HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1964-06-15 RegularFPZC-M-11-30-72 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION November 30, 1972 A r(Tlar meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, November 30, 1972, at the Friendswood City Hall.. Vice Chairman C. C. Bost presided in the absence of Chairman Roger Koppa. MEMBERS PRESENT C. C. Bost Leah North Tracy Spears Ed Zeitler (Council Rep. -post meeting) AUDIENCE James W. Gartrell, Mrs. Gartrell Dr. William Jones 1, MINUTES MEMBERS ABSENT Lloyd VanHorn Rodger Koppa - working Vacancy Vacancy Jr., for Dunbar Estates, LesLynn S/D November 16, 1972 - Approved as presented by Mr. Spears, acting Secretary 2. OLD BUSINESS Dunbar Mr. James W. Gartrell, Jr., of Gulf Coast Engineering Estates and Surveying (P. 0. Box 382, LaMarque, Texas 77568), was present to discuss plans for subdivision of Dunbar Estatess(old Dunbar Ranch) located immediately adjacent to Village Green between F.M. 518 and Melody Lane. He presented a copy of the topography to Planning Commission, with the verbal comments that Section One was to be developed at this time and that the entrance road has been shifted to the right since this print was made. Dr. Jones, of Friendswood Family Riders inquired about a horse trail which had been proposed earlier, but no longer appeared. It was explained to him by Mr. Gartrell that the pipeline down which the horse trail was proposed deadended in some back yards in Village Green. No action was taken on this subdivision. LesLyn S/D Mr. Gartrell also presented the "linen" of LesLyn Subdivision for signing. Mr. Bost signed the linen since Planning Commission had approved the subdivision conditionally on November 16. It was the general consensus of the Planning Commission (2-1) that the City Engineer could withhold his signature until the subdivision corrected some of his objections. Planning Commission approved only lot sizes. street patterns, open areas. and compliance with Zoning Ordinance. IVY EIVI U IaRUM. Planning Commission Secretary To: City Secretary Date: April 14, 1973 Re. PC meeting of 4-12-73 1, Please note need to call hearing re: arterial. Page one. Am not familiar with what is required, but think public notice in paper is all. Do check VCST 974a (or 970a)- 2. Would you please copy and distribute the minutes? Distibution is as follows: 7 copies to PGC members 7 copies to Council 1 copy to City Itiiana�rer 1 copy to Fire Department 2 file copies 3. Left meeting notice blanks and copies of action taken on building permits in red folder in PZC file. (Fro Tracy, Red, etc.) with this note. Cornel�,ls' elvation is �H-green--igeldel-ice--f ie. Please give to Mr. Jones. V A �, oQ.o•o h� ' �r FFZU-M-3-29-73 Attachment #1 Plat a royal rocedure (as revised )-29-73) (insure compliance to rules as set down. utherwise no further discussion will be permitted-) i. Pre -application conference A. pre -application Plan and oata 1. General subdivision information a. in letter and/or sketch form the following conditions will be subscribed to& 1. Existing conditions of site. 2. proposed development to be undertaken (total area consumed) Lkiecy notes con`] 3. Existing covenants. 4. Land characteristics 5. Available utilities 6. General information describing a. Number of residential lots b. proposed utilities 2. Location map a. bketch of proposed dubdivision to include i, Relation to surrounding area 2 , scale (minimum 1" = 100') Li ee note, not on the location map] 3. forth arrow and date kT-��p�ea�-�a#-width-a,�el-depth 4. lglajor factors which would effect deveiopment of proposed subdivision FPZC-M-12-7-72 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ON DECEMBER 7, 1972 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, December 7, 1972 at the Friendswood City Hall. Chairman Rodger Koppa called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Rodger Koppa Leah North Tracy Spears AUDIENCE None 1. MINUTES November 30, 1972 - Approved as presented. 2. OLD BUSINESS C. C. Bost - out of town Lloyd VanHorn (expired term) Vacancy (Ray Nelson) Vacancy FLOODPLAIN A discussion of the present status of the Friendswood Flood MANAGEMENT Insurance Ordinance was held. It was brought out again that that Friendswood Flood Insurance coverage is in jeopardy if the Federal Insurance Administration discovers that we have not complied with adoption of new regulations before last September 3. Also that the 22 foot building level figure for the 100-year flood is totally erroneous, since the 100-year flood level within Friendswood ranges from below 20 feet to almost 40 feet. FLOOD INSURANCE Mr. Spears moved, seconded by Mr. Koppa, that the Commission ORDINANCE write a letter to the City Council directing their attention AMENDMENT to Section 2A of Ordinance 157 and strongly recommending that the clause " 22' above mean sea level"be struck and "as issued by the Federal Insurance Administrator" be added after "the official 100-year Flood Map." Motion passed unanimously. Mrs. North stated that she had almost completed a draft of a new Flood Insurance Ordinance. Copies are to be made for members of the Commission and one is to be submitted to Lloyd Van Horn, a Commission member whose term has expired, since he has requested time for a presentation of his work on a Flood Insurance Ordinance sometime in mid -January. SUBDIVISION It was brought out that the old Subdivision Ordinance 23-A needs ORDINANCE some numbers changed in order to bring it into compliance with AMENDMENT amendments to the Zoning Ordinance which are now being passed. Motion was made by Mr. Spears, seconded by Mr. Koppa, that the Commission write a letter to the City Council advising that Subdivision Ordinance 23-A be amended as quickly as possible in regard to lot sizes and minimum area of lots in order to conform with changes presently being enacted in the Zoning Ordinance. Motion passed unanimously. 2 FPZC-Ni-11-30-72 Mustang Mustang Meadows was mentioned. No plats were presented. Meadows No action taken. Mr. Gartrell also is the engineer for this subdivision. as to who was subdividing behind the unknown A question arose S/D High School stadium. Some shallow ditches base been installed and one lane of shell has been laid on the mud on an extension of the unnamed road to the nortohwest of the stadium. O'Farrell Realty has signs up. one has approached Planning Commission concerning this subdivision. It was mentioned during discussion that it would unlawful for the City tofurnish outilities il tiesTto this subdivision, accordingArticle 3, NOV BUSINESS ion Resignation Councilman Zeitler report�ommissionthe hassbeentreceoVed• Ray Nelson from Planning This leaves Planning Commission with two vacancies and at least one more term expiring. A discussion followed concerning possible replacements. 4. ADJC}URNM):NT iness to disouss� the meeting was adjourned. 'There being no further bus 5 1_e Leah Northo Secretary 2 FPZC-M-12-7-72 3. NEW BUSINESS VAN HORN A letter was received from Lloyd Van Horn, who has served on TERM Planning Commission, reminding us that his term has expired EXPIRES and that he does not wish to be reappointed. This was to confirm a conversation with Rodger Koppa. Mr. Van Horn stated that he would continue working on recommendations for amendment of the Flood Insurance Ordinance and requested a spot on the agenda about the middle of next month. This request is covered in the Flood Insurance discussion above. PROCEDURES Mr. Koppa handed out copies of Inputs to City for Subdivision Approval and and information sheet which he would like the Commission to read and approve at the next meeting.with or without modification. Mrs. North will send copies to Mr. Bost. C-2 DISTRICT Mr. Koppa reminded us that the present amendments being enacted to the Zoning Ordinance call for a C-2 zone which does not yet have a designation on the Zoning Map, A discussion followed, but no action was taken. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT Mrs. North called to the Commission's attention the vact that the zoning map had not yet been changed to reflect the rezoning action taken by Council on the tract of land at the corner of 2351 and F. M. 518. The Chairman directed the SEcretary to write a note to Mr. Cline, the Zoning Adminstrator, calling his attention to Section 3, Paragraph 1 of the Zoning Ordinance and noting that the Zoning Map should be changed in accordance with recent rezoning of the propoerty. HEARINGS ON Mr. Spears noted that we had considered other possible amendments FURTHER ZONING to the zoning ordinance which were not included in the last ORDINANCE amendment package to Council. A discussion followed, during AMENDMENTS which the following suggested amendments were discussed: (1) creating another district for townhouses and duplexes; (2) updating the paragraph on the Board of Adjustment to include authorization for four alternates, as now allowed by State law; (3) architectural control to be encouraged; (4) possible deletion of 35 foot heighth limit on building. No action was taken other than to further refine and define our ideas on these subjects for continued discussion at the next meeting. 4. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.at 11:15 P.M. ,i-Zllal Va* Secretary FPZC-NI-12-14-72 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION December 14,1922 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zonning Commission was held Ttursday, December 14, 1972 at the Friendswood City Hall. Mr. Tracy pears conducted the meeting in the absence of Chairman Rodger Koppa and Vice -Chairman C. C. Bost. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Tracy Spears Rodger Koppa - at work Leah North C. C. Bost Vacant Position Vacant Position Vacant Position Ed Zeitler (Council Rep.) AUDIENCE None 1. MINUTES December 7, 1972 - Approved as presented. 2. OLD BUSINESS ZONING A me Townhouse changes. Mr. Spears presented ORDINANCE a survey which he had made on Salem Square II, which AMENDMENTS has recently been approved and is under construction off Clearview Avenue. He also presented recommenda- tions for additional criteria for apartments and also townhouses. After discussion, the followin changes were made in the suggested criteriat (1 "except in the case of single -story townhouses." was added at the end of Townhouse criteria #51 (2) "20" was substituted for "22" in Apartment criteria #1, limiting the number of units per acre. These criteria will be checked with the present criteria required in R-2 zones for next week's meeting. It was unanimously agreed that townhouses should have two parking spaces per unit. Board of Adjustment a e to u d ti . Mrs. North presented a suggested change in wording to Section 10t Board of Adjustment which would update our ordinance to correspond with the present state law in that the number of alternate members would be set at four, and the terms of the members would be two, instead of three, years. The wording was approved as suggested. 3. NEW BUSINESS INFORMATION The Information Sheet (October 1972) prepared by SHEETS Mr. Koppa was reviewed and accepted. Mrs. North asked why mobile homes were included in items Pand 5 The question will be referred to Mr. Koppa. 2 FPZC-M-14-72 Table Is INPUTS TO CITY FOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL prepared by Mr. Koppa was reviewed. Two changes were made. "II CONDITIONAL APPROVAL" was amended to read "11 Data needed for Preliminary Plat Approval" and "III FINAL APPROVAL" was amended to read "III Data needed for Final Plat Approval." The additional requiremnt of "topographic data" in I-2-A was discuss- ed, but no decision was reached. This item will be put on the agneda for next meeting. STREET NAMES Mrs. North presented a map prepared by Van W. Williams for the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department (Scale: 1' 1000') as revised May 1972. (Two correctionsi Emrald Cir_ and W. Shadowbend.) This map is used by the Friendswood Fire Department, Police D.e.partment, Galveston County, and the U. S. Postal Service. It reflects the names of the streets that were officially adopted several years ago, along with additional streets which have been added, Mrs. North proposed that it be recommended to Council that the street names as shown on this map be officially adopted. The Commission accepted the proposal unanimously. STREET A discussion was held concerning policy regarding ACCEPTANCE acceptance of streets in newly annexed areas. It was unanimously agreed that streets should not be accepted for maintenance automatically upon annexation, Wording of such a policy was left for a later meeting. 4. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned. f L � Leah North --3- FPZC-M-3-29-73 Mr. Coe suggested that on large tracts (lots) that septic tanks would be permissible if they met cer- tain standards. He also suggested that, in this case, the land owner should be required to sign a contract that he must tap into the sewage system when it is extended. Mr. James Gartrell, who was in the audience, felt that the cost of the installatirn of a septic tank system should be considered. He suggested that the City could require peo��eto installexpend a septic 000 tank system other cost) necessary on extension of the sewer lines instead. He also felt that the density of the lots should be considered. A 80 x 140 foot lot with septic tank could not be marketed. Dunbar Althought not on the agenda for this subdivision, Ranch Mr. Gartrell presented single sepia copies of the final plans and profiles of Dunbar Ranch installations. No prints were presented. Mrs. North asked where the street profiles (meant cross -sections) were. Mr. Gartrell stated that they would use the standard street profile (cross sections?). Mrs. North asked if this was not what he had gotten into a disagree- ment with Mr. Heaney about. Mr. Gartrell stated that his disagreement with Mr. Heaney was only that Mr. Heaney wanted lime treatment under the conche rete streets that he accepted Mr. Heaney sspecs itself. Cook Ranch �STca-r eS Mr. Coe moved that the plans and profiles be accepted, seconded by Mr. Shore. Motion passed 3-1. For: Coe, Shore, Spears. Against: North, because of omission of a fire hydrant in the mercantile area (corner of 518 and Dunbar Drive). The sepias were returned to Mr. Gartrell for him to make prints for us. Mr. Gartrell suggested that the City's stamp which lists the individual signatures, be made small enough to fit on the plans and profiles. Mr. Gartrell asked what the requirements were for pre - preliminary applications. He was referred to Ordinance 23-A and given a copy of the latest proposed plat pro- cedure (marked unapproved). Mr. Gartrell indicated that he felt he bad complied with the procedure for -4.- FPZC-M-3--29-73 pre --preliminary plans. Mr. Gartrell stated that the Commission had received a letter from Mr. Heaney in regard to the Gook Ranch, Mrs. North said that there was no Letter received. Mrs. North listed a number of Items which she felt Mr. Gartrell had failed to comply with in the pre -application procedure. After an extended discussion Mr. Raney moved that the plans as submitted March 22 be accepted as pre -appli- cation plans and approved as such for the Cook Ranch. Mr. Coe seconded. Passed 4-1. For: Raney,Shore,Coe, Spears. Against: North. Mrs. North asked about the 50' wide drainage easement called for in the Master Drainage Plan. Mr. Gartrell stated that the drainage plans has been discussed Last week. Sun Meadow: Mr. Bob Atkinson, agent for Bill Crawford, owner - Rezoning developer of Sun Meadow, appeared and presented appli- cations for the rezoning of eight parcels of land out of the 432 acre Sun Meadow tract. He stated that these requests conform to the existing plans for the develop- ment as shown on their master plan when the lots were being sold. The parcels are as follows: Parcel #l. 11.9 acres on F.M. 528 to C-1 Commercial. Parcel #2. 5.983 acres behind the proposed Com- mercial area to R-2 Multiple Family for a Townhouse Subdivision. Parcel #3. .88 acres on Sun Meadow Blvd. to R-2 Multiple Family for a Townhouse Sub- division. Parcel #4. .539 acres on corner of Castle Harbour and Sun Meadow Blvd. to R-2 Multiple Family for Townhouses. Parcel #5. .756 acres on Dorado Drive to R-2 Multiple Family for Townhouses. Parcel #6. .64.8 acres on Dorado Drive to R-2 Multiple Family for Townhouses. Parcel P . 3.12 acres off West Castle Harbour to R-2 Multiple Family for patio homes. Parcel ##8. 4.066 acres off East Castle Harbour to R-2 Multiple Family for patio homes. Mr. Ralph Lowe, President of Sun Meadow Golf Club pre- sented an application for the rezoning of an additional parcel out of the Sun Meadow tract. -5- FPZC--M--3-29-73 Parcel #9. 2.75 acres off 528 to C-1 Commercial Mr. Shore moved, seconded by Mr. Raney, that a hearing be called for 7:30 p.m., Thursday, April 26, 1.973, re- garding the rezoning of (the above) nine tracts out of 4-32 acres Sun Meadow tract. Passed unanimously. Plat A long discussion on revision of plat approval proce- Approval dures ensued. Results are attached. (#1) Procedures 4..OLD BUSINESS Mr. Zeitler suggested that we discuss the zoning status Coward Creek of the Coward Creek subdivision. This willbe put on Rezoning next week's agenda. Coward Creek Also on next week's agenda will be discussion of a letter Maintenance from Cecil Brown Jr. requesting acceptance for mainten- Reques t ante in Coward Creek Subdivision. 5.REFERRALS Request for a building permit on Chester Drive was con - Chester sidered. The subdivider has been requested to appear Drive before the Planning Commission to obtain approval of his plat and he has not done so. No City sewer or water is in the subdivision. Mr. roe moved, seconded by Mr. Raney, that the application be rejected due to the fact that the Eignus subdivision does not meet our subdivision standards. Passed unanimously. 6.ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 P.M. W�Xiu �644_ Secretary Approved: 51q;`5 Ordinance 132 AmendmeKIts Board of Adinstment. Wording as approved 12-14-72 The initial paragraph of SEC`i'ION 10, BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT; ESTABLISHMENT AND PROCEDURE is hereby amended to read as followss A Board of Adjustment is hereby established, which shall consist of five egular members and four alternate memj2ers to be appointed by the City Council, each for a term of three] two years, provided that, when the first board shall be appointed hereunder, three members shall be appointed for one year and two members for two years. I+fiembers of the Board of Adjustment may be removed from office by the City Council for cause upon written charges and after public hearing. Vacancies shall be filled by resolution of the City Council for the unexpired term of the member affected. The alte ale members--sh,%ll serve in 2ihe absence o one or more gegular members when re ues ed to do so by the City Manager. All cases to be heard by the Board of AdjustMent shall slways be heard by a -minimum of four members. REASON FOR CHANGE: This wording corrects an apparent typing error in setting the term of office and updates the section to conform with present state law. (V.C.S.T. 1011g as amended 1971) Ordinance 132 Amendments TOWNHOUSES exist on1JC U4 1) No more than 8.9^units per acre of platted land. 2) Each unit and its lot must be sold to homeowners. 3) Common areas to be turned over to homeowners association after one year.. A) In case of condominium townhouses, each homeowner owns a share of common areas. Such ass In a fifty unit project, each homeowner would own 2% of all common areas. 4) Each townhouse must have separate elevations, roof lines, utilities, sidewalk, and front entrance. 5) Both upper and lower floor would be required to make one a townhouse, excein Jhe care of s' 1 -s tnwnho ses0 6) Two -parking spaces er Mni m' i u .a APARTMENTS 20a 1) No more than(2R)units per acre. 2) Two parking spaces per unit minimum.3 • . / . . . .... • . ♦ . . ... • . . . • . • . . . .. • ♦ . . .. . .. . . ♦ ... . .. • • • . . . . . . ... . .. . . Salem Square 2 has 702 to 1150 square feet living space per apt. has 83 units, totalling 75r194 square feet, on3.9 acres 21,35 per acre 1 apartment on each 2040 square feet of land 2 Changes of Dec. 14 � Changes of Dec. 21 FPZC-1 2-21 -72 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION December 21, 1972 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, December 21, 1972, at the Friendswood City Hall. Vice Chairman C. C. Bost presided inasmuch as Mr. Koppa had submitted his resignation because he is moving from Friendswood. MEMBERS PRESENT C. C. Bost Tracy Spears Leah North James Shore AUDIENCE (not yet sworn in) Rodger Koppa Jerry Pool, Gulf Coast Engineering 1. MINUTES December 14, 1972 - Approved as read. 2. OLD BUSINESS MEMBERS ABSENT Charles Coe (not yet sworn in) Vacant Position Vacant Position Ed Zeitler (Council Rep.) INFORMATION Mr. Koppa, in answer to a question raised last week regarding SHEETS the inclusion of mobile homes on the Information Sheet, stated that Planning Commission has had inquiries in the past regarding mobile homes and also regarding the Mobile Home Ordinance. Therefore, mobile homes were included in the information sheet. KOPPA Mr. Koppa attended the meeting, although he had submitted his RESIGNATION resignation to the City Council because of moving from Friendswood. Mr. Koppa has been a very valuable and dedicated member of the Commission and has served as Chairman for the past several months. He gave several of his files to the Secretary, some to be distributed among the membership. DUNBAR Mr. Jerry Pool, representing Gulf Coast Engineering and RANCH Surveying presented a lot lay -out sheet of Dunbar Estates. Some discussion ensued as to whether this was intended to be the Preliminary Plat. The conclusion was that it was not, since data requirements for the Preliminary Plat had not been met. Table 1: INPUTS TO CITY FOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL was given to Mr. Pool for his information and help in meeting the data requirements for each plat. After discussion, the following changes were outlined for Mr. Pool (1) Lot 1, Block 1 is to be part of the park, as agreed to by Butch Bludworth at an earlier Council meeting; 2 FPZC-M-12-21-72 1 0 (2) The offset in the entrance road intersection is to be straightened (Vote was 2 - 1 for not straightening the road. Spears and Bost voted for not straightening; North voted for straightening. Since Mr. Shore felt it should be straightened and he will probably be sworn in by next meeting, Mr. Bost advised Mr. Pool to straighten it to avoid possible further changes.), (3) Block 9, Lot 20 Building line setback is to be rounded to parallel street curve. The width of the easement on Mary's Creek is 150 feet. A question arose as to whom this easement should be dedicated. The Secretary is to inquire of the City Manager and of the Drainage District. ZONING Apartment/Townhouse changes. Discussion continued on the wording. AMENDMENTS Mr. Kappa questioned whether Townhouses should be required to have separate elevations, citing instances in Baltimore where they do not. It was decided to add "exist only if" after "Townhouses". Density of 20 apartments per acre remained unanimously agreed upon. Mr. Bost recommended that two parking lots per aprtment unit be required, which was agreed to unanimously. No-one had tried to work the new wording into the old ordinance yet. TABLE 1: No further action was taken. INPUTS 3. NEW BUSINESS PLAT Mrs. North submitted a suggested Plat Approval Process APPROVAL patterned after the Plat Approval Process outlined in PROCESS SUBDIVISION CONTROL IN TEXAS CITIES. published by the Texas Municipal League in 1970. A lengthy discussion followed concerning what the duties and responsibilities of the Planning Commission should be. It was resolved to think about it over the Holidays. Mrs. North promised to send each member a copy of the appropriate section from V.C.S.T. fpr Christmas. 4. INFORMATION REPORTS HOUSTON/ Mrs. North reported that the City Council had agreed to the FRIENDSWOOD division of extraterritorial jurisdiction with Houston as proposed by Houston on a map dated November 1972. This includes ETJ all of Wedgewood, Forest Bend, and Fairwood Utility District, AGREEMENT as well as the industry on the south and east sides of Choate Road (Hall/Reamer Road) and the extension of Choate Road to Clear Creek. HGAC Mr. Jerry Coleman of HGAC has promised to send us a plan of the REGIONAL HGAC REgional Sewer Plan for this area. SEWER PLAN OFFICIAL Council adopted the official street names as recommended by STREET NAMES Planning Commssion at the last meeting. STREET Mrs. North reported that Council was interested in knowing CLASSIFICATION how we define "Collector" and "Local" streets. An information sheet was given to Commission members concerning this. 3 FPZC-M-1 2-21 -72 SUBDIVISION Mrs. North reported on a phone conversation with City Attorney REGULATION Jerden, during which he stated that laying out roads and ENFORCEMENT selling lots definitely constitutes subdivision. Mr. Jerden had recommended that Planning Commission members read his opinion regarding this which is dated June, 1972. A copy of this was given to each member. Mr. Jerden had felt that it would be in order for Planning Commission or Council or the Mayor to write a letter with the information that Friendswood has extended its Subdivision Ordinance to the extraterritorial jurisdiction and that it has come to the attention of Planning Commission that a subdivision is being created. A copy should be sent to the developer and to the County Clerk. The Commission felt that it would also be ehlpful to notify the realtors selling the lots and the local newspapers. It was mentioned by Mrs. North that the area in which this is being done is in an area where water wells have been expensive and not always successful. Mr. Spears said that Mustang Meadows was not going to ask for City water. MUSTANG Mrs. North stated that she had spoken with Mr. Gartrell on MEADOWS Tuesday, having met him at another meeting and that he had stated that he had not intended to come back to Planning Commission with Mustang Meadows, since it was to be a "private" subdivision, with private maintenance, and Planning Commission had made only minor changes. He did say that he would send the which the Planning Commission another lot layout, since one had was apparently lost in the mails on the way to Mr. Jerden. Mrs. North told Mr. Gartrell that she thought he should come in with his plat, anyway, since Planning Commission needs to be sure that it fits in with existing or planned streets and sewers. CIRCULATION Mrs. North presented the Houston/Harris County and the that PLAN Galveston County Transportation Plans and recommended Planning Commission adopt them, in order to do as is done in Harris County and require subdividers to install a four -lane street where arterials are indicated on the circulation plan. A discussion followed concerning the pros and cons of doing this. No action was taken. 4. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 11:30. �dTJ� Secretary Approved: r "� FPZC-M-12-28-72 FPZC-M-01--03-73 No meetings were held because of planned absences from the City for Christmas holidays. FPZC-1-11-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION January 11, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held C. C. Thursday, January 11, 1972, at the Friendswood City Hall. Vice Chairman Bost presided, calling the meeting to order at 8 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT C. C. Bost Charles Coe - out of town Tracy Spears Vacant Position Leah North James Shore Vacant Position (sworn in 1-10-73) Ed Zeitler (Council Rep.) AUDIENCE None 1. MINUTES December 21, 1972 - Approved as presented. 2. OLD BUSINESS DUNBAR Mr. Gartrell was not able to be present. Recommendations RANCH from the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department and from Mr. Heaney's City Engineer Thomas Heaney were acknowledged. recommendations were returned to the City for typing. Mr. Bost will confer with him within the week regarding these. Mr. Bost directed that the Fire Department recommendations be referred to the Water Department Superintendent Kenneth Toon. The Secretary will send a memo to Mr. Heaney, calling attention to the Master Sewer Plan which indicates a through the subdivision and asking main sewer line running for recommendations. A memo is to be sent to Mr. Gartrell listing additional Planning Commission recommendations and requesting that he state the reasons for desired variances in writing to the Planning Commission. This was the first submission of the Preliminary Plan. 3, NEW BUSINESS SPIN -IN Mr. Mark Johnston appeared to request approval of a self - MARKET serve gas station in front of the Spin -In market now under / construction beside the Enco station at the corner of Echo SELF -SERVE Avenue and F. M. 518. Because the proposed installation GAS would displace required parking spaces, the request was denied. Mr. Johnston asked why a similar installation was permitted in front of the Stop -and -Go Market at the corner of Brandywyne and F. M. 518. Mr. Bost informed him that we had not caught it, but that it would not happen again. SPIN -IN A discrepancy in access layout having been noted between MARKET the sketch presented by Mr. Johnston and the plan approved / by the Planning Commission, Mrs. North had conferred with PARKING Mr, John Lipscomb of the Texas Highway Department, who had COMPLIANCE FPZC-M-1-11-73 2 assured Mrs. North that the City had final jurisdiction over the entrance location. Planning Commission studied the access plan, which Mr. Johnston had brought in on request of Mrs. North, and agreed that the width of the access drives was acceptable, but that the location was not. An additional problem was also noted in that the enlarged access drives eliminated required parking spaces. Mr. Johnston will inform Mr. McClean of the problem and Planning Commission will invite him to attend next week's meeting in order to work the problem out so that he can comply with the zoning ordinance. Mr. Lipscomb of the Highway Department suggested that the City require individuals to acquire the Highway Department recommendations prior to any discussion with the City. Mr. Bost directed that a memo be sent to the proper City Officials (Zoning Administrator and Building Official) requesting that they require that parking spaces be striped before final approval and acceptance is given on any building. FOX A pre -a o ication plat having been submitted by Municipal MEADOWS Engineering Company for T. R. Development Company, Planning Commission considered changes in street lay -out proposed by City Engineer Heaney. The Secretary was directed to send a memo to Mr. Heany calling his attention to a proposed arterial highway which cuts across the proposed subdivision and requesting a lay -out of property lines and buildings in the area where the proposed arterial, which is an extension of Greenbriar, crosses F.M. 528. Planning Commission will then evaluate the feasibility of the proposed route at this location. MAP NEED A discussion followed concerning the need for overlay maps which could be easily referred to when subdivisions are proposed which cross the routes of proposed arterials, sewer lines, etc. Money for such maps is not in the present budget, but the possibility of utilizing some of the Federal Revenue Sharing funds recently received by the City was hopefully considered. Expenditure of money for such maps at this time could prevent mistakes which would prove more costly in the future. ZONING of Zoning of three most recently annexed areas was considered. ANNEXED It was unanimously agreed that both the Melody Lane/Brazoria AREAS County line area and the Clover Acres area should be zoned residential and that the area of the High School should be designated for ' specific use as a public high school, and a Specific Use Permit granted for such specific use. These recommendations will be forwarded to the City Council who must adopt the zoning plan. 4. ADJOURNMENT The time being 11;40 P.M. it was unanimously agreed to postpone discussion of zoning ordinance amendments and street classification until next meeting. The meeting was then adjourned. Aonroved: _ _ ? F►PZC-M-l-18-73 MINUTES OP A REGULAR MEETING UP THE PLANNING AND 'ZONING (:OMMISSIUN - .1M�B+�T 18 9 173 rmeeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Aegular e P.M. on Thursday, January 18, 1973 at Friendswood City Hall. Vice-chairman 7:30 C. C. Bost presided. MEMBERS ABSENT1,iEMBERS PRIiaS&NT James Shore - Bost meeting conflict C. C. Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. - illness Tracy Spears Charles Coe Leah North AUDIENCE rell, Gulf Coast Engineering and Surveying hir� Mrs. James Gart Mr. Bludworth cipal Engineering Company Mr. John T Bogren, Muni 1. NEW pilhiB.rsRS Mr. James Shore and Mr. Charles Coe, having been sworn in during the Past week, were welcomed as new members of the Planning Commission. 2. MINUTES jRnuary 11, 1973 - Approved as presented. sing, a copy of the original June 15, 1973 - The original minutes being mis was accepted as being an authentic copy to be minutes inserted in the official minute book. 3. ULD BUSINESS DUNBAR Mr. James Gartrell appeared to reply to a memo sent to him from ESTATES Planning Commission. He answered the questions raised as follows. 1, Adherence to Master Sewer Plan. Mr. Gartrell stated that an easement has been included which will satisfyhe North Cityls requirements for the blaster Sewer Plan• for the questioned why this subdivision should not pay trunk line as Quaker's Landing subdividers did. Mr. Bost explained that in the +Zuaker's Landing case, they paid the the difference between a line they were going to have to Jay anyway and the trunk line through the su diviseoti►an Mr. Gartrell stated that they would pay for an S" line. 2. Lots with inadequate tVjdth. Block 4, lots 3 and 2 will be redrawn at right angles to present plan as the City Engineer suggested. Block 1, lot 6, will have the building line moved back. 3. Turnaround on deadend of West Dunbar. Mr. Gartrell lifirst agreed to a turnaround as suggested by�the City Engineer, then agreed to a barricade, since the street would have little use except for park travel. 4. Prohibition of access to Melody Lane from individual lots. ter. Gartrell requested that Planning Commission reconsider this request, although the Commission assured him that they ion to this problem already. has given considerable discuss PRE -APPLICATION CONFERENCES The City' -has established preapplication procedures to allow'the developer.a,n.• •r opportunity to confer with the planning commission (or planning staff) and -other municipal officials prior to preparing and filing a preliminary,. plat and h�fore ' formal application is made for its approval. These conferences:.can enable the subdivider to familiarize himself with what will be expected o hi�n before he ve- has spent a great deal of time and money preparing:°detailed plans for his,de. lopment. Tn preparing For the initial preapplication conference; `the subdivider .should 4 complete these few documents: (a). A,subdivider's data sheet„ which indicates.the'general'features of -his plan (Figure 6); r_ (b)" A location map which locates' the proposed subdivision tract 'in { relation -to the surrounding area., shows zoning classifications, i and indicates the relationship of the proposed subdivision to t� } ' , existing community facilities.(Figure 7); (c) A land inspection sketch, which very generally.indicates the ` characteristics of the site.(Figure B); These rudimentary documents will provide the basis for discussions between repre- sentatives of the city and the developer as to the location'°and other general characteristics of the proposed subdivision tract. Following these discussions,,•% the developer should, if he has not already done so,.secure professional counsel x for.the preparation of materials required for the second -and final.'..phase of the preapplication process: (a) A topographic map (preferably professionally prepared), which indicates ground elevations and other existing physical con` h ditions 'of the site (figure 9); . (b) A general development plan which outlines the subdivider s plans for improvements (Figure 10); (c) Photographs of the property.and its immediate surroundings; (d) Protective covenants or deed restrictions (if already prepared); I and (e) Other pertinent data. { r!•''- The location map, land inspection sketch, and 4eneral development plan can... be free -hand pencil.sketches. It is not necessary for these materials to be. pre- cisely drawn so long as they clearly indicate the relationship of.the proposed layout of streets,, lots, and other features to site conditions and the proposed'. locations of schools, churches, parks and playgrounds, shopping centers and other neighborhood facilities. It is important, too, that some indication be made of how the proposed subdivision plan will fit into the surrounding tJeigh- borhood. FPZC-M-1-25-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION January 25, 1273 7130 P. M. Present= C. C. Bost Charlie Coe Tracy Spears Jim Gartrell on Dunbar Tracy Spears made motion to approve Preliminary Plans. Charlie Coe seconded. C. C. Bost signed plans (plat). Copy of Dunbar letter attached hereto. Bob Atkins on Sunmeadow Section 2. Tracy Spears made motion to approve final plat contingent upon signature of utility, drainage and building inspector. C. C. Bost seconded, Approved. R. McClain Spin N Plan Parking meets minimum requirements. Charlie Coe moved approval. C. C. Bost seconded. Approved. Approv/e1, -- v� 7--5 ,mmrs ws cAyiry ruL. 3r. GULP` COAST UNGUMEWWO AND SURVEYING CONSULTING ENGINEER -- SURVEYOR P. O, HOX 382 PHONE 935-3863 LA MARQUE, TEXAS January 25, 1973 Friendswood Planning Commission City Hall l09 Willowick Friendswood, Texas 77546 Re: Preliminary Plat Dunbar Estates Subdivision Commissioners: As per your meeting of January 18, 1973, we have revised the plat (2 copies attached)as follows: 1. Lots 1 and 2, Block 4 have been revised as requested. 2. Lots 2,,and 3, Block 4 and Lot 6, Block 1, have more than 7"0::? feet at the building line. 3. Street names have been revised for your approval. Request that a 20 foot building line on corner lots side lines be permitted. The entrance road was designed for esthetic purposes to miss a group of Oak trees at the old residence site and the lake outfall channel. Request approval of same as designed. This completes all the items on my final check list and therefore, T request preliminary approval of the plat. If you have anymore items or questions, please let me know'(935-2462). Sincerelv.� FPZC-M-2-1-?3 MINUTES OF _REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION February 1._ 197`i A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, February 1, 1973, at the Friendswood City Hall. Vice Chairman C. C. Bost presided, calling the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT 0, C . Bost Leah North James Shore Tracy Spears MEMBERS ABSENT Charles Coe Ed. Zeitler (Council Rep.) ill Vacancy Vacancy AUDIENCE Mr. A. J. Peterson, for Renwick Subdivision Mr. John T. Bogren, Municipal Engineering Co., for Fox Meadows S/D 1. MINUTES January 180 1973 - Approved as presented. January 25, 1973 - Approved as presented. 2. OLD BUSINESS RENWICK Mr. A. J. Peterson presented final plans for SUBDIVISION Renwick Subdivision. Mrs. North questioned preliminary plans had yet been approved.r and Mr. Spears recalled that they had and, although minutes of November 30, 1972 did not reflect any action concerning the subdivision, a copy of the approved plans, with a notation that they were approved on November 30 was found in the Renwick file. Mr. Bost instructed Mr. Peterson to take his plans to the engineer and utility departmentfor mmission. He signatures, then return to Planning was also asked to bring additional copies of the plat when he returned. FOX Mr. John T. Bogren presented a prliminary plat of MEADOWS Fox Meadows for approval. Several changes have SUBDIVISION been made. The street layout has been modified, with wider rights of way. Building set --backs have been increased to fifty feet. Water and sewer lines are now planned. Mrs. North questioned Mr. Bogren concerning spacing of fire hydrants. Mr. Bogren has spaced them at 1000' intervals, which Mrs. North did not feel met the State Insurance Board requirements. Mr. Bogren questioned the City Engineer's recommendation of lime stabilized base for the streets, which he has widened to a 24' pavement. 2 FPZC-M-2-1-73 Mr. Shore brought up the problem of the conflict with a projected arterial highway through a portion of the subdivision, stating that he did not feel that he could vote to approve a subdivision in the path of a projected arterial highway unless the subdivision provided right of way for the highway or an alternate route for the highway had been adopted. After an extended discussion of this problem (see next item of business) Mr. Spears moved that the Commission approve the preliminary plot plan as presented. Mrs. North seconded the motion, with the understanding that her approval of the final plans depended on additional fire hydrants. Motion passed, with Bost, Spears and North voting for the motion. Mr. Shore voted against the motion, basing his vote on the principle that an alternate right of way had not yet been adopted for the projection of the Greenbriar/Briarmeadow arterial highway. ALTERNATE During the discussion of Fox Meadow Subdivision ROUTE: Mr. Shore brought up the problem of an arterial GREENBRIAR/ highway which the Bovay Report shows as running BRIARMEADOW through a corner of this subdivision. Mr. Shore ARTERIAL dial not feel that the subdivision should be given approval if it did not agree with the circulation plan shown on the Bovay Report (also Houston -Harris County and Galveston County transportation studies) or with an alternate route approved by the proper authorities. A lengthy discussion followed, during which City Manager James Morgan, City Councilmen Baker and Gonzalez and Dr. William P. Jones, a landowner whose home would be close to the present. projection of the arterial highway, dropped in and joined the Planning Commission discussion. Mr. Bost reported that the City Engineer indicated that if the present projection is followed, several homes would be in the road. Also, the intersection with F. M. 528 would fall between two blind curves and would be very dangerous. Those present seemed to be generally agreed that the present projected right of way was not in a very good location and that an alternate route to the south should be considered. Mr. Bost proposed that we abandon the present routing of the Greenbriar/Briarmeadow extension, pointing out the general area of a proposed alternate route to the City Engineer and City Council, with the request that this general alignment be researched, defined, and adopted. Mr. Shore so moved, seconded by Mr. Spears. Motion passed unanimously. FPZC-M-2-8-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COIAMlSSION February 8, 1973 Present: C. C. Bost Charlie Coe Jim Shore Tracy Spears Tom Heaney A. J. Peterson was back for Renwick, but we could not give final approval because other departments had not signed. Minutes were discussed. Deleted sentence in paragraph 20 page 2, thus: "with the understanding that her approval of the final plans depended on additional fire hydrants." Minutes approved as corrected. Jim Gartrell presented Die -preliminary plans for Cook property on Quaker Drive. No action required or taken. Connie Cline presented plan asking for R-1 to be changed to C-1 per sketch that he presented. Located 2351 and Rustic Lane. We took this under advisement. Acting S77- Approved c ` 3 FPZC-M-2-15-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISS1UN February 15, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood was held Thursday, February 15, 1973, at Chairman C. C. Bost presided, calling the 7935 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT C. C. Bost Charles Coe J. B. Shore Tracy Spears Planning and Zoning the Friendswood City meeting to order at (arrived at 10: 00 P-M- ) MEMBERS ABSENT Leah North Commission Hall. 1. Minutes of Feb. 8 meeting were read and approved (upon arrival of Tracy Spears at approximately 10900 P.M.). 2. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith, 7719 Hereford, Houston, Texas (Ph. 649-3174) appeared to request approval of house plans for Lot #9, Cane Corporation subdivision in West Friendswood. a) Lot fronts on Chester Drive. 1t was determined that Chester Drive is a private road and not eligible for City maintenance. b) House will have septic tank and well. c) Lot size is 1.2 acres. Action was postponed until status of "red flag" subdivisions is clarified by City Council. IVir. and Mrs. Smith will then be notified. 3• Mr. Roger Tanner, of 416 Falling Leaf, Friendswood, and Mr. Lonnie Jenkins, 1914 Wavecr est, Houton, Texas appeared before the Commission, requesting action on a letter written to the Friendswood theynorthManager they of Friendswood(butpetitioned contiguousthat totheir the property to th City limits) be annexed. It was determined that annexation is the responsibility of the City Council and not the Planning Commission. A letter will be written to the City Manager, requesting that 1�r. Tanner's and Mr. Jenkins' petition be placed before the City Council. 4. Dr. Carroll. Boone, Box 86, Friendswood, Texas, appeared before the Planning Commission at the request of the City Manager. Dr. Boone is sub -dividing newly annexed area and selling 3 to 5 acre tracts by metes and bounds. At present the selling of the property has been suspended, awaiting clarification by the City Council of the status of "red flag" sub -divisions (subdivisions not brought before the Planning Commission and not subject to Planning Commission approval by virtue of previously having been outside Friendswood City Limits.) No action required. 2 FPZC-M-2-15-73 5. dames Gartrell, representing Gulf Coast Engineering, appeared to request that the Final Plat of Dunbar Estates Sub -division be approved, contingent on the final approval of the Friendswood City Engineer, and that Vice Chairman Bost be instructed to sign the drawings, after the City Engineer's approval, without the formality of yet another appearance before the planning Commission. Mr. Coe moved, and Mr. Shore seconded, that this request be granted. Motion passed. 6. Meeting adjourned at 1D 2.5 P.M. A ing Secretary Approvedz 22 /97.3 FPZC-M-2-22-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION February 22 1223 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, February 22, 1973, at the Friendswood City Hall. Mr. C. C. Bost presdied. MEMBERS PRESENT C. C. Bost Tracy Spears Leah North James Shore Clyde Raney Charles Coe AUDIENCE MEMBERS ABSENT vacant Position Ed Zeitler (Council Rep. -ill) William E. Murphy, 802 Murphy Lane Roger Mills, 209 Sunnyview Bill Allen, Commonwealth Mortgage Co., 3215 West Alabama, Houston Gloria Baker, 507 Clearview Dr. James F. Fairleigh, 7603 Belfort, Suite 400, Houston Dixie Gartrell, Box 382, La Marque 77568 Jim Gartrell, Box 382, La Marque 77568 Cecil Bronn Jr., 405 west Spreading Oaks, P. 0. Box 1 W. G. Litles 1201 Melody Lane, 482-3617 Georg Ulbrich 1, MINUTES February 15, 1973, written by J. B. Share, approved as presented. 2. ZONING HEARING Fifteen days written and public notice having been given, a hearing was held regarding the proposed zoning for the following areas: 1. Melody Lane/Longwood Park area, annexed December 16, 19711 R-li Single -Family District 2, C1,over Acres area, annexed December 189 19721 R-1: Single - Family District 3, High School area, annexed May 41 19721 Specific Use: Public High School Mr, Bill Murphy asked a question regarding land adjacent to the High School and was informed that the zoning for that particular land would be considered at a later hearing. He promised to return. Mr. Roger Mills requested information regarding the procedure to follow if he wished an area zoned R-2 Multiple Family rather than R-1 Single Family. Mr. Spears informed him that the City Secretary had an application for rezoning which he should fill out. 2 FPZC-I4-2-22-73 to ) Mr. W. G. Litle asked if he now needed to come to the City for permission to put a structure on his Melody Lane acreage, such as a Mobile Home. He was assured that he did. There being no other formal statements either for or against the proposed zoning, the Commission returned to the regular order of business. A decision regarding the recommendations of the Commission concerning these areas will be reached at a subsequent meeting. 3. NEW BUSINESS Cook Mrs. Gloria Baker introduced Mr. William L. Allen of Property Commonwealth Mortgage Company who stated that he represented a builder from Houston who was interested in developing the 63 Acres formerly belonging to M. L. Cook on Quaker Drive. This land belongs to Dr. Fairleigh, who was in the audience. The builder would like to develop the 43 acres of heavily wooded land with townhouses, averaging about six per acre, with the 20 acres of "prairie" being devoted to single family homes. Townhouse costs would range from $32 to $40 thousand each unit, with incomes anticipated in the �15-$23 thousand range. Single homes would. range from $42-$44 thousand, with incomes anticipated in the $18-$26 thousand range. One-third to one-half of the townhouses are proposed to be for adults only. All utilities will be underground. The flood plain area has been considered. Mr. Spears mentioned that garages on the bottom floor of townhouses in a flood hazard area elevate the first floor above the flood level. Mr. Allen wished to know the feelings of the Planning Commission regarding the required rezoning. Mr. Spears stated that we could not give a decision on such a project without further discussion at a later meeting. One concern mentioned by Mr. Spears was the condition of the access streets to such a dense subdivision. Another concern of the Commission was that a rezoning for townhouses would also permit apartments. Also, the percentage of the area reserved for townhouses seemed a bit disproportionate. Mr. Bost asked if it would be possible to have a rough sketch of the planned development. Mrs. Baker stated that she would bring in a sketch tomorrow. Coward Mr. Cecil Brown, Jr. and Mr. James Gartrell appeared Creek with the plat of a partially developed subdivision Subdivision which has recently been annexed by the City. A discussion was held regarding the best way to handle the recording of this large -lot subdivision, but no decision was reached. Mr. Brown wishes to cooperate with the City regarding the future development of his subdivision. Mr. Spears suggested that the proposed C -1 Commercial area close to the County lane be changed to R-2 Multiple Family and that an empty space within the subdivision be platted. The fact that the alternate route of the I FPZC-M-2-22-73 Greenbriar/Briarmeadow arterial would fall within the area of this subdivision was mentioned, as well as the desirability of avoiding individual access to the Edgewood (F. M. 2351) arterial which borders the subdivision on the northwest side. A proposed commercial area on the corner of Sunset and Edgewood was discussed. Mrs. North expressed a concern that we have too much Commercial area zoned already and that a commercial area here could hurt the businesses on Frie ndswood Drive. No decision was reached with finality on any of the questions discussed. 4. ULD BUSINESS Mustang After the meeting with Mr. Brown, Mr. Gartrell left Meadows two copies of the lot layout of Mustang Meadows with the Commission. He was requested to bring in the (A) Subdivision restrictions, which he stated that he would do. Mr. Bost informed him that the Commission will let him know what further procedure he should follow regarding this subdivision, which has not been approved by Planning Commission. Mr. Gartrell stated that he had gotten approval on the lot sizes from the Commission previously. Subdivision Motion was made by Tracy Spears, seconded by Charles Coe, A Restriction that the Commission request City Manager James Morgan to Enforcement notify the engineer and developer of Mustang Meadows that the subdivision needs approval by Planning Commission Mustan or no building permit will be issued. Motion passed Meadows unanimously. A Hidden Motion was made by James Shore, seconded by Clyde Valley Raney, that the same re uest be made regarding Dr. Boone's developments) Hidden Valley). Motion passed unanimously. A Eignus Motion was made by Tracy Spears, seconded by James Shore, Subdivision that the same request be made regarding the Chester Drive development off West Edgewood Drive. Motion passed unanimously. 5. ELECTION OF OFFICERS A All members being present except one vacant position, elections were held. Mr. Shore nominated Mr. Bost for Chairman; Mr. Bost nominate Mr. Spears for Vice -Chairman; Mr. Spears nominated Mrs. North for Secretary. Mr. Coe moved, seconded by Mr. Shore, that the above nominated individuals be elected. Motion passed unanimously. 6. :INFORMATION REPORTS A Fox Mr. Spears asked if we had notified the engineer of Meadows the discrepancy noted in the 27' slab elevation requirement. Mrs. North will drop Mr. Bogren a note. A Ta e Mr. Shore gave Mrs. North a letter addressed to the Jenkins City Manager for typingg requesting that this V-Q��g be put on Council agenda 4 FPZG-M--2-22-73 Subdivision Mr. Shore handed out copies of an analysis of the Ordinance Subdivision Ordinance indicating division of responsibilities among various departments. 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the agenda, the meeting adjourned at 12 : 4 5 A. ICI. SecretarA0 y` Approved: '?IfOAXJ,) fDAt' GL 8aAole r / C7ni-11 -,VT4 -- f 5,0 7 e IOaRv'e FPZO--M-3-1-73 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION March 1 L-= A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Thursday, March 1, 1R73, at the Friendswood City Halle Chairman C. C. Bost called the meeting to order at 7a4O P• M• MEMBERS PRESENT C. C. Bost Tracy Spears Leah North Charles Coe Clyde Raney 3:/VLIN w MEMBERS ABSENT Vacant Position AUDIENCE W. Murrell, Marie Moore, Art Hutchings: Edward Stanton, John L. Young, Jess W. Williams, John Moore, John A. Walling, James E. Pa e, Henry B. Lehman, Jean D. Lehman, Doris Heard, Nan Campbell, g A.Huffman, Erwin C. Fiedler, fman, Louise V. A11en, H. Betsy K. Hiers, Mrs. C. Haughton, Jane A. Huf Gail l, Murrell, Doreen Chambers, Laura Murrell, Evelyn Sterling, Cecil Brown Jr., Robert A. Gardiner, Glen Dykstra, James Shelly, Bea. Shelly, Jim Gartrell, Dixie Gartrell, Georg Ulbrich, Councilman Ralph Gonzalez, Council- man Milton Windler, and two to five other unidentified citizens. 1. Nj_ February 22, 1973- - Approved after the following correction: Bottom of page three, change two references to rezoning to references to annexation (Tanner -Jenkins). 2. OLD BUSINESS. Cook Because of the unusually large audience of home - Ranch owners present, Chairman Bost asked a show of hands of those who were present because of the requested rezoning to townhouses. All but a few hands were raised. Chairman Bost then announced that it was the unanimous decision of the Planning Commission that we will not consider any rezoning of the Cook property. This announcement was greeted with loud applause from the audience. Chairman Bost announced that anyone who wished to speak for the rezoning would be given five minutes to speak. No one asked to speak. A member of the audience asked if this request for rezoning could now be taken to the City Council. Mr. Bost told a d Zoning ii i mmjssionst come back to t 2 FPZC-M-3-1-73 Councilman Gonzalez stated that he was not in favor of rezoning. Councilman Windler also stated that he was not in favor of rezoning that would put 250 townhouses in that location. Councilman Zeitler stated that he did not think that the City should rezone on a piecemeal basis. He thinks the City should receive a total (recommended annexation) package on the whole annexed area. Chairman Bost said that the present Commission agrees with this - that with study and professional assistance it can be done. Z oni_n After discussion Mr. Spears moved and Mr. Shore Hearing of seconded a motion that the following resolution be February 22 adopted& Be it resolved that the Friendswood A-1 Planning and Zoning Commission, after public hearing of February 220 1973, does recommend to the Friendswood City Council that the below named and recently annexed areas be zoned as follows. (1) Melody Lane/Longwood Park area (Annexed December 16, 1971) as R-1 Single Family (2) Clover Acres area (Annexed December 18, 1972) as R-1 Single Family (3) High School area (Annexed May 4, 1972) as a specific use as a public high school. The motion to pass the resolution passed unanimously. Non -conforming For the record it was recorded in the minutes that Use. Clover a Mr. Patterson operates an air-conditioning Acres business out of his home in Clover Acres, thus making it a non -conforming use of record. Coward Creek Mr. James Gartrell presented pre -preliminary plans for Cecil Brown Jr.'s Coward Creek Subdivision. This is a partially built subdivision which has not previously been approved by the Planning Commission. Letters were sent to several of these subdivisions, after annexation,by the City suggesting that they should appear before the Planning and Zoning Commission. This subdivision consists of 118 lots on 250 acres, with commercial areas included. Mr. Gartrell stated that they also have the applications for rezoning and would like a letter stating that the Commission concurs with the general layout. No action was taken on this request. Oil well status. Mr. drown asked what the status of the oil wells on this land would be under the zoning. They are all plugged, and two have their casings pulled. Discovery of oil in deep wells in the area recently causes this to become a question of some concern. Effect of the lease and question of whether this is a non-concorming use was discussed, but no conclusion reached except that the question needed to be explored further. Copy #1 of +ln; a rnl n+ wa-, filed. Mr. Bost has Copy #2. FPZC-M-3-1-73 Flood It was the consensus of the Commission that Council Insurance would pass the amendment to the Flood Insurance their meeting and that there was Ordin nce Ordinance at next therefore no need to take action on this agenda item. Lunney_ Mrs. Marilyn Lunney, who was in the audience, gave the Lunney Subdivision the Commission information concerning land off Cedarwood which they divided into tract of parcels for sale. Mrs. Lunney stated that they had not considered it a subdivision, that they had not received any letter from the City calling their attention to the fact that it is a subdivision. She stated that a plat of the land was filed with the that they Mr. Cline at the beginning of project, had been working with different departments since that time regarding water, sewer, roads, etc., and in. that the City had helped lay the pipe that was put Mr, Bost explained that the Commission was asking that anything divided into two or more parts for sale be brought to us. He called Mrs. Lunne3?b attention to the problems associated with this type of subdividing, including utility line maintenance, placement of water meters, street width, possibility of future resubdivision, garbage service, and access for fire trucks. Mr. Bost requested that the deed restrictions and proof that the street had been dedicated as a private street be brought in when an application is filed for a building permit. A letter from the Title Company stating that there are no deed restrictions on record would suffice in the absence of any such restrictions. Substandard Councilman Zeitler informed the Commission that S ree s Councilman Haken and the City Manager are going out to make a list of streets that are not up to standard. 3. NEW BUSINESS A-2 Buildi Mrs. North requested that a memo be sent to Permits, Building Official Jones asking that all building Where 100-year permits in areas where the 100-year flood has not Flood of been delineated be sent to the Commission as require( Delineated by the Flood Insurance Ordinance. After considerable discussion, Mr. Spears moved, seconded by Mr. Shore, that a memo be sent to Mr. Jones regarding the requirement of Ordinance #157 that for all lots in areas where the 100-year flood level has not been delineated, building permits should be referred to the Planning Commission. Motion passed unanimously. 4 FPZC--M-3-1-73 A-3 A-W A-5 A-6 Mr. Bost stated that he felt that it was not our responsibility to determine what the slab height of a building is. An application for a building permit should be accompanied by= (1) Certification by a registered engineer or registered surveyor that the slab will be at a particular height. (2 ) A statment from the Corps of Engineers (Galveston) regarding the 100-year flood plain level in that particular area. Delineation It was agreed that a memo should be written to the Manager requesting that a letter be written of Z00- ear City to HUD requesting completion of the Flood Plain Flood Map in the F'riendswood jurisdiction. Buildin Mr. Bost moved, seconded by Mr. Spears that a be sent to Council requesting that building Per its in New S Ds letter permits not be issued jn�roo✓vTe�,c�?ti avisions and until the subdivision/as een Completed accepted by the City Council. After considerable discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Subdivision During the above discussion the suggestion was made as -built plan Restrictions that the City should require an stamped and certified by a registered engineer, also proof that all utilities developer had put in are paid for. Rezoning A new form for requesting rezoning was approved. instructed to send this form to Regis The secretary was each of the people presently requesting rezoning, including Connie Cline and the Cane Corporation and ask them to be filled out and returned, accompanied of notification, by a check for 440.00 to cover costs etc. Street The Commission agreed to send a memo to the City Council calling thier attention to Section 6 of Acce tance Article 9?4a VCST which states as follows= "The approval of any such plan, plat, or replat shall not be deemed an acceptance of the proposed dedication and shall not impose any duty upon such city concerning the maintenance or improvement of any such dedicated parts until the proper authorities of said city shall have made actual appropriation of the same by entry, use or improvement. Plat Mr. Shore gave out copies of a procedure which he for subdivision plat submittal. Will Submittal is proposing look at next meeting. 4. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 12-05 P.M. Leah P. North - Secretary Approved:.�z� 9 3CLJCovL�c'�� FPZC-M-3-8-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION March_8�L_!M (as corrected) Present were: C. C. Bost Clyde Raney Tracy Spears Bob Phillips Ed Zeitler 1. Paul and Al O'Farrell appeared for Dr. Boone on Hidden Valley. They presented a pre -preliminary plat. We passed the plat on to Mr. Heaney. 2. Jim Gartrell Jim Fairleigh on Mustang Meadows Tony Novelli Long discussion, but no action taken. 3. Sam Vester - Plans for own home off Falling Leaf. Approved. 4. Jim Gartrel -- Cook property pre -preliminary plan. 5. Bob Atkinson on Sunmeadows. Tracy Spears made motion to approve the entire general plan of Sunmeadows (432 acres) with two exceptions. (a) The 2.77 acres for townhouses on NE side will not be included in hearing. (b) Entrance to commercial property via the latted streets only. (Do not leave parking area open to 528.� Seconded by Clyde Raney. Passed unanimously. Tracy Spears made the motion, seconded by Clyde Haney that a hearing on taking in all newly annexed (February 5P 1973) territory should be held at 7130 P.M., March 29, 1973, Passed unanimously. Tracy Spears made the motion, seconded by Clyde. Raney, that at 8:30 on March 29, 1973, a hearing would be held in regard to changing the zoning classification of the area designated as Tract #1 on our copy of the Sunmeadow general plan from k-1 to C-l. Motion passed unanimously. Tracy Spears made the motion,asad by wouldde beheldyinthat at regard to 8:30 P.M. on March 29, 1973E hearingould changing the zoning classification of the areas designated as Tracts 2 through 7 on our copy of the Sunmeadow general plan from R-1 to R-2 Townhouses. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Bob Atkinson on Sunmeadows Sections 3 and 4. Clyde Raney made motion to approve preliminary plat. Exception: Side access denied on lots 19 and 72 of Section 3. Tracy Spears seconded. Passed unanimously. PPZG-M-3-15-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION March-15, 1273 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, March 15, 1973, at Friendswood City Hall. Chairman C. C. Bost called the meeting to order at 7145 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT C. C. Bost Leah North Charles Coe James Shore Tracy Spears Robert Phillips (not yet sworn in) Ed Zeitler (Council Rep.) (left early) 1. MINUTES March 8, 1973 - Approved as corrected. 2. OLD BUSINESS MEMBERS ABSENT Clyde Raney Dunbar Mr. James Gartrell, who was in the audience, Estates informed the Commission that he is to appear before the Friendswood Drainage District Board of Supervisors on Monday night to get their approval. Cook Mr. James Gartrell, Gulf Coast Engineering and Ranch Surveying, Box 382, La Marque, 77568, representing }� �RtiTFk�C the owners of the property formerly owned by M. L. Cook and fronting on Quaker Drive, appeared to �STp,Z discuss pre -preliminary plans for subdividing the property. A lot and street lay -out was presented, accompanied by a topographic map of the area. Since part of the area is below the 100-year flood level of 24 to 242 feet as designated on the Official Flood Insurance Map,Mr. Gartrell was instructed to modify the design of the street extending into the lowest portion of this area so that the elevation of the road should be no less than 22 feet. City Engineer Heaney had suggested some changes in the layout of other streets, eliminating some cul-de-sacs, but the Commission felt that the layout originally planned by Mr. Gartrell was preferable in these areas. Mrs. North requested that the lots on the cul-de- sacs, which had been designed by computer, be modified to eliminate.the shallow, fan -shaped lots by substituting deep, diamond -shaped lots in the "corners" of the area. z FPZC--M--3--15-73 Mr. Gartr.ell had to take the topographic information back with him, but he will superimpose the lot layout on the topographic information for his next presentation. He felt that there would be no problem with drainage, water, or sewer. The trunk line of the North Interceptor sewer will pass through this property, but this has been taken into consideration. Designation of some of the lower area as park land was discussed, but no decision was made. A line of "outlots" from the original tract have already been sold to abutting property owners from Empere Chateau Subdivision on Clearview Avenue. Sunmeadow Mr. Robert AtkinsL� fanner for Sunmeadow appeared Commercial to discuss the access design requested by the Access Commission on a tract of land situated on the Design southwest corner of the F. NI. 528 and the entrance road to Sunmeadow. This tract was planned as a commercial area prior to its annexation by Fri;endswood on February 5, 1973. A request for rezoning will be forthcoming. After a lengthy discussion Mr. Agenda Atkins agreed to return next week with ideas for a layout eliminating multiple accesses by providing an access area running from Sunmeadow Boulevard to a yet -unnamed road. Proximity to a rather sharp curve was considered to create a particular hazard in this area. Mr. Bost requested that he bring back access plans which include the entire commercial tract as proposed. Mr. Atkins felt that the Commission should set up specific requirements regarding driveway openings. (A) He will bring us some examples. These should take into account a 30 foot turning radius required for a car. During the discussion it was brought out that the Almeda-Genoa Shopping Center is not a one -owner situation, although they were able to provide a common parking lot with traffic flow riot impeded between areas. Fox Two final linens and sepias had been left for Meadows signature. It was noted, however, that several errors were present, including the fact that the slab elevation requirement had not been changed to 27 feet as requested by the Commission January 18. Since no one was present to formally present the plat, it was decided to take no action. Mr. Bogren A-1 will be contacted and informed of the problem. 3 FPZC-M-3-15-73 A-2 Agenda Agenda Hidden A lot plan for Hidden Valley has been left for Valley the Commission. This lot plan is to be sent to Mr. Heaney, as well as the plat plans of Mustang Meadows and Coward Creek (Cecil Brown Jr.), to study coordination of the street layouts, particularly in regard to the alternate route of the Greenbriar/ Briarmeadow arterials and return to the Commission by next meeting. Zoning Heari j Feb. Annexation Commercial Zoning Request: Sunmeadows 3. NEV BUSINESS The legal deadline for the required public notice regarding the hearing previously called having passed without notices being sent, a motion was made by Coe, seconded by Spears, that a hearing be held on April 5, 1973 at 7:30 P.Nys at the Friendswood City Hall concerning the initial zoning of the areas annexed on February 50 1973 as R-1 Single - Family Residential. Motion passed unanimously. Since the legal descriptions were not ready and since formal application had not been made for the areas in the Sunmeadow complex for which rezoning is desired, it was decided not to call a hearing for this rezoning request at this time. A hearing previously called for March 29 concerning this will not be held. Notices had not been sent, since the legal descriptions were not available. None. 4. INFORMATION REPORTS Agenda Subdivision A letter dated March 15, 1973, from City Manager Requirements: Morgan to Councilman Ed Zeitler was entered into and made part of the minutes (attached). In it Streets Mr. Morgan informs Mr. Zeitler that he has instructed the City Engineer to require only those items that are spelled out in the subdivision ordinance as it pertains to streets. No action was taken by the Commission. Plat Mr. James Gartrell, who was in the audience, stated Review that it had been his impression, from 'the procedure Procedure sheet which had been given him, that the City had been sending plats to the Friendswood Drainage District whenever the plat was filed with the City. He could not specifically identify the procedure sheet which had been given to him. Mr. Shore stated that this problem was taken care of in a procedure sheet which he had been working on. Since a majority of the Commission had not had an opportunity to review Mr. Shore's proposed procedure, it was decided to postpone action on it un.txl next week. FPZG-M-3-22-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION March�22, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Thursday, March 22, 1973, at the Friendswood City Hall. Chairman C . C . Bost presided. MEMBERS PRESENT C . C . Bost Tracy spears Leah North Charles Coe Clyde Raney Fames Shore James Morgan (City Manager) Ed Zeitler (Council Rep.) AU DI ENC E Ted A Guillory, A. J. Peterson Jim Gartrell Dixie Gartrell Dr. Fairleigh Ted Bogren 1. MINUTES MEMBERS ABSENT Bob Phillips (not sworn in) 2323 S. Burke, Pasadena March 1, 1973 - Approved with the following corrections: (1) Add James Shore to the members present. (2) Delete Ed Zeitler from the members present. (3) Add "or section thereof" after the word "subdivision" and before the words ''has been completed" in the motion regarding building permits in new subdivisions (page 4). March 15, 1973 - Approved with the following correction: Change Atkins to Atkinson (page 2). 2. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS Utilities: Mr. Ted Guillory, who is planning to build a home Linson Lane on Linson Lane appeared to ask if Planning Commission is going to require Mustang IVieadows to install water or sewer lines. He is interested because, at the present time, he will have to pay the initial cost of 900 feet of water and sewer (Less the first 100 feet, which the City pays) to service his home. Since part of this 900 feet would extend toward Mustang Meadovs, he was hoping that part of the initial cost could be shared. Mr. Bost informed him that we could not give him a definite answer at this time. FPZG-M-3-15-73 100-year Mr. Atkins6sPtated that he had not yet been able to Flood Level obtain data on the 100-year flood elevation in the Sunmeadows area. Lunne.y A copy of the plan of the Lunney subdivision was Subdivision given to Mrs. North for study. S. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the agenda to discuss, Mr. Coe moved, seconded by Mr. Spears, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion passed unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 12:06 A.M. "�OOJ'-Y�&A Lea P. North, Secretary Approved a N FPZC-3--15-73 Attachment #1 City 4 griendswood 109 WILLOWICK, FRIEND3WOOD, TEXAS 77846 4B2-3323 COUNCILMEN MAYOR RALPH L. LOWE BENNY R. BAKER RALPH G.GONZALEZ CITY MANAGER RICHARD L. HAKEN JAMES C. MORGAN WILLIAM B. PATTON MILTON L. WINDLER EDWARD O. ZEITLER March 15, 1973 Councilman Ed Zeitler Friendswood City Hall Friendswood, Texas 77546 Dear Mr. Zeitler: In response to your recent request, I have discussed with Mr. Heaney the requirements which we have been placing upon subdividers as they bring their plans in for approval. Mr. Heaney said that on one occasion he has instructed the subdivider to provide lime treatment of the sub -base on all street construction. This, as you probably know, is over and above those requirements set out in the subdivision ordinance. While there is no doubt that this additional preparation of the street would be of benefit, I have instructed Mr. Heaney to require only those items that are spelled out in the subdivision or- dinance as it pertains to streets. I have also instructed Mr. Heaney to point out to the subdividers representatives the weaknesses in some of our requirements on streets and to suggest to them methods for improvement, but to re- frain from making this a strict requirement prior to the passage of the new subdivision ordinance. I hope that this adequately answers your questions. JCM:mw cc: Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission Tom Heaney, City Engineer Re �ectful ly / �C / .lames C. Mor City Manager submi ate , ian 2 FPZC-M-3-22-73 3. OLD BUSINESS Renwick Mr, A. J. Peterson gave Planning Commission two S/D final copies of the Renwick plat for signing. No action was taken since the plat had not yet been signed by the City engineer. Fox meadows Mr. Ted Bogren presented the final linen of Foxmeadows subdivision for approval. Mr. Spears asked him why the required slab height was listed on the plat as 26', instead of 27' as Planning Commission had previously stated it should be. Mr. Bogren explained that he had received a 100-year flood level from the Corps of Engineers which indicated the height in that area to be 24.5 feet and that he therefore felt that 26' was a reasonable requirement. Mrs. North confirmed his report. She had received the same information from Mr. Different of the Corps of Engineers hydrology section, as had Mr. Shore, also. Mrs. North moved, seconded by Mr. Shore, that since the Commission has received figures from the Corps of Engineers indicating the 100-year flood level in the Foxmeadows area is 24.5 feet, that we approve, the change in slab height from 27' to 26'. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Raney moved, seconded by Mr. Coe, that the final plat be approved. Motion passed by a four to two vote. Fors Spears, Coe, Bost, Raney. Against: North, Shore. Mrs. North stated that her negative vote was based on her opinion that the fire hydrant placement does not meet with State Board of Insurance requirements that in residential areas hydrants shall be placed every 600 feet, so that every building shall be within 500' of a hydrant. Cook Ranch Mr. Gartrell returned with another lot layout of Cook Ranch plus a lot layout superimposed on contour lines. He stated that the gully in lots 15 and 13 will be filled, but the gully in lots �sTPsT�s 6 and 7 will be left in. Lot 11 needs clearing and fill. Lots 15 and 16 will be cleared and filled to the 24' elevation. Street layout. Mr. Gartrell stated that they could not live with building the streets at the 24' flood elevation. He would like to hold the 3. level at 21-22 feet. The streets need to be 1;' below the lots in order to drain. The streets will be concrete curb and gutter, with the manholes sealed (against flood waters). -1 FPZC-NI-3-22-73 Agenda Flood level. Mrse forth asked that the 100-year flood level line be indicated on the plat. Mr. Gartrell stated that this should be put in an He did ordinance first before he would do it. indicate on the plat that the flood level agree to is 24'. Mrs. North requested an access from this subdivision to the undivided land adjacent to it, but the this proposal. general consensus was not in favor of Water. Mrs. north asked the possibility of,linking the water line with the line on Clearview A enue is a with that line. since the water pressure problem Mr. Gartrell stated 'that he did not think that there should be any problem with water pressure on why the a six inch line - that there was no reason should be Less on this dead-end line, but pressure that he had told Mr. Heaney that the City could use the sewer easement for a water line from the Clearview line into Cook Ranch. Street--el.evati s. Mr. Spears moved, seconded by 212' Mr. Raney, that the commission accept the elevation for streets, the street layout, the general plan, and lot sizes. Motion passed. Ou lot. Mrs. North asked the reason for a section of the original tract being omitted from the subdivision. Mr. Gartrell explained that this is a very high piece of property with a 40' private road going to it. Mr. Gartrell stated that he would be back with next week. Mrs. North the pre -preliminary plat ask him to please include all the things which are called for an Ordinance 23-A, so that we do not meetings on the pre -preliminary have to have any more plans unnecessarily. Procedures for Councilman Zeitler stated that he felt the Commissiot one coordinator, Plat Approval needed a definite procedure, with for processing plats. He felt that the plats could be farmed out through the City Manager. Planning Commission wholeheartedly agreed on the a lengthy discussion need for tighter procedures and followed, with the following procedures -tentatively agreed upon. (See attachment #1•) Workshop It was agreed that the Commission should meet in at City hall Meeting workshop session next Wednesday evening discussion on the procedures. Specifi- to continue cations may be discussed at that time, also. 4 FPZC-M-3-22-73 Greenbriar/ Mr. Spears moved, seconded by Mr. Coe, that the Briarmeadow routing of the Greenbriar/Briarmeadow arterial Arterial (alternate route) through the subdivisions of Alternative Hidden Valley, Mustang meadows, and Coward Creek Subdivision be approved from F. IVI. 528 to F. M. 2351 as drawn by Mr. Heaney as of this date. Motion passed unanimously. Road Mr. Shore brought to our attention a public notice Abandonment asking the County Commissioners to abandon a public road right-of-way between Wilderness Trail and A Chigger Creek. Mrs.North was directed by Mr. Bost to contact our County Commissioner Paul Hcpkins for information. Planning Commission wishes to protest said abandonment and to request that the Commissioners require approval of the Planning Commission before and roads are abandoned. Flood levels. Mr. Shore reported on conversations which he has had with Mr. Different, of the Corps of Engineers, and with Turner,Collie, and Braden regarding the establishment of 100-year flood levels in the area of possible, but undetermined flood hazards. He stated that the Corps of Engineers will give us a figure for any piece of land if we specifically ask for it. This service is also available to individuals. These figures are especially needed in the Sunmeadows area at this time. Also, Turner, Collie and Braden estimated that a study of the Chigger Creek watershed to determine the 100-year flood level would run about $5000. Mr. Raney stated that a study of thecontours was made about 1938 or 1939 with one foot increments and that this information should be in the Galveston 4. NEW BUSINESS County records. Architectural Councilman Zeitler wondered if the Commission had Control considered architectural control. Mr. Bost said that he felt we needed to solve our present problems first. Mr. Zeitler left early at 12250 A. M. 5. ADJOURNMENT After some more discussion; but no action, the meeting adjourned at 1215 A. NI. Secretary Approvedi A7 79 _ FPZC-M-3-22-73 Attachment #1 Plat A roval'Procedure (rough draft) 1. Pre=application conference. (General development plan sketch) A. Three copies presented to FPZC; reviewed. B, Passed on to City Engineer through City Manager. c. Returned to FPZC in one week. (With specs on water, sewer, streets, drainage.) 2. FPZC returns to developer (or engineer) with specs on water, sewer, streets, drainage) 3. Preliminary Plans presented to FPZC. A. Two week minimum revue by City. B Flow from Dept. to dept. through Cty Manager. c. Back to FPZC through City Manager. D. Conferences with develper`s engineer left to discretion of City Engineer. 4. Final Plat goes to City Manager for City Department's approval and signature. A. Must be into City at least five working days prior to FPZC meeting. B. After signed by City Department and signed and approved by FPZC- C. Returned to City Manager for recording and filing. -I- FPZC-m-3-29-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION March 29, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Thursday, March 29, 1973, at the Friendswood City Hall. Vice - Chairman Tracy Spears presided in the absence of Chairman Bost, calling the meeting to order at 7:4.5 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Spears Leah North Charles Coe James Shore Clyde Raney (arrived late) Bob Phillips (not yet sworn in) Ed Zeitler (Council Rep.) AUDIENCE Mayor Ralph Lowe W.B. Wood James H. O'Kane Don Carpenter Georg Ulbrich Dixie Gartrell Jim Gartrell Bob Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Terry Bludworth 1. MINUTES March 22, 1973 - Approved as presented. 2. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS MEMBERS ABSENT C.C. Bost O'Kane Mr. James H. O'Kane, 4.05 Bellman, 482-7873, appeared Rezoning to request rezoning of a tract of land purchased by him between the High School and FAlling Leaf. He. stated that he had purchase this property last fall for the sole reason of putting in commercial tennis courts. Mr. O'Kane was given an application form for a re- zoning request and will return next week. FPZC-M-3-29-73 _2-- W. Mr. W. B. Road peared to clarify Wood, 25 Wilderness Trail, 482-3059, ap- B. Mood, a request which he and others had R made to the County Commissioners Court to abandon Abandonment feet of a 60 foot roadway running approximately 395 from Wilderness Trail`to chigger Creek. A hearing before the Court is scheduled for this taming Monday. Mrs. North reported that, after conversations with Commissioner Paul Hopkins, County Attorney Bill Decker, and Mr. Wood's attorney Jerry Gunn (488-6344) , there was no agreement on whether the matter of aban- donment was a City or a County function. Mr. Spears expressed the Commission's concern great this right-of-way might, in the future, if there value to the City of Friendswood, particularly is a corresponding rigbt-of-way y on nor n the other side od of the the creek. Neither the Commission information to answer this question. Mayor Lowe then contacted County Judge Ray Holbrook by phone to find out if the hearing decision could be postponed until. the Planning Commission had the op- portunity to obtain information whit to make an ter informed judgement regarding the he returned to report a favoraasEmovedanswer, by Mrthe . Shore, motion was passed unanimously hall send a seconded by Mrs . North. The Comcopytomsslon sCommissioner letter to Judge Holbrook with a copy per the phone Paul Hopkins to confirm our request as m`� March 29, conversation with Mayor Lowe at 10:30 p. 1973, to postpone action for one week on the abandon- ment of the W. B. blood road. This will give the Plan- ning Commission time to study the situation. seconded by Mr. Raney, that the Con - Street Mr. Shore moved,unty Commissioners Status mission send a letter erificationto the abetween the City and Court requesting the County on all streets. Passed unanimously. formal discussion was initiated by Mayor Lowe An in 3. OLD BUSINESS concerning sewage disposal. requirements. He feels Septic Tank that we cannot stop people from building an their Requirements own land. However, in the case of a subdivision of individual septic tanks should perhaps forty homes, isolated homes not not allowed. On the other hand, in a subdivision should bbasgs. Itowed tisioftenlbard, systems on an individual however, to draw a line between the two situations. I FPZC-PI-3-29-73 Attachment #1 . 2— f 2 Title, scale, north arrow, and date( 'Ale i Key plan sllowinq location of tract. ...4. Zoning on and adjacent to tract. { ['ral3oseci public improvements; highways, or other major improventents planned by public authorities for future canstruction on a near tract. ... `6: Lot lines',. lot numbers and block numbers. c 7,, Sites, it, any, to be reserved or dedicated for parks, playgr'ottnds, or, other public uses. $. sites, if any, for• multi-•i'aritily dwellings, shopping centers, churches, inrtustry or other non --public use excluslvc? of sitlyle-f<mtil,y clwe'llings. 9. Otl}er prel itat i ila ry_PI ans : When required by the Planning Cotttmi s lion, the Preliminary Plat shall be accotttpanied by profiles showing existing ground surface and proposed street grades, including extensions for a reasonable distance beyond the 1 itni cs of tile, proposed sitbd ivision; typical cross sections of the proposed grading, roac`vray, and sidevlall-, and preliminary pljn; of proposed ,��nitary and storttt water sewers wit-1-1 gravies and sizes indicated. 1\11 elevations shall be based on a datitnt plan approved by the City. . , ,10. Draft of Protective Covenants whereby the subdivision pr'op0sc2s 1:o regulate tite land use -in thw subdivision and otherwise pro- tect. the proposed developtttents. z Attachment #1 3. sketch Man on survey will show in simple sketch form: a. The proposed layout of streets. b. The proposed lot width and depth c . l; ontours 4. 1tequired, copies a. Three copies presented to FPZU 1. iomments will be attached toeach copy. ]. information flow az-t�assea-•en-tie-U4!ty-,�mgimeer-thrabtgh-b:�tq-Manager 1. Gomments attached to each copy. , b. All copies returned to F.M; in one with specs on water, sewer, streets, drainage. c. F?ZG returns ane copy to developer (or his engineer) with comments from IIP ; and pity J�mg witli specs on water, sewer, streets, drainage. i.i.. Preliminary plat presented to FP`LC A. PLANNING COMMISSION CHECK LIST 1• Title and Certificate: Present tract desigrjation according to official records in the Office of the County Clerk; title unclear whlcIl I)rol)Osed Suhd'ivision is Lo be recorded, with nmiwF, and addresses of owners, notation stating acreage, scale, norl:h arrow, datum, bench iii rks, certification of registol"ed civ-il engineer or 'licensed surveyor, date of survey, FPZG-M-4-12-73 A MTNU TES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMM SIGN April 12, 1973 he Friends Planning and Zoning Commission of t A regular meeting at Friendswood City Hall. Chairman 1 was held Thursday, April 12p 973 0 P.M. C. C. Bost called the meeting to order at 7' MEMBERS PRESENT ME'IVIBERS ABSENT Charles Coe C . C . Bost Tracy Spears Leah North Clyde Raney .Tames Shore Bob Phillips Ed Zeitler (Council Rep.) 1. MINUTES April 5, 1973 - ,jot yet completed. 2. CALLING—CF HEARING Greenbriar/ Briarmeadow Arterial 3. BUILDING PERMITS_ Lunney Subdivision Road Designated Approved Private Street Lunney Building Permit Queen's Lane Characteristics Mr. Spears moved, seconded by Mrs. o oche, that a hearing' regarding the rerouting be Greenbriar/Briarm1973 atrCityaHall.caMotdionor 7=3o P.M. May 3, passed unanimously. Mr. and Mrs. Glynn Lunney appeared with a. deed describing their private road as recorded in the County Clerk's office (Recorded Book 2353, Page 5'76 - thirty feet out of Lot 15, BlockFriendswood Subdivision) - Mrs. North moved, seconded by Mr. Spears, that Queen's Lane (the abovementioned road), a thirty foot right of way between Gedarwood and ore or le: 12.60?3 acre tract (804.65 feet long, 2 a private street to be used for be approved as access only for four lots on that. 12.6073 acre tract unless additional right of way is given. Motion passed unanimously. Mrs. North moved, seconded by Mr. Shore, that th building permit requested by Lunneys to build a home off this approved private street be granted Motion passed unanimously. Queen's Lane consists of a 30 foot graded and unobstructed right-of-way which is recorded in the County Clerk's office as belona'i.ng to the Lunneys and the surface of which does not meet City standards and which is not maintained by the City. FPzc-M-4-19-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION April 19, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Thursday, April 19, 1973 at the Friendswood City Hall. Chairman C. C. Bost called the meeting to order Members Present Aud� Members Absent John H. Taylor, Jr. Leah North C. C. Bost Charles Coe Tracy Spears Thomas G. Rives Bob Phillips Gary W. Goff Clyde Raney Dr. J. F. Fairleigh Jim Shore Jim Gartrell Ed Zeitler (Council Rep.) Dixie Gartrell Joe Lossen 1. No minutes of last meeting available. Secretary North out of town. 2. Request for building permit for garage at Friends Church. Mr. Cecil Brown appeared before the commission ermitsforhe approval ofp n application from the Friends Church for a g p an was presented for study. roved. Motion Spears moved, Raney seconded that the application be app f ) passed unanimously. No drawings or plans were retained by the Commission. 3. Request for building permit for office building on Edgewood. Mr, Joe Texas (re resenting Lossen, Losco Building Systems, 216 Winkler Drive, Houston, p Mr. Tom Kent) appeared before the Commission to request the approval of an application for a building permit for an office building on part of Lot 2, Block 2, Friendswood Subdivision. Prints of floor/elevation plan and foundation plan were part of presentation. Spears moved, Phillips seconded that application be approved contingent on the following changes being made to plans: a. Reduce parking areas to ten - no trees to be removed. b. Concrete car stops to be installed to separate parking for the proposed building from the parking of an already existing building (also owned by Mr. Kent). c. All references to the adjoining tract of land to be removed from drawing. d. Slab height above mean sea level to be added to elevation plan. Mr. Lossen agreed to changes and marked up and initialed one set of prints as per Commission's requests, finalalso agreed to C oincorporatity BuildingIn pechanger into original drawings before presenting prints Motion to approve passed unanimously. Marked up prints of floor/elevation plan and foundation plan retained by Commission. 4. Request for building permit - residence of Joe D. Barlow on Clear Creek Drive. Mr. John Taylor, 102 Parkwood Drive, Friendswood, Texas appeared before Commission to request approval of an application for a building permit for the m c-M-4-19-73 Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 residence of Joe D. Barlow, E1 Camino Real, Clear Lake City. House plans were part of presentation. Approval granted contingent on: a. Slab height above mean sea level to be added to drawing prior to submission to City Building Inspector. b. A memo being written by Commission Secretary to City Manager asking him to instruct the City Building Inspector to inspect slabs forms prior to pour- ing and to obtain certification of slab height from contractor. No drawings retained by Commission. (Note: Acting Secretary was remiss in that names of persons who made and seconded motion for approval were not recorded). 5. Request for building permit - residence of Jay Browning on Greenbriar. Mr. Jay Browning appeared before the Commission to request approval of an appli- cation for a building permit for his residence on Greenbriar Ave. A set of building plans were a part of his presentation. Spears moved, Raney seconded that application be approved contingent on the following being added to drawings: a. Slab height with respect to mean sea level and identification of bench mark used as reference. Motion to approve passed unanimously (Note: Planning Commission will obtain from Corp of Engineer 100 year flood plain data for this area before construction can begin. No drawings retained by Commission.) 6. Request for building permit - office building on S. Friendswood Drive. Mr. John Taylor, 102 Parkwood Drive, Friendswood, Texas and Mr. Thomas Rives, 427 Holley Vale #3, Houston, Texas 77037 appeared before the Commission to re- quest approval of an application for a building permit for an office building on S. Friendswood Drive. Plot plan and building plans were art of presentation. Plans showing 9 parking places (only 5 are required but having no provisions for future traffic circulation if proposed additional office space is ever built were deemed best of two alternatives presented. (At time of any future expansion, 3 parking spaces can be sacrificed to provide traffic circula- tion). Spears moved, Philips seconded that application be approved, contingent on the following items being complied with: a. Slab height above mean sea level be added to drawing and bench mark reference be be identified on drawing. b. Plans be altered to comply with above mentioned parking plan. No drawings were retained by the Commission. 7. Informal discussion of Mustang Meadows. Mr. Jim Gartrell, Gulf Coast Engineering, and Dr. J. F. Fairleigh, Developer, appeared before the Commission to informally discuss the status of Mustang Meadows Subdivision. Mr. Gartrell stated that the subdivision is projected to have: a. Roads with lime stabilized base; roads will conform to minimum county standards. b. No provisions for water or sewer systems. c. No provisions for the major traffic artery now under study by Planning Commission, presenting the Mr. Gartrell will return next week with a letter formally p g above information to the Commission and seeking a compromise plan whereby such a subdivision might be approved although it does not meet the City requirements. FPZC-M-4-19-73 Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 Dr. Fairleigh stated that legal action might be necessary to clarify the City's and/or Developer's rights and obligations in cases such as this. No action taken. 8. Informal discussion of Heritage Estates Subdivision (Cook Ranch property). Mr. Gartrell and Dr. Fairleigh appeared before Commission to informally discuss the status of Heritage Estates. Planning Commission has received a letter from City Manager with comments on preliminary plat and working drawing of Heritage Estates Subdivision. Also, a second letter from the City Manager was received which mentions the possibility of including some city drainage within the drainage plans of Heritage Estates. Mr. Gartrell reviewed the comments and stated that there was no serious objection to the comments, but would argue on a point or two with the City Engineer. He will contact Engineer directly on this matter. As to drainage, Gartrell stated that "they" Che and client?) would agree to participate but would want to study situation along with City before making a committment. Mention was made as to failure of City to provide main sewer line thru Subdivision. Gartrell stated that developer may be forced to "go it alone" with 8 inch line to Empere Chateau connection. No action taken on this item. Marked -up preliminary plat, covenants and working drawings of Heritage Estates as well as two letters from City Manager to Planning Commission are attached to and are part of these minutes. 9. Informal discussion on Park Committee as proposed by City Council. City Councilmen Ed Zeitler and Dick Haken discussed with the Commission the idea of a Park Committee to find city park land and study ways to finance same. No action taken. 10. Requested approval of design of bridge in Dunbar Estates. A letter was received from the City Manager stating that a design by Gulf Coast Engineering for a proposed bridge across Mary's Creek in Dunbar Estates met with City Engineer's approval contingent on approval by Planning Commission. Drawings and letter returned to City Manager with note stating that bridge design is not responsibility of Planning Commission. 11. Discussion of building permit for O'Farrell Realty. Issuance of building permit for expansion of 0 Farrell Realty was questioned as to whether or not parking requirements as set e out toning CityoManager erequesti gwereplied such informationnand Secretary instructed to write k (cut-off time to be to request that a list of building per issued each wee close of business day each Wednesday) be supplied to Planning Commission. 12. A check for $80.00 and two requests for zoning changes were received from Mr. Cecil Brown, Jr. a. Request #1 - Corner of Sunset Drive and FM 2351 - Rezone from R-1 to C-1. b. Request #2 - Along FM 2351 northeast of Brazoria/Galveston County line - Rezone from R-1 to R-2. Meeting adjourned at 12:20 a.m. Respectfully submitted, i GLrr�(ir" James B. /�400ze__ Shore Acting Secretary FPZc-M-4-19-73 Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 Attachments: 1. Plans - Kent's Office Building 2. Preliminary Plat, Working Drawings and Covenants of Heritage Estates 3. Letter from City Manager - Comments on Heritage Estates 4. Letter from City Manager - City/Heritage Estates Drainage 5. Letter and check from Cecil Brown, Jr. 6. Copy of memo to City Manager JBS:mw FPZC-4-19-73 Attachment #3 CI`[y OF FRIENDSWOOD log Willowick Avenue FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 482.3323 TO: Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: City Manager DATE: April 18, 1973 SUBJECT: Staff Review of Water, Sewer, Streets and Drainage Plans on Heritage Estates Subdivision STREETS A. Street in Section II. I. Grade as shown on Plan and Profile from inlet #2 to the intersection of the street to the right to be revised to show a 150 foot plus or minus verticle curve at the street intersection. B. Street southeasterly of the above described street. 1. There should be a 100 foot verticle curve where the grade changes approximately 100 feet from inlet #13. 2. No top of curb grades shown from third street on right to the end of the Plan and Profile Sheet #6. C. Street through block 5 with the cul-de-sac at the end of the street. 1. Note on Plan and Profile Sheet stating that the "fill section" shown on sheet 7 be compacted to 90% of its maxi- mum density. 2. The sewer lead between inlets #1 and #2 will not clear the bottom of the paving. The lead should be lowered. D. Streets shown on Plan and Profile Sheet #8. 1. Top of the curbed grades and elevations should be shown on the profile. STORM SEWERS A. Street through Section I, Plan and Profile Sheet #6. 1. Unable to check this storm sewer system due to no profile submitted showing gradiant of the outfall from street to Clear Creek. Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 2. There appears to be a conflict between the top of the leads to the bottom of the pavement. 3. Several places where the storm sewer crosses a sanitary sewer the plans call for a junction manhole. This is not permissible. 4. Engineer should show on plan and profile all sewer crossings with elevations. GENERAL A. General Requirements: 1. Typical section of paving showing type of construction. 2. Plans for inlets, manholes, and other appurtenances. 3. To use manholes on storm sewers instead of inlets. 4. All leads to be backfilled with cement stabilized sand. 5. Ditch along Quaker Drive to be cleaned to an approved grade to prevent the water from overflowing from the present ditch over the lots. 6. A ditch should be constructed along the northeasterly and the southeasterly lines of the subdivision to pre- vent the water from the vacant property adjacent to the subdivision from flooding the lots that back up to the boundary lines of the subdivision. Corrections to the water system are made on the plans as noted by Ken Toon. Sewer systems must be submitted by the developer's engineer to the State Health Department Division of Sanitary Engineering for their approval prior to our review. This is an area that we have not complied with in past sub- divisions, but is a requirement by the state that we should begin to meet. I trust that this information will be adequate to facilitate the continuing progress of the development of this particular subdivision. Y urs very trul , Mor James C. an mg. City Manager JCM/mw cc: Tom Heaney Ken Toon Ed Zeitler FPZC-4-19-73 Attachment #4 CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD log Willowick Avenue FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 482.3323 TO: Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: City Manager DATE: April 17, 1973 SUBJECT: City Drainage through Heritage Estates Mrs. North and Gentlemen: in reviewing the plans for the Heritage Estates Subdivision it has come to our attention that at one time the Cook Ranch had a natural drainage area through which a large part of the City of Friendswood was drained. We would like for you to explore, with the developer, the possibility of including some necessary city drainage within the drainage facilities provided Heritage Estates Subdivision. The area contributing the addi- tional drainage to be discharged through the proposed storm sewer system through Heritage Estates to Clear Creek is as follows: The area bounded on the Southeasterly by Skyview; on the Southwesterly by the limits of the State Highway 518; the Northwesterly by Willowick and the North- easterly by Quaker Drive. This will provide the provision of additional sizing on the storm sewers as well as additional depth to handle the additional area. There is a map of the proposed area included for your review. Your consideration of this request will be appreciated. Yours very truly, James C. Morgan U City Manager JCM/mw FPZC-4--19-73 Attachment #6 TO: City Manager FROM: Planning and Zoning Commission DATE: April 25, 1973 SUBJECT: Action Items from Meeting of April 19, 1973 The -following items were discussed at the regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission on April 19, 1973 and are forwarded to you for appro- priate action. Item 1. A building permit for the office building on Edgewood Drive (Tom Kent, owner, Losco Building Systems, builder) should not be issued until the following features are incorporated into the final plans. a. Parking areas are to be reduced to ten (10). b. Drawing to show concrete car stops in parking area along N. E. property line. c. All references to adjoining removed from drawing. d. Slab height above mean sea tract of property (to N.E) to be level to be added to elevation plan. Item 2. A building permit for the residence of Joe D. Barlow on Clear Creek rive should not be issued until the drawing shows the slab height above mean sea level. Also, the City Building inspector should be instructed to inspect slab forms before pouring and to obtain certification from contractor as to slab height. Contractor was informed of this requirement and agreed to it. Item 3. A building permit for residence of Jay Browning for residence on Creenbriar should not be issued until the slab height above mean sea level and the identification of the referenced bench mark is added to the drawings. Item 4. A building permit for an office building on Friendswood Drive (John Taylor, Owner) should not be issued until the slab height above mean sea level and the identification of the referenced bench mark is added to the draw- ings. Also, the approved plans call for 9 parking spaces. Item 5. Building permit for expansion of O'Farrell Realty on Edgewood Drive. A question has arisen as to whether or not the expansion of O'Farrell Realty is in compliance with the city ordinance regarding parking space. Please provide the Planning and Zoning Commission with a sketch showing original build- ing and parking arrangement and a similar sketch showing arrangement after current construction is completed. In addition to the above items, the Planning Commission also requests that it be supplied with a weekly list of building permits issued. The cut-off time for the preparation of this list should be available to the Commission in time for consideration at its regular Thursday night meeting. James B. Shore, Acting Secretary Planning and Zoning Commission cc: Morgan. Cline, Jones FPZC--M-4-26-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION April 26, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Thursday, April 26, 1973, at the Friendswood City Hall. Chairman C. C, Bost presided. MEMBERS PRESENT C . C . Bost Tracy Spears Leah North Charles Coe Bob Phillips Clyde Raney James Shore AUDIENCE MEMBERS ABSENT Ed Zeitler (Council Rep.) Jay Browning, 110 Clearview; Don E. Frantz, 17 Wilderness Trail; A. J. Novelli, 8127 De Leon, Houston; T. H. Barnes, 141 St. Andrews Drive; J. H. Dabbs, 104 St. Andrews Srive; L. E. Miller, 145 St. Andrews Drive; Cecil Brown, Jr., 405 Spreading Oaks; R. L. Giles, 201 East Castle Harbour; Dean E. Anderson, 103 Dorado Drive, Dr. J. F. Fairleigh, Jr., 7603 Belfort, Suite 400, Houston 7?017• 1. HEARING - REZONING (SUNMEADOW AREA) Chairman Bost called to order a public hearing regarding rezoning of nine parcels of land within the newly annexed Sun Meadow area] Parcel 1 - 11.9 acres, presently zoned single-family, rezoning requested to commercial (C-1) Parcel 2 - 5.983 acres, presently zoned single family, rezoning requested to multiple -family MLPtytVous E��'p" Parcel, 3 - .88 acres, presently zoned single family, rezonin requested to multiple -family(ToLuKljous&—jp Parcel 4 - .53 acres, presently zoned single-family, rezoning requested to multiple-family(TdWN "OSEs) (eight non -conforming townhouses exist Parcel 5 - .756 acres, presently zoned single-family, rezoning requested to multiple-family(Tow,iY"CL,s&s)l�I (eight non -conforming townhouses exist Parcel 6 - .648 acres, presently zoned single-camily, rezoning requested to multiple family(r0W%Vttousc'Zlf_, Parcel 7 - 3.12 acres, presently zoned single-family, rezonin requested to multiple familyQVRT(o korAeS�, Parcel 8 - 4.066 acres, presently zoned single-family, rezoning requested to multiple- fam ilytept-T(ak-kamGk Play 15, 1973 Gentlemen: In an effort to conserve time I shall attempt to list some of the more important reasons why I feel the Commission should not yet approve Heritage Estates, Section One, Final Plat. I. COMPLIANURWITH ORDINANCE 23-A. 1. Section IV, Sub -section B, Paragraph 2. requires that water line shall meet requirements of State Insurance Board., Water line as shown does not. Specifically I noticed the following: A. Dead-end line of six inches andunder in excess of of 1800,feet. B. Dead-end four inch lines. r; . Looped four inch lines in excess of 600 feet. (The latest edition which I have is 1964. The State Board of Insurance would have latest data.) 2. Same section cited immediately above. requires that water line shall meet requirements of State Dept. of health. Water line as shown does not. Specifically were noticed: A. Minimum requirement of 20 pounds residual. pressure under any and all conditions of demand and at all times not met. (This is directly related to item 1-1-A above.) Rule C2.1. E. Valves not provided in sufficient numbers to make necessary repairs without undue interruption of service. No valve at entry shown and no valve for the next 1800 feet on main six-inch line. Rule 04.1. C. Water lines shall be installed no closer to each other than nine feet without special type of installation requirements. Rule C6.1. I really can't tell if this has been provided for. Water and sewer lines do cross within this nine foot distance. 3. Section 11I, Sub -section C., Paragraph 2: Requires storm water easement where subdivision is traversed by a drainway. We were asked by the City in a letter dated April 17, 1973, to consider -this drainage. 4. Section 111, Sub -section A. We do not yet have the deed to the ten feet sold to Kallus' when the first lots of the original tract were sub -divided and sold. This is necessary to even out the right-of-way line from Empere Chateau to Heritage Estates. It is my understanding that this 10 feet strip was over and above the one acre area which was sold to Kallus and other on Empere Chateau and that rsallus did not pay extra for it. 2 5-15-73 Section III, Sub -section A, Paragraph 4: states that the Commission may require that abutting lots do not have vehicular access to a major street. Regardless of what was stated in the letter from Gulf Coast Engineering of April 4, 1973, the Restrictions as submitted contain no prohibition (that 1 could find). 11. FLOOD INSURANCE GRDINANCE 152 and amendments. 1. No indication of minimum slab height has been indicated on the plat. Since this subdivision is in an area of special flood hazards, I feel this is a minimum requirement. 2. Dave utilities been planned to minimize damage by flooding:' Infiltration`' Section 4, Paragraph C . 111. Parks and Recreation. 1. Although not a requirement of Ord. 23-A,'I feel that it would take a minimum of effort to set aside some park area for the approximately 406 people who will ultimately live in the entire subdivision, 192 of whom will be children. The low-lying areas, particularly in lot 15, would adapt readily to park use, and would probably not detract from the price which can be gotten for that particular lot. Using differnet standards set by different entities, the following park area should be provided: Nation Recreational Association. 0.0066 acres,per person ... 2.68 A. Corpus Christi, Temple, Alice, etc. 5;n of S/D area ........... 3.15 A. IV. ECOLUGY AND BEAUTIFICATION 1. Wooded areas were never designated as required by Ordinance 23-A. Although not speciffcally prohibited, 1 am concerned that the amount of fill which is proposed may destroy some trees unnecessarily, whereas a little imagination might preserve them. V. MASTER PLANS COMPLIANCE 1. No agreement has been reached which will guarantee the master sewer line which is projected through this subdivision. 2. No agreement has been reached which will guarantee'the master drainage easement which is projected through this subdivision. (See also Section 1-2 above.) VI YiiSCELLANEOUS . 1. T1ie 20' easement for the trunk line (sewer) is combined with the street easement. 1s there enough space for both? 2. In Section Two the block length exceeds 1200, a violation of Section 111, Subsection D, Paragraph 2, Ordinance 23-A------------- Correction, Section 111, Sub -section F, Paragraph 2: states that the Commission may require other sites where deem essential. o-'tS� ,... C "so � a tX r (rtA 'so-'T tL& 1,AATc. i 2 FPZC-M-4 -26-73 Parcel 9 - 2.75 acres, presently zoned single-family, rezoning to commercial (C-1) requested. Requests for rezoning of parcels one through eight were made by Bill Crawford, owner/developer, through his agent, Bob Atkinson. Request for parcel nine was made by Sun Meadow Golf Club, through Ralph L. Lowe, President of the Club. Reasons(s) for the request, as stated in the applications, were "to conform to existing ddvelopment patterns in a newly annexed area of the city." Mr. Bost stated that each person wishing to speak for or against the rezoning would be given five minutes each to make a presenta- tion. Planning Commission will hear the reasons tonight and make it's recommendation at a later date. KiZ, Dean.Ande_rsan, 103 Dorado Drive, appeared to speak against the rezoning_ofDarcel 6. Mr. Anderson stated that he had bought his lot in July of 1971- In November of 1971 he bought additional lots near the proposed townhouse area. In approximately May, 1972, the owner from whom he had bought the lots sold the parcel #6 to Bill Crawford. The owner had intended to build a single home there. This parcel was not in Crawford's Master Plan. In addition, he feels that townhous Estend to devalue single houses in the area. They also add to the congestion. His own home is approximately 220 feet from the proposed townhouses, but he is building a speculative house next to the proposed townhouses. He did not remember whether tracts seven and eight were in the original plans, thought tract #4 was an afterthought. Parcels #5 and #6 were not in the original plans. He moved in about January of 1972. The Secretary read a petition which had been submitted at the previous meeting by Mr. Anderson opposing the rezoning of this parcel. This petition was signed by fifteen homewoners. Mr. Anderson stated that he could have gotten more names, but was told by the Chairman to keep the names confined to those within the 200 foot distance from the townhouses. Mr. Bob Giles, 201 East Castle Harbour, President of the Sun Meadows Homeowners Association, moved in in August of 1970, appeared to oppose- the rezoning reguests for parcels 3, 6 , and 8. He stated that the developer's original plat showed Parcel #1 and Commercial, surrounded by townhouses. He reiterated Mr. Anderson's statement that an executive -type home was shown on the corner of Sun Meadow and Castelharbour on Parcel #4. He feels that townhouse downgrade a subdivision and the increased concentration of families would cause problems with traffic, parking, and other environmental problems. He did not think that parcels #7 and #8 were shown on the original plans. In addition, he made mention of the tremendous amount of traffic at the one existing subdivision entrance. Mr. John Dabbs stated that the deed restrictions in section one would not have permitted the type of buildings now proposed. 3 mc-M-4-26-73 Mr. Dabbs, who lives at 104 St. Andrews Drive in Section one stated that they were told that the restrictions for Section Two and additional sections would be like the restrictions in Section One. There being no Further testimony offered, Chairman Bost closed the hearing and opened the regular meeting. Mr. Coe asked flooding in the area in the last Flood. Indication of water problems in the streets was given at the entrance, as well as other areas. Water did not get into any homes, so far was was known. One house did ave water up to the flashing on the door. 2. MINUTES April 19, 1973 - Approved as read. April 12, 1973 - Left with City Secretary; not yet available. 3. OLD BUSINESS Greenbriar/ Dr. Don Frantz, 17 Wilderness Trail, appeared to Briarmeadow voice objection to the proposed re-routing of the Arterial Greenbriar/Briarmeadow arterial, which is shown as running through his property on Wilderness Trail. Since purchasing the property, he has decided to divide it. The proposed division has been filed with O'Farrell Realty. Dr. Frantz was told to return next week when the official hearing would be held. He also was informed that he should bring any proposed subdivision plans before the Planning Commission, since filing with a Realty Company did not meet City requirements. Heritage Dr. Fairleigh, who was in the audience, had nothing Estates S/D -to present, but stated that he wished to be on (Cook Ranch) the agenda next week for resubmission of the Preliminary Plat. Mrs. North questioned whether the problem of the trunk line sewer had been resolved. Mr. Bost stated he did not think this was our problem, but we would discuss this later. City Council is working on it. Jim Shore asked regarding the drainage needed through the subdivision. (A fifty -foot easement is shown on the Master Drainage Plan.) Mr. Bost said that the Council is also working on this - to see if they have enough money to pay for the over -size pipe. Mr. Bost and Dr. Fairleigh felt that all requested corrections had been made except for one junction box, which they wished to discuss. Mrs. North asked about a ten foot strip of land needed for the evening out of the Quaker Drive right-of-way which was not taken off of a tract 4 mc-M-4-26-73 of land from this Cook tract before it was sold to Kallus's in Empere Chateau. Dr. Fairleigh stated that this strip of land would be obtained. Mustang Dr. Fairleigh and A. J. Novelli appeared to Meadows discuss Mustang Meadows. A letter was read by Mr. Bost from Dr. Fairleigh and Mr. Novelli requesting approval without city water and sewer services because of the extreme cost of casing and ditching around all of the existing pipe lines. They felt that approval based on this must be received or they would have to resort to court action immediately. Mrs. North brought out that sufficient information to make a decision on this, including submission of plats showing the pipeline easements had not been submitted. Mr. Bost brought out that easements for future utilities and drainage might be required by the City Engineer. These would be spelled out as was done in Heritage Estates. Mrs Novelli stated that the flow lines have an undefined easement, but that the pipeline easements do show on a plat which they will submit. Mr. Bost stated that some notice needs to be given to purchasers of lots regarding the flow lines. Streets. Mr. Bost stated that he disagreed with the width of paving as required by the Subdivision Ordinance. He suggests that the paving width be increased from 16' to 24' and the base be cut in width to 28'. Mr. Novelli stated that the deed restrictions prohibit on -street parking. Procedures. Since Dr. Fairleigh wished to see the form which should be followed in obtaining approval, Mrs. North will get the Plat Approval Procedures to him. Streets. Mrs. North asked regarding a street which presently continues into the next area. Dr. Fairleigh said it would be cut through. 4. BUILDII`G PERMIT REFERRALS Browning, Jay Mr. Jay Browning appeared to present a request Greenbiar for a building permit. His lot is outside an unapproved subdivision and the 100-year flood has not been delineated. Since Mr. Shore had talked with the Corps of Engineers we were able to tell Mr. Browning that his slab elevation should be at approximately 272 feet. Mr. Browning was willing to build 8 inches above the road, which would his slab above 29' Mr. Raney moved, Mr. Spears seconded that the, permit be approved by Planning Commission. Motion passed unanimously. FPZC--M-4-26--73 A A Brown Investment Mr. Leon Brown appeared to resubmit his plan for Company enlargement of the Brown Investment Company Building in order to put in an art studio. After an extended discussion centered around the parking requirements, Mr. Raney moved, seconded by Mr. Phillips, that the Commission approved the building permit with the following conditions: (1) Future parking arrangement to be approved at a later date. (2) All additional parking to be off-street. (3) Parking arrangement to be approved by Planning Commission prior to approval of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance. Motion passed, six to one, with Mrs. North dissenting Mrs. North will get him parking requirements. Frances Tye Rejected becauue of inadequate information. See attached sheet. j. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Renwick S/D No action taken because plans and profiles could not be located. W. B. Wood The City Council has taken action to write the Road County Commissioners opposing the abandonment. Abandonment Building Permit Mr. Spears suggested that the builders name be Info. Sheet included on the.information sheet. Earlier in the evening a suggestion had been made that room be left for suggestions. Architectural Mr. Raney will meet with Mr. Spears on this. Control Plat Procedure Mr. Shore requested that the plat procedure be re -typed to proof --read. Buildin Permit It was agreed that the following wording should be Info. Sheet incorporatedi "Plat of property showing buildings, additions, parking area, etc., by regestered engineer or licensed surveyor." Lunday Tower Mr. Bost reported that a land_ sale was being negotiated in order to install a radio tower (88 acres). He told the questioner that this was not presently zoned to permit this. That it permission were given, it would probably be as a specific use. 6. ADJOURNMENT The hour being late, the meeting adjourned at 11350, with the remaining agenda items postponed until next week. _ f v Secretary Approved._ %:5__! ­3^ 7-3 (�„c-u&Le4&& FPzC-M-5-3-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION May 3._1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Thursday, May 3, 1973 at the Friendswood City Hall. Chairman C. C. Bost called the meeting to order at ?;45 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT C. G. Bost, Chairman None Tracy Spears, Vice Chairman Leah North, Secretary Charles Coe Bob Phillips Clyde Raney James B. Shore Ed Zeitler (Council Rep.) 1. HEARING Since the official notice calling the hearing regarding the alternate routing of the Breenbriar/Briarmeadow arterial had not been posted or advertised, but since some of the members of the audience had been told of the hearing by the Planning and Zoning Commission, it was decided to let those who wished to speak present their opinions on the proposed rerouting. Mr. Cecil Brown Jr. objected to a section of the proposed alternate route which cut across his son's property at an angle and divided the property. He stated that all of the planning of Coward Ureek subdivision had been based on Greenbriar being an arterial. He preferred a second alternate which was shown on the aerial maps as following an existing sixty -foot right-of-way to the southeast of the originally proposed alternate route. Dr. James Fairleigh, developer of Mustang Meadows, through which either route would pass, stated that he was willing to give anadditional sixty feet for the right-of-way of alternate #2 only off the south side of the present road, because that was where all the pipelines were. He could not commit his partner on this, however. He stated st this time that he preferred alternate #2. Later he stated that he preferred #1 (so far as his subdivision was concerned), but that in the spirit of cooperation (with Dr. Frantz) he would go along with alternate #2 if the additional right-of-way can come off the south side. Dr. Don Frantz stated that he preferred alternate #2. Alternate #1 cuts through his acreage, dividing it. He had hoped to build a new home near that location. Mr. Spears moved, seconded by Mr. Shore, that a hearing be called for May 24th on alternate ##2. Mrs. North moved to amend this motion by including the words "and alternate #1." After some 2 FPZC-M-5--3-73 discussion, the motion was withdrawn. Mr. Shore then moved, seconded by Mr. Phillips, that a public hearing be held on May 24th at 7:30 P.M. 7.n Friendswood City Hall on the relocation of the Greenbriar/ Briarmeadow arterial. Motion passed by the following vote: For: Phillips, Bost, Shore, Coe, North; Against: None; Abstaining: Raney, Spears. 2. MINUTES April 12, 1973 - Approved as presented. Although not a correction, Mr. Raney objected to the fact that Mr. Bost and Mrs. North had met with Mr. Kent on his property regarding his building permit as stated in the minutes. Mr. Raney felt that the question should have become before the Commission and not before individual members. Mr. Bost and Mrs. North agreed that that this would certainly save a lot of individual time. Someone stated that this policy had been been agreed upon, at least informally, but this was not reflected in any minutes. No action was taken. April 26, 1973 - Approved with the following corrections: Under Section 1. HEARING add the following words after the word "multiple -family": Parcel 2 - townhouses Parcel 3 - townhouses Parcel 4 - townhouses Parcel 5 - townhouses Parcel 6 - townhouses Parcel 7 - patio homes Parcel 8 -- patio homes Mrs. North objected to the additions on the ground that the Planning and Zoning Commission could not legally prescribe the particular type of housing to be built in a multiple -family zone. Her objection was not sustained. Page four, Mustang Meadows, paragraph 5. Mr. Raney questioned whether Dr. Fairleigh said that the street "would" be out through. Dr. Fairleigh, being called in, agreed that that was what he said. 3. BUILDING PERMIT REFERRALS '-B'P,oy! u.S _f�_ I�}aoyt as,- Dr. Mr. Don Kimball and Dr. David Bay -le, Rt.l, I I Officer -rBox 247, Alvin, presented plans for a doctors' office building on 2351. and Mary's Creek. After discussion, Mr. Raney moved, seconded by Coe, that we recommend approval. Motion passed unanimously. (North was out of the room.) FPZC-M-5-3-73 4. SUBDIVISIONS Heritage The preliminary plans as originally submitted, Estates as well as the City engineer's comments were (Cook Ranch) discussed. Mr. Jerry Pool, of Gulf Coast engineering stated that a request for a waiver of the specification disallowing junction boxes between sanitary and storm sewers had been sent to City Manager Morgan with the plans. Storm sewer. A request was submitted by the City Engineer regarding the enlarging of the storm sewer from Quaker Drive to the Creek so that it would drain some of acreage in -the Harwood subdivision area, as shown on the Master Drainage Plan. Dr. Fairleigh stated that he felt that the storm sewer should be enlarged, but that the City did not have the money to do it. Sanitary Sewer Trunk (North Interceptor). Dr. Fairleigh stated that he would be willing to lay temporary paving over the proposed sewer line. Mayor Ralph Lowe stated that the City must have the right-of-way and that the City must have the large sewer line. He asked Dr. Fairleigh if he did not agree that $12,000 would be his cost for installing a regular sewer line in this right-of- way. Dr. Fairleigh agreed. Mr. Bost brought up the fact that installation of the 27" trunk Line by itself would not solve the problem. City Manager Jim Morgan, who was then present, agreed, stating that, although the lift station in Quaker's Landing was adequate, according to information furnished him, to pump the sewage, that the force feed line from Quaker's landing was not adequate to handle the increased load. Mr. Morgan also stated that it would cost approximately �68,000 to put the trunk line through Heritage Estates. In response to a question by Mrs. North, Mr. Pool stated that it would make no difference in the overall design if a 27" inch were installed instead of an 8" line. Workshop. The Commission agreed with mayor Lowe's suggestion to meet with City Council in workshop session next Wednesday night to discuss the problems involved in planning both the sanitary and storm sewers. Motion to have resubmitted. Mr. Shore moved, seconded by Mr. Raney, that the Heritage Estate FPZC-M-5--3-73 engineers whould return to have plans brought up to City Engineer requirements or should negotiate with the City Engineer to satisfy him. Motion passed by a six to one vote. Manholes. Mr. Bost illustrated the importance of having manholes behind storm sewer inlets, thus avoiding ditching under the edge of the street surface. Junction manholes. City Manager Morgan stated that, according to reports given him, junction manholes (between sanitary and storm sewer lines) can be a major cause of infultration of the sewer lines. This statement was contested by Mr. Pool. Storm sewer. City Engineer Heaney is working up a storm sewer designed to drain the forty-four acres as required in the Master Drainage Plan. Attachment #1 Until this is settled, item "f" will be undecided. Mustang Mr. Pool left two copies of Mustang Meadows for Meadows possible discussion at next meeting. (Plat, and profiles.) tielines. In response to a question regarding pipeline easements (only one was shown), the answer was given that the pipelines are in there, but there is no deed for them. Attachment #2 A letter from Exxon requesting information on new subdivision through which pipelines might pass and specifically naming Mustang Meadows was handed out by the Secretary. No action was taken. Water and Sewer. Mr. Bost stated that he did not think the subdivision could be developed with City water and sewer because of: (1) availability (2) extreme cost of encasement of the lines in pipeline areas. He stated that he felt if the subdivision could bring its streets up to City specifications that it would be approved. (A) Dr. Fairleigh stated that he would bring the subdivision restrictions to City Hall, since they were not submitted with the plans. Motion was made by Raney, seconded by Spears, that the Planning Commission will recommend approval of the subdivision without City water and sewer. Attachment # Motion passed by a vote of six to one, North Attachment V dissenting. FPZC-M-5-3-73 Attach Comments. The following comments were lasted to #5 attach to the plat left with the City Manager: (1) Street width to be 28' base, 24' pavement; (2) Date; (3) Attach Novelli's letter; (4) Greenbriar Briarmeadow alternate route; (5) Sewer system; (6) Surrounding area, names and description; (7) Oil field road to be shown. Renwick Two copies of the plat and a print of the plans Village and profiles having been approved by the City Engineer, the motion was made by Mr. Spears, seconded by Mr. Raney, that the final plat be approved and signed. Motion passed unanimously. A#1 Coward Two copies of plats and plans and profiles for a Creek (part) new section of Coward Creek subdivision were accepted. To be passed on to the City Manager. 5. REZONING Hearing/ Motion was made by Mr. Spears, seconded by Mr. 2351 area Raney, that a hearing to consider the rezoning requests submitted to date in the 2351 area be held at Friendswood City Hall at 7:30 F.M. on A#2 Thursday, May 31, 1973- Motion passed unanimously. O'Kane The Commission agreed that Mr, O"Kands check for Request $40.00 should be refunded since he has requested that his rezoning request be withdrawn. 6. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Attach Bike Councilman Milton Windler appeared before the #6 Paths Commission to request that the pipeline ROW through Dunbar Estates be considered for reopening as a bike path. Mr. Spears stated that this particular ROW had been thoroughly discussed and settled. Some members of the Commission were concerned with the nuisances created by children along public paths and ways. No action was taken. Plat Approval Motion was made by Mr. Coe, seconded by Mr. Spears, Procedure that the draft for final approval of the plat Attach approval procedures be approved as corrected. #7 Motion passed unanimously. (G ouncilman Zeitler announced that he was leaving early - left atl2:55 A• M•) Attach Information to Motion was made by Mr. Raney, seconded by Mr, #8 Accompany Bldg. Spears, that the form "Information to Accompany Permits Building Permit Referral to the Planning and Zoning Commission" be approved as revised. Motion passed unanimously. A-3 Building Mr. Bost asked that City Manager Morgan be Permit requested to furnish us with information regarding the number of square feet and the number of parking places provided for in the O'Farrell building permit application at 108 S. Friendswood FPZC-M-5-3-73 Drive. This permit was apparently granted without coming before the Commission. 7. REZONING Sun Meadow The need for a decision regarding the rezoning of Area the parcels of land in the Sun Meadow, on which a public hearing was held last Thursday was presented! Mrs. North objected to making any decions on this at"this meeting because of the lateness of the hour. Parcel #1. 11.9 acres, from R-1 Single-family to C-1 Commercial. Motion was made by Mr. Raney, seconded by Mr. Phillips, that the recommendation to rezone to 0-1 Commercial be approved. Motion passed unaimously. Parcel #2• 5.983 acres, from R-1 Single-family to R-2 Multiple -family Townhouses: Motion was made by Phillips, seconded by Coe, to approve the rezoning request. Motion failed by the following vote: For: Phillips, Bost, Spears. Against: Coe, Raney, Shore. Abstainings North. (North wished to hold her vote until it was determined what would be done with the other requests.) Parcel #3. .88 acres, from R-1 Single-family -to R-2 Multiple -family Townhouses. Motion was made by Coe, seconded by North to disapprove this request because of proximity to the only entrance to Sun Meadow. Motion passed, 4-3. For: Phillips, Forth, Shore, Coe. Against: Bost, Spears, Raney. (Later reconsidered, read on.) Parcel #4. .53 acres, from R-1 Single-family to R-2 Multiple -family townhouses. Eight non --conforming townhouses presently exist. Motion was mde by Raney, seconded by Coe, that the rezoning be approved. Motion passed unanimously. Parcel #5- •756 acres, from R-1 Single-family to R-2 Multiple -family Townhouses. Eight non -conforming townhouses exist. Motion was made by Raney, seconded by Coe, that the rezoning be approved. Motion passed unanimously. Parcel #6. .648 acres, from R-1 Single-family to R-2 Multiple -family Townhouses. Motion was made by Raney, seconded by Spears that the rezoning be approved. Motion passed, 4-3. For: Coe, Raney, Spears, Bost. Against: Shore, Phillips, North. I FPZC-M-5-3-73 Parcel #7. 3.12 acres, from R-1 Single-family to R-2 Multiple -family Patio Homes. Motion was made by North, seconded by Shore, that the rezoning be disapproved. Motion failed, 5-2. For: North, Shore. Against: Bost, Coe, Raney, Phillips, Spears. LSecy. note: Motion was never made to approve.] Parcel #8. 4.066 acres, from R-1 Single-family to R-2 Multiple -family Patio Homes. Motion was made by Raney, seconded by Coe, that the rezoning be approved. Motion passed, 5-2. For; Bost, Coe, Raney, Phillips, Spears. Against: North, Shore. Parcel #9. 2.75 acres, from R-1 Single-family to C-1 Commercial. Motion was made by Raney, seconded by Coe, that the rezoning be approved. Motion passed unanimously. Parcel #3. Motion was made by Phillips, seconded by Coe, to reconsider the vote on Parcel #3. Motion passed, 6-1, with North dissenting, Motion was made by Coe, seconded by Phillips, that the rezoning be approved. Motion passed, 6-1, with North dissenting, 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting then adjourned at 1:36 A. M. �Od If, �14 Secretary Approved: Qhw' S-la`73 A-4 Addendum: Put on Council agenda: (1) Renwick Village Approval (2) Rezoning recommendations Application from Mainland Savings for temporary building at 2351 and 518 was given to the Secretary by the Chairman, to be transmitted to the Board of Adjustment. FPZC-M-5-10-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION May 10 1 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Thursday, May 10, 1973, at Friendswood City Hall, 109 Ea:�t Willowick Avenue. Chairman C. C. Bost called the meeting to order at 8:00 Y.M. MEMBERS PRESENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Bob Phillips Clyde Raney James Shore AUDIENCE MEMBERS ABSENT Charles Coe Ed Zeitler, Council Representative W. R. Simpson, 3219 Regal Oaks - 485-1792 Georg R. Ullbrich Martha Tostado, 2609 Friendswood Drive - 482-7227 Teri Bludworth, Hwyy. 528 -- 482-1234 Cecil Brown, Jr., �F0_ Spreading Oaks - 482-7294 W. T. Carter, 502 N. Friendswood Dr. -- 482-7462 1. MINUTES May 3, 1R73 - Approved with the following corrections Page twos Dr. David Broyles 2. REZONING Sun Meadow Parcel #7, Motion made by Spears, seconded by Area Raney that the proposed rezoning be approved. Motion passed 4-2. For: Bost, Spears, Phillips, Raney. Against: Shore, North. W. T. Carter Mr. W. T. Carter was present to ask the Commission's opinion regarding the rezoning possibility of 1.9 acres of land which are part of Lot 1 and 2 of 2069 acres in the Perry and Austin League (502 North Friendswood Drive). This strip of land has a 90' frontage on F.M. 518 and is approximately 920' deep. He left a copy of the survey of that area on the north corner of the F. M. 2351 and F. M. 518 intersection, of which the 1.9 acres is a part. The Commission took the information under advisement, but took no action. Since a formal application accompanied by a hearing fee was not received, no hearing was called at this time. 3. MISCELLANEOUS Daycare Center Miss Teri Bludworth and Miss Martha Tostado, two Mary Queen young ladies from Friendswood High School, presented 2 FPZC-M-5-10-'73 a request to conduct a temporary summer day care center at the house on the property owned by Mary Queen Catholic Church. They wish to open the center the week of June 4th and close it August 24th. Motion was made by Mr. Raney, seconded by Mr. Phillips, that the request be approved. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Wilbur Simpson appeared to request permission Mobile Homes Temporary Use to place a mobile home for a year or eighteen months to be lived in at a construction site for security purposes. The Commission said they would check on this and give an answer next week. Mr. Raney requested information on the proposed construction, particularly in regard to when the Certificate of Zoning Compliance was issued. The Secretary will obtain this information. Population/ Councilman Zeitler had some questions for the Sewer Trunk Commission concerning population growth predictions. Lines (1) Was the 15,000 population figure estimated by Councilman Windler at a recent meeting a valid figure for 1980? (2) What are the Commission's recommendations for sewer trunk lines? (3) Where should we start looking to supply? A 27" line runs about 630 per foot in place at the present time. 4. SUBDIVISIONS Heritage Mr. James Gartrell and Dr. Fairleigh arrived. Mr. Estates Gartrell stated that he had contacted the City the first part of the week and had revised the plans according to the corrections. Mr. Morgan was supposes to notify him if there were any discrepancies remaining. Mr. Gartrell stated that Mr. Heaney had not met with him yesterday since he was in the field LMr. Heaney had informed the Secretary that Mr. Gartrell had failed to show for an appointment.] Mr. Gartrell reiterated that he had been waiting for a reply from the City Manager - that if anything was wrong the City Manager was supposed to notify him. Dr. Fairleigh requested that a correction be made in a statement which the Secretary took note of at the joint meeting Last night with the Council in which Dr. Fairleigh told Mayor Lowe that $12,000 was a fair share of the trunk line for him to pay. Dr. Fairleigh wished to substitute the wording "the cost of the 8" line" for the wording '4121000." Chairman Bost asked if there were any objections to Preliminary Plan approval. That he would entertain a motion to approve the Preliminary Plan. I FPZC-M-5-10-73 Councilman Windler, who was then present, stated to Mr. Gartrell that he did not want to get in the pos ition of leading him down the road where people start coming into the subdivision and the City can't take care of them. Right now the City can not take care of it (sewage). Gartrell made some statement which the Secretary did not record. Mr. Windler asked him if he was saying that they were willing to put in the force-feed. Mr. Gartrell answered that they would do anything reasonable and fair. Councilman Wandler stated that it was not fair to the City (to have to place a temporary line in). Motion was made by Raney, seconded by Spears, that the Preliminary Plat of Heritage Estates Section l be approved. Mrs. North objected to the motion because the subject was not on the agenda and also because we had not recieved a report from the City Engineer. Objection over -ruled. Motion passed 4-2. For: Bost, Spears, Raney, Phillips. Against: Shore, North. Dr. Fairleigh wished to have the Final approval on the agenda next week. Mustang Mr. Gartrell would like to have Mustang Meadows and Meadows Coward Creek placed on the agenda for next week. Coward Creek 5. BUILDING PERMIT_ REFERRALS 249 Motion was made by Shore, seconded by North to Palmaire have the permit request returned to Mr. Jones to have the Information sheet filled out. Passed 5-1, with Spears dissenting. Mainland The permit request which had been given to Mr. Savings Morgan by Mrs. North to give to Mr. Cline last week appeared again before the Commission. It is for a temporary building to be moved to the corner of 2351 and 518 to be used until the permanaent building is finished. Motion was made by Raney, seconded by Phillips, that the Commission recommend to the Zoning Adminstrator that a Temporary Certificat of Zoning Compliance be issued by him. Mrs. North objected to the motion on the grounds that the Commission did not have the authority to do this - that the proper authority was the Board of Adjustment since it would be a temporary facility falling under the powers of the Board of Adjustment to issue a Temporary Certificate of Zoning Compliance. FPZC-M-5--10 -73 Objection over -ruled. Motion passed, 4-2. For: Bost, Spears, Raney, Phillips. Against: North. Abstaining: Shore. 6. INFORMATION REPORTS Fire Mrs. North reported that the Fire Station request Station for a specific use permit had been put on the agenda along with the other requests for rezoning in that area. Mustang Meadows Zoning Amendments 7. ADJOURNMENT Copies of the deed restrictions were given to Mr. Raney and Mr. Spears. Brief discussion was held. Tracy Spears would like to eliminate the 35' height limit. He felt that anything the FAA approved should be allowed. Mr. Spears also would like anything allowed under a specific use permit. Mr. Raney is interested requirements for parks in subdivisions. The Commission agreed to put a deadline on the townhouse subdivision revision for next week. The meeting was then adjourned. Secretary Approveds FPZC-M-5-17-73 AA-1 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION May 17, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Thursday, May 17, 1973 at the Friendswood City Hall. Chairman C. C. Bost called the meeting to order at 7.40 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Tracy Spears, Vice Chairman Leah North, Secretary Charles Coe Bob Phillips Cl yde Raney James B. Shore Ed Zeitler (Council Rep.) AUDIENCE MEMBERS ABSENT None Georg Ullbrich, Cecil Brown, Jr., Jim and Dixie Gartrell, Dr. Fairleigh (briefly), Mayor Ralph Lowe, Linn Eignus. 1. MINUTES May 10, 1973 - Not yet available. 2. SUBDIVISIONS CANE Mr. Linn Eignus presented two copies of a Corporation combination plan/profile of proposed water and sewer and street installations on Chester Drive. he also presented a letter requesting permission to resume sale of lots, which had been suspended at the request of the City because the subdivision had not been approved. After discussion Mr. Spears moved, seconded by Mr. Raney that the Commission approve the proposal as suggested in the letter of May 17, with the exception that the road will have a 24' base and a 20' surface. The plans will be sent to the City Engineer for review, Council will be advised of the water and sewer situation (water and sewer service will have to be extended to the subdivision), with plans to be returned to the Commission within one week. Because of the nature of the unusual situation some of normal procedure is being waived. Motion passed unanimously. A copy of the letter and one plat was given to City Manager Morgan who was present. One plat went into Commission files. 100- ear Flood level. Mrs. North reported that figures from the Corps of Engineers indicate that there should be no trouble with the 100-year flood if slab heights are kept above the level of the center -Line of the road. 2 FI ZC-M-5-17-73 Coward Creek Mr. James Gartrell, engineer, and Mr. Cecil Brown Jr. Subdivision were given the City Engineer's comments on the Section preliminary plat for Coward Creek Subdivision (Section ). Mrs. North also gave Mr. Gartrell a list of possible deficiencies in meeting the Plat Approval Procedure. A discussion followed. Deed restrictions. The Secretary has no deed restrictions in the file. Mr. Brown stated that deed restrictions have been written, but have not been filed with the County Glerk. These need to A-1 be obtained. Drainage easement. Mr. Spears rioted a drainage easement leading into adjoining acreage and asked why an easement to the creek could not be obtained. A-2 The City Manager will be asked to write to Amoco Oil (owners of the land) and request an easement to allow drainage to Coward Creek from the subdivision Street surfacing_. Mr. Bost questioned the surfacing of the streets. An extended discussion followed. Mr. Bost would like to see the same surface and width of streets continued from Sunset on through the subdivision. The particular section in question is on the southwest side of Greenbriar. He suggested an 18' surface width all the way. Pedestrian traffic. City Manager James Morgan brought up the problem of children walking in that area and asked what was proveded for them to walk on. He feels that we need to make some provision for foot traffic. Motion was made by Mr. Raney, Seconded by Mr. Spears, Attach that the preliminary plat be approved with the #1 exceptions listed in the City Manager's letter and #2 Mrs. North's comments. Passed unanimously. 905 P.M. Heritage The City Manager's letter outlining the Engineer's Estates comments on the Final Plat of Heritage Estates was Attach given to Mr. Gartrell. Mrs. North also gave him a #3 a letter outlining her objections to approval at #4 this time. Master trunk line. Mr. Gartrell stated that if the proposed bond election passes that they will pay their share of the 27" trunk sewer. Mr. Gartrell stated that the rest of the items had been corrected. He also complained that the plans had been with the City for four weeks. Mr. Gartrell stated that he would return next week with corrections. Mr. Bost reminded him that the •letter from Mrs. North was only the statement of opinion of one member of the Commission. (This Final Plat was approved later in the evening. during a discussion of the proposed sewer bond issue. Read on.) FPZC-M-5-17-73 A-3 Mustang The Secretary was remin6ed to send a letter to Meadows the City Council informing them of the Commission's intention to approve Mustang Meadows without City water and sewer service. Attach Mr. Gartrell gave the following replies to the #5 comments from the City Manager: I. a. U.K. - will correct. b. Protested. Street is already in and dug. Construction was prior to annexation. c. U.K. - will correct. II. a. Compromise suggested. Easements already have 30' right-of-way, with 31 to 1 slope. 41' cut. Will give 10' each side. Other dise is Dr. Boone's. b. Protested. This is an existing ditch ROW. Mustang Meadows has cleaned the ditch, which is existing natural drainage. c. Compromise suggested. There are three high- pressure piplines complicating this (Lot 4, Block 2). will give easement if City wants to dig it. On easements between lots 32 and 33, and lots 11 and 12 will give 10' on one side. Notes do not indicate suggestion on other easements mentioned. d. U.K. - will correct. !I!. a. u.1. regarding having center line not to exceed 0.50 ' above natural ground, except that the existing road will be 10" to 12" above natural ground. Easement will be given to exit at southeast end. Waiver asked regardin base. Would like a 24' base �i.nstead of 37' ) with 20' topping surface (instead of 16'). Will lime -stabilize the sub -grade (show this on section). Arterial route - (alternate #2) - suggests will give 5-' on south side (over the high-pressure pipe lines) and 10' on the north side of the existing 60' ROW. b. Protested, but will do. Says no other subdivisions have hydraulic computations, but he will do it because Mr. Heaney wants it. 4 FPZC--M--5-k7-73 c. Protested. This pipe is under the road at an angle. d. Compromise suggested. There is an existing ditch which the developers will clean out. IV. "We do not intend to install (sewer lines)." Mrs. North brought up the pipelines within the subdivision which are not shown on the plat. Mr. Bost stated that in an earlier meeting the pipelines had been pointed out to the Commission. Flowlines are not shown. Motion was made by Mr. Raney, seconded by Mr. Spears, that the Preliminary Plat be approved with the exceptions noted. (Meaning acceptance of the exceptions LGartr.ell's] to the exceptions LCity's].) Motion passed by a vote of 6-1 with North abstaining. 3. NEW BUSINESS City Sewer Mayor Ralph Lowe presented the City's ideas Bond Election regarding planning of a sewer bond election and asked for Planning Commission's approval. A long discussion followed. No formal action was taken. 4. SUBDIVISIONS heritage Drainage ' . During the above discussion, the drainage Estates and sewelines shown on the comprehensive plan as located in Heritage Estates were discussed. The consensus of the Planning Commission was that the cost of enlarging the drainage through Heritage Estates to take care of the drainage back --up between Quaker Drive and 518 ( 45,000) was more than the City could afford and that putting it on the bond issue would tend to defeat the sewer bonds. Sewer trunk. Mayor Lowe questioned the statement given in the City Manager's letter as not being the official position of the City. Mr. Gartrell stated that this position had never been stated to him before. Mrs. North called his attention to a note which she had taken at the joint meeting the night before when Councilman Patton had stated to Mr. Gartrell that "You will have to stand full cost of temporary lines, then help in the trunk. Otherwise the subdivision will have to wait until we get (ready)." Final approval. Mr. Raney moved, seconded by Mr. Spears, that final approval be given to the Final Plat with the exceptions listed in the City Manager's letter, based on the engineer's approval. Motion passed 5-2. For: Bost, Raney, Spears, Coe, Against: North, Shore. 3 FPZC-M-5-17-73 5. BUILDING PERMIT REFERRALS 249 Palmaire Lot 30, Block 5, of Sun Meadow Section i was approved subject to a slab height required to be a minimum of 38' to be certified prior to Framing. This slab height is based on data received from the Corps of Engineers in a letter date May 9, 1973. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 12zI5, with unfinished business to be carried over to the next meeting. Secretary Approved: FPZC-5-24-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION May 24, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on May 24, 1973, at Friendswood City Hall. Chairman C. C. Bost called the meeting to order at 7=55 P. M. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Charles Coe Tracy Spears, Vice,Chairman Leah North, Secretary Robert Phillips Clyde Raney James Shore 1. MINUTES Minutes of May 10, 1973 and May 17, 1973 were presented, but were not approved because the Commission had not had time to read them. 2. HEARING Public notice having been given of a hearing to consider two alternate routes for the Breenbriar/Briarmeadow arterial, the Chairman called the official public hearing to order. Alternate route #1 was outlined in red on the aerial photograph; alternate route #2 was outlined in green. Route #1 is located just to the southeast of the property line running southeast of the High School stadium. Route #2 is located further to the southeast and follows the right-of-way of a present 60' right-of-way from Route 528 across Chigger Creek and running along the north-east line of Clover Field Airport. Mr. Robert A. Bludworth. Mr. Bludworth stated that he had no objection to Route #2, but that he did object to Route #1 because his house is right there. Mr. Spears ssked him if he would give 60' more right of way adj !acent to route ##2. Mr. Bludworth_,said he would if he were paid for it. Mr. Cecil Brown Jr., Mr. Brown stated that he would like to protest Route #1 because it crosses the Coward Greek at a terrible angle. He would not like to see another main road. He has already given 80' to Greenbriar right-of-way. He would be happy to move the route on out. There being no further requests to speak, the Chairman decalred the hearing closed, and announced that a decision would be reached 1 at the next meeting. Mr. John Moore. Later in the evening Mr. John Moore arrived and asked to speak regarding the alternate routes. Since the meeting notice had not specified that the hearing was to be held at 7130 he was allowed to speak. Mr. Moore objected to the #2 route. He 2 FPZC-M-5-24-73 stated that Humble has a pipeline close to the surface and parallel to the Coward Creek about where the road is planned. This line has at least 700# pressure per square inch. Humble has a forty year easement. He also felt that route #2 would be below the flood plain in that are. He favored Route #1. 3. BUILDING PERMITS Attach Taylor Mr. Jim Taylor presented a plan for an 80' x 60' #1 Auto Parts metallic building to be located at the corner of F. M. 518 and W ast Spreading Oaks, across from the Friends Church. Parking. Since the building contains 4800 square feet, he was told he would need 24 parking spaces (Automobile, accessory and supply store). He stated that he would have plenty of room for parking. Facade. Mr. Spears suggested that a mansard roof be considered with wood -Like appearance for the shingles (not red). Mr. Bost stated that he hated to see a blank wall opposite the Friends Church. Mr. Taylor suggested that he might put a display window on the side facing the Church in order toe break the solid wall. Side set -back. A probelm regarding the set -back from the side street was encountered. The Zoning Ordinance requires a 30' set -back, but the present plans only call for 15'. The most agreeable solution to this to Mr. Taylor appeared to be to change his building size to 70' x 70' and move it to the property line on the northwest side. Firewalls. Moving the building to the property line brought up the problem of firewalls. Mr. Spears suggested that the wall on the propoerty line should have a two --hour fire resistance at least. Mr. Jones, the Building Official may require more. Culvert permit. Mr. Taylor will consult with the Highway Department regarding a culvert permit. It was stated that the Highway Department is issuing no permits on F.M. 518 during the present construction period (making it four -lane). Information sheet. Mr. Taylor was given the form "Information to Accompany Building Permit Deferrals" to submit with his revised application. Attach Benson Mr. Bensen stated that he did not understand #2 Townhouses comment II in the staff review of the Township Village Twonhouse Project dated May 24. He was referred back to the engineer for the answer. Mr. Zeitler, who is part-owner stated that they would like the drainage to be toward the back of the lot. Mr. Bensen emphasized that the shopping center to be built on F.M. 518 would have to provide enough pipe to take care of the drainage. 4 FPZC-M-5-24-73 ennumerating the application's deficiencies and indicating that the application needed more information for approval. .ftutach 107 Case #102, a request submitted for the building of #4 Winding Way a single-family residence at 107 Winding Way, referred by Zoning Administrator Cline was considered. The Secretary was instructed to fill out Form PZ-3 enumerating the deficiencies and to indicate that the Planning Commission thinks this area should be submitted as a subdivision. (The lots are believed to have been subdivided after the subdivision ordinance was passed. In this case, the lots are under 100 feet wide on, an open ditch street. Attach 201 Last Case #102, referred by Zoning Zdministrator Cline, #5 Spreading Oaks for a duplex. The builder requested in a letter that they be allowed to build at a 25' set -back. The commission does not think that deed restrictions in that area rill permit this. No survey was submitted. The Secretary was instructed to fill out Form PZ-3. 4. MISCELLANEOUS Bensen Mrs. Ledford Hicks appeared before the Commission Townhouse to protest the rezoning of land adjacent to the Rezoning Hicks' for Multiple -Family. She asked how many times this tract was going to be submitted. She stated that she could not put the effort into (opposing) it that she did the last time, since she would be out of town for the hearing. She stated that in the summer they are short on water; that right after the trailer court went int they had a fire on a near -by utility pole caused by overloading; that she was concerned about an increase in school taxes caused by added children which would be more dense per acre. Mr. Bost asked her if she were objecting to the whole area being townhouses. She answered that she was objecting to mass housing in any form whatsoever. Chairman Bost asked that she put her comments in writing and submit them for the hearing next week. 5. INFORMATION REPORTS Oil Well Mr. Raney asked for comments on an oil well ordinance Ordinance he is looking at. Mr. Shore had made some notes on this. Zoning Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance were discussed, Ordinance particularly in regard to townhouses. tach Plat Approval #6 The Secretary distributed a memo from the City Procedures Manager dated May 23, 1973 stating that the City would require the developer to make all corrections prior to submission of additional data to the Commission. 3 FPZC-M-5-24-73 They were again referred back to the engineer (city). Simpson IVIr. Wilbur Simpson appeared to receive the Apartments/ information requested at the May 10 meeting Mobile Home: regarding his use of a mobile home at his proposed Temporary Use apartment site on a temporary basis. Mrs. North reported that his only out seemed to be if he would go to the Board of Adjustment and get it approved as a temporary (structure) facility. The question of his legal right to build apartments in a Commercial Zone (C-1) was brought up. Mr. Spears and Mr. Bost stated that the plat was approved by the Commission although no record of this appears in the minutes. The only reference to the apartments appears in the minutes of September 219 1972. He stated that he filed the plat with Mr. Cline. He does not have an approved copy in his file. Mrs. North stated that it was her impression, although she had been out of town during this period, that Note "d" in Paragraph 4, under C-1 (BUSINESS) DISTRICT regulations of Ordinance 174 would have taken care of his problem. It reads as follows: "Any use permitted in an R-1 or R-2 District except apartments.d Note da Provided a Certificate of Zoning Compliance is issued for an apartment prior to December 31, 1972 such certificate shall expire for purposes of obtaining a Building Permit one wear from date of issue." Mrs. North asked him if he had obtained the Certificate of Zoning Compliance. Ile stated that he had not. - No record of issuance appeared in the Zoning Administrator's files, according to the. Secretary. Mrs. North stated that she felt that Mr. Simpson could not legally obtain a building permit for apartments after the zoning was changed and that she had stated this to Mr. Simpson in Septmenber; that a special paragraph had been put into the amended zoning ordinance especially to take care of Mr. Simpson; that Mr. Simpson had not taken advantage of that paragraph and obtained a Certificate of Zoning Compliance before Dec. 31, 1972; and that she still felt that he could not legally build apartments at that location. Mr. Bost advised Mr. Simpson to obtain a Certificate of Zoning Compliance from Mr. Cline and get on the agenda of the Board of Adjustment in regard to use of the mobile home. Attach Johnson's Case #101, located at 214 E. Ldgewood and referred # 3 Kiddie by Zoning Administrator Cline was considered. Corner The Secretary was instructed to fill out form PZ-3 5 FPZC-M-5-24-73 Attach Building Mrs. North distributed a Memo dated May 23 from Permit the City Manager suggesting that all building Referral permit referrals will be placed in the commission . Procedures mail -box; that the proper forms indicating the Commission's action be filled out and returned to Mr. Cline's desk immediately following our meeting, so that the Building Official will be able to answer any questions immediately the following morning. b. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was then adjourned. Secretary Approveds FPZC-M-6 ;,C-73 I MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION June 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Thursday, June 6, 1973 at the Friendswood City Hall. Vice -Chairman Spears presided in the absence of Chairman Bost, calling the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Bob Phillips Clyde Raney MEMBERS ABSENT C. C. Bost - previous commitment James Shore - out of town Charles Coe Ed Zeitler, Council Representative AUDIENCE Robert Townsend, L. E. Gueringer, Mayor Ralph Lowe, Cecil Brown, Jr., Gloria and Benny Baker, Tony Pascal. 1. REZONING The chair recognized Mayor Ralph Lowe who discussed rezoning of the Cecil Brown properties and location of the new Fire Station. Mayor Lowe stated that the Council has accepted the concept of a 600' deep commercial area (as opposed to the 300' depth which had already been agreed upon before the proposal was brought before the Commission). He stated that Mr. Brown is willing to sign an agreement that he will not apply for building townhouses in the proposed commercial area and that Mr. Brown would drop his request for rezoning the twelve acres for townhouses. He stated that the Fire Department could start building this month, but that they have no site. He felt that the 600' depth could have thrown a curve to the whole program. Mr. Brown asked if, when the zoning amendments are passed, all C-1 Commercial would have townhouses excluded. He was told that this was correct. Mr. Raney asked Mayor Lowe if any attention was being paid to the Heimsath report (in regard to the Fire Station). Mayor Lowe answered "No." Mayor Lowe would like to discuss this Monday evening at the joint workshop with the Commission. 2. MINUTES May 24, 1973 - minutes were passed out to the Commissioners, but no vote was taken after Mayor Lowe had spoken. 3. BUILDING PERMITS .n+''ach Johnson Mr. L. E. Gueringer, builder, representing Mr. Lonnie i Kiddie Johnson, appeared to request approval of an addition Corner to the present building. This is reapplication of Case 101. The prop erty has now been surveyed by a registered surveyor; slab height has been indicated and is above the 100-year flood level in that area; 2 FPZC-M-6 ,Fi73 a one hour fire-resistant gyp had been added to the wall which will be within two feet of the property line; the roof is a three-ply built-up roof. Parking space for ten vehicles was indicated on the sketch, although not on the survey; the proposed new addition was indicated on the sketch, but not on the survey. Motion was made by Raney, seconded by Phillips, that the Commission recommend approval. Passed unanimously, (In this particular case, Mrs. North had met with Mr. Gueringer and Mr. Johnson for a period of nearly six and a quarter hours last Friday in an attempt to convince them to submit a survey to the Commission.) Attach Friendswood Private Mr. Robert Townsend submitted a sketch showing the #2 Day School location of two temporary buildings which he had moved from their previous location beside the Phillips station on F. M. 518 to their present location at 212 West Spreading Oaks Avenue, which is a Private Day School. Case is #105. He stated that he was appearing because of a letter from Zoning Administrator Cline indicating that he needed a permit to move the buildings and that his plan should be submitted to the Planning Commission. He had talked with Mr. Bost and Mr. Cline concerning this. He did not have an information sheet filled out, and did not have a survey of either the lot or the buildings aside from a sketch which he had drawn himself. Mrs. North asked him how far the additional frame buildings were from the main building. He answered "one foot." Mr. Raney asked whether these new buildings would have doors to the outside. Mr. Townsend assured him that they would. Mrs. North asked who inspects the buildings and when for the fire code requirements of the state. Mr. Townsed answered that the Fire Marshal does this after the buildings are built. Mrs. North asked what kind of foundation the buildings would have. Mr. Townsedn answered that it would be concrete blocks. A discussion followed as to whether these were temporary or permanent buildings. Mr. Townsend considers them permanent. He stated that the the bank considered his addition #1 as a temporary building, however, although he thought it was permanent, Mr. Raney stated that he needed a survey. A discussion followed. Later in the discussion Mr. Townsend stated that he was not going to get a survey. Parking. Mr. Townsedn was asked how many employees he had so that we might figure how much parking was required by the Zoning Ordinance, He answered that he had "several." Later he said that he had "five or so." Since the parking requirement is only one space for each 1.5 employees, it was judged that he probably has enough parking space, although the spaces are not delineated. 3 FPZC-M-67 73 Motion was made by Raney, seconded by Phillips, that the Commission recommend approval of the permit, subject to all building regulations of the City. Mr. Spears reminded Mr. Townsend that he still has to be inspected by the Child Welfare Department. Motion passed, three to one, with North dissenting because a survey had not been required of him as it had been of Mr. Johnson for the previous permit. Mr. Townsend was asked to fill out the Information Sheet to accompany Building Permit Referrals, which he did, Attach Procedures Motion was made by Raney, seconded by North, that the #3 Secretary be instructed to write a memo to the City Manager, advising him of the problem which we had tonight and asking that proper forms be submitted immediately to citizens desiring building permits. Motion passed unanimously. 4. INFORMATION REPORTS Subdivisions Mustang Meadows, Coward Creek, and CANE Corporation Subdivision have not yet been returned to the Commission by the City Manager, so cannot be acted upon tonight. Attach Exxon/ Mustang A letter from the Exxon Company was passed out to the #4 Meadows Commission. Dated June 4, 1973, the letter stating that they believe it to be to our mutual advantage to show their wells, pipelines, and surface facilities on the the Subdivision Plat. They also object to the roads and drainage ditches being improved until they have received plan and profile drawings in order to determine what adjustments and protection they will have to give to their pipelines and other facilities. The Commission agreed that this type of thing should be settled between the developer and the Company prior to submission to the Commission, but no action was taken in regard to what should be done at this stage. Attach Proposed Commercial The Secretary read a "Plan for a Swimming Pool" from the #5 Pool School Board minutes of May 8, 1973, which indicated that Mr. Gene Shumway would like to lease to the school in exchange for two acres to locate it on. The minutes indicate that Mr. Shumway had gotten a favorable indication from the City, the City being willing to furnish water and chlorine for the pool during the summer in return for use of the pool. The question was raised about who in the City gave him this information and had he been told that he would have to appear before the Commission. Mr. Benny Baker, Councilman, who was present, stated that he had met with Mr. Shumway and that Mr. Shumway had been told that it would be necessary for him to acquire all the necessary permits, etc. Attach Board of Adjustment The Secretary read a notice of a meeting of the Board #6 of Adjustment to consider (1) First Baptist Church 4 FPZC-6-6'-73 Street Improvement The Secretary informed the Commission that the Council Ordinance was considering an ordinance establishing a policy under which the City will make permanent street improvements, Mr, Raney asked for and received a copy of the proposed ordinance. Joint Council/ Mrs. North stated that the Sign and Zoning Amendment Commission meeting Ordinances which the Commission had completed last Thursday were submitted to the Council last Monday. A motion was made to direct the Commission to hold a public hearing on the zoning changes, but Mayor Lowe felt that this should be workshopped. A workshop with the Commission was planned for Monday night at 7:30 with only the Commission to be on the agenda, since the discussion will also include the sign ordinance and the subdivision ordinance revisions. Attach Christian Communications The Secretary read a letter addressed to the Commission #7 Corporation and dated May 30, 1973, which was in the Commission box this afternoon. The letter states that they are proceeding with plans to develop the area (off Lunday Lane - previously occupied by a TV station) for a training and conference center, including housing, recreation, printing plant, outside film staging areas, etc. FAA has given permission for a 1172 foot tower. Motion was made by Raney, seconded by Phillips, that the Secretary write a letter to be signed by the Chairman, to the Christian Communications Corporation, attention Mr. W. P. Strube, Jr., President, informing him that the area outlined in his letter of May 30, 1973 is presently zoned R-1 (Single -Family) residential) dwellings. Zoning Ordinance #174 is available from the City Office for $2.50. Also, that the properties outlined in your letter were in existance in thier present state when annexed on February 5 of this year and are in non-conformance as outlined in the zoning ordinance. No application for expansion of these facilities has been applied for or mentioned. Motion passed unanimously. Attach Key Rate/ Water Line Mrs. North passed out copies of a computation of friction #8 Size loss in water pipe, based on the Hazen -Williams formula, as well as pertinent passeges from the Key Rate Schedule of the State Board of Insurance. She stated that these statistics were the reason she was so insistent on line sizes. Mr. Raney stated that she would have to work this out with the City Engineer. Mrs. North asked why the Commission did not hesitate to engineer road requirements, especially when they were in opposition to what the City Engineer had suggested. Mr. Raney did not think it was the same thing. The Chair called for the next item. Agenda Chairman Spears requested that the Secretary put the Mustang Meadows, Coward Creek, and CANE subdivisions on next week's agenda. 5 FPZC-6,6-73 Pipeline Ordinance Mr. Raney stated that he had added a couple of items to the pipline ordinance, including the painting of walls a dark green or brown and sound -proofing derricks, as well as removing piplines 100 feet from any house. Dow Pipeline No representative from Dow was present to discuss their request. Mr. Raney, to whom the letter was referred, recommended that approval be deferred until after adoption of the pipeline ordinance, which would give the Cit inspection authority, and enforcement of the 100' foo� distance from homes, since the proposed pipeline would come very close to Whitehall and Village Green. Mrs. North pointed out that there is no provision in the present zoning ordinance to permit pipelines in the City. The Commission agreed to delay a decision until the detailed drawing of the exact location of the line is received. (See minutes of May31, attachment # .) AGENDA Girl Scout No one was present to present the plans for the storage Storage Building shed requested by the Girl Scouts to be placed on City property. This will be defferred until next meeting. 5. HEARING DECISION A'-NDA Rezoning Hearing of After extended discussion the Commission agreed unanimously May 31, 1973 to place the decisions in regard to all five of the separate properties on next week's agenda. Attachment Depth of Zoning Strips Mr. Raney raised the question of just how deep the #9 zoning strips are. No one could answer definitively. The Secretary suggested the answer may be in the minutes. It was suggested that the answer to this question could be of immediate importance as in regard to the Dunbar and Bensen properties. The Secretary will try to find out. 6. ADJOURNMENT The agenda being completed, the meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. Secretary Approved: C� Z�' .73 Addendum: After the meeting was adjourned Mr. Phillips asked what had happened to the lists of building permits the Commission was suppoed to be receiving. The Secretary was asked to obtain these lists for the Commission every week. FPZC-M-6-14-73 NO MEETING WAS HELD BECAUSE OF LACK OF QUORUM. (Three members of the Commssion had had their homes flooded on dune 12.) FPZC-6-28-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION June 28, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Thursday, June 28, 1973 at the Friendswood City Hall. Chairman C. C. Bost presided. Members Present C. C. Bost, Chairman Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Charles Coe James B. Shore Clyde Raney Audience Members Absent Robert Phillips Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. Included in the audience were John B. and Marsha K. Crosby, 913 Merriman Court; Jerry M. Pool, Box 3820 La Marques Cecil Brown, Jr., 40,E Spreading Oaks= W. B. Patton, 314 Morningside; Ed Myers, Jr., 906 Boundary Court; Mrs. Ledford L. Hicks, 208 West Edgewood. Others attended, but did not sign the list. 1. Minutes None available. 2. Information_ Reports Dow Pipeline Mr. Raney reported we are still waiting for final drawings of the proposed right--of-way. Oil Well Ordinance Motion was made by Mr. Spears, seconded by Mr. Shore, that Mr. Raney brief the ordinance and give to Council Monday night. Motion passed unanimously. Flood Insurance Ordinance - Since the copy machine was broken again, the copies of the Flood Insurance Ordinance are not available for study tonight. 3. Building_Psrmil. Referrals Girl Scout Bldg. Mr. Lloyd Van Horn appeared to request permission to build an 8 x 10 steel building adjacent to the water tower between the tower and the electric pump (water well). He said that Council said that it was all right subject to obtaining proper approval. It will be a permanent building, being of the type of other large steel buildings, and is being donated. It will be used for storage of camping gear for five troops. The building will belong to the City, according to Mr. Van Horn, but the Girl Scouts want exclusive use of it. 2 FPzc-m-6-28-73 After some discussion, motion was made by Coe, seconded by Spears, that the Commission recommend the approval of the permit, being a permanent 8 x 10 metal building. Motion passed Four to -two. For: Bost, Spears, Coe, Raney. Against3 Shore, North. Reasons given for opposing the permit were (1) appearance, (2) sets a questionable precedent, (3) space needed for City Hall parking. No information sheet nor building plans nor survey were presented. Therefore, nothing will be in the files of permit referrals. 4. Subdivisions Mustang Meadows Final plat not yet received from City, so no action taken. Coward Creek Mr. Jerry Pool of Gulf Coast Engineering was present to present two prints and final copy of plat and plans and specifications for Coward Creek Subdivision. City Manager Morgan, who was present for this discussion, reported that everything had been approved by the City, but nothing had been signed. He reported that Fire Chief McClure had met with City Engineer Heaney and had accepted the 6" line instead of the 8" water line he had previously recommended since the City will be installing a grid pattern of lines in that area which will make the 6" line sufficient. Since the plat indicated that it was a "metes and bounds" subdivision, Mrs. North inquired what this meant. Mr. Poole answered that each lot would be recorded individually. A discussion followed, during which Mr. Brown stated 'that he had no objection to its being a recorded subdivision. Mr. Raney referred to VATS Article 974a as requiring the recording. It was agreed to designate this as Coward Creek Subdivision, Section One, Lots 1 through 8. Motion was made by Spears, seconded by Raney, that Coward Creek Section One be approved, subject to its being a recorded subdivision. Motion passed, 5-1, with North dissenting because of the 6" water line. 5. Hoarin. Decisionsregarding Rezonings (Hearing of May 31, 1973) Hearing Minutes Since the copy machine was broken, no individual copies were available. Complete minutes of May 31 were not complete, but the section regarding the Hearing was. Mr. Shore asked if there were no positive statements regarding the rezonings. He was told that only Harold Bensen and Jim Elk made any statements favorable to the rozonings. Motion was made by Raney, seconded I PPZC-M-6-28-73 by Shore, that the minutes regarding the hearing be approved. Motion passed unanimously. Case 1973-11 The two Dunbar tracts were brought up for (Dunbar) discussion. Mr. Spears stated that he did not want to vote on these areas until we had all the Case 1973-12 pieces, namely (1) the depth of the C--1 area (Dunbar) fronting on F. M. 518, and therefore, (2) the depth of the land bordering on the creek for which the request to rezone was received. Mrs. North stated that this question had been given to the City, but that the final answer had not yet been received. Mr. Raney stated that we have kept the citizens waiting long enough and that he felt vie must act on the information we have. Councilman Patton, who was in the audience stated that of those people with whom he has talked, the consensu is that the Commission should come up with the per cent of each zone which would best serve the community. After further discussion, the motion was made by Raney, seconded by Shore, that the Commission recommend that the request to rezone Dunbar Estates to C-1 Commerciale be turned down. Motion passed unanimously. Reasons stated for the opinion were that (1) City is overloaded with strip -type commercial already, and (2) the citizens objected. Case 1973--13 The request to rezone approximately teri acres (Benson adjacent to Prairie ~Tilde subdivision to R-2 Townhouses) was brought forth for disussion. After discussion the motion was made by Shore, seconded by Raney, that the Commission recommends -the request be disapproved, Motion passed five -to one, with Coe dissenting. Coe favored the rezoning because he felt townhouses are okay if done properly. The rest of the Commission opposed the rezoning because of (1) location, (2) excessive multi- famil zoning already, (3) load on school system, and () excessive number of people per acre, among other reasons. Case 1973-14 The request to rezone 16 acres from R-1 to (Brown Commercial was considered. After some discussion Commercial) the motion was made by Spears, seconded by Raney, the the Commission recommend the rezoning from R-1 to C-1 with the exception of townhouses being built there as per the agreement with Mr. Brown. (Mr. Brown had given his verbal agreement that tonnhouses would not be built on this land.) Further discussion followed. Mr. Coe was concerned that this are could be considered spot zoning. 4 FPZC-M-6 -28-73 He was also concerned that the Commission be sure it did not plan to rezone the property because Mr. Brown is giving land for the fire station. Mr. Raney stated that this is not strip zoning. It is large enough to put in a large building. Mr. Bost stated that he agreed. It was large enough to support that area. Mr. Spears felt that rezoning this would exclude any strip zoning requests in that area. Mrs. North asked how this would effect the request to rezone ten acres on the southwest corner of F. M. 2351 and Westfield Lane. Mr. Shore asked if this would be included when the whole zoning plan was reviewed. It was agreed that it would be. Lloyd Van Horn, former Commission member who was in the audience, stated that he felt if this were rezoned to 0-1 now that it would not help later attempts to remove some of the C-1 zoning as had been discussed earlier. Mrs. North stated that she agreed with Mr. Van Horn and was also concerned about the extra traffic -that would be generated at the Elementary school by shoppers driving from the Safeway Center to this area and, of necessity, passing the school. Motion passed, 5-1, with North dissenting. Case 1973-15 The request by Cecil Brown Jr. to rezone 12.03 (Brown acres to R-2 was then considered. After a brief Multi -family) discussion the motion was made by Raney, seconded by Shore, that the Commission recommend disapproval of the change from r-1 to r-2. Motion passed, 4-2, with Coe and Spears dissenting. Mr. Spears stated that he felt he should have driven out and looked around (at the land) and had not, so he could not vote to disapprove. Coe restated that he saw nothing wrong with multi -family dwellings. Council Patton, who was in -the audience, expressed his concern that we are tending to "snob zone." Ike restated his position that he does not think we can vote intelligently until we have looked at the whole picture and come up with a recommended per cent for each type of zoning. Case 1973-16 The 300' square tract of land on the southeast (Fire Station) corner of Sunset and Edgewood (F. M. 2351) was discussed. .After discussion, motion was made by Shore, seconded by Spears, that the Commission recommend the tract be rezoned for a specific use as a City Fire Station* FPZC-m-6--28v73 Mr. Coe stated that he was so much concerned with its proximity to the Elementary School as he was with the question as to whether it was the best :Location. That he felt just because the land was free should not be the deciding factor. After some discussion the consensus seemed to be that the Fire Department liked it and only Mrs. North did not think it was a good location. Motion passed, 5-1, with North dissenting. 5. Rezoning_ Request Case 1973-17 The Secretary informed the Commission that a (Montagne) request for rezoning had been received on May 10. too late to includeiin the rezoning hearing just discussed. This was a request to rezone ten acres on the southwest corner of West Edgewood and Westfield Lane, made by Don Montagne, who stated that the tract was acquired with the intention of holding it for commercial development. Mr. Raney asked if we had to have a hearing if a request is made for one. Mr. Spears has felt for some time that we did not. After some more discussion the consensus appeared to be -that the Commission felt a hearing on a property which we felt had no chance of winning our approval was unnecessary and a waste of time, energy, and money on everyone's part. Motion was made by Spears, seconded by Raney, that a letter be sent -L•o Mr. Montagne stating that as things stand now we disapprove •the request and are therefore returning your $40.00. Motion passed unanimously. 6. other Bus:i.ness. Zoning Study Mr. Patton asked if the Commission would be in Committee favor of a Zoning Study Committee. Mr. Spears stated that he had told Council two or three weeks ago that the Commission would undertake a study of the zoning pciture. Mrs. North felt that the Commission could handle the study since we have completed most of the subdivis Dns that have come before us. Budget Needs Mr. Spears brought up the fact that the Commission needs money for such things as a specialized legal. Counsel who would be on call and a "Planning type" who would also be on call which •the Commission needed information. Mr. Patton agreed. Sign Ordinance Mr. Spears presented changes in the proposed sign ordinance as recommended after meeting with Mr. Coe (who is on the Chamber of Commerce Board) N mc-m-6--2a-73 and the Chamber of Commerce. He stated that he agreed with what Mr. Coe came up with after meeting the Chamber except for the "grandfather clause" He felt that the Commission should pass it on as recommended tonight because if Left in its original form it would not pass. Mrs. North questioned changing some things, particularly in permitting neon lights, solely on the basis of the Chamber of Commerce and asked Mr. Coe how many people the Chamber, represented. (Mrs. North is an Associate Member of the Chamber.) Mr. Coe answered that it represented 58 businesses. After acceptance of the changes recommended by Mr. Spears, Mr. Shore moved, seconded by Mr. Raney, that the Commission commend Mr. Spears and Mr. Coe for spending so much time to come up with a workable and satisfactory sign ordinance. Motion passed unanimously, with Coe abstaining because of his involvement with the Chamber. Mr. Coe expressed his concern with the section of the ordinance which prohibited pennants. lie said that the Chamber felt that a time limit should be put on the use of pennants, such as limiting their use to two days prior to a grand opening. He was also concerned about the prohibition of chains of lights, feeling that this would eliminate Christmas lights and decorations, as well as the light strings that are typical of used car lots. No action was taken on either of these suggestions, Lot Sizes The Secretary reported that Mayor Lowe would like an official statement from the Commission regarding the lot size change as agreed on in joint workshop of June 11 with the Council. Motion was made by North, seconded by Raney, that •the Commission recommend that the Council amend the lot size requirements to 90' width, 11,600 square foot area 621 curb and gutter streets, and 120' width, 15,600 square foot area on streets with open ditches. Motion passed, 4-2. Fors Spears, North, Shore, Raney. Against: Coe, Bost. 7. Adjournment There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned. Approved _ Secretary 2 Addendumt FPZC-M-6-28-73 Polly Ranch A copy of an engineering review dated June 27tt 19739 accompanied by a topographic map (contour mapl depicting the correct lot layout and by a plat with notations regarding number of lots, type of streets, and utilities, was given to the Secretary to return to the City for typing. This was done after the meeting. FPZC-M-7-5-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION July 5, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held in Friendswood City Hall on Thursday, July s, 1973, Chairman C. C. Bost called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Robert Phillips Clyde Raney James Shore AUDIENCE MEMBERS ABSENT Charles Coe Ed Zeitler (Council Rep.) The following people signed the attendance sheet: Richard Summers, 1002 Falling Leaf, Friendswood Jerry C. Smithson for First Baptist Church, Friendswood R. J. Healy for National Investors Property, Captain's Corner Shopping Center, Friendswood Herb Duncan for National Investors Rick Nahas, Mainland Savings Association James Luhning, Mainland Savings As Jim and Dixie Gartrell, Gulf Coast Engineering In addition, City Manager Morgan, Dr. James Fairleigh, Jean Bilderback, Councilman Bill Patton, and Councilman Benny Baker, Billy and Don McAninch, and Tony Paschall for the Friendswood Journal were present at some time during the evening. 1. MINUTES June 28, 1973 - Approved as presented. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS 1. Pipeline Ordinance - Mr. Raney reported that the Ordinance was put on first reading at the Monday Council meeting. 2. Rezoning recommendations - City Manager Morgan reported that the Commission's recommendations regarding eight tracts to be rezoned in Sun Meadow, Cecil Brown Jr.'s Commercial area, and the Fire Station had been put on first reading at Monday's Council meeting. (The school rezoning to specific use was not ready.) 3. Zoning Ordinance Amendments - The City Manager reported that the Council is ready for the Commission to hold a public hearing regarding the 2 ?PZC-M-7m5-73 changes in the Zoning Ordinance. The question was raised if the Commission or the Council should hold this hearing. Ord. 174 seems to indicate that the Commission does, but the City Manager will check with the City Attorney. 3. BUILDING PERMIT REFERRALS BP # Mr. Jerry Smithson returned with a request for (Baptist Church) additional buildings on the Baptist Church grounds. This case had earlier been referred to the Board of Adjustment because the buildings were classified as "temporary." The request is being returned to the Commission since the buildings are now being considered as "permanent." BP # Mr. Richard Summers, of 1002 Falling Leaf (Falling Leaf presented a request to build a horse barn on Horse Barn) his acreage at the corner of Falling Leaf and Greenbriar. After discussion, the motion was made by Shore, seconded by North, the the Commission recommend issuance of a building permit with waiver of requirements #5, 6, and 7 only because it is a barn and not for human habitation. Motion passed unanimously. BP # Mr. J. F. Luhning, President of Mainland Savings (Mainland Association,which is in the process of locating Savings) at the corner of 518 and 23511 appeared to request approval of a sign. This sign is planned to consist of letters four feet high mounted on a six foot fence which is 74 feet long. Considerable discussion followed. Mr. Raney stated that the sign and fence would be in violation of both the Zoning ordinance and the Proposed sign ordinance. Upon question, Mr.. Luhning stated that the building was already located, that the fence had been erected today. Mrs. North stated that the site plan was not at all what the Commission had approved at an earlier meeting, although she considered it a great improvement. However, she said that the building was also in violation of the zoning ordinance since it was closer than 30 feet to F. M. 2351, being only 24 feet. The question of the fence being a traffic hazard was brought; up. Mrs. North also felt that, since this was a temporary building, that it should properly have gone before the Board of Adjustment. Motion was finally made by Phillips, seconded by Spears, that the Commission recommend approval of the site plan for a temporary office not to exceed one year. Mrs. North then moved, seconded by Mr. Raney, that the motion be amended by adding the words "with the exception that the sign must conform FPZC-M-7-5--73 to the zoning ordinance." The amendment passed by a vote of five for and one abstention. Mr. Spears abstained because he thought another sign would look worse that the one planned. The main motion as amended then passed by a vote of five to one, with Shore dissenting because the six foot high fence is already in violation of Ordinance 174. BP # Mr. J. R. May presented a request to build a (J. R. May) 60 by 100 metallic building to serve as a warehouse one foot from his back property line. Mr. Bill Patton, whose property is immediately adjacent to the new building was present and stated that he would like permission to move 'the old building of Mr. May's to his property. He was told that he would need a building permit and was given an information sheet to fill out. He will return at a later meeting for this. He had no objections to Mr. May's plans. Motion was made by Raney, seconded by Phillips to recommend approval, waiving the requirement for a slab height since the building was in a C Zone (area of minimal flood hazards). Motion passed unanimously. Mrs. North called Mr. May's attention to the need for a fire wall when a building is place this close to the line, and that the building inspector should call this to his attention. 4. SUBDIVISIONS Mustang (Mr. Zeitler arrived and was present for this Meadows discussion.) City Manager James Morgan stated that he had expressed his opinion to the Council on last Moday night that he felt Mustang Meadows (or any subdivision) should have City Utilities because in a year or two the septic tanks may not work and p ople would demand that City services should be extended to them. Therefore, the City would be subsidizing property owners in a manner not necessary. Council. requests that the Commission express in writing in form of a letter (1) giving our recommendations and (2) comparative cost figures (from the developer). Councilman Patton, who was in the audience, stated that the City needs to look at the economic needs on aCity basis, not the economic problems of the developer. He felt that the developer must show the comparative costs of installed water and sewer lines versus water wells and septic tanks. FPZC-M-7-5-73 Chairman Bost told Councilman Patton that he would prefer that the developer furnish the Council the economics. That all further discussion should be between the City (staff) and the developer. Mr. Gartrell, engineer for the developer, stated that as far as they were concerned, they had corrected all the problems. Mr. Bost asked the City Manager if he understood it this way. The City Manager answered"no." A discussion followed. The City Manager went over the list with Mr. Gartrell, pointing out where he had not yet complied. pipeline Easements. Mrs. North brought up the question of pipeline easements which were not tshown on the plat. Mr. Gartrell stated that Exxon had a blanket easement, which meant they could put a pipeline anyplace they wanted to. He stated that the blanket easements were in the deed restrictions. Mrs. North questioned this. Mr. Gartrell could not find his copy of the restrictions. Mr. Gartrell stated that when an individual was ready to build, that Exxon would come out and plot the existing lines individually. Mr. Shore felt that some warning should be given the property owners when the property was purchased. Mr. Gartrell agreed that they would make reference to the blanket easements in their restrictions, that they would make reference to these easements on the plat, and that they would have letters sent to the prospective buyers informing them of the easement. Mr. Gartrell will also straighten out the other points of conflict with City Manager Morgan. 5. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Sign Ordinance Mr. R. J. Healey of Federal Sign and Signal Corporation, representing National Investors, presented the sign criteria for National Investors and listed several. points in which he thought our proposed sign ordinance was deficient. Among these were failure to deal with materials and he feels Section 5 is illegal. He stated that this had been thrown out in court in Denver. Mr. Spears questioned this since he had just been in contact with Denver. Since our recommendations had already been given to Council_, no further action was taken. .5 FPZC-M-%-5-'j3 National Investors Mr. Herbert L. Duncan of Faetche Construction Fence Company, representing Plational Investors, appeared to inquire about a fence which he had been told was now required, but which had not been originally called for or required on the original plans. Mr. Boat excused himself from the room for the remainder of the discussion since his property faces on the backside of the buildings in question. Mr. Duncan stated that they had considered bins around the dumpsters which would be behind the buildings, but that National investors had said nothing regarding a fence. Mrs, north suggested that he had been misinformed, since she had been in the audience when this was discussed some months ago. After a rather long discussion, Mr. Shore moved, seconded by Mr. Raney, that in lieu of a better suggestion from the architect of the shopping center that the Planning Commission go on record as requiring an eight foot solid masonry fence with three entrances. Mr. Duncan mentioned the problem of security and suggested chain lank fence with plantings. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the five members present. Enforcement Mr. Shore brought up the fact that a tree had been removed at 101 E. Edgewood in spite of the fact that part of the requirement for approval of the building permit (April 19) was that the trees would not be removed. Mrs. forth added that he had also been givn a permit and parking spaces allotted for an office buildin and now the building is an auto supply store kor will be). Mr. Raney mentioned that Fox Meadows is not going in according to the plat. Mr. Bost expressed concern over the parking at National Investors. After discussion of what happens to the Commissione plans and requirements after they leave the Commission, Mr. Shore moved, seconded by Raney, that the City Manager be contacted to determine how compliance is assured in regard to Planning Commission decisions. Cases is point being the Kent office building (tree removed, partition different that permit called for), Fox Meadows has the entrance moved, Mainland Savings construct ed a fence in violation of the Zoning Ordinance, and the captain's Corner Shopping Center is too close to Heritage and the number of parking spaces is in question. Motion passed unanimously. 6. ADJ UU RNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1205 A. Me (Last half of the Flood Insurance Urdianee was handed out first.) -L, L'� - Secretary /2 �3 Approved: FPZC--M-7--12-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION July 12, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Thursday, July 12, 1973 at the Friendswood City Hall. In the absence of the Chairman, Vice -Chairman Tracy Spears presided. MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Robert Phillips Clyde Raney _AUDIENCE Among the audience were Bob Friendswood Journal, Dixie and Billy and Don McAninch 1. MINUTES MEMBERS ABSENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Charles Coe James B. Shore Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. and Jean Bilderback, Tony Paschall of the and Jim Gartrell of Gulf Coast Engineering, of Polly Ranch Estates. July 5, 1973 - Approved as read. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS A. Clear Creek Woods lot sizes, The City Manager reported that a question had arisen regarding the required lots sizes in Clear Creek Woods. Five subdivision lots are about to be built upon which have dimensions of 70' by 100' and 75' by 100'. These lots do not now conform to the zoning ordinance. Also complicating the issue is the fact that three of the original subdivision lots were sold as two lots and the builder bought (or is in the process of acquiring) both of these lots and wishes once more to bonsider them as three lots. The City Attorney is coming up with an opinion. Until that time the Building Inspector will not issue a permit. B. Kent office building - 101 E, Ed ewood, The City Manager discussed with the Commission what could be done to prevent such things as tress being cut after the Commission specified that the permit should be issued contingent on no trees being cut. He suggested that these requirements be noted on the information sheets when they are returned to the Building Official. This is now being done. Mr. Phillips mentioned that the driveway had also been changed after approval by the Commission of another driveway plan. Mrs. North mentioned the change in configuration and proposed use of the building after stipulation of parking spaces by the Commission. In response to a question, the City Manager answered that he thought the building was now being used, but he did not know if a Certificate of Zoning Compliance had been issued. Mr. Spears suggested that any business should be required to get compliance certificate before the building was used, and that when a building permit was issued leper should be given stating that a Certificate of Zoning Compliance was required before the building would be occupied. 2 FPZC-M-7-12-73 C. Fox Meadows. The problem of an entrance being installed which is not in compliance with what the Commssion approved was discussed with the City Manager, Mrs. North reported that Mr. Bogren, the engineer for the development had been in touch with her and had thought that he had left two or three copies of the approved plat and plans with the City after approval. Neither Mrs. North or Mr. Morgan knew where they were. Mrs. North remembered that this subdivision was one where only the originals had been submitted with the linen and no prints. Mr. Bogren had then taken them back after approval to have prints made, but she did not remember receiving any and did not have any of the final plat or plans in her file. No action was taken pending location of the plat and plans as approved. Mrs, North will talk to the Highway Department. Two of the Commission members had taken the time to pull out of the entrance as installed and feel that it is a blind intersection. D. Mainland Saving. The problem of the Mainland Savings Building and fence being constructed in violation of the zoning ordinance was discussed with the City Manager. E. Depth of Zoning Strips. The City Manager reported that the City Secretary is still researching minutes in an attempt to find a definitive answer regarding the depth of the strips. He felt that if she could not find a specific answer,that the problem could best be resolved by referring it to the Board of Adjustment as provided for in the Zoning Ordinance. F. Mustang Meadows. The City Manager related that at Monday night's Council that four Councilmen indicated that they would go along with the Commission's recommendation that the subdivision be approved without City services, but that one Councilman had changed his mind afterward. Guy Wilkinson from the GAlveston County Health Department will be at next Monday's Council meeting. He stated that Mr. Gartrell had come up with some cost figures, running about $1500 to $2000 the septic tank and well route and $3900 per lots for City services. Mr. Gartrell did not bring the plans by until this afternoon. Mr. Spears suggested that the Commission take no action on this subdivision tonight. Attachment H. Monta ne rezoning request. The Secretary reported that Mr. Montagne's #1 check had been returned along with a letter of explanation. Attachment I. Mustang Meadows. The Secretary reported that the City Council had been #2 officially notified of the Commission's position regarding the acceptance of Mustang Meadows without City services. J. Zoning Law books. The City Manager informed the Commission that the books on Zoning Law by Anderson had been ordered and three week delivery was expected. He gave the Secretary copies of the purchase orders for these and for three other books ordered. This is a repeat pair of orders for the books which were previously ordered but never received. K. Budget. The City Manager indicated that he would like our budget requests by the first of August. The Commission should indicate if they want a - Planning Attorney and/or Planning Consultant, as had been discussed by the Commission earlier. 3 FPZC-M-7-12-73 3. BUILDING PERMITS At hment BP # Mr. Jerry Smithson appeared to request approval for the #� (Baptist addition of two permanent metal buildings on the Baptist Church) Church property. The question of whether adequate parking spaces would be left was discussed. Mr. Smithson stated that parking would be adequate except at Christmas. After comparison with the requirements as stated in the Zoning Ordinance, it was concluded that enough parking spaces could be obtained by using space available at the parsonage if this became necessary. Motion was made by Phillips, seconded by Raney, that the Commission recommend approval. Motion passed unanimously. Mrs. North expressed a concern regarding the adequacy of the fire exits and asked that special attention be given this in the building department's office. 4. SUBDIVISIONS Attachment Polly Ranch Mr. Billy McAninch appeared to request approval of pre- #4 preliminary plans for Polly Ranch Estates. There was a brief discussion as to whether everything had been submitted as required. The City Manager suggested that these things could be caught on the Preliminary Plat. Motion was then made by Raney, seconded by North, the the pre -application plans and data be approved. Motion passed unanimously. Mrs. North gave Billy McAninch a copy of the Subdivision Ord- inance 23-A. In response to a question from Mrs. North, Mr. McAninch stated that he had no objestion to showing the 100-year flood line on the plat. Attachment Mustang Meadows Mr. Jim Gartrell presented Mustang Meadows for final approval. #5 Mr. Gartrell and the City Manager went over the items in which the continued to be some disagreement. Item 2-b was settled in the developer's favor by a three to one vote, with North dissenting. Item 3-d was approved. Mr. Raney asked for the cost figures. Mr. Gartrell stated that water installation would cost $69,000 and sewer installation $74,000, or $3272 per tract. He also stated that a $2000 minimum for septic tank and water well was if the owner did it himself. Mr. Gartrell stated that nowhere are they selling 2 1/2 acre lots on City Services. The developer cannot put houses on smaller lots because of numerous oil lines in the area. Motion was made by Raney, seconded by Phillips, that Mustang Meadows Final Plat be approved. Mrs. North asked whether reference had been made to the blanket easement on the plat. Mr. Gartrell showed her where reference was made to the Humble Oil easement. North asked about Amoco and Humble Pipeline Co. easements. Mr. Gartrell stated they were under the Humble Oil easement. Motion passed 3-1, North dissenting. 4 FPZC-M-7-12-73 5. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Zoning Regulation Motion was made by Raney, seconded by Phillips, that a Hearing public hearing be called for August 9, 1973, regarding the rewording of the zoning ordinance. Motion passed unanimously. Apartment Density To confirm agreement reached during a workshop with Council on June 11, motion was made by North, seconded by Phillips, that apartments be limited to 18 per acre and townhouses be limited to 8.9 per acre. Motion passed unanimously. 6. ADJOURNMENT The remainder of the agenda items were postponed until next week and the meeting adjourned at 10:55. G� �2 Secretary Approved: FPZC-M-7-19-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at the Friendswood City Hall on Thursday, July 19, 1973. Vice -Chairman Tracy Spears presided in the absence of the Chairman C. C. Bost. MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Robert Phillips Clyde Raney James B. Shore 1. MINUTES MEMBERS ABSENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Charles Coe July 12, 1973 - Approved as presented. (With addition of "t" in "constructed" on page two.) 2. INFORMATION REPORTS A. Pipeline Ordinance. Copies of the proposed ordinance have been mailed to four oil companies. They will workshop this with Council and interested Commission members on Monday. B. Zoning Map Changes. Have passed on second reading. High School rezoning to specific use has not yet been started. C. Zoning Regulation Changes. Have been given to the City Secretary to type and to call a hearing for August 9. D. Subdivision Ordinance Amendment. To be included on Monday's agenda. Mr. Raney questioned the value of the ordinance as written. Attachment E. Question on depth of zoning strips. Results of the City Secretary's research, #1 dated July 13,1973 were transmitted to the Commission. The Commissioners will take them home for homework. 3. BUILDING PERMIT REFERRALS W. R. Simpson Mr. W. R. Simpson appeared before the Commission again inquiring about building apartments in a Commercial zone on Winding Way, Mr. Cline, the Zoning Administrator, had left him with the impression that he should come back to Planning Commission after Mr. Cline had told him hE could not approve a,building permit for apartments in a Commercial area at this time. Ile was advised to come back next week after we have had time to research this question. A — chment Mainland Savings Mr. Rick Nahas of Mainland Savings Association appeared #2 Sign in regards to the Commission's refusal to permit a planned sign on the temporary Savings Association Building because of its excessive size. He stated that 2 FPZC-M-7-19-73 they needed identification, that this was especially true because of the over -sized and brightly colored signs in the shopping center immediately across the street, that their proposed sign was in wood -tones and would be attractive. Mrs. North stated that she would reconsider her previous position regarding this sign since she had driven by and felt they were, indeed, at a disadvantage when it came to competing with the signs across the street which were allowed to go in in violation of both size and height restrictions on the Zoning Ordinance. Attachment MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by North, that the #3 Commssion approve the sign as submitted on July 5, 1973, for a period of one year or for the expiration of the present temporary building permit, whichever is shorter. MOTION PASSED 4-1, with Shore dissenting. 4. INFORMATION REPORTS (CONTINUED Attachment F. Fox Meadows Entrance. Mrs. North showed the Commission a set of prints #5 which Mr. Bogren had brought in showing the entrance to Fox Meadows nearer the creek than the Commission had approved. The Commission directed the Secretary to invite Mr. Bogren to come in to the next meeting and discuss this, since they did not remember approving the entrance at the indicated location. G. Renwick Subdivision. Has been approved, but not signed by the Mayor or filed. H. Heritage Estates Subdivision. Has been approved by the Council, also, but has not been signed since the deed restrictions have not yet been given to the City. I. Oil wells. Mrs. North indicated that it had been brought to her attention that we already have provision in the Zoning Ordinance for specific use zoning for oil wells. She asked that the oil wells who have drilled since being annexed to come in and get specific use permits. J. Mustang Meadows. The secretary reported that Mustang Meadows had failed to get the approval of the City Council by a 3-3 vote, with the controversy centering on the use of septic tanks. 5. HEARING DECISION - GREENBRIAR/BRIARMEADOW ARTERIAL The Secretary reported that, in her telephone conversations regarding the Fox Meadow problem, that she had been told to contact Mr. Oliver Stork, Director of the Houston -Galveston Area Transportaion Survey, for advice regarding the relocation of arterials highways. Mr. Stork volunteered advice if we would submit our proposals to them. MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, seconded by North, that action on the hearing be postponed two weeks to allow information from the Urban Transportation 3 FP7C-M-7-19-73 Study and the Highway Department to be received by the Commission. MOTION PASSED, 4-1, with Raney dissenting. 6. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Budget Budget needs were discussed. The Commission was in agreement that we need consulting services from an attorney and from a professional planner in order to carry out our duties in a more professional manner. A sum of $1800 was tentatively agreed upon. In addition, from two to four hours weekly for secretarial help is needed. This could be either done in the City office or we could have our own secretarial help. No amount was set, since it was felt that the City Manager could plan which this would be. $200 for books and an undetermined amount for office supplies and forms was agreed upon. Attachment Flood Insurance MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, seconded by Raney, that the #4 Ordinance flood insurance ordinance be referred to Mr. Heaney for approval and then to Council for consideration. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. SUBDIVSIONS Polly Ranch Estates The plat was discussed informally, since the Preliminary Plat had not yet been presented. Objection was voiced by Mr. Raney to the commercial strip that is included. No action was taken. 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11:50. Secretary Approved: FPZC-M-7-26-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION July 226, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Thursday, July 26, 1973, at the Friendswood City Hall. Vice -Chairman Tracy Spears presided in the absence of Chairman C. C. Bost. MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Robert Phillips Clyde Raney James B. Shore 1. MINUTES No minutes were available for approval. 2. BUILDING PERMITS MEMBERS ABSENT C. C. Bost, Charles Coe Ed Z eitler, Chairman Council Rep. BP# Mrs. Marie Dawson, owner, and Mr. Thomas Rives, (Village architect were present to present plans for a Interiors) commercial building at 105 S. Friendswood Drive. After discussion, Raney moved, seconded by Phillips, that tentaive approval be given, with final approval contingent on compliance with the following three corrections: (1) Permit for entrances is to be obtained from the Highway Department. (2) Number of parking spaces are to be reduced to a total of eleven. (3) Area of the sign is to be reduced to thirty-six square feet total for two sides. Motion passed unanimously. The parking for this building has been planned carefully around the existing pecan trees on the site so that none will have to be cut. National. Mr. Charles Parkinson, First Assistant Chief, Investors' Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department, presented Attachment Fence a letter expressing the concern of the Department #1 in regard to the proposed design of the fence (Fire Dept.) planned to screen the back of the Captain's Corner Shopping Center buildings which front on Heritage Drive. The Department is concerned that the fence as now proposed would hinder access as well as possibly trapping firemen in the event of a fire at the center. He suggested that shrubbery would be easier for firemen to go through, Gates were also'discussed; width and spacing are of importance to the Fire Department. 2 FPZC-M-7-26-73 Attachment #2 Attachment Simpson #3 Apartments Attachment #7 MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Shore, that a letter be transmitted to City Manager Morgan urgently requesting that: (1) No Certificates of Zoning Compliance be issued or occupancy permitted in the National Investor's Center until the fence requirements have been resolved. (2) Final building inspection approval be withheld. (3) National Investors be contacted and asked to come next Thursday to our meeting to discuss the fence and bring their drawings showing the fence. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Wilbur Simpson appeared again to receive information regarding his request to build apartments in a Commercial Zone which does not permit apartments at the present time. Reference was made to the City Council minutes of September 18, 1972 which reflect that Mr. Simpson was told that he could obtain!a permit up until the time the ordinance was changed. (Which he did not do.) Reference was made to Commission's minutes of September 21, 197� at which time then -Chairman Koppa was to confer with the attorney regarding this situation whic, involved the Legality of guaranteeing Mr. Simpson the right to build apartments in a zone which, although presently zoned for apartments as well as commercial, would not permit apartments at the time Mr. Simpson wished to build, which would not be until next year. No further record was found in the Commissions minutes. Reference was made to the "special legislation" included in the revision of Ordinance 132 (now Ordinance 174) which, under the Schedule of District Regulations, C-1 (Business) District, includes a note "d" under permitted uses which stated that "provided a Certificate of Zoning Compliance is issued for an apartment prior to December 31, 1972, such certificate shall expire for purposes of obtaining a Building Permit one year from date of issue." No such Certificate was issued. Ordinance 174 was passed on final reading on January 1.5, 1973. Since the last official action in this series of events consisted of the Zoning Adminstrator's refusal of Mr. Simpson's request on the grounds I FPZC-M-7-26-73 that such building was not now permitted in a Commercial zone, MOTION WAS MADE by Phillips, seconded by Raney, that Mr. Simpson be directed to appeal to the Board of Adjustment. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Attention is called to Ordinance 174, Section 9, Paragraph 2, which states that the Administrative Official cannot issue a permit that is not in conformaance with the ordinance. Attention is also called to Ordinance 174, Section 100 Paragraph 2, which states that appeals may be taken to the Board of Adjustment by any person aggrieved by any decision of the Administrative Official (Zoning Administrator). Also, Section 11, Paragraph 1, states that one of the duties of the Board of Adjustment is to hear and decide appeals from decisions of the Administrative Official. (Note should be taken that the appeal time is limited to sixty days in Section 10, Paragraph 2.) 3. SUBDIVISIONS Fox Meadows Mr, Ted Bogren of Municipal Engineering Company was present to discuss the changing of the entrance after plans had been approved by the Commission. Although the plat itself was not affected by the change in entrance design, which Mr. Bogren stated had been dictated by the Highway Department, the Commission felt strongly that the new entrance was extremely dangerous since it was blind from one side. When asked if Mr. Heaney, City Engineer, had approved the change, Mr. Bogren stated that he had voiced no objections, so he (Mr. Bogren) thought it was all right. The propriety of changing plans without consulting the Commission as well as changing plans while retaining an earlier signature and date of approval. was discussed with Mr. Bogren. Attachment A DECISION WAS MADE by general consent to write #4 a letter to Mr. Lipscomb of the Traffic Division requesting that he or his representatives meet with Planning Commission members on the site to discuss the location of the entryt since the Commission feels that present entrance is extremely hazardous. In addition, a question exists regarding the necessity or advisibil,ity of requiring grates on the culvert inlets. A copy of the entrance was submitted to Chief Wright by the Secretary. The Chief will study it on site. Polly Ranch See Item 6. Miscellaneous business. FPZC-M-7-25-73 4. INFORMATION REPORTS A. PiAeline_Ordi_-nance. Mr. Raney reported that he attended a meeting with Council and eight representatives of several oil companies on Monday evening to discuss the ordinance. Mr. Raney and Councilman Patton met again with the oil companies on Wednesday evening (Exxon, Crown, Amoco). They reviewed all points of the ordinance. Phraseology was added which cleared up the ordinance from the oil companies' point of view. One of the points of discussion was in regard to the noise level. Mr. Raney has been doing some study with a decibel meter measuring noise levels at noisy locations. The ordinance will be rewritten and resubmitted within two weeks as a new ordinance. AA. Sign Ordinance. This will be workshopped Monday evening with Council members at Mr. Windler's request. Mrs. North expressed the feeling that, after study, she feels that the prohibition against neon signs should be reinstated, as well as the lower height limitation of 20 feet. Size and color combinations were also discussed. B. Zo-ning-Map _Status a No new information. C. Zoning Regulation Chafes. Notice has been published for the hearing to be held on August 9. D. Subdivision Ordinance Amendment. No new information. E. heritage Estates Subdivision. No new information. F. Renwick Subdivision. No new information. G. Fox Meadows Subdivision. See action taken this meeting. H. Building Permits. The Secretary did not get a list from Mr. Jones. I. Co and Creek Subdivision. Mrs. North reported that the linen had been completed and given to the City, but that the street had not been included in the Subdivision, although the Action paving on the street had been discussed. The Secretary was instructed to check with the City Manager regarding street acceptance procedure. J. Books. The Secretary reported the receipt of three soft -back books on planning and zoning. Spears took 'thee "Zoning Primer;" Shore took "'The Citizens Guide to Planning;" and Phillips took "The Citizens Guide to Zoning." Since these are inexpensive, additional books may be ordered if the Commissioners consider it worthwhile. K. Law Books. The Secretary reported the receipt of four volumes of "American Law of Zoning" by Anderson. The Secretary took these copies to study. FPZC-M-7--26-73 L. Greenbriar/Briarmgadow Arterial. The Secretary reported that she had contacted Mr. diver Stork of the Highway Department who is Director of the Harris and Galveston Counties Transportation S$udy. A map showing the arterial routes as shown in the Bovay report and with our suggested alternate routes was submitted to him for comment, which should be received by next week. 6. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Budget MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, seconded by North, to adopt the following budget for next year: Legal Advisor and Professional Planner $1800.00 Books 200.00 Office Supplies 100.00 Secretarial Help {Two to four hours a week.} MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Attachment The Secretary will transmit this budget #5 request to the City Manager. Attachment Polly Ranch Mr. Billie McAninch, who had been present -6 Estates earlier in the evening,was not present to present the plat of Polly Ranch, but the Secretary reported that three sets of plans and four additional plats had been received from Mr. Gartrell. Preliminary comments from the Commission concerning the plat included the following: W_ater__S_upply. Two eight -inch lines are shown supplying the subdivision, but one has no present connection with a City main and the other single supply line connects to a line that is already insufficient to maintain fire pressure for the houses already there. Arterial Hjjzhway. Friendswood's Highway Plan indicates that an arterial highway passes through this subdivision, but no provision has been made for the right-of-way. 100-Year Flood. No indication had been made of the 100-year flood elevation. Drainage Easement. No allowance has been made for drainage easements along Clear Creek. Mr. Shore recommended 150'. FPZC-M-7-26-73 In the absence of the City Secretary will transmit tw plans to the City Engineer. Manager the o copies of the (Secy notes Upon study of the plans submitted, it was discovered that plans for the streets and drainage were missing from all three copies although Mr. Gartrell's letter indicated that the plans were complete.I 7. ADJOURNMENT Discussion of the City Secretary's report on the depth of Commercial Zoning "strips" was postponed and the meeting adjourned. d�2�� Secretary 7 Approved: /� C� 64d FPZC-M-8-2-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION August 2. 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall on Thursday, August 2, 1973. Chairman C. C. Bost called the meeting to order at 8105 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Robert Phillips James B. Shore AUDIENCE MEMBERS ABSENT Charles Coe Clyde Raney Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. Included in the audience were Charles Parkinson and Oren McClure from the Volunteer Fire Department, W. B. Wood and Harold Whitaker to present a shopping center plan, Jake Stockton from the Friendswood News, and Tony Paschal from the Friendswood Journal. 1. MINUTES July 26, 1973 - Approved as corrected. (Page two: 1973 changed to 1972.) 2. INFORMATION REPORTS Information reports were changed to the last agenda item by common consent. 3. BUILDING PERMITS Wood/Whitaker Mr. W . B. Wood and Mr. Harold Whitaker Shopping presented a plan for a shopping center to be Center located on F. M. 518 at Magnolia. Ultimate plans are for the center to extend all the way to Morningside Drive, but the first section is planned to a depth of approximately 150' immediately adjacent to the Texaco Station. Size of tgact. 264' by 554', bordered by F. M. 518, Magnolia, and Morningside. Set -backs. After discussion, it was agreed that minimum set -backs on the streets should be 30'. Set -back at the lot line will be 6' to conform to the set -back requirements next to the residential zone at the back. Garbage pick-up, parking requirements were discussed. Backing into Magnolia right-of-way is not allowed. 2 FPZC-M-8-2-73 A request for rezoning of the back of the property which fronts on Morningside is required. The Secretary gave them two copies of the form to request the rezoning. Mr. Bost voiced his concern that the present plan should be tied in with this rezoning. A request for a building ermit for the initial building will be presented next week after the information required is returned to the Commission. The Secretary gave them two copies of the form detailing information required to obtain a building permit recommendation from the Commission. Village Revised parking and sign design were received Interiors by the Commission, but no Highway permit was received, so no action taken. National Mr. Herb Duncan from Faetchie Construction Investors Company, representing Nation Investors, Fence appeared to discuss the fences required at the Captain's Chair Shopping Center. Mrs. North explained that he, Mr. Fred Curtis, owner of National Investors, Mr. Sandy Hardin, attorney for National Investors, City Manager Morgan, and Commissioners Raney and North had met yesterday afternoon to discuss the problem and that National Investors wished to present and alternate proposal to the eight foot masonry fence requirement. Mr. Curtis had not previously understood that the fences were required. Mr. Duncan stated that there was a five foot strip of earth between their paving and the property line. The poles are on the line. They suggest using 24"-30" ligustrum planted at four foot centers. In response to a question from Mrs. North, he stated that this size of plants costs about $6.00 planted and that there is about 600 feet to be planted. Mrs. North questioned the spacing and Mr. Spears suggested using vibernum for a denser hedge. Mr. Shore was concerned about the maintenance of the hedge. After further discussion, during which Mr. Duncan stated that the masonry wall would have cost $14.00 per lineal foot and that the City needed to clean up the ditch, tachment MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Spears, ¢#1 that the City Manager be advised to go ahead with final inspection permits and allow Temporary Permits of Zoning Compliane as referred to in Section 9, Paragraph 4, a FPZC-M-8-2-73 Sub -paragraph 4, of Ordinance 174, while we iron out details of the fence. Mr. Duncan has agreed to furnish a letter to insure maintenance of the hedge. Mrs. North will contact Viola Bost and others and come back with recommenda- tion(s). Mr. Duncan has agreed to a hedge on Heritage and a chain link fence with vines on border of residential area. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, Fire Chief Oren McClure, who was in the audience, agreed with the hedge concept and felt that openings might not be necessary. 4. INFORMATION REPORTS A. Pipeline _O_rdi_nance. Mrs. North reported that Mr. Raney felt it would be three more weeks before a revision is ready. B. Sign Ordinance. This was workshopped Monday evening with Councilmen Windler and Patton, the City Manager, and Commissioners Spears, Shore, Raney and North. The consensus of the Commissioners that whatever minor changes the City Council might make were fine. The use of neon lights and sign size had been questioned by the Councilmen. C. Flood_ Insurance Ordinance. North reports no action. D. Subdivision Ordinance. There was no time to workshop this with Council on Monday, so status remains same. E. Zoning Map Chances. All Sun Meadow changes and Cecil Brown Jr.'s land on corner of Sunset and W. Edgewood will be on third reading Monday night. Change of use of High School from residential to the specific use of public high school has not yet been initiated. F. Zoping Regnlation Changes. The City Secretary has advertised for a hearing on August ninth. (To be held by the Commission.) G: Heritage Estates Subdivision. Has not yet been signed by the Mayor because deed restrictions have not yet been submitted. H. Renwick Subdivision. Has not yet been signed by the Mayor. Attachment I. Fox Megdows Subdivision. Mrs. North read the letter drafted to Mr. John Lipscomb of the Traffic Division of the Highway Department. After some revision, the letter was approved. J. Coward --Creek ,Subdivision. The Secretary reported that the final linen for this subdivision had been returned to the City Manager, but that it did 4 FPZC-M-8-2-73 not include the street which we had discussed specifications for. The City Manager indicated that the City has not yet firmed up a policy regarding acceptance of streets. After discussion, it was emphasized that the plat had not yet been officially presented to the Commission again as the Commission had under- stood it would be. MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Shore, that the plat be returned to the Commission before signing. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. K. POLLY RANCH SUBDIVISION. The Secretary reported that a close inspection of the Polly Ranch plans which had been submitted last week disclosed that the street and drainage plans had not been included. The City will notify Mr. Gartrell of his omission. Attachment L. Building Permits. The Secretary handed out copies of the list #3 of building permits issued in July by the City. It was noted that a building permit had been issued in the West Friendswood area, which, although a subdivision, had not been approved by the Commission (because it pre -dated the Commission) and was in an undelineated flood area. Attachment MOTION WAS MADE by Shore, seconded by North, #2 that the City be requested to have requests for building permits in West Friendswood referred to the Planning Commission so that the Commission can check on slab heights. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. M. .Imperial Gardens Pool - Parking. Mr. Bost stated that it had been brought to his attention that a hazardous situation has been created at the pool, where cars park on a curve and children are running out from behind them. Attachment MOTION WAS MADE by Bost, seconded by Phillips, #2 that a note be sent to Chief Wright suggesting an alternative to the parking situation at the Imperial Gardens pool. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Attachment N. Planning Commissioners Seminar. The Secretary reported receipt #4 of a program to be presented at A&M on August 29, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the subject of street and traffic planning. This is sponsored by Texas Transportad.on Institute and the Depart- ment of Community Affairs. Cost os $5.00. Commissioners Bast, North, Spears and Shore Action, expressed an interest. The Secretary will write for more information. FPZC-M-8-2-73 Attachment 0. H-GRTS. The Secretary read a letter from Oliver Stork, Study #5 Director of the Houston -Galveston County Transportation Study requesting that the City adopt a requirement for dedication of rights -of -way for major streets and arterials if we do not already have such a requirement. The Secretary will check our present status concerning this situation. 5. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Budget It was brought to the Commission's attention that it had neglected to include any moneys for contingencies in its budget request. MOTION WAS MADE by Bost, seconded by Spears, that the Commission amend its budget request by adding $4 00.00 for contingencies. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 11,35 p.m. Secretary Approved: 6L �"''t 1q%3 FPZC-M-8-9-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION August 9, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Thursday, August 9, 1973 at the Friendswood City Hall. Chairman C. C. Bost presidedi called to order at 705 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Clyde Raney James Shore 1, MINUTES MEMBERS ABSENT Charles Coe Robert Phillips Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. July 199 1973 -- Approved after the following correction: On page two, Phillips, not Raney made the motion to approve the sign. August 2, 1973 - Approved as presented. 2. HEARING Attachment Chairman Bost called to order the hearing regarding the changing #1 of the wording of the zoning ordinance 174. He asked if there were any members of the audience who wished to speak in regard to the zoning ordinance. There were no replies. He asked once again and once again there was no response from the audience. Since no controversial issues had been raised regarding the rewording, it was agreed by common consent to make a decision on the recommendation at once. Mrs. North stated that it had been brought to her attention that there was duplication in the addition of oil wells to the specific use list, since similar ideas were listed under the paragraph begining with the word "Mining." After some discussion, it was agree to combine the two wordings by substituting "as specified by Council" for the present word "none" under Parking Ratio, and preceding the wording contained in the paragraph starting with the word "mining" with the words "Oil wells and related structures." The wording "in any district" remains the same. MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Raney, that the Commission recommend approval of the proposed changes in the Zoning Ordinance #174 with the modification of wording as indicated above. Motion passed unanimously. 3. INFORMATION REPORTS Information Reports were delayed until later in the agenda by common consent. LThey were never gotten back to.] 2 FPZC-M-8-9-73 4. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Crown Petroleum Mr. W. E. Mattingly, Mr. Bill McAndrews, Requests Specific and Mr. 0. K. Haynie of Crown Petroleum were Use Permit present to discuss the procedure for obtaining a specific use permit, since it had been recently brought to their attention that this should be done. Additional requirements may be applicable when the pipeline ordinance is passed, but Mr. Raney did not feel that there would be any conflict between the two procedures. A general exchange of information followed. There was a general feeling among Commission members that Crown Central should not have to ask for a specific use permit for each individual well, but that a blanket specific use permit to cover the 3000 acres owned by Crown Central was not practical. either. It was agreed by all concerned that a good starting point would be a request covering the thirteen acres on which Crown Central is now drilling and on which they eventually would like to move their tank batteries. The Railroad Commission requires forty surface acres per well. MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Raney, that a hearing regarding the granting of a specific use permit on the thirteen acre Crown Central tract for oil wells and related structures be called for September 6 if the City Secretary can get the information in the paper in times September 13 to be the date, if she cannot. Hearing time to be 8:00 P.M. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Two copies of the Request for Rezoning form were given to the representatives to submit with the proper legal description and the $40.00 hearing fee. action Notice on the hearing date should be sent to Mr. Bill'McAndrews, c/o Crown Central Petroleum, 1400 First City East Building, Houston 77002, 5. BUILDIN PERMITS Sun Meadow Mr. Ken W. Sewell, 4545 Post Oak Place, Seven -Eleven 626-7411, of John Baker Investments and Real Store Estate who is owner of the tract, presented a request for a building permit for a Seven - Eleven store and other space for lease on a lot in the newly rezoned area just south of Sun Meadow Drive. The proposed building contained 6600 square feet and was built at right angles to F. M. 518. 3- FPZC-M-8-9-73 Several problems were discussed with Mr. Sewell, including inadequate set -back, but the main problem was a lack of relation to the adjoining tracts. The Commission is desirous of comprehensive planning regarding individual. building tracts and had previously talked with Mr. Bob Atkinson in this regard when the requests for rezoning were presented. Mr. Sewell was directed to contact Mr. Bill Crawford, the developer of the land, and Mr. Crawford may contact the Commission. The Chairman would lake -to see a plat of theentire section of commercial before malting a decision. AGENDA The Secretary gave Mr. Sewell two copies of the "Information to Accompany Building Permit" form. He will be put on next week's agenda. 6. MORE MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Hidden Valley Dr. C. Boone appeared after having been referred Road Abandonment to the Commission at Monday's Council meeting in regard to his request to abandon certain roads in an unplatted subdivision referred to as Hidden Valley. He stated that he had first asked the County, who said it was within the City's jurisdiction. The City Council then Attachment referred him to the Commission. He presented the 2 copy of the deed to the commission which describes the roads by metes and bounds. Mrs. forth stated that it was her understanding, after talking with Attorney B. J. Hooks who is assisting City Attorney 0. K. Jerden, that the reason he felt that Dr. Boone needs an attorney is that the land was not dedicated to the County or the City, but was dedicated for the use of the public and he did not see how the City could give away the public's land. In addition, the Commission is authorized to vacate subdivisions (and their streets) which have been plated, but this subdivision never was. Spears asked when the street was dedicated. Dr. Boone thought January or December. Dr. Boone had ceased selling lots at the request of the Council after Council became aware of the unplatted subdivision. Dr. Boone was directed to bring back a map of the road (subdivision), marked and dated, with a Letter requesting the abandonment. At-'-chment Rezoning Request Mr. W. B. Wood presented a request for rezoning ,,-) Whitaker -Wood along with the $40.00 hearing fee for that port co"'x L..8It) Shopping Center of a tract of land bordered by Magnolia, 81-10-73 Morni_ngsi.de, and Friendswood Drive which is not already zoned C-1 in order to build a shopping center. 4 Concern was expressed by general that the shopping according to plan if the FPZC-M-8-9-73 the Commission in center procede area is to be rezoned. BP## Whit,..iker-Wood It was agreed to approve the shopping center as Attachment 305 S. Friendswood a whole in conjunction with the request for a #4 building permit. After discussion ,it was agreed that parking along Magnolia should be 45 degree parking, and that the interior parking should be either 45 or 60 degree, parking, which would permit the two smaller buildings to be moved further away from Magnolia in order to allow off-street parking between the buildings and Magnolia. No more than one entrance and exit to the parking by each building off Magnolia will be permitted. Also, parking spaces at the Morningside end will be eliminated in order to provide a turn -around without going out on Morningside. A copy of this plan as modified was "red-linen"and initialed and is filed as Attachment A. Attachment The request for a building permit for the #5 first phase was granted with the above parking modifications. MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Raney, that a public hearing be called regarding the rezoning of that part of the Whitaker -Wood tract at 305, 307 and 309 S. Friendswood Drive that is not already C-1 from its present designation of R-2 to C-1. Hearing to be held Action on September 6, 1973, with September 13 to be f"o1344- the alternate date if the public notice cannot be made in time for September 6. Time to be 8:30 P.M. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. MORE BUILDING PERMITS Village Interiors The Secretary stated that she had been in contact with the owners of Village Interiors who had been told they did not need an entrance permit from the Highway Department. The Secretary had then contacted Mr. John Lipscomb, who confirmed that the Highway Department is willing to leave cuts in curb.. and gutter streets up to the local authorities since drainage is: not involved. He expressed an opinion, when asked by the Secretary, that twenty Foot should be the very minimum width for entrances and exits. The Secretary reported that the parking spaces had been modified as requested, as had the sign, and that she felt the permit could be approved with the exception that the entrance and exit widths be widened to twenty feet and a larger radius put on the entrance curves. An extended discussion followed ragrding the radius and 5 FPZC-M-8-9-73 whether it was proper to allow the extension of the radius in front of the adjoining property. MOTION WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Raney, to accept the plan "as is"(sixteen foot entrances, small radii on entrance and exit). MOTION FAILED UNANIMOUSLY, MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, to send the drawings back for correction, with (1) driveways to be widened to 20', and (2) entrance driveway (on right) to be moved inward from property line to keep radius within the property line extension. MOT10N PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, 8. SUBDIVISIONS Polly Ranch Although not on the agenda, Mr. Billy McAninch Estates and Mr. Don McAninch and Mr. Jim Gartrell appeared to ask approval of the Preliminary Plan. Mr. McAninch reported that City Manager Morgan stated that everything was fine and ready to go. North questioned the accuracy of this reportp since she was aware of several problems, most noticeably the lack of any street and drainage plans or profiles. Mr. !f,anneth Toon stated that he had been asked by the City Manager to attend to discuss water and sewer problems inherent in the subdivision. Circulation Plan. Mrs. North mentioned that the subdivision did not conform to the general comprehensive circulation plan. Mr. McAninch thought that the arterial through the subdivision had been eliminated when Bay Area Boulevard had been re-routed. The Secretary produced maps which had been recently received from the Houston -Galveston Regional Transportation Study which indicated that the arterial through Polly Ranch still existed from Blackhawk Boulevard on toward the Alvin area. Townhouses. Mr. Raney emphasized that he was wholeheartedly against the building of 500 townhouses in theis subdivision as indicated by the reserves. N FPZC-M-8-9-73 Water and Sewer. Mr. Toon stated that he questioned the distance between fire hydrants They should be closer together. Mrs. North asked Mr. Toon if the water pressure would be adequate in the subdivision. Mr. Toon asked if she were asking this as a Fire Deparment member. Mrs. North stated that she was asking as a Planning Commissioner and would lake an answer. Mr. Toon said the answer was "No." Another water well would be needed. A discussion followed with Councilman Patton, who was then present, joining in, regarding the obligation of the City to provide utilities (immediately) if they are needed by a proposed subdivision. Mrs. North asked Mr. Toon (speaking as a Planning Commissioner) whether the sewer lines were adequate to serve the aditional load of the proposed subdivision. Mr. Toon felt that there would be problem at the point where the subdivision engineor had proposed they should go. In addition, Mrs. North questioned how the sewer lines were to get from the subdivision to the propocod hook-up with the City lines, if they were to go through someone's lot and who was to get them there. Mr. Billy McAninch stated that he had been told by the City that they would bring the lanes to the subdivision. Upon further questioning it was broughtout that the distance the line had to be carried was 1300 feet. North wondered if the City was to provide the right-of-way also. Councilman Patton stated that he had had the impression that only a few houses were to be built on Oak Drive and that he considered "to the subdivision" to be at the cattle guard on Leisure .Lane where the line would have been sufficient in size to take care of the few houses that he had envisioned. Streets. Mr. Bost stated that the streets needed to be approved by the County. Mrs. North questioned this, but said she had no objection so long as he was not saying that the Commission had no jurisdiction. He said that the Commission would also see the plans. Mr. Gartrell stated that the street plans had been given to the County last week and should be out in two weeks. Other on Non -Compliance. The Secretary stated that she had checked the plans when they I Fpzc-M-8-9-73 were first submitted two weeks ago and had found so many areas of noncompliance that she felt the subdivision should not be considered until there was more effort made to comply. 9. ADJOURNMENT The Secretary left at 12:15. Spears had already left. Shgre left about 12,34. "Usually reliable sources"have informed the Secretary that the discussion was still going at 2 a.m. No further formal business was transacted. Secretary Approved:" MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION August 16, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall on Thursday, August 16, 1973. Chairman C. C. Bost called the meeting to order at 7:55 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Charles Coe Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North Robert Phillips Clyde Raney Jim Shore A. Minutes of previous meeting were not avialable. B. Information Report: Oil well and pipe line ordinance - reported by Clyde Raney. a) Negotintions with oil company attorneys concerning "grand father clause" are proceeding. PRopUT Y b) Noise limitation requirements (60 db at/proposed ordinance) are objected to buy at least one company. Exxon has stated they can live with proposed noise limitation. One company would like 87 db at 200 feet. c) Raney distributed pamphlet "Urban Planning and Noise Control" to members. C. Village Interiors - proposed building/parking layout submitted for approval. a Presented by 1) Marie Dawson 332 St. Cloud Dr. Friendswood 2) Doris Miller 145 St. Andrews Dr. Friendsw000d b) Drawing showing proposed layout submitted. c) Commission requested that driveways have radii added to interior edges of driveway. (No radii requested on exterior edges). Also, "entry" and "exit" are to be so indicated, with exit to be driveway farthest from stoplight at intersection at FM 518 and FM 2351. d) The two representatives agreed to requested changes, and the drawing was marked to reflect changes. e) Raney moved for approval, Spears seconded Vote to approve way unanimous. f) Mr. Bost signed drawing for Planning Commission and drawing is here with attached to minutes. D. Sun Meadow Convience Center _ Drawing of proposed convenience store/parking lot submitted for approval. a) Presentation made by: K. W. Sewell - 4545 Post Oak Place, representing Johnny Baker in- terests. Robert Atkinson -- 5051 Westheimer, Suite 1580, Houston representing Edminster, Hinshaw & Assoc. b) Atkinson made slide presentation and presented Commission with a booklet entitled "Parking Study for the City of Friendswood," prepared by his firm. c) Discussion followed. Centered access to parking lot off FM 528, trash pick-up, traffic flow in parking lot, and appearance of unit. d) Raney moved for approval of plans, Sprears seconded, contingent on following conditions being met: 1) Building set -back increased to 30 feet. 2) Back fence will be erected by Johnny Baker and will remain in place until adjacent building is erected. 3) Permanent trash storage area will be provided for on west end of building. 4) Plan will be revised to show a minimun of 24 parking places. Motion to approve passed, 4 to 1, Shore dissenting. e) Raney moved, Spears seconded, that revised drawings may be submitted to Chairman for his signature prior to submitting revised drawings to Building Inspector for building permit. (No drawings were left with Planning Commission and no documentationas to agreement on fence, etc.). MoToid AQpYove(t ) y To 1 Shore d I S _ QQKtt'tcj . f) Raney moved, Spears seconded, that Secretary list in minutes reasons for dissenting on previous motion. Motion passed unanimously. Acting Secretary Shore here with gives reasons for dissenting vote. 1) Lack of documentation as to agreement on tense. 2) No drawing showing requested revisions was made available for Commission records putting Chairman Bost in position of acting for entire commission when drawings are re -submitted. E) Polly Ranch Estates - Preliminary plat. 1 Presentation made by: a) Billy McAninch, 74 Oak Drive, representing Polly Ranch Estates, Inc. b) Don McAninch, Pearland, Texas, representing Polly Ranch Estates, Inc. c) Jim Gartrell, representing Gulf Coast Engineering. 2) Preliminary plat with to o and flood plain (outlined with yellow marker on drawing submitted along with 3 sets of restrictions. These exhibits are attached here with as part of these minutes. 3) Bost stated that City Engineer Haney had told him that streets and drainage are acceptable and if county approves streets and drainage he can accept their approval. 4) Shore objected to considering preliminary without a letter from City Engineer stating adequacy of sewage and water. 5) Spears questioned building in floodway, also questioned elevation of streets. 6) D. McAninch stated that Polly Ranch Estates, Inc. would write the Planning Commission a letter giving total number of townhouses in each reserve, i.e. 125 in "A" 21 in "B" 144 (total) in C, D, E, & F. Also stated that limitation could be placed in deed. 7) Raney questioned air strip specifications D. McAninch stated that FAA approval will be obtained. Raney also questioned noise level associated with air strip. D. McAninch stated FAA also questioned noise but has stated that noise level is acceptable. F) Dow Pipeline G) Fox Meadows 8) Shore requested that a 150' easement be granted from center line of Clear Creek and a 40' easement be granted from center line of Chigger Creek. Request not granted. 9) Phillips moved, Spears seconded, that preliminary plat of Polly Ranch Estates be approved contingent upon: a) Receipt of letter stating townhouse limitation on reserves A, B, C, D, E, & F. b) Definition of floodway and building restrictions there in. 10) Additional discussion followed. a) D. McAninch stated that a letter to the Secretary of HUD requesting exemption of HUD regulation has been submitted. b) Shore questioned state highway plans in Polly Ranch area. No records available to show that state has agreed to make highway out of area. 11) Vote on Phillips move to approve. Passed 4 to 1, Shore dissenting. a) Bost will notify William Decker, attorney for Dow, that oil well and pipeline ordinance is under study by City of Friendswood. b) Bost will provide Decker with copy of ordinance and will advise Decker to make application for "Specific Use", as provided for in ordinance. a) A report that the drainage ditches in Fox Meadows are too deep and too narrow to be maintained was discussed briefly. b) Spears moved, Raney seconded, that Secretary send memo to City Manager Morgan, requesting that the City Engineer check this matter and report back to Planning Commission. Motion passed unanimously. Copy of memo to City Manager attached here with. Meeting adjourned at 1:45 A.M. Ijes tf u 7�mi tted , im_Share, Acting Secretary Attachments 1) Marked -up print of Village Interiors building/parking lot. 2) Print of Polly Ranch Estates preliminary plan. 3) 3 sets of subdivision restrictions of Polly Ranch Estates. 4) Memo to City Manager on Fox Meadow drainage ditches. FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS TO: City Manager FROM: Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Sign and Billboard Ordinances The Planning and Zoning Commission requests that the proposed Sign and Billboard Ordinance appear on the agenda of a meeting of the City Council at the earliest possible date. James B. Shore Acting Secretary Planning & Zoning Comm. JBS:mw City Manager Planning Commission Drainage Ditches in Fox Meadows An observation was made at the Aug. 16, meeting of the Planning Commission that the drainage ditches in Fox Meadows are so deep and narrow that it will be difficult, if not impossible to maintain them properly. Please ask the City Engineer to check on this and relay his information back to us. Thank You. Friendswood Planning & zoning Commission Jim Shore, Acting Secretary P.S. Attached are the minutes of the Aug. 16, 1973 meeting. Please note the action concerning. 1. Village Interiors. 2. Sun Meadow Convenience Center 3. Polly Ranch Estates MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION August 23, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall on Thursday, August 23, 1973. Chairman C. C. Bost called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. Members Present Members Absent C. C. Bost, Chairman Leah North Tracy Spears, Vice-Chm. Charles Coe Robert Phillips Clyde Raney Jim Shore A. Minutes: August 9, 1973 - Approved as read August,2314,1973 - Approved with two substantive changes: a)B)br parenthesis should read (60 db at nearest residential property line in proposed ordinance) b)D)e) Add - Motion approved, 4 to 1, Shore dissenting B. Application for Building Permit: a) Rayford Trucks submitted drawings for a detached garage to be added to existing home on Spreading Oaks. b) Raney moved, Spears seconded, that application be approved if building set -back from side property line is increased from two to three feet. Vote to approve was unanimous. c) Chairman Bost signed drawings and will pass same to City Building Inspector. d) No drawings retained for files. C. Application for Building Permit: a) Mrs. Gerald Steen submitted drawings for an addition of a playroom and garage to existing residence on Shadowbend. b) Raney moved, Spears seconded, that application be approved. Vote to approve was unanimous. No drawings retained for files. D. Fox Meadows Subdivisio a) Drainage ditch observed by Bost and Heaney on site. Bost reported that ditch appears to be about 12 feet wide and 4 feet deep. (This deviates from approved plans). b) Bost will meet with City Engineer Heaney and Bogren (Engineer for Subdivi- sion) and work out drainage, then report back to Planning Commission for okay. (No definitive action was taken on this matter). c) A letter (herewith attached to these minutes) was received from the Texas Highway Department acceding to the suggestion from the Planning Commission that the entrance to Fox Meadow Subdivision be returned to its location as shown on the plans as originally approved. Phillips is to contact Poorman at the Highway Department Office and.request--that grating on-cul-vents—be• el-imi nated Diss cusT µelP_ uti:v� RG6A RDING G CfiT)N'6 o N TKE CUI VeRTt . /11-1 491— E. Polly Ranch Estates Subdivision - Final Plans: a) Presentation made by: 1) Don McAninch, representing Polly Ranch Estates, Inc. 2) James Gartrell, representing Gulf Coast Engineering. b) City Manager Morgan stated City Administration views: 1) Administration and Council aware of inadequacy of water and sewerage. This problem is not concern of Planning Commission. 2) Presented letter from City Engineer Heaney, stating that streets and drainage meet City's generally accepted criteria (This letter is attached herewith as a part of these minutes). c) Letter received from Polly Ranch Estates, Inc. stating maximum number of town houses in each reserve. Letter also states that building con- struction will be disallowed in area within 150 feet of center line of Clear Creek (Letter attached herewith to these minutes). d) Raney expressed views: my' Yi(-NViIVCW 1) FAA does not take noise problems into consideration. FHA does}"0,-rTnAT- noise level between hours of 11 P.M. and 7 A.M. is important. (McAninch stated that a Mr. Curry at FAA sees no problem with air strip in Subdivision. 2) FHA will not insure loans on homes in a subdivision that contains air strip. Conventional home insurance can be obtained in such a sub- division. e) Spears expressed views (in writing - attached herewith as part of minutes). In summary, he approves of the general layout and plans, with the except- ion of lack of drainage easement. He feels that a 150 foot drainage ease- ment is necessary to provide access for maintenance equipment along the creek f) Copy of letter from Gartrell (Gulf Coast Engineer) to Superintendent Toon presented by Gartrell to show compliance with Toon's recommendation as to water and sewer in Polly Ranch (Copy attached herewith). At present, there is no easement to a future Plant #3 (if and when built), but Gartrell explained there is adequate room along side of the air strip. g) According to Morgan, the City desires an extra 25 feet Row on Leisure Lane (60' total). McAninch feels that parties on both sides of road should contribute equally. They are willing to negotiate. -2- h) Marvin Bacon, visitor, expressed his views: 1) Wants adequate water and sewerage in subdivision. 2) Wants adequate easement for good maintenance along creeks. 3) Questions sewer line under air strip. Both McAninch and Gartrell say this is not a problem. 0 Discussion then centered on drainage: l) Spears proposal accepted i.e., that a 150' permanent easement, shown on plat and dedicated to public for drainage purposes only, be established along Clear Creek. The terms of this easement must be approved by the City Attorney and the Planning Commission. Shore stated that he feels that a similar 40 foot easement along Chigger Creek is a necessity. McAninch and Gartrell agreed to this. D. McAninch stated that Billy McAninch, President of Polly Ranch Estates, Inc. would have to concur in any agreement concerning easement. (Agreement would prohibit any permanent structures in easement and allow regular maintenance operations by a governmental agency; channel rectification and/or major construction for drainage purposes would not be permitted. j) Phillips moved, Spears seconded, that final approval be given to the plans for Polly Ranch Estates contingent on the following conditions being met: 1) A satisfactory maintenance easement agreement on Clear and Chigger Creek being reviewed and accepted by the City Attorney. 2) Preliminary plans must be signed by: a) City Engineer b) Superintendent of Utility Department c) Chief of Fire Department d) Chief of Police Department Note: The sewer and water question is understood to be a City Administration/ City Council responsibility and is not subject to review by Planning Commission. Motion passed, 4 to 1, Raney dissenting, citing safety of runway as principal concern. F) Oil Well Ordinance: Raney moved, Spears seconded, that oil well and pipe line ordinance be presented to City Council for action. Motion passed unanimously. G) Sign Ordinance: All members feel that this ordinance should be placed on City Council agenda. The acting secretary was instructed to write a met -no to the City Manager, -3- reflecting this feeling. (Memo written and attached herewith). Respectfully submitted, James B. Shore Acting Secretary JBS:mw Attachments 1) Letter from State Highway Dept. to Planning Comm. 2) Copy of letter from Heaney to Morgan 3) Letter from Polly Ranch Estates, Inc. to Planning Comm. 4) Spears written views on Polly Ranch Estates Subdivision 5) Copy of letter from Gartrell to Toon 6) Memo to City Manager concerning Sign & Billboard Ord. e6vwAto6: au -4- FPZC-M-8-30-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION August 30, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at City Hall on Thursday, August 30, 1973. Chairman C. C. Bost presided, calling the meeting to order at 700 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Robert Phillips Clyde Raney AUDIENCE MEMBERS ABSENT Charles Coe James Shore Thomas Lay, 6435 N. Heywood, Houston, 643-3481 Alicia Lay, 6435 N. Heywood, Houston, 643-3481 Ted Bogren, Municipal Engineering Co. 1. MINUTES August 23, 1973 - Approved with the following correctionso Page One: Minutes, Change August 23 to August 16. Page Twoi Fox Meadows S/D, last sentence. Phillips is to contact Poorman at the Highway Department Office and Lrequest that grating on culverts be eliminated discuss their views regarding rang on the culverts. Polly Ranch S/D, d), 1). Second sentence. FHA does L,7s Land] Mt. McAninch stgted that noise level between hours of 11 P.M. and 7 A. M. is important. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS A. Pipeline Ordinance. The Pipeline Ordinance will be put on First Reading next week. B. Subdivision Ordinance. Mr. Raney recommended that we workshop this ordinance. He will not support it as written. Mrs. North stated that she was not willing to spend any more time on a Subdivision Ordinance which we ignore anyway. Mr. Raney stated that we should make a notation in our procedures that any subdivision involving a state road access should have State approval. Chairman Bost stated that he would entertain a motion setting a date for the workshop. 2 FPZC-M-8-39-73 MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Spears, to review the Subdivision Ordinance on September 13. Fort Bost, Spears, Raney, Phillips. Againsts North MOTION PASSED, C. Flood Insurance Ordinance. Nothing new. D. Sign Ordinance. A report from the City Secretary states that stencils are being cut and copies will be distributed and posted at next Council meeting. First reading possible on September 17. E. Rezoning in Sun Meadow area. A report from the City Secretary states that Ord. #183 rezoning areas to R-2 and Ord. #184 rezoning areas to C-1 as recommended by the Commission had their final readi ngs on August 20. FILE CLOSED. F. Rezoning of High School. The City Secretary questioned whether a hearing had been held. Mr. Raney researched his minutes and noted that Commission minutes of Action March 10 1973 refer to this. The Commission Attachment Secretary was instructed to write a memo to the #1 City Manager bringing this to his attention and asking that it be placed on the agenda of Council for action. G. Rezoning of Cecil Brown tracts. The rezoning of the 16 acres to Commercial and the 300' by 300' tract to the Specific Use as a Pulbic Fire Station completed two hearings, but has been on "hold" pending resolution of restrictions in deed on the fire station property, according to the City Secretary's report. Agenda H. Coward Creek Subdivision. Action on this will be put on next Action week's agenda. The Commission had previously voted to withhold signatures on this until it had been looked at by the Commission. (When the subdivision was approved, the final linen had not yet been drawn, so the Commission has not seen it previously.) I. Renwick S/D. The City Manager stated that it had been signed by the Mayor, but not yet filed. J. Heritage Estates S/D* Deed restriction have not yet been received by the City, so has not yet been filed. The City Manager has told Mrs. North that he has reminded the Engineer (Gartrell) of the fact. The Secretary was directed to write a memo to Action Council Representative Zeitler calling this lack Attachment of action to his attention. #2 K, Fox Meadows S/D. Chairman Bost stated that Engineer Bogren would arrive soon and the matter was postponed until thex I FPZC-M-8-30-73 L. Polly Ranch estates. The City Manager stated that the Police Department has no objection to the plat, also that the Fire Chief (McClure) says that it is workeable, although he would like to see more fire hydrants. It appears that nothing can be done at the site until the sewer plan for the region is complete which will be eighteen months at a minimum. The Secretary stated that she is not willing to sign this plat attesting that it was properly approved. Reasons stated for her position included that fact that is was given preliminary approval on a night that it did not appear on •the agenda as other that a status item (since the street and drainage plans had not been submitted), that the agenda for that meeting had not been posted for the required three days prior to the meeting, that the Commission had no record of what they had approved, (The Secretary had asked the Commission for these records for the files on her return from vacation.), that both procedures and requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance had been ignored, that no provision had been made for •the arterial street. The Chairman asked that this statement be put in the minutes. The Secretary agreed to do this. M. Rewording of Zoning Ordinance. The City Manager reported that the Council had discussed certain changes in wording, particularly in regard to the Board of Adjustment, but that Assistant to the City Attorney B. J. Hooks had said that a new hearing would be needed if this were done. The City Secretary's report indicated that the Council's feeling seemed to be that they would let the original wording go in this case. N. Request for specific use - Crown Central. Public Notice has been given for a hearing on September 6. 0. Request for rezoning - 305, 307, 309 Morningside. (These numbers should be more like 304, 306, and 308. ) Public notice has been given for a hearing on September 6. P. A&M Planning Commissioner's Seminar on Planning of Street Systems. Mrs. North was the only Commissioner able to attend this seminar, which she said was very much worthwhile and current regarding our street planning problems. FPZC-M--8-39-73 MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Spears, that the Secretary type her report for presentation. FORT Bost, Spears, Phillips, Raney. AGAINST& North. MOTION PASSED. Mrs. North stated that there were three books highly recommended by the participants in this session, two of which we do not Have. MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Spears, that the Commission buy the follwoing books: Community Builder's Hgndbook, published by the Urban Land Institute at about $25.00, and Guidelines for Medial and Margingl Access Control. on Major Roadwgy_s at about $6.2O.(The third book, which we have, is Princinlep and Practices of Urban Planning.) MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Q. National Investors Hedge. Mr. Raney gave the Secretary a report Attachment n from Viola Bost which he had not given to #3 her at a previous meeting. MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Spears, that a letter be sent to Mr. Duncan of Faetchie Construction, requesting a survey showing building locations, lot line, and easement. (Mr. Bost had stated that he felt the easement where they propoeed to pla place the hedge had been covered with asphalt.) MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 3, SUBDIVISIONS. Fox Meadows Mr. Ted Bogren, Engineer, and Mr. Thomas Lay, Entrance President of T&R Development, were present. Mr. Bost stated that he had discussed the entrance with Spears and Phillips. Mr. Phillips reported that he had talked with Mr. Lipscomb of the Highway Department, and had mentioned that the letter from them had not mentioned the headwall. The Department said that the letter did not mean the developer did not have to put the safety grill in. The only way the Department would consider dropping this requirement would be if the Commission would give a letter stating that the safety features were not necessary and the Commission would assume the risk. We would have accidents there. The Department is putting these everywhere now. FPZC-M-8-30-73 Mr. Phillips stated that he thoughtthe grating problem was between the Highway Department and Mr. Bogren. Chairman Bost agreed that this is the position he would take also, that he would not sign such a letter. Mr. Spears would not, either. Chairman Bost stated that he had looked over the present entry and felt it to be a matter of opinion whether moving the entry fifty feet would imporve it or not. He would not object to leaving the entry where it is, but that the "headwall" was between Bogren and the State. Mr. Lay interjected that he did not think it was the business of the Commission to deal with engineering drawings. Whether a bridge was drawn into a plat or not was not the Commission's responsibility. Our interest was in lot sizes, etc. MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Spears, that the Commission require the entrance to Fox Meadows Subdivision to be constructed in the location as shown in the plans originally approved by the Planning Commission and the City, and that the Commission would not interfere with the Highway Department requirement for a grated headway. FUR: Spears, North. AGAINST: Bost, Phillips, Raney. MOTION FAILED. MOTION WAS MADE by Phillips, seconded by Raney, that the Commission leave the entrance where it is as originally required by the Highway Department. FOR: Bost, Phillips, Raney. AGAINST: Spears, North. MOTION PASSED. �4. ADJOURNMENT At 9:30 P.M. the Secretary had to leave to attend a drainage meeting. The Secretary understands that no further official business was conducted after this time and prior to adjournment. C Secretary Approved= , t Zv ��7.� MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRILNDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION September 13, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall on Thursday, September 13, 1973. Chairman C. C. Bost called the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M. Members present: C. C. Bost, Chairman Members Absent: Charles Coe Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North Robert Phillips Clyde Raney Jim Shore A. Minutes of the previous meeting were not available. B. Chairman Bost stated that no agenda had been posted so no order of business was available. C. City Manager Morgan appeared before Commission and discussed several items: 1. Joint meeting of City Council - Planning & Zoning Commission. Morgan presented a letter from him to P&Z Commission apprising commission of City Council's desire of joint meeting. (Letter herewith attached to minutes). Date of meeting will be decided at next meeting of P&Z Commission. 2. Commercial Building on FM 518 being built by John Taylor, Builder. Appearance of building bear no resemblance to elevation plans approved by P&Z Commission. Plat and floor plan may or may not agree with approved drawings. Nevertheless, City Building In- spector issued building permit for metallic building as is now being constructed. Morgan requested some advice on how to pro- ceed as he is unsure of legality of P&Z Commission's authority as to architectural control. Raney asked that item appear on next week's agenda and Morgan was requested to ask Mr. Hooks, City Attorney, to attend meeting and see what action can be taken. Bost agreed to contact Hooks prior to meeting and discuss matter with him and then ask Taylor to attend meeting if situation warrants. 3. Availability of additional administrative help from Cit . With a change in the tax office set-up, Morgan feel that Mr. Cline may have time to review some building permit applications. P&Z Com- mission agrees that such assistance is needed but for time being wants to retain control over C-1 permits and subdivision planning. 4. Cowart Creek Subdivision - Chairman Bost signed final plat pursuant to Commission's action of June 28, 1973 and subsequent re -work. Drawings given to City Manager Morgan for recording. 5. Commissioner Raney requested that a discussion with the City Attor- ney concerning National Investors/Captain's Corner and their non- compliance with P&Z Commissions requests be placed on next weeks agenda. R pectful1y Submitted, James B. Shore Attachments: Letter from City Manager Morgan to P&Z Commission mw FPZC-M-9-20-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION September 20, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at Friendswood City Hall on Thursday, September20, 1973. Vice -Chairman Tracy Spears, presiding in the absence of Chairman C. C. Bost, called the meeting to order to 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Leah North, Secretary Robert Phillips Clyde Raney James B. Shore AUDIENCE MEMBERS ABSENT C. C. Bost, Chairman Charles Coe Members of the audience who signed the attendance sheet were: Gerry Knight, Workman-Banfield REalty Andrew Knight Harold Whitaker W. R. Simpson 1. MINUTES August 30, 1973 - Approved as presented. 2. INFORMATION REPORTS A. Pipeline Ordinance: Passed second reading. B. Sign Ordinance: First Reading to be next Monday. C. Heritage Estates: No new action. D. Mustang Meadows Subdivision: Approved by Council, contingent on a list of requirements. E. High School REzoning: No new action. F. Cecil Brown 16 acre rezoning request, R-1 to C-1: Tabled since August 6. G. Fire Station site: Tabled since August 6. H. Annexation, area of Longwood Park and Jones estate: Passed third and final reading last Monday. 2 FPZC-M-9-20-73 I. Zoning Ordinance Amendent of Wording: Passed first reading with no modification. Attorney is checking to see if can change wording without another hearing. 3. BUILDING PERMITS Attachment #2 No building permits were submitted to the Commission. A list of building permit permits issued during August was received through the City Manager. It was noted that several residential permits were issued in areas where the 100-year flood level had not been delineated. Vice -Chairman Spears suggested that Jim Shore check with the City Manager and determine what data is being used to determine the flood level. He also stated that the information be passed on that the Commission was recommending that slabs be built at least 18" above the road level where practical in order to avoid flooding problems. 4. SUBDIVISIONS No subdivisions were discussed. 5. OTHER ROUTINE BUSINESS Wood -Whitaker After considerable dicussion the hearing held on Rezoning September 6, 1973, MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that the Commission recommend to the Council that the Wood -Whitaker tract be rezoned from R-2 to C-1. MOTION PASSED by a vote of 3 to 2. For: Spears, Raney, North. Against: Phillips, Shore. Shore stated that he had reservations regarding our being able to hold development of the property to the plan presented. He used the current illustration of the Taylor building permit, which we approved as an old English style, and is being built in modern metallic. Raney stated that his vote for indicated his feeling that the lgnd was better zoned as C-1 Business than for R-2, Multiple Family. Attachment # Simpson Apartments Mr. W. R. Simpson was present to have his apartment #3 plat approved by the Commission. He was infprmed of the City Manager's letter of September 14, 1973, stated that all requests for Building Permits must first come to the City Hall at the office of the Building Official. Mr. Simpson was directed to Mr. Cline and reminded that in order to obtain a building permit that he must present building construction plans. Fire Station Gerry Knight of Workman-Banfield Realty, asked Rezoning what an owner would be allowed to do with some 3 F'PZC-M-9-20-73 land across from the proposed fire station site. The owner would like to sell, but feels that he cannot present it for single-family use since it is across from the fire station. No action was taken. Taylor Building permit The question of the compliance of the Taylor (Building Permit Building near Chigger Creek was discussed. This Enforcement) building was submitted to the Planning Commission in the form of a two-story Old English style, office building. It is being constructed in "modern metallic," contrary to plans submitted to the Commission. Mrs. North reported that a rough check of the measurements indicated that the building was set back only 32 feet, instead of the 37.5 feet indicated in the survey and that the twenty feet required by the Commission off the back corner of the building apparently was only eighteen feet if the fence is on the property line. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that the Secretary be authorized to file a zoning complaint with the Zoning Administrator per Section 17 of Ordinance 174 in regard to the Taylor Building Plat violation of Section 10, Paragraph 9 of the Ordinance. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. National Investors The Secretary reported that no information had (ledge been received from Mr. Duncan although he had said he would send what information he had. Also, he had not returned any phone calls to his office. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by North, that the Commission request the City Manager to withhold Building Permits and any further Certificates of Compliance (temporary or otherwise) in the Captain's Corner Shopping Center. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Attachment Mr. Curtis, owner of National Investors should #1 of be informed that the Commission wants a survey 9-27-73 showing the lot line, building locations, water line easement and asphalt paving location. Attachment Commission/Council Mr. Raney referred to the memo from the City #4 Meeting Manager dated September 13 asking for a joint meeting with the Commission. MOTION WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Shore, that Council be invited to meet with the Commission on October 4 at 8 P.M. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 4 FPZC-M-9-20-73 Greenbriar/Briarmeadow A hearing having been held some time ago, Arterial Alternate MOTION WAS MADE. by Raney, seconded by Phillips, that the Commission accept the green route (Alternate #2) as the alternate route for the Greenbriar/Briarmeadow arterial as shown on the present comprehensive plan. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Attachment Council should be advised to obtain the required P;'1 120' right-of-way from the developers of Mustang Meadows before the subdivision is adopted. Action Sunset Drive Arterial Since the recommendation from the Houston -Galveston Proposal REgional Transportation engineer was that, if the second alternate route for the Greenbriar/ Briarmeadow arterial were chosen, then Sunset should be utilized as an arterial, also, the Secretary was instructed to contact the City Engineer Engineer and have him "red -line" the Sunset route in preparation for a public hearing. -: j,h Action Aerial Photos/TSHD MOTION WAS MADE by.-Rarre r, seconded by Phillips, to ask the Texas State Highway Department to bill us for the pictures which were used in their outlining of the recommended arterials. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Attachment Kallus encroachment on The Secretary was instructed to write a memo to #1 Quaker Drive R-O-W the City Manager to have someone meet with Mr. Kallus and explain the problem. Number needed to pass North suggested that the Commission require a action. majority vote of the members of the Commission to take action. The consensus of the Commission was that this was not necessary. Agenda timing The Secretary told the members to get agenda items to her by Sunday in order to have them on the agenda. 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the agenda, the meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M. Secretary �0tiazl'l'?75 Approved: 06V (,dam 06 FPZC-M-9-27r73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION September, 27, 1973 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, September 27, 1973 at the Friendswood City Hall. Because of a conflict with a special Council meeting called for the same time, the start of the Planning Commission meeting was delayed until 8330 P.M. when the Council Chambers were again available. Chairman C. C. Bost presided until he had to leave at 9:00 P.M. for a previous committment. Vice -Chairman Tracy Spears presided for the remainder of the evening. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT C. C, Bost, Chairman (until 9 P.M.) Charles Coe Tracy Spears, Vice -Chairman Ed Zeitler, Council Rep. Leah North, Secretary Robert Phillips Clyde Raney (until 9-P.M.) James Shore AUDIENCE Those who signed the attendance list included= Fred McAllister, 18222 Barbuda, Nassau Bay, 333--3590 Bernard Brooks, 6666 Chetwood, Houston, 664-b 45 Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Rauch, 109 W. Shadowbend, 482-1700 Harold E. Benson, 3O5 N. Shadowbend, 482-7633 Gerry Knight, Workman-Banfield Realtx, 482-3411 Army Knight, Meadow Lane (Co. Rd. 125 r 482-2423 1. MINUTES September 13, 1973 - Approved as presented. 2. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS By unanimous consent, Information Reports were delayed so that members of the audience having business with the Commission could be heard. National Investor's Mr. Bernard Brooks, an independent attorney Hedge representing National Investors presented a survey of the National Investors land and buildings dated November 28, 1973. It was pointed out to Mr. Brooks that the survey did not show the water easement or the asphalt paving line as requeted in a letter to National Investors from City Manager Mor an At 3hment dated September 21, 1973. (Attachment #1 Mr. Brooks stated that he thought he had come to show that the center had enough parking spaces to support a theater. He was not aware of any maintenance easement which had been given to the City. Mr. Sandy Hardin was no longer with z FPZC-M-9-27-73 National Investors as their attorney. Mrs. North said that she understood the City Manager to say that easement information had been given to the National Investors' attorney to draw up the legal document. Mr. Bost explained that National Investors agreed to give the wator easement in order to lay the water line on their side of the street. Since a sewer line was laid on that side of the street there was not enough room in the City easement to add the water line and stay the distance from the sewer line as required by the State. Mr. Brooks was also briefed on the background of the hedge. He stated, in response to a question by Mrs. North, that he was aware that no more building permits or Certificates of Zoning Compliance would be issued until the hedge question was cleared up. Mr. Brooks asked that a letter be sent to him listing the requirements of the hedge. The Commission concurred that this would be done. National Investors: Mr. Brooks and Mr. Fred McAllister then presented Twin a proposal for a twin theater in the Captain's Theater Chair shopping center. It was pointed out to Proposal them that 27 and probably 33 parking spaces as shown on their layout were not usable as parking spaces. (13 were shown in a loading dock area, 14 in an area which required maneauvering in a right-of-way, and 6 in an area which is possibly a delivery and garbage area.) In addition, the question was raised if the spaces in the main parking area were accurately represented. Mr. Brooks stated that they have a cross -over agreement with Safeway, whose parking lot coordinates with the National Investors site. Mr. Phillips requested that Mr. Brooks present a plan of the present stores and their use(s) and anticipated stores and their use(s). Mr. Brooks agreed to furnish this. So far as the theater itself was concerned, it would require a maximum of 200 cars, primarily at night when the other stores are closed, according to Mr. Brooks. Mrs. North commented on the apparent inadequacy of the exit widths and location, although Mr. Brooks assured her this was a standard design for twin theaters. (Mr. Bost and Mr. Raney left at 9 P.M.) Copies of theater proposal, Safeway survey, National Investors survey, NI site plan, letter e: Safeway encroac.hment retaine by Secretary. Filed under National. Investors. ram" f",1 -,Shia c Y.I + �vnr[ . P�" J `'��nt Ty. ,.4'z F paep aqq- pine " �"�� AGAJns aqa. So Adoo B spaou uoTssTwwoo aq!! 4Bq ����,Qrtit�/6 wTq TTaq- pine pooh •aW TT'aa TTTM RaVI-GaDGS aqs uo-rq.ov Gassvd NoiSoW •�aaut�u� 4-To eq:. pine AauJoQ.4.y -RI.To ag4. So suotutdo SO DutuTV!! qo 2uTpuad , ploq , uo 4.nd aq auozaa oa. ETTounoo oqq, o!.] uoTDBpuawwooea 944. a.-egq. *9uTaVQq aqa. JO uoTgeoTjT4.ou jadoad 2utp,zV99J puB VGJV a@3jVq.TgM-pooM aq:� So suotsuawtp agq. 2utpJVDaJ pasTBx uaaq anBq suoTIsenb a4.twT4•T20T qxq:. sJaptsuoo uoTsstwwoo 2uTuuBTd aqa. aauts„ q.Bg4. sdtTTTgd Wq papu000s 'qq.-IOM J�q "uorssnosTp .laii-ani egjv laavw sdM NoiloW -ATuo 404.axs s,4.0aq.Tgojv uB pine sTTBo so 4.0s B So sTsBq alp. uo �UTuoze.a papuowwooaa pvq am gBga. paq•e4.s Aav .oaoas aqs •pauozaj putT aqq. So suotsuawtp at{q. SO uoTPanb B sBM a.zagq, aouTs uoTssYwwoo aq� Jo u�zaouoo B aq pTnogs 4-T gEgq, �Tai gong -saw • ATuo SJOUAopuBT 944. JO waTgoad •e ao waTgOJd uoTsstwwo o B OEM sTgq. aogq.auM 04. sE saagwaw uoTsstwwoo aqD, PUoM uoTssnosTp awns SVM a,zags *aedtd 9114. ut pBaj p'eq t aqq. gBgM uug4. Jagq.o oulivaq aqq. SO uoTQ.'saT,TT!�ou ou Ptq PVq paq.v4.s osTB gonad • saw (•apBw OVA uoTSToap ogq. uagm 4.uasgB uaaq pleq 4.80g • jw q'sua. gonEH • saW oq. qno pa4.uTod OVA 9,1) •DuTUOZGa agq. uo UOTSToap DuTavag otTgnd aq* og, xotxd gsog •jyj oq usAT2 uaaq ptq uoT:petuaojuT sTuq. gxM:a p99.EQ.s osTB t{ontd *sJtq (•saagwaw uotsstwwoo oq. sgonuH aq:. 1�q paJanTTap uaaq ATsnoTna,zd Pvq '£Z6T 15Z a9gwajdas pogvp 'Jaq-q-aT V) •putT JaXB*TqM-pooM aga. So ROAJnS aq4. j�q Agaadoid JTag4. uo !.uawgoBoaoua us pa,zapTsuoo A044. q.vgm q sa4.oad oq. pea-eadd8 ' T-o off. DuTuoza.z JOS Z# papuawwooaJ ATa.uaoaa sBM goTgM x93lB4.TgM *,aW D.uawgotq.gy Put pooM •,zW 00. 2u22uoTeq puBT aua. o:. quaoeppB 2OuTuo20H sT puBT asogM lg3nB8 •Q •3 *saw put •jtq xaxB�-TqM-pooM LZOU uoq-snoH TZ aq-Tns punwgoTH IM7 s.zoq.sanuT TBuoT4,BN o/a : sT ssaappv •OOpeq au!. 2uTnTonuT 84.uawaxinboa auk 2uzq.siT la4.4-aT eqq. oq. pappt aq ,aa:.Bauq-. agq. JOj poaTsap uoT+,jV uoiq.vwjojuT TvuoTglVp-e 4.Bq� pa:panboa sxoo,ag •,zW U-lz-6-W-ozd3 r -JVGS sTgq. jo le xagwaoaa 04. JOTjd :.Twxad DuTpTTnq sTg pu-e aouviTdwoo jo a��eoT, T�xa� sTg s4.92 au JT PTTnq ,�Vw au 4.Eg4, �WT4,V4.s Ja:.4.91 v uosdwTS oxW quas svg 19 xagwaq daS uo 2uT,4.aaw jaq jp ' a.uawq snepy So PJVO9 agq. gvgq. pa�aodax jxvgaaoaS agy *4.uaw:.xedd uosdwTS of •U&XV4, svm UoT4.0'e ou 14.uasaid 4.ou spm pine aTgnoxa. xea pieg p-eg Saujoggv xno pine 4.uosajd 4.ou stm joTSvl •jW aouTS • ('7# quowgouggv) 'UT�evv uoTssTwwoD OUTUUVTd Gq4. gq.TM a.aaw JOT.'Vj 'xW q-Eg� Pa4.se2vns pvg auTTO -jW q.-eqq. paq.jodax agS (C#) •uoTssTwwoD agq. SO J11804 uo auTTO xofXz szu .�etwpy 2uTuoZ g4.TM paTTJ POTTS q.uT'eTdwoo agq, p-eaj Aavj.axaaS auy •q-Twied OuTPTTng xol-Rvl • x 'ssauTsnq snoauVTTaosTw Japun auo wal.T aas •aPpaH s.zoq.saAuT TsuO'DVN •H •uoT!pE Mau ON - sa4.v4.sR goveH )�TTod ' D •uoTq.ov Mau ON -sa:�V!.sg a2v4.TjaH -a •sTgq. 2UTu,zaouoa OUTa.aaw 3,8a!-UT JOWV 490M sT44. pahTaaax uoT4.Vw OJUT o:� 2UTpxoo0V'TUnoxddv s,uMojq 'xW 04. UOTsap aOTxaa.xa pa4.aTdwo3 3.ou "q Aq.T0 041. Aq paxTg 5.004.TgOJV •9 !.smWny aouTs paTgial •q.oBJD, uoT4.Vgg @JTd SO DUTuozaH •g •4-oVx4. uoTq.V4.9 axTS 2UTPJle09J suoTa.VT4.02au SO aluoogno 2UTpuad `UTpVax pxTga. uo 9 q.sn2nV paTgvl •T-0 oa. saJOu 9T UMoxff TT090 So 2UTuazaH 'Q •dn aq.Tam oq. Aauaoggv agq. azTjoq:.nv o4. OuT:paw TTounoo s,!.gOTU J�VpuoW uo xleaddle_TTTM sTgLI •ToouoS g9TH SO 2UTu020H so (a •aTgTssod see uaos sE 13puaO'e aga. uo 4.nd aqDUUUTPJO sTgq. a.-eqq. OuT4.sanbax Aq.To ago, oa. 9.uas uaaq aAVq sowaw T'e,zanaS •TT aunt ua TTounoa g4.TM paddogsXaoM SLM sT144. 4.gDnouq. uaTSsTwwoO agj) oxrlsDOWImvNn aassdd Nolsow *aouVuTPJO u2Ts ag'4. jo sn4-vq.s eqq- 4.noq-e axTnbuT 04. 4.u20Tu t 160W uo TTounOO A4-TQ agP. ajojaq xvadd� sa-eads Aoiajj q.-eg4. 'sdTTTTgd Aq papuooas 'g4.xoN JN gavlq svm NoxsOW 5# a.uawgolaq.! .V W C# I-uawgo,eq.q-y TTounoo eqq. Aq paddogsNioM uaaq J.ou svq JUV4.ajoas aga. oa. DuTpa000y-aOuEuTpxp DOTS •g 04.gDTu AVpuoW DUTwoo sTg4. 5UTP'aDJ TVUTJ PUV pJTga. JOS ana •aou-euTpxp auTTadTd Oy slHOdRH NOZsdWHo3NI 'E �L-Gz-6-W-ozds � ,�,zE4.aaoas _ Rn�A717 ' W° d 90 O I a-u pauanoCpE svm DuTgaacu aqq. 'ssnosTp oq, ssauTsnq .za1q4.jnS ou 2uTaq aaaus ZNHORH 1orQd ' S *xgsflOWINHNn aaSSdd NOISOW aDEd PanoaddE Ajana uo 4.nd aq dwvq s ouzT 0 B gvga- puE saTTJ s,Ajvga,zoas auq. uT pauTEq-aj 'uiaLoW 04. aq oa. v4.Ep PUTJuEdw000E puE s!.jwzad 9urpTTnq owaW) L# TTE So saTdoo ajinbea uoTsaiwwo0 auq. a.vgq. WawuoE44V 'a.zogs Aq papuoaas 'sdTTTTud Ag QQHW SdM NOIS.OW xOIZOd 'Pensua uoTssnosTQ ',za44.oue Jo JCL'M auo 'uoTsToap auk UUTSuao 04. saTTJ uoTssTwwo0 auq- UT pauTEq.DJ uaaq pEq DUTgq.ou 4.Eu4, P84.E4.8 �.ze�a.zoas aus 'paoETd sT OUTplTnq PaTuq- au1- aaaqm Eaa-e au!. 2UTp.xE29a SITEoTjT cads �UTgq.ou J8gw9wa,x pTnoo aus sours u04B4.srw uaaq anEu pTnoo aqs 4Eu!. q-Taj aqL ;sagnurw jaq avems pTnoo Ajvga.xoas auq. jT paxsE sdTTTTgd 'xW oMa. WIVO aOj PaxsE SEM TVnoxddV q,Euj. aa.EoTpuT ZT ATnr SO sa:�nuTw au4. puE 'pauDTs qou sEM �T 'aaaln. TT1B smogs TEToT.I.I0 �IuipTTnQ au4, u:�TM @ITS uo uETd auq. g9noq:.ly 'oM4. ATuo 21uTnoaddv SO Ajowaw jaq oq. A. va4.uoo 'uojng0 !.sT4.dEg au1- 4-E PaTTEq.suT 9UTaq SOUTPITnq 4.uawa0,xojuQ elgvq..aod a9agD, 9UTn,x9sg0 paQ,aodax �av: saes eqj 4-Tw.18a 0u-rplTng 4, spunoq pu-e s04.aw ga.TM SDAans E , o w.zo,I auk uT q sanbaj sTgq. uo sITEo auk uTE� qo 04. TEaqua0 uMojo q.ovquoo ITTM Aavq.a;xoas aus uoTq.oy onsnOWINm QaSSdd NOISOW •W•d g Ve 'I .xagwanoN agsp 04.Euxa4.Te '�Z jagoq,30 JOS PaTleo aq 2UTavau E Veg4. ajouS �q papuooes 'sdTTTTud Aq aQHW SUM NOISOW -Aq.uno0 uoq.saAIE0 45Z9-V AOAJnS dVSg 8g4. Jo 5 uaT4.08S SO Jno CT 3.oZ sanTonuT sTq,; pa4.vTaJ pine TTaM ITo SO asn oTjToods au!- oq. 'Sq adoad I-d �# sanbad ATsnoTna.xd So 2UTUOZ8a JOS wnaTOJ'4.ad TE, WG3 asn oijToadS 9# uMoj0 woaj a.sanboa E paquasaad Rxeq.ajoas aqj T-ej!.Ua0 uMo.x0 4.uawgoeq.4-y 'SSaNISnq Sn0RNMROSIW 9HOW 017 '�I aagwagdaS PaTqul 'OT 'j.daS uoTgoE on '2uTq.uassTp jap.TaZ 'OZ 4.sn2ny uo OUTpleaJ 4.SJTJ POS"d 42UTpxoM SO a.uawpuaWV aou•euIPJO DUTuoZ 'N paw.xTsuoo u019,EwjojuT ON ' pa4.1eauTTap 4.ou paoTS j aaA 001 a.zagM uoT! .19UTWaO:: ap DgDTaq gEIS 'rf q.aR sE uoTgos oN ' OZ aaquwaq.das jo DuTq saw qv uoTssTwwo O OUTuuETd Sq Ja2EUEW 4T 0 oa. paijejad • M-O-d anTJG .zaxEnb - Y U-Zz-b-w-ozia 7