HomeMy WebLinkAbout02.14.1990 Affidavit of Publication-The Journal NewsFtG tE4,c F THE JOURNAL .V ` AlAn/FriendswoodlPearland THE JOURNAL P.O. Box 1830 P.O. Box 1830 Pearladd, Texas 77588 Ph, (713) 485-2785 Pearland, Texas 77588 Remittance address: P.O. Box 6192 Pasadena, TX 77506 Remittance Address: P.O. Sax 6192 INVOICE FEB �990 STATEMENT NUMRIS:ACCOUNT NUMBER IS: 013320 1259 BALANCE FORWARD 2/05 A/R PAYMENT 2/20 PAYMENT THANK Y 2/21 PAYMENT -• THANK Y FR 1 ENDSWOOD--PEARLAND 1121 SPECIAL SECTION 62.00 1/31 LEGAL 220,00 i :/ 31 LEGAL 21 S. 00 101 1 LEGAL 04.00 i /31 LEGAL 115.00 2/07 LEGAL 219.00 2/07 LEGAL 220.00 _/ i 4 LEGAL 173.00 2/ 1 4 LEGAL 153,00 / 14 LEGAL 107.00 021 LEGAL 401 173.00 •.J54, E=EKENDER 262,62 203.324 236. 17--� 59, 30n JOURNAL 10,900 ZFTM6. 70+r 100 C5 22.00 100 6.5 21. 00 100 05 1 O. 40 100 W 11.50 100 G' 5 2 1n O 100 G'S 22.00 100 05 17.30 100 65 1 5. 30 100Q 10.70 100 Al 1. 1. ;30 'CURRENT �� , TOTAL"'QUE; :.. CITY OF FR I ENDSWODD F ATTN; CITY SECRETARY'S OF' 109 WILLOWICK FRIFNDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 J Pasadena, TX 77506 PLEASE CHECK ITEMS PAID 2/22/17( 0 059 BAL FWD 262.62 2/05 PAY ' 205 203. 32CR 2/20 PAY 220 236. 17CR 2/21 PAY 221 59.30CR 2/21 REF 9551 686.70 1 /31 REP 9141 22.00 1 / 31 REF 9142 21.80 1 /,31 REP 9143 10.40 1 /31 REF 9144 1 1. 50 2/07 REF 9261 21.80 2/07 _ REF 9262 7 - Gam:. 00 2/14 REV 9345 17.30 2/ 14 REP 9346 15.30 2/ 14 REF 9347 10,70 2/21 REF 95::i 17.30 7M-M0::1 /� / ) r' S 3F "Mel7754 w , PORTION CREDIT AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared PAT ADAMS, designated legal clerk for THE ,70URNAL, a newspaper having general. circulation �Bandoria saystha�- Texas, who being by me duly sworn, County, deposes ished in said newspaper' the foregoing attached notice was p on the owing date(s), to wit: 19 , 19 , 19 EGAL CLERK )l_�-� day of Subscribed and sworn to this ri�-.--' -- 19. 4) __• h^ I ♦4 ° (SEAL) ti (` cCOWe.•�,$4 PUN °°• ° 0 •°° ��Tf U f �4 `� EXPIRES, • n II jI+��Ly`w}„���•� NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS P, AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared PAT ADAMS, designated legal clerk for THE JOURNAL, a newspaper' having general ci3_culation in Brazoria County, Texas, who being by me duly sworn, deposes and says that the foregoing attached notice was published in said newspaper on the following date(s), to wit. 1.9 1.9 19 , 1.9 AL CLERIC Subscribed and sworn to this - �} day of( ; b vu.c v ' 1.9 Cl u ��`�(+��+V�" CAFj °,♦°0Am V N �y//�� Oe @ vape ® 9� 1�. e �O� �� •aa o (SEAL) Ye e -I1 i V F eeee • . FXP1110 ••' /, • • • �n 0 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS _„ ,......,...-Wr--•- _.�, Nw«g4.tiuuyf aJa Lull City of Stafford, who represents districts, and 10 soil and water con- tracting activities. TNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING m ., LAND USE AS . SUMPTIONS RELATING TO THE POSSIBLE ADOPTION OF IMPACT FEES - NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Friendswoods Texas will hold a Docketed Public Hearing at'tho Friendswood City Hall, 109 Willowick, on the following date and time: Monday,.Mar.oh 19, 1990 7.00 p.m. Friendswood City Council Chambers. to reoeive publio comment on Land Use Assumptions, to be used to develop a Capital Improvements Plan pursuant to which an impaot fee for water and sewerage facilities may be imposed. At•said hearing all interested citizens shall have the right to appear at the hearing and present evidence for or against the land us'e assumptions. The Land Use Assum6tion documentation may be reviewed during regular- office hours at thetCOymsnOffiity DCevatoCitytHallartment at 1306 Deepwood and City 1 have and At said hearings. allaPteandtebecheardnbothalorally tandrithrough opportunity to appe written communication on the subject, Loris Archer, uML ty Secretary ty of Friendswood exas Sid and Bane resolve their dif^ �L aHa-3329 roles are Windi Rodgers, Chris firrn[es. F9 I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tKe City of Friendswood,. Texas will hold a Dooketed Publio Hearing at,thb-Priendswood City Hall, 109 14illowick, on the following date and time: Monday, Maroh 190 199u 7:00 P.M. Friendswood City Counoil Chambers tb receive public comment on Land Use Assumptions° to be used to act develop a Capital'Improvementa Plan pursuant be imposed. an At -said fee for water and sewerage facilities may aens shall have the right to appear at hearing all interested citi the 'hearing and present evidence for or against the lend use assumptions. The Land Use..Assumption documentation may be reviewed during regular offia'e hours at the Community Development Department a' etary°s Office at City Hall. 1306 Deepwood and City Secr l have ht an At said hearings all t�'andtebecitizens bothalorally tandrighroug opportunity to appear written oommunioation on the subject. Deloris Archer, CHI City Secretary City of Friendswoo, Texas '