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P&Z Minutes 1964-06-15 Regular
I ) J l\ l MINUTES OF FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 27, 1969 Present: Dean Saurenman (Chairman) Tony Banfield Frank Coe John Von Boeke l Clovis Heimsath (Consultant) Business Items: 1.Reviewed a preliminary drawing of the proposed newFriendswood Library with Mr. Bardin Nelson of Matt E. Howard Architectural Firm. Action: Made two plan modifications, i.e., increased building setback from 15 i to 20 1 , and allowed for entrance -exit to Morningside Drive. 2.Mr. Clovis Heimsath stated a need for more �efinitive andrestrictive ordinances relative to trailer parks. Friendsw ood Planning Commission agreed and resolved to correct this situation. In this same context the Friendswood Planning Commission firmly believes it should also serve as the Board of Adjustment. 3.Mr. Clovis Heimsath expressed an interest in working closelywith the Matt E. Howard Architectural Firm in coordinating the architectural theme of the proposed new Friendswood Library consistent with the Friendswood Central Architectural Theme. Action: The Friendswood Planning Commission voted unanimously authorizing Mr. Heimsath to do so. 4.Mr. Heimsath reviewed at some length a proposed pilot projectfor improving the architectural and general visual image of the immediate area surrounding the Friendswood City Hall. The prime purpose of th1s project would be to demonstrate the architectural improvement potential and enhance widespread interest in implementing a pleasant and distinctive architectural theme for the City. The Friendswood Planning Commission agreed with the merits of the project and reviewed it with the Mayor and Council the same evening. The Mayor and Council also endorsed the project, and it was decided to proceed as soon as possible with rather narrow limits dictated by present finances. The immediate step is the formulation by Mr. Heimsath of a more definitized plan with costs for each specific improvement, e!g., wood facade in front of City Hall. The Mayor and Council meanwhile would divert money to this area when and if possible. Respectfully submitted, ���\JoM��� J�hn ·J� Van Bockel {\ l 1 'j MINUTES OF FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 10, 1969 Present: Tony Banfield Frank Coe Tom Grace ' John Van Bockel Clovis Heimsath (Consultant) Business Items: 1.Much of the evening was spent with the FriendswoodLibrary Board reviewing the modifications to theLibrary (parking and setback) made by the FPC theprevious meeting. After considerable discussion theLibrary Board voted unanimously for concurrence withparking in the front of the library. In the futurethe FPC will be more careful to consult with theLibrary Board. 2.Reviewed a preliminary plat for Mr. F. C. Langowskito be located off Choate Road near the vicinity ofthe Methodist Church. They were deferred to theDrainage Commission for approval of drainage priorto FPC review and action. 3.Approved Clovis Heimsath resolution concerningplanning and implementation of the Friendswoodbeautification-improvement plan. 4.Mr. T. Grace announced that 1 March, 1969 was theend of his term as member of the FPC. Deferred tonext meeting as an agenda item. Respectfully submitted, rJ&'r4'c� T. J. Grace I [ i 'i I MINUTES OF �RIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION M�ETING OF FEBRUARY 24, 1969 Present: Dean Saurenman (Chairman) Tony Banfield Frank Coe Tom Grace John Van Bockel Business Items: l.Correction to February F. P. C. minutes, business itemNo. 2, should read reviewed a preliminary plat for atrailer park, etc. 2, Messrs Fisher, Moore, W. Boyle and A. O'Farrell (broker) met with F.P.C. for discussion of preliminary plans and plat for construction of a Trailer Park at Highway 2351 and Woodlawn Drive. They were t'eferred to the Drainage Commission for approval of drainage, and consistency with the "Master Drainage Plan for City of Friendswood." These 9entlemen were also informed that the City Council and F.P. C. were in the process of develoring and enactment of further ordinances pertaining to trailer parks, which, will require them to carry a 11fair 11 share of the tax burden. 3.Mr. and Mrs. Wood requested audience with the F.P.C. forthe purpose of reviewing procedures and ordinances relativeto apartment building construction. They were particularlyconcerned as to procurement of acreage adjacent to theWolf's Den and fronting on 518 with an intention to construct an Apartment Dwelling, and, the impact of Zoningwhen enacted. The F.P.C. advised them that this acreagewas not now zoned and would in all likelyhood be zoned asmultiple dwelling when a Zoning Ordinance was enacted.Futhermore, they were informed that zoning only applied tofuture development, and not development in process andapproved prior to enactment of a Zoning Ordinance . 4.Reviewed the Comprehensive Plan for City of Friendswood withrepresentatives from Bovay Engineering: Bovay was informedthat the F,P.C. was not prepared for an in-depth review thisevening. Therefore, it was decided to meet again with themthe following Monday evening. A few items were discussed i.e.(a) discrepancies in major prooosed sanitary sewer lines, (b)trailer park ordinances and inclusion of same in Bovay Report,(status of circulation (road) system. i ( . � I ( I Planninq Commission Minutes, page 2 �. The F.P.C. met with Mayor and City Council concerning Architectural Theme for City of Friendswood, specifically, the resolution on same prepared by C. Heimsath and approved by F.P.C. The Mayor informed the F.P.C. that they had not seen the resolution, and, had not endorsed any part of the resolution -including the beautification plan for the area immediate to the City Hall. Respectfully submitted, ��,,\...�'\ ��hn Van Bockel f l I l: MINUTES OF ERIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 10, 1969 eresent: Dean Saurenman, Chairman Tony Banfield Frank Coe John Van Bockel Business Items: The entire evening was spent reviewing the Bovay Interim Report #3, dated October 1968, and related zoning ordinances such as Mobile Trailer Parks. Bovay Engineers in attendance were Messrs. Gil Dickson and Charles Schaefer. Some of the more significant items are listed below; 1.Mobile Home Parks (MHP) -Modified Bovay Interim Report #3definitions of Mobile Home Parks. Reviewed the Baytownordinances on control of Mobile Home Parks. FPC to run copiesfor FPC and Council for subsequent review and application forFriendswood. Reviewed Baytown ordinances for means of obtaining "fair share" revenue from MHP. The two methods (MHPlicense fee and temporary parking permit fee) are under consideration/advisement. 2. 3. 4. 5. Zoning -reviewed and made modifications to Bovay InterimReport #3 zoning ordinances. Subsequently convened with CityCouncil and reviewed same. Correction to previous FPC action -The FPC erroneously resolved that the "Board of Adjustment" and the FPC were oneand the same. It is apparently, the responsibility of the CityCouncil to select membership of the Board of Adjustment. Bovay Final Report Approval -Coe moved and Banfield secondedmotion to approve Bovay Engineering Company's Final Report.Carried. Expiration of term -Tom Grace's term expires l April, 1969,and he declared he would not re-apply. Banfield and Coesuggested possible candidates for the vacancy. Apparentlythere is no formal means of communicating vacancies to thepublic at large. Respectfully submitted, l�w J 1 ( l l lif Present: MINUTES OF FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION MEET ING OF APRIL 14, 1969 Dean Saurenman (Chairman) Tony Banfield Frank Coe 8usiness Items: 1.Ed Stuart submitted his revised shopping center plan. It was revised onMr. Stuart's own initiative to have an "Early Texas Front". The centercomplies with all Friendswood city requirem ents. The Planning Comnissionapproved the revised plan. 2.Received from L.A. Fisher his preliminary plat on the proposed trailerpark on Woodlawn. The park showed to meet all preliminary requirementsand was approved by the Planning Commission. Mr. Fisher was instructedto submit a detailed plat showing drainage, street and utilities improvements. He requested and received audience with the City Council. 3.Received from Irving Peabody, a preliminary plat on Section 2 of QuakersLanding. The City Secretary was instructed to compose a letter to Mr.Peabody along with a copy of the plat noting changes necessary to meetrequirements, also instructing Mr. Peabody to submit detailed drawingsof street, drainage, utilities. Said letter to be attached and part ofthese minutes. 4.Names were submitted to the Council for a replacement for Tom Grace,whose term expired on the Planning Commissi on. Names submitted by thePlanning Commission to the Council were: ( l ) . Jim Lawrence(2). Clint Hackney 5.Charter Committee appointment was Frank Coe. Respectfully submitted, ��4QOi'onyBel .�- \ \ l ( t MINUTES OF FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION l-IBETING OF Nay 12, 1969 Present: Dean Saurenman Tony Banfield Frank Coe John Van Bockel BUSINESS ITEMS: 1.Mobile Home Park 2. 3. Reviewed with Hessrs L.A. Fisher and A. O'Farrell the final plat forMobile Home Park at Highway 2351 and Woodlawn Drive. No si gnificantdiscrepancies were noted and they were requested to "walkthru" theoriginal for signatures from the City governing agencies. Service Station Reviewed the detailed p!at of the Sheli bii Co. station being constructedat the junction of Highways 23Si and 518. The 'E'PC requested (throughthe City Secretary) a landscaping plan for same. For the record, although the FPC abhors removal of stately and beautifultrees, there is no positive action that this organization can take toprevent this sort of occurrence. It was suggested that such organizationsas the Garden Clubs and Women's League might be effective in these areas. Subdivision Mr. W. Eignus appeared before the FPC to discuss the impasse betweenhimself and the City Council regarding his plans for residential development of approximately 67 acres fronting on 2351 and running in a northwesterly direction immediately adjacent and outside the City limits. Accordingto Mr. Eignus he requested the City provide water, whereas he wasinstructed that his subdivision must first meet certain requirements, butnot defined. In his words, "I could not get a yes or no.11 ConsP.qtH".1.-..tJ.y, this sit uation was discussed with the Mayor (not Council).He lnforme� the FPC that progress with Hr. Eignus had bogged down mainlyon tvo n,qu"i.rements, i.e., surfacing of the road (time factor) and sizeof water line (611 or 8 11). He stated that the City had offered to pay thecost difference in installing an 8 11 rather than a 6 11 line, He furtherexplained that he understood Mr. Eignus' concern about topping the roadonly after the subdivision was fairly well developed, and, was amenableto working out a solution regarding this matter. f I . < I ( ( L Planning Commission Minutes May 12, 1969 - Page 2 It must be noted that the FPC was not aware of this situation until this date, (Mr. W, Eignus had not submitted a plat or discussed this with the FPC), Action: FPC will meet with Mr. Eignus as soon as possible to define the conditions, particularly concerning street surfacing (escrow funds and timing), reach a soludon, and present this to Council in writing hopefully by May 26, 1969. 4.Communications As a follow on to the 113 business item an informal discussion was heldbetween the FPC and the Mayor regarding communications between CouncilFPC-Community �iith some constructive suggestions/criticisms concerningmodus operandi. Specific items were: a.City Council/developer relationships -Obstensibly, good relationswith developers or prospective developers was sometimes damaged dueto lack of positive and prompt action. b.Council/FPC communications .. The t.faydr stated that he and the. Councilreviewed the FPC meeting minutes. The FPC t-iill tiiak� review df theCouncil minutes an agenda item for each FPC meeting. The City Secretarywill be requested to mail Council and FPC minutes to each member ofthe FPC, c.Architectural Theme status -FPC requested Council decision on ClovisHeimsath plan (resolution) for beautification of area in vicinity ofCity Hall. The Mayor requested the FPC to ascertain the cost, althoughthe Hayor and Council have not agreed amongst themselves as to scopeor concept of this project. S.Appointments Mr. J. Lawrence was appointed to the FPC effective immediately. HessrsSaurenman, Coe, and Van Boeke! were appointed Chairman, Assistant Chairman,and Secretary respectively terminating January 1, 1970. 6.FPC Members Terms -Mr. D, Saurenman to ascertain for record end of termfor each preaent member of the FPC. 7.Next Meeting -May 26. JJVB/bh Respectfully submitted, �-�I\\� �\4� 7an Bockel cc: Mayor and Council; Drainage District; Women's League; School Board;City Attorney; each FPC member i [ \ MINUTES OF FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Hay 26, 1969 Present: Dean Saurenman Tony "Banfield Frank Coe Jim Lawrence John Van Bockel BUSINESS ITEMS: I.Mobile Home Park Reviewed and approved final plat of L.A. Fisher Mobile Home plat locatedat Highway 2351 and Woodlawn Drive. II.Subdivision III. Hr. Bill Eignus appeared before the FPC to review action/status concerninghis proposed residential development located immediately adjacent and outsidethe City limits fronting on 2351 in the vicinity of the Elementary School.The background is contained in previous Council and City Planning minutes. In essence he was informed that: (a)Council and FPC consider it a sub division subject to Ordinance 23A.(b)Council and FPC amenable to granting certain Developer requested variances(listed below) with Mr. Eignus to define in writing for Council review his intentions concerning same. 1.Platting -This requirement waived.2.Road Topping -Mr. Eignus will detail in writing his plans includingtime, escrow build-up, type surfacing, etc.3.City Hater -Council previously made certain conditions concerningselling water to Bill Eignus, which are contained in Council minutes. NOTE: Although it was not explicit it is assumed (by me) that the City will initiate action to provide water only after all uopen" variances have been officially agreed upon by all parties. Ordinance Enforcement/Inspection Hrs. W. J. (Leah) North presented a letter of inquiry, and appeared before the FPC, listing questions pertaining to several immediate development problems. Each query is stated verbatim, and, each answer is the writer's best recollection of the FPC response. The minutes will serve as the written reply that she requested. Q.1. Is Subdivision Ordinance #23-A to be enforced? A.Yes , f ( t -2- Q.2. Have any general variances been granted by the Planning Commissionconcerning enforcement of the Subdivision Ordinance in any subdivision? Specifically, has any subdivision been granted a general variance permitting certain of its less strict deed restrictions to be enforce1 in lieu of the City's Subdivision Ordinance restrictions? A.No and no. A variance was given however to Ed Stuart (August 19, 1968)for two lots in Village Green approving less than the City's SubdivisionOrdinance building set back requirements. Reason stated was VillageGreen, which was in main developed prior to annexation, universallyhad been building homes with less than the City's Subdivision Ordinance. NOTE: This is likely a general variance as far as the Village GreenSubdivision is concerned. Q.3. Were the elevations of the new service station at the corner of FM 518and East Edgewood approved by the Planning Commission prior to granting of a building permit? Or are elevations not within the scope of the Planning Commission's authority? A.No.A.Correct -they are not. Furthermore construction on this service station(Shell Oil Co.) commenced prior to FPC receipt of any plat or plane. Q.4. Why were the building set back lines as required for corner lot s bySubdivision Ordinance ignored in the Enchanted Woods Subdivision? A.Could not establish that they were ignored. Mrs. North informed thatthis subdivision was recorded prior to 25' set back line requirement. Q.S.In Ordinance 23-A, Section IV-B, paragraph 2, it is stated that "Public water improvements shall be required by the State Health Department and the State Fire Commission ••• " What are these requirements of the Stat e Health Department? A.Not known, not aware of a FPC function or responsibility in this area. Q.6. What are the requirements of the "State Fire Commission?" A.Same as Question No. 5 response. Referred to City Engineer. Q.7. Is Ordinance 23-A being enforced on Brigadoon as offici ally plattedand recorded in Galveston County records? A.Tony Banfield was quite sure it was. The FPC reply was, "See theBuilding Inspector.' The FPC is not an enforcing agency.11 The writer, not having seen the official plat nor exactly what is inprogress on Brigadoon could not make any comparative assessment .He did have opportunity to measure a few lot widths along this avenueapproximately one month ago. They were 61', certainly an undesirablesituation. IV, Next Meeting June 9, 1930 hrs. Respectfully supmitted, •. , I' ...... , .. JVB/bh r • Friendowood Planning Commission City of Friendswood F'ri.t'll9.dswood, 'l'exas Gentlemen: Box 558Friendswood, Texas May 26, 1969 I have long been concerned with the environment of the future Friendswood, Recent personal observation of actions (or non-actions) has increased that concern considerably. Because I am concerned, I would like to know the official policy of the Friendswood Planning Commission concerning several items. I would appreciate a written reply. r 1, Is Subdivision Ordinance //23-A to be enforced? je 7 dol�o e 11 vJe-C(J f� �vi12. Have any general variances been granted by the Planning 1 nT1 Commission concerning enforeement of the Subdivision Ordinance 9 � in any subdivision? Specifically, has any subdivision been granted a general variance permitting certain of its less strict U71"Jr�Q} deed restrictions to be enforced in lieu of the City's Vo.r ,, Subdivision Ordinance·/res tmtions? )3.Were the elevations of th� new sett.1c�1 stat1on at the corner1'l b of F.M. 518 and East Edgewood approved by the Planning Commission prior to granting of a biilding permit? Or are elevations not) ii; . 1 within the scope of the Planning Commission's authority? .JIY • Jetl -�ebP 1 4 Why were the building set-back lines as required for corner lots-fl 4t r' .-rd ){ by the Subdivision Ordinance ignored in the Enchanted Woods S/D?� 'I I 'f)" 'f't 1 �,•1e r �f n Ordinance 23-A, Section IV-B, paragraph 2, it is stated that }� . e�@ "Public water improvements shall be as required by the State t,,.ir';J,4 ,( Health Department and the State Fire Commission ••• 11 What are (n u ' �+j {these requirements of the State Health Department? C 1 I . e r¥,e 1 r1 6 f !11 / 7.Is Ord.inance 23-A being / platted and recorded in \o/ha.t are the requirements of the "State Fire Commission?" ' I r�,J �� enforced on Brigadoon as offic � all · Gal veston County records? c 7:� iJL �� 1 �:;;;r,,r Leah North (Mrs. w. J. North) pf� cAet:/-t )/ � � ��f"'�� .�r�. ���9...� l4� �) u l u MINUTES OF FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING July 14, 1969 Present: Dean Saurenman (Chairman) Frank Coe Jim Lawrence John Van Bockel BUSINESS ITEMS 1.Discussed several areas that the FPC requires communication/ direction from the Mayor and Council prior to proceeding, e.g. (a)Zoning -FPC requests status and awaiting review with City Attorney, Mayor and Council. (b)Trailer Park Or dinance -Same as above. (c)Architectural Planning -Need a Mayor/Council consensus and decision. T. Banfield to obtain cost estimate for Haimsath proposal. 2.The FPC had no new business items put before it, so reviewed a few items meriting discussion. (a)Pedestrian Overpasses -It was noted that a few communities, most notably in Florida, utilize pedestrian overpasses to enhance safety in traversing busy thoroughfares. Feasibility for Friendswood was considered questionable but worth reviewing with the Mayor and Council. (b)Sidewalks -The FPC recommends that the City Ordinances be amended to include a requirement for sidewalks in all future subdivisions pending review and approval from the Mayor/Council. (c)Parks -Means of obtaining public park land was discussed. One method the FPC considers worth further investigation is via a sub-developer requirement to deed or set aside for this purpose a certain percentage of the land he is developing. Related to Parks (Public & Private) the question arose as to under what situations, if any, would the City provide free water for non-public facilities? 3.Next meeting July 28, 1969. Respectfully submitted: \,cw\� an Bockel, Secretary JJVB/bh l July 28, 1969 - No meeting I l \ l [ \ \ \ i,'-- Present: MINUTES OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF AU GUST 11, 1969 Dean Saurenman, Chairman John Van Bockel Tony Banfield Jim Lawrence APPROVED No formal request on any projects or permits were scheduled. Right of Way was discussed concerning a 60' ROW that Ransom Glines and Hubert Bales had given the Water District years ago; since that time no action has been taken on this ROW. This ROW, if completed, would extend Quakers Drive through to Whispering Pines. Bales and Glines have previously inquired about trading out ROW so it would line up with the present location of Quaker's Drive and then proceed with extending it through to Whispering Pines. Inquiry was made by the Planning Commission concerning the status of the zoning map and zoning ordinance. The City Secretary will contact Bovay Engineers to find out if the map and ordinance are ready. No further business or action was taken. Respectfully submitted, r1���0 C f I \. / MINUTES OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSIOM August 25, 1969 Present: Tony Banfield Frank Coe Jim Lawrence John Van Beckel Business Items: 1.Reviewed the Revised Bovay Zoning Mapdepicting the additional commerciallyzoned areas adjacent to 518 and vicinityof Coward Creek. No discrepanciesnoted. 2. 3. Reviewed E. Stuart's detailed shoppingcenter (Stones Throw) plans. Nodiscrepancies noted. The Mayor requested FPC to forwardall Subdivision plans/plats to theCity Water Engineer, Kenneth Toon,for his review. 4.Next scheduled meeting September 1969. Respectfully submitted: \½���o ( . l , MINUTES OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION September 9, 1969 Present: Frank Coe Jim Lawrence John Van Bockel BUSINESS ITEMS: 1.Reviewed a sketch plan of a proposed subdivision of approximately 3 acres off of Castlewood Drive and adjacent to Cowards Creek with Mr. White (owner) and Mr. Gartrell (developer). These gentle men were advised (a) to review thoroughly Ordinance 23-A, Subdivi sion Requirements and (b) review the sketch with the Drainage Board regarding their requirements, particularly in regard to Creek easement, 2, Next scheduled meeting September 22, 1969, Respectfully submitted, ��� JVB/bh ( ( ( il I \ t I Present: MINUTES OF MEE TING OF FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION September 22, 1969 Dean Saurenman Frank Coe Jim Lawrence Tony Banfield BUSINESS ITEMS: No official business brought before the Commission Leah North appeared before the Commission concerning the closing of the Old Choate Road right-of-way, her desire being that the right-of-way be used for bicycle and horse, pedestrian traffic. The Commission makes no recommendation on her request with the exception that the Commission recommends to the Council that they do not abandon the right-of-way at this time. Respectfully submitted TB/bh l f I \ I Present: MINUTES OF MEETING OF FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION October 13, 1969 Dean Saurenman Tony Banfield Frank Coe Jim Lawrence John Van Bockel BUSINESS ITEMS: 1.Immediately after the preliminary public hearing with City Councilconcerning the zoning plan, the FPC met to ascertain the bestapproach towards accomplishing their hearings/reviews prior to makinga final zoning recommendation to the City Council. It was decidedto proceed as follows: a.Have a public hearing on November 4 communicating to as largea group as possible the proposed zoning plan, and the procedurefor residents to review with the FPC. The Bovay EngineeringCompany, who principally conceived the zoning plan, will berequested to be present at this meeting. Action: Frank Coe to contact school officials for possibleuse of the school auditorium for this meeting. b.Conduct smaller meetings on November 10 and November 17 withresidents who ha ve requested specific changes to the zoning plan. Action: Frank Coe to contact Friendswood Bank officials forpossible use of their meeting facility for these meetings. c.Announce these meeting dates, purpose, and location in localnews media. Action: F. Coe to contact local information media concerning same. d.Evaluate zoning plan, requested changes, modify zoning plan asappropriate, and make final review/recomme-dation with CityCouncil 2.The FPC requests the Council to officially change their title toFriendswood Planning & Zoning Commission in compliance with Statestatutes. 3.The FPC forwarded the zoning plan for Friendswood to City Council. 4.Next regular FPC meeting is scheduled for October 27, 1969. Respectfully submitted, � \ � ��-�s��r � Valf Bocke�--Secrefary JVB/bh .f , 1l I MINUTES OF MEETING OF FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION October 27, 1969 Present: Dean Saurenman Frank Coe Jim Lawrence John Van Bockel BUSINESS ITEMS: l. 2. 3. Weber Trailer Park -Mr. Larry Tate, Engineering Consultant for the development of the proposed Weber Mobile Home Park, submitted a preliminary plat for FPC review. The plat inadequately depicted ordinance requirements. Mr. Tate was given a copy of the proposed Trailer Park Ordinance for Friendswood and instructed to use it as a guide. Mr. Tate then inquired as to the possibility of having a small tract of land, fronting on Highway 518 adjacant to the Mobile Station, zoned commercial--purportedly to construct an of fice facility for a heavy equipment firm. He was informed by the FPC that they would consider it, and that any recommendation ultimately made to the Mayor and Council would be based upon their approval. Interoffice Communications -The FPC received an interoffice memorandum from the Mayor 11 flagging11 various descrepancies and potential problems within the Preliminary Zoning Ordinance, as well as a policy statement concerning advisability of a general election on zoning. The FPC reviewed the memorandum and decided to withold any judgement/decisions until all of the FPC Public hearings on zoning had been completed. Then, all of the suggested changes will be co nsidered in a full context, the appropiate modifications will be made, and a final recommendation will be made to the Mayor and Co uncil. The next three FPC meetings, (November 4,10,17) will addre ss themselves to meetings with the Public on the Proposed Zoning Ordinance for Friendswood. Respectfully submitted, ���(\�� Jc . >'iln Van Boeke l, Secretary JVB/jf L [ I l Present: MINUTES OF MEETING OF FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 10, 1969 Tony Banfield Frank Coe Jim Lawrence John Van Bockel BUSINESS ITEMS: This was the second of three scheduled public meetings to hear comments/ suggested changes to the Proposed Zoning Ordinance. Approximately 12 citizens attended. Listed below are the questi ons and FPC reply. Clint Hackney (1)Has the Zoning Ordinance been approved by the Mayor and Council?Reply--No, the Mayor and Council will approve/modify/rejectthe Zoning Ordinance after the FPC submits their final document/recommendations.-- (2)How would a Wholesale House be classified?Reply--M-1 (Light Industry) (3)How would newly incorporated land be classified?Reply--Initially R-1 (Single Family Residential) (4)Has the FPC considered tax impact due to zoning classification?Reply--Yes, Tax rate would be based upon market value, whichprobably would not differ significantly from present valuesand potential land use. (5)How would a citizen appeal his tax base?Reply--Same as present, most appropriately at time of resale. (6)Mr. C. Hackney requested that a homesite he owns be re-classified as Commercial, because it is located (highway 2351 &Woodlawn Drive) between property classified Conmercial andR-3 (Fisher Mobile Home Park)Reply--FPC will consider it. Larry Tate (l)Mr. Tate brought in the final plans for the Proposed WeberMobile Home Park. This was deferred since the pu rpose of themeetin� was to hear comments concerning the Proposed ZoningOrdinance. [ ll Mlnutes_ of frc��NoyeJl)ber lOt 1969. . . . . . . -... . ---� page 2 (2)Mr. Tate requested that the proposed Weber Mobile Home Parkbe classified as R-3, with the frontage on Highway 2351classified Commercial.Reply--FPC will consider it, the ultimate decision contingent upon approval of the final plat. Mr. & Mrs. K. Foster- (1)Why is Shell Park zoned residential?Reply�-No definite reason given, FPC will reevaluateclassification of 1;thi s property. ( 2)Why i-s the property adj oi ni ng the Epi scopa 1 Church & thePublic Park classified commercial? A church, she stated,affords a good buffer between commercial and residentia lproperty.Reply--FPC will further evaluate classification of thisproperty. (3)Is the one small area on the Zoning Map depicted as LightIndustrial adequate?Reply--No. A suitable Industrial Park area within thecity limits doesn 1 ·t appear to be available. Potentia lIndustrial Park sites outside the city limits not reflected on the Zoning Ma p, because newly incorporated land willbe initially zoned residential. (4)What will be the affect of Zoning on tax base? R.Kel 1 ey Reply--Generally s.ame answer as given to Mr. Hackney,question #4. (1)Mr. Kel ley questioned the accuracy and clarity of paragraph 5, pp. 16 of the Proposed Zoning Ordinance relating toBuilding Permit expiration. He felt this section neededfurther definition, e.g., what constitutes work/constructionwithin the 90 day period, and, two years to substantiallycomplete the wo rk is too liberal and too vague.Reply--The FPC agreed and will re-work this paragraph. Note--Next Public Meeting on the Proposed Zoning Ordinancewill be November 17, 7:30 p.m. at the Friendswood Bank. Respectfully submitted, Secretary JJVB/jf l Present: MINUTES OF MEETING OF FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION November 24, 1969 Dean Saurenman, Chairman Tony Banfield Frank Coe John Van Bockel BUSINESS ITEMS: l.Previous minutes of November 10 meeting correction (Correct spellingof Mr. & Mrs. Fassler -not Foster) 2.R. BOST, J. KENNEDY A.Requested that the property near the vicinity of Highway 518 andHeritage Ori ve be zoned M-1 ( 1 i ght industry) as is the frontportion fronting on 518. Reply: FPC will consider it. B.Requested the small triangle of land (1/3 acre) between the newHighway 2351 and old Choate Road be zoned C-1 (commercial). Reply: FPC will consider. 3.MRS. G. B. CUNNINGHAM Received a letter (attached) requesting Zoning Ordinance concerningpublic sales on residential premises (pp.4, item #5) be changed. Reply: FPC will consider it, and define "Public Sales.11 4.MRS. W. S. NORTH A.Reviewed the Zoning Ordinance (pp. 19 to completion) with the FPCnoting sever al technical/typing/conceptual discrepancies. Thesewere noted (penned in) on a copy. B.Requested that Parks be included in the Zoning classification. Reply: FPC will evaluate it. C.Requested that the Fisher Mobile Home Park be classified as R-1(Single-family residential). Reply: FPC will consider it. D.Requested that the area presently classified C-1 (Business orCommercial) be reduced. Reply: FPC will consider it. l L l I l E.Requested that the FPC consider zoning commercial areas inblocks akin to that existing in Nassau Bay, rather than stripzoning. Reply: FPC will consider it. Respectfully submitted, �'{\ �'{\ ��Q � 1 Van Bockel ,��Se�c:retary JVB/bh j [ l Present: MINUTES OF MEETING OF FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING CO MM ISSION December l , 1969 Dean Saurenman Frank Coe Jim Lawrence John Van Bockel Business Items: The evening was devoted to reviewing the Pr oposed Friendswood Zoning Map and the several requests received during the Public Hearings concerning re-classification of property. The more significant changes/decisions were as follows: ( l) (2) (3) (4) A rectangular area within the present Retail area was classified as light industrial. This area (estimated to be appro xi mately 4-5 acres, or, 2 city blocks) encompasses the existing light industry i.e. lumber yard and Fig Plant. The land immediatelyadjacent to this area was classified R--2, to serveas a buffer to surrounding residential areas. TheFPC will attempt to locate a 2nd Industrial Areaoutside the present City Limits. With one exception, all of the requests for property re-classification were declined. The exception was re-classification from Commercial to Residential that property adjacent to the Episcopal Church, as per Mrs. Fossler 1 s request. The requests declined consisted of property re-class ification from residential to commercial or industrial. Dean Saurenman will update the Proposed Zoning Map to rP.flect these changes. John Va n Bockel proposed re-classification from R--2 to R--1 the rather large area fronting on Highway 528 extending from 518 to Clea r Creek. Rationale given was: Consistency with FPC approach towards need for reduction in total amount of land zoned other than R--1 (which was exercised in prior decisions this meeting) and; consistency with Shell Park property classification (R--1) directly across the road. Action--Not carried. For--Van Bockel; Against-Saurenman, La wrence, Coe Next meeting December 8, 1930 hrs. Subject: Review of Proposed Zoning Or dinance document, and requests for changes received on same. Respectfully submitted, �)-�'"'kw ffii J .\J Van Boeke l I i I ) l l MINUTES OF A MEETING OF FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION December 8, 1969 Present: BUSINESS ITEMS: Dean Saurenman Jim Lawrence John Van Bockel 1.Reviewed updated sketch plans (2) of a proposed subdivision ofapproximately 3 acres off of Castlewood Drive and adjacent toCowards Creek with Mr. Gartrell, developer for Mr. White (owner).Several modifications were recommended to improve the subdivisionand make it conform with City ordinances. 2.The rest of the evening was spent reviewing comments andsuggested changes (other than land classification) to the proposedzoning ordinance. The FPC decisions/changes were made on thework copy. Respectfully submitted .NS)�%��, n Van Bockel, Secretary r [ l Cl Present: MINUTES OF MEETING OF FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION December 15, 1969 Dean Saurenman Tony Banfield Frank Coe John Van Bockel Business Items: The evening was spent proof reading and correcting the Proposed Zoning Ordinance, utilizing the Bovay Comprehensive Interim No. 3 and Vernons Civil Statutes as reference sources. The Friendswood Planning Commission completed this date their public hearings and reviews. All that remains is: q_, Some minor proofreading to be accomplished on or about l January (by Frank Coe and Jim Lawrence) 2.A re-typing/proofing, and copies distributed to theMayor, Council and Friendswood Planning Commission Hope fully, the Friendswood Planning Commission will ha ve made their final recommendation to the Mayor and Council by mid January, 1970. Respectfully submitted, �"' •'--"'-"' � 'IL,0 N, J.(\Van Bockel J, n k V l r Present: Minutes of Meeting of FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION January 12, 191,.Q·,o Dean Saurenman Tony Banfield Frank Coe Jim Law rence John Van Bockel Business Items: The FPC had previously concluded their work on the proposed Zoning Ordinance, and there was no new business; consequently, the meeting was adjourned. After the meeting the Mayor stated that he wanted a review concerning the Zoning Or dinance with the Council and himself as soon as possible--Wednesday, January 14, 1970. Respectfully submitted, ����\NJ ��ohn an Bockel I MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION January 26, 1970 Present: Dean Saurenman Jim La wrence Frank Coe John Van Bockel Business Items: JVB/bh The FPC spent the ev ening reviewing the Proposed Zoning Ordinance with the City Council. As a result of this meeting as well as a meeting with the City Council held on January 14, 1970 (reviewed the Zoning Map) the FPC has concluded their work on the Proposed Zoning Ordinance, and has made their final recommenda tion concerning same to the Mayor and City Council. Respectfully submitted ��Q l \ 1 Present: MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION (FPZC) April 13, 1970 Dean Saurenman Tony Banfield Frank Coe Jim Lawrence John Van Bockel Business Items: l.Reviewed a letter and plat from R. Hausman requesting reclassification of a small tract, Reserve Din Annalea Subdivision, Kingspark Section "B", from R-1 to R-2, thereby permitting constructionof multi-family dwellings. Mr. Hausman was informed, in writing,that the FPZC could not and would not make a recommendation tothe City Council that this be approved, and, that he would berequired to follow the amendment procedures contained in theZoning Ordinance. 2.Reviewed a plat and plan by J. Gartrell for a proposed hardwarestore fronting on Edgewood Ave. between 518 and Clear Creek.FPZC approved. 3.Reviewed a plat and plan for moving in a home by Mr. & Mrs. Kelledyto be located on Spreading Oaks Ave. adjacent to Harwood Subdivision.FPZC approved. 4.Mr. James Patton appeared before the FPZC requesting that hisproperty located adjacent to Winding Way, Cowarts Creek and near518, be reclassified from R-1 to R-2. He was requested to providea plat -no action. Respectfully submitted , �����- I 1 l [�] Present: MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWO OD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION April 27, 1970 Dean Saurenman Tony Banfield Jim Lawrence John Van Boeke l (1)Mr. Hausman and asso�iates met with the FPZC to further discuss theirrequest for reclassifications from R-1 to R-2 of the small tract ofland located in Kingspark Section B. The FPZC was shown photographs and architectural plans of the type ofmulti-family ho mes they were contemplating to construct on this tract.Mr. Hausman iter ated the fact that the FPC and Council had approved thelayout of this tract in 1966, which, in his mind is conducive only tomulti-family home construction. Action -Mr. Hausman was briefed as to the procedures involved inamending the Zoning Ordinance. It was su ggested to him that he contactthe adjoining home owners (within 200 feet of his tract) and, if theresidents did not take serious objection, the FPZC would seriouslyconsider following this up with the amendment procedures (public notice,hearing, etc.) (2)Mr. Patton, Jr., as requested by the FPZC during the previous meeting,su bmitted a plat of his land which he requested re-classification fromR-l to R-2. It was noted that this tract abuts commercial on one sid e,Cowarts Creek on another side, with only one side abutting an R-1 areawith a few single family homes located across a road. Action -The FPZC generally agreed that classif ication of this tract as R-2 would provide a natural buffer between tracts zoned Commercial and R-1, and, thus were amenable to initiating steps towards this goal. Mr. Saurenman will contact Mr. Patton, Jr., inform him as to the amendment procedures inv olved and the FPZC feelings on this matter. Respectfully submitted, �,-:��� JJVB:jf l: I Present: MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COM'V1ISSION FPZC May 11, 1970 Dean Saurenrnan Frank Co e Jim Lawrence John Van Bockel Business Items: (l)The FPZC sat in on that portion of the Council meeting during whichBuck Hausman expressed his desire to have Reserve D of AnnaleaSubdivision be re-classified from R-lto R-2, thus permitting construction of multi-family dwellings (See April 13 and 27 FPZC minutes)The Mayor requested the FPZC take appropriate action, i.e., sendletters to all residents within 200 1 of Reserve D notifying them,and Friendswood residents at large, that the FPZC will conduct apublic hearing on this matter on a given date. Mr. Saurenrnan is toobtain list of residents within 200 1 said property from Mr. Clineand draft a letter to be sent to them. (2)The FPZC discussed the property procedures necessary to amend theZoning Ordinance as called for by the Hausman request. No firmprocedure was established. Correction to previous minutes: The F'PZC minutes of April 13, 1970, rneeti ng, business i tern number 2 gave the incorrect location for the proposed hardware store. The correct location is on 2351 near the Telephone exchange on property zoned commercial. Respectfully submitted, �'\.:�.�o ·&J,n J.�Van tsocKel JJVB: jf < ( I \ I ( l i,1 l Present: MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FPZC Tony Banfield John Van Bockel Frank Coe Jim Lawrence May 25, 1970 Business Items: l.Received a letter from E. Lang (First Mortgage Company) formallyrequesting a change of Reserve 11 D 11 , Annalea Subdivision, KingsParkSection 11B11 from R-1 to R-2. Action: (a) A letter was prepared to be sent to each property ownerwithin 200 feet of above stated property. (b)A public hearing on this subject was scheduled forJune 23, 8:00 p.m., Tuesday, in the City Hall CouncilChambers. (c)The City Secretary was instructed to place notices inappropriate news media 15 or more days to the hearingand to reserve the Council Chambers for the time stated. 2.A rough draft of the procedures involved in amending the zoningordinance was reviewed. Action: Each member will review, and be prepared to discuss at nextmeeting. The City Attorney will be requested to review legal accuracy. 3.Several miscellaneous items were discussed at length, e.g. MobileHome Construction, in a very informal matter and not entered as11business11• � Respectfully sub m, tted k:Z�, J�� �-__ .. n Van Bockel JVB: jf ( . I /1 I I' c I I -; l )I CllY OF FRIENDSWOOD 109 Willowick Avenue FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 482 . 3323 lh¢-111/) Mr. Edward Lang of First Mortgage Company has requested approval for the construction of triplexes and duplex es on Reserve "D 11, Annalea Subdivision, Kingspark, Section "B", which is presently classified single family residence only, A zoning ordinance for the City of Friendswood was put into effect previous to this request (April 16, 1970) thus necessitating a land re-classification amendment to the ordinance. Only if this property is re-classif ied other than R-1 can anything but single family residences be constructed on this site. There are several procedural steps required to amend the zoning ordinance. The steps of paramont interest to you are (1) notification to all property owners within 200 feet of the tract in question at least 15 days prior to a public hearing, and (2) a public hearing to hear the desires of adjoining property owners and city residents in general. This letter is our official announcement to adjoining property owners that re-classification of the above stated tract will be considered at a public hearing to be conducted by the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission Tuesday, 8:00 p.m., June 23, at the City Hall Council Chambers. Any objections to re-classification of this tract under consideration must be expressed in writing prior to, or at the time of this hearing, It is generally prefer-able for you to be present at the meeting, thereby allowing elaboration upon the entire subject and to review with the proposed builder, if you desire, his architectural plans and related aspects. cc: Mayor and Council Members Planning Commissioners E.L. Lang (First Mortgage Company)Each Resident within 200 1 Buck Hausman jf City Attorney Yours truly, Chairman, Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission r r! t ,I ( j (� I I\ ;{li MARY ANN ORIVE 500 Glen Teasley•· 502 Joe E. Jeffers· p L fl /II nl I N t � (2 �iVI (Y\ 504 Richard D. Burton 503 Jesse R. Griggs 505 Thomas S. Brown -·� 'AVONDAL E · ·305 John Stephenson 307 , James T. Cof i e 1 d 401 Geor�e R. Lett. 403 Rubin Martinez, 304 Jerry M. Hogan 306 K. A. Brown PORTAGE 506 508 510 512 514 515 513 511 509 507 505 503 Thomas 8. Jenkins· R.L. HoneycuttEarl Koutz, .. •Reynaldo DialejandroMark L. Farrabee,R.vi. WelchGary D. lJones John W. Friend· Charles Whitton,· Charles Meyer, H. R. Isaacs, R.D. Crysler· J),_: 17 ll( ,:; JI ll ,i! ,; JV /VI 11 NI I / / /I/ ·, (- i, flm FIRST MORTGAGE COMPANY OF TEXAS. INC. 1919 ALLEN PARKWAY JA 9-3931 P.O. BOX 1413 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 May 12, 1970 City Planning Commission City Hall Friendswood, Texas 77546 Gentlemen: Please accept this letter as my formal request for changing Reserve "D" in the Anna-Lea Subdivision, Kings Park Section "B" from R-1 to R-2. It is my intention to build two and three family units on this plot. This will involve about ten families. I will be a resident owner. Yours very truly, �✓y 0M<���- ·/ r t i\ \�I ( ( __.. To: CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD 109 Willowick Avenue FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 482 -3323 June 3, 1970 From: Friendswood Planning and Zoning Corrmission Mayor, City of Friendswood Subject: Zoning Ordinance Proposed Changes 1.The City Council from time to time has stated they felt there wereseveral areas associated with the Zoning Ordinance which either had notbeen covered or which required amendment. The Planning and Zoning Commission is requested to take into consideration the items listed belowand provide the City Council recommendations on possible Zoning Ordinanceamendments to cover these items: (a)The following changes to the Permitted Use Tables: 1.Review the permitted use lists for the five defined zones withthe defined goal of updating these lists to reflect the trueneeds of Friendswood 2.Review the Light Industrial permitted use list for uses whichwould be desirable within the present City Limits. It is theopinion of the Council that there are certain so called lightindustry uses which would be desirable with the present City;for example, Warehouses. In order to make sure that useswhich are permitted within the City are clearly identified fromthose that are not permitted, the Planning and Zoning Commissionmay find it desirable to establish a sixth zone covering theindustrial uses permitted within the present City. 3.Substitute a Permitted Use Matrix for the current five zone"Permitted Use Tables". R eference the City of Galveston ZoningOrdinance. (b)Establish the Commercial Zone boundary along the rear property linesof those lots facing Huntington Lane and Camelot Lane in the WhitehallSubdivision. The present Zoning Map indicates this boundary line asgoing all the way up to Huntington and Camelot Lanes. (c)Recommend changes to the current Zoning Ordinance section coveringfuture annexations. (d)Provide recommendations on a provision for Special Exceptions withinthe Zoning Ordinance as requested by Council on March 2, 1970. ( ( 1 ( -� I 1 l :1 ... Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 From Minutes of March 2: "Truitt New -(Now zoned R-2) Request that it be zoned Commercial. MOTION: (Hamil) That if the ordinance is passed, that this block (including the New property) be given to the Planning Commission for consideration of re-zoning. Second: Woods Amendment to the above motion: (Mager) And that the Planning and Zoning Commission be directed to come up with a provision for "Special Exceptions" coverning those home businesses that need to be covered in Friendswood as far as their not being limited to present operation and not being able to expand. Second: Hamil; Vote: 4 (Stuart abstains) Vote on original motion as amended: 4 for (Stuart abstains) (e)Make recommendations on a "Grandfather" clause, to cover all orspecific uses at the time of enactment of the Zoning Ordinance.The Galveston Zoning Ordinance supposedly contains this provision;although, it is suspected that their 1 1 Grandfather 11 clause is thesame as our provisions covering non-conforming uses. Mr. Kivell,Assistant City Attorney for Galveston can be contacted as to thesection that Galveston defines as a 1 1 Grandfather 11 clause. (f)Provide recommended Zoning Ordinance changes to allow Mobile Trailersto be located on private lots in all zones under specific conditions.Provide a recommended list of conditions. (g)Review the depth of zones, specifically the Commercial Zone, to ensurethat these zones can be developed for their intended use. 2.It is recommended that you involve people from the business community, theChamber of Commerce, and the residential community during your consideration of the above items. ·Mayor ES:jf l I_ To the Pl1nning Boar d of Friendswood, Gentlemen: 'rhis letter is to resnectful ly reo110st a variance from the recent ordinance banning Mobile Homes in ·rhe city. I agree 1,1 i th the Board c"mDl e 1.cly that such a restrictio n is in the best interest of the city of Friendswood and I have nn wish to leirnen the benef'its to be gnined f'Pom its enfol'.'cement, I hope however, that you can interpret the ruling in a way that wiJl e1IBble me to handle an emergency sit11a.tion in my own fami 7 y, 1he emergency concerns my 70-year old mother. Her doc tor has recently told t 1 ·e famil ,r she should have constant care because she suffers from both asthma and diabetes, She has been s t8ving with me whi l.e she arranged the sale nf her home :ln Haus t•:m and Jsed the nroceeds to b1iy :=i l 2/!l x 48 1 trail er house which we had planned to put in our yard for her, But w�ither the doctor not the family tho11ght it likely mother coulrt stRnd the commotion normal in my honsehold of five children, I have attached tn this letter a drawing showing our olan for location my mother's trailer ho11se (if vou ,-iill nermit it). As vou will noti ce it blends in and be conies nart of the existing group rrwde up of house, gi:Jrage, and trees. I wovJ d hook it t•) my u ti l i ties except for the sewer. llRd nlanned to hui l d a septic tank on eccount of low ground, Thank you for your consideration of our probl0m, ,{esnectfully submitted, 406 Me]ody Lane Friendswood June 5 1970 ;;;,47/ ,4-fl�J�:. \ ) � [ \ �-1 FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING June 8, 1970 PRESENT: Dean Saurenman Jim Lawrence Frank Coe ALSO PRESENT: Hank Standifer, 406 Melody Lane BUSINESS: jf (1)Mr. Standifer presented a petition (attached) requesting permissionbe granted to allow the placement of a Mobile Home on his residence.A copy of the May 20, 1970 letter to the Mayor & Council from theCity Attorney pertaining to this request was furnished Mr. Standifer. ACTION: The petition will be considered along with the consid erations requested by the Mayor's letter of June 3, 1970. (attached) (2)A letter from the Mayor to the FPC requesting consideration ofproposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance was received. ACTION: To be continuously reviewed by FPC FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING June 23, 1970 Concerning Hauseman property on Mary Ann Drive -rezoning proposal from R-1 to R-2 Zoning Commission members present: Frank Coe Jim Lawrence Tony Banfield Frank Coe opened with statements explaining ordinance and how it operates, a history of this action. Thomas S. Brown 507 Mary Ann Drive Richard Homer 409 Christina Lane C.W. McCoy105 Mary Ann Submitted a petition ag ainst \'Jith 173 names Submitted a petition against with 27 names Submitted a petition against with 37 names Comments from the audience were asked for: Richard Homer 409 Christina Lane What effect can a resident outside 200 feet have? Answer: Public opinion and if adverse action, recourse to court Kurt Bartley 805 West Stadium Court Mr. Lang Fred Levrier 400 Avondale Lane Tony Banfield Requested representative Mr. Lang to explain his reasons for requested action Withdrew his request for action in light of public opinion Was not this property set aside for a park? Also, what is the City doing about parks for our City children? Answered with what the City was doing about parks. General discussion followed on Zoning in general -Good! L [ ! '7 l MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION (FPZC) July 13, 1970 PRESENT: Dean Saurenman Tony Banfield John Van Bockel Jim Lawrence BUSINESS ITEMS: (1)Mr. Cecil Brown Sr. and Mrs. Charles Giammalva, representing theFrank J. Brown Heritage Garden Center appeared before the FPZCto review their architectural plans for construction of a replicaof the Frank J. Brown residence utilizing original house timbersetc. as available. They requested FPZC approval for re-constructing this home to be utilized as a Mu seum on the property to therear of Brown's Pharmacy. ACTION: The FPZC felt that this fell under the purview of the Board ofAdjustment. Mayor Stuart was conferred with and he stated thathe felt it to be proper for the FPZC to act as a Board of Adjustment until such time that they had been appointed. He furtherstated he would discuss this situation at the next Mayor/Councilmeeting. The FPZC were unanimously in favor of the request and recommendedthat the Council grant a specific use permit for this project. (2)Mr. H. L. Lane appeared before the FPZC to discuss the possibilityof the City providing water and sewer service for a tenative smallMobile Home rental project which he would consumate if the necessaryutilities could be provided. He stated that this property locatedadjacent to Longwood Park and Crawford Drive (just outside thecorporate city limits) would eventually be converted to a duplexproject. ACTION: Mr. Lane was informed that he should talk to the City Council asto the City of Friendswood providing water and sewer service.Relative to land use the FPZC generally attempted to discourageMr. Lane from his intention to establish a Mobile Home rentalproject on this property. (3)Mr. Atwell, resident at Sunset and Shadowbend, appeared beforethe FPZC requesting permission to move a Mobile Home trailer ontohis property (approximately 5 acres) as an abode for his agedmother-in-law. l n ACTION: Precedence within the City on this matter was reviewed. Mr. Atwell was informed that the FPZC could not approve this request because it conflicted with the Zoning Ordinance. (4)Reviewed the detailed Architectural plans for construction of theMary Queen Parish Center at the present Catholic Church locationon Cedarwood. ACTION: The FPZC recommends that the Council grant a specific use permitfor this project. (5)The FPZC reviewed a re-drawn copy of the Zoning Map, made someminor corrections and reviewed same with the City Secretary. Respectfully submitted, �"'�. \.�,, �Q Van� Bockel� JVB:jf ( ,I I ( \ / i j �--\ \ i \._ ) PRESENT: MINUTES OF PU8LIC HEARING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION August 3, 1970 Dean Saurenman John Van Bockel Jim Lawrence BUSINESS ITEMS: The purpose of this meeting was to consider the application of two specific use permits (see below) and hear protests, if any, from adjacent property owners and city residents. After a brief introduction by the FPZC Chairman, the first application was taken up. l.Specific Use Permit application for a one story 7,000 square footmasonary church building on Lot 15, Block 3, Friendswood Subdivision,zoned R-1, by the Queen Mary Catholic Church. Father John Zabelskas inattendance. Action: There were no protests. The plat met Ordinance requirements.The FPZC made written recommendation to the Mayor and Council that the Zoning Ordinance (no. 132) be amended to allow a specific use permit for construction of this Church facility at above stated location. 2.Specific Use Permit application for a two-story wooden frame replicacalled the Frank Brown Garden Center, to be used as a historical museumand meeting place, by the Heritage Gardeners. Location: Lot 2, Block 4,Tract 15, Friendswood Subdivision Zoned R-2. The FPZC read a letter (attached) from Mr. & Mrs. M. L. Smoyer in protestwho reside within 200 1 of above described location. Action: After listening to the pro and cons (applicants represented byMrs. Giammalva and Viola L. Bost) the FPZC deliberated in private. The FPZC made written recommendation to the Mayor and Council Attachment JVB:jf that the Zoning Ordinance (No. 132) be amended to allow a Specific Use permit for construction of this museum at above stated location with the following conditions: (a)Offstreet parking on or adjacent to the property accomodateor more parking spaces. (b)Boundary fencing comply with ordinance requirements. (c)That the Heritage Gardeners consider enclosement of thefoundation. Respectfully submitted, �--""--"---�,, k� · John Van Bockel .J ..,._ I • • ( � I l t \.. City of Friendswood 203 Skyview Terrace Friendswood,Texas, 77546 July 30, 1970 Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission109 Willowick Avenue Friendswood, Texas 77546 Gentlemen: We refer to your letter of notification dated July 23, 1970 concerning a hearing regarding the petition by the Heritage Gardenersfor approval of construction of a building to be used as a museum and club center. Mrs. Smoyer and I have examined the plans of the proposed two-storybuilding to be constructed on Lot 2, Block 4, Tract 15, FriendswoodSubdivision and hereby register the following objections: 1.The proposed building is extremely unattractive in appearance. 2.It appears that this building would rest on brick or concretepiers which creates a most undesirable appearance as well as creates a haven for rodents, snakes, and other undesirable wildlife. 3.There is no indication of any off-the-street parking. We protest anything less than a fifty-car off-the-street parking 1 area. 4.This building, rather than enhancing the neighborhood will infact degrade the neig hborhood with a resultant depression to property value. To meet with our approval, we want to see a brick building proposedin a contemporary style similar in appearance to the Southwestern Bell building on West Edgewood or at least similar to the duplex dwellings on Skyview Terrace, which are nearby to our residence. We will appreciate you members of the Planning and Zoning Commission giving favorable consider ation to the protest and comments presented. Yours sincerely, "I c.,,:) v ~·, (/ / 1 U"vL ' �07--n--(} _.uy � ;(})� � Mrs. �ra-Virg:fu-1.a Smoyer 2J cyn��;C'� Martin L. Smoyer r ( ( l l �( { ( \ I Minutes of the .F'riendswood Zoning and l'lanning Commission November 5, 1970 Attendees were: James Lawrence Hay Nelson Rodger Koppa The following business was conducted: 1.Application of Mr. Red Bost to construct a structure forlease on his property in a district zoned C-1, the buildingfor potential M-1 use, •.M.r. Bost made an int'o.rmation presentation and dis cussion ofhis application. He agreed with members of the commission thatrezoning of the district in quest ion would be req uired, or atleast rezoning of his part of the district. Mr. Bost recommended that the Commission consider the creation of an additionalzoning classifa.cation, intermediate between C-1 and M-1 tocover such specific uses as·warehousing, service depoting,and the like. Mr. Bost stated that he would request rezoningof his property, with restrictions on the permissible activitiesand improvements thereon.'rhe Commission ·took the act ion to consider the intermediatez6ning classification between Cl and M-1, with the possibilityof rezoning certa.ln central-Friendswood areas, and to considerwhat restrictions would apply to such intermediate zoned disttrlcts.Whereupon, Mr • .aost withdrew his appl icat lon. 2.Application of Mr. P. Worlonan re �hadowbend, Section ;i.,Lot 8, dlock 1 of Friendswood Subdivision plat.The comm1�,1on found this plat at variance with Ordnance 132minimum requirements for side set-back or buildin3 line sidingon a street ont a major thoroughfare, which call for 15 feet, for R-1vice 10 feet on Mr. Workman's plat. 3.Application of Norwood Homes, Inc. for Q,ualrn r' s Landing II .. The Commission found this application at variance with Ordnance 132 in that rear lot set back/building line minimum distance in R-1 is 25 feet, vice Norwood Homes' specifl.cation of 10 feetfor those lots bacl,;:. ing on 0learv iew Ave. (\'lest side of subd l-v i.s ion).The Commissien members also noted that the cul-ae-sacs dimensioned on the plat showed 40 1 turning radius, which appearsto be very minimal for standard-size automobiles, althoughpermitted by the Friendswood street code. The Commission wenton record as fav·oring considere,tion of amending this minimumturning radius for cul-de-sacs, and will discuss specific recommendations at a future time. Whereupon the meeting was adjourned. The next ached uled meeting will be Nov. 12, 1970. � � tCo-1!1' "'Hespe ct f' ul l y Submitted l \ � FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting December 10, 1970 Attendees: Mr. Green Mr. Nelson Mr. Koppa 1.Approved sanctuary plans, First Baptist Church, Friendswood. 2.Question of specific use vs. special exception differentiation inOrdnance 132. Mr. Koppa reported following results of his studyof the ordn ance and related documents: A special exception is a specific u�e which is NOT listed on pages13 and 14 of Ordnance 132 (Section 9.8). The definition of·· aspecific use permit on page 14 is that it II is an amendment to thedistrict regulations of the zoning ordnance that permits the permanent establishment of a specific use within a zoning district inwhich such specific use may be established." The specific uses arelisted imme diately above this statement, and there is no pr ovisionfor spa:ific uses other than those lis�ed on pages 13 and 14. But aspecial exception is, in the words of the ordnance, a use which isnot appropriate generally or without restriction throughout a division or district, but which ••• ·would promote public good. Thisdefinition appears on page 4, item 28. The definition also statesthat special exceptions can be grabted only if II specific provisionfor such spe cial exceptions is made.11 None is made, except for th oselisted under a specific use . Therefore it is recommended that an ordnance amendment to item 28on page 4 be made, i.e., that the last sentence of that definitionbe omitted, and that the following language be substituted: 11 Such uses are those other than the uses specifically identified in Section 9, paragraph 8 as specific uses which require a specific use permit." It should also be noted that the Board of Adjustmen t is now empowered to grant special exceptions; the Planning and Zoning Commission specific use permits (through the City Council), both through the mechanism of de facto ordnance amendment. The Commission might consider combining these two functions under one of these two bodies, if there is no essential difference between a specific use and a special exception. The Board of Adjustment might be more appropriate for such a function, since a particular instance or individual is involved, rather than general principles or long-range planning which is more appropriately ouil function. L ( ' 12-10-70 -2- 3.Thought question: Should specific use permits and special exceptionsbe amendments or should they be within the discretion of either/orthe Board of Adjustment or Planning and Zoning Commission? 4.Jurisdiction of the Commission outside city limits--the generalprovisions in Vernon's is that zoning is part of a city's policepowers; police powers do not extend beyond the city limits, so theconclusion is that zoning jurisdiction cannot, either. 5.Mr. Green reported that he has had several inquiries from lightindustry about locating in Friendswood, but the M-1 district isvery small, and hence industry is kept away and off the city'staz rolls. It should be noted that Zone M-1 comprises the propertyon which the fig plant is located, Examination of the zoning maprevealed no other district zoned M-1. 6.Mr. Koppa read a suggested re-wording of the mobile home de.fir1iti"onin Ordance 132, to bring it into conformance with Ordnance 129, andto open the door for methods of construction other than conventionalon-site construction: (Page 1, Item 10, Mobile Home Dwelling ) ..• 11 means a portable vehicleconstructed on a chassis and which has been designed so that it maybe occupied and used without a permanent foundation. A mobile homeis a single family dwelling unit suitable for year-round occupancyand which has provision for electrical and water connections, andwhich provides for waste disposal in compliance with the plumbingcode requirements for dwellings. Such vehicle shall be eligible forregistration and licensing by the State of Texas for operatioh onthe public streets and highways. 11A travel trailer is not to be considered as a mobile home. 11Nothing in this definition shall be taken to imply that modular,factory pre=built, or methods of construction other than conventionalon-site construction require classification of housing produced bysuch methods as mobile home dwelling if they do not other than inmethod of construction meet the criteria outlined in this definition.11 7.Mr. R. Some;s (visitor) recommended that the Commission consider howto handle non-conforming uses if such property burns, needs improvement, etc, The present provisions of the ordnance prevents replacement or improvement of non-con forming u·ses of property, without anyexception. Perhaps mitigants could be added to the ordnance, whichtake account of time that non-conforming usage prevails; or permits•non-conforming usage to be expanded or replaced by use of the specialexception proviso. The special exception defiinition now in ordnanceis ambiguous; does it imply personal hardship, non-conforming inperpetuity for the common good? 8/ The Commission adjourned for the holidays at 10:00 pm. Next meeting sceduled for Ja nuary 7, 1971, at City Hall. Respectfully subm itted �-��� R.KoppaSecretary pro-tern I ( � ,, ( \ 1-------J ( I l I FRIENDSvX:JOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Minutes for the Meeting of January 14, 1971 1.Notes from informal meeting of Jan. 7, 1971 read. These notes had to do with further developments in the Workman plat (see Minutes of meeting Nov. 5, 1970 ) Mr. Workman has dropped his plans for the large lots on the west side of the plat, because they cross a drainage dit:h. Several of the streets arpund the Workman plat as now constituted are little more than dirt paths; but the present layout is by metes and bounds, ess entially, and does not include any streets. Workman is under no obligation to improve these streets, but obviously something will have to be done to make the streets acceptable for a row of houses. His last lot is less than 600 ft (to house li ne ) from a fire hydrant, so all he will need is a 211 water line. Any futher development along the street will occasion provision for another hydrant, however. The Commissi on al;,o approved plans for a garage, but noted that such routine actions should be accom1,lished by the Admin istrative Official. 2.Election of Officers Mr. Lawrence--Chai rman Mr. Nelson --Vice-Chairman Mr. Koppa --Secretary (all for 1-year terms) 3.Plan of Attack for this year: A.Process applications to the Commission for plats, etc. B.Critique Ordnance 132, and draft amendments aa required C.Long-range planning The last item, long=range planning, will have more meaning after a City Charter is established. 4.How shall the Commission handle indilstry located just outside the city li mits, so far as long-term planning is concerned? A discussion followed on potential areas both within and outside the ptesent city li mits for zoning M-1 5.Intermediate zoning district between C-1 and M-1 discussed. The city should have an open door for suitable light industry, since a skilled labor pool is available in the immediate area. ( l i ,.. l I � Minutes of January 14, 1971 -2- 6.'Ehe forthcoming Texas A & M survey on future development of Friendswood may reveal the will of the people as regards light industry and industrial parks. 7.Future traffic and flow patterns in Friendswood discussed briefly. 8.The special egception vs. specific use callouts in Ordnance 132 as inter preted by Mr. Koppa are being taken under advisement by the Commission for possible amendment. 9.Critiqllfl of Ordnance 132--Section 2 to be studied by Mr. Nelson and Mr. Koppa. Variance requires some attentjon; it should be made more general to permit minor specific use/special exception 10.Comment by visitor (Mrs. North) The a1iotted width of streets adjoining subdivisions should be taken into consideration in determining easement rather than the set limit (no matter how wide the street is) now prescribed in Ordnance 132. 11.It has been noted that the Commission does not know the status of the zoning map--it is rsquested that the City Secretary provide copies of the present, signed, official zoning map be provided to all members of the Com mission, and to the City Council. 12.Section 4 and 5 of Ordnance 132 have no major problems, except , sect. 4, paragraph 8 has only callout of special exception in the ordnance. 13. Section 5, para, 5: the Chairman would like to set up a PLANNING map for zoning districts not now inside the city limits, such that a coherent plan exists now for land that is subject to annexation by the city. 14.Section 6 to be critiqued by Mr. Nelson and Mr. Koppa. 15.Section 7: more district designations are needed here, perhaps a matrix format like the Galveston zoning ordnance would help here. This section should be combined with the appendix which has schedules of district regulations. Mr. Walls and Mr. Green will crit:i.que Section 7. Whereupon the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Next meeting will be January 28, 1971. Respectfully submitted, , ;c,r(f} Rodger J. Koppa Secretary ! I j i FRIEND SWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES FOR THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 11, 1971 1.Meeting called to order by chairman Lawrence with all memberspresent except Mr. Koppa. 2.Mr. John Urbansky of Peabody Engineering and Mr. Don Lindsay ofNorwood Homes requested a variance be granted in connecti on withthe plat for Quakers Landing Secti on 2. The variance requestedwas that the brick fence along Clearview Drive be located asshown on the original plat request (10 1 from the street insteadof the 25 1 stipulated by the ordinance). The reason for therequest was that the fence is a continuation of the existingfence for Section 1. Motion to grant variance made by Mr. Green,seconded by Mr. Walls, passes unamously. 3.Mr. Norman Knight, Knight Construction Company, requested approvalof apartment complex on Winding Way consisting of 52 units.Commission to study plans for approval based on 46 units.Mr. Norman to rework plans to accommodate 46 units. 4, Mr. Tom Long, Tom Long and Associates, presented plans for a 27 townhouse unit complex on the corner of Heritage Drive and Laurel Drive. Commission discussed and approved plans. 5.Meeting adjourned. i:t•�v� Ra/Nelson ( \ f I,., f ; ' 1 ( ' u FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COM.MISSION MINUTES FOR February 25, 1971 All Commissioners were in attendance. 1.Mr. Koppa suggested that a possibility existed that an1rregulariey existed in the proceedings of Feb. 11, 1971.The Commission agreed to grant a variance to Norwood HomesInc. 1n the matter of their Quaker's Landing II plat. Ord�nance 132 relegates the power to grant variances to theBoard of Adjustment, add requires a public hearin g to beheld by that Boa.rd. Mr. Nelson moved that the Secretary of the Flanning Com� mission notify Norwood of this procedural error, and informm them that a variance cannot be granted without further action in accord with the ordnance. Mr. Walla seconded this motion, which passed unanimously. Mr. Stewart informed the Planning Commission that he will appoint a Board of Adjustment, and schedule a hearing on this variance, as soon as written application is received from Norwood. The Secretary was instructed to write a letter on the above findings.t o Norwood Homes, Inc. 2.Knight Construction Co. made application for approval ofa plat fo r a 46 unit apar tment complex on Winding Way. Theplat was approved without chan ge. 3.Mr. Nelson observed that the plat of Tom Long and Assoc.should have had so me previsions for play areas and/er aswimming pool. There is no ordnance which now covers thissituation, however. 4.Plana for the residence of Dr. Jack Bridwell were approved. 5.Plans for duplex by Workman-Banfield were app roved. The meeting was adjourned at 2200. Respectfully submitted: 7Eag1Jtl:: Secretary 1. r,I � ( / ) nI ( ) ( ) ( 'f \ '' l) ..._i;;.:..-. FRIEND.3wOOD lLA.NNIN� COI•: .. MISSION M1nutea of the March 25, 1971 Attendees: M.r. Lawrehce Mr. Green Mr. Nelaon M..r. Koppa .Meeting I I I I 1.The Commission adopted a st andard p.roced.ure forprocessing all applications to the Commission forapproval of pl.at· or interpretation of the zoni:1gordnance. rhe application will be refer.red to an1ndiv1dual on the Commission for detailed study andreport to the other members of the Commission at thenext regularly scheduled meeting, for action by theCommission • 2. A plat submitted by Mr. Jack Edwards was consideredby the Commission. Mr. Edwards' request to rezone the lots No. 29 and 30 of Annalea from R-1 to R-2 constitutes spot zoning, which is not permissible in the Sta to of Texas. 3. Tho Norwood Homes Qu ake.r's Landing II plat wassigned following the hearing on their a�pl1cat1on for a variance to the aoa.rd of Adjustment. No objections to this variance were raised at that hearing. 41 Noedod changes to the zoning ordnance need to be implemented and identified so that the planning commission can progress to �lannin� activities proper. To that end, the Chairman proposed that all members prepare written comments on pages l to 10 (middle) by the next scheduled meeting. He further proposed that a subcommittee be appointed at the next meeting to combine the comments of the Commission into a draft of amendments. 5.�he meeting was adjo urned at 2115. Respectfully submitted, 7Uly-i � Rodger Koppa Secretary L. ,..- �----�. -•�+--=::;_,--:--�1-=:=-_-..:: _ ::.;r=.:._=_:_�-,�:-=:---::::-�:1-;_:: .. ·.,-,·-·----�-- ,": -- ·l :1 1 { ..,_ I f-J \ ( • Friendswood Planning Commission Minutes for 15 Apr11 1971 {All members were present) 1.Applicat ion from Friend swood Private Day School i theCommission sees no obJeotion to the addition, but mustadvise applicant that application to the Board of Adjustment will be required for the deviation of 28 1 2 11 vioe30 required in C-1. Secretary to w•1te letter so.statingto applicant • 2.Presentation by Tony Banfield and Buck Houseman: platfor Salem Square Apartments, to be located behind Minimax.The finding s of the Commission were as foll ows:{l}Parking spaces located on Clearview are not in ac cordwith item 23, page 3 of Ordnance 132; cars would have toback into thoroughfare (Clearview). (2} Variance appli cation to Board of Adjustment will be reqmred to accommodate 18 1 set baok on off1oe fronting on Clearview, vice 25' required by Ordnance 132. Mr. Banfield and Mr. Houseman will resubmit plat with different arrangement for parking on Clearview, and will apply for a variance for the 18' setback. 3.The Planning Commission requires the names of tho••citizens appointed to the Board of Adjustment, and especially the Chairman of the Board of Adjustment. Mayor Stuart,by receipt of a oopy of these minut•s, 1a hereby formallyrequested to furnish this information to the PlanningOomm1aa1on, by 22 April 1971. 4.Applioation of Mr. Pete Zomera for erect ion of a temporary real estate office 1n a 0-1 zone: referred to Mr.Nelson for further study and report at the next meeting. 5.Proposed amemdment drafts for the Zoning Ordnance weredisousaed, and all member s urted to submit written comment sby the next meeting. 6.The meeting was adjourned at 2200. The next meeting isscheduled for 22 April 1971. Respectfully submitted, !fl�� Secretary t I r I l I Friendswood Planning Commission Minutes for 4-22-71 Attendees: Mr. Lawrence Mr. Nelson Mr. Green Mr-,-Kop�a. 1.Re-applloation by Tony Banfield of plat for apartmentcomplex (Salem Square Apartments). The objectionableparking spaces on Clearview were eliminated, and the 18foot setback on the office was inoreased to 25 feet, in compliance to Ordnance 132. The application was approved. 2.Application of Mr. Zamora to erect a sales office ina C-1 zone. Mr. Lawrence proposed that a temporary certificate of zoning compliance be issued in view of thetemporary nature of this building. The certificate wouldrun for 6 months, with provision for renewal. The Commissiondetermined that no provision for suoh a certificate hasbeen made in the zoning ordnance for a temporary salesoffice in a C-1 zone. The application was therefore approved without restriction, with the observation that theordnance is equivocal with respect to such temporary buildings. 3.Mr. Nelson commented on the silence of Ordnance 132with respect to the usage and sale of alcoholic beverages.This point should be given consideration in amending theordnance in view of recent and proposed changes to stateliquor laws. 4.Some discussion ensued on changes to the zoning ordnancewhich are in the process of being drafted by members of theC omm 1 s a 1 on • 5.The meeting was adjourned at 2115. Respectfully submitted, ?!!� Secretary I I l I FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of the March 25, 1971 Meeting Attendees: Mr. Lawrence M.ri. GreenMr. NelsonM.r. Koppa 1.The Commission adopted a standard procedure forprocessing all applications to the Commission forapproval of plat or interpreta tion of the zoningordnance. The application will be referred to anindividual on the Commission for detailed study andreport to the other members of the Commission at thenext regularly scheduled meeting, for action by thea omm i as 1 on • 2.A plat submitted by Mr. Jack Edwards was consideredby the Commission. Mr. Edwards' request to rezone thelots No. 29 and 30 of Annalea from R-1 to R-2 constitutes spot zoning, which is net permissible in theState of Texas. 3.The Norwood Homes Quaker's Landing II plat wassigned following the hearing on their application fora variance to the Board of Adjustment. No objectionsto this va.rianoe were raised at that hearing. 4', Needed changes to the zoning ordnance need t0 be implemented and 1clent 1f 1ed so that the planning commission can progress to planning activities proper. To that end, the Chairman proposed that all members prepare written comments on pages 1 to 10 (middle) by the next scheduled meeting. Ha further proposed that a subcommittee be appointed at the next meeting to combine the comments of the Commission into a draft of amendments. 5.'.rhe meeting was ad J0urned at 2115. Respectfully submitted, �r� Rodger Koppa Secretary I ·1 FRIENUSWOO.u PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes for May 13, 1971 Attendees: .Mr. Lawrence Mr. Nelson Mr. Green Mr. Koppa 1.Application of Mr. Frank Stutzman and Mr. James Knightto build an open-air vegetable stand on rented propertyzoning 0-1. The stand is to be wood-frame, with an aluminumroof. The stand is to cover 2000 sq. ft, and thus wouldrequire ten parking spaces off 518. Mr. Stutzman o.nd Mr.Knig ht will apply for a certificate of zoning c0mpliancewith a plat e.t a later time. 2.The official zoning map was reviewed in detail by membersof the Commission. 3.The members of the Planning Commission v-dmh to go on recordas being concerned that they were not consulted in any meaningful way on the plans for widening 518 through the centerof town; also the quest ion of annexing land in'clud ing thenew high school. The commission's role as set forth in theordnance that created it emphasizing planning is at variancewith its act ivit ie a lately, which involve administering thezoning ordnance • 4.Mr. Lawrence announced that he will resign as soon as a.replacement can be named by the C tty C ounc 11. 5.A discussion ensued on the changes needed to the ZoningOrdnance. Mr. Koppa and Mr. Lawrence volunteered to act asthe committee to collate all member's comments and pr eparean amendment package. 6.Mr. Nelson remarked thata kennel provision needed to beadded to the Ordnance (132). 7.The meeting was adjourned at 2127. Respectfully submitted, �er-� Rodger Koppa Se creta ry I FRIENDS\rfOOD .PLA1'lNING COMMISSION Minutes for May 27, 1971 Attendees: Mr. Lawrence Mr. Nelson Mr. Walla Mr. Koppa ---1. Application of Mr. Myer to rezone 204 Echo Street as C-1, presently zoned R-2 (this was informal inquir y). The lot 1s 65 x 145. This does not constitute spot zoning because the l0t adjoins C-1 property. The Commission advised Mr • .Myer that it would take an amend.ment to the zoning map to redistrict his land, unless it were cut by the district line. Then the Board of Adjustment could act on such appl icat lon under the terms of the o.rdbance. 'l'he , · zoning map seems to·show that the adjacent property (toward 518, belonging to Mr. Huber) is part R-2 as well. Mr. Myer will consider further what action he would li ke to take 1n this matter. 2.Mr. Stutzman (see the minutes for May 13, 1971) showeda sketch of the outdoor vegetable stand he wishes t·o·construct on 518, next to the Lemon Drop. This will be anAir-Vent Co. awning, with fences a.round, with a front ofbatter-board. He emphasized that the structure would bep.ne.sentable. The commission can see no object ion in the-Ordnance to the use of this property for th iij purpose. Mr.Nelson remarked that the plat of the property, showing ·layout and parking, etc. would be required before a certificate could be issued. An elevation and represntationalsketch would be very helpful, also. 3.Board of Adjustment Members: ·rhese we.re 1dent1.fied asStan Faber, George Rummel, and Jack Humph rey. 4.A review ef the pr oposed amendments to Ordnance 132 wasthen conducted. These amendments will b� read·over by allmembers, and comments in for final incorporatibn by June4, 1971. 4.the meeting was adjourned at 2120.Respectf ully submitted: �� Secr ·etary FRIENDSWOOV .Pi,A.NNING COMMISSION Minute a for J·un e 10, 1971 ·rhere being no quorum present, no business was conducted.The pac1cage of proposed amendments prepared by 1"1r. Lawrenceand Mr. Koppa was informally submitted to City Council inworkshop session for their comments and suggestions preparatory to open hearings by the Planning Commission. The Councilwill tender any suggestions by July 8, 1971, one month hence.A copy of this package is hereby transmitted to each memberof the Commission, and is a part of the Minutes of theFriendswood Plannin� Commission. Respectfully submitted, �� Rodger Koppa Secretary ,. ll I .. I MINU'fi!;S OF •rHE FIRENUSWOO.D .!:LANNING COMMISSION June 24, 1971 1.Attendees: Mr. NelsonMr. Green Mr. Koppa 2.It was noted that the last minutes of the City Councilindicated that the Council has accepted the resignationof Mr. Lawrence, without naming a successor to his position. Hence Mr. Nelson moves to Chairman, and the Commissionconsists of only four members for the moment. It 1s hopedthat a successor to Mr. Lawrence will be named in the verynear future ae as not to impede the work of the C0mmission. 3.Commission members are reminded to inform Mr. Nelson orMr. Koppa if they cannC!>t attend a regular meeting, so asnot to inconvenience the other members if a quorum cannotbe obtained. 4.The City Council has passed on a letter of inquiry fromHUD, Federal Insurance Administration, dated 28 May 1971.The information to support this inquiry, which concernsflood plain management, has been requested from the Planning00mmission, and from Mr. Jones, the Building Insp ect0r. Mr.Stuart (after the meeting) instructed Mr. Koppa to contactMr. Jones as to specifics required for answering the letter. 5.Mr. John Van Bockel provided information on his proposedsubdivision of his land tract, which presently lies outsidethe city· limits. He intends to request hookup to c1ty sewerage,and is contemplating connection to city water. Mr. Van Beckelintends, as far as possible, to conform to city standards inhis subdivision so that there will be no PDDblems if and whenhis area is annexed by Friendswood. He 1s also consideringunderground wiring in his subdivision. Mr. Van Beckel requests comment on his plans and deed restricti0ns as soon as possible (provided a copy 0f plat and draft of rstrictions for Commission perusal). 6.The City Secretary is hereby requested t� supply a copyof these minutes as a matter of routine to the Mayor, theAdministrative Official for Zoning, and to the 3oard ofAdjustment, retr0active to the first meeting of the presentCommission, November 11, 1970. 7.The Commission agreed upon a budget of 35.00 for the fiscal year to defray the costs of postage and reproduction. 8.The Commission members will all study in detail the Bovay�lan in order to form a background for future planning ac-tivities. Respect fully submitted: 7.2. �c.Yrl"- [\ u ; � l.�J FRIEN.uSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes for July 22, 1971 Attendees: Mr. Nelson Mr. Koppa Mr. Green l.Application of Messrs. u.L. Massey and J.W.Worthto place a mobile heme on a let in an R-2 (multiplefamily residence) district. The Commissi0n is notimpowered under the present zoning ordnance te granta Certificate ef Zoning Compliance. The applicantswere ad vised to submit a request for special exceptionto the Board of Adjustment. 2.Application of Mr. H.K. Jones regarding rezoningof an R-1 district piece of property whose front 300feet (on 518) is C-1. Mr. J'ones wishes to develop thisland for townhouses, i.e. R-2, alsG apartments. Mr.Jones expressed the opinion that strlp-zoning aleng themain thoroughfares took nG cognizance of property linesand has left many owners with land whose fr ont portionis C-1, but whc.ise rear pa.rt is R-1. The strip is toonarrow to develop as 00mmercial property in a meaningfulway, but the .residence-only zoning of the rea r is incompatible with the commerddal character of the front. The Commi1J1iion' s opinion is that Mr. Jones' request constitutes spot z0ning, which is illegal in Texas. If other owners of property adjacent to Mr. Jones were to join with h1m in a request for re-zoning, then a hearing on such action could be held, and a recommendation made to the City Council for revision of the Zening Map. 3.Mr. Koppa commented that traffic flow through anaaround li'riendswood should be considered by the Commission,and requested Mr. Green to query the Chamber of Commerceon the percentage of business from outside the city thatmerchants in Fir iendawood did. Also, some attention tolowering the speed limits within the copporate lim its ofthe city should. be paid. The volume of through trafficsince 2351 was connected to Interstate 45 has increasedtremendously, to the probable detriment of the City. 4.Mr. Red Bost discussed some of the proposed amendmentstp the Zoning Ordnance. He was p.Dovided a copy of theamendments at bis request, and wishes to study these inlight of prospective plans he has for his downtown Friendswood property. 5.The Commission adjourned at 2320.Respectfully submitted: /2..,,., 1?�-,..,_ R. K oppi,is8 cretary [ l f ! LI FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of a Specia.l Meeting August 5, 1971 Absent: Mr. Nelson l.A.pplicatien of Mr. Benson to build approx. 25 duplexeson a c-l/R-1 districted lot on FM 2351. The duplexes wouldbe located on the R-1 area of the lot, leaving the frontC-1 district property for future commerci al deve lopment.The duplexes might be so ld to individual owner-landlords.Mr. Benson advised to petition with neighbors for rezoningto Rw2, or seek special exception (dubious) from Board ufAdjustment. 2.Application of Mr. Tutton to build a shed for own equipmenton his c-1 zoned property. The plat was approved. Minutes of a Meeting held August 12, 1971 l.All members agreed the Planning Commission should interestUself in flood plain management.2.All members agreed that the Commission should meet withCity Council as soon as possible to discuss a wider role forthe Commission in the area of planning and proposed annexation.(A news report, Houston Post dtd 8-12-71, on the subject ofFriendswood annexation plans read to Commission by the Secretary).3.The issue of public parks was a1scussed--pla.cement andnumbers, in the context of the Bovay Report. Also the subject of a public swimming pool for F.tiendswood was advanced, with no conclusions reached. One 1dea would be to have such a poQl as a public school facility, with use of the pool by city residents 1.n the summer, or after school hours. 4.An action item was assigned to all members to study theBovay Report in detail; particularly the 1995 use map (p. 22)5.Position on annexation of the School property;Mr. Koppa ana Mr. Nelson--against annexation until CityCharter in effect, since strip annexation to school atthis time would leave area around school subject to nocontrol by the city--undesi rable growth, ua:ges possible.If Charter not passed, then for annexation. Mr. Green and Mr. Wa.lls--for annexation of the schoolproperty at this time to ensure adequate police protectionand city services6.'£he Commission members had no opinion on the proposedannexation of the Van Bockel tract. Minutes of a Meeting held August 26, 1971 l.Plat of L.B.Woetters reviewed and approved. [ I . l l J Augus·t 26, 1971 2.Mrs. Greg Hughes d 1scussed the zoning ordmance withregard to her usage of a mobile home building on herproperty which 1s 1n a C-1 district. The ordinance sche dulefor c-1 does not perm1t such a building to be used for ahome1 butdnothing in the ordnance prevents the mobile home to be use ror an office or commercial establishment. 3.The Pl anning Commission (Mr. Green absent) met injoint session with the Workshop City Council to discussany quest ions they m1ght _ have on the package of proposedamemdmenta to the Zoning Ordinance. The ensuing discussionis a part of the record of the City Council on that meeting.The City Attorney, Mr. Jerden, was r�quested to render alegal cr1t ique within the next two weeks, following whichpublic hearings will be scheduled by the Planning Commissionon these amemdmenta. At her request, Mrs. Warren North isto be provided with a copy of the proposed amemdments bythe City Secretary, Mrs. Henry. Respect fully submitted, � fffl: ----... Ra.Giger Secretary [ I \ .£i'HIEND:.:3WOOD .PLANNING COMMI.:3310.N Minutes of the October 28, 1971 Meeting Attendees: Mr. Nelson Mr. Walls Mr. Green Mr. Van Horn Mr. Koppa 1.Election ©f new officers for the Commission is deferreduntil after the hearing(s) on the pr0posed changes to Ordinance 132 are held. Mr. Van Horn agreed to taking over the �ecretary position, starting at the next regular meeting. Mr. Koppa's resignation as secretary was acceptedoy the Commission. 2.·The hearing on the proposed amendments to the ZoningOrdinance is scheduled for November 16. 3.The Commission unanimously concurred in the proposed annexation plan announced by the City Council. The Commission is on record as favoring such annexation before the City Charter was approved, as recorded in the Minutes ef a meeting held August 5, 1971. 4.Mr. l'l.iager, City Councilman, recommended that the PlanningCommission begin fomulating recommendations for the 10 per cent city area Friendswood is entitled to annex on January 1, 1972. As a first step, facts must be gathered and relevant data en several developed areas now outside the city limits, but within Friendsweod territorial jurisdiction. 5.It is the Commission's understanding that the City Councildoes n<Dt consider the Bovay Report to be a comprehensive plan for Friendswood, that, in fact, no comprehensive planis in existance for the city. The C�mm1ssion resolved to take immediate steps to remedy this situation. 6.lf the proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordiance are passed,the Commission is considering zoning as C-2 (Commercial District) the area bounded by the 1.nte rsec t ion of 518 and 528, to NW around to Winding 1t'/ay, Sunset, and Briar Meadow (extending Briar Meadow to 518). No steps will be taken toward this, if any, until and if the zoning ordmnce amendments a.re approved by the City Council. 7.·rhe .C.ommission unanimously approved the Certificate Qf Zoning Compliance form recently drawn up by the Secretary. B.All members of the Commission accepted an action to have a crittiue of the present zoning map prepared by the next meeting on Nov. 11, 1971. Respect f�mitted �.Kopla/ � f l ! I Minutes of the Friendswood Planning Commission November 11, 1971 Attendees: Ray Nelson Frank Green Roger Koppa Lloyd Van Horn The following business was conducted: 1.Considered a petition from the Church of the Nazarene to build a churchon Tracts C, D, E, on Shadowbend, 3,89 northeast portion of Lot 5, Block 1. Petition dated November 10, 1971, was presented to the Commission by Mr,Leroy Land, Following advise was given to Mr. Land: a.A Specific Use Permit is required. b, Will include hearing on this permit as part ofthe November 30, 1971 hearing upcoming. 2, Considered a petition from Mr. Harold Benson for construction of multiple family housing units in an R-1 area, Mr. Benson has appeared before on the I subject. He was advised that the Planning Commission cannot act. The Board of Adjustment has jurisdiction in the case and they are awaiting advise of the city attorney as to their action. 3, Received and note1 a letter from Curt Toliver, Pres., Imperial Estates Civic Club, dated October 28, 1971, to Mr. Roger Koppa, concerning the jurisdiction of the Civic Club over certain deed restriction problems in Imperial Estates, Section I, 4.Discussed the alledged use of a trailor as a residence on the Hughes property, Edgewood Drive (refer petition of Mrs. Greg Hughes recently), No specific action was requested of the Commission and none was taken. 5.Considered and approved residential plans of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Dalton. 6.The Commission was in favor of reviewing and revising the existing cityplan as reflected in the Bovay Report. Members were asked to prepare a list of premises for a Friendswood city plan prior to November 30, 1971, the next meeting of the Commission. 7.The meeting was then adjourned. l �4'U0 i1/ :_fJ:r{ -:, �:::�·:::��::�1� \1 (l t i CITY OF f RIENDS\X/00D 109 Willowick Avenue FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 482 . 3323 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING - -7:30 p.m. November 30, 1971 NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing win be held in the Friendswood City Hall at 7:30 p.m. on November 30 11 for the purpose · ., of affording interested parties to be heard on the granting of a SPECIFIC USE permit which would allow the Church of the Nazarene to construct a church building on part of Lot 5 Block 1 at 602 West Shadowbend in Fri endsv1ood 11 Texas. November 15� 1971 FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION _y rd _ _/}��(,----·L.B. Cl ,neZoning Administrator .,,. I ;. i I\ i·"' I, 1·.:( i. 1l < f: t I t: ,. ( ' f j [ l Minutes of the Friendsuood Planning Commission January 13, 1972 Attendees: Messrs Nelson · Green Walls Van Ho rn The following business ·was conducted:· 1.John Walser appeared to question applicability ofzoning ordinance to use of mobile homes in C-1 zone. 2.Reviewed and approved house plans for the foll01·ringfamilies: Tolliver, Frank and Fossler 3� Reviewed letter from Mr. Leroy Land, Church of the Nazarene, petetioning for permission to build church on property specified as 11 2�34 acres, nore or less, out of the northwest portion of the southwest one-half of Lot 11, Block 1, Friendswood11 A public hearing has. been set for 1/27/72. 4.Reviewed letter from Mr. John Bencal re his positionon Nazarene Church petition hearing held November 30, 1971. 5.Prepared recommendations for annexation as requestedby Council in their letter to us of 1/11/72. We planto study further areas such as Forest Bend and Wedgewood,and property to the south of Friendswood� However, thiCommission was unanimous that first priority and immediateattention be given the property west of town� Reasonsare: a. the city is growing that direction; there isalready sewer and water to the high school, b� the areawill be an important part of Fri endswood and should bep�rt of our planning and zoning responsibility soon,c.it contains the only areas known to have petitionedthe city for annexation, d. the school should be part oiBthe city for proper police protection. It was agreed thatMr� Van Horn would draft a letter to Council from theCommission conveying these thoughts and recommending thatthis are� be given top priority in annexation considerationsfor 1972. 6� The meeting was then adjourned. Res�tt1;'1ly �u)'"i tted,�r:id2«/2JH0 t.Lloyd Van Ho rn, Secretary I II I r L TOPIC: MINUTES OF A HEARING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION January 27, 1972 7:30 PM Petition of the Friendswood Church of the Nazarene for a specific use permit to locate a church and educational building of brick and frame construction on 2.34 acres out of the northwest portion of the southwest half of Lot 11, Block l, Friendswood Sarah McKissick or J. R. Williams League, Galveston County, Texas. Said property has 270 feet frontage on Shadowbend with a depth of 378 feet, and is in an R-1 district. Commissioners present: Hearing attendees present: Mr. Nelson, Chairman Mr. Green Mr. Koppa Mr. Van Horn, Secre tary Fifteen to Twenty The.he aring was opened with a description of the property and its location, and of the subject petition by Mr. Nelson. All hearing attendees were in favor of the petition. There were no proper ty owners present who opposed it. Most of those present were members of the Friendswood Nazarene Church. The Commission asked Mr. Leroy Land, Pastor of the Nazarene Church, and spokesman for the petitioners, for the reasons why his church group had chosen the site described in his petition. His reply is summarized as follows: l.The area is not yet heavily developed. 2.Many of his congregation live in Whitehall and the surroundingarea and can walk to the church. 3.Residents adjacent and nearby to the proposed church site haveno objections to having a church built there, as evidenced bythe lack of any objecting attendees at the hearing. 4.Allo\vance has been made by the previous owner of the tract forstreets on either side of the site, providing excellent access. Mr. Raymond McClung, District Superintendent of the Church of the Nazarene, informed the Commission that the Church had closed the purchase of the property. The hearing was adjourned. ( 1 I u I \, MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION January 27, 1972 Attendees: Messrs. Nelson, Green, Koppa, Van Horn The following business was transacted: 1.Mr. Van Horn was asked to check the file of minutes of Commissionmeetings to see that all minutes are included therein. 2.The Commission was informed that the Assembly of God Church nowmeeting in the old Wolf's Den Restaurant plans to use the buildingpermanently as a church. The Commission will review plans,particularly with respect to parking, in due course. 3.A motion was made, seconded and passed that the Commission requireformal, written statements of use, and complete plats of property,before making any formal decision or ru ling on zoning compliance. 4.Mr. Bill Palmer, representing Mr. Buck Hausman, presented plans forthree homes, and a plat for subdivision of Reserve D of Annalea/Kingspark Subdivision into three lots. The lots as platted did not meetminimum area requirements, or rear setback requirements of Ordinance132, and were therefore not approved. Mr. Palmer was advised toprepare a written request for variance, if he so desired, and submitit to Mr. L. B. Cline with complete plats of the property. 5.Maxine Eignus, representing D. J. Murphy, appeared to discuss zoningof Mr. Murphy's tract of land on the corner of FM 518 and 2351 behindthe Southwestern Bell Telephone building. She proposed that theproperty be zoned in such a way that a shopping center could be erectedthere facing on FM 518. After discussion, she was advised that awritten petition should be submitted for a change in zoning of thearea from R-2 to C-1, with the owners of the property joining her inthe petition. 6.Mr. George Rummel, member of the Friendswood Board of Adjustment,appeared in connection with an upcoming hearing on the Mrs. NanceHughes mobile home case. He was accompanied by Mr. Helmut Erwin, anattorney who works with Mr. Ody Jerden, the City Attorney. Afterdiscussion, and based on Mr. Erwin's advice, it would appear thatOrd. 129 requires that "mobile home" can only be a residence, exceptfor temporary periods at a construction site. Therefore, the Commission's prior decision with respect to Ord. 132 regarding use of a 11 mobil e home" as a music studio on Mrs. Hughes' property was notcorrect. It cannot be used as a music studio in light of 129. 7.Mr. J. D. Burns appeared to discuss the Truss Shop. No action wastaken. 11 [ u 8. 9. ,lti,1t, I Page 2 -January 27, 1972 Reviewed and approved.��i stables on Dr. Jack Bridwell 's property. Commission was advised J that Council expected the Commission to takeaction on petition from Mr. Harold Benson for a special excepti on to allow construction of duplexes in an R-1 district loc ated on FM 2351 roughly opposite the Hut Mobile Trailer Park. After consideration, the Commission recommended that a letter from the Commission to Council be prepared stating the following: a.Mr. Benson has appeared on at least two occasions, 8/5/71 and11/11/71 as reflected in the minutes. He has submitted awritten request for a special exception on the property dated8/18/71. He was advised on 11/11/71 that the Planning Commissioncould not act on the request for special exception and that he mustseek satisf action from the Board of Adjustment. Apparently theBoard of Adjustment has decided that they also do not have jurisdiction. b.The Board of Adjustment should reply to the request for specialexception in accordance with the zoning ordinance. If they concludethat they cannot grant an exception, then they must notify petitionerin writing. c.Depending on the outcome of b., Mr. Benson may elect to petiti onthe city for a change in zoning on the property from R-1 to R-2.Given such a petition, the Planning Commission can then act. The meeting was then adjourned. Respectfully submitted, ,:4� C lY.. Van· -Horn, Secretary bh . \ }\ I• . ' / / 1) '·'1·1t :1 I, ·1 l TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF f RIENDSWOOD 109 Willowick Avenue FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 482 -3323 February 3, 1972 Mayor Stuart and City Council Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission Nazarene Church Request for Specific Use Permit As a result of a public hearing held on January 27, 1972, the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission has reached the unanimous conclusion that the Specific Use Permit for the Nazarene Church should be approved. We therefore recommend that the City Council take the necessary action to change the Zoning Ordinance to permit this Specific Use. LVH/bh FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION , .-" ;I i , • ' I I/ ·1 I I .: i .. / . (' ,· / I ,' i ·1, /'J tf f ;7 �--··' ,· , ) . . . (. ( ' . , ,; 1··/J-'...I(, c ·l ''/·.. .. I .I 111' 1 lJ MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION February 3, 1972 The subject meeting was called at the request of Mr. Hausman and Mr. Palmer re the proposed subdivision of Reserve D. Annalea/Kingspark Section B into three lots. The Commission has made the following findings regarding the request to approve the said subdivision: l.The submitted house and lot plats show a 25 foot setback in frontand less than 25 feet in back, which is contrary to the Ordinance 132R-1 District regulations. The Ordinance does allow the Commissionto waive the 25 foot front setback to as little as 20 feet on lotsless than 105 feet deep. 2.The Commission was not in favor of granting a waiver because: a.Lots bordering on the back of Reserve D are also shallow,making the distance between back doors of houses unduly closeand privacy jeopardized. b.It would appear that this open area by its very designation"Reserve D 11 was intended by the developers as a park or openarea, not for building. This would be more desirable thanthree more houses closing up one of the last available openareas in this subdivision. 3.The plats as presented are barely acceptable size; if furtherconsideration is to be given to this proposed subdivision, a properlyattested survey and plat will have to be submitted. 4.If the developers wish to pursue the present platted subdivision, theywill have to seek a variance from the Board of Adjustment. 5.This finding was arrived by unanimous vote.,I j Attendees: Frank Wall Frank Green Rodger Koppa Lloyd Van Horn LVH/bh ---y,-:✓/-v IL J_ loyEI \fan Hor-n; Secretary, Planning Commission 1 I I I l ( l MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION February 24, 1972 Attendees: Ray Nelson Frank Green Lloyd Van Horn 1.E. F. Stuart appeared to discuss Buck Hausman's petition. He favors itfor the following reasons: a.It is now a weed patch .. It is not large enough for a park. b.Houses would increase City's revenue and develop out the area.There is a city park nearby. c.Should not penalize Hausman because houses behind area are builtclose to back line. 2.Harold Benson reappeared to request zoning change. He was advisedverbally that: a.The Board of Adjustment will not approve the request for specialexception. b.We will consider the request of August 18, 1971 to be a newrequest for zoning change, effective now. 3.Maxine Eignus appeared to pursue zoning change discussed in January20, 1972 minutes, and requested formally in letter of January 20, 1972,signed by owner of property on January 31, 1972. Told her we wouldinform her of our planned approach to zoning change within a month. 4.Mr. Bob Atkinson, representing Sunmeadow Development Company, presenteda plat for Sunmeadow, Section 2, for consideration of Planning Board. 5.Mr. Buck Hausman appeared to discuss variance on his plats in AnnaleaKingspark which were subject of Special Meeting held February 3, 1972. Setback to vertical wall is 25 feet. However, setback to porch is only21 feet. What does the ordinance mean by building line? Plans are in accordance with ordinance in other respects, and have VAand FHA approval, and are approved by the Kingspark ArchitecturalCommittee. We approved the new plats unanimously. LVH:mw Respectfully submitted, L.D. Van Horn, SecretaryPlanning Commission I r MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COM MISSION March 9, 1972 Attendees: Ray Nelson Roger Koppa Lloyd Van Horn ) 1.The Commission requested and received an audience with City Council todiscuss zoning change hearing policy.· DEC ISION -If a petitioner for a zoning change requests a publichearing, we will have one. 2.The Commission settled on the following procedure for handling zoningchange requests. a.Request a formal written petition on every zoning change requestin accordance with Ordinance #132. b.Respond to petitioner in writing to advise of the action recommended by the Planning Commission. If Commission is in favor ofchange, advise proposed hearing date. If opposed, so state, thenadvise petitioner of his rights to request a public hearing if hedesires. c.Ordinance #132 allows Council to levy a fee for public hearings tooffset the expenses involved. This fee would be the same for allpetitioners for zoning change hearings. 3.The Commission approved a motion to register an objection to Councilregarding a letter of February 29, 1972 from L.B. Cline to T. F. Levyregarding permission to build a church in an R-1 district. Westrongly maintain that Ordinance #132 must be upheld until it isamended. Council should take action to amend the Ordinance, if it isnot in compliance with state law. 4.Ordinance #157, the new Flood Hazard Area Ordinance was reviewed anddiscussed. This Commission has administration responsibility for theordinance. 5.Commission approved a motion to hold a public hearing April 13, 1972to review zoning change requests submitted by Harold Benson andMaxine Eignus. Arrangements will be _made accordingly. LVH/mw Respectfully submitted, L.D. Van Horn, SecretaryPlanning Commission l j I MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COMMISSION March 23, 1972 Attendees: Ray Nelson Roger Koppa Frank Green Lloyd Van Horn l.It was resolved that a letter be written to Jim Nye, Chairman , DrainageCommission, requesting a joint session with them to review Ordinance 157,the Ordinance establishing standards and regulations for flood hazardareas and flood prone areas. 2.Mr. Jesse W. Sanders appeared. He proposed to build two 10' x 20'portable buildings on Friendswood Drive next to the Phillips 66 Station.He intends to establish a rental equipment business. The building siteis in a C-1 district. He said buildings would appear as a singlebuilding.· Equipment to be rented is not heavy equipment, but thatcommonly used by home owners. The land will be leased. The petitionwas taken under advisement, with a decision to be rendered by March 31,1972. L. B. Cline was also present during this discussion. 3.Mr. Paul Hulse appeared and requested permission to build a smallbookstore across the stre et from City Hall, 110 �Jillowick. The bookstore will be religiously oriented. The building will be built ofsteel, and roughly 30' x 50' in size. The lot is 70' wide x 200 1 deep.A decision will be given by April 13, 1972, the next regularlyscheduled meeting of the Commission. 4.The Commission received and approved plans for a new garage submittedby the Kellady family, and plans for a house submitted by EdithMcGinnis. The McGinnis plans were approved with the stipulation thatan indicated fence in the front of the house not exceed 30 11 in height. 5.The Commission voted to express approval of the preliminary Sunmeadow,Section 2 subdivision plat presented by Mr. Bob Atkinson at our2/24/72 meeting. We do not have direct responsibility since Sunmeadow is not in the city limits. We are prepared to say that nothingin the proposed plat violates Ordinance 132. 6.We discussed a reorganization of the Planning Commission to improveefficiency. Because of the increased number of routine jobs whichmust be performed by the Commission, its primary functions as spelledout in Ordinance 35 have been slighted. We discussed the possibilityof increasing our membership to seven, with each individual assignedone of the following primary responsibilities: a.Ordinances 129 and 132b.Ordinance 157c.Laison with Council, Board of Adjustment, and City Administrator.d.Planninge.Annexationf.Chairmang.Secretary \ r 1 I Li I 7.Frank Green expressed his intention to res ign from the Commissioneffective March 31, 1972. He is moving from Friendswood in the nearfuture. Respectfully submitted, LDVH/mw [;i [ t \ FfU.1.1awt>W uUlJ .t'Liu'l 1\1 INiJ- li Vr'l.l\'1.1. d,:U. LIN Minutes of a Special Meeting held 30 March 1972 Attendees: Mr. Nelson Mr. Green Mr. Koppa The subject meeting was held to co nsider two appli cations for certificates of zoning compliance referred to th e 0ommlssion by the Zoning Administrator. These appli cations were by Mr. Paul Hulse for a boolr store and Mr. J. W. Sanders for a rental sh0p. Both of these uses are in a 0-1 zone. Both were approved unanimously. Respec tfu lly submitted: , F-Ffr RcdgerJ.� I r ) I J ( I . ( �t \ MlNU.CES OF A HEEl' lNG OF THE .1ttHEl�.L)�WUOD l'LANNlNG <.:OMM1SSI0N Avril 27. 1972 At t �nu et=i B: M.r . Nelson Mr. Wa.i_ls Mr. Van Horn (left early) Mr. Koppa 1.Discussion of the .requests for rezoning aired at thepublic hearing held on 13 March, 1972. Mrs. Maxine Eignusand Mr. George Ulbricht (Mrs. Eignus 1 sales manager) werein attendance as spectators. The Commission moved to tabledecision and recommendation to Council until the next .regularmeeting, two weeks hence. It is the Commission's goal to cometo a decision on these tw o petitions at this meeting. Mr. Ulbricht indicated that he had some new data on traffic flow into the area 1.n quest ion for re-zoning, but it was decided that acceptance of new data could only be done at a new hearing, so that all interested parties could have a fair hearing (the established ground rules of the Commission). Mr. Ulbricht did not wish to petition for such re-hearing. 2.Mr. Walls accepted an action item to review the testimonytaken at the March 13 hearing to enable him to participatein the Commission's decisions on Mrs. Eignus'and Mr. Benson'srv,quests. 3.Mr. Homer Tutton, ownet of Builder's Truss Co. appearedto discuss a possible petition to re-zone his property andthe adjoining tract to the corner of 518 and 528 M-1 (lightindustrial District). H1s present usage of the property heowns, to manufacture pre-fabricated trussses fo r buildings,has been adjudged by the Z0ning Administr ator to be in violationof the C-1 District regulations, which opinion has been uphei.J.d by the Friendswood Board of Adjustment. Mr. Tutton presently employ s 20 men, of which one or two reside in Friendswood. Alt hough he intends to expand his operation if city approval of his use of the property can be obtained,his employment will bot substantially increase. He might find it necessary to increase his hours of operation (presently 7 am to 7 pm) during times of peak demand. Ultimately, the open shed he has now would be supplan ted by a closed factorytype struoture, which would e.lleviate the noise of his operation (seve ral nei�hbors have complained of noise). h ( l f : l I -2- The Commission went over the M-1 Di strict regulations with Mr. 'l'utton, a.nd noted that the uses therein did not flt Mr. futton's operation, with the possible exception of mention of a '1 woodwcrking shop" as one of the permitted uses. It might be necessary to petition for change of the M-1 aistrict regulations(as well as rezone his area M-1pet it ion) , The Commission informed M.r. 'l'utton of the process for petitioning for re-zoning, and pointed out that the hearing for same const\.tuted tal{ing his case to the people of this Cit y. The final decision on such matters, after hearings are held rests, of course, with City Council. Mr. Tutton said that he would further consider whether or not he would petition for a rezoning of his area •. 4.Mr. Rebert Reed and Mrs. Leah No rth were spectatorsduring some of these pro ce�dings, and commented on same. 5, Request for �treat Name Ohange: The present unnamed dead end street run a SW of f Oedarwood. I'wc residents of this street submitted proposed names. This request was referred to Mr. Koppa for 1nvestigat1en and advisal at the next meeting. 6.Mrs. North inquired as to the status of the package ofamendments pDoposed by this Commission and submitted toCouncil last NovelIJber. There has been no action by theCity Council known to this Commission. Respectfully submitted: /2� Rodger J. Koppa Secretary Pro-Tern (' ( ,\ l \ I { ( I. ' MlNUl'�S 01'' A oPE0IA.L MEE'rING OF THE FRIEN1JS11OOj, PLA1'11U1�G CO.Ml"1Iodl0.N MAY 4, 1972 Attendees: Mr. Nelson Mr.i. Van Ho.rn Mr. Walls Mr. Koppa 1.Mr. Koppa resumed sec.retariship of the Commission,effective immediately. 2.Mr. Koppa was requested to u:pdate and pr epare thepackage of Ordinance 132(ioning) amendments for resubmittal to City Counc il. Target date: next meeting. 3.Mr. Nelson reported that his examination of theplat and usage statement submitted by Safeway Storesfor a proposed store in a. 0-1 district (SW corne.r arew.518 and 2351).ravealed no .reasons why Safeway 1 s .requestfor a Certificate of Zoning C ompl iance_.f'rhe Commissionunanimously .recommends that Mr. Cline approve theSafeway pla.;9" and application •. 4.Naming of the p.rivate dead-end .. street off Cedarwood: sl,, .,,_p ,..-11 � � ' ,. ... .J.,,t_i Mr. Koppa. reported that the street is a narrGw, crookedpathway at this time, not likelil to become a thorough&a.re. The C ornrnission feels that II Lane I or 11 :Place" would beappropriate for this street, and that "Ceda.r Oaks'' would be a good compromise between the twG proposed names, 11 River Oaks" and 11 Cedarwood11 ( the lat ter complete name was Cadarwood Circle, too easily confused with Cedarwood Drive). 5.Some discussion of candidates for Planning Commissioners(there presently exists one vacancy on the Commission, andit has been proposed to increase Commission membership toseven)took place, but definite names will be profferredat the next meet ins. (May 16 is tentative date, but may slipto Thursday May 18) 6.Zoning fo.r the proposed Fire Station tr act, corner Sunsetand Edgewood was discussed, as an action item from CityCouncil. ( t� ( t ( (l { • -=-•- -2- The Commission's opinion 1s tbat Ordi'ance 132 p.7, Section 5.5 provlues that all annexed prcperty after the anaetment of Ordinance 132 comes 1n as R-1 (single family residential), and that the Planning Commission must held a hearing on appropriate zoning for this area� in the absenae of any specific plan for the area in question, the Commission has no data to suggest that C-1 is appropriate for the ultimate districting of th earea. The Bovay Plan indicates R-1 as projected (1995)usage for the region that includes this tract. 7.Mr. Koppa accepted an action item to write a memoto J.1.Ie.yor Lowe regarding the setting af an appropriatefee for conducting hearings on zoning change hearingsand specific use hearings as proviued by the Ordinance.Reference is made to the minutes of this Commission forMarch 9, 1972 on this matter.Respectfully submitted, -��: ::J. Koppa Secretary /' ,, (( ) ' . t ( ( l, l -��--,,..._,.., ..... 'I,' 'I/!8.y 9, 1972 HElv:o ·rv:Hon, Ralph Lowe, i<e.yor, Friendswood, Texas FRClf.: Friendswood I'lannin6 Co::c:.d.ssion SU3JE01': l, Conimission opinion on dunset/11:dgewood tract for Fire Station re its zonin3 Qistrict if annexed 2.Fees for petiticns.for Zoning Changes andSpecific Uses 1.Please find attached unafiroved minutes for theCommission meetin6 fer l;ay 4, 1972 regarding zoning for this tract. rhe only plan lriendswood has says that this aroa will have R-1 usage. �a think a hearing mi5ht be the fastest wa� to establish owner's preferences in this area. 2.In the face of the outgoing City Council's directionto hold a hearing en each petition, we feel ttat a nominalfee (say, J50.00) should be charged to defray costs oftranscription, etc., and to tend to discourage toocasual e.n /l.i}-j1,i�/l,-//;;-f/t1lli'//;.i aJiproach to petitioning t.he cityfor rezoning. Otherwise we may be snowed under by peoplewith half-acre �lots who want to use their land in waysnot permitted by their zoning district. The same thinggoes fer sp0cific use hearings. OouJ.u we have sorne actionfrom Council at an early date on this1 �-��:�!fWT"�!•!'T"'� ..... � @�� Hodge r Koppa -Secretary -·---���--,....,,.--·nr---�-"".'""!�'!"--·�-� ........ ��";?YJ"' ��•-....,..-,ij'i '--'-'"!•r' ,..,_,"".'.?7'..,..."""""1� �· (i ( ( I MlNU'rES OF A MEET 11110 OF 11.'HE FRIENDSWOOU .PLAl�NING COMMISSlON May 19, 1972 ATTENDEES: Mr . Nelson, Chairman Mr. Van Horn Mr. Koppa 1.Plana for improvements to Mr. Zamora's real estate office at the corber of 518 add 528 were reviewed in an1nfo rmal manner by the Commission. His use of th1s property for a sales office was previously approved by this Commission. The commission members were tlad to note that the new building will be a distinct improve ment over the old, temporary structure. 2.A plat of Mrs C .L .Glaze, Winding Way at Coward Creek was .reviewed. A small house was moved onto this lot, but the Commission could find no zoning implications. The house is to be used as a .residen ce. 3.OLD dUSIN.U:SS: A.l•lr. Nelson .rema.rlrnd that the Commission is 11 dragging 11 W& \O&C. t.�l���fSS, its feet 11 unnecessarily in some matters Ji Mr. Van Horn said that a happy medium must be hit, but deliberation was to be preferreu to haste. B.Nominations to the Council for the vacancy on the Commission: Mrs. Leah North Mr. Charles Baumgardner Other names discussed will be contacted if Council agrees to enlarge the 0omm1ss1on to seven members, as requested. I I ( I ( l -2- The Secretary was instructed to convey the names of the two nominees to Council (accomp lished on same night). 4.JJl.::iCUtidION ON EIGNUci PET 1'£ICN The ensuing discussion was on the data and results of a.hearing held on April 13, 1972 on a petition dtd Jan 20, 1972 to rezone that par t of B.J. Marphy tract pre sently in the R-2 Distitct. Mr. Van Horn was not in favor of the petition on the grounds that a Specific Use Permit may, under the terms of Ordinance 132, be sought for a shopping center on a tract 5 acres or more in size. There is no clear need for more 0-1 zoned property in the absence of specific plans to develop a s�opping center, or anything else. Mr. Koppa concurred with Mr. Van Horn, and added that the Commission had already reviewed and concurred in plans to loca&e a Safeway store directly across from the tract in question, on property already zoned C-1. Mr. Nelson also voted against the Eignus petition, con curring wi th the opinions reported above. The Commission wishes to go on record as stating that drai nage is not a relevant factor in a rezoning petition. Any usage of property must take dr·ainage into account as a matt er of good engineering . The question of increased tr affic at a busy intersec tion not far from the elementary school was consid4red to be H ( ( l -3- an important factor in zoning in the affected area. The majority of residents of the city reside to the NW of the 2351/518 intersection. The Commission unanim0usly recom mends that the City Council take no ac tion to amend the zoning map as called for in this petition by the Eignus Realt y Co. 5.1JltiCUSSlON ON BENoON l'E'f I'£ION The ensuing di scus�ion·was on the data and results of ahearing held on April 13, 1972 on a petition dtd Feb. 24, 1972 by Mr. Harold Benson to rezone the back 900 ft of his property on 2351 west of the Methodist Church from R-1 to R-2. The tract is 330 ft wide on 2351, and the front 300 ft is part of a stip 0-1 zune. Mr. Benson wishes to develop duplexes or townhouses on the proyerty. Mr. Nelson was no t in favor of this petition on the groun ds that the proposed development of property, if rezoned R-2 (wultiple Family) would not meet the criterion of 11 Cluater Housing'' --there would be no exterior open space around the t ract, but rather there are rather sizea�le individual-family lots around. There exists sufficient land zoned C-1 and R-2 available for a multii-,le-family development such as Mr. Benson p,0oposea H I ( l -4- already. M.r. Van Horn also voted against the petition. Friends wood or the vicinity outside the city limits has plenty of room for such develoi,meilt--o.nd 1.t is needed here. '£here ls a. laclt of low-priced housing in the city to accommodate retired people, young marrieds, and single people. The denson loc�tion is a poor one for such housing, but the Benson conce� is good. Mr. Koppa also voted against the petition, concurring with l{r. Nelson and Mr. Van Horn, and adding that the White ha.11-Kingspark-Annalea area was already overcrowded. A multiple-family development on the denson tract would add congest ion at 21�§1 and 518, and hear the Westwood School. Also, the long, narrow tract might const.itute a bottleneck for emer�ency vehicles, if developed along the lines of the informational plat exhibited by Mr. Benson at the hearing. The tract would have only one access in or out, on 2351. Mr. Nelson observed that the Commiirnion has approved similar plans on R-2 and C-1 property in other parts of the city. The Commission unanimously recommends that the City Council take no action to amend the zoning map as called for 1n this petition by Mr. Benson. [ I ( ( l -5- The Commission also notes that a petition bearing signatures from 70 different homes in the area behind and ar ound the denson tract has been submitted to the City. The petition opposes the rezoning of Mr. Benson's property on the grounds of school overcrowding and sewage system overload. 6.Dit>CUSSION 't/lfH MR. DALE CRYER ON .i-11S POl'ENfIAL lIB�ONING PE'I'IrlO.N Mr. Cryer wishes to relocate his successful sporting goods store presently in Stone's Throw Shopping Center to a tract now zoneu R-1 adjacent to the sewage treatment plant on FM 2351, at Clear Creek. The rezoning petition (to C-1) would go to the edge of the creek. The Commission briefed Mr. Cryer on the procedure for petitioning for a rezoning under the provisions of Ordinance 132.The Commissions' initial reaction is that this case mi�ht conslitute spot zoning, and that sufficient C-1 zoned property exists now within the city limits. Another factor is traffic management into a business establishment located at the city limit and bridge approach. Mr. Cryer was aavised to contact the Imperial Estates Civi� Club to gauge his chances of public acceptance of his business on the property in question. Mr. Cryar indicated that he intended to landscape the area not actually occupied by his shop. 11 ( \ � I -6- It wa.s also the ophion of the Commission that the Board of Adjustment would not be able to handle Mr. Cr yer's request as a special exception under the present zoning ordinance. 7.NEW au::HNES5 Mr. Ken Wick and Mr. M.L. Perkinson attended the meeting to verify that no zoning problems existed in the erection of a temporary insurance sales 0ffice behind the Shell Stat ion between 518 and Pecan. ·rhe existing building on that tract, owned by Mr. Perkin son, is to be enla rged at a later date to accommodate the ins urance agent; Mr. Wick. The building will be 10 x 20 ft. This tract is on C-1 zoned land, and, al though the Commission dislikes temporary buildings, it was made clear that the building will be supplanted by a permanent addition within a year. There is no problem that the Commission can see with the use of this property in the C-1 district. 8.Members of the Commission held an informal discussion with Assistant Fire Chief Sam Hill and planner Lamar Beatty, with mutual exchange of ideas on future planning. The Commission plans to invite Chief Herman to make a more formal briefing on the relationship of his ortani zation's needs and experience to city planning. fi l ( f t -7- The Commissi on wishes to go on record as concurring with Mr. Beatty's letter of 5 -11-72 regarding location of the new fire station. Mr. George Ulbricht, representing E1gnus Realty, and Mr, Harold Benson attended part of the meeting, and were in formed of the Commission's recommendations concerning their respective petitions. Respectfully submitted, ,�V,� Hedger J • Koppa Secretary r i I \1 ' t '£he Hon. Ralph Lowe lf1ayor of Friendswood City Council of Friendswood Friendswood, ·rexas Dear Mayor Lowe and Council: Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission City 0f Friendswood, Texas l'fi3 June 1972 '.l!he F'r iendswood Pla.nnlng and Zoning C omruiss ion hereby requests that the City Council amend Ordinance 35 which created this Commission e,s follows: Sect ion 1, first sentence, which now rea_d s 11 ••• which shall be composed 0f five (5) members." to read u ••• which shall be com posed of seven (7) members." The subject ordinance was passed in 1964, when the city was less than half of its present size. ·rhis Commission 1 s duties now include interpreta.t ion of Ord l:ance 132, the Zoning Ordinance, Ordmnce 23A, the subdivision ordinance, the mobile home ordinan ce 129, and the new Flood Hazard Ordinance, No. 157. With this load, and oftentimes without a quorum, the Commission is unable to carry out its primary task of planning. It is hoped that with an adequate number of merubers on the 6ommission, representing the various interests 0f the citizenry of Friendswood, that the Commission can become more effective in its advisory capacity to the Council 1n preparing Friendswood to meet its future opportuniti es and challenges. For the Commission: ��� Secretary H f ( I l I MINU'l1 El;> OF A rlGGULAH MEE·rlNJ-OF ·rHE �LANNli'lG 001,:il-'Il,:H:llON C 1·ry-OF FLUEN.03WOO.D June 1, 1972 1ittendees were Mr. Nelson, Mr. \'/alls, and Nr. K0ppa 1.Minutes ef the meeting of May 19, 1972 were read,and app.r ov ed • 2.It was m0ved by M.r. Nelson that the Secretary maila copy of the 0fficial minutes to all affected petitionersas notification of Commission action. Passed unanimously. 3.Old Business: A.The plat for a shooping center submitted informallyto Mr. Nelson and Mr. Koppa on May 26 by Mr. Palmer ofSaber Investment C0rp. was discus sed. ·rhe workup on thisplat was done by Mr. Koppa. There appears to be no confl�ctwith C-1 zoning regulations, except a six-foot fence willbe required on the side which abuts .residential property(southwest edge). The commission considers it highly desireable to have a fence on the Heritage Drive side ofthe plat, s:i.nce the backs of several stores will fronton Heritage--an unattractive pr<Dspect for property ownerson the opposite side of the street. Discussion on thisplat was interrupted by item B a.Mayor Lowe requested th e presence of the Commission atthe City Council meeting going en at the same time, to assistthem in evaluating new evidence presented by Mrs. MaxineEignus in behalf of her petition for rezoning that pa.rt ofthe Murphy property now zoned H-2 C-1. See minutes of May19, 1972. Mrs. Eignus presented a plat of a proposed businessand sh0pplng center for this property. The Commission hadadvised no ch ange to the zoning map in the absence of such aplat or any definite plans at the hearing held for Mrs. Elgnus'petition. Mrs. Eignus pointed out that, in any case, a shoppingcenter was in the v10rlrn for the C-1 part of the Murphy tract; the pa.rt of the center on the R-2 zone was only 60 ft or so wide, but utilizing the entire tract as C-1 was better than leaving a narrow strip undeveloped end crowding the center closer to F.M. 518. The plat also showed multiple-family development behind the Method is_t Church property, but it was .. H ( ( l -2- stlpulated by Mrs. E1gnus that such development, 1f any, would be the sub�ect of a later pet it ion ( the are a there ls now H-1) • The council asked the Commission to meet with Mrs. Eig nus immediately and discuss this matter with her, which was done. The discussion largely went over the same ground outlined above. The plat accompanies the petition as evidence for 1t. Based on this plat, and the fact that a specific use petition would 0nly affect the 60 ft of R-2 on the plat and not the entire tract in question the Commission voted unanimously to recommend t0 the City Council that their former .recornmendat ion on th1a pet 1t ion, dated May 19, 1972, which was not in favor of rezoning, be disregarde d by Council, and that the Gouncil amend the zoning ordmi.nce map. The Commission also observed that the thre e mandatory readings of such a z0ning map amendment would constitute a re-hearing on the Eignus petition, and permit the voice of the people concerned to be heard by Council. This advisal to Cou ncil was read to the Council as soon as it was convenient after it was formulated on June 1, 1972. c.The City Council requested the presence of the PlanningCommission at the workshop session to be held June 8, 1972to set some guideli nes and common goals for planning. 4.New Business A.('l'his to0k place during an intermission on the conferenceon Mrs. Eignus 1 evidence) Dr. Crump (D.V.M.) inquired aboutDelocating his veterinary practice on a lot zoned 0-1. Theproperty fronts on 518 throu5h to Winding Way. The Commissioncould find no conflict in this use with the C-1 regulations. 5.Items held over: Final advisal to the Zonin5 Administrator on the Saber Investment Co. plat. Respectfully submitted: �il({fjfj=-R.J.Koppa Secretar y �' ( \ MINUTE� Qlt' A H&;E'l� ING Olt' 'l'HE lf rlI.ENDJV/vOU I>LAirnING COilfr1118Sl0N June 8,1972 1.Attendees were Mr. Nelson , �li.r. Van Horn, and Mr. Koppa 2. Old Business: 'l'he Commission recommends approval of the Saber Investment Co. plat for a shopping center south of the projected Safeway site, and behind the Arco Station at the intersect ion of FM 2351 and 510, vrith observations and recommendations as noted in the minutes of June 1, 1972. 3. New Business: Mrs. Edgar Rauch was referred to us in thematter of building a garage on her lot in a R-2 district, currently occupied by a single-family dwelling. Sketch 3lven to Mr. Koppa for workup for next meeting. 4. At the invitation ef the City Council, the Commission held a joint meeting with their workshop session. The minutesof that session will suffice aa minutes for the Commissi0n. The following action items resulted from the joint meeting with the City Council: A. Mr. Patton objects to the present vacancy being filledby another'' home owner", i.e., an ind iv id ual who makes his home in Friendswood but derives his income elsewhere. ·rhe Commission concurs, but volunteers from the business community, save a realtor, have not been forthcoming. The Commission considers realtors to be burdened with a substantial conflict of interest as planning commissioners. B. The Commission will request, in writing, for the Council to amend ordinance 35 increasing membership of the Flanning Commission to seven from the present five. More members will permit the Commission to discharge its duties with greater dispatch, and permit a wider variety of thinking in car rying out lo ng-range planning. C. The Commission is reqasted to have recommendations for new land for annexation by September at the latest, and to participate in a joint meeting with Council on annexation on the second week in July. Respe ctfully submitted: � Y. j--_£J_ Roag'-1:J .' K�f[(F' .::>ecretary ',.'\ .. · ·+ r,1 \ )u I () (_J ( � l / 1 - f I I ·1L • �, :···-:�::t:.1:---;, •• � ... :;..;·r,:z·n-r,7""-;-T • ··-,····;, ... ,--:-:-n, � •; }. . . Y::·:.. ;'-t: ' . ' •-,· I l • �t :! • • ::\•; ,• I ,: NINU'rEa OF 'A MEE-r lNG OF l1 hE \ , ·-, i 1',IHEN.DSWvOD. FLANl'JING' CuMMISSIO.N ._,: '( 15 ·June 1972 Attendees: Mr. Nelson, Mr. Van_horn,-1.✓.:.r. l{(i)ppa. l.· Old Busineaa ' I ·rhe joint meetine; with the City C0unc11 en June 8, -,1972was extensively discussed, and the act i0n 1�erue noted o · There has been considerable newspaper coverage 0f thismeeting. A publ 1c statement has alee ai,peared by the.Chamber of Commerce in the form mf a resolution. -TheC 0mmis0 ion voted to invite t h0 Chamber of C ommerco <.>r _. lts representatives to meet with the Planning and �oning C0rnmisalon to discuss joint goa.ls for the city in.the light of their resolution callln3 for commercial and industr�ai growth. The Commission also hopes that p0tentia1· members for the Commlsalon can be 1dent lfied by the, Chamber of C 01r.merce. Cn the subject of new, members, it was dec:i.ded, in the light of Council's unfavorable reaction t0 those names . prov id·ed by the O ornmiss1on on June 1, 1972, to rely on ·council 1 s Judgement as to app0inteea to the·Comm1ss10n,although the Commission will assist in any way requestod� ., ; fhe Cmram1ssiori also wishes to go on record �a insisting that .r0u tine matters of administration of Ordinaries 132;be handled by the Zoning Administrative Official, Hr. Clineo • 2.:i�ew duslness ,\.ppl ica.t ion of Krs. Edgar Rauch to build a caragc f <iln her property. Ref�rred t� Mr. Clin� Via Mr o Morgan with recommendations. fh1s is a rcutin� matter of administration of Ordinance 132. Applica,tj_on ©f £'111s. Glynn Lunney tc name a private ';street Queen's �ane. No·objection·o ivlr. Koppa was requested to follow _up on the Comm1.ssion 1 a letter to the Draina5e Beard requesting a joint cieeti�g. 3 •. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 pmo I� should be noted. that t�ere were no visitors mr spectatora present. �r= CkJ�,,,,/;d0rf' /-/�-?,f ( // {I Po_--' y/;J£_�f- ijespecttully submitted: ?��IJ-H0dgU J. K0ppa Secretary · · -:-;--.---·-----�---;---:-·· '·. ,:·;-,�--;-·:-.;:·:, _ .. . -.. :' t_·',:: 1 '. · 1,.·1 .. -j 1 ._., . , -·j:l' .·:1· : ~ ; '.< ' 'i ; _:1 . i ·•.j d). ·-·-., . 1,_ • '! ·;. 1t. _. .. xl;;1 •"' ,•' I, 11�� .� [ { l !J r'HIEN1JdWOOD .l:'LANNING AND l.ONlNG COMMio�lON Minutes of a Meeting Held June 22, 1972 Attendees: Mr. Nelson, Mr. Van Horn (came late), Mr. Spears, and Mr. Koppa Mr. Spears is the newest member of the Planning and Zoning Commission, having been appointed by City Council on Monday June 19, 1972, to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Frank Green (expires Nov. 11, 1973). Mr. Bob Jones, president of the Friendswood 0hamber of Commerce met with the Commission at 1ta invitation to establish initial contact. Mr. Jone a went over some of the ideas expressed in the 0hamber of Commerce's recent resolution. The resolution is an expression of interest in J.,lanning and proruot ing Friendswood I s growth. The membersof the 0hamber (about 1/3 of the merchants 0f the area) feel that retail business progress is reasonably satisfactory, but that industrial growth is very desirable to create more jobs and a better tax base. �he predominant "bedroom community" orientation in Friendswood ls, in Mr. Jones' opinion, yielding under pressure of ever higher taxes and inc .reased·demand for clty services, to an attitude more amenable to commerical/indust.rial expansion. The present zoning ordinance is not partic ularly flexible or conducive to such expansion. Mr. Jones did not feel that an ad hoc committee of advisors to the Commission would accomplish anything that the Commission itself cannot do, although he supported wi ·th enthusiasm the idea of a joint meeting of the �lanning Commission add the leaders of the C of C in furthering the 11 plan 11 for Friendswood's future developmebt. The Boa.rd of Directors meet the last Wednesday of each month, and a mutually acceptable meeting date can be worked out. Mr. Jones was urged to canvass his membership for potential members of the Commission when the amendment increasing its membership to seven is passed. Mr. Nelson will set up the joint meeting with Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones expressed his a�preciation, in behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, for the intial contact made by the Commission to establish communications. , l [ (! I -2- Other business conducted: 1.Minutes of meeting of June 15 read and ayproved. 2.In the light of statements made by Mr . Homer Tuttonat the June 19, 1972 Ci ty Council meeting about h1smeeting with the Commission on April 27, 1972, and theresults thereof, the minutes of the �lanning Commission'smeeting pertinent to Builder's Tr uss Co. were read. Mr.Koppa was requested to forward a copy of those parts ofthe minutes so pertaining to City Council for their edification. A copy of such transmittal is hereby attached as a part of these minutes. 3.Mr. Koppa repo�ted no action on re-contact of DrainageBoard for joint meeting. Will try this week. 4.lliscussi0n on annexation was postponed until themeeting of June 29, 1972. Respe ctfully submitted: F t!:74': f:f&, ! l l J FRIENJJS\'/OOD PLANNING AND .lO.NlNG COM.MlBSlON Minutes of a Meeting June 29,1972 Attendees: Mr. Nelson, Mr. Van Horn, Mr. Spears, Mr. Koppa 1.Minutes of last meeting read and appr0ved. 2.Mr. Homer Tutton submitted his petition to rezone hisproperty on which his Builders Truss Co. ia situated M-1from its present C-1 zoning. His use of the property is light manufacturing or truss fabrication, as well as storageof building material. The petition was received, and forwarded to Mr. Cline via Mr. Morgan, City Manager. Targetdate for the required hearing is July 27. 3.General provisions of zoning ordinance, zoning theory,and problems with the present ordinance discussed with Mr.Ed Zeitler, whom the City Council has designated as liaisonbetween 0ounc11 ana the Planning and Zoning Commission.Mr. Zeitler observed that he has received only meetingminutes, and not the packae;e of zoning a.merudment s or otl)er comJTiunications re zoning. f-1/s� reatf. h:; cfr"{f 10t1Mt'c,i,{'41e.,.,rhJ o r«f r' ,t�Lf. ·'J s--A, 4.The Secretary reported that he had forwarded a copy ofthe amendment package through the City Secretary to ea.ohmember of 0ouncil and Mayor, with an explanatory memo onthe changes. He also sent a. copy of the minutes of April27, 1972 to Council and Mayor. 'rhese minutes contain therecord of Mr. 'rutton 1 a p.revious visit to the Commissionand what transpired, vis a vis his report to the City Councilon that meeting. 5.Mrs Leah North was also in attendance, and waa queriedregarding the letter written by the Commission to the Drainage Board requesting a. joint meeting. No action has been takenon this. 6.Mr. Nelson observed that 18 months has elapsed sinceoff ice rs were last elected, and indicated that he wouldlike to pass the chairmanship on to someone else. TheSecretary also indicated his willingness to step down.lt was moved to elect new officers in August. 7.Mr. Zeitler passed on some general guidellnea fromCouncil on annexation (30 per cent of present area canbe annexed this year). Buffer strips were discussed, aawell a.a rationale for moving toward uithe.r Sun Meadow orPolly Ranch Estates. Commonality of 01ty with school dist.riot was also discussed, 1n context of services, taxes,common interests, and planning. 8.Next meeting of Commission to be July 13, 1972. ��� [ ( l tRIE:HDBWOOD l'LANNING AND ZONI.NG 0OMMISSIO.N MINU'l1 ES 01<., lvJEE'rlNG 13 July 1972 No qu:rum until 9:30 pm. Attendees: Mr. Van Horn, Mr. Spears, Mr. KGppa 1.The Minutes of the meeting of June 29 were approved. 2.A reply to the letter sent to the Drainage Board wasanswered by a memo si3ned by Mrs. Nerth. The memo wasreferred t0 Mr. Van Horn for further acti on. 2.Mr. Zeitler reported that the City Council is takingthe package of zoning ordinance amendments under advisement. They would like the Commd.ssion to consider an"R-4 11 zone whic h would be for town houses, also a commercialzone that would outlaw residential development. 3.Armexat ion was briefly discussed. The present acreageof the city is 2650. Under the 30 per cent rule, approx.800 acres could be annexed. Various tracts were discussed,but no firm conclusions reac hed. -p�G(pRodger Koppa Secretary C ( ) MEMORANDUM-23 July 1972 :3ubject: Polly Ranch Estates Plat in Council Chambers T0: Mayor and City Council From: Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission Although it has not come under our cognizance, we couldn't help noticing the Polly Ranch plat against the wall of the council chambers. If this is a serious pr0posal, we think the Council should approach it with some degree of ca.uticm. We spent some time studying this plat at our meeting on 20 July 1972. Mr. Van Horn has made it his business to become familiar with various flood plain treatises and maps, and, with his knowledge, we have estimated that the 100 year flood level is between 18.5 and 20,0 ft in the Polly Ranch area. This estimate is arrived at by study of the HUD flood insurance map, the Turner,Coll1e and Braden Study (1971) for flood insurance, and the Galveston Co. tnincorporated area map, Le., the F.I.A. •. Flood Insurance Rate Map No. I-48-167-0000�03, dtd April 9, 1971. These da ta, plus somelinear interpolation, suggest that many of the platted lota,roughly those under the trees, would be inundated in a 100year floed situation. A better use of such land would bepark or recreation area. In any case, we certainly don'twant another New Braunsfels here� FOR -rl-IE COMMISSION: I, ( t ( ) l l ( } I J MEMORANDUM 23 July 1972 ' SubJeot: Pelly Ranoh Eatatea Plat in Ceunc1l Chambera T•t Mayer and 01ty O�uno1l Frem, �r1endawoed Planning 4nd Zoning Oonun1aa1en Although 1t haa net oome under our oegn1zance, we oeuldn't help net1o1ng the Polly Ranoh plat aga1nat the WQll of the oouno11 chambore. It this 10 a ser1oua proposal, we think the Ceuno11 ah eul4 appreach 1t with aeme degree et oaut1en. We apent acme t1me atudy1ng th1a plat at eur meet1ns en 20 July 1972. M.r. Van Horn baa made 1t h1a bus1neag t• beoom• tam111ar w1th var1oua floed plain treatises and maps, and, with h1a knewledge, we have eat1mated that the 100 year tloe4 level 1s between 18.5 and 20,0 tt 1n the Polly Ranoh area. Th1o estimate 1a arr1veA at by atudy et the HOD tloed 1nsurance map, tho Turner,Ooll1e and Braden Study (1971) for tleed 1nauranoe, and the Galveaten Ce. tn1noerperated area map, 1.e., the F.l.A •. Flood lna�ranoe Rate Map No. I-48-167-0000-03. dtd April 9, 1971. These data, plus somel1near interpolation, aLtggeat tnat many er the platted lets,reughly theae unQe� tbe treea, would be 1n�ndated 1n a 100year tleed a1tuat1en. A better use er suoh land would bepark •r �•oreat1•n area. ln any oase_ we carta1nly don'twant another New Braunatela here� FOR THE COMMISSION 1 Ls! . . . ' Redger Koppa aecreto.ry • fV" 1 V\ 'id -r-"' vVl'7 S p--.o � p � ""LO!----� "' vr'""'"""' c;-,y, ��-"cf � "'dJ � � �� � •f\AQV1 0-"'1 �� � � o-s l, •fvl·o·'2!. --o >-""'1 �¥ r��JVY e,-Q -irw � .J " �..->"'� .f"1+ � """� w \II� o-,,.JV1 L-\.o ! �S\' ""'vv\"v �·r� r'���� � l, t� �� �� ll?� � � �,., � �"'� � ���vvy, � � � ""-». '-J ,Lt a J � Hi · L-u : s � � · t � '"""'Y q vv.> � ... , Y>i � Q") -V ,, C"-j- � �""::"'(VV2r}� ""VlVl°"?Q:> J_<;£t -�-n) � � '1"-"D� � o o, �lrV"O V'\ � � t � 0-\ (.� l )1 I;->"' L� � �1 'ci>"':-J lt�f\"t} '>!"--�"'.AR.cl � .P � �VV'O ( .!tC, a, � � V\D,LJ � S. M r,>� G J n..-J � � rv" ) VYY,1.D'J � -r' , -::, � � -).•.A.f{'/ +...!116' � � rc)'tr'� s"t,:ry� r� !��AQ c; .. '-ti · r � >< ., V\ V\ Y.) }J t� .. � r .:;-�0 J ,n/ a_s 'i, --z.. w :i r--r"' ._..._.) -t-v ..yi>'-'.At c; j ��--Ssrr?S ,•}° "'-M ()� Cz} \ :?:;,-;) . ✓ W •-z_ ·�s �»."1 ) ......... ,,.6'1'7',..,.. _,.. 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Jerden regarding proposed amendments to the zoning ordinance now being prepared by him for submission to Council in Ordinandce form. Leah North was appointed to act as Secretary for this meeting. MEMBERS PRESENT C, c. Bost Roger Koppa MEMBERS ABSENT None (one vacancy is not yet filled) Ray Nelson Leah North Lloyd Van Horn Tracy Spears AlSO_Drese Ed Zeitler Mayor Ralph Lowe Councilm an Richard Haken 1, NEW BUSINESS Gordon Sikes Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sikes of 919 Melody Lane appeared Trailer to inquire regard ing replacement of a non-conforming trailer at the above address. The trailer which they have occupied at that spot for some time is leased and the lessor has asked for its return. Strictly construed, the present zoning ordinance appears to not allow this switch of trailers and gives no relief for hardship cases, such as this appears to be, although the proposed changes now being typed in ordinance form would permit the change to be made because of hardship. Because of the diverse legal questions raised regarding the evictive qualities of this situation, the matter was taken under advisement for further consultation with our attorney, Lot Size Changes Apartment Restrictions Mr, Ed Zeitler, Council Representative, requested that the Planning Commission meet with Council Monday evening regarding agreement on lot sizes and the proposed prohibition of apartments in commercial zones. Planning Commission felt they did not need to meet again with Council on these issues, since they were in agreement with the 85 foot width, 1100 square foot lot on concrete streets and the 100 foot width lot on streets with open ditches which had been discussed earlier with Council, It was decided that the Council should go ahead with amending the Subdivision Ordinance 23-A to conform to these suggestions concerning lot sizes and Planning Commission will proceed with scheduling the required public hearing to amend the zoning ordinance to / f ( � l ( l l � J I Red Flag Subdivisions Duplex on Sunnyview Conference with Drainage Board 2. FPZC -M -9-7-72 incorporate the lot size changes, the apartment restriction in commercial zones, and other amendments which the Planning Commission may consider improvements. The Secretary was directed to send a memo to the Council stating (1) In order to lot size and R-2 use changes in the zoning ordinance, we must have a special hearing, and (2) Planning Commission will schedule such a hearing in October. Mr. Bost brought to the Commissiorrs attention several current situations in which land has been divided into tracts and sold for building purposes without coming before Planning Commission. His concern was that these may become so-called "red-flag" subdivisions, with service and maintenance problems in the future. A general discussion followed, centered on the following questions: (1)What is a subdivision? Reference was made to(a)VCST Article 974a, (b) an opinion datedJune 26, 1972 from City Attorney O,K. Jerdento C:ey Council, and (JJ the definition ofSubdivision as given on page A-137,Subdivision ControJs in Texas Cities, Publishedby Texas Municipal League in March 1970. (2)I:f a Subdivision is the division of .§.Il¥. tractof land, whether recorded or not, then how dowe keep track of this subdividing and regulateit? Chairman Nelson stated that Tr.acy Spears had gone over the plot plan of a duplex proposed for Sunnyview Ave., on Lot 2, Block 4, Tra0t 8 of the Friendswood Subdivision which had been referred to the Planning Commission by K.B, Jones, Builming Official. Mr. Spears recommendedthat it be approved. Mr. Bost moved, Mrs. Northseconded that it be approved as to site plan and useas presented. Motion passed unanimously. The plan was routed to Mr. Cline, with the memo that Planning Commission recommended approval and that it met the set-back, lot-size, and use restrictions of the Zoning Ordinance. Chairman James Nye and Treasurer Janice Taylor of the Friendswood Drainage Board met with Plan ning Commission to discuss coordination of the Planning Commission and the Drainage Board, A general discussion followed. The administrative procedure regarding the review of preliminary and final plats for subdivisions which was presented to City Council by City Manager Morgan on Sept. 5 was passed out to the various board members present. Mr. Nye suggested that a packet of regulations be given l !( 1 t 1 ( f C I 2.OLD BUSINE SS Sunmeadow 2 Builder's Truss 3, ELECTION OF OFFICERS J FPZC-M-9-7-72 to subdividers. Mr. Lowe felt that a broad outline would do, to which Mr. Bost agreed. Mr, Bost stressed the importance that developers put on working with set rules that do not change from day to day. Mr, Nye stated that the Drainage Board would be glad to pass a regulation that would require subdivision plats to conform to Federal Flood Insurance Regulations. (Mayor Lowe left and Councilman Haken arrived.) Mr. Bost suggested that subdivison regulations require that a certified engineer certify slab elevations after forms are up, but before pouring. Mrs, North stated that this certification by a certified engineer would also be required by the insurance companies, Street slope was discussed, Mr. Nye stated that subdivision regulations of the Drainage Board specifJ that streets have a 2.5 foot slope, but that enforcement of this requirement is needed. Mr, Bost suggested that a requirement be made that an engineer certify this. He stressed that if a developer is told ahead of time that this will be done, he will conform, Mr. Bost also stated that it is not practical in all cases to hold to a 2,5' slope, Therefore, there should be some provision in the ordinance for variance, Mr. Nye stated that the Drainage Board will send the City a letter requesting an ordinance requiring a certificate submitted by the developer from .a registered engineer that the Subdivision Drainage was installed as approved by the Drainage Board,before the City approves the Subdivision. Sunmeadow, Section 2, was presented for approval. Because it did not conform to the Subdivision Ordina nce 23-A, however, particularly in regard to the set-backon corner lots, action was withheld on approval. Mr.Bost will ask the developer to meet with us Mondayevening regarding this, Councilman Haken reported that Council accepted the recommendation of Planning Commission in a formal vote. Mr. Spears and Mr, Haken met with Mr. Tutton, who said that the terms (restr ictions) were agreeable with him, Mr. Haken is in charge of pursuing the legalities of the special ordinance with City Attorney Jerden. After several suggestions as to who should serve in what position, the motion was made by Mr, Spears, seconded by Mr. Nelson, that new officers to serve until the start of a new term in November should be Chairman: Mr. Koppa; Vice-Chairman1 Mr. Bost; Secretary: Mrs, North. Motion passed unanimousl y. ( ( ( l r . ( 4.NEX'.l' MEET ING 5.ADJOURNMENT � FPZC-M-9-7-72 Because of a conflict with City Council's hearing on the Budget set for next Thu rsday night, the regular meeting time was changed to Monday, September 11. Planning Commission will also meet with the Council on Monday evening to discuss Mr. Van Horn's proposed study for Friendswood growth. There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned. tea-£ }e_ )1diili Acting Secretary ( ( i f" ! ( l 'f ( ( I Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission 109 East Eillowiclc Friendswood, Texas Gentlemen, September 11, 1972 Because I cannot meet with you for. the entire meeting tonight, I take this method to comment on the proposed plat for Sunmeadow 2, A closer look at the proposed Sunmeadow 2 subdivision leads me to question whether we could,at this time, in good conscience approve the plat as it has been submitted, From the .information that ie given on the plans, the following violations of our subdivision or�inance 23-A are shown, 1, Side set-back line on corner lots is 10' instead of the 25' required in Section III, Subdivision E, Paragraph 3. 2, Several 19' utility easements are shown, in violation of Section III, Subdivision C, Paragraph 1, which requires 12' easements, which is still too narrow. 3.If this is a final plat, it violates Section V, Subdivision3, Paragraph 1, Sub-paragraph f, which requires that thepurpose of sites which are reserved shall be shown, l�. Also, there is no indication of side and back-yard set-backrequirements on the plat, If these are not shown on the plat, how is the builder to know about them? In addition, the plat does not show roadway width, pavement type or quality, water, or sewer lines, etc., ad infinitum -all data which is called for in Ordinance 23-A, So far as I am concerned, Ordinance 23-A should be enforced until repealed by the City Council, Also, several questions are raised, Where does the pipeline go? Does it dead-end? Go under Lot 7? Also, I understand that an earlier submitted plat showed 15' side set-back on corner lots. Since I am a new member, there may be some information that I am missing that would explain the omissions listed above, but at the present time I am of the opinion that the Develop should be directed to read and to adhere to our subdivision ordinance before we approve his proposal. Sir{J_� Leah North ,,- ,,.... r I MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING COM MISSION September 21, 1972 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at 7:30 p.m., September 21, 1972 at Friendswood City Hall. Chairman Rodger Koppa presided. Members Present Rodger Koppa, Chairman C.C. Bost, Vice ChairmanLeah North, SecretaryTracy SpearsEd Zeitler -Council Rep. Audience Dr. William P. Jones Herschel Glasgow Wilbur Simpson Bob Atkinson 1.Approval of Minutes August 24, 1972 -Distributed September 7, 1972 -Approved as read 2.Ol d Business Members Absent Ray Nelson L 1 oyd VanHorn Zoning Ordinance Amendments -Amendments to the zoning ordinance which should be considered during the October Public Hearing were discussed. It was agreed that specific amendments should be presented at the hearing. Each member will write out a proposed version concerning lot sizes and apartment restrictions for discussion at our next week's meeting. Other suggestions made verbally by members shall be written out for discussion, also. 3.New Business Hike/Bike and Horse Trails -Dr. William P. Jones appeared for the Arena Board and Friendswood Family Riders requesting that Planning Commission consider planning for hike, bike and horse trails. He said that the groups he represents are working with the County to reserve rights-of-way and -specific areas for trails for horses. Dr. Jones suggested that easements between subdivisions could be used for trails. The Arena Board and Friendswood Family Riders will help in any way possible. He is meeting with the head of Galveston County Recreation tomorrow in Friendswood to lay out areas on County rights-of-way. lJ l Mr. Herschel Glasgow of the Legislative Committee of Friendswood Family Riders also appeared to support Dr. Jones. Chairman Koppa requested that Dr. Jones take a map of the City and delineate the paths that are being used now. Wilbur Simpson Apartments -Mr. Wilbur Simpson appeared before Planning Commission. He stated that he had appeared before Council Monday night regarding the proposed restriction of apartments in C-1 commercial zones. He has purchased a piece of land fronting 300 1 on F.M. 528 and 407 1 on Winding Way currently zoned C-1. He would like to put 25-30 apartment units on 2A, holding 100-150' on F.M. 528 for future use. The units would be one and two bedroom, 800 to 1100 square feet in size, with access from Winding Way, but he does not have specific plans at this time. He might think of building next year. His question was whether he would still be able to build apartments there if the proposed amendment restricting apartments from C-1 zones was passed. After discussion, Chairman Koppa was designated to consult with our Attorney on this matter. 4.Old Business 5. Sun Meadow II Subdivision -Mr. Bob Atkinson appeared to discuss the proposed plat for Sun Meadow 2. Several items were discussed, particularly the set-back lines on corner lots. The plat as submitted indicated only 10' set-backs, whereas the Subdivision Ordinance requires 25 1 • Mr. Atkinson will return next week with these set-backs corrected to 25' where this presents no problem. Where 25' does present a problem, Planning Commission will review it. Mr. Atkinson will also return with complete information on water, sewer, drainage, etc. There is some problem with a drainage easement through a neighboring subdivision. Annexation Goals - A discussion took place concerning goals of annexation. The general consensus was that Planning Commission is for annexation in order to achieve control of the Friendswood area since annexation seems the only way to achieve this. Van Horn Plan -Councilman Zeitler reported that Council told Mr. Van Horn to proceed with his suggested plan. New Business Melody Lane Deannexation -Mr. Koppa reported that a petition for deannexation had been received from owners of a tract on Melody Lane recently annexed by the City. Mr. Koppa read from Article 970a V.C.S.T. regarding disannexation stating that it is necessary to wait three years after annexation before petitioning for deannexation. This has not been done. [ 1 [ ! l. Flood Insurance -Tracy Spears reported that at Monday Night Council Meeting one Councilman felt the City should drop the pre sent Federal Flood Insurance. He felt we should learn both sides of the situation. 6.Adjournment The hour being past midnight, it was agreed to postpone the information items until next week and the meeting adjournedR �� Leah No�;u-u� Secretary mw ' � . .. • ➔ -z.- ,l . 'I ! I• ' . I • J:1 •• .'.'" ,. j . , ,p\ I' 1 1 (l. 1•: . ' , .. \; ·. ·,, ,' ,.,. ! I . ' .. • I ,I' . ,,I ,j�Fl1/.,._ L .,- ',,,-·-··---· ' I ',, I ·-· VVV)--N\ J. ! 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';',i .-j ,-J( 1i ;:� ; � ;1 I '.( =1 \ 1 :t ''i . ;I ·:1. f•l .1 ._,,(•,'; -i ";'·��.;:.,:;_,.:,:.� •...,, 7. ·•·rL f·,·, ',! ;:','• ,t,, \ ... 3- (' .1,� I '- �!!.J)_ilJ rm.� -�lH�.DliU Cbfl.ng;e l: ·rh1i. auda a wet'l.nlt1on 11Giw m1ioing frGm 0rdinanoe 132. !he ultimate 3eal 1� t� tie the �ubdiv1a1mn Ord1nanc& (23A) and Z@n1ng Or�lnance t@gether in �ome fashion; this 1a a firat atep in t,he.t directiom. '£he definition la from a textb<H>k �n real eatate. The definition 1n Vernen's 1� an atrocity, h"weve.r cGrrect 1t m�y be legally. (;h�nge 2: Any of the tcrn1po1•ary usea--o1rcuaea, batching planta, auct1Gn�, eto.-are, �r cQula be a pr0blem 1n any diijtriot, regardleia or ola�aification. Hence they �houl4 ba regulated, aA� the oity waue OQ3nizant 0f theae temp�rary UQea, whereever they rul3ht be located. Chang� 3: Thia change br 1n0s. the Zon l.ng Ordinance int� c�nf�rwance with th� change t© the dubdlviai�n 0rdinanoe, and ma8ti the City 0Quno11 Qbjeotlve of lteaplng populat10n clen'91ty dewn in Frl.enih1welild. Change 4: Thi� chan3e haa the aame ebJective aa IJhanp;e 3, liu11t1ng p�pulatlen deng:lty, by nGt henceforth pa rrni tt lng mul t 1.1,le-family dwell tng devela�ment (including Juplex) 1n the rather ext�nsive o�mw0rolal d1atr1ct •f the c1ty. • ';,'j :� ' ; ,' :,•-1�� � l.�·U � ;1:1 �� •1·,�; t.t ��l1 k�' � � � �r I'),,, I·�;:1; �,i � � rX leV h·� 11: �( I 1 \}��. J �·,; �-r.·-� it�=--.� . -\• , '1 l" � r· r;;: .. ' ,.-, . ti . ·, I·. / . !' ,f . ,tr- '. �' : ':(,,' ' ' : . ' .. ,J • r t 1· ,-;:; : ,,.� '• ·--� •-··-•--+¥'!.I'◄\ ,...,.-c-_....--• w. MAYOR RALPH LOWE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COffi':l"CIL Genllemen: PLANNING .AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD November 2, 1972 The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission, in accordanc e v1ith the provisions 9f City Ordinance 13' -Zoning, conducted a public· hearing on the evening of October 2, 1972. The hearing resulted in a few minor changes to the language of the proposed package of changes to the zoning ordinance. Th se proposed changes are hereby conveyed to you as Attachment 1 of his letter. The reasons for these changes are attached as Attachment '. The Commission urges you to enact these changes as amendments t Ordinance 132. ATTACHMENTS CC: Mayor City Council Mr. :f.forgan Mr. Cline Mr. Jone s Mrs. Henry I ,°\ City Attorney FDR THE COMMISSION: Rodger J. Koppa Chairman � (l . •I '{ 5 ,: ., -•-,r:'·• - -. T . . . , ·.. . .. ,, . �Y..g;.:i:¥!::::£.i.llfl,r; .. :z;;•-!· ;WJ ( � ( ! � ,1 l l ( I ( FPZC-M-11-9-72 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PLANNING AN D ZONING COMM. MEETING , NOV. 9, 19?2 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, November 9, 1972, at the Friendswood City Hall. Chairman Rager Koppa called the meeting to order at 8:35 P.M. when a quorum was reached. 1. MEMBERS ABSENT Lloyd VanHorn -other meeting Ray Nelson c.c. Bost MEMBERS PRESENT Rodger Koppa, Chmn. Leah North, Secy. Tracy Spears Ed Zeitler (Council Rep.} One vacancy AUDIENCE A. J. Peterson, Pres. A. J. Peterson, Builders, Inc. MINUTES November 9, 1972 -The formal minutes were not yet ready, but Chairman Koppa reviewed action taken at the meeting. (Mr. Spears has the Jones S/D proposal. A copy of the Dunbar S/D and proposed restrictions has been given to City A ttorney o. K. Jerden to be returned by November 16 with comment. Patton S/D preapplication submission looks o. K.) 2.O:µ> J3USINESS Renwick S/D Mr. A. J. Peterson presented an amended Preliminary Plat on Renwick S/D. This S/D is located at the corner of Mary Ann and Stadium Drives on the old stadium location. It will have concreterstreets and gutters. Questions arose regarding width of utility easements located on the back lot lines where the subdivision abutted land not in the subdivision. Mrs. North did not think the width conformed to Subdivision Ordinance 2J-A. Mr. Koppa and Spears felt that it did, Building set-back lines on corner lots 1, 81, 9, 34, 35, and 36 were also not in conformance with the Subdivision Ordinance. Lots 34, 35, and 36, being 110 feet in width and all siding on Stadium drive, Planning Commission agreed unanimously that the setback on Stadium should re main at 25 feet. Since lots 1, 8, and 9 were only 80 feet wide, were on a street which should have no through traffic to speak of, and since· allowing a 20 foot set-back instead of 25 feet would permit Mr. Peterson to build the fifty foot house which he has planned, Planning Commission agreed unanimously to permit a twenty foot building set-back on lots 1, 8, and 9. (; ( t l ( \ t (___1 '.3, NEW BUSINESS Propsed New Subdivision Ordinance Zoning Ord:rance Amendments Flood Plain Management Flood Plain Management Meeting 4, ADJ OURNMENT i FPZC-M-11-9-72 The proposed new subdivision ordinance as received from the City Manager was discussed, It was decided that more information was needed, Mr, Koppa will meet with City Manager Morgan regarding questions that were raised concerning it and the general philosophy of the existing ordinance as compared to rewriting the ordinance in its entirety. The present status of the Zoning AMendments was discussed. The amendments proposed after public hearing last fall and also the amendments proposed after public hearing October 26, 1972 are due to be posted next Monday for first reading by the Council the following Monday. The Commission would have preferred that the amendments be written in a form different tham the form which is ready for posting, since the Commission is concerned that citizens will feel the entire ordinance is being rewritten. Chairman Koppa atated that some standard operating procedures were needed for administration of the Flood Insurance Ord:rance, More importantly, however, the present ordinance needs to be amended, since the 22 foot flood level which is now being enforced by the City (1) was an error in the first place, (2) has no relation to the maps being used by the insurance companies, (3) has no relation to the information which was received by the City from HUD in March of 1972, and (4) failure to amend the old ordinance to conform with the new information has now jeopardized the availability of flood insurance for Friendswood residents. The Planning Commissimis invited to a meeting on Tuesday ngght at the Episcopal Church to hear Mr. Don Newman of the Department of Agriculture's Soil Conservation Service discuss flood plain management. Mrs. Hilda (Chick) Mc6raw has extended the invitation in behalf of The Women's Leauge of Friendswood, Imperial Estates I Civic Club, and W�dgewood Homeowners ASsociation, sponsors of the meeting, There being no further business to discuss, the meeting wasadjourned, ;tdoJ! J1� Secretary Ap proveds ___________ _ \ t, ) •� I J.l-,, <. ) FPZC-M-11 -16 -72 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION November 16, 1972 Attendance a Rodger Koppa c.c. BostLloyd Van HornTracy Spears Minutes of 11-2 and 11-9 approved. Koppa and Jim Morgan agreed to update the numbers on the old subdivision ordinance and hold off on the new one. Koppa will not be avail able as chairman anymore until after shot. Dr. Jones and Jim Gartrell presented plans for Leslyn Subdivision. Points of discussions 1.Recommended increase in setbacks in some areas from 15 feetto 20 feet.2.Too small to require play area, school reserve, etc.3.Suggested si dewalks be added to covenants.4.30.5 to 32.0 feet above sea level.5.Add street names.6.With these changes, approval was accorded the plat. Perry Walker and George Yaney presented two sets of duplex plans to be built on Skyview. Advised them of setbacks and gave #132 re gulations. No other action taken. Approved: _______ _ ���