HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.04.1990 Resolution No. R90-22-CIP Imposition of Impact Fees" RESOLUTION NO. R 90-22 )'u\�\1\ 1 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN FOR THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR THE IMPOSITION OF IMPACT FEES IN ACCORDANCE WITH Cl{APTER 395, TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE; MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY * WHEREAS, the * City * Cound.l * has * employed qualified professionals to prepare a capital improvements plan and calculate impact fees, has adopted land use assumptions, appointed an advisory committee, and has held public ·hearings as required by law at which hearings all persons desiring to be heard were heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to adopt the capital improvements plan and levy an impact fee in accordance with said Chapter 395, Texas Local Government Code; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: Section 1, The facts and matters set forth in the preamble of the Resolution are hereby found to be true and correct, Section 2. The capital improvements plan contained in the "City of Friendswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee Study, Proposed Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection System, 11 dated April 27, 1990, a true and correct copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes, is hereby in all things approved and adopted. Section 3, The impact fee calculations contained in the 11 City of Friendswood Capital Icoprovements Plan and Impact Fee �• ,;:., I r, ,_. .1.. o,;_o .. •-• I '-' L.. =-=:, l__l r•-i :;;:, 1...1 L !;:;:; LI t--i PAS SEO, APPROVED, AND RESOLV€D this 4th 1990. p - l;::1 4 day of June-----· Paul W. Schrader, Aayor - ATTEST: Deloria Xrcfier, CMC City Secretary u3• ADOPTION AND HEARING SCHEQULE FOR IMPACT FEE STUDY FEBRUARY 12 ••••••••••• ♦ FEBRUARY 14 ............ FEBRUARY 21 ;••·•••••• FEBRUARY 26 •••••••••••• L.,,.,,✓ FEBRUARY 28 •••••••••••• MARCH 19 Ml\RCH 21 MARCH 28 APRIL 4 APRIL 23 � � JUNE 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CITY COUNCIL TO CALL A PUBLIC HEARING FOR MARCH 19, 1990 -LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS FIRST PUBLIC NOTICE ON LAND USE AND DEADLINE FOR LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS FOR PUBLIC REVIEW. SECOND PUBLIC NOTICE ON LAND USE HEARING. DEADLINE FOR WRITI'EN CCMMENTS FRCM l>DV. o:::MM, ON LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS. THIRD PUBLIC NOTICE ON LAND USE HEARING. LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS PUBLIC HEARING. also CITY COUNCIL TO CALL A PUBLIC HEARING FOR APRIL 23, 1990 -IMPACT FEES. FIRST PUBLIC NOTICE ON FEES HEARING ANDDEADLINE FOR FINAL DRAFT FOR PUBLIC REVIEW. SECOND PUBLIC NOTICE ON FEES HEARING ANDDEADLINE FOR WRITl'EN CCM1ENTS FRCM ADV. CXffl. ON FEES. THIRD PUBLIC NOTICE ON FEES HEARING. PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPACT FEES. FIRST READING OF IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE. SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE. ADOPTION DEADLINE� 1�o"-affo/J NOTE: PUBLIC HEARING TO BE CONDUCTED BY CITY COUNCIL. : A��'{f,?'j 1 S . /1;,,1 +6:..�f<()> cP ;0 1\1//\Y /()9Q ,.o, t<J c.::.-;, �8 lltGfJVU1 �:) • :,,:, ('/fl' or F//il!Nl)SWom :5;1•;'.\ CIIYf.Etf.l;rA/l\' :;.,1 'c�. \:\1/ '<f'�:t. q tl\.'?\� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON ADOPTION OF IMPACT FEES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVrn that the City of Friencl�1,,DCXl, Texas will hold a Docketed Public Hearing at tl1e Friendswood City Hall, 109 Willowick, on the follcwing date and tirre: Monday, June 4, 1990 7 :00 p,m. Friendswood City Council d1ambers to receive public cairn0nt on U1e adoption of imp,_,ct fees. At said hearing all interested citizens shall havce the right to appear at the hearing and present evidence for or against the adoption of impact fees. The ,mounts of these fees as previously published and discussed at the Public Hearing of April 23, 1990, have been revised as shcsvn on tl1e folladng rnap, The revised Capital Improverents Plan and Impact Fee Study may be reviewed during regular office hours at the Cammnity Develoµnent Departroent at 1306 Deeps'OCd, City Secretary's Office at City Hall, and at the FriendS\•,'OCd Public Library, At said hearings all interested citizens shall have the right and opportunity to appear and be heard both orally and through written carmunication on the subject, '\"-/ A �-f / ·, '•0. /)' /, I ,, /., �, ; '\ /'•-.... ( M·x ... " i/ -�, � i' ,, I ,. Deloris Archer, CMC City Secretary City of Friendswood Texas $186 WASTE WATER$358 WATER'($397 WASTE WATER. --�·-,-.. l_f:3 1 ,: · / ,�.:;·, ,';:---.. ! t If .. ,.;.. --:-:1 $358 WATER·-� $�1;·WASTE WATER$358 WATER--�! ",. (:'f.f.'c'''1 1-$8130 WASTE WATER\ ! I CITY WIDE FEEFOR WASTE WATER TREATMENT &SURFACE WATER : $840 \ ! / \ i I ' >�---..!-...CITY OF FfllEt/OS',;000 I I ! I I I ' i I 11 ! I I I i ' I 11 ' ' I I ' I l \ I I. \ ! , I I I I , I 11 I , I I I I I I i , I I i I I City Of Friendswood (I✓-£-�?-I'} q,, /99't! CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN AND IMPACT FEE STUDY PROPOSED WATER DISTRIBUTION AND WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEMS City Of Friendswood, Texas April 27, 1990 Revised I 1 11 I I 11 , I i I I ' l ' I I I I i ' ' i I 11 i I : I I I , I i :I I City Of Friendswood CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN AND IMPACT FEE STUDY PROPOSED WATER DISTRIBUTION AND WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEMS City Manager City Engineer Public Works Director Finance Director City Secretary Mayor Paul Schrader City Counclf Mr. Ron Ritter Mr. Bob Wlcklander Ms. Evelyn Newman Mr. Ed Stuart Ms. Jan Jordan Mr. Frank Frankovich Annette Brand James Thompson, P.E. Melvin Meinecke Roger Roecker Deloris Archer, CMG I I ! II I 11. I' i I I I !I' I I I i I : I i I I I I I I ' , I I I I l I I 11 I I I I I I 11 City Of Friendswood CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN AND IMPACT FEE STUDY PROPOSED WATER DISTRIBUTION AND WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEMS Char/man: Benny Baker 1203 Sliver/eat Home: 482-1120 Work: 947-6151 Melinda Wasson 505 W/11/amsburg Circle Home: 482-3477 Work: (409) 948-1724 Ed Colburn 707 Penn Dr. Home: 996-1022 Work: 228-9211 George Rodgers 1011 Castlewood Home: 996-0191 Kenny Koncaba 409 Mornings/de Home: 482-2207 Work: 482-7491 Bud Holzschuh 1309 Crawford Home: 482-0086 Work: 486-1155 Senate Bill 336 Caplial Improvement Advisory .Committee Vice Chairman: Jeanie Mchugh 1104 Lost River Home: 482-9122 Work: 480-0033 Tracy Spears 1214 Timberland Work: 482-7000 Tom Blake #4 Wlndsong Home: 482-6755 John Watson 104 Pecan Work: 482-0557 Staff: James E. Thompson, P.E. City Engineer 482-4438 Claudia Brinkman Planning And Zoning Secreta,y 482-4438 I I I 11 ! I I i I I I I i I ! , I I I I I i I i I ' I 11 I. II. Ill. CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN AND IMPACT FEE STUDY FOR THE PROPOSE D WATER DISTRIBUTION AND WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEMS Executive Summary Introduction TABLE OF CONTENTS Proposed Capital Improvement Plan, Water Supply and Distribution A.Existing Capital Improvements B.Analysis of System Capacity C.Water Distribution Improvements D.Basis of Service Units E.Projected Service Units F.Projected Demand for Water Supply and Distribution Improvements G.Calculation of Impact Fees IV.Proposed Capital Improvement Plan, Wastewater Treatment and Collection A.Existing Capital Improvements B.Analysis of System Capacity C.Wastewater Treatment and Collection System Improvements D.Basis of Service Units E.Projected Service Units F.Projected Demand for Wastewater Treatment and Collection Improvements G.Calculation of Impact Fees 4 7 7 8 10 12 13 15 15 17 17 18 18 21 22 25 25 I I I , I , I V. !I I I I :I I I I ' I ! I i 1 I I I I V. I i I I II ' . I CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN AND IMPACT FEE STUDY FOR THE PROPOSED WATER DISTRIBUTION AND WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEMS TABLE OF CONTENTS Exhibits A.Exhibit W; Overall of Water Distribution Service Areas B.Exhibit W-1; Melody Lane Water Distribution Service Area C.Exhibit W-2; Bay Area Boulevard Water Distribution Service Area D.Exhibit W-3; Central Water Distribution Service Area E.Exhibit S; Overall of Wastewater Collection Serv.lce Areas F.Exhibit S-1; Melody Lane Wastewater Collection Service Area G.Exhibit S-2; Bay Area Boulevard Wastewater Collection Service Area H.Exhibit S-3; Overall of Central Wastewater Collection Service Areas I.Exhibit S-3a; Segment A, Central Wastewater Collection Service Area J, Exhibit S-3b; Segment B, Central Wastewater Collection Service Area K.Exhibit S-3c; Segment C, Central Wastewater Collection Service Area L.Exhibit S-3d; Segment D, Central Wastewater Collection Service Area M.Exhibit S-3e; Segment E, Central Wastewater Collection Service Area Attachments A.Bond Financing Schedules B.Legislation Regarding the Imposition of Impact Fees I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I 11I I : I I I 11 City of Friendswood Capita/ Improvements Plan and Impact Fee I.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City of Friendswood has In recent years committed funds to the construction of surface water facilities and wastewater capacity necessary to provide service to current residents as well as for new development that Is projected to occur within the City. The cost of water and wastewater capacity that has been constructed to support new growth Is reflected In the City Wide Impact fees itemized below. Additional fees are proposed In connection with specific service areas. Based on anticipated population growth and projections of where that growth Is expected to occur, two areas Including the Melody Lane and Central Service Areas within the City of Friendswood were selected for the proposed extension of water distribution and wastewater collection systems that are Intended to be funded partially with Impact Fees assessed and collected In conformance with Senate BIii 336. Impact Fees are also proposed to defray the costs of water distribution facllltles extended to the Bay Area Boulevard Service Area under the terms of a contractual agreement executed by the City of Friendswood. The following Is a summary of the Impact Fees that will apply on a City Wide basis and for each of the designated service areas. A.City Wide Impact Fees 1.Surface Water Facilities 2.Wastewater Treatment Facilities 3, Impact Fee/CIP Study * Total $711 122 ....:z *Based on an estimated cost of $35,000 for 4,819 Equivalent Service Units B.Water Distribution Impact Fees 1.Melody Lane Water System 2.Bay Area Boulevard Water System 3.Central Service Area Water System $840 $854 $294 $358 l II ! I i I I I I , I I !I !I, I I I I ' I I i I I I !I , I I I City of Friendswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee C.Wastewater Collection Impact Fees 1.Melody Lan e Wastewater System 2.Central Service Area Wastewater System Segment A; Segment B; Segment C; Segment D; Segment E; $450 $830 $618 $397 $234 $186 The Fees Itemized Above Represent The Charge Anticipated For A Single Equivalent Service Unit As Defined In The Report. Requests for service In areas In which Infrastructure necessary to support new development Is not either currently available or proposed as a part of the Capital Improvements Plan will have to be coordinated with City offlclals. Senate BIii 336 provides that the Impact Fee will be assessed, where appropriate, before or at the time of the recordatlon of the plat. In cases where new development occurs without platting, the Impact fee may be assessed at any lime during the development and building process. Once assessed, the fee may be collected by the City at any of the following times during the development process: 1.When the plat Is recorded, If the development Is platted, or 2.When connections are made to the City's water and sewer systems, or 3.At the time the City Issues either the building permit or certificate of occupancy. Assessment means the determination of the amount of the Impact fee In effect when a plat Is recorded or, In the absence of a plat, during the development or building process, and Is the maximum amount that can be charged per service unit for the development In question. After assessment of the Impact fees attributable to a specific project or the execution of an agreement for payment of impact fees, no additional I I I I I i I i I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I ', I . I : I City of Friendswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee 3 Impact fees may be assessed for that project unless the number of service units Is Increased In which case the additional fees to be Imposed shall apply only to the additional service units. Service units that are In an area that was platted prior to the adoption of impact fees assessed under Senate Bill 336 and for which a valid building permit Is Issued within one year following the adoption of Impact fees proposed under the referenced legislation will not be required to pay an impact fee. Upon the adoption of an Impact Fee structure, the City of Friendswood w/11 be required to update Its Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan at least every three years. I I 1 I I I I I I i I i I i I i I ' I I I I I 11 I i I !I i I , I , I City of Friendswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee 4 II.INTRODUCTION The City of Friendswood, Texas In conformance with the provisions of Senate BIii 336 and House BIii 1786 proposes to adopt a Capital Improvements Plan for Water Supply and Distribution Improvements and for Wastewater Treatment and Collection Improvements necessary to serve new development and an Impact Fee Structure to defray the costs of these Improvements. The referenced legislation provides for the Implementation of Impact Fees to pay the costs of constructing capital Improvements or faclllty expansions necessary to support new development as specifically Identified In the Capital Improvements Plan. The City, based on past history and a recognition of the attraction of the community for future development anticipates an annual growth of about 5% for the duration of the 10 year Capital Improvements Plan. This rate applied to the existing population of 22,500 would result In an additional 14, 150 people over the 1 O year study period which would Increase the total population to 36,650. Population growth during the past two decades has essentially doubled every 1 o years which suggests a growth rate of almost 7% per year. Annexations of existing population centers, however, have distorted the real growth rate. The City of Friendswood has now annexed all of the area within Its Extra Territorial Jurisdiction which effectively eliminates the possibility of further annexations. Assuming a growth of 14,150 people during the next 1 o years which correlates to approximately 4,800 equivalent connections, three areas of the City were Identified that appeared to have the most growth potential. These areas, as they relate to the proposed Water and Wastewater Improvements, are Illustrated on Exhibits "W" and "S" respectively and are further described below: 1. 2. 3. Melody Lane Service Area; Approximately 298 acres proposed for the water distribution service area and 458 acres proposed for the wastewater collection service area located west of FM-2351, north of Melody Lane and south of Clear Creek. Bay Area Boulevard Service Area; Approximately 204 acres of land bisected by Bay Area Boulevard and located south of FM-528. Central Service Area; Approximately 1,088 acres proposed for the water distribution service area and 2,210 acres prop osed for the wastewater collection service area located east of FM-528 and extending from Clear Creek near the eastern boundary of the City across FM-518 to the undeveloped portions of Mission Estates. 11 I I I i I I I ' i i I I I I I ' I' I I i I I I I I ' I I !I I I 11 City of Friendswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee 5 A Capital Improvements Plan, In the form of a conceptual service plan to provide for the extension of water distribution and wastewater collection lines was developed for the Melody Lane and Central Service Areas. The extension of water and wastewater lines into each of these Service Areas generally corresponds with the proposed alignment of major road arteries as illustrated on the Major Thoroughfare Plan. The Bay Area Boulevard Service Area has already been provided with water distribution under the terms of a contractual agreement signed by the City of Friendswood and has the necessary Infrastructure to support new development. The Impact fee proposed In connection with the Bay Area Boulevard Service Area was determined from the actual cost of the water line that was extended along FM-528 to the tract. The City of Friendswood has also purchased surface water supply and wastewater treatment facilities and/or allocations with capacity that Is excess to existing needs. This excess capacity is essential to fuel new development In the City, regardless of Its location, and Is Included as a component of the Impact fees proposed In this report. The 3.0 mgd capacity that the City of Friendswood has In the City of Houston Southeast Water Purification Plant Is sufficient to accommodate a substantial number of the connections anticipated In the 1 o year planning period. As the need to purchase additional capacity In the Southeast Plant becomes critical to the continued development of the City, the cost of that capacity can be Incorporated Into the Capital Improvements Plan In the course of the periodic Plan updates which are required by SB 336. The City owns and operates a number of wells which will more than meet future growth requirements In as much as groundwater utilization will be limited to an amount not to exceed 20% of total water demand when the Southeast Water Plant becomes operational. The City of Friendswood owns capacity In the amount of 4.875 mgd In the Blackhawk Wastewater Treatment Plant which Is more than enough to meet the projections of the Capital Improvements Plan. As provided In Senate Bill 336, the Capital Improvement s Plan Is required to specifically address the following items: A.A description of existing capital Improvements within the service area and the costs to upgrade, update, Improve, expand or replace such Improvements to meet existing needs and usage and stricter safety, efficiency, environmental or regulatory standards. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I l II ' City of Friendswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee 6 B.An analysis of the total capacity, the level of current usage, and commitments for usage of capacity of existing capital Improvements. C. D. E. F. A description of all or the portions of the capital Improvements or facility expansions and their costs necessitated by and attributable to new development In the service area based on the approved land use assumptions. A definitive table establishing the specific level or quantity of use, consumption, generation or discharge of a service unit for each category of capital Improvements or facility expansions and an equlvalency or conversion table establishing the ratio of a service unit to various types of land uses, Including but not limited to residential, commercial and Industrial. The total number of projected service units necessitated by and attributable to new development within the service area based on the approved land use assumptions and calculated In accordance with generally accepted engineering or planning criteria. The projected demand for capital Improvements or facility expansions required by new service units projected over a reasonable period of time, but In no case more than ten years. The Impact fee per service unit shall not exceed the amount determined by dividing the costs of the capital Improvements described In paragraph "C" above by the total number of projected service units described In paragraph "E". I I ! i I I I , II I 1 I I I !I! ! : I I ' I City of Friendswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee 7 Ill. PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN, WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION Water Supply and Distribution Improvements included as a part of the Capital Improvements Plan Include the following components: 1.Melody Lane Water Distribution System; Refer to Exhibit W-1 2.Bay Area Boulevard Water Distribution System; Refer to Exhibit W-2 3.Central Service Area Water Distribution System; Refer to Exhibit W-3 4.Surface Water Facilities A.Existing Capital Improvements Existing City of Friendswood water distribution lines relevant to the service areas addressed In the Capital Improvements Plan are described below and are Illustrated on Exhibits W-1, W-2 and W-3. 1. 2. 3. Melody Lane: The proposed water distribution system Is Intended to connect to an existing 8" water line at FM-2351 and an existing 8" line at Melody Lane. Bay Area Boulevard: A 14" water line has been constructed between Sunset Drive and Bay Area Boulevard to serve the anticipated development within the Bay Area Boulevard Service Area. There are no other existing facilities within the service area that are material to the development of the property. Central Service Area: The proposed water distribution system Is Intended to connect to an existing 12" line at FM-528 and to an existing 1 O" line adjacent to FM-518 at two locations. In addition to water distribution lines, the Capital Improvements Plan proposes the Inclusion of existing surface water capacity and related transmission Improvements. The City of Friendswood has been Involved for a number of years In plans to reduce dependency on groundwater In order to comply with goals designed to reduce continued land subsidence In this area as established by the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District. The Subsidence District has adop ted a policy that limits groundwater withdrawal to specific levels depending on location within the two county area. After considering a number I ! ! I I I I I !I I I !I11 ! I' I! ' 11 I I I I i I : I I I I I City of Frie ndswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee 8 of surface water alternatives, the City of Friendswood elected to purchase an allocation In the Southeast Water Purification Plant currently under construction by the City of Houston. In addition to the purchase of surface water capacity, the implementation of this alternative has dictated the construction of water transmission lines and water plant components designed to convey and handle the water received from the Southeast Plant. To the extent that the surface water allocation and related facilities will benefit future development, it is appropriate to recognize the costs of these improvements as a part of the impact fee structure. The City of Frlendswood's surface water facilities ·may be grouped Into three categories; Surface Water Capacity, Surface Water Transmission, Pumping and Storage Fae/I/ties and System Wide Improvements to Accommodate Surface Water Distribution. These facilities are more specifically described In Sections "B" and "C" following. There are no costs allocated In the proposed Capital Improvements Plan for upgrading, updating, Improving, expanding or replacing any of the existing capital Improvements described above In order to meet existing needs and usage and stricter safety, efficiency, environmental or regulatory standards. B. Analysis of System Capacity Surface Water Capacity The surface water allocation of 3.0 mgd Is sufficient to accommodate a specific number of connections which can be determined from historical water utilization. Water consumption in Friendswood In 1989 averaged approximately 2.8 mgd for 7,662 equivalent connections as itemized below. The 80% surface component of current water requirements then Is approximately 2.25 mgd which leaves a balance of 0. 75 mgd In unused capacity for new development. Assuming the current use rate, 0. 75 mgd will accommodate an additional 2,554 equivalent connections. The Capital Improvements Plan assumes a total of 4,819 additional connections over the term of the planning period which implies that additional surface water capacity will have to be purchased during the next ten years. If the unit cost of additional surface water capacity Is different than the Initial allocation In the Southeast Plant, adjustments will have to be made In future updates of the Impact Fee structure. 11 I , . I I I 1 I i I I I I II i I I I i I i I 11 i I 11 City of Friendswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee 9 Surface Water Transmission, Pumping and Storage Facilities There are a number of projects and studies that have been accomplished In connection with the construction of facilities designed to convey surface water to the City of Friendswood and provide storage and pumping capacity to distribute the water to the City's customers. The summation of these projects are estimated to be sufficient for Friendswood's requirements through the 50% build out level, or 12,500 equivalent connections based on current projections of 25,000 connections at 100% build out. Ultimately, a second surface water line Is envisioned along the alignment of Beamer and FM-2351 with the attendant storage and pumping facilities to complete the conveyance and handling of surface water for the City of Friendswood. System Wide Improvements Several components of the surface water conversion effort Including the Surface Water Monitoring Equipment and the Modifications to Existing Water Plants to Accommodate Surface Water are not particularly sensitive to "levels of build out" and are Intended to apply to the overall system. A total of 12,481 Equivalent Service Units (ESU's) are projected for purposes of this study Including 7,662 existing ESU's and an additional 4,819 proposed ESU's anticipated as a part of the 1 o year projection relevant to the proposed Capital Improvements Plan. The following Is a summary of the metered connections In service as of February, 1990. Type of Customer Single Family Residential Single Family Construction Taps Multi-Family Residential (Number of Units) Single Business Commercial Multi-Unit Commercial (Number of Businesses) Park, Schools, Churches Sprinkler Systems •Computed based on water usage Individual Connections 6,371 47 1,190 178 102 33 ___M 7,975 Equivalent Connections 6,371 47 655 356 • 51 • 182 • -1,!Lb 7,662 I , ! ! 1 I 1 I ! I !I I I I I I I I I 11 City of Friendswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee 10 C.Water Supply and Distribution Improvements The Capital Improvements Plan provides for the Inclusion of existing surface water supply facllitles and the extension of the existing water distribution system to the areas ldentllled on Exhibits W-1, W-2 and W-3 as the Melody Lane, Bay Area Boulevard and Central Service Areas. The water line necessary to extend water service to the Bay Area Boulevard Service Area Is already In place. Surface water capacity surplus to current demand and the extensions to the water distribution systems with respect to each of the three service areas are Intended for the support of new development and do not benefit existing connections. The following Is a tabulation of the costs considered In the calculatlon of fees related to water supply and distribution Improvements. Melody Lane System 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 8" Waterline 12" Waterline Fire Hydrants Pipeline Crossing 12" Steel Section 6.Bore, Including 14" Casing Subtotal Design and Construction Phase Engineering, 12% Right of Way Costs; 2.8 acres@ $20,000/ac Subtotal Bond Issuance and Finance Costs Total Projected Cost Bay Area Boulevard System Contract Cost (Existing 14" Water Line) Design and Construction Phase Engineering Total Cost Quantity 3,350 LF 8,650 LF 27 EA LS 100 LF 100 LF Unit Cost $12.00 18.00 1,100.00 1,000.00 58.00 100.00 Total Cost $40,200 155,700 29,700 1,000 5,800 10,000 $242,400 29,088 56,000 $327,488 359,869 $687,357 Total Cost $369,338 44,322 $413,660 . ' 11 1 I I I 11 I I i I . ' , I . I ' I I I i I City of Friendswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee Central Service Area Svstem 1.8 " Waterline 2.12" Waterline 3.Fire Hydrants 4.Pipeline Crossing 5.8" Steel Section 6.12" Steel Section 7.Bore, Including 12" Casing 8.Bore, Including 16" Casing Subtotal Design and Construction Phase Engineering. 12% Right of Way Costs; 4.04 acres @ $20,000 /ac Subtotal Bond Issuance and Finance Costs Total Projected Cost Facility Surface Water Facilities Costs Suriace Water Allocation $3,300,000 Transmission, Storage and Pumping 24" Bay Area Blvd Line $204,655 18" Connector 352,701 Booster Station & Storage 550,826 Water System Study 4.505 Application for Aid 14,550 Surface Water Planning 21.886 Prellm Engr 20,790 $1,169,913 11 Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 2,500 LF $12.00 $30,000 15,100 LF 18.00 271,800 36 EA 1,100.00 39,600 1 LS 1,000.00 1,000 100 LF 55.00 5,500 400 LF 58.00 23,200 100 LF 75.00 7,500 100 LF 120.00 12,000 $390,600 46,872 80,800 518,272 532,569 $1,050,841 Issuance & Amount Financing Total Financed Costs Costs $2,700,000 $2,120,437 $5,420,437 $116,353 316.853 550,826 4,505 0 0 20,790 $1,009,327 $792,672 $1,962,585 I I I i i I I ' ' I I i I , I I I i I l I I City of Friendswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee 12 System Wide Improvements Monitoring System 157,394 157,394 Plant Modifications for Surface Water 164,358 164,358 $321,752 $321,752 $252,687 $574,439 Balance on Financing 332,981 261,506 Issuance Cost 35,940 Sub Totals 4,400,000 Interest Costs 3.391.362 Total Costs $4,791,665 $7,791,362 $3,427.302 $7,957,461 D. Basis of Service Units One of the key components of Senate Bill 336 Is the determination of a Service Unit which Is defined In the legislation as a "standardized measure of consumption, use, generation or discharge attributable to an Individual unit of development calculated In accordance with generally accepted engineering or planning standards for a particular category of capital Improvements or facility expansions." The Water Distribution System Analysis prepared by Texas A&M for the City of Friendswood In 1988 recommended that the City use a factor of 150 gallons/person/day for future planning. This appears to be slightly higher than other commonly recognized utlllzatlon rates, but It Is not unreasonable. A single family dwelling, assuming 3 people per house, would then represent a demand of 450 gallons per day. For purposes of this study an Equivalent Service Unit (ESU) for the water distribution Improvements wlll be defined In terms of a single family unit or 450 gallons per day. The following table illustrates the ESU"s for various land use requirements. I I 11 I I I I i I !I I I ' ' , I I I ! ! I : I I i I I City of Friendswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee 13 Land Use SFR MFR-L MFR-M MFR-H MHR csc (1) I Units/Acre 2.7 6 9 18 10 Occupancy/Unit 3.00 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 Demand@ ESU/Acre@ 150 GPCD 450 GPD/ESU 1,215 2.7 1,485 3.3 2,228 5.0 4,455 9.9 2,475 5.5 1,665 (2)3.7 1,800 (3) 4.0 Note (1): 3.7 ESU's/Acre also applies to other Land Use designations Including NC, LI, OBD, OPD, BP and PUD. Note (2): Based on 55 people/acre @ 30 gallons/person/day Note (3): Based on 1,800 gallons per acre per day E. Projected Service Units The proposed plan Includes the 14" waterline constructed to serve the Bay Area Boulevard Service area and anticipates the extension of water distribution systems Into the Melody Lane and Central Service Areas. These areas, or systems, which correspond with the System Costs presented In Section C above are Illustrated on Exhibits W-1, W-2 and W-3. The following Is a tabulation of the projected service units based on the total area proposed for development In each system, the approved land use designations and the Equivalent Service Units (ESU's) per acre as developed In Section D above. Water Distribution Systems Service Area 1.Melody Lane; 298 acres SFR@ 2.7 ESU's per acre Total ESU's 805 • Proposed ESU's 805 Future ESU's 0 11 11 I I : I I I I i I I I I I : I I I I I I I , ' City of Friendswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee 14 Total Proposed * Future Service Area ESU's ESU's ESU's 2.Bay Area Boulevard; 40 acres CSC @3.7 ESU's per acre 148 59 acres OPD@ 3. 7 ESU's per acre 218 105 acres MFR-H@ 9.9 ESU's per acre 1,040 Total 1,406 400 1,006 3.Central Service Area; 1,088 acres SFR@2.7 ESU's per acre 2.938 2,938 _J) Total Projected Equivalent Service Units 5,149 4,143 1,006 * Proposed ESU's are those projected within the ten year planning period. Based on the growth projected for the ten year planning period, the City of Friendswood Is expected to add approximately 4,800 equivalent single family connections by the year 2000 Including a total of 4. 1431:SU's that are anticipated to occur within the service areas Identified above. Surface Water Capacity The surface water-components described In section "B" above are each adequate to serve the 7,662 existing City of Friendswood connections In addition to the connections proposed during the ten year planning period and the future connections anticipated beyond the ten year planning period as Itemized below: Total Proposed * Future ESU's ESU's ESU's 1.Surface Water Capacity 10,216 2,554 0 2.Transmission, Pumping and Storage Facilities 12,500 4,819 19 3.System Wide Improvements are each sufficient 25,000 4,819 12,519 I I . II I i I 1 I I I I I I I I , ' I , I j ' I ' I 11 I I I I I ! : I City of Friendswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee 15 F.Projected Demand for Water Supply and Distribution Improvements The following table Illustrates the projected growth In pop ulation In the City of Friendswood over the next ten year period based on a beginning population of 22,500 In 1990 and a 5% annual growth rate. Equivalent Date Population Connections January 1, 1990 22,500 7,662 January 1, 1991 23,625 8,045 January 1, 1992 24,806 8,447 January 1, 1993 26,047 8,870 January 1, 1994 27,349 9,313 January 1, 1995 28,716 9,779 January 1, 1996 30,152 10,268 January 1, 1997 31,660 10,781 January 1, 1998 33,243 11,320 January 1, 1999 34,905 11,886 January 1, 2000 36,650 12,481 The total projected growth through January 1, 2000 Is 14,150 people or approximately 4,800 ESU's. G.Calculation Of Impact Fees 1. 2. Melody Lane Water System $687,357 /805 ESU's Bay Area Boulevard Water System $413,660/1,406 ESU's 3.Central Service Area $1,050,841 /2,938 ESU's $854/ESU $294/ESU $358/ESU 11 I I i I !I I I i I I I I I !I i I I I . ' i I II I I I City of Friendswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee 16 4.City Wide Fees, Surface Water Surface Water Capacity, $5,420,437 /10,216 $531 Transmission/Pumping/Storage, $1,959,459/12,500 157 System Wide Improvements, $574,439/25,000 _a;) $711/ESU The surface water supply components addressed In the report are capable of serving various levels of development as discussed under Section "B", Analysis of System Capacity. The Impact Fee proposed for the City's surface water Improvements Is based on the cost of each of the three component categories itemized above divided by the number of Equivalent Service Units that are appropriate for each category. The water distribution Improvements specific to the service areas Identified above are ultimately Intended to serve a total of 5, 149 ESU's Including 4,143 proposed during the ten year study period and an additional 1,006 when the subject areas are built out. The Impact Fees have been calculated based on the ultimate number of connections In order to distribute the cost equitably to new development relevant to the ten year projections as well as subsequent development that will ultimately benefit from the proposed water lines. I I ; II i I . 1 I I I i I I , I I i ! I I I i I i I I I 11 i City of Friendswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee 17 IV.PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN, WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND COLLECTION Wastewater Treatment and Collection Improvements Included as a part of the Capital Improvements Plan are as follows: 1.Melody Lane Wastewater Collection System; Refer to Exhibit S-1 2.Central Service Area Wastewater Collection System; Refer to Exhibit S-2 The Central Service Area Is further subdivided into five separate Sub-Areas, "A" through "E", as Illustrated on Exhibits S-2a, S-2b, S-2c, S-2d and S-2e. 3.Blackhawk Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity A.Existing Capital Improvements Existing City of Friendswood wastewater collection facilities relevant to the service areas addressed In the Capital Improvements Plan are described below and are Illustrated on Exhibits S-1, and S-2 . 1. 2. Melody Lane Service Area: The proposed wastewater collection system Is Intended to connect to an existing 27" sewer line In FM-2351. Waste discharge from this area will be treated at the Blackhawk Wastewater Treatment Plant. ·central Service Area: The collection system proposed to serve the five sub-areas Identified collectively as the Central Service Area will not utilize any of the existing City of Friendswood sewer facilities. The facilities proposed to convey sewage to the Blackhawk Wastewater Treatment Plant will consist of an entirely new system. Portions of areas previously developed, however, are Intended to connect with the new system. Each of these existing developments have wastewater collection facilities that will be redirected to the proposed trunk line. Waste discharge from this area, as suggested above, will be treated at the Blackhawk Wastewater Treatment Plant. Blackhawk Wastewater Treatment Plant: In addition to the wastewater collection lines Identified above, the Capital Improvements Plan, In recognition of expenses incurred by the City of Friendswood for wastewater treatment capacity and related improvements that Is surplus to current requirements, proposes the ', I ' ' ' r 'i I ' i I I I !I ! I I 11 I I City of Friendswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee 18 consideration of these Items as a part of the Impact fee structure. Friendswood has purchased capacity In each of the two construction phases of the Blackhawk Wastewater Treatment Plant. The City In combination with WCID 108 obtained 2.0 mgd capacity In the Initial phase of construction at no cost due to EPA participation. An additional 0.5 mgd capacity was purchased by the Clearwoods Improvement District In that same construction phase for a cost of approximately $272,432. Upon annexation Into the City of Friendswood, the Clearwoods treatment capacity and related debt was assumed by Friendswood. Essentially all of the 2.5 mgd capacity referenced above Is being used to accommodate existing development. The 2.375 mgd treatment capacity obtained by the City of Friendswood In the second construction phase, however, Is available to support new development. In addition, Friendswood participated In a construction effort distinct from the two Blackhawk construction phases referenced above for the extension of a temporary access road from FM-528 to the treatment plant. Costs attributed to the Phase II treatment plant expansion and to the access road are considered In the Impact fee structure. There are no costs allocated In the proposed Capital Improvements Plan for upgrading, updating, Improving, expanding or replacing any of the existing capital Improvements described above In order to meet existing needs and usage and stricter safety, efficiency, environmental or regulatory standards. B.Analysis of System Capacity The City of Friendswood Is currently using approximately 2.500 mgd of its allotted capacity of 4.875 million gallons of wastewater per day. Based on an annual growth rate of -5% the remaining treatment capacity will be sufficient to accommodate the additional 4,819 Equivalent SeNice Units (ESU's) projected through the year 2000. A total of 12,481 equivalent service units (ESU's) are projected for purposes of this study Including 7,662 existing ESU's and the additional 4,819 ESU's anticipated as a part of the 10 year projection relevant to the proposed Capital Improvements Plan. C.Wastewater Treatment and Collection System Improvements The Capital Improvements Plan provides for the extension of the existing wastewater collection system to the areas Identified on Exhibits S-1, and S-2 as the Melody Lane and Central Service Areas. In addition, the City of Friendswood also has surplus wastewater treatment capacity available to support anticipated growth. This capacity Is a result of the Phase II Blackhawk WWTP expansion and related Improvements. The proposed sewage treatment and conveyance systems are Intended to serve areas of new development I I 11 I I I I , I I ' I . I I I 11 11 i I ! I .1 I i I I I .11 I ! I City of Friendswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee 19 as well as certain existing portions of the City. The following Is a tabulation of the costs of the Individual systems. Melody Lane System 1.1 0" SOR 35 PVC Sewer Line 2.12" SOR 35 PVC Sewer Line 3.15" SOR 35 PVC Sewer Line 4.Standard Manholes 5.Bore, Including 20" Casing 6.Pipeline Crossing Subtotal Design and Construction Phase Engineering, 12% Right of Way Costs; 3.17 acre $20,000/ac Subtotal Bond Issuance and Finance Costs Total Projected Cost Central Service Area System Segment A 1.12" Force Main 2.Connect to Existing LS Subtotal Design and Construction Phase Engineering, 12% Right of Way Costs; 2.03 acres @ $20,000 /ac Subtotal Bond Issuance and Finance Costs Total Projected Cost Quantity 2,900 LF 1,000 LF 3,000 LF 15 EA 100 LF 1 LS Quantity 5,900 LF 1 EA Unit Cost Total Cost $16.00 $46,400 20.00 20,000 25.00 75,000 1,600.00 24,000 140.00 14,000 1,000.00 1,000 $180,400 21,648 63,400 265,448 291,695 1557, 143 Unit Cost Total Cost $15.50 $91,450 1,000.00 1,000 $92,450 11,094 40,600 $144,144 148.121 1292,265 City of Friendswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee 20 I I Segment B Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1.30" Hobas Sewer Line 6,800 LF $83.00 $564,400 I 2.Standard Manholes, 30" Sewer 13 EA 1,600.00 20,800 3.Pipeline Crossing 1 LS 1,000.00 1,000 Subtotal $586,200 Design and Construction Phase Engineering, 12% 70,344 Right of Way Costs; 3.12 acres @ $20,000 /ac 62,400 Subtotal $718,944 Bond Issuance and Finance Costs 738,777 Total Projected Cost $1,457,721 Segment C Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1.36" Hobas Sewer Line 4,700 LF $98.00 $460,600 2.Standard Manholes, 36" Sewer 9 EA 1,700.00 15,300 ' I Subtotal $475,900 Design and Construction Phase Engineering, 12% 57,108 I ! Right of Way Costs; 2.16 acres@ $20,000/ac 43,200 I I _I I Subtotal $576,208 I I Bond Issuance and Finance Costs 592,104 I ' Total Projected Cost $1,168,312 ' I I I I SegmentD Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1.36" Hobas Sewer Line 1,350 LF $98.00 $132,300 I I 2.Standard Manholes 5 EA 1,700.00 8,500 I I 3.Bore, Including 48" Casing 100 LF 200.00 20,000 i I Subtotal $160,800 Design and Construction Phase Engineering, 12% 19,296 : I Right of Way Costs; 0.58 acres @ $20,000 /ac 11,600 Subtotal $191,696 Bond Issuance and Finance Costs 196,984 Total Projected Cost $388,680 I I I I I I I I . ' , II I I I I Ii I I I I I i I ' I I , ' I , I I City of Friendswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee Segment E 1.12. 75 mgd Pump Station 2.24" Ductile Iron Force Main 3.Clear Creek Crossing Subtotal Design and Construction Phase Engineering, 12% Right of Way Costs; 1.96 acres @ $20,000 /ac Subtotal Bond Issuance and Finance Costs Total Projected Cost Blackhawk Wastewater Treatment Capacity 1.Phase II Plant Expansion 2.Temporary Access Road D.Basis of Service Units Quantity LS 5,600 LF 1 LS Unit Cost $350,000.00 60.00 47,000.00 21 Total Cost $350,000 336,000 47,000 $733,000 87,960 39,200 $860,160 883,896 $1,744.056 Total Cost $541. 129 $411.431 One of the key components of Senate 8111336 Is the determination of a Service Unit which Is defined In the legislation as a "standardized measure of consumption, use, generation or discharge attributable to an Individual unit of development calculated In accordance with generally accepted engineering or planning standards for a particular category of capital Improvements or facility expansions." The City of Friendswood staff has determined a per capita contribution rate of 130 gallons per day which Is the basis of the flow calculations and the development of the Equivalent Service Unit as itemized In the following table. Peak flow and lnflltratlon, again as determined by the City staff, are calculated as 250% of the per capita contribution rate and 1,025 gallons per acre per day respectively. Single family development, assuming 2.7 houses per acre, 3 people per house and 130 gallons per person times 250% for peak flows plus 1,025 gallons per acre for Infiltration would then represent a rate of flow of 3,65 7.50 gallons per acre per day. The allocation for a single housing unit, or 3,657.50 gpd divided by 2.7 houses per acre, Is 1,355 gpd. These numbers are consistent with various other utility design standards and for purposes of this study an Equivalent Service Unit (ESU) for the wastewater collection system will be defined in terms of a single family unit or 1,355 gallons per day. The following table Illustrates the ESU's for various land use requirements. 11 II I I I I I I II I I I . I I I 11 I I I I I City of Friendswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee 22 Max Flow/Acre ESU/Acre@ Land Use UnltsLAcre OccugancyLUnlt GalLDay 1,355 GPDLESU SFR 2.7 3.00 3,657.50 2.7 MFR-L 6 1.65 4,242.50 3.1 MFR-M 9 1.65 5,851.25 4.3 MFR-H 18 1.65 10,677.50 7.9 MHR 10 1.65 6,387.50 4.7 csc (1) 4,462.50 (2)3.3 4,625.00 (3) 3.4 Note (1): 3.3 ESU's/Acre al so applies to other Land Use designations Including NC, LI, OBD, OPD, BP and PUD. Note (2): Based on 55 people/acre@ 25 gallons/person/day for base flow Note (3): Based on 1,440 gallons per acre per day for base flow E.Projected Service Units The proposed plan anticipates the extension of wastewater collection systems Into the Melody Lane and Central Service Areas described above. These areas, or systems, which correspond with the System Costs presented In Section C above are Illustrated on Exhibits S-1, and S-2. The Central Service Area, which Is shown on Exhibit S-2, Is comprised of five separate Sub-Areas Identified as areas "A" through "E" and depicted on Exhibits S-2a, S-2b, S-2c, S-2d and S-2e. The following Is a tabulation of the projected service units based on the total area proposed for development In each system, the accepted land use designations and the Equivalent Service Units (ESU's) per acre as developed In Section D above. Melody Lane Service Area 458 acres SFR@ 2.7 ESU's per acre Total Connections: 1,237 Existing ESU's 0 Proposed ESU's 805 • Future ESU's 432 11 City of Friendswood ! I Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee 23 I I Existing Proposed* Future Central SeNice Area ESU's ESU's ESU's ! I Segment A ' I I Existing Development 973 0 0 150 acres SFR@2,7 ESU's per acre _J)405 _J) Totals 973 405 0 Total Connections, Segment A: 1,378 Segment B Totals from Segment A 973 405 0 I I Existing Development 65 0 0 1,905 acres SFR @2.7 ESU's per acre _J)1.634 3,510 Totals 1,038 2,039 3,510 I I Total Connections, Segments A & B: 6,587 I !Segment C I Totals from Segments A & B 1,038 2,039 3,510 i I 217.5 acres SFR @2.7 ESU's per acre _J)587 _J) Totals 1,038 2,626 3,510 , I Total Connections, Segments A• C: 7,174 ' .1 I Segment D 11 Totals from Segments A - C 1,038 2,626 3,510 Existing Development 860 25 _J) I I Totals 1,898 2,651 3,510 Total Connections, Segments A - D: B,059 I I I I 11 11 11 I I 11 I II • I I I I I I I I i i I I , I I ! I I i I 1 I : I 11 I : City of Friendswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee Segment E Totals from Segments A - D Existing Development 283 acres SFR@ 2. 7 ESU's per acre 51 acres MFR-M@ 4.3 ESU's per acre Totals Total Connections, Segments A -E: 9,400 Totals, All Service Areas 1,898 358 0 _Q 2,256 2,256 •Proposed ESU's are those projected within the ten year planning period. 24 2,651 3,510 0 0 688 76 _Q 219 3,339 3,805 4,463 5,075 Based on the growth projected for the ten year planning period, the city of Friendswood Is expected to add approximately 4,800 equivalent connections to Its wastewater collection system by the year 2000 Including a total of 4,463 ESU's that are anticipated to occur within the service areas Identified above. Wastewater Treatment Capacity Existing Proposed • Future Blackhawk Wastewater Treatment Plant ESU's ESU's ESU's Phase II Treatment Capacity 0 4,819 1,271 Temporary Access Road 7,662 4,819 19 The 2.375 mgd treatment capacity obtained by the City of Friendswood In the second construction phase Is available to support new development. Assuming an average rate of flow of 390 gpd per connection used as the basis of an Equivalent Service Unit In the Impact Fee Study, the additional capacity will serve approximately 6,090 additional connections. The temporary access road constructed to the Blackhawk plant provides service for both construction phases of the Blackhawk plant. Based on the 2.500 mgd capacity In the Initial phase, an additional 2.375 mgd In the second phase and the 390 gpd per connection referenced above, the cost of the road should be amortized over a total of 12,500 equivalent service units. II ! I I I I I I I I I I I I : I I I I I 11 11 11 I I !I !I i I I 11 City of Friendswood Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee 25 F.Projected Demand for Wastewater Treatment and Collection Improvements The table presented in Section II1.F of the proposed Water Distribution Plan illustrated the projected growth In population In the City of Friendswood over the next ten year period based on a beginning population of 22,500 In 1990 and a 5% annual growth rate. The. total projected growth for the tlmeframe ending January 1, 2000 is 14, 150 people which represents approximately 4,800 Equivalent Connections. G.Calculation Of Impact Fees 1. 2. 3. Melody Lane Wastewater System $557, 143/1,237 ESU's Central Service Area Segment A; $292,265/1,378 ESU's Segment B; $1,457,721 /6,587 ESU's Segment C; $1, 168,312/7, 174 ESU's Segment D; $388,680/8,059 ESU's Segment E; $1,744,056/9,400 ESU's City Wide Fees (Treatment Capacity) Blackhawk WWTP Capacity, $541, 129/6,090 Blackhawk Access Road, $411,431 /12,500 Segment Charge $212 per ESU $221 per ESU $163 per ESU $48 per ESU $186 per ESU $89 � $450/ESU Cumulative Charge $830 $618 $397 $234 $186 $122/ESU The wastewater collection Improvements are ultimately Intended to serve a total of 11,794 ESU's Including 2,256 existing, 4,463 proposed during the ten year study period and an additional 5,075 when the referenced areas are built out. The phase II treatment plant capacity Is sufficient to serve 6,090 connections Including the 4,819 connections projected through the study period and an additional 1,271 beyond the ten year planning period. Likewise, the Blackhawk access road, which Is projected to provide service for 12,500 connections (7,662 existing, 4,819 proposed In the ten year plan and 19 anticipated beyond the planning period) or through the 50% build out level. The Impact Fees have been calculated based on the ultimate number of connections In order to distribute the cost equitably to new development relevant to the ten year projections as well as subsequent development that will ultimately benefit from the proposed wastewater lines. Existing connections wlll not participate In the payment of Impact Fees. M 1.181HX3 :c )> )> rtj � :IJ )> en � 0� <:IJ rTI H:IJ OJ )> C r -I rH 0 z 0 ... :1 0 'Tl 3:1 ... � en:cg 0 ' -·-· .!.- en • mo :nm �� O:Dm>r >• � > en • mm :D><-<... o> m::nm>> �al >�0 • en •m :i:: :nm<r t-<0 00m-< >r:D� �m• I I I I I I I I I I 11 I II . 11 I 11 I I I :I I � M .1181HX3w31sAs Nor1nsrH1sra 3NV7 A0073W H31VM ·s !N31VAin��N � 3�IA�3S 3!V�IONI .·n·s·3. , I 1-�,) ,, ,I ,....._ I ' , ' / ,, /'. , ' I • /·..../' ' 1:tv3-,0 , r--'"'',I . I 1,/ , I I I I I 11 I 11 l 1 11 11 I I I ! I I I i I I I I : I 11 I I I 1i I 11 I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I 11 i I I 11 I )/ --.,. '\. ' ' , "'v.,."'-""""'--� t -- � I) ✓ I Ft1.HJ�WA't' ,-,0.�ie ________________ _ M�1 c ........ · a 1 . . // • < ' /. / /. . '/ � N I ' '/ /. "E.s.u.· INDICATES EQUIVALENT SERVICE UNITS. /, / ·, -�-��/ /. ' \ \ I �� /. ¢155°" _,,,i :::-=--' C- 'l \ ,. \ I \ / ' ..... 7----.....___ -. -., '---,----=--I ' "\ .-· I V\,_,,, ' _/ ) . -. -. -.-----°'\ I j .-----/ -. - a,J,rt � ' / \---'-... /·-· •' �,rt '---�,i'-.,,. ()ti • ...�€,Sf \ _./ G� -'----�----1/ � ,_<,� / BAY AREA BOULEVARD WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM , ,,, EXHIBIT W2 £M .Ll81HX3 -0 :0 --� I g" rn '� 0 --, � � lli----.-------1i--�/� I • ----➔•--i -;: / I\) '° c., I I mil==== .en .C t, '(\(JO ()RI"t u t. ,Ml(Y()OO ""( : ·1 "?,. � tt. CUM CM£1C Oft. S. CUM CM.[K M. --' .. u d l�i ( LUC11 � Iii i � BLACl<HAWK 7/ Rt:GIONAI. PLANT ✓ / ---. ---. ---. I I I • I I I ' I I • 11 I I I !iI I I I 1 I 11 I I I I I ! II j . I I 11 I I • I . I I m X :r: CJ -I (/) ;; �4-,. .. .... �, 1-���-\rn � lit •-ci ,, C • --! -i: ·-. ! �==,,d·- , • ��1 , l \ ',��)·-i � " · U l \ l I '.\\ g \ r-· .. ..._ff · . 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SFR 432 E.s.u.l · · ·-- OR. �+ ,., ,. • �1� ( � ..... ... ., .. ·•.,., ; t I I I; 11 j I -'�---- - . . • • r . . · -. 1 r--i-PROPOSED PROPOSED 10" SANITARY 12" SANITARY 11 1, -----� '1J :xi 0 '1J 0 en ..... I I I U1 I I . ,,en > zH -i I I I �'v �o C',s, 00.., P/pfl/Nf !BOS E. s . u. I FM HIGHWAY NO 2351 ✓ / LEGEND EX�STING SANITARY PROPOSED SANITARY E�ISTING FORCE HAIN PROPOSED FORCE HAIN INDICATES EQUIVALENT SERVICE UNITS --0---- �� E.S.U. MELODY LANE WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM . EXHIBIT S 1 t':S .l.lBIHX3 x:n >rncnz-I -Irn :D X:>�r rn en :D rn :D n< 0 H rn rrn rn n> -I :DH rll O> z 0 (I)< -< rn (/) :D -I> rnr 3: r ------... L ,lft('ll()OO AV[ 'i �'� -J I ...___ .r ( I \, z___ i--8-LA_CK_tlA_Wl<_7/ REGIQtlAL PLAlll '- I ,,I I I ! I '' I II I I I i I I ' I i I I I \ I I I I I I ' Ii I I I I I : I I 11 I I I I I I : I I I . I I I ' I I I ! ' I 11 I I I I ' I ' ' , I } i ! \ ·,\ ----�",y'·-,,. 1a.C--... J 0ol' couRSl ,· I ,, ' '\., ', � '· ' ' ' ''I,', ' ' " ' ''.-'>\-. ·� \ '\ !131� E.s.u.! z ◄ " ....�� ., \ 1/ I \ '\ �\" 1 LEG.END EXISTING SANITARY PROPOSED SANITARY EXISTING FORCE HAIN PROPOSED FORCE HAIN .INDICATE S EQUIVALENT SERVICE UNITS \ \ ---0---- ---3·---3 E.S.U. CENTRAL SERVICE AREA SEGMENT "A" EXHIBIT S2a I I I I I I i I 1 I I I I I i I , I I i 11 ! I I I 11 I I I I I 11 i i I : ...._ _______ _ '-• ------',/< • .. �, " '1' ' �-' . ', '�. '. '' r .:a, �&"'. ..... , .............. . -·--·--_..J ·e' ic � .. I z . < )' : I I ./· ... \ I,• l l � 1T / .,· PROPOSED 30' SANl[TARV l 1634 E. S. U.I SEGMENT "A" .TOWER ESTATES .42 AC. SPORT COMPLEX 1300 AC. S.F.R. / 1378 45 E.S.U. 20 E.S.U. 3510 E.S.U. i \- � � \ � �, LEGEND EXISTING SANITARY PROPOSED SANITARY EXISTING FORCE MAIN PROPOSED FORCE MAININDICATES EQUIVALENT SERVICE UNITS --<:r- ----3----! E.S.U. CENTRAL SERVICE AREA SEGMENT 11 B 11 EXHIBITS2b I i I i I ! I ' I I I . I ! II I I • I ' • I I I I I I 'n : . L ·-- J I i ,. � ·,;· i---!ii� a: ' I I I � I !)l • 1 ·- ·7 � l r-•• / r· , I . I : ' I I I �'"'F�)Jift i 587 E .. s..JLl > a: H z < 1/) 10 (') 0 a. � II \ \\ SEGMENT B 6587 E.S.U. � ' LEGEND EXISTING SANITARY --0--PROPOSED SANITARY EXISTING FORCE MAIN -- PROPOSED FORCE MAIN �� lNDICATES EQUIVALENT SERVICE UNITS E.S.U. CENTRAL SERVICE AREA SEGMENT "C" EXHIBIT S2c I I i I I i I I I I i ! I I I I 11 I I I 11 !I' I 1 I I I i i - Cl) o:> / E ·11 WINDING WAY h�:;;� �'!' �M � I --1___ .,,F_O_X-ME_A_D_O _W________ i 109 E.S.U. 138 E.S.U. 230 E.S.U. :::E I..L FALCON RIDGE REGENCY ESTATES EAGLES POINT 28 AC. SFR 82 AC CSC ./ 63 E.S.U. 74 E.S.U. 271 t;.S.U. 1: �· / ... --)\ . '·•. , l;l •T-• •• I i • PROPOSED 36" SANITARY � ' LEGEND EXISTING SANITARY PROPOSED SANITARY EXISTING FORCE MAIN PROPOSED FORCE MAIN INDICATES EQUIVALENT SERVICE UNITS --<r-- ----:3 E.S.U. � '� �\ CENTRAL SERVICE AREA \ \\ SEGMENT "D" EXHIBIT S2d I : ' ' ' ! ' I I i ' I I I ! I I ' I I i I ---✓ I j 17 f • --...... I , t r -,-� , ,.__.,, 1--/ f� >I ·---a: a ,-· �I -- I �-�I .. _ L-I ··- I --I -; �IN OING WAY jf/r­-� SEGMENT D 8059 E.S.U. o, o, LEGEND EXISTING SANITARY PROPOSED SANITA�Y EXISTING FORCE MAIN PROPOSED FORCE MAIN INDICATES EQUIVALENT SERVICE UNITS V SLONE SUBDIVISION RANCHO VIEJO 100 E.S.U. 64 E.S.U. 688 E.S.U. �55 AC. SFR POLY RANCH ESTATES EXIST. LOTS 28 AC. SFR 51 AC. MFR-M 194 E.S.U. 76 E.S.U. 219 E.S.U. -0---- � E.S.U. i! � ' CENTRAL SERVICE AREA SEGMENT "E" EXHIBIT S2e · I ! I I I I i I I I I I I I I I 11 I I I I , I I i I I I i I r I i I City of Friendswood Proposed Capital Improvement Plan; Financing Costs The proposed Capital Improvement Plan is anticipated to be funded by the sale of bonds with a bond issue anticipated for each of the two service areas identified below; Melody Lane Service Area Water Distribution Wastewater Collection Subtotal Bond Issuance and Finance Cost Total Projected Cost Central Service Area Water Distribution Wastewater Collection Subtotal Bond Issuance and Finance Cost Total Projected Cost The bond costs are based on a twenty year term and a 7.5% Interest rate. $327.488 265.448 $592,936 651,564 $1,244.500 $518,272 2,491.152 $3,009,424 3,092,451 $6,101,875 11 I I ' l I i I 1 I i i i I I I I ! , I 11 I 11 I I 1 I i I i I I I City of Friendswood Proposed Capital Improvement Plan; Financing Costs Melody Lane Service Area Water Distribution 1.8" Waterline 2.12" Waterline 3.Fire Hydrants 4.Pipeline Crossing 5.12" Steel Section 6.Bore, Including 14" Casing Subtotal Design and Construction Phase Engineering, 12% Right of Way Costs; 2.8 acres@ $20,000/ac Subtotal Bond Issuance and Finance Costs Total Projected Cost Wastewater Collection 1.10" SOR 35 PVC Sewer Line 2.12" SDR 35 PVC Sewer Line 3.15" SOR 35 PVC Sewer Line 4.Standard Manholes 5.Bore, Including 20" Casing 6.Pipeline Crossing Subtotal Design and Construction Phase Engineering, 12% Right of Way Costs; 3.17 acre $20,000/ac Subtotal Bond Issuance and Finance Costs Total Projected Cost Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 3,350 LF $12.00 $40,200 8,650 LF 18.00 155,700 27 EA 1,100.00 29,700 1 LS 1,000.00 1,000 100 LF 58.00 5,800 100 LF 100.00 10,000 $242,400 29,088 56,000 $327,488 359,869 $687,357 Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 2,900 LF $16.00 $46,400 1,000 LF 20.00 20,000 3,000 LF 25.00 75,000 15 EA 1,600.00 24,000 100 LF 140.00 14,000 1 LS 1,000.00 1,00Q $180,400 21,648 63,400 $265,448 291,695 $557,143 City of Friendswood Proposed Capital Improvement Plan; Financing Costs Central Service Area I I • I I 'Water Distribution Quantity Cost Cost i I 1.8 " Waterline 2,500 LF $12.00 $30,000 2.12" Waterline 15,100 LF 18.00 271,800 3.Fire Hydrants 36 EA 1,100.00 39,600 4.Pipeline Crossing 1 LS 1,000.00 1,000 5.8" Steel Section 100 LF 55.00 5,500 i I 6.12" Steel Section 400 LF 58.00 23,200 7.Bore, including 12" Casing 100 LF 75.00 7,500 I I 8.Bore, Including 16" Casing 100 LF 120,00 12,000 ' I Subtotal $390,600 Design and Construction Phase Engineering, 12% 46,872 Right of Way Costs; 4.04 acres@ $20,000/ac 80,800 I I Subtotal $518,272 I I Bond Issuance and Finance Costs 532,569 I I I I Total Projected Cost �1,050,841 I I .· I Wastewater Collection Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 11 I I Segment A i I 1.12" Force Main 5,900 LF $15.50 $91,450 I I 2.Connect to Existing LS 1 EA 1,000.00 1,000 Subtotal $92,450 I Design and Construction Phase Engineering, 12% 11,094 Right of Way Costs; 2.04 acres@ $20,000/ac 40,600 Subtotal $144,144 I I Bond Issuance and Finance Costs 148,121 Total Projected Cost �292,265 11 i I City of Friendswood Proposed Capital Improvement Plan; Financing Costs Segment B 1.30" Hobas Sewer Line 6,800 LF $83.00 $564,400 2.Standard Manholes, 30" Sewer 13 EA 1,600.00 20,800 3.Pipeline Crossing 1 LS 1,000.00 1,000 Subtotal $586,200 Design and Construction Phase Engineering, 12%70,344 Right of Way Costs; 3.12 acres@ $20,000/ac 62,400 Subtotal $718,944 Bond Issuance and Finance Costs 738,777 Total Projected Cost $1,457,721 Segment C 1.36" Hobas Sewer Line 4,700 LF $98.00 $460,600 ' I 2.Standard Manholes, 36" Sewer 9 EA 1,700.00 15,300 Subtotal $475,900 I I Design and Construction Phase Engineering, 12%57,108 Right of Way Costs; 2.16 acres@ $20,000/ac 43,200 I I Subtotal $576,208 I I Bond Issuance and Finance Costs 592,104 Total Projected Cost $1,168,312 11 Segment D 1.36" Hobas Sewer Line 1,350 Lf $98.00 $132,300 2.Standard Manholes 5 EA 1,700.00 8,500 3.Bore, Including 48" Casing 100 LF 200.00 20,000 I I Subtotal $160,800 Design and Construction Phase Engineering, 12%19,296 Right of Way Costs: 0.58 acres@ $20,0DO/ac 11,600 !II i Subtotal $191,696 Bond Issuance and Finance Costs 196,984 ! II I Total Projected Cost $388,680 i I . I i I I , I I ·.II I ! I I I I I i I ' I I I : I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I . I I City of Friendswood Proposed Capital Improvement Plan; Financing Costs Segment E 1.12. 75 mgd Pump Station 2.24" Ductile Iron Force Main 3.Clear Creek Crossing Subtotal Design and Construction Phase Engineering, 12% Right of Way Costs; 1.96 acres@ $20,000/ac Subtotal Bond Issuance and Finance Costs Total Projected Cost LS 5,600 LF 1 LS $350,000.00 60.00 47,000.00 $350,000 336,000 47,000 $733,000 87,960 39,200 $860,160 883,896 $1,744,056 CITY OF FRIENOS\IOOO HELOOY LANE PROJECT ISSUE DATE: 3/01/90 DELIVERY DATE: 3/01/90 MATURING COUPON INTEREST TOTAL FISCAL YEAR DATES PRINCIPAL PROCEEDS RATE YIELD PRICE AMOUNT OEST SERVICE TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3/01/91 46,875.00 46,875.00 9/01/91 23,437.50 23,437.50 70,312.50 3/01/92 15,000 15,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 23,437.50 38,437.50 9/01/92 22,875.00 22,875.00 61,312.50 3/01/93 15,000 15,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 22,875.00 37,875.00 9/01/93 22,312.50 22,312.50 60,187 .so3/01/94 20,000 20,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 22,312.50 42,312.50 9/01/94 21,562.50 21,562.50 63,875.00 3/01/95 20,000 20,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 21,562.50 41,562.50 9/01/95 20,812.50 20,812.50 62,375.00 3/01/96 20,000 20,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 20,812.50 40,812.50 9/01/96 20,062.50 20,062.50 60,875.00 3/01/97 20,000 20,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 20,062.50 40,062.50 9/01/97 19,312.50 19,312.50 59,375.00 3/01/98 25,000 25,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 19,312.50 44,312.50 9/01/98 18,375.00 18,375.00 62,687.50 3/01/99 25,000 25,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 18,375.00 43,375.00 9/01/99 17,437.50 17,437.50 60,812.50 3/01/00 30,000 30,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 17,437.50 47,437.50 9/01/00 16,312.50 16,312.50 63,750.00 3/01/01 30,000 30,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 16,312.50 46,312.50 9/01/01 15,187.50 15,187.50 61,500.00 3/01/02 30,000 30,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 15,187.50 45,187.50 9/01/02 14,062.50 14,062.50 59,250.00 3/01/03 35,000 35,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 14,062.50 49,062.50 9/01/03 12,750.00 12,750.00 61,812.50 3/01/04 40,000 40,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 12,750.00 52,750.00 9/01/04 11,250.00 11,250.00 64,000.00 3/01/05 40,000 40,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 11,250.00 51,250.00 9/01/05 9,750.00 9,750.00 61,000.00 3/01/06 45,000 45,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 9,750.00 54,750.00 9/01/06 8,062.50 8,062.50 62,812.50 3/01/07 50,000 50,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 8,062.50 58,062.50 9/01/07 6,187.50 6,187.50 64,250.00 3/01/08 50,000 50,000.00 7.500 7 .500000 100.000000 6,187.50 56,187.50 9/01/08 4,312.50 4,312.50 60,500.00 3/01/09 55,000 55,000.00 7.500 7 .500000 100.000000 4,312.50 59,312.50 9/01/09 2,250.00 2,250.00 61,562.50 3/01/10 60,000 60,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 2,250.00 62,250.00 62,250.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 625,000 625,000.00 619,500.00 1,244,500.00 1,244,500.00 Ace Int 0.00 0.00 ----------------------------------------------------- Totals 625,000 625,000.00 619,500.00 1,244,500.00 CITY or FRIENOSUOOO CENTRAL SERVICE AREA PROJECT ISSUE DATE: 3/01/90 DELIVERY DATE; 3/01/90 MATURING COUPON INTEREST TOTAL FISCAL YEAR OATES PRINCIPAL PROCEEOS RATE YIELD PRICE AMOUNT OEBT SERVICE TOTAL ---·--·· -----·-···--..................... ··--·--------·-· --------·· ··-··----··· -........... ---. ------------- 3/01/91 230,250.00 230,250.00 9/01/91 115,12S.00 115,125.00 345,375.00 3/01/92 7S,000 7S, 000.00 7.S00 7.500000 100.000000 115, \25.00 190,125.00 9/01/92 112,312.50 112,312.50 302,437.50 3/01/93 80,000 80,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 112,312.50 192,312.50 9/01/93 109,312.SO 109,312.SO 301,62S.OO 3/01/9• 90,000 90,000.00 7 .500 7.500000 100.000000 109,312.50 199,312.SO 9/01/94 105,937.50 105,937.50 305,250.00 3/01/95 95,000 95,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 105,937.50 200,937.SO 9/01/95 102,375.00 102,375.00 303,312.50 3/01/96 100,000 100,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 102,375.00 202,375.00 9/01/96 95,625.00 98,625.00 301.000.00 3/01/97 110,000 110,000.00 7.500 7,500000 100.000000 98,625.00 20S,625.00 9/01/97 94,500.00 94,500.00 303,125.00 3/01/95 120,000 120,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 94,500.00 214,500.00 9/01/98 90,000.00 90,000.00 304,500.00 3/01/99 B0,000 130,000.00 7SOO 7.500000 100.000000 90,000.00 220,000.00 9/01/99 85,125.00 85,125.00 305,125.00 3/01/00 140,000 1'0,000.00 7.500 7 .500000 100.000000 85,125.00 22 5,125.00 9/01/00 79,875.00 79,675.00 305,000.00 3/01/01 150,000 150,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 79,875.00 229,875.00 9/01/01 74,250.00 74,250.00 304,125.00 3/01/02 160,000 160,000.00 7SOO 7.500000 100.000000 74,250.00 234,250.00 9/01/02 68,250.00 68,250.00 302,500.00 3/01/03 175,000 175,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 68,250.00 z.;3,zso.00 9/01/03 61,687 .so 61,687.50 304,937.50 3/0\/04 185,000 185,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 61,687.50 246,687.50 9/01/04 54,TSO.OO s,.1so.oo 301,437.50 3/01/05 200,000 200,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 54,750.00 254,TSO.OO 9/01/05 47,250.00 47,250.00 302,000.00 3/01/06 215,000 21s,ooo.oo 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 •7,250.00 262,250.00 9/01/06 39,187.50 39,187.50 301,437.50 3/01/07 235,000 235,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 39,187 .so 274,187.50 9/01/07 30,375.00 30,375.00 304,562.50 3/01/08 250,000 250,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 30,375.00 280,375.00 9/01/08 21,000.00 21,000.00 301,375.00 3/01/09 270,000 270,000.00 7.500 7.500000 100.000000 21,000.00 291,000.00 9/01/09 10,875.00 10,875.00 301,875.00 3/01/10 290,000 290,000.0-0 7.500 7.50 0000 100.000000 10,875.00 300,875.00 300,875.00 ·········---· ..... ---.. -. ----------·----------··-···· -------------- 3,070,000 3,070,000.00 3,031,875.00 6,101,875.00 6,101,0TS.OO Ace lot o.oo o.oo-·····--··-----------·--·---·-·······--···---------·- Totals 3,070,000 3,070,000.00 3, 031,BTS.OO 6,101,875.00 TIC (lnct. all expenses:) ·••H•• 7 • .(.83'-5294% l.verage Coupon ................. 7 .50000000t TJC C�rbitr�ge TIC) .•••••..•.•• 7.48345294X �vcrnge Life (yrs) ••••.•••••.•• 13.17 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I !'LANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Title 12 §394.055 Note 1 (d)A housing finance corporation may enter into contracts to perform services for anyother housing finance corporation or any individual or entity acting on behalf of any other)lousing finance corporation or, with respect to residential development, any housingauthority, nonprofit enterprise, or similar entity. Amended by Acl.s 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 258, § I, cff. Aug. 28, 1989. Historical Note 1989 Legislation The Hl89 �mendmcnt added subscc. (d), SUBCHAPTER E. HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION BONDS § 394.055. Liability for Bonds and Contracts; Dehl Not Created Notes or Decisions Counties I I.Counlics A county lacks authority to guarantee tJ1epayment of bonds issued by a housing finance corporation under this chapter or to guarantee loans provided to low and moderate income per­ sons for housing puqJOses, Op.Atty,Gcn,1988, No. JM-942. CHAPTER 395. FINANCING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED BY NEW DEVELOPMENT IN MUNICIPALITIES, COUNTIES, AND CERTAIN OTHER LOCAL GOVERNMENTS [NEW] SUBCHAPTER A. GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 395.001. Definitions. {Sections 395.002 to 395.010 reserved for expansion] SUBCHAPTER B. AUTHORIZATION OF IMPACT FEE 395.011, Authorization of Fee. 395,012. Items Payable by Fee, 395,013, Items Not Payable by Fee, . 395.014, Capital Improvements Plan. 395,015. Maximum Fee Per Service Unit 395,016. Time for Assessment and Collection of Fee. 395,017. Additional Fee Prohibited; Exception. 395,018. Agreement With Owner Regarding Payment 395,019. Collection of Fees if Services Not Available, 395.020. Entitlement to Services. 395,021, Authority of Political Subdivisions to Spend Funds to Reduce Fees. . 395.022. Authority of Political Subdivision to Pay Fees. 395.023. Credits Against Roadway Facilities Fees. 395.024. Accounting For Fees and Interest, 395.025, Refunds. [Sections 395.026 to 395.040 reserved for expansion] SUBCHAPTER C. PROCEDURES FOR ADOPTION OF IMPACT FEE 395.041. Compliance With Procedures Re­ quired. 25 Tex.Stals.-3 1990 P.P. Section 395.042. 395,043. 395.044. 395,045. 395.0455. 395.046. 395.047. 395.048. 395.049. 395.050. 395.051. 395.0515. 395,052. 395,053. 395,054, 395.055, 85 Hearing on Land Use Assumptions. Information About Assumptions Available to Public, Notice o( Hearing on Land Use AJ;,. sumptions. Approval of Land· Use Assumptions Required. Systemwide Land Use Assumptions. Capital Improve·ments Plan Required .After Approval of Land ·use As• sumptions. • . Hearing on Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee. lnfonnation About Plan Available to Public. Notice of Hearing on Capital Im• provements Plan and Impact Fee. Advisory Committee Comments on Capital Improvements Plan and Im• pact Fees. Approval of Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee R equired. Consolidation of Land Use Assump­tions and Capital Improvements Plan. Periodic Update of Land Use As• sumptions and Capital Improve­ ments Plan Required, Hearing on Updated Land Use As• sumptions and Capital Improve­ments Plan, Hearing on Amendments to Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improve­ ments Plan, or Impact Fee. Notice of Hearing on Amendments to Land Use Assumptions, Capital Im· provcments Plan, or Impact Fee. I I I I I I 11 I I 11 i I I I 11 §395.001 Scclio11 :195.0fiG. Ach·isory Conunitlce Comnumts on Amendments;, :WG,057. A1)proval of Amendments Hcquired. :!ll5.0fi75. Determination That No Update of Land Use Assumptions, C:ipital Im· provemcnL<i Plan or Impact Fees is Needed. :iu5.058. Advisory Committee. [Sections :l95.05l) to ,1\Jfi.070 rt.!scrved for expansion) SUOCHAPTER D. OTHEI\ PI\OVISIONS :!95.071. Dulies t.o be Performed Within Time Limits. 395.072. Records of Hcaring-s. WESTLA W Electronic Research See WESTLA W Electronic Research Guide foJ. lowing the Preface. PLANNING AND DIWl,LOl'MlsNT Tille 12 Section :1\15,07!!. 395,074, 395,075. 305.016. :!95.077, !195.078. 395,079, 395,080, Cumulative Effect of State and Local Restrictions. Prior Impact Fees Replaced by Fees Under This Chapter. No Effect on Taxes or Other Charges. Moratorium on Development Prohibit­ed, Appeals. Substantial Compliance With Nolice Requirements. Impact Fee for Storm Water, Drain­age, and Flood Control in Populous County. Chapwr Not Applicable to Certain Wa­ter-Related Special Districts. SUBCHAPTER A. GENERAL PROVISIONS §395,001. Definitions In this chapter: (I)"Capital improvement" means any of the following facilities that have a life expectancy of three or more years and are owned and operated by or on behalf of a political subdivision: (A)water supply, treatment, and distribution facilities; wastewater collection and treatment facilities; and storm water, drainage, and flood control facilities; whether or not they are located within the service area; and (B)roadway facilities, (2)"Capital improvements plan" means a plan required by this chapter that identifies capital improvements or facility expansions for which impact fees may be assessed. (3)"Facility expansion'! means the expansion of the capacity of an existing facility that serves the same function as an otherwise necessary new capital improvement, in order that the existing facility may serve new development. The' tenn does not include the repair, maintenance, modernization, or expansion, of an existing facility to better serve existing development. (4)"Impact fee" means a charge or assessment imposed by a political subdivision against new development in order to generate revenue for funding ·or recouping the costs of capital improvements or facility expansions necessitated by and attributable to the new development. The term includes amortized charges, lump-sum charges, capital recovery fees, contributions in aid of construction, and any other fee that functions as described by this definition, The term does not include: (A)dedication of land for public parks or payment in lieu of the dedication to serve park needs; (B)dedication of rights-of-way or easemen ts or construction or dedication of on-site water distribution, wastewater collection or drainage facilities, or streets, sidewalks, or curbs if the dedication or construction is required by a valid ordinance and is necessitated by and attributable to the new development; or (C)lot or acreage fees to be placed in trust funds for the purpose of reimbursingdevelopers for oversizing or constructing water or sewer mains or lines. However, an item included in the capital improvements plan may not be required to be constructed except in accordance with Section 395.019(2), and an owner may not be required to construct or dedicate facilities and to pay impact fees for those facilities. 86 11 ! I 11 ! I ' i I I , I , !'LANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 'ritlc 12 §395.001 (f>) "Land use assumptions" includes a description of the service area and projections of changes in land uses 1 densities, intensities, and population in the service area over at least a 10-year period. (6)uNcw development" means the subdivision of land; the construction, reconstruc· lion, redevelopment, conversion, structural alteration, relocation, or enlargement of any structure; or any use or extension of the use of land; any of which increases the number of service units. (7)"Political subdivision'' means a municipality, a district or authority created under Article Ill, Section 52, or Article XVI, Section 59, of the Texas Constitution, or, for the purposes set forth by Section 395.079, certain counties described by that section. (8) 11 Roadway facilities" means arterial or collector streets or roads that have been designated on an officially adopted roadway plan of the political subdivision, together with all n-ecessary appurtenances. The ter m does not in clude any roadways or associated improvements design ated on the federal or Texas highway system. (9)"Service area" means the area within the corporate boundaries or extraterritorialjurisdiction, as determined under Chapter 42, of the political subdivision to be served by the capital improvements or facilities expansions specified in the capital improvements plan, except roadway facilities and storm water, drainage, and flood control facilities. The service area, for the purposes of this chapter, may include all or part of the land within the political subdivision or its extraterritorial jurisdiction, except for roadway facilities and storm water, drainage, and flood control facilities. For roadway facilities, the service area is limited to an area within the corporate boundaries of the political subdivision and shall not exceed a distance equal to the average trip length from the new development, but in no event more than three miles, which service area shall be served by the roadway facilities designated in the capital improvements plan. For stonn water, drainage, and flood control facilities, the service area may include all or part of the land within the political subdivision or its extraterritorial jurisdiction, but shall not exceed the area actually served by the storm water, drainage, and flood control facilities designated in the capital improvements plan and shall not extend across watershed boundaries. (10)"Service unit" means a standardized measure of consumption, use, generation, or discharge attributable to an individual unit of development calculated in accordance with generally accepted engineering or planning standards for a particular category of capital improvements or facility expansions. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 1, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989 .. Amended by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 566, § l(e), eff. Aug •. 28,. 1989. Historical Note 1989 Legislation The 1989 amendment in subd, (9) inserted "and storm water, drainage, and flood control facili• ties" at the end of the first sentence and" at the end of the second sentence; in the third sentence substituted "shall" for "may" preceding "not exceed''; and added the fourth sentence. Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 566, § l(a), 2 and 3 provide: "Se<. I. (a) Chapter 395, Local Government Code, as added by the Act of the 71st Legisla­ture, Regular Session, 1989, which Act conforms the Local Government Code to certain Acts of the 70th Legislature, nonsubstantively codifies in that code certain related statutes, and which makes certain corrective and conforming amend• meats, is amended by this section. "Sec, 2. Ordinances, orders, or procedures mplemented under Chapter 957, Acts of the 70th '...egislature, Regular Session, 1987 (Article 87 1269j--4.ll, Vernon's Texas·Civil Statutes), prior to the effective date of this Act shall not be held invalid as a result of any inconsistency with any provision of this Act. "Sec. 3. Nothing in this Act shall affect the validity of impact fees heretofore levied for storm water, drainage, or flood control facilities by a countywide district created and operating under the provisions of Article XVI,. Section 59, of the Texas Constitution in a county of 2,100,· 000 or more according to the last preceding federal census, and all impact fees heretofore levied or assessed by such a district are hereby validated, ratified, and confirmed." Prior Lows: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ I to 11. Vernon's Ann.Civ.St. art. 1269j-4.ll, § 1. Cross References Investment of local funds, see Vernon's Ann. Civ.St. art. 4413(34c). I I I I I i I 11 ' § 395.011 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Tille 12 [St.!clions 395.002 lo 395.010 reserved for expansion] SUIJCHAPTER ll. AUTHORIZATWN OF IMPACT FEE § 395.0l 1. Authorization of Fee (a)Unless otherwise specifically authorized by state law or this chapter, a governmentalentity or political subdivision may not enact or impose an impact fee. (b)Political subdivisions may enact or impose impact fees on land within their corporateboundaries or extraterritorial jurisdictions only by complying with this chapter, except that impact fees may not be enacted or imposed in the extraterritorial jurisdiction for roadway facilities. (c)A municipality may contract to provide capital improvements, except roadwayfacilities, to an area outside its corporate boundaries and extraterritorial jurisdiction and may charge an impact fee under the contract, but if an impact fee is charged in that area, the municipality must comply with this chapter. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 1, § 82(a), eff. Aug, 28, 1989. Historical Note Vernon's Ann.Civ.SL art. 1269j-4.ll, § 2(a), Prior Laws: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch, 957, §§ 1 to 11. §395.012. Items Payable by Fee· (a)An impact fee may be .imposed. only to pay .the costs of �onstructing· capitalimprovements or facility expansions, including and 'limited to the: · ·, (1)construction contract price;· (2)surveying and engineering fees;..· . (3)land acquisition costs, including land purchases, court-awards. and costs, attor-ney's fees, and expert_ witness fees; and . ,· . . · .. : . ·, . .. · · (4)fees actually paid or contracted to be paid to an independent qualified engineer orfinancial consultant preparing .or upd,ating .the capital impro,v�ments .plan .who is .no.t an employe� of the. political $.Ubdivisiori ... '... ,:.. . .. · .. , .. , , , , ,·,., .. ,. ;. , .. , .. ,, • , , . . (b). Projected interest charges and �th�r. finance eo�ts niay ,li�.'.lnclud!i,i in: d�te.rmining the amount of impact fees only if the impact foes are_. l\•"!i for.,the payment 9f principal and interest on bonds, notes, ,or other. obligations. issued by or: on b�ha)f, of the political subdivision ·•to finance the ·capital im1frovetiierits or facility',expansforis 'identified·:m the capital improvements plan and are not used to reimburse''bonil·'l'i1nds''-•eitperidei(for facilities that are not identified in the clipital improvements plan., .. · ', .. ,,_,., " · (c).Notwithstanding any other provision· of this chapter, the Edwar� Oi,\lergroundWater District or a ·river authority that is authorized elsewhere by state law ·to· charge fees that function as impact fees ·may·use impact 'fe� to pay·� staff,'�ngineer whoprepares or.updates-a capital improvements plan··unde.r;thi� chaptlir:·.,.,: ,: :; · Added by Acts 1989; 71st' Leg., ch. 1, '§ 82(a), eff. A�g.'28, 1989. · .'c " .· ,: ·, . , ·. Prior Laws: m,iorical Not,; . Verno�•s ·Ann.Civ:SL ai-t. 1269j-4.ll, § 2(b), . . . ' . : ' .. . . . •. Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch, 957, §§ '1 to 11. §395.013. Items Not Payable by Fee Impact fees may not be adopted ·or used to pay for: (1) construction, acquisition, or expansion of public facilities or assets other thancapital improvements or facility expansions identified in the capital improvements plan;(2) repair, operation, or maintenance of existing or ne� capital i�provements orfacility expansions; .(3) upgrading, updating, expanding, or replacing existing capital improvements toserve existing development in order to meet stricter safety, efficiency, environmental,or regulatory standards; 88 i I I , ' Ii I ; I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I PLANNING AND DlsV1'LOl'M1'NT Tille 12 §395.014 (4)upgrading, updating, expanding, or replacing existing capital improvements toprovide better service to existing development; (5)administrative and operating costs of the political subdivision, except the EdwardsUnderground Water District or a river authority that is authorized elsewhere by state law to charge fees that function as impact fees may use impact fees to pay its administrative and operating costs; (6)principal payments and interest or other finance charges on bonds or otherindebtedness, except as allowed by Section 395.012. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 1, § 82{a), cff. Aug. 28, 1989, Hitllorical Note Prior Luwa: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ 1 to ll. §395,014. Capital Improvements Plan Vernon's Ann.Civ.St. art. 1269j-4.ll, § 2(c). (a)The political subdivision shall use qualified professionals to prepare the capitalimprovements plan and to calculate the impact f ee. The capital improvements plan must contain spedfic enumeration of the following items: (1)a description of the existing capital improvements within the service area and thecosts to upgrade, update, impro�e. expand, or replace the improvements to meet existing needs and usage and stricter safety, efficiency, environmental, or regulatory standards, which shall be prepared by a qualified professional engineer licensed to ·perform the professional engineering servie_es in · this state; (2) an analysis of the total capacity,_ the level of current usage, and commitments forusage of capacity of the existing capital 'improvements, which shall be prepared by aqualified professional.engineer licensed to. perfo.rm the professional engineering servic• e s iri this state; ·i. ·. ,. . · . . · . . · · · . (3)a description of all or the parts of the capital improvements or facility expansions. and their costs necessitated by and. attributable to -new development in the service area ·based on the appro ved land use assumptions; which shall be prepared by a qualified.professional engineer licensed to perform the professional-engineering services in .this state; ·•�:;•.•·,::,�·,Ii,,''•,••• .. ', • '•'·• . . · ;- ·(4) �.defuil�_;ftabl�' estlibl�hini(°'the specific level or qu·antity oftise, consumption,: ie11eration, :or'<iisciiarge'of ii;iiervfce'imit foi" each ·6itegory <if-capital improvements or ·, facility'e,ipansiohs inil·an· eq\iivalency or conversion :table'esfablishing the ratio of a'' service' ·t.init. !(\ · vatious" types of 'land· uses! including. ·residential, commercial; arid 'Jn���tri3.1;,:/!' "'.'./:.-,:\.I·_:•:,··:•_:;.,•. •,:, / . •·: •,•-�-•. ·.; l·i' . .=• •·,. ;•. ·. , . . •· • . .(5)° the total.number .'of. projected service. uiiits necessitated by and attributable tonew.development'withln the,service iii-ea.based o� the approved land use assumptions 'and calculated in accordance with generally accepted ·engineering or planning .criteria; d . . •. ·. . . . an ·(6) the projected ·demand. for capital improvements or facility expansions required bynew service units projected .over a reasonable period of ·time, not to exceed 10 years. (b)·The analysis required by Silbs_ection (a)(3) may be prepared on a systemwide basiswithin the service area. for each major category of capital improvement or facility expansion for the designated service area. (c)The gove.:ning body ·of the political subdivision is responsible for supervising theimplementation o( the capital improvements plan in a timely manner. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch, I, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989. Historical Note Prior Laws: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ 1 to II. Vernon's Ann.Civ.Sl art. 1269j-4,ll, § 2(d)(l), 89 I I 11 I I I I I I I I l I i I 11 I i § 3!)5.015 9 ,195.0IS. l\tnximum Fee Per Scn·icc Unit PLANNING AND Dl!Vl�l,OPMENT Title 12 (a)The impact fee per service unit may not exceed the amount determined by dividingthe costs of the capital improvemenLs described by Section 395.014(a)(3) by the total number of projected service units described by Section 395.014(a)(5). (h)If the number of new service units projected over a reasonable period of time is le ssthan the total number of new service units shown by the approved land use assumptions al full development of the service area, the maximum impact fee per service unit shall be calculated by dividing the costs of the part of the capital improvements necessitated by and attributable to projected new service units described by Section 395.014(a)(6) by the projected new service units described in that section. Added by Acts t989, 71st Leg., ch. I,§ 82(a), cff. Aug, 28, 1989, llistoricnl Note Prior Lows: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ I lo II, Vernon's Ann.Civ.SL art. 1269j-4,II, § 2(d)(2). §395.016. Time for Assessment and Collection of Fee (a)This subsection applies only to impact fees adopted and land platted before June 20,1987. For land that has been platted in accordance with Subchapter A, Chapter 212, or the subdivision or platting procedures of a political subdivision before June 20, 1987, or land on which new development occurs or is proposed without platting, the political subdivision may assess the impact fees at any time during the development approval and building process. Except as provided by Section 395.019, the political subdivision may collect the fees at either the time of recordation of the subdivision plat or connection to the political subdivision's water or sewer system or at the time the political subdivision issues either the building permit or the certificate of occupancy, (b)This subsection applies only to impact fees adopted before June 20, 1987, and landplatted after that date. For new development which is platted in accordance with Subchapter A, Chapter 212, or the subdivision or platting procedures of ·a political subdivision after June 20, 1987, the political subdivision may assess the impact fees before or at the time of recordation. Except as provided by Section 395.019, the .political subdivision may collect the fees at either the time of recordation of the subdivision plat or connection to the political subdivision's water or sewer system or at the time the political subdivision issues either the building pennit or the certificate of occupancy. (c)This subsection applies only to impact fees adopted_ after June 20, 1987. For newdevelopment which is platted in accordance with Subehapter ,A, Chapter 212, or the subdivision or platting procedures of q.. political subdivision before the adoption of an impact fee, an impact fee may not be collecte!l on any service unit for which a valid building permit is issued within one year after the date of adoption· of the impact fee. (d)This subsection applies only to land platted in accordance with Subchapter A,Chapter 212, or the subdivision or platting procedures of a political subdivision after adoption of an impact fee adopted after June ·20, 1987; The political subdivision shall assess the impact fees before or at the time of recordation of a subdivision plat or other plat under Subchapter A, Chapter 212, or the subdivision or platting ordinance ·or procedures of any political subdivision in the official records of the county clerk of the county in which the tract is located. Except as provided by Section 395.019, the political subdivision may collect the fees at either the time of recordation of the subdivision plat or connection to the political subdivision's water or sewer system o·r at the time the political subdivision issues either the building pennit or the certificate of ·occupancy, {e) For land on which new development occurs or is proposed to occur without platting, the political subdivision may assess the impact fees at any time during the development and building process and may collect the fees at either the time of recordation of the subdivision plat or connection to the political subdivision's water or sewer system or at the time the political subdivision issues either the building pennit or the certificate of occupancy. (f)An "assessment" means a determination of the amount of the impact fee in effecton the date or occurrence provided in this section and is the maximum amount that can be 90 i I 1 I I i I I I I PLANNING AND llEVELOf'Ml<:NT 'l'illc I 2 §395.0UJ charged per service unit of such dcvt!lopment. No specific acl l,y the political suh,livisio n is required. Atldcd hy J\cL,;; Hl8ll, 71st Leg., ch. I,§ 82(a), cff. Aug. 28, 1989. Historical Note Prior Lawli: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ l lo 11. Vernon's Anu.Ci\',St. art. nG!lj-4.11, § 2(c). § :395.017. Additional Fee Prohibited; gxceplion Aft.er assessment of the impact fees attributable to the new development or executionof an agreement for payment of impact fees, additional impact fees or increases in fee� may not be assessed against the tract for any reason unless the number of service uniL,;; to be developed on the tract increases, In the event of the increase in the number of service units, the impact fees to be imposed are limited to the amount attributable to the additional service units. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. I, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989, Historical Note Prior Laws: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ I to II. Verno_n's Ann.Civ.St. art. 1269j-4.11, § 2(0. §395.018. Agreement With Owner Regarding Payment A political subdivision is authorized to enter into an agreement with the owner of a tract of land for which the plat has been recorded providing for the time and method of payment of the impact fees. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. I, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989, Historical Note Prior Laws: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ I to II. Vernon's Ann.Civ.St. art. 1269j-4.11, § 2(g). §395.019. Collection of Fees if Services Not Availab_le Except for roadway facilities, impact.fees may be assessed but may not be collected in areas where services are not currently available unless:. (1)the collection is made to pay for a capital improvement or facility expansion that has been identified in the capital improvements plan and the political subdivision commits to commence construction within two years, under duly awarded and executed contracts or commitments of staff time covering substantially all of the work required to provide service, and to have the service available within a reasonable period of time considering the type of capital improvement or facility expansion to be constructed, but in no event longer than five years; (2)the political subdivision agrees that the owner of a new development may construct or finance the capital improvements or facility expansions and agrees that the costs incurred or funds advanced will be credited against the impact fees otherwise due from the new development or agrees to reimburse the owner for such costs from impact fees paid from other new developments that will use such capital improvements or facility expansions, which fees shall be collected and reimbursed to the owner at the time the other new development records its plat; or (3)an owner voluntarily requests the political subdivision to reserve capacity to serve future development, and the political subdivision and owner enter into a valid written agreement. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 1, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989. 91 !I i ! I I I I i i 11 , I I § 395.019 lliKloricul Note Prior Lows: Acts ln87, 70th Leg., ch. ll.17, §§ I lo l l. § 395.020. EntiUement to Scn·iccs !'LANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Title 12 Vernon':-. Ann.Civ.Sl. nrt. l269j-4.ll, § 2(h). Any new development for which an impact fee has been paid is entitled to the permanent use and benefit of the services for which the fee was exacted and is entitled lo receive immediate service from any existing facilities with actual capacity to serve the new service units, subject lo compliance with other valid regulations. Added by Acts lD89, 71st Leg., ch. l, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989. Historical Nole Prior Lawe: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ l to l l. Vernon's Ann.Civ.SL. art. 12G9j-4.ll, § 2(i). §395.021. Authority of Political Subdivisions lo Spend Funds to Reduce Fees Political subdivisions may spend funds from any lawful source to pay for all or a partof the capital improvements or facility expansions to reduce the amount of impact fees, Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. l, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989. Historical Note Prior Laws: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ l to 11. Vernon's Ann.Civ.St. art. 1269j-4.ll, § 2(j). §395.022. Authority of Political Subdivision to Pay Fees Political subdivisions and other governmental entities may pay impact fees imposedunder this chapter. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. I, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989, Historical Note Prior Laws: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ I to II. Vernon's Ann.Civ.Sl art. 1269j-4,ll, § 2(k). §395.023. Credits Against Roadway Facilities Fees Any construction of, contributions to, or dedications of off-site roadway facilitiesag�eed to or required by a political sulidivision as a condition of development approval 11hall be credited against roadway facilities impact fees otherwise due from the develop-ment. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. I, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989. Historical Note Prior Laws: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch, 957, §§ l to 11. §395.024. Accounting For Fees and Interest Vernon's Ann.Civ.St art. 1269j-4,ll, § 2(1 ), {a) The order, ordinance, or resolution levying an impact fee must provide that all fundscollected through the adoption of an impact fee shall be deposited in interest-bearing accounts clearly identifying the category of capital improvements or facility expansions within the service area for which the fee was adopted. (b)Interest earned on impact fees is considered funds of the account on which it isearned and is subject to all restrictions placed on use of impact fees under this chapter. (c) Impact fee funds may be spent only for the purposes for which the impact fee was imposed as shown by the capital improvements plan and as authorized by this chapter. (d)The records of the accounts into which impact fees are deposited shall be open forpublic inspection and copying during ordinary business hours. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. !, § 82(a), eff. Aug, 28, 1989, 92 I I I I I !II : PLANNING ANH lllWl•:LOl'MENT Title 12 §395,041 Historical Nol� Prior Lnws: Vcrnou's Ann.Civ,St. art. 1269j-4.l l, § 4(a). Acts 1987, 70th J.,cg-., ch. !157, §§ I to 11. §395,025, Refunds (a)On the request of an owner of the property on which an impact fee has been paid, lhe political subdivision shall refund the impact fee if existing facilities are available and service is denied or lhc political subdivision has, afler collecting the fee when service was not available, failed to commence construction within two years or service is not available within a reasonable period considering the type of capital improvement or f ac ility expansion to be constructed, but in no event later than five years from the date of payment under Section :l95.019(1). (b)On completion of the capital improvements or facility expansions identified in thecapital improvements plan, the political subdivision shall recalculate the impact fee using the actual costs of the capital improvements or facility expansion. [f the impact fee calculated based on actual cost is less than the impact fee paid, the political subdivision shall refund the difference if the difference exceeds the impact fee paid by more than 10 percent. (c)The political subdivision shall refund any impact fee or part of it that is not spent asauthorized by this chapter within 10 years after the date of payment. (d)Any refund shall bear interest calculated from the date of collection to the date ofrefund at the statutory rate as set forth in Article 1.03, Title 79, Revised Statutes (Article 5069-1.03, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), or its successor statute. (e)All refunds shall be made to the record owner of the property at the time the refundis paid. However, if the impact fees were paid by another political subdivision or governmental entity, payment shall be made to the political subdivision or governmental entity. (f)The owner of the property on which an impact fee has been paid or another politicalsubdivision or governmental entity that paid the impact fee has standing to sue for a refund under this section. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. I, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989. Historical Note Prior Laws: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ I to II. Vernon's Ann.Civ.St art. 1269j--4.ll, § 5. [Sections 395.026 to 395.040 reserved for expansion] SUBCHAPTER C. PROCEDURES FOR ADOPTION OF IMPACT FEE Cross References Municipal management districts, assessments, hearings, see V.A.T.S. Water Auxiliary Laws, art. 8280-15, § 9. § 395.041. Compliance With Procedures Required Except as otherwise provided by this chapter, a political sub division must comply withthis subchapter to levy an impact fee. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 1, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28. 1989. Historical Note Prior Laws: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ I to 11. Vernon's Ann.Civ.St. art. 1269j--4.ll, § 39(a). 93 11 I I I I I I , I i I 11 §395.042 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Title 12 § :rn5.(M2. llcaring on Land U!ic A:,;i;umptions To impose an impact fee, a political subdivision must adopt an order, ordinance, orresolution establishing a public hearing date lo consider land use assumptions within the designated service area that will be used to develop the capital improvements plan. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. I, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989. llistoricul Note Prior Lnws: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ I to 11. Vernon's Ann.Civ.St, art. 1269j--4.ll, § 3(b). §395.0<13. Information About Assumptions Available to Public On or before the date of the first publication of the notice of the hearing on land useassumptions, the political subdivision shall make available to the public its land use assumptions, the time period of the projections, and a description of the general nature of the capital improvement facilities that may be proposed, Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. I, § 82{a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989. Historical Note Prior Laws: Acts 1987, 70th Leg,, ch. 957, §§ I to II. Vernon's Ann.Civ.St, art, 1269j-4.ll,. § 3(d). Cross References Consolidation of lan·d use assumptions and capital improvements plan, see § 395.0515. § 395,044, Notice of Hearing on Land Use Assumptions (a)Before the 30th day before the date of the hearing on land use assumptions, lhepolitical subdivision shall send a notice of the hearing by certified mail to ·any person who has given written notice by certified or registered mail to the municipal secretary or .9ther designated official of the political subdivision requesting notice of the hearing within two· years preceding the date of adoption of the order, ordinance, or resolution setting· thepublic hearing. · · · . . · '. •. • . . . . . . . •. . . .• • t.'(b)The political subdivision shall publish notice of the hearing once a :week for .. three.consecutive weeks, the first notice to appear before the 30th day btit on.or after the:60th· day before the date set for the hearing, in one or more newspapers of generaleirculatioti in each.county.in which the.:wlitical subdivision lies. However, a,river .a.'!thority .that is. authorized elsewhere by state law to charge,fees that function as impact fees may publil!\l. the required newspaper notice only in each county in which the service area lies.' · The notice of public hearing may not be in the part of the paper in· .which ·legal notices-and· classified ads appear and may not be smaller than one-quarter page of a standard-size or tabloid-size newspaper, and.the headline on-the .notice. must be in l�int or.Jarger type. (e)The notice must contain: (l)a' headline to read as follows: "NQTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS RELATING TO POSSIBLE ADOPTION OF IMPACT FEES" (2)the time, date, and location of the hearing; (3)a statement that the purpose of the hearing is to consider the .land use assump­tions that will be used to develop a capital improvements plan under which an impactfee may be imposed; · · · (4)an easily understandable map of the service area to which the land use assump­tions apply; and (5)a statement that any member of the public has the right to appear. at the hearingand present evidence for or against the land use assumptions. Added by Act,, 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 1, § 82{a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989. 94 , I ! I 11 I I !I ! I J'l,AN NING AND DIWl,LOl'MENT Tille I Z §395.046 llistoricnl Not� Prior Law!i: Vernon's Ann.Civ.St. art. 1269j-4.11, § 3(c). Acts IU87, 70th Leg., ch. Ha7, §§ l to 1 I. §395,045. Approval of Land Use Assumptions Required (n)Afwr the public hearing on the land use assumptions, the political subdivision shall det ermine whether to adopt or reject an ordinance, order, or resolution approving the land use assumptions. (h)The political subdivision, within 30 days afwr the dare of the public hearing, shallapprove or disapprove the land use assumptions. (c)An ordinance, order, or resolution approving land use assumptions may not beadopted as an emergency measure, Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. I, § 82(a), cf(. Aug. 28, 1989. Historical Note Prior Lnws: Vernon's Ann.Civ.St. art. 1269j-4.ll, § 3((), (g), (h). Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ I to II. §395.0455, Systemwlde Land. Use Assumptions (a)In lieu of adopting· land use assumptions for each service area, a political subdivisionmay, except for storm waror, drainage, flood control, and roadway facilities, adopt systemwide land use assumptions, which cover all of the area subject to the jurisdiction of the political subdivision for the purpose of imposing impact fees ·under this chapter. (b)Prior to adopting systemwide land use assumptions, a political subdivision shallfollow the public notice, hearing, and. other requirements for adopting :land use assump­tions. (c)After adoption of systemwide land use assumptio.ns, 'l political subdivision is notrequired to adopt additional land use assumptions for a service area for water. supply, treatment, and distribution facilities or wastewater collection and t,:eatnienHacilities as a prerequisite to· the adoption of a capital improvements plan or impact fee; provided the capital improvements plan and impact fee are consistent with the systemwide land· use assumptions: · · · · · . · · .·· .. '· "·· · • .. ,, · .,·· · · ·· · ... · Add!'(! by Act, .. 1989, 71st Le\:., 'ch. 566, § l(h)i eff. �ug.' 28, 198i' ,. ' '.F . . . ... Hi_slorl""1 �ote under the proyisions of Article XVI, Section 69, 1989.LegisJation . . . . . . of tlie Texas,Co�stitu\ioii jn a county of .2,100,· . Sections 2 lo. 4 of the .1989 Act p<9vid�: .. 000 OJ m?"/ &!'('or,\ing lo the_ last _preceding . "Sec. 2. i Ordinances, orde.rs, or procedures · federal' census; and· a�l impa'ct !e.es heretofore implemented under Chapter 957, Acts of the 70th levied or assessed by such a district are hereby Legislature, Regular Sessio·n� 1�87 (Article Validated, 'ratified/and•:confmned. 1269j-4.11 1 Vernon's Texas Civil·St:atti.tes), prior · ·11 -"· , .. 1 • • · •• · ,!•;•: ·· · • • ·. · · ; lo the effective date of.this Act shall.not be held .. . �-. 4. If .any .P"'.!"IOn of. thos .Act or ,ts invalid as a result of any inconsistency with any applicat.i_on -�-any penon .or circumstances is provision of this Act, . . . held invalid·, tJ:le invalidity d�s not affed_ other 11Sec. 3. Nothing in this Act shall affect the provisions Or applications of this Act that can bevalidity of impact fees heretofore levied for given effect without the invalid provision or ap--stonn water, drainage, or flood control facilities plication, and to this end the provisions of this by a countywide district created and operating Act are declared to be severable," §395,046. Capital Improvements Plan Required After Approval of Land Use Assump­ tions If the governing body adopts an ordinance, order, or resolution approving the land useassumptions, the political subdivision shall provide for a capital improvements plan to be developed by qualified professionals using generally accepted engineering and planning practices in accordance with Section 395.014. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. I, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989. 95 I ! I , I I I 11 11 11 I I § 395.046 lli11torical Nole Prior Lnws: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ l to 11. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Title 12 Vernon's Ann.Civ.St. art, 12G9j-4,11, § 3(i). § 395,047. llcaring on Cupit.al Improvements Plan and Impact Fee On completion of the capiU<I improvements plan, the governing body shall adopt anorder or resolution setting a public hearing to discuss the adoption of the plan and imposition of the impact fee. The public hearing must be held by the governing body of the political subdivision to discuss the proposed ordinance, order, or resolution adopting a capital improvements plan and imposing an impact fee. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Log., ch. I, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989. Historical Note Prior Laws: Acts 1987, 70th Log., ch. 957, §§ I to 11. Vernon's Ann.Civ.St. art. 1269j--4.ll, § 3G), (k). Cross ReCerences Consolidation of land use assumptions and capital improvements plan, hearing under this section, see § 395.0515. §395.048, Information About Plan Available to Public On or before the date of the first publication of the notice of tlie hearing on the capiralimprovements plan and impact fee, the plan shall be made available to the public. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Log., eh. 1, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989. Historical Note Prior Lawe: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ I ·to 11. Vernon's Ann.Civ.St.. art.·_1269j--Ul, § 3(�). §395;049. Notice of Hearing on-Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee· �a) Before the.30th day before the date of the hearing o� -th� capitai 'inip'�vem�nts pianand impact fee, the-political subdivision shaUsend a 90,ti�of,the hearing·.by_certified mail to any person who has given writ\en notice by certifieil or registered mail ·to. the municipal secrerary or other designated official of the political subdivision requesting notic;i,._i,f .the hearing within two years preceding the d_ate, of. a,doption.gf P,e q�de� on�.�ol11#on·setting the public hearing. · · •.·•· " ·· · · '· :· ··,_-··-··" ·'··· : ., ... ' .. ,.,·· (b) The political subdivision snail puJilish notice of the hearlii� '6nce.-a'\J,,e�k for threeconsecutive weeks, the first notice to appear before the 30th day but on.or·afterthe"6ilthday before the date set for. the hearing, in· Qne or mo;e newspapers' of general circul;,ijon in each county in which the. political subdivision lies.; Howeve'r, a 'river 'autliority that is authorized elsewhere by srate law to charge fees .that fu'nctiort ·as' i!J{pact:rees' niaY, publ�h the required newspaper notice only in each county_'in whl�i\, tlie,.s.�rvi�;'iu'ea . lies .. 'Th_e notice of pl)blic hearing may not be in the part of the·paper:in which legal notices and classified ads appear and may not be.smaller than ·oile-quarter·page·of a standard-size or tabloi d-size newspaper, and the headline on the notice must be in 18--point or larger type. (c)The notice must conrain the following: (1)a headline to read as follows:· ··. .. . . '. "NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON ADOPTION OF IMPACT FEES" (2)the time, date, and location of the hearing; (8)a sratement that the purpose of the hearing is to consider the adoption of animpact fee; (4)an easily undersU<ndable map of the se_rvice area on which the pr�posed fee willbe levied; ·· . ·. (5)the amount of the proposed impact fee per se.rvice unit; and 96 , I I I I 11 i I i 11 11 I ! PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT §395.0515Tille 12 (6)a statement that any member of the public has the right to appear at the hearingand present evidence for or against the plan and proposed fee, Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 1, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989. Historical Note Prior LnwR: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ I to 11. Vernon's Ann.Civ.S� art. 1269j-4.11, § 3(/) . §395.050. Advisory Committee Comments on Capital Improvements Pinn and [mpactFees The advisory committee created under Section 395.058 shall file its written comments . on the proposed capital improvements plan and impact fees before the fifth business day before the date of the public hearing on the plan and fees. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 1, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989. Historical Note Prior Laws: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ 1 to 11. Vernon's Ann.Civ.St. art. 1269j-4.ll, § 3(m). §395.051. Approvai of Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee Required·· · (a) The political subdivision, within 30 days after the date of the public hearing on thecapital improvements plan and impact fee, shall approve or disapprove the adoption of thecapital improvements plan and imposition of an impact fee.(b) An ordinance, order, or resolution approving the capital improvements plan andi_mposition of an impact fee may not be adopted as an emergency measure. Added liy Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 1, § 82(a), eff. Aug, 28, 1989, . ;l�i�torical :Note . 'Prior .Laws: Acts 1987; 70th Leg., ch. 957,"§§'l to IL .. ::;_ ... , ··1 · ,:,y '.; l:;••, .. ··,·;;·,:::. :,:, Vernon's Ann. Civ. St art. 1269j-4.ll, § 3(n), (o). §' 395.0515.' •Consolidation 'of Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan(a)In lieu of '.sep�rately adopting _the land use �sumptions and capital i(1iprovementsplan for .a service area, a political subdivision may' consolidate the land use assumptions and the capital -improvements plan, and adopt both plans and the impact fee simultaneous• � .. (b) If a political subdivision·elects· to consolidate the land use assumptions 'ana· capi�l improvementk 'plan ·as ·authorized ·by ·Subsection (a), the political subdivision ·shall first comply with Section 395.043 and follow the public notice and hearing requirements for .adopting. a-capital .improvements· plan and impact fee, except: (1)the headline for the notice by publication shall read as follows: . . , ,;NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON ADOPTION. OF LAND USE.ASSUMPTIONS AND IMPACT FEES''.: (2)the notice must state that the political subdivision intends to adopt land useassumptions, a capital improvements plan, and impact fees at the hearing and does not intend to hold separate hearings to adopt the land use assumptions, capital improve· ments plan, and impact fees; (3)the notice must specify a date, which date is not earlier than 60 days afterpublication of the first notice, and must state that if a person, by not later than the date 'specified, makes a written request for separate hearings, the governing body must hold separate hearings to adopt the land use assumptions and capital improvements plan; (4)the notice must provide the name and mailing address of the official of thepolitical subdivision· to whom a request for separate hearings shall be sent; and 97 I !' I 11 J I !I I !I § •ior. or.1r.,.�,,).,);) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMEN T Title 12 (5)the certified mail notice, if applicable, shall contain the inform ation in Subsections(b)(2)-(4l. (c)In addition, the political subdil'ision shall comply with all of the other requirementsfor adopting land use assumptions, a capital improvements plan� and impact fee. (d) If, within the date specified in Subsection (b)(3), a person requests, in writing,separate hearings on the land use assumptions and capital improvements plan, the political subdivision may not utilize this section. In such event, the political subdivision may proceed with the public hearing for which notice has been published, but such hearing will address land use assumptions , and a second hearing as required by Sections 395.046-395.051 will be necessary to address the capital improvements plan and impact fee. Added by AcL, 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 566, § l(c), eff, Aug.,28, 1989. lllstoricnl Note 1989 Legh1lation Sections 2 to 4 of the 1989 Act provide: "Sec. 2. Ordinances, orders, or procedures implemented under Chapter 957, Acts of the 70th Legislature, Regular Session, 1987 (Article 1269j-4.ll, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), prior to the effective dare of this Act shall not be held invalid as a result of any inconsistency with any provision of this Acl "Sec. 3. Nothing in this Act shall affect the validity of impact fees heretofore levied for storm water, drainage, or flood control facilities by a countywi�e district created anq oper3;ting under the provisions of Article XVI, Section 59, of the Texas Constitution in a county of 2,100,-000 or more according to the last preceding federal census, and all impact fees heretofore levied or assessed by such a district are hereby validated, ratified, and confirmed. "Sec. 4. If any provision of this Act or its application to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of this Act that can be given effect without the invalid provision or ap­plication, and _to. this end the provisions of this Act are dedar�d � be severable," §395.052. Periodic Update of Land Use Assumptions and Capital lmpro;ements PlanRequired · · · .. · · (a)A political subdivision imposing an impact fee shall update the land use assumptionsand capital improvements plan at least every three years, The initial three-year period begins on the day the capill\l improvements plan is adopt;eq,. • .. (b)The political subdivision shall review and evaluate its current land use assumptionsand shall cause an update of the capita\ improvements !'\all to .b,e. p�pared in acc,;,rda.nc� with Subchapter B. · . . . · . . · . Added b A�ts 198 9 71s't Le .'ch. I § 82(a)' .ri:'A'u ':'28 ''iiias;"'" •.·;,�,··' .. :,,. ' ,;, ,., ,. •. ; · Y. ,· ;1 :. · g,. ·,. ··'· .. • I ( .· '. :. � .. .-,.'�· .-.:•,l,11:�=� :, .'..."';,·;.:. ·:··:. 1 ;.: •. ·.:: ,,;:,., ·mstorlcal Nore ', ," ... · Vemon's.Ann.'Civ. St..art. 1269}:4.11, '§ 6(a ), (b), . ·: Prior La�a:-Cross Referenc�:.·•; . i • Acts 1987, .70th Leg., ch .. 957, §§ I ·to 11 .. Update µnnecessary, see § �95,0575. · §395,053. Hearing on Updated Land Use Assumptions and Capital· lmprov�ments 1 Plan . , . . . . . . .. . , , . . . . . . ., . , The governing body of the political subdivision shall, :within 60 days after the date it receives the update of the land use assumptions and the capital improvements plan, adopt an order setting a public hearing to discuss and review the update and shall determine whether to amend the plan. · · Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. I, § 82(a), eff. Aug, 28, 1989, Historical Note Prlor Lawe: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ I to II. Vernon's Ann. Civ. St. art. 1269,i-4.11, § 6(c). § 395.054. Hearing on Amendments to Land Use Assumptions, Capital ImprovementsPinn, or Impact FeeA public hearing must be held by the governing body of the political subdivision todiscuss the proposed ordinance, order, or resolution amendiqg land u�e �sumptions, the 98 1 I I I 11 I I I I PLANNING AND IH:VF:LOPMRNT Tille 12 §395.056 capital improvements plan, or the impact fee. On or before the date of the first publication of the notice of the hearing on the amendments, the land use assumptions and the capital improvements plan, including the amount of any proposed amended impact fee per service unit, shall be made available to the public, Added by AcL, 1989, 71st Leg., ch. I, § 82(a), cff. Aug, 28, 1989. Jlisloricnl Note Prior LnwH: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ l to l l. Vernon's Ann, Civ. St. art, 12G9j-4.ll, § G(d). §395.055. Notice of Hearing on Amendments to Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan, or Impact Fee (a)Before the 30th day before the date of the hearing on amendments to the land useassumptions, capital improvements plan, or impact fee, the political subdivision shall send a notice of the hearing by certified mail to any person who has given written notice by certified or registered mail to the municipal secretary or other designated official of the political subdivision requesting notice of the hearing within two years preceding the date of adoption of the order or resolution setting the public hearing. (b)The political subdivision shall publish notice of the hearing once a week for threeconsecutive weeks, the first notice to appear before the 30th day but on or after the 60th day before the date set for the hearing, in one or more newspapers of general circulation in each county in which the political subdivision lies. However, a river authority that is authorized elsewhere by state law to charge fees that function as impact fees may publish the required newspaper notice only in each county in which the service area lies. The notice of public hearing may not. be in ·the part of the paper in which legal notices and classified ads appear and may not be smaller than one-quarter page of a standard-size or tabloid-size newspaper; and the headline on the notice must be in 18-point or larger type. (c)-Tlie notice must contain the following:. '.(1) �-he';idli�e to'read as f�Uows: '"'NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING-ON AMENDMENT OF IMPACT FEES" (2)' ·th'e''tin:i� ... da�:· ari'd iocation of the hearing; .......... ;-•. ,:;':• • ' • ' • • ..- ,, ·: '·,·1, -··· • • • • . '. .. ;(3) a statemen�.that the purpos� of the hearing is to consider,the . amendment of land . use assumptioii,i' aiid a capital -foiprovements plan and the. imposition of an impact fee; I, • (4)'a�· .. -...ity ,i�deratandabl�-description �nd m�p of the servic� a�ea on which theupdate is being prepared; and .. (5)a statement that any member of the public has, the right to appear at the hearingand prese.�t evidence, ,for or against the update. Added by Acts 1989, �ist.-Leg:,.'ch, li § 82(a), eff.' Aug, 28,,1989. . �1�i;,riJ1 ·N�te , . Vernon's Aiin. Civ. St. srt. 1269j-4.11, § 6(e). Prior Laws: 'Acts 1987; 70th Leg:, ch. 957; §§ 1 I<> 11. § 395.056, Advisory Committee Comments on Amendments · . The advisory committee created under Section 395.058 shall file its written commentson the proposed amendments to the land use assumptions, capital improvements plan, and impact fee before the fifth business day before the date of the public hearing on theamendments .. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 1, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989. lllsl<>rlcal Note Vernon's Ann, Civ. St. art. 1269j-4.ll, § 6(0, Prior Lawe: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ l I<> l l. 99 ' I i i I I I 11 ' I I I I I I §:195.057 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Title 12 §:JU5.0!i7. A1>r,roval of Atnendment.s Rc<1uircd (a)The political suhdivision, within 30 days after the date of the public hearing on theamendments, shall approve or disapprove the amendments of the land use assumptions and the capital improvements plan and modification of an impact fee. (h)An ordinance, order, or resolution approving the amendments to the land useassumptions, the capital im1>rovemc11ts plan, and imposition of an impact fee may not be adopted as an emergency measure. Added by AcLs 1989, 71st Leg., ch. l, § 82(a), cff. Au g. 28, 1989. Hi�torical Note Prior Luws: Acts 1987, 70th Lei:., ch. 957, §§ l to ll. Vernon's Ann, Civ, St, art. 12G9j-4.ll, § 6(g), (h). §395.0575. Determination That No Update of Land Use Assumptions, Capital Im­provements Plan or Impact Fees is Needed (a)If, at the time an update under Section 395.052 is required, the governing bodydetermines that no change to the land use assumptions, capital improvements plan, or impact fee is needed, it may, as an alternative to the updating requirements of Sections 395,052-395,057, do the following: (I)The governing body of the political subdivision shall, upon determining that anupdate is unnecessary and 60 days before publishing the final notice under this section, send notice of its determination not to update the land use assumptions, capital improvements plan, and impact fee by certified mail to any person who has, within two years preceding the date that the final notice of this matter is to be published, give written notice by certified or registered mail to the municipal secretary or other designated official of the political subdivision requesting notice of hearings related to impact fees. The notice must contain the information in Subsections (b)(2K5), (2)The political subdivision shall publish notice of its determination once a week forthree consecutive weeks in one or more newspapers with general circulation in each county in which the political subdivision lies. However,· a river authority that is authorized elsewhere by state law to charge fees that function as impact fees may publish the required newspaper notice only .in each county in which the service area lies. The notice of public hearing may not be in the part of the paper in which legal notices and classified ads appear and may not be smaller than one-<iuarter page of a standard­size or tabloid-size newspaper, and the headline on the notice must be in IS-point or larger type. (b)The notice must contain the following: (I)a headline to read as follows: "NOTICE OF DETERMINATION NOT TO UPDATE LAND USE ASSUMP­TIONS, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN, OR IMPACT FEES";{2) a statement that the governing body of the political subdivision has determinedthat no change to the land use assumptions, capital improvements plan, or impact fee is necessary; (a)an easily understanda ble description and a map of the service area in which theupdating has been determined to be unnecessary; (4)a statement that if, within a specified date, which date shall be at least 60 daysafter publication of the first notice, a person makes a written request to the designated official of the political subdivision requesting that the land use assumptions, capital improvements plan, or impact fee be updated, the governing body must comply with the request by following the requirements of Sections 395,052-395.057; and (5)a statement identifying the name and mailing address of the official of thepolitical subdivision to whom a request for an update should be sent. (c)The advisory committee shall file its written comments on the need for updating theland use assumptions, capital improvements plans, and impact fee before the fifth business day before the earliest notice of the government's decision that no update is necessary is mailed or published. 100 I I I I I II ! I I I I I ' I 11 11 PLANNING AND 1mv�:LDPW�NT 'ritlc 12 §395.058 (d)If, by the date specified in Subsection (h)(4), a person requests in writing that the land use assumptions, capital improvements plan, or impact fee be updated, the governing body shall cause an update Qf the land use assumptions and capital improvements plan to be prepared in accordance with Sections 395.052-395,057. (e)An ordinance, order, or resolution determining the need for updating land useassumptions, a capital improvements plan, or an impact fee may not be adopted as an emergency measure. Added by Acls 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 5G6, § l(d), eff. Aug. 28, 1989. Historlcnl Note 1989 Lcgislution Sections 2 to 4 of the 1989 Act provide: HScc. 2. Ordinances, orders, or procedures implemented under Chapter 957, Acts of the 70th Legislature, Regular Session, 1987 (Article 1269j-4.ll, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), prior to the eCfective date or this Act shall not be held invalid as a result of any inconsistency with any provision or this Act. "Sec. 3. Nothing in this Act shall affect the validity of impact fees heretofore levied for stonn water, drainage, or flood control facilities by a countywide district created and operating §395.058. Advisory Committee under the provisions of Article XVI, Section 59, of the Texas Constitution in a county of 2, 100,· 000 or more according to the last preceding federal census, and all impact fees heretofore levied or assessed by such a district are hereby validated, ratified, and confirmed. "Sec. 4. If any provision of this Act or its application to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of this Act that can be given effect without the invalid provision or ap­plication, and to this end the provisions of this Act are declared to be severable." (a)On or before the date on which the order, ordinance, or resolution is adopted underSection 395.042, the political subdivision shall appoint a capital improvements advisory committee. (b)The advisory committee is composed of not less than five members who shall beappointed by a majority vote of the governing body of the political subdivision. Not less than 40 percent of the membership of the advisory committee must be representatives of the real estate, development, or building industries who are not employees or officials of a political subdivision or governmental entity. If the political subdivision has a planning and zoning commission, the commis sion may act as the advisory committee if the commission includes at least one representative of the real estate, development, or building industry who is not an employee or official of a political subdivision or govern­mental entity. If no such representative is a member of the planning and zoning commission, the commission may still act as the advisory committee if at least one such representative is appointed by the political subdivision as. an ad hoc voting member of the planning and zoning commission when it acts as the advisory committee. If the impact fee is to be applied in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the political subdivision, the membership must include a representative from that area. (c)The advisory committee serves in an advisory capacity and is established to: (1)advise and assist the political subdivision in adopting land use assumptions; (2)review the capital improvements plan and file written comments; (3)monitor and evaluate implementation of the capital improvements plan; (4)file semiannual reports with respect to the progress of the capital improvementsplan and report to the political subdivision any perceived inequities in implementing the plan or imposing the impact fee; and (5)advise the political subdivision of the need to update or revise the land useassumptions, capital improvements plan, and impact fee. (d)The political subdivision shall make available to the advisory committee any profes·sional reports with respect to developing and implementing the capital improvements plan. (e)The governing body of the political subdivision shall adopt procedural rules for theadvisory committee to follow in carrying out its duties. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. I, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989. 101 11 I I I I i I I 11 I 11 11 I I • I 11 11 I I I I §:!95.058 llistoriClll /\otc Prior 1,uws: Acts l!J87, 70th Leg., ch. H57, §§ l to 11. PLANNING AND IJEVl!LOl'MENT Title 12 Vernon's Ann. Civ. !:;t, :trt. l20Uj-•Lll, § 7. (Sections 395.059 to 395.070 reserved for expansion] SUBCHAP'I'ER D. OTHER PROVISIONS §:rn5,07 I. Duties to be Performed Within Time Limits If the governing body of the political subdivision does not perform a duty imposedunder this chapter within the prescribed period, a person who has paid an impact fee or an owner of land on which an impact fee has been paid has the right to present a written request to the governing body of the political subdivision stating the nature of the unperformed duty and requesting that it be performed within 60 days after the date of the request. If the governing body of the political subdivision finds that the duty is required under this chapter and is late in being performed, it shall cause the duty to commence within 60 days after the date of the request and continue until completion. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. I,§ 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989, Historical Note Prior Laws: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ I to 11. §395.072. Records of Hearings Vernon's Ann. Civ, St, art. 1269j-4.ll, § B(a). A record must be made of any public heari ng provided for by this chapter. The recordshall be maintained and be made available for public inspection by the political subdivision for at least 10 years after the date of the hearing. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg,,ch. I, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989. Historical Note ·Vernon's Ann. Civ. St. art. 1269j-4,ll, § 8(b). Prior Laws: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ I to II. §395,073. Cumulative Effect of J:!tate and Lo,;al Restrictions Any state or local restrictions that apply to the impo�ition of an impact fee in a political subdivision where an impact fee is proposed are cumulative with the restrictions in this ��te� Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch, I, § 82(a), eff. Aug, 28, 1989, Historical Note Prior Laws: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ I to II. . Vernon's Ann. Civ, St. art. 1269j-4.ll, § 8(c). §395,074. Prior Impact Fees Replaced by Fees Under This Chapter An impact fee that is in place on June 20, 1987, must be replaced by an impact fee madeunder this chapter on or before June 20, 1990. However, any political subdivision having an impact fee that has not been replaced under this chapter on or before June 20, 1988, is liable to any party who, after June 20, 1988, pays an impact fee that exceeds the maximum permitted under Subchapter B by more than 10 percent for an amount equal to two times the difference between the maximum impact fee allowed and the actual impact fee imposed, plus reasonable attorney's fees and court costs. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch, I, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989. 102 i I i ! I 11 , I I , I I I I , I 11 11 11 PLANNING ANll llEVELOPMl.;NTTille 12 §395.078lli11torlcal Note Prior Lnws: Vcrnou'i-1 Ann. Civ. St. art. 1269j--4.ll, § B(d), Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ l lo l I. § 395.075. No Effecl on Tuxes or Other ChurgcsThis chapter docs not prohibit, affect, or regulate any tax, fee, charge, or assessmentspecifically authorized by state law, Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. I,§ 82(a), err. Aug. 28, 1989, lll11toric11l Note Prior Lnws: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch, 957, §§ I t<J 11. Vernon's Ann. Civ. St. art. 1269j-4.ll, § 8(e). §395.076. Moratorium on Development ProhibitedA moratorium may not be placed on new development for the purpose of awaiting thecompletion of all or any part of the process necessary to develop, adopt, or update theimpact fee, Added by Acts 1989. 71st Leg,, ch. I, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989, Historical Note Prior Laws: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ I w 11. §395,077. Appeals Vernon's Ann,Civ,St. art, !269j---4,ll, § 8(0, (a) A person who has exhausted all administrative remedies within the politicalsubdivision and who is aggrieved by a final decision is entitled to trial de novo under thischapter. (b) A suit to contest an impact fee must be filed within 90 days after the date ofadoption of the ordinance, order, or resolution establishing the impact fee, (c) .Except for roadway facilities, a person who has paid an impact fee or an owner ofproperty on which an .impact fee has been paid is entitled to specific performance of theservices by the political subdivision for which the fee was paid. (d) This section does not require construction of a specific facility to provide the·services. (e) Any suit must be filed in the county in which the major part of the land area of the political subdi�ion is located. A successful litigant shall be entitled to recover reason'able attorney's fees and court costs. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg,, ch. I, § 82(a), eff, Aug. 28, 1989. Historical Note Prior Lawa: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ I to II. Vernon's Ann.Civ.St. art. 1269j-Ul, § 9. §395.078. Substantial Compliance With Notice RequirementsAn impact fee may not be held invalid because the public notice requirements were notcomplied with if compliance was substantial and in good faith. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg,, ch, I, § 82(a), eff. Aug, 28, 1989, Historical Note Prior Laws: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch, 957, §§ I t<J II, 103 Vernon's Ann.Civ.St. art. 1269j-4.ll, § 9, I '. I I I I ' I I ' I I i I § :rn5.079 PLANNING AND DEYlsLOl'M ENTTitle I� § :J!)fi,07!1. Impact Fee for Slorrn Waler, llrainHJ.:-C, and Flood Control in PopulousCounty (a)Any county that has a population of 2.2 million or more or that borders a coun tywith a population of 2.2 million or more, and any dis trict or authority created undc·r Arliclc XVI, Section 5!J, of the Texa s Constitutio n within any such county that i:;authorized to provide storm ,,..atcr, drainage, and flood control facilitics 1 is authorized to impose impact fees to provide storm water, drainage, and flood control improvements necessary to accommodate new development. (b)The imposition of impact fee s authorized b y Subsection (a) h; exempt from therequirements of Sections 395.025, 395.052-395.057, and 395.074 unless the political subdi­vision proposes to increase the impact fee. (c)Any political subdivision described by Subsection (a) is authori,.cd to pledge or otherwise contractually obligate all or part of the impact fees to the payment of principal and interest on bonds, notes, or other obligations issued or incurred by or on behalf of the political subdivision and to the payment of any other contractual obligations. (d)An impact fee adopted by a political subdivision under Subsection (a) may not bereduced if: (I)the political subdivision has pledged or otherwise contractually obligated all or part of the impact fees to the payment of principal and interest on bonds, notes, or other obligations issued by or on behalf of the political subdivision; and (2)the political subdivision agrees in the pledge or contract not to reduce the impactfees during the term of the bonds, notes, or other contractual obligations. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 1, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989. Historical Note Prior Laws: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ 1 t-0 11. Vernon's Ann.Civ.St. art. l269j-4.11, § 10. §395.080. Chapter Not Applicable to Certain Water-Related Special Districts (a)This chapter does not apply to impact fees, charges, fees, assessments, or contribu­ tions: (I)paid by or charged to a district created under Article XVI, Section 59, of theTexas Constitution to another district created under that constitutional provision if both districts are required by--Iaw to obtain approval of their bonds by the Texas Water Commission; or (2)charged by an entity if the impact fees, charges, fees, assessments, or contribu­tions are approved by the Texas Water Commission. (b) Any district created under Article XVI, Section ·59, or Article III, Section 52, of the Texas Constitution may petition the Texas Water Commission for approval of any proposed impact fe.es, charges, fees, assessments, or contributions. The commission sh all adopt rules for reviewing the petition and may charge the petitioner fees adequate to cover the cost of processing and considering the petition. The rules shall require notice substantially the same as that required by this chapter for the adoption of impact fees and shall afford opportunity for all affected parties to participate. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 1, § 82(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989. Historical Note Prior Laws: Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 957, §§ 1 t-0 II. Vernon's Ann.Civ.St. art. 1269j--4.11, § 11. [Chapters 396 to 400 reserved for expansion] 104