting ready to ask for one, which the Secretary furnished to them. Amendments were not available, however. cT w/ These will be mailed later. I� Raney asked when the subdivision started. Plans were begun on July 19, 1968. 4. BUILDING PERMITS McVey Antiques Mr. Jim McVey, 5102 Encino Court presented a Laurel Drive drawing of a proposed addition to a building in which he is running an antique shop on Laurel FPZC-M-4-25-74 4 Drive. Present parking is noncomforming in front of the building, which has only a ten foot set -back. Right set -back is 28 feet. The Commission informed him that he would have to provide parking on the lot since the ten foot front is not adequate. lie had no objection. Discussion of the number of spaces required followed. It was finally agreed that he needed 1/200 sq. ft. of the front building which will be his sales room and 1/1000 square feet of the addition, which will be workroom and storage. Sales area is 480 square feet, new addition is 1200 square feet. Number of parking spaces needed is four. Mr. McVey expressed a concernthat parking toward the front of the lot might harm his neighbor's trees, which are right on the lotiineThe Secretary gave him a copy, of the parking criteria. He will use it to figure out four more spaces and will call when he is ready to be back on the agenda. No plan was available to leave with the Commission. 5. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Protest: Lack of Mr. John Edward Robinson presented a two -page Attach Park Planning protest against the purchase of an additional #2 park at this time and stated that the City needs to look at the long,range consequences of its actions "and not act on'hip pocket' promotion reactions. Spears reassured Mr. Robinson that we had employed a planner recently. Raney told Mr. Robinson that we are hopelessly behind in park aquisition now. That with the purchase of the additional acres that we will still have only about half of the park which we should have right now according to National Recreation Association standards. Robinson stated that the Renwick site was a a good example of long range planning that should have been done. It was once the property of the school and was sold for much less four years ago, when the City could first have purchased it. Raney stated that if we do not buy it now we will have houses built on it. The area is densely populated and needs more park space. Robinson concluded that the people should be able to know what the long range planning is. 161 Miscellaneous Business (continued) FPZC-M-4-25--74 Key Rate North gave a verbal report on her research into the question of acquiring our own Key Rate. A written report will be ready next week. Her conclusions are that considerable money can be saved by area businesses if Friendswood adopts its own Key Rate, which is now estimated to be approximately 36$d according to the State Board of Insurance engineers. She will make the recommendation next week that Friendswood (1) initiate action to secure its own Key Rate, and (2) adopt a policy that utility installations approved by the City be so designed that they will not cost the City a penalty on its Key Rate. Raney raised the question whether the Key Rate could increase appreciably in the future as the City grows and perhaps does not keep pace with the growth. He mentioned maintenance of Fire Department equipment as something which could incurr penalties in the future. Windsong Slab North reported that the City Manager had told her that Mr. Cline had gone out to the site and had observed that the slab was actually being built at eighteen inches, not the eight inches indicated on the plans. Elementary School North noted that the paper today indicated that Plans the School Board had approved the Elementary School. plans. She stated that she was still concerned about the design (or lack of design) of emergency exits. Dow Chemical The Secretary passed out copies of a letter which Raney had drafted to write to Dow in regard Attach to their pipeline rezoning. This was approved # by the Commission as written. 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to dicuss, the meeting was adjourned. _ wal(y' �&g Secretary Approved: �� % l FPZC--Notice-5-2-74 r NOTICE OF MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission will be held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, ons THURSDAY MAY 2, 1974 7:30 P.M. at which time the following items of business will be considered: 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS. 3. ROUTINE BUILDING PERMITS. 4. REZONING REQUESTS. 9100 P.M. HEARING: 1974-5• A request to rezone from R-1 (Single -Family residential) to Specific Use: Oil well and related structures. Area involved is four acres out of a 154.9 I, acre tract out of the Mary Sloan Survey A--184 (Ware lease). 9:00 P.M HEARING: 1974-6. A request to rezone from R-1 (Single -Family residential) to Specific Use: ail Well and related structures. Area involved is a four acre site out of Lot 15 of the Van Pelt Subdivision of the BS&F 5 Survey, Abstract 625. (No. 1 Glen Harris Well). 5. SUBDIVISIONS. None 6. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. Key Rate recommendation. Any other routine business. 7. PLANNING CONSULTANT. Robert Atkinson on Driveway Standards, etc. 8. ADJOURNMENT. CERTIFICATE I 'A rd Secretary I certify that the above notice of meeting was poted on the bulletin board at the Friendswood City Hall on the day of April, 1974, at o'clock P.M. 7�j FPZC-Notice-5-2-74 Addition ADDITION TO AGENDA FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISS1014 MEETING May 2_.._ 19?4 Notice is hereby given that the following items are hereby added to the previously posted agenda as emergency items inasmuch as said items are routine items and delay in calling of the requested hearings will cause delay which will adversely affect the scheduling of future meetings and drill rig schedules and will not be of additional benefit to citizens or the Commission. REZONING REgUESTS RR-1974-7: Request by Crown Central Petroleum Corporation to rezone from R-1 (Single-family Residential) to Specific Uses Oil well and related structures.- a four acre tract out of a 250 acre tract out of Sec.22 I&GN RR A-624, the southeast corner of which is located 930 feet west measured along the south Line and 250 north of the south- east corner of the 250 acre tract. Call hearing. RR-1974-8: Request by Crown Central Petroleum Corporation to rezone from R-1 (Single-family Residential) to Specific Use: Oil well and related structures -- a four acre tract out of a 250 acre tract out of Sec. 22 I&GN RR A-624, the northeast corner of said four acre tract being located 2930 feet West measured along the North line and 265 feet South of the Northeast corner of said 250 acre tract. Call hearing. A0 GlzU , /�_ -- Secretary CERTIFICATE I certify that the above addition to agenda of a meeting was posted on the bulletin board of the Fnendswood City Hall on the twenty-ninth day of April, 1974 at ,7 ; 0(D O'clock P.M. Planning and Zoning Commission Secretary FPZC-M-5-2-74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION May 2, 1974 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, on May 2, 1974. Chairman Tracy Spears presided. MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Spears, Chairman Clyde ,ilaney, Vice -Chairman Leah North, SEcretary James Shore AUDIENCE Those signing the register were: MEMBERS ABSENT Kenneth Fossler Bob Phillips John Tirado, 530 Heather Lane, 482-2822 Van J. Roark, 5105 North Loop, Houston, 697-7854 Andrew M. Sea, Box 1361, Alvin, Texas, 77511, 393-1024. William H. Taylor, Jr., Box 169, Rt. 3, Alvin, 331-5521 Uel S. Clanton, 603 Falling Leaf, 482-7187 L. W. Lunday, Lunday Lane, 585-3130 Mrs. W. R. Lunday, Lunday Lane, 585-2082 Mrs. L. W. Lundav, Lunday Lane 1. MINUTES April 25, 1974 - Approved with the following correction: Page 3 - Add: "But no more in Friendswood." 2. INFORMATION REPORTS 1) Plats for Forest Bend have been received and are in the file. 2) Mrs. John Leddy Jones,, who owned much of the land north of Edgewood Drive and Melody Lane was a victim of the recent Metro plane crash in Galveston. 3) Planning Commission has been asked to make a recommendation, regarding water lines from Sun Meadow to El Dorado and Fox Meadows. The consensus of the Commission was that this could be done. 4) The Secretary received a request for information this week from a person considering buying land in the Mustang Meadows subdivision which failed to receive Council approval. 5) The City Engineer brought to the Secretary's attention that the bridge in Polly Ranch Estates had never received his approval. Since he had no copy of the plans, the Secretary loaned the Commission's set to him. 3. ROUTINE BUILDING PERMITS Autumn Hills Three sets of plans for the Autumn Hills Nursing Home were received. After study, the following motion was made. FPZC-M-5-2-74 2 Autumn Hills (continued) MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by North, that the Commission recommend approval of the building permit of the Autumn Hills Convalescent Center with the following contingencies: (1) Parking on East Heritage (2) The plat is to be marked is a City street. (3) The City Attorney is to street. is to be removed. indicating that sixty feet approve the deed for the MOTION PASSED, 3-1. For: Spears, Raney, North. Against: Shore. Shore wanted to have the completed drawings first. 4. SUBDIVISIONS Heritage Estates Plans were available showing the request of Heritage Estates, Section One Section One, to lower the street levels in certain sections Road Revision of the subdivision. Mr. Gartrell was not present to explain the problem, so action was deferred until a later meeting. 5. REZONING REQUESTS HEARING: Hearings were held simultaneously on two requests for rezoning RR-1974-5 from Crown Central Petroleum to rezone to Specific Use: Oil HEARING: Well -and Related Structures the following tracts of land: RR-1974-6 (1) RR-1974-5. Four acres out of a 154.9 acre tract out of the Mary Sloan Survey A-184. Ware #1 well. (2) RR-1974-6. Four acres out of Lot 15 of the Van Pelt Subdivision of the SS&F 5 Survey, Abstract 625. Glen Harris well #1. Chairman Spears called the hearings to order and asked if anyone wished to speak for or against the proposed rezoning. Mr. Van J. Roark, who identified himself as President of the Pearland Sprtsman's Club, stated that he wished to make a vigorous protest against any rezoning requested by Crown Central because of the Pearland Sprtsman's Club's unfortunate experiences with Crown Central during the drilling of the WillaertOurant well on the Sportsman's Club land. (Crown Central rezoning request #2 - 1973). Some of the specific complaints which he listed were: (1) length of time to drill the well was understood to be about four weeks. Actual time has been several months. (2) Road into the area has been torn up. (3) they understood they would receive $200 per month for tank batteries to be placed on their land. The tank batteries were located elsewhere. (4) Workers have left the gates open. (5) The work has severely damaged their property and practically stopped their operations. Mr. 0. K. Haynie and Mr. W. E. McAndrews, who were present re presenting Crown Central, reminded Mr. Roark that they had obtained oil and gas leases prior to the time that the gun club bought the land and thus had prior rights, but that HEARING (continued) 3 FPZC-M-5-2-74 they had met with the gun club to work things out although they did not have to. They had agreed to $2000 prepaid damages in order to drill the well which they had the right to drill in the first place. The roads belong to the Crown Central Corporation and they had laid shell at their expense. The gun club had tried to obtain the right-of-way of the road. Mr. Haynie stated that they had promised to keep the gate locked and that he would take the responsibility for seeing that it stayed locked. There was also a communications problem in that Mr. Haynie has tried to contact Mr. Segel quist, Attorney for the gun club, and he has not answered. Mr. Roark also felt that Mr. Haynie had not answered a letter from Mr. Segelquist. This letter Mr. Haynie stated that he had never seen, so the Secretary ran a copy of it for the gun club to give to him. Messrs. Andrew M. Sea, William H. Taylor, and Uel S. Clanton also spoke for the Sportsman's Club. Mr. Louie Lunday and his wife both spoke favorably of thier experience with Crown Central, stating that Crown Central did clean up and fix their road and that to date Crown Central has done anything the Lundays requested to have done. Mr. Haynie reassured the Sportsman's Club that Crown Central would add shell to the road and would clean up the lease. They will start the gate in the morning, and will also respond immediately to the letter. They will go to a point short of settlement, which is a legal matter and will be done in a legal manner. At 9:45 Chairman Spears suggested that this was not a court and that we should preceed with the hearings in regard to the Ware and the Glen Harris wells. Spears asked if anyone wished to speak in regard to these requests for rezoning. There were no additional requests to speak. Raney, who is serving as Oil Well and Pipeline Inspector, reminded Messrs. Haynie and McAndrews that he would like to finish up some of the earlier wells which they have worked on and be able to write a completion letter. Mr. Haynie agreed that this was a fair comment and that they would be able to start fencing at this time. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that the Commission recommend the rezoning of both tracts of land as requested with the following contingency: that both East Lunday Lane and West Lunday Lane (Moore Road) be maintained in a condition equal to or better than the original condition. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. The Sportsman's Club representatives left prior to the vote, but after Raney had reassured them that he would see that their area was cleaned up. FPZC-M-5-2-74 4 HEARING (continued) In regard to the street maintenance, Mr. Haynie commented that obtaining shell is becoming a real problem. Raney stated that the City would have no objection to limestone. Mr. McAndrews asked Raney to check the gun club conditions and give Crown Central a report. Raney asked Haynie to have someone talk to the City Manager in regard to a line in the City right- of-way. Haynie said that this could be done in the morning. Call Hearings MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that a hearing be called for May23, 1974, at 9:00 P.M. in regard to the following RR-1974-7 two rezoning requests: RR-1974-8 (1) Request by Crown Central Petroleum Corporation to rezone from R-1 (Single-family Residential) to Specific Use: Oil Well and Related Structures - a four acre tract out of a 250 acre tract out of Sec. 22 I&GN RR A-624, the southeast corner of which is located 930 feet west and 250 feet north of the southeast corner of the 250 acre tract. (2) Request by Crown Central Petroleum Corporation to rezone from R-1 (Single-family REsidential) to Specific Use: Oil WE11 and Related Structues - a four acre tract out of a 250 acre tract out of Sec. 22 I&GN RR A--624, the northeast corner of said four acre tract being located 2930 feet west and 265 feet south of the northeast corner of said 250 acre tract. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Apartment taxes The Secretary passed out copies of a letter from Mr. Tony Banfield, written indefense of R-2 zoning in Friendswood and disputing the figures presented earlier by Mrs. Dorothy Jones in regard to the taxes per student paid by apartments. (Attachment #1). Budget We have a request from the City Manager to submit a proposed budget for next year by June 1. Dow Pipeline Raney reported on a meeting he had with Village Green residents last Sunday afternoon in regard to the proposed pipelinerunning behind their homes. They were interested in the requirements of the pipeline ordinance and in rezoning procedures. 7. MINUTES February 21, 1974 - Approved as presented. 8. BUILDING PERMITS C-1 District The Commission discussed the upgrading of building regulations Regulations in the C-1 District. 5 FPZC--M--5--2-74 BUILDING PERMITS (continued) MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that the Commission recommend that no building permits be issued in the C-1 (Commercial) District until new C-1 District Regulations have been passed by the City Council. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. ADJOURNMENT The hour being late, all further business was postponed until a later meeting by common consent and the meeting was adjourned. VJ)J- Sec etary1 Approved: FPZC-5-2-74 Attachment #1 482-3040 T?"', BANFIELD PROPERTIES P.O. BOX 632 FR[ENDSWOOD. TEXAS 77546 April 22, 1974 Friend wood Planning Commission CiLy Hall F'riendswood, Texas Dear Members Recent articles in the newspapers and petitions to the Planning Commission from various sources in our community have compelled me to write you defending what is left of the R-2 land in Friendswood. It seems to me that the City Council has already eliminated the concern of too much high density housing when they prohibited the construction of multi -family dwellings on a commercially zoned site. This now leaves very few available R-2 sites. In my opinion there must be some high density housing available in each community and a, proper proportion maintained as the community continuer to grow. To eliminate it completely is to say to many of those people who Nerve our community, and to the elderly as well as -iho young, that you must reside elsewhere unloss you can afford a large lot improved with the ever increasing costs of a single family dwelling. The apartments in Friendswood have also housed on a temporary bauis those people who have built some of the largost and finest homes in Friendswood. The question now arises of the tax contribution these apartments mako to the community. A recent article would have you believe that all apartments only pay $59 per student enrolled. This is not accurate, Village Square - 32 units 10 students 1974 school taxes (at 1973 rates) - $3066 or $306 per student Salem ;quase I and II -- 153 units 89 students 1974 school taxes (at 1973 rates) - $18,000 or $202 per student Comparing city taxes on 185 units with 185 $25,000 houses would take an :fin --depth study to relate the costs to the city of providing services to each, Since I do not own any R-2 land in Friendswoodo I guess the elimination of the, remaining sites mould be to my benefit, however, I feel you would be removing from this community a small amount of housing; that will be so de:;perately needed in the future. rc s Mayor Ralph Lowe 5 OWerelyi _ Tony akte Ad FPZC-M-5-9-74 Notice NOTICE OF MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Because Thursday, May 9, 1974, is the second Thursday of the month, no regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission will be held. Instead, a workshop session will be held during which the following items will be informally discussed° Planning Consultant Atkinson: Ordinance on Driveway, etc. standards Preliminary Comprehensive Plan revisions. Planning Commission Budget. Building Regulations Ordinance. (Raney) Fire Zone Ordinance. (North) SFcretary `� { Posted: May �, 1974 1:30 P.M. P— MC-M-546-74 Notice NOTICE OF MEETING FRIENDSWUOD PLANNING AND CONING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission will be held at the Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, on: THURSDAY MAY 16, 1974 7:30 P.M. at which time the following items of business will be considereds 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS. 3. ROUTINE BUILDING PERMITS. 4. SUBDIVISIONS. 8400 P.M. Heritage Estates, Section One. Request to lower road elevation to four feet below the 100-year flood elevation. Longwood Park, Section III. Request for approval of final plat. 5. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS 8:30 P•M- The Mischer Corporation - Wedgewood Plans. Security Lumber Company will also be present, but will not participate at this time. Recommendations for adoption of Building REgulations and/or Building Code. 19yy74-75 Budget. 6. A .JOURNMENKutine business. ecretary CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted in the Friendswood City Hall on the bulletin board on the twelfth day of May, 1974, at '21.s o'clock P.M. 9 Planning and Zoning Commission Secretary FPZC-M-5-16-74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION May �16, 1974 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Com mission was held on May 16, 1974 at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick. Chairman Tracy Spears presided, calling the meeting to order at 8:30 because of conflict with Junior High Band Concert. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Tracy Spears, Chairman Vacancy Clyde Raney, Vice Chairman Leah North, Secretary Kenneth Fossler Bob Phillips (Arrived late) James Shore Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. AUDIENCE Those signing the register were: Joe McKenzie, 15338 Wandering Trail, 482-3583 John Tirado, 530 Heather Lane, 482-2822 J. W. Gartrell, Jr., Gulf Coast Engineering, 488-6969 L. J. Boudloche, 740 Esperson Building, 237-0851 R. T. Cozean, 740 Esperson Building, 237-0851 H. M. Yates, 5010 Pennystone Way, 482-1559 E. A. Kiessling, 15402 Wandering Trail, 482-3665 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS No minutes were available from the May 2 meeting. 2. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS ETJ Development Chairman Spears gave a rundown on earlier discussions which 14edgewood took place before Raney and North arrived. Mr. Boudloche and Mr. Cozean are present from the Mischer Corporation, Mr. Yates and Mr. Kiessling from Clearwoods Improvement District (Wedgewood), and Mr. Pete Williams was present earlier. Mr. Williams is interested in selling Section Seven of Wedgewood and was present for the purpose of finding out what our criteria would be for the development of the tract so that he can tell potential buyers what they can or cannot do. Mr. Spears told him that the Commission is interested in controlling density and that we like a three living unit per acre maximum. Townhouses could be built if they stayed within a limit of 8,9 per acre and did not cause the total density to exceed three units per acre. Mr. Williams had asked how we felt about Commercial. Spears said that he could not speak for the Commission concerning this and invited Mr. Williams to stay to ask the Commission the same question. Mr. Williams declined, saying that his plans FPZC-M-5-16-74 2 ETJ Development (Wedgewood) Continued were not that far along and that he was primarily interested in selling it, The Walter Mischer Corporation has filed Sections One through Six at the Harris County Court House, Sections One through Four are virtually built out, Section Five is about half built, and Section Six has only the improvements started. Bill Williams still owns land along the creek. He has no representative here tonight, so we do not know whether this plat has been filed or not, but this area lies within the one hundred year flood plain and Harris County has been refusing permits in the flood plain area. C1earwoods Improvement District has been concerned that Pete Williams wanted to put high density housing in Section 7. But Pete wants to sell. Chairman Spears asked if any members of the Commission had questions to ask of the Halter Mischer representatives. Raney asked if these were all single family dwellings. The Mischer representative said that they were. Raney asked the filing date on Section Six. It was filed March 16, 1973. Phillips arrived. Spears asked how many lots in Section Six. Two -hundred and sixty-four. Spears said that he would check to see if Section SEven had been filed. The rest of the area seems to have been filed, except possibly for Section Seven, the area along the creek belonging to Bill Williams, and a rectangular area bounded on three sides by Section Six and fronting on Friendswood- Link Road. This area has apparently never been subdivided, but it does fall within the calls setting out the Clearwood Improvement District. No one has the explanation for this. Spears may be able to find out from Bill Williams. The Mischer representatives left a copy of Section Six and one of the overall plat for the Commission. Kiessling asked what the Commission would think about a request for Commercial in the area of Friendswood-Link and Blackhawk. He felt that the Clearw oods Improvement District would try to forestall this. The consensus of the Commission was that we would not approve of Commercial. 3. SUBDIVISIONS Heritage Estates Mr. James Gartrell presented plans and a request to lower Section One certain portions of the streets in Heritage Estates, SEcti on One to four feet below the one -hundred year flood elevation. A letter from City Engineer Heaney was received concerning this. He approved the engineering of the road, but North explained that he had not taken the one -hundred year flood elevation as a criteria. FPZC-M-5-16-74 3 Heritage Estates (continued) Mr. Gartrell explained that if the street were put in as originally planned, the fill required to raise lot levels to the street level would kill many trees on a two acre area. Considerable discussion followed. Shore suggested that a drainage culvert be installed under the street to drain this area into the storm sewer on the opposite side of the street. Shore stated that he was opposed to lowering the street. Raney said that he regretted making the original motion approving the 21.5 foot elevation. (The present request was to lower the road another foot to the 20.5 elevation. One hundred year flood elevation is 24.5 in this area.) North would oppose lowering the street based on personal experience from June of 1973 when her subdivision was flooded. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that the Commission disapprove the request to lowercIndependence and Richmond to 20.5 elevation. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Heritage Estates Mr. Gartrell asked the status of Heritage Estates Section Section Three Three. He thought it was ready for preliminary approval. The SEcretary reminded him of the list of changes which the City Engineer and the Commission had requested be done and gave him a copy of the April 18 minutes. This will be put on next week's agenda. Longwood Park, Mr. Kenneth Yowell was present in regard to the final approval Section III of Longwood Park, Section III, which he owns. Utility Supt. Toon had submitted a letter stating as follows: " The Water and Sewer service to these lots will be accepted on an 'as is' basis. If service needs to be extended to serve any of these lots, this extension must be installed and paid for by the developer. "This memo does not guarantee adequate depth of sewer lines to service any particular lot an/or home site." Discussion broughtout that what is believed to be a six inch line was extended to the Tanner house which is beyond this subdivision and back off Crawford. It was felt that if this house could be serviced, that all the lots in Longwood Section III could be serviced. No letter had been received from City Engineer Heaney, but his approval had been received for the same data on the preliminary plat. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Fossler, that Longwood Park Section III be given final approval contingent on the City Engineer's approval, with th linen to be signed by all required parties prior to it's being signed by the Planning Commission Chairman and the SEcretary. If the sewer line is required to be extended, it shall be done at the expense of the developer. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. FPZC-M-5--16--74 4 Subdivisions (continued) Polly Ranch Mr. Billy McAninch was present, having been asked by Raney if he could come in and talk to us informally and tell us what was going on in Polly Ranch, since Council had asked if he had been back before us and since Council may act on an agreement with Polly Ranch at Mondays meeting. He explained that he is in the process of redividing three lots into two lots in two instances. One instance involved the lot line that was twelve feet off and actually ran through the slab of a house. The other instance involves three lots which straddle a drainage easement which is being changed. He does not think that a replat is necessary. Considerable discussion followed. It was the consensus of the Commission that they would be satisfied with a record of the redi vi si on, although it might not be a formal replat. It should, however, show two lots made out of three, not just the division of one lot into halves. North questioned whether this would meet the requirements of the emergency ordinances 212-E and 213-E. She was reminded that Council had voted repeatedly to obtain an injunction against Mr. McAninch for not replatting, but that no unjunction had been filed. Fossler looked up the date of passage of the two ordinances and discovered that they would expire in two days, anyway. Mr. McAninch agreed to bring in the redivisions, but stated that he would not have them ready by next Thursday, since he is still negotiating the sale of one lot and a half. 4. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Building Codes Fossler reported on some research which he has done this week on the Southern Building Code, the Uniform Building Code, and the BOCA Code. He purchase a copy of the Uniform Building Code and borrowed copies of the BOCA Code from Pasadena. He talked at length with officials in Pasadena, who are using and like the BOCA Code. He learned from Pasadena, Alvin, and Pearland and a couple more engineers that they do require a professional registered engineer's stamp on all Commercial buildings. Alvin also requires the signature of an architect. Most areas use the Southern Building Code. The people he talked to noted that the Codes are no better than the person who enforces them. The consensus was that the most practical was the Southern Building Code. The Cities all alter them, however, to fit their needs. Houston Building Code was recommended by several people. Lack of Zoning in Houston might cause a problem for us. Building REgulations Raney then reviewed a revised version of"the Building Regulations which he has been working on. He noted that the City has enacted the 1963 Electrical Code and has not brought'it up to date. Discussion followed. MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, seconded by North, that the Commission recommend adoption of the Building Regulations 5 FPZC-M-5-16-74 BUILDING REGULATION (continued) with the changes that were made during the discussion. MOTION PASSED, 5-1, Fossler dissenting. MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Shore, that the recommendation be made to the City Council that the Building REgulations Ordinance be passed as an emergency measure Monday night. Raney and Zeitler questioned the need for an emergency ordinance. They were reminded that the Commission had imposed a moratorium on building permits until the new regulations were passed. MOTION PASSED, 5-1, Fossler dissenting. Fire Code North has been considering Fire Zones and Codes. She noted that the regulations considered made reference to the National Fire Codes published by NFPA, but that these codes had never been adopted and that no means of enforcement or penalties had been established. Therefore she felt that and ordinance enacting the National Fire Codes should accompany the Building Regulation Ordinance. MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Raney, that the Commission recommend to Council that the National Fire Code of the NFPA be adopted. MOTION PASSED, 4-0-2. For. North, Raney, Spears, Shore. Against: None. Abstaining. Phillips, Fossler. 5. INFORMATION REPORTS Fire Station Layout North reported on the layout of the Fire Station as amended by the City Council last Monday night. The East Drive has been eliminated and parking on the right side was flipped to the right, instead of the left, and the right drive was widened and made two-way. 6. ADJOURNMENT The hour being late, it was agreed to carry any unfinished business over until the next meeting and the meeting was adjourned. Se' retary Approved:; �� FPZC-5-23-74 Noti ce NOTICE OF MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Fri endswood Planning and Zoning Commission will be held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, on: THURSDAY MAY 23, 1974 7:30 P.M. at which time following items of business will be considered: 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 2. INFORMATION REPORTS 7:30 3. JOINT SESSION WITH CITY COUNCIL Consider replacement for the vacant Commission position. 8;00 4. PLANNING CONSULTANT Driveway, Parking and Sidewalk Standards Comprehensive Plan 9:00 5. HEARING on REZONING REQUESTS RR-1974-7 Request by Crown Central Petroleum Corporation to rezone from R-1 (Single-family residential) to Specific Use: Oil Well and related structures - a four acre tract out of a 250 acre tract out of Sec. 22 I&GN RR A-624, the southeast corner of said four acre tract being located 930 feet west and 250 feet north of the southeast corner of said 250 acre tract. RR-1974--8 Request by Crown Central Petroleum Corporation to rezone from R-1 (Single-family Residential) to Specific Use: Oil Well and related structures - a four acre tract out of a 250 acre tract out of Sec. 22 I&GN RR A-624, the northeast corner of said four acre tract being located 2930 feet west and 265 feet south of the northeast corner of said 250 acre tract. 6. ROUTINE BUILDING PERMITS AND REFERRALS Lobella gym Any other routine permits 7. SUBDIVISIONS - Heritage Estates III, Request for Preliminary Approval 8. VFI-S-CELLANEOUS BUSINESS Preparation of 1974-75 budget Any other routine business 9. ADJOURNMENT Secretary I certify that the above notice of meeting was osted on the bulletin bgapd at the City Hall on the nineteenth day of May, 1974, at 11: 5 'c1`gc�,P M. �_ .1 �_(p D �2 Secrgta,ry FPZC-M-5-23-74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION May 23, 1974 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, on May 23, 1974. Chairman Tracy Spears presided, calling the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Tracy Spears, Chairman Vacancy Clyde Raney, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Kenneth Fossler Bob Phillips Jim Shore Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. AUDIENCE Attached list follows minutes. Also present were all members of Council except Mr. Windler who was represented by proxy and Mayor Lowe. 1. SELECTION OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER TO FILL VACANCY Chairman Spears introducedMayor Ralph Lowe. Mayor Lowe stated that he wished to discuss a plan to chose the Planning Commission member. He proposed that the names of all nominees be put on the board. All Planning Commission members and Council members would then vote in the following manner: If six names are suggested, then each person voting would list all six names, giving his first choice six votes, second choice five votes, and so forth. The person having the most number of votes would be appointed. This proposal was agreed to by common consent. The names of Roger Mills, Sara Wiegel, Dorothy Jones, Janis Koenig, John Tirado, and Ray Kaufhold were put on the board. Roger Mills requested that his name be removed because of alck of time to adequately serve the Commission. He thanked the group for the honor of being considered. Following this, each person spoke briefly, answering questions from the Commission and Council. City Manager Morgan and Mr. Bill McAndrews from Crown Central were appointed to count votes. Following the vote and the tally, the City Manager announced that John Tirado had received the most votes. The Commission thanked the rest of the nominees for allowing their names to be placed in nomination and invited Mr. Tirado to join the Commission during the rest of the meeting, although he could not yet vote with the Commission. He will be sworn in at Monday's Council meeting. 2. MINUTES May 2, 1974 - Approved as presented. May 16, 1974 - Approved as presented. 3. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS Dow Pipeline Mr. 011ie Tuwnsend, representative of a committee working through Village Green Civic Club presented a petition signed by 100% of the Village Green property owners with one exception, which FPZC-M-5-23-74 2 read as follows: " To : The City of Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission. We, the undersigned, being property owners within the City of Friendswood, and that property being within 200 feet of the proposed Dow Chemical Corporation's carbon monoxide pipeline; respectfully petition the planning and zoning Commission to retain residential zoning in the proposed -- pipeline's path. Further, we request the disapproval of any new pipeline installation within the corporate limits of the City of Friendswood. We submit that this request is in keeping with the purposd of the Friendswood Zoning Ordinance No. 174, Section 1, which properly seeks to promote the general welfare of the City, preserve the character of the district, conserve the value of buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of the land. We respectfully, and earnestly, request your support in maintaining the residential character of Friendswood." Mr. Donald R. Starbuck of 310 Stratmore presented the same petition signed by ninety one residents. He stated that only one person had elected not to sign the petion. He listed three things which he felt were representative of the attitude of people he had talked to. First, there was a resentment toward Dow for going so far without contacting the City in regard to rezoning. Second, there was a concern in regard to the economic impact the pipeline would have on the homes. Thirdly, there was a concern regarding the safety of the line. (This petition was circulated in the Kingspark-Whitehall area within 200 feet of the proposed line.) Mr. Townsed presented a packet to each Commission containing copies of the petition and of Federal regulations. lie also read a letter to the Commission requesting that the Commission contact the Railroad Commissioner Byron Tunnel and request that a public hearing be held before the Railroad Commission grants a permit, so that the citizens would have a chance to give their views. Dottie Redd, President of the Westwood PTO presented a letter signed by all member officers of the PTO and Westwood Principal Curtis Wilson expressing concern in regard to the proposed pipeline and urging the Commission not to grant a Specific Use Permit within the corporate limits of Friendswood to Dow Chemical. All action was deferred until a later date. 4. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING Crown Central #7 Chairman Spears called the hearing to order to consider the RR-1974-7 rezoning of two four acre tracts of land out of a 250 acre tract of land know as the Segelquist tract. Crown Central #8 RR--1974-8 Mr. McAndrews stated that they wished to zone back to R-1 3 FPZC-M-5-23-74 tract which was asked to be zoned to specific use - oil well in Rezoning Request #RR-1974- (Ware #1 well). Commissioner Raney stated that we would like a letter from Crown Central stating that they no longer require the Specific Use -Oil Well. Mr. Bill McAndrews and Mr. 0. K. Haynie were present represent- ing Crown Central Petroleum. Mr. Billy Verkin and Mr. M. L. Powers were present as two of the three landowners of the tract involved. Mr. Ed Lipp was also present, being the District Exploration Manager for Crown Central. An extended discussion followed. The unresolved problems involving the placing of the oil wells at minimum disadvantage to the property owners, who are desiring to develop a subdivision in this area. Kenneth Fossler left at 9:50, prior to the end of the discussion. Because final decisions on the placing of the wells cannot be decided until additional study has been done, the Commission agreed to table any action until more information is in and the principals involved can reach agreement substantially on what is the best way to go. During the discussion the land owners mentioned the problem of stray bullets from the rifle range coming onto their land. Phillips left at the end of this discussion. 5. BUILDING PERMITS Mustang Meadows Mr. Tommy Rives appeared before the commission respresenting Mr. J. D. Kirkland who purchase land in the old Mustang Meadows area and was refused a building permit. The oil company (EXXON) had agreed that they could use the Exxon private road. He wanted to know how they could build a house there. Chairman Spears told him that no permits could be issued in this area. This is an area which has no'City utilities, no City streets and is boing sold by metes and bounds. During the discussion Mr, Rives stated that they had been told that there were no pipeline easements there. Commission member. Raney asked who had told them this. Rives did not know. He was told that there is,a blanket easement on this land - that the companies are not limited to a particular specified corridor, but may put anything anytime anywhere they please. 6. SUBDIVISIONS Heritage Estates Mr. James Gartrell was present to ask preliminary approval of Section III Heritage Estates Section Three. FPZC-M-5-23-74 4 Heritage Estates III (continued) Considerable discussion followed as to when what plans had or had not been submitted. No comment had been received from City Engineer Heaney. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that preliminary approval be given contingent on City Engineer Heaney and Water and Sewer Superintendent Toon giving approval to the submitted set of drawings, with the lot line on adjoining tract lA to be corrected and with the understanding that without a comment from the City Manager that final approval would not be granted. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Drainage District Mr. Gartrell said that he would bring the Commission a Map right-of-way map of the Drainage District showing floodways. 7. PLANNING CONSULTANT Driveway Standards Spears requested that Bob Atkinson bring the completed standards to him and he will have it worked up in ordinance form. Atkinson said that it had been proofed and was ready for this. Comprehensive Plan Atkinson presented a map of existing land use in the City. He also presented a preliminary zoning plan which was then discussed. He recommended that the present industrial areas as well as mobile homes parks be left as non- conforming uses. Density of cluster houses could be from five to eight per acre. He also recommended planning for purchase of additional land around the present City Hall. In the circulation plan, he has had some difficulty in linking Friendswood Link Road and an arterial west of Friendswood Drive. He would like to talk to us about this the next time he is at our meeting. Atkinson left the maps presented and a couple of prints for the Commission to mark up further. 8. INFORMATION REPORTS A. Lobella Qym. North reported that the Fire Marshall would not be able to look at it until this week -end. She reported that in a conversation with Mr. Brame of Brame Construction that he had said that more complete drawings would be submitted, that the drainage of the parking lot and from the roof could be taken care of. B. Mary Queen Catholic Church Pole Building. North reported that Building Inspector Jones had given her a brochure which described a pole building which the Catholic Church wished to put up for storage. No data was available on wind load at this time. Father Johnwants to know whether he can build it or not. More information was deemed necessary. This should be submitted as in a Commercial District. c. Autumn Hills. North reported a phone conversation with Cauble on Autumn Hills. He would get after their attorney if the attorney had not reported a contact with City Attorney Hooks within two days. D. Fire Code. North reported that Council did not pass the Fire Code on an emergency basis. 5 FPZC-M-5-23-741 Information Reports (continued) 9. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS 1974-75 Budget 10. ADJOURNMENT E. Commercial Regulations. The Commercial REgulations proposed by the Commission were passed on an emergency basis at the last Council meeting and are now in effect. F. Flood Insurance. North reported that the latest Flood Insurance data had just been received from Dallas and work on the ordinance could now proceed. After considerable discussion the following budget figures were resolved: Planner ........$2500 Postage, minute books,�books, office supplies .............. 400 Conferences ........................ 600 Map case... ....................... 150 Professional Engineer; Architect... 600 42 0 MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that the budget as listed be approved. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. The meeting was then adjourned. Secretary Approved: .vw 7 q % AUDIENCE Those signing the register were: Thomas Rives, 212 E. Edgewood, representing self and J. William B. Patton, Councilman Roger Mills, 209 Sunnyview, representing self, 482-1903 T. John Tirado, 530 Heather Lane, self, 482-2822 Sarah Wiegel, 211 Winding Road, self, 482-7475 Oliver Townsend, 915 Glenlea Court, self, 482-1189 Donald Starbuck, 310 Stratmore Drive, self, 482-1936 Robert S. Stamy, 204 Winding Road, self, 482-3971 George F. Prude, Jr., 911 Glenlea Court, self, 482-7018 Tom Carhart, 912 Glenlea Court, self, 482-1844 D. Kirkland, 482-1634 Louise Nicols, 311 Winding Road, Pres., Village Green Civic Club, 482-6477 Betty Carhart, 912 Glenlea Court, self, 482-1844 Marilyn Townsend, 915 Glenlea Court, self, 482-1189 FPZC-M-5-23-74 6 Audience (continued) Billy Verkin, 4645 Wild Indigo #372, Houston, 77027, self Bill McAndrews, Bellaire, Crown Central, 224-8550 Ed Lipp, Sugar Land, Crown Central, 224-8550 Denny Holt, 914 Glenlea Court, 482-3149 Ray Kaufhold, 206 Winding Road, self, 482-2511 Lois Carelock, 910 Riverside Court, Westwood Elementary Dottie Redd, 203 Dover Lane, Westwood Elementary P.T.O., 666-6666, Res. 627-0596 P.T.O., 482-2821 482-2774 FPZC-M-5-30-74 Because Thursday, May 30, 1974, was the fifth Thursday of the month, a regular meeting of the Planning and zoning Commission was not held. Secretary FPZC-M-6--6-74 Notice NOTICE OF MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission will be held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, Friendswood, Texas, on: THURSDAY JUNE 6, 1974 7:30 P.M. at which time the following items of business will be considered: 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS. 3. ROUTINE BUILDING PERMITS. Lobella Gym Any other routine permits 4. SUBDIVISIONS Heritage Estates, Section Three - Request for final approval 5. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Water and Sewer Supt. Ken Toon - Water line plans for F.M. 528 area Plant capacities, etc. Any other routine business 6. PLANNING CONSULTANT Comprehensive Plan Driveway, Parking, Sidewalk Standards 7. ADJOURNMENT Secretary f`Ti PTTFT0ATV This is to certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the Friendswood City Hall on the second dJune, 1974 at 8:15 o'clock P.M. ay Secretary, Planning and Zoning Commission FPZC-M-6-6--74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION June 6, 1974 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at the Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, on June 6, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Tracy Spears presided. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Tracy Spears, Chairman Kenneth Fossler Clyde Raney, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Bob Phillips James Shore John Tirado AUDIENCE Present were Chick McCraw, Joe McKenzie, and Mr. Lobella. Also Enrique Restrepo with White's Auto Store. 1. MINUTES No minutes were available. 2. BUILDING PERMITS Lobella Gym Mr. Lobella was present to discuss the possiblity of his building a gymnastics building on the back of the lot on Laurel Drive across from the Junior High School. Fire Chief Clarence White was present for comment concerning this building, since it will be very close to a wooden building presently on the lot. A layout of the proposed building was discussed. Several consensuses were reached. It was agreed that sidewalks in this area were not practical at this time and would therefore not be required. Egress to the street would be limited to a twenty-four foot access width. All drainage would be to the street (culverts). An additional horizontal exit would be provided between the present wooden building and the new building. Mr. Lobella will have his drawings revised and submit them with a survey. 3. SUBDIVISIONS Heritage Estates, Although a request for final approval had been placed on Section Three the agenda, plans had not been submitted and Mr. Gartrell was not present to request approval. Therefore, no action was taken. 4. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Median Cut Request Mr. Enrique Restrepo appeared before the Commission to request that a cut be allowed in the median strip on Friendswood Drive across from White's Auto Store, which he now owns. After discussion , it was the consensus of the FPZC-M-6-6-74 2 Miscellaneous Business (continued) Commission that every store in town would like the same thing and there was very little chance that it could ever be approved. Mr. Restrepo was told to prepare a proposal, however, if he wanted to. Water supply lines Raney stated that the Commission has had a formal request F.M. 528 from the City Manager to prepare a recommendation in regard to water line and supply planning in the Sun Meadow/ F. M. 528 area. He has been looking at some figures in this regard. Mr. Kenneth Toon, Water and Sewer Superintendent was present to inform the Commission on the present status of the system and to advise us on possible plans for improvement. He stated that from 250,000 to 300,000 gallons per week are wasted in Sun Meadow Subdivision by flushing lines to keep them clear of rusty water. The suggestion has been made that a line be run from Sun Meadow to Fox Meadows, thus linking up with the main part of the Friendswood system. Length of this line if run through Windsong is 2.8 miles. If runout the front of Sun Meadows, the length is 2.4 miles. The problem in Friendswood proper is a shortage of water. Mr. Toon stated that the only thing saving us from a real problem now is the slowness of subdivisions to develop. He stated that if the subdivisons presently approved start moving the City water supply is in trouble. North stated that she felt the water supply had been in trouble for some years so far as water for fire fighting was concerned. Cost of new wells has become very high. The Sun Meadow well complex would cost $190,000 to duplicate. Other water sources were discussed. Mr. Toon stated that plans had been discussed with anothercommunity to bring water down F.M. 2351. He had asked two or three years ago that the City reserve two million gallons a day. No action has been taken. Another possible water source is the Brazos River. Raney stated that, if this source is used, the suggestion has been made that surface storage would be located between Friendswood and Alvin around the vicinity of the TV tower. One problem with this water is that the solids count is high. Mr. Toon stated that he would like to work with the Commission in solving this problem. Raney stated that he would work with him. Spears suggested that Tirado also work in this area. North will work if needed. 3 Miscellaneous Business (continued) FPZC-M-6-6-74 Flood Plain Management Chick McCraw was present to suggest that the Commission become familiar with a law requiring the Water Development Board to approve certain subdivisions lying within the flood plain. She has also attended a meeting recently concerning subsidence during which studies were referred to which could be obtained by City Officials, but which were not passed out at the meeting. Spears and Raney said that they would obtain what they could of these reports. Joe McKenzie thought Councilman Baker might have some of this information. Flood Level Delineation Shore will check w t details on applying for expansion of the 100-year flood level delineation into areas now within the City of Friendswood. Amoco Pipeline: The Secretary reported that Council would like a recommend - Coward's Creek ation regarding the Coward's Creek drossing of the Amoco pipeline. Raney stated that he would put a package together on this. Castlewood Street The Secretary reported that Fossler, although he could not Improvement be present tonight was concerned about the plans for improving Castlewood Drive (West). It was his opinion that, since the Commission had discussed the straightening of Castlewood in the Imperial Gardens area because of the hazardous conditions on the curve in the area of the swimming pool, that this should be taken into consideration when the bond money is spent to improve the street. Councilman Zeitler informed the Commission that the bond money was not for straightening the road. Discussion followed. A suggested alternative was to improve Castlewood up to the curve from both directions, but not to spend any money at this time on the curve. The consensus of the Commission was to tell Councilman Zeitler that the Commission recommends that the Council not pave the street "tomorrow." That the Commission will make a recommendation. Pine Shadows The Secretary reported that Pine Shadows Subdivision had not been filed. Street Numbering The Secretary reported a,probiem in street numbering on Heather Lane near John Tirado. Numbering begins on the Merriewood side of the subdivision and then proceeds both clockwise and counterclockwise around the circular street. City Attorney Opinion Mr. Spears handed out a written report on a meeting which he and Vice -Chairman Raney had had with new City Attorney William Olsen in regard to Zoning, Subdivision, the Curb Cut Ordinance, and the Commercial District Regulations. Temporary Building The Commission discussed the fact that two members of the and Electrical Commission, North and Raney, had been asked to serve as Inspectors temporary electrical and building inspectors until a permanent replacement can be found. Since the question had FPZC-M-6-6-74 4 Miscellaneous business (continued) had been raised by a Council member that this might cause a conflict o finterest, they asked the members of the Commission for their views as to whether this would cause any problems or conflict of interest as far as the Commission was concerned. After discussion, the consensus was reached that it would cause no problems. All members agreed. 5. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned. Secretary (/ Approved: FPZC-M-6-13-74 Notice NOTICE OF MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given of a "workshop" meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission to be held at Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, on: THURSDAY JUNE 13, 1974 7:30 P.M. at which the following items will be discussed informally: Planning Consultant Bob Atkinson - Comprehensive Plan Circulation Plan Any other routine business. and during which the meeting may be convened in a special session to consider the following items only on a formal basis: Routine Building Permits (-e"j /�tv Secretary rFRTTFTrATF I hereby certify that the above notice of meeting was poasted on the bulletin board at the Friendswood City Hall on the ninth day of June, 1974, at 11:15 P.M. o'clock. Planning and Zoning Commission Secretary FPZC-M-5-13-74 An informal "workshop" session of the Planning Commission was held on June 13, 1974, at Friendswood City Hall. Bob Atkinson was not able to attend, but the Comprehensive Plan was discussed. No routine building permits were presented, so no formal meeting was held. A GL2 n&,7I Secretary FPZC-6-20-74 Notice NOTICE OF MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission will be held at Friendswood City Hail, 109 East Willowick, Friendswood, Texas, on: THURSDAY JUNE 20, 1974 7:30 P.M. at which time the following items of business will be considered: 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 2. INFORMATION REPORTS 3. BUILDING PERMITS Routine Permit.Referrals Car wash 4. REZONING REQUESTS None 5. SUBDIVISIONS None 6. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Curb cut design on FM 518 Any other Routine Business _.AM 7. PLANNING CONSULTANT Comprehensive Plan Circulation Plan 8. ADJOURNMENT Secretary rFRTTFTrATF I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the Friendswood City Hall on the sixteenth day of June, 1974, at 11:15 o'clock P.M. Planning and Zoning ommission ecretary FPZC-M-6-20-74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION June 20, 1974 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at the Friendswood City Hall on June 20, 1974. Chairman Tracy Spears presided. MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Spears, Chairman Clyde Raney, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Bob Phillips John Tirado James Shore AUDIENCE Gilbert Goerig, 1311 Thomas, Jimmy Coleman, 8310 Fender, Houston 1. Minutes No:minutes were available. 2. Building Permits MEMBERS ABSENT Kenneth Fossler Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. Car Wash Mr. Gilbert Goerig and Mr. Jimmy Coleman were present to present plans for a proposed car wash planned for the area between the Tex Gas station and the Stop and Go center. Discussion of set -backs, traffic flow, and structural design followed. Planned color is burnt orange and brown. There is a fence on the back of the property, according to Mr. Goerig, which may be as much as five feet on their property. It is not "solid in nature" as required by our Commercial Regulations, however, and Mr. Goerig agreed that a six foot fence, solid -in -nature, and sight pleasing would be constructed to separate his commercial area from the adjoining residential lots. The building as presently designed does not meet the design load requirements for live and wind loads. Also, the entrance driveway was only thirty feet wide. Mr. Goerig will return, possibly next meeting with revised plans to meet the required 20-25 psf design loads and with the entrance drive widened to 35 feet. 3. Planning Consultant Comprehensive Plan Bob Atkinson was present for discussion of the proposed Comprehensive Plan revision. The Plan as modified by the Commission was discussed andevaluated by Mr. Atkinson. Some further modifications were made. He will return with FPZC--M-6-20-74 2 Planning Consultant (continued) a map of the Comprehensive Plan as modified. Circulation plans were also discussed. Of particular concern was the need for the extension of Quaker's Drive into F. M. 2351, and the connection between Whispering Pines arterial and its extension south and west of F. M. 518. 4. Information Reports Curb Cut Ordinance Spears reported that City Attorney Olsen had completed the Curb Cut Ordinance and will have it posted to be read at the next Council meeting. C-1 District Ordinance Spears reported that City Attorney Olsen is working on the C-1 District regulations, but needs more parking lot data. Raney is working on this data. Bob Atkinson suggested that it be required that all drainage must be kept on -site, and that no over property line drainage be allowed. F.M. 5258 Water Supply Tirado reported that he will be getting with Water and Sewer Superintendent Toon in regard to recommendations for extending the Sun Meadow water system. Flood Insurance Shore expressed his concern that the Commission may have abdicated its responsibility in not determining flood height levels in undelineated areas as required by the Flood Insurance Ordinance. This has been turned over to the City Manager. Mr. Shore also reported that a letter had been sent to Paul Gillette, local representative for Flood Insurance, with a copy to Mr. Bernstein, head of HUD Flood Insurance, inquiring about and expressing a desire to have the remainder of Friendswood studied and 100-year flood heights set. Curb cuts - FM 518 North reported that observation of the driveways leading into the curb cuts on new sections of F.M. 518 does not support the premise that curb cuts are being planned with ten foot minimum radii, as was our understanding. North was instructed to contact Mr. Schultz, of the highway department, again and informhim of this fact and ask what can.be done to correct it. Amoco Pipeline: Coward Creek Crossing Raney reported that the Drainage District had approved an underground crossing of Coward's Creek in the Lori Woods, Imperial Gardens area. The City Council felt that this should be a City of Friendswood Decision and had referred it to the Planning Commission. Since this question had not been listed on the agenda, no decision could be reached this evening, however. Phillips suggested that interested citizens would come . before the Commission next week and express themselves. Raney will check to see if Amoco is committed. If not, Presidents of the Civic Clubs will be notified and this 3 FPZC-M-6--20-74 Amoco Pipeline (continued) will be put on next week's agenda. Mustang Meadows North reported that representatives for and Mrs. Kirkland had appeared before Council at last Monday's meeting to ask why she had been refused a building permit by the Planning Commission. City Attorney Olsen explained that this would have been a violation of VCST 974a regarding the subdivision of land and would also have been in violation of the City's Subdivision Ordinance. It was explained that it would unlawful for the City to serve any such land with public utilities owned by the City. The land involved is apparently Lots 14 and 15 of the proposed Mustang Meadows Subdivision as described by metes and bounds. Heritage III The Secretary reported that she had heard no more from Mr. Gartrell in regard to Heritage Estates, Section III, since he had requested to be on the agenda last week, and had stated that he would have the plans in so he could be on the agenda this week. Fire Station Forms are in place and some plumbing has been installed for the new Fire Station. Some confusion over which were the final plans has caused a delay in pouring the slab until next week, however. 5. Adjournment There being no further business to discuss and the Your being late, the meeting was adjourned. Secretary Approved: NOTICE OF MEETING FRIENDSW OOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission will be held at the Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, on: THURSDAY JUNE 27, k874 7:30 P.M. at which time thefollowing items of business will be considered: 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS. 3. ROUTINE BUILDING PERMITS. 4. REZONING REQUESTS. None S. SUBDIVISIONS. None 6. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. Comprehensive Plan Amoco Pipeline Crossing of Coward's Creek Any other routine business 7. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATE ) - C)-L ��, i Secretary - - I certify -that the above notice of meeting was posted on the City Hall bulletin board on the twenty-fourth day of June, 1974, at ,?;/h o'clock P.M. Planning and Zoning Commission Secretary FPZC-6-27-74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION June 27, 1974 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at the Friendswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick at 7:30 P.M., June 27, 1974. Chairman Tracy Spears presided. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Tracy Spears, Chairman Bob Phillips Clyde Raney, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Kenneth Fossler James Shore John Tirado AUDIENCE Present in the audience were Cathy Raney, Ann Spears, and Marie Moore and Patty Meraz, both of the Friendswood Journal. I. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS May 23, 1974 - Approved as presented. June b, 1974 - Approved as presented. June 20, 1974 - Approved as presented. 2. BUILDING PERMITS Car Wash Mr. Gilbert Goerig was present to show revised plans for a car wash. In answer to Spear's question as to how the design was changed to meet the wind load standards, he answered that they had changed the gauge of the metal covering and also the anchor bolts. Sign. The sign presented was red and white incolor and did not meet wind loading standards, so Mr. Gorig complied with a request to remove the sign from the plans. This will be worked out later. An engineer's seal is needed. MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, seconded by Tirado, that the Commission recommend approval of the plans as presented. MOTION PASSED, 5-0-1, with North abstaining. 3. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Amoco Pipeline Raney reported that he had contacted Mr. White of Amoco and Coward's Creek invited him to attend tonight's meeting. Mr. White indicated Crossing that they would rather go underground with the pipeline rather than engage in a controversy since they had not received approval from the Drainage District to go overhead. Raney reported that to go overhead would take about three days, whereas going FPZC-M-6-27-74 2 Amoco Pipeline (continued) going underground would take about three to six weeks. He would recommend that the line be put above ground. Further discussion followed. The consensus of the majority appeared to be that a decision had been made, that to dispute and change the decision now would result in undue delay, and that the change was not worth the hassle. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Fossler, that, due to the need to allow construction of the Amoco Pipeline to proceed in an orderly fashion, it is recommended that this issue not be reopened. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Castlewood Fossler asked if there had been any recent news about Castlewood. Improvements The answer was no. 518 Curb Cuts North reported that she had contacted Dean Schultz of the Highway Department, who would have Woodrow Baine contact her this coming week in regard to the curb cuts on 518. Raney would like to have Phillips and Atkinson present at this meeting. Weiner Store Fossler asked about the status of the Weiner Store expansion. Expansion North reports no evidence that the building is to be expanded and construction on the main store has presently stopped. Raney wants to see the hedge maintenance enforced. Spears will call and check on the latest status. 4. PLANNING CONSULTANT Parking Lot Planning Consultant Bob Atkinson was present to discuss Drainage parking lot drainage. REcommendations discussed included a maximum four inch cut for a parking lot, minimum garde to be 1/8 inch per foot, maximum to be 1 inch per foot, and a minimum eight inch pipe. Fossler left. 5. INFORMATION REPORTS Water Supply John Tirado reported on his investigation of current water plans. He referred to a plan soo to be published by Bill Walsh and Bovay Engineers for Galveston County Water Authority. 5. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned. S cretaryLv//~ Approved: dcf eotha'