HomeMy WebLinkAbout01.01.1983 Section 13855 - Concrete Formwork-Swimming Pool Constructionr1 [ ri f l 11 1 I f I II I l 11 t I I \ I l !I 'l l 11 1 j l 1 1 SECTI ON 13855 -CONCR ETE FORMWORK PART 1 -GE NERAL 1.1 CONDITIONS OF THE CONTR ACT AND DI VISION 1 -GENER AL REQUIR EMENTS: Are he reby made a part of this section. 1.2 SCOPE: Work includes providing formwork relating to the swimming pool conc rete construction. Section 03100 of the specifications, except as herein modifi ed, applies and is a part of this section. 1.3 2.1 RELAT ED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWH ER E: A.Concrete : Refer to Sections 03000 and 13857. B.Conc rete For mwork: Ref er to Secti on 03300. c.Conc rete Reinfor cing: Refer to Sections 03300 D.Conc rete Finishes:Refer to Section 13859. PART 2 -PRODUCTS MATERIALS: Refer to Section 03300. PART 3 -EXECUTION and 13856. 3.1 FORM CONSTRUCTION: Com ply with Sect ion 03300 except as he rein modifi ed. 3.2 REMOVA L OF FO RMS: A.Forms shall not be removed until such removal is authorized by theEngineer. In general, tp facilitate rubbing, removing of insi de ve rtical for msof poo l wa lls shall be permitted twenty-four (24) hours af ter the conc rete isplaced. Clamps or tie rods may be loosened but through wall ties shall not beremoved for seventy-two (72) hou rs after the concrete is placed to avoidsurface dam age. The pres cribed cu ring process shall be continued as soon asthe initial rubbing is com plete d. Cutting ties back fr om the face of theconcrete will not be per mitt ed, and care shall be exer cis ed to av oid spallingconcrete sur faces. B.The removal of beam and slab so ffit forms shall be subje ct to theapproval of the Engi nee r and shall not be started until the concrete has att ained at least 70% of the specifi ed com pressive str ength. Const r uction li ve loads shall be supported by suit able shoring of beam and slab soffits. SECTION 13855 -CONCRET E FORMWORK PAGE 1 ( _, , ' I" l I I f I I I [ l 11 l l Ii I 11 11 11 I.I ·I' ' SE CTION 13856 - CONCRETE REINFORCING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 CONDITIONS OF THE CONTR ACT here by made a part of this section. AND DIVISION 1 -GENER AL REQUIREMENTS: Are 1.2 .SCOPE: Wor k includes prov iding re infor cing steel relating to swimming pool concrete constr ucti on. Sect ion 0330 0 of these specifi cat ions, except as mod ifi ed herein, appli es and is a part of this section. 1.3 2.1 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE: A.Concrete: Refer to Set ions 03000 and 13857. B.Concrete For mwork: Ref er to Secti onsQ3300 and 13855. c.Concrete Reinfor cing: Refer to Section 03300 . PART 2 -PRODUCTS MATE RIALS: Ref er to Secti on 03300. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 REINFORCEMEN T: Reinf orcem ent in walls and foot ings shall vary as the heights of the wall var y, to resist all tensile stresses for both pool full and pool empty conditi ons . A. Metal reinforcement shall be accurately positioned and securedagainst displacem ent by using annealed iron wi re ties or suitable clips at inte rsec tions. Verti cal reinforcement in all concrete walls shall be spaced its proper distance from the face of forms by means of approval precast mortar or concrete blocks. The size of the surface of the blocks to be placed adjacent to the forms shall not exceed 2-1/2 11 square and the bl ocks shall be accurately cast to the thickness requir ed. A suitable iron tie wire shall be provi ded in ea ch bl ock, such wi re to be used to anchor the bl ock to the steel in order to av oid displace men t. B.Hor izontal reinforcement in slabs, beams, and similar surfaces shallbe accuratel y positioned and, unless otherwise shown or specifi ed, shall be secured against dis placement by using at intersections, annealed ir on wire of not less than No. 18 gauge or approved metal clips. Reinf orcement shall be su pporte d on metal chairs, or by metal spacers. Precast concrete spacers shall be used where concrete is pl aced di rect ly aga inst the earth. SE CTION 13856 -CONCRETE RE INFORCING PAGE 1 ,, l 1 I l 11 11 t I 'I I J I 11 ' i I I lI 11 I l l I I 3.2 CONCRETE PROTECTION: All mai n reinf orcem ent in walls shall be pl aced not le ss th an 2 inches fr om the cente r of the bars to the inside face of the forms . In interi or fl at slab constr ucti on, the minimum cover may be reduced to 3/4 11• The covering of stirrups, spacer rods and similar second ary reinforcement may be reduced by the di ame ter of such rods. A.Metal re inforce ment shall have a minimum cle ar cover of three (3)inche s of concrete in those surfaces of foot ings, slabs, and other pr incipa l members in which the concrete is deposit ed dir ectly against the ground. SECTION 13856 -CONCRETE REINFORCING PAGE 2 r I ' I l 11 f l l l 11 I! I i I I : f ! I I 11 11 11 I J l SE CTION 13857 -CAST-IN-PLACE CON CRET E PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT he reby made a part of this section. AND DIVISION 1 -GENER AL REQUIREMENTS: Are 1.2 SCOPE: Work includes providing cast-in-pl ace concrete relating to th e swimming pool. Section 03000 of these specifi cat ions, except as modified he rein, appli es and is a part of this section. 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE: A.Concrete:Refer to Section 03000. B.Conc rete Formwork: Ref er to Sections 03300 and 13855. c.Concrete Rein forcements: Ref er to Sections 03300 and 13856. PART 2 -PRODUCT S 2 .1 MATERIALS: Comply with Section 03300 except as herein modified or ot herwise specifi ed. 3.1 PLACING OF CONCR ETE: PART 3 -EXECtrl'ION A.Placing -Monolithic Pool St ructures: Construction joints in th epool fl oor and pool wall s will on ly be permitted where indicated on the drawings. The Contractor shall provide mixers of ampl e capacit y if conc rete is mixed at the site; or arrangem ents shall be made for suffici ent trans porti ng vehicl es if ready-mixed concrete is used to insure continuit y of the pou r until the mono lithi c un it is compl et ed. B.Concrete deposited in the pool walls shall be placed in continuoushorizontal layers approximately twelve (12) inche s in thi ckness. The pour shall start in the deep end portion of the wall at the longit udinal cente rl ine of the pool and shall be deposited in layers toward the shall ow end portion of th e wall. Not more than one hou r shall elapse between the pl acing of succe ssive layers of conc rete in any portion of the struct ure incl uded in a continuou s pl acement. C. The Contractor shall keep competent iron workers and car pente rs onthe job dur ing the enti re concrete pour to keep the reinf orcing steel in its pr oper posit ion in th e concrete work and to provide openings in th e forms to drain off water that may accumul ate on the surf ace of the conc rete dur ing compaction. SE CTION 13857 -CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAGE 1 I l f ! I I 11 !I 11 11 11 ( l t, l 1 11 t I 11 I I 3.2 DETA ILS OF CONSTRUC TION: A. Inserts, Anchors, Bolts, Etc.: Befo re any section of concrete is poured, the Contrac tor shall make certai n that all ins erts, anchors, bol ts, etc., are properly and accurately pl aced. He shall al so see th at �he el ectri cal conduits and thim bles and inserts for mechani cal work do not interfere with the proper location of reinforcement and, in no case shall conduits, etc., be placed between the reinforcement and the slab or wall forms. B.No concrete shall be deposit ed until the reinforcement has beeninspected and approval given by the Architect/Engineer. C. Pool Const ruction Joints: The joint formed by pl acing pl astic concrete in di rect contact with the concrete that ha s attai ned its initial set sh all be deem ed a const ruction joint. When concrete is a structure or a porti on of a structure is specifi ed to be pl aced mono lithic, the term monolithic shall be inte rprete d to mean that the manner and sequence of concrete pl aci ng shall be such that cons tructi on joints will not occur . 1.Construction joints shall be of the type and spacin g shown on the pl an s. Additi ona l joints shall not be provi ded without writtenauthorization fr om the Archit ect/Engin eer. Any additional jo ints shall be constructed in acco rdance with detail s shown on the plans for joints in simil ar locatio�s. Unless otherwise provi ded, construction joints shall be square and normal to the forms. Bulkheads shall be provi ded in the forms for all joints except horizontal joints. 2.When th e top surface of a concrete placement terminates at ahorizontal constructi on joint, remove the surface cem ent fi lm and thoroughl y roug hen th e surface as soon as pra cticable aft er the concrete has attained initial set. The surface at bu lkheads shall be roughened as soon as bulkhead fo rms are removed. 3.Before jo ining pl astic concrete to concrete th at has al readyset, the surf ace of the concrete shall be free from all loose ma terial, laitance, dirt or forei gn matter; washed and scrubbed cl ean with stiff br ooms and thoroughly drenched with water until saturat ed, and shall be kept wet until the plasti c co ncrete has been placed. Immediately prior to pl acing additional concrete, all forms shall be drawn tight against the concrete in pl ace, and the surface shall be fl ushed with a co ating of grout mixed in the proportions of one part cem ent to two parts of sand. Secure the wa ter stop in a verti cal po sition when pl acing grout in horizontal joints of fl oor slabs to permit grout to co mpl etely fi ll the keyway. SECTI ON 13857 -CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRET E PAGE 2 r I fl f l !I f l ( : \ l l l i I l:I { ' t I I I t I 11 11 l; I l l D.Pool Expansion Joints: Expansion joints shall be pl ac ed in the poolstructure where shown on the plans and shall be constructed as detailed. A 1/2" groove shall be provided on the inside face of the joint for sealant as specif ied. Provide sealant blo ckout wit h a slightly tapered, oiled wood strip te mpo rarily secured to the edg e of the fi ller strip. After conc rete has been poured on either side of the jo int, remove the wood strip, clean joint groove with compressed air and seal as specifi ed. E.Deck Expansion Joints: . Joints shall be placed in walks wh ereindiated on the plans and also between decks and curbs; between lar ge and small deck areas and between decks and structure. Joints shall be th e full depth of the slab, accurate ly set, neat ly jointed and tight ly bu tted to co mplete ly se parate th e structures as in tended. Joints shall be constructed as detailed. The blo ckout for joint sealant may be provided in the upper portion of the· joint as fo llows: using a straight edge as a guide, make a 7116 11 deep longit udi nal cut in the fi ller strip 1" from the top edge; at intervals, cut com pletely through the filler strip to facilit ate late r removal. When concrete is in place on both si des of the joint, remove the upper portion of fi ller strip and seal the joint as specified. Joint grooves shall be filled flush so as to be slight ly con cave af ter dr ying. 3.3 CURING: A.No s�alers or curing com pound s shall be used on concrete surfaces whi ch are to be painted or covered ·w ith ceramic tile or mosaics. Concrete surfaces that are to receive cerami c tile shall be th oroughly cleaned and scored in preparation for the bedding mortar. The use of membrane cur ing agents shall be limit ed to decks, wa lkway s and oth er surfaces upon approval of Architect/Engi neer . B.Floor Slab Curing: Within six (6) hours after final tr owe ling, oras soon as the concrete has ha rdened sufficient ly, all floor slabs shall be cover ed wit h not less th an th ree (3") inches of clean sand. If prefe rred, the slab may be covered with ten to twelve ounce bur lap cur ing mats, sisal kraft pap er or 6 mil Visqueen. The sheets of covering mate rial must overlap at least three (3") inches and be secured in place and protected with sand or heavy tim bers . 1.The entire pool floor slab shall be kept wet during the curingperiod and shall remai n covered as protection from ch anges of temperature and moist ure, until all phases of construc tio n are complete. The covering shall not be removed until the conc rete is to be cleaned in preparation for painting. SECTION 13857 -CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAGE 3 { l f \ ' · f I I l II i ! I l 11 I i I 11 f I l : 11 \ l l l SECTION 13859 -CONCRET E FINISHES PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 CONDI TIONS OF THE CONTRACT AND DIVISION 1 -GENERALhereby made a part of this sectio n. REQUIREMENTS: Are 1.2 . SCOPE: Work includes finishes for cast-in-place concrete relating to th e swimming pool. Section 03000 of these specifi ca tions, except as modified he rein, applies and is a part of this sec tion. Concrete curing is also specified in 13857. 1.3 RELATED WORK SPE CIFIED ELSEWHERE: A. B. c. Conc rete: Ref er to Section 03300. Concrete Formwork: Refer to Sec tio n 03300 and 13855. Cast-I n-P lace Conc rete: ·Ref er to Section 13857. PART 2 -PRODUCTS Not Applicable. 3.1 PART 3 - EXECUTION RUBBED FINISH FOR POOL SURFACES: A.All expose d conc rete surfaces not oth erwis e specifie d for a finishshall be rubbed smooth with car borundum and water. These sur faces are generally all tops and sides of curbs th at are exposed; the overhanging projection of the pool walk ju st over the scum gutter; inside surf ace of the po ol wa lls ; the scum gutter; and all expose d vertical surfaces of pool mechanical spaces . B.The rupbed surface shall be ac complished by removihg inside wallforms 24 hours af ter placement of conc rete, and immedia tely upon removal of fo rms, repair ing all defects and filli ng form tie hole s. When th e painting has set suffici ent ly, rub the entire required surf ace with carboru ndum sufficient ly to prod uce a cement paste which shall be spread or brushed gra dually over the enti re surf ace. No cem ent or bonding agent shall be us ed to form a surf ace pas te during the rubbing process. The rubbing shall be continued sufficiently to remove all board marks, projections and im per fections and to produce a smooth, dense surface wit hou t pit ts or ir re�ularities. C.Conc rete surf aces shall be kept moist dur ing the rubbing proce ss andwater curing shall continue as ou tlined under Sec tio n 13857. SEC TION 13859 -CONCRETE FINISHES PAGE 1 { f I 11 { \ { I f l \ ! l! 11 1 l! 11 I i \ I (. D.In general, chamfered corners shall not be rub bed in the fir stsurface rubbing. During the process of conditi oning the completed structure fo r final ac ceptance, the surfaces requiring finish shall be cleane d free fr om drip marks and discolorations and shall be given a fi nal fi nish rubbing with car borundum or an abrasive of equal quality. On completion of this rubbing, the surf ace shall be neat ly striped with a brush, and the mortar on the surf ace sh all be allowed to take a reset. The surface shall then be washed down with cl ean water. The en ti re rubbed surf ace shall then be lef t cl ean and neat with .a uniform color, texture and appearanc e. 3.2 ALTERNATE WALL FINISH: A.Surfaces scheduled for a rubbed fi nish may, at the Engineer'soption, be sand blasted and fi nished with Thoro seal. B.Surfaces shall be cured and surface defects patched as called for inSection 13857 of these specifi cati on s. All undesi red fi ns, burrs, and projec tions shall be ground or chi pped off. C.After preliminary surface preparation as described above, all surfaces shall be sandbla sted to remove lai tance and effl ores cense and to expose air pockets or bub bles in the concrete surfa ce. Sandblasting shall �r oduce a surf ace text ure similar to medium grade sandpaper . D.After sa ndbl asting, flush the surface we ll with clean water toremove all traces of cleaning. Apply two brush coat s of Thoro seal using Acryl 60 bonding agent in the mi xing water. Mix and apply coating in st rict accor dance with the manuf ac turer's recommendations. Apply heavy fi rst coat, then apply se cond brush coat after first has set. When finish coat has set, fl oat surf ace to a un if or m texture with a sponge float . Water cu re fi nishe d surface as specified by the coating manu facturer. E.Use whi te co lor finish coat on surf aces specifi ed to be painted. 3.3 FLOOR FIN ISH: A.Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, floor finishes shall bemonolithic; that is , finis hed at time of pouring of slab or to pping. B.Steel Tr owel Finish: Pool floor, pump room slab, and pipe chase areto receive a mono li thi c cement troweled surf ace. These surf aces shall be machine fi nished wit h an approved type of powe r finisher, where the degree of slope permits, and with hand troweling in addition to provi de a fi r st-class fi nish. SECfION 13859 -CONCRETE FINISHES PAGE 2 r ; f I ( ! ( l f I \ ! 11 l r l l 11 11 \ l l ! C.The stee l trowel fi nish shall be produced by tamping the co nc retewith grille tamp (Jitter bug) to force aggregate aw ay from surface; screed with straight edge to proper elevation then float with metal or wood floats. Af ter co ncrete has set sufficient ly to suppor t weight use mechanical floats to finish leve ling. When water sheen has disappeared from surf ace, trowel with steel trowe l to smooth surface free from blemis hes and trowel marks, After final trowe li ng all slabs shall receive a light brush fin ish with a hair broom to break up surface sili cate hardeners and provide a dense non-skid su rface. Fin ish floors shall be level with in 1/8 11 when te sted with a 10 foot straight edge. 3,4 PAT CHING POOL WALLS: Fill form tie ho les, pin holes, air pock ets and ho neycombs with ce ment mortar. Remove ex cess Trom surf ace with a bur lap sack. When pointing has set, proceed wit h rub bing operations as outlined befo re in this sect ion. The use of bonding ag ent s on submer ged poo l surf aces will not be pe rmitted, as th ese agent s aff ect paint bond. 3.5 COPING FINISH: Unle ss otherwise indi cated on the plans, the poo l coping sh all be li ght ly sand blasted and coate d wit h MIRA-COTE. The coating shall be applied in strict accordance with the manuf ac turer's recommendations. Co lor and te xture of the final coat shall be selected br the Owner from sample panels prep a red by the Contr actor. SECTION 13859 -CONCRETE FINISHES PAGE 3 r, fl { I , l I [ 1 , I \ I I l I I \ I t I 11 I l l l SECTION 138 60 -SEALANTS AND CAULKING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 CONDI TIONS OF THE CONTRAC T here by made a part of this sec tion. AND DI VISION 1 -GEN ERAL REQUIREMENTS: Are 1.2 SCOPE: Wor k includes providing requir ed sealants and caulking relating to the swimmi ng pool con str uc tion. PART 2 -PROD UCTS. 2.1 CON STRUCTION AND EXPANSION JOINTS: A.Copper Water Stop: Where shown on th e plans (refer to DetailNo. 8 -SP-6), construction joints shall be sealed with a continuous strip of 6 11 wide copper flashing metal having a minimum weight of 16 ounces per square foot . Over lap joints 6 11 and secure with brad s or so lder . B.PVC Waterstop: 1. Construc tio n Joints: Where shown on th e plans, const ruc tio n joints shall be seal ed with a conti nuous 6 11 wide x 1/4 11 thi ck, flat dumbbell type PV C wate rstop. "Vinylex" No. D6-14, "Greenstreak" Plastic Products, No. 747, or equal. 2.Expansion Join ts: Where shown on th e plans, ex pansio n jointsshall be sealed with a conti nuous 6 11 wide x 13/32" thi ck, ser rated water st op wi th cen ter bulb. "Greenst reak" Plastic Products No. 788 or equal. C.Plastic Water stop: Where shown on the plans, constr uc tion joints. shall be sealed with a preformed plastic co mpound meeting Federal Specifi cations SS -S-00210, Synko-Flex, as manuf ac tured by Synko-Flex Products Co ., Hou ston, Tex as, or equa l. Surface of joints shall be prepared and primed as per manuf acturer's recommendations prior to placem ent. D.Joint Sealing Compound (Pool):· So no last ic Two Part Joint Sealant,or approved equal. Expansion joints shall be filled with a two-component elastomeric polysulfide, lead cure Thio kol sealant meeting Federal Specifi cation TT-S-00227E, Type 2, Class A, or AS TM A-116.1.1 . E.Joint Sealing Compound (D eck): Sonolastic Paving Joint Sealant, orapproved equal. Two-component urethane sealant type with high resiliency and tenacious proper ties. F.Joint Fi ller: Premolded st rips formed from compressed cane fiberand un iformly imp reg na ted with a bitumi nous bi nder. SECTION 13860 -SEALANTS AND CAULKING PAGE 1 r r ' (" i f I \ l 1 l I ( \ . l t 11 I I \ I I . I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL: All pr oducts sh all be applied or installed in a wormansh ip-like manner by skilled cra ftsmen per the manuf acturer's recommenda ti ons. Joints shall be cle aned, primed and properly sized with suitable back ing material before applying joint seal ant . Where it is nece ssary to jo int PVC wa ter stop, sa me shall be gl ued or welded with PVC solvent per manufacture r's instructio ns. SECTION 13860 -SEALANTS-AND CAULKING PAGE 2 I f !t, t r \ I 11 ( \ t \ l ( I l I l.l 1 l I { SECTION 13865 -SWIMMING POOL CERA MIC TILE PAR T 1 -GENER AL 1.1 COND ITIONS OF THE C9NTRACT AND here by made a part of this section. DIVISION -GENERAL REQUIR EMENTS: Are 1.2 SCOPE: Work inc ludes pool ceramic tile gutter lip, tile depth marker s, and tile racing lane tar gets . 1.3 ·SUBMITTALS: Submit samples of each type of tile fo r Engineer's ap proval. Do not or der materials until after app roval. 1.4 DELI VERY AND STORAGE: Deli ver materials in unbroken factory marked contai ner s and s�ore in dry, protected area. Ce ramic tile container s shall bear manufac turer's name, color and patte rn designatio n, grade, seal, and lot number. Master Grade Certificates shall accompany de livery of tile. 2. 1 MATERIALS: PART 2 -PRO DUCTS A.Ti le: No . Q 4260 cap, and 6 x 6 flat , red body glazed exteriorfrost-p roof, Romany 11925 as manufactured by Spart an U. S. Cerami c Tile Co., .or ap proved equal. Plain depth marker tiles 6 x 6 shall be placed at intervals in the tile face, where shown on the plans. B. Tile: (Coping Depth Markers) Standard Grade, unglazed ceramic mosaic s with all proposed edge, 1/4" thick, paper-moun ted, with approximately 1/16" joint s. American Olean Tile: Romany-Spartan, or ap proved equal. Depth mark er s shall be made from standard squares and diagonal halves in wh ite color to contra ct shar ply with the brown surrounding tile border, unless other wise specified. C.Por tland Cement: ASTM C-150, Type I, grey or white, as requir ed. D.S_and:agg regate , free from coarse to latest ed ition. Sand shall consist of cl ean, washed, shar p, du ra ble, uncoated from all de lete rios sub stances. It shall be uniformly graded fi ne in accor dance with ASTM Standard Specification s, C-144, E.Wate rproofing Admixture:Admixt ure shall be Master Builder's "STEAROX" or approved equal. SECTION 13865 -SWIMMING POOL CERA MIC TILE PA GE 1 fi l L \ l I 1 l l l { I l I { i l l 3 • 1 SETTING : PART 3 - EXECUTION A.The tile gutt er shall be very carefully la�d to a perfectly levelline, as it is the weir over whi ch the water flows to carry scum, and ot her mater ial to the filte rs. Suffi cient space shall be provided in the pool wall for a scrat ch ,coat and plumb coat of mortar , if both are necessary-to produce a pe rfec t li ne and grade. Tile joipts shall be of sufficient width to allow for size diff erence and to assure perf ect joint alig nment of verti cal and ho rizo ntal pieces. The depth marker blockouts in coping shall be 1-1/2" deep and sized to fit tile panels. _I mm ediate ly upon removing the wall forms and while th e concrete is st ill fresh and mo ist, the tile blackout shall be thoroughly cl eaned of laitance and deeply scored. The mesh reinforcement shall be cleaned with scraper s or wi re brushes to remove all splatter concrete. The surf ace shall then be dashed with a mixture of one part plaster sand and one part common portland cement . B.After the scratch coat is th oroughly set and water cured, aleveling-up or plumb coat shall be applied. The leve li ng-up coat shall cons ist of one part cement to five parts plaster sa�d with "STEAROX" or approved equal added in accor dance with manuf act urer's di rect ions for water proofing. After the surface has been trued-up as outlined ab ove, the tile shall be pla ced using a bu tter coat consisting of a neat portland cement and "STEAROX" or approved equal. Care shall be exer cised in layout of the tile work to assure alignment of all vertical and hor izontal joints. C.After the butt er coat is thoroughly set , all joints shall bethoroughly cl eaned and grouted. Grout shall consist of one part white port land cement, "STEAROX" in accordance with manufacturer's directions, and one part 30 mesh sand by volume. 3.2 CLEANING AND PROTECTING: Finished tile work shall be cleaned and protected from hot sunlight during the curing peri od. If conditions war rant, it may be necessa ry to place tile at night. Replace damaged or defective tile. SECTION 13865 -SWIMMING POOL CERAMIC TILE PAGE 2 ' f ri f I f l { l l.\ ( ; 11 . , { I 1 I l l SE CTION 13870 -PA INT ING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 CONDITIONS OF THE CONTR ACT here by made a part of this secti on. AND DIVISION 1 -GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Are 1.2 SCOPE: Work includes painting the pool interior and other pool surfaces indi ca ted or specifi ed herein. 1.3 1.4 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEW HERE: A.Ca st-In-Pl ace Concrete: Refe� to Secti on 13857.B.Concrete Finishes: Refer to Section 13859.C.Sealants and Caulking: Ref er to Section 13860.D.Swimming Pool Equipment: Refer to Section 13874. SUBMITTALS: A.Materials List: 1.Before any paint materi als are delivered to the jo bsite, submita co mplete list of manuf act urer's specifi cati ons for all materi�ls proposed to be furnished and appli ed und er this por tion of work. 2.This shall in no way be construed as per mitting sub stitution ofmaterials for those specifi ed or approved for this work by the Owner. B.SAMPLES AND COLORS: 1.Colors, including deep tones, shall be as specified herein oras outlined in the pa int schedule, Plan Sheet Sp-1. finish required shall be appli ed to a by the Engi neer for approval of quality and these appli cations will serve as standard of 2.Each type of representative area selected worlananship. Aft er approval, qua lity for en ti re proj ect . 2. 1 MATE RIALS: A.Pool Coating: PART 2 -PRODUCTS 1.All submerged concrete surfaces of the pool and related struc­tures shall be coated with chl or inated rubber base swimming pool paint equal to Ramuc Type "A" as manu fac tured by the In ertol Di vision of the Koppers Company, Newa rk, NJ, unless otherwise specifi ed. Thi nner , when used for thinning enamel or cleaning brushes shall be the type recommended by the paint ma nufacturer. SE CTION 13870 -PAINTING PAGE 1 J ( I \ } I l { I l ( ; I • I ( I 1 ; l ! 2.Use an app roved non-s kid abrasive in fi nal coating on ju nio rtraining pool fl oor . B.DESCRIPTION: 1.Genera l: A ch lorinate d rubber base coating containin g titaniumdioxide and prime color pi gment s especia lly de signed for conc rete swimming pools and havin� the following properties: 2. 3. Minimum Solids Minimum TIO Minimum Ch lorinated Rubb er Minimum TIO Minimum Ch lorinated Rubber Undercoater -Type "A": Volu me Solids Theoretical Coverage Coverage to Achi eve Min. Dry Film Thickness 48% By Wei ght 25% By Weight 18% By Weight 98% Of Pigment Solids 99% of Vehi cle Solids 28.4% 455 Mil S.F./Gal. 20 0 S.F./Gal. (Allows for a grea ter than 20 % loss factor.) Film Build Ratio: Min. Dry Film Requi red Wet Film Required 1 .O Mils 3 .5 Mils Enamel - T ype II A 11: Volume Solids Theo retical Cove rage Coverage to Achieve Min. Dry Film Thickness 24% 38 5 Mil S.F./Gal. 250 S.F./Gal./Coat (Allows for a grea ter than 20 % loss factor.) Film Build Ratio: Min. Dry Film Required/Coat Wet Film Required/C oat 1 .O Mils 4 .2 Mils C.Other Materials: 1.The interior conc rete surfaces of pool mechanical sp aces sh allbe coated with THOROSEAL (color wh ite) as manuf act ured by Standard Dry Wall Products Company. 2.Ex pose d piping, valves, and fittings shall be pain te d with materials as hereinafter specified. lo.Pool coping and othe� surfaces as outlined under-paint notes on the plans shall be coated with Mirocoat as manufactured by Miraco, Inc., Wexford, Pennsylvania. SECTION 13870 -PAINTING PAGE 2 r l 3. 1 PART 3 -EXEC UTION PR EP ARATION OF CONCR ET E SURFACES: r I A.The condition of the concrete sur face is often a fac tor in the, overall perform ance of the paint coating. Paint will not bond to a contaminate d sur face. Thor ough sur face preparation of new concrete is of the utmost impor tance to insure a good mechanic�l bond be tween the paint and the su rface to which it is applied. ( I \ l l l I l ( ,l I ( I l l L 1 l B.In genera l, sur face preparatio nsandblasting, aci d et ch ing, and washi ng. com plete d prior to blasting and _et ching. in cludes Structural structural repair s, re pair s shoul d be c. Pool Walls: Sa ndblast wall surfaces and apply two coat s of TH OROSEALas des cribed elsewhere i-n the se specifi cations . D.Poo l Floor: Surface prepar ation shall consis t of washin g, acidetching, and washing again. 3.2 PAT CHIN G CONTRACTION CRACKS: A.Small hair li ne cracks shall be cleaned and prime d wit h under coaterof the same type and co lor as the enamel coat. If the prim e coat does no t hi de the crack s, re coat with a mi xture of primer and whit e cement or "QUICKSEAL" mixed to the consis tency of pu tty. Over -fill crack, allow paint to dry, then sand to re move excess. B.Lar ge cracKs shall be sawed with a carborundum blade, cleaned withcompressed air , then backfill ed with a mixture of THORO SEAL and ACRYL 60 as per manufac turer's specifi cations. Leave pat ch slightly higher th an adja cent sur faces . Water cu re for four days , then sand or rub with carborundum to mat chadjacent sur faces. 3.3 SURF ACE CL EANING: A.General: 1.Concrete sur faces to be painte d must be clean and free fromoil, grease, silicone, or wax-t ype releasing agents before they can be et ch ed. Remove oil y or greasy substances with a tri-so dium pho sphate solution (8 oz. per ga llon of water) before et chi ng. New conc rete sur faces may only requir e pr essure hosing with clean water before et ching. 2.Where wall sur faces have been sandblasted and textured with a'rnOROSEAL coating as per manufac turer's recom mendations , acid et chin g is not required. SECTION 13870 -PAINTING PAGE 3 \ f f r i L f; .I l { l l 1 ( I !1 11 \ l 11 I t B.Et ching: 1.Prepare a re presen ta tive sample of etched surface under thedirection of the Engi neer . This sample, when approved, shall serve as a standard for the work. 2.Acid etch floor surfaces with a 15-20% so lution of mu riati c aci d un til an open-f aced granular texture similar to medium grade sandpaper is attained. Et chin g removes "l ait ance" from the surface and cr eates a porosit y for good paint adhesion. 3.Apply acid so lution with a deck brush to about a 12 ft . by 12 ft. area at a time. Allow aci d to remain on the surf ace un til fro thing ceases, then flush the acid and loosened particles away with clean water. Do no t permi t aci d so lu ti on to dr y on the surface. 4.If any por tion of surface remains smooth aft er the fir st acid treatm en t, re-et ch un til a sandpaper texture is obtained. Spot sandblast ing may be requir ed, in addition to acid et ching, to remove surface hard eners and evap orated salts • 5.When et ching is .completed, scrub surfaces with a triso diumphosphate so lu tion, (8 oz. per ga ll on of water). Never use soaptype detergents or so ap ch ips because thes e products may leave a soap fi lm on the surface. Use deck br ush in fi nal scrubbing to remove all traces of aci d. The surf ace should then be hosed off with clean wate r. 6.Let surfaces complete ly dry for four/five days before applyin gpaint coating. 7.Vacuum floor surfaces to remove dust resi due and other foreignsubstances immedi ately bef ore applyin g pr imer coat. 3.4 WEATHER COND ITIONS: A.Comply with the manufac turer's re commendations as to envir onmen talconditions under whi ch the coating sy stem may be appli ed. B.Avoid painting in direct sunli ght on hot days. As a general rule,apply paint after sunset duri ng the summer mon ths and in the afternoon on warm sunn y day s during the spring and fall seasons. C.Avo id pain ting on windy days when dirt or du st may be deposited onthe painted surface befo re the surface becomes tack fr ee. D.Drying time is di rect ly pro portional to temperature, air movement,and re lative humidity. Air te mperature range of 60 to 80 degrees F. is optimum. SECTION 13870 -PAINTING PAGE 4 \ r {,. r ' ( 11 I { L { l { j I E.Do not sur roundi ng air . apply paint when the pool surface is cooler than Wa it unt il sun war ms surf ace to 60 degrees F. or above. the F.Never apply paint to a saturated surface. Wait until the pool"dries out " or dry the surf ace with rags or he at and wait one hour after drying to start painting. 3.5 PAINT APPLICATION : A.General: 1.Never paint new unpainted concrete until it is thor oughlyetched and cl eaned with muriati c acid solution. Following the aci d et chi ng, the surface should be neutralized with tr i-sodium phos phate and hosed off under pre ssure. 2.Paint all surfaces called for in the painting schedule. 3.Paint shall be evenly spread and smoothly fl owed on withoutruns, sags, curt ains, or other evidences of poor appli cation. 4.Final coat of pai nt shall have visual evi dence of soli d hid ingand uniform appearance. 5.Previous coats shall be thor oughly dry before applying succeeding coats. 6.Edges of paint adjo ining other materials or colors shall besharp and clean with no evi dence of over la ppi ng. ·a.Appli cation of Rub ber-Base Coating to Pool Surface: 1.Follow manuf ac turer's instruct ions as to surface preparation,method of appli cation, and we ather conditions for pain ting. 2.Surf aces to be pai nted shall receive three coats of paint: onecoat of undercoater and·two coats of en amel. Apply un dercoater at the rate of 200 S.F. per gallon, and appl y enamel at the rate of 250 S.F. per gallon. 3.Primer coat is best appli ed with brush or roller equipped witha 7/16 11 lambswood cover with solvent res istant core. Enamel coats can be ap pli ed by roller or spray equi pm ent. When spraying, use airless spray equipment. 4. Never try to "skim p" on primer. primer, it shoul d be rea pplied until a uniform Only prime bare or unpainted concrete. SECTION 13870 -PAINTING If the surface "soaks up" the color and sheen is evi dent. PAGE 5 f I ( r· 1 I l l ( I l I { I l! {i I t 5.Apply non -ski d coating to surfaces where a slip re sistantsurface is re quir ed (step tread s and floor surfaces where water depth is less than two feet). Sift white si lica sand (16-40 grade) li ght ly on the pai nt while it is tack y, or use no n-skid grade en amel for the final coat. 6.Racing Lines and Targets:bru sh or ro ller over the fi nal en amel coat. li ne. Do not use mask ing tape. Apply li nes for racing lanes with Ou tline lane markings with chalk 7.Chrome plated, stain less stee l, or galvani zed poo l ac ces soriesor fi ttings shall not be pain ted. C.Drying: 1.Allow overnight dr yin g bet ween coats of paint. 2.Allow a minimum of fi ve day s dr ying time bef ore fi lling pool. 3.6 PREPARATION-OF METAL SURFACES: A.Galvanized Metal: 1.Clean all surfaces thoroughly with so lvent until they are com pletely free from dirt_, oil, and grease. 2.Thoroughly treat the cleaned surface with a cr ystalline zin c pho s phate pre-treatment such as Galvaprep #5 by Mail son Chemi cal Co. 3. Remo ve all exces s et ching so lu tion and bef ore appli cati on of paint. allow to dry completely B.Other Metals: 1.Thoroughly clean all surfacesfrom ru st, scale, dirt, and other substances. with turpentine or ben zine. until they are com pletely free Oil an d grea se shall be removed 2.Allow to dr y thoroughly befo re ap pli catio n of pain t. 3.Touch-up prime coat on pre-fabri cated metal surfaces as requi red. 3.7 FI LTER PAINTING: A.All interior con crete surfaces · of the surge chamber andthe fil ter compartme�:s shall receive two (2 ) brush coat s of TI-IOROSEAL ( co lor white). Refer to manufac turer's in structions· for proper appli cati on and cur ing of th is product. SECTION 13870 -PAINTING PAGE 6 1 r f f '\ f ! 1 { I· l L I l ' l B.All expos ed ca st iron piping, fittings, and va lves shall receive one(1)coat of ru st inhibitive primer, Moore's Retardo Rust Inhibit ive Primer andtwo (2) coats of enamel, Moore's Moorglo Latex Ex terior Hous e Paint. Allexposed galvanized pipe and fi ttings shall receive one (1) coat of galvanizeprimer, Moore's Ironcl ad Galvanized Metal Primer. Expos ed plastic pipe andfittings shall be paint ed to match other mechanical. 3.8 COLOR SCHEME: The piping system shall be col or cod ed. Influ ent and effluent piping shall be painted contrast.ing colors as selected by the Own er. 3.9 INSPECTION: Pool surfaces mu st be ins p ected and app roved bef ore painting be gin s. Each coat of paint appli ed mus t be ins pected and approved by a re p res entative of the Owner before appli cati on of succeeding coats; othe rwis e, no credit for th e coat appli ed will be given and painting subcontractor shall au tomati ca ll y assum e res p ons ibility for recoating surf aces in question. 3.10 01HER SURFACES A APPL.I CATION. o·F• CEMENTITIOUS COATING TO POOL. FL.OCR, SURFACE t. 1.FOLL.OW MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AS TO SURFACE PREPA­RATlON, METHOD OF APPLICATION ANO WEATHER CONDITIONS FORPAINTING. 2.APPLY CEMENTITIOUS COATING TO SUBSTRATE AS .SOON AS POS­SIBLE AFTER MIXING. MIXTURE FOR THE FIRST COAT SHALL BETHINNER THAN SUCCESSIVE COATS TO ASSURE MAXIMUM PENETRA­TION, SEAL.ING ANO ADHESION. 3.APPLY FIRST THIN COAT WITH SQUEEGEE ANO BRUSH INTO SURFACE OR FINISH WITH ROLLER BEFORE INITIAL SET. FILM THICKNESS1/64 INCH. 4.MIX SECOND COAT TO A THICKER CONSISTENCY ANO APPLY WITH LONG NAP ROLLER TO PROVIDE FINISH TEXTURE DESIRED. FILM THICKNESS 3/64 INCH MAXIMUM. 5.use M20 MESH GLASS FAS, 6'' WIDE IMPREGNATED IN MIRACOTEOVER LARGE SURFACE CRACKS THAT WERE NOT BRIDGED WITHTHE FIRST COAT APPLICATION. 6.DRYING TIME BETWEEN COATS•6-8 HOURS MINIMUM, 48 HOURSMAXIMUM. 7.PRODUCT IS AVAILABLE, IN WHITE OR GRAY COLOR. Aoo COLORPIGMENT TO LIQUID CATALYST AT TIME OF MIXING TO PRODUCECOLOR DESIRED. SECTION 13870 -PAINTIN G PAGE 7 { L I I• l' { l ' l {I f l l ,. l l l_ l SE CTION 13880 - PLUMBING (FIL TRATION, RE CIRCULATION, AN D DRAINAGE) PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT AN D DIVISION he reby made a part of this section. -GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Are 1.2 SCOPE: A.· Work inclu des providing the plumbing it ems requir ed for the.sw immingpool constr uction., i.ncluding the complete fil tering and recir culation system as in dicate d or specifi ed. This Contractor shall have had no t less th an five years previou s successful experi ence in constr uction of a similar na ture. B.The Contractor shall be res po nsible for the proper construction of the Gmvity Flow F'ilter_1 System in accordance with the dimensions and elevations shown on the plans, without sub sta ntial alteration or deviation. C.Due to the sma ll scale of the drawings, it is impossible to indi cateall offs ets, fittings, etc., which may be requir ed for the proper installation of the plu mbing. Unions , flanged joints, or dresser coupli ngs shall be pr ovided in th e mechanical spaces where necess ary to facilit ate dis connection or piping and valves . Supp orts shall be plac ed under heavy valves and other conc entratetl loads in th e piping system. Where drain pipes or sumps are shown on the drawings, the flow shall be pit ch ed a minimu m of one inch towa rd these dra ins. D.The work intended under this sectio n shall inclu de providing work in connecti on with the constr uction or installation of the following work: Pressure filters Recir culating Piping System Gra vity Flow Recirculating System Subsurf ace Drai nage System Recirculating Pumps and Motors Main Pool Drains Overflow Gutter Drainage Pipe 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFI ED EL SEWHERE: A.Earthwork: Refer to Section 13860. B.Conc rete Formwork: Ref er to Section 13855. C.Cone re te Re in fore ing : Re fer to Section 138 56. ' D.Cast-I n-Place Concrete: Ref er to Section 13857. °E. Sealants and Caulking: Refer to Section 13860. F.Swimning Pool Equipment; Refer to Section 13850.SE CTION 13880 -PLUMBING (FILTRATION, RE CIR CU LATION, AND DRAINAGE) PAGE 1 fl ) : I I l I, II ,, f I I {, I I l} \ ( {' 1.4 OR DIN AN CE AND PERMITS: Ali work shall be ex ecuted and inspected in accordance with lo cal ordi nances. All fees in connection therewith are to be paid by the Contr actor. Should any chang e in th e plans and sp ecifi cations be requ ired in order to ca1f orm to ordi nance, the Contractor shall no tify the Engineer or Architect before the time of submitting his bi d. After en tering into contract, the Contractor will be held to complete all work nece ssary to meet the lo cation req uirements withou t extra expense to th e Owner. 2.1 PART 2 -PR ODUCTS MATERI ALS: (R ecirculati on and Drai nage Sy stem ) A.Pi pe and Fittings:,. Filter System: All piping co nn ecting the filter compo nents to gether in recirculating 125 ca st iron sy stem un its and all piping connecting the filter sy stems to the systems shall be th e Cl ass 150 cast ir on flanged pipe with Class fl anged fittings unless otherwise sp ecifi ed on the drawings. 2, Recirculating Systems (Enc ased in Concrete): All enc ased piping shall be Class 200 PVC pressure pipe with Schedule 40 so lvent-weld fittings, PVC co mp ression gasket fitting or mechanical jo int fittings with tr ansiti on gaskets if three inches or larger, and Schedule 40 PVC pipe if two and one-half in ches or under unless otherwise specifi ed on th e dr awings. All piping thro ugh the concrete pool walls shall be either ca st iron or PVC encased in cast ir on wall sleeves extend ed a minimum of six inches cl ear of the pool structure. 3. Recirculating System (Exposed): All recir culating system piping exposed in the mechani cal sp aces shall be Schedul e 80 rigid PVC pipe with Schedule 40 PVC fittings unless otherwise specifi ed on the dra wings. Uni ons or flanged jo ints shall be provided in the mechani cal sp aces to facilitate disconnection of piping and dr esser couplings, or.diselectric unions shall be provided in the sy ste m to connect piping or dissimilar metals. 4.Rec ir culating System (U nderground): All recirculating system pipi ng unde rground between mechanical areas and pools shall be Class 200 PVC with co rresponding so lv ent weld so cket type fittings unless otherwise specifi ed on the drawings. 5.Gravit y Flow Recirculating Systems: Piping used for auxili ary supply to the invert of the over flow gutter shall be 1-1/2" I.D., Schedule 40, hi gh imp act, PVC rigid plastic pipe with PVC so lvent weld so cket type fittings. Sp ecial pipi ng materi al for construction and interconnection of overflo w gu tter segments shall be as deta iled on plans. SE CTION 13880 -PL UMBING (FILTRATION, RECIRCULATION, AND DRAINAGE ) PAGE 2 r. I I I : 11 ( I I Ii ( � I I ' 6. Main Pool Drai nage Sy stems : From pool and over flow gu tter drains to surge ch ambers or co llection we lls , and from those structures out 5' 0" bey ond and toward waste, drains shall be constructed of cast iron flanged or mechani cal jo int , Cl ass 150 pipe, AWWA Specifi cations. All fit tings shall be cast iron, Class 125F. flanged or Class D mechanical joint, AWWASpecifications. Continuation shall be Schedule 40 PVC with dr ain age pattern fittings un less otherwise specifi ed on the drawings. 7. Subsurface Drainage: Pipe for underdrain system shall be Carl on Vyl on Type SDR, 33.5 or equal. Connections shall be made with Carlon "D" exterior sewer fi ttings or equal. Bottom thir d of pipe shall be slotted at 6 1 1 in tervals with a 1/16 11 wi de sawcut. B.Valves: 1.General: Valves shall be installed wh ere called for on thedrawings. All gate valves underground shall be equipped with approved castiron variable length valves boxes with flush type covers and shall als o beequipped with ope rating nu ts and tee hand le valve wren ch es. All expo sed gatevalves shall be equipped wit h hand whe els. All other types of valves shall beequipped with appropriate ope rating wrenche s or levers. All gate valves shallbe of the non-rising stem type for 125 psi working pressure and shall be Wal worth, Crane, Mue ller , Stockham, or app roved equal. 2.Gate Valves: Gate valves 4 11 or larger on cast iron li nes shallbe 125 lb. iron body, brass mounted, so li d wedge with flange or mechani cal joint ends as specified on the drawings. Gate valves 3" or smaller shal l be 125 lb. brass, non-rising stem, one pi ece wedge , screwed ends equal to Sto ckham, Fig. G-612. 3. Plug Valves: Plug valves shall be full pipe area, non-lubri cated, wrench operated, 150 lb. WP, eccentri c type, equal to Dezurik, Fig. 118.Plug valves with re stricted or reduced port areas will no t be permit ted. 4. Check Valves : Check valves shall be of the swing ch eck type, steel, iron, bronze mo unte d, flanged 200 lb., full way pi pe, eq ual to Walworth No. 6680, Stock ham No • G9 31 , if 4" or larger. 5.Butterfly Valves: Butterfly valves shall be manu al actuatedand designed for positive shut�ff. Valves shall be Key stone Fig. 100, with gripper hand le, Dezurik Fi g. 632 , w. B. Hale Fig. 4500 or ap proved equal. SEC TION 13880 -PLUMBIN G (F ILTRATION, REC IRCULATION, AN D DRAINAGE) PAGE 3 r l 6. Butterfly Valve (Main Drain): The mo dulating valves on the -., ·, pool to sur ge chamb er drain li nes shall be a fl oat ac t;.uated butter fly valve \ I equal to Pool Tech of Texas for horizontal pipe posit ion. Valve operating parts (shaft, bearings, disc, fl oat rod) sha ll be constructed of sta inless steel. [' I ll I ! l' I I , L l l ( I ii l \ 1_1 1.Knife Gate Valve: Knife gate valvesmanually ac tuated equal to Dezurik Fig. 825, W, A, RS26, wh ere re quired. Refer to list of mate rials on filter act uator required. shall be wa fer body, with extension stem plan sheet for type of C.Gaskets: Gaskets used for flanged jo int cast ir on pipe shall be 1/16 " "Cranite" or approved equal . Ga sket shall extend the full av ailable diamete r inside of bolt holes. One gasket shall be used in each jo int. One side of gasket shall be pai nted with graphite and oil before appl ying. 4.Hangers: All pi pes shall be properly supporte d·. Overflow gutterpipes shall be supp orted by approved heavy ad justable malleable iron pipe hangers at all points of concentrate d loads. Hangers or inserts for hangers shall be built into the concrete at the time same is being poured. 5.Gauges: One press ure gauge (0-31 ps i) and one compound pressure andvacuum gauge (0-15 psi and 0-30 psi) inch vacuum shall be provided whe re shown on the dr awings. Gau ges shall be ashcroft or approved equal. Ali gauges shall be equipped with manua l shut--0ff va lves. One pressure gauge (0-60 psi) shall be provided for chlorinator booster system as shown on th e dr awings. 2.2 PI PE JOINTS: A.Cast Iron: Joints on mechnical jo int pattern pipe shall be free of all di rt and socket, and plain end shall be wa shed with soapy wa ter before gl and and rub ber gasket are slipped over plain end. The rubber gasket shall be painted with soapy water pr ior to inserting plain end into socket. Care should be taken in inserting gasket posit ion to aiake certain it is evenly seated. Nuts shall be fir st tightened with ord·i nary rat chet wrench, alternately bottom of circle, then to p, and so on around circle. Joints on bell and spigot pattern pipe shall be made by centering the spigot within the be ll after the spigot has been driven home and the jo int firmly packed wit h oa kum soap to form. Leave a depth of 2" for the lead. Each joint shall be made from one continuous pouring of the ladle. Joints shall be poured full and caulked tight. B.Threaded Pipe: After cutting and bef ore threading, all pipe shallbe reamed out to full bore and shall have burrs removed. All screw jo ints shall be made with graphite and oil or with an approved compound applied to male th reads only. Thre ads shall be full cut and not more than three threads on the pipe shall remain exposed. Caul king of threaded joints to stop or pr event leaks will no t be permitted. Unions shall be provided wh ere re quir ed for disconnection. Changes in size of threaded pipe shall be made with reducer fittings. Use of bushin gs will not be permitted. All threads shall be painte d with asphalti c emulsion pai nt to prevent erosion. SECTION 13880 -PLUMBING (FILT RATION, RECI RCULATION, AND DRAINAGE) PAGE 4 r \ I ; I ; I ' i I I I I L I I ! C.Plasti c Pipe: Joints in'plasti c pipe shall be made in accor dancewith manufacturer's recommendations, em ploying suit able solvent cemen ts or specials. 2.3 GRAVITY FILTER MEDIA: A. The filter media shall consist of graduated sizes of sand and gravel as outlined in Section 13850. 2.5 GROUNDING: Grounding for all pool piping shall comply with Section 16030 of these specifications. 2.6-OTHER MATERIALS : Al l other materials not specifical ly des cribed but required for a compl ete and proper insta llati on shall be ne w, fi rst quality of their respective kind s and subject to the ap prov al of the Ar chit ect. PAR T 3 -EXECUTI ON 3.1 INSTALLATION: A.General: All pi pe and ac cessories shall be unloaded, hand led, laid, jointed, and tested for def ects and for leakage in the manner herien specified . B. Inspection: The pipe, fi ttings, valves, inspected upon de liver y and during the progress of fo und to be defective shall be rejected by the Contractor shall remove such def ective material from and ac ces sories shall be the work, and any material Ar chitect/Engin eer and the the site of the work. C.Res ponsibilit y for Materials: The Contractor shall be responsiblefor all material furnis hed by him, and he shall repl ace, at his own expense, all such mate rial that is fou nd to be defective in manufacture or has become damaged in hand ling after de li very . SECTION 13880 -PLUMBING (FILT RATION, RECIR CULATION, AND DRAINAGE) PAGE 5 I f !, I I I I I . - I f1 J )_ l.. 11, D. Plumbing Sy stem Layout: Fo llow the general layout of the piping as shown on th e drawings, determining proper elevations and clearanc es for all co mp onents of the syste m. 1.Due to the small scale of the drawings, it is impo ssi ble to iridica te all offsets, fittings, etc., whi ch may be required for proper in sta llation of the plumbing. Unions, flanged jo ints, or dresser couplings shall be provi ded in the mechanical room where nece ssar y to faci litate dis connection of piping an d valves. 2. Supports shall be placed under-heav y valves or oth er concentrated load s in the piping system . E, Pi pe Layin g: 1.Whenever it is necessar y to def lect pipe fr om a straight lineeither in a vertical or hor izontal pl ane to avo id obstructions, to plumb valves an d connections, or wh ere vertical or horizontal curves are shown or permitted, the deg ree of de flection at each jo int shall no t exceed the maximum deflect ion recommended by the manuf ac turer of the particular kin d of pipe being laid, and the degree of de fl ecti on shall be approved by the Engineer . 2, The portion of the main drain line and filtered water return line lo cated in the pool floor and showt? to be encased in concrete shall be firmly an d neat ly crad led in wire slings so as to maintain correct ali gnment and grade dur ing the te st for leaks and wh ile pouring the encasement. 3, All plastic piping materials insta lled und er ground shall be bedded and backfi lled on and with granular mater ial as detailed in the drawings. Subsurface drains shall be en cased in gravel, all other plastic piping shall be supported on a bed of pea grave l. 4.All galvan ized pipe fittings bu ried undergr ound shall receiveone coat of an approved type bitu minous paint and shall be wrapped with two layer s of 15 lb. bit umino us impregnate d felt or "Scotch-R ap" pipe insulation No. 50. E.Floor In lets: The fi ltered constr ucted as detai led on the plans . pr essure tested before being en cased in protected by a 6 11 PVC sleeve du ring the wate r inlets in th e poo l floor shall be All pipe nipples shall be capp ed an d concrete. Sup pl y nippes shall be concrete pour . SECTION 13880 -PLUMBING (FILTRATION, RECIRCULATION, AND DRAINAGE) PAGE 6 I. l I ! I I L I f I i j { l \ \ 11 A.Do not cover up or en close wor k un til it has been properly an dcompletely inspected arid approved. B.Non-compli an ce: Shou ld any of the work be covered up or enc losedprior to all requi red inspections and app rovals , i.t sha ll be the Contractor's res ponsibilit y to unc over the wor k as required an d, aft er it has been completely inspected and approved, mak e all repairs and replacements with such mater ials as are necessary to meet with the ap pr oval of the Architect and at no addit ional cost to the Owner. 3.3 TESTING: A.The main dr ain li ne and the fi ltered water return li ne shall betested for leaks bef ore encasi ng concrete is pour ed. B.The main drain li ne shall be tested under gravit y pressure. Thevertical porti on of the drain li ne shall be constructed beyond the limit s of the en casement to develop suffi cient pressure for an accurate test. The out lets in the pool bottom shall be sealed with a gasket and so li d plywood cover screwe d securely to the flang e using the screw holes pr ovi ded for the drai n cover . The drain li ne shall then be fi ll ed with water to the point where it enters the wet well. c. pressure wrapping the li ne The fi ltered water return li ne shall be sealed and tested under (app roximately 20 lbs. ab ove the stati c pressure) before the po ly is appli ed. Pressure shall be ap pli ed by means of a pu mp connected to at a point behind a wall. D. The Contractor shall install temporar y supports and bracing suffici ent to car ry the load of piping and water du ring the testing. Such su pports and bracing shall fir mly locate the pipe and prevent deflection in either a vert ical or horizontal pl ane. Supp orts shall also preven t an y bendi ng of the reinfor cing steel that mi ght be caused by the weight of the test water. All such temp orary supports shall be removed prior to pour ing of the su rrounding concrete. E.While test pressure is being maintained, thoroughly inspect allexposed pipes , fitti ngs, and joints for leaks, If all joints are tight an d gauge pressure falls off slight ly, this is probably du e to tr apped air. Gauge shoul d ho ld st eady after app roximately 48 hours. SECTION 13880 -PL UMBING (FIL T RATION, RECIRCULA TION, AND DRA INAGE ) PAGE 7 f L ' I F.If leakage is eviden t at joint, it has been improperly installed • .l\11leaks shall be corrected before pip e is encased. G.Surge Chamber: Tes t the surge chamber for leaks before the backfill material is pl aced against the structure. Do not fill the chamber with water un til the concrete has cured for at least 15 days. All defects disclosed shall be remedied with either "Thoroseal II or "Waterplug" as manufactured by Stan dard Dry Wall Products Co. The use of bituminous substances to st op leaks shall not be permitted. I \ 3.09 P.l\INTil',Y}: u I\ I r l. l I L I_ i 11 1.i L I All exposed metal plplng, hangers, supports, etc. Shall be painted in compl iance with the provisions of Section 13870. 3.10 CLEA,�ING UP: Prior to acceptance of the p1p1ng sy stem, purge the sy stem to ensure that no sand or debris remains in pipes. Repai r all leaks. Thoro ughl y clean all exI,:Osed portions of the piping installation. END OF SECTION SECTION 13880 -PLUMBING (FILTRATION, RECIRCUI.ATION, AND DRAINAGE) PAGE (�) r ·11, I r ,r I 1 l I I 1, I I u l r I I l H � l I r, l l I ', I I SE CTION 13850 -EA RTHWORK PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 CONDI TIONS OF THE CON TRACT AND DIVISION 1 -GENERAL REQUIRE MEN TS: Are he reby made a part of this section. 1.2 SCO PE: Work in cludes excavation, filli ng, backfilling and compaction for swimming pool structure and ass ociat ed piping systems. 1.3 RELA TED WORK SPECIFIED EL SEWHERE: 2.1 A.Unclassified Excavation: Refer to Secti on 02200. B.Embankment: Refer to Section 02200. PART 2 -PR ODUCTS MATERIALS: A.Select Fill Mate rials : Conform to Section 02200. B.Granular Fill.Mater ia ls: refer to Section 02200. 1.Sand for cushio n under the pool and decks,for en casem ent of underground plasti c piping shall be cl ean ASTM C-33 fine aggregate s. drainage for backfill, and washed sand per 2.Gravel for subsurfaces shall be cl ean washed gravel per ASTM size of 3/4 inch. C-33 coarse aggregates, with a maximum 3.1 EXCAVATION AND FILL: PART 3 -EXECUTION A. Excavation and fi lls for pool const ruction shall conform to requirem ents of Secti on 02200 and 02210 and the details on the drawings. B. 02200. Compac tion and te st ing shall conform to requir ements of Section SECTION 13850 -EARTHWORK PAGE 1