HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.31.1973 Resolution No. R90-11-Public Hearing-Adoption of Impact FeesRESOLUTION NO. R90-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR APRIL 23, 1990 TO RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENT ON ADOPTION OF IMPACT FEES. WHEREAS, the City of Friendswood is considering the evaluation of capital recovery fees as required by state statutes, and WHEREAS, _those statutes require that a public hearing be held --to receive public comment on adoption of Impact Fees formulated in support of the evaluation process, and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Docketed Public Hearing be held during the Council Meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m. on April 23, 1990 in the City Council Chambers, .109 Willowick, Friendswood, Texas to consider those Impact Fees, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of such hearings be made as also required by statute. A map showing the area and a report stating those Impact Fees and how they were derived shall be available for public inspection in the City of Friendswood's Community Development Department. PASSED, APPROVED AND RESOLVED this the 19th day of March, 1990. ayor Paul W. Schrader City of Friendswood, Texas ATT T: Deloris Archer, CMC City Secretary :it 0-: 7) t" &tz,, i COF02 March 10, i OW Ma, Annrma A. Brand City Manager City of Fdandswood log Wlllowlck Fdandewood, Toxas 77546 Po, Central Servloe Araa 'rwnk Sewer and Llit Station Gear Annette, The foiiowing Is In response to your request for an enumeration of the steps necessary to design and construct the various components of your Capital Improvements Plan as identified in your impact Fee $tvdy. For purposes of Alustratlon, I have aesurnad a scope of work based on the Central Setvice Area Trunk 6ewor and Ult Station. Project Identification and Cost Alloo&tion While moat of the work related to Prof eot ldenrlllcetlon and Coat Mocatlon hds been done As a part of the CapftaJ Improvement Plan, the City of Frlendswood, before procoodIna with a project of thla size should dotormine very carefully the needs that you are trying to addross and, on that basis, dearly define the scope of the proposed pro] ect. And, when you have flrmiy determined the scopo , you will be able to come up with an approximate funding requirement for the project, 11. Dotormination of Financing We've discussed a bond sale and i suspect that will be the way you will want to finance this projeot. At the same time, it Is helpful to look at the entire project and decide from the outset when you will wart) to sell bonds and how you are going to pay for the "up front' coats that precede the 4ond sale so that you will be able to optlmizo the use of your funds throughout the proles. 111. Englnoering Solaot an ongineoring firm that you have confldonce In anti that hea the technInal and production capabllitles to furnlsh you with timaly professional services. Your project Is the end product of the design that will be prepared by the engineer that you select. The success of your project then, both short torm and over the life of the project, will depend to a large Mont on your engineer. 2470 dray raila O(W • dultb ti 1tS FAM 7Q-65e-VQ1 A, Prellminary Englnearing 1. Determine the Dwslgn Service Area Including existing development, development wfthln 11h©11mits of the proposod project and areas Intended to connect to future extenslons of the system, Again, a lot of this work has boon accompllshed as apart of the Capital Improvempnta Plan, but will need to be addraaaad In more detall. 2. Analyze the pumping roquiroments nocoseary to meet current and future demands and conskler alternatives with ragard to phasing various components of the project. Determine the looatlon of the pump station and the routing of the trunk sewer. The foilowing are among the factors that will no -ad to be Considered: VerMoatlon of the Major Thoroughfare Allonmenta, Review of avallaUa tope Information supplemented by a limited scope topcgraphloal survey, Review of avallabie geotaohnlaal Wormatlon, 9 any, supplemented by a limited scope geotochniul study, and Review of property ownership relative to the proposed routing, 4. Develop Final Design Criteria 8. Prepare Outline 8pecfficatlons 8. Propare Preliminary Goat Estimate T, Prepare a Preliminary Englnearing Report that will addross the Information outlined above ae well as the following: Antlolpeted problems, Recommended altematives, "Alternate' bid Items, Proposed division of work to award in separate contracts, and R000tnmendatlons regarding right-of-way and site acquiaftion. B. Final Englnvfring Design Upon agreement with the City of Friervdawood staff ae to the final scope of work based on the recommendations presented In the Preliminary Eriginoring Report, the Inglnuor will pfuuuvd with the flnal project dealgn Including tho following opevlfic services: Preparo a topographlcnl sutvoy for the final newer alignment and coordinate the gootachnloal Investigation nocvsaary to support the final design, 21 Dovclop detallvd constructlon drawings, speclflcations and bid documents for the project based on the final design allgnment. Furnish chook prints to the City of Friondswood for review And approval, 4, Socure approvals, permits and licenses na required from governmental agencles with Jurisdictlon over the design and/or the operation of the project and all public and private utllitlQs Including pipeline transmission companl©s affected by the pro]ect, 6. Prepare a final coat estimate for the proposed Improvements. B, Asaiat the City In inuring bids for the project invluding attendance at the pre -bid conference, preparation of addenda If neoesaary, evaluation of the bid proposals, preparation of tho bid tabulation and a written recommendation for the award of the contraot IV. Right -Of -Way and Site Acquieltion During the deeIgn process, as soon ett t116 land acquisition needs are daldrmirlud, the City will nead to authorize the purchase of land nocessary to accommodate the proposed Improvements, The land acquisitlon will be supported by the preparation of survoys suitable for the oonveyanoy of the property in quostlon. V. Ski and Award of Contract Once the plena are complete andthe appropriate arrangements have been matte for right-of- way and sit* acquisition and funding Is In place, the City w1ll be In d position to proceed with bids and the award of the construction contract, Consideration can be given at that time as to the level of outside engineering services that will best complement your staff capabilities, I've probably Qoe Into more detall than you are really looking for at this time, but the dome outlined above generally repreaent the steps that sire nocossary to proceed with construction of the Central Service Area trunk sower or any other element of tho Capital improvemonto plan, I hava also ranclosed a bulletin entitle General Englnoorinq Svrvloea publlahod jointly by the Tuts Snatety of Professional Engineers and the 0onsulting Engineoro Council that you might find usaful In the selection of engineers, II you have any questions or If I nood to fill In any "abasing links", plea so let me know. Vary truly your#, Alohard F, Aay, P.C. Executive Vigo Preeklsnt F 5 ATES I D "B AEXHIBIT ,M OAF. � m1 r2 SfKae- �� 5 I RNSET DRlYE t4 T w i% 1� J pwr mm� LAYFA1R PLACE lkOt& a