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HomeMy WebLinkAbout01.01.1983 Texas Local Parks, Recreation & Open Space Fund Project No. 20-00106PROJECf MANUAL FOR F R E I E N D S W O O D P U B L I C P O O L J:l 2,,5 A TEXAS LOCAL PARKS, RECREATION, AND OPEN SPACE FUND PROJECr NO. 20-00106 FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS SPONSORED BY: The City of Friend�ood Texas Parks and WildJ. ife Department ARCHITEcr5: Lawrence w. Speck Associates POOL DESIGN AND ENGINEERit-K;: Lawrence E. Hans & Associates STRUCTUHAL ENGINEERS: Jaster, Quintanilla & Associates CIVIL Et-K;INEERS: coenco, Inc. MOCHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS: HflG & Associates, Inc. lI I l I l I !I I \ 11 I I l 1.1 I \ ll .l I I [ Invitation to Bid Instructions to Bidders Bid Proposal Bid Bond Payment Bond Performance Bond TABLE OF CONTENTS General Conditions (AIA Al07) Supplementary Conditions DIVISION 1 -GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01010 Summary of the Work 01100 Alternates 01150 Applications for Payment 01310 Construction Schedules 01340 Shop Drawings, Product oata, and Samples 01370 Schedule of values 01400 Quality Control 01410 Testing Laboratory services 01500 Temporary Facilities and Controls 01600 Material and Equipment 01700 Contract Closeout DIVISION 2 -SITE WORK 02010 Subsur face Investigation 02100 Clearing 02200 Structure Excavating, Fill, and Grading 02440 Fencing 02480 Landscaping 02515 Concrete Paving 02528 Concrete Curbs and Walks DIVISION 3 -CONCRETE 03300 cast-In-Place Concrete DIVISION 4 -MASONRY 04210 Brick Veneer 04220 Concrete Unit Masonry I I ... l '1 I I I I ) DIVISION 5 -METALS 05500 Miscellaneous Metals DIVISION 6 -WOOD & PLASTICS 06100 Rough Carpentry 06200 Finish Carpentry DIVISION 7 -THERMAL & t-OIS'fUR E PROTECTION 07200 Insula tion 07400 Pre-formed Metal Roofing 07600 Flashing and Sheet Metal 07900 sealants and caulking DIVISION 8 -IX)QRS, WINI)(l�S & GLASS 08100 Metal Doors and Frames 08360 overhead Doors 85000 Metal Windows 08700 Finish Hardwa re DIVISION 9 -FINISHES 09250 Gypsum Wallboard 09900 Pa inting DIVISION 10 -SPECIALTIES 10100 Signage and Miscellaneous Accessories 10160 To ilet Partitions 10800 Toilet and Bath Accessories DIVISION 11 -EQUIPMENT No requirements DIVISION 12 -FURNISHit',(;S No requirements DIVISION 13 -SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 13850 Swimming Pool 1 l n f I r � j l ! ! l } I l I \ { ! l I I 1 ti !\ /. I u 11 l I INVITATION r'OR BIDS 1.BID PROPOSALS Sealed, lump sum bids addressed to The City of Friendswood for construction of FRIENDSWOOD PUBLIC POOL FRIENDSWOOD, TE XAS 1 of 1 in accordance with the drawings and specifications prepared by Lawrence E.Hans & Associates and Lawrence w. Speck Associates, Inc., Architect,will be received by the City of Friendswood at a time and date to beannounced, and then publicly opened and read. Any bid received afterclosing time will be returned unopened. 2.COPIES OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS The drawings and specifications are available from Ms. Doris McKenzie, City Secretary at the offices of The City of Friendswood. A set of these documents will be loaned to each bidder for use in pr eparing a bid. Adeposit of $50.00 is required for each set. Deposits will be returned to bidders who submit a bona fide bid and return the documents in good condition within ten (10) days after the bid opening. Copies of the soils report are also on file with the City, and may be obtained for a deposit of $10.00 per copy. 3.PRE-BID CONFERENCE A pre-bid conference will be held at a location,•time and date to be announced. 4.BONDS A cashier's check, certified check, or Bid Bond (AIA Document A310), payable to The City of Friendswood, in an amount not less than five percent (5 %) of the total bid must accompany each bid as guarantee that, if awarded the Contract, the bidder will promptly enter into a Contract and execute bond on the forms outlined in the Specifications and Instructions to Bidders. Bonds shall speci fically provide for "Performance" and for "Labor and Materials Payment", and shall be in the amount of one hu ndred percent (100%) of the Contract price. 5.REJECTION OF BIDS The OWner reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any and all fonnalities, and to select a bid based on judgement of hi s best interests. END OF DOCUMENT I l f l f i \ I J � 1 \ ! ! n ti I \ { I l I f : l l !� I.I I ) I ! I � .l,,L'h..J .L1.\.V\,,,,I.L .LVLU.I 1 of 3 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS l.SUBMITTAL FORM Bids shall be submitted in duplicate, in a sealed envelope, plainly marked with the name of the bidder, the project title, the time and date of the bid opening, and the names of the CMner and Architect. 2.BID SECURITY {A) A certified check, cashier's check, or acceptable Bid Bond {AIA Document A310) payable to the CMner in an amount not less than five percent {5%) of the bid total, must accompany each bid. This bid deposit shall be forfeited and become the pr operty of the CMner in case bidder neglects or refuses to enter into the Contract and to furnish bonds acceptable to the CMner within ten (10) days after his proposal has been accepted. {B) The bid deposit of all except the three lowest bidders will be returned within seven (7) days after the opening of the bids. The bid deposit of the three lowest bidders will be returned within 48 hours after the executed Contract and required bonds have been finally ap proved by the Owner. 3.CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS The CMner requests that bidders submit with their bid proposal a summary of their experience and qualifications, as well as a list of references {with telephone numbers), and a list of major subcontractors proposed for work on the project. Bidders shall have built at least on e mun icipal pool of similar reinforced concrete construction. The CMner may make such investigations as are necessary to determine the qualification of bidders to do the work as set forth in the Contract Documents. 4.BIDDER'S REPRESENTATIONS By submitting a proposal, the bidder represents that he has made a thorough examination of the site, the existing conditions, and the detailed drawings and specifications, and that he fully understands the nature and extent of the proposed construction, the kind of facilities required to carry out the constr uction, labor conditions, and all ot her matters that may affect the cost and time of completion of the work upon which he bids. The failure of any bidder to properly inform himself regarding the nature and requirements of the Work shall not constitute a basis for withdrawal of a bid or for additional compensation. The bidder also represents that his bid is based solely on the Contract Documents with no substitutions except those which have been incorporated by written addenda. 1 l l l r \ ( I } � 11 I ! f I !I I ) 1 ! l I I l l 1 I J l ! l ) ti l 2 of 3 5.BONDS With the execution and delivery of the Contract, the Contractor shall furnish 11 Performance" and "Labor and Materials Payment" bonds (AIA A311) • Bonds shall be in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price and shall be executed by an approved surety company authorized to do business in the State of Texas, with business offices in the State of Te xas, and acceptable to the o..mer. The "Performance" bond shall extend for a period of one year beyond the date of the written acceptance of the work by the o..mer to cover the warranty as set forth in the Contract Documents. 6.SCOPE All incidental work or materials required to complete the project shall be included in the bid item or furnished at no added cost to the o..mer. 7.INTERPRE'fATION OF OOCUMENTS Any questions regarding the intent of the Contract Documents or arising from discrepancies or omissions found in the drawings or sp ecifications shall be submitted to the Architect for interpretation or adjustment prior to submitting bids. Interpretation of the Contract Documents will be made only by written addenda. The Architect will not be responsible for any other explanations or interpretations of the documents. 8.ADDENDA The Contract. r�::....:uments will be amended, altered, or interpreted only through written addenda issued by the Architect. 9.WITHDRAWIN3 BIDS No bid may be withdrawn by the bidder until thirty (30) days after the opening of bids. 10.DISCREPANCIES IN BID PROPOSAL.S In case of discrepancies between written words and fig ures in a bid proposal, the amount stated in written word s shall govern. 11.AWARDIN3 'fHE CONTRACT The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all fonnalities. The OWner also reserves the right to detennine which bid is lowest and best, and to award the Contract on this basis. A contract shall be offered to the successful bidder within (30) days of receipt of bids. The Contractor shall return the signed Contract and required bonds to the Owner within ten (10) days after receipt of the Contract fonn. 11 1 l f\ r l 11 j \ I ! f I { ! l \ { l 11 11 l l t ) l I l\ l l FRIENDSWOOD PUBLIC POOL FRI ENDS\'100D , TEXAS Gentlemen: BID PROPOSAL l:'KU.t'V;)f\L 1 of 1 The undersigned, in compliance with your Instructions to Bidders, having examined the Contract Oocuments and the site of the proposed work, and being familiar with all of the conditions surrounding the construction of the proposed project, hereby propose to furnish all labor, materials, pennits, machinery, tools, and supplies for the construction project in accord ance with the Contract Documents within the time set forth herein for the sum of: BASE BID. Dollars ($) ; Add Alternate No. 1 Dollars ($) ;, Add Alternate No. 2 Dollars ( ) ; Add Alternate No. 3 Dollars ($ ) ; Add Alternate No. 4 Dollars ($ ) ; Deduct Alt. No. 5 Dollars <L--�• I (we) acknowledge receipt of the following addendum (addenda): I (we) pr opose to complete the project in 145 consecutive calendar days exclusive of time adjustments for inclement weather. I (we) agree to pay to the City of Friendswood liquidated damages in the amount of $500.00 per day for each day completion is delayed beyond the Contract time. The City of Friendswood will also pay a bonus of $500.00 per day for each day completion is ahead of the Contract time. Upon receipt of notice of ac ceptance of this bid, I (we) wi ll immediately execute the formal Contract as speci fied in the Insructions to Bidders. Enclosed is a certified check, cashier's check, or bid bond in the amount of _____________________ Dollars ($ ) which it is agreed shall be collected and retained by the OWner as liquidated damages in the event this proposal is accepted by the OWner, and the undersigned fails to execute the Contract, Labor and Materials Payment Bond, and Performance Bond within ten (10) days after the Contract is awarded. Respectfully submitted, Authorized Signature Title Flrm Address Telephone END OF DCCUMENT I ; f l f l r ! lI 11 1.1 I l 11 l l l 1 : lI Ji t l I ) [ ! 11 11 I J THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS I AIA Document A310 Bid Bond KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we CH.,e in1e11 lull name and addre11 or legal lille or Contraclorl as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and (Here in1er1 lull name and addre11 or legal litle or Surely) a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto (Here in1erl full name and addre11 or legal lille ol Owner) as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the•� � � . �f\.� ��Dollars($ -), for the payment of which sum well an ru �'?ge �� said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, ad� � ' ��' and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. -J� �tr WHEREAS , the Principal has subm1tt� id or . <;;;) V .'"'" '""" '"" ,am,, ,,,,.,. '"' ''"''"'M ol ,..;«oc NOW, THEREFORE, if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a Contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid, and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or Contract Documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such Contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof, or in the �vent of the failure of the Principal 10 enter such Contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise 10 remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this day of (Wi<neu/ I (Modp,1/ (Title) I-(Surely) --------,,�w'ii;i;;1n;;esiss;j"J_________ (Tille) AIA DOCUMENT AllO • BID BOND • AIA ® • FEBRl}ARY 1970 ED• THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 N.Y. AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D. C. 20006 19 (Seal) (Seal) 1 r l 11 J I f I i I 11 I ! 11 11 I l ( l I \ I l l 1 l} lI !l THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS AIA Document A311 Labor and Material Payment Bond THIS BOND IS ISSUED SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH PERFORMANCE BOND IN FAVOR OF THE OWNER CONDITIONED ON THE FULL ANO FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that (Herc in,erl full n•me ,nd ,ddre1s or leg,I title of Contuctor) as Principal, hereinafter called Principal, and, !Here insert full n,me •nd •ddress or lcg•I title or Surety! as Surety, here;nafter called Surety, are held a,A'Stou�� ".�"'IJ,,,. ;"""Ml o,m, ,od '""" o, 1,,.1 ""' ol Owo«I as ObHgee, here;nafter called Ow-c:, �e� �nefit of cla;mants as here;nbelow defined, ;n the amount of �r ,. (Here insert • sum equ•I to •t le•st o -h• � contnct price) Dollars ($ }, for the payment whereof Prine� Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly anayverally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Principal has by written agreement dated 19 , entered into a contract with Owner for (Here insert full n•me, address and description of project) in accordance with Drawings and Specifications prepared by (Here insert full n•me ,nd •ddre11 or lcg•I title of Architecl) 1.l which contract is by reference made a part hereof, and is hereinafter reforred to as the Contract. I ! AIA DOCUMENT A311 • PERFORMANCE. BONO ANO-LABOR ANO MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND • AIA ® FEBRUARY 1970 ED.• THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 173S N.Y. AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D. C. 20006 3 r l f I 11 11 11 ., 11 lI 11 ( l I l 11 lI l \ ll 11 t., I I LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND NOW, TH(RHOR(. THE CONDITION Of THIS O0UGATION is suth lhal, if Principal shall promptly make payment lo all claimants as hereinafter defined, for all labor and material used or reasonably required for use in the performance of the Conlracl, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall remain in full force ,rnd effect, subject, however, to the fol­lowing conditions: 1.A claimant is defined as one having a direct con­tract with the Principal or with a Subcontractor of the Principal for labor, material, or both, used or reasonably required for use in the performance of the Contract, labor and material being construed to include that part of water, gas, power, light, heat, oil, gasoline, telephone service or rental of equipment directly applicable to the Contract. 2.The above named Principal and Surety herebyjointly and severally agree with the Owner that every claimant as herein defined, who has not been paid in full before the expiration of a period of ninety (90) days after the date on which the lasl of such claimant's work or labor was done or performed, or materials were furnished by such claimant, may sue on this• bond for the use of such claimant. prosecute the suit to final judgment for· such sum or sums as may be justly due claimant, and have exewtion thereon. The Owner shall not be liable for .the payment of any costs or expenses of any such suit. 3.No suit or action shall be commenced hereunderby any claimant: a)Unless claimant, other than one having a direct accuracy the amount claimed and the name of the party to whom the materials were furnished, or for whom the work or labor was done or performed. Such notice shall be served by mailing the same by registered mail or certified mail1 postage prepaid, in an envelope ad­dressed to the Principal, Owner or Surety, at any place where an office is regularly maintained for the trans­action of business, or served in any manner in which legal process may be served in the state in which the aforesaid project is located, save Iha t such service need not be made by a public officer. bl After the expiration of one (1) year following the date on which Principal ceased Work on said Contract, it being understood, however, that if any limitation em­bodied in this bond is prohibited by any law controlling the construction hereof such limitation shall be deemed to be amended so as lo be c ri ual lo the minimum period of limitation permitted by such law. c)Other than in a state court of competent jurisdiction in and for the county or other political subdivision ofthe state in which the Project, or any part thereof, issituated, or in the United Slates District Court for !hedistrict in which the· Project, or any part thereof, is sit­uated, and not elsewhere. contract with the Principal, shall have given written 4.The amount of this bond shall be reduced by and notice to any two of the following: the Principal, the � he extent of any payment or payments made in goodOwner, or the Surety above named, within ninety (90)·1 he � e der, inclu�ive of the payment by Surely of days after such claimant did or performed the last � � � a ltens which may be filed of record against the work or labor, or furnished the last of the m���ysai ·. ro ent, whether or not claim for the amount foe wh;,h s,;d da;m ;, made, ,taOng w;th ��I � n be pce,ented ,nfo and aga;o,t th;, bond. s;gned and sealed 1h;s C:,��"O� 19 ,<::>o ! (Principal) (Wi(nl'.\.I) (Tilll'! (Sur<'lyJ fWi(n<'\.,J ! Hit/I') AlA DOCUMENT AJ11 • l'(KrORMANCC BONO AND lAROK ANO MAT£1(1Al rAYM[NT ROND • AIA ® HBRUAKY 1'J70 m. • THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE or ARCHITECTS, 17JS N.Y. AV£., N.W., WASH INC TON, D. C. :.!()()()(, !St•II (SNII 4 f 11 J l f I 11 11 1 I 11 I l 11 l l 11 11 :t I !I l l 1 1 I : I ' THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS • AIA Document A311 Performance Bond KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that IH<re inserc lull n•me •nd •ddress or leg•I 1i1le ol ConCr•clor) as Principal, hereinafti?r called Contractor, and, -. � • '"'" '""'' '"'' .... '"' '""" ",,,., ""' ., s"""' as Surety, hereinafter called Surety, are held :::,_����� . �\,� �11, '"'" '"'"' '"'' .... '"' '""" ., .... , ""' ., o.,.,, as Obligee, hereinafter called Owner��&0 Dollars ($ ), for the payment whereof Contractor� Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents . WHEREAS, Contractor has by written agreement dated (Here inserl lull n•me, •ddren •nd description ol projccll 19 in accordance with Drawings and Specifications prepared by , entered into a contract with Owner for lllere inserl lull n•me and •ddre11 or leg•I lille or Architecl) which contract is by reference made a part hereof, and is hereinafter ref erred to as the Contract. AIA DOCUMENT A311 • PERfORMANCE BONO ANO-LABOR AND MATF.RIAL PAYMENT BOND • AIA ® l'EBRUARY 1')70 ED.• THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE or ARCHITECTS, 17"15 N.Y. AV[., N.W., WASHINGTON, 0. C. 20006 1 I : r ! J i t I 11 11 I ! 11 ti I I t I J ! :I I 11 11 l 1 t l 'I Il PERFORMANCE BOND NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that, if Contractor shall promptly and faithfully perform said Contract, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. The Surety hereby waives notice of any alteration or extension of time made by the Owner. Whenever Contractor shall be, and declared by Owner to be in default under the Contract, the Owner having performed Owner's obligations thereunder, the Surety may promptly remedy the default, or shall promptly 1)Complete the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions, or 2)Obtain a bid or bids for completing the Contract inaccordance with ,ts terms and conditions, and upon de­ termination by Surety of the lowest responsible bidder, or, if the Owner elects, upon determination by the Owner and the Surety jointly of the lowest responsible bidder, arrange for a contract between such bidder and Owner, and make available as Work progresses (even though there should be a default or a succession of defaulls under the contract or contracts of completion arranged under this paragraph) sufficient funds to pay the cost of completion less the balance of the contract price; but not exceeding, including other costs and damages for which the Surety may be liable hereunder, the amount set forth in the first parngraph hereof. The term "balance of the contract price," as used in this paragraph, shall mean the total amount payable by Owner to Contractor under the Contract and any amendments thereto, less the amount properly paid by Owner to Contractor. Any suit under this bond must be instituted before the expiration of two (2) years from the date on which final payment under the Contract falls due. No right of action shall accrue on this bond to or for the use of any person or corporation other than the Owner named herein or the heirs, executors, adminis­ trators or successors of the Owner. Signed and sealed this �f\._"?,1v"f,, � e:,t:--)���� <:Joe 19 ,w;, ...... , l 1 ,r,;.,c;,,,,,, t Till<') I (Sllll'I)•) (Witn<•.,.,) t 1 i(/p) AIA DOCUMENT Alli • rERrORMANCE BOND AND. LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BONO • AIA � rERKUARY 1'>70 EO. • THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITCCTS, 17JS N.Y. AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D. C. 20006 CSNIJ 1Sr.,l1 2 I l I � I l 11 !I I l I ! lI 11 11 11 l I 11 l I 11 11 1 j 11 ! 11 REFERENCE TO GENERAL CONDITIONS The General Conditions of the Contract for Cons truction, AIA Document Al07 (April, 1978), Articles 1 through 20 inclusive, is a part of this Contract. AIA Document Al07 is referred to throughout the specifica tions as the "General Conditions". Except as modified by the Supplementary Conditions which follow, the General Conditions shall ap ply to all portions of the Contract Documents, including the dr awings and all sections of the specifica tions. END OF OOCUMENT f I r I J I"' f f 'I l J I 11 11 l l 11 ti l1 GENERAL CONDITIONS ARTICLE 7 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 7.1 The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement with General Conditions, Supplementary and other Condi­tions, the Drawings, the Specifications, all Addenda issuedprior to the execution of this Agreement, and all Modifi­cations issued by the Architect after execution of theContract such as Change Orders, written interpretations·and written orders for minor changes in the Work. Theintent of the Contract Documents is to include all itemsnecessary for the proper execution and completion of theWork. The Contract Documents are complementary, andwhat is required by any one shall be as binding as if re­quired by all. Work not covered in the Contract Docu­ments will not be required unless it is consistent therewithand reasonably inferable therefrom as being necessary toproduce the intended results. 7.2 Nothing contained in the Contract Documents shallcreate any contractual relationship between the Owner or the Architect and any Subcontractor or Sub-subcontractor. 7.3 By executing the Contract, the Contractor represents that he has visited the site and familiarized himself withthe local conditions under which the Work is to beperformed. 7.4 The Work comprises the completed construction re­quired by the Contract Documents and includes all labornecessary to produce such construction, and all materialsand equipment incorporated or to be incorporated insuch construction. ARTICLE 8 ARCHITECT 8.1 The Architect will provide administration of the Con­tract and will be the Owner's representative during con-.struction and until final payment is due. 8.2 The Architect shall at all times have access to theWork wherever it is in preparation and progress. 8.3 The Architect will visit the site at intervals appropri­ate to the stage of construction to familiarize himself gen­erally with the progress and quality of the Work and todetermine in general if the Work is proceeding in accord­ance with tbe Contract Documents. However, the Archi­tect will not be required to make exhaustive or continu­ous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity ofthe Work. On the basis of his on-site observations as an architect, he will keep the Owner informed of the prog-.ress of the Work, and will endeavor to guard the Owner ·against defects and deficiencies in the Work of the Con­tractor. The Architect will not have control or charge ofand will not be responsible for construction means, meth­ods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safetyprecautions and programs in connection with the Work,and he will nol be responsible for the Contracto'r's failureto carry out the Work in accordance with the ContractDocuments. 8.4 U,,scd on the Archltccl's observations and an cv,1lua- lion of the Contractor's Applications for Payment, theArchitect will determine the amounts owing to the Con­tractor and will issue Certificates for Payment in accord­ance with Article 15. 8.5 The Architect will be the interpreter of the require­ments of the Contract Documents. He will make decisionson all claims, disputes or other matters in question be­tween the Contractor and the Owner, but he will not beliable for the results of any interpretation or decision ren­dered in good faith. The Architect's decisiQ_n.� in mat_ter�relating to artistic effect will be final if consistent with theintent of the Contract Documents. All other decisions ofthe Architect, except those which have been waived by the making or acceptance of final payment, shall be sub­ject to arbitration upon the written demand of eitherparty. 8.6 The Architect will have authority· to reject Workwhich does not conform to the Contract Documents. 8.7 The Architect will review and approve or take otherappropriate action upon the Contractor's submittals suchas Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples, but only forconformance with the design concept of the Work andwith the information given in the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 9 OWNER 9.1 The Owner shall furnish all surveys and a legal de­scription of the site. 9.2 Except as provided in Paragraph 10.5, the Ownershall secure and pay for necessary approvals, easements,assessments and charges required for the construction, useor occupancy of permanent structures or permanentchanges in existing facilities. 9.3 The Owner shall forward all instructions to the Con­tractor through the Architect. 9.4 If the Contractor fails to correct defective Work orpersistently fails to carry out the Work in accordance withthe Contract Documents, the Owner, by a written order,may order the Contractor to stop the Work, or any por­tion thereof, until the cause for such order has beeneliminated; however, this right of the Owner to stop theWork shall not give rise to any duty on the part of theOwner to exercise this right for the benefit of the Con­tractor or any other person or entity. ARTICLE 10 CONTRACTOR 10.1 The �ntractor shall supervise and direct the Work,using his best skill and attention and he shall be solelyresponsible for all construction means, methods, tech­niques, sequences and procedures and for coordinatingall portions of the Work under the Contract. 10.2 Unless otherwise specifically provided in the Con­tract Documents, the Contractor shall provide and pay forall labor, materials, equipment, tools, construction equip­ment and machinery, water, heat, utilities, transportation,,rnd other f,1cililics ,incl services necessary for the proper AIA DOCUMENT A107 • ABBREVIATED OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGR[F.MENT • EIGMTII £0ITlON • APRIL 1978 • AIA9 Cl> 11)70 • 11 ·� ,\MLI0<.:AN INSTI I U IE OF 1'RCI IIH<.:rs. 17JS NLW YORK AVl:Nu�. N.W., \VA�I IIN(il<IN, I>.<.:. 11KKJ6 A107-1970 4 r l l f I 11 f I 11 11 11 11 :11 t l . 11 11 11 1 J u 11 I l l I execution and completion of the Work, whether tempo­ rary or permanent and whether or not incorporated or to be incorporated in the Work. 10.3 The Contractor shall at all times enforce strict dis­ cipline and good order among his employees and shall not employ on the Work any unfit person or anyone not skilled in the task assigned to him. 10.4 The Contractor warrants to the Owner and the Architect that all materials and equipment incorporated in the Work will be new unless otherwise specified, and that all Work will be of good quality, free from faults and defects and in conformance with the Contract Documents. All Work not conforming to these requirements may be considered defective. 10.5 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Docu­ ments, the Contractor shall pay all sales, consumer, use and other similar taxes which are legally enacted at the time bids are received, and shall secure and pay for the building permit ·and for all other permits and govern­ mental fees, licenses and inspections necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work. 10.6 The Contractor shall give all notices and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and lawful orders of any public authority bearing on the performance of the Work, and shall promptly notify the Architect if the Drawings and Specifications are at variance therewith. 10.7 The Contractor shall be responsible to the Owner for the acts and omissions of his employees, Subcontrac­ tors and their agents and employees, and other persons performing any of the Work under a contra"ct with the Contractor. 10.8 The Contractor shall review, approve and submit all Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples required by the Contract Documents. The Work shall be in accord­ ance with approved submittals. 10.9 The Contractor at all·times shall keep the premises free from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish caused by his operations. At the completion of the Work he shall remove all his waste materials and rubbish from and about the Project as well as his tools, construction equipment, machinery and surplus materials. 10.10 The Contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees. He shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any patent rights and shall save the Owner harmless from loss on account thereof. 10.11 To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Con­ tractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and the Architect and their agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including but not limited to attorneys' fees arising out of or result­ ing from the performance of the Work, provided that any such claim, damage, loss or expense (1) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the Work it­ self) including the loss of use resulting therefrom, and . (2) is. ca�sed in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission of the Contractor, any Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, regardless of whether or not it is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder. Such obligation shall not be construed to negate, abridge, or otherwise reduce any other right or obligation of indemnity which would otherwise exist as to any party or person described in this Paragraph 10.11. In any and all claims against the Owner or the Architect or any of their agents or employees by any employee of the Contractor, any Subcontractor, anyone directly or indi­ rectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation under this Paragraph 10.11 shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for the Contractor or any Subcontractor under workers' or workmen's com­ pensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. The obligations of the Contractor under this Paragraph 10.11 shall not extend to the liability of the Architect, his agents or employees, arising out of (1) the preparation or approval of maps, drawings, opinions, re­ ports, surveys, change orders, designs or specifications, or (2)the giving of or the failure to give directions or in­ structions by the Architect, his agents or employees pro­ vided such giving or failure to give is the primary cause of the injury or damage. ARTICLE 11 SUBCONTRACTS 11,1 A Subcontractor is a person or entity who has a direct contract with the Contractor to perform any of the Work at the site. 11.2 Unless otherwise required by the Contract Docu­ ments or in the Bidding Documents, the Contractor, as soon as practicable after the award of the Contract, shall furnish to the Architect in writing the names of Subcon­ tractors for each of the principal portions of the Work. The Contractor shall not employ any Subcontractor to whom the Architect or the Owner may have a reasonable objection. The Contractor shall not be required to con­ tract with anyone to whom he has a reasonable objection. Contracts between the Contractor and the Subcontractors shall (1) require each Subcontractor, to the extent of the Work to be performed by the Subcontractor, to be bound to the Contractor by the terms of the Contract Docu­ ments, and to assume toward the Contractor all the obli­ gations and responsibilities which the Contractor, by these Documents, assumes toward. the Owner and the Architect, and (2) allow to the Subcontractor the benefit of all rights, rt:!medies and redress afforded to the Contractor by these Contract Documents. ARTICLE 12 WORK BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS 12.1 The Owner reserves the right to perform work re­ lated· to the Project with his own forces, and to award separate contracts in connection with other portions of the Project or other work on the site under these or simi­ lar Conditions of the Contract. If the Contractor··claims that delay or additional cost is involved because of such action by the Owner, he shall make such claim as pro­ vided elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 12.2 The Contractor shall afford the Owner and-separate contractors reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of their materials and equipment and the execution of their work, and shall connect and coordinate his Work with theirs as required by the Contract Docu-­ ments. 5 A107-1978 AIA DOCUMENT A107 • AUDKEVIATEIJ OWNER-C:ONTKACTOK AC.K[[MENT • [IC.IITII l.lllTION • Al'RII. 19711 • AIA& lJ.) ·1�7U • Ill[ AMlKICAN INSlllUIE UF AKCIIIHCIS, 17J� NLW YOKK AVLNlJf., N.W., WA�IIINC.ION, U.C. 10CkK, r r f I r I I· I I I l 11 l I 11 11 J I 11 11 ii l ! 11 1 l 12.3 Any costs caused by defective or ill-timed work shall be borne by the party responsible therefor. ARTICLE 13 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 13.1 The Contract shall be governed by the law of the place where the Project is located. 13.2 All claims or disputes between the Contractor and the Owner arising out of, or relating to, the Contract Documents or the breach thereof shall be decided by arbitration "in ·accordance with the Construction-Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association then obtaining unless the parties mutually agree other­ wise. Notice of the demand for arbitration shall be filed in writing with the other party to the Owner-Contractor Agreement and with the American Arbitration Association and shall be made within a reasonable time after the dis­ pute has arisen. The award rendered by the arbitrators shall be final, and judgment may be entered upon it in accordance with applicable law in any court having juris­ diction thereof. Except by written consent of the person or entity sought to be joined, no arbitration arising out of or relating to the Contract Documents shall include, by consolidation, joinder or in any other manner, any person or entity not a party to the agreement under which such arbitration arises, unless it is shown at the time the demand for arbitration is filed that (1) such person or entity is substantially involved in a common question of fact or law, (2) the presence of such person or entity is required if complete relief is to be accorded in the arbi­ tration, (3) the interest or responsibility of such 11erson or entity in the matter is not insubstantial, and (4) such per­ stm or entity is not the Architect or any of his employees or consultants. The agreement herein among the parties to the Agreement and any other written agreement to arbitrate referred to herein shall be specifically enforce­ able under the prevailing arbitration law. ARTICLE 14 TIME 14.1 All time limits stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Contract. The Contractor shall expedite the Work and achieve Substantial Completion within the Contract Time. 14.2 The Date of Substantial Completion of the Work is the date certified by the Architect when construction is sufficiently complete so that the Owner can occupy or utilize the Work for the use for which it is intended. 14.3 If the Contractor is delayed at any time in the progress of the Work by changes ordered in the. Work, by labor disputes, fire, unusual delay in transportation, adverse weather conditions not reasonably anticipatable, unavoidable casualties, or any causes beyond the Con­ tractor's control, or by any other cause which the Archi­ tect determines may justify the delay, then the Contract Time shall be extended by Change Order for such reason­ able time as the Architect may determine. ARTICLE 15 PAYMENTS ANO COMPLETION 15,1 Payments shall be made as provided in Article 4 and Article S of this Agreement. 15.2 Payments may be withheld on account of (1) defec­ tive work not remedied, (2) claims filed, (3) failure of the Contractor to make payments properly to Subcontractors or for labor, materials, or equipment, (4) damage to the Owner or another contractor, or (5) persistent failure to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 15.3 When the Architect agrees that the Work is sub­ stantially complete, he will issue a Certificate of Substan­ tial Completion. 15.4 Final payment shall not be due until the Contractor has delivered to the Owner a complete release of all liens arising out of this Contract or receipts in full covering all labor, materials and equipment for which a lien could be filed, or a bond satisfactory to the Owner indemnifying him against any lien. If any lien remains unsatisfied after all payments are made, the Contractor shall refund to the Owner all moneys the latter may be compelled to pay in discharging such lien, including all costs and reasonable attorneys' fees. 15.5 The making of final payments shall constitute a waiver of all claims by the Owner except those arising from (1) unsettled liens, (2) faulty or defective Work ap­ pearing after Substantial Completion, (3) failure of the Work to comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents, or (4) terms of any special warranties re­ quired by the Contract Documents. The acceptance of final payment shall constitute a waiver of all claims by the Contractor except those previously made in writing and identified by the Contractor as unsettled at the time oflhe final Application for Payment. ARTICLE 16 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND .PROPERTY. 16.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining, and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection. with the Work. He shall take all reasonable precautions for the safety of, and shall provide all reasonable protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to (1) all employees on the Work and other persons who may be affected thereby, (2) all the Work and all materials and equipment to be incorporated therein, and (3)other property at the site or adjacent thereto. He shall give all notices and comply with all applicable laws, ordi­ nances, rules, regulations and orders of any public author­ ity bearing on the safety of persons and property and their protection from damage, injury or loss. The Contractor shall promptly remedy all damage or loss to any property caused in whole or in part by the Contractor, any Sub­ contractor, any Sub-subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, except damage or loss attributable to the acts or omissions of the Owner or Architect or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them or by anyone for whose acts either of them may be liable, and not attributable to the fault or negli­ gence of the Contractor. The foregoing obligations of the Contractor are in addition to his obligations under Para­ graph 10.11. ARTICLE 17 INSURANCE 17.1 Contractor's liability insurance shall be purchased AIA DOCUMENT A107 • ABBREVIATED OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT • EIGHnt EDITION • APRIL 1978 • AIA9 � 1970 • THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCltlTECTS, 173S NEW YOKK AVENUE, N.W., WASIIINGION, D.C. 20006 A107-1978 6 f l r l 11 f I 11 11 lI II lI 11 l l f I i I I l ·1 I l.l. 11 11 l and maintained by the Contractor to protect him from claims under workers' or workmen's compensation acts and other employee benefit acts, claims for damages be­ cause of bodily injury, including death, and from claims for damages, other than to the Work itself, to property which may arise out of or result from the Contractor's operations under this Contract, whether such operations be by himself or by any Subcontractor or anyone directly or indire.ctly employed by any of them. This insurance shall be written for not less than any limits of liability specified in the Contract Documents, or required. by law, whichever is the greater, and shall include contractual liability insurance applicable to the Contractor's obliga­ tions under Paragraph 10.11. Certificates of such insur­ ance shall be filed with the Owner prior to the com­ mencement of the Work. 17.2 The Owner shall be responsible for purchasing and maintaining his own liability insurance and, at his option, may maintain such insurance as will protect him against claims which may arise from operations under the Con­ tract. _17.3 Unless otherwise provided, the Owner shall pur­ chase and. maintain property insurance upon the entire Work at the site to the full insurable value thereof. This insurance shall include the interests of the Owner, the Contractor, Subcontractors and Sub-subcontractors in the Work and shall insure against the perils of fire and ex­ tended coverage and shall include "all risk" insurance for physical loss or damage including, without duplication of coverage, theft, vandalism, and malicious mischief. 17.4 Any loss insured under Paragraph 17.3 is to be ad­ justed with the Owner and made payable to the Owner as trustee for the insureds, as their interests may appear, subject to the requirements of any mortgagee clause. 17.5 The Owner shall file a copy of all policies with the Contractor before an exposure to loss may occur. 17.6 The Owner and Contractor waive all rights against each other for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extent covered by insurance obtained pursuant to this Article or any other property insurance applicable to the Work, except such rights as they may have to the pro­ ceeds of such insurance held by the Owner as trustee. The Contractor shall require similar waivers in favor of the Owner and the Contractor by Subcontractors and Sub­ subcontractors. ARTICLE 18 CHANGES IN THE WORK 18.1 The Owner, without invalidating the Contract, may order Changes in the Work consisting of additions, dele­ tions, or modifications, the Contract Sum and the Con­ tract Time being adjusted accordingly. All such changes in the '!,:\'or� s�all b� authorized by written C_hange Order signed by the Owner and the Architect. 18.2 The Contract Sum and the Contract Time may be changed only by Change Order. 18.3 The cost or credit to the Owner from a change in the Work shall be determined by mutual agreement. ARTICLE 19 CORRECTION OF WORK 19.1 The Contractor shall promptly correct any Work rejected by the Architect as defective or as ·failing ta con-· form to the Contract Documents whether observed before or after Substantial Completion and whether or not fabri­ cated, installed or completed, and shall correct any Work found to be defective or nonconforming within a period of one year from the Date of Substantial Completion of the Contract or within such longer period of time as may be prescribed by law or by the terms of any applicable special warranty required by the Contract Documents. The provisions of this Article 19 apply to Work done by Sub­ contractors as well as to Work done by direct employees of the Contractor. ARTICLE 20 TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT 20.1 If the Architect fails to issue a Certificate for Pay­ ment for a period of thirty days through no fault of the Contractor, or if the Owner fails to make payment thereon for a period of thirty days, the Contractor may, upon seven additional days' written notice to the Owner and the Architect, terminate the Contract and recover from the Owner payment for all Work executed and for any proven loss sustained upon any materials, equipment, tools, and construction equipment and machinery, includ­ ing reasonable profit and damages applicable . to the Project. 20.2 If the Contractor defaults or persistently fails or neglects to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents or fails to perform any provision of the Contract, the Owner, after seven days' written notice to the Contractor and without prejudice to any other remedy he may have, may make good such deficiencies and may deduct the cost thereof including compensation for the Architect's additional services made necessary thereby, from the payment then or thereafter due the Contractor or, at his option, and upon certification by the Architect that sufficient cause exists to justify such action, may terminate the Contract and take possession of the site and of all materials, equipment, tools, and construc­ tion equipment and machinery thereon owned by the Contractor and may finish the Work by whatever method he may deem expedient, and if the unpaid balance of the Contract Sum exceeds the expense of finishing the Work, such excess shall be paid to the Contractor, but if such expense exceeds such unpaid balance, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner. 7 A107-1978 AIA DOCUMENT A107 • AUOKEVIATED OWNEK-CONl KACTOK AC;KHMENT • rlC.11111 [Dll ION • Al'Kll 1970 • AIA4t © 1970 • TIil AMERICAN INSTllUTE Of AKCIIITCClS, 1735 N[W YOKK AVlNUE, N.W., WASIIINGION, IJ.C. 20006 [ I r J ! l1 I l l ! l I 11 lI 11 11 11 lI 11 lJ l I I l l I SC-1 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS The speci fications bound herewith are subject to all the requirements of the referenced AI.A General Conditions. Where any article of the General Conditions is supplemented by these requirements, the article shall remai n in effect, and the Supplementary Conditions shall be considered as added to them. Where any article is amended, vo ided, or superceded, any provisions of the article not specifically amended, vo ided, or superceded shall remain in effect. In those instances where the General Conditions are amended or superceded by by these Supplementary Conditions, the Supplementary Conditions shall go vern. 1.CONTRACT [X)CUMENTS In the event of discrepancies involving administrative requirements or procedures, the Contract shall go vern over specifications and drawi ngs, and the General Requirements over ot her sections of the specifications. Should the drawings disagree in themselves, or with the specifications, the hi gher quality or greater quantity of work or materials shall be estimated and, unless authorized in writing by the Odner, shall be perfonned or furnished. 2.PROORAM FUNDS State funds will be used to assist in construction. 3 o PERMITS The Contractor shall ensure that all applicable pennits or ap provals required for state funded projects have been obtained prior to con struction. A co py of these approvals or pennits shall be provided to the Parks and Wildlife Department. Examples include, but are not limited to (1) Corps of Engineers Permit for cons truction in the waters of the United States, (2) Te xas Department of Health ap proval for swimming pools, (3) Texas Deparbnent of Health approval of new water or sewage sy stems,(4)Texas Historical Corrmission approval of archeological assessment, (5)building permit, etc. 4.CIVIL RIGHTS The Contractor is required to com ply with regulations issued pursuant to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with respect to nondisc rimination in assisted program s of the Parks and Wildlife Department. The following provisions, known as the EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE, are to be incorporated verbatim in each contract, subcontract or purchase order. During the performance of the Contract, the Contractor agrees to comply with these provisions as follows: (1)The Contractor shall not descriminate against any enployee orapplicant fo r employment because of race, creed, color, or nationalorigin. The Contractor shall take affinnative action to ensure that I ! 11 11 II 11 11 !I 11 11 11·; I 11 11 i I 11 l'I 11 11 I I SC-2 applicants are employed, and that enployees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or tennination; rates of pay or other fonns of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the contracting officer setting forth the provisions of the nondescrimination clause. (2)The Contractor shall, in all solicitations or advertisements foremployees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor, st ate that allqualified applicants will receive consideration for employment withoutregard to race, religion, color, sex, or national or1g1n.(3)The Contractor shall send to each labor union representative ofworkers with which he has a collective bargaining agr eement or othercontract understanding, a notice, to be provided by the agency contractingofficer, advising the labor union or workers' representative of theContractor's commitments under Section 202 of Executive Order No. 11246,as ammended (3CFR 169, 1974), and shall post copies of the notice inconspicuous places av ailable to employees and ap plicants for employ,nent.(4)The Contractor shall comply with all provisions of Executive OrderNo. 11246, as ammended, and of the rules, regulations, and relevant ordersof the Secretary of Labor.(5)The Contractor shall furnish all information and reports required byExe�utive Order No. 11246, as ammended, and by the rules, regulations, andorders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and shall permitaccess to his books, records, and accounts by the contracting agency andthe Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertaincompliance with such rules, regulations, and orders.(6)In the event of the Contractor's noncompliance with thenondiscrimination clauses of this Contract or witn any such rules,regulations, or orders, this Contract may be canceled, te rmin ated, orsuspended in whole or in part, and the Contractor may be declaredineligible for further Government Contracts in accordance with proceduresauthorized in Executive Order No. 11246, as ammended, and such othersanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in ExecutiveOrder No. 11246, a� ammended, or by rule, regulation, or order of theSecretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law.(7)The Contractor shall incluck :.:1e provisions of paragraphs (1) through(7)in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules,regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issu ed pursuant toSection 204 of Executive Order No. 11246, as ammened, so that suchprovisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. TheContractor shall take such action with resp ect to any subcontract orpurchase order, as the contracting agency may direct as a means ofenforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance:Provided, ho wever, that in the event the Contractor becomes involved in,or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as aresult of such direction by the contracting ag ency, the Contractor mayrequest th� United St ates to enter into such litigation to protect theinterest of the United St ates. l ! I I f I r, I \ f / 11 p II I 11 I ! I I II p ll 1 ! l I I \ 5.CONS'rRUCTION SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS SC-3 It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to maintain safe working conditions at the job site in accordance with the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Heal th Act (OSHA) • 6.PROTECTION OF WOR� IN PRCGRES S Until final completion and acceptance, the Contractor shall assume res ponsibility for any damage to the Work (whether paid or not) 'hhich may be caused by construction operations, or by action of the elements. 7.LIENS Rig hts and liabilities of the o..mer and Contractor in regard to claims for unpaid bills arising from this Contract are prescribed by the applicable provisions of Articles 5452 through 547 2d inclusive, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas (Hardeman Act). 8.INS UHANCE At all times during the prosecution of the Work under this Contract, the Contractor shall maintain with carriers acceptable to the o..mer, the following fonns and minimum amounts of insu rance: (1)Worker's Compensation Insurance as re quired by appl icable State laws,in limits not less than $500,000(2)Comprehensive General Liability Insurance in limits of not less thanthe following:Bodily Injury Liability $500,000 each occurrence $500,000 aggregate Property Damage Liability $100,000 each occurrence $100,000 aggregate (3)Automobile Liability Insurance in limits not less than the following:Bodily Injury$250,000 each person $500,000 each occurrence Property Damage $100,000 each occurrence (4) Comprehensive Catastrophe Liability Insurance (Umbrella) in limits notless than the dif ference between the following amounts and the limits setforth for each occurrence and the ag gregate for each annual period in (1),(2), and (3) above:$5,000,000 each occurrence $5,000,000 aggregate (5)All Risk Builders Risk Insurance on 100% completed value basis on theinsurable portions of the project for the benefit of the o..mer, theContractor, and all subcontractors as their interests may appear. The Owner shall be responsible for purchasing and maintaining his own comprehensive general liability insurance to protect himself against J I !I I l 11 I \ I f I ! I � f I I \ � I f I 1 � lf 1 ! l I l � t I I ! SC-4 claims for prop erty damage, and personal injury ar1s1ng from operations under the Contract. He shall name the Architects and Engineers as additionally insured. As trustee for the insureds, the O.Vner shall also be responsible for purchasing and maintaining property insurance for work at the site to its full insurable value. Pro perty insurance shall insure against fire, extended coverage, vandalism, and malicious mischief, and shall cover losses by the Contractor and subcontractors as their interests may appear. Owner and Contractor shall waive all rights against each other for damages caused by fire or other perils, and the Contractor shall require similar waivers of all subcontractors. 9.DISCREPANCIES If the specifications do not fully agree with schedules, the schedules shall govern. Figures given on drawings go vern scale measurements, and large scale details govern small scale drawings. Should the drawings disagree in themselves, or with the specifica tions, the higher quality or gre ater quantity of work or materials shall be estimated and, unless authorized in writing by the O.Vner, shall be performed or furnished. 10.CLAIMS FOR EX'I'RA cos·r If the Contractor claims that any instructions by drawings or otherwise involve extra cost under this Contract, he shall notify the o.vner in writing within a reasonable time after receipt of such instructions, and in any event before proceeding to execute the work (except in emergency endangering life or property) and the procedure then shall be as provided in the General Conditions for "Changes in the Work". 11.C�E ORDERS Prepare change Order estimates on AIA Form G701, and supply necessary data to substantiate their correctness. Fee to be added to actual cost of Change Order work shall be a mutually acceptable percentage fee varying with the amount of the actual cost, but not to exceed fifteen percent (15%). The fee shall be compensation to cover the cost of supervision, overhead, profit, and any other general expenses. 12.EXAMINATION OF PREMISES Before submitting a proposal for this Work, each bidder shall examine the premises and satisfy hi mself as to the existing conditions under which the work must be performed. By executing the Contract, the Contractor represents that he has visited the job site and familiarize d hi mself with all conditions affecting the Work, and no extra charge or compensation will be allowed for reasons of error on his part. 13.FIELD MEASUREMENTS It is assumed that all dimensions on the drawings are correct. However, before beginning any work, the contractor shall verify all measurements at the job site, and shall be responsible for the accuracy of same. No extra 11 J ! I Ir, I \ ,f I ;I I !I r\ � ! 1 \ 11 1 l 1 \ l I !Iu l � II I '. SC-5 charge or compensation wi ll be allowed on account of differences between actual field dimensions and the dimensions indicated on the drawings. Any discrepancies which may be found shall be submitted to the Architect and awner for considerati on and adjustment before proceeding with the Work. 15.GUARAi\JTEE/WARRAi\lTY OF CONSTRUC'rION For a period of one year from the date of final acceptance by the o.-mer (or for longer guarantee periods stipulated elsewhere), the Contractor guarantees that work performed by him or by his subcontractors conforms to the Co ntract requirements and is free of any defect of equipment, materials, or workmanship. Under the term s of this warranty, the Contractor shall remedy at his own expense any such failure to conform, or any su ch defect. All movable or adjustable items shall remain in perfect working order throughout the guarantee period. The Contractor and his subcontractors shall assume responsibility and pay for replacement or repair of adjacent materials or work which may be damaged due to failure of their work or replacement or repairs of their work. This wa rranty shall not apply to work which has been abused or negl ected by the o.-mer. 16.SITE ACCESS AND PARKit-(; Ingress and egress to the site for delivery of materials and equipment will be detennined by the o.-mer and Contractor. Vehicular, on-site traffic during construction shall follow established routes. No driving or parking of automobiles or trucks of Contractor's, subcontractors', or sup pliers' anployees will be allowed on the property in areas other than those agreed upon by the o.-mer and the Contractor. 17.PR�RAM ACKNCJ.-JLE():;EMENT (1)TEMPORARY SIGN: All development projects shall be signed at the timeconstruction is initiated, and shall continue until completion ofdevelopment. Temporary signs shall be no less than 3 feet by 4 feet (12square feet), and no larger than 6 feet by 8 feet (48 square feet). Theattached sample reflects the minimum st andard required for the sign. Thesecond line will indicate that the project is a "development". Thetemporary sign shall have a white background with either red or bluelettering. It is acceptable to use both red and blue lettering where onecolor is used to hig hl ight the pr oject sponsor and the Fund, and the othercolor for the remaining lettering.(2)PERMANENT SIGN: Suitable pennanent public acknowledgement isrequired, in the form of a permanent sign which represents the State-Localpartnership role in creating outdoor recreation opportunities. In orderto minimize mai ntenance costs, this permanent acknowledgement shall be inthe form of a metal plaque as specified in Section 10100. The wording ofthe permanent sign should be similar to that shown on the attachedsuggested lay out, with the correct names and locations substituted whereapplicable (refer to Section 10100). END OF DOCUMENT ---------- --- ---c-. -· ---. ------------------ THE CITY OF • Public Outdoor Recreati"on Site*• Aided by THE TEXAS LOCAL PARK, RECREATION 8 OPEN SPACE • Administ ered by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (/) � 1--'(t) 1--' � 0 C rt Hl0 t1 FUND I t1 �t1'< "g0 L.,. (t) () rt Hl8.I-'• � �­() STATE City of • FUNDING ·50%$ 50,000 ! 50%� $ 50,000 � Total Project $100,000 �-. • As Appropriate • • Acquisition, Development, or Acqu isition and Develo pment (/) () I °' SC-7 r � Sample layo ut for permanent project funding acknowledgement sign. (t\NYTOWN BASEBALL II PARK j \ A.I TEXAS LOC AL PARKS,RECREATION, AND l !OPEN SPACE FUND PROJECT r l f ! l \ SPONSORED BY: THE CITY OF ANYTQW.N \ l TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT / l I \ u I l l I u l I l! DEDICATED JANUARY 1, 1983 J.T. ALDERS-MAYOR SUSAN JONES-CITY COMMISSION THOMAS AND GREER-LANDSCAPE AR CHITECTS j l f � l 1 11 I \ I ! 11 f I I l l \ I l f I I � u I l l ) LI l: !l PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION SECTION 01010 SUMMARY OF THE WORK 01010-1 The pr oject consists of construction of a reinforced concrete, competition length pool, along with single story brick veneer, CMU, and wood frame buildings to house the physical facilities associated with the operation and mai ntenance of the pool. Also included are related site work, paving, fencing, drainage, and sod. Jogging trails and park equipment are not a part of this Contract. 1.2 WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT [X)CUMENTS A.GENERAL:The Work under this contract shall include all labor, materials,equipment, and services required to complete construction of thefacilities in accordance with the drawings and specifications, and incompliance with all applicable codes and regulations. B.CONTRACTOR'S DUTIES:Unless specifically noted otherwise, the Contractor shall provide and payfor the following:(1)labor, materials, and equipment(2)tools, construction equipment, and machinery(3)ot her facilities and services necessary for proper execution andcompletion of the Work. C.PERMITS, FEES, AND NarICES:Contractor shall secure and pay for, as necessary for proper execution andcompletion of the Work, all permits, government fees, and lice nses.Contractor shall also give all required notices. 1.3 CONTRACTS (1)Perform Work under single, fixed price Contract.(2 ) Items noted "NIC" (Not in Contract), will be furnished and installedby others. 1.4 a-lNER-FURNISHED ITEMS A.EQUIPMENT:owner will furnish all special equipment not shown or specified.Contractor shall provide rough-in connections for utility services whereindicated. B.FURNISHI1'K:iS:Except where noted ot herwise, owner will pr ovide and install allfurniture. I ! ( j 'I I fl !\ 11 t I l l ( I l \ { i l I J } u � I l l { } I{ I J 01010-2 C. TELEPHONE SERVICE: OWner will provide all telephone equipment and services. Contractor shallpre-wire for telephone installation as indicated on the drawings, and coordinate equipment installation with OWner and telep hone service company. 1.5 CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES Confine operations at site to areas permitted by law, permits, ordinances,and Contract D:>cuments. 00 not unreasonably encllllber site with ma terials or equipment. Do not load structure with we ight that will damage or end anger the Work. Assume full responsibility for protection and safekeeping of products stored on premises. Move any stored prodoctswhich interfere with operations of Owner. Obtain and pay for use of add itional storage or Work areas needed for operations.· 1.6 COORDINATION (1) Coordinate Work of the various speci fication sections to assure eff icient and orderly sequence of install ation of construction elements, with provisions for acc ommodating item s to be installed by ot hers, and at a later date. (2) Verify that characteristics and elements of interrelated operatingequipment are compatible; coordinate work of various sections having interdependent responsibilities for installing, connecting to, and placingin service such equipment. (3) Coordinate space re quirements and installation of mechanical and electrical work which are indicated diagrammatically on drawings. Followrouting shown for pipes, ducts, and conduits as closely as practicable; make runs parallel with lines of building. Utilize spaces ef ficiently tomaximize accessibility for other installation s, for maintenance, and for repairs. '(4) In finished areas, conceal pipes, ducts and wiring in the construction. Coordinate locations of fixtures and outlets with finishelements. (5) Execute cutting and patching as necessary to integrate elements ofWork, uncover ill-timed, defective, and non-conforming Work, and to provide required samples to testing laboratory for tests. Seal penetrations through floors, walls, and ceilings. 1.7 FIELD D(;INEERIN3 (1) Provide field engineering services to establish grades, lines, andlevels by use of recognized engineering survey practices. (2) Control datum for survey is that established by Owner-provided survey.Locate and protect control and reference points. 1.8 RE FERENCE SfANDARDS (1) For products specif ied by association or trade standards, comply withrequirements of the standard, except when more rigid requirements are specif ied herein or are required by applicable codes. r l / r 'l ! r ! [ \ r f f ! 1 I l l ! I \ l: I I ,j } u I ! l) ti u { ; 01010-3 (2)If no specific date is listed, the date of the standard is that ineffect as of the bid date, or date of Owner-Contractor Agreement whenthere are no bids. 1.9 TAX EXEMPTION CMner is exempt from city and state sales tax on prodt.X:ts pennanently incorporated in the work. Contractor shall: (1)obtain sales tax exemption certificate letter from o..mer(2)include certificate with invoices for materi als incorporated in thework, and furnish copies to the Owner(3)pay legally assessed penalties for improper use of exemptioncertificate. PART 2 -PRODUCTS PART 3 -EXOCUTION Not Used Not Used END OF SECTION j \ l I l f ! l l f i f 1 { ! '{ ! l\ I l t I I ; u I l {) !.} lI i; PART l - GENERAL 1.1 WOOK INCLUDED SECTION 01100 ALTERNATES 01100-1 (1)Th is section id entifies each Al ternate by number, and describes thebasic changes to be made in the Work if and when an Al ternate is acceptedby the o,mer and made a part of the Contract.(2)Coordinate ?11 related work, and modify surrounding work as necessaryto provide the com plete construction required by the Contract Documents. 1.2 RELATED WOOK Brick Veneer, Section 04210. 1.3 DESCRIPTION OF ALTERNATES A.GENERAL:Indicate on the Bid Proposal the amount to be added to or dedu:::ted from the Base Bid for all labor, materia ls, equipment, and services ne cessary· for and incide ntal to performing each of the following Alternates, if made a part of the Contract. B.ALTERNATE NO. 1:Md the cost of all materials and labor necessary for fabrication andinstallation of accent brick patterns as shown on the drawings. C.ALTERNATE NO. 2:Md the co st of all materials and labor required for construction and/orinstallation of the storage kiosk and the vending kiosk , chain linkfencing, land fill, sodding and sprigging, and all associated plumbing,wiring, etc. Refer to note on Sheet A-2. D.ALTERNATE NO. 3:Md the cost of al l labor and materials to substitute glazed CMU for allcolored CMU in bath houses. (Note: CMU in equipment room is not af fectedby this alternate.) E.ALTERNATE NO. 4:Add the cost of al l labor and materials required to substitute vinylcoated chain link fencing, framing and ac cessories for standard galvanizedchain link fencing, framing and accessories. F.ALTERNATE NO. 5:Dedu:::t the cost of extending the Contract time from 145 to 180 calendardays. PART 2 -PRODUCTS PART 3 -EXECI.Jl'ION Not ·used Not Used END OF SECTION J I r 1 J I r ! I ! i I I ! f I r ! I \ I I f l I \ u l l I l t} I I I l PART l -GENERAL 1.1 SCHEDULE OF VALUES SECTION 01150 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT 01150-1 (1 ) Before the first Application for Pa'.YTl\ent, the Contractor shall submit to the Arc hitect a Sc hedule of val ues as outlined in Section 01370. This schedule will be used as a basis for de tennining pa'.YJllents and comple tion. (2)Contractor shall also submit a list of sub-contractors and principalsuppliers and fabricators; a construction sched ule as required in Section01370; a copy of the building pennit and other simila r authoriza tions andlicenses; as well as evidence of required insurance coverages. 1.2.APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT Applica tions for Pa'.YJllent shall be submitted on AIA forms G702 and G70 3 (continuation sheet). Applications shall be submit ted monthly, and shall be based on the perce ntage of work completed and materials stored at the job site. Pa'.YJllents will be made based on a 10% retainage. 1.3 PAYMENTS Architect shall promptly review Contractor's Appl ica tion for Pa'.YJllent and submit documents to o.-mer for execution. OWner shall promptly issue approved pay,-nent to Contractor. 1.4 FINAL PAYMENT Final payment will be made only af ter final insp ection has been perfonned, and the Architect and OWner have determined that all work required by the Contract Documents has been satisfac torily completed and all final submissions made. See Section 01700 for project cl oseout requirements. Final payment will include retainage previously held. PART 2 -PR ODUCTS PART 3 -EXECUTION Not Used Not used END OF SECTION {I I I f I l l f ! I I I ! I l -r i l \u J \ r l l ! lI ! ! l l 11 I ! PART l -GENERAL 1.1 FORM OF SCHEDULE SECTION 01310 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES 01310-1 Prepare and submit schedule in the form of a horizontal bar chart with separate horizontal bar colunn for each trade or operation. Identify each colunn by distinct gr aphic delineation, and identify first work day of each week. Scale and spacing of chart shall allow ro om for changes and updating. 1.2 CONTENT OF SCHEDULE Provide complete sequence of construction by activity showing dates for beginning and completion of each element of work. Clearly identify work of sep arate phas es. Show projected percentage of completion of work as of first day of each month. 1.3 UPDATIOO Show all changes occurring since previous submission of·updated schedule, including major changes in scope, activities modified since previous updating, revised projections due to changes, and other identifiable changes. Indicate progress of each activity and show dates work is completed. l. 4 SUBMITTALS Submit initial schedule within fifteen (15) days of Notice to Proceed. Submit updated schedules on the fifte enth of each month, accurately reflecting progress of the Work. PART 2 -PRODUCTS PART 3 -EXOCUTION Not Us ed Not Used END OF SECTION :I \ l I I l l f ! I l I l l I ,I ! I .1 l\ l I ( ! 11 l1 'I l t l tl 11 I l 01340-1 SECTION 01340 SHOP DRAWIOOS, PRODUCT DATA, AND SAMPLES PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Submit shop drawings, product data, and samples required by the various specif ication sections. Allow sufficient time for review as required prior to beginning affected work. 1.2 SUBMI'l'TAL PROCEDURES (1)Deliver submittals to Architect at 4520 Burnet Road, Austin, Texas78756. (2)Transmit each item under AIA Form G810, or other fonn acceptable tothe Architect.(3)Identify Project, Contractor, subcontractor, major supplier; identifypertinent dr awing sheet, detail number, and specification sectionnumber as appropriate. Identify all deviations from ContractDocuments. Provide space for Architect's review stamp •. (4)All submittals shall bear Contractor's stamp, initialed or signed,certifying review of subrnittal, verification of field measurements,and compliance with Contract Documents except where· otherwise noted.(5)Allow a minimum of seventeen calendar days for review ofall submittals. 1.3 SHOP DRAWIOOS As required in the individual specification sections, submit shop drawings prepared by Contractor, subcontractor, supplier, or distributor which illustrate fabrica tion, layout, setting, or erection details. Subrnit in the form of one reproducible transp ar ency and two opaque reproducti ons. Required shop dr awings include, but are not limited to the following: (1)reinforcing steel(2)metal roofing sy stem(3)flashing and metal trim details(4)toilet partitions. 1.4 PRODUCT DATA (1)Submit manufacturer's standard schematic drawings roodified to deleteinformation which is not applicable to the project. Submit manufacturer'scatalog sheets, brochur es, diagrams, sched ule s, performance charts,illustrations, and other standard descriptive data. Clearly mark eachcopy to identify only pertinent materials, products, or roodels.Supplement manufacturer's standard data to provide information unique tothe Work.(2)Sul:mit number of copies required by Contractor, plus tw o copies for I i f ! l l f ! ' I l 11 I ! f l 11 ·1 � I l f I 11 l! l l ti ,i l I. I I I 01340-2 Architect. (3)All submittals containing more than seven catalog sheets shall beassembled in an indexed brochure. 1.5 SAMPLES (1)Suanit full range of manufacturer's standard colors, textures andpatterns for Architect's selection. Subrnit in such manner that Architecthas all related samples at same time, and allow a minimum of twenty onecalendar days for selections.(2)Where specified, su bmit physical examples of work ill ustratingmaterials and functional characteristics, integral parts and attachmentdevices, and quality of workmanship. Submit with r,easonable promptnessand in orderly sequence to avoid delays in the Work. Co ordinatesubmittals of different categories for interfacing work. Each sample mustbe accompanied by complete specification data.(3)Subcontractor or supplier furnishing sample(s) shall pay alltransportation charges.(4)All samples must be approved in writing before installation on theproject. Approved samples which may be used in the Work are identi fi ed inthe specification secti ons.(5)Required samples include, but are not limited to the following items:(a)metal roofing and fl ashing(b)finish hardware items(c)paint finishes(d)signage(e)toilet partitions. 1.6 FIELD SAMPLES Provide field samples of finishes at Project as required by individual specification sections. Install samples complete and finished. Acceptable samples may remain in completed work. PART 2 -PRODUCTS PART 3 -EXECI.JI'ION Not Used Not Used END OF SECTION ,I : J I l f I I l 11 I ! 11 11 f l I l I : 11 I I 11 { l l l . i I 11 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 SUBMITI'AL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01370 SCHEDULE OF VAWES 01370-1 (1)At least ten days prior to submitting first Application for Pay,nent,submit to Architect a sche dule of values on AIA Form G703.(2)Upon request, support values given with data that will substantiatetheir correc tness.(3)Use only this Schedule of Values as a basis for Contractor'sApplication for Payment. 1.2 FORM OF SUBMITI'AL (1)Use table of contents of this Project Manual as basis for line itemlisting of costs. Identify each line item with number and title of thespecifcation sections. Include in each line item a directly proportionalamount of Contractor's overhead and profit. Round off all figures tonearest dollar. Make sum of total costs of all items li sted in Sched uleof Values equal to total Contract sum.(2)Provide a subschedule for bonds, fees, permits,.and other items ofWork required in Section 01010.(3)For each Application for Payment, revise sched ule of values to reflectapproved change or ders. PART 2 • PRODUCTS PART 3 -EXECUTION Not Used Not Used END OF SECTION 11 r ! 11 I \ 11 11 I ! f I 1 l f I t I I l 11 t ! l1 t l l l l I I I PART l -GENERAL 1.1 COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01400 QUALITY CONTROL 01400-1 The drawings and specifications have been developed with the intent of meeting or exceeding minimLnn required standards. Should the drawings and specifications fail to comply with these standards, the Co ntracto r shall notify the Architect immediately in writing. Without such notice, the Contractor shall assume responsibility for complying with the intent of the drawings and sp ecifications, and for meeting or exceeding the requirements of all go verning laws, codes, ordinances, and regula tions. 1.2 GENERAL QUALITY CO NTROL Maintain quality control over suppl iers, manufacturers, products, services, site conditions, and workmanship to produce work of the highest quality. 1.3 WORKMANSHIP (1)Comply with industry standards except where.more restrictivetolerances or specified requirements indicate more rigid standards or moreprecise wor�nanship.(2)Perform work by persons qualified to produce workmanship of highestquality.(3)Secure products in place with positive anchorage devices designed andsized to withstand stresses, vibration, and racking.(4)If the specifications do not fully agree with schedules, the schedulesshall go vern. Figures given on drawings go vern scale measurements, andlarge scale details go vern small scale drawings. Should the drawingsdisagree in themselves, or with the Specifications, the better quality orgreater quantity of work or materials shall be estimated and, unlessauthorized in writing by the OWner, shall be performed or furnished. 1.4 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS Comply with instructions in full detail, including each step in sequence. Should instructions conflict with Contract Documents, request clarif ication from Architect before proceeding. Allow sufficient time for adjustments wi tho_ut causing delay of Work. 1.5 MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATES When required by individual Specification sections, submit manufacturer's certificate, in duplicate, that installed prodocts meet or exceed specified requirements. I l r; \ l l \ 11 11 I I 11 11 11 11 11 11 l I lI I l 11 l I I 01400-2 1.6 MAi.\/UFACTURER'S FIELD SERVICES (1)When specified in respective Specification sections, requi remanufacturer to provide qualified per s onnel to obser ve fiel d conditions ,conditions of sur faces and instal lation, and quality of wor�nanship, asapplicable, and to make app ropriate recommendations.(2)Representative shall submit written report to Ar chitect listingobservations and recommendations. 1. 7 INSPECTIONS B'i GOVERNit-,(j AUTHORITIES Secure and pay for a complete series of inspections as may be required by authorities having jurisdiction. PART 2 -PRODUCTS PART 3 -EXECIJI'ION Not Used Not Used END OF SECTION 11 I l 11 f I 11 [ I I I I l :I I II I J I I : I ; I I : 1 ! 11 I l l I lI l PART l - GENERAL SECTION 01410 TESTIOO lABORATORY SERVICES 1.1 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED 01410-1 The Owner shall employ and pay for the services of an independent testing laboratory acceptable to the Architect to perform specified services and testing. Contractor shall cooperate with the laboratory to facilitate the execution of its required services. Emplo�ent of testing laboratory shall in no way relieve Contractor of his obligation to perfonn work in accordance with the Contract. Routine inspection, sa mpling, and testing is requi red for: (1)soil compaction(2)cast-in-place concrete(3)st eel welding. 1.2 RELATED REQUIREMENTS Contract Closeout, Section 01700; Excavation, Filling, and Grading, Section 02200; Concrete Block Paving, Section 02518; cast-In-Place Concrete, Section 03300; Structural Steel, Section 05120. 1.3 QUALIFICATION OF LABORATORY Testing Laboratory·shall meet "Recorrrnended Requirements for Independent Laboratory Qualifications", latest edition, published by the American Council of Independent Laboratories. 1.4 lABORATORY DUTIES (1)Cooperate with Architect and Contractor to provide qualified personnelpromptly on notice. Perfonn specified inspections, sampling, and testingof ma terials and met hods of construction in compliance with recog nizedstandards to ascertain compliance of work with Contract Doct.nnents.Promptly notify Architect and Contractor of any observed deficiencies.(2)Promptly subnit copies of reports of inspections and tests toArchitect, o.�ner, and Contractor, and include date issued, project titleand number, testing laboratory name and address, name and sig nature ofinspector, date of inspection or sampli ng, all field information pertinentto test, date and type of test, results of test, and observationsregarding compliance with Contract Documents.(3)Perform additional services as required by Architect or Owner. 1.5 LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY OF TESTIOO LABORATORY Laboratory is not au thorized to release, revoke, alter, or enlarge on r I I ! I ' I ! f I !I 11 f I 'I I I I I i r: :i I II ! 11 I l 1 i 'I I lI 01410-2 requirements of the Contract Documents; approve or accept any portion of the work; or perfonn any duties of the Contractor. 1.6 CONTRAcroR RESPONSIBILITIES (1)Cooperate with laboratory personnel to provide timely access to thework. Notify laboratory sufficiently in advance of operations to allowfor assignment of personnel and sc heduling of tests. Secure and deliverto the laboratory ad equate quantities of samples of proposed materialswhich require testing. Provide preliminary design mix proposed to be usedfor concrete, and other material mixes which require control by thetesting laboratory.(2)Furnish incidental labor and facilities to provide access to work to be tested; to obtain and handle samples of products to be tested; tofacilitate inspections and tests; and for storag e and field-curing of testsamples.(3)Make arrangements with laboratory and pay for addit ional samples andtests required for Co ntractor's convenience.(4)Employ and pay for the services of a separate, qualified independenttesting labor atory to design proposed concrete mixes.(5)Additional testing required as a result of work found not to be incompliance with the Contract Documents shall be paid for by theContractor. PART 2 • PRODUCTS PART 3 -EXECIJI'ION Not Used Not Used END OF SECTION f ! 'I ' I r ! } I 11 I l f I 11 lI 11 11 11 I ! l1 11 11 I ) l I PAAT 1 -GE:NERAL 1.1 PROTECTIONS SECTION 01500 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 01500-1 (1)Construct any temporary fences, barricades, walks, passageways, et c.,that are necessary to protect persons and property from hazard or damagedue to construction operations, and as re quired by governing codes and/orordinances.(2)Take all necessary precautions to protect any remaining struc tures,paving, planting, et c., on this or adjacent sites from any damage due to these operations.(3)Support and protect any existing sewer, water, gas, el ectric,telephone, or other utility lines from damage. 1.2 WATER CONTROL (1)Grade construction site to drain effectively. Take precautions tocontrol run-off as required by applicable codes and ordinances.(2)Each contractor, in the execution of his work, shall at all timesprotect his own excavations, trenches, and the building from damage fromrainwater, springwater, groundwater, backing up of drains and sewers, andother water. He shall provide all pumps, equipment, and enclosuresnecessary to provide this prote ction in connection with his work. 1.3 TREE PROTECTION Protect any trees, shrubs, or vegetation which are to remain by appropriate fencing or barricades, minimum 4'-0" high, erected at the drip lin e of trees or at the periphery of vegetation areas that are to rem ain undisturbed. These protection measures must be approved by the Architect prior to beginning site work operations, and shall re main in place until construction is complete. 1.4 TEMPORARY UTILITIES A.WATER:Water required during construction operations for the use of allcontractors and trades shall be provided by the General Contractor. B.ELECTRICITY:(1)Electrical Contractor shall provide temporary electric power servicefor construction needs throughout construction period. Provide powercenters for miscellaneous tool s and equipment used in construction.(2)Temporary service shall include sufficient power for construction ) I [ l I l: 11 f I I � 1 l 11 11 l' f 1 :1 I l ! l1 1 l I ; l I 11 equipment, temporary field office(s), temporary lighting, heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning, and the testing and checking of equipment and systems being installed in the building. 01500-2 (3)Temporary service shall be of adequate capacity for construction useby all trades during the construction period.(4)General Contractor shall pay costs of temporary electricity, includingcost of installation, maintenance, temporary electric p0•·;·.·•· used, andremoval. Electrical contractor shall ob tain and pay for pennits asrequired by governing authorities as well as any re quired temporaryeasements across property ot her than that of the CMner.(5)Comply wi th all applicable codes and ord inances. C.TELEPHONE:General Contractor shall provide and pay for installation of telephoneservice in the temporary office(s) for the use of all contractors and theArchitect during construction. Phone shall be equipped with outside bellaudible throughout the project site. The cost of long distance callsshall be paid by the party making the call. 1.5 FIELD OFFICES AND STORAGE SHEDS (1 ) Provide field office(s) that are weathertight and equipped with electrical outlets, lig ht s, heating, cooling, and ventilating equipment, and furniture. (2)Each contractor shall provide as necessary; maintain in goodcondition, and remove when directed, suitable, substantial, water-tightstorage sheds for the storage of tools and materials which would bedamaged by the weat her. Provide heat and ventilation for storage ofproducts requiring controlled conditions, and provide adequate lightingfor inspection of stored material�. 1.6 TOILETS At the beginning of the work, provide on the premises suitable temporary toilets and enclosures for use of all workers on the jo b. Post required notices and take precautions to keep clean and in a sanitary condition. Upon completion of the project, remove toilets and restore area to original condition . 1.7 PROTECTION OF INSTALLED WORK ·(l) Provide temporary protection for installed work, and control trafficin finis hed areas to prevent damage. Provide protective coverings atwalls, projections, jambs, sills and corners. Protect finished floorsfrom construction traffic. Prohibit traffic and storage on waterproofedor ro ofed areas, and on lawn and landscaped areas. (2)Each contractor shall be responsible for any loss or damage caused byhim or his workers to the property of the OWner or to installed work ormaterials, and shall repair such damage at no cost to the OWner. f 1 r I l ! 11 I I l: 11 11 11 11 11 I I l! i I l l 11 I : 01500-3 1.8 SECURITY Protect Work and materials stored on project site. Provide reasonable security ag ainst unauthorized entry, vandalism and theft • 1.9 HAZARD CONTROL A.GENERAL CLEANI�:(1) Conduct cleaning operations to maintain building, gr ounds, and publicproperties free from accumulations of waste materials, debris and rubbish.Wet down dry materials and rubbish to prevent blowing dust. At re asonableintervals during progress of the work, clean site and public properties,and dispose of waste mat erials, debris, and rubbish. Legally dispose ofall waste materials off site in location approved by local authorities.Sc hedule cleaning operations so that dust and other contaminants resultingfrom cleaning process will not fall on wet, newly painted surfaces.(2)Carry out cleaning and disposal operations in compliance with locallaws and ordinances. Do not burn or bury rubbish and waste mat erials on job site. Do not dispose of volatile wastes such as mineral spirits, oil, or paint thinner in storm or sanitary drains. Do not dispose of wastes . into streams or waterways. B.SAFE'I'Y srANDARDS:Maintain project in accordance with safety standards of Occup ationalSafety and Health Act (OSHA). C.HAZARD CONTROL:Store volatile wastes in covered metal containers and remove from premisesdaily. Prevent accLDnulation of wastes which create hazardous cond itions.Provide adequate ventilation during use of volatile or noxious substances. 1.10 FIRE PROT ECTION (1)All contractors shall have personnel trained in fire prevention andemergency action. General Contractor is to provide fire extinguishers insufficient numbers and at appropriate locations to assure safety.Extinguishers shall be of the proper ty pe to extinguish electrical fireswithout injury to the user.(2)Store all flammable mat erials at a safe distance from the buildings,and use in small quantities that can be easily handled in an emergency.Remove all flammable materials from the buildings at the end of each workday. Use only flame-proof tarpaulins. Welding and flame cuttingequipment shall be used only in the presence of a designated user of fireprotection equipment. 1.11 PROJECT SIGN Furnish and install in location designated by the Architect, a project I I 11 I I 11 I ' 11 I l l Il I I i 11 l, I n I i 11 11 I ! !'I l l f l I PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01600 MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT 01600-1 Comply with specifications and reference standards as mioimum requirements for quality of products, materials and eq uipment. 1.2 MATERIALS A.QUALITY AND FUNCTION:The Contractor warrants to the o..mer that all materials and equipment incorporated into the Work will be new, and that all materials and equipment furnished will perform as intended in the Contract Documents. Components supplied in quantity shall be identical and interchangeable. B.TRANSPORTATION AND HAi'JDLir-G:(1)The Contractor shall be responsible for the timely ordering anddelivery of all materials to the job site, to avoid delay in the progressof the Work.(2)Transport materials by methods to avoid damage. Deliver materials inmanufacturer's or iginal, unopened, labeled containers. Promptl y inspectshipments to assure product compliance with specified requirements,'correct quantities, and undamaged condition. C.STORAGE AND PROTECTION:(1)Provide equip ment, personnel and facilities to protect materials andequipment from moisture, tampering, or ot her damage.(2)Store in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions, withlabels and seals intact and legible. Store sensitive materials inweathertight enclosures, and maintain within temperature and hu midityranges required by manufacturer's instructions.(3)Exterior storage shall be on sloped supports above ground. Coverproducts and materials subject to deterioration with impervious sheetcovering, ade quately ventilated to prevent condensation.(4)store loo se, gr anular materials on solid surfaces in a well-drainedarea to prevent mixing or contamination by foreign matter.(5)Arrange storage to provide access for inspection. Periodically-inspect to assure maintenance of required conditions. D.INSTALLATION:All manufactured articles, material, and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned, and conditioned as directed by the manufacturer, unless specifically directed ot herwise. 1. 3 SUBSTITU'rIONS AND PRODUCT OPTIONS I l 11 ,I 11 j I I 1 f \� 11 I l 11 I \ 1 I 11 ( I l l I \ l l 11 l1 i � 01600-2 A.GUARAi\lTEE OF QUALITY:Where one manufacturer or material is called for, listed, or other wisedesignated by the drawings or specifications, the intent is not to limitcompetition or to write a closed specification, but rather to set astandard of quality. With the written approval of the owner and theArchitect as provided below, other manufacturers or materials may be usedprovided there is no decrease in the quality of the finished product. Thecontractor shall assume full responsibility for certification of equalquality on substitutions, and shall provide the same warranty forsubstituted items as for those originally specified. B.PRODUCTS LIST:Within 15 days after date of CMner--Contractor Agreement, submit co mplete1 ist of major products proposed for use, with name of manufacturer, tr adename, and model number (if applicable) of each product. C.SUBSTITU'rIONS:Only during the bidding period will the Architect consider Contractorrequests for substitutions. Subsequently, substitutions will beconsidered only under special circumstances and subject to the discretionof the OWner and the Arc hitect. D.CONTRACTOR'S OPTIONS:The Contractor may exercise the following options regarding substitutionsfor specified products and materials.(1)For products specified only by reference standards, sel ect any productby any manufacturer which meets those standards.(2)For products sp ecified by naming several manufacturers, select anyproduct or manufacturer named.� (3)For products sp ecified by naming one or more manufacturers, but withprovisions for substitutions, the Contractor must submit written requestfor substitution of any product not specifically named.(4)For products sp ecified by naming only one manufacturer, nosubstitutions will be permitted.(5)Substitutions will not be considered when they are indicated orimplied on shop drawings or product data sul::mittals without separate written request, or when acceptance will require substantial _revision of Contract Documents. (6)The Architect will notify the Contractor in writing of acceptance orrejection of proposed substitution. (7)Only one request for substitution will be considered for each product.When a substitution is rejected, provide material or product as specified. E.CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES: (1)Docl.DTlent each request with complete data substantiating compliance ofproposed substitution with Contract Documents.(2)In making written request for substitutions, Contractor representsthat he has personally investigated the proposed product or material anddetermined that it is equal or superior in all respects to that specified.He shall provide the same warranty for substituted products and materials I 11 11 ' I 11 I \ I :1 11 I .l 11 l \ I [ l 11 ,I I l! 11 lI 11 L 01600-3 as for products or materials specified. He sh all coordinate installation of accepted substitutions into the Work, making such changes as may berequired for the Work to be complete in all respe cts. (3) The Contractor waives all claims for additional costs ari sing from orrelated to the subsequent installation of substituted items. F.REPLACEMENT:·within the warranty period, sh ould an accepted substitution prove to bedefective or ot herwise unsatis factor y for the function intended, it shall be replaced at no cost to the OWner with the material or equipmentoriginally specified. 1.4 SYSTEMS DEMOOSTRATION Prior to final inspection, demonstrate operation of ea ch system or item ofequipment to Ar chitect and CMner or CMner's personnel. Instruct O.Vner'spersonnel in operation, adjust ment, and maintenance of equipment andsystems, using the manufacturer's operation and maintenance data as thebasis for such instr uction. PART 2 -PRODUCTS PART 3 -EXECIJI'ION Not Used Not Used END OF SECTION l ' lI L p f \ I 1 1 ' ! I ) I ! l' f; l! � : I : H 11 l! 11 I � PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 CON'rRACT REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01700 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 01700-1 Comply with requiremets of the Contract Documents and the specific requirements of this Specification for completion of Work and closeout of construction Contract. 1.2 FINAL CLEANING (1)At completion of Work, remove waste materials, rubbish, tools,equipment, machinery, and surplus materials, and clean all sight-exposedsurfaces. Leave project clean and ready for oc cupancy.(2)For cleaning of specific products or portions of the Work, refer toSpecification section for that product or portion of the Work. Use onlycleaning materials recommended by manufacturer of surface to be cleaned.Use cleaning materi als only on surfaces recommended by cleaning materialmanufacturer.(3)Remove grease, dirt, dust, stains, labels, fingerprints, and otherforeign materials from sight-exposed interior and exterior finishedsurfaces. Polish all gl ass and bright metal surfaces. Repair, patch, andtouch-up marred surfaces to specified finish matching adjacent surfaces.Broom clean paved surfaces, and rake clean other surfaces of gro und.Replace air-conditioning filters if units were operated duringconstruction. Clean ducts, blowers, and coils if air-conditioning unitswere operated without filters during construction. Maintain cleaninguntil Work is accepted by o.mer. 1.3 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION (1)The Contractor shall submit to the Architect written certificationthat the project is substantially complete in accordance with the ContractDocuments, along with a list of major items still to be comple ted orcorrected. The Arc hitect and the Ovmer or his representative will make aninspection within ten days after receipt of certificati on. Should theArchitect consider that the Work is substantially complete, he shall prepare and submit a "punch list" of items to be completed or corrected asdetermined by the inspection. The Architect will issue a Certificate ofSubstantial Completion (AIA document No. G704) si gned by the OWner andContractor, and accompanied by Contractor's verified and amended list ofitems to be completed or corrected. (2)Should the Architect consider that the Work is not substantiallycomplete, Contractor will be notified immediately in writing statingreasons. Contractor shall complete Work as directed and send secondnotice of substantial completion to the Architect who will then re-inspectthe Work. I·, 1 ' r ' 1'1 { I r r 1 I � � I � � ! l \ .lL I � 1 l i I { I i I I l '\ I ( j 01700-2 (3) Should Architect be requi·red to perform second inspection because offailure of Work to comply with original certifications of Contract or, o..mer shall compensate Architect for additional services and travel expenses, and deduct amount paid from final payment to Contractor. (4) Contractor shall obtain Certificate of Occupancy. 1.4 PROJECT RECORD OOCUMENTS A. MAINTENANCE OF OOCUMENTS: Maintain at pr oject site one copy ea ch of: Contract Drawings; Specification s; Addenda; reviewed shop drawings; Change Orders and othermodifications to the Contract; laboratory test reports; man fuacturer's litera ture, and all supplementary technical data. Store documents in field office apart from docunents used for construction. Maintain documents in clean, dry, and legible conditio n. Do not use recorddocuments for construction purposes. B. RECORD!�: (1) Label ea ch document "P roject Record", marking in ink to record actual constr uction. Include all changes to the work as built or installed. If necessary, make additional sk etches on separate sheets of paper and attachto record set. Do not permanently conceal any construction work until infonnation has been recorded. Make documents available at all times forinspection by Architect and Omer. (2) Legibly mark contract drawings to record actual construction including: (a) depths of various elements of foundation in relation to finishfloor; (b) routing of all underground piping, conduit, and wiring, andaccurate location and depth of all undergr ound utilities; (c) horizontal and vertical location of underground utilities andappurtenances referenced to pe�nanent sur face improvements; (d) location of internal utilities and appurtenances concealed inconstruction, referenced to visible and accessible features of structure; (e) field changes of dimension and detail; (f) changes made by Change Order or Field Order; and(g) detail s not on original Contract Drawings. (3) Legibly mark ea ch section of the Specifications and Addenda to record manufacturer, trade name, ca talog number, and supplier of ea ch product anditem of equipment actually installed; changes made by Change Order or Field Order; and other matters not originally specified. (4) Maintain shop drawings as Record Documents and legibly mark to record changes made after review. C. SUBMITTAL:At completion of pr oject, deliver Record Documents to Architect,con sisting of one set of opaque reproductions of the Contract Documents,and one copy of the Project Manual. Accompany submittal with letter of transmittal in duplicate containing date; project title and number; Contractor's na me and address; title and number of ea ch Record Document; I ,\ 1 I i I � f \ 1 I \ l 1 � 1 ! I i \'! 1 i I 1 f ! ' � I i 11 I 11 l 01700-3 certification that each document as submitted is co mplete and accurate; signature of Contractor or his legally authorized representative. 1.5 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Dl\TA (1)Prior to final inspection, submit two sets of data for mechanical andelectrical equipment and controls, bound in three-ring side binders withdurable covers.(2)Part 1 shall consist of a directory listing names, addresses, andtelephone numbers of the Architect and Contractor. (3)Part 2 shall consist of operation and maintenance instructionsarranged by sy stem. For each sy stem, give names, addresses, and telephonenumbers of subcontractors and suppliers. Include the following:(a)appropriate design criteria(b)list of equipment( c)parts list(d)operating instructions(e)maintenance instructions, equipment(f)maintenance instructions, finishes(g)shop drawings and product data(h)warranties. 1.6 WARRANTIES AND BONDS (1 ) Provide duplicate, notarized copies. Execute Contractor's submit tals and assemble docLnnents executed by subcontractors, suppliers, and manufacturers. Provide table of contents and as semble in binder with durable plastic cover. (2)Submit material prior to final Application for Payment. For equipmentput into use with CMner's pennission during construction, submit within ten days after first operation. For items of Work delayed materi ally beyond Date of Sub stantial Completion, provide updated submittal within ten days after acceptance, listing date of accepta nce as start of warranty period. 1.7 OfHER CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS (1 ) In addition to submittals requi red by this section, Contractor shall provide all submittals re quired by governing authorities. (2)Contractor shall submit all keys and keying schedule; certificates ofinspection by governing authorities on major items of equipment andservice; and Certificate of Occupancy.(3)Contractor shall submit Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Clai ms (AIAG706), Affidavit of Release of Liens (AIA G706A), and Consent of Surety toFinal Payment (AIA G707). 1.8 SPARE PARTS AND MAINTENANCE MATERIALS In addition to those used for construction of the Work, provide products, spare parts, and maintenance materials in quantities specified in each section of the Specifications. Coordinate with CMner, deliver to project I : 11 I l I ! {'\ :I I � I \ l I � t I 1 \ fl l L1. J l j /. 11 I t I ' l site, and obtain receipt prior to final pa�ent. 1.9 FINAL INSPECTION 01700-4 (1)Contractor shall submit written certification that Contract Documentshave been reviewed, project inspected for compliance with ContractDocuments, and that project is complete and ready for final inspection.Architect will make final inspection within ten days after receipt ofcertification. Should Architect consider that the Work has been completedin accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, Contractorwill be notified to make project closeout submittals.(2)Should Architect consider that Work is not complete, Contractor willbe notified in writing stating reasons. Contractor shall take immediatesteps to remedy the stated deficiencies, and send second notice toArchitect who will then re-inspect. (3)Should Architect be required to perform second inspection because offailure of Work to comply with original certifications of Contractor,o.-mer shall compensate Architect for additional services and travelexpenses, and deduct amount paid from final pa�ent to Contractor. 1.10 FINAL PAYMENT Contractor shall submit final Application for Pa�ent in accordance with the requirements of the General Conditions of the Contract, along with a final statement of accounting showing original contract sum, all addit ions and deductions, adjusted contract sum, previous pa�ents,and sum remaining due. If necessary, Architect will issue fi nal Change Order reflecting approved adjustments to Contract Sum not made by previous Change Order. Architect will then issue final Certificate for Pa�ent in accordance with provisions of the General C:::-,.i i tions. PAAT 2 -PRODUCTS PAAT 3 -EXECt.rI'ION Not Used Not used END OF SECTION I I I I· l r J r 1 l� \' I I I I \ { I l� f ) l\ L\ u u � \ t 1 l: L PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED SECTION 02010 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION 02010-1 A geotechnical investigation was conducted at the site, the results of which are found in a report issued by: Professional Service Industri es, Inc. National Soil Service Division 1714 Memorial Drive Houston, Texas (713)224-2047. For the Contractor's information only, copies of this soils report may be obtained from the soils engineer for the cost of reproduction and handling. 1.2 RELATED REQUIREMENTS Clearing, Section 02100; Excavating, Filling, and Grading, Section 02200; Soil Stabilization, Section 02240; Drilled Piers, Section 02370; Underslab Drainage, section 02412; Concrete Block Paving, Section 02518. 1.3 ,JOB CONDITIONS A.EXISTING CONDITIONS:(1)Test borings and subsurface investigations have been made at variouslocations on the proposed site for the purpose of determining thecharacter and quality of the substrata and the adequacy, quality, andextent of soil materials. The investigation and analysis were obtainedfor the Architect's use in design, and are not a part of the ContractDocuments. Soils report information represents conditions at the point ofboring only, and is not a warranty of subsurface conditions betweenborings.{2) The 0.-.,ner and the Architect disclaim any responsibility for theaccuracy, true location, and extent of the soils investigation that hasbeen prepared by ot hers. They further disclaim responsibility forinterpretation of that data by bidders, as in projecting soil-bearingvalues, rock profiles, soil stability, and the presence, level, and extentof underground water.(3)The soils report is provided for the Contractor's infonnation only,and shall in no way take precedence over the requirements of thespecifications. ' l r l ) l ' ' !l 11 i' I I in � I l\ f I 1 l \, I -1 I'] ! ti 11 l ! ! I 02010-2 B.INSPECTION:(1)The information furnished shall not reliev e the Contractor of hisresponsibility to visit the site and fully ac quaint himself with all localconditions or to perform any of the specified work. (2)The Contractor is required to visit the site, to familiarize himselfwith existing conditions, and to conduct any additional testing which hefeels are nec essary to adequately detennine conditions that affect theperformance of his work. PART 2 -PRODUCTS PART 3 -EXEClJfION Not Used Not Used END OF SECTION l l I f ! I I i I I I I � I l I \ } j t \ l l J l 'I ! I I l l 11 l I PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUED SECTION 02100 CLEAR I('.(; 02100-1 (1)It is the responsibility of this Contractor to remove any on-orbelow-grade obstructions, debris, planting mate rials or growth thatconflict with construction of the subject buildings. Each bidder isresponsible for visiting the site to ascertain the exact amount of workrequired.(2)Provide all labor, materials, equipment, and services necess ary toremove and dispose of all buildin gs, growth, planting materials and siteimprovements that are not to be used in the construction of the newbuildings and paving. Remove such items whether above, on , or belowgrade. Contractor shall carefully examine the premises to detennineextent of work and conditions under which it must be performed.(3)Areas not required for ease of access, construction, parking,building, or ot her specific uses shall not be cleared of veg etation orsoil. These areas shall be treated as landscaping with on ly suchalterations as called for on the drawings. 1.2 RELATED WORK Subsurface Investigation, Section 02010; Structure Excavating, Fill, and Grading, Section 02200. 1.3 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES Local governing code requirements and ordinances shall control disposal of tre es, shrubs, debris, and other material removed from the site. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS If eKplosives are deemed necessary for performance of work, type shall be Contractor's option as reviewed by the Architect, approved by the owner, and as permitted by local laws and ordinances. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 PROTECTIONS (1)Take all necessary precautions to protect any remaining structures,paving, planting, etc., on this or adjacent sites from any damag e due tothese operations. i I ! I I l I I f : l\ 1 I . \ I I !l /', l! l i, I l J l 11 'I I l� \ ! l (2) Support and protect any existing sewer, water, gas, electric,telephone, or ot her utility lines from damage. (3) Protect any trees, shrubs, or veg etation which are to remain byappropriate fencing, barricades, or wrapping. 02100-2 (4) Ca refully rem ove trees indicated for re location by City of Friendswood, taking all necessary precautions to prevent damage to tree orroot system. 3.2 CL EARI{I(; AND GRUBBI{I(; A. LIMITS:Limits of clearing and ,3rubbing shall be all areas within five ft. ofbuilding, paving, flatwork, and parking lot lines. B. DEPTHS: Remove all stumps, roots over 4" in diameter, matted roots and below-gradeconstruction within the limits of grubbing to depths as listed below: Under roads, footings, and sl abs, and pool, 24"; Under walks, fill areas, and parking areas, 18"; Under lawn ax:eas, 8". 3.3 DISPOSAL A. Bt.JRNit,G: Burning of materials on site will not be-permitted� B. REMOVAL: Removal of all materials resulting from thes e operations shall be to a location approved by .the CMner. �aterial shall be re moved from site dailyas it accl.lllulates, or at intervals no greater than 48 hours. END OF SECTION f ! ! J) i : !I l t I l I ; j \ L l l t l J l 'l ( { I I l l l l. PART l -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 02200 STRUCTURE EXCAVATIN3, FILL, AND GRADIN3 02200-1 Provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to perform specified excavating, filling, backfilling, compacting, and grading to lines, grades, slopes, and typical cross-sections shown on the drawings. 1.2 RELATED WORK Testing Laboratory Services, Section 01410; Subsurface Investigation, Section 02010; Clearing, Section 02100. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A.FILL AND BACKFILL:Fill material shall be from approve d sources, and in compliance with therecommendations of the soils re port. Provide brown, sandy clay soil freefrom vegetable matter, rocks, lumps, debris, and other deleterioussubstances. B.TOPSOIL:Topsoil shall be sandy loam, cl ean and reasonably free from clay lumps,stones, stumps, roots, or similar substances 3/4" or more in diameter.Upper 6" of topsoil stripped from site may be used only in areas outsidethe fenced pool area. C.SELECT FILL:For fill under buildings or paving areas, provide material as required bysoils report. Sul:mit samples and lab analysis of all select fillmaterials. D.FILL SAND:Provide clean, free-draining, granular material with maximum plasticityindex of 10; no more than 10% passing 1200 sieve. E.GRAVEL:Provide clean, uniformly graded gravel, 1/2" to 1-1/2" size. PART 3 -EXECIJl'ION I I i ! ! 1 l 11 I \ ( ( I ) . \I ' 1 l l ' j \ !: l I I I I I 11 f ·1 i I l! l'. 02200-2 3.1 PROTECTIONS (1)Provide adequate protection to persons and property by barricades,lights, warning signs, etc. Execute the work in such a manner as to avoidinterference with the use of, or passage to and from, adjoiningproperties, buildings and facil ities.(2)Trees and shrubs that are to remain shall be adequately protected fromdamage by means approved by the Architect, and in compliance with CityOrdinances. Use polyethylene sheeting to protect against concrete stains.Replace any trees or shrubs damaged by construction operations.(3)As required by law, ordinance, etc., notify utility companies whenworking in areas of underground utility lines.(4)Preserve in operating condition all active utilities which cross theproject site. Remove all abandoned utility lines that conflict with newconstruction regardless of whether such lines are shown or indicated onthe drawings. If uncharted utilities are encountered, notify OWner andwait for instructions before proceeding. Repair all damage caused by workperfonned without OWner's consent. Required changes shall be compensatedby 0,./ner as outlined in the General Conditions. 3.2 PREPARATION A.SHORIN:i:Provide sh9ring and bracing to protect· this or adjacent property from any·damage due to excavation operations. Maintain securely until pe�nanentconstruction is in place. Remove temporary shoring or bracing as backfillis placed.· B.DRAINAGE:Furnish all pumps, equipment, and power re quired to keep excavated areas clear of water during construction. Take proper precautions to prevent damage to other work or adjacent areas due to pumping operations. C.COORDINATION:Cooperate with plunbers to achieve proper fill around subgrade drainage and piping systems. Utility line trenches should be filled and compacted to 90% of Standard Proctor Density (95% for top 12" under parking lot areas) as recommended in the soils re port, and the surface sealed with a minimum of 12 11 of clay to prevent the infl ux of surface water duringinclement weather periods. 3.3 FOUNDATION EXCAVATIONS (1)Do not begin excavations until subgrade preparation is complete. Makeexcavations to proper lines and depths with allowance for shoring,fonnwork, etc., and for proper inspection of the work. Excavation shallinclude any obstructions encountered below grade that interfere with newconstruction.(2)With approval of the Engineer, excavations for shallow footings andtrenches may be cut to accurate sizes and side fonns omitted if conc reteis poured in clean-cut trenches without cave-ins. ; l I I f"\ f l I I i I I \ 1 � I ) J l ) { ! [ ; l l t ) l1 ( I I \ l! l 3.4 FILLit-K, AND BACKFILLIIIG A.FILLIIIG: 02200-3 Roughen and loosen fill areas before placing fill materials. Fill areasas required to indicated lines, grades, and slopes. Place selected fillmaterials in loose lifts not exceeding 9". Fill for fl oor sl abs on gradeshall be as indicated on the structural drawings, and should extend aminimum of 5 ft. beyond the boundaries of the sl ab. Spread each layerevenly and thoroughly blade,-mix to assure uniformity. B.BACKFILLit-K,:Backfill with approved material after pennanent construction is in placeand inspections have been completed. Place material in horizontal liftsnot to exceed 12", and thoroug hly compact to approximate density ofnatural ground. C.MOISTURE CONTENT:The moisture content of the fill materials shall be as re commended in thesoils report, and such that the fill can be compacted to the requireddensity. If the moisture content of the fill material is below the amountneeded to achieve the necessary density, add the proper amount of water.If the moisture content is too great to achieve optimun compaction, aeratethe material by blading or ot her method until compaction can be properlyachieved. D.CQ\1PAC'I'It-l;:(1)After each layer of fill has been placed, mixed, and evenly spread,compact to required density. Testing laboratory shall perform soildensity tests at the rate of one test per one foot of fill for every 2,000sq.ft. of compacted area to verify compliance as detennined by TexasHigtway Department Test Method TEX-113•E. Compact general site areas to90% of Standard Proctor Density. Compact areas within building lines andunder paved areas to 95% of Standard Proctor Density, A.5TM D698. 3.5 GRADit-l; A.STOCKPILit-G:Where suitable topsoil or backfill material exists on areas to be disturbed by grading or building operations, strip materials needed for fill or topsoil operations and pile in convenient locations for storage during construction. Properly pr otect all stockpiled materials from contamination. B.SURPLUS MATERI ALS:Promptly remove surplus excavated materials from site. C.ROUGH GRADit-K,:(1)Do not begin grading operations until all clearing is complete. Bringgrades to line, sl ope, and typical cross-section indicated on thedrawings. I I !l i I !I j I i � i ) ,{ ! l { I l l I l• I \ l ,( I l) l! 02200-4 (2)Remove top 6 11 of soil from cons truction areas. Under building sl abs,remove soft soil areas to firm subgrade, or a minimum of 24" below sl ab.Scarify and recompact subgrade to 95% of Standard Proctor Density withmoisture content between optimum value and 4% above optimum. (3)In cut areas, excavate soil to grade, proofroll, and scarify to aminimum depth of 6 11• Compact as specified above at same moisture content value. (4)Perfonn all excayating, filling, and ro ug h grading necessary to bringentire area of site to the following levels:(a)Under building areas to receive select fill, grade to undersideof required fill depth;(2)Under paved areas, 14" below finish surface (refer topaving section);(3)Under walks, 8" below finish surface;(4)Under lawns and planting areas, 6" below finish grade. D.FINISH GRADit'l;:Final grades shall sl ope away from building and provide adequate dr ainag efor all areas. Finish tolerances.shall be within 0.10 ft. of es tablishedelevation. Finish grade of lawn areas shall be l" below side\.Yalks or curbs. Thickness of topsoil shall be 4" minimum. 3.6 CLEANUP After completion of sitework and grading, level all soil piles, remove excess materials and debris, and leave areas cl ean. END OF SECTION f l I l .r l l , ! I i I I \ 11 { l ) I l l 1 i l l I I 1 l l ! i I 1 l PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 02440 FENCit-K; 02440-1 Provide all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary for and incidental to the installation of all chain link fencing as shown or called for on the drawings. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE Installer must have minimun of two years experience installing similarfencing. Materials shall be equal to that of Allied Chain Link FenceCompany, Austin, Texas. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MP.TERIALS A.CHAIN LINK FABRIC:Provide No. 11 gauge fabric, vinyl coated in color as selected byArchitect. Provide one piece fabric 10'-0" height; two inch mesh. B.FRAMEWORK:Corner posts shall be 3" outside diameter, line posts 2-1/2" outside diameter. Horizontal and top intennediate rail shall be 1•5/8" outsidediameter. Provide manufacturer's standard top and bottom tension wire system. Equip each corner post with brace rails. Provide manufacturer's standard caps, bolts, nuts, washers, etc. PART 3 ... EXEC\.JI'ION 3.1 INSTALLATION A.POSTS:Set posts 30" deep, and pour concrete footing to secure in place. Setposts plunb to 1/4" in 10 ft. G• FENCE FABRIC: Position bottom of fabric l" to 2" above ground level. Stretch fabric tight , joining ends by weaving with single strand of fabric wire to fonncontinuous mesh pattern with selvage twisted to matqh balance of fabric.Attach fabric directl y to posts using wire ties or clips, spacing not to exceed 15" on center. Attach top edge of fabric to tension wire using wire ties or clips, spacing not to exceed 24" on center. D.ADJUST AND CLEAN:Tighten all hardware, fasteners, and accessories for rigid installation.Remove excess and waste materials from project site. END OF SECTION f Ir\ J l I !l I \ I \ J l { I "J \ f ) 1 \ I ! { \ \ j l I l J i I I I PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 02480 I.ANDSCAPit-l3 02480-1 Provide all labor and material necessary for soil preparation, fine grading of open areas and seeding, sprigging, or so dding of grasses. 1.2 RELATED WORK Clearing, Section 02100; Excavating, Filling, and Grading, Section 02200. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A.ACCE?l'ABLE SUPPLIERS:All plant materials must be provided from a licensed nursery or othersource which has been previously inspected by the County HorticulturalDepartment, and shall be subject to acceptance for quality by theArchitect. 8.GUARANTEE:All pl anting materials shall be guaranteed for a period of one year. Allitems which are not satisfactorily established and jlealthy at the end ofthis period shall be replaced at no cost to the o.mer. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A.TOP SOIL:Provide as necessary, fertile, friable natural topsoil of loamy characterand free of stones or other foreign matter, as specified in Section 02200.Eds ting topsoil stockpiled at the start of construction may be used onlyin areas outside of the fenced pool compound, provided it has been mixedtwo parts soil with one part sand. 8.CCMMERCIA L FERTILIZER:Provide complete fertilizer containing 13% ni trogen, 13% phosphoric acid,and 13% {X)tash. C.SOD:Native grass at least 3 years old, unifo�n thickness with a minimum of oneinch of soil adhering firmly to the ro ots. All grasses shall beguaranteed for one year. Replace during guarantee period any grass thatis dead or not showing satisfactory growth. f 1 r 1 / 1 i ) I : [ \ l l f I } \ I l 1, 1 j l \ 11 I.J lJ I l I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION 02480-2 Carefully remove trees indicated for relocation by City of Friendswood, taking all necessary precautions to prevent damage to tree or root sy stem. Move designated trees to a location wi thin 400 yards of the building site as directed by the O,,mer. Protect from excess or detrimental exposure to the elements. 3.2 INSTALLATION/APPLICATION A.LAWN PREPARATION:Carefully inspect rough grading before placing top soil and submit promptnotification to General Contractor of any unsatisfactory conditions ofcompaction, grades, etc. Do not begin installation until conditions aresatisfactory. B.TOPPit-(;:The top four inches of all sprigged or sodded areas shall be top soil. C.FINE GRADit-(;:Hand grade and rake the designated area to a smooth and regular surface. D.FERTILIZER:Evenly spread fertilizer at the rate of 3 pounds per 100 sq. ft. over thearea to be sprigged or sodded. E.GRASSit-(;:Install sod in all designated areas wi thin the fenced pool area. Other areas outside this fenced compound may be sprigged by shre dding sod and placing in the layer of topsoil in an amount sufficient to promote a smooth and even stand of grass. After sprigging, sprinkle a thin layer of sand over the general area. Water sufficiently to promote growth. END OF SECTION I I { f � r l 11 11 I \ } l [ I J I l l 1 i l l 1! l- I lJ 11 I l; I r PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 02515 CONCRETE PAVI� 02515-1 Provide all labor, materials, eq uipment, and services required to place portland cement concrete paving as indicated on the drawings. 1.2 RELATED WORK clearing, section 02100; Excavating, Filling and Grad!ng, Section 02200; Ca st-In-Place Concrete, section 03300. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A.REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES:Where drive aprons occur in public right of way, if any, design shall meetthe re quirements of governing authority. B.TESTI�:Testing laboratory shall conduct field tests as specified in section 03300. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A.PORTLAND CEMENT:A.5TM Cl50, Type I or IA. B.AOOREGATES:Fine aggregates shall be natural, hard, clean sand. Coarse aggregatesshall be crushed stone or gravel, maximum 3/4". All aggregates shallconfono to the standards of ASTM C33. C.WATER:Potable, free from deleterious amounts of acids, alkalies, or or ganicmaterials. D.ADDITIVES:Contractor's option to use air-entraining admixtures or curing compound. E.JOINTS:Joints shall be filled with prefonned fiber or asphalt joint filler, andsealed with hot or cold applied asphalt joint sealer. f Ir ·, f l l I 11 I I l l f ! J ! 1 1 ) l l I ! l \ 11 tl l I I. ( I 02515-2 F.REINFORCEMENT:Reinforcement for concrete paving areas shall be ASTM A185 welded wirefabric. Prov ide G" x 6", W2. 9 x W2. 9 in flat sheets, placed at centerlineof sl ab thickness. Discontinue reinforcement at expansion joints. G.BASE AND FILL MATERIAL:As re qui.,;.,.1 in soils report. H.CURB REINFORCEMENT:As shown on the dr awings, ASTM A615, Grade 60. I.MARKir-K3 MATERIALS:Traffic lane and parking space marking paint shall have chlorinated rubberbase; factory-mixed, quic k-drying, non-bleeding, white. 2. 2 PROPOR'rIONir-K3 AND MIXIl\G Testing laboratory shall design concrete mix using not less than 5% nor more than 7% entrained air by volune; maximum slump 5". Compressive strength at 28 days shall be not less than 3,000 psi. PART 3 -EXECtrrION 3.1 PREPARATION A.INSPECTION:Verify that earthwork is completed to correct line and grade. Check thatsubgrade is smooth, compacted, and free of frost or ex cessive moisture. Do not begin work until conditions are satisfactory. B.PREPARil\G SUBGRADE:(1)After excavating, clearing and grubbing as specified in Sections 02100and 02200, scarify 6" depth subgrade as recommended in soils report, andrecompact to 95% of Standard Proctor Density, ASTM D698, at moisturecontent between optimum moisture value and 5% above optimum. Beforeplacing any concrete, check subgrade for confonnity with requiredelevations, lines, and sections shown on the drawings. Remove all mud andsoil in spongy areas and replace with approved fill. Fill all holes,ruts, and depressions only with approved material. Do not use coarse sandfor leveling.(2)Spread, shape, and compact all fill material deposited in sa me day.Density tests shall be conducted for each 2,500 sq. yards. Proof rollwith heavy, rubber-tired rollers to check for unstable areas requiringadditional compaction. Subgrade shall be in a moist condition at the timeof concreting. If necessary, dampen with water. No free water, or muddyor soft spots shall be pennitted on subgrade when concrete is placed. 3.2 INSTALLATION A.PLACir-K3 CONCRETE:(1)Fonnwork, reinforcement, and concrete shall be placed as specified in r i ( I f f l 11 11 !( } I lI J ( I I l� l '. I.\ 1 l l l 11 I l I 02515-3 Division 3. Notify Architect minimum 72 hours prior to beginning concrete placement. (2)Concrete pavement shall be structurally independent of walls, gradebeams, colL111ns, and ot her building elements, or reinforced at connectionsto prevent cracking.(3)Provide minim�n 5" pavement thickness. Locate reinforcement atmidplane of slab. B.JOINTS:Space joints 15'-0" on center each way, depth equal to 1/4 of slabthickness. Form joints 3/4" wide and place filler and joint sealer inaccordance with manufacturer's written instructions. Tool all jointsexcept sawed and premoulded type to maxim�n l/8 11 radius. C.FINISH:Apply non-slip broom finish to exterior concrete paving. Immediatelyafter trowel finishing, slightly roughen the conc rete surface by broominglightly in direction perpendicular to main traffic route. Apply heavierscored finish on ramped areas for maximum traction. D.CURB INSTALLATION:(1)Set forms to correct elevation, line, and grade; install over fulllength of curb. Position integral curb joints at same location aspavement joints. Unless otherwise shown, pr ovide l" wide joints at end ofall radius bends, and 1/2 " joints at approximately 30 ft. on center.Install expansion joint material behind curb at abuttment to sidewalks,curb retur ns, and adjacent to structures. Place top of expansion jointmaterial 1/2" below curb sur face.(2)Place concrete without separation of materials and consolidate withmechanical vib rators, or extrude using metal mule constructed to requiredsection pr ofile. Neatly steel trowel and brush lightly to a good, unifo�ntexture.(3)For extruded curbs, saw expansion joints after concrete hassufficiently hardened. E.CURI�:Moist cure concrete for a minimum of 7 days. F.STRIP!�:sweep surfaces with power and/or hand broom to remove loose material anddirt. Apply paint wi th mechanical equipment to pr ovide uniform straightedges. Provide not less than two separate coats or in accordance withmanufacturer's recommended rates . 3.3 PROTECTION Do not pennit vehicular traf fic on concrete pavement for a period of 14 days after concrete is placed or until compressive strengths of field cured specimens average 3,000 psi. END OF SECTION I I { ; 'I l l l I I !I !I [ I l l [ I J I 11 1 I 1 l 11 lJ l I li I ! PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCWDED SECTION 02528 CONCRETE CURBS AND WALKS 02528-1 Furnish and install conc rete materials, fonns, reinforcing st eel, and accessories for sidewa lk and curbing work shown on the dr awings and as required for a complete job. 1.2 RELATED WORK Clearing, Section 02100; Excavating, Filling, and Grading, Section 02200; Cast-In-Place Concrete, Section 03300. 1.3 JOB CONDITIONS A.ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS:Do not place concrete if temperature falls below 40 de qrees F, or whentemperature is above 90 deqrees F without providinQ �o prooriate orotection.(See Section 03300, Ca st-In-Place Concrete, for specifications coverinq hotand cold weather conc rete placement.) B.REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS:All curb and gutter sections, sidewalks, and aprons shall confonn in allrespects to City re quirements. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A.SAND:Ordinary bank-run sand. B.FORM LUMBER:Contractor's option, in confonnance with ACI 347; refer to Section 03300. C� FLATWORK REINFORCEMENT: Shall be 6" x 6", Wl.4 x Wl.4 welded wire fabric, ASTM A185, and of domestic manufacture. Provide #3's at 18" on center each way at drive apron s. Refer to Se ction 03300. D.FLATWOOK EXPANSION JOINTS:Provide pre-rrnulded fiber or asphalt filler. E.CONCRETE MIX:Minimum cornoressivP strenqth 3,000 PSI (refer to Section 03300). I I lI 11 I ! 11 I I t ( l I l\ 11 l I , I : lI l ; l l lJ 11 F.CURB REINF ORCEMENT: As shown on the drawings, ASTM A615, Grade 60. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION 02528-2 verify that earthwork is completed to correct elevation, line, and grade. Check that subgrade is smooth, compacted, and free of frost or excessive moisture. Do not begin work until conditions are satisfactory. 3.2 INS'rALLATION A.CURB INSTALLATION:(1)Set forms to correct elevation, line, and grade; install over fulllength of curb. Position integral curb joints at sa me location as pavementjoints. Unless otherwise shown, provide l" wide joints at end of allradius bends, and 1/2" joints at approximately 30 ft. on center. Installexpansion joint material behind curb at abuttment to sidewalks, curbreturns, and adjacent to structures. Place to p of expansion joint material1/2" below curb surface.(2)Place concrete without separation of materials and consolidate withmechanical vibrators, or extrude using metal mule constructed to requiredsection profile. Neatly steel trowel and brush lightly to a good, unifonntexture. Moist cure for 7 days.(3)For extruded curbs, saw expansion joints after concrete hassufficiently hardened. B.FLA'IWORK INSTALLATION:Erect forms as specified in Section 03300. Place minimum 4" sand fill inuniform layer. Place reinforcement, and pour and consolidate concrete asspecified in Section 03300, minimum 4" thick unless otherwise shown.Provide expansion joints as shown on the drawings, or approximately 25ft. on center. Provide intermediate construction joints as shown, to fonna line of cleavage at the tool-marked panels. Tool mark all edges to a1/2'' radius. Install walks with surface elevation at 1-1/2" above finishedgrade. All walks shall be crowned or sl oped to effectively drain water offsurfaces. Slope minimum 1/8" per foot to drain away from structures.Curing compound may be used only with approval of the Architect. C.FI NISHES:Provide light broom finish as specified in Section 03300, Cast-In-Place Concrete. END OF SECTION r i I I ! f I 11 l 1 I ! J l !I l J l ii J i I I l .! l l \ I J l l I I I ! PART l -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300-1 Provide all labor, materials, and equipment for cast-in-place concrete as shown on the drawings and specified herein, in cluding fo�nwork and reinforcing steel. 1.2 RELATED WORK •resting Laboratory Services, Section 01410;Concrete curbs and Walks, Section 02528. · 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A.CODES AND STANDARDS:For placement and inspection of concrete, comply with req uirements of thelocal building code and with standards of the American Concrete Institute(ACI), and the Concrete Reinforcing Steel In stitute (CRSI).The Contractor is re sponsible for correction of concrete work which doesnot conform to the specified requirements, including strength, tolerances,and finishes. B.TESTit:>l:i LABORATORY SERVICES:The·contractor shall pay for all designs of concrete mixes and breaking ofcylinders in coMection with the design mixes. All other concrete testsand/or controls, except when faulty concrete work has been placed andrequires corrective measures, will be paid by the o.-mer. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A.CONCRETE:Unless noted otherwise on the drawings, minimum compressive strength ofconcrete shall be 3,000 PSI at 28 days. Mix shall contain a minimum of4-1/2 sacks of cement per cub ic yard of concrete, and maximum sl ump islimited to 5". Ready-mix concrete shall be supplied only by anestablished, reputable, certified ready-mix plant. Air entrainingadmixtures shall comply with ASTM C260. B.CEMENT:Portland cement shall be ASTM Cl50. Use only on e brand of cementthroughout the job. f I 11 11 I ! 11 l 1 t ( ) I l l J I ii l 11 1 l { I I l l l 1 ) i : 03300-2 C. AOOREGATE: Aggregates shall comply with ASTM C33; maximum size not larger than 1/5 ofthe narrowest dimension between sides of forms, 1/3 of the depth of slabs, nor 3/4 of the minimum clear spacing between individual reinforcing bars or bundles of bars. o. WATER: water shall be clean, fresh, and drinka ble. E. REINFORCMENT: Bars shall be defonned billet steel, ASTM A615, Grade 60, sizes as calledfor on the drawings. Wire fabric shall be 6 11 x 6" -10 ga uge welded steel, AS'N Al85, of domestic manufacture. Tie wire shall be soft annealed steel, minimum 18 gauge. Splice devices shall be sized to develop 125% of yield strength of bar. F. FORM.-IORK:(1) For unexposed concrete, provide plywood, lumber, metal, or other acceptable materials. Lumber must be dressed on at least two edges and one side for tight fit. For exposed concrete, provide plywood complyingwith u. s. Prodoct Standards, PS-1, "B-B (Concrete Fann) Plywood", ClassI, Exterior Grade or better, mill-oiled and edge-sealed. (2) Contractor shall be responsible for design and construction of formwrkthat is adequate in strength and suitable for the type of concrete installation required. G. (1)(2) (3) (4) ANCHORS AND INSERTS: Anchor tolts, ASTM A307; Structural steel shapes and plates,Headed concrete anchors, ASTM Al08;Deformed bar anchors, ASTM A496. H. WATERSTOPS: As shown on the drawings. I. SLEEVES: ASTM A36; AWS D1.1, Part VI, Sect.4; Schedule 40 black steel pipe unless noted otherwise on the drawings. PART 3 ... EXEClJl'ION 3 .1 FORM.-IORI< (1) Construct fonnwork to comply with AC! 347, to the exact dimensions shown, and as required to obtain accurate alignment, location, and gradesin finished work. Provide sloped or level surfaces on slabs as detailed on the drawings. Build forms mortar tight and with sufficient strength and rigidity to prevent bulging or other deformation between supports. Provide for openings, off sets, keyways, recesses, and other features as r I ' f I 11 11 I l 11 I \ J l 11 1 l .I l l f I 11 [ I I J u I 03300-3 required. Set and build into the work all anchorage devices and other embedded item s required for other work that is attached to, or supported by the cast-in-place concrete. (2)Fabricate forms for easy removal without halTVlleri ng or prying againstconcrete surfaces. Earth sides may be used for fonning beams below finishgrade if conditions are such that accurate size and shape may be obtained.(3)Provide OJ?8nings in fonns to accommodate other work, includingmechanical and electrical work. Accur ately place and securely supportitems to be built into fonns.(4)Erect falsework, and support, brace, and maintain it to safely supportvertical, lateral, and asymmetrical loads applied until such loads can besupported by in-place concrete structures. Inspect falsework and fonnworkauring and after concrete placement operations to determine ab normaldefelction or signs of failure, and make necessary adjustments to correctdeficiencies and produce work of required dimen sions.(5)Thoroughly clean fonns and adjacent surfaces to receive concrete.Remove chips, wood, sawdust, dirt, or other debris. Immediately beforeplacing concrete, thoroughly wet fonn surfaces or coat with form coatingcompound. Re-tighten fonns after concrete placement as required toeliminate mortar leaks. 3.2 REINFORCI1'(; (1)Placement of steel reinforcing as required on the drawings shall be inaccordance with applicable sections of CR.SI standards. Lap splices shallbe tied securely with wire to prevent displacement.(2)Wire fabric shall be installed in longest practical lengths. Lapadjoining pieces one full mesh minimum and tie splices with wire.(3)Position reinforcing to obtain minimum concrete coverage of 3" toearth and 2" to sides of forms. Secure reinforcing against displacementby formw ork, construction, or concrete placement operations. 3.3 JOINTS IN CONCRETE Locate and install construction joints which are not shown on the drawings so as not to impair the strength and appearance of the structure. 3.4 CONCRETE (1)Before placing concrete, inspect formwork and reinforcing to assureproper completion of these items. Do not begin work until conditions aresatisfactory. Place polyethylene sheet with seams lapped 6 11 in directionof concrete pour and taped securely. Take precautions to avoid punctureof vapor barrier during concrete placement. Thoroughly moisten fonnsinmediately before beginning placement.(2)Notify other trades of the placing schedule to permit installation oftheir work, and cooperate as required in setting such work.(3)Concrete placement shall be in compliance with ACI 304� and PC.I 309.Deposit concrete continuously or in layers of such thickness that noconcrete will be placed on concrete which has hardened sufficiently to 11 r 11 I l 11 11 I I f I I l J I :I I [ � 11 11 l I lI I J I 03300-4 cause the fonnation of seams or planes of weakness within the section. Deposit concrete in forms in horizontal layers no deeper than 24 11 • Where placement consists of several layers, place each layer while preceeding layer is still plastic to av oid cold joints. (4)Consolidate placed concrete with mechanical vibrating equipmentsupplemented by hand sp ading, rodding, or tamping. Consolidate concreteduring placement operati ons so that mix is thoro ughly worked aroundreinforcing and other embedded items, and into corners.(5)Bring flat concrete surfaces to correct level with straig ht edge andpipe screeds. Smooth the surface leaving it free of humps or hollows.Screed floors to elevation shown on the drawings maintaining a surfaceflatness within l/8 11 in 10 ft. Do not sprinkle water on the plasticsurface. Do not disturb the slab surfaces prior to beginning finishingoperations. 3.5 HOT AND COLD WEATHER PLACEMENT A.COLD WEATHER PROTECTION:Protect concrete work from physical damage or reduced strength which couldbe caused by low temperatures, in compliance with ACI 306. Do not placeconcrete when temperature is below 40 degrees F, except with specificapproval. B.HOT WEATHER PLACit,t;:When hot weather conditions exist that would seri ously impair the qualityand strength of concrete, mix and place concrete in compli ance with ACI305.Cover reinforcing steel with water-soaked burlap if it becomes toohot, so that the steel temperature will not exceed the ambient airtemperature immediately before embedding in concrete. Do not useretarding admixtures unless otherwise ac cepted in the mix design.Concrete at time of placement must be below 90 degrees F. Mixing watermay be chilled, or chopped ice may be used to control concretetemperature. 3.6 SLAB FINISHES A.TRa-lEL FINISH:For interior finished areas, apply trowel finish. Consolidate concretesurfaces to final hand troweling operation free of tr owel marks, unifonnin texture and appearance, and with a surface plane tolerance not�xceeding 1/8" in 10 feet when tested with a 10 ft. straight edge. Thedusting of dr y cement and/or sand to take up excess moisture will not bepennitted. Grind smooth all surface defects which would telegraph throughapplied floor covering system. B.CHEMICAL SEALER FINISH:Apply chemical sealerr to all exposed interior and exterior concretefloors, Sonneborn Building Products, Sonothane or approved equal. Complywith sealer manufacturer's recommended method of application for type ofconcrete curing used. 1 l r I r l ( l 11 11 11 f I lI I '. II : I � 11 :I \ 11 l J t l l I 11 03300-5 C.BROOM FINISH:Apply non-slip broom finish with non-slip aggregate to exterior concreteplatforms, steps, ramps, and sidewalks, and elsewhere as shown on thedrawings. Immediately after trowel finishing, sl ig htly roughen theconcrete surface by brooming in direction perpendicular to the maintraffic route. 3.7 CURit,l; AND PROTECTION Protect concrete from premature drying and excessive hot temperature, and maintain without drying for a period of 7 days using wet cotton mats, or other acceptable curing method ap proved by the Architect. 3.8 CONCRETE TESTit,l; A.SAMPLit,l; FRESH CONCRETE:ASTM Cl72, except modified for slunp to comply with A.STM C94. B.SLUMP:AS'fM Cl43. One test for each concrete load at point of discharge, and onefor each set of compressive strength test specimens. C.AIR CONTENT:ASTM C231, pressure method. One for each set of compressive strength testspecimens. ASTM Cl 73, volunetric method, shall be used to determine theair content when lightweight aggregate is used in concrete. O.Ca-1PRESSIVE TEST SPECIMENS:ASTM C31. Two sets of three standard cylinders for each compressivestrength test, unless ot herwise directed. Mould and store one set ofcylinders for laboratory cured test and, if re quested, one set for fieldcured test. E.ADDITIONAL TESTS:The testing laboratory, as directed by the Architect/Engineer, will makeadditional tests of in-place concrete when test results indicate thespecified concrete strengths and other characteristics have not beenattained in the structure. Testing laboratory shall conduct tests todetermine adequacy of concrete by cored cylinders complying with ASTM C42,or by other methods as directed. Contractor shall pay cost for such testswhen unacceptable concrete is verified. END OF SECTION r I r : I I 11 11 11 l l f I 11 11 11 f I 'I l l I 11 11 I . I l l I I I PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 04210 BRICK VENEER 04210-1 Provide all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary for and incidental to the installation of all masonry construction as in dicated on the drawings and ����1fied herein. 1.2 RELATED WORK Cast-In-Place Concrete, Section 03300; Concrete Unit Masonry, Section 04220; Caulking and Sealants, Section 07900. 1. 3 ITEMS FURNISHED BY OfHERS The masonry contractor shall install all accessory item s which are required in the work and supplied by ot hers, including: bolts, nailing blocks, inserts, anchors, flashing, lintels, expansion joints, conduits, etc. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE Erect sample panels for each type of masonry required, approximately 4 ft. long by 3 ft. high, sh owing the proposed color range, texture, bond, mortar, and quality of work. The sample panel, when accepted, sh all become the project standard for bond, mortar, quality of work, and appearance. Do not begin work until panel is accepted by Architect. 1.5 SUBMITTALS Submit samples of each type of masonry unit and each accessory item required. Provide certification of pull-out strength of all masonry ties and anchors. Submit certification cf compliance with re quired standards for all masonry units. 1.6 PR ODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLIN:; A.DELIVERY:Deliver masonry units to job site in undamaged condition. Deliver andhandle units to prevent chipping, breaking, or other damage. B.STORAGE:Store masonry units off ground and protected from wetting by capillaryaction, rain, or snow, and protected from mud, dust, or other materialsand contaminants likely to cause staining or defects. f I [ ) I II I I I I 11 I ! 11 11 I I l !. f I I I lj i 11 lI 11 lI I 04210-2 1.7 JOB CONDI TIONS A.COLD WEATHER CONSTRUCTI ON:Masonry construction perfo�ned when ambient temperature falls below 40deg res F. shall confom to the "Recommended Practice for Cold WeatherMasonry Construc tion" published by the International Masonry IndustryAll-\veather Council. B.COVERit-K}S:The contractor shall construct and maintain temporary pr otection asrequired to pemit continuous progress of the work. During construction,partially com pl eted walls which are not en closed or sheltered shall bekept dry by covering at the end of each day and when work is not inprogress with strong, weather resistant material extended a minimum of 2ft. down each side, and held securely in place. C.STAINit-K}:Prevent qrout or mortar from staining the face of masonry to be leftexposed or to be painted. Remove immediately an y grout or mortar in contact with face of such masonry. Protect all sills, ledges, and projections from droppings of mortar. Protect door jambs and corners from damage during construction. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2. l t'<1ATERIALS A.PORTLAND CE MEN'r:ASTM Cl50, Type I. B.LIME:Hydrated lime, AS™ C207, Type s. CSA.ND: AS'l'M Cl44. D.WATER:Mixing water must be clean and free of deleterious amounts of acids,alkalies, organic materials, or other substances which wo uld adverselyaffect the quality or appearance of the mortar or the masonry units. E.FAC!t-K} BRICK:A..STM C216, Grade MN, Type FBA, St. Jo e Woodmould Modular Brick, textureand color(s) as selected by Architect (refer to Section 01100 foralternate tw o-color installation.) Do not exceed variations in color andtexture of samples accepted by the Architect. F.MATERI AL FOR ANCHORS A.ND TIES:All anchors and ties shall be coated or corrosion resistant metal meetingor exceeding the following AS™ Specifica tions: I l 11 11 r I 11 11 I ! fl lI I I !I I 11 11 l l 11 l l 11 ll L (1)zinc coating of flat metal, ASTM Al53;(2)zinc coating of wire, ASTM All6, Class 3;(3)copper coated wire, ASTM B227, grade 30HS;(4)st ainless steel, ASTM Al67, Type 304. G.EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL: 04210-3 Provide pre-moulded, compressible elastic fillers of neoprene or similarmaterial. H.ANCHORS, TIES Ai\lD JOINT REINFORCEMENT :All anchors and ties shall be coated or corrosion resistant metal. CMUjoint reinforcement shall have loop extension for flexible connection of 9gauge wire brick veneer anchor. Provide 1 11 wide, 22 gauge corrugatedmetal anchors for veneer anchorage to wood studs. All veneer anchorsshall allow for differential horizontal and vertical movement betweenbacking and facing masonry. I.TH RU-WALL Ff.ASHit,K3:Provide 3 oz./sq.ft. copper-fabric flashing, consisting of a full sheet ofcopper between two layers of glass fiber fabric. J.LINTELS:Provide as required for support ov er openings in masonry walls, galvanizedsteel angle lintels, ASTM A36, length to extend 12" beyond each side ofopening. K.CLEANit,K3 AGENTS:Do not use cleaning agents other than wa ter without written approval ofArchitect. 2.2 MIXES A.MORTAR MIXES:Mortar for unreinforced masonry shallof ASTM C270, Type N, l:l•l/4:5-1/2.permitted. B.ADMIX'IURES: comply with the m1n1mt.nn re quirements No proprietary mortar mixes No air-entraining admixtures or materials containing air-entraining admixtures shall be used. Air content of mortar and grout shall belimited to 12 percent. No anti-freeze compounds or other substances shall be added to mortar or grout. No calcium chloride shall be incllrled in mortar or grout in which metal reinforcing or accessories will beembedded. PART 3 -EXECIJl'ION 3.1 PREPARATION Inspect surfaces which are to support masonry work to assure completion to proper lines and grades free of all dirt and other deleterious material. 11 II 11 1 l j i } i 1 : 11 11 11 I i I: I l 11 ] ! lI 11 l1 i l Do not begin work until surfaces not properly prepared have been satisfactorily corrected. 3.2 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A.MORTAR AND GROU'r: 04210-4 Mix mortar and grout in accordance with the proportion requirements ofAS'fM C270, and ASTM C476 as ap plicable. Control batching procedure toinsure proper proportions by measuring materials by volune. Amount ofmixing water and mortar consistency shall be controlled by mason.Re-tempering will be pennitted only within the first 2-1/2 hours ofinitial mix. Any mortar or grout which has partially set shall bediscarded. B.ANCHORS AND TIES:Remove all dirt, ice, loose rust, and scale prior to installation. C.PROTECTION OF WORK:Protect sills, ledges, and offsets from mortar drippings or other damageduring construction. Remove misplaced mortar or grout immediately.Protect face materials against staining. Protect door jambs and cornersfrom damage during construction. 3.3 INSTALLING MASONRY A.PREPARATION:verify that initial absor ption rate of clay brick is less than 0.025 oz.per per minute. Brick with absor ption rates in excess of thisamount shall be wetted with clean water 24 hours prior to placement untilunit is ne arly saturated, and shall be surface dry when laid. Duringfreezing weather, units that require wetting shall be sprinkled with wannor hot water just before laying. B.INSTALLATION:(1)Do not install cracked, broken, or chipped masonry units exceedingASTM allowances.· Use masonry saws to cut and fit exposed units andspecial shape acute corner brick. Lay brick plunb, true to line, and withlevel courses accurately spaced within allowable tolerances. Unlessotherwise shown on the drawings, install masonry work using 1/2 runningbond including acute corners where running bond should be continuous(i.e., no stack bond pennitted). Stop horizontal runs at end of work dayby racking back in each course; toothing will not be pennit ted. Adjustunits to final position while mortar is soft and plastic. If units aredisplaced after mortar has stiffened, remove, clean joint s and units ofmortar, and re-lay with fresh mortar.(2)Adjust shel f angles to keep work level and at proper el evation. Whenjoining fresh masonry to set or partially set masonry, remove loose unitand mortar, and clean and lightly wet exfX)sed surface of set masonry priorto laying fresh masonry.(3)The mason shall place all accessories and reinforcement in the masonryas the job progresses. Cooperate with ot her trades to assure proper I l i l I ! ! ! I l f ! 11 11 11 I l \ I I \\ I I i ; I l l l i l l_ 1 L 04210-5 location of anchors, inserts, penetrations, etc. C.BUILT-IN-ITEMS:Install bolts, anchors, nailing blocks, inserts, frames, vent flashings,conduit, and other built-in items as masonry work progresses. Avoidcutting and patching. Solidly grout spaces around built-in items.Provide joints around exterior framed openings 1/4" to 3/8" wide, rakedand to oled smooth to a unifonn depth of 3/4", ready for caulking byothers. D.JOINTS:Provide nominal joint thickness of 3/8" for brick masonry. Do not furrow bed joints. Construct unifonn joints. Provide full head and bed joints,shoved tight to prevent penetration of moisture. Provide weatherproof,concave, tooled joints in exposed surfaces when mortar is thumb-printhard, using round jointing tool. Do not pennit mortar droppings to fallinto cavities of multi-wythe walls or to block weep holes. Keep movementjoints clean of all mortar and debris. E.FLASH!�:(1)Provide thru-wall flashing at base of all cavity walls; at shelfangles; at lintels, heads, and sills of openings in exterior walls; at alllocations shown on the dr awings; and at any other locations as required tocomplete the integrity of waterproofed or dampproofed surfaces.(2)Clean surface of masonry �nooth and free from projections which mightpuncture or otherwise damage flashing membrane. Carefully fit flashingaround projections and where dampproof membrane abuts colunns, walls, etc.Neatly fold and bed in mastic or mortar so as to direct moisture to theoutside. Fonn membrane to required profiles and install in such a manneras to force any moisture entering the wall to the outside. Hold outeredge of membrane to surface with mastic or mortar. Lap joints 4" and sealwith mastic or embed in mortar. Fonn membrane to correct profile withoutwrinkles or buckles, and protect from punctures and tears duringinstallation. F.VAPOR BARRIER:At enclosed, air-conditioned spaces, provide vapor barrier in all cavitywalls by taping and sealing all joints in gypsum sheathing with mesh tapeand trowel grade mastic. If CMU is backing for brick veneer at theselocations, apply troweled mastic on cavity side of CMU to fonn vaporbarrier. G.WEEPHOLES:Provide weepholes in head joints in first course immediately above allflashing. Leave head joint free and clean of mortar or install weepholetube in head joint. Space weepholes 24" on center maximum. Keepweepholes and area above flashing free of mortar droppings. H.ANCHOR!� BRICK VENEER:Attach brick veneer to backing with flexible, metal wire veneer tiesspaced maximum 24" on center horizontally with a minimum of one tie for I l f ! f I • I l lt J: l: I I J I I � 11 I �. I l l ! f I l. l 1 l II i I 04210-6 each 2 sq.ft. of wall area. Embed ties at le ast 2" in horizontal joint of facing. Provide additional ties within 12" of openings, spaced maximum 36" around perimeter. I.EXPAt\JSION AND CONTRACTION:Provide vertical control joints 20'-0" on center, at all offsets, returns,openings, intersections with dissimilar materials, and as required toprevent cracking. All locations of vertical control joints must beapproved by Architect prior to installation . Provide horizontal expansionjoints by placing a continuous 1/8" neoprene pad below shelf angles.Maintain minimum l" clearance between brick veneer and backing surface. 3.4 POINTIN3 AND CLEANIN8 A.POINTIOO:At final completion of masonry work, cut out any defective joints or holesin exposed masonry and re-point with mortar, tooling to match adjacentjoints. B.CLEANIN8:Dry brush mason ry surface after mortar has set at end of each work day andafter final pointing. Clean exposed, unglazed masonry with stiff brushand clean water. Cleaning ag ents may be used only with written approvalof Architect. Cleaning agents must be tested on sample wall are� of 20sq.ft. Protect adjacent materials from damaJe due to cleaning operation s.Remove efflorescence in accordance with brick manufacturer'srecommendations. Leave work area and surrounding surfaces clean and freeof mortar spots, droppings, and broken masonry. END OF SECTION I t I I I I I I I J j � !� I I I 1 I \ 11 p 1! l� I \ 11 I l j � lI \ ! PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 04220 CONCR ETE UNIT Ml\SONRY 04220-1 Provide all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary for and incidental to the installation of all masonry construction as indicated on the dr awings and specified herein. 1.2 RELATED WffiK Alternates, Section 01100; Brick Veneer, Section 04210. 1.3 ITEMS FURNISHED BY OI'HERS The mason shall install all accessory items which are required in the work and supplied by others, including: bolts, nailing blocks, inserts, anchors, flashing, lintels, expansion joints, conduits, etc. 1. 4 QUALI'l'Y A.SSIJAANCE A.TESTS:Manufacturer or supplier of units shall submit to Architect prior todelivery, certi fication of compli ance of units with sp ecified st andards. B.MASONRY CEMENTS:Proprietary masonry cement mixes used in engineered masonry constructionshall be subject to laboratory testing to assure compliance with minimwnrequirements for strength and bond. 1.3 PRODUCT DELIVERY, sroRAGE, AND HANDLIN3 A.DELIVERY:Deliver masonry units to job site in undamaged condition. Deliver andhandle units to prevent chipping, breaking, or ot her damage. 8.STORAGE:Store masonry units off ground and protected from wetting by capillaryaction, rain, or snow, and protected from mud, dust, or ot her materialsand contaminants likely to cause staining or defects. 1.4 JOB CONDITIONS A.COLD WEATHER CONSTRUCTION:Masonry construction perfo�ned when ambient temperature falls below 40 I l f : 11 f l .! \ I � l l I i· J I 1 I '{ l L � \ l� 11 1 l 1 � i l I 04220-2 degres F. shall conform to the "Recommended Practice for Cold WeatherMasonry Construction" published by the International Masonry IndustryAll-'tveather Council. B. COVERIN'.'3S:During construction, partially completed walls which are not enclosed orsheltered shall be kept dry by covering at the end of each day and when work is not in progress with strong, weather-resistant material extended aminimum of 2 ft . down each side, and held securely in place. C. PROTECTIONS: Do not ap ply unifonn floor or roof loads for at least 12 hours nor concentrated loads for at least 3 days after building masonry walls or colunns. D. STAININ'.'3:Prevent grout or mortar from staining the face of masonry to be leftexposed or to be painted. Remove immediately any grout or mortar in contact with face of su ch masonry. Protect all sills, ledges, and projections from droppings of mortar. Protect door jambs and corners fromdamage during construction. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2ol MATERIALS A. PORTLAND CEMENT: ASTM ClSO, Type I or II I. B. LIME:Hydrated lime, ASTM C207, Type S. C. SAND: AS'I'M C144. D. AOOR EGA'rES:ASTM C404. E. WATER: Mixing water must be clean and free of deleterious amounts of acids, alkalies, organic materials, or other substances which would adverselyaffect the quality or ap pearance of the mortar or the masonry units. F. HOLLCW LOADBEARIN'.'3 CMU:ASTM C90, Grade N, Type I, nonnal-weight, color as selected by Architect. G. GLAZED CMU: ASTM C90, au toclaved units with smooth, satin gloss glazed surface finish externally he at pol'ynlerized to block face in accordance with AS'IM C744 and r ! 11 r ! l\ l !i i I l1 j I I l 'I i l l 'll I l 11 li'I \ l l I 04220-3 C67. Color shall be as selecte d by Architect. No chipped or cracked units will be accepted. H.REINFORCEMENT:Steel reinforcing shall conform to the following A.STM Specifications:(1)cold-drawn steel wire, ASTM A82;(2)welded steel wire fabric, ASTM Al85;(3)billet steel defonned bars, ASTM A615, Grade 60. I.MATERIAL FOR ANCHORS AND TIES:All anchors and ties shall be coated or corrosion resistant metal meetingor exceeding the following A.STM Specifications:(1)zinc coating of wire, A.STM All6, Class 3;(2)co pper coated wire, AS'JT,1 B227, grade 30HS;(3)stainless steel, ASTM Al67, Type 304. J.TYPES OF ANCHORS AND TIES:Provide the following types of anchors and ties for masonry construction:(1)joint reinforcing: pre-fabricated welded joint reinforcement,longitudinal wires minimum 9 gauge, cross tie wires minimum 12 ga ugespaced 16" on center perpendicular or truss ty pe design with loopextensions for flexible attachment of 9 ga uge wire veneer anchors; (2)rigid anchors for intersecting bearing walls: 1-1/2" wide x 1/4"thick x 24" minimum length; turn up ends minimum 2" or pr ovide cross pins. K.CLEAI.\JIN::i P!iENTS:(1)For standard CMU, do not use cleaning ag ents other than water withoutwritten approval of Arc hitect.(2)For glazed CMU, use a dete rgent masonry cleaner as recommended by theunit manufacturer, and containing no muriatic acid. L.WATER REPELLANT COATIN:3S:Exµ,sed CMU shall be tr eated with Prime-a-pell 200 one-coat water repellant as manufactured by Chemprobe Corp. Provide manufacturer's five year written guarantee. Apply as directed by manufacturer. 2.2 MIXES A.MORTAR MIXES:Mortar for reinforced mas onry shall comply with the minimum requirements 9f ASTM C270, Type M. No proprietary mortar mixes permitted. B.GROUT MIXES:Grout for reinforced masonry shall meet the minimum requirements for TypePL, ASTM C476. C.ADMIX'IURES:No air-entraining admixtures or materials containing air-entraining admixtures shall be used. Air content of mortar and grout shall be limited to 12 percent. No anti-freeze comµ,unds or ot her substances shall I : f I I ' ( ! 1 \ I \ l! I l J 1 11 I i f I l l 1 l 'I l l l I l l I l, 04220-4 be added to mortar or grout. No calcium chloride shall be included in mortar or grout in which metal reinforcing or accessories will be embedded. PART 3 -EXEClITION 3 .1 PREPARATT (;: ,: �tnspect surfaces which are to support masonry work to assure co mpletion to proper lines and grades free of all dirt and other deleterious material. Do not begin work until surfaces not properly prepared have been satisfactorily corrected. 3.2 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A.MORTAR AND GROUT:Mix mortar and grout in accordance with the proportion requirements ofASTM C270, and ASTM C476 as applicable. Control batching procedure toensure proper proportions by measuring materials by volune. Amount ofmixing water and mortar consistency shall be controlled by mason.Re-tempering will be pennitted only within the first 2-1/2 hou rs ofinitial mix. 'Any mortar or grout which has pa rtially set shall bediscarded. B.ANCHORS AND TIES:Remove all dirt, ice, loose rust, and scale prior to installation. C.PROTECTION OF WORK:Protect sills, ledges, and offsets from mortar drippings or other damageduring construction. Remove misplaced mot ar or grout immediately.Protect face material s against staining. Protect doo r jambs and cornersfrom damage during construction. 3.3 INSTALLifll3 MASONRY A.INSTALLATION:(1)Do not install cracked, broken, or chipped masonry units exceedingASTM allowances. Use masonry saws to cut and fit exposed units. Layunits plunb, true to line, and with level courses accurately spaced withinallowable tolerances. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, installmasonry work using 1/2 running bond. Stop horizontal runs at end of workday by ra cking back in each course; toothing will not be pennitted. Adjust units to final position while mortar is soft and pl astic. If unitsare displaced after mortar has stiffened, remove, clean joints and unitsof mortar, and re-lay with fresh mortar.(2)Adjust shel f angles to keep work level and at proper elevation. Whenjoining fresh masonry to set or partially set masonry, remove loose unitand mortar, and clean and lightly wet exposed surface of set masonry priorto laying fresh masonry. I r ! I \ f I . ' l\ I \ f ! I ·1 I r I ! lI l\ lI 11 lI I � I I I l 04220-5 (3)The mason shall place all accessories and reinforcement in the masonryas the job progresses. Place horizontal joint reinforcement in first bedjoint and each successive third joint of CMU walls to prevent cracking.(4)Cooperate with other trades to assure proper location of anchors,inserts, penetrations, etc. B.BUILT-IN-ITEMS:Install bolts, anchors, nailing blocks, inserts, frames, vent flashings,conduit, and otl::ler built-in items as masonry work progresses. Avoidcutting and patching. Solidly grout spaces around built-in items.Provide joints around exterior framed openings 1/4 1 1 to 3/8 11 wi de, rakedand tooled smooth to a uniform depth of 3/4 11, ready for caulking byothers. Bu ild chases in, do not cut. Install chases minimum of onemasonry unit length from jambs. C.JOINTS:(1)Provide nominal joint thickn ess of 3/8" for standard CMU, 1/4 11 forglazed units. Provide face shell bedding for concrete unit masonry exceptat gr outed cells where full mortar bedding is required. Construct uniformjoints. Provide full head and bed joints, shoved tight to preventpenetration of moisture. Provide weatherproof, concave, to oled joints inexposed surfaces when mortar is thumb-print hard, using ro und jointingtool. Strike joints flush in surfaces to receive plaster, stucco, orsurface-applied finish other than paint.(2)Concave tool exterior joints below gr ade. Remove mortar protrudinginto cells or cavities to be gr outed. Do not permit mort ar drop pings tofall into cavities of multi-wythe walls or to block weep holes.(3)Keep movement joints clean of all mortar and debris. D.FI.ASHING:(1)Provide thru-wall flashing at base of all cavity walls; at shelfangles; at lintels, heads, and sills of openings in exterior walls; at alllocations shown on the dr awings; and at any other locations as req uired tocomplete the integrity of waterproofed or dampproofed surfaces.(2)Clean surface of masonry smooth and free from proj ections which mightpuncture or otherwise da mage flashing membrane. Carefully fit flashingaround projections. Neatly fold and bed in mastic or mortar so as todirect moisture to the outside. Fann membrane to required profiles andinstall in such a manner as to force any moisture entering the wall to theoutside. Hold outer edge of membrane to surface with mastic or mortar.Lap joints 4 11 and seal with mastic or embed in mortar. Form membrane tocorrect profile without wrinkles or buckles, and protect from puncturesand tears during installation. E.EXPANS ION AND CONTRACTION:Provide vertical control joints where called for on the dr awings atintervals of not more than 20'-0" on centers, and at all offsets, returns,openings, and intersections with dissimilar materials to prevent cracking. 3.4 RE INFORCED MASONRY l I f I I l f ! I \ I I I ! 11 l! I l ·j '. { � l I I ! 11 l! 1 l l : L 04220-6 A.REINFORCEMENT:Hold vertical reinforcement firmly in place by means of frames or othersuitable devices. Place horizontal reinforcement as masonry workprogresses. Provide minimum clear distance between longitudinal barsequal to nominal diameter of bar. Provide minimum cl ear distance betweenbars in colunns equal to l·l/2 times bar diameter. Minimum thickness ofmortar or grout between masonry and reinforcement shall not exceed 1/4 11, except tha t 1/4 11 bars may be laid in 1/2 11 horizontal mortar joints, and 6gauge or smaller wires may be laid in 3/8 11 mortar joints. B.HIGH-LIFT GR OUTING:For grout spaces 2 11 or more in width, grout may be placed in lifts not toexceed 4 ft. Keep grout core clean. Provide cl eanout holes in bottomcourse as required for insp ection and cleaning. Replace cl eanout plugsafter inspection and any necessary cleaning. Do not place grout until theentire wall has been in place a minimum of three days. If work is to bestopped for· one hour or more, hold grout 1-1/2 11 below top of mason ry.Continue grouting to top of finished wall. C. . FORMS Ai\JD SHORING:Provide substantial and tight forms to prevent leakag e of mortar or grout.Brace or shore forms to maintain position and shape. Do not remove formsor shoring until masonry has hardened suffici ently to carry its own weightand any other temporary loads that may be placed on it during· construction(ten days for girders and beams, seven days for masonry sl abs). 3.5 POINTING AND CLEANING A.POINTING:At final completion of masonry work, cut out any'defective joints or holesin exp:,sed masonry and re-point with mortar, tooling to match adjacentjoints. B.CLEANIN3:(1 ) Dry brush masonry surface after mortar has set at end of each work dayand after final pointing. Clean exp:,sed, unglazed masonry wi th stiffbrush and clean water.(2)Keep glazed masonry free of mortar droppings during construction. Wetmortar shall be removed from glazed faces with a dry cloth. Cleancompleted wall with detergent masonry cl eaner as sp ecified above, stri ctlyin accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions, including thoroughrinsing.(3)Protect adjacent materials from damage due to cleaning operations.Leave work area and surrounding surfaces clean and free of mortar spots,droppings, and broken masonry. END OF SECTION I I I I I I f ! l1 {\ I ! I l l ( I l 1 l I i 11 I l l I l l 1 l l l PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 05500 MISCELLANEOUS METALS 04220-7 Provide all labor, materials, equipment and services nece ss ary for and incidental to the installation of all miscellaneous metal items as shown on the drawings and as required to make a complete and workable job. 1.2 RELATED WORK Fences, Section 02444 ; Cast-In-Place Concrete, Section 03300; Structural Steel, Section 05120. 1.3 SUBMITTALS Submit shop prawings for shop fabricated or assembled items. Show details of fabrication, methods of assembly and installation, and types and gauges of materials. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A.MISCELLANEOUS CARBON STEEL:Fabricate of AS'IM A36 steel plates and shapes. B.FASTENER S:Provide as required, miscella neous bolts, anchors, fasteners, etc., ASTMA307. For securing exposed metals, furnish bolts with nuts havinghexagonal heads. Provide lo ck washers. All fasteners shall be ofcompatible metal with that being coMected. C.METAL PIPE RAILS:Provide 2" diameter pipe rails as shown on the drawings. Vertical membersshall have galvanized finish for field painting; horizontal members shallhave re d le ad primer for field painting. Rails may be shop or jobfabricated. D.HAi."llDRAIL SLEEVES:Provide handrail sl eeves where required for installation of metal railings. f I I ! { l l \ I \ I \ 1 l l ( ! j l { I l ! 11 11 { I ) } l l l 04220-8 E.MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS:Provide and install all miscellaneous items whether specifically mentionedor not, which are necessary to make a complete and workable job. 2.2 FABRICATION A.COORDINATION:Cooperate with other related trades to obtain all necessary details toinsure perfect connection to other work and operation as a whole. Drill,punch, cut and tap metals as required for anchoring or acommodating workof other trades. B.SHOP FABRICATION:Assemblies shall be, in so far as practical, shop fitted and assembleditems of miscellaneous metal, ready for erection or installation on thejob. All shop assembled connections shall be welded or riveted, andground smooth. C.SHOP FINI SHlt-Ki:After cleaning off mill scale, dirt, oir, and grease, shop paint all metalfabrications, except galvanized or bright metal, factory primed, or finishpainted surfaces, with one coat of rust-inhibitive primer, 2 mil minimumthickness. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A.FIELD MEASUREMENTS:Secure field measurements pertaining to or affecting this work, and verifysize, location, and exact position. Report in writing any deficiencies orerrors which affect this work in sufficient time to allow for correctionbefore proceeding. Contractor shall be respon sible for accuracy of fieldmeasurements and for proper fitting and assembly of work. B.INSTALLATION:Do all drilling and fitting, and work of similar nature required forsetting and fitting materials in place. Provide and install allconnection members needed to properly sec ure miscellaneous metal work tomasonry, structural framing, or other parts of the building. Install workin accordance with approved shop drawings. Grind smooth all necessaryfield welds. Provide flexible isolation material between all dissimilarmetals. 3.2 AUJUST AND CLEAN After erection or installation, touch up any prime painted metal surface mar red, sc ratched, burned, or otherwise damaged during shipment, erection or installation. Use same paint as for shop painting. Touch up any damaged galvanized steel with galvanizing repair paint having high zinc dust content. END OF SECTION r i I ! [ ! l 1 l I I ! I 1 l ( l ; l I I I l 1 { I I l t l l l l ; l'. PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY 06100-1 Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary for and incidental to the complete installation of all rough carpentry work including framing, furring, sheathing, blocking and backing, wood nailers, ett • 1.2 RELATED WORK Finish Carpentry, Section 06200. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE Dimension and board lunber shall be identified by grade mark of the �-.Jestern Wood Products Assoc. or equal. Softwood ply.vood shall conform with standard PS 1-74, and hardwood ply.vood with PS 51-71. Truss design . shall meet standards of the American Institute of Timber Co nstruction. 1.5 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLI� Store materials off ground, and protected from weather. Seasoned materials shall not be stored in wet or damp areas, and sheet materials shall be protected from damage to corners and 0 surfaces during ha ndling. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A.GENERAL:All lumber shall be sound, thoroughly seasoned, well manufactured,straight, and free from cup, twist, or warp that cannot be corrected bybridging or nailing.Moisture co ntent at time of installation shall be as follows:(1)framing lunber -19%{2) board lunber 8" or le ss in width -19%(3)board lunber wider than 8" -15%. B.FRAMIN:i WMBER:No. 2 kiln-dried SYP or Douglas Fir. All lumber in contact with concrete or masonry shall be wolmanized. C.CONCEALED BLOCK!�, SCREEDS, BRACil'K;, ETC:No. 3 common SYP or Douglas Fir, Wolmanized. 11 f \ I r ! l1 I \ I : f I 1 ( j I I I l l !I 1 l ( I 11 I I l l 11 l 06100-2 D.SHEATHil'.G:Tongue and groove, or V-edge, foil-faced gypsum sheathing , 1/2" thickness. E.ROOF DECKir:-K;:Roof decking shall be 1/2" exterior grade plywood, American PlywoodAssociation C-D EXT-APA. F.FELT:As re quired, provide ashphalt saturated, 30 lb . felt, ASTM D22 6. H.FRAMil'.G ANCHORS:Teco, Simpson, or Yeck, galvanized or zinc coated, of gauge and size tosopport imposed loads. I • FAS'rENERS: Furnish all nails, anchors, bolts, shot fasteners, screws, etc., of proper types and sizes to support the work and to dr aw the members into place and hold th�m securely. All bolt heads and nuts bearing on wood shall have standard washers except where otherwise indica ted on the drawings. Nails for exposed exterior woodwork shall be galvanized. PART 3 -EXEClJl'ION 3.1 PROTECTIONS Adequately brace and protect partially comple ted work to assure structural stability and safety until work is completely framed and secure. 3.2 INSTALLATION A.FRAMIN3:(1)Frame wood members to a close fit, set accurately to required linesand le vels, and secure rigidly in place.(2)Frame all openings for proper fit of item s to be installed in framingby this or other trades.(3)All nailing shall comply with Unifonn Building Code requirements. B.ROOF FRAMING:(1)Install ro of framing as indicated on the drawings.(2)Lay plywood roof decking with face grain perpendicular to framingmembers, joints staggered in alternate courses and aligned accurately withframe members for proper attachment.(3)Cut ends of sheets square, fit closely to adjacent panels leaving1/16" gap, and attach with plywood clips and nails. Drive all nail s tofull penetration. Install felt over ro of sheathing to protect againstmoisture until roofing materials are in place. C.BLOCKit-(;:Install all wood blocking and backing required for attachment of other work. END OF SECTION f r, [ II l l I I r i l\ l( j : !I ! l ! I I I l 11 t I u I t PART 1 -GEN ERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 06200 FINISH CARPENTRY 06200-1 Work under this section shall include installation of all millwork, hanging all doors and frames, installing all finish hardware, and all finish carpentry as indicated on the drawings. 1.2 RElATED WORK Ro ugh Carpentry, Section 06100; Doors and Frames, Section 08100; Finish Hardware, Section 08700; Gypsum Wallboard, Section 09250; Painting, Section 09900. 1.3 PRODUCT DELIVERY, SI'ORAGE, AND HANDLif\G Do not deliver finish carpentry materials, wood doors, or millwork it ems until all wet construction work has been completed and the building dried-in. 1. 4 SUBMI'CTALS Submit shop drawings for ap proval, showing materials, construction, and finishes for all millwork. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE All custom woodwork shall comply with the app licable requirements and quality standards of the Architectural Woodwork Institute {AWI), and the National Woodwork Manufacturer's Associatio n {N\-JMA). Softwood plywood shall conform with standard PS 1-74, and hardwoo d plywood with PS 51-71. PART 2 • PRODUCTS 2.1 MA.TERIALS A.BACK-UP FOR LAMINATED PlASTIC:Pro vide 3/4" plywoos, Grade B or better. C.PLYWOOD CABINETS:Exposed cab inet work shall be constructed of paint grade birch veneer plywood, Prodoct Standard PS 51, 3/4" thick for bottom, side panels and doors. Shelves shall be 3/4" thick plywo od with edge bands. Fr ont frames shall be hard wood to match plywood veneer and as shown on the dr awings. r , f l r, ( ! l i l ! r ( I I { ( ! l I ! Ii l l I l 11 I I \ i I.l l 06200-2 D.CABIN ET HARDtJARE:Provide Bommer No. 2200-600 half-surface hinge, and A.J. May bronze andfelt weatherstrip. E.COUNTERTOPS:Cabinetwork shall be constructed to receive finish countertops oflaminated plastic with full height backsplash. Laminated plastic forcountertops shall be Wilsonart, Formica, or· Nevamar, solid color, mattefinish, as selected by the Architect from color samples submitted byContractor. F.THIM:Exterior fascia and trim as detailed, of SYP, No. l or better. All trimin contact wi th concrete slab shall be \-Jolmanized. Interior trim shall beof paint grade white pine or fir, free of knots. Provide all mouldingsand trim pieces re quired for a co mplete installation. G.ADHESIVES:For interior work, use highly wa terp roof adhesives as re commended bymanufacturer of material to be attached. 2.2 FABRICATION A.DETAILS:Not all details of millwork are shown on the drawings. Th e fabricator shall utilize the most advantageous manufacturing processes to achieve the quality of millwork indicated, in accordance wi th AWI st andards. B.SHOP FABRICATION:As far as practical, cabinet work shall be built up and assembled at themill. All fastenings shall be concealed, no nail heads to show infinished work. hll joints shall be gl ued using best grade cabinet glue.Doors shall be drilled for ha rdwa re as scheduled. Sc rape and sand allfinish work by hand at the mill. Finished work shall be free from stains,tool marks, open joints or other defects. Work shall be by sk illedmechanics only, best quality finishers. PART 3 -EXEClJI'ION 3.1 PREPARATION Take field measurements to verify correct dimensior.'.:; ;,,r all built-in work. Provide any necessary closures and trim to fit the items to enclosing wa lls and ceilings. Do not deliv er finished millwork to the job site until construction has progressed sufficiently to allow immediate installation in final position. 3.2 INSTALLATION A.FIELD INSTALLATION: r l f l I ! l 1 lI I l 11 I l l l I I I ! li i l l I ( I \ I I_ I I 06200-3 (1)Attatch all mill work items securely to floors and walls and anchor byconcealed bolts or wood screws. Accurately scribe and closely fit allface plates, filler strips, and trim strips to irregularities of adjacentsurfaces.(2)Prime all mill work on back side before installation.materials that are warped. Install wood frames plumb andtrue alignment, solidly wedged and secured to sub-frames. Install no level, and in Adhere lamin ated plastic in field using waterproof gl ue. Finish cabinets in place and attach finish hardware as scheduled. (3)Back prime and prime all cuts in wood siding. B.INSTALLI� METAL DOOR FRAMES:Install door frames sq uare and in true alignment. Adjust to finalposition prior to anchoring solidly and securely in place. Attach trim asdetailed. C.INSTALLit-K; METAL OOORS:Hang all doors true, plunb and sq uare with frame. Adjust as requ ired forperfect operation. Provide cl earances at jambs and heads not to exceed1/8", and at bottoms not to exceed 3/8", except where indicated to beundercut or where required to clear thresholds. D. HARDA'ARE:Apply all items of finish hardware. Neatly fit and secure hardware in place according to manufacturer's instructions, and adjust as required for perfect operation. Where hardware is applied to woodwork, attach before woodwor� is finished, then remove and tag, and do not finally install until finishing operations are complete. E.QUALITY OF WORK:(1)Finish carpentry work shall be performed by sk illed mechanics only,best quality finishers.(2)Continuous members and mouldings shall be in longest practical pieces,and shall be jointed only where firm fastening is possible. Fastenwoodwork with finish nails suitable for setting, with screws, and withadhesives. Set face nails for putty stopping.(3)Planes shall be fl at and true to established lines; walls and verticalreturns plumb; corner intersections tr ue to straightedge lines.(4)Joints shall be accurately cut, neatly fitted, and tight, withoutoffsets across finish surface. Miter and gl ue running joints and external�ngles; cope internal angles. Sand all joints to smooth surface, andcaulk as required.(5)Finished surfaces shall be free of scratches, splits, dents, cracks,chips, or other similar defects. 3.3 A.'lJUST AND CLEAN After installation and finishing is complete, clean all surfaces and leave free of dust, dirt, grease, etc. Protect work from damage until construction is complete. END OF SECTION 11 r l f jr I l I I l I ! ! I l ! } I I I I l l ! \ i I l 11 ll I PART 1 -GENERAL SECTION 07200 INSULATION 07200-1 1.1 WORK INLCLUDED Furnish and install all fireproofing, thennal insulation, and sound attenuation materials of types as shown on the drawings and specified herein. 1.2 RELATED WORK Brick Veneer, Section 04210; Rough Carpentry, Section 06100. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A.BATf INSULATION:Provid e 3-1/2" and 5-1/2" paper-faced fiberglass batt insulation atlocations shown on the drawings, R-13 for exterior walls, R-21 forceilings. B.VAPOR BARRIER:Refer to Section 04210, Brick Veneer. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3 .1 INSTALLATION/APPLICAT ION Install or apply all insulation as shown on the drawings, and in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. Maintain continuity of insulation without gaps or voids. END OF SECTION I l I r ! f I I ! I l 11 11 l1 I I I l l ! l l 11 11 \ l l I I. PART l -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 07400 PRE-FORMED METAL ROOFit--X:, 07400-1 Provide all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary for installation of pre-formed metal roofing system as shown on the drawings. 1. 2 RELATED WORK Rough carpentry, section 06100; Flashing and Sheet Metal, Section 07600. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE WARRNATY: Provide Roofing Contractor's standard two year roofing guarantee, NRCA form 1970A, or equivalent. 1.4 SUBMIT'rALS SHOP DRAWit--X:,S: Submit complete shop dr awings showing details of fabrication and installation. PART 2 -PR ODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A.ME'rAL ROOFit--X:,:Provide and install Berridge Manufacturing co. standing seam T-Panelroofing system, including all trim an d accessories required for a completeinstallation. Fabricate with seams 12-3/4" on center. Roofing shall be24 gauc3e Galvalune. B.ACCESSORIES:Provide all flas hing, trim, clips, fasteners, cl osure pieces, andaccessories as shown on the drawings and required to make a completesystem. C.FELT:Provide asp halt impregnated, 30 lb. felt. D.FASTENERS:Pr ovide 1-1/4" wide cleats nailed to deck at 12" on center with annularring shank nails for concealed fastening. 1 I l I l 11 ' ' 11 I l I : I \ 11 11 { l I l i I l l 1 i I � l l I l'. E.SEALANTS:G.E. silicone sealant or equal. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION/APPLICATION A.INSTALLATION: 07400-2 (1)Securely attach framing members to structure and install material instrict accordance with manufacturer's written instructi ons and ap provedshop drawings. Framing shall be plumb and straight, and all exp:>sed metaledges shall be hemmed.(2)Install layer of felt over entire roof deck surface. Nail to deckwith roofing nails through plated 1-1/2" diameter disks at minimum spacingrequired to secure felt.(3)Install metal roofing over felt with ring shank nails. Wherep:>ssible, lay out panels with seams sy mmetrical between ends of roof.Install panels in longest practical lengths with flat seams at ends foldedto sh ed wa ter. Rivet and solder attachments for panels. Install alltrim, acc essories, and flashing necessary for a complete, waterproof, leakfree sy stem.(4)Solder metal flashing in place. Shape metal laps and joints in neatfashion. Use solder only where necessary to make water tight. 3.2 ADJUS'r AND CLEAN After completion of work, remove all debris from job site and clean surfaces of metal of all dirt, stains, and marks which adversely affect the appearance of the material. END OF SECTION 11 r l f l I l l \ l i I ! 11 11 f I lI II 11 ,j j 11 I. I � I lI l, PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 07600 FIASHIN3 AND SHEET METAL 07600-1 Work covered under this heading shall include all miscellaneous flashing and trim as may be required to make a complete and watertight job. 1.2 RELATED WORK Pre-formed Metal Roofing, Section 07400; Sealants and Caulking, Section 07920. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 f'i\l>..TERIAL.5 A.METAL TRIM:General trim shall be 26 ga uge galvalune. B.THRU..J,vALL FIASHIN3:Provide 3 oz./sq.ft. copper-fabric fiashing, cons isting of a full sheet ofcopper between two layers of glass fiber fabric, Wasco/York or equal. C.GUTl'ERS AND COWNSPOUTS:Provide Galvall.llne gutters and downspouts in locations shown on th edrawings, with round profile leaders and downspouts. Submit shop drawing sfor approval before fabrication. D.SHO,'/ER PANS:Material for shower pans shall be Wasco/York Fabric Shower Pan, consistingof a sheet of wrought copper weighing 3.5 oz./sq.ft., and bonded betweentwo layers of asphalt saturated cotton fabric by means of a ductilefibrated asphalt mastic as manufactured by Wasco/York Manufacturing, Inc. E.METAL COPII.IK,S:Metal copings at tops of masonry walls shall be 26 ga uge Galvalune asdetailed. F.FASTENERS:Provide all nails, screws, washers, neoprene seals, etc., as required, andof material compatible with metal to be attached. G.SEALANT:G.E. Silicone sealant for all joints. [ I f f I 11 11 I ! 11 l 1 f I L 11 11 l l 11 11 !l I I 11 PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 INS'rALLATION/APPLICATION A. INSTALLATION: 07600-2 Fabricate and install all work with necessary allowance for expansion andcontraction to prevent distortion of the material. In qeneral, unlessotherwise shown, space expansion joints every 25 ft. or les s. Hem allexposed or free standing edges. B. ,JOINTS:Lap all intermediate joints 4" or more and seal with silicone sealant, or lap 1 11 and solder. Shop fabricate corner joints, mitered with 1 ft. or longer leg s, and solder tight. Coat all surfaces to bed flashing with hea vy trowel coat of mastic. END OF SECrION 11 r :f I I ! ! I 11 I l 11 l1 II 11 11 I I I l I l I.Iu 1.1 I: PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 07900 SEALANTS AND CAULKit-G 07900-1 Furnish and install all caulking and sealants required to wa terproof joints arou nd the perimeter of openings and between dissimilar materials, and wherever sho,m or specified, including wood fascia detail. 1.2 RE LATED WORK Finish Carpentry, Section 06200; Flashing and Sheet Metal, Section 07600; Metal Doors and Frames, Section 08100; Metal Windo ws, Section 08500; Painting, Section 09900. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIAL.5 A.INTERIOR WORK:Provide acrylic latex or butyl rubber caulk, non-hardening type, at alldoor frames and other general interior caulki ng; Soneborn BuildingProducts or equal. B.EXTERIOR WORK:Provide one-part gun-grade elastomeric sealant for general exteriorsealing of of joints between metal, wood, concrete and masonry, SonnebornBuilding Products, Sonolastic NP-1 or approved equal. C.PRIMERS: As furnished by manufacturer of sealant, and of type for use on materialto be sealed or caulked. D.,JOINT FILLERS:At least 1/3 wider than width of joint. For caulking compounds, useoakum. For sealants, use approved round rod of closed polyethylene spongeor butyl, as approved by sealant manufacturer for compatibility withsealant. PART 3 -EXEClJI'ION 3.1 PREPARATION I I f I [ I 11 f I l! fl I.I I l l ; I : l l l l 11 t I lI 11 l: 07900-2 Remove oil, grease, and foreign or loose material from joint surfaces. Remove lacquer from aluminum surfaces; do not use soap, detergent, or any water-based cleaner. Position joint filler to provide a recess of specified depth for sealant. Mask adjacent finish surfaces to adequately protect from th is work. Apply primers as required in co mpliance with compound manufacturer's re commendations. Sealing is required to fill and make watertight all joints in exterior surfaces between dissimilar materials, all open joints in masonry, and penetrations through exterior walls. 3.2 EXECUTION Apply sealants and caulking with cartridge ty pe gun, keeping nozzle tip deep in joint to force compound to fill. Press sealants as necessary to ass ure wetting of entire bonding surface. Tool surface of flat joints slightly concave. Smooth bevels and beads. END OF SECTION 11 I ! [ I 11 I l 11 l l I ; I : l: I l l l l 1 ll l PART l -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 08100 METAL JX)()RS Al'ID FRAMES 08100-1 Provide all labor, materials, equipment, and services re quired for installation of all metal doors and frames as shown on the drawings. 1.2 RELATED WORK Rough Carpentry, Section 06100; Finish Hardware, Section 08700; Painting, Section 09900. 1. 3 SUBMI'ITALS Submit manufacturer's cut sheets for each type of door specified, showing materials, construction, finish, etc. Provide certification of UL label rating on all fire-rated assemblies. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2 .1 �TERIALS A.FLUSH HOLLOv<J METAL DOORS:Provide doors equal to Ceco Corporation Regent series, or Tex-steel 1-3/4"seamless style, st andard 16 gauge construction, closed top and bottom,reinforced with vertical ribs 6 11 on center, insulated with fibergl ass.Provide com plete weatherstripping at all exterior doors. B.HOLLOv<J METAL FRAMES:Of same manufacturer as hollow metal doors. Frames shall be equal to CecoCorporation Series r::w 34 and SF 34 as applicable to type of installation,or Tex-Steel, st andard design welded construction, 16 ga uge steel.Provide standard floor anchor and adjustable jamb anchor for dr�all ormasonry ty pe construction. Provide 16 gauge lock reinforcing and 12 gaugecloser reinforcing. C.PAINT!� AND FINISH!�:Before field assembly, touch up factory primed finish as re quired onsurfaces that will be inaccessible. After field assembly, remove oi l,dirt, rust, or ot her impurities, repair factory primed surfaces asrequired, and paint as specified in Section 09900. D.FI NISH 1-IARIJtJARE:Mortise, reinforce, drill, and tap metal doors for finish hardware asspecified in Section 08700. Ha rdwate to be field ap plied. I : I 11 11 11 11 l! 11 l I I I 11 I l 11 l ! i l l l l PART 3 -EXECtrl'ION 3.1 INSTALLATION/ERECTION (1)In stallation of doors, frames, and finish hardware sh all be bycarpenter trades covered in Division 6. 08100-2 (2)Set door frames pll.lTlb and true, align properly, and anchor securely.Brace and maintain alignment of frames to be built into walls untilpermanently anchored.(3)Install all hardware not factory applied. Attach escutcheons, knobs,pulls, closers, and other surface hardware to doors and frames re quiringfield painting only after such work has been completed. Upon completionof work, adj ust operating hardware and leave doors in correct operatingcondition. END OF SECTION 11 I l 11 11 11 11 11 I I 11 f I I I !I 11 11 II 11 l l J I 11 I_ l PART l -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 08360 OVERHEAD OOORS 08360-1 Provide all labor, materi als, equip ment, and services requ ired for complete installation of all overhead doors as shown on the dr awings and specified herein. 1.2 RELATED WORK Rough carp entry, Section 06100; Sealants and Caulking, Section 07900. PART 2 -PRODUCTS A.OVERHEAD IXX)RS:Provide overhead Door Company "Rolling Service Door" Model No. BN4,push-up ty pe with C-187 slats, of aluminum allo y 6063T6. Do�rs shall beprovided complete with perimeter weatherstripping, hand pull rope, andkey-operated cylinder lock at bottom rail (deadlock both inside and out,master-keyed to rest of project hardware), and shall be constructed withstandard tr ack and guides. Furn ish all items of equipment and accessoriesrequired for a complete and operable installation. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION Install all overhead do ors in strict accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. Insure good weather seal around perimeter of all exterior doors. END OF SECTION II 11 I 1 l! 11 11 r� I I 11 I l l I { I I � lI I ! I I l l l l I : PART l -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 08500 METAL WINDOt'1S 08500-1 Work under this heading shall include furnishing and installing all metal windows as shown on the drawings and specifie d herein. 1.2 RELATED WORK Rough Ca rpentry, section 06100; Sealants and Caulking, Section 07900. 1.3 GUARANTEE All metal windows shall carry one year manufacturer's guarantee against defective materials and quality of work. 1. 4 SUBMITTALS Submit shop drawings for Architect's re view showing materials, details of construction, and rough opening size for installation. PAAT 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MI\TERIALS A.AWNI� WINIXMS:Provide metal frame, awning windows, size as shown on the drawings, equalto Win-Vent Series 100 (P-A2-HP70}, high perfonnance windows constructedof 6063-TS aluninLnn alloy, clear anodized finish. Windows shall befactory glazed, si ngle pane, using snap-in gl azing beads and clear glass.Provide complete weatherstripp ing, sc reens, and all accessory item srequired for complete installation. PART 3 - EXc"CUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION/APPLICATION A.INSTALLATION:Metal windows shall be installed in strict accordance with manufacturer'swritten instructions and approved shop drawings. Alignment shall be leveland plunb to allow easy operation of movable sections. B.CLEAN I�:After installation, clean frames and gl ass areas and protect windows fromdamage until acceptance. END OF SECTION I 1 I I I r ! I I 11 { l r; I f I ! l l 11 [ I I l II l l f I 11 lI 11 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 08700 FINISH l-lARLWARE 08700-1 The finish hardware contractor shall carefully examin e the dr awings, scale details, and general specifica tions, and shall furnish and deliver to the job site the proper quantities, types, si zes, sh apes, and functions of all items of finish hardware required to comple te the building, except such items specifically excluded or noted to be furnished by others. Any items of finish hardware not specifically shown or mentioned, but required for proper comple tion of the building and fulfillment of the finish hardware specifica tions, shall be supplied in the same finish and quality as adjace nt hardwa re. 1. 2 RELATED WORK Finish Carpentry, Section 06200; Metal Doors and Fr ames, Section 081 00. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE (1)Whenever any item of finish hardware is mentioned here in by syrnbols,numbers, description, or manufac turer, it is understood to establish astandard of quality which shall be strictly maintained.(2)Acc;ep table lock manufacturers are: Falcon, Sargent, Schlage, andStanley. Other items as specified are Lawrence Brothers, Inc.,Glynn-Johnson Co., Tr ego Industries, Reading Closer Co., H.B. Ives Co.,Colonial Bronze Co., Knape and Vogt Mfg., Von [)Jprin, Inc., QualityHardware, and May Wea therstrip.(3)Hardware by other manufacturers will be acceptable if equal in allrespects, and requested samples are approved by the Architect at least 10days prior to bidding. Substitution of accepted manufacturers for thoselisted in this specification shall not relieve the Contractor ofresponsibility for meeting quality standards, or for proper coordinationwith the materials and sy stems of other trades. 1.4 SUBMITTALS The successful bidder shall submit six (6) copies of the finish hardware schedule to the Architect for approval. The schedule shall be comple te in every detail, listing all items of hardware to be furnished. Provide manufacturer's cut sheets of each item. Each item of hardware shall be correlated with the drawings by gr oup headings and/or item number. 1.5 GUARANTEE I r� I I 11 I ! ll f ! I 11 11 I. I i I I ! I '/ I l 11 l l .I I I 08700-2 All items furnished under this contract shall be guaranteed against defects in manufacture, materials, and workmanship, and shall be capable of performin9 the required functions for which it is designed for a period of one year from date of final acceptance. Any item or material failing to comply with this guarantee shall be removed and replaced with satisfactory item or material at no cost to the owner, including necessary labor for removal and replacement. 1.6 COORDINATION (1)The Contractor shall be responsible for arranging his schedule andsecuring delivery of all hardware so that the work progress without delayor interruption.(2)No extra cost will be allowed because of changes or correctionsnecessary to facilitate the proper installation of any hardware item. TheContractor shall be responsible for the proper fabrication of all work ormaterial to receive hardware. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIAL.5 A.FINISH:Finish on hardware shall be satin chrome, US26D. Butts on metal doorsshall be prime coated only. B.KNOB LOCKS AND LATCHES:All locks and latches shall be mortise type of weight, design, function,and material as specified. C.DOOR STOPS:As indicated on drawings, or as required by threshold, finish floormaterial, or other condition, either wall or floor type stops shall beused. D.HOLD-OPEN DEVICES:Provide spring-loaded, standard rubber ti pped hold-open devices for eachhinged door, mounted in lower corner for friction hold against finishfloor. E.FASTENERS:All hardware shall be furnished with proper fasteners as required foranchoring to wood, metal, etc. Where noted in schedule, closers andholders shall be furnished with thru-bolts and grommet nuts. F.LOCK TRIM:Knobs and trim for locks and latches shall be wrought, cast, or extrudedas specified herein. I '. -!" I I 11 I I j"l \ l I ! \ I 1. \ 11 l 11 \ i 11 l l LI -11 l ! 08700-3 G.KEYIN:i:Furnish two (2) keys per lock. Furnish six (6) master keys for each set,and six (6) gr and master keys. Furnish a complete key control cabinet andsystem; Lund, wall type, capacity as required for this schedule, plus 25percent capacity to enlarge. H. TEMPLATES:Contractor shall furnish blueprint templates as required for manufacture of metal doors and frames. PART 3 -EXECUfION 3 .1 PREPARATION A.TEMPLATES:Until written approval of the hardware sc hedule is re ceived from the Architect, the contractor shall not order templates or materials. Do notdelivc>r :...iy templates or hardware sc hedules to anyone without suc h approval. B.PACKAGIN3:All items of finish hardware shall be securely boxed or wrapp ed, and shallinclude suf ficient amount of the size and type of screws, bolts, anc hors,or ot her fasteners for the installation. All fasteners shall match orhartnonize with finish hardware as to material and finish. Each bag, box,or package shall be marked or labeled with a description of the opening orlocation in the building for which it is intended and/or with the properschedule item numbers. C.MAi\lUALS AND 'TOOLS:Deliver to o.-,ner upon completion of the work, manufacturer's writteninstructions for installing, operating, and maintaining finish hardware,as well as in stallation, adjustment and maintenance tools. 3.2 INSTALLATION Hardware shall be installed by the General Contractor. All hardware shall be fitted prior to painting operation, then removed and the painting completed before final installation. Protect all hardware from damage both prior to and after installation. All items shall be neatly and properly installed in accordance with best practice, and to the satisfaction of the Architect. Hardware must be thououghly clean and free from damage at ti me of Final Acceptance by Owner. Any items sp lattered with paint, then cleaned with thinner or remover shall be replaced at no cost to the o.-,ner. f : J'! \ 1 !-, J I [ \ \ ', I .! l I l �.. .J I i1 !l \ � 1 l f I l. l I I' I ,l I 3.3 HARDMARE SETS DCX)R NO. 1 1-1/2 pair butts: BB4101-P-NRP 4-1/2" x 4", Lawrence Brothers1 lockset: 5024-Austin-Us26D (MK), Russwin1 stop: 119ES-US26D, Quality1 threshold: 89AV-36", A.J. May1 weatherstrip: 10-5050-17', Stanley1 hold-open device. ocxm NOS. 2 and 3 1-1 /2 pair butts: 8B4101-P 4-1/2" x 4 11 , Lawrence Brothers 1 deadlock: 1503-l/2-US26D (MK), Russwin 1 stop: 119ES-US26D, Quality 3 sile ncers: GJ64, Glynn-Johnson 1 hold-open device. DOOR NO. 4 1 deadlock: 1503-l/2-US26D (MK), Russwin 08700-4 Note: Deadlock supplied to gate fabricator; balance of hardware by gate fabricator. DOOR NOS. 5 and 6 All hardware by overhead door manufacturer. END OF SECTION f : fl 'l l ) ! I l 1 l· l ! I l I I I \ ,,', J I I \ \ l, 11 I ! l l 1 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 09250 GYPSUM \'<ALLBOARD 09250-1 Provide all labor, materials, equipment and servic es necessary for and incidental to the furnishing and installing of all gypsum board as shown on the dr awings and specified herein. 1.2 RELATED WORK Rough carpentry, section 06100; Finish carpentry, Section 06200; Painting, Section 09900. 1.3 QUALI'rY ASSUl�\JCE Deliver fire-rated materials bearing testing agency label and required fire classification designation. 1.4 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLil'l, Deliver materials to the project site with manufacturer's labels intact and legible. Handle materials with care to prevent damage to edges or sur faces. Store materials indoors under cover, st acked fl at and off the floor. Store adhesives in dr y area and protect against freezing. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A.S'rANDARD GYPSUM BOARD:Provide tapered edge, paper-faced gypsum wallboard in 1/2" thicknessunless otherwise shown on the dr awings. B.WATER-RESISTAL'fr BOARD:�rovide wa ter-resistant gypsum board in 1/2" thickness for vending kioskwalls. C.JOINT TREATMENT MATERIALS:Joint tape and joint compound, ASTM C475. D.ACCESSORIES:Provide all fasteners , corner bead, casing, etc., fabricated of heavygauqe galvanized sheet metal, as furnished by gypsum board manufactur�r. f 1 p ' ·, l� 1 ; \':, 11 , I I 1, II f1 {I { \ � : l l { l I J I l PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A.GYPSUM BOARD: 09250-2 Install materials in accordance with manufacturer's written instr uctions,and in compliance with applicable codes. Install gypsum board on ceilingsfirst, then walls. Apply ceiling board at right angles to framingmembers. Apply wall board hori zontally. Use longest practical lengths tominimize end joints. Butt joint boards, but ao not force into place.Where edges abut, fit neatly. Cut boards by sc oring and breaking, or bysawing from face side. Smooth cut edges where necessary. Stagger endjoints. End joints shall occur only at nailing members. B.NAILit-G:Attach gy psum board to framing by st andard single-nailing methods. Space nails not less than 3/8", nor more than 1/2" from edges and ends of boards. Do not stagger nails on adjoining ends or edges. Hold boards infirm contact with framing while nailing. Drive nail heads slightly below board surface. Take care to avoid breaking paper face or other dam�Je to face of board. C.JOINT TREATMENT:(1)Tape and float wallb oard sc heduled for paint finish, including joints,screw heads, and other depressions. Sand all coats after application ofjoint compound or topping. Final coat and subsequent sanding shall leaveall gy psum wallboard and treated areas uniformly smooth with no pronouncedsurface indentations or bulges.(2)Unifonnly texture all exposed gy psum board with a spray-applied, light"orange peel" texture, or a light roller stipple finish for both a,ndceilings. 0.METAL ACCESSORIES:Apply corner bead at all outside vertical and horizontal corners, nailed911 o.c. Apply casing trim at exposed edges of boards ab utting othermaterials (except at floors). Tape and float internal wall angles andceiling angles. END OF SECTION ' I f f : 11 \ I I ; 1 ! IJ " 11 r1 l ii JI (1 \ l L, l l f I l� I l ( PART l -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 09900 PAINTI!'IG 09900-1 (1)Where scheduled or re quired by the work, furnish all material andlabor necessary to provide texture, paint, or clear finishes on allexterior and interior surfaces and material s unless they are sp ecif icallynoted or specified as requiring no finish.(2)There will be no painting or finishing required for walls scheduled toreceive vinyl wall coverings; for any stain less steel, aluminLnn, copper,or similar bright metal surfaces; laminated plastic surfaces; brick orstone; or factory finished surfaces except as sp ecified otherwise. 1. 2 RELATED WORK Miscellaneous Metals, Section 05500; Finish Carpentry, section 06200; Metal Doors and Frames, Section 08100; Gypsum \-.:allb oard, Section 09250. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE Acceptable manufacturers are Benjamin Moore, Devoe Paint, Cook Paint and varnish, or approved equal. 1.4 SUBMI'M'ALS Submit manufacturer's literature for each type of paint, primer, or finish required. 1.5 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLit-G Deliver materials in original sealed containers with labels legible and intact. Label shall contain manufacturer's name, ty pe of paint, stock number, color, instructions for reducing where applicable, label analysis, smoke contrib ution, flame spread. i.6 JOB CONDITIONS Comply with manufacturer's recommendations as to conditions of temperature, humidity, etc. under which coatings may be applied. Do not apply finishes in areas where dust is being generated. PART 2 -PRODUCTS [ l i 1 I I ' I l : I � I \ \ ! lI 1• I l ! L n J l • I I I \ i 1 \ 1i l l l I I )' l 09900-2 2.1 MATERIALS A.WALL TEX'IURES:After taping and floating, spray apply lig ht, "orange peel" texture or lig ht roller stipple finish to all exµ>sed gypsum board walls. B.INTERIOR WOOD:One coat Devoe Alkyd Enamel Undercoat, two coats DE-VO-KO eggshell alkydenamel finish. C.EXTERIOR WOOD:One coat Devoe House Pa int Primer, two coats Devoe All-Weather alkydeggshell finish. D.INTERIOR WALLS:One coat Devoe Vinyl Latex Primer, two coats DE-VO-KO semi-gloss AcrylicLatex wall paint. E.METAL DOORS, RAILI1'X}S AND TRIM:one coat Devoe Mirrolac Rust Penetrating Primer, two coats Devoe alkydeggshell All Weather exterior trim paint. F.EXPOSED CMU:Apply clear silicone sealant equal to Prime-A -Pell 200 (refer to Section04220). G.THINNERS:As recommended by pr oduct manufacturer. H.SHOP PAINT:Touch up shop coated metals with a primer compatible with shop coat. I.COLORS:As selected by Architect. J.MIXINJ AND TINTir-x;:Deliver paints and coatings read�ixed to job site. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A.INSPECTION:Examine surfaces scheduled to receive paint and finishes for conditionsthat would adversely affect execution, permanence, or quality of work andwhich cannot be put into an acceptable condition by normal surfacepreparation. Do not proceed with surface preparation or coatingapplication until unacceptable conditions have been corrected. i I l l / J ; L � '.n � l f\ j I ), \ l � ! [ \ !.l l l I I r 09900-3 B.SURFACE PREPARATION:(1)Assure that all surfaces to receive coatings have been cleaned, holesand cracks properly filled and, where applicable, sanded smooth.Clean exterior galvanized surfaces with cold phosphate treatment with anacid concentration of 5-7% by weight, or with a vinegar and water sol utionbefore application of primer.(2)Walls shall be finished with a uniform spray-applied light "orangepeel" texture or light roller stipple finish. 3.2 INSTALLATION/APPLICATION (1)Do not apply initial coating until moisture content of surface iswithin limitations recommended by paint manufacturer. Apply coatings withsuitable brushes, rollers, or spray equipment. Protect adjacent work fromaccidental coverage. Comply with recommendations of product manufacturerfor drying time between succeeding coats. Sand and dust between each coatas required to remove visible defects.(2)Finish coats shall be smooth, free of brush marks, streaks, laps orpile-up of paints, and skipped or missed areas. Leave all parts ofmouldings and ornaments clean and true to details with no undue amount ofpaint in corners and depressions.(3)Make edges of paint adjoining other materials, finishes, or colorsclean and sharp with no overlapping.(4)Refinish whole wall or area where a portion of finish has been damagedor is not acceptable. 3.3 CLEANI1'K, Remove spilled, splashed, or splattered paint from all surfaces. Do not mar surface finish of item being cleaned. Protect finished surfaces from damage until acceptance by o..mer. END OF SECTION \ I I } ' i i i ' l! l I \ l l { J� 1 ; \ I I \ I l l i I SECfION 10100 SIGNAGE AND MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES PART 1 -GE NERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED Work under this heading shall include furnishing and installing all interior signage as shown on the dr awings and specified herein. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A.METAL PLAWE: 10100-1 For wall-mounted permanent project funding acknowledgement sign (see sample next page), provide Southwell co. leatherette finish bronze tablet with helvetica letters in all capital s. Provide satin finish, singl e line border, and concealed mounting for attachment to masonry wall. Locate as directed by Architect. B.HANDICAP PARKit,.K; SIGNS:Provide handicap parking signs where indicated on the dr awings. Signsshall be pennanently mounted on a pole at least 5 ft. high, and shall meetall State and local requirements. C.CAS'f BRASS SIGNS:Provide 3" high, cast brass letters for "MEN" and "W0-1EN 11 , helveticastyle, for mounting on masonry wall. Provide manufacturer's standardmounting hardware. Locate as directed by Architect. D.WIRE BASK�rs:Provide Kaspar Wire \\forks, Inc. 9" wire baskets, zinc-plated, StockNo. GSB-1, l" mesh, No. 13 wire in bottom and vertical sides, No. 15 wirein horizontal sides, with No. 6 top rim with padlock loop integrallyformed, and aluminum number plates. E.BASKET RACKS:Provide Kaspar Wire Works, Inc. basket racks for concession kiosk,No. 181060 (for 28 baskets). F.CLOTHES HOOKS:Provide non-ferrous metal clothes hooks for mounting on CMU walls whereindicated. Provide positive anc horage for secure mounting withoutdisplacement. PART 3 -EXEClITION 1 i : I I j I \. In l'! l J I !. \ l \. t 1 l l l \ }1 10100-2 3.1 INSTALLATION/APPLICATION A.SIGNS:Install bronze plaque in accordance with manufacturer's specifications,square and plunb. Upon com pletion of installation, adjust and clean asrequired. Locate cast brass signs as directed by Architect. B.ACC ESSORIES:Install miscellaneous accessories where shown on the drawings, and inaccordance with manufacturer's printed inst ructions. END OF SECTION , 10100-3 ,, Sample layout for permanent project funding acknowledgement sign. l I , 1ANYTOWN BASEBALL \ : PARK f ( , 11 14 TEXAS LO CAL PA RKS,RECREATION,AND I OPEN SPACE FUND PROJEC T �; SPONSORED BY: \ \ :l I l > l J I l 11 \ { l \ f l l l } I \ THE CITY OF ANYTOWN TEXAS PARKS AND, WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT DEDICATED JANUARY 1, 1983 J.T. ALDER S-MAY O R SUSAN JONES-CI TY COMMISSION THOMAS AND GREER-LANDSCAPE AR CHITECTS I I I I l f I •I!1 ·� ; f i 1. ( ·I '. l J ! l I ·{ l.l I I l 1 1 I 10160-1 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1. WORK INCLUDED SE CTION 10160 TOILET PARTITIONS Provide all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary for and incidental to the installation of all metal toilet partitions and urinal screens as shown on the drawings, including hardware and mounting devices. 1.2 RELATED WORK Toilet and Bath Accessories, section 10800. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE Acceptable manufacturers are Sanymetal Corp., Global Steel Products, or approved equal. 1. 4 SUBMI'l"rALS A.SHOP DRAWit-K;S:Show fabrication and erection of partition assemblies to extent not fullydescribed in manufacturer's data sheets. Show anchorage, accessory items,and finishes. Provide location drawings or template for bolt holelocations in supporting members for attachment of partitions. B.MANUFACTUR ER 'S LITERATURE:Include data sheets, parts list, installation instructions, maintenanceprocedures. 1.5 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLlt-K; Deliver items in manufacturer's original unopened protective packaging. Store materials in protective packaging to prevent soiling, physical damage, or wetting. Handle so as to prevent damage to finished surfaces. 1.6 GUARANTEE Furnish one year manufacturer's guarantee against defective materials and workmanship, including corrosion of hardware. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A.PARTITIONS:Provide floor-mounted, metal toilet partitions and wall mounted urinalscreens, "Normandie" design, as indicated on the drawings, by Sanymetal l I r r . l I I 1 � f ll f ( I l, J"i l I i { f l} l1 l i 1 \ t 10160-2 Corp., color as selected by Architect. Fabricate pilasters, doors, and panels of galvanized steel over sound deadening core. Prime with rust-inhib itive primer and finish with tw o coats of high grade sy nthetic enamel, each coat baked on separately. Steel shall be not less than 22 gauge for doors, 20 ga uge for panels and pilasters, and 18 gauge for overhead braces. Weld and finish edge strips at all corners. B.HARIJMARE:Furnish chromium plated brass or non-ferrous alloy stirrup brackets forattaching divider panels to walls and pilasters, and 3" high polishedstainless steel trim for pilasters at floor. Equip doors with non-rise,adjustable, gravity hinges, emergency access ty pe with slide bar or rotaryturn latch with rubber bumpered keeper, and combination inside coat hookwith rubber bumper, all of brass or non-ferrous alloy with highl y polishedchromium plated finish. Provide all miscellaneous hardware it ems andaccesories required for a complete installation. PAR'f 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION Check areas scheduled to receive partitions for correct dimensions, plumbness of walls, and soundness of surfaces that would affect installation of holding brackets. Verify spacing of plumbing fixtures to assure compatibility with installation of partitions. Do not begin installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 INSTALLATION/ERECTION Assemble partitions in accordance with plans and shop drawings. Bolt and anc hor anchoring dev ices for pilasters to floor with galvanized steel bolts and conceal with stainless steel trim. Anchor headrails and assemble compartments using chromium plated brackets and on�way screws. Install doors using specified hardware. 3.3 ADJUST AND CLEAN Adjust and lubricate hardware for proper operation after installation. Set hinges on inward swing doors to hold doors open approximately 30 oegrees from closed position when unlatched. Perform final adjustments to leveling devices and hardware. Clean exposed surfaces of partitions, hardware, fittings, and accessories. END OF SECTION I I I ; / l f 1 j r :i \ { l I l( I'! l J 1 l I I i { f. I l [ ! l J } I l PART l -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 10800 TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES 10800-1 Provide all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary for and incidental to the installation of all toilet and bath acce ssories as shown on the drawings and specified herein. 1. 2 QUALITY ASSUHAi\JCE Acceptable manufacturers are American Di spenser Co., Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc., or approved equal. All accessories shall be products of a si ngle manufacturer. 1.3 SUBMITTALS Furnish one set of manufacturer's cat alog cuts and data sheets, complete parts list, and installation requirements for each accessory item specified. Provide maintenance data, operating instructions, and two key s required for each ty pe of equipment and lock. 1.4 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver items in ma nufacturer's original, unopened protective packaging. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 W\TERIALS A.ACCESSORIES:Provide recessed and surface-mounted accessory items as follows:(1)one double toilet tissue holder per toilet, Bobrick No. B-288(2)grab bars, Bobrick B-6206, 1-1/2" diameter, peened non-sl ip grippingsurface, satin finish flange and grab bar as shown in ea ch bath house.(3)one combination towel dispenser and recep tacle ea ch restroom, BobrickNo. B-3944(4)one mirror with shelf ea ch lavatory, Bobrick B-165, 2436 series(5)one soap dispenser each lavatory, Bobrick No. B-8292(6)one recessed feminine napkin-tampon vendor, Bobrick No. B-352. B.HARIJAIARE:Provide all necessary mounting hardware and fittings for properinstallation of accessory items. All locked dispensing units shall bekeyed alike. 'i' I l \ I { / 11 I : ('1 . l l ' '.l 1 { j 1 l l / l / I PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION 10800-2 Check openings sched uled to receive recessed units for correct dimensions, plumbness of blocking and frames, and preparations that would affect installation of accessories. Check areas to receive recessed and surface mounted units for conditions that would affect quality and execution of work. Do not begin installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected • 3.2 INSTA LLATION Drill holes to correct size and application so as to be conc ealed by installed item. Mount recessed accessories into wall openings with wood screws or sheet metal screws as required. Set all accessories plunb and straight. 3.3 CLEANit-X, Remove protective wrapping, clean and polish all ex{X>sed sur faces. Adjust accessories for proper operation, and deliver keys and instruction sheets to CMner. END OF SECTION f l \ r I I I i I I \ .-1l J I 11 f I l I I I I ' I t • I t! 1 \ lI I. PART l -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 13850 SWIMMit-K; POOL 13850-1 Provide all labor, materials, equipment, and services required for a complete municipal pool installation, including, but not limited toladders, handrails, lifelines, wall anchors or lifeline and racing lines, pool cleaning equipment, miscellaneous equipment, pool fittings, recirculating pump, filter tank, flow meter, chemical metering equipment, chlorinator booster pump, and electric water controller. The pool contractor shall secure and pay for all fees, permits and licenses required for this work. 1.2 RELATED WORK Excavating, Filling and Grading, Section 02200; cast-In-Place Concrete, Section 03300, Plunbing, Division 15; El ectrical, Division 16. 1.3 QUALITY A.SSURANCE A.QUALIFICATIONS OF WORKERS:use only workers and supervisors who are thoroug hly trained andexperienced in the type of work required. B.COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS:(1)Whenever required during progress of the work and after completion ofconstruction, il'llllediately furnish proof acceptabl to the o.-mer that allitems of piping installed equal or exceed all requirements specified forthis work.(2)In the event such proof is not available, or is not acceptable to theo.-mer, the o.-mer may require the pool contractor to remove the item or items in question and replace them with material meeting the specified requirements, all at no additional cost to the o.-mer. C.CODES AND ORDINANCES:Comply with all applicable codes and ordinances. 1.4 SUBMI'rl'ALS Within 35 days after award of the contract, and before any of the materials of this section are delivered to the job site, submit to the Architect and the pool engineer two copies of a complete list of all materials and equipment proposed to be furnished and installed under this portion of the work, giving manufacturer's name, catalog number, and catalog cut sheet for each item where applicable . i' r \ ( ! 1 l { I I l f I l\ � l L I ! l.( I 1 ll I.I} I { 1.5 PRODUCT HANDLIN::; A.PROTECTION: 13850-2 Use all means necessary to protect equipment before, during, and afterinstallation and to protect installed work and materials of ot her trades. B.REPLACEMENTS:In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and/or rep lacementsnecessary (as approved by the pool Engineer), at no additional cost to theo.-mer. C.SOURCE OF POOL & FILTER EQUIPMENT:The following distributors and/or manufacturers of pool and filtrationequipment contributed information relative to portions of thisspecification:Gulf Pool Equipment Co. P.O. Box 3462 San Antonio, Texas 78216 (512)341-9103Pacific Plunbing Co. Dallas, Texas (214)339-3156Texas Mining Company Brady, Texas (915)597�29 08. PART 2 � PRODUCTS 2.1 POOL AND DECK EQUIPMENT A.POOL lADDERS:(1)Provide one two-tread ladder and six th ree-tread ladders, RecreationEquipment Corp., No. S-1476 or approved equal. (2)Ladder and rail framework shall be formed of 1. 90" o.d. x .065 " wallthickness, Type 304 polished stainless steel tubing. Ladder rails shallbe rigidly cross braced and loc ked toget her with heavy gauge to tal contactsplit tee clamps and el bows which are thru•bolted. Treads shall be formedof heavy gauge stainless steel, 3" wide x 18" long, with die-formedslip-resistant surfaces. Treads shall be spaced on 11" centers andsecured by 3/8" cradle head s.s. bolts with nuts. The lower ends ofladder rails shall be curved and cut to fit flush against pool wall, andfitted with a s.s. plate as shown on the drawings.(3)Provide two cast bronze wedge anchors, two stainless steel escutcheonplates, and two stainless steel bunper plates for each ladder. B.RECESSED POOL LADDERS:(1)Provide two Recreation Equipment Corp. recessed ladders No. 1485 orapproved equal.(2)Grab rails shall be fabricated of on e continuous length of tubing.The tubing shall be stainless steel, 1.9" o.d., Type 304 mirror finishstainless steel. All bends shall be smooth and wrinkle free. All grab l I l \ ( I I r ( f l t 1 ( J 1 I l ( I } [ I l '.i t ! l 13850-3 rails shall be provided with deck anchor rods for pennanent insta llation. (3)Provide four stainless steel esc utcheon pl ates per pair of grab rails.(4)Provide 4 recessed wall steps, Recreation Equipment Corp. or approvedequal. Recessed steps shall be fabricated of 16 gauge s.s. and shallrequire an opening '5-3/4 " wide x 19-1/8" long x 6-3/8" deep. Each stepshall be equipped with safety tread with fu ll length grooves for non-sl ipsafety. C.HANDRILS:Provide two handrails, Frost Equipment, Paragon, Inc., or approved equal(refer to detail 4-S P-2). Rail framework shall be fabricated of 1. 9"o.d. x .065" wall thickness, Type 304 polished stainless steel tu bing. D.LIFEGUARD CHAIRS:(1)Provide three lifeguard chairs, Recreation Equipment Corp. No. S-676,Swimquip No. 282 1, or approved equal.(2)The lifeguard chairs shall be constructed around a 3-1/2"o.d. Sc hedule 40 structural steel support colunn with 8 11 x 8 11 x 1/4" platewelded on top, and concrete anchor lugs welded to bottom end. Theframework shall be constructed of 1.90" o.d. x .065" thick wall Type 304stainless steel tubing rigidly fastened together with heavy gauge splittee clamps and elbows which are thru-bolted. The support column and plateshall be hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. Paint Contractor shallapply one coat of galvanized primer and �wo coats of exterior enamel aftererection.(3)The lifeguard chair seat, Recreation Equipment Corp. No. s-676 orapproved equal,. shall be constructed of form-fitting fiberglass securelymounted to top steel plate. The foot board shall be constructed ofhardwood or moulded fiberglass.(4 )For each chair, provide two lifebuoy ho oks, one 20 " diameter lifebuoy,U.S. Coast Guard approved, and one throwing line, 1/4" x 60 ft.,three-strand polyethylene rope. 2.2 LIFELINES AND WALL ANCHORS A.LIFELINES:(1)Provide one 34 ft. length, Recreation Equipment Corp., Ocean OceanPool, or approved equal.(2)The lifeline shall be constructed of 3�strand, 3/4" diameter spunpolyethylene rope, 496-P6, or equal, complete with oval 5" x 9" plasticfloats spaced 7 ft. on centers, and chrome plated bronze swivel endfittings for securing the line to wall anchors. The length of thelifeline shall be as shown above, and shall include end fittings. Floats,Ocean Pool No. F�20 or equal, shall be constructed of colorfast, rigidnon-cracking pl astic, secured to lifeline by two retaining rings andscrews.(3)The end fittings, Recreation Equipment Corp. No. 495-ATC, or equal,shall be heavy cast bronze. Fittings shall be of the clamp type, andshall consist of two concave plates. The plastic rope shall be heldsecurely between the two bronze plates by means of pressure exerted onbolts located on either side of the rope. Fittings which employ boltholes throu gh the rope will not be approved. \ I r i I ' I l f'l r I f l 1 \ ( 1 .1 i I l I i { I [ j ti / 1 l I l ) 13850-4 B.WALL ANCHORS, LIFELINE AND RACINJ LINE:Provide 20 Recreation Equipment Corp. No. 1495-SW, or ap proved equal. Theanchor body shall be construct ed of heav y cast bronze with integ rally castanchor flange. The unit shall be designed to set flush with the surfaceof the concrete, and shall be equipped with 5/8" o.d. threaded eyebolt. 2.3 POOL CLEANINJ EQUIPMENT A.VACUUM CLEANER:(1)Provide one Frost, aluninum 36" modified vacuum cleaner, or approvedequal. vacuum head shall consist of a cast, polished aluninum body, 36"wide and supported on four rubber wheels. The head shall contain twocentrally mounted, spring-loaded brushes to create a sweeping action onfloor surfaces. Two 2" suction intakes shall provide a uniform su ctionacross the vacuum head.(2)Accessories shall include one 2" x 75 ft. Spiralock non-wire,rei nforced, heavy-duty floating plastic hose, one 2" x 25 ft. heav y dutybackwash hose, and two extra nylon bristle brushes. B.VACUUM CLEANER PUMP:(1)Provide one Gonnan Rupp Model No. 12C-2-S8D vacuum cleaner pump orapproved equal. The pump shall be a self-priming, solids han9ling pump,with two vane ductile iron impeller capable of handling 1-1/4" sphericalsolids. Pump shall be equipped with double grease lubricated mec hanicalseal, renewable steel wear plate, seal, and impeller. Pump shall bepowered by S8D Wisconsin engine and shall be mounted on do lly with 2.50 x10" pneumatic tires.(2)Provide one 2", 45 degree ho se elbow, Standard Bronze Company,No. 6175 . C.WALL BRUSH:Provide one Ocean Pool No. 96 3 wall brush, or approved equal. The wallbrush shall consist of cast aluninum frame with replaceable nylon bristlebrush. The frame shall be fitted with an aluninum deflector plate toforce the bristles against the pool sur face on the down stroke. The brushshall be 18" lo ng, 1-1/2" wide, with white nylon bristles set in apolyethylene plastic back. D.WEIGHTED FLOOR BRUSH:Provide one Ocean Pool No. 964 weighted floor brush or approved equal.The floor brush shall consist of cast bronze frame with 18" replaceablenylon bristle brush. E.POOL RAKE:Provide one Nycon No. 830N pool rake, or ap proved equal; an envelope typemesh bag 30" x 8" and 12" deep constructed of Dacron mesh. The open endof the bag shall be at tached to an aluninum frame for easy replac ement.The top edge of the bag shall be protected by a white rubber guard. F.EXTEN SION HANDLES:Provide four 2 ft. Ocean Pool No. 960, Gulf Pool, or ap proved equal r ·1 \ I r i l l i I r i i I i r f I l t1 I l { ! l I / I 13850-5 extension handl es. Handles shall be constructed from No. 6061-T6 heavy duty aluninurn tubing and shall be complete with threaded connectors. 2.4 POOL RECIRCULATION EQUIPMENT AND FITTit-K.,S A.WALL INLETS:Provide two American Sanitary A-41023, or approved equal wall inlets. Theinlet fitting shall be jet stream ty pe, constructed of C.P. cast bronzewith 1-1/2" IPS threaded connection. Fitting body shall provide 1-1/2"female thread to facilitate line testing. A chrome plated brass retainerring with female thread shall be provided to secure directional ball typenozzle. Size of nozzle orifice shall be 3/4" i.d. unless otherwisespecified. B.FLOOR INLETS:Provide 25 Swimquip No. 8415, American Sanitary No. 41014, or HaywardSP425 floor inlets. Adjustable floor inlet fittings shall be constructedof chrome plated bronze with adjusting surface plate. The body shall have1-1/2" IPS female threaded connection. The surface plate shall pennitflow adjustment from closed to full open position with a positive lockingdevice for quarter turn increments. A spanner wrench shall be providedwith each fitting. C.MAIN DRAIN FRAME AND GRATE:Provide two United Industries, Inc. #P09665Q, Gulf #54-111-150 or·approved equal drain frame and grate. Main outlet shall be chrome platedcast bronze frame with 15" x 15" square grate. Grate opening s shall not exceed 3/8" in width, providing an open flow area of not less than 105.62 The grate shall fit the frame closely and be with top surface and be secured with two brass screws. D.WIERS:Provide three weirs, Pool Tech of Texas or approved equal. The overflowweirs shall be of the broad crested type and shall be constructed of heavychrome plated cast brass or bronze with integrally cast anc hor lugs. Theframe shall be designed to fit in the over flow gutter lip and provide aminimum crest length of 8". The overflow action of the weir shall becontrolled by a manually adjusted gate constructed so as to permit flowadjustment while rotating from full open to full closed positions. E.RECIRCULATIN3 PUMP:. (1) Provide one Pacific Pumping Co., Type L, Model t-b. 4095-7recirculating pump or approved equal. The pump shall be equal to PACOType L bronze fitted, single stage, single suction close coupled, unitypecentrifugla pump capable of delivering 500 GPM against a total dynamichead of 50 feet. Pump casing shall be close-grained gray iron and fittedwith bronze wearing ring. Impeller shall be bronze, enclosed, accuratelymachined and statically and dynamically balanced.(2)Pump shall have mechanical shaft seal of extra hard carbon and ceramictype. Pump shall be so constructed that the motor and rotating parts canbe removed without disturbing the volute case or the piping •(3)Pump shall be close-coupled to a 3-phase, 1750 RPM, 60 cycle, f I \ I r .' I I ; [ I l I j I I l .1 I l t l l 13850-6 volt ball bearing, drip-proof, totally enclosed standard domestic make, electric motor. Motor shall not be less than 10 hp and of such size that it will operate continuously without exceeding its hp rating, exclusive of service factor, at the design capacity and head. (4} Pump manufacturer shall furnish motor starter, NEMA 1 enclosure with start-stop button properly sized for each motor furnished. (5} NOTE: Pool contractor shall veri fy voltage available before ordering pump motor. F.PUMP SfRAINER:Provide one pump strainer, Swimquip No. 13801-345, Hayward No. 345, orapproved equal. Strainer shall consist of cast iron body, with 8" IPSflanged connections, quick opening yoke type cover with gasket andS.S. basket. The lid, yoke and handle shall be machined for properalignment and seal between lid, gasket, and body. The strainer basketshall be s.s. with 9/64" perforations. The total open area ofperforations shall be at least 4 times the open area of the inlet. 2.4 FILTER SYSTEM A.GENERAL:(l} Provide one filter system, SWimquip Model HRL 84, Gulf 14-247-1220Modified, or approved equal.(2} The filter system specified shall be the high velocity permanent mediatype, produ:::ed by a company regularly engaged in the manufacture of waterfiltration equipment, with a minimum of five years ·experience inmanufacturing high velocity filters for swimning pools, and shall bear theNational Sanitation Foundation (NSF} Seal of Approval.(3} The filtration system shall be designed to perform the ne cessaryfunctions of "filtration-to-pool", "backwash-to-waste, "recirculate" and"drain pool to waste".(4)The filter system shall consist of one 84"diameter tank, with 6"internals and 6 11 flanged influent and effluent connections. B.FILTER TANK:(l} The filter tank shall be fabricated from ASTM A36 structural grade hotrolled steel plate with submerged arc welding construction on all exteriorwelds for 50 PSI working pressure and 75 PSI test pressure. All weldsshall be continuous. Seams are to be butt joints welded inside andoutside. Standard dished and flanged heads shall be fitted to each end.Head thickness shall be 1/4". Side shell thickness shall be 1/4", si deshell height 48". The tank shall be equipped with an 11 " x 15" accessmanhole and shall be supported by four adjustable jack legs.(2} All interior wetted surfaces of the tank and all tank penetrationsshall be cleaned after fabrication and coated with two coats of coal tarbitumastic tank coating, as manufactured by Koppers Co., Inc. The firstcoat shall be applied within three hours after all surfaces have beenthoroughly cleaned. This will prevent oxidation of the prepared surface.The exterior of the tank, valves and face piping shall be cleaned andprime painted with one coat of zinc chromate primer after trial assembly.Finish coat shall be applied by pool contractor after final assembly.Color and type to be determined by pool engineer and Architect. f I I \ I f ( l 1 I I f I f l I I I f I l. I l u j_ j l \ l 13850-7 (3)The internal distribution shall consist of an overdrain and underdrainsystem hy draulically designed to provide balanced flow necessary for highcapacity sand filtration. The overdrain design shall provide for waterdistribution evenly throughout the filter bed. It shall be constructed ofABS plastic material.(4)The underdrain shall consist of a Schedule 80 PVC pipe header withimpact PVC laterals. Orifice area of late rals and internal distributionpiping shall provide balanced and parallel flow from infl uent to effl uentwhile maintaining a level media bed. Laterals shall be slotted equally onall sides to prevent unbalanced hy draulic thrust during backwash cycle. C.CONCRETE UNDERFILL:The pool contractor shall install a concrete underfill below theunderdrain laterals in the quantity recommended by the filtermanufacturer. It shall be installed and troweled level two inches belowthe underdrainpiping. Concrete shall be 2,500 PSI compressive strength. D.FILTER MEDIA:(1 ) Filter media in the required amounts shall be furnished and placed ineach filter tank by the pool contractor. The sand shall be a washed andgraded material for filtration purposes.(2)Sand media shall consist of uniformly graded hard silicious materialfree of carbonates and other foreign materials, with an effective particlesize of .55 nm, within the limits of sieve size 16-30. Filter sand shallbe equal to Texas Mining Corp., Brady, Texas, or Pennsylvaniz Glass SandCo., Dallas, Texas.(3)Support media shall be hard, silicious material-free from limestone,clay, or ot her water soluble material, washed and graded, size 1/8" to1/4" consisting of smooth, well-rounded pebbles with thickness not lessthan 1/3 the length and not less than 1/2 the width. Provide 68 cu.ft. ofsand media, and 38 cu.ft. of support media. E.GAt.X;ES:One gauge panel with two 4-1/2" diameter pressure gauges (0-60 PSI) andtwo compound pressure and vacuum gauges (0-1 5 PSI and 0-30 inch vac uum)shall be provided where shown on the drawings. Gauges shall be Ashcroftor approved equal. All gauges shall be eq uipped with manual shut offvalves. F.AIR RELIEF:Each filter tank shall be equipped with a 1/2" IPS air relief connectionin the dome or in the infl uen� pipe fitting at the top of the tank. A1/4" copper tube shall connect these openings to the filtered water returnline to continuously remove trapped air. G.FLCJt,,I METER:(1 ) Provide one flow meter equal to SWimquip No. 1450-6 or Fischer &Porter 71Kl020. The indicator shall have a maximum indicated capacity of1,200 GPM of water in a 6 11 diameter Schedule 40 pipeline. The indicatorshall provide a minimum 10-1 operating range, shall have a rated pressureof 100 PSI, shall be equipped with an integral shut-off valve so that flowis indicated only when desired. The glass tubes and the orifice shall be i ! I ( ! ) I I f '. !l [ � I r l 1 l J t I [ l L l : ( i 13850-8 readily removable from the body for cleaning without dew atering the pipeline. The meter shall be constructed completely of metal with gl asstubes and teflon float st op. The flow rate indicator shall mount directly on the pipeline by means of a service clamp and shall not require the use of tapping or threading tools. No orifice plates, flange unions, or mercury shall be required. Furnish 6" saddle clamp with Fischer & Porter Series flow meter. 2.6 CHEMICAL METERIN3 EQUIPMENT A.GAS CHLORINATOR:(1)Provide one Fischer & Porter Model 70Cl81 1 gas chlorinator withautomatic switchover modification, or approved equal. (2)The chlorinator shall be designed for use with 150� gas cylinders.It shall be comprised of two cylinder mounted vacuum regulators with one remote mounted flow meter-rate valve assembly, and a separately mounted companion ejector. (3)Gas flow rate thro ugh the vacuum regulator is set and indicated by theflow meter-rate valve assembly, with operating va cuum being created bywater flowing through the ejector. The ejector no zzle shall be designedto provide optimum results for the installation.(4)The flow meter-rate valve assembly shall have a capacity range from10-100 PPD and shall be adjustable.(5)Provide st andard accessories including 5/811 x 25 ft. vacuum and venttubing; one set spare parts; and 12 lead gaskets.(6)Provide extra accessories including two remote chloring solutiondiffusers; one 1-1/4" "Y" st rainer for water supply; one gas mask completewith case and canister; and 5/8 11 x 25 ft. poly tubing. The Owner shallsupply all gas chlorine required. B.CAUSTIC SODA METERit-(; PUM P:(1)Provide one pump, Liq uid Metronics Model No. A-lll-91T or ap provedequal.(2)The chemical metering pump shall be a positive displacement liquiframtype pump with adjustable output vo lune from Oto 24 GPD. Pump ho usingshallbe constructed of chemically resistant gl ass fiber reinforced thennoplastic. Pump head shall be acrylic material. Pump dr ive shall betotally enclosed. Solid st ate electronic pulser shall be fullyencapsulated and insulated at rear of pump.(3)Provide polyethy lene tu bing, compression fittings, foot valve withintegral strainer, anti-syphon check valve, and one set of sp are parts. C.CHLORINATOR BOOSTER PUMP:Provide one pump, Sta-Rite Model AJDL, Hydro-Pump or approved equal. Thechlorinator booster pump shall be high head, self-priming, all bronzepump, equipped with a 3/4 hor sepower single phase, 115/230 volt, 3450 RPMcontinuous duty NEMA motor with built-in overload protection. Pump shallhave l " suction and l" disc harge openings. 2.7 ELECTRONIC WATER CONTROL SYSTEM A.ELECTRONIC WATER CONTROLLER:(1)Provide one controller, Chemtrol Model 300 as manufactured by Santa l, I ' I [ : l l l1r � 11 f l I l l J I I ( I I i l� 13850-9 Barbara Control Systems, or approved equal. (2)Pool contractor shall furnish and install an integrated electronicmonitor and control sy stem to continuously re gulate the pH level andchlorine resid ual of the swimming pool water. B.MONITORit-K; AND CONTROL:(1)The sy stem shall be capable of monitoring and controlling pH valuesand disin fecting value of resid uals of chl orine or any of the halogenfamily of chemicals when used for swirnning pool disinfecting in elementalor unstabilized form. The pH control accuracy and long term stabilityshall be+/-O.l pH per year without calibration. The pH control sign aloutput shall be off-on 115 vo lt, and shall be capable of operating asolenoid va lve, relay, or chemical metering pump.(2 ) Chlorine control accuracy and long term stability shall be+/-twomillivolts. Chlorine control shall be by potentiometric sensing andcontrol of that fraction of free available chlorine which exists ashypochlorus acid.(3)Oxidation-reduction potential sensing and control range shall be from+650 to +850 millivolts {0.3 to 3.0 ppm chlorine). Control accuracy shallbe equivalent to +/-0.1 ppm free-available chlorine. Nnperometriccontrollers shall not be considered equal to these specifications.Chlorine control signal output shall be off-on 115 volt, and shall becapable of operating a solenoid valve, relay, or chemical metering pump. C.INSTALLATION:(1 ) Submit plan and elevation drawing to pool contractor showing actual electrical switch gear and components to be furnished and relationship to other equipment and components in the room. {2) Coord inate with work specified in ot her sections of the specifications. verify location of mechanical connections to recirculation system. {3) Check-out of final installation, st art-up of sy stems, calibration of instrument and instruction of operating personnel shall be per formed by an authorized manufacturer's representative. D.GUARANTEE:All parts shall be guaranteed for a period of one year following installation. Defective parts to be retu rned to Chemtrol and to be replaced or repaired at man ufacturer's option. E.WATER TEST KIT:Provide one Taylor Model 2005 test kit or ap proved equal. Test kit shall be designed for test of free, combined, and total chlorine using theall-liquid DPD reagents. The tester shall also provide tests for pH,acid, base demand, total alkalinity, and calcium hardness. The testcomponents shall be packaged in a plastic carrying case with water balancetreatment guide and one set of replacement reagents. 2.8 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT A.BACKSTROKE & RECALL STANCHION ANCHO RS:Provide four backstroke and re call stanchion anchors with cover plates,Paragon A-3370 or approved equal. f I r \ I I ! j I !lr 11 I I /' 11 l J 11 !I J l t � 13850-10 B.STARTif:\K, PLATFORMS:Provide one starting platfo�n, Kiefer Model No. 500358. C.STARTil:I(; PLATFORM ANCHORS:Provide eight starting platform anchors, Kiefer C.P.B. companion flangeanchor with cover plate, or app roved equal. D.LIFESAVINS EQUIPMENT (BY O'INER):Provide three rescue hooks, Gulf No. 78-247-120, Swimquip No. 9642, orapproved equal. Rescue hooks shall consist of anodized aluminum 3/8"o.d. fo rmed "Shep herd's Crook" and 1-1/8" o.d. handle attachment. Handleshall be suitable for use with a 1-1/4 " alcolite pole and drilled twoplaces on 3" centers for 1/4" securing bolts. E.FIRST AID KIT:Provide one standard 24-unit first aid kit as required. F.OTHER Ml\TERIALS:All other materials not specifically described here but re quired for acomplete and proper installation shall be new, first quality of theirrespective kinds, and subject to the approval of the pool engineer. PART 3 -EXEClITION 3.1 SURFACE CONDITION A.INSPECTION:(1)Prior to all work of this section, carefully inspect the installedwork of al the ot her trades and verify that all such work is complete tothe point where this installation may properly conmence.(2)verify that equipment may be installed in strict accordance with allpertinent codes and regul ations and approved shop drawings. B.DISCREPANCIES:In the event of discrepancy, immediately notify the pool engineer and theArchitect. Do not proceed with installation in areas of discrepancy untilall such discrepancies have been fully resolved. 3.2 INSTALLATION (1)Install all equipment plunb, level, and square in proper pl anes withother work, and in accordance with manufacturer's instructions .Coordinate installation with other trades as required. Anchor all itemsfirmly fo r long life under hard use. Provide competent fo reman assupervisor for the installation of the pool equip ment.(2)Chlorinator booster pump motor shall be interlocked with poolrecirculating pump. 3.3 CLEANUP Prior to final inspection, remove stains, concrete film, labels, and manufacturer's markings from the equipment. Leave in a ready-to-use condition. END OF SECTION \ i I I ! l I :: I ....' �I �- � 11 I- '-1' I t"' II I;! � -S.�. !-IEX. 6::,E:'T ______ __. 13850-11 14-c.AJJGE '6.45. C.OLLAI<:\N'EL,OeD A, �EW -A.NGI-ETO /87.-A.TE. � I 5" )( -s" 1 '2 �E "!STAIAIL �• -STE/!!l l'"'l.A?2::' w/�1-1 �A.l:J '::>Cli!EW A/VT --'-------f/ll.------L..-.-fl!EAR CJJt;,1../k:)f,/ ,-AC> 1 "µELIA� W�� 7"&> GC�t..A/:t.. SECTION 1-111 l I I I SCALI!': l'i'=/!.o" �-i.At:>Ot:R T�r::,,:,..o (�Y crHe�)r--LAC>DER. Rlt&�R. (13Y 111 ,' f i t:>77-IE!<:.,) L "10 at:>. x . 0�'5 ii W.AL/.. TI-IICl<.N� t1z",e,.p ELEVATION SCAJ..E: I fl:.''• J!.o" l'l.. G,11..J/G� '5.<&. Fl.AT?: 'W/ 2. �"-., f ANCl./t::>� }./0�6 1+ GAUGE S.t;. Go/..� v..le.u::>EO AT �W ANGI....E . 77:> Pl.ATE. !:,,"S. J./ex. NI.Jr LADDER E:>UHFER - fl.ATE PE.TAI �: Narsol DAiE,: AUG w:n I : I 1 Section 15011 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS \] 1.0 GENERAL I i I l I l [ I 11 a.Except as modified in this section, General Conditions, SupplementaryConditions, applicable provisions of Division 1, General Requirements, andother provisions and requirements of the contract documents apply to workof Division 15, Mechanical. b.Applicable provisions of this section apply to all sections ofDivision 15, Mechanical. 2.0 CODE REQUIREMENTS AND PERMITS a.Perform work in accordance with applicable statutes, ordinances,codes, and regulatons of governmental authorities having jurisdiction. b.Resolve any code violation discovered in contract documents with theEngineer prior to award of the contract. After award of the contract,make any correction or addition necessary for compliance with applicablecodes at no additional cost to Owner. l \ c.Obtain and pay for all permits and inspections. 1 l I \ 1 I I l l : I l !I I l {'. l: 3.0 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS Materials which are specified by reference to Federal Specifications; ASTM, ASME, ANSI, or AWWA Specifications; Federal Standards; or other standard specifications must comply with latest editions, revisions, amendments or supplements in effect on date bi ds are received. Requirements in reference specifications and standards are minimum for all equipment, material, and work. In instances where capacities, size or other feature of equipment, devices or materials exceed these minimums, meet listed or shown capacities. 4.0 CONTRACT DRAWINGS Contract drawings are diagrammatic only and do not give fully dimensioned locations of various elements of work. Determine exact locatons from field measurements. 5.0 SPACE REQUIRMENTS Consider space limitatons imposed location of equipment and material. which is not suitable in this respect. 6.0 OBSTRUCTIONS by continuous work in selection and Do not provide equipment or material a.The drawings indicate certain information pertaining to surface and 15011-1 i I r i \ ; [ I 11 I ! { ! l l f \ I l I 11 l l 11 :I.I I I I ' l 6.0a Continued subsurface obstructions which have been taken from available drawings. Such information is not guaranteed, however, as to accuracy of location or complete information. b.Before any cutting or trenching operations are begun, verify withOwner's representative, utility company, municipalities, and otherinterested parties that all available information has been provided. Verifylocations given. c.Should obstruction be encountered, whether shown or not, alter routingof new work, reroute existing lines, remove obstruction where permitted, orotherwise perform whatever work is necessary to satisfy the purpose of thenew work and leave existing services and structures in a satisfactory and serviceable condition. d.Assumeutilities orshown. 7.0 OPENINGS total responsibility for and construction, whether or not repair such any damage to existing existing facilities are Framed, cast or masonry openings for piping is specified under other divisions. However, drawings and layout work for exact size and location of all such openings are included under this division. 8.0 CONCEALED WORK Where piping, as in to mean the word "concealed" is used in connection with insulating, painting, ducts and the like, the word is understood to mean hidden from sight chases, furred spaces or suspended ceilings. "Exposed" is understood open to view. 9.0 PROTECTION Adequately protect work, equipment, fixtures, and materials. completion, all work must be clean and in good condition. 10.0 GUARANTEE At work Guarantee work for 1 year from the date of final acceptance of the project and during that period make good any faults or imperfections that may arise due to-defects or omissions in materials or workmanship. 11.0 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Furnish new and unused materials and equipment of Domestic Manufacturers meeting requirements of the paragraph specifying acceptable manufacturers. Where two or more units of same type or class of equipment are required, provide units of a single manufacture. 15011-2 ! f l 11 I l l l f ! I l I \ I I l 11 I � I I 11 I.I I i l l l 12.0 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS The following is a list of acceptable manufacturers for items of equipment specified under Division 15, Mechanical. Manufacturers names and catalog numbers specified under sections of Division 15 are used to establish standards of design, performance, quality and serviceability and not to limit competition. Equipment of similar design, equal to that specified, manufactured by a manufacturer named below will be acceptable on approval. A request for prior approval of equipment not listed must be submitted 14 days before bid due date. Only manufacturers either specified in sections of Division 12..t. on drawings or listed below (including subsequent addendums) will be acceptable. There will be no exceptions to this requirement. Submit complete design and performance data to the Architect. Item Plumbing Fixtures Plumbing Fixtures, Trim Drinking Fountains Flush Valves Drains, Cleanouts Carriers and Hydrants Access Doors Water Heaters Valves Insulation Manufacturer American-Standard, Crane, Eljer, Kohler American-Standard, Chicago-Faucet,Crane, Eljer, Kohler, McGuire, Speakman, Symmons, T & S Brass Elkay, Filterine, Halsey-Taylor, Haws, Oasis, Sunroc Sloan-Royal, Delaney J.R. Smith, Josam, Wade, Woodford, Zurn Inryco/Milicor, Karp A.O. Smith, Rheem, Ruud, State, P.V.I. Crane, Jenkins, Lunkenheimer, Kennedy, Mueller, Stockham Armstrong, Johns-Manville, Owens-Corning 13.0 SUBMITTAL DATA AND SHOP DRAWINGS a.Material and Equipment List. Within 30 days after award of the contractan4 before orders are placed or shop drawings are submitted, submit a listof equipment and principal materials specified. Give names ofmanufacturers, catalog and model numbers, and such other supplementaryinformation as necessary for identification. 15011-3 I Ir ; 11 I I I : I l [ I 1 l l 11 l� 11 l l I , r I ,. j l 13.0 Continued b.Material and Equipment Shop Drawings. Submit all detailed shopdrawings, descriptive literature, physical data, and performance data at onetime for review for items of equipment and for principal materials proposedfor installation. Include identifying symbols and equipment numbers used inplans and specifications, with reference to specification paragraphs, anddrawing numbers of all equipment and material submitted. c.Contractor's Check.Shop drawings will be submitted only by the Contractor. Indicate by signed stamp that the drawings have been checked, that the work shown on the drawings is in accordance with contract requirements and that dimensions and relationship with work of other trades have been checked. If drawings are submitted for approval that have not been checked and signed by the Contractor, they will be returned for checking before being considered by the Architect. d. Equipment Rooms. Submit shop drawings of mechanical equipment rooms and, where directed, other complex areas. Show actual equipment to be installed, with piping fully detailed to show clearances, headroom, pipe routing, valve positions, pipe hangars, insulation, and other pertinent information. Prepare drawings to a scale of at least 3/8 inch per foot. e.Engineer's approval of submitted material constitutes an acknowledgementonly and in no way relieves the contractor of full responsibility forproviding all systems complete in accordance with the intent of the drawingsand specifications. Contractor is responsible for confirming andcorrelating dimensions at job site, for information which pertains tofabrication processes or construction techniques and for coordination ofwork with all other trades. 14.0 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS a.Preparation. Maintain at the job site a separate set of white prints ofthe contract drawings for the sole purpose of recording the "as built"changes and diagrams if those portions of work in which actual constructionis significantly at variance with the contract drawings. Mark the drawingswith a colored pencil. Prepare, as the work progresses and upon completionof work, drawings clearly indicating locations of various lines, valves,traps, equipment, and other pertinent items,· as installed. Include flow-line elevation of sewer lines. Record underground and underslab piping installed, dimensioning exact location and elevation of such piping. b.Deliver.of originalDelivery ofacceptance. At conclusion of project, obtain without cost to Owner, sepias mechanical drawings and transfer as-built changes to these. as-built prints and reproducibles is a condition of final - - 0 0 0 - - 15011-4 I l r I '\ ; I : I l 11 I !l I \ J I I I 11 lI I l l l I l ·l l Section 15056 EARTHWORK 1.0 GE NER AL This section provides for the excavating and backfilling required for pipe trenches for underground piping, and miscellaneous excavation for structures installed as part of mechanical work. 2.0 PRODUCTS Not used. 3.0 EXECUTION 3 .1 EXCAVATION Excavate trenching for undergrou nd piping to the required depth to ensure two feet minimum cover over the pipe. a.Cut the bottom of the trench or excavation to uniform grade so that pipeor structure will bear on undisturbed soil. Provide additional excavation at joints as required to allow full length of pipe to lay on undisturbed soil. b.Should rock be encountered, excavate 6 inches below grade, fill withgravel and tamp well. c.Carefully lay out alinement of pipe trenches to avoid obstructions.Secure approval of proposed route of pipe before any cutting is begun. 3.2 BACKFILL Backfill approved. lines and requested, not use materials. sp�cified. will not be placed until the work has been inspected, tested and Complete backfill to the surface of natural ground or to the grades shown on drawings. Except where special materials are use suitable soils from the excavation as backfill material. Do peat or other organic matter, silt, muck, debris or similar Deposit backfill in uniform layers and compact each layer as a.Compacting Backfill.Place material in uniform layers of prescribed maximum thickness and wet or dry the material to approximately optimum moisture content. Compact with power-driven hand tampers to the prescribed density. Place regular backfill in 8-inch maximum layers, loose measure. Compact to not less than 95 p�rcent of maximum soil density as determined by AASHTO Method T-99. 15056-1 i I r ; 11 11 l l I l I J I I I l l I I l.l I l l I l 3.2 Continued b.Restoration. Compact backfill where trenching or excavation is requiredin improved areas such as pavements, walks, and similar areas, to acondition equal to undisturbed earth, and restore surface of the area to thecondition existing prior to trenching or excavating operation. 3.3 DISPOSAL OF EXCESS MATERIAL Use excess excavation material or material unsuitable for backfill in site grading. Spread and grade or remove from site as directed by Owner. - - 0 0 0 -- 15056-2 l:Section 15058 f I . ii ',Access Doors \ I 11 I l !l I i 11 I ; ,/ I I l 11 ,I I 11 I l i I l 1.0 GENER AL 1.1 SCOPE This section provides for furnishing and installing access doors in all wall or ceiling locations as required or shown for access to valves, water hammer arrestors and other equipment requiring maintenance, adjustment or operation. 1.2 WORK NOT INCLUDED Doors or panels required in acoustical ceilings are provided for under Division 9. However doors required in plaster, gypboard, masonry, or other solid wall or ceiling are included under this section, 2.0 PRODUC TS 2.1 NON-FIRE-RATED ACCESS DOORS . Furnish INRYCO/MILCOR approved equal with 16-gage frames, 14-gage panels, and 22-gage casing head. Provide continuous concealed hinges and flushscrewdriver cam lock. Use Stile M access doors for masonry surfaces, with 18-gage panel and all galvanized construction. 3.0 EXE CUTI ON Doors furnished by this contractor will be installed by other crafts. Not all required access doors are shown. The contractor will be responsible for proper coordination with the General Contractor in locating access doors for ease of operation and maintenance of concealed equipment. - - 0 0 0 - - 15058-1 I { 1 l i 11 11 11 f l 11 I I I ; l I 11 I I L 1 l ll I l l I lI 1.0 GENER AL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED Section 15060 PIPE AND PIPE FITTINGS GENERAL This section specifies section applies to all pipe and pipe fittings. pipe and pipe fittings for all piping systems. The sections of Division 15 -Mechanical, which employ 1.2 REL ATED WORK a.Division 15 -Mechanical. (1)Earthwork. 2.0 PRO DUCTS 2.1 PIPE AND FITTINGS The particular type of pipe and fittings for each system is specified in the section on that system, 2. 2 JOINTS · a.Screwed.Make screwed joints using machine cut USASI taper pipe threads. Apply a suitable joint compound to the male threads only. Ream the pipe to full.inside diameter a�ter cutting. All-thread nipples are not permitted. b. Dissimilar Metals. Make joints between copper and steel pipe and equipment using insulating unions such as Crane Company No. 1259; EPCO as manufactured by EPCO Sales, Inc.; or an approved equal. c.Solder Joints. (1)Prior to making joints, diameter. Clean exterior ofsuitable fluxing compound totogether immediately. cut pipe square and ream to full pipe and socket. Apply a thin coat of both pipe and socket, and fit parts (2)Heat assembled joint only as required to cause the solder toflow. Run the joint full, slightly on the outside, and wipe to removeexcess solder. (3)Use silver brazing alloy or Sil-Fos on refrigerant piping and onunderground piping. Use 95.5 solder on all other copper piping. 15060-1 I I r I [ I 11 I I 11 { ! 11 1 l I ; !I I 11 11 lI 11 ll 11 l 1 l I 2.2 Continued d.No Hub. Install according to manufacturer's recommendations, usingrecommended tools. e.Bell and Spigot. Use neoprene gaskets to join pipe. Neoprene gasketsshall conform to all requirements of CISPI standard HSN 78 and shall bearthe mark "NEOPRENE" and "ASTM C 564". Make installation per ASTM, CISPI and manufacturer's recommendations. At Contractor's option, use lead and oakum pipe joints. Pack joint with dry oakum. Run the joint full with molten lead in one continuous pour. Use not less than 12 ounces of lead for each inch of pipe diameter. 2.3 UNIONS Use Class-150 standard (300-pound WOG) malleable iron, ground joint unions with bronze seat. Provide flanged union joints on piping larger than 2-1/2 inches. 2.4 BRANCH CONNECTIONS a.For Pipe 2-1/2 Inches and Smaller. For threaded piping, use straightsize of reducing tee. When branch is smaller than header, a nipple and reducing coupling·or swaged nipple may be used. 2.5 FLOOR AND CEILING PLATES Provide chrome-plated floor and ceiling plates around pipes exposed to view and passing through walls, floors, partitions, or ceilings in finished areas. Size plates to fit pipe or insulation and securely lock in place. 3.0 EXE CUTION 3.1 PIPE FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION a.Make piping layout and installation in the most advantageous mannerpossible with respect to headroom, valve access, opening and equipmentclearance, and clearance for other work. Give particular attention topiping in the vicinity of equipment. Preserve the maximum access to variousequipment parts for maintenance. b.Do not cut or weaken any structural member. c.Cut all pipes accurately to measurement determined at the site.cutting pipe, ream it to remove burrs.After d.Install piping neatly, free from unnecessary traps and pockets. Workinto place without springing or forcing. Use fittings to make all changesin direction. Field bending and mitering are prohibited. Make all connections to equipment using flanged joints or unions. Make reducing connections with reducing fittings only. 15060-2 11 11 I I I I II I l 11 f l I I 11 lI 11 I ! lI 11 lI I, l l l 3.2 OFFSETS AND FITTINGS a.Because of the small scale of drawings, the indication of all offsetsand fittings is not possible. Carefully investigate the structural and finish conditions affecting the work and take such steps as may be required to meet such conditions. b.Install all piping close to walls, ceilings and columns so piping willoccupy the minimum space. Provide proper space for covering and removal ofpipe, special clearances, and for offsets and fittings. 3.3 SECURING AND SUPPORTING a.Support piping adequately to maintain line and grade, with dueprovision for expansion and eontraction. Use approved, clevis-type,split-ring or trapeze-type hangers properly connected to structural membersof the building. Do not support piping from other piping. b.Use copper hangers with copper pipe. As an alternate, tape copper pipeat all points contacting steel hangers, structural members or sleeves. Usea dual wrap of polyvinyl tape. c.Place hangers not more than 6 feet apart on 1/2-inch and 3/4-inchpipes, or 10 feet apart on larger pipes. Place hangers not more than 6 feetapart for all sizes of polyvinyl chloride pipe. d.Support v�rtical risers with steel strap pipe clamps of approved designand size, properly supported at every floor. Support piping assemblies inchases adequately enough to be rigid and self-supporting before the chase isclosed. Provide adequate structural support for piping penetrating chasewalls to fixtures. e.Perforated bar hangers, straps, wires or chains are not permitted.Plastic support brackets as manufactured by P & M Company may be used inaccordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 3.4 PIPE SLEEVES a.Fitconcretepipe.sleeve.through with sleeves all pipes construction. Fabricate Size sleeve for minimum Galvanized sheet metal interior masonry partitions. passing through exterior masonry and sleeves of schedule 40 galvanized steel clearance between pipe or insulation and sleeves may be used on piping passing 15060-3 I ' II I ' I I 11 Ii 11 11 I I 11 11 I ! 11 11 11 11 II 3.5 Continued b.Extend each sleeve through the floor or wall. Cut the sleeve flushwith each surface, except that in exposed locations, extend floor sleeves 3inches above finished floor line. c.Caulk all sleeves water and airtight. Seal annular space between pipesand sleeves with one-part sealant similar to Dow Corning No. 2000 Fire Stop sealant to make the space water and airtight. d.Sleeves belowProvide Thunderlineiron pressure plate. grades in outside walls are detailed on drawings. Link-Seal with cadmium-plated nuts and bolts, with cast 3.6 ISOLATION VALVES Provide piping systems with line size shutoff valves located at the risers, at main branch connections to mains for all equipment, and at other locations as indicated and. required. 3.7 DRAIN VALVES Install drain valves at systems can be entirely and larger. Install a inches. all points of water piping systems so that these drained. Install a 2-inch drain for 2-inch pipes line size drain valve for pipes smaller than 2 3.8 CLEANING OF PIPING SYSTEMS a.Clean piping systems thoroughly. Purge pipe of construction debris andcontamination before placing the systems in service. Use whatever temporaryconnections are required for cleaning, purging and circulating. b. Special requirements, if any, are specified in the sections on eachtype of piping. - - 0 0 0 - - 15060-4 1 f I 11 I ' 11 I ! I I l I I I l I I I 11 I l I I 11 11 11 I l 1.0 GENER AL 1.1 SCOPE Section 15403 PLUMBING FIXTURES AND FIXTURE CARRIERS This section provides requirements closets, lavatories, urinals, sinks, carriers and water hammer arrestors. for furnishing and installing water showers, drinking fountains, fixture 1.2 RELATED WORK a.Division 15 -Mechanical. (1)Drains, Hydrants and Cleanouts (2)Domestic Water Piping (3)Soil, Waste and Sanitary Drain Piping and Vent Piping 1.3 JOB REQUIREMENTS Furnish plumbing fixtures shown or specified with all necessary trimming. Provide faucets, fittings, supply stops ahd similar devices of .one manufacturer. Furnish faucets and supply stops with renewable monel seats. Provide that all porcelain enameled cast iron be acid resistant.provide fixture carrires for ail wll hung fixtures, 1.4 STANDARDS a.Perform work in accordance with applicable statutes, ordinances, codes,and regulatons of governmental authorities having jurisdiction. b.Resolve any code violation discovered in contract documents with theEngineer prior to award of the contract. After award of the contract, makeany correction or addition necessary for compliance with applicable codes at no additional cost to Owner. c.Obtain and pay for all permits and inspections. 2.0 PR ODUCTS 2.1 WATER CLOSETS a.Floor Mounted Water Closets (WC-1).Furnish a Kohler "WELLCOMME WATER-GUARD" No. K-4250-ET white, siphon jet, elongated bowl with 1-1/2-inch top spud. Provide a floor-mounted bowl made of vitreous china. Equip fixture with a Delany No. F402-3 exposed flush valve with vacuum breaker, 1-inch screwdriver angle stop, three-gallon flush regulator and a 1-1/2-inchby 12-inch flush connection. Furnish fixture complete with a Kohler"Lustra" No. K-4670-C white solid plastic, open-front seat with check hingeand Kohler No. K-4562 bolt caps.15403-1 1 11 I i I I lI I I I ! I ! 11 I l 'I I l , 11 11 i \ lI 11 l I b.Floor-Mounted Water Closets, Wheel Chair (WC-2). Furnish a Kohfer"HIGHCLIFF WATER-GUA RD" No. K-4268-ET white, siphon jet, elongated bowl with1-1/2-inch top spud. Provide a floor-mounted bowl, 18-inches high and madeof vitreous china. Equip fixture with a Delany No. F402-3 exposed flushvalve with vacuum breaker, 1-inch screwdriver angle stop, three-gallon flushregulator and a 1-1/2-inch by 12-inch flush connection. Furnish fixturecomplete with a Kohler "Lustra" No. K-4670-C white solid plastic, open-frontseat with check hinge and Kohler No. K-4562 bolt caps. 2.2 LAVATORIES a.Wall-Hung Lavatories, cold water only (LAV-1). (1)Fixture. Furnish a Kohler "KINGSTON" No. K-2005 white, wall-hunglavatory with back and side splash guards. Provide a fixture measuring 20inches wide, 18 inches deep and made of vitreous china. Drill for concealedarms. Provide fixture with faucet holes on 4-inch centers andfront-overflow ports. ( 2)Trim. Furnish Symmons "SCOT" No. S-61-G self-closing,metering/temperature mixing faucet with 3/8-inch inlets, 0.5 GPM rose sprayoutlet and 1-1/2-inch vandal proof grid drain assembly, all with chromefinish. (3)Supplies. Furnish Kohler No. K-7607 lavatory supply with 3/8-inchx 12-inch flexible tube riser, escutcheon and loose key control angle stop,all with chrome finish. (4)Traps. Provide a Kohler No. K-9000 1-1/4-inch adjustable castbrass "P" trap with tubing drain to wall, ground swivel joint, clean-outplug and cast brass escutcheon, all with chrome finish. Verify lavatory type and physical dimensions with local authority for handicap use. 2.3 WALL-HUNG URINALS (UR-1). Furnish a Kohler "DEXTER" No. K-5014-T white, wall-hung, siphon-jet urinal made of vitreous china with integral shields, flushing rims, p-trap, 1-1/4-inch top spud, 2-inch outlet and support bolts. Equip with Delany "FLUSHBOY" No. 452-JVB adjustable flush valve with screw driver angle. Stop, oscillating handle, projection cap on stop and vacuum breaker. 15403-2 I ' 11 I I I I lI I l I ! II fl I I" t ) 11 II 'I l i I 11 l.i 2.4 SHOWERS a.Stall Showers (SH-1) (1)Fixture.Reference Architectural drawings and specifications for fixture wall and floor construction. (2)Trim. Provide a Chicago faucet No. 1762 pressure balancing valvewith No, 239 lever type metal handle with adjustable safety limit stop andstainless steel seats. Equip with Chicago faucet No. 621 tamper-proofinstitutional pattern showerhead with 2.6 GPM built-in flow control. (3)Drain. Provide a 3-inch FD-1 as specified in section 15404 withinarchitectural shower construction. Ensure drain top is installed flush withfinished tile of shower floor and incorporate drain body into shower pan(membrane) to ensure a completely watertight drain installation. 2,5 DRINKING FOUNTAINS (DF-1) a.Furnish Haws No. 3060HF P (DF-1) hand operated freeze proof pedistaldrinking fountain with vibra-cast reinforced concrete pedistal, vandalresistant stainless steel fountain receptor and freeze proof valve for18-inch burial depth. Equip fixture complete with model 6615 matching concrete step and color by architect. Bolt both units to concrete and provide min. 2 cubic feet of 3/4-inch gravel fill below fountain for water supply drainage. Install fountain in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations on securing/supporting and installation. 2.6 FIXTURE CARRIERS a.Urinal Carriers.Furnish J.R. Smith 600 series, or equal, concealed carrier with bearing plate, b.Lavatory Carriers.For high-back lavatories, furnish J.R. Smith 700 series concealed chair carriers with concealed arms. 2.7 WATER HAMMER ARRESTORS Provide hydraulic shock absorbers in cold and hot water supply lines to each fixture, if single fixture, and to each battery of fixtures; and at each automatic, solenoid-operated or quick-closing valve serving mechanical, kitchen or laundry equipment. As shock absorbers, provide J.R. Smith series 5000, or approved equal, with stabilized 18-8 stainless steel casing and bellows. Provide bellows precharged with clinically pure air, completely sealed and operating free of casing. Water hammer arrestors shall be Plumbing and Drainage Institute (PDI) approved and labled. 15403-3 I I i I ! I I I l 1 : I l !I I l, I { I I ! I ! I I i ! lI 11 2.7 Continued a.Shock absorbers shown on drawings are partial requirements only.Provide all others of size and quantity as recommended by Plumbing andDrainage Institute Standard PDI-WH-201 and manufacturer's sizing andplacement recommendation data sheets. Water hammer arrestors shall beinstalled throughout the dometsic water system such that there will be nonoise in building due to water hammer. b.Provide a 10-inch square access panel for single arrestor installationsand a 15-inch square panel for two arrestor installations in walls. c.Provide 15-inch square access panels for all arrestors located aboveceilings except for arrestors located directly above lay-in-place accoustictile ceilings. 2.8 PROTECTIVE DEVICES Approved backflow preventers shall be used to connect piping to plumbing fixtures or equipment that do not have an approved integral device for cross connection protection. 3.0 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALL ATION a.Set fixtures at heights as directed and approved by Architect. b.Rigidly secure water closet and urinal water supply piping to wallstructure. The piping in the wall shall be secured to wall such thatflush valve or supply piping will not have any movement during valveactivation or when jared. 3.2 ROUGH-IN AND FINAL CONNECTIONS a.Make rough-in and final connection of all services to all fixturesrequiring plumbing connections. b.Provide service connections to all plumbing fixtures specified and toall equipment furnished by others. Reference section 15060 forrough-in requirements of equipment furnished by others. 3.3 COORDINATION a.Making adjustments to field conditions is considered a part of the workrequired. Do not use contract drawings accompanying these specificationsfor rough-in locations but only for pipe sizing and general routing. b.Contractor shall examine and familiarize himself with the Architectural, Structural, Electrical and Mechanical drawings to be knowledgable of all plumbing connections required and space limitations. 15403-4 I I I '. I ! !! l! I \ I l l l t I I l l J t l I I !l 'I \ IJ l \ I l { 3.3 Continued c.The drawings are diagramic and are not intended to show all thefittings required. Contractor shall include in his bid, costs for items ofmaterial and labor which are not specifically called for in drawings orspecifications, but which are required to make plumbing installation.Contractor shall make any necessary changes to avoid beams, footings,columns, piers, vents, ducts, equipment or other obstructions. d.Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating physical requirementsof all countertop fixtures with cabinet work. Prior to submittal on these fixtures, the contractor shall verify space limitations eith cabinet casework contractor. e.Indicate on the shop drawings that the contract drawings have beenchecked, that the work shown on the drawings is in accordance with thecontract requirements and that the dimensions and relationship with work ofother trades have been checked. Indicate by signed stamp on the shopdrawings. 3.4 CLEANING AND ADJUSTING Thoroughly clean and disinfect all plumbing fixtures, including all exposed all flush valves and self-closing valves for proper flushing but without excess use of water. pen-front seat with check trim. Adjust or operation, hinge. -- 0 0 0 - - 15403-5 I l l 1 ·: I I I l 11 l l I l l i l \ 11 I l !I I ! I \ I ! 11 l ! ! 1.0 GE NER AL 1.1 SCOPE Section 15404 DRAINS, HYDRANTS AND CLEANOUTS This section provides requirements for furnishing and installing floor drains, trap primers, hydrants and cleanouts. 1.2 RELATED WORK a.Division 15 -Mechanical. (1)Domestic Water Piping. (2)Soil, Waste and Sanitary Drain Piping, Vent Piping. 1.3 STANDARDS a.Perform work in accordance with applicable statutes, ordinances, codes,and regulatons of governmental authorities having jurisdiction. b.Resolve any code violation discovered in contract documents with theEngineer prior to award of the contract. After award of the contract, makeany correction or addition necessary for compliance with applicable codes at no additional cost to Owner. c.Obtain and pay for all p�rmits and inspections. 2.0 PRODUCTS 2.1 DRAINS a.Floor Drains, Shower Stalls (FD-1). Furnish J.R. Smith 2010A-PB castiron floor drain with seepage flange, flashing collar and polished bronze, 8-inch diameter strainer with 3/8-inch square holes. 2.2 TRAP PRIMERS a.Provide Precision Plumbing Products "OREGON" No. 1 pressure actuatedttap primers. Equip primers with distribution units as required to providean individual drain line to each hub drain or floor drain. b.Unless otherwise noted, provide an auxilary inlet fitting similar to JayR.Smith No, 2695, 2696 or 2697 for each floor drain or hub drain. c.For each trap primer with a drain line connected directly auxilaryfitting, provide a Watts No. 7 dual check backflow preventer and shut-offvalve in 15-inch square access panel. 15404-1 !l 11 !i I ·1 I I !r I l f I I I 1 r l I I ! I ! lI I ! I I I I l 2.2 Continued d.Provide a trap primer, supply line, auxilary fitting, access panel andshut-off valve for each floor drain or hub drain whether or not shown ondrawings. e.Trap primers may be omitted in toilet rooms if first approved by localauthority. 2.3 HYDRANTS a.Hose Bibbs,rough brass hosevacuum breaker. unfinished areas, (HB-1). Provide a Chicago faucet No. ST bibb with No. 293-6 tee handle, hose thread outlet and b.Hose Bibbs, finished areas, (HB-2). Use Chicago Faucet No. 293sill-faucet with 1/2-inch flanged female inlet, 3/4-inch hose outlet, 293-6removable handle, polished chrome finish and E27 vacuum breaker. .2. 4 CLEANOUTS a.Location (1)Locate cleanouts in runs not more than 50 feet on centers and asrequired by local authority having jurisdiction. (2)Provide cleanouts wherever necessary to make accessible all partsof the drainage soil or waste systems.· (3)Where cleanouts occur in pipe chases, bring the cleanouts throughthe walls and install covers. Where cleanouts occur in floor slabs, set flush with finished floor. (4)Provide cleanouts where soil or waste lines change in dir ection ofmore than 45-degrees and as required by local authority havingjurisdiction. (5)Provide cleanouts at the end of each continuous waste line and atthe end or each battery of fixtures. (6)Provide all cleanouts as listed above whether or not shown ondrawings. b.Size.Install cleanouts the same size as the soil waste lines in which the cleanouts are placed; however, no cleanout should be larger than 4 inches in diameter. 15404-2 I I l f l 1 l 1 ·1 11 I ! I l l I 11 I : I i I l I l l I l l l l l. 2.5 Continued c.Type (1)Finished Floors and Concrete Floors. Furnish Jay R. Smith 4020,duracoated, adjustable, cast iron cleanout with lead seal and round,scoriated nickel-bronze top and frame, with clamping collar. (2)Finished Walls. cleanout with leadcover. Furnish Jay R. Smith 4400, duracoated, cast iron seal and 7 11 by 7" nickel-bronze access frame and (3)Unfinished Area and Chases.Furnish Jay R. Smith 4400, duracoated, cast iron cleanout with cadmium-plated, raised-head plug. (4)Outside Areas. Furnish Jay R. Smith 4220, duracoated, cast ironcleanout with lead seal, adjustable housing, and heavy duty, tractortype cover with vandal-proof screws, cast flush in a 16" by 16" by 6" thick concrete pad in nonsurfaced areas. 3.0 EXECU TION 3.1 INSTALLATION a.Install in accordance with manufacturers recommendations and as shown onthe drawings. b.Coordinate flashing work with work of other trades. Coordinate withfloor slab work to interface floor drains with shower stall construction. c.Install floor and roof drains in the low points of the surface areas tobe drained. 3.2 COORDINATION a.Making adjustments to field conditions is considered a part of the workrequired. Do not use contract drawings accompanying these specificationsfor rough-in locations but only for pipe sizing and general routing. b.Contractor shall examine and familiarize himself with the Architectural, Structural, Electrical and Mechanical drawings to be knowledgable of all plumbing connections required and space limitations. c� The drawings are diagramic and are not intended to show all the fittings required. Contractor shall include in his bid, costs for items of material and labor which are not specifically called for in drawings or specifications, but which are required to make plumbing installation. Contractor shall make any necessary changes to avoid beams, footings, columns, piers, vents, ducts, equipment or other obstructions. - - 0 0 0 - - 15404-3 I I I l [ I !\ I l I ·1 ! ! I I I 11 11 I 11 l.l I ; 11 l 1.0 GENER AL 1.1 SCOPE Section 15406 DOMESTIC WATER PIPING AND APPU RTENANCES This section provides requirements for furnishing and installing domestic hot and cold water piping. 1.2 RELATED WORK a.Division 2, Site Work.Utilities.Excavation, Trenching and Backfilling for b.Division 15, Mechanical. (1)Pipe and Pipe Fittings -General 1.3 STANDARDS a.Perform work in accordance with applicable statutes, ordinances, codes,and regulatons of governmental authorities having jurisdiction. b.Resolve any· code violation discovered in contract documents with theEngineer prior to award of the contract. After·award of the contract, makeany correction or addition necessary for compliance with applicable codes at no additional cost to Owner. c.Obtain and pay for all permits and inspections. 2.0 PR ODUCTS 2.1 PIPING AND FITTINGS Provide pipe and pipe fittings of domestic manufacturers only. a.Underground. Piping. Provide ASTM B 88, hard-drawn, Type K copperwater tube with wrought copper fittings. b.Underfloor Piping. Furnish ASTM B 88 cold drawn, Type K copper water tube, with wrought copper fittings. Run continuous with no joints under th� floor slab. 15406-1 I I l I I I ! 11 . lI I ! I l I I I l l 1 I : l i I i !\ l l 11 !I I 2.1 Continued c.Above Ground Piping.Provide seamless ASTM B 88 Type Lor CDA alloy 194 heavy copper water tube with wrought copper fittings, ANSI B 16.22. d.Solder.Use silver brazing alloy or Sil-Fos on underground piping and use 95.5 solder on all other copper piping. e.Unions.Provide Class-150, standard, 300-pound water-oil-gas galvanized, malleable iron unions with ground joint and bronze seat. joints larger than 2-inch. Provide dielectric isolating unions junctions or connections between metallic piping of dissimilar metal. 2.2 VALVES service Flange at all a.Above Ground Gate Valves. Provide 125-pound, rising stem, solid wedge,bonnet, screwed end, all bronze gate valves. 2-1/2-inches and smaller Crane 428-UB, Stockham B-105 or Lunkenheimer 3127. For 3-inches and provide 125-pound OS&Y flanged ends, solid wedge, IBBM; Crane Stockham G-623 or Lunkenheimer 1430. union provide larger, 465-1/2, b.Below Ground Gate Valves.Provide 200-pound, non-rising stem, IBBM, double disk with parallel seat. equip with a 1-1/4-inch shaft and 2-inch operating, nut. Stockham G-737-0, Kennedy 597X or Mueller A-2380-38. Provide a cast iron box, extension type with screw or locking slide adjustment and flared base. Minimum thickness shall be 3/16-inch. Install boxes over each underground valve. Use covers with appropriate identification marking cast on cover of type service. 3.0 EXECUTION 3.1 UTILITIES Connection to water main, service to water meter, and meter box will be provided by serving utility; however, contractor shall file proper notice and pay all fees and other costs required for complete water service. 3.2 DRAINAGE Install water piping systems with uniform horizontal grade of 1 /8-inch per 10 feet, minimum, to low points to provide complete drainage of the system. Where constant pitch cannot be maintained for long runs, establish intermediate low points and rise to new level. Grade branches to drain to mains or risers. Unless itherwise indicated, terminate low points of risers with drain valve piped to nearest hub or floor drain. 3.3 STERILIZATION Sterilize the main water system with solution containing not less than 50 parts per million available chlorine. Allow chlorinating solution to remain in system for period of 8 hours. Have valves and faucets opened and closed several times during the period. After steril ization, flush the solution from the system with clean water until residual chlorine content is less than 0.2 parts per million. 15406-2 I l I l I l 11 I l I I I l 11 I l 11 l 11 l l I ! \ I 11 I l 11 l 3.4 COORDINATION a.Making adjustments to field conditions is considered a part of the workrequired. Do not use contract drawings accompanying these specificationsfor rough-in locations but only for pipe sizing and general routing. b.Contractor shall examine and familiarize himself with the Architectural, Structural, Electrical and Mechanical drawings to be knowledgable of all plumbing connections required and space limitations. c.The drawings are diagramic and are not intended to show all thefittings required. Contractor shall include in his bid, costs for items ofmaterial and labor which are not specifically called for in drawings orspecifications, but which are required to make plumbing installation.Contractor shall make any necessary changes to avoid beams, footings,columns, piers, vents, ducts, equipment or other obstructions. 3.5 TESTING a.Test under a cold water hydrostatic pressure of 1-1/2 times operatingpressure (150 psig minimum) and carefully check for leaks. Repair all leaksand retest system until proven watertight. b.Testing shall be verified by Architect/Engineer or appointed ownersrepresentative. At Architct's/Engineer's discretion, the General Contractorshall verify and document the test results. Test findings shall bedocumented and forwarded to the Architect. - - 0 0 0 - - 15406-3 I I ' I t 11 l 1 I ! 11 I ! I ' 11 I I ; I I I l I l l l 11 ! Section 15408 SOIL, WASTE AND SANITARY DRAIN PIPING, VENT PIPING AND APPURTENANCES 1.0 G E N E R A L 1.1 SCOPE This section provides requirements for furnishing and installing piping within buildings and underground laterals within 5 feet of building. 1. 2 REL ATED WORK a.Division 2, Site Work. (1)Sanitary Sewers. (2)Excavation, Trenching and Backfilling for Utilities. b.Division 15, Mechanical. (1)Pipe and Pipe Fittings. (2)Plumbing Fixtures and Fixture Carriers. (3)Drains, Cleanouts and Hydrants. 1.3 STANDARDS a.Perform work in accordance with applicable statutes, ordinances, codes,and regulatons of governmental authorities having jurisdiction. b.Resolve any code violation discovered in contract documents with theEngineer prior to award of the contract. After award of the contract, makeany correction or addition necessary for compliance with applicable codes at no additional cost to Owner. c.Obtain and pay for all permits and inspections. 2.0 PRODUCTS 2.1 DRAIN PIPES AND FITTINGS. For piping within building and under ground laterals extending from building to 5 feet outside building and as otherwise noted provide; a.Pipe and pipe fittings. (1)Pipe. Hot dipped coated, standard weight, cast iron, DWV, belland spigot soil pipe and pipe fittings with neoprene gaskets. Pipemust conform to requirements of ASTM A 74 and CISPI HS 74 78. 15408-1 11 I I f : ! ! 11 ! I I I 11 I ! I I II 11 11 2.2b Continued (2) Identification. Pipe and pipe fittings shall be marked withclassification and manufacturer. The pipe andbear the "CI" mark as evidence of adherence toletters to identify fittings shall also CISPI standards. (3) CISPI 564". Noeprene Gaskets. Gaskets shall conform to all requirements ofstandard HSN 78 and shall bear the mark "NEOPRENE" and "ASTM C (4) Installation. Install pipe using "Lubrifast" joining material orapproved equal. (5) Above Ground Piping Option. At contractor's option, No-hub castiron soil pipe and pipe fittings with cast iron or stainless steel couplings may be used as an alternate for above ground piping only. (a) Standards. No-hub piping shall meet testing requirements ofASTM A 74 and all requirements of CISPI 301 and 310. (b) Identification. No-Hub Pipe and pipe fittings shall bear the"CI NO-HUB" mark as evidence of adherence to CISPI standards. (c) Noeprene Gaskets. Gaskets shall conform to all requirementsof ASTM C 564 standard and shall bear the mark "NEOPRENE" and"ASTM C 564". (d) Installation. Torque NO-Hub joints in accordance withmanufacturer's recommendatio ns using any special tools required tomake proper installation. b.All pipe and pipe fittings shall be of one domestic manufacturer. c. If allowed by code and if prior approval from owner is obtained, schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC), DWV pipe and pipe fittings withsolvent weld joints meeting requirements of ASTM D 2665-68 and D 2564-67 maybe used in lieu of cast iron pipe and fittings. Pipe and pipe fittingsshall bear the "ASTM D 2665 68" mark as evidence of adherence to ASTMstandards. I l 3.0 E X E C U T I O N 11 11 I l l j 3.i NOTICE AND FEES Give proper notice and pay all fees and other costs for complete sewerservice. 3.2 GRADE Give horizontal pipe a grade of 1/4-inch per foot where possible, but notless than 1/8-inch per foot, unless otherwise shown. Verify all flowlineelevations shown on drawings with local authorities for approval of allsanitary piping with grades less than 1/4-inch per foot. 15408-3 I l ; I l r ! 11 11 r ! f I I ! I ! l I I ! I l 11 11 1.l I i I ; ! Continued (2)Identification.Pipe and pipe fittings shall be marked with classification and manufacturer. The pipe and bear the "CI" mark as evidence of adherence to letters to identifyfittings shall alsoCISPI standards. (3) CISPI 564". Noeprene standard Gaskets. HSN 78 Gaskets shall conform to all requirements of and shall bear the mark "NEOPRENE" and "ASTM C (4)Installation. Install pipe using "Lubrifast" joining material orapproved equal. (5)Above Ground Piping Option. At contractor's option, No-hub castiron soil pipe and pipe fittings with cast iron or stainless steelcouplings may be used as an alternate for above ground piping only. (a)Standards. No-hub piping shall meet testing requirements ofASTM A 74 and all requirements of CISPI 301 and 310. (b)Identification. No-Hub Pipe and pipe fittings shall bear the"CI NO-HUB" mark as evidence of adherence to CISPI standards. (c)Noeprene Gaskets. Gaskets shall conform to all requirementsof ASTM C 564 standard and shall bear the mark "NEOPRENE" and"ASTM C 564". (d)Installation. Torque NO-Hub joints in accordance withmanufacturer:s recommendations using any special tools required tomake proper installation. b.All pipe and pipe fittings shall be of one domestic manufacturer. c.If allowed by code and if prior approval from owner is obtained,schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC), DWV pipe and pipe fittings with solvent weld joints meeting requirements of ASTM D 2665-68 and D 2564-67 may be used in lieu of cast iron pipe and fittings. Pipe and pipe fittings shall bear the "ASTM D 2665 68" mark as evidence of adherence to ASTM standards. 2.2 VENT PIPE AND FI'ITINGS. For piping within building and under ground laterals extending from building to 5 feet outside building and as otherwise noted provide; a.Piping Smaller Than 2-inches in Diameter. Provide ASTM B 306, ANSI H23.6, Type DWV, copper drainage tube and drainage fittings. b.Piping 2-inches in-Diameter and Larger. Provide; (1)Pipe. Hot dipped coated, standard weight, cast iron, DWV, belland spigot soil pipe and pipe fittings with neoprene gaskets. Pipemust conform to requirements of ASTM A 74 and CISPI HS 74 78. 15408-2 I : I , 11 I I I I 11 I l 11 I l 11 11 11 11 I l !I I I 11 1 l 3.3 DRAIN PIPE AND FITTINGS a.Offsets and Fittings. (1)Use reduction fittings to connect two pipes of different diameter. (2)Change directions by appropriate use of 45-degree wyes, long-sweepquarter-bends, and sixth-, eighth-, and sixteenth-bends. Sanitarytees may be used on vertical stacks. Use long sweeps at the base ofrisers. (3)Provide a separate trap at each fixture, unless a trap is builtinto the fixture. Provide a Deep Seal trap at each floor drain and hubdrain. Place traps so that the discharge from any fixture will passthrough only one trap before reaching a building drain. b.Hub Drains.hub 1/2-inch above drawings. Install hub drains where indicated, with the top of the the finished floor, unless otherwise indicated on the c. d. Cleanouts. (1)Provide drainage lines with properly specified cleanouts. Locatecleanouts in runs not more than 90 feet on centers and as required bylocal authority having jurisdiction. (2)Provide cleanouts wherever necessary to make accessible all partsof the drainage soil or waste systems. (3)Where cleanouts occur in pipe chases, bring the cleanouts throughthe walls and install covers. Where cleanouts occur in floor slabs, set flush with finished floor. Covers are specified in the section on Drain Hydrants and Cleanouts. (4)Provide cleanouts where soil or waste lines change in direction ofmore than 45-degrees and as required by local authority havingjurisdiction. (5)Provide cleanouts at the end of each continuous waste line and atthe end or each battery of fixtures. (6)Install cleanouts the same size as the soil waste lines in whichthe cleanouts are placed; however, no cleanout should be larger than 4 inches in diameter. (7)Provide all cleanouts as listed above whether or not indicated ondrawings. Floor Drains. (1)Install floor at the low points of the surface areas to bedrained. 15408-4 f l 11 I l I ! r l I ! 11 I I I I I 11 11 11 I I ' I 3.3 Continued (2)Install drain or cleanout flashing collar of flange such that · noleakage occurs between drain or cleanout and adjoining roofing orflooring. Maintain watertight integrity of penetrated waterproofmembrane. (3)Coordinate flashing work with work of other trades. Coordinatewith roofing as necessary to interface roof drains and other roofpenetrations with roofing work. Coordinate with floor slab work tointerface floor drains with concrete. (4) Install floor drains in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. 3.4 VENT PIPING a.Make vent connections to vent stacks with inverted wye fittings.Extend full-size vents through the roof to at least 6 inches above the roof. b.Flash with 6-pound lead flashingFlange the flashing to the lead sleeve. the vent pipe. Turn the flashing down to make an absolutely watertight joint. approximately 24 inches square. Extend the flashing up and around inside the pipe at least two inches c.Of�set all vents located near building edge such that no vent thru roofpiping is located within 5 feet from the edge of the building (measured frombuilding line). Make offsets in roof structure space. d.Slope all vent piping to gravity drain lines. 3.5 COORDINATION a.Making adjustments to field conditions is considered a part of the workrequired. Do not use contract drawings accompanying these specificationsfor rough-in locations but only for pipe sizing and general routing. b.Contractor shall examine and familiarize himself with the Architectural, Structural,Electrical and Mechanical drawings to be knowledgable of all plumbing connections required and space limitations. c.The drawings are diagramic and are not intended to show all thefi�tings required. Contractor shall include in his bid, costs for items ofmaterial and labor which are not specifically called for in drawings orspecifications, but which are required to make plumbing installation.Contractor shall make any necessary changes to avoid beams, footings,columns, piers, vents, ducts, equipment or other obstructions. 15408-5 f I f l f l I ! 11 11 1 1 j 11 I ! I I l 11 [ 1 :11 [ I I I I 3.6 TESTING a.Below Floors. (1)Test pipe below floors before backfilling and connecting tosewers. (2)Maintain not less than 15 feet of hydrostatic head for 2 hourswithout a leak. b.System Test.After all the various sections of soil, waste and vent piping are installed, but before fixtures are connected, test the system by: (1)Plugging all outlets. (2)Filling vertical sections of three floors at a time with water.When building is less than three floors in height, fill verticalsections to the height required by the City Inspector, but no less than10 feet to any portion of the sanitary or vent system. Provide �yes,plugs and all other fittings as required to facilitate plugging andtesting. (3)Test for 4 hours without any drop in the water level. c.Testing shall be verified by Architect/Engineer or appointed ownersrepresentative. At Architct's/Engineer's discretion, the General Contractorshall verify and document the test results. Test findings shall bedocumented and forwarded to the Architect. - - 0 0 0 - - 15408-6 I r r ! 11 11 I l II 11 11 l I 11 11 l I II I i I I l ! 1.0 GENER AL 1.1 SCOPE Section 15426 ELECTRIC DOMESTIC WATER HEATERS This section includes including hot water scheduled. hot water heaters and heating pressure systems complete as shown, temperature relief valves as 1.2 RELATED WORK a.· Division 15, Mechanical. (1)Pipe and Pipe Fittings -General. (2)Domestic Water Piping and Appurtenances. 1.3 CERTIFICATION Provide a water heater tested, listed and labled by the Underwriters (U.L.) Laboratories for 150 PSI standard workin pressure and shall comply with the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)·standards. 2.0 PRODUCTS 2.1 CAPACITY Water heaters shall have the storage capacity, efficiencies and gallons per hour recover at lOOF rise as scheduled on drawings. As a minimum, water heaters shall meet energy efficiency standards of the latest edition of ASHRAE 90. 2.2 TANK Provide a glass-lined tank with with an alkaline borosilicate composition that has been fused to steel by firing at a temperature range of 1400 F to 1600 F. Equip tank with extruded magnesium, sacrificial anode rods, required piping, piping connections, ASME rated ANSI Z 21.22 temperature and pressure relief valve, temperature control equipment, heating elements, drain valve, thermometers and all other required openings. 2.3 INSULATION Insulate the water heater with factory applied high density fiberglass (or similar product) and trim with a hea vy-gage, enameled steel jacket. 2.4 GUARANTEE Provide a 10-year limited warranty on water heater as avaliable from water heater manufacturer. 15426-1 [ ! 11 11 I i I I 11 11 l I 11 11 l I 11 I J I l l 2.5 INSTALLATION AND TESTING a.Water heater shall be tested and installed according to the currentinstallation instructions provided with the unit. 3.0 EXE CUT ION 3.1 INSTALLATION a.Install a line size gate valve in the cold water supply close to eachheater. b.Provideconnectionsconnection. approved dielectric couplings at all cold water and hot water to storage tank, and at pressure and temperature relief valve c.Check operation of safety controls and devices and proper settings ofelements. d.Have the authorized representative of the water heater avaliable ifrequested. e.Install according to manufacturer's specifications and pipe as shown. 3.2 DISCHARGE PIPING Discharge routed to discharge. opening of piping from temperature and pressure nearest floor drain, hub drain or other Discharge piping shall be full size, temperature and pressure relief valve. - - 0 0 0 - - relief valve shall be approved point of safe in diameter, of reief 15426-2 1 1 i I I 11 I I I I I � 11 I I I I I I { I 11 l\ .11 1.4 Continued (3)Switchgear. (4)Lighting fixtures and lamps. 1.5 RELATED WORK a.Division 1 -General Requirements. b.Division 2 -Site Work. c. d. e. f. Division 3 -Concrete. Division 9 -Finishes. Division 11 -Equipment. Division 14 -Conveying Systems. g.Division 15 -Mechanical. 1.6 CONTRACT DRAWINGS a.Intent. The intent of the drawings is· to establish the types ofsystems and functions, but not to set forth each item essential to thefunctioning of the system. Electrical drawings are generally diagrammaticand show approximate ·location and extent of work. Install the work complete, including minor details necessary to perform the function indicated. In case of doubt as to the work intended, or if amplification or clarification is needed, request instructions from the Architect. b.Discrepancies. Reviewconditions shown. Where pertinent drawings and adjust discrepancies occur between field conditions, immediately specifications, and actual Architect for his interpetation. the work to drawings, notify the c.Outlet and equipment locations. Coordinate the actual locations of electrical outlets and equipment with building features and mechanicalequipment as indicated on architectural, structural and mechanicaldrawings. Review with the Architect any proposed changes in outlet orequipment location. Relocation of outlets before installation, of up to 3fe�t from the position indicated, may be directed without additional cost.Remove and relocate outlets placed in an unsuitable location, when sorequested by the Architect. 1.7 REGULATIONS AND PERMITS I l A.Regulations. Work, materials and equipment must comply with the1 •' latest rules and regulations of the following: I I ! (1)National Electrical Code (NEC). 16010-2 I . l l I [ I I ! I i 11 J l I I 11 .! I 1 ! I l I \ 11 J � .II 1 l 11 I 1.7 Continued (2)National Electrical Safety Code (NESC). (3)Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). (4)City of Friendswood. (5)State and federal codes, ordinances and regulations. b. Discrepancies. The drawings and specifications are intended to complywith listed codes, ordinances, regulations and standards. Wherediscrepancies occur, immediately notify the Architect in writing and askfor an interpetation. Should installed materials or workmanship fail tocomply, the Contractor is responsible for correcting the improperinstallation. Additionally, where sizes, capacities, or other such featuresare required in excess of minimum code or standards requirements, providethose specified or shown. c. Permits. Obtain certificates of inspection or other permits requiredas a part of the work. 1.8 CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS An acceptable Contractor for. the work under this division must havepersonnel with experience, tra�ning and skill to provide a practicalworking system. The contractor may be required to furnish acceptabieevidence of having installed not less that three systems of size and typecomparible to this project. The systems must have served satisfactorily fornot less than 3 years. The superintendent must have had experience ininstalling not less than three such systems. 1. 9 SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA a. Data Required. Submit shop drawings and product data as specified inDivision 1 -General Requirements. Submittal data must show manufacturer'sname, published ratings or capacity data, detailed equipment drawing forfabricated items, panel diagrams, wiring diagrams, installationinstructions and other pertinent data. Where literature is submittedcovering a group or series of similar items, the applicable items must beclearly indicated. b. Form of Submittal. Submit data for review before placing purchaseorders� Organize data in a 3-ring binder indexed by specificationreference. Show any revisions to equipment layouts required by use ofselected equipment. c. Submittal Items. Submittals are required for, but not limited to, thefollowing items: (1)Shop Drawings. (a)Panelboards. 16010-3 I l; I I 11 r \ I l !I I � 11 l I l I I I I ; l\ 11 I : I.I 1.9 Continued (2)Product Data. (a)Boxes. (b)Enclosed safety switches. (c) Fuses. (d)Grounding materials and equipment. (e)Insulated conductors. (f)Lighting fixtures, including lamps and ballasts. (g)Light Standards. (h)Metal framing. (i)Raceways. (j)Wiring devices. 2.0 PRODUCTS 2.1 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS a.Condition.Materials and equipment provided under these specifications production of design for the must be new products of manufacturers regularly engaged in such eq�ipment. Provide the manufacturer's latest standard type of equipment specified. b.NEC and UL. Products must conform to requirements of the NationalElectrical Code. Where Underwriters' Laboratories have set standards,listed products and issued labels, products used must be listed and labeledby UL. c.Space Limitations. Equipment selected must conform to the buildingfeatures and must be cooridinated with them. Do not provide equipment whichwill not suit arrangem ent and space limitations. d.Factory Finish. Equipment must be delivered with a hard surface,factory-applied finish so that no additional field painting is required. 2.2 SUBSTITUTIONS AND PRODUCT OPTIONS a. Products List. Within 30 days after contract date, submit to Architect/Engineer a complete list of major products proposed to be used, with the name of the manufacturer and the installing subcontractor. b.Contractor's Options. (1)For products specified only by reference standard, select anyproduct meeting that standard. 16010-4 I r I l I I l l l l r � 11 I l I I l I : I \ I l !; lI 2.2 Continued (2)For products specified by naming several products ormanufacturers, select any one of the products or manufacturers named,which complies with the specifications. (3)For products specified by naming one or more products ormanufacturers and "or equal," Contractor must submit a request forsubstitutions for any product or manufacturer not specifically named. (4)For products specified by naming only one product andmanufacturer, there is no option. c.Su bstitution Standards. Manufacturers' names and catalog numbersspecified under sections of Division 16 are used to establish standards of design, performance, quality and serviceability and not to limit competition. Equipment of similar design, equal to that specified, will be acceptable on approval. A request for prior approval must be submitted 14 days before bid date. Submit complete design and performance data to the Architect. d.Architect/Engineer shall be the judge of the acceptability of theproposed substitution. 3.0 EXECU TION 3.1 PROTECTION OF EQUIPMENT a.Moisture. During construction, protect switchgear, transformers,motors, control equipment, and other items from insulation moistureabsorption and metallic component corrosion by appropriate use of stripheaters, lamps or other suitable means. Apply protection immediately onreceiving the products and maintain continually. b.Clean.Keep products clean by elevating above ground or floor and by using suitable coverings. c. Damage. Take such precautions as are necessary to protect apparatus and materials from damage. Failure to protect materials is sufficient cause for rejection of the apparatus or material in question. d. Finish. Protect factory finish from operations and until acceptance of the project. finishes that become stained or damaged. 3.2 INS TALLATION damage during construction Satisfactorily restore any a.Cooperation with Other Trades. Cooperation with trades of adjacent,related or affected materials or operations, and of trades performingcontinuations of this work under subsequent contracts, is considered a partof this work in order to effect timely and accurate placing of work and tobring together, in proper and correct sequence, the work of such trades. 16010-5 I l I I I i.II I I l I I I : 11 11 I l t I I : Ii 11 I ! 11 t l 11 I 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 16010 ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Provide labor, materials and equipment required for complete and functioning ele ctrical systems as specified and as shown. 1.2 REFERENCE CODES AND STANDARDS Standards of the following organizations may be referenced in the specification. Unless noted otherwise, references are to standards or codes current at the time of bidding. a.Association of Edison Illuminating Companies (AEIC). b.American National Standards Institute (ANSI). c.Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). d.Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA). e.National Electrical Code (NEC). F.National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA). g.National Electrical Safety Code (NESC). h.National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). i.Underwriters' Laboratories (UL). 1.3 APPLICABLE PROVISIONS a.Provisions Specified Elsewhere. Unless modified in this section,Conditions of the Contract, applicable provisions of Division 1 -GeneralRequirements, and other provisions of contract documents apply to work ofDivision 16 -Electrical. b.Application. Provisions of this section apply to every section ofDivision 16 -Electrical, except where specifically modified. 1.4 WORK INCLUDED a.New Work. The work includes, but is not limited, to the followingprincipal systems and equipment: (1)240/120 volt distibution. (2)Empty raceway system for telephone cables. 16010-1 I l I ! I \ ,J I I ! I ,� 11 ,! l l ! I t 11 l� 1 I l\ I ! I 3.2 Continued b.Workmanship.Work must be completed by workmen skilled in their trade. The installation must be complete whether the work is concealed or exposed. c.Concrete Equipment Pads. Install 4-inch thick concrete foundationpads for indoor floor-mounted equipment, except where direct floor mountingis required. Pour pads on roughened floor slabs, sized so that outer edgesextend a minimum of 3 inches beyond equipment. Trowel pads smooth andchamfer edges to a 1-inch bevel. Secure equipment to pads as recommendedby the manufacturer. d.Setting of Equipment.Equipment must be leveled and set plumb. Sheet metal exposures mounted against a wall must be separated from the wall not less than 1/4-inch by means of corrosion-resistant spacers or by 3 inches of air for freestanding units. Use corrosion-resistant bolts, nuts and washers to anchor equipment. In sufficient time to be coordinates with work of others, provide drawings and layout work showing exact size and location of sleeves, opening or inserts for electrical equipment in slabs, walls, partitions and chases. e.Sealing of Equipment. Permanently seal outdoor equipment at the baseusing concrete grout. Seal or screen openings into equipment to preventectrance of animals, birds and insects. Use galvanized steel or coppermesh with openings not larger than 1/16-inch for .screened openings. Seal small cracks and openings from the inside with silicon sealing compound. f.Motors. (1)Motors are specified in Division 15. (2)Electrical work includes the electrical connection of allmotors, except those which are wired as a part of equipment. g.Concealed Work.Conceal electrical work in walls, floors, chases, under floors, underground and above ceilings except: (1)Where shown or specified to be exposed. Exposed is understoodto mean open to view. (2)Where exposure is necessary to the proper function. (3)Where size of materials preclude concealment. h.Application.follows:Unless otherwise indicated, power will be utilized as (1)120 volts, single phase: incandescent lighting, convenienceoutlets, special outlets and fluorescent lighting. 16010-6 I I 3. 3 EQUIPMENT AND DEVICE MARKING I I I J !\ I \ I I I l II 1 { I I L� !I !! l! a.Nameplates. Externally mark electrical equipment by means of suitablenameplates identifying each and the equipment served. Provide each pieceof equipment with a black-white-black lamacoid nameplate with3/16-inch-high white lettering secured to front of equipment. Supply blanknameplates for spare units and bussed spaces. Actual nameplate legend, which may consist of up to three lines, will be provided by the Engineer on submittals. b.Nameplate Fasteners. Fasten nameplates to equipment only by means ofappropriate noncorroding allowed.screws. Stick-ons or adhesives will not be c.Nameplate Information.In general, the following information is to be provided for the types of electrical equipment as listed. (1)Panelboards.Identify the service source, panelboard designation and voltage characteristics. d.Panelboards. Prepare a neatly typed circuit directory behind clearheat-resistant plastic for each panelboard. Identify circuits by equipmentserved and by room numbers selected by the Engineer; names and numbers maybe different from those shown on drawings. Indicate spares and spaces with light, erasable pancil marking. e.Boxes, Small Equipment and High Voltage Equipment. (1)Pull boxes, individually mounted disconnect switches, motorstarters and similar items may be marked with Dymo No. 158-4 vinylembossing tape with adh�sive back in lieu of nameplates. Use DymoNo. 7123 perma-stick liquid adhesive with the tape. Tape color,placement and spacing must be approved before starting this work. (2)Provide identification stencils for high voltage equipment andraceways and with the legend "DANGER -HIGH VOLTAGE." Mark allexposed high voltage raceways every 100 feet. 3.4 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS a. Owner's Manual. Collect and submit in 3-ring binders 3 sets of product data, shop drawings, wiring diagrams, instructions and parts lists for operating and maintaining equipment and systems installed as electrical work.· Include in the instructions a description of normal adjustments and a list of items to be lubricated. Specify the type and frequency of lubrication required. For the Owner's use, provide special servicing tools as required for this equipment. Deliver manuals and tools to the Architect as a condition of final acceptance. 16010-7 I ! l \ ! ! I 11 I'\ � I I \ ! l l l I J 11 I i 11 ! 3.4 Continued b.Operation. Upon completion of the work and at a time designated bythe Architect, instruct the Owner's operating personnel in operation andmaintenance of electrical equipment and systems. Before proceeding withinstruction, prepare a typed outline in triplicate listing the subjectsthat will be covered. Submit the outline for review by the Architect. Atthe conclusion of the instruction, obtain the signature of the personsinstructed on each copy of the outline to signify that he has a properunderstanding of the operation and maintenance of the system. Submit thesigned outlines to the Architect as a condition of final acceptance.Provide a minimum of hours of general instruction in addition to anytime specified in other sections of Division 16. 3.5 TESTING a.Test Conditions. Place circuits and equipment into service undernormal conditions, collectively and separately, as may be necessary todetermine satisfactory operation. Perform specified tests in the presenceof the Architect. Furnish all instruments, wiring, equipment and personnelrequired for conducting tests. Demonstrate that the equipment operates inaccordance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. Specialtests on certain items are specified hereinafter. b.Test Dates. Schedule final acceptance tests sufficiently in advanceof the contract date to permit completion of any necessary adjustment oralterations within the number of days allotted for completion of thecontract. c.Retests. Conduct retests as directed by the Architect of such timeduration as may be necessary to assure proper functioning, of adjusted oraltered parts or items of equipment. Any resultant delay as a result of such necessary retests does not relieve the Contractor of hisresponsibility under this contract. 3.6 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS a.Preparation.At the job site, maintain a set of white prints of the contract drawings.On the prints, record field changes and diagrams of those portions or work in which actual construction is significantly at variance with the contract drawings. Mark the drawings with a colored pencil. Record installed feeder conduits, dimensioning the exact location and elevation of the conduit. b.Delivery.Deliver record drawings to the Architect in the number and manner specified in Division 1 -General Requirements. - - 0 0 0 - - 16010-8 1 I I f ! I ! ! l l l I l I l I I I I l I 1.0 GENER AL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED Section 16110 RACEWAYS This section specifies the furnishing and installation of electricalraceway systems. 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS a.ANSI/ANSI C80.l -Specification for Zinc-Coated Rigid Steel Conduit. b. ANSI/ANSI C80.3 -Specification for Zinc-Coated Electrical MetallicTubing. c. ANSI/ANSI C80.4 -Specification for Fittings for Rigid Metal Conduitand Electrical Metallic Tubing. d.ANSI/UL 1 -Safety Standard for Flexible Metal Conduit. e.ANSI/UL 651 -Safety Standard for Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit. f.ANSI/UL 797 -Electrical Metallic Tubing. g. ANSI/UL 870 -Safety Standard for Wireways, Auxiliary Gutters andAssociated Fittings. h. NEMA TC 2 -Electrical Plastic Tubing (EFT) and Conduit (EPC-40 andEPC-80) and Fittings. i.NEMA TC 3 -PVC Fittings for Use with Rigid PVC Conduit and Tubing. j.NEMA VE 1 -Cable Tray Systems. j j k. UL 6 -Rigid Metal Electrical Conduit. l l ) l 1.l I ; ll 1.UL 360 -Liquid-tight Flexible Steel Conduit. m.UL 467 -Electrical Grounding and Bonding Equipment. n.UL. 1242 -Intermediate Metal Conduit. 1.3 APPLICABLE PROVISIONS Refer to Section 16010 -Electrical General Provisions. 16110-1 [ I f i I ! f c. I l ; .. I ! I \ l.' I 11 l l I I l :[, 2.0 PRODUCTS 2.1 CONDUIT AND FITTINGS a.Rigid Metal Conduit. b. c. (1)Conduit.Hot-dipped galvanized rigid steel conduit (RSC) with zinc-coated threads and an outer coating of zinc chromate. (2)Fittings.Threaded, malleable iron, either cadmium plated or hot-dipped galvanized. (3)Listing. Ul 6. (4)Acceptable Conduit Manufacturers. Allied, Republic, Southwire,Triangle, Youngstown. (5)Acceptable FittingsMidwest, OZ/Gedney, Raco,manufacturers. Manufacturers. Steel City, T Intermediate Metal Conduit. (IMC). Appleton, Crouse -Hinds, & B, and listed conduit (1)Conduit. Galvanized intermediate steel conduit with zinc-coatedthreads and an outer coating of zinc chromate. (2)' Fittings. Threaded, malleable iron either cadmium plated or hot-dipped galvanized. (3)Listing. UL 6. (4)Acceptable Conduit Manufacturers.Youngstown. (5)Acceptable FittingsMidwest, OZ/Gedney, Raco,manufacturers. Manufacturers. Steel City, T Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT). Allied, ETP, Triangle, Appleton, Crouse-Hinds, & B, and listed conduit (1)Conduit. Galvanized electrical steel tubing. (2)Fittings. Compression type, malleable iron either cadmiu m platedor·hot dipped galvanized. (3)Listing. UL 797. (4)Acceptable Conduit Manufacturers.Southwire, Triangle, Youngstown. (5)Acceptable FittingsMidwest, OZ/Gedney, Raco,manufacturers. Manufacturers. Steel City, T Allied, ETP, Republic, Appleton, Crouse-Hinds, & B, and listed conduit 16110-2 f I I ; !I I \ I I I I Il.( 'I l l l 2.1 Continued d.Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit. e. (1)Conduit. Schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC). (2)Fittings. Solvent weld socket type. (3)Listing. UL 6. (4)Acceptable Conduit and Fittings Manufacturers. Amoco, Carlon. Flexible Metal Conduit. (1)Conduit. steel strip. Spiral-wound, square-locked, hot-dipped galvanized (2)Fittings. Two-screw, double-clamp malleable iron, either cadmiumplated or hot-dipped galvanized. (3)Listing. UL 1 for conduit and UL 467 for fittings. (4)Acceptable Conduit Manufacturers. International, Triangle. (S)Acceptable Fittings Manufacturers.Appleton, Crouse-Hinds, Midwest, OZ/Gedney, Raco, Steel City, and T & B. f.Liquid-tight Flexible Metal Conduit. (1)Conduit.Spiral-wound, square-li�ked, hot-dipped galvanized steel strip plus a bonded outer jacket of PVC. (2)Fittings.Compression type, malleable iron, with insulated throat, either cadmium plated or hot-dipped galvanized. (3)Listing. UL 3 for conduit and UL 467 for fittings. (4)Acceptable Conduit Manufacturers.Anaconda, Electi-Flex, International. (5)Acceptable Fittings Manufacturers.Appleton, Crouse-Hinds, Midwest, OZ/Gedney, Raco, Steel City and T & B. 2.2 WIREWAYS a.Material. Not less than 16-gage sheet steel. b.Dimensions.Cross section dimensions not less than 4 inches by 4 inches. coat.Not less than two coats of enamel over a rust-inhibiting 16110-3 I I , I I i I I 11 I I I l 11 I 11 l! I l { 2.2 Continued d.Type. (1)Indoors. NEMA 1. (2)Outdorrs. NEMA 3R. e.Listing. UL .870. f.Acceptable Manufacturers.Square D.Circle AW, General Electric, Hoffman, 3.0. EXE CUTION 3.1 CONDUIT AND FITTINGS a.Minimum Trade Size. 3/4-inch, except that 3/8-inch flexible metalconduit may be used in lengths not exceeding 72 inches for tap conductorssupplying lighting fixtures. b.Types According to Use. Use rigid steel conduit (RSC) throughout theproject except as specified below. (1)Use EMT in interior walls or ceiling spaces and where exposedwhen installed more than 4 feet 6 inches above finished floor in openwork areas, mechanical rooms or electrical rooms. (2)IMC may be used in lieu of EMT. (3)Use RSC or rigid nonmetallic conduit encased in concrete withminimum 3-inch-thick walls, where installed below grade. Concreteencasement may be omitted when conduit is installed below floor slabs. (4)Connect all electrical equipment subject to vibration or movementwith liquid-tight flexible metal conduit, 24 inches minimum length.Where the equipment, other than motors, is located in anair-conditioned space, flexible metal conduit may be used. (S)Transitions. (a)Continue the heavier, more protective type conduitapplication not less than 4 inches into the area where lighter,less protective type conduit is permitted. (b)For below-grade toconcrete encasement around and slope top away fromAfter concrete has set,silicone rubber compound. above-grade outdoor locations, extend conduit 4 inches above finished grade conduit with a 6-inch-per-foot slope. calk the concrete condui� joint with a (c)For below-grade to above-grade locations using PVC to metalconduit, make the transition from PVC to metal conduit beforeturning up•with the elbow. 16110-4 r ! I I r i 11 11 I \ I I li lI l l I, l l I 3.1 Continued c. Preparation. Place sleeves in the forms of walls and floor slabs forthe free passage of conduits. Set sleeves in place a sufficient timeahead of concrete placement so as not to delay the work. Apply calkingfor sleeves through floors and through exterior walls. Be sure that plugsor caps are installed before concrete placement begins. d.Installation Requirements. (1)Metallic conduits must be continuous between enclosures such asoutlet, junction and pull boxes, panels, cabinets, motor controlcenters, etc. The conduit must enter and be secured to enclosures so that each system is electrically continuous throughout. Where knockouts are used, provide double locknuts, one on each side. At conduit terminations, provide insulated bushings for conductor protection. Where conduits terminate in equipment having a ground bus, such as in switchgear, motor control centers and panelboards, provide conduit with an insulated grounding bushing and extend a suitable grounding wire to the ground bus. (2)Have rigid nonmetallic conduit adequately solvent welded atjoints to form a tight, waterproof connection. (3)Run concealed conduit as directly and with the largest radiusbends as possible. Run exposed conduit parallel or at right angles tobuilding or other construction lines in a neat and orderly manner.Conceal conduit in finishing areas. Unless otherwise shown, remainingconduit may be exposed. Provide chrome-plated floor and ceilingplates around conduits exposed to view and passing through walls,floors, partitions, or ceilings in finished areas. Select properlysized plates to fit the conduit when securely locked in place. e.Installation Methods. (1)Install each entire conduit system complete before pulling in anyconductors. Clean the interior of every run of conduit before pullingin conductors to guard against obstructions and omissions. (2)Cut all joints square, then thread and ream smooth. Coat cuts,threads or scratches on steel conduit with an approved zinc chromateor with a 90 percent zinc paint. When dry, draw up tight. (3)Make bends with standard ells or conduit bent in accordance withthe NEC. Make field bends using equipment designed for the particular conduit material and size involved. Bends must be free from dents or flattening. Use no more than the equivalent of four 90-degree bends in any run between terminals and cabinets, or between outlets and junction boxes or pull boxes. (4)Conduit bodies may be used in lieu of conduit ells where ease ofinstallation and appearance warrants their use. Conduit bodies largerthan 1 inch may be used only where approved. 16110-5 I l f l I l 11 . I ! l! I l I I 3.1 3.2 Continued (S)Securely fasten and support exposed conduit to metal framingusing hot-dipped galvanized, malleable iron pipe straps or otherapproved means. Galvanized tie wires may be used for securingconduits, less than 1-1/2 inches, to the top of the bottom chord ofbar joists. Do not use tie wires to secure any conduit from bottom ofbar joists. Branch circuit raceways which are 1 inch or smaller maybe attached to ceiling support hangers or wall studs by use ofmanufactured clips. (6) is not similar or tags Provide a No. 30 nylon pulling line in conduits in which wiring installed under this work, such as telephone, signal, and systems. Identify both ends of the line by means of labales reading "Pulling Line". (7)Suitably cap conduit during construction to avoid water, dirt andtrash entrance. (8)Use expansion-deflection fittings on conduit crossing structuralexpansion joints and on exposed conduit runs where necessary. Providebonding jumpers across fittings in metal raceway systems. (9)With a coupling, terminate concealed conduit for future use atstructural surfaces. Install a pipe plug flush with the surface. (10)Openings around electrical penetr'ations of fire-resistance ratedwalls, partitions, floors or ceilings shall maintain the fireresistance rating using approved methods. See NEC 300-21. WIREWAYS Install wireways, where shown, according to NEC Article 362. Field apply paint coating over cuts or scratches before any other a 90 percent zinc finish is applied. - - 0 0 0 - - 16110-6 !l 'I I I ! I I 1.0 GENER AL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED Section 16020 ELECTRICAL UTILITIES This section specifies the furnishing and installation of necessary materials and making arrangements for the connection of electrical utilities for the project. The required utilities are electrical andtelephone services. j \ 1.2 REFERENCE STAN DARDS Comply with all service installation standards of the serving utility / ! companies. I ! lI l \ { i I i l l l I l I I I I LI I 1.3 APPLICABLE PROVISIONS Refer to Section 16010 -Electrical General Provisions. 2.0 PRODUC TS 2.1 ELECTRICAL SERVICE a. Source. ElectricalLighting & Power system. phase, 3 wire, 60 hertz. underground conduit. service will be provided from The HoustonThe source characteristics are 240 volts, 1 Service to the project will be run via b. Coordination. The location of the service entrance must becoordinated with the utility. Provide materials and equipment required toconnect the project service to the utility system. c. Outages. Schedule power outages to avoid interference with theOwner's activities. Obtain approval from Owner at least 30 days prior tothe requested outage. If required by the Owner, provide a scheduleshowing sequence and duration of all activities during the requestedoutage. 2.2 TELEPHONE SERVICE a.Source. Service will be provided from the local telephone system.Service to the project will be via underground cable. b.Coordination.The location of the service entrance must be coordinated with the telephone company. Provide materials and equipmentrequired to enable the telephone company to connect service to theproject. c. Location. Secure approval from the Owner for the final locations oftelephone outlets, especially those located in floor slabs. 16020-1 11 I I I l I l I ! l ; I l l 1 1 \ I I l l i l_I I l I : I 2.2 Continued d.Materials. (1)In interior spaces use EMT for telephone service. If service isin floor slab use galvanized rigid steel conduit. Use 3/4-inchminimum conduit and install a pulling line in each raceway. Installraceways in accordance with Section 16110 -Raceways. (2)Provide boxes in accordance with Section 16030 -Boxes. (3)Provide a device plate for each box in accordance with Section16140 -Wiring Devices. (4) Provide 3/4-inch-thick exterior Grade A-A plywood telephonebackboards as sized on the drawings. Paint the backboard with oneprime coat and one finish coat in pearl gray. Securely fasten thebackboard to the wall. 3.0 EXECUTION Install the utility services as specified and as shown so that tht systems are complete. Demonstrate that the electrical system is operational. - - 0 0 0 - - 16020-2 I ! I 11 I I ! ! I l� 'I I I ; I I { j \ I ( l l l l l! I J l� l 1.0 GENER AL 1.1 SCOPE Section 16030 GROUNDING This section specifies the furnishing and installation of grounding and bonding equipment for electrical systems. 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS a.ANSI/IEEE Std 142 -Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrialand Commercial Power Systems. b.ANSI/UL 467 - Safety Standard for Grounding and Bonding Equipment. 1.3 APPLICABLE PROVISIONS Refer to Section 16010 -Electrical General Provisions. 2.0 PRODUCTS 2.1 GROUND RODS a.Material.Provide a 3/4-inch by 10-foot long, copper-clad, steel grounding electrodes. Supply a rod to which the copper cladding is permanently and inseparably bonded to a high strength steel core. b.Listing. UL 467. c.Acceptable Manufacturers.Blackhawk Industries, Burntly, Copperweld Corporation, ITT Blackburn, Ilsco, Joslyn, OZ/Gedney, Square D, T & B. 2.2 CONNECTIONS a.Type.exothermicclamps ofbetween the Unless otherwise noted, for below grade connections provide welded type. For above grade conections provide bonds and a nonferrous material which will not cause electrolytic action conductor and the connector. b.Listing. UL 467. c.Acceptable Manufacturers. (1)Below grade: Cadweld, Thermoweld. (2)Above grade: Blackhawk Industries, Burntly, CopperweldCorporation, ITT Blackburn, Ilsco, Joslyn, OZ/Gedney, Square D, T & B. 16030-1 f ! 11 I I ! 2.3 WIRING Provide bare conductors for bonding jumpers. Provide 600-volt insulatedconductors having a green-colored insulation for groundi ng electrode and equipment grounding conductors. Use solid conductors for No. 12 and No. 10 wirel; stranded for No. 8 and larger. 3.0 EXE CUTION 3.1 SYSTEM GROUND a.System Neutral. Where a system neutral is used, ground the systemneutral conductor as required by NEC Article 250. Ground the systemneutral only at the point of service and isolate it from ground at allother points in the system. b. Separatelysystems such 250-26. Derived Systems. Ground neutrals of separately derivedas generators, transformers, etc., in accordance with NEC c. Size. Size the system grounding conductors to comply with NEC Table250-94, unless shown larger. I l 3.2 EQUIPMENT GROUND !; I lI lJ lI } l t l I l l I I a.Raceway Systems and Equipment Enclosures. (1)Ground cabinets, junction boxes, outlet boxes, motors,controllers, raceways, fittings, switchgear, transformer enclosures, other equipment and metallic enclosures. Ground equipment and enclosures to the continuous-grounded, metallic racewaysystem in addition to any other specific grounding shown. (2) Provide bonding jumpers and ground wire throughout to ensureelectrical continuity of the grounding system. (3) Provide grounding-type insulated bushingsterminating in equipment enclosures containing connect the bushing to the ground bus. for metal conduitsa ground bus and (4) Provide a green insulated equipment grounding conductor for eachfeeder, power branch circuit, receptacle branch circuit and lightingbranch circuit supplying fixtures installed less than 8 feet abovefinished floor or grade. (5) Provide bonding jumper and bonding bushing on each metallicconduit entering or leaving the enclosure of the service equipment. b. Size. When grounding and bonding conductors are not sized ondrawings, size the grounding conductors in accordance with NEC Table250-95. Size bonding jumper so that minimum cross-sect ional area isgreater than or equal to that of the equivalent grounding conductor asdetermined from NEC Table 250-95. - - 0 0 0 - - 16030-2 ! I r I [ l 11 I : f I I l l I I I I l I I 1.0 GENER AL 1.1 SCOPE Section 16120 INSULATED CONDUCTORS This section specifies the furnishing and installation of insulated conductors. 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS a.AEIC No. 6 -Specifications for Ethylene-propylene-rubber-insulatedPower Cables 5,000 to 35,000 Volts. b.ANSI/UL 83 -Thermoplastic-insulated Wires. c.IEEE No. 48 -Test Procedures and Requirements for High Voltage ACCable Termination. d.ICEA S-61-402 (NEMA WC S) -Thermoplastic-insulated Wire and Cable forthe Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy. e.ICEA S-68-516 (NEMA WC 8) -Ethylene-propylene-rubber-insulated Wireand Cable for the Transmission ans Distribution of Electrical Energy. f.UL 1072 -Medium-Voltage Solid-Dielectric Cables. g.UL 1277 -Type TC Power and Control Tray Cables. 1.3 APPLICABLE PROVISIONS Refer to Section 16010 -Electrical General Provisions. 2.0 PRODUCTS 2.1 IDENTIFICATION Provide new insulated conductors marked according to NEC Article 310. 2.2 600-VOLT INSULATED CONDUCTORS a.Size. As shown. b.Construction. (1)Conductor. Soft-drawn, annealed copper. (2)Insulation.Unless otherwise noted on the drawings, use TRW or THWN for general wiring. For grounding conductors, TW is acceptable. 16120-1 11 l� 11 I l 1· 2.2 Continued 12 and 10 solid field-installed c. Use. For general wiring use No. 12 minimum, with No. conductors, and No. 8 and larger stranded conductors. For control wiring use No. 14 or larger stranded conductors. (Type TC) provide a multiconductor cable consisting conductors as described in the preceding paragraph with an sheath. Use a nonmetallic sheath that is moisture, sunkight resistant and flame retardant, specifically approved for this d.Listing. (1)Single Conductor. UL 83. e.Acceptable Manufacturers. For tray cable of insulated overall outer abd corrosion purpose. (1)Single Conductor. Anaconda, Brand-Rex, Cerro, Coleman, Collyer,Cyprus, Essex, General, General Electric, Hatfield, ITT-Royal,Okonite, Paranite, Phelps Dodge, Triangle PWC. 3.0 EX ECUTION 3.1 INSTAL LATION a.Protection. Unless otherwise indicated, mechanically protectconductors for systems by installing in raceways. Do not install theconductors until raceway system is complete and properly cleaned. Use anapproved wire-pulling compound when pulling large conductors. Do not bendany conductor either permanently or temporarily during installation toradii less than four times the outer diameter of 600-volt insulated conductors, nor less than twelve times the outer diameter of the completed5 kv or 15 kv cable. Do not exceed manufacturer's recommended values formaximum pulling tension. b.Splices and Terminations.Use pressure-type lugs or connectors for terminations or splices of all stranded conductors. Use ring-tongue type terminators on all control wiring. c. Appearance. Neatly and securely bundle or cable all conductors in an enclosure using nylon straps with a locking hub or head on one end and a taper on the other. 3.2 600-VOLT INSULATED CONDUCTORS a. Size. Install conductor sizes as indicated. Provide No. 10 conductor for single-phase, 20-ampere circuits for which the distance from panelboard to the first outlet is more than 100 feet. b.Home Runs.Except where specifically indicated, provide branch circuit home runs with not more than two different line conductors and a common neutral in a single raceway for 3-wire, single-phase systems, nor more than three different line conductors and a common neutral in a single raceway for 4-wire, 3-phase systems. Use home run circuit numbers as indicated for panelboard connections. 16120-2 I I I I I 1 I l I I I t I I l I L l l 11 I 3.2 Continued c.Color Code.Use factory-colored insulated conductors fro No. 10 and smaller conductors and color code larger insulated conductors with an approved field applied tape. Use different colors for control wiring. Follow the color schemes below. Line 240/120 A or Ll Black B or L2 Red C or L3 Neutral White Ground Green Switch Leg Pink - - 0 0 0 - - 16120-3 1.0 GENER AL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED Section 16140 WIRING DEVICES I This section specifies the furnishing and inst allation of wiring devicesand device plates. I I 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS a.ANSI/UL 20 -General-Use Snap Switches. b.ANSI/UL498 -Electrical Attachment Plugs and Receptacles. c.NEMA WD 1 -General-Purpose Wiring Devices. 1.3 APPLICABLE PROVISIONS j J Refer to Section 16010 -Electrical General Provisions. 2.0 PRODUCTS 2 .1 WALL SWITCHES a.Type. Quiet type, back and side wired switches as shown. b.Rating. 20 amperes, 120/277 volts. c.Listing. UL 20 and Federal Specification W-S-896. 11 11 I l 11 I I d. Acceptable Manufacturers. The following designations are for brown I 11 11 11 I l devices; provide devices in the color specified in paragraph 2.4. Arrow General Pass & Hart Bryant Electric Hubbell Leviton Seymour Sierra s 1991 4901 GE 5951-1 1221 1221 20AC1 5721 X S2 1992 4902 GE 5952-1 1222 1222 20AC2 5722 X S3 1993 4903 GE 5953-1 1223 1223 20AC3 5723 X S4 1994 4904 GE 5954-1 1224 1224 20AC4 5724 X SD(l) 4029 2968 SD-1 2166 1200 SD(2) 4030 2969 SD-2 2167 1201SK(3) L L OL L L L (4) (1)Contacts closed when door is open. (2)Contacts closed when door is closed. (3)Add the indicated suffix to the above designations. ( 4)Change the third digit from 2 to 7.16140-1 I I 1 11 1 l 11 I l 11 I i 11 ij I I i 11 I ! 11 ll 11 I 2.2 RECEPTACLES a.Type. Back and side wired receptacles, as shown. b.Rating. Scheduled on drawings. c.Listing. UL 498 and Federal Specification W-C-596. d.Acceptable Manufacturers.The following designations are for brown devices; provide devices in the color specified in paragraph 2.4. NEMA Config. 5-15R6-15R5-20R6-20R14-20R15-20R5-30R6-30R14-30R15-30R5-50R6-50R14-50R15-50RCLOCK Arrow General Hart Bryant Electric Hubbell 5252-S 5661 5362 5861 5759 5781 5716 5700 5744 8430 5711 5709 5754 8450 452 5252 5661 5362 5461 GE 5252-1 GE 4069-1 GE 4101-1 GE 4182-1 GE 1420 GE 1520 9530-FR GE 4138-3 9630-FR GE 4139-3 9430-FR GE 4191-3 8430-FR GE 1530 9550-FR GE 4140-3 9650-FR GE 4141-3 9450-FR GE 4181-3 8450-FR GE 1550 2828-GS GE 4224-5 5252 5661 5362 5461 8410 8420 9308 9330 9430 8430 9360 9367 9450 8450 5235 2.3 DEVICE PLATES Pass & Leviton Seymour Sierra 5252 5661 5362 5461 5371 5372 278 5373 5374 279 5252 5661 5362 5871 5331 5831 5920 5930 5744 5740 5940 5950 5754 5750 1544SS 1404 X 1201 X 1460 X 1280 X 2531 2532 2535 2551 2552 2555 2123 a.Finished Spaces.Use 302 stainless steel (18 percent chromium, 8 percent nickel) (93000 series of the device manufacturers listed above). b.Exposed Boxes in Drycadmium-plated sheet steel.boxes. Interior Spaces. Make plates of heavy Edges of plate must be flush with edges of c.Other Areas. Use weatherproof device plates. Provide cast aluminumplates with gasketed spring door covers for protection of device. UseHubbell 7420 for switches and either 5205 or 5206 for duplex receptacles. 2.4 DEVICE COLOR Supply regular service items in ivory. 3.0 EXE CUTION 3.1 DEVICE COORDINATION Where items of equipment· are provided under other sections of this specification or by the Owner, provide a compatible receptacle for the cap or plug and cord of the equipment. 16140-2 I ! I l I l I : 11 11 I � I I I : 11 I \ 11 I I I 3.2 WALL SWITCHES a. Location. Set wall switches in a suitable outlet box centered at the height of 54 inches from the floor, except as otherwise shown. Install switch on the strike side of the door as finally hung. b.Position. Install wall switches in a uniform position so the samedirection of operation will open and close the circuits throughout thejob, generally up or to the left for the ON position. 3.3· RECEPTACLES Mount receptacles vertically in a suitable steel outlet box centered at the height of 12 inches from the floor or as shown on the drawings. The Engineer reserves the right to make any reasonable changes in receptacle locations without change in the contract sum. 3.4 DEVICE PLATES a.Type.Provide device plates for each outlet box of the type required for service and device involved. b.Ganged Devices.device plate.Mount ganged devices under a single, one-piece, c.Engraving.Engrave plates with 1/8 inch-high black letters, if designated for. engraving. d.Telephones.Provide wall plates for telephone outlets with a nominal 5/8-inch bushed opening in the center. - - 0 0 0 - - 16140-3 I l 11 I I \ 11 I I 1 : I I I : 11 I l II I I 11 I Section 16160 FUSES -600 VOLT AND BELOW 1.0 GENER AL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED This section specifies the furnishing and installation of low voltage fuses rated 600 volts and below, 6000 amperes and below. 1.1 REFERENCE STANDARDS a.ANSI/ANSI C97.1 -Standard for Low Voltage Cartridge Fuses 600 Voltsand Less. b.ANSI/UL 198.2 -High-Interrupting-Capacity Current-Limiting Fuses. c.NEMA FU 1 -Low Voltage Cartridge Fuses d.UL 198.3 -High-Interrupting-Capacity Class K Fuses. e.UL 198.4 -Class R Fuses. 1.3 APPLICABLE PROVISIONS Refer to Section 16010 -Electrical General PRovisions. 2.0 PRODUCTS 2.1 VOLTAGE Provide fuses with a voltage rating suitable for the normal voltage of the system in which they are to be applied. 2.2 TYPES a.Time Delay Fuses.Unless otherwise indicated, provide UL Class RK-5 time delay, current limiting fuses having 200,000 rms symmetrical amperes interrupting rating. Use on all 600-ampere or smaller curcuits supplying individual motors and transformers, and where otherwise indicated. b. Non-Time Delay Fuses. Fuses indicated by "K-1" on the drawings are ULClass· RK-1 non-time delay having 200,000 rms symmetrical amperesinterrupting rating. Use on all 600-ampere or smaller circuits supplying branch circuit panelboards, resistance heating and where other wise indicated. c.Class L Fuses. Fuses rated 601-6000 amperes are UL Class with 200,000rms symmetrical amperes interrupted rating. 2.3 MANUFACTURER Low voltage fuses must be products of a single manufacturer. 16160-1 2.4 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS Acceptable manufacturers are Bussman, Economy and Gould (Shawmut). 3.0 EXE CUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION I I a.Instructions. Follow the manufacturer's installation instructions. 11 I \ 11 11 11 I I !I I I I I 11 [I 11 l l l b.Fuse Clips.installing fuses. Check fasteners on fuse clips for tightness when c.Labels.Install fuses so label is in an upright, readable position. Fuses without labels are not acceptable. 3.2 SPARE FUSES As spares, provide the greater amount of either three fuses or·lO percent of each size and type installed. Deliver the spare fuses to the Owner at the time of final acceptance of the project. Neatly encase the spare fuses in suitable containers or cabinets. - - 0 0 0 - - 16160-2 I : 1 ! 11 I 1 1 I :I 'I : I l 11 I l 1 j I 3.3 ANCHOR BOLTS Use 1/2-inch diameter by 3 inches long expansion bolts to attach framing to concrete. Space bolts a maximum of 24 inches on center, with not less than two bolts per piece of framing. 3·. 4 TOUCH-UP Touch up all scratches or cuts on steel components with an approved zinc chromate or a 90 percent zinc paint. - - 0 0 0 - - 16170-2 f I l 1.0 GENER AL Section 16170 METAL FRAMING I 1 1.1 WORK INCLUDED I I I I I !l l 11 I l 11 I l l I This section specifies the furnishing and installation of metal framing, including channels, fittings, clamps, hardware, electrical accessories and brackets. 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS NEMA ML 1 -Metal Framing. 1.3 APPLICABLE PROVISIONS Refer to Section 16010 -Electrical General Provisions. 2.0 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS Make channels, sheet steel or carbon steel. fittings, clamps, electrical accessories and brackets of of malleable cast iron. Fabricate threaded fasteners of 2.2 COATINGS a.Galvanizing. Hot-dip galvanize al� steel components. b.Elec troplating. Electroplate threaded steel fasteners with cadmium. 2.3 SIZES Provide ch annels fabricated from not less than 12-gage sheet steel, 1-5/8 inches wide and not less than 1-5/8 inches deep. 2.4 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS B-Line Systems, Inc.; Eleen Products Company; Electrical Products Division, Midland Ross Corporation; Metal Products Division, U.S. Gypsum Company; Power Strut; Unistrut. 3.0 EX ECUTION 3.1 APPLICATION Use hot-dipped galvanized steel components in all areas. 3.2 SUPPORTS Provide metal framing to support large or heavy wall-mounted equipment, wall-mounted raceways and ceiling-hung raceways. 16170-1 I I I I I ! I i 'I 1.0 GENER AL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED Section 16445 PANELBOARDS -DISTRIBU TION AND BR ANCH CIRCUIT This section specifies the furnishing and installation of distribution and branch circuit panelboards. 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS a.UL 50 -Cabinets and Boxes. b.UL 67 -Electric Panelboards. c.NEMA AB 1 -Molded Case Circuit Breakers. d.NEMA AB 2 -Procedures for Verifying the Performance of Molded CaseCircuit Breakers. e.NEMA FU 1 -Low Voltage Cartridge Fuses. f.NEMA KS 1 -Enclosed Switches. g.NEMA PB 1 -Panelboards. 1.3 APPLICABLE PROVISIONS Refer to Section 16010 -Electrical General Provisions. I ; 2.0 P R O D U C T S 2 .1 ENCLOSURE 11 L 11 I I l l I. l L a.Cabinet. Construct cabinets in accordance with UL 50. Use not lessthan 16-gage galvanized sheet steel. Provide a minimum 4-inch gutterwiring space on each side. Reinforce cabinets and securely support busbars and overcurrent devices to prevent vibration and breakage inhandling. Provide standard conduit knockouts in ends of cabinets. Finishcabinets of surface-mounted panelboards to match doors and trim asspecified below. b.Doors and Trim. Fabricate doors and trim of cold-rolled sheet steel.Equip doors with flush-type combination catch and key lock. Key all locksalike. Fasten trim for flush-mounted panelboards to cabinets by anapproved means which permits both horizontal and vertical adjustment.Trim for surface-mounted panelboards must fit the cabinet with nooverhang. Apply a finish to trim and doors consisting of two coats ofenamel over a rust-inhibiting prime coat. 16445-1 I 11 2. 2 BUS I ! 11 I i I !I l I ) I l I ! l l I l l l u I j Fabricate bus of electrical grade aluminum with rounded edges. Size barsas indicated and brace them to wothstand symmetrical short circuit current as indicated on drawings. Install buses in allotted spaces so that devices can be added without additional machining, drilling or tapping.Use buses with silver-plated contact surfaces. Mount neutral bars, whenprovided, on the end opposite end of the main lugs. Include a ground busin panelboard rated not less than 25 percent of the main bus ampacity. 2.3 PROTECTIVE DEVICES a.Circuit Breakers. Provide circuit breakers for the specified servicewith the number of poles and ampere ratings indicated. (1) Provide breakers which are quick-make and quick-break on bothmanual and automatic operation. Use a trip-free breaker which is tripindicating. Incorporate inverse time characteristic by magnetic trip. Where indicated, provide ground fault breakers (GFCB). (2)For 2-pole and 3-pole breakers, use the common-trip type so thatan overload or fault on one pole will trip all pole simultaneously.Handle ties are not acceptable. (3)Unless otherwise indicated, provide circuit breakers with thefollowing interrupted ratings. a. 10,000 rms symmetrical amperes at rated voltage for breakersrated 120/240 volts, single pole, or 240 volts, multipole. b. 14,000 rms symmetrical amperes at rated voltage for breakersrated 277 volts, single pole, or 480 volts, multipole. (4)Connect breakers to the main bus by means of a solidly boltedconnection. Use breakers which are interchangeable, capable of beingoperated in any position within the panel. Independently mountbreakers so that a single unit can be removed from the front of thepanel without disturbing or removing main bus, other units or otherbranch circuit connections. 2.4 CIRCUIT IDENTIFICATION For each panelboard, provide a directory frame mounted inside the door with a heat-resistant transparent face and a directory card for iden tifying the load served. Type directory as specified in Section 16010, paragraph 3.3d. 2.5 LISTING UL 67 -Electric Panelboards. 2.6 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS Acceptable manufacturers are General Electric, !TE, Powell, Square D,Westinghouse. 16445-2 . I ; l I J I J 1 i I l I ! I r I I I f 11 I l 1 l I 3.0 EXECUT ION 3.1 INSTALLATION Install panelboards in the locati ons as shown and as recommended in NEMA PBl.1. 3.2 MOUNTING HEIGHT Install the panelboards such that the center of the switch or circuit breaker in the highest position will not be more than 6-1/2 feet above the floor or working platform. - - 0 0 0 - - 16445-3 I I I i f I 11 I l I ; J I lI l l J I I I l I J I L. l Section 16470 ENCLOSED SAFETY SWITCHES 1.0 GENER AL 1.1 SCOPE This section specifies the furnishing and installation of enclosed safety switches. 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS a.ANSI/UL 98 -Safety Standard for Enclosed Switches. b.NEMA KS 1 -Enclosed Switches. 1.3 APPLICABLE PROVISIONS Refer to Section 16010 -Electrical General Provisions. 2.0 PRODUCTS 2.1 CHARACTERISTICS a. Voltage. Provide switches with a voltage rating of 240 volts or 600 volts a-c, as required for the installed system voltage. b.Type.Provide switches conforming to NEMA KS 1 standard for Type HD (heavy duty). c.Contacts. Provide switches with quick-make, quick-break contacts. d.Poles.switches.Unless otherwise shown, provide 3-pole, visible blade 2.2 CONSTRUCTION a.Enclosure.Provide NEMA 1 switch enclosures for indoor dry locations and NEMA 3R for outdoors unless otherwise shown. b.Operating Handle. Provide a handle suitable for padlocking in the OFFposition with as many as three padlocks of 5/16-inch diameter shank. Usea defeatable, front accessible, coin-proof door interlock to preventopening the door when the switch is in the ON position and to preventturning the switch ON when the door is open. c.Terminal Shield.PRovide incoming line terminals with an insulated shield do that no live parts are exposed when the door is open. d.Neutral. Provide each switch with an isolated, fully rated neutral block. Make provisions for bonding the block to the enclosure. 16470-1 J I f I 1 i j 11 I ! 11 J I I I I l! 2.2 Continued e.Fuse Holders. Where fusible switches are shown, provide switches withrejection-type fuse holders which are suitable for use with fusesspecified under Section 16160 -600 Volt and Below. f.Nameplates. Provide metal nameplates, front cover mounted, thatcontain a record of the switch type, catalog number and horsepower rating(with both standard and time delay fuses). 2.3 LISTING UL 98 -Safety Standard for Enclosed Switches. 2.4 ACCEPTAB LE MANUFACTURERS Acceptable manufacturers are General Westinghouse. 3.0 EXE CUTION Electric, ITE, Square D, Install switches where indicated on drawings. In general, mount so that operating handle is approximately 60 inches above finished floor. Where grouped, aline tops of switches. - - 0 0 0 - - 16470-2 l I ir I 2.3 BALLASTS a. General. them. Provide lighting fixture ballasts for fixtures that require b. Fluorescent. Provide Class P ballasts with high power factor andClass A sound rating. Use ballasts tested or approved by ElectricalTesting Laboratories and Certified Ballast Manufacturers. c. Mercury and Metal Halide� Provide constant wattage ballasts with highJ power factor. I : J I f '. 1 ! I l I 11 i J i ! d. High-Pressure Sodium. power factor. Ballasts tamperature of 55 C. Provide must be constant wattage ballasts with highsuitable for operation in ambient e.Listings. f. 2.4 (1)Fluorescent. UL 935. (2)High-Intensity-Discharge. UL 1029. Acceptable Manufacturers. (1)Fluorescent. (a)Rapid Start. Advance Kool Koil Mark III, Universal SLH. (b) Trigger Start. Advance, General Electric, Jefferson,Universal. (c)Slimline. Advance, General Electric, Jefferson, Universal. (2) Mercury and Metal Halide. Advance, General Electric, Jefferson,Sola, and the listed fixture manufacturer. (3) High-Pressure Sodium. Advance, General Electric, Jefferson,Sola, and the listed fixture manufacturers. LENS Lenses for fluorescent fixtures shall have a minimum thickness of 0.125 inch. 3.0 E. XE CU T ION 3.1 COORDINATION Verify that the lighting fixtures are compatible with the specified ceiling systems as indicated on the architectural drawings •. Advise the Engineer of any discrepancies before placing the lighting fixture order. 16510-2