HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.18.1989 CIP & Impact Fee Study-Wastewater Systems PreliminaryCITY OF FRIENDSWOOD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN AND IMPACT FEE STUDY FOR WASTEWATER SYSTEMS A,,Y CITY OF FRrENDSWOOD, TEXAS PRELIMINARY DRAFT DECEMBER 1999 MAYOR PAUL SCHRADER CITY COUNCIL RON RITTER BOB WICKLANDER EVELYN NEWMAN ED STUART JAN JORDAN FRANK FRANKOVICH PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEAM ANNETTE BRAND, CITY MANAGER DUANE HENGST, CITY ENGINEER MELVIN MEINECKE, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ROGER ROECKER, FINANCE DIRECTOR HUYEN LUU, UTILITIES SUPERINTENDENT KEVIN JENNINGS, PROJECT MANAGER i 9 SENATE BILL 336 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: BENNY BAKER 1203 SILVERLEAF HOME: 482-1120 WORK: 947-6151 VICE CHAIRMAN: JEANIE McHUGH 1104 LOST RIVER HOME: 482-9122 WORK: 480-0033 MELINDA WASSON 505 WILLIAMSBURG CIRCLE HOME: 482-3477 WORK: (409) 948-1724 ED COLBURN 707 PENN DR. HOME: 996-1022 WORK: 228-9211 GEORGE RODGERS 1101 CASTLEWWOD HOME: 996-0191 KENNY KONCABA 409 MORNINGSIDE HOME: 482-2207 WORK: 482-7491 BUD HOLZSCHUH 1309 CRAWFORD HOME: 482-0086 WORK: 486-1155 TRACY SPEARS 1214 TIMBERLANE WORK: 482-7000 TOM BLAKE # 4 WINDSONG HOME: 482-6755 JOHN WATSON 104 PECAN WORK: 482-0557 STAFF: KEVIN JENNINGS 482-4438 CLAUDIA BRINKMAN 482-4438 PLANNING AND ZONING SECRETARY TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUC T ION EXPLANATION OF SENATE 3I1L 336 5-6 LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS 6 DESIGN CRITERIA 6 REVIEW OF MASTER,SEWER PLAN 6-8 PIPE SIZE AND COST GENERATION a-9 GENERATION OF SERVICE UNITS 9-14 DERIVATION OF SERVICE UNITS/SERVICE AREA iQ-il IMPACT FEES PER SERVICE UNIT 11-13 FUTURE ADOPTION SCHEDULE 13-14 APPENDICES APPENDIX "A ........ SENATE BILL 336, WITH 1989 AMENDMENTS APPENDIX "B ........ DESIGN CRITERIA AND REFERENCES APPENDIX "C........ PIPE SIZING AND COST ESTIMATION 0 4 I. INTRODUCTION. THE DETERMINATION OF EQUITABLE FUNDING POLICIES FOR NEW UTLLITIES IN FRIENDSWOOD CONSTITUTES THE SUBJECT MATTER. Oti T•j TEXTTHE � T ^ T r T �Y ..__y5 �.t,X� . ,.__.. : RiGG-'.,R ."�.OR T_i� WORK y5 :YE Jl 1F LEGISLATION WIC- SPECIFIES THAT IN FUTURE YEARS IMPACT FEES ASSOCIATED WITH NEW CONSTRUCTION MAY BE USED ON!Y FOR MUNICIPAL UTILITIES SUPPORTING NEW CONSTRUCTION. NEW RESIDENTS COME TO FRTENDSWOOD TO ENJOY THE MAGNIFICENT ENVIRONMENT. THEY ALSO BRING LONGINGS FOR QUALITIES OF THE SERENE LIFE. WHAT THEY DON'T BRING ARE THE NECESSARY UTILITIES. CREATION OF EQUITABLE POLICY ;FOR FINANCING TRESE FACILITIES IS AN IMPORTANT AND EVEN MONUMENTAL TASK. THERE IS NO LESS OF A TASK IN PROTECTING THE PREEXISTING PUBLIC FROM UNDUE IMPOSITION OF ADDITIONAL FINANCIAL BORDEN. THE CITY OF ?RIENDSWOOD PROTECTS THE PUBLIC ROUTINELY THROUGH THE EXERCISE, OF POLICE POWER, INCLUDING BUILDING CODES, SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS AND ZONING ORDINANCES, THE LOGICAL EXTENSION OF THIS CONCEPT OF PROTECTION IMPLIES THAT THE PREEXISTING POPULATION SHOULD BE LARGELY SPARED THE EXPENSE OF CONSTRUCTING FACILITIES INTENDED TO SERVE NEW POPULATIONS. IN THIS SENSE, THE SPECIALIZED PURPOSE OF IMPACT FEES IS VERY DISTINCT FROM THE MORE GENERAL PURPOSE OF TAXES SHARED BY THE COMMUNITY AS A WHOLE, !I. EXPLANATION OF SENATE BILL 336, THE TEXAS LEGISLATURE RECENTLY PASSED SENATE BILL 336, REQUIRING MUNICIPALITIES THAT USE IMPACT FEES TO ENACT EQUITABLE FUNDING POLICIES FOR NEW STREETS AND UTILITIES. THE MAJOR POINTS OF BILL 336 ARE: (1) ALL IMPACT FEES MUST BE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION ONLY. REPAIR, MAINTENANCE, AND ASSOCIATED COSTS MAY NOT BE FIGURED INTO THE FEES. (2) THE PEES CAN ONLY BE ATTRIBUTED TO THE SERVICE AREAS THAT ARE ACTUALLY BENEFITING FROM THE IMPROVEMENT. (3) ONCE THE FEE HAS BEEN ASSESSED TO ANY ENTITY WITHIN THE SERVICE AREA, CONSTRUCTION OF THE IMPROVEMENT MUST BEGIN WITHIN 2 YEARS AND BE COMPLETED IN 5 YEARS. (4) THE NEW IMPACT FEE PROGRAM MUST BE ADOPTED BY 5 THE CITY NO LATER THAN jUNE, 1990. A COPY OF SENATE BTL! 339 AND THE 1989 AMENDMENTS IS ATTACHED AS APPEND X "A" !I!. LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS. TO BEGIN WORK ON THE NEW IMPACT FEE PROGRAM SOME 3ASIC !A\D USE ASSUYPT'IONS NEEDED TO 33 DERIVED, TO 7ACILI::AT= THE CURRENT CITY ZONING MAP WAS USED. THE ZONING CIASS771CATIONS THAT WERE USED IN THI ?REPARATION OF THIS REPORT WERE SFR, MxR--L, MFR--M, MYR-n, MY , I AXD CSC, WHICH ^OR THIS PROJECT INCLUDES NC,OP0,O30,PUD AND B?. LAND DENSITIES WERE ,.1iEIV PROJECTED .0 REFLECT MAXIMUM BUILDOUT OF ALL UNDEVELOPED !AND WITHIN THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY LIMITS. WHERE APPLICABLE, MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DENSITIES PER ACRE WERE USED, AS STATED IN THE FRIENDSWOOD ZONING ORDINANCE. IV. DESIGN CRITERIA. AVERAGE RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER FLOW RATS WERE DETERMINED FROM ACCEPTED DESIGN MANUALS AND VALIDATED BY THE TEXAS WATER COMMISSION AS ACCEPTED DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS. BASICALLY, AN AVERAGE WASTEWATER FLOW RATE WAS DETERMINED FOR EACH. ZONING CLASSIFICATION OUTLINED ABOVE. TO THESE RATES, A PEAK FACTOR AND AN INFILTRATION FACTOR WERE APPLIED. TO BEGIN INVESTIGATIONS, THE CITY WAS DIVIDE UP INTO HYPOTHETICAL DEVELOPMENT AREAS, AND FLOW RATES WERE COMPUTED FOR EACH, AS OUTLINED IN APPE'ND,IX "B". IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT APPENDIX "B" ALSO LISTS THE PUBLISHED REFERENCES FOR DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS USED THROUGHOUT THIS STUDY. V. REVIEW OF MASTER SEWER ?SAN '.'SAP. FUTURE SANITARY SEWER NEEDS WITHIN THE CITY 0n FRIENDSWOOD WERE THEN DETERMINED AND THE PROPOSED CAPITAL !M?ROVF'MENTS WERE GRAPHICALLY REPRESENTED ON THE. WALL MAP DISPLAYED AS PART OF THIS STUDY. THESE PROJECTS WERE: 1. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AREA SEWER LINE. THIS IS A :3,870 FT. LINE RANGING IN SIZE FROM 18 TO 24 INCH2S, WITH ONE ASSOCIATED LIFT STATION. THIS LINE WILL RUN ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF CLEAR CREEK NORTH OF F.M. 2351, AND WILL PROVIDE SERVICE TO ANTICIPATED INDUSTRIA! DEVELOPMENT .IN THE EXTR3ME NORTHERN 0 PORTIONS OF TOWN. 2, MELODY LANE DEVELOPMENT AREA SEWZR LINE. THIS IS A 8575 ?T . =2 CONSISTING OF :8" PIPE. :' W Ll as\ ALONG ` H3 .EAST SIDE OF CLEAR CR22K NORTH OF F . `! 2351, AND WILL SERVE ANTIC'PA'TED SFR DEVEI.:0?`rEN7 BETW22N CLEAR CREEK AND M31ODY LANE. 3. INDUSTRIAL/MELODY LANE JOINT =T STATION AND FORCE MAIN, THIS IS LARGD ;: 7FT STATION AND 20,500 FT. 15'' 7ORC 2 ?FAIN TAKING THE WASTEWATER FROM BOTH THE INDUSTRIAL AND THE MELODY LANE SEWER LINES DIRECTLY TO T'1E 3LACKHAWK REGIONAL SEWAGE TREATMENT ?LAN'T . PROPOSED ALIGNMENT OF THIS FOZCr MAIN 1S !LLUSTRATED ON THE WALL MAP EXHIBIT. 4. FALLING LEAF SEWER LINE, THIS IS A 4200 FT. LINE CONSISTING 07 15" PIPE RUNNING ALONG FALLING LEAF DERIVE SOUTHWEST OF G.REENBRIAR DRIVE. THIS LINE WILL SERVE NEW SFR DEVELOPMENT IN THAT AREA OF TOWN. 5. TRUNK LINE "CH". THIS IS A 13,200 FT. LINE WITH PIPE SIZE'S RANGING FROM 30" TO 42" . THIS PROPOSED LINE WOULD BEGIN AT THE NORTH END OF MISSION ESTATES AND RUN NORTHERLY ALONG A TRIBUTARY OF CHIGGER CREEK BEHIND FALCON RIDGE TO THE REAR OF FOX MEADOWS. FROM HERE THE LINE RUNS ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF CHIGGER CREEK TOWARD POLLY RANCH. b. 'TRUNK LINE "CN". THIS IS A 10,050 FT. LINE WITH PIPE SIZES RANGING FROM 15" TO 24". IT BEGINS NEAR WINDSONG SUBDIVISION AND RUNS EAST ALONG THE SOUTR SIDE OF CHIGGER CREEK TO FOX MEADOWS, TYING INTO TRUNK LIME "OH". 7. TRUNK LINE "CS". THIS IS A 7,200 FT. LINE WITH PIPE SIZES RANGING FROM 12" TO 24". IT RUNS FROM THE SOUTHERN PART OF SLOWS SJ3D.IVISION IN A NORTHEASTERLY DIRECTION TO A POINT JUST SOUTH OF POLLY RANCH. 8. CRAZY HORSE LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN. `HIS WILL BE A HIGH CAPACITY LIFT STATION AND 5100 FT. OF 30'' FORCE MAIN THAT WILL CARRY FLOW FROM TRUNK LINES "CH", "CN", AND "CS" DIRECTLY TO THE BLACKHAWK REGIONAL SEWER TREATMENT PLANT. LOCATION OF THESE IMPROVEMENTS IS SHOWN ON THE WALL EXHIBIT. 9. SOUTH PANHANDLE SEWER LINE. THIS IS A 7000 FT. LINE CONSISTING OF 24" PIPE. IT WILL RUN FROM COUNTRY CLUB ROAD SOUTH ALONG F.M. 528 TO ITS TERMINUS AT TOWER ESTATES SUBDIVISION. THIS .IMPROVEMENT WILL SERVE SFR AND CSC DEVELOPMENT IN THE SOUTHERN PORTIONS OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD . 7 a 10. SOUTH PANHANDLE 1:47T S`I'AT1ON AND FORCE `FAIN. T:S LIFT STATION WILL HS «OCATED IN TOWER ESTATES AND WIl:., F{]R(,;. ALL TH2 WAST2WAT2R C L1=C.2> PROM TEE SOUTH SIDE OF `'OWN UP TO TRUNK LINE "Cr'" JUST NORTH OF MISSION ESTATES AND ULTIMATELY TO BLACKHAWK REGIONAL SEWER TREATMENT PLANT. THE END RESULT OF THIS LIFTSTA TION ON' AND :.3 , 350 T. ,FORCE �s WILL BE THE ELIMINATION OF THE TOWER ESTATES ;RHATM='\T PLANT. VI. GENERATION OF SIZES AND COSTS FOR SPECIFIC SEWER IMPROVEMENTS. PIPE SIZES AND LIFT STATION REQUIREMENTS POR EACH PROJECT WERE DETERMINED AND TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATES WERE DERIVED PROM ESTIMATES OBTAINED FROM LOCAL MATERIALS SUPPLIERS. THE FIRST STEP WAS TO DETERMINE THE AREAS THAT WOULD BE SERVED BY EACH IMPROVEMENT. THESE "SERVICE AREAS" WERE DELINEATED USING THE TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OF THE CITY OF FRIZNDSWOOD, WITH SERVICE AREA BOUNDARIES COINCIDING WITH EITHER GEOGRAPHICAL HIGHS OR LOGICAL DIVISIONS IN THE CITY SEWER SYSTEM. ONCE THESE BOUNDARIES WERE SET, THE TOTAL FLOW POSSIBLE PROM EACH AREA WAS DSTZR yNED, USING THE AVERAGE FLOW x 2.5 PEAK FLOW FACTOR T INFILTRATION. NECESSARY PIPE DIAMETER WAS THEN CALCULATED USING THE FORMULA: 0 = (2.159Qri / S !/2) 3/8 WHERE D = PIPE DIAMETER Q = TOTAL FLOW IN MOD x 1.5472 CFS/MGD n = MANNING COEFFICIENT = .014 S = SLOPE IN FT/FT ONCE THE PIPE SIZE WAS DETERMINED, TOTAL PIPE COSTS WERE FOUND USING COST PER FOOT QUOTATIONS. A FACTOR OF 2.25 WAS THEN APPLIED TO GIVE A TOTAL INSTALLED COST. MANHOLES WERE ESTIMATED AT A COST OF $1675.00 EACH. COST ESTIMATES USED ARE AS FOLLOWS: COST ESTIMATES FOR 1990 C.I.P. SANITARY CONSTRUCTION PIPE SIZES: SIZE MATERIAL COST/:T SUPPLIMR/QUOTE 3" SDR35 PVC $2.38 UTILITY SUPPLY 10" SDR35 PVC $3.60 UTILITY SUPPLY 12" SDR35 PVC $5.15 UTILITY SUPPLY 150 SDR26 PVC $10.81 UTILITY SUPPLY 15" SDR35 PVC, $7.66 UTILITY SUPPLY is" SDR26 PVC $21.05 UTILITY SUPPLY 1$" SDR35 PVC $12.18 UT7!!TY SUPPLY 24" SDR35 PVC $22.25 UTILITY SUPPLY 30" CLASS 50 D. IRON $41.78 ROHAN COMPANY 36" CLASS 50 D. IRON $57.79 ROHAN COMPANY 42" CLASS 50 D. IRON $71.30 ROHAN COMPANY ASSUME 20' JOINTS ON ALL PIPES. *� COST TO SET PIPE = 1 2.25 x COST OF PIPE, AS PER HUYEN LUU AND C:iARLIE B EERE OF WAYNE SMITH ENGINEERING. MANHOLE CONSTRUCT:ON: 10'-12' MANHOLE .......................$1000.00 RING AND COVER..........................$75.00 CONCRETE' ....... ........................ $200.00 COST TO SET............................$400.00 TOTAL PER MANHOLE .....................$1675.00 * ESTIMATES PER HUYEN LUU. ** MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN MANHOLES = 5001, AS PER TEXAS WATER COMMISSION AND FRANK MORRIS. A BREAKDOWN OF PIPE SIZING AND COST ESTIMATES FOR INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS IS PROVIDED IN APPENDIX "C". VII. GENERATION OF SERVICE UNITS. SENATE BILL 336 STIPULATES THAT AN IMPACT FEE IS A CHARGE THAT MUST BE APPLIED TO A SERVICE UNIT. A SERVICE UNIT IS A STANDARDIZED UNIT OF DISCHARGE ATTRIBUTED TO INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT UNITS. FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS STUDY A SERVICE UNIT (OR EQUIVALENT FLOW UNIT) WILL BE EQUAL TO 1355 GALLONS PER ACRE PER DAY OF WASTEWATER GENERATION. CALCULATIONS OF SERVICE UNITS (EQUIVALENT FLOW UNITS) THESE CALCULATIONS ARE BASTED ON A SFR DENSITY OF 2.7 BUILDING UNITS PER ACRE. THE PROJECTED MAXIMUM FLOW FOR 1 ACRE OF SF'R LAND = (2.7 BUILDING UNITS PER ACRE x 3 PEOPLE PER BUILDING UNIT x 130 GALLONS OF WASTEWATER PER ,PERSON PER DAY) x 2.5 PEAK FLOW FACTOR + 1025 GADLONS PER ACRE PER DAY INFILTRATION = 3658 GALLONS PER ACRE PER DAY FOR SFR . 9 3658 G1A\D DIVIDED 5Y 2.7 3U11DIXG ON17S PER ACRE = 1355 GALLONS PER BUILDING UNIT PER DAY. NOW LET 1355 GAL'V310G UNTT\DAY = OUR EQQIVALENCY YACTO , ENABIING US TO EQUATE ALL ZONING DES IGNA T TONS TO S y aa, AS nyHi V r� r ` SHOWN I_ ..�. ��O�LOW. _ C CHART: DIV. 3Y ZQUIV. FLOW MAX. 3LDG. ZONE MAX FLOW 7Q IV. FACTO;? UNITS\ACRE UNITS\ACRE SFR 3658 C\A\D 1355 2.7 2.7 CSC 4463 G\A\D 1:355 3.3 N\A I 4775 G\A\D w3519 3.5 N\A YFR-L 4243 G\A\D i 355 3.1 6 MrR--M 5852 C\A\D 1355 4.3 9 `^.FR-H 10,687 G\A\D 1355 7.9 i8 MHR 6388 G \A\D 1.355 4.7 10 NOTE: CSC INCLUDES CSC, NC, LI, OBD, OPD, BP, PUD. Vill . DERIVATION OF SERVICE UNITS PER SERVICE AREA, ONCE, A SERVICE UNIT HAS BEEN DEFINED (AS ABOVE), THE UMBER OF SERVICE UNITS PER SPECIFIC SERVICE AREA CAN BE CALCULATED. BASICALLY, THE NUMBER OF ACRES OF EACH ZONING CLASSIFICATION 1N EACH SERVICE AREA IS MULTIPLIED BY THE APPROPRIATE EQUIVALENT FLOW UNITS/ACRE NUMBER SHOWN IN COLUMN 4 OF THE PREVIOUS CHART. FOR EXAMPLE, THE FALLING LEAF SERVICE AREA CONSISTS OF 254.6 ACRES OF LAND, ALL ZONED SFR. THE TOTAL NUMBER OF SERVICE UNITS THEN IS 254.6 ACRES x 2.7 EQUIVALENT FLOW UNITS PER ACRE = 687.42 EQ. FLOW UNITS OR 687 SERVICE UNITS FOR THAT SERVICE AREA. ANOTHZR EXAMPLE WOULD BE THE SOUTH PANHANDLE SLRVICE AREA "A". THAT AREA CONSISTS OF 941.3 ACRES, 900 OF WHICH ARE ZONED SFR, AND 41.3 ZONED CSC. 900 ACRES x 2.7 EFUs/ACRE = 2430 EFUs. 41.3 ACRES x 3.3 EFUs/ACRE 136 EFUs. THE TOTAL NUMBER OF EFUs (OR SERVICE UNITS) FOR THIS SERVICE AREA = 2430 + 136 = 2566 EFUs (OR SERVICZ UNITS). NOW, TO COME UP WITH AN IMPACT FEZ FOR EACH UNIT, THE CONSTRUCTION COSTS FOR THE PROPOSED 10 IMPROVEMENTS I S DTVTDED AMONG T H 7 T O T AI: NUMBER OF SERVICE UNITS IN THE AREA BENEFIT'TING FROM THAT ZMP`2OVEMENT , IN TYE CASE OF THE S. PANHANDLE SEWER NINE, ONLY 'TZE S. PANHANDLE SERVICE AZEA IS 3ENEFITT :NG ^'SOY IT . THEREFORE, THE TOTAL: CONSTRUCT:ON COS`;' i OR T A7 !:NE, $373, 887 .00, IS D:VIDED AMONG THE TOTAL, NUMBER OF SERVICE uN.T S BENEFITTING, 2S66 As, TO GiVE A COST PER SERVICE UNIT OF $145.71. EOWEV?R, TH S. VANHAN'L_ S:a RVIC2 AREA "A" MWST ALSO ?AY A PROPORTIONATE SHARE .... OF _�:._ THE SOL;'I'.-I PANHANDLE DLE :F .. STATION/aOtC.? MAIN, TRO X 1_`E "CC", AND CRAZY =SE 11F:. STA:'70N!:'ORCE y'.A: SINCE TKEY Will BE BENEFITTING FROM THE _ IMPROVEMENTS TOO. THIS BRINGS THE TOTAL SEWER IMPACT FEE FOR THIS S7RVICr AREA TO $472,11. THE T CHART ri. F Tr-� a Oi:LOWIs"G C,r+AR.� OUTLINES Ti-.:.� SIZES 0� y._� �0 PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREAS, AND SHOWS TOE NUMBER OF SERVICE UNITS IN EACH ONE: SERVICE AREA ACREAGE, SERVICE UNITS . "CN" SERV. AREA 1255.2 3389 EFUs 2. "CS" SERV. AREA 879.2 2374 7 Us A. "CH" SERV. AREA " R " 209.3 565 EFUs 4. "CH" SERV. AREA "B" 850.4 2297 EFUs 5. ?MELODY LANE. SERV. AREA 493.0 1331 EFUs 6. 1NDUST. SERV. AREA "A" 462.2 1617 EFUs 7. INDUST . SERV. AREA "B" 374.2 1311 ;EFUs 8. FALLING LEAF SERV, AREA 254.6 687 EtiUS 9. S. PAN. SERV. AREA "A" 941.3 2566 EFUs 10. S. PAN. SERV. AREA "B" 1322.0 4562 EFUs IX. 1MPACT PEES PER SE'RV'ICE UNIT, ONCE THE TOTAL, CONSTRUCTION COSTS FOR THE PROPOSED !MPROVEMENTS ARE CALCULATED, AND ONCE THE TOTAL NUMBER OF SERVICE UNITS IN ANY GIVEN SERVICE AREA IS {WOWN, IMPACT LEES PER SERVICE UNIT CAN BE GENERATED. SERVICE. AREA. 11 "ME 'OLZOWING LIST NG SHOWS THE TOTAL SANITARY SEWS ? FENS APPLICABLE FOR EACH OF THE 10 ?ROOOSOO SANITARY SEW_? SE :?V:CE A:?EAS : _ lECTE> SANITARY SEWER 7M?AT FEES ( UNIT = EQCTVALENT FLOW UNIT) TRUNK LINE "rL" SERVICE AREA (1) TRUNK LINE ..................$134.62/UN TOTAL.......................$134.62/UNI,' TRUN{ LINE "CH" SERVICE AREA "A" (1) TRUNK LINE ...................$63.16/UNIT (2) CRAZY HORSE L,S. & F. MAIN...$49.11/UNIT TOTAL.......................$112.27/UNIT TRUNK LINE "CH" SERVICE AREA "Bn (1) TRUNK LINE..................$103.26/UNIT ( 2 ) TRUNK FROM 2 TO LIFT STA..... $63 . 16/UNIT (3) CRAZY HORSE L.S. & F. MAIN,..$49.11/UNIT TOTAL.......................$215.53/UNIT TRUNK L:NF "CN" SERVICE AREA (1) TRUNK LINE..................$127.SS/UNIT (2) TRUNK FROM 2 TO LIFT STA..... $63.,16/UNIT (3) CRAZY EORSE L.S. & F. BRAIN...S49.11/UNIT TOTAL.......................$240.15/UNI.' TRUNK LINE "CS" SERVICE AREA (1) TRUNK LINE ..................$126.00/UNIT (2) CRAZY HORSE L.S. & F. MAIN ... $49.11/UNIT TOTAL .......................$175.11/UNIT MELODY LAME SERVICE AREA (1) TRUNK LINE..................$2O9.28/.;NIT (2) L.S. & F, MAIN TO BLACKHAWK.$204.44/UWI:^. TOTAL .......................$413.72/UNIT INDUSTRIAL TRUNK LINE SERVICE AREA "A' (1) TRUNK LINE'..................S211.17/UNIT (2) IDA LIFT STATION .............$30.92/UNIT (3) L.S. & F. MAIN TO BLACKHAWK.$204.44/UNIT TOTAL .......................$446,53/UNIT INDUSTRIAL TRUNK LINE SERVICE AREA "B" (1) TRUNK LINE'..................$211.17/UNIT (2) L.S. & F. MAIN TO SLACKHAWK.$204.44/UNIT TOTAL .......................$415.61/UNIT SOUTH PANHANDLE SERVICE AREA "A" (1) TRUNK LINE ..................$145.71/UNIT (2) L.S. & F.MAIN TO TRUNK "CH".$110.37/UNIT, (3) CH TRUNK FROM PT 1 TO PT 2... $103.26/UNIT 12 x . (4) CH ?RUNK FROM PT 2 TO ! , 5 .... , $63 . 16/ V`TIT (5) CRAZY HORSE L,S. & F. MAIN .... $49.1:1/UNIT TOTAL :............. S472-I /S IT SOUTH PANHANDLE SERVICE AREA "3" (1) T.S. & F .MAIN TO ;'aUXX HCytin,$110.37/UXI`T' (2) CH .'DRUNK 'TEOM PT 1 TO P`;.' 2 .. $103 . 26/UNIT (3) CH TRUNK TROM PT 1 TO L . S .... $63 . 16/UNI'T (4) CRAZY HORSE L.S. & F.MAIN.... $49.11/OMIT 'T''OTA!.......................S326.40/WNIT FUTURE ADOPTION SCHEDULE AS PER SENATE 3I1L 336 AND THE 1989 AMENDMENTS THE NEW IMPACT FEES MUST BE ADOPTED AND IN � EFFECT ON OR BEFORE ..TUNE 20, 1990. A FIRST, THE CITY MUST ADOPT AN ORDER, ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC HEARING DATE TO CONSIDER LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS AND IMPACT FEES. ON OR BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF PUBLrICATION OF THE NOTICE OF THE HEARING THE CITY `?UST MAKE AVAILABLE TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES A COPY OF THE ASSUMPTIONS AND PROJECTIONS OF THE PRO?OSED PLAN. THE CITY SHALL PUBLISH NOTICE OF THE HEARING ONCE A WEEK FOR 3 CONSECUTIVE WEEKS, THE, FIRST TO APPEAR NO EARLIER THAN 60 DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE 02 T E ,SEARING AND NO LATER THAN 30 DAYS PRIOR TO THE HEARING, THIS NOTICE S_'_ALL 3E I;N ONE OR MORE NEWSPAPERS I.N GENERAL CIRCULATION IN FRIENDSWOOD. THE: NOTICE IS NOT TO BE IN THE PART OF THE PAPER IN WHICH LEGAL NOTICES AND CLASSIFIED ADS APPEAR, AXD MUST 33 AT LEAST ONE -QUARTER PAGE IN SIZE„ WITH THE HEADLINE OF THE NOTICE IN 18-POINT TYPE OR LARGER, IF WITHIN 60 DAYS OF THE PUBLICATION OF THE FIRST NOTICE A PERSON REQUESTS 2 SEPARATE HEARING, ONE FOR LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS AND ONE FOR IMPACT FEES, THE CITY IS COMPELLED TO CONDUCT THE 2 REQUESTED HEARINGS. TH7 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MUST PROVIDE WRITTEN COMMENT ON THE LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS AND IMPACT FEE PLANS NO LATER THAN 5 BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO THE PUBLIC HEARING. THE CITY, WITHIN 30 DAY AFTER THE PUBLIC HEARING, MUST EITHER APPROVE OR DISAPPROVE OF THE ADOPTION OF THE IMPACT FEES PACKAGE. AFTER ADOPTION, THE LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS AND IMPACT FEE PACKAGE MUST BE UPDATED AT LEAST EVERY THREE YEARS, 13 NOTE: THIS SECTION Or TEXT IS MEANT AS A 3=7 OU` IINE OF MANDATORY PROCEDURE NECESSARY FOR IMPACT FEE ADOPTION. ?OR SPECIFIC PROCEDURAL INSTRUCTION SEE SECTIONS 395.041 THOUGH 395.058 OF S.3.336, AND SECTIONS 395.0515 THROUGH 395.0575 Or THE 1989 AMENDMENTS. 14 A'?PENDTX "A" SENATE 37LL 336, Atli" 1989 AMEi\D E\,m.S ATTACHED 15 Art. 1269j4.1 Acts 1987, loth Leg., ch. 191,1 1 enacted `]title 8, Local Taxation, of the Tax Code; 6 12 of the Act repealed 44 3a to 3e, and ag of this article. For disposition of the subject matter of former 66 3a to 3e, and 3g of this article, see Disposi- tion Table preceding 4 301,001 of V.T.C.A. Tax Code. Without reference to the repeal of H 3a, 3e and 8g of this article by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch, 191,112, sections Sa and k(a) and (C) were amend- ed by Acte 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 1125, 44 1 to 3, respectively, effective Sept. 1, 1987; 4 ag(b) and �c) was effective Sys tics 1987 1987, 70th Leg., ch. it p For text of these sections as so amended, ace the italicized notes following V.T.C.A, Tax Code, 66 361.002 and 351,tol. Amendment of 4 8f of this Article by Acts 1987, 70th 1,eg., ch, 191, 6 10, contingent upon the Local Government Code not being adopted by the 70th Legislature failed to take effect duo to the adoption of the Code by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149. Section 10 of Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 191, which enacted Title 3 of the Tax Code, provided for amendment of this artitle if the Local Government Code was not enacted. The Local Government Code was enacted by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149. Title of Act. An Act'authorizing certain cities to' establish, acquire, purchase, 'tonstructr impprove, enlIrgol, equip, repair, operate and maintain ocrta►.ia► public improvements such as civio oonters, civlo center bualdmgs, auditorluins, opera houses, music halls, exhibition -halls, Coliseums, museums, lib braries, or other city buildings, and -to establish, acquire, purchase, construct, improve, enlarge, equip, repair, operate and maintain structures, parking sreea or facilities, located at or In the immediate vicinity of such public Improvements, to be used in connection with such public Im- provements for off-street parking or storage of motor vehlclea or other conveyances; providing that such city may lease such'structures, park- ing areas or facilities to any person, persons, Corporation or corporations on such terms and conditions as timid city shall doom appropriate; authorizing such cities to Issue negotiable reve- nue bonds to provide funds for establishing, acquiring, purchasing, constructing, improving, enlarging, equipping and repairing such public improvements and conWriing provisions relating CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAGES Tittle 28 to 8ueh bonds and the revenues pledged in pay- ment thereof; authorizing the issuance of reve- nue refunding bonds and containing provisions relating to said bonds and the revenues pledged in payment thereof; providing that this Act is cumulative of existing lawn but providing that this Act shall take precedence over inconsistent or conflicting laws and over all city charter provisions; providing a severability clause; con- taining other provisions relating to the subject; and declaring an emergency. Acts 1965, 50th Leg., p. 148, ch, 63. Creme References Alcoholic beverage permits and licensee, local fee authorized under this article, see V.T,C,A. Alcoholic beverage Code, 11 11.89, 61.86. Auditoriums, joint establiahment and operation by certain counties and cities, see art. 2312d-9. Coliseum, auditorium or building for annual exhibits, power of commissioners court to pur- clime or construct, see art. 2372d-2. Coliseums or stadiums of counties in excess of 500,000, sale to cities to which this Artklc ap• plies, see art. 1269j-4.2. Counties, public improvemente to attract vial - tors and tourists, bonds, and occupancy tax, see art. 2372d-S. Exposltion and convention halls in citlee of 290,000 or more population, ace art. 1182e. Joint establishment and operation of muse - urns, counties of 20,000 or leas and cities of lo,000 or more, sea art. 2372d-5. Joint establishment and operation of recrea- tional facilities, exercise of powers under this article, see art. 6081t, 1 2a, Joint establishment of recreational facilities, operation tinder this article, see V.T.C.A. Local Government Code, § 332,021. Municipal hotel occupancy tax, pledge of tax receipts to pay bonds issued under this article, see V.T.C.A. Tsx Code, 66 851.102, 351.104, 351.- 106, 851.100, Validation of proceedings, see art. 12691-9. Law Review Commentaries Law and the arts, Protecting artist's "moral rights", Karen F. Leback, 20 Houston Lawyer 37 (Dec. 1082). Library Referencer Municipal Corporationo "95601 062, C,3,8, Municipal Corporations 66 1918, 1993, 1994. ,)11', Art. 1269i4.11. Impact fees for capital improvements or facility expansions Definitions Sec. 1. In this Act; (1) "Capital improvements plan" means a p capital improvements or facility expansions Ian required by this Act which identifier, pursuant to which impact fees may be assessed. (2) "Capital Improvement" means water supply, treatment, and distribution facilities; Wastewater collection and treatment facilities; storm water, drainage, and flood control 16 DE0-2 1 —8S W E�7a 1 0 - 27 Art. 126914.11 ,. CITIES, 'GOWNS AND VILLAGES Title 28 facilities; whcttereror more years, owned andservice operated by or on behalf of with expectancy of h subdivislon. (3) "Facility expansion" means the expansion of the capacity cap itan alting ty which serves the same function as an otherwise necessary improvement, order that the reistirgmain litnancey modern zatianscr-ve pew �oroexpansion of an exispngsfacility oto not include the repair, ment. better serve existing develop a political subdivision (4}(A) "Impact fee" means a charge or assessment imposed by the costs against ne�rrd vela impin rovements Order 1 ty generate expansions necessitated by ndvenue for funding rattr'►butable to such of capital p new development. As used in this Act, the term "impact fee" n s, co s amortised charges as well as lump•sttm charges and which functions capital s recovdoiscriery d In this definition nit on. in aid of construction, and any eent in lieu (B) Impact fees lotinclude (i) ded cation of rights-0ofwap or l easements, arkit or or oriatruction thereof to serve park or dedication of on -site water distribution, wastewater colf.0ction or drainage facilities, or fications and construction are required bstreets, sidewalks, or curbs when sand attributable to the Steuch de w development; or (iit)lot or ordinances and are necessitated by se of reimbursing developers for acreago fees to bo placid in trust funds for the purpose provided, howavex, no item oversizin or constructing water or sewer mains or lines; p which is included i Subdivision capital of Subsection (h) of Slan ect on 2 l be oiith Act, andto be nno owner except pursuant Khali be required to construct or dedicate facilities and pay impact fees for the same facilities,01 (G) "Land use $seam lions^rtine ,eludes �a pR eacrtn otop u of ton he s ereln over arvice area n east ackion ear (6) "New development" moans the subdivision of land; relocthe ti ocoor enlargement ae any tion, redvveloprnentw conversion, n of the ural alteration, structure, or any use or extension of the use of land; any Of which increases the number of service units. under (7) "Political subdivision" a chartcrtta disor trictorauli rilther p're�ated and er Article 111, or under special or Section 62 or A�glefXhi AGE eort6,eiof n count eaxas descrtibedtin Section 14,the purpose set forth in Section olWtor streets Or roada which have been (8) "Roadway facilities" rneans n offti ally adapted roadwarial or Ycplan of the political subdivision, together designate urtendopte but dots not include any rondways or associated with all neces8ary, �pP improvements designated on the federal or Texas highway system• (9) "Service area" means eoarea Municipaihin the AnnexationoAc� Articler197oa,rVernon'srTexas iurIsdiction as defined blr Civil Statutes) t of the political subdivision to be served by the capita ri u9way (acilitiesr facilities expansions specified Loses of his Act, maytal rincludelait or part of the land within The service area, for the pure t for roadway facilities. the political subdivision or its extraterritorial jurisdiction, excep For roadway facilities, the service area is limited to an area within the corporate ision boundaries of hrie Politicalhsd velopmentdbut fin nol not eventore than a distance othree miles, ual to tho, vwhieb trip length f facilities designated in the capital improve - service area shall be served by the roadway mont plan. use, generation, or (I4) "Service unit" means a standardized measure of consumption, in of cis list discharge attributable to an grin der planning eta dardunit of p for fl parment licad category once pwith generally accepted cngin B improvements or facility expansions. t Repealed., see, now, V.T.C.A. Locsl Government l7ode, 4 g3.no1 17 D <=C-2 i —8S W EL Art. 1269j-4.11 CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAG1 Title Authorization of Impact Fee 1 See, 2, (a) Unless otherwise specifically authorized by state law or this Act, r governmental entity or political subdivision shall enact or impose an impact fee. Politic+ subdivisions are authorized to enact or impose impact fees on land within their corporal boundaries or extraterritorial jurisdictions only by complying with this Act, except impai r fees shall not be enacted or imposed in the extraterritorial jurlsdiction for roadwa facilities. A municipality may contract to provide capital improvement$, except fc roadway facilities, to an area outside of its corporate boundaries and extraterritorif jurisdiction and may charge an impact fee pursuant to the contract, but if an impact fee i charged therein, the municipality must comply with this Act. (b) An impact fee may be imposed only to pay the costs of constructing capits improvements or facility expansions, including and limited to the construction contrac price, surveying and engineering fees, land acquisitions costs (including land purchases 5 court awards and costs, attorneys fees, and expert witness fees), and the fees actuall, ' paid or contracted to be paid to an independent qualified engineer or financial consultan preparing or updating the capital improvements plan who is not an employee of th, political subdivision, Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the Edward Underground Water District or a river authority, which is authorized elsewhere by st0 law to charge fees which function as Impact fees as defined in this Act, may use impac i; fees to pay a staff engineer who prepares or updates a capital Improvements plan unde, this Act. Projected interest charges and other finance costs may be included in determin ing the amount of impact fees only if the impact fees are used for the payment of principal and interest on bonds, notes, or other obligations issued by or on behalf of tht political subdivision to finance the capital improvements or facility expansions identified It the capital improvements plan and arc not used to reimburse bond funds expended foi i facilities that are not Identified in the capital improvements plan. (c) Impact fees shall not be adopted or used to pay for any of the following: (1) construction, acquisition, or expansion of public facilities or assets other than capital improvements or facility expansions identified in the capital improvements plan; (2) repair, operation, or maintenance of existing or new capital improvements'or facility t expansions; (3) upgrading, updating, expanding, or replacing existing capital improvements to serve existing development in order to meet stricter safety, efficiency, environmental, or regulatory standards; �• (4) upgrading, updating, expanding, or replacing existing capital improvements to provide better service to' existing development; (6) administrative and operating coats of the political subdivision, except the Edwards Underground Water District or a river authority, which is authorized elsewhere by state law to charge fees which function as impact fees as defined in this Act, may expend impact fees to pay its administrative and operating costs; (6) principal payments and interest or other finance charges on bonds or other indebted- ness, except as allowed by Subsection (b) of thla section. (dXl) The political subdivision shall use qualified professionals to prepare the capital improvements plan and to calculate the impact fee. The capital improvements plan shall contain specific enumeration of the following items. (A) a description of the existing capital improvements within the service area and the costs to upgrade, update, improve, expand, or replace such improvements to meet existing needs and usage and stricter safety, efficiency, environmental, or regulatory standards, which shall be prepared by a qualified professional engineer licensed to perform such r professional engineering services in the State of Texas; (H) an analysis of the total capacity, the level of current usage, and commitments for usage of capacity of the existing capital improvement.%, which shall be prepared by a qualified professional engineer licensed to perform such professional engineering services in the State of Texas, (C) a description of all or the portions of the Capital improvements or facility expan- sions and their costs necessitated by and attributable to new development in the service area based on the approved land use assumptions, which shall be prepared by a qualified wi DE:C--2 1 -SO WED 1. 0 : 28 OL.,E�;ON & CITIM% TOWNS AND V1IJ AGES Art. 1269J-4,11 Title 28 tesaionai engineer licensed to perform such professional engineering services in the Mroate of 'texas; (D) a definitiva table establishing the specific level or quantity of use, consumption, generation, or discharge of a service unit for each category of capital improvements or facility expansions and an equivalency or conversion table establishing the ratio of a service unit to various types of land uses, including but not limited to residential, commercial, and industrial; (M) the total number of projected service units necessitated by and attributable to new development within the service area based on the approved land use assumptions and calculated in accordance with generally accepted engineering or planning criteria; (F) the projected demand for capital improvements or facility expansions required by new service units projected over a reasonable period of time, not to exceed 10 years, (2) Tho impact fee per service unit shall not exceed the amount determined by dividing the costs of the capital improvements described in Paragraph (C) of this subsection by the total number of projected service units described in Paragraph (E) of this subsection, If the number of now service units projected over a reasonable period of time is less than the total number of now service units shown by the approved land use assumptions. at full development of the service area, the maximum impact fee per service unit shall he calculated by dividing the cost$ of the portion of the capital improvements necessitated by and attributable to projected new service units described in Paragraph M of this subsection by the projected new service units described in that paragraph. The analysis required by Paragraph (C1j of this subsection► may be prepared on a system -wide basis within the service area far each major category of capital improvement or facility expansion for the designated service area. (exl) This subdivision applies only to Impact fees adopted and land platted prior to the of{ective date of this Acts For land which has been platted in accordance with Chapter 231Acts of the 40th Legislature, Regular Session, 1927 (Article 974a, 'Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),' or tho subdivision or platting procedures of a political subdivision prior to tho effective date of this Act, or land on which new development occurs or is proposed Without platting, the political subdivision may assess the impact fees at any lima during the development approval and building process and, except as provided in Subsection (h) of this section, may collect the fees, at either the time of recordation of the subdivision plat or connection to the political subdivision's water or sewer system or at tho time the political subdivision issues either the building permit or the certificate of occupancy, (2) This subdivision applies to Impact fees adopted prior to the effective date of this Act and land platted subsequent to the effective date of this Act. For new development which is platted in accordance with Chapter 231, Acts of the 40th Legislature, Regular Session, 1927 (Article 974a, Vernon'a Texas Civil Statutes), or the subdivision or platting procedures of a political subdivision after the effective date of this Act, the political subdivision may assess the impact fees before or at the time of recordation and, except as provided in Subsection (h) of this section, may collect the fees at either the time of recordation of the subdivision plat or connection to the political subdivision's water or sower system or at the time the political subdivision issues either the building permit or the certificate of occupancy, (3) This subdivision applies only to impact fees adopted subsequent to the effective date of this Act, For new development which is platted in accordance with Chapter 231, Acts of tho 40th Legislature, Regular Session, 1021 (Article 974a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), or the subdivision or platting procedures of a political subdivision prior to the adoption of an impact fee, no impact fee shall be collected on any service unit for which a valid building permit is issued within one year subsequent to the data of adoption of the impact fee, (4) This subdivision applies to land which is platted in accordance with Chapter 231, Acts of the Oath loegislaturc, Regular Session, 1927 (Article 974a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), or the subdivision or platting procedures of a political subdivision subsequent to adoption of an impact feo which is adopted after the effective date of this Act. The political subdivision shalt assess the impact fees before or at the time of recordation of a subdivision plat or other plat pursuant to chapter 2171, Acts of the 40th Legislature, Regular Session, 1927 (Article 974a, Vernon's Texas civil Statutes), or the subdivision or 19 Art. 1269J4.11 MIPS, TOWNS AND VILLAGES I, Title Es platting ordinance or procedures of any political subdivision in the official records of the county clerk of the county in which the tract is located and, except as provided in Subsection (h)•of this section, may collect the fees at either the t€rne of recordation of the subdivision plat or connection to the political subdivision's water or sewer ,ystcm or at the time the political subdivision issues either the building permit or the certificate of occupancy. (b) For land on which new development occurs or is proposed to occur without platting, the political subdivision may assess the impact fee at any time during the development and building process and may collect the fees at either the time of recordation of the subdivision plat or connection'to the political subdivision's water or sewer system or at the time the political subdivision issues either the building permit or the certificate of occupancy, (6) Assessment means a determination of the amount of the impact fcc in effect on the date or occurrence provided in this subdivision and Is the maximum amount which can be charged per service unit of such development. No specific act by the political subdivision is requlrCd, (f) After assessment of the impact fees attributable to the now development or execution of an agreement for payment of impact fees, no additional impact fees or increases thereof shall be assessed against such tract for any reason, unless the number of service units to be developed on such tract increases. In tho event of the increase in the number of service units, the impact fees to be imposed shall be limited to the amount ' attributable to the additional service units. (g) A political subdivision is authorized to enter into an agreement with the owner of a I tract of land for which the plat has been recorded providing for the time and method of payment of the impact fees, (h) except for roadway facilities, impact fees may be axxexsed, but $hall not bo f collected, in areas where services are not currently available unless: (1) collection Is mado•to pa for a capital improvement or facility expansion which has _-. been identified In the capital pay plan and the political subdivision commits to, i within two years, commence construction, pursuant to duly awarded and executed ` contracts or cornmitments of staff time covering substantially all of the work required to provide service, and have the service available within a reasonable period of time considering the typo of capital Improvement or facility expansion to bo constructed, but in no event longer than five years;' (2) the political subdivision agrees that the owner of a new development may construct or finance the capital improvements or facility expansions and agrees that tho costs incurred or funds advanced will be credited against the impact fees otherwise due from the new development or agrees to reimburse the owner for such costs from impact fees paid from other new developments which will use such capital improvements or facility expansions, which fees shall be collected and reimbursed to the owner at the time the other now development records its plat; or (3) an owner voluntarily requests the litical subdivision to reserve capacity to serve future development, and the political subdivision and owner enter into a valid written agreement, (1) Any new development for which an impact fcc has been paid shall he entitled to the permanent usd and benefit of the services for,which the fee was exacted and shall be entitled to receive immediate service from any existing facilities with actual capacity to serve the new service units, subject to compliance with other valid regulations. 0) Political subdivisions are authorized to expend funds from any other lawful source to pay for all or a portion of the capital improvements or facility expansions to reduce the amount of impact fcc,, (k) Political subdivisions and other governmental entities aro authorised to pay Impact fees imposed pursuant to this Act. (1) Any construction of, contributions to, or dedications of off -site roadway facilities agreed to or required by a political xubd€vision as a condition of developmcnt approval M DEr_ -2 1 - 0 0 WED 1 Q : 30 OL S(3N CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAGES Art. 1269j-•4.11 Title 28 shall be credited against roadway facilities impact fees otherwise due from such develop- ment. i Repealed; set, now, Y.T.C.& Local Government Co4e, 1 212.001 et 6eq. Procedures for Adoptlon of Impact Fee Sec, 3. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Act, an impact fee com I in orited with the Section 2 of this Act shall be levied by a political subdivision only upo p y g provisions set forth in this section. {b) A political subdivision intending to impose all impact' fee shall ada t an order, pl ordinance, or resolution establishin a tlblic ""I use �o eve OI}to consi Cr a cape so Tips ve- lions within the designate scrvlce area a men1i plan. (cdiNs�Onas $than the daai, sfv sa ticommlfVe undaccor e. ncc with Section 7 ofeth% Act ruts (d) On or before the date of the first publication of the notice, tile political subdivision shall make available to the public its land use assumptions, the tmperiod the projectlone, d description of the general nature of the capital improvament faccilities which may be proposed, (e) The political subdivision shall provide public notice of the hearings (1) At ng b certified mail to any pers before the sonhwho huical ng given written notice by certified or the hearing Y registered mail to the city secretary or other designated official of the political subdivision requesting notice of such hearing within two years preceding the date of adoption of the resolution or order setting the public hearing. (2) The political subdivision shell publish r at least 30, but f the enet more than 60 days bonce a week for efore consecutive weeks, the firree st notice to appear the date set for he hearing, in one or more newspapers with general circuIatian in each county in which the political subdivision licit. However, a river authority which is authorized elsewhere byy state law to charge fees which function as Impact fees as defined sin which the this Area ;lies, Ina notice othe f pubuired lic henewsariogr notice shall not belIneach the part of tho paper in service a nd shall not be smaller than one -quarter which legal notices and classified ads appear a page of a standard -size or tabtoid-size newspaper, and the headline on the notice must be in 18-point or larger type. (3) The notice shall contain the following: (A) a headline to read as follows; ,,NOTICla OF pu,BLIC POSE I BLEADQN ON D MASSUMM PTIONS RELATING TO (B) the time, date, and loeation of the hearing; (C) a statement that the purpose of the hearing is to consider the fund use assumptions that will be used to develop a capital improvementsplan pursuant to which an impact fee may be imposed; (D) an easily understandable map of the service area to which the lance Ilse assumptions apply; and (H) a statement that any member of the public has the right to appear at the hearing and present evidence for or against tjb kkilitical guivisi shall determine whether to adopt se u a (f) After the public hearing, the po or rcjeet an ordinance, order, or resolution approving the land use assumptions. (g) The political subdivision shall have 30 days from the date of the public hearing within which to approve or disapprove such land use aesumptions. (h) An ordinance, a norder, measure. approving land use assumptions shall not be adopted a roving the land (� If the $overning body adopts an ordinance order, or resolution approving use assumptions, the political subdivision shall provide for a capital linprovements plan to 21 Art, 1269j-4.11 CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLACES Tilte 28 be developed by qualified professionals using generally accepted engineering and plan- ning practices in accordance with Subsection (d) of Section 2 of this Act. 0) upon completion of the capital improvements plan, the governing body shall adopt an order or revolution setting a public hearing to discuss the adoption of the plait and imposition of the impact fee. (k) A public hearing must be held by the governing body of the political subdivision to discuss the proposed ordinance, order, or resolution adopting a capital improvements plan and imposing an impact fee. On or before the date of the first pukcat(on of the notice, the capital improvements plan shall be availablo to the public. (1) The political subdivision shall provide public notice of the hearing. (1) At least 30 days before the hearing, the political subdivision shall send a notice of the hearing by certified mail to any person who has given written notice by certified or registered mail to the city secretary or other designated official of the political subdivision requesting notice of such hearing within two years preceding the date of adoption of the resolution or order setting the public hearing. (2) The political subdivision shall publish notice of the hearing oneo a week for three consecutive weeks, the first notice to appear at least 30, but not noro Oan &o days before the date set for the hearing, in one or more newspapers with general circulation in each county in which the political subdivision lies. Ilowever, a river authority which is authorized elsewhere by state law to charge fees which function as impact fees as defined in this Act may publish Cho required newspaper notice only In each county in which the service area lies. The notice of public hearing shall not be in the part of the paper in i which legal notices and classified ads appear and shall not be smaller than one -quarter ppage of a standard or tabloid -a" newspaper, and the headline on the notice must be I }}i in 18-point or larger type. �} (3) The notice shall contain the following: (A) a headline to read as follows: "NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON ADOPTION OF IMPACT FEES" (13) the time, date, and location of the hearing; (C) a statement that tho purpose of the hearing is to consider the adoption of an Impact fee; (D) an easily understandable map of.the service area on which the proposed fee will be levied; (E) the amount of the proposed impact fee per sorvice unit; and (F) a statement that any member of the public has the right to appear at the hearing and present evidence for or against the plan and proposed fee. (m) The advisory committee shall filo its written comments on the proposed capital } Improvements plan and impact fees not less than fivo business days prior to the public hearing. (n) The political subdivision shall approve or disapprove the adoption of the capital improvements plan and imposition of an impact fee within 30 days after the public i hearing. (o) An ordinance, order, or resolution approving the capital improvements plan and imposition of an impact fee shall not be adopted as an emergency measure. Use of Proceeds Sec. a. (a1 The order, ordinance, or resolution levying an impact fee shall provide that all funds collected through the adoption of an impact fee shalt be deposited in interest - bearing accounts clearly identifying the category Of capital improvement.% or facility expansions within the service area for which the fee, was adopted. Interest earned on inipact foes shall be considered funds of the account on which it is earned rind shall be subject to all restrictions placed on use of impact fees under the provisions of this Act. Expenditures of impact fee funds shall bo made only for the purposes for which the impact fee was imposed as shown by the capital improvements plan and as authorized by 22 P C C- 2 1 - S S WED i 0:;3: i OITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAGES Art. 1269j•-4.11 TWO 26 this Act, The records of the accounts into which impact fees arc deposited $hall be open for public inspection and copying during ordinary business hours. (b) The governing body shall be responsible for supervising implementation of the capital improvements plan in a timely manner, Refunds Sec. b. (a) Upon the request of an owner of the property on which an Impact fee has been paid, the political subdivision shall refund the impact fees if existing facilities are available and service Is denied or the political subdivision has, after collecting the fee when service was not available, failed to commence construction within two years or service is not available within a reasonable period of time considering the type of capital improvement or facility expansion to bo constructed, but in no event later than five years from the date of payment pursuant to the provisions of Subdivision (1) of Subsection (h) of Section 2 of this Act, (b) Upon completion of the capital improvements or facility expansions identified in the Capital Improvements plan, the political subdivision shall recalculate the impact fee using the actual costs of the capital improvements or facility expansion. if the impact fee calculated based on actual cost is less than the impact fee paid, the political subdivision shall refund the difference if the difference exceeds the impact fee paid by more than 10 percent, (0) Ile political subdivision shall refund any impact fee or portion thereof which is not expended as authorized by this Act within 10 years from date of payment. (d) Any refund shall bear interest calculated from the date of collection to the date of refund at the statutory rate as set forth in Article 1.03. Title 19, Revised Statutes (Articlo 50_143, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), or itA successor statute, (e) All refunds shall be made to the record owner of the property at the time the refund is paid,, provided, however, if the Impact fees were paid b� another political subdivision or governmental entity, payment shall be made to such political subdivision or governmental entity, ((() The -owner of the property on which an impact fee has been paid or another political subdivision or governmental entity which paid the impact fee shall have standing to suo for a refund under the provisions of this section. Flan Update Sea. 6. (a) A political subdivision imposing an impact fee shall update the land use assumptions and capital improvements plan at least every three years, which three-year period shall commence from the date of the adoption of the capMl improvements plan. (b) The political subdivision shall review and evaluate its current land use assumptions and shall Cause an update of the capital Improvement.% plan to be prepared in accordance with Section 2 of this Act. (e) The governing body of the political subdivision shall, within 60 days of receiving the update of the land use assumptions and the capital improvements plan, adopt an order setting a public hearing to discuss and to review the update and shall determine whether to amend the plan. (d) A public hearing must be held by the governing body of the political subdivision to discuss the proposed ordinance, order, or resolution amending land use assumptions, the capital improvements plan, or the impact fee. On or before the date of the first publicallon of the notice, the land use assumptions and the capital improvements plan, including the amount of any proposed amended impact fee per service unit, shall be available to the public. (e) The political subdivision shall provide public notice of the hearing. (1) At least 30 days before tho hearing, the political subdivision shall send a notice of the hcaring by certified mail to any person who has given written notice by certified or registered mail to the city secretary or other designated official of the political subdivision requesting notice of such hearing within two years preceding the date of adoption of the resolution or order setting the public hearing, 23 Art. 1269j4.11 CITIES; TOWNS AND VILLAGES Title 28 (2) The political subdivision shall publish notice of the hearing once a week for three consecutive weeks, tho first notice to appear at least 30, but not more than 60 days before the date set for the hearing, in one or more newspapers with general circulation in each county in which the political subdivision Has. However, a river authority which is authorized elsewhere by state law to charge fees which function as impact fees as defined in this Act may publish the required newspaper notice only in each county in which the service area lies. The notice of public hearing shall not be in the part of the paper in which legal notices and classified ads appear and shall not be smaller than one -quarter page of a standard-alzc or tabloid -size newspaper, and the headline on the notice must be in 18-point or larger type. (3) The notice shall contain the following: (A) a headline W read as follows: "NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON AMENDMENT OF IMPACT FEES" (B) the time, date, rind location of the hearing; (C) a statement that the purpose of the hearing is to consider the amendment of land use assumptions and a capital improvements plan and the imposition of an impact fee, (D) an easily understandable description and map of the service area on which the update is being prepared; and aEpanor member of the has the right to appear at the hearing adres nt evld ncefor against theupdate. (f) The advisory committee $hall file Its written comments on the proposed amendments to the land use assumptions, capital improvements plan, and impact fee not loss than five busineas days prior to the public hearing. (g) The political subdivision shall approve or disapprove the amendment of the land use assumptions and the capital improvements plan and modification of an impact fee within 30 days after the public hearing. (h) An ordinance, order, or resolution approving the amendment to the land use assumptions, the capital improvements plan, and imposition of an impact fee shall not be l adopted as an emergency measure. Sec. 7. (a) A memberi. shaTf Advisory Committee A DGRUCa1 sUQOivi.9ian or or of not less ,he real estate development or building Industr who is not an em to ee or ottleial oz S jolitical subdivision or irovernmentat entivy. it no r)ucn r@pr"entave is a member of the as 'rho advisory committee shall serve in an advisory capacity and is established to perform the following functions: (1) to advise and assist the political subdivision in adopting land use assumptions; (2) to review the capital improvements plan and file written comments; (8) to monitor and evaluate implementation of the capital improvement$ plan; (4) to file semiannual reports with respect to the progress of the capital improvements plan and to report to tho political subdivision any perceived Inequities In implementing the plan or imposing the Impact fee; and (6) to advise the political subdivision of the need to update or rcviso the land use assumptions, capital improvements plan, and impact fee. 24 DEC — 2 I — S O W E D CITIES. TOWNS AND VILLAGES Art, 12693--4.11 Title 28 (c) The political subdivision shall make available to the advisory cornniittee any profes- sional reports with respect to developing and. implementing the capital improvements plan. (d) The governing body of the political eubdivigion shall adopt procedural rules for the committee to follow in carrying out its duties. General t'rovislona See, a. (a) it the governing body of the political subdivision does not pr.rform a duty imposed under this Act within the prescribed time period, a person who has paid all impact fee es an owner of laedupon * thetgoveroutg body of act fee has the politicalshall subd vision right to present a written r q c stating the nature o[ the unperformed dutbody ofthepolit call subdivision uesting that it be finds that the duty days of the request. If the governing Y is required under this Act and is late in being performed, it shall cause the duly to commence within 60 days of the request and continue until completion. (b) A record must be made of any public hearing provided for in this Act. Such record shall be maintained and be made available for public inspection by the political subdivision for at least 10 years after the hearing. (itical gu divisionor �whce al restrictions impa tthat fee pis Proposed imposition will be of BA cumulative tfee with in the rel strictions in this Act. (d) An impact fee which is in place on the effective date of this Act must, within three are of said effective date, be replaced by an impact tee made pursuant to this Act; krovided, however, any political subdivision having an impact fen which leas not been replaced pursuant to this Act within one year of the effective date of this Act shall be liable to any party who, after the one-year period, pays an impact fee which exceeds the maximum permitted under Subsection (d) of Section 2 of this Act by more than 10 percent for and nd thetactualt impact ee$ mposed,f plus reason blo atto ney's feesr andccourt allow costs. (e) This Act shall not be construed to Prohibit, affect, or regulate any tax, fee, charge, or assessment which is specifically authorized by state law. (fP the No moratorium shall elf the process necessary to devcdoment for the pU adoptse Qor update the completion of y part impact fee, Appeals trative remedies Scc, fl. A person who has exhausted and who is aggrieved by a final ldecision3i6 entitled to trial do oovo underpolitical subdivisionth nds Act A suit to contest an impact fee meet be filed within 90 days from the date for o adoption facilities, atnerson whorhas paid anor iimpact7fele or anhing the owner pact fee- Exce of property on which roadway f ill P of the the an impact subdivision vision for whichaid the heal fe entitled was paid. Nothing in thin section shallsreq ire political of a specific facilitiy to provide such services, pAny suit rnust be filed in the of county in which litighe ant ant shall or be entitledhtoi recover ver reasarea Of ons la atto ritical U�y'avifces sion land located, ours A success >? costs. An impact fwere not complied wts e th ifacompliancell not be cwald snsut sta dial and in good faithice re.qu remen Storm Water, Drainage, and Flood Control sec. 10. (a) Any county with a population of at least 2,2 million, according to the most recent federal census, or, which borders a county with a popul Sc do ti ate of themillion, and any district or authority created under Article XV1, and. dTexas slood co control facilities, iscounty that Is authori ed tna'impose authorized ct fees to provide ste storm ormrawa er, drain o drainage, and flood control improvements necessary h accommodate new deve oilmen , 25 D Z C- 2 1- Art. 1269jr4.11 CITIES, TOWN$ AND VILLAGES Title 28 (b) The itnposition of impact fees authorized by Subsection (a) of this section is exempt from the requirements of Section 6, Section 6, and Subsection (d) of Section 8 of this Act, unless the political subdivision proposes to increase the impact fee. (c) Any political subdivision described in Subsection (a) of this section is authorized to pledge or otherwise contractually obligate all or part of the impact fees to the payment of prine€pal and interest on bonds, notes, or othcr.obligutions issued or incurred by or on behalf of such political subdivision and to the payment of any other contractual obli• gations. (d) An impact fee adopted by a political subdivision pursuant to Subsection (a) of this section shall not be reduced If (1) the political subdivision has pledged or otherwise contractually obligated all or part of the impact fees to the payment of principal and interest on bonds, notes, or other obligations issued by or on behalf of such political subdivision and (2) the political subdivision agrees in such pledge or contract not to reduce such impact fees during the term of such bonds, notes, or other contractual obligations. Exempt Transactions See, 11. (a) This Act does not apply to Impact fees, charges, fees, assessments, or contributions paid by or charged to a district created under Article XVi, Section 69, of the Texas Constitution to another district created under Article XVI, Section 69, of the Texas +, Constitution if both districts are required by law to obtain approval of their bonds by tho Texas Water Commission. ' (b) This Act does not apply to impact fees, charges, fees, assessments, or contributions charged which are approved by the Texas Water Commission. Any district created i pursuant to Article XVt, Section 59, or Article IIi, Section 52, of the Texas Constitution, I; may petition the Texas Water Cotnmirsion for approval of any such proposed fees. The commission shall adopt rules for reviewing any such petition and may charge the 4 petitioner fees which are adequate to cover the cost of processing and considering the petition. The rules shall require notice substantially tho same as that required herein for the adoption of impact fees and shall afford opportunity for all affected parties to participate. Acts 1987, 70th leg., ch. 957, §§ 1 to 11, eff. JunK 20, 1987. Title of Act: An Act relating to financing of capital im- provements by political subdivisions. Acts 1997, 70th Leg., ch. 957, Art, 1269j11,12, RcpcAled by Acts 1987, 70th i,eg., ch, 149. § 40(l), eff. Sept. 1, 1987 Section 1 of Acts 1987, 70th Lea., cif. 149. repealing this article, enacO the Local Govern- ment Code, For disposition of the subject matter of the repealed article., see Disposition Table preceding V.T,C,A. Local Government Cade. The repealed article, relating to public im- provement dlstriai , was derived from Acts 1977, 65th Lcg., p. 1205, ch, 467; Acts 1983, 68th leg., p, $794, ch, 687, § 1. Without reference to the repeal of thin article by Acts 1987, 70th I.eg., eh 149, § 49(1), sections 1(b), 2, 4, 5(a), 7(b), 8(a), to(a), l l(b),12(b), and 17(K) of this article were amended by Acts 19R7, 7001 Leg„ ch, 816, §§ 1 to 10, eff, Aug. 81, 1987. F'or text of the enumerated sections of thist article its so amended, see the italicized notes] following V.T,C,A. Local Government Cede, §§ 372,003 to 872,005, 372.009, 312.010, 372,014, 872,016, 372.- 018, and 372,023. Sections 11 and 12 of Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch, 816, provide; "Sec.. 11. All potitions heret.atoro filed and accepted by the city secretary or other officer who 1wrforins the functions of city eecremry regarding the extabbshmcnt of a public Improve- ment. district are deemsd to meet the require - meats of Section 6, Public Improvement District Asse,Urnent Act (Article 1269 -4.12, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), and are hereby in all re- spects validated, ratified, confirmed, and held to be enforceable, and any resolution heretofore adopted by a city pursuant to said petitions are hereby In all respects validNted, ratified, con- firmad, and held to be enforceable. "Sec. 12, (a) The oetions of cities cWhtishing Improvement districts and undertaking improve- ment projects or services before the effective date of this Act are governed by the law in effect at the time the actions wore taken. Tho former law is continued in effect for this pur- pose. "(b) By enacting tisese amendments to the Public Improvement Dif i,rset Assessment Act (Article 1269j-4.12, Vernon's Texas Civil Stat- CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLA( Title 28 � ut,es) tiro legislature does not impl could not undor the former haw ua I provement projects or servwvft Witt' traterrmtarial jurisdietion." Notes of oecislons I, 9xtraterriturial work Village had no authority to finan of channel outstrle of city limiia, bi Art. 1269j11,16. Park purpose, 1,200,000 or more Section I. This Act shall be cities, having a population of 1, census. Acquisition. cons,tructiur Scc. 2. Any such city is autl-. all, property (real, personal, or r. equip any, property for park pus €ng„ acquiring, leasing, or cor improving, enlarging, equippini courses, clubhouses, and pro sh( recreation centers, rugby field transportation systems slid eq service facilities, and any oth "Facility" or "Facilities"), toge tics, and to establish, acquire, I improve, enlarge, equip, repair, or parking facilities to be used of motor vehicles or other conv, may be on such terms and cone shall llavo authority to enter in be operated on behalf of the cit terms or conditions as said cit purposes are hereby found at functions. See, a. For any purpose o governing body of the city ma; aerles to be payable from and t any Facility or Facilities, issuance of bond Sea. 4. (a) Said bonds may. the city, governing body and years from their date or dates, additional parity bonds, or cub be set forth in the ordinance (b) Said bonds, and any int construed to be a "Security" Rusinegs & Commerce Code? or as to principal and interest maturity and may be issued terms, conditions, rind details 26 yr K r. n�•. n -- t• h v, � n 1 �. �� m o R ID T p1 m o to U] ° N a G in CA m Lr� P' Gi' 7Q Cb D �' r^ ^� ry Cb N `a � `-` ° �' A;p � A. �,hi n'" v, G . tn' r�� e � b yy � '� y a CrJ rt by a• y �y ,o ri trJ Co �• tNp:�C .q .� `b y C Ci n G ' O O e•' e.. ,�. l0 ..h g r? . a G E C' C (D 4 Q. (D i*. r� c"p •y G :]' G. po p y 0,(" ° 0 "� 7 ,Z a m t� Q (0) Q „�,� G' b 'Z h1 8 ,� i'D W ,,, Z p w �o A O N y E ,may a o w j L W. `� c N D is 5 cr+ F, o a- A y h Fi, e,�"„ , [D . ~+ 1 j N ti o. � o� ro C � W � � n ^i `a .'r • A. r.. .a [i G• G o- a ro Z O r. tD r'b E 'b G '17 m o- n s'a.o' Id cogs Cry �w 3 d <0'0 ,.Yoe obG° 3 coA'°b oN T! °S-1 o 7 p j8. 1i 0r 2m cD avGood o' 3 ° N �O -y " co " x 7r• ro N to co (D O j' cD v, M $ . N A cad O 0o u+' �, p h7 kr ID �',•ii, a yr°o'�� O Joao^+ �o m �� cDG,p�o �• wooQ,H Do � �+ y 3- ° cO o Ay �i' n» ¢�^1 w °0 Ca y s .�, •� �O ° y a a �+ lD n y G r~cD G n `° , q o py z V+ p 54 a' n e�i7 o a ;rt `C Cn o' Q, �• in"d Z cno pper- 00 ° ,O~' b7 ro�O ��oov+ Cd �°'l R aa Dyyn a Dc� oZL;J a,�aQ °°Nfo�4Eoo° � o �, m t41 rw a v, at7 CD FL 5 aG C m ^t' ° ^� CD 0 N 0 ((DD �* a. o DZI M`a `�°C.�oC c`�ory]c `5p'�' °' �a ��((''''J�}y b� cRq• (b� `� l7 Oq O� n l�D ti 'D y a (o ID CO� c a o c� g OIQ h R eio.� ** ° C]�e ay m �r V] tD n o .h r+ Sal —.� �• r-i a�AIts �a V to 51 R cn ht ire rsr C�p�,�{p ` 3A a�. A n ,�, �`3 �a'`" :�. e►i }> Q��' .ya, o R.�{ �e�7+'' y .3 �.. O, e."i dam. 'b j c�' d' '�• c1. '�1, k _ c....., y �' 'L'3, � Ct `BSI er+, �+`�Atz h1O C-� �„w tpj RR..,co- ° R z (O r•� ..., � a � �`�' � � .�'� �•� 'zi t3 �jj e+to �' *-� V , Q A O r� Q c0' ° �.� y R. �' V � 'tf "i e,� �^. w co �- �, m � � `� �' -� � Fy, •,. ,i4, �' .g. ° �• s' ` �. A. p+ � ,,, � �. ,:� m 'a p� '3d - y�� tom yC R o��teb ���� �]C iya�0 Qq,a� �e ». c Qa c t� ro o►b R ��r• �j �', . ,ay, 1p0 h `R�'� '3 p' y �+ �1, �• .-. e°•w Q� r•� 1 �p �0' � z 'Yj q {a! p• ij lO y "� `r LZ. 01 �3 � O � ie i�' ..,. ie �• R � � R A � � C" �q�• �, .q. �, N. Qca. c_ � � •� � ��y�p'°g - � .e po�• �, � (o � 'C p y tw 5.Zo �q.Q' L qA.a be j, 14b " m `C +� ,q •� t�0 '`3 �. 10 "tl r+ 3' s` Lam' ep•* �"i `*�` �" a A+ O r" p 1� OYQ� �y, l0 t F'' R. `'� c0 C �1 -• O `�' s' a C„ht. O' `aS. �, st A„ tn Q SNyC ro a.R �,y a�.h �� a. �((((w���� {a4 '.ate U may{ �•�N�Iti�. �, �,N� a p ar� N O S1 !y, Ca. y to y �,- �.� o 2irs ' 5' 44Z M a � a te' r^.co En to r (h a. `o"• tm e`� m o- n' fin+ • R "�� y .�J1 ��+ � p•� �o c�°`tl `R "' :[. s' ��• ' � �, �` M (0 ''* Qcp - fin' e•w ,� O `� ` e+ i ' b� e•� a�. �L b rr �" (0 er �o r Rr tv. �•' r CL Mi El gi ' `+ �' A '� A o A. 41 ... �.d' � m p, m R � � � � � �cyo � A ° O ~ ° a o tea• � �, 0. m O �_ A- y T.. N R co CD 0 a�'06 ti N R N. C A A � .•, �' Al R co 'a '� Vr N• a � lO w ol� 'b �.�gN oy N. h�+,Aoy� 's '1 O h o n 50 'a ie�ie N C�p'A�Am� a 0 pm �� n w � y s• `K-� �'S � o-� o "` 6j 0,4� CD Cc- 5 5.�osoRr . • `� w g o o �' ' any gyp` 'tj N�sCD R LJ Y� W C C (CDC C.� "C+; s'o. w 7. [V ((DD 6 Qam O CO t'O C � O p w �i �}y f� �y.� �Y co chi ro 5' N N a N A+�0 CD .�� O ?• o.� O. $ N O S. O f�py s �r"• e•h "Qi h 0) m p p 130, p c Z� '� � m Waq CD ID' tCA a� � p 0 cro o 3 ��� C. T+ y v+ ry'o,W `� 'Crj'' d cr h rp COCO CO CO A CD rL m � m APPENDIX "3" DESIGN CRITERIA AND REFERENCES 29 C.I.P. STUDY 6/2/89 FUTURE PROjECTIONS OF 7a DSW00D WASTEWATER FLOWS AT 100% DE �SI'TY(AVERAGE) WIDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AREA ................1,350,925 GAL/DAY MELODY LANE/CLEAR CREEK DEVELOPMENT AR.EA.....493,120 GAL/DAY CENTRAL CITY DEVELOPMENT AREA..............4,321,463 GAL/DAY BAY AREA DEVELOPMENT AREA..................1,430,098 GAL/DAY FR; NDSWOOD HIGH SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT AREA.....S22,818 GAL/DAY SOUTH SIDE DEVELOPMENT AREA................2,274,648 GAL/DAY SOUTH PANHANDLE DEVELOPMENT AREA ........... 2,521,923 CA!/DAY PEAK PLOW TOTAL ZONE * ( AV . x2 . 5 ) * INFILTRATION * PEA +INi IL . ------------------------------------------------------------- I,DA n 3,377,313 G/D * 974,841 G/D * 4,352,154 G/D MLDA * 1,232,800 G/D * 557,052 G/D * 1,789,852 G/D CCOA * 12,053,657 G/D * 5,849,046 G/O * 17,902,703 G/D RADA * 3,575,245 G/D * 974,841 G/D * 4,550,086 G/D HSDA * 2,057,045 G/D * 696,315 G/D * 2,753,360 0/3 SSDA * 5,686,620 G/D * 2,506,734 G/D * 8,193,354 G/D SPMDA ------------------------------------------------------------- * 6,374,307 G/D * 2,367,471 G/D * 8,672,278 G/D TOTAL * 34,287,487 G/D *13,926,300 G/D * 48,213,787 G/D AVERAGE FLOWS WERE CALCULATED USING THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA/ASSUMPTIONS: 1. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL: DENSE SUBDIVISION'S = #LOTS x 3 PEOPLE/UNIT x 130 GAL/PERSON/DAY. ACREAGE = 2.7 UNITS/ACRE x 3 PEOPLE/UNIT x 130 GAL/PERSON/DAY. 2. MULTI —FAMILY RESIDENTIAL: HIGH DENSITY = 18 UNITS/ACRE x 1.65 PEOPLE/UNI:. x i30 GAL/PERSON/DAY. MEDIUM DENSITY= 9 UNITS/ACRE x 1.65 PEOPLE/UNIT x 130 GAL/PERSON/DAY. LOW DENSITY = 6 UNITS/ACRE x 1.65 PEOPLE/UNIT x 130 GAL/PERSON/DAY. MOBILE HOME = 10 UNITS/ACRE x 1.65 PEOPLE/UNIT x 130 GAL/PERSON/DAY. 30 3. COMMERCIAL (CSC,NC,03D,PuD,OPD,LI}: ACREAGE: 55 PEOPLE/ACRE x 25 GAL/PERSON/DAY. 4. INDUSTRIAL ACREAG?. 1500 GAL/ACRE/DAY. 5. SCHOOLS: 20 CAL/PERSON/DAY PEAT{ FLOWS WERE. CA&CULATID USING T:__ FOL_OW:NC ASSUM?TI01 S . AVERAGE FLOW x 2.5 INFILTRATION RATE CALCOLATED USING THE FOLLOWING ASSUMPTIONS: 1987..........75.65 FILES OF SWR. MAINS IN F'WOOD; 1989 .......... 6609 WATER METERS = @ 6600 UNITS; AVE. = GTH OF SWR. lAT'E'RAL & HOUSE CONNECT. - 40' ; 6600 UNITS x 40' = 264,000' = 50 MILES LATS. & CON.; TOTAL `FILES SWR.= 75.65+50=125.65; ASSUME 30,000 GAL/MILE/DAY INFILTRATION; TOTAL INFILTRATION{ FOR EXIST. LINES = 3,769,500 G/O. FOR UNDEVELOPED ACREAGE, ASSUME INFILTRATION WILL =QUA! 1500 GAL/ACRE/DAY; ASSUME 50% OF FRIENDSWOOD IS UNDEVELOPED ACREAGE; CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD = 21.17 SQ. `FILES = 13,542.4 ACRES; 50% UNDEV. ACREAGE = 13,542.4 x .50 = 6,771.2 AC.; INFILTRATION FOR 6,771.2 AC = 6771.2 x 1500 10,156,800 GAL/DAY; THE'RSFORE, TOTAL FUTURE INFILTRATION = INFIL. FOR EXIST. LINES + =11 . FOR UNDEV. ACREAGE _ 3,769,500 G/D + 10,156,800 G/D 13,926,300 G/D. TOTAL INFILTRATION WAS THEN DISTRIBUTED PROPORTIONALLY AMONG THE SEVEN DEVELOPMENT AREAS 3ASED ON PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL ACREAGE (13,542.2 AC ). :NDUST'RIAL............. 960 AC............ 07% MELODY LANE............ 493 AC............ 04% CENTRAL CITY....... 5,695.2 AC............ 42% SAYAREA ............. 958.2 AC............ 07% :.H.S................ 776.7 AC............ 05% SOUTHSIDE,........ 2,395.8 AC............ 18% SOUTH PANHANDLE.... 2,263.3 AC............ 17% TOTAL ............. 13,542.2 AC........... 10096 31 WITH 13,926,300 G/D INFILTRATION: INDUSTRIAL........... 07% ME- ODY ..:''....... I ...'a 04% CENTRAL CITY CITY.......; 42% BAY AREA.- AREA..........C.W 07% F-ls .......... I ...... 05% SOOT_. S1DE.........@ 18% _ SQ,;T --'ANHAND LE ....:0 17% - 974,841 G/7 INFILT-7AT10- 557,052 G/D iNFILTRATION 5,849,046 G/D FILTRAT10N 974,841 G/D iNFILTRAT.1ON 696,315 C /D 'NF.I::T ATTO`' 2,506,734 G/D .INFILTRATION 2,367,47- G/D INVILTRAT1ON REFERENCES: 3 PEOPLE/UNIT.......... STANDARD DESIGN CR'�.TERIA USED IN FRIENDSWOOD (AS PER MR. COLLINS W/ CO'ENCO & MR. LUU ) 2.7 UNITS/ACRE(SFR).... FRIENDSWOOD ZONING ORD.,P.9 6 UNITS/ACRE(MFR-L),... IRIENDSWOOD ZONING ODR.,?.9 9 UNITS/ACRE(MFR-M).... FRIENDSWOOD ZON-:NG ORD.,P.10 18 UNITS/ACRE' ( MFR-H) ... F iii-Li DSW00_D ZONING ORD . , P . 10 10 UNITS/ACRE(MHR)..... FRIENDSWOOD ZONING ORD.,P.11 130 GAL/PERSON/DAY..... DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF S_ANITA_R_Y (SFR & MtR & MHR) AND STORM SEWERS, ASCE MANUAL #37, PP. 21-23.�--- 55 PEOPLE./ACRE......... MODERN SEWER DESIGN, P.172. 25 GAL/PE'RSOV/DAY...... DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY (COMMERCIAL) AND�STORM SEWERS, P. 27. 1500 GAL/ACRE/DAY...... MODERN SEWER D�.S:GN{, P.172. -----� ..� _ -- -- (INDUSTRIAL) 1.65 PEOPLE/UNIT....... DESIGN AND CONS-RUCTI.ON OF SANITARY_ (MFR & MHR) AND STORM SEWERS, P. 38. 20 GAL/PERSON/DAY...... CLEAN WATER, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF (SCHOOLS) HEALTH, P. 10. SC,OUL ENROLLME'NT...... F.I.S.O. PEAK FACTOR(2.5)....... _DESI_GN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY - AND STORM SEWERS, P. 33.�� 1500 GAL/ACRE/DAY INFILTRATION IN UNDEV. ACREAGE......... MODERN SEWER DESIGN, P. 172. 30,000 GAL/DAY/MILE INFIL. OF EXIST. SWR... DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY AND STORM SEWERS, P. 31.- 32 NOTE: ?_AK AND :NFlL RA7:0 N:;MBERS USED :_'q xIHIS STUDY WERE ASSESSED BY T -? TEXAS WA22R COMMISSIONT (AUST N ) AIND DBBM'= VA11D AS DES:GN CRITERIA FOR TEXAS USE. 33 i ' 7 A??EN, 7):X "Cn PIPE SIZING AND COST ESTIMATION 34 PREPARED 3Y: {=VIN C . IENNINGS SEPTEMBER 20,1989 C . P . NOTES SAN, SWR. SIZES & COST ESTIMATES SO FAR, SEVS ( 7 ) MA.:O.R SANITARY TRUNK LINES AND THREE ( 3 ) LIFT STATION FORCE MAIN COMBINATIONS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED. PIPE SIZING AND PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS [ ; ) INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AREA: SERVICE AREA A-B 467.2 ACRES 700,800 G/D AVERAGE WASTEWATER FLOW AT MAX. BUILDOUT 1,752,000 G/D PEAK (AVE. x 2.5) 502,660 G/D !NFII:TRATION 2,254,660 GO TOTAL S = .0015 FT/FT n = .014 Q = TOTAL (IN MGD) x 1.5472 CFS/MGD USING D = (2.159Qn/Si/2) 3/8 D = 17.46" THEREFORE D = 16" PIPE LINE A-S = 6240' OF 1$" PIPE # OF MH. = 6240'/ 500' MAX. BETWEEN MH. - 13 MH. 13 MH. @ $1675.00/Mn. = $21,775.00 6240' OF 18" SDR35 PVC @ $12.18/FT = $76,003.00 INSTALLED LIVE = COST x 2.25 = $171,006.00 TOTAL: _ $192,781 NOTE: A $50,000 LIFT STATION IS ALSO INCLUDED. SERVICE AREA B-C 374.2 ACRES 516,300 G/D AVERAGE WASTEWATER FLOW AT MAX. BUILDOUT 1,403,250 G/D PEAK (AVE. x 2.5) 402,602 G/D INFILTRATION 2,254,660 G/D UPSTREAM CONTRIBUTION 4,060,512 G/D TOTAL S = .0010 FT/FT n = .014 Q = TOTAL (IN MGD) x 1.5472 CFS/MGD 35 USING D = 12.159Qn/S:Z2; 3/8 Q = 28.4911 c32 S70R D = 24" 2222 273E A-3 = 76501 OF 24" 272E # OF yz. = 7630'z 500' y&x. 37_2W72§ yE. _ 16 yE. - :O 2.:, X3. = 26 X2. 26 y5. 4 $1675.00Zy2, = $43,550,00 7630' OF 24" Sa385 PVC ¥ S22.25/FT = S169,767.00 7NSTAG%e] = YFF = COST z 2.25 = $38:.975.00 207A! = S425,525.00 (2) MELODY LANE DEVELOPMENT AREA: SERVICE AREA 493.0 ACRES 498,%20 G/a 4232AGE WASTEWATER FLOW AT YAx. 3922900T .282,800 G/D PEAK (AVE. x 2.5) 557,052 G/D =:1TRATION O G/D UPSTREAM CO§IR23G22o& -,789,852 G/D TOTAL S = .0012 72/FT _ = .014 Q = TOTAa !I§ Meg) a 1,5472 CTS/MGD USING D = (2,l59Qn/s;/2) 3/6 D = 16,73" 522as022 ] = le" ales . LINE = 8575• OF 18" 2222 # OF ME. = 26 AS PER coz§CO 26 ya. 9 $1675.00/y8. = S43,550.00 8575' OF 18" SDR85 PVC @ $12.18/FT = 5:04,443.00 INSTAL= LIKE = COST � 2.25 = $234,996.00 e02a2 = $278,546.00 (3) FRIENDSWOOD HIGH SCHOOL D£V. AREA (TRUNK LINE "FL") SERVICE AREA . 254.6 ACRIS 268,1:1 G/D AVERAGE WASeskaesa 7-IOW AT Max. 3Q2GJ022 670,278 G/D PEAK (AV-. x 2.5) 227,256 G/D TNF =TRAI20N O G/D UPSTREAM CONTRIBUTION 36 947,534 G/D TOTAL S = 0015 FTIFT = .0:4 Q = 707AL ( Iti `CGD ) x 1.5472 CFS /MGD USG D = ( 2 . 159Q_^./S:/2 ) 3/8 D = 15" PIPI .IN = 4200' O'' 15" ?IPE # OF MH , = 12 AS PER COENCO 1.2 MH. 4 S1675.00/M . = S20,100.00 4200' Off` 15" SDR35 PVC la $7.66/7'T = $32, 172.00 INSTAIZED LINE = COST x 2.25 = S72,387.00 TOT'AI� = $92 , 487 . 00 (4) TRUNK LINE "CS" (SLONES) SERVICE AREA 1-2 209.5 ACRES 220,604 G/D AVERAGE, WASTEWATER FLOW AT MAX. BU:LDOUT 55 : , 510 G/D PEAK (AVE, x 2.5) 219, 37 G/D TNF11TRATION 0 G/D UPSTREAM, CONTRIBUTION 770,647 G/D TOTAL S = .0010 FT/FT n = .014 Q = 'TOTAL (;N MGD ) x 1.5472 CFS/`rGD %JSING D = (2.159Qn/S1/2) 3/8 D = 11.06" THEREFORE D = 12" PIPE LIVE A-3 = 1050' O^ 12" PyPE # OF MH. = 3 AS PER COENCO 3 MH, 4 $1675.00/,V . = $5,025.00 1050' OF 12" SDR35 PVC @ $5.15/FT = $5,407.00 INSTANCED -1N:E = COST x 2.25 = S12, 167.00 TOTAL = $17,190.00 SERVICE AREA 2-3 315.3 ACRES 332,011 G/D AVERAGE WASTEWATER FLOW AT MAX. 3UILDOUT 916 r � t 830,027 G/D PEAK :.AVE. N 2.5) 329,304 G/D 770,647 G/0 u?S7R=AM CONTRy3�7'' :0N 1,930,473 G/D TOTAL S = .0014 FT/FTl n = .014 Q = -=_AL � Iti MGD) '{ 1.5472 C``S/MCD uSItiG D = (2.159Qn/S1/2) 3/8 D = 16.43" TK E REFOP.F D = :.8'' ?''PE =NE 2-3 = 2400` OF µS" PIPE # OF ; ':. = 7 AS PER CO -NCO 7 MH. @ 51675.00/Y . _ $11,725.00 2400' OF 18" SDR35 PVC C@ 512.18/FT = $29,232.00 INSTALLED LINE = COST x 2.25 = 565,772.00 TOTAL _ $77,497.00 SERVICE AREA 3-4 318.9 ACRES 335,802 G/D AVERAGE WASTEWATER FLOW AT MAX. 3UILDO 7 839,505 G/D PEAK ,AV'. x 2.5) 333,569 G/D IN-Fy:TRAT!OX 1,930,478 G/D UPSTR.EAX CONTRIBUTION 3,s03,552 G/D TO•TA�r S = .0010 FT/FT n = .014 Q = TOTAL (IN MGD) x 1.5472 CFS/MGD USING D = (2.159Qn/S1/2) 3/8 D = 21.25" THEREFORE D = 24" LINE 3-4 = 3000' OF 24" ?I?E # OP MH. = 8 AS PER COENCO 8 _MH. 4 $1675.00/M.A. = $13,400.00 3000' OF 24" SDR35 PVC @ $22.25/F'.' _ $66,750.00 : S'TALLED LINE = COS' x 2.25 = $150,187.00 TOTAL = $163,587.00 9M SERVICE AREA 4-CH LIFT STATION 35.5 ACRES 37,382 G/D AVERAGE WAS0EWA7?R FLOW AT MAX. 3U=00 93,455 C/a PEA: (AVF. x 2.5) 37,:33 G/D : F_L7RATION 3,103,552 G/D UPSTREAM CONTRIBUT;ON 3,234,176 G/D TOTAL S = .0080 7707 r = .014 Q = TOTAL (:N MGD) x 1.5472 CFS/MGD USING D = (2.159Qn/Si/2) 3/8 D = 14 . 61'' THEREFORE D = 24" iPIPE, TO STAY CONSISTENT W/ LINE 4-CH = 750' OF 24" ?:?E # OF MH. = 2 AS PER COENCO 2 `4H. * $1675.00/MH. _ $3, 350.00 750''OF 24" SDR35 PVC @ $22.25/FT = $16,687.00 INS:AL= LINE = COST x 2.25 = $37 , 545 . 00 TOTAL _ $40095.00 (5) TRUNK LINE "CN" SERVICE AREA 1-2 536.0 ACRES 576,472 G/D AVERAGE WASTEWATER FLOW AT MAX. 3 =DC 7 1,44:,680 G/D PEAK (AVE. x 2.5) 502,456 G/D !NFIITRATION 0 G/D UPSTREAM CONTRIBUTION 1,962,136 G/D TOTAL S = .0024 FT/FT n = . 014 Q = TOTAL (IN MGD) x 1.5472 CFS/MGD USING D = (2.159Qn/S1/2) 3/8 D = 15.i9'r THEREFORE D a 5" PIPE i LIME 1-2 = 3400' OF 15" PIPE # OF MH. = 9 AS PER COENCO 9 MH. ,@ 51675.O0/M,J. = 515,O72.00 3400' OF 15" SDR35 PVC @ $7.66/FT = $26,044.00 INSTALLED LIFE = COST x 2.25 = $58,599.00 TOTAL = $73,671.00 39 SERVICE AREA 2--3 719.2 ACRES 7.- , 564 G/D AVZ .A4_ WAS;EWA,ER F vW AT MAX. 3;�ILDG ;T 1,776,910 G/D PDAK (AVE. x 2.51, 745,810 G/D INFILTRATION 1 , 962 , 136 G/D UPSTREAM CO\; TRIBUTTON 4,486,856 G/D TOTAL S = 0020 ?T/= T n = 0!4 Q = TOTAL (IN VCD) x 1.5472 CFS/MGD - US: G D = (2.159QTM/Sl/2) 3/8 D = 21.43" ^,L=EFORE D = 24" P:?E LINE 2-3 = 6650' OF 24" PIPE # OF M . = 16 AS ?.ER CO: --"NCO 16 M . @ $1675 , 00/M.-H. = $26, 800.00 3400' OF 24" SDR35 PVC @ $22.25/4 = $147,962.00 INSTALLED LINE = COST x 2.25 = $332,914.00 IOTA! = $359,714.00 (6) TRUNK LINE "CH" SERVICE AREA 1-2 103.0 ACRES 103,772 G/D AVERAGE WASTEWATER FLOW AT MAX. BT-7 ,DO:;; 271,938 G/D PEAK (AVE. x 2.5) 108,052 G/D INFILTRATION 8,672,278 G/D UPSTREAM CONTRIBUTION 9,052,266 G/D TOTAL S = .0013 FT/FT n = .014 Q = TOTAL (IN MGD) x 1.5472 CFS/`QGD U97NG D = (2.:59Qn/51/2) 3/8 D = 30.22" :'-EREF0RE D = 30" PIPE LINE 1-2 = :500' OF 30" PI?= # OF ` H. = 4 AS PER COENCO 4 r'H. * $l675.00/wH_. = $6,700.00 1500' OF 30" CL.50 D. IRON @ $41.78/FT = $62,670.00 INSiA :::ED :1-NE = COST x 2.25 _ $141 , 007 . 00 40 TOTAL = $147,707.00 SERVICE AREA 2-3 80.5 Ac72S 98,0e5 GZa AVE-RAGE WASezm&223 FLOW AT MAX. 32:=a022 232.7:3 G/D ?Saa (»V5. x 2.9} 84,20E G/D 2&32G27a220& 9,052.2e8 G/D 22S275&y CON22:)22:0» 9,369,184 G/D 2o3a5 S = .0042 72/R2 & = .0:4 Q = 2oeaG (:N Y G D y :,5472 C7S/YGD sS1&G D = (2.359Qn/S:/2) 3/8 0 = 24.56" ?SS925O27 D = 30" 7I52 GI22 2-3 = 1700' 07 30" 2223 # 02 M.E. = 4 AS ese CO2xCO 4 MH. ¥ 5:875.00/y3. = $6,700.00 �700' OF 80" 02.50 D. :RON @ $41.78/22 = $71,028.00 :NS24&SZa z2w2 = COST x 2.25 = SI59,808.00 TOTA2 = $166,508.00 SERVICE AREA 3-4 330.6 ACRES 348,122 G/D AVERAGE WASTEWATER QSOW AT MAX, 3223oOs2 870,305 G/D PEAK (AVE. x 2.5) 345,808 G/D Iwz:!TRAT:O9 9,369,184 G/D UPSTREAM CONTRIBUTION 10,585,297 G/D TOTAL S = .coca ET/FT n = .014 Q = TOTAL (I§ MCD) x 1,5472 CFS1YGD = US:NG D = (2.:5gQ=/S:/2) 3/8 G = 35.09„ ?32REF02e ) = 36" 2:P2 SZKE 8-4 = 8001 OF 36" 2223 # OF M3. = 2 AS PER COENCO 2 X3. ¥ S1675,OOZX3. = $3,350.00 800' OF 36" c2.50 D. :ROX 4 $57.79/72 = $46,232.00 :NSTAL23e S2w3 = COST x 2.25 = $104,022.00 41 TOTAL = $107,372.00 SERVICE AREA 4-5 w 06 . w ACRES 17,326 ^,'� AVERAGE WASTEWA7ZR ?TOW AT MAX. 293,315 G/D PEAK (AVE. �{ 2,5) :0 , 981 G/D :N71 .TRATION ,0,585,297 G/D UPSTREAM CO'NTRI3UwI0Y 10,989,593 G/D TOTAL S = .0007 FT/YT _ .0:4 Q = T07A* ( I\' MCD) 'r 1 .5472 CL S / wGD = Z"SING D = (2.!59Qr/S1/2) 3/8 D = 36.48" T_ERE70RE D = 36" 7IP= LI�i3 4-5 = 1200' OF 36" PIa_ # OF MH. = 3 AS PER COEtiCO 3 M-H. '� $:675, 00/�°4. = $5, 025.00 1200' OF 36" CL.50 D. IRON @ $57.79/FT = $69,348.00 :`STALLED NINE = COST x 2.25 = 5156,033.00 TOTAL = $161,058.00 SERVICE AREA 5-6 38.7 ACRES 40,751 G/D AVERACE WAS^EWATER FI,OW AT MAX. 3UILOOU 101,878 G/D PEAK (AVE. X 2.5) 40,480 G/D INFILTRATION 10,989,593 G/D UPSTREAM CON:^.R BUT ION 11,131,951 G/D TOTAL S = .0068 FT/FT n = .014 Q = TOTAL (IN MGD) x 1.5472 CFS/Y-GD = USING D = (2.159Qn/S:1/2) 3/8 D = 23.94" THEREFORE D = 96" PIPE L:NE 5--6 = 1000' OF 36" FIDE # OF XH. = 3 AS PER COENCO 3 M. @ 51675.00/`H. _ $5,025.00 :000' OF 36" CI,.50 D. IRON 41 $57.79/FT = $57,790.00 I`STAL,1ED LINE = COS'.: :c 2.25 = $130,027.00 42 707A2 = $135.052.00 SERVICE AREA 6-7 19:.2 ACRES 192,205 G/0 a725aG3 WASQIWATEa FLOW &2 MAX, 32:Sa022 480.E13 G/D -?-':'AK (AVE. £ 2.5) :99,995 GZa :37:G2®»^2OJ ::,131,951 G/D U?S2s2Ax 'OXTR:5ceQON ::,812,459 G/D TOTAL S = .0026 FT/FT 2 = .014 Q = TOTAL (:« MG3) _ 1.5472 CFS/MGD = USING D = (2,:59Q=/Si/2) 3/6 a = 29.24" TSsee2Oes D = 36" PIPS Gz«Z 8-7 = 1900' OF 88" PIPE # OF M8. = 5 AS Rsa CO3§CO 3 Y.H. % 9:875.00/M.H. = $8,375.00 1900' OF 36" OL.50 D. Isom $ $57,79/F2 = $109,801.00 I-NSTALLED S:XE = COST x 2.25 = $247,052.00 202As = $255,427.00 SERVICE AREA 7-O3 209.3 ACRES 213,872 G/D AVERAGE WASTEWATER FLOW A2 MAX. 3QI2a02? 533,430 O/D PEAK (AVE. x 2.5) 217,044 G/D INFILTRATION 17,049,789 G/D UPSTREAM CONTRIBUTION ("CK" +"CS" :-7) 17,800,263 G/D TOTAL S = .0014 FT/FT n = .014 Q = TOTAL (IN YGD) x :.5472 CPS/MGe = USING D = (2.159Qn/Sl/2) 3/8 D = 43.71" T32RE ORE D = 42" PIPE LINE 7-CH = 5100` OF 42" -PIPE # OF,MS. = 16 AS PER COENCO 16 MH. ¥ $1675.00/M§. = $26,800.00 5100' OF 42" CG.50 D. IRON @ $71.30/FT = $363,630.00 :NS7#GG22 LINE = COST x 2.25 = $818,167,00 TOTAL = $844,976.00 43 (7) SOUTH PANHANDLE SEWER LINE SERVICE AREA 1-2 941.3 ACRES :,004,488 GIO AVERAGE WAS22Wa2I2 Flow AT MAX. 32:aDO22 2,5::,220 G/D ?7A£ (AVE. % 2,5) 984,599 G/D I&z:122a22O» O G/3 32SI2sAM COm221BUT7O* 3,4§5,8-9 G/D ?02A2 S = .00:O 72/7-? _ = .OI4 Q = TOTAL (2J YGD) » :.5472 CZS/MGD USING 0 = (2.159Qr/SI/2) 3/6 g = 22.22" THEREFORE S = 24" PIPE =NZ :-2 _ 7000' OF 24" 2:23 # OF YH. = :4 :4 yy. @ 9:875.00/y3. = S23,450.00 7000' OF 24" SDR35 mVC $ $7.Ge/FT =$155,750.00 :»S2a22Z] GI*3 = COST x 2.25 =S350,437.00 TOTAL =$373.867.00 44 (8) NORTHSIDE LIFT STATION & FORCE MAIN =~i S—ATIO` COST- OTAI Fw0W = 5.8 'MGD AS aER C;OZyCO CAZ;CU::AT:0XS, 5 MG0 LIFT STATION = $100,000.00 ^_W R=FORS, 5.3 YG:O STATIO-N- _ :00,000.00 FORCE MAIN SIZING. Aw 5.85 OD, TORCE MAIN SIZ- = ? 5 , 85 °!GD .x 5472 C?S/MGD = 9 . 0,5 CFS DESIRED V7-10CITY = 6 FT/SIG USING Q/V = A, W_E7ERE Q = FLOW IN C?S V = VELOCITY IN FT/SEC A = X—SECTIONAL AREA OF ?w?E A = 9.05/6 = 1.5083 SQ. FT. IF A = ?: is R SQUARED R SQUARED = A/?I = 0.4801 SQ. T . R = 0.6928 FT. = D = I.3856 FT. = 16.63" = 15" PIPT 20,500 FT. OF 16" SDR26 PVC $10.31/7T. _ $221,605,00 ;NSTALL:ED L:NE = COST x 2.25 = $498,611.00 TOTAL COST = Pl?.E :NISTAIL2D - LITT STATION = $598,6: 1.00 (9) CRAZY HORSE LIFT STATION & FORCE MAIN LIFT STATION COST: TOTAL FLOW = 20.9 ':MGD 20.9 MGD LIFT STATION = $300,000.00 FORCE MAIN SIZING: AT 20, 9 `�10D, FORCE MAIN SIZE _ ? 20.9038 MGD x 1.5472 CFS/MGD = 32.34 CFS DESIRED VELOCITY = 5 ^T/SEC USING Q/V = A, WHERE, Q = FLOW -IN CFS V = VELOCITY :X F T/SEC A = X—SECTIONAL• AREA OF ?:PE A = 32,34/6 = 5.3903 SQ. FT. IF A = PI x R SQUARED 45 . R SQUARED = A/2: = 1.7158 SQ. FT. R = :.3098 7T. 0 = 2.6197 z?. = 81" = 30" 722E 5,100 F . 02 30' C1,50 DUCT. !RON 2 $41.28/FT. = $210,528.00 :NS7AIIED =E = COST z 2.25 = $473,888.00 TCTA2 COST = 277E iNSTALIED =2 STATION = $773,6Sa.00 (10) SOUTH PANHANDLE LIFT STATION a FORCE MAIN 2:£2 STATION COST: TOTAL FLOW = 8.8 YGD AS PER COS§CO CAICUTA71OXS, s MGD =T STATION = $!00,000.00 THEREFORE, 8.6 MGD STATION = 158,000.00 FORCE MAIN SIZING: AT 8.67 MGD, FORCE MAIX Szzs = 2 8.67 XGD k 1.5472 C7S/MCD = 13,42 C7S DESIRED VEIOCITY = 6 FT/SEC USING Q/V = A, WHERE Q = FLOW :X cps V = VEIOCITY IN FT/SEC A = X-SEC7ZOXAL AREA OF ?:?E A = 13.42/6 = 2.2363 SQ. FT. F A = 22 x R SQUARED R SQUARED = A/PI = 0.7118 SQ, FT, R = 0.843E FT. D = 1.6874 FT. = 20.20" = 18" PIPE 13,350 FT. OF 18" SDR26 PVC % 521.051YT. = $291,019.00 INSTALLED LINE = COST z 2.25 = $632,290.00 TOTAL COST = PIPE :NSTAILED = !:FT STAT70N = $190,290.00 46