HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.13.1979 Brooks Association-Architecture & Planning..,, -c.,, ►., 0. -·... a. � C -· r-t:�C-(Dg � --. en0 -· ..J g_ () Cl.� � C: � )>0)� r-+ en C-o� ... 0 =Q) "g -. a....en '< �j Brooks Association for Architecture and Planning 2200 West Loop S. =#=895, 'Houston, Tx. 77027, 713/871-0667 304 South Velasco , An gleto n, Tx. 77515, 713/849-6552 \. \' ,_ <� \...../ (_.; PROJECT MANUAL ADDITION TO FRIENDSWOOD PUB�IC LIBRARY FOR THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS MAYOR Ralph Lowe CITY COUNCIL Vicki Black. Tom Lay Paul Haaz Dale Whittenburg Lo reh Wood '.· Ed Zeitler ARCHITECT ::.- CITY MANAGER Jim Morgan CITY SECRETARY Bobbie Henry �IBRARY DIRECTOR Claudie Pettigrew .CHAIRMAN, BOARD OF TRUSTEES Bruce Goss The Brooks Association for Architecture and Planning-2200 West Loop So�th, Suite 895, Houston, Texas 77027 304 South Velasco, Angleton, Texas 77515 · Tel: Houston, (713) 871-0667; Angleton, (713) 849-6522 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER Schmitz/Lamb Engineers 6065 Hillcroft, Suite 301, Houston., Texas 77081 Tel: (713) 772-5562 MECHANICAL ENGI NEER Rivoiri & Ass6ciates, Inc. ·4140 Southwest Freeway, Houston, Texas 77027Te 1 : ( 713) 623-4986 ( ·,! SE CTION TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT MANUAL ADDITION TO FRIENDSWOOD PUBLIC LIBRARY FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS PART 1 -_CONT_RAC_TUR AL/LEGAL REQlJ I REMENTS A.BIDDING REQUIREMENTSA.1 Advertisement for Bids A.2 Instructions to BiddersA.3 Bid FormA.4 Contractor's Qualification StatementA.5 Bid Bond B.AGREEMENT FORMS NO. O.F PAGES 2 1 2 1 1 B.1 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor 1B.2 Performance and Payment Bond 1 C.CONTRACT CONDITIONSC.1 General Conditions of the Contract for ConstructionC.2 Supplementary Conditions of the Contract forConstruction 7 PART 2 -SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 01 -GENERAL REQUIREMENTS01010 Summary of the Work/Allowances/Handicap 4 01300 Submittals 4 01400 Testing Laboratory Services 2 01500 Temporary Facilities and Controls 6 01600 Material and Equipment 1 01700 Project Closeout 2 DIVISION 02 -SITEWORK02100 Clearing 1 02110 Demolition 1 02200 Earthwork 3 02250 Soil Poisoning 2 02610 Concrete Walks 2 DIVISION 03 -CONCRETE03101 Job Built Concrete Formwork 3 03200 Concrete Reinforcement 3 03301 Standardweight Concrete 7 03364 Non-Shrinking Grout 2 03502 Insulating Concrete Roof Decks 3 DIVISION 04 -MASONRY04100 Mortar and Grout 4 04200 Unit Masonry 9 r '- DIVISION 05 05101 05201 05303 05400 05500 DIVISION 06 06100 06201 063 00 DIVISION 07 07154 07203 07501 07602 07805 07806 07900 DIVISION 08 08101 08102 08201 08701 07806 08802 DIVISION 09 09103 09250 09505 09650 09900 0995 3 DIVIS I ON 10 10602 10800 DIVISION 11 -14 DIVISION 15 15700 DIVIS I ON 16 16000 METALS Structural Steel Open-Web Steel Joists Permanent Metal Forms Lightgauge Framing Miscellaneous Metals WOOD AND PLASTICS Rough Carpentry Mi 1 lwork Wood Treatment THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Vapor Barriers Building Insulation Built-Up Bituminous Roofing. Sheet Metal Flashing Prefabricated Expansion Joints Roof Pressure Relief Vents Sealants DOORS AND WINDOWS Hollow Metalwork Aluminum Entries Wood Doors Finish Hardware Wea therstripping, Thresholds and Soundstripping Glass and Glazing FINISHES Portland Cement Plaster (Stucco) Gypsum Drywall Lay-In Acoustical Ceiling System Resilient Flooring Painting Vinyl Wall Covering SPECIALTIES Demountable Partitions Toilet and Bath Accessories 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 4 1 1 1 4 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 7 4 NOT USED MECHANICAL Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning 3 ELECTRICAL Electrical 5 r-· INDEX OF DRAWINGS Al SC HEDULE 1 SCHEDULE 2 A2 A3 A4 Sl S2 MEPl E2 E3 SITE PLAN FINISH; FRAME AND DOOR ELEVATIONS; FRAME TYPES FRAME AND DOOR/WINDOW AND LOUVER FLOOR PLAN/REFLECTED CEILING PLAN ELEVATIONS/SECTIONS SECTIONS FOUNDATION AND ROOF FRAMING PLAN FOUNDATION AND ROOF FRAMING DETAILS H.V.A.C., PLUMBING AND SITE PLANSPOWER PLANLIGHT I NG PLAN (.,,.,..-.. ,,--, � I c·- A. 11 of 2 A,1 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS AUGUST 13, 1979 THE BROOKS ASSOCIATION ADDITION TO FOR ARC HITECTURE AND PLANNING 2200 WEST LOOP SOUTH, SUITE 895 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77027 FRIENDSWOOD LIBRARY CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD 109·w1LLOWICK FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 TEL. (713) 871-0667 1.DESCRIPTION OF WORK: 2. 3. 4. The general construction of a libr ary addition and th� partial demolitionand renov ation of an existing library, and includi·ng mechanical and elec­trical work, to Friendswood Library for the City of Friendswood. Theproposed add itioh contains an architectural ·area of approx . 3,250 ·sq.ft. and the existing building to be renovated contains an area of 3,776 sq. ft. TYPE OF BIDS:All Bids shall be on a lump sum basis; segregated Bids will not beaccepted. TIME AND PLACE OF BID: The Owner will receive sealed bids until 7:30 PM C.D.T. on Monday,September l7, 1979, ·in council chambers of th� Friendswood City Hall,109 Willowick, Friendswood, Texas 77546. Bids received after this timewill be rejected. At this time, bids will be opened publicly and re adaloud. All interested parties are invited to attend. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS:Drawings and Specifications are on file and may be examined at theHouston office of the Architect and at: A.The Associated General Contractors, 2404 Crawford, Houston, Texas. B.• C-tty·;of··F.rlendswood,··109-Wt:now.fck,-Frfend-swood, Texas 77546. C.Dodge Reports, 3310 Eastslde, Houston, Texas. D.Brooks Association/Angleton, 129 W. Peach, Angleton, Texas 77515. Copies of the above Documents may be obtained from · the offices of the Architect in accord wi·th the Instructions to Bidders upon depositing the sum of $50.00 for each set of Documents. This deposit is refund­able under the conditions set forth in the Instructions to Bidders. (( (·--.\ C A. 12 of 2 5.BID SECURITY:Bid Security in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the·amount of theBase Bid shall. accompany each Bi-din accordance with the Instructionsto Bidders. A bid bond, certif·ied check, or-cashi.er's .check will beaccepted as Bid _Security. As :;oon as the Bid prices .have been _compare dthe Owner wi 11 return the Bonds of at 1 except the three lowest re spon­sible Bidders. When the Agreement. is executed the bonds of .the ·tworemaining uns ucce ssful Bidders will be returned. 6.NOTICE TO ARCHITECTContract6rs who will bid this Project are requested to so inform theArchitect.one week prior to Bid Time. 7, OWNER'S RIGHT TO REJECT.BIDS· The Owner reserves the right to waive irregularities and to reject any or all bids� 8.QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERSAny contra�tor who can furnish the specified insurance and . bonds i�eligible to bid this project. A Contractor's Qualification Statementis no·t required at bid time, but may be required by the Architect beforethe awarding of a Contract for this Project. '- l or 1 A.2 INSTRUCTIONS ro BIDPERS A: A. 1.A. Document A701, 11 lnstructions to Bidders11 , 'The American Institute of Architects, ·May, 1978 Edition constitutes the instructions to bidders f6r this contract and shall have the same-force arid effectas th·o�gh s'et . forth here in ful 1.. Copies of this docunie.nt are •on file in the Architect's offices and may be reviewed �n requesL B. · STATE SALES. TAX EXEMPT I ONBidder� are advised that the-6wner qualifies for exemption from · State and Local Sales Taxes pursuant· to the provisions of Article 20.04 (F) of the Jexas limited Sales,· Excise and Use Tax Act. , . Taxes nor·mal ly levie� on the purchase, -rent, or lease of al 1 materials, su pplies, and· equipment used in the performance of thfs Contract wi ll _be exempted by the issuance to suppliers of·an-exemption certificate· in lieu of··the tax. The exemption certificate will comply w{th state comptroller of Public Accounts Ruling No. 95-0.09 as amended to be effective October 2;, 1968. C.Bidders shall be aware that it Is the intent of the Bidding Documentsto require the successful bidder to furnish the following .before executionof the Contract: 1.List of proposed Subcontractors;2.Proposed �chedule of Values; and (-.; 3.Performance and Payments Bonds In the amount of 100 % of the Contract Amount. l I It is strongly rec ommended that Bidder s read the A. I.A. Instructions to Bidders before submitting bids. Section A.4, A:5, B.1 anti B.2 of ,. ( 'r This Project Manual are Supplementary Instructions under Arti�le 9 of A. I.A. Document A701. D.In submitting Bids for this Project, Bidders represent that theyhave the capabi lities of providing ·the Work required within the limitationsof the General Contractor's progress schedule. E.Two -separate copies of proposal forms will .be furnished to each bidder. Theproposals shall be ·made out in duplica te; the original shall be filed withthe City and the duplicate retained by the bidde r. Do not fill our an dsubmit the proposal form in the bound book containing the proposal specifi­cations and contract forms. F.Bidde rs are re quired to inspect the site �f the wo rk'a�d:to Lnform ·themselvesfully of all conditions at the sites and of all transportation conditions,mate rial costs and all other matters affecting the cost of the work a·nd toread and study the specifications, contract and proposal and the plans beforebidding.. ( .( C \_· A.31 of 2 A.3 B ID FORM'AUGUST 13, 1979 ADDITION TO FRIENDSWOOD LIBRARY CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD 109 WILLOW I.CK FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS THE BROOKS ASSOCIATION FOR .ARCHITEC TURE AND PLANNING 2200 WES T LOOP SOU TH, SUITE 895 HOUS TON, T�XAS. 77027 77546. TEL. (713) 871-066 7 NAME OF CORPORA TION, PARTNERSHIP, OR JOIN T VENTUR� AND LEGAL MAILING ADDRESS (8 i dder I s Name) (Bidder's Phone Number ) A.Having examined the· Contract Documents and Bidding Documents for theProject listed above, dated _____________ , and Including • .1 :Addenda numbered _______ through--��� ___ inclusive, allas prepared ·hy''the Brooks Association for Architecture and Planning;an� having -�isfted the Project site and being familiar with all con­ditions affecting the project, the undersigned proposes to performthe complete Work for the Project required by the said Contract Docu­ments for.the sum or sums set forth below. B.In 1. 2. 3. 4. 5-6. submitting this Bid, the Undersigned agrees: To hold this Bid open for acceptance for 30 calendar days from Bid Time; To recognize and accept the right of the Owner to reject any or a 11 bids, to wa Ive i nforma 1 it i es, and to .accept the Bid which the Owner considers most advantageous to him; ·To enter .into and to execute a Contract, if awarded, on the bas i Iiof the Base Amount of this. Bid, selected Alternative Bids, andStipulated Unit Prices (if any);To accomplish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documentswithin the stipulated Contract Time;To furnish the specified insurance and bonds;To pay the stipulated Liquidated Damages (if any) for construct­ion time beyond the Contract Time, as adjusted for justified.andlegitimate delays· caused by factors beyond the Contractor's con­tro 1. ( \. r· \ Ad 2 of 2 C.BASE BID: The-Undersig ned �grees to perform the complete·Work ofthis Project for the 1.ump sum price of: ($ ) (Amount Written ·in Words. This Governs.) (Amount if Figures.) D.CONTRACT TIME: The Undersigned agrees to complete the · Work in thef o 11 owi ng n·umber of .Ca 1 endar Days: (Number Written in Words. This Governs •. ) ( ______ ,.........) (Number in Figures.) DATE ---------(Authorized Signature) (Typed or Printed Name) SEAL (IF A CORPORATION) AFFIDAVIT DATE -------------- ST/\ TE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF ----------- O n this day appeared befor e. me -----------,-------------,.---known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoi ng Instrument, and having been duly sworn, declared that he executed this Instrument for the purposes and consideration therein expr�sses, and that he was competent and qualified to execute the same. Notary Public in and for Texas NOTARY SEAL Date my Commission Expires t c:· (" A.41 of 1 A.4 CONTR ACTOR'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT Bidders .shall submit to the Architect· a properly execu­ted "Contractor's Qualification Statement:'AIA Document A305, September, 1969 Edition, The Am erican Institute of Architects. Copies of t�ls document are on file in the Architect's offices and may be reviewed upon request. Copies may be obtained from the offices of the American Institute of Architects, 3121.Buifalo Speedway, Suite ·404, Houston, Texas 77098. (- ( A.5 1 of 1 A.5 BID BOND The form of Bid Bond that shall be used for this'Coniraci is •�IA Document A310, Bid Bond", Feb ruary, 1970 Edition, The American Institute of Archi­tects. Copies of this Document .are on file in the Architect's offices and may be reviewed upon request. Copies may be obta.ined from the offices of the American Institute of Architects, 3121 Buffalo Speedway, Suite 404, Houston, Texas 77098. ri ( B.1 STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTR ACTOR. B. 11 of The Contract Form that shall be used for this Contract is A.I.A. Document A101, ''Standard Form of Agree ment Between Owner and Con­tractor,'' J�ne, 1977 Edition, the American ·institute of Architects . Copi�s of this Doc ument are on file in the Architect's offices and may be reviewed upon request. Copies may be obta)ned from the Qffices of the American Institute of Architects, 3121 Buffalo Sp eedway, Suite 404, Houston, Texas 77098, _,,. '( r ·, ( B.2 1 of 1 B.2 PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENTS BOND The form of performance bond and labor·and materials payment bond that shall be used for this Project shall conform to the require ments of the statutory peiformance bond·and statutory payment bond purs uant to Article 5160 of �he Rev ised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, as amended by the Acts of the 56th Legis lature, _Regular �ess io�, 1959. / I '( .(- ( C. 1 GENERAL CONDITIONS -OF TH:E CONTRACT. FOR CONSTRUCT! ON 1 of 1 A. I.A. Document A201, "General Conditions of the Cont ract for Construction, "Twelfth Edition, The American Institute of Architects, August, 1976 constitutes the General Conditions of ·this Con·tract,and·shal-1 have the sa ·me force and effect a�· though set forth here in ful 1. · Copies of this document are o� file in t�e Aichitect 1 s office and may be ·reviewed on r�quest. Copies may be obtained from the offices of the American Institute of �rchitect�; 31�i Buffalo �peedway, Suite 404, Houston, Texas 77098. t C.2 SUPPLEMENTARY CON DITIONS ·OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION of 7 The following· supplements modl.fy, change, delete from, or add to the "General Conditions of the Contract for Construction", A.I.A. Document A201, Thirteenth Edition, August 1976, Where any Article of the General Conditions is modified or any Paragra ph, Subparagraph or Clause thereof is modified or deleted by these Supplementary Con­ditions, -the unaltered provisions of that Article;·Paragraph, Sub­paragra�h or Clause shall remain in effect. Where provisions of the General Conditions relate in general to the Work of the Contrac­tor and Subcontractors, these Paragraphs are further supplemented by prov�sions of the Sections of Division One of the Specifications. ARTICLE 1; CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 1.1 DEFIN.ITIONS Add the following Subparagrqphs: 1.1.5 PRODUCTS The term Product includes materials, systems, and equipment intend­ed for inclusion as part of the Work for this Contract. 1.1.6 PROJECT MANUAL The Project Manual is the volume which includes the Contractual/ Legal Requirements and the Specifi cations for Work under this Contract. 1.1.7 ALTERNATIVE An Alternative (or Alternate) ts ·a variation in Contract Requirements on whi ch a separate price. is required of the Bidders. If the Alterna­tive is accepted� the variation will then become a part of the Contract and the sum quoted will be applie d to the Base Bid, adj usting it up­ward or downward to include the Alternative, thus determining the Con­tract Sum. 1.1.8 BASE BID The Base Bid is a bidder's quotation for the Work called for in the Con­tract Documents without consideration of Alternative s. 1.1.9 GENERAL TERMINOLOGY Words, abbreviations, an·d technical terms used in the Contract Docu­ments and neither defined in the Contract Documents nor having a pre cise meaning in legal usage shall have the meanings gi ven in the Unabridged Edition of the Merriam-Webster Third New International Dictionary. Us­ages not con.forming to the above shall have the meanings commonly attri­buted to them by the particular trade· to wl:lose work they refer. 1.2 EXECUTION, COR RELATION AND INTENT Add the following Subparagraph: 1.2.5 In the event· of inconsistencies· between portions of the Contract Documents, the Archi tect will determine which requirement is most consistent with the design intent, and the Contractor shall conform to this interpretation by the Architect. ARTICLE 2; ARCHITECT (No Modifications) l ( ( 2 of 7 ARTICLE 3; OWNER Add the following Paragraph: 3.5 OWNER'S RIGHT OF.ACC ESS The Owner or his agents have the right to access to the Work at any time for observation purposes. The presence of the Owner or his agents shall not constitute approval of the Work, of· the-procedures and methods used, or of safety precautions in stituted by the Contractoi. ARTICLE 4; CONTRACTOR 4.2 REVIEW OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Add the following Subparagraph: 4.2.2 After repo�ti�g to the Archi-tect any error, inconsistency, or omission he may discover in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall not proceed with any Work affe cted without obtaining specific written instructions from the Architect. 4.4 LABOR AND.MAT ER�ALS Add the following Subparagraph: 4.4.3 Where a definite product is specifie d, it is not the intention of the Architect to discriminate again�t the products of other manu­facturers which may be equally suitable for use in the Work, 0 but rather to set a standard of quality and performance to be met by the product or products used in the Work. Open competi�ion is exp ected and invited for bidding on and furnishing products equal In performance and quality to the products specified. In making his bid, the Contractor shall include in his price the cost.of the pr oduct specified, unless he has obtained written approval from the Architect of a proposed substitution before the Bid Date. Bidder shall submit any requests for approval of sub­stitution sufficiently in advance of the Bid Date to allow the Architect reasonable time to investigate the prop osal and issue an acceptance or rejection ruling. Substituti ons will also be considered after the award of the Contract, provided that within 30 calendar days of the aw ard of the Contract, Contractor shall submit to the Architect proposals for any sub­stitutions he may wish to suggest, together with samples, complete manu­facturer's 1 iterature, reasons for proposing the substitutions, and quota­tions of any savings in cost. The Arc hitect will evaluate these proposals and will issue his d�cfsion as to whe ther he will accept the proposed substitution as equivalent to the product specified. The Architect is not obligated to consider any proposals for substitutions after the ex­piration of this 30 day· period. Acceptance by the Architect of a proposed substitu�ion does not .relieve_ the Contractor of his obligation to fur­nish products equal in performance and quality to the products specified. Should a substitution be accepted and then be found within the guarantee period not to conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents, the · Contractor shall remove the defective product and replace it with the: product originally specified, at no additional cost. ( •( ( .I .l 3 of 7 4.8 ALLOWANCES Modify Subparagraph 4.8.1 to read as follows: �.8.1 The Contractor shall include in the Base Bid and the Contract Sum all allowances stated in the Contract Documents. Items covered by these allowances shall be supplied for such amounts as the Owner may direct and by �uch persons as the Owner shall have determined by competitive bidding through public advertising. The Contractor shall purchase the i terns cove red by these a 11 owances by the awa·rd of Subcontract to the bidder selected by the Owner, subject only to reasonable objection by the Contractor with the Owner determining whe ther such objection is or is not reasonable. ARTICLE 5; SUBCONTRACTORS . . 5.2 AWARD OF SUBCONTRACTS AND OTHER CONTRACTS FOR PORTIONS OF THE WORK Modify Subparagraph 5.21 to read as follows: 5.2. 1 Unless otherwise required by the Contract Documents or Bidding Documents, the Contractor, within seven days after notification of selection of the award of the Contract, shall furnish to the Owner and the Architect in writing the names of the persons or entities (including those who are to furnish materials or equipment fabricated to a special design) pro-pose d for each of the principal portions of the Work. The Architect will reply pr omptly to the Contractor in writing stating whether or not the Owner or the Architect, after dYe investigation, has reasonable objection to any such proposed person or entity. Failure of the Owner or Architect to reply before Award of the Contract shall constitute · notice of no reasonable dbjection. Requirement� for submittal of names of subcontractors are found in Article 6, Post-Bid Information, of the Instructions to Bidders. ARTICLE 6; WORK BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS Add the following Paragraph: 6.4 INDEMN IFICATION OF THE OWNER AND HIS AGENTS 6.4.1 The Contractor shall sav e the Owner and his agents and hold the m harmle ss from all claims, and make good all damages, cause d by·or re­sulting from the Contractor's operations under this Contract and affecting Work in place and Work done under se parate contracts. ARTICLE 7; MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS (No Modifications) ARTICLE 8; TIME (No Modifications) ARTICLE 9; PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 9.2 SCHEDULE OF VALUES Modify Subparagraph 9.2.1 to read as follows: 9.2.1 Within ten days after r.iet,lce.-.of ·selecti.oA, the Contractor sliall submit to the Architect a schedule of values allocate d to the various portions of the Work, prepar ed in such form and supported by such data as to substantiate its accuracy as the Arch itect may require. This schedule, unless objected to by the Architect, shall be used only as a basis for the Contractor's Application for Payment, and shall be prepared in such a manner that each major item of the Work and each subcontracted item of the Work can be shown as a single-line item on AIA Document G7O3, Application and Certificate for Payment, continuation sheet. \ '¼ ot / 9.3 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT Modify Subparagraph 9.3.1· to read as f�llows: 3.3.1-At least·ten days before the �ate for each progress payment es­tabli shed in the Owner-Contractor Agreement, the Contractor shall submit to the Archiiect an Itemized Application for Payment, notarized, and supported .by such data substantiating the Contractor's right to payment as the Owne� or the Architect may. require� and reflecti ng .retai n�ge. · The for� of Application shall be A.J!A. Document G702, supported by Continuation Sheets A. I .A •. Document G703 and· other sµpport i ng data as . required, and prepared in such a way that each major Item of th� Work and each subcontracted Item of the Wonk is shown as a·single-line item. 9,3.1.1 u·ntil Substantial Completion, the Owner will pay Ninety Pe_rcent (90%) of the amount due the Contractor on account of-progres� payments. Each monthly re quest for payment under the contract must be supple­me nted with re ceipte d pay rolls, re ceipts from the sub-contractors and --. receipts from mate rial vendors for labor pe rforme d and/or material de livered du ring the prece din g month. 9.8 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION Add the following Subparagraphs: 9,8.2 The Owner shall -have the right to occupy portions of the Work as the various porti ons of the Work become complete enough for use, prior to Substantial Compl eti·on. In such event, the Owner shal 1 pay an appropriate share of the utility charges, insurance charges, and othe r expense s caused by ea�ly occupancy. 9.8.3 The Owner will suffer financi al loss· if the project is not Substantially Complete within the Contract Time as stipulated in the Form of the Agreement. The Contractor, and his Surety, if Surety is requi red for this Contract, shall be liabl� for and shall pay to the Owner the sums hereinafter stipulated as fixed, agreed� and liquidated damages for each calendar day of delay until the Work is Substantially Complete , and the Owner may deduct these Liquidated Damages from payments to the Contractor, In the event that subsequent payments due to the Contractor are les� than the amount of accnued Liquidated Damages, the Owner sh all have all remedies ·av ailable.�y .law. ·.The amount of tiqui"dated Damages is hereby stipulated as agreed and fi xed in the amount of Two Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($200.00) per calendar day of delay. ARTICLE 10; PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Add the following Subparagraph: 10.2.8 The Contractor shall be re sponsible for the adequate strength and safety of all scaffolding, staging, hoisting equipment, and all temporary shoring, bracing, tying, and barricades , furnished by him for the_ use of his employees or s4bcontractors, or furnished by others but used under his superv ision; and Contractor shall be responsible for the proper use, care, and maintenance thereof, for the proiection of persons and property, while in. use for the execution of this Co ntract. ART I CLE 11; INSURANCE 11.1. CONTRACTO R'S LIABILITY INSURANCE Modify Subparagraph 11.1.2 to r·ead as follows: \__ ( '( ;) VI / 11.1.2 The insuranc� required by Subparagraph 11.1.1 shall be written for not less tha ·n the limits of .li ability specified below, or required by law, whichever is greater, and shall· include-contractual liability insurance as applicable to th� Contractor's obligations �nde r Paragra ph 4.18. In the event that the following minimum limits should be found to be less than the damages suffered, the Contractor shall be liable for the difference between the loss incurred and the limits ·of coverage. The C�ntractor is encouraged to carry insurance co�erage greater than the minimum li mits stipulated, if ·such additiqnal protection is needed by Contractor. .1 Employer 1 s ·lnsurance: a.Workmen's Compensationb.Employer's Liability Statutory $100,000.00 .2 Comprehensive General Liabi 1 ity> includi�g lndep�ndent Contractor's Liability, Contractual Liability, Completed Operations and Products Liability, �nd Personal Injury, all on the occurrence basis; include Personal Injury Coverage,.Owner 1 s indemnity, and Broad Form Property Damage without the 1 1 XCU 11 exclusions_; an� m�intain Completed Operations Liability for at least one year after the d�te of final acceptance .3 of the Work, as evidenced by final payment: a.Bodily and Personal Injury:Each PersonEach Occurrenceb.Property DamageEach OccurrenceAggregate $300,000.00 $300,000�00 $ 1 00 , 000. 00 ·$300,000.00 Comprehensive Automobile Liability, including non-owned vehicle and hired ve hicle coverage as well as owned vehicle coverage: a.Bodily DamageEach PersonEach Occurrenceb. Prop�rty DamageEach Occurrence $100,000.00 . $ 300, 000 . 00 $ lOO ,000. 00 .4 Bui lder 1 s Risk: Maintain 11 al l risk 11 insurance including structures and materials to protect the Owner and his agents, the Contractor, and all Subcontractors for 100% of insurable values. Modify Subparagraph 11.1.4 to read as fol·lows: 11.1.4 Certificates of Insurance acceptable to the Owner shall be fi led with the Owner before Award of the Contract, These Certificates shal I contain a a provision that coverages aftorded under the policies will not be canceled until at least thirty days• prior written noti�e ha� been given to the Owner. '. 11. 1.4.1 The Contractor shall furnish one copy each of Certific atesof Insurance herein required for each copy of the Agreement whichshall specifically set forth evidence of all coverage required by Sub­paragra phs 11.1.1, 11.1.2 and 11.1.3. The form of the Certificate shallbe A. I .A. Document G705, Certificate· of Insurance. The co ·ntractor sha 11file with the Owner along with Certificates of Insurance certified copiesof the insurance policies and any endorsements in effect. The Contractorshall furnish to the Owner also copies of any endorsements or amendmentsthat are subsequently issued amending coverage or limits. r � '(_ 11.2 OWNER'S LIABILITY INSURANCE Add the foll owing Subparagraph: _ ... --· ...·-- .. 6 of 7 11 .2.2 All insurance policies for Public Liability and Property Damage insurance are to carry an endorsement insuring and protecting the City and the Engineer from any liabili�y fo r damages on account of the work pe rformed by the Contractor covered by such insurance. This endorsement shall be in a form to mee t the approval of the legal counsel for the City and the Engineer. This endorsement shall be approved and execute d before the contrac t is signe d. 11.3 PROPERTY INSURANCE Add the following Clauses to 11.3.1: The form of. policy for this coverage shall be either "Completed Value" or "Reporting", at. the Owner's electi on. ll_.3.1.2 If by the terms of this insurance any mandatory deductibles are required, or if the Owner should elect to increase the mandatory deductible a·mounts or. purc hase this insurance with voluntary deductible amounts, the Owner shall be res ponsible for the payment of the amount of the deductible in the event of a paid claim. 11.3.6 In the first sentence, after the words 11 ••• (2) the Ar chitect", insert the words: "his consultants, 11• After the worl:is " ..• Separate con­tractors, if any, and 11, insert the words, "any of". ARTICLE 12; CHANGES IN THE WORK 12. 1 CHANGE ORDERSAdd th� following sentence to Subparagraph 12.1.4: "Overhead" shall be limited to the following: supervision; superintendence; wages of time keepers, watchmen, and clerks; mutual .cost of hand tools; incidental expenses; and any other reasonable expenses not inclu ded in "cost" as described hereinbefore. ARTI CLE 13; UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK 13.2 CORRECTION OF WORK Add the following Subparagraph: 13.2.8 The Owner may make emerge ncy repairs to the Work during the Guarantee Period to prevent furt her damages. The Contractor shall bear the cost of such emergency repairs when they result from defects in the Work. ( ( ( 'L ARTICLE 15:-PREVAILING WAGE RATES AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING. _ _. T(l .. LABOR · 15. 1 LAws ··AHD·J\EG_ULAT I QNS-. "• L 7 of 7 15.1.1 · In· compliance with the laws of Texas relati�g to labor (Acts 1933, 43rd Le gislature, Chapt. 45, p. 91) the Contractor and each of his subcontractors shall ascertain general prevailing wage rates in the geographicaJ area of this project. This Contractor and his subcontract­ors shall pay al.1 laborers, workmen, craftsmen, and mechanics employed b� �hem in the execution of the Work rates of pay not less than the pre­vailing rates so determined for each craft or category of labor required for the executfon of .the Work. ..,-. ----· 15.1.4· The Contractor and his subcontractors shall be familiar with and shali comply with the following laws of Texas re lating to labor: Art. 5159a, R.C.S;, Art. 1518a, P.C., Art. 5156, R.C.S., Art. 1579, P.C., Art. 1581, P.C., Art 1580, P.C., and all other applicable Federal and State laws and local ordinances. 1S.3 OVERTIME FOR ALL CRAFTS 15.3.1 Remuneration for work performed in excess of forty (40) hours per week shall be at the rate of time and one-half. 15.4 OFFICIAL HOLIDAYS · 15.4.1 Remuneration for work performed on official holidays shall be at the rate of time and one-half. Offic ial hot idays are: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. \( 01010 1 of ·4 .. SECTION 01010 -SUMMARY OF THE WORK PART 1 --GENERAL 1.01 ·CONTRACT CONDITl�NS Th� Gener�l and Supplementary Conditions of the Contra� for Construction, specified in Section C of the Contractual/legal Requirements, shall be part of each Section of these Speci1icattons as fully as if reproduced in each Section. 1.02 PRO�ECT DESCRIPTION The ge neral construction, including mecnanical and electrical work, of a library addition.and renovation containing �pp r�ximately302·m 2 (3",250 sq •. ft.) of new construction and 68 m (73-2 :s·q. ft.) of renovation . 1.03 SCOPE.·OF WORK 1.04 1.05 The Contrac tor shall supply all labor, materials, facilities, equipment, and tools which are indicated or implied in the Contract Documents and which are reasonable necessary for the entire, proper, and complete pe rformance of the Work. ENVI RONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY The Contractor shall take precautions for noise and dust control, materials and equipment handling, and pollution control to protect the quality of the envi ronment, the safety and health of construction �ersonnel and the public; and sha�] comply with all app licable construction, life, safety, and health ord_inances, codes, and regulations, inclu ding the Occupational Safety and Health Act. PROTECTION OF EXISTING IMP ROVEMENTS The Contractor shall protect all existing improvements not scheduled for demolition, including utili_ty _lines._ In the event utility lines are encountered whos·e disposition is not indicated in the Contract Documents, the ·contractor shall con­tact the Arc hitect for instructions b�fore proceeding �ith portions of the Work that would conceal or .otherwise affect these 1 i nes. . 1.06 SPECIAL CONSIDE RATIONSThe Contract or shall take precautions for materials equipment handling and scheduling of operations to avoid interruption of library oper­ati ons. Refe r to Section 01500, Temporary Facilities and Controls • ( ( \( J t_ ·PA RT 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 QUALITY STANDARDS 01010 2 of 4 All material and pr.oducts used shall be new and of the quality required in these Specifications. All standards of quality stated or referenced in these Sp eciflcations shall be minimum standards and shall be met or exceeded. · 2.02 PRODUCT TYPES Pr oducts required for this· project are specified in each Section of these Specifications. The Tab le.of Contents gives a summary of product categories. All products shall. be as specified unless Architect's written app roval fo�_substitution is obtained in accordance with Contract Conditions. Where no specific product is specified, contractor may furnish any brand meeting the criteri a stated in the Specification, provided Architect's acceptance is obtained in accordance with Section 01300, ·submittals. 2.03 PRODUCT HANDLING ANO STORAGE Ail products shall be handled and stored to·prev ent damage. Refer to Section 01500, Temporary Facilities and Controls, and Section 01600, Material and Equipment. 2.04 ALLOWANCES The following cash allowances ·shall be included in the Con.tract Sum: A.Landscaping: (Include materials and labor Jn �the allowance.).$ .500. 00 B.Facing Bricks: ·(Brick material's only·. Includelabor and mortar materials in the Base Bid.)$ 200.00/Thou sand t.Graphics: (Materials only. Include labor. toinstall in the Base Bid.)$ 100.00 D.Hardware: (Materials only. Include labor toinstall in the Base Bid.)$ 700. 00 I \ (j \ \ '--- 01010 3 of if PART l -EXECUTION 3.01 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS All manufactured products shall be applied, installed, con­nected, erected, used, cleaned, and protected strictly· in accordance with the -Manufacturer's printed instructions. 3.02 MEASUREMENTS 3.03 3.04 Before ordering any products or doing any work, the Contractor shall verify by �easurements taken at the site all dimensions given in the Drawings, and he shall thenceforth be responsible for their accuracy. The Contractor shall report to the Architect discrepancies between actual measurements and dimensions shown in the Drawings, and shall await instructions before proceeding with the Work. GUARANTEE The Contractor shall provide, in accordance with the Contract Conditions, full guarantee of all materials, equipment, and workmanship for the complete project for a period of one year from the date of substantial completion. The Contractor shall repair or replace promptly any portions of the Work that are found during the Guarantee Period to be defectiv�, that fail to function as intended, or that are discovered not to conform with the intent of the Contract Documents. The full cost of such repair or replacement shall be borne by the Contractor. In the event the Contractor for any reason fails to perform under the guarantee, the Owner shall have the right to effect repair or re placement, and to recover his costs and reasonable damages from the Contractor, and shall have full rights of remedy and recourse under the laws of the State of Texas. Certain Sections of these Specifications call for additional guarantees and warranties. Refer to individ­ual Sections for guarantee requirements for Work under each Section. STANDARDS FOR BARRIER-FREE ACCESS This Project has been designed to comply with the standards and spec­ifications contained in Sections 5 through 19, Article 678g, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes. Construction under this Contract shall comply with said specifications and standar ds so that the final product will not pose barriers to access by the physically handicapped. A.Finish Hardware: Finish hardware for toilet rooms designated forthe handicapped is included in the allowance for finish hardwarespecified in Paragraph 2.03, above, and shall include lockingdevices for the doors. B.Graphics:Identifying devi:ces for the handicapped are included in the allowance for graphics specified in Paragraph 2.03, above, and shall include plaques to identify the toilets for the handi­capped. These plaques will read "toilet room" or "restroom" in raised or inc ised letters, shall identify the toilet room as a facility for the handicapped, without restricting its use to the handicapped,and shall be mounted on the wall at the strike side of the door with its centerline 6011 above finish floor. ( ( ', 01010 4 of 4 C.Site Development: There will be less than 5% access from parkingspace to building entrance including a necessary curb ramp (shownon drawings). A 12 1 -011 parking space will be located in theexisting parking area and designated by painting 1 1 H 11 withinthe space. D.Ramps: All ramped areas are existing and are less than 5% sono handrails are required. E.Doors: See door schedule and/or plan for opening size andthresholds. F.Stairs: None this Project. G. Floors: See finish schedule a�d project manual. H.Toilet Rooms: Refer to plans, elev ations of toilets, and plumbing.They are existing with no modifications. Variance to be submittedwith app lication. I.Water Fountain: Existing with no plans for modification. Var­iance to be submitted with application. J.Public Telephone: None this project. One ls prov ided at thereceptionist deck. K.Elevators: Space for a future one has been left. L.Switches: See Mechanical and Electrical schedules. M.Warning Signals: Flasher and buzzer provided in the exit sign.See Electrical schedule. ( Ci � SECTION 01300 -SUBMITTALS PART 1 -:-GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1..02 Some Sections of these Specifications: require the Contractor 01300 1 of 4 to submit for th_e Arc hitect's approval shop drawings, manufac­turer's literature-�nd specificatio�s-, and samples-of mate�ials . . and flnishes. 1.03 SHOP DRA�INGS As used in these Speci fications, the ter m "Shop Drawin§S 11 includes drawings used in.the fabrication, manufacture, erection, cutting, setting, and installation of the product specified, other than the drawings prepared by the Architect. 1.04 MANUFACTURER'S LITERATURE .As used in these Specifications, the term "Manufacturer's Literature" includes manufacturer's brochures and printed literature describing the products specJfied and specifying their operational data, main­tenance instruction�,and performance criteria. 1.05 SAM PLES Are required by some Sections of these Specifications for establish­ing criteria for judging the acceptability of a finished material, product, or surface. ( I ( PART 2 -PRODUCTS 013"00 2 of 4 Refer to the various Sections of these Specifications for specific submittal requirements for the products specified in that Section. PART J -EXECUTION 3.01 SHOP DR AWINGS A.Preparation: Prepare shop drawings using competent draftsmen,showing clearly, precise ly, and concisely the re quire d informa­tion. Execute the drawings to scale, including any full-sizedetails needed to describe and illustrate fully the product. B •. Information Required: Show the following information on the shop drawings: 1.Size, grade, and gauge of members.2.Method of attachment of parts to each other and of pro ­duct to the substrate for which it is intended.3, Quantity and location of each par t or.item. 4.Any other data or information necessary to describe andillustrate fully the design, quality, size, shape, and construction of the product. C.Sheet Size and Layout: Use no tracing sheets larger than762mm X 1026mm (30 11 X 4011 ), with bo rders. Provide titleblock in the lower right-hand corner containing the followinginformation: 1.Name and location of the Proj ect.·z. Architect's Project Number.3.Title of sheet •4.Names of Architect, Consulting Engineer, General Contractor,.and the subcontractor, supp lier or fabricator submittingthe shop drawings. 5, Date of shop drawings and of each revision or correction. D.Submittal Procedure:. 1.Submit one reproducible print (sepia) and two blue­line prints of each she et of shop drawings.2.Fold drawings to 216mm X 280mm (8½11 x 111 1) size withthe title block exposed on top. ( /­\\ :{ 3.02 MANUFACTURER'S LITERATURE: Required· for, any prefabricated product or manufactured i tern, and when· required by the Specifications. A.INFORMATION REQUIRED:Manufacturer's specifications; describing tolerances, performance and operational criteria, standards met, and materials used. Operation · and maintenance instructions. 01300 3 of 4 Instructions for obtainin� replacement parts and service. B.Supmittal Procedure: Submit six copies of each document. 3.03 SA MPLES Required for field applied finishes and products ·fabricated from natura l materials. A.Size and Number: Submit 30cm. X 30cm. (1211 X 1211 ) samplesunless otherwise specified. Submit a minimum of two samplesof each color, texture, or type. Refer to each Section forvariations in these requirements. B.C·olor Ranges: For products with a natural range of color(Example: brick), submit sufficient samples to indicate thefull color range, in duplicate. Submit a minimum.of two setsof three samples. C.Full Size Panels: In some cases, specifications require thefabrication at the site of full-size sample panels composedof products for which samples have been submitted. Refer to each Section of these Specifications to deter�ine whether suchpanel mock-up is required. 3.04 SUBMI TTAL PROCEDURE A.CONTRACTOR'S REVIEWGeneral contractor shall review all submittals before trans­mitting to the Architect. Contractor shall indicate hisreview and acceptance by stamping and signing each sheet ofshop drawings and each document of manuf acturer's literature.Contractor shall affix to each sample an index card identi­fying it and bearing his acceptance stamp and signature. B.TRANSMITTALContractor shall provide a transmittal letter with each sub­mittal, listi.ng the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. Name and location of project. Architect's Project Number. Name of Architect and Consulting Engineer. Name of General Contractor. Name of appropriate subcontractor, fabricator, or supplier. Date of submittal. ( f { 3.05 Ul.)UU � of � · .. 7.Notice of any devJations from Contract Documents and reasons for such deviation. ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE A •. ARCHIT Eci•s REVIEW: Submittal� will be.reviewed by the Architect and his consult­ants for.conformance to his design intent. This review does not relieve the Contractor from respbnsibility,for.proper sizes, dimensions, quantities, and ·compliance with the require­ ments of the Cootr�c�_bocuments;,. B.ACCEPTANCE c. o. If submittal is .acceptable as submi-tted, the architect willreturn to .the Contrac.tor the fo .1 lowing:· 1.Shop drawings_;. The reproducible pz:int.2.Manufacturer's 1 i terat.ure: : Four copies. 3.Samp 1 es: One set. REJECTION If submittal is not acceptable, Architect will retain one blue­line print of shop drawings or one set of Manufactur-er's litera­ture, returning all other.submittal material to the Cont ractor for correction and iesubmittal.· Contractor shall correct and· r�submi t until Architect's _acceptanc� is obtained� DO NOT ·COMMENCE WORK requi ring a su�mittal until the sub�ittal has been reviewed and ac�epted by the Archite�t. 3.06 OTHER SUBMITTALS A.Miscel laneous Submittals: Contractor shall cooperate with the Architectin submitting when requeited any ot her submitta1s requested by theArchitect during the course of the Work. and reasonably necessary for f9r proper coordination of the Work. ( ( ( SECTION 01400 - TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES PART 1 -GE NERAL 1.01 QUAL IFICATIONS 01400 1 of 2 A.Testing laboratory shall be independent and shall meet therequirements of ASTM E 329, "Standard bf Recommended Practicefor Inspection ·and Testing Agencies for Concrete and Steel asused in construction." B.Testing laboratory shall submit to the Architect a copy of thereport of inspection of their facilities made by the MaterialsReference Laboratory of the National Bureau of Standards duringthe most recent tour of such inspections, along with a letterstating what steps have been taken to remedy any deficienciesreported as a result of this inspection. C.The testing laboratory shall have complete facilities to per­form the inspections and tests required in these Specifications,but need not have facilities for work not required by theseSpecifications. 1.02 SE LECTION The Owner will select and employ the laboratory to be use�, and will pay for its services. PART 2 -PRODUCTS Refer to the individual Sections of these Specifications to determine speci­fic requirements for the testing of products and materials specified in that Section. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 DUTIES Testing laboratory shall perform all inspections and tests of the materials and methods of construction required by these Specifications requested by the Architect, to determine complia nce with the Contract Documents; and shall provide any other technical services requested by the Arc hitect. 3,02 NOTICE Contractor shall give adequate notice to the testing laboratory of Work for which the presence of a representative of the laboratory is required at the project site. 3.03 EQUIPME NT Testing labor atory sh all calibrate its equipment as often as necessary to maintain accuracy and at least once each twelve months to conform to National Bureau of Standards criteria for accuracy. / ,( ( 01400 2 of 2 3.04 REPORTS Testing laboratory shall furnish four copies of each report to the Architect. The .Architect will dis tribute one copy each t9 the General Contractor, the·appropriate Consulting Engineer, and the. Owner. · 3.05 SUMMARY OF TESTS AND INSPECTIONS The testing laboratory will perform the following tests and inspections, any others specified in the various sections of these Specifications, and any additional ·tests, insp��tions, and services requested .by the Arc�itect: ,. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Tests to verify compaction of earthwork ·Inspections and tests of asphaltic pavement and base materials,and inspection and acceptance of subgrade.Cylinder tests of each batch of concrete placed.Core �ests ·of cured ·concrete as required to verify strength.·Core tests will be required only when reasonable doubt existsthat cured concrete does not meet specified standards.Inspections and tests as required of connections and welds.Inspections of roof deck and roof membrane.Core tests of roof membrane when required by architect to verifycompliance with Contract Documents. ( (( 01500 1 of 6 SECTION 01500 -TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions •. 1 • 02 CONTRACTOR'S RESPON_S I BIL I TY It is the responsibility of the Contractor to provide the neces­sary temporary faci 1 ities and to execute the n�cessary contr.ols for the satisfactory completion of the Work.and the safety of the public and his employees. 1,03 REGULATORY AUTHORITIES 1.04 1.05 1.06 The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of local, state, and Federal regulatory authorities, including the Occupational Safety and ·Health Act, as they relate to the safety, health, and welfare of employees and the general public, and to the protection of the quality of the environment. SECURITY It is the Contractor's responsibility to provide the security pre­cautions he feels necessary to protect his materials, equipment, and completed Work. STORAGE YARD The Owner will designate an area within the project site for the Contractor's use as a storage and lay-down area. Do not store mat­erials or equipment in unauthorized areas. TRAFFIC AND SAFETY Do not close or obstruct sidewalks, driveways, streets, or other public trafficways, without proper authority .. Provide and maintain suitable temporary trafficways and barricades as required by law, the req uirements of regulatory authorities, and conditions at the site to protect the safety and health of the public and Contractor's . employees. Leave access to hydrants. Provide sui.table portablefire protection equipment. When the Work is stopped or suspended for any reason, make sure all equipment, materials, and debris that could pose a hazard are secured, a11 barricades .and temporary traf­ficways are in place, and in proper condition. 1,07 PARKING Owner will designate an area for the use of the Contractor , sub­contractors, and project employees for the.parkirig of personal and construction vehicles. No parking will be permitted in other are�s. 1.08 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS Contractor shall keep and maintain in the job office in current form two complete sets of all Drawings, Specifications, Addenda, approved Submittals, Change Orders, Field Orders, revised Drawings, and other modifications to the Contract Documents, ( / "( ( l• 01500 2 of 6 A.The Contractor, and the subcontractors for the mechanical andelectrical p9�tions of the work, shall mark on both sets ofthe Project Record Documents a record of all changes to anddeviations from the original Contract Documents. These twosets of Project Record Documents shall be marked clearly"PROJECT RECORD COPY" and shall be maintained in good condition,available at all times at the site for inspection by theArchitect, and �hall ·not be used for other construction pur­poses. 8.Maintain a record on both sets of Project Record Documents bymarking up the most appropriate document to show significantchanges m�de during the construction,addinf any significantdetail not shown in the original Contract Documents. Includeexisting coQditions uncovered during the course of the Work,such as the location of underground utilities, referenced to·permanent surface improvements, and the location of utilities,and conditions concealed in the existing building structures,referenced to visible and accessible features of the structures. C.Keep Project Record Documents current. Do not perman�ntl yconceal any Work until the required information ·has been recor�ed. D.Submit both sets of Project Record Documents to the Architectalong with the final Application and Certificate for Payment. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 TEMPORARY BUILDINGS Contractor shall provide the following temporary buildings, and shall remove them at completion of the Work or upon direction: A.· Temporary Office: Contractor shall provide and maintain awatertight, lighted, heated, and airconditioned temporary building for use by the Contractor and the Architect as a job office. It shall be equipped with file cabinets, tables, chairs, and racks for drawings. 8.Storage Sheds: Contractor shall �rovide and maintain suitablewatertight storage sheds for the storage and protection of mat­erials and equipment subject to damage by the weather. Storage space shall be of sufficient size to protect all materials andequipment that require such protection that are on site at onetime. If the storage space is an outside building, it shallhave floors raised at least1Scm (6 11 ) above grade on heavyjoists, sleepers, or pallets. C.Sanitary Facilities: Provide and maintain in a neat and sani­tary condition such temporary toilets for the use of employeesas may be required by the regulatory authorities having juris­diction. ( \ C l _,.,,, __3 of 6 2.02 TEMPORARY UTILl11ES C6ntractor shall provJde temporary utilities as may be required for the execution of the Work and the pnotection of his employees and.the general public. Contractor ·may in some cases obtain some of· these from existing sources on the site by making proper ar-.. rangements with the ·owner to pay for their use. The utilities required shall include, but not be -limited to, the following: A.Temporary electrical power complete with wlring, lamps, out­-lets, and equi�ment necessary for the s�tisfactory completlo nof the.Work.' B.Temporary water supply for. construction work, testing, drink­i6g, wash�n�; fire protection, and sanitation. C.Temporary gas supply as required for con struction use-�nd fortesting. D.Temporary heating as required to provide protection of the work,comfort to workers, and proper working te�peratures. E.Temporary telephone at the job office for use by the GeneralCon�ractor, his su bcontractors, the Architect, and any oth�rpersoni having need of a telephone in connection wi th the Work. 2. 0 3 HOISTS AND SCAFFOLD I NGContractor shall provide and maintain hoisting mechanisms and scaf­folding required by all trades for the execution of the work. Comply with all safety.requirements of regulatory authorities having· jurisdiction, Do not build·sdaffolding into the walls of the build_ing. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 TESTING The.use by the Owner of a testing laboratory shall not relieve th� ( r· \( ) -l_ i . 01500 4 of 6 Contractor of his responsibility to furnish products and to execute the work in full compliance with the Contract Do cuments. To facilitate the testing requjred, cooperat e with the laboratory and: A.Provide preliminary representative samples of the productsproposed for use which require testing, and deliver them tothe laboratory or as directed. B.Provide necessary labor and facilities to obtain and handlesamples at the site and to facilitate inspection.an:d testing. C.Notify the laboratory sufficiently in advance· of operationsto allow for the performance of inspections and tests requiredand for the assignment of personnel by the laboratory. D.Provide and maintain for the sole use of the laboratory ade7quate facilities for the safe storing and curing of test speci­mens that must remain on the site prior to testing. E.Pay for any inspections or tests performed solely for theconvenience of the General Contractor, and for such retestingas may be occasioned.by non-conformance with. the ContractDocuments. F.Furnish to the Architect and to the laboratory copies of milltest reports for products fornished when such mill test reportsare requested or specified. See section 01300, Submittals. 3,02 TREE AND PLANT PROTECTION Take precautions during the course of the work to protect trees, plants, and shrubs that are to remain in place. , .A •. Pruning: In the event that excavation work remove·s. a portion of the root mass of a tree or large shrub, prune back the plant structure to compensate, sealing cuts of the woody structure with an approved pruning paint. Use proc·edures and methods approved by the Architect. B •. Dantage: In the event a tree or. large shrub is damaged by con­struction operations, prune broken limbl using procedures as specified in 3.02. A, above. Patch holes and gouges in the woody structure with an approved tree plaster, and paint with an approved pruning paint all scars, scratches, and cuts through the bark. C.Barricade: Install around plants and trees threatened by con­struction operations. D.Do not lower or raise the finish grade level within the dripline of a tree or large shrub without the Architect's approval. (I . �( -C 3.03. NOTIFICAT.ION OF ARCHITECT 01500 ? of 6 ·rf the Architect does not provide a full-time project representative,Contractor ��all notify the Architect 48 hours in advance of each �fthe following stages of construction, -in order to facil itate theArchitects inspection: -A. Preparatory work:1.Work areas .staked out and batter boaids se t.2.Clearing of work areas. B.Sitework and earthwork:1; Placement of each lift of se lect fill material, 2.P 1 a cement of dra·i·nage f i 11. 3.Excavation of footings, trenches, pits. C.Concrete work:1.Placement of concrete.2.Removal of formwork. D.Code inspections :Each inspection of building officials required by codes. E.Erection of steel structure. F.Laying masonry. G •. Roofing and shee t metal work. H.Installation of glazing • . -I • Installation of doors. . J.Installation of finish hardwar�. K.Commencement of each stage'of each type of finish work, su ch aseach coat of paint, each coat of stucco, laying of resilientflooring, etc. L.Installation of Division 10 and Di vision 11 items. ( \ 1( 01500 6 of 6 Installation of mechanical, plumbing, and electrical equipment and fixtures. Star t-up, testing, and ·regu lation of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems. Installation of insulation. Installat ion of gypsum bo�rd. Completion of fine gradi-ryg., Each stage of landsca�ing w6rk. ( ,/ \.( I . SECTION 01600 -MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions� 1.02 SCOPE 01600 1 of 1 This Section governs the transportation, handling, storage, and protection of a1·1 material, equipment, and products furnished and· installed as a part of the Work under this Contract. 1.03 STANDARDS Conform to the standards of manufacturer's and trade associations. referenced in each Section. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 Any product, material, or item of equipment furnished under this Contract is governed by this Section. 2.02 Refer to each Section of these specifications and to manufacturer's printed instructions for specific requirements relating to specific prod�cts. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3,01 TRANSPORTATION Whenever possible transport products to the site in their original shipping containers. Take all necessary precautions to secure, pack, and tie down products to the vehicle in which they are transported to avoid damage and breakage. Protect from road shocks and weather while transporting. 3,02 INSPECTION Inspect each item as it is delivered to the si te. Reject any damaged items. 3,03 HANDLING Handle all products with sufficient labor and appropriate equipment, packing, and protection to avoid damage from impact, abrasion, weather, and soiling. Do not install or use damaged products. 3,04 STORAGE AND PROTECTION Store all products under cover, protected from the weather, and off the ground on wood joists, sleepers, or pallets. Refer to. Section 01500, Temporary Facilities and Controls. Protect from dirt, heat, grease, and cold. ( ,� \ 01700 1 of 2 SECTION 01700 PROJECT CLOSEOUT PART 1 -GENERAL· 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 SCOPE This Section specifies the procedure for concluding the Work under this Contract. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 2.02 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS Section 01500 calls for the maintenance at the site of Project Record Documents. Prior to final completion, the contractor shall inspect these Project Record Documents and add to them as necessary to com­plete the portion relating to product literature. PRODUCT INFORMATION Contractor shall assemble two sets of all product information as a part of the Proje�t-'Record Documents, including all sub­mittal material; guarantees, bonds, and affidavits; . and · operation and maintenance data; and shall prepare these documents for submittal to the Architect. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 CLEANING UP It is the responsibility of the Contractor to keep the project reasonably clean at all times during the course of the Work, re­moving rubbish and protecting completed work. As the Work draws near completion, the Contractor shall undertake a complete and . thorough cleaning to render the Work ready for occupancy. Thi s cleanup shall include, but not be limited to, the following: A.Remove from the site all tools, scaffolding, forms, surplusmaterials, debris, rubbish, and trash. B.Replace all damaged, broken, and �cratched glass, removepaint and stains, and wash and polish all glass. C.Remove all stains, marks, fingerprints, soil, and dirt fromexposed surfaces. ·D. Clean all manufactured items, remo ving temporary'paper labels,and. inspecting to make sure that all required permanent labels are visible, legible, and securely attached. E.Remove all dir�, excess mortar, and stains from walks and pavements. ( '---c 01700 2 of 2 F.Clean and polish floors, tile work, hardware, and otherfinishes designed for a polished finish. G.Refer to individual .Sections of these Spe6ification� forspecial cleaning requi rements for the Work in that Section. 3.02 FINAL INSPECTION A.When the Contractor believes that the Work is·substantiallycomplete, he.shall notify_ �he_ Architect and requ�st ·finalinspection. B.Architect will then inspect the project; preparing a fi�alpunch list of items not complete or requiring correctivework. He wfll furnish a copy of this puhch list to theContractor. c� Contrac tor shall com plete and correct the work, including the items on the Architect's punch list and any other items that may be found to need attention. Upon completion of all corrective work, Contractor shall notify the Architect, who will inspect again as needed until there is no Work remain­ing to be corrected. D.When the Architect has completed a satisfact ory final inspect­ion and found the Work to be Substantially Complete, he wilJissue a Certificate of Substantial Completion. E.At this time, the Contractor shall submit to the Architect hisfinal Application and Certificate for Payment, together withthe two complete sets of Project Record Documents, and allguarantees, certifications, releases of liens, and otherdocuments as required by the General Conditions or theseSp�cifications. F.The Architect will approve the final Application and wi 11issue the Final Certificate for·Payment. ( ,,. i..,, \ SECTION 02100 -CLEARING PART 1 -GENERAL· 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK Coordinate with th� Work.of other Trades. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 1 of 1 Provide necessary materials, equipment, supplies, etc. as required to accomplish the work in ·this section. PART 3 -EXECUTtON 3,01 Remove trees and shrubs and grub out the roots complete, where indicated. Protect plants and trees that are to remain. 3,02 CLEARING AND STRIPPING A.Clear area to be occupied by building, walks, and paving.Grub out stumps and sub-surface roots larger than 76mm(3 inches) in ·diameter, and matted or other roots whichwi·11 interfe�e with co nstruction operations. B.Strip and dispose of. grass roots to� depth of 76mm(3 inches). C.Strip top soil and stockpile for later finish grading. 02110 1 of 1 l 'SECTION 02110 -DEMOLITION ( PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK Coordinate with the Work of other Trades. PART 2 -PRODUCTS Provide all equipment and materials required for the Work under this Section. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 The Drawings indicate the extent of demolition work involved in this Contract. 3.02 Remove structures to extent indicated on Drawings, taking care to prevent damage to any portions that are to remain. 3.03 Saw cut concrete paving at 1 ine that indicate limit of removal. Break up and remove paving in areas where indicated in the Drawings. 3,04 Remove utility and drainage 1 ines as shown in the Drawings. Cap ends of existing lines to be taken out of service. 3,05 Dispose of all discarded material away from the project site. ( ·( -l 022 00 1 of 3 SECTION 02200 - EARTHWORK PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Su pplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK 1.03 . 1. 04 Coordinate with the Work of other Trades. PROTECTION Contractor shall protect all public and private pr operty adjacent to the jobsite. Con tractor shall, at his own expense , make all re­pairs to or replace damaged property. SHORING Provide temporary shoring, bracing, etc., required to protect adjacent structure and banks surrounding excavations from settlemen t or drain age. Remove when no longer required and danger has ceased to exist. 1.05 INSPECTION An. independent testing laboratory will be employed by the Owner to deter­mine the suitability of fill material proposed and to test inplace material as required for proper compaction and be aring capacity. See Section 01400 -Ins pecti on and Tests. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 SELECT FILL Acceptable material from sources approved in wri ting by th e Architect. Material shall be granular and well-graded with a maximum Plasticity Index of twelve (12). 2.02 DRAINAGE FILL Pit run oi bank sand free of mud lumps, clay balls, organic matter, and excessive silt. 2.03 STRUCTURAL FILL Material approved by Architect suitable for finished landscaping grading. ( ( ( ) PART 2 -EXECUTION 3.01 CONTRACTOR'S PREPARATION 02200 2 of 3 Prior to the commencement of any work, Contractor shall examine all Drawings and Specifications; shall visit the site; shall consult the records of adjacent construction and existing utilities and their connections, if any, and shall note all conditions and limitations which may influence the Excavation Work, all as stipulated in the applicable provisions of the Contract Conditions. 3,02 COORDINATION Contractor shal 1 coordinate hi.s work wi.th the work ·of other trades so as to obtain the best results in �he construction program. Ele vations and grade lines shown on the Drawings indicate· the he-ights in relation to esta·blished bench mark. Existing gr·ades indicated shall be considered approximate. 3,03 EXCAVATION A.Excavation shall be understood to mean the removal of all materialsencountered, including earth, rock, piping, de bris, and any othersubstance. B.Excavate to the grades and .dimensions shown on the Drawings, plussufficient space to permit er·ection of forms, bracing, and inspection.Level off excavations to exact depth required, on firm s6il, withallowance for fill where shown. Where excavati ons are carried toodeep, the difference in level shall be made up of same type concrete(as specified under "Concrete for Foundations") at the Contractor'sexpense. 3.04 MATERIAL DISPOSAL Remove from premises and dispose of all excavated material. Existing surface soils are not suitable for filling or backfilling. 3.05 PUMPING AND DRAINAGE · Provide and operate pumps as necessary to maintain excavat ions and building site free of water during working and non-working hours until fillJng and backfilling is finished. Water must be drained away completely. 3.06 SELECT FILL All areas under buildings and under concrete paving shall receive select f i 11. A.Af ter completion of excavation to the required grades, scarify theexposed subgrade to a depth of 15cm (6 11 ). Moisten if necessary,and recompact to 95% of Standard P�octor DeMsity at not less thari optimum moisture content. B.Place select fill material in noi more than 20cm (8-inch) layers,and compact to 95% of Standard Proctor Density at not less thanoptimum moisture content. Total thickness of select fill shallbe not less than amount.shown in the:Drawings. 3,07 DRAINAGE. FILL Place drainage fill in layers not more than 15cm (41 � deep after compaction. Compact by flooding. Provide depths indicated on the Dra,,·ings. '( \ 3.08 BACKFILLING 02200 3 of 3 After foundation work has been inspected and approved by Architect and. underground piping installed, backfill with select fill material, in areas to receive building or pavement. In.other areas backfill with structural fill. Dampen material and turn once with shovel before placing. Place in 23cm (911 ) layers and compact each layer. Compaction requirements for backfill under concrete pavement shall be the same as that for select f i 11. 3.09 FINISH GRADING Finish grading work includes the entire site within project limits and to edge of .pavement on street sid es. Use top soil stripped from site for finish grading, placed to 15cm (611 ) depth. Clean top soil of stumps, roots, and rubbish before placing. Compact as required. Spread uniformly in quantities required to bring finish grades to levels and slopes indicated on Drawings after compaction. Provide additional approved top soil as required. Round all abrupt changes in slope. Form finish grade adjacent to building to provide drainage away from building. ( '{ l 02250 1 of 2 SECTION 02250 -SOIL POISONING PART·1 -·GENERAL 1.01 ·Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK Coordinate with the Work of other Trades. 1.03 SUBMITTALS S�bmit, in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals, manufacture�!s literature, includi ng description of chemicals pre posed for use, evidence of applicator 1 s qualifications, and specimen copies of guarantee form. 1.04 CONT RACTOR'S QUALIFICATIONS Work under this Section shall be done only by a bonded contractor with substantial exp erie nce in this kind of work, and who can iho� evldence of at least five consecutive years of successful operation in this kind of work. 1 .05 SCOPE 1.06 The.Work to be acco mplished under this Section encompasses the chemical treatment of the soil under the building to prevent termite ac tivity. GUAR ANTEE Furnish, in addi tion to General Contractor's guarantee re quired by Contract Conditions, applicator 1 s guarantee, backed by the manufacturer of the chemicals to-be used, for a period of five years from the date of acceptance as determined by final payment. Guarantee shall certify that application was made at concentrations, rates, and methods in compliance with these Specifications; that effectiveness of the treatment is guaranteed for a period not less than that specified; that upon evidence of subterranean termite activity during the guarantee period, this contractor shall apply re-treatment as required, at no cost to the owner, and in accordance with ac cepted trade practices; that this contractor will correct, at no cost to the Owner, any damage to the building caused by termites ( / ( '( 02250 2 of 2 wlthin the guarantee period, up to a value of $5,000.00; and that the guarantee cannot be canceled for any reason by manufacturer, this · contractor, or General Contractor._ This Guarantee shall be drawn in favor of the Owner. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 CHEMICALS Use only water-based_ emulsio� soil chemicils. Use working solutions containi:og any one of the fo1·1owing chemicals· at the-1 isted minimum concentrations: Ald rin 0.5% Chlordane 1.0% Dieldrin 0.5% Heptachlor 0.5% Approved Equal (see Contract Conditions for substitution procedures) The working solution shall contain a dye which will be readily discernible visually after applica tion. 2.02 MIXTURES If a mixture of toxicants is to be used, at least one·of them shall be at the conce ntration listed above. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 TIME OF APPLICATION Apply soil poisoning after earthwork has been completed to the point that subgrade is ready to receive vapor barrier. Do not apply chemicals when surface water is present; Application of soil pois6ni�g: shall be complete at least 12 hours prior to placement of concrete. 3.02 LOCATION 3.03 Apply soil poisoning to all areas beneath concrete floor slabs on grade or fill and along the interior sides of all foundation walls and grade beams. Where exterior of the buildJng abuts walks or pavements, treat also the exterior sides of ·foundation waJls and grade beams. RATE OF APPLICATION Apply soil poisoning at the minimum rate of 4.lL per m2 of surface area under slabs on grade (1 gal./10 sq. ft.) within the �uilding area. Apply at the rate of 5L per· lin. meter (2 gal./5 •tin. ft.) immediately be low �xpansion joints and control joints, along grade beams, an d at all locations where slab will be penetrated by construction features. ( (r l i ._., SECTION 02610 CONCRETE WALKS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK Coordinate.with the Work of other Trades. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2 .01 REINFORCING MATERIALS Conform to Section 03 2 00, Concrete Reinforc ement. 2 .0 2 CONCRETE Conform to Section 03301, Standardweight Concrete. PART 1 -EXECUTION 0 2610 1 of 2 3.01 Unless otherwise indicated, walks shall be 2 0,690 kN/m 2 (3000 psi) concrete, a minimum of 10cm (4-INCHES) thick and reinforced with 15cm X 15cm, 3mm dia. (6-inch X 6-inch No. 10 X 10) welded wire fabric. Where walks or slabs intersect vertical surfaces of build­ings, install expansion joint and kr aft paper between walk or slab and building, the paper to extend 30cm (12 inches) up wall and taped. After walks are finished, cut paper level with walk and remove from building. This applies to all slabs placed against vertical surfaces of building. .( (( ,_( 02610 2 of 2 3,02 Place slabs conttnuous and s�reed off to even surface at surface level. Float unttl mix becomes wet, and finish with wood float. Mark off in patterns Indicated, wi th tooled joints at approximately 1.2m (48") centers, unless otherwise shown. Tool edges. I 3,03 Trowel surface hard and smooth, and then very lightly break glaze with a fine hair broom (broom finish). 3,04 Cure and protect a� specifJed in _Section 03301, Standardw�ight Concrete. 3.05 Provide 10cm ( 2•� minimum thickness of bank sand under all walks and miscellaneous slabs.· Bank sand shall conform to the requirements of Section 02200 for drairiage fil). 3.06 When tested with a 3m (lO�foot) straight edge, no part of the finished surface shall vary more than 19mm (3/411 ) from the testing edge. /" ( '( J ) ' 03101 1 Of 3. SECTION 03101 -JOB BUILT CONCRETE FORMWORK PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Con ditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK Coordinate with the Work of ·other Trades PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 2.02 LUMBER For unexpo sed concrete s�rfaces� For exposed concrete surfaces: PLYWOOD No. 2 S.Y.P. No. 1 .S. Y. P . For une xposed concrete surfaces: any suitable grade. For exposed concrete surfaces: face veneer grade B or better. All plywood: DFPA exterior grade at least five-ply. Use 19mm (3/411 ) thickness for flat work, .6mm (-l.11 ) thickness forcurved work. 2.03 EXPANSION JOINTS Extefio�: 13mm (½'') thick, pre�oulded, asphalt-saturated fiberboard conforming to ASTM D-544. Interior: Refer to Drawings. 2.04 FORM COA TING AND RELEASE AGENT Approved non-staining oil of good grade, that will not impair the bonding characteristics of any material to be applied to the concrete surface; Approved: Lambert Corporation -·11Formcell" Sonneborn -"Formsaver" Approved equa 1 . 2.05 FORM TIESSnap-fastened or threaded of the type that can be removed to at least 25 ·mm ( 111 ) depth from concrete surf ace. Approved manufacturers: Symons · Hohmann & Barnard Richmond Approved equal /' (l 03101 2 of '3 PART J -EXECUTION 3,01 FORMWORK DESIGN AND ASSEMBLY 3.02 A.The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the structuraladequacy of the forms, ties, shoring, and bracing, which shallconform to ACl-347, B.Forms shall be made sufficiently tight to prevent leakage ofsl-urry, properly braced and tied to maintain position and pro­file and to prevent deflection beyond 1/360 of span. C.Screeds: Provide screed boards as needed to assure accuratetop· edges for be�ms, slabs, and construction joints. D.Accuracy: Formwork shall be accurate 'enough to produce concretesurfaces that are visibly plumb, lev el, straig ht, and smoothwhen viewed at a distance of 9m (30'); sufficiently accurateto accommodate the details of abutting work; and deviating notmore than hmm (¼")In •:tt(lO') for exposed surfaces when testedwith a 3m (10 1 ) straightedge. E.Chamfers: Provide 19mm (3/4 11 )::hamfers at al 1 exposed cornersexcept where ·shown otherwise. F.�cc�ssories: Provide ties, inserts, anchors, and other accessories·as required. G.Chases, Slots, Holes, Recesses, and Reveals: Construct as shownor implied in the Drawings, except where formed by sleaves, frames,boxes, or other items furnished by other trades. Consult tradesrequiring openings or recesses for precise locations, sizes, andshapes. Build in all pipes, sleaves, anchors, and appurtenancesrequired for the installation of work by othe r trades. H.Board Forms: permitted only where entire width can be coveredwith one board no more than 29cm (11½11 ) wide. PREPARATION FOR CONCRETE PLACEMENT Coat all forms with approved form release agent before reinforcement is placed. Install specified vapor barrier under buildi ng slabs, with minimum 15cm (611 ) laps unless otherwise specified. Place expansion joint material. ( ( 3.03 RE-USE OF FORMS Forms that have not been damaged by previous use may be re-used. Remove all nails, clean thoroughly, and reapply form release agent before reuse. 3,04 FORM REMOVAL Remove forms no sooner than 72 hours after concrete placem ent, but not before concrete has reached sufficient strength to sustain its own weight and any construction loads placed on it. Use extreme c�re in remov tng .formwork to prevent damage to concrete surface. 03101 3 of 3 i I 0 I J_:, SECTION 03200 -CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT ( I / I PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 �efe r to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK Coordi�ate with the Work of other Trades. 1.03 SCOPE This Section goverhs all reinforcing steel, including concrete rein­forcement, and reinforcement for masonry lintels, bond beams, and insulating concrete roof. 1.04 STANDARDS Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures, ACl-315 Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings ACl-301 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete, ACl-318 CRSI Manual of Standard Practice for Reinforced Concrete Construction. 1. 05 SU.BM lTTAL,S ·In accordance with Section 01300, Submittals. A.Mill Reports·: ·certified copies of mill reports shall accompanydeliveries of reinforcing ste el. B.Shop Drawings: Submit for approval; including diagrams, schedules��nd details for all concrete reinforcing except slabs on grade.Show the following: Layout of reinforcing membersSizes of reinforcing steelBending diagramsSpacing:of bars and supportsAssembly diagramsSplicing and laps ( l Any other deta i 1 s necessary ( I (- "( 'l PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 STEEL BARS 03200 2 of 3 A.Bars 12mm (¼") in diameter and larger shall be ASTM A 615with grade 6D deformations, minimum yield stre ngth 413,700kN/m2 (60,000 psi.) B.Bars with diameters smaller than 12mm (¼11 ) shall be of samespecification as larger bars except that minimum yield strengthmay be 275,800· kN/m 2 (40,000 psi) C.Smooth bars 6mm (¼") in di ameter or less shall conform.toASTM A 306 and be fabricated with hooked ends. D.Bars that are welded shall be welding grade with maximum carboncontent of 0.30% and maximum manganese content of 0,60%. 2.02 WELDED WIRE FABRIC ASTM A 185, min. dia. 1.60mm (U.S. #16 ga.) 2.03 COLO-DRAWN WIRE ASTM A 82 2.04 BAR SUPPORTS A.Concealed: Cold-drawn steel wire or any others given below. B.Surfaces Exposed to Moisture: Galvanized steel, plastic coatedsteel, solid plastic, or stainless steel. C.Architectural Surfaces: Solid plastic or stainless steel. D.Precast Concrete: Same as 2.04 (B) above... 2.05 ACCESSORIES Conform to CRSI Manual. Include all devices necessary for placing, spacing, supporting, and fastening steel reinforcement into place. PART J -EXECUTION 3,01 FABRICATION A.Cleaning: Before fabrication, clean off all mill rust and scale. B.Bending: Form accurately. Make bends in accordance with ACI 318.Reben ding, straightening, and heating are not permitted. 3,02 PLACEMENT A.Place rein forcement in accordance with ACI 318. Position accurately.Secure at intersections. Support with chairs, spacers, or hangers. B.Unless otherwise shown, allow minimum 76mm (311) concrete cover atconcrete surf aces exposed to ground or weather. Al loh' 50mm (2 11) --concrete cover for bars over 16mm (5/811 ) diameter, and 38mm ( H")concrete cover for smaller bars. '( /. I \ O ,;.,. 3 OT ?_, ·a .. � C.Before placement, clean bars of dirt, loose rust, and scale.Reject bars appreciably reduced in diameter. by oxidation. D.Splice as indicated. Do not splic e at points of maximum stress.Where bars lap or splice, provide minimum wire -tied lap of 36bar diameters. Where larger bar laps smaller bars, largest bardiameter governs. E.Support reinforcement as required, using specified supports.Securely fasten to prevent shifting during concrete placement. F.Place and fasten all embedded items shown in the Drawings·orrequired for attachment of the work of other trades. G� Inform the Architect sufficiently in advance of concrete place­ment to allow inspection of the in-place reinforcement. ' ( SEC TION 03301 -STANDARDWEIGHT CONCR ETE PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Sup plementary Con ditions.· 1.02· RELATED WORK Coordinate with the Work of other Trades.- 1. 03 STANDARDS 03301 1 of 7 All concrete shall be proportioned, mixed and placed in accord with ACI 614, "Recommended ·practice for Measurin_g, Mixing, and Placing Concrete." 1.0 4 INSPECTION An independent testing laboratory experienced.and well qualified in the design of concrete mixtures and in concrete testing wi 11 be employed by the Owner to perform the services of mix design, slump testing, and com­pression testing. The Contractor shall cooperate with the testing laboratory in the obtaining of samples, and cylinders and to facilitate the work of the testing laboratory. 1.05 STORAGE OF MATERIALS Store cement to keep it absolutely dry.· Pile the fine and coarse aggre�at�s s�parately to prevent mixing with each oth er. 1.06 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDI TIONS A; Do not place concrete when the ambient temperature is below 4 °C. (40 ° F.), nor when the concrete is 1 ikely to be subjected to freezing temperatures befo�e final set has occurred. B.Provide, in freezing weather, suitable means for maintai ning theconcrete at a temperature not lower than 21�:c (70 °·F.) for 3 days,or 10 °.C (50° F.) for 5 days after pl aci ng. Methods of heating themateri�ls and protecting the concrete shall be subject to theapproval of the Architect. Do.not mix salt, chemicals; or qtherforeign materials with the co ncrete to prevent freezing. J 1 1.07 COOPERATION The Contractor shall notify al 1 trades when he wi 11 place those por tions of the work which affect them, and permit suf ficient time for their work to be installed. ( � ' 1 / ,0 33'o1 2 of 7 1.08 PROTECTION OF OTHER WORK The Contractor shall be responsible for any work soiled or stained by cement, water, or concrete, and he.shall protect other work with tar­paulins or other covering while placing concrete. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 PORTLAND CEMENT ASTM C-150, Type -1, approved brand. Only one brand of each type of cement shall be·used. Damp, lumpy, or reclaimed cement sha11 not be used. High-early strength cement may be used, subject to the approval of the Architect in each instance of its proposed use. 2.02 WATER Clean, free from deleterious amounts of aci ds, alkalis, or organic matter -AASHO T-26. 2.03 AGGREGATES All concrete aggregates shall conform to the "Standard Specifications for Concrete Aggregates" of ASTM C-33, ACI 301. A.fine Aggregate: B. 1.Fine aggregate shalt consist of washed sand, and shalt be clean,with hard, durable grains, and free from dust, clay, loam,lig nite, shale, flaky particles, alkali, and injurious amountsof veg etable or other organic matter. 2.Fine aggregate shall range in size from fine to coarse, andshall be within the following limits when dry: Passing through 9,5mm (3/811 ) sieve 100% Passing through 4.76mm (No. 4) sieve not less than 85% Passing through 0.3mm (No. 50) sieve not less than 30% Passing through 0.15mm (No. 100) sieve not more than 5% Coarse Aggregate: 1.Gravel shall be hard, durable, and shall be free from injuriousamounts of clay, loam, mud balls, lignite, or other harmful mat­ter, and be subject to Architect's approval. Gravel must bethoroughly washed and screened before delivery to the job. 2.Coarse aggregate shall range in size from fine to coarse withinthe following limits: Passing through 25mm (111 ) sieve (square mesh) Retained on 19mm (3/411 ) sieve (square mesh) Retained on 9,5mm (3/811) sieve (square mesh) Retained on 4.76mm (No. 4) sieve (square mesh ) Retained on 2.38mm (No. 8) sieve (square mesh ) at least 95% 20 to 35 % 60 to 85% 95 to 100% not less than 98% The fineness modulus shall lie between 6.80 and 7.15. Maximum size of coarse aggregate shall be 38mm (1½") for beams and slabs. } ( \..,_ 2.04 -ADMIXTURES 03301 .3 of 7 Air ·Entrainer: ASTM C-260, max. 5½% plus or minus 1½%, Water reducer and set ret9rder: ASTM C-494, A,B, or D. Use no chloride�. 2.05 CURING/HARDENING COMPOUND Where wet-curing methods are not used, use one of the following curing/ hardenJng compounds, or approved equal. Apply compound wherever concrete slab is to remain as wearing surface. Wher� flooring mate�ial is to be adhe red t9 the concrete slab, verify compatibility of curing/hardening compound with adhesive. Approved products: Anti-Hydro Company Burke Chem-Masters Corp. Euclid che�ical c�. Gifford--Hill Co., Inc. L & M Construction Chemicals­Protex lndustdes, Inc. Sonneborn-Contech Symons Corporation W.R. Meadows, Inc. 2.66 PREFORMED CONSTRUCTION JOINTS 11 A-H Clear Cure"1 1Cure-Sea 1-Hardener" "Chemisil11 Euco Floor Coat" 1 1 Hardtop11 "Chem-Hard" "Triple Seal" 1 1Sonos i 111 "Cure & Hard" "Cure-Hard" Jahn's "Key-Cold" preformed metal construction joint as manufactured by Richard Steel Products Co., Houston, Texas, or approved equal. Use in· strict conformity with manufact urer's recommendations. PART J -EXECU°TION 3,01 CONCR ETE MIX.ING AND PROPORTIONING A.It shall be the obligation of the Contractor to produce and deposit con­crete that will show a crushing strength 28 days after mixing as requiredin the Structural General Notes. B.If, in the Contractor's judgement, the mix designed by the testing labora­tory will not result in the strengths specified, he shall so notify boththe.Architect and the testing lab, and request approval of modificaions. C.Concrete shall be procured from a "ready mixed11 concrete plant approvedby the ·Architect. The mixing and trans portation operations shall conformto ASTM C-94. All concrete not placed within 90 minutes after arrival atjobsite will be rejected by Architect. D.Aggregates shall be· proportioned by weight. Water shall be measured byan accurate measuring device which can be adjusted to compensate forvariations in free moisture content of the aggregates. E.Allowable Slump: All concrete shall have 13cm (51 1) maximum and 5cm (211) min-imum slump, unless otherwise shown. 3,02 INSPECTION AND APPROVAL Notify the Architect as far in advance of placement (24 hrs. min.) as possible in order to �llow adequate time for inspection and approval of formwork, excavation and reinforcing and other items before con crete is placed .. ,,, ¼ 3,03 3.04 3.05 3.06 PREPARATION FOR PLACINC UjjUI 4 of 7 Remove water from excavation and forms prior to depositing concrete, Remove · hardened concrete, debris, and foreign matter from Interior of forms and inner surfaces of mixing and conveying equipment . Reinforcement shall be securein position, inspected, and approved before placing concrete. CONVEYING AND PLACING A.Methods of conveying shall be approved by·Architect. Gonveyfrom ·mixer to forms invnediately, in manner to avoid segregation.Where possible, deposit in fi�al position. Do not allow concreteto drop freely more than 1,5m (5 1 ) in uhexposed work, nor more thano.9m(3 1 )in exposed work. B.D�posit continuously, and so.· that no concrete �}11: be. d��osited. � on concrete that has hardened sufficiently to cause formation ofseams and planes of weakness. Form construction joints at suchpoints and in manner direct�d. Compact by spading,.rodJing, orme�h anical means as directed. Keep vlbrat1ng to a minimum. Tappingor other external vibration of forms wi 11 not be permitted. BONDING AND GROUTING Before depositfog new concrete on or against concrete that has set, existing surfaces shall be thoroughly roughened and cleaned of laitance, foreig n matter, and loose particles. Retigh ten forms and slush existing surfaces with a grout c6at of neat cement. Place new concrete before grout has attained initial set. Brush-coat hariz ontal construction joints with grout consisting of cement and fine aggregate in same pro­portions as concret·e to be placed; follow with about 8cm (311) of · concrete of regular mix,. except that the proportions of coarse aggre­ gate sha 11. be-reduced 50%, PREPA RATION FOR PLACEMENT Dampen subgrades not covered by membrane by sprinkling immediately before placing concrete. Dry out soggy subgrade before placing unless wetting is unifor_m and placing can be done without disturbi ng subgrade. Remove for�i9n material and deb ris from spaces to receive concret. Coat form­ work_a·s.specified. When metal forms feel hot, cool by s.prinkling before .-p.lacing -concrete. Remove free water from spaces to receive concrete. 3,07 PLACING A.Handle concrete in manner to prevent·segregation of aggregates. Use chutes at slopes between 1�2 and 1:3, Handle in continuousmanner. Do not permit concret to fre·e-fall vertica_lly more than1.5m (5 1 -0 1 1). Drop concrete vertica lly into forms at regular inter­vals to minimize lateral flow. B.Conveying equipment: chutes, pumps, and other con veying equipmentshall be Approved size, type, and design. C.Thoroughly compact concrete during and immediately after placementusing mechanical vibration equipment . Do not use vib�ators to trans­port concrete or to facilitate concrete flow. Do not tap forms to achieve compaction. ( (-•\ ( ) . 3,08 BEAMS 03301 5 of 7 Before placing obtain Ar chitect's approval of pr,oposed construction· joints.· Construction joints to be keyed type. Place concrete con­t1n·uousl y -unti 1 entire section between prepared construction joi·nts is comp.lete. Lay concrete in.horizontal layers wi thout diagonal joints. Vibrate vertically every lf5cm {1811 ) ·penetrating to_ lower layers. Provide vertical and horizontal keys at all construction joints. 3.09 SLABS 0� GRADE Do not place slabs on earth or fill until piping and other work there­under has been completed and inspected •. Ascertain that earth and fi ll .is solid and secure against possible settlement before placing slab. :unless otherwise noted, conduits 19mm .(3/411) and less may be placed on top of reinfor cing provided that there is a minimum of 25mm {11 1) con-crete covering over conduit. Locate larger conduit as shown, or as · directed . Reinforce edges around perimeter of openings. Form constructJon, contraction and expansion joints where indicated. 3.10 PAT CHING Any honey-combed surfaces of new conc rete shall be cut out and finished with a mortar of one part cement and two parts sand. 3.11 RUBBl�G Except for concrete wearing surfaces, rub concrete surfaces exposed in finished work. Immediately after face forms are removed, patch voids, remove fins, wet surfaces, rub to uniform texture and appearance, and wash down with clean water. Rub surfaces where smooth side of lined forms faces concrete, with carborundum. Rub other surfaces with burlap or rough stone. Leave surface finish uniformly smooth. Wash clean, ready for painting. 3.12 CONSTRU CT ION JO INTSConcrete between construction joints shall be placed in one continuous operation. · Location of construction join ts shall be as shown on Draw­ings or as directed by Architect. Joints shall be keyed type. C lean and grout hardened surfaces before placing new concrete. 3,13 CONCRETE FLOOR AND SLAB FINISHES A.General: Concrete s.labs shal 1 be finished as follo ws.:In pr�paration for finishing, floor slabs shall be st ruck off true tothe required level at or below the finish floor line, as req·uired bythe finish material. Floors shall be level with a tol erance of3mm {l /811 ) in 3m {10'), except where drains occur, in which ca�epitch floors to the drains. ,. I (( ( 3. 14 3. 15 3.16 03301 6 of 7 B.• Dus�ing of the �oncrete surface·wtth cement in order to improvefinishing characteristics or for any other.re ason is a pro­hibi.ted pr_actice_and will !l£! be permitted. CON CRETE SURFACE· TOLERANCES Concrete surfa�es that �ill remain exposed shall be level and smooth. When te�ted with 3m (10 1 ) ·stralghtedge, no part of the finished sur­faces shal 1 vary more than 3mm (l/8 11 ) from the testing edge. CURING. SLABS Keep concrete surface moist for minimum of four days after placing, unless otherwise_ app_roved in· writing by th� Architect. Sprinkle with water all concrete to remain exposed for the first twelve hours fol­lowing placement .. Following this,. use bur lap, kraft paper, cotton mats, or membrane �ethods of curing, subj�ct to approval of Architect. Use material that will hot permanently stain finished concrete surfaces or adversely affect surface.· Walks, drives, curbs, and surfaces to be c6ncealed in finish w6�k, may be cured with approved chemical curing compound campatible with finish material to be used. Use no chemical curing compound where hardener is to be applied. PRO TECTIVE COVERING All concrete fin ishes shall be protected against damage until completion of job. Steps and porches shall be protected with temporary wood risers, treads, and walkways. Floors with concrete finish shall be covered with sand at all time� wherever traffic occurs. 3.1 7 DEFECTIVE C.ONCRETE. A.· If any concrete work ·ts. not as ind icated, or is not true to intended�lignment, or is: not plumb or level where so intended, or is not trueto intended levels, or has voids, or has been cut or resurfaced, or. has voids that have been filled (unless under the direction of theArchitect), or has skinned or otherwise defective surface, or has any sawdust, shaving, wood, or debris embedded in it, or does not fully conform to the �revisions of �he Contract, then such concrete work shall be deemed to be defective material and faulty workmanship, and the Contractor shall remove this work from the site and replace at the Contractor's expense. B.Patching, when .a.llowed by the· Arc�itect, must be satis factory to theArchitect or .the.work.must be removed .and replaced, complete, at theContractor's. expens�� 3. 1 8 (( ( 03301 7 of 7 Make patches immediately after removal of forms while concrete is still wet. Cut out honeycombs and other defects to the ·depth re­q�ired to reach sound concrete, but no less than 19mm (3/4 11 ) deep, leaving square edges. Mix patching mortar with the same quantities of sand and cement as the concrete being patched. Set ·aside until initial shrinkage has been achieved before using. Wet each cavity, including form tie and cone cavities, then apply mortar and compact into place. Dress the patched surface to match adjoining surfaces. SPECIAL WORK Provide concrete foundat ions, pads, etc., as required for mechanical equipment. Refer to the mechanical, electrical, and structural. dr�w­ings for sizes and details. ( <71 · l ( I . SECTION 03364 - NON-SHRINKING GROUT PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to· the Gener.al Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK Coordinate with the Work of other Trades. 1.03 SCOPE 03364 1 of 2 Furnish and place non-shrinking grout_ in locations shown in the Drawings and called for in these Specifications. Work_not . i'ncluded: masonry grout for reinforced masonry work.· If uJed in thi s .project, masonry grout is specified in Section 04100, Mortar and Grout. 1.04 STANDARDS ASTM C-827 Corps of Engineers CRD-C588 1. 05 SUB MITTAL� In accordance with Section 01300, submit manufacturer's 1 iterature on products to be used. ·PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2 .01 GROUT MATERIALS·Conform to minimum performance characteristics of Corps of Engineers·CRD-C588.· A.Approved Products, Non-Metallic, Non-Shrink Grouts: -"Brystex" (L & M Construction Chemicals, Inc.)"Five Star Grout•i (U.S. Grout ·corporation) "Masterflow 71311 (Master Builders) 11Propak11 (Protex Industries, Inc.)· 11 Sonogrout11 (Sonneborn-Contech) "Supreme" (Gifford-Hill & Co., Inc.) 11Thoroset11 Non-Metallic (Thoro System Products) "Upcon 2 621 1 (Bostic Chemical Group, US M-Corp.) "V-11 1 or "V-311 (W.R. Meadows Co.) B.Approved Equal:Equivalent products of other manufacturers will be app roved ifrequest for substitution is made in accordance with the Generaland Supplementary Conditions, and:provided the prop6sed groutproduct me ets the following minimum standards: 1.Minimum Compressive Strength@ 100% .Flow, when tested inaccordance with ASTM-C-109. 1 day 7 days 28 days 2 7,580 kN/m 2 40,6 80 kN/m 2 46,890 kN/m2 (4,000 psi) .( 5, 900 PS i ) (6,800 psi) ( 2. 3. Minimum Bond Strength (Pull-Out Te st): 033 64 2 of 2 Using cored standard 15cm. dia. X 30cm. long (6" X 1211) concrete cylinders, grout 25mm (#8) reinforcing bars 811 deep into prepared 38mn (1½11 ) dia. holes bored longitudinally in the center of the cylinder end. Cure and test at 7 days and at 2 8 days, achieving the f�llowing minimum strengths: 7 days 28 days 96,530 kN/m 2 124,110 kN/m 2 ( 14 , 000 ps i) (18,000 ps i) Non-Shrink Characteristics: ASTM-C-827, distance below placement volume: 0.0000. 2.0 2 WATER AA SHO-T-26. 2 .03 PORTLAND CEMENT(For use as additive only when specified by manufacturers of grout material). Shrinkag e-Compensating Portland Cement, ASTM-C-150: Medusa "Chem-Comp 85" or approved equa 1. 2.04 ADDITIVES Use additives only as recommended by manufacturers of grout materia l. PART 1 -EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION Properly align,. ihim, and bolt items·to be gfouted. Prepare �dges of holes to be patched by cutting square and perpendicular to a depth of at least 5cm (2") and cleaning of dust and loose particles. 3.02 MIXING Mi� and prepare grout materials strictly· in accordance with manufacturer'sinstruction •. Add Portland cement and other additiv ·es only when specifiedby the manufactur�r for the use intended •. 3.03 SLUSH COAT · Where possible, �pply first a slush coat following manu facturer'sinstructions. 3.04 APPLICATION Apply grout in accordance wit� manufacturer's instructions and ac­cepted procedur es to a thoroughly dampened substrate, making certainthat a solid bearing sur face for grouted items is provided. Removeshims when grout has achieved adeq uate strength. 3,05 CURING Cure placed grout in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. ( ( ' SECTION 03502 -INSULATING CO NCRETE ROOF DECKS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions. li02 RELATED WORK Coordinate with the Work of other Trades. 1.03 SUBMITTALS 03502 1 of 3 Mix Design: Submit proposed mix design, indicating materi als to be used and proportioning of mix. Certification: See 1.05 .c, below. 1.04 TESTING Testing laboratory employed by Owner will determine moisture content of roof deck. Take samples 30cm X 30cm (12" X12") X depth of deck under supervision of laboratory. Laboratory will make tests until moisture content is 30% or less by weight. 1.05 QUALIFICATION OF APPLICATOR A.Installation of t�� roof deck shall be by applicator licensed bythe.aggregate manufacturer, and specially trained and experiencedin the installntion of insula�ing·concret e roof decks. Applicatorshall submit a ll5t of recent similar insta�lations as e�idenceof experience. a·. A�gregate supplier shall be a member of the Vermiculite Institute or the Perlite Institute, whichever is applicable. C.Applicator shall certify roof deck in writing before roofing mem­brane is applied. Certification letter shall be addressed to theroofing subcontractor with copies to the Architect and the GeneralContractor, and shall follow the format adopted by the VermiculiteInstitute or the Perlite Institute, whichever is applicable. i( ( . ( l 0 350 2 2 of 3 1.06 STANDARDS Design Manual of the Vermiculite Institute or Perlite lnstit�te, which­ever is applicable. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 CEMENT ·Portland Ce ment, ASTM C-150, Type 1. or III. 2.02 SAND ASTM C33 2 .0 3 AGGREGATE ASTM C-332 group· 1 and ASTM C-29, Perlite or Vermiculite. 2.04 EXPANSION STRIPPING Fiberg·lass or polystyrene, ll,4 kg./m3 (9·1b/�u. ft.) density, 25nvn (1") wide. 2.05 WATER AASHO T-26 2 .06 AIR-ENTRAINING AGENT ASTM C-2 60 2.07 INSULATING CONCRETE MIX Dry Density: 380 to 450 kg/m3 (24 to 28 Jb./cu.ft.) Insulation Value: 11 K11 0,54 to 0.58 Cement to Aggregate Ratio: By Volume 1:6. Compressive Strength after 2 8 days: 1;310kN/m2 (190 p.s.i.) Minimum Thickness: 50mm (2 in.) PART� -EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A ! Inspe ction: Applicator shall inspect other work that affects his work, and shall notify General Contractor of any deficiencies. Applicator shall not proceed with his work until deficiencies have been corre·cted. B.Make sure permanent metal forms are secure (shore if necessary),reinforcing is in place and supported at proper level,and surfaceis clean • 3 ,0 2 EXPANSION STRIPPING Install to full thickness of deck at perimeter of deck, a� changes in direction of slope, at ·r�of penetrations and at expansion joints. (, ( V.,,J�V._ 3 of 3 3.03 MOISTURE CONTROL Moisture Control of roof deck sandwich shall be by the installation ·of pressure relief vents as specified in Section 07805, Roof PressureRelief Vents. 3.04 PLACING A.Place insulating fill mechanically with nozzle (hose) density atpoint of discharge of 870 to 910 kg./m3 (54 to 57 lb./cu�ft.)Have available 9.4.L (10 qt.) bucket and scale to verify density. B.Do not place when temperature is below 4°c. (400F.) or during ·inclement weather. Protect placed fill from freezing until·adequate strength is attained. C.Deposit concrete and screed.to temporary screeds in continuous .operation until a section is complete. Place alternate panelsto avoid transmission of vibration or stresse s in freshly.placedfill. Do not rod, tamp, vibrate, or compact by any means other·than screeding. D.�loat to finish suitable for roofing membrane. E.Thickness: as shown:in Drawings, but in no event less than 50mm (2 11 ). 3.05 CURING Protect finished deck from rain and from rapid drying for a minimum of three days. Do not inst�ll roofing membrane until deck is dry with maximum 30% moisture content by weight as determined by testing lab­oratory, and until surface is firm and hard enough to support a man's weight without indentation. 3.06 REPAIR Patch to replace deck where testing samples were taken. If roof vents are used, install one roof vent at each test patch. Roof vents at t�st .patGhes may be included in total number of roof vents required. � ( l I SECTION 04100 -MORTAR.& GROUT PART 1· -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK Coordinate with the Work of other Trades.· 1,03 STANDARDS ASTM C 270 National Concrete Masonry Association M�nual Structural Clay Products lnsiitute Manual 1.04 SUBMITTAL$ A.Manufacturer's Literature: Required for all admixtures, pigments,blended cements, and masonry cements.B.Samples: Required for colored mortars. Refer to Drawings andeach masonry Sectton of these Specifications to determine samplerequirements. Submit samples•;of the pigment for approval, thenconstruct test panels as specified in the Sections pert aining tomasonry construction. 04100 1 of 4 2 of 4 PART 2 - PRODUCTS ( ,2.01 CEMENT (� I ( 2.02 One of the fol.lowing: A.Blended Cement: ASTM C 595, Type IS, ISA, IP, IPA, S, or SA. B.Masonry Cement: ASTM C91. C.Portland Cement (ASTM C 150, Type 1, 11, or 111) orAir-Entralning Portland Cement (ASTM C 175, Type 1A, 11A, or 111A):mixed with either quicklime (ASTM C-5) slaked before use, or hydratedlime (ASTM C-207), In the proportions Specified in Part 3 -Execution . AGGREGATE .. A.Manufactured or natural washedwith a fineness modulus of 1.6 to Sieve Size 4.76 mm (no. 4) 2.38 mm (No. 8) 0.15 mm (No. 100) 0.07 mm (No. 200) sand conforming to ASTM C 144 2.5, In the followi ng gradation:· % Passing 100% 95% to 100% 25% maximum 10% maximum B.Coarse Aggregate (for Grout): Graded pea gravel, well sorted,maximum size 19mm (3/4"). 2.03 WATER ASTM C 270 2.04 PIGMENTS Mortar color pigments shall consist of mineral pigments, not ex ceedi ng 10% by weight of cement content of,,mortar. Carbon b 1 ack sha 11 not exceed 3% by weight of cement content. 2.05 ADMIXTURES Admixture� may be used to promote air entrainment, water retentivity, workability, or accelerat�d set, but only as approved by Architect. In no event will admixtures of unidentified composition be accepted. Calcium chloride content may not exceed 2% of the Portland cement con­tent by volume. ( r· \ ;( 3 of 4 PART J -EX�CUTION 3.01 MORTAR PROPORTIONING AND SELECTION A.Mortars shall be proportioned in accordance with the following table: MORTAR TYPE M s N 0 OPTION A B A B A B A B Portland or Blended Cement bv Vo 1 ume· 1 1 ½ 1 0 1 0 1 Masonry Cement .: by Volume 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 •Hyc:irated ·orS 1 aked Lime 0 ¼ 0 . ¼-½ 0 ½-H 0 1¼-1½ AqqreQate 2 ¼ to 3 times sum of cement and lime by volume .�inimum·:Cornpressive 1'7., 2lt0kN/mL 1 2 , 4 lOkN/m.l 5 t. 1 iol<Nw· 2,, 41 OkN/mL (2500 osi) (1800 psi) (750 osi) (350 osi) St rPna t.h � t ? R rfavc; B.Mortars shall be selected for various applications in accordancewith the following table: ·MORTAR TYPE M s N . 0 CONSTRUCTJION SUITABIL'ITY Masonry subject ro high compressive loads, severe frost action, earthquaqes, lateral loading; below-qrade construction. Structures requiring high flexural bond strength, but subject only to normal compressive loading; reinforced masonry construction. General use in above-grade construction. Load-bearing construction with compressive loads not exceeding 1, 380�/m 2 (200 psi) · Masonry veneers, interior walls and partitions. Use for non-lo ad-bearing construction only, where �ortar is not exposed to the weather. ( ( 'J 3.02 3.03 4 ot 'f 'C.· · 1:f.Con-tra�tor_ Is io doubt which mortar· type to· use for a given ·application, he shall obtain Architect's instructions. PROPORTIONING Mortar may be proportioned by volume in accordance with 3.01.A or by mixing in controlled percentages to meet design loads. In either case,,. the minimum allowable strengths achieved shall conform to 3.01.B. MIXING Mix mortar to.an in!tial flow of 100% to 115% and to retain a flow after suction of at least 70%, as determined. by ASTM C 109. ·A. Mix dry mortar materials In a mechanical batch mixer for a minimumof 5 minutes, then add water, adjust i'ng consistency for good-worka­b i 1 i ty but within specified flow limits. 8.If mortar begins to stiffen during us.e, retemper by adding waterand remix. Use mortar within 2½ hours of initial mixing. Do notuse mortar that has begun to set. C.The consistency of the mortar shall be such that, at time of place­ment, it has a slump of. 27mm to 28mm (10½1 1to 1111) as determined by ASTM C-143:. 3.04 COLD WEATH8R Precondition materials by heating water and aggregates to 21• C. (70� F) ·minimum and 71�-C (160�-F) maximum. Provide enc.losures and heat asnecessary to prevent morta�from freezing. See cold weather precaution sspecified in masonry Sections of these Specifications. 3.05 GROUT FOR REINFORCED MASONRY Conform to ASTM C-476, type PM or PL. ·A. Fine Grout: For reinforced spaces less than 5cm (21 1) - dimen�ion shall conform to ASTM C-476�in minimum B.Coarse Grout:5cm to 10cm.For reinforced sp�ces with minimum dimension of (211 to 411) shall conform to ASTM C-476. C.Grout for High-Lift Masonry Construction: For reinforced spacesexceeding 10cm (411) in minimur;n dimension shall consist of 1 partPortland cement, 2½ parts sand; and 1½ parts.graded pea gravel,maximum size 19mm (3/4 11). D.Mix and protect grout as specified above for mortar. ( ( SECTION 0�200 -UNIT MASONRY PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK Coordinate with the Work of other Trades. 1.03 SCOPE V61LVV 1 of 9 The Work specified under this Section includes the following: A.Furnishing and inst alling brick masonry units and relat ed masonry ties, anchors, reinforcement, and insulation built into masonry work. 8.Building into the masonry all items furnished under other Sectionssuch as bolts, nailing blocks, inse rts, reglets, window and doorframes, vents, conduits, louvers, and related items. C.Furnishing test specimens and samples of materials, and manufact urer11terature, as specified. D.Cleaning unit masonry and removing surplus mater ials. 1.. M SUBM ITTALS A.Manufacturer's Literature: Furnish manufacturer's speci ficationsfor materials used and certificates of manuf�ctu�ers thatbrick masonry units furnished meet or exceed the requirementsof this Section. 8.Furnish five individual sample masonry units of each type to beused. Samples shall show the extreme variations in color texture,finish, and dimensional tolerance, and shall be delivered to thejob site. Furnish one sample of each speci al shape, if specialshapes are required for this Project. ( '{ I -{_ 01.f:lUU 2 of 9 . -·· . -------. ----------· ·- 1.05 PRODUCT DELIVERY, HANDLING AND STORAGE A.· Protect mat erials from damag_e �u_ring delivery. B.Handle units on pallets or flat-bed barrows. C.· Do not permit free discharge from·conveyor nor trans portingin mortar trays • D.Stor� masonry units above grade on level platforms or pallets·which allow air circulation under stacked units. Cover withtarpaulins or store under cover.• 1.06 HOT OR COLD WEATHER CONDIT�ONS Do n·ot lay masonry when air temperatur·e is below 4°c (40°F) or above 38 °c (lOOOF) without ta king precautions approved by Architect. ·See Part 3, Execution, for approved methods of pr otect ion. 1 • 07 STANDAR DS Manual of the National Concrete Masonry As sociation. Manual of the Structural Clay Products Institute. PART 2 -PROD UCTS 2.01 CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS (NONE THI� PROJECT) A .. Hollow·, Load-Bearing Units: ASTM C-90, Grade G, Type 1, ·Modular. Nominal Sizes: NONE THIS PROJECT B .. Hollow, Non-Load-Bearing Units:· ASTM C-129, Modular. NONE THIS PROJECT C.Prefinished Masonry Units: · Federal Specification SS-C-6216.Nomi na·1 Shes: . NONE THIS PROJECT D.Special Units: 1.Bon_d Beams and Li nte 1 B 1 ock 10cm x 20cm x 40cm ( 4" x 811 x 16") • 2.14cm (5½") high start.er-course blocks. ( '( I ( v, __ _ 3 of 9 2.02 FACING BRICK 2.03 Conform to the requirements of ASTM C-216, grade SW for brick in contact with earth, and grade MW elsewhere. Variations in color and texture shall not exceed those of approved samples. Facing brick shall be purchased under allowance specified in Section 01010, Summary of the Work. Sizes: King Size-·· BUILDING (COMMON) BRICK Conform to the requirements of ASTM C-62,-grade with earth, grade NW for all interior or b�ckup ex�osed to view in exterior walls above · grade. shall be in the base bid and is not included. tn NONE THIS PROJECT SW for brick in·contact use, and grade MW where C_ost of· common-. brick the allowance. Sizes: 2.04 STEEL REINFORCEMENT Conform to the requirements of Section 03200, Concrete Reinforcement. 2.05 ANCHORS, TIES AND JOINT REINFORCEMENT All anchors, ties and joint reinforcement shall be zinc or copper coated, or shall be non-corrodible metal having strength equal to the types specified. Zinc coatings shall conform to ASTM·A-15 3, class B-1, B-'2, or B-3.for anchors and ties; and to AS.TM A-116, class 2, for wires. Copper coatings'shall conform to ASTM. B-227, grade 30 HS. A.Joint Reinforcement: Factory-fabricated from cold-drawn steel wire,ASTM A-82; two or more longitudinal wires, deformed, minimum dia­meter 4mm (U.S. 9 gauge), with cro·ss wire s forming a 1 adder or trussdesign. B.-Rigid Steel Anchors: 38mm X 6mm (H" X ¼.11) with ends turned upminimum 51mm (211), not less than 60cm (2411 ) long. C.Cavity Wal 1 Ties: Fabricated from 4. 76mm (3/161 1) diameter steel,formed into rectangular shape, minimum size 15cm X 5cm (61 1 X 211),with ends lapped. D.Corrugated or Crimpted Metal Ties: Sheet steel not less than22nvn (7/81 1) wide X 15cm (611) long X 0.71mm thick (U.S.· 22 gauge). E.Wire Ties: 5mm (6 ga.) steel wire, galvanized or copper coated,looped at both ends. F.�lat Bar Anchors with Dovetails _(for:use with embedded slots·or1n�erts): Flat sheet steel, galvanized or.copper coated, 1.6mmthick (16 ga.) X 22mm (7/8") of the end; or stee l wire tieslooped and closed. (. ( 04200 4 of 9 2.06 CONTROL JOINT RESILIENT KEYSFactory-fabricated solid section of natural or synthetic rubber, plastic, or other impervious resilient material, conforming to ASTM D-2240 with Durometer hardness not less than 70. 2.07 INSULATION 2.08 Only if shown in Drawings. A.Water-repellent loose_fill masonry insulation:Perlite: Federal Specification HH-1-674a.Vermiculite: Federal Specification HH-1-585.Loose Fill Expanded Polystyrene: ASTM c-578. B.Rigid Board Insulation:Mineral Fiber Board: Federal Specification HH-1-562.Extruded or Moulded Polystyrene: Federal Specification HH-1-524a.Rigid Fiberglass or Cellular Glass Boards: ASTM E-136. C.·Adhesive: Shall be as recommended by manufacturer of rigidboard insulatJon, noncombustible, non-toxic, and free of presistentor disagreeable odor. FIRE RESISTANCE Concrete masonry walls and partition shall have fire res1stance ratings as indicated on the Drawings. Products used in the construction of fire rated construction shall be U.L. listed for type of construction ·shown. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 GENE RAL WORKMANSHIP Concrete unit masonry shall be plumb, true to line, with level courses accurately spaced. Where no pattern is indicated, courses shall be laJd .in r.unning bond. Concrete masonry units shal 1 be dry when laid; bricks shall be wet as speiified. 3.02 MORTAR BE DDING AND JOINTS A.Lay concre te masonry units with full mortar coverage on horizontaland vertical face shells. Bed webs in all courses of piers, columns,and pilasters, and in the starting courses on footings and below­grade walls, and where units are adjacent to cells or cavities tobe reinforced or filled with grou t or concrete. Lay interior wythesof multi-wythe exterior walls ahead of outer wythe at intervals toallow application of waterproofing or board insulation. B.Align masonry so that vertical cells to be filled with grout are intrue vertical alignment, providing a continuous unobstructed openingof the dimensions shown. C.Buila-in all cha ses, keeping chase recess free of mortar and debris. D.Fill spaces around metal door frames and other built-in items withgrout as the work progresses, installing anchors, wall plugs, flash­ings, and other built-in items. ( ( 04200 5 of 9 E.Mortar joints shall be 9.5mm (3/811 ) unless otherwise indicated.Tool joints when mortar is thumbprint-hard, using a round jointer.·Cut flush joints in surfaces to be stuccoed or plastered, and inunexposed interior surfaces i and walls to be painted. F.· Fill completely with mortar all collar (vertical longitudina.1)joints between the facing and backing wythes in exterior walls except in cavity wall construction. ·G. Do not use bro.ken uni ts. Where part i a 1 uni ts are required, cutwith _m�s�nry saw. H •. Adj usi units to final position by shoving into place while mortaris �till plastic. When position of unit needs adjusting after initial set 6f mortar, remove unit ·and mortar, remortar, and ·relay unit. I.All bricks shall be laid with completely filled mortar joints. J. The ends of bricks shall be buttered with sufficient mortar tofill completely the end joints, and shoved into place. Tapbricks into place to assure good mortar bond in bed joints. In laying brick masonry, avoid over-plumbing to fit units after they are set In position. must b·e made after the mortar has started to mortar and replace with fresh mortar. and pounding of bricks Where an adjustment harden, remove the K.Where cutting of brick units is necessary, make the cuts with amotor-driven masonry saw. Use no broken units. L.When flashing is to be laid on or against masonry, the surfaceof the masonry shall be smooth and .free from projections whichmight puncture the flashing material. Weep holes spaced 60cm (24")on center shall be provided in the head joints in the first-.coutse immediate ly above all flashing. Weep holes shall be keptfree of mortar droppings and fitted with bronze insect screening. 3.03 WETTING BRICK MASONRY UNITS A.Brick units having 1 hour boiling water absorptions of 12 percentor more shall be wetted before laiing. B.The method of wetting ·shall be such as to insure that each unitis nearly saturated, surface dry when laid. During freezingweather, units that require wetting shall be sp rinkled with warmwater just before laying. 3.04 COLO WEATHER REQUIREMENTS A.Air Temperatures o0 c to 40 r,, (32 <?F to 40°F).Heat mortar materials as specified in Section 04100, Mortar.Protect fi�ished masonry from rain and snow for minimum of 24 hours. (C° ( B.Air Temperatures -4°c to o 0 c (2 4.8°F to 3 2°F): Heat mortar materials as specified in Section 04100, Mortar. Completely cover finished masonry for minimum of 2 4 hours. C. Air Temperatures -7°c to -4°c (19.4 °F to 24.8°F):· 04 2 00 6 of 9 Heat mortar materials as specified tn Sectton 04100� Mortar.Provide wind breaks for wi nd velocity in excess of 24km/hr t15 mph).Cover masonry with insulation blankets for minimum of 13 hours andprovide heat sources on both sides of masonry construction whilelaying masonry and for 2 4 hours after. D.Air Temperatures below -7°c (19.4°F): Heat mortar ·materials as.specified in Section 04100, Mortar. Provide enc losures and heatto maintain air temperature above o0 c (32°F). Temperature ofmasonry units shall be minimum -1°c (30°F) when laid�. Maintainmasonry above o 0c (3 2°F) for minimum of 24 hours by use of enclo­sures and supplemental heat. 3.05 HO T WEATHER REQUIREMENTS For air. temperatures above 38°c (100°F), take the following precautions: St ore masonry units in the shade. Provide shade over work area and shield masonry from the sun for minimum 2 4 hours. Dampen units before laying to prevent too rapid suction of moisture from mortar. Keep walls damp for minimum of 24 hours after laying. Maintain.mixing water at temperatures below 3 2°c (89.6°F). 3.06 BONDING MULTIPLE WYTHES The facing and backing of multiple wythe masonry walls shall .be bonded together by one of the following methods: A. Bonding with Masonry Headers (use only for non-cavity construction):A mi nimum of 4% of the wall surface shall be composed of headers ex­tending not less than 10cm (411 ) into the bacl<ing. Distance betweenheaders shall not exceed 60cm (2 4") ve rtically or horizontally. B.Bonding with Metal Ties (Use for non-load-bearing construction orfor bo nding non-load-bearing wythe to load-bearing wythe; for cavityand non-cavity construction): Provide minimum of ·one·metal tie foreach 0.33 m 2 (3.5 sq. ft.) of wall area. Stagger ties in alternatecourses, embedding ties in face shell mortar beds of hollow units.The maximum distance between ties shal 1 not exceed 40cm. -(16") ver­tically and 80cm (3 2 ") horizontally. 3�07 ANCHORING VENEER Veneer shall be anchored to framing or backup with corrugated metal ties, with minimum spacing as fol lows: Horizontal 80cm (32") 60cm (2 4") 40cm (16") Vertical 40cm (16 11 ) 51cm (20") 60cm (2411) (( ( 04200 7 of 9 3,08 ANCHORAGE A.Intersecting load-bearing walls shall be tied together in a masonrybond, and with factory-fabricated reinforcement sections of the typespecified in 2.05 A, above, at vertical spacing not to exceed 80cm (3211 ) . . B.Intersecting non-load-bearing walls shall be bonded together in amasonry bond. C.Intersections of load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls shall bemade .as for load-bearing walls. ·_ D.Anchorage of walls to columns, beams, joists, and other structuralnon·-masonry members shall be made as shown in the drawings. Anchorbolts shall be solidly grouted or mortared in place for their fullembedded length. 3,09 REINFORCEMENT All load-bearing walls, and other walls as indicated on the Drawings, shall be reinforced using reinforcement of the type specified in 2.05.A, above. A.Place joint reinforcement so that longitudinal wires are locatedover face-shell mortar beds, and are fully embedded in mortar fortheir entire length with minimum mortar cover of 16mm (5/8 11 ) onexterior side of walls and 13mm (¼") at other locations. Lap rein­forcement 15cm (611 ) or more at splices. Install factory-fabricatedsections at all corners and intersections. B.Maintain a minimum clear distance between parallel reinforcing bars(except in columns) equal to the nominal diameter of the largestparallel bar. Embed all bars completely in mortar or grout. C.Make splices only at such points and in such a manner that the structurastrength of the member will not be reduced. Provide sufficient lap at.splices (minimum: 36 diameters) to transfer the working stresses ofthe reinforcement by bond and shear. Use welded or mechanical con­nections to develop the streng th of the reinforcement. 3.10 CONTROL JOINTS · Install where shown in the Drawings, using special control joint unit, open-end stretcher units, or metal sash-jamb units, and control joint 3. 11 key. Extend control joints through bond beams, unless otherwise indicated. On both sides of exterior walls, rake out control joints to a depth of 16mm (5/81 1) and leave ready for installation of sealant as specified in Section 07900, Caulking and Sealants. On exposed surfaces of interior walls, rake control joints to a dep th of 9,5mm (3/811 ), tooled square and smooth. BOND BEAMS AND MASONRY LINTELS Construct bond beams using units and reinforcement as shown in the Drawings using structural masonry units, and running reinforcement continuous except where bond beam Is interrupted by control joint. .( ({ ( .1 • 3,12 WEEP HOLES 04200 8 of 9 In exterior wythe of multi_-wythe walls, and In exterior face shell bed of s.ingle-wythe walls, prov .Ide weep holes at 80cm (32 11 ) on center by omittingmortar in the vertical joints at the bottom course, at bond beams, lintels,through-wall flashings, and other horizontal water stops. Provide bronzeor copper screen mesh to close weep holes to infestation· by insects, and toprevent Joss ·of loose .fill insulation. 3.13 MASONRY INSULATION Insulation work to be perfor-med under this.Section includes only Insul­ation materials that must be.built into.the masonry as the work progresses,and only if such insl!Jaiion .is_ shown on the Drawings. Insulation that is applied to the wa11 ·afte·r completion of ma·sonry work is specified in other Sections. A.Loose-Fill lnsulati.on: .·Pour loose fill Insulation in the verticalcores of hollow-unit walls from the top after wall in constructed.Pour insulation into cells that are to be closed off with windowsills, bond beams, and other. horizontal barriers as the work pro­gresses. Fill all voids completely, allowing insulation to assumeits natural density without tamping. In exterior cavity wall con­struction that does not receive rigid board insulation within thecavity, fill with loose fill insulation. B.Rigid Board Insulation: Apply rigid board insulation using water­proof adhesive directly to the exterior face of interior wythe wherecalled for In the Drawings.· Fit insulation neatly between obstructionsor cavity wall ties or an chors. Apply in parallel horizontal courseswith vertical joints staggered. C.Insulation applied to the interior face of walls is specified inDivision 7, 3,14 WATERPROOFING All exterior cavity walls that do not receive rigid board insulation cemented to the exterior face of the interior wythe, shall receive mas­tic waterpr oofing as specified in Division 7, applied to the exterior face of the interior_ wyth�; at convenient intervals as the work progresses. 3,15 SOUND TRANSMISSION Masonry walls and partitions shall be constructed to produce Sound Transmission Class (STC) as shown in the Drawings. 3,16 UNFINISHED WORK Step back unfini shed work. Toothing will not be permit ted unless spec­ifically approved in writing by the Architect. Before laying new work, remove loose mortar.and thoroughly clean the exposed-joint. 3,17 PROTECTION OF WORK: During erection, ·keep all.walls dry by covering at the end of each day or shutdown period with a strong, waterpr oof membrane. Protect partially completed walls_ at all times. All covering shall overhang at least 60cm (2 1 ) on each side of the wall and shall be securely r I I Ct I( 3. 18 TOOLING AND CAULKING ·oi.2009 of 9 A.Mortar joints which are. exposed and have become "thumbprint" hardshall be tooled with a round or other approved jointer. The .jointershall be slightly larger than the width of the mortar joint so thata complete contact is made along the edges of the units, compressingand sealing the surface of the joint. Exterior joints below grade·shall be trowel-pointed and all other Joints not tooled shall beflush cut. B.Caulking. Outside Joints around the perimeter of exterior doorsand window frames or other walls openings shall be not less. than:6mm (¼") nor more than 10mm (3/811 )"°wide and shal 1 be cleaned ·outto a uniform depth of at least 19mm (3/1'11 ) •. These joints shall besealed as specified in Section 07900, Sealants. · 3,19 CLEANING A� All holes in exposed masonry shall be pointed, and defective joints shall be cut out and repointed with mortar. B.Exposed masonry shall b� protected against staining by wall cover­ings, and excess mortar shall be wiped off the surface as the workprogresses. C.All exposed masonry shall be thoroughly cleaned. Before applyingany c 1 ea·n i rig agent to the entire wa 1-1, it sha 11 be app 1 i ed to asample wall area of approximately 1;-9m2 (2 0 sq. ft.) in a_ locationapproved by the Architect. No further cleaning work may proceeduntil the sample area has been approved by the Architect, afterwhich time the same cleaning materials and method shall be usedon the remaining wall area. If stiff brushes and water do notsuffice, surface on which no green efflorescence appears shall bethoroughly wetted with clear water and then scrubbed with a solution·of not more than 1 part hyd·rochl·ori�:-(muriatic) acid to 9 partswater, followed immediately by a thorough rinsing with clear water .•If masonry is cleaned with an acid solution, protect all metalsash, 1 intels, and othe r items subject to reaction with acid.·Remove efflorescence in accordance with the brick manufacturer'sreconvnendations. 3.20 FINAL CLEANUP At the conclusion of masonry work, remove all scaffolding and equip� ment used in the work, clean up all debris, trash, and surplus mater­ials, and remove from the premises. ( c-•, ( 05101 1 of 4 SECTION 05101 -STRUCTURAL STEEL PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK 1.0 3 Coordinate with the Woik of other·Trades�.- STANDARDS AISC Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and, Bridges AISC Specifications for the Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings Commentary of the AISC Specifications AWS Code for Welding in Building Construction 1.04 SUBMITTALSSubmit in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals;· complete shop drawings, indicating size and strength of members, locations, fastening procedures, camber, holes for bolting and for penerations of other· work, and shop-a pp 1 i ed coatings. Prepare a_nchor bo 1 t layouts for columns sufftciently in advance to avoid delay of the Work. , 1.05 QUALIFICATION OF WELDERSUse only welders qualified within six months of the start of weld­ing operations. Standard for qualification shall be the Code of Welding in Building Construction, AWS D1.0, issued by the American Welding Society. Maintain copies of each welder's qualification records available for the Architect's inspection. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.05 STRUCTURAL STEEL BEAMS, COLUMNS AND OTHER MEMBERS ASTM A-36 to tolerances of ASTM A-6. 2. 06 STEEL TUBESASTM A53, Grade B, Type S for exposed members, Type E or S for concealed members. .. !( ( -( 1'( 2�07 �TEEL ANGLE .FRAMING AND MISCELLANEOUS STEEL MEMBERS:ASTM A36. 2.08 STEEL BOLTS ASTM A-307, low carbon steel. 2.09 STEEL BARS ASTM A-36 2.10 SHOP-APPLIED PRIMER 05101 2 of 4 Approved priming paint to provide temporary protection until structure is enclosed. Conform to SSPC-JS-68T, Type 1, or F.S.-TT-P�636. A-. Prlmer Perfor mance Crfteria:Length of Protection: Six mont hs m1n1mum exposureConditions of-Exposure: No more severe than a typical urban or _industrial atmosphere more than 500m (1640.ft.) from bodies of salt water and discharge points for corrosive or solvent fumes; not in continuous contact with water or moist materials. Permissible Failure: Limited to 5% on exposed members and 30% , on concealed members. Surface area of failure shall be measured by surface area of touch-up painting required. Fai lure Definition: Rustlng, blisteriMg, or other deterioration of the primer surface that re nders It unsuitable for further painting without additional preparation of the surface. B.Responsibility for Primer Performance: Shall be the respon­sibility of applicator who shall select primer for use in ac­cordance with the requirements of this Specification. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 FABRICATION ·A� Fabricate in accordance with these Specifications, the Drawings,and current AISC Specifications. ·B. · Use only clean and straight materials. If straightening isnecessary, execute by process that does not diminish the temper and structural properties of the member. Sharp kinks or ben'ds will be cause for rejection. C.Select we�d sizes, sequence, and equipment to limit distortionto allowable tolerances. D.Assemble and weld by balanced methods to prevent warp. E.Grind smooth we)ds on members exposed to view in finished Work.Dress irregularities and fill with body solder as required. D'. Cut holes required for attachment and for the work of other trades. E.Mill and attach column bases, cap, and attachment flanges to columns. ({. 05101 3 of 4 3.02 GALVANIZING All steel. members exposed on the exterior of"the butlding shall be galvanized. Galvanize also other members noted or specified to be galvanized. A.Apply zinc coating after fabrica.tion in accordance with ASTMA-385. During galvanizing op erations safeg�ard against warp­ing and distortion in accordance with ASTM A-308. B.Test by weight in accordanc2 with ASTM A-123 to obtain a min�imum of 550 gn, zinc per m. (1.8 oz per sq. ft.) 3.03 SHOP PRIMING A.Preparation: Remove loose rust and·loose mill scale. Cleanwith solvent to remove oil, grease, soil, _and· cutting compoun ds,in accordance with SSPC-SPl. B.Apply primer in accordance with SSPC-PS7.01. 3.04 DELIVERY Deliver to the site of the Work in accordance with ASTM A-6. 3.05 STORAGE Store materia ls off the ground protected_ from prolonged exposure to moisture. 3.06 ERECTION A.Align column bases and bearing plates with wedges or shims,and bolt into place. B.Set structural frame members accurately to the 1.ines and levelsindicated. Before assembly, clean bearing surfaces and othersurfaces that will be in permanent contact. Perform necessary. adjus.tment·to compensate for dis crepancies in elevation and alignment. Establish required leveling and plumbing measure­ments on the mean oper ating temperature of the structure, taking ·into account differences between mean ·operating temperature andtemperature at time of erection. Splice members only at location sand in the manner shown. C.Fasten splices of compression·members after the abutting sur­faces have been brought completely into contact. Fasten tem­porary connections with erection bolts. D.Tighten and leave in place erection bolts where permanent boltedconnections are shown. E.Remove erection bolts at welded co�nections� fill holes with plugwelds, and grind smooth all weld s that will be exposed in finish­ed work. F.Touch up shop priming as required. G.Grout column bases in accordance with Section 03364,Non­ Shrinking Grout. ( \ l 3.07 · PROHIBITED PROCEDURES A.Do not enlarge holes by burning or drift pins except insecondary bracing members. Where holes must be enlarged,use a reaming tool. 05101 4 of 4 B.Do not use gas· cutting torches to correct fabrication errorsexcept In second ary bracing members. Where gas. cutting ispermitted and member will be exposed to view in finishedWork, grind cut surface to equal the appearanc� of a shearedcut. ( /' \( ( SECTION 05201 -OPEN-WEB STEEL JOISTS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions, 1.02 RELATED WORK Coordinate with the Work of other Trades. 1.03 SCOPE 05201 1 of 4 Furnish and install open-web steel joists as specified in this Section and as shown. in the Drawings, 1.04 STANDARDS Standard Specifications for Open-Web Steel Joists of the Steel Joist Steel Joist Institute (S.J.I.) Code of Standard Practice of the Steel Joist Institute (SJI) AISC Manual of Standard Practice 1. 05 SUBM I TTALS Submit in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals: A.Complete .shop drawings showing bearing conditions, bridging, sizes,anchorage, extensions, and trimmers. B.Manufacturer's Lite rature C.Manufacturers written certification that joists provided for thisContract .comply with these Specifications and with AISC and SJIstandard specifications and load tables. 1.06 PRECEDENCE OF DOCUMENTS The requirements of this Section apply to all steel joist work except as specificall'y noted otherwise in the Drawings. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 DE SIGN In accordance· with SJI Specifications. Deflection due to design live loads shall not exceed 1/360 of span for floors, 1/360 of span for roofs with p1aster or other rigid ceilings attached to or suspended from the joists, and 1/240 of span for roofs with flexible ceilings suspe nded from or at tached to the joists. (( ' (( '-. 2.02 MATERIALS 052.01 2 of 4 Steel used i n the manufacture of chord and web sections shall con­form to one of the·followtng: A.Structural Steel: ASTM A-36 B.H i gh-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel: ·ASTM A-242 C.H i gh-Strength Low-Alloy Structura l Manganese Vanad i um Steel:ASTM A-441 D.Hot Rolled Carbon St��l Sheets and Str i p, Structural Qual i ty:ASTM A-570 E.H i gh-Strength Low-Alloy Columb i um-Vanadlum Steel of StructuralQuality: ASTM A-572, Grades 4 2, 45, and 50, F.High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel w i th 344, 750 kN/m2 (50,00Q ps i ). Min i mum Yield to 10cm (411 ) Th i ck: ASTM A-588. G.Hot Rolled or Cold Rolled Sheet, High-Strength, Low-All oy, w i thImproved Corros i on Res i stance: ASTM A-606. H.Steel, Cold Rolled Sheet, Carbon Structural: ASTM A-611, Type 2. I.Approved Equal: Having the character i sti�s, .as demonstrated bylaboratory testing, spec i f i ed in 3,03, and weldable. 3,03 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES The y i eld strength used as a basis for the design stresses prescr i bed in the SJI Specifications sha11 be e i ther 248,220 kN/m2 (36,000 psi), or 344,750kN/m2 (50,000 psi). Ev i dence that the steel prov i ded meets-or exceeds the des i gn y i eld strength shall be· pro�ided in the form of witnessed or certified reports of teits performed .i rr accordance with the SJI Specif i cations and ASTM A-370. Elongation shal·l not ex­ceed 20% in 5cm (211 ) for sheet and strip, or 18% i n· 20cm · (811 ) for . plates, shapes, and bars, w i th adjustments for thickness for plates; shapes, and bars, as prescr i bed in ASTM A-36, A-242, and A-241 for-··. plates, shapes, and bars, and ASTM A-570, A-606 and A-611 for sheet and strip. 2.03 SHOP-APPL IED PRIMER A.The Standard Shop paint used shall conform to one of the following:(1)Steel Structures Pa i nt i ng Counc i l Spec i f i cations 15-68T, Type I or 11 . (2) Federal Specif i cation TT-P-636 (red ox i de). (3)Or shall be an approved pa i nt which meets the minimum per­formance cr i ter i a spec i fied above. ( (( 05201 3 of 4 B.Location Used:For joists exposed in finished Work use Type I, For joistsconcealed in finished Work, use Type I or I I. C.Preparation:· Clean steel-of loose rust. and mill scale' inaccordance with SSPC -SPZ -63. D.Temporary Protection Performance: (1)Length of.Protection: Min. 6 months exposure.(2)Conditions· of exposure: No more severe than a normal rural t urban, or industrial atmosphere over 46m (1500 1 ) frombodies of s�lt water and discharge points for corrosive orsolvent fumes and not in continuous contact with water ormoist materials.(3)Permissable failure: Limited to 5% of surface area, measuredby area of touch-up painting required. (4)Failure Definition: Rust or other primer deterioration whichmakes th� surface unsuitable for further painting withoutadditional preparation. E.�esponsibllity: Primer performance shall be the responsibilityof the applicator, who shall select the primer to be used in ac­cordance with these Specifications. F.Touch-Up Work: Handling and erection damages to the primer shallbe touched up with the same primer material. 2.04 ACCESSORY ITEMS Included in this Section are miscellaneous headers and framing around openings that interrupt the joists; anchors, inserts, shelf angles, and clip angles necessary to the joist system; ceil Ing extensions, exJen.ded _ends, b I" i dg i ng, sag rods; and c 1 i p ang 1 es shown attached to the joists for the attachment of other work. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3,01 IN SPECTION ...... � Joist manufacturer'shall inspect joists at fabrication plant before delivery to assure compliance of materials.and workmanship with these Specifications. 3.02 HANDLING Exercise care at all times to avoid damage through careless handling while unloading, storing, and erecting. 3.-03 STORAGE Store·joists off the ground and protecte d from prolonged exposure \ l to moisture. 3.04 ERECTION A.Place joists in position as shown in the Drawings. ,( �- (_ 05201 4 of 4 B.Install all bridging and sag rods and fasten joists permane ntlyinto place before applying any loads other than the weight oferection personnel. C.Where five or more rows of bridging are required in spans greaterthan 15m (50'), adequately brace each joist laterally before thenext joist is erected and before any loads are applied. Do notrelease hoisting cables until support.has been provided by thecenter row of di agona 1 bridging and the bridging. 1 i ne has beenanchored to preven� lateral movement. Do not release hoistingcables on bottom-bearing joists until·tnei-rends .have been restrain-ed laterally. · D.During the construction period, provide means for the adequate dis­tribution of loads so the carrying capacity of any joist is notexceeded, 3.05 FIELD WELDING Execute field welding so as not to damage the joists nor diminish their strength or temper. The total length of any weld at any one point on cold-formed·members whose yield strength has been attained by cold­working and whose as-formed strength is used f-n the design shall not exceed 50% of the.o�er-all dev eloped width of the cold formed section. ( (c° ( 0 5303 1 of 3 SECT I C>N _05303 PERMANENT METAL FORMS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK 1.03 1.04 Coordinate with the Work of other Trades. STANDARDS AISI Specifications for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural· Members. Specifications of the Steel Deck Institute (SDI). SCOPE A.Work Included: All mate-rials, equipment, and labor necessaryfor the iRstallation of corru gated steel deck forms shown inthe Drawings and specified in this Section. B� Work.Included in Other Sections: Structural Supports and bracing, concrete fill, reinforcing, framing of openings, fireproofing, and electrical fittings. 1.05 PRECEDENCE The requirements of this Section are general and shall govern except as specifically noted otherwise In the Drawings. 1.06 SUBMITTALS Submit, in accordance with Section 01300, Submlttals, shop drawings showing layout of deck panels and all openings to be cut under this Section, and manufacturer's literature. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIAL Steel sheets conforming to ASTM-A-611 Grade C cold-rolled struc­tural quality sheet steel (for uncoated deck forms) or ASTM-A-446 Grade A (for galvanized deck forms). ( «.\ ,{ ·,.. .2.02 · TYPE 05303 2 of 3 Confonn to the following conformation and minimum yield strength obtained by 0.1% offset method: •A.· Thickn_ess: 0.457mm (26 ga.). Min. thickness shall be within5% of that specified� B.Section Modulus: Min. Sx = 1.24 5 cm 3 (0.076 tn3) C.Moment of Inertia: Min. Ix = 1.54 0 cm4 (0.037 in4) D.C9rrugation: Depth = 22mm (7/811), pitch = 89mm (3-l"), angledsides, straight surfaces, sharp, clean bends. 2.03 FINISHES·. Furnish black or prime coated steel for floor forms, hot-dip galvanized steel for roof forms. Galvanizing shall conform to ASTM-A361-65T, applied at the rate of 418 gm/m 2 (1.2 5 oz per sq. ft.) 2.04 VENTING METHODS See Section 07806, Roof Pressure Relief Vents. 2.05 DESIGN A.Section properties shall conform to AISI Specifications. B.Composite decks (combined corrugated deck form and concretesection) shall" be capable of supporting superimposed liveloads of 2kN/m2 (40 psf); roofs, 1 kN/m 2 (20 psf). 1.Composite slab design shall be based on simpl e span analysis. 2.Load values shall be based on limiti ng condition of bendingstress, shear, concrete compressive stress, or deflectionof L/360 for composite slab. 3.Superimposed load values for indicated total composite slabshall be based on a concrete density of 2,323 kg./m3 (14 5 lb. per cu. ft.) for standardweight concrete and1,762 -kg/m3 (110 lb. per cu. ft.) for lightweight concrete,and fc'=2 0,685 kN/m 2 (3,000 psi). 4.Shoring requirements shall be determined as follows: a.Total slab dead load plus 1 kN/m2 (20 lb. per sq. ft.)construction loading shall not exceed fiber stress of137,900 kN/m2 (20,000 psi). b.Slab dead load shall not cause deflection in excess ofL/180 or maximum of 19mm (3/4 11 ). 5.Non-composite load values shall be used for spans containingtrench header ducts. . C. Where possible, steel deck forms shall extend over three or more spans. .( ' ( 05303 3 of 3 PART 3 -EXEClJT IJ)N 3.01 FABRICATION Fabrication of deck form the Steel Deck Institute; standards: sheets shall conform _to the specifications of and of the AISI, and meet the foll owing� A.Flatness df fabricated sheets shall vary not more than 1.6mm(1/1611 ) In 3m (10 1 ) when tested with 10 1 stral_ght edge.· B.Fabricate d deck units sha1·1 be ca pable of �rovidirig late�al dis­tribution of 1,335 N _(300 (b.). th�ough sJde lap fastenings. 3.02 OPENINGS Openings shown in the Drawings_ sha·11 be cut as a part of this Section. 3.03 ERECTION A •. Erect steel deck forms according to the manufacturer's Standards . B.Place steel deck forms on su pporting structure and ad just to finAlposition before fastening. Bring each unit to proper bearing onthe supporting structure. Place in strai ght alignment for the en­tire length of run. 3.04 FASTENING A.Fastening shall be �cc omplish�d by electric arc plug weldingthrough curve d welding washers. Use welding rods 2.4mm (3/321 1) dia. to 6mm (¼11 ) dia. at heat settings of 120 to 180 amps. B.At end laps, weld through 4 she et thicknesses at the cornersand through 2 thicknesses at the center of the sheet. C� �t intermediate supports weld in the valley of the side lap at every other support and in the center corrugation over remaining supports. D.Space welds at 60cm (2411) on cente r over supports running parallelto span of deck form. ·.( I� t:- ------·--· ··-· -----�-. -----. SECTION 05400 � LIGHTGAUGE FRAMING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and.Supp lementary Conditions. 1.02.-��ELATED WORK Coordinate with the Work of other Trades. 1.03 SCOPE 05400 1 of 3 The Work included in this Section includes the fabrication and execution of all metal studs, runners, furring channels, and related bracing shown in the Drawings and specified. ·1.04 STANDARDS AWS Recommended Practices for Resistance Welding AISI Specifications for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members 1.05 DELIVERY AND STORAGE Deliver all products in their original, unopened packages. Handle to·avoid damage. Store off the ground in storage building or under tarpaulins, vented to avoid condensation and moisture entrapment, until ready for installation. Remove from the site all damaged and deteriorated materials. PART 2 -·PRODUCTS 2.01 STRUCTURAL STUDS All framing for exterior walls, and other locations noted for structural studs, shall be 1.6mm (16 ga.) or heavier galvanized, 11 C 11 t1pe steel studs conforming to ASTM-A-446, Grade D, min. yield 344,750 kN/m (50,000 psi). tj (( \� .. 2 .02 NON-STRUCTURAL STUDS 05400 2 of 3 All framing not requiring structural studs may:be _0.50�m (25 ga) or heavier conforming to ASTM-A-446, Grade A, minimum yield 227,535 kN/m2 (33,000 ps i), galvanized. 2.03 TRACK AND BRID GING All track and bridging shall be galvanized, of same grade a·nd gauge as steel studs to which attached. 2.04 FURRING CHANNELS All furring channels shall be galvanized, of same grade and gauge as steel studs to which attached. 2.05 FASTENE RS A.For Attaching Floor Track to Floor: Approved po�der-d�ivenfasteners. See plan for size and spacing. · B.For Attaching Studs to Track and Bridging and Ceiling Tr.ack toRunner: Self-tapping, self-drilling, Phillips �lotted pa� headcadmium coated screws, 11mm (7/16 11 ) min. diameter, length asrequired. 2 .06 WELDS Plug, butt, seam, or fillet resistance welds on both sides of stud, top and bottom, conforming to AWS Specific ations. Use 2 .38m·m (3/32 u ) diam. AWS type 6013 rods, and heat se tting of 60 to 110· amps.· Welds In members subject to tension (such as bridging, diagonal bracing, etc.) shall be capable of withstandin� a tension lpading producing.unitshearing stress of 227,535 kN/m (33 ksi). <t ,0 �-. PART_1 -EXECUTION 3.01 FABRICATION 05400 3 of 3 Framing components may be fabricafed at the project site or may be prefabricat�d and instalJed as panels. A.Fastening: All axially loaded members shall be attached by·welding. Components not subject to axial loading may be ·attached bywelding or power-driven screw fasteners, at Contractor's option. B.Cut al 1 memb.ers· sq:uar.ely or at <:\n-angle to fit squarely against abutting members. Hold members securely in place until per-manently �astened. C.No splices will be permitted in axially loaded members. D.Wire-tying of main wall framing will not be permitted. Wiretying of furring channels in celling or soffit conditions, and in attachment to wall framing, is permitted. Wire tying offurring channels for lathing and plastering is required. E.Prefabricated panels shall be square and braced to preventracking. L]ft and handle members to prevent the distortion ofany member. F.Components used t� frame openings shall be of size and type capable of transferring all loads imposed on the opening intothe vertical members, adjacent to the opening. Provide sufficient framing at jambs of openings to carry loads transferred. 3.02 ERECTION A.· Floor track: after aocurately aligning floor track, attachtrack to concrete floor with 19mm (3/4 w) powder-driven con­crete fasteners or expansion bolts. Fasten at 30cm (.1211) on center. Consult Architect for method .. 6f"attachment to sub­strates other than concrete. Grout slab surface irregularities to provide full bearing for track. B.Ceiling Track: Attach celling track to ceiling runners withspecified screws. Attach to underside of concrete slabs withpowder-driven 10mm (3/4") concrete fasteners or expansion bolts.For attachments of track crossing structural members, attach ateach structural member. Provide bracing as required to attach track to firm structure at intervals no greater than 60cm (24").When track is �ttached to underside of slab or deck or runs parallel to structural member, attach at 30cm (12") on center. Use butt welds and ·splices at all joints in floor and ceilingtrack. D.Studs: erect plumb and square, attaching to floor and ceilingtrack with two power-driven screws each side or with 1.6mm (1/1611) fillet weld 13mm (½1 1) long each side. Do not splice studs. ,-( ) ( '( ,,. SECTION 05500 -MI SCELLANEOUS METAL PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions.· 1.02 RELATED WORK Coordinate with the Work of other Trades. 1.-03 SCOPE _ _,,,, __of 3 The Work specified under this Section includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1.04 STANDARDS Stand ards and Specifications.of the following organizations appro­priate to the Work under this Section shall govern, except where this Specification is more stringent: American Society fo r Testing and Materials (ASTM) American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI·) Amercian Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Americ an Hot-Dip Galvanizers Association Amercian Welding Society (AWS) ,. 1.05 SUBMITTALS Submit, in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals: A.Manufacturer's literature for stock prefabricated items. B.Complete shop drawings for all items fabricated to the requirementsof this Project. ( ,. ( ,, PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 CAST IRON 05500 2 of 3 ASTM-A-48, class 30, minimum tensile strength 206,850 kN/m2 (30,000 psi). 2.-02 NODULAR OR DUCTILE IRON CASTINGS· ASTM-A-339. Use for all cast iron items not subject to structural moments. 2.03 STRUCTURAL STEEL SHAPES AND PLATE ASTM-A-36, minimum y�eld·point 248,22 0 kN/m2 (36,000 psi)_. ASTM-A-7 steel.may be used where welding is not required. 2 .04 ALUMINUM EXTRUSIONS Alloy 6063-TS or 6063-T6 PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 WORKMANSHIP A.Metal surfaces shall be clean and free from mill scale,oxidation (except for surfaces where an oxidized surfaceis intended for decorative reasons, such as archit ecturalbronze), and pitting; well formed and finished to shape·and size, with sharp lines and angles and smooth surfacesexcept as other�ise shown or specified. Cut, shear, andpunch· so as to leave clean, true 1 ines and surfaces. Weldall permanent connections except as shown otherwise. Finishwelds flush and smooth on surfaces that will be exposed infinished installation. Where screwed or bolted connectionsare required, countersink the heads where possible, screw orbolt tight, and nick threads to preve nt loosening. B.Castings shall be of uniform quality, free from blowholes,pores, hard spots, shrinkage distortions, and other defects.Make castings smooth and well cleaned by shot blasting orother approved method. Covers subject to vehicular or foottraffic shall have machined, horizontal, bearing surfaces.ProvLde machined be�ring or contact surfaces in other locations.where indicated or required for proper fit and functi on. Con-:form to the dimensions shown within the follo"wing tolerances: 1.Castings that are to fit into framed openings, and theframes to receive them: Plus or minus 1.59mm (1/1611 ). 2 .Other castings: Plus or minus 3.18mm (1/811 ). I � ( 05500 3 of 3· C •. Conceal fastenings where practicable. Provide._metho.d of assembly and type and spacing of fasteners and supports that will give adequate strength and rigidity . Form Joints exposed to weather to exclude water. Provide holes and connections _required f�r. the wo�k of other trades. D.At the proper time, sufficiently in advance to avoid delay·ofthe Work, deliver and set in place items of metal work to.bebuilt into adjoining construction. 3.02 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATING A.All f�rrons metalwork except stainless steel,.galvanized.surfaces, and castings to ·remain unpainted, shall be properlycleaned after fabrication and given one shop coat:of red lead·or zinc chromate primer to comply with FS TT-P-636-or SSPCPaint 15-76T, Type I. Anchors and other items that are to bebuilt into masonry shall be given one shop coat of black asphalt. paint to comply with FS TT-C-�9�, Type I I, unless item is noted or specified to be galvanized. Metal work to be encased in concrete shall be left unpainted unless specifically noted otherwise. Where hot-dip galvanized or zinc-coated metal is specified or shown, it shall not be shop prtmed unless specifically noted. Castings that are to be left unpainted shall be clean ed and · coated with a coal-tar-pitch varnish. B.Hot-dip galvanizing or zinc coatings applied on products fab­bricated ·from rolled, pressed, and forged steel shapes, plates,bars, and strips· shall comp ly with ASTM-A-123. Hot-dip gal­van izing or zinc coatings on assembled steel products shallcomply with ASTH-A-386. The weight of coatings shall be asdesignated in Table I for the class and thickness of materialto be coated. Galvanized surfaces for which a shop coat ofpaint is specified shall be chemically treated to provide abond for the paint. Except for bolts and nuts, all galvanizing·shall be done after fabrication. 3.03 FINISHING Paint in accordance with Section 09900, Paintin�. { � ) (l 06100 1 of,3 SECTION 06100 -ROUGH CARPENTRY 1. 01 GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK Coordinate with the Work of other Trades. 1.03 SCOPE The Work to be performed under this Section includes all rough wood framing, blocking, grounds, and nailers shown in the Draw­ings or reasonably required for the performance of this Contract. 1.04 STANDARDS American Lumber Standards, Simplified Practice Recomme ndation R-16National Wood Products Association Standards·P�ywood Construc�ion Standard PS 1-66, for Constructionand IndustrialGrading Standards of the Southern Fore st Products AssociationGrading Standards of the Western Wood Products Association 1.05 STORAGE PART 2.01 Store all wood materials off the ground. Protect from weather by storing in a storage building or covering with tarpaulins vented to prevent condensation and moisture entrapment. 2 -PRODUCTS LUMBER Except where specifically noted otherwise in the Drawings, all lumber shall be finished all four sides (S4S). All lumber shall bear grade and trade mark of manufacturer's association. Exposed lumber such as trim shall bear stamp on back (unexposed) side. ( 1.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A.Moisture Content�6uihern Pine: 12% average, 15% maximum.Western softwoods: 15% average; 19% maximum. B.Provide lumber of the grades shown in the Dr awi ngs:Where grades are not shown in the nrawings, conform tothe following. Provide stress ratings where shown. 06100 2 of 3 Southern Pine Western Softwoods Treated· Studs No. 2 KD. Standar.d plates, nailers, cants screeds, sflls, grounds Light framing & furring Structural joists Beams, stringers and Columns Sheathing Board� Siding Trim Spacers No. 2 KD No. 2 KD No. 2 Dense KD Standard Standard ·-No. ::2 Dense Structural 58· No. 1 Industrial 58 KD Standard Tndustrial 58 KD, No. 2 Common selected for appearance, Industrial 58 KD, Prime selectea-for appearance. Industrial 50 Utility C.Treatment: Provide treated lumber where called for in theDrawings, shown in the above table, and_ in locations where Yes Yes Yes Yes (7 wood is exposed to moisture or in contact.with concrete or \( ) masonry. Treatment is specified in Section 06300, Wood Treat­ment. ( D.Species: Southern Pine, Douglas Ftr, or any species suitablefor intended use. Endangered species, such as redwood, may beused only if called for on the Drawings for finished work. 2.02 PLYWOOD Conform to PS 2-66, thickness as indicated, in the fol lowing ·Inter or, concealed:Inter or, one side expo sed:Inter or, both sides exposed:Exter or, concealed:Exter or, one side exposed:Exter or, both sides exposed: C-�, InteriorB-D, InteriorB-B, InteriorC-D·, ExteriorB-D, Exteri orB-B, Exterior grades: 2.03 HARDWARE 2.04 Provide all nails, sc rews, bolts, and other fasteners required for rough carpentry work. All fasteners used with treated lumber, ce­dar, redwood, or exposed to moisture shall be galvanized or non­corrodible metal. Provide approved metal connectors for joists and beams. CEMENT ASBESTOS BOARD: 3/16"thick "Transite" flat panels as manufactured by Johns-Manville, Inc, \: '· ---•,' � . ·=----·1 ,( ( PART l -EXECUTION 3,01 BASE. PLATES 06100 3 of 3 Secure base plates to concrete slab or foundation with 13mm (¼") diameter galvanized bolts spaced at· 1.20m (4') centers, or provide approved powder -driven fastehet.s at approved intervals. 3,02 STUDDING lnstal.1 studs plumb, spaced-at 40cm (16") on center maximum except as otherwise shown. Stud and cripple at openings and corner-s. TGenail to bottom plate, and nail to top plate. 3,03 JOISTS, BEARS, HEADERS Ins ta 11 1 eve 1 , ·wt th crown edge up. Use bridging as shown on d�aw)ngs -·either $Olid bridging or prefabricated metal bridg­ing. · Prov·ide minimum one ·row of bridging for spans more than 2.4m .(8 1 ) but not less than 4.8m (16'), minimum of two rows -elsewhere, but not to exceed 2.4m (8·1) spacing. Provide approvedjoist hangers or other approved connectors for all flush connections. ✓ :\ -�- '- SECTION 06201 -MILLWORK PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK Coordinate with the Work of other Trades. 1.03 SCOPE UO:lUI 1 of 3 The work to be accomplished under this section is limited to finished carpentry items other than casew ork, and includes {but is not limited to) the following: 1.04 STANDARDS Quality Standards of the Architec tural Woodwork Institute (AWi) Grading Standards of the National Ha rdware Lumber Association. Grading Rules of the Western\Mood Pnoducts As soc-iat�,on Grading Rules of the Southern Forest Products Association 1.05 .SU�MIT'(ALS Submit shop drawings, samples, and manufacture�•s literature in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals. 1.06 HANDLING AND STORAGE Protec t materials fro�·weather damage and soiling while stored at the shop. Protect finished woodwork from damage while being transported. After del Ivery to the site place im mediately under cover, elevated above the grou and ventilated to provide air circulation to all surfaces. Do not allow tarpaulins to rest on millwork surfaces. Do not store or install millwork in wet or damp portions of the building or in spaces where plastering or drywall work has not been completed. Millwork which has become wet or damaged will be rejected. ( ( I \ PART 2 -PRODUCTS- 2.01 'HARDWOODS 06201 2 of 3 ·confor� to.st�ndards of the National Hardwood lumber Association.Use for natu_ral finish items. : A. Hardwood Plywood: .CS 35, Type 11, Stain Grade,. spec.ies· as indicated. Plywood with both sides exposed to view in finished work shall be faced both sides with select hardwood veneer. When one side ts permanently concealed, the concealed face shall be of same species and_ thic kness as face veneer, but may _be CS 35, Grade 4 or be"tter. Core .type-shall be -veneer, lumber or chip of any suitable species. . . . . . B.Hardwood Stock: Cabinet grade hardwood to match face veneer of hard­wood plywood i�dicated, free from knots, cr acks, checks, sap, dis­�oloration and other defects. Moisture content at time of ins tallatioshall be maximum 13� of oven-dry weight. 2.02 SOFTWOODS Conform to standards of the appropriate manufacturer's association. Use only for painted work. A.Softwood Plywood: PS-1-66, marked with DFPA stamp. For surfacesexposed both sides, use Grade AA. Where one side is concealed from·vtew,· use-Gr�de A-D. For core material for plastic laminates, useGrade B-B. Use any �pecies suitable for intended use. B.Softwood stock: Use for painted trim work. Provide standardlumber sizes or trim from standard sizes. Grade B or better south�em pine, ponderosa pine, or other suitable softwood, selected for.blghtn�ss of grain, free from knots, checks, splits, sap, andother defects. Moisture content at time of installation shall bemaxi mu·m 8% of· oven-dry weight. f c- l' 3 of 3 PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 QUALITY STANDARDS Material and workmansh ip for all millwork items shall conform to the Custom Grade.requirements of the AWi, except as otherwise noted. A.Natur..al or Stained Finish: Selected hardwo od·plywood 9nd .stock. B.Painted Finish: B or Better, Plant Grade natural birch or softwoodi:-,lywooo and stock, selected for closeness of g'rain. 3.02 FABRICAilON A.Insofar as pa:ssible, shop assemble, and deliver to. s·h:e :ready to beinstalled. B.All mouldings and profiles shall be clean and sharp, in.accordancewith the Drawings, and coped where necessary.· Make joints tight andformed to conceal shrinkage. Glue and lock miters. 10cm .(4 11 ) orlarger. Glued miters are acceptable for smaller miters. C.Fit all exposed edges of plywood with strips of stock material ofsame species as face veneer of plywood. Round all exposed edgesslightly with sandpaper. 3.03, INSTALLATION A.Fit and scribe work to substates in carefu l manner to assure accuratefit and to avoid injury to millwork and adjacent surfaces. Install frames and finish work plumb and level. Provide blocking. as required. B.Set all nails for putty stopping and countersink and plug all screws. C.Do not install work until plastering and drywall operations have beencompleted in space to receive millwork and surfaces are dry. D.Execute trim work in single lengths �here possible. Running finishis .to be in as long lengths as possible, with joints orily in accordancewith approved shop drawings. Finger-jointing will not be._permitted.Miter outsi�e corners and cope inside corners. 3.04 PRIMING AND FINISHING . A.Priming, painting, and finishing of mlllwork is specified ·in Section09900, painting. Priming and backpainting shall be applied as soonas millwork items have been delivered to the site and acc�pted by theArchitect •. Schtdule delivery of millwork items in·consultation with·Architect.to facilitate inspectlon. 3,05 HARDWARE Install in accordance with manufacturer's printed ·Instr uctio ns� • l' -(' '· SECTION 06300 -WOOD TREATMENT PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK 1.03 1.04 Coordinate with the Work of other Trades. STANDARDS Conform to the Standardsof the following organizations: American Wood Preserver! Association (AWPA) American Wood Preservers Bureau (AWPB) American Wood Preservers lnstitute(AWPI) SUBRITTALS 06300 1 of 3 Submit manufacturer's 1 iterature in accordance with Section 01 300, Submittals, for the type of treatment proposed for use. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2. 01· CREOSOTE· Use creosote treatment for woods in severe exposure conditions, such as piles, wood in contact with the ground, docks or wharves, wood pavers, and other severe weathering conditions. 2.02 2.03 SALT TREATMENTS Use where painting is required for lumber exposed·to weather. PENTACH LOROPHENOL Use in light-colored petroleum solvents for wood exposed to the weather, either painted or unpainted. 2.04 COPPER NAPTHENATE Use for wood not exposed in finished work. 2.05 FIRE RETARDANT TREATMENT Provide fire-retardant-treated wood where called for in the Drawings. .( (( I ,_\. I P�RT 3 -EXECUT'I ON 3.01 PRESSURE TREATMENT 06300 2 of 3 All treated wood shall be pressure-treated to the·specified retentions, conforming to AWPA Standard t.2. In addition, water-borne salt freat­ments shall bear the AWPB quality· mark designation LP-2 , LP-22, or FON, as applicable. 3.02 CREOSOTE Conform to Federa·) Speci_fi°�ations TT-W-S56 and bear the AWPB quality mark for AWPA Pl. Minimum retentions: A.Lumber in coastal waters: 320 kg/m� (20 lb./cu;ft)"B.Lumber in fresh water .or in contact with the ground:160 kg./m3 (10 lb:/cu j ·ft!) C.Lumber not in contact with water or gr6und: 96 kg:/m3 (6 lb./cu.ft.) 3. 03 CREOSOT°E-COAt: TAR SOLUTIONSConform to Federal Specification TT-W-566 and bear AWPB qual·ity mark for AWPA-P2. Minimum retentions: The same·as for. 3.02, Creo­sote, above. 3.04 CREOSOTE -PETROLEUM SOLUTIONS Conform to Federal Specification TT-W-568 and bear the AWPB quality mark for AWPI-P3. Minimum Retentions(do not use for coastal waters): A.Lumber in fresh water or in contact with ground: 192 kg./m3 (12 lb./cu.ft.')" B.lumber not in contact with ground or water: 1i2 kg./m 3 (7 lb./cu.ft.) 3.05 PENTACHLOROPHENOL IN PETROLEUM SOLUTION Conform to Federal Specification TT-W-570 and bear the AWPB quality mark for. AWPA P8 and P9. ·Minimum retentions in 5% solution: A.Lumber in contact with ground: 160 kg:/m3 (10-lb./cu.ft.)B·. Lumber not in conta.ct wit"h ground: 96 kg/m 3 (6-lb./cu.ft.) 3.06 COPPER NAPTHENATE IN PETROLEUM SOLUTION Conform to AWPA PS and P9 and bear AWPB quality mark. Minimum re­tentions in 5%.solution: Same as for 3.05, Pentachlorophenol in Petroleum Solution, above. 3.07 PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT WITH WATE R-BORNE PRESERVATIVES Use only for lumber not in contact with ground or water. Bear AWPB quality mark. Minimum retentions! A.Acid copper chromate: ·8 kg/m 3 (0.5 lb./cu.ft.)B.Amoniacal copper �rsenate: 4.8 kg/m3 (0.3 lb./cu.ft.)C.Chromated copper arsenate: 8kg./m3 (0.5 lb./cu;ft:)D.Chromated zinc arsenate: 8 kg./m3 (0.5 lb./cu.ft.) ( � -� E.Chromated zinc chloride: 12kg./m 3 (0.75 lb./cu.ft.)F.Copperized chromated zinc chloride:12 kg./m3 (0,75 lb./cu:ft;) G.Fluoride, chromate, arsenate, ·phenol mixture:5,6 kg/m 3 (0.35 lb./cu.ft.) 3 .08 FIRE RETARDANT TREATMENT 06 3_00 3 of 3 Fire-retardant treated wood shall be pressure -treated with fire­retar dant chemicaJs in accordance with AWPA C20, and have a flame spread rating not higher than equivalent of 25 with no evidence of sig nificant progressive combustion when tested for 30 minutes durq<. tion under the Standard Test Method for Fire Hazard Classiftcatlan.�f Buil�ing Materials, UL 723, NFPA 255, ASTM E-84. Fire-ret�rda�t · treated lumber. and plywood shall be labeled and tested by an approved testing agency showing the performance .rating. After treatment, all plywood and lumber shall be dried to a moisture content of 19% or.less .. Fire treated lumber for exterior use shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D-2898, and so labeled. Where fire-retardant lumber ts to be used in exterior applications or other locations where preservative treatment is specified, both treatments shall be applied to the lumb�r. / (( '(. SECTION .. 07151' -VAPOR BAR.RIERS PART 1 -GENERAL ,, 1.01 �efer to. the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK Coordinate with the Work of other.Trades. 1.03 SUBMITTALS U / 1 !>'f 1 of 2 Submit in accordance with Section 01300, submittal s, manufacturer's literature for produc ts proposed for use, with certified test results exhibiting compliance with the requirements of this Specification. ·PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 STAN DARD VAPOR BARRIERSheeting of approved material and manufacture, 0.152nm (6mil) thick polyethylene, or approved equal meeting or ex ceeding the following requirements: A.Water Permeance After Exposure: 0.5 Perms max. ·B: Fungus Resistance: No visible growth. 2:02 ALTERNATE SYSTEMS Other systems equalling specified ... requireinents ·will be considered upon proper application in accordance with Contract Conditions. 2.03 SPECIAL VAPOR BARRIER (TYPE 2 MEMBRANE) Va por Barrier for thru-wall fla shing and colum� flashing in brick ve neer con struction shall be heavy-duty flexible synthetic ·she eting, im permeable, re sistant to mildew, and comp osed of approved non­polye thylene base material; 0.51mm (20 mill neoprene "Plastisheet" by Progre ss Un limited, Inc., Nervastral HD, or approved equal. (( (( I� PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 EXTENT OF VAPOR BARRI ERS 07154 2 of 2 All slabs within bui·lding limits shall be protected by specified vapor barriers. 3.02 INSTALLATION A.Lay vapor barrier sheeting on prepared, compacted substrate. Lapsheets minimum 20cm {8 11 ) at all edges, then fold edges togetherand tape to achteve seal. Where voids are to be left in the slab for 1 later placement of concrete, extend vapor barrier minimum 30cm {1') Ibeyond edge of slab for later.connection to vapor barrier in space forfuture concrete placement� B.At intersection of slab and walls which penetrate slab, turn standardvapor barrier down at wall. mfnimun 30cm. {1 1 ) and tape to wall. Badfill and tamp to desired elev ation for subgrade against wall, holdingbarrier up against wall, then lay barrier flat and connect to rest ofbarrier, lapping, folding, and taping as specified. 3,03 PRECAUTIONS Take precautions during placement of reinforcing steel and concrete to prevent puncture of vapor barrier and opening of seams. Where punctures or seam failures occur, patch and reseal before covering with �oncrete. 3,04 TYPE 2 MEMBRANE Install in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions, using cemen ting material recommended by man ufacturer. /' :1 (j ( I 07203 1 of 2 SECTION 07203 -BUILDING INSULATION PART 1 ·-GENERAL 1.01 Refe r to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK Coor dinate with the Work of other Trades. 1.03 STANDARDS Hanual 11 J 11 of the National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Contractor's Association. 1.04 SUBHIT TALS 1.05 Submit, in accordance with S�ction 01300, Submittals, manufacturer's llteratur� on each type of insulation to be furnished, showing lab­oratory test results in compliance with the requirements of this Section. SCOPE This Section governs only thermal insulation other than roof in­sulation installed above the roof deck. 1.06 STORAGE AND HANDLING Refer to Se�tion 01600, Material and Equipment. Store off ground and protected from weather. , PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2. 01 · .. BATT INSULATION .·Batt-type insulation of thickness necessary to meet insulation values specified and shown-in the Drawings. Furnish R=19 batts for insula­ tion under roofs where shown, and R:11 batts for insulation in walls as shown. Furnish all batts withKraft paper barriers, rated for flame spread 25, fuel contributed 50, and smoke developed 50. One of the following or approved equal. A.Glass fiber batts as manufactured by Johns�Manville, Owens­Corning "Fiberglas", or approved equal. B.Mineral Fiber batts as manufactured by Rockwool In dustries,U.S. Gypsum 1 1 Thermafiber 11 , or approved ·equal. ( /-­\\ ,( I• '·~ 07203 .2 of Z PART J - EXECUTION 3 .01 · INSULATION UNDER ROOF A.Where shown at level of bottom of joists, install on poultrymesh tied to bottom chord of joists with 1.19mm (18 ga.) wireor approved clips at max. 46rrrn (1811 ) on center. B�-Where shown close under roof deck, install on 2.67mm. (12 ga.) .wire runners 46cm (18 11 ) ·on center tied to joists with 1.19mm (18 ga.) wire or appro.ved clips. C.·Where shown on top of ceiling, cut batts to size of ceiling tilesand lay loose on top of tiles. 3.02 PRECAUTIONS Where,·electrical conduit, ducts, vents, pipes,_ or other electrical 3.03 or mechanical items occur, take care to install ·insula tion between such items· and exterior where poss1ble, except where insulation is suspended at level of bottom of roof· joists •. Ins.tall insulation with vapor barrier to room side, taking care to lap all side and end joints to provide uninterrupted coverage. Except as specifically indicated to the contrary, install all insulation in accordance with manu facturer's instructions. FINAL CLEANUP Refer to Section 01700, Project Closeout. ( r-!· •. (I ( SECTION 07501 -BU ILT-UP BITUMINOUS ROOFING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK Coord inate with the Work ·of othe r Trades. 1.03 SCOPE 07501 1 of 4 Work under this Section includes the complete installation ·of built­up bituminous roof consisting of asphalt-saturated felts, hot-mopped asphalt, flexible uncured neoprene base flashing, and gravel surface, meeting or exceeding the requi rements for Cooglas specifications for roof type ND-20-G. 1.04 GUARANTEE Provide written guarantee of materials and workmanship for a period of two· years from date of acceptance as determined by final payment� �gainst defects including, but not limited to, the following: A.Leakage of water through the roof system at any point. 8.Leakage of bitumen at any point. through the roof system. C.Blistering, te aring, and any other failure of the roof membrane. 1.05 SUBMITTALS Submit in �ccordance with the General Condi,tions and Section 01300, Submittals, manu facturer's literature on the products proposed for use. Provide samples of base flashing material, �f type of nat:1 (for nailable roofs), and certified report of U.L. testing of roof mem9rane. ·( �-I ,\ PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 ASPHALT 07501 2 of 4 Airblown asphalt manufactured specifically for roofing purposes and complying with ASTM D-312. ·The softening point temperature of the asphalt shall be as fo llows: Pli Asphalt Asphalt Sto� � Soften_in·g Point � 0 to '4% Dead level ··63�C (.145 ° F)I 4% to 8% Flat 740 C ( 165° F)II 8% to 17% Steep 85 C {185° F) ·ru'. 17% and up Special Steep ·102�C (2·15° F)IV 2.02 EMULSION Approved fibrated asphalt emulsio n conforming to ASTM C-1227, type I; Concoat CC-20 or approved equal. 2.03 PRIMER Recognized brand of asphalt primer conforming to ASTM 041-41; Conprime or approved equal. 2.04 PLASTI C CEMENT Re cognized brand of asphalt plastic cement conforming to F.S. SS-C153, Type 1; Conmastic or approved equal. 2.05 ADHESIVE Fire retardan t adhe sive in accordance with recommendations of manu-facturer of material to be cemented. 2.06 ROOF TAPE Conglas Con Tape or approved equal. (As recommended by,manuf acturer for other systems.) 2.07 BASE SHEET A.Fibrous glass mat laid down in ·jackstraw pattern, reinforced withglass yarns, bonded together with a re sinous binder and completelycoated with a fi l�ed, weathering grade asphalt, an d weighing approx­imate ly 1. 17 kg/m (24 lb./square), conforming to F�S. SS-R-620 B,Type 11, Conglas, •Conbase, or approved equal. B.Contractor's Option: 43 lb./sq. ap proved organic f�lt, asphaltimpregnated. 2.08 FASTENERS 50mm (2 1 1 ) divergent-type staples applied over minimum 10mm (3/811 ) wide banding tape. Avistrap or approve�·equal. (( ( 't {l 07501 3 of 4 2.09 PLY SHEET A.Heavy-wei ght .fibrous glass mat laid down in a jackstraw patternreinforced with glass yarns bonded together with a resinous bind­er and coated wit2 a weathering grade asphalt, weighing approxi­mately 0.73 kg./m (15 lb./square)� and conforming to F.S. SS­R-620B, Type 1 or·lll, Conglas Conply Type A or approved equal. B.Contractor's Option: 15 lb./sq./ply. app roved organic felt,asphalt-impregnated, three-ply. 2. 10 GRAVELCommerci a 1 grade, washed, opaque, 10mm to 16mm (3/811 to 5/81 1) grave 1 complying with ASTM D-1863-63. No more than 10% of the.gravel of any lot shall lie outside these size limitations. All gravel shall pass through a 19mm (3/411) screen and none shall pass through a 6mm (1/411) screen •. Gravel shall be washed, dry, and free of dust, soil, and for­eign· matter. White gravel (Dolomite) of Joplin Chats, Scoria, or crushed masonr y such as brick or tile shall not be used, but the use of Georgia roofing grade white marble c2ips may be su_bstituted. Apply gravel at 2 he minimum rate of 9.75 kg/m (200 pounds per square) in a 1.95 kg./m (40 pounds per square) asphalt pour coat. 2. 11 ROOF DECK VENTINGRefer to Secti on 07806, Roof Pressur e Rel ief Vents. 2. 12 FLEXIBLE BASE FLASHING1.6mm (1/1611 ) thick uncured compounded neoprene rubber cement elastomer, Sure-Seal Elastoform Flashing as manufactured by Carlisle Tire & Rub ber Company, or approved equal. PART 3 -EXECUTION .3.01 INSPECTION Inspect deck surface to determine that it is dry, cured, clean, and ready to receive roofing. Do not proceed with application of roofing without the Vermicul lte or Perlite manufacturer's inspection and written report that the deck is sufficiently dry to receive built-.up roofing. 3�02 APPLIC ATION (General) 3.03 Apply roofing in accordance with Conglas Specification ND-20-G, (Follow manufacturer's specifications for other system). BASE SHEET APPLICATION Apply base sheet at right angles to the direction of slope. Lap 5cm (21 1) at sides and 1Scm (61 1) on ends. Fasten, using specified fasteners, on 23cm (911) centers through the laps and on 46cm (1811) centers along lines 30cm (121 1) distant from each edge. Turn base­sheet up 5cm (211 ) above the cants at all walls and vertical surfaces. Apply roof tape parallel to the base sheet and lapped at least 10cm (41 1) at the ends. Stagger adjacent end laps at least 30cm (1211). ;\ I � { 07501 4 of 4 3.04 PLY SHEET APPLICATION 3.05 Embed the full width of each �ly sheet in hot asphalt appliedat a nominal rate of 1.5 kg/m (30 lbs. per square). Lightly broom each ply as it is a·pplied, using a moderately soft commer­cial push broom. Turn up all plies 5cm (2 ") above the cants at all walls and vertical surfaces, mopping solidly to the cant and vertical surface. Apply roofing at right angles to direction of slope. Embed two plie s of ply sheets. On roofs with slopes 2 steeper than 4%, apply asphalt at the nominal rate of 1.2 kg./m (25 Lbs. per square). On slopes steeper than 17% fasten ply sheets with specified fasteners 46cm (18 s"') from the back edge of e;ach sheet at 46cm (18 11 ) _on center. (Use three p 1 i es for organ I c fe 1 ts.) APPLICATION OF AGGREGATE Embed not less than 19;6 kg of gravel per m2 of roof (400 lbs. per ·square) into hot asphalt applied at the rate of not less than 2,9 kg./m 2 (60 lbs. per square). 3,06 FLEXIBLE BASE F[A SHING Install flexible base flashing ·strictly in accordance with manufacturer�5 printed instructions. Tie into built-up roofing to produce waterproof interlock. 3.07 ROOF PRESSURE-R�LIEF VENTS. Apply specified pre ssure2relief vents 6m (3 0') on center each way at the rate of one per 36 m (one per 900 sq. ft.) pf roof area, with a minimum of two per isolated section of roof. 3.08 CONNECTION TO EXISTING ROOF Roofing contractor shall inspect existing roofing at point of connec­tion of new roofing to old roofing, and shall determine that types . of felt and bi tumen to be used are compati ble with the·existing roofing ·system. It shall be the responsibili ty of the roofing contractor,in consultation with the Architect, to provide method and materialsto assure that connection will remain intact, and will not tear orotherwise fail due to differential stresses between old and new membranesor any other incompatibility between old and new systems. ( I (( ( SECTION 0760 2 SHEET METAL FLASHING.· PART 1 -GENERAL 1.-01. Refer to the General and Supplementary Condltlons. . 1.02 RE LATED WORK Coordinat� with the-Work of other Trades • 1.03. STA NDARDS ·SMACNA Manual 1.04 GUARANTEE 1 of 1 Provide writte n guarantee of materials, workmanship, and installation for a period of two years from the date of acceptance as determined-by final payment. 1.06 SCOPE The·work to be performed under this Section shall include all sheet metal flashing members shown or required for the proper waterproofing of the project, including any miscella neous flashings for pitch pans, roof penetrations, and other conditions as required for ·the mec hanical and plumbing work. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 FLASHING METAL Minimum 0.584mm (24ga.) galvanized sheet steel, colTVTlercial quality,_ extra smooth, Armco "Zincgrip11 or ap proved equal, with minimum yield strengt of 227,425kN/m2 (33,000 psi), ASTM A-370-22. Galvanized zinc coating shall cogform to ASTM A-446-69, Grade A. Modulys of Elasticit y shallbe 29X10 , ASTM E-111-61. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion shall be 30 X 10 6 cm/cm/cm;c'·c (6. 7x10 6in/in/in!°F), ASTM E-228-66a • 2.0 2 FASTENERS As appropriate for the material to which fastened. Faste ners shall be . �admium plated steel or stainless steel. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 FABRICATION Fabricate in accordance with approved shop drawings and the SMACNA Manual. 3.02 INSTALLATION Coordinate installation of sheet-metal work wi th the roofing contractor. Install in accordance with SMACNA Manual. 3.03 PROJECT CLOSEOUT Refer to Section 01700, Project Closeout.· / .. (;·· :, ( '· SECTION 0)805 � PREFABRICATED EXPANSION JOINTS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK ·Coardlnate with the Work of other Trades. 1.03 SUBMITTALS 07805 ·1 of 1 Submit manufacturer's literature in accordance with Section 01300, Submitta 1.04 GUARANTEE Guarantee work under this Section as part of roofer's guarantee specified in Section 07501, Built-Up Bituminous Roofing. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 TYPE Prefabricated roof expansion joint covers shall be Johns-Manville . ••�x pa�dofl ash'' or approved equal, types as required. Furnish prefabricated corners, tees, and crossovers as required. 2.02 CONSTRUCTION Two preformed 10cm (411) metal flanges, adhesively and mechanically bonded to either side of a strip of cured, calendered 1 .6mm (1/16") thick neoprene sheet, with closed-cell foam insulation cemented to �he underside of the neoprene strip. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01. INSTALLATIONInstall in strict accordance with manufacturer's printe d instructions. 3.02 coaROINATION Coordinate with roofing work. 1( (i ( ' SECTION 07806 - ROOF PRESSURE RELIE.F VENTS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary.Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK Coordinate with the Work of other Trades 1.03 SUBMITTALS V/VVV 1 of 1 Submit, in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals, manufacturer's 1 i terature. 1.04 STANDARDS N.R.C.A. Recomme ndations 1.05 GUARANTEE Guarantee work under this Sectio n as part of roofer's guarantee specified in Section 07501, Built-Up Bituminous Roofing. PART 2 -PRODUCTS Roof vents shall be solar-operated moisture/vapo r.ve nting units designed to release from and preve nt the re-entry of moisture laden air to the roof deck sandwich, shall be John·Mansville 11 FP One-Way Roof Vent11 or approved equal. One way valve shall have an operati"ng temperature range of from -54°c ·{-6S°F) to 2 320c {4SOOF). PART 3 -EXECUTION Install at 9.14m (30 1) on center each way to provide one per 84m2 (900 S.F.).Each section of roof isolated by expansion joints,.walls� pa rapets, or other penetration of roof deck shall receive at least one vent unit. Install in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions.· i( ,. J ·\. 07900 1 of 4 SECTION 07900 -SEALANTS PART 1 -GE NERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and. Su�plementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK 1.03 1.04 Coordinate with the Work of other Trades. EXAMINATION OF SURFACES Sealant applicator shall �xamine surfaces that are to receive sealants, and shall notify the Architect in writing of any de­fects which would prevent satisfactory completion of ·work under this Section. Applicator shall not apply sealants to such de­fective surfaces until such defects have been corrected. GUARANTEE In addition to Contractor's guarantee specified in Contract Con­ditions, furnish applicator's written warranty that sealant work will be free from leakage of water or seepage of dampness through the sealed joint for a period of two years from date of ·Substan-tial ·Completion. Upon notification by Owner during period of warranty, furnish labor and materials as necessary to correct leakage, at no cost to Owner. 1.05 SUBMITTALS Submit in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals, manufacturer's literature, and color chart for Architecls selection of colors. Include manufacturer's complete installation recommendations. ( { (; .( t( -,_, __2 of 4 PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 CONSTRUCTION SEALANT SYSTEM A.Sealant: A non-sag, general-purpose gun grade sealant for dynamicbuilding joints. One of the following: 1.Polyurethane:· A three part epoxidized polyurethane terpolymersealant, Tremco "DYmeric", Pecora "Dynatrol 1 I 1 11 , or approvedequal. 2.ThiC?koJ: ··A t_wo-part, elastomeric, polysulfide-b ase sealantbased on l;hi.okol LP .polysulfide polymers, bearing the ThiokolLP seal of ap prova.1; Sonneborn-Contech "Sonolastic" 2 part·,Pecora 11 GC_-5 Synthaca 1 k'•', or approved equa 1. 3.Silicone: A one-part, low-modulus silicone sealant, GeneralE 1 ect r-i c 11S i1 pruf", Dow-Corn l ng 1 1790 1 1, or approve d equa 1. 2.02 MASTIC 2.03 2.04 For setting sills, thresholds, etc., mastic shall be same as sealant specified in 2.01, above. GLAZING SEALANT For bonding and sealing glazing materials to each other and to metal frames, shall be one-part clear silicone sealant with primerless adhesion to glass, plastic, and bare and painted metals; and re maining workable betwee n -29°c (-20°F) and 71 °c (160 °F) without sagging or slumping; Dow Corning Silicone Rubber Sealant, General Electric Silglaze Sealant, or approved equal. SANITARY SEALANT For use where sanitary cleaning is a requirement, such as around bathtubs, at joints in ceramic tile, for setting of plumbing fi x­tures, and similar types of app lications·, sealant shall be one­part mlldew-r�sistant silicone sealant, General Electric Silicone Sanitary Sealant, Dow Corning Silicone Rubber Bathtub Caulk, or -approved e9ual. 2.05 INTERIOR SEALANT Sealant for interior use except on interior side of an exterior joint and except where sanitary sealant is specified: Approved one-part butyl rubber sealant con forming to F.S. TT-S-001657, Type I, color as selected where exposed in finish work, white elsewhere; 2.06 SEALANT SCHEDULE The following schedule specifies the category of sealant to be used in various types of joints, and is not intended to be all-inclusive. When in doubt a� to type of seal�nt to use for a specific location, contact the Architect for interpretation. Not all of the types of joints listed b�low may occur in this project, and this project may include types of joints not listed below. Contractor shall submit for the Architect 's review and acceptance a complete schedule for this project before.starting sealing operations. SEALANT SCHEDULE (( I CONDITION A.EXTERIOR JOINTS 1.Building joints, joints betweenmasonry or concrete and metalframes, masonry-to-masonry, etc. 2.Setting thresholds, sills, etc. B.INTERIOR JOINTS 1.Interior side of exterior wall 2.· Sanitary locations (plumbing fix-tures, kitchens, etc.) 3.Other interior moderate-servicelocations such as sealing partitionsto deck, etc. ( \ ) C.GLAZINGAll glass-to-glass and glass-to-frame con-dittons where flexible or structural gas-kets are not used. \ I • SEALANT Spec. 2.01 Spec. 2. 02 ·c2:01) Spec. 2 •. 01 Spec. 2.04 Spec. 2.05 Spec. 2.03 07900 . · 3.of 4 (( I (i )\\ PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 CON STRUCTION SEALANT SYSTEM 07900 l+ of. l+ lnstal 1 backup material as recommended by manufacturer. fon joint condition. Prime where recommended by manufacturer using primer recommended by manufacture r.· Prop ortJon joint depth to joint width following manufacturer's printed instruction.· Apply sealant from gun with nozzle si ze appropriate to joint size. Tool joint following manufac.turer's instructions� 3.02 MASTIC Set all door sills, saddles, and .thresh:olds in full bed of specifiefl sea 1 ant. 3.03 GLAZING SEALANT Refer to Sections of these Specifications that govern glass and glazing work. 3.0!+ SANITARY SEALANT In all areas subject to mildew and where sanitary cleaning is necessary, apply specifie d sealant in strict accordance with manufacturer 's instructions. 3.05 INTER IOR SEALANT Apply where indic ated and where speclfied in this Section and other· Sections of these Specific ations, following manufacturer's printed instructions. 3.06 ALL SEALANT WORK In all conditions where a gun-grade sealant is �o be used, the ratio of joint depth to joint width is critical in preve nting joirnt failure. Follow manufacturer's instruction, tooling all joints to achieve pr,oper compaction and distribution of sealant withiri joint. 3.07 SOU ND CONTROL Partitions enclosing spaces designated in finish schedules for sound control shall be sealed against sound �enetration. Set floor and ceil­ing track and studs at ends of walls on clos ed-cell sponge neoprene with shim rod to space track 1/8 11 from substrate. Apply interior sealant to both sides of partition at perimete r. 3.08 CLEANUP Clean sealant from adjacent surfaces using solvent recommended by manufacturer, taking care not to allow solvent to contact sealant in joint. Refer to Section 01700, Project Closeout. ( I I \ 08101 1 of 2 SECTION 08101 -HOLLOW METALWORK PAR T 1 -GENER AL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK Coordinate with the Work of other Trades. 1.03 STANDARDS Specifications for Standard Stee l Doors and Frames of the Steel Door Institute. 1.04 SUBMITTAL$ 1.05 1.06 Submit complete shop drawings and schedules in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals. TEST REPORTS AND COMPLIANCE Insulation: Exterior hollow metal doors shall be manufactured to provide "U" factor of 0.47 or better. STORAGE AND HANDLING Store and handle to prevent damage. Store upright on wood skids or pallets and protect from weather. Refer to Section 01600, Material and Equipment. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A.Frames: Fabrica·ted from commercial quality steel, Armco 11 Paint-Grip11 or approved equal. Exterior frame to be galvanized. B.Galvanized surfaces shall exhibit smooth, gray, matte finish andshall be chemically treated to promote paint adhesion. 2.02 CONSTRUCTION OF FRAMES Frames shall be full-welded construction with all welds ground smooth and filled. Fabricate from 1.6mm (16 ga.) steel to profiles and depths as detailed. Mortise, drill and tap for hardware. Rein force for hinges with 4,39mm (7 ga.) galv. stee l. Reinforce strike with 2,67mm (12 ga.) galv. steel. Provide steel glazing stops as detailed for frames that are to receive glazing. 2.03 APPROVED MAN UFACTU RERS One of the following or approved equal: Amweld Div. of American Welding & Mdg. Co. Ceco Corp. Curries Mfg. Inc. Dittco National Steel Products Co. Fenestra Division of the Marmon Group, Inc. Mesker Industries, Inc. Overly Manufacturing Co. Republic Builders Products Corporation Pearland Industries (\ ( PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 FRAMES 08101 2 of 2 Install frames plumb and in true alignment. Provide rigid attachment and anchor securely in place. Frames installed in masonry shall be slushed full with mortar as the work progresses. 3.02 LABELED OPENINGS Install labeled doors and frames in strict accordance with requirements of l�belin� agency. 3.03 FINISHING Paint frames in accordance with Section 09901, Painting. 3,04 HARDWARE Install and adjust all finish hardware in accordance with Section 08701, Finish Hardware. A �l, ( i l SECTION 08102 -ALUMINUM £NTRJES PART 1 -GENERAL 1;01 Refer to the General and Supplementary_ Conditions. 1.02 RE LATED WORK Coordinate with the Work of other Trades. 1.03 STANDARDS AAMA Specificati ons 1.0� SCOPE _ 08102 1 of 3 The Work to be accomplished under this Section includes the furnishing and installing of aluminum-and-glass· entry doois in the c�rtainwall system, and aluminum-and-glass doors, sidelights, transoms, and frames elsewhere. 1.05 SUBM ITTALS Submit, in accordance with Section 01300, submittals, Manufacturer's literature and shop drawings. 1.06 GUARANTEE In addition to Contractor's guarantee specified in Contract Conditions, furnish manufacturer's/insta ll er's guarantee against defects in material s and workmanshi p for a period of one year after �ubs tantl�l Comp•etion. •• : 1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 GE NE RAL The system speci fied in this Section is based on the products of Amar­ lite Anaconda, for the purpose of establishing performance, qual-ity, and design standards. Equivalent products of other manufacturers _ will be accepted upon proper application for.substitution in accordance with Contract Conditions. The following manufacturers are approved:·­Amarlite Anaconda Tubelite Div. of Consolidated Aluminum .Howmet Aluminum Corporation Kawneer Company, Inc. PPG -Industries, Inc. 2. 0 2 FRAM I NG SYSTEMFraming system for jambs, heads, sidelights, and transoms shall beAmarlite Flush Glaze Framing System, single glazed, or approved .equal. A.Aluminum: Extruded AA-6063-T5 alloy, anodized , ·bronze color(painted finish not acceptable), min. wall thickness of framing members 3.175 mm (0.12511) B.Glazing: Refer to Section 08802, Glass and Glazing. ({ (( t: 08102 2 of '.3·. C.Construc tion: All mul 1 ions shal 1 have 44mm ( 211 ·· ) face dimension102mm (411 ) depth and designed for interior or exterior glazingat contractor's option. Sill and intermediate horizontal membersshall be of two-piece construction consisting of a basic basemember and a snap -in glass stop to facilitate glit1ng.· Verticalmul lj ons. shal 1 be of one-piece construction. Continuous .perimeterhead member ·shall be a two-pie ce, ratchet -adjustable memberconsisting of a front closure and a back closure. A floatingopen-back head member shall be housed into the�two-piece perimetermember. Jambs shall be open-backed mullions. Transom bars indoo_r qpenings (door heads ) shall be of tubular design, sized tomatch .adj.o in i ng fram i·ng and to accommodate any door c 1 osers thatare to be concealed in or attached to the door heads. D.Weatherstripping and Weatherproofing: Provide continu ous aluminumflashing (subsill) under all sill members. Perimeter sealant and.glazing sealant shall be as specified in Section 079 00, Sealants. 2.0 3 FAST ENERSAluminum, stainless steel, or cadmium or chromium -plated steel. Use only concealed fastener s. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION Inspect surfaces and op enings to determine that they are ready for this work. Report any unsatisfactory conditions in writing to the Architect and do not proceed until such unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Measure each opening at the job site and use actual job dimensions for fabrication. 3.0 2 INSTALLATION A.Sills and Thresholds: Set members in direct contact with floor slab in full bed of sealant. Examples of members to be so set are: 1.Thresholds2.Subsills (where sill assemble rests on subsill) 3.Sills (where no subsill is used) B.Frames: Set frames, mullions, and transom bars in accordancewith approved shop drawings. Glazing in accordance with Section08802, Glass and Glazing. C.Protection from Dissimilar Materials: Protect members from contactwith dissimilar materials by the use of neoprene gaskets, bituminouspaint, or other approved method. D.Doors: Af ter frames have been installed, hang doors and install and adjust finish hardware. (. �-- 3.03 CLEANING AND PROTECTION 08102 3 of 3 Clean doors, frames and glass. Protect from damage in sub­·sequent construction operations. Prior to final inspection,·clean and polish as necessary and assemble all documents andoperating instructions required for Project Record Documents.Refer to Section 01500, Temporary Fac ilities and Controls,and Section 01700, Project Closeout. Instruct Owner's main­tenance personnel in proper maintenance and adjustment pro­cedures, and furnish two complete·sets of manufacturer'smaintenance and adjustment instructions, complete with twosets of small tools required for maintenenace and adjustment,tagged and identified. ,,. \_' SECTION 08201 -WOOD DOORS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK Coordinate with th� Work of other Trades. 1.03 STANDARDS 08201 1 of 2 Manufacture of doors shall be in accordance with the standards of the following organizations: National Woodwork Manufact urer's Asso ciation (NWMA) American Woodwork Institute (AWi) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1.04 SUBMITTALS Submit, in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals: A.Manufacturer's LiteratureB.Shop drawings showing door const ruction and schedu�!e of doors. 1.05 STORAGE AND PROTECTION Refe r to Section 01600, Materials and Equipment. 1.06 WARRANTY In addition to Contractor's warranty specified in Contract Condi­tions, furnish manufacturer's writte n wa rranty for the life of the Installation. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION All wood doors shall be solid wood flake core, flush construction. Doors shall be 44mm (1-3/4 11 ) thick in sizes as shown on the Drawings. All edges shall be banded in hardwood. Door veneer shall be paint grade birch and shall be guaranteed for the life of the Installation.. 2.02 STANDARD OF CON STR UCTION Meet or exceed Commercial Standard CS-171. 2,03 MANUFACTURERS United States Plywood Mengel Wood Ind ustries, Inc. Weyerhaeuser (r (. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 FITTING 08201 2 of 2 Hang doors, accurately trimming and beveling to fit opening. Align frames and door edges to prevent flexing as doors are closed. 3.02 FINISHING Fi rst coat of specified finish shall be applied to doors immediately after their delive ry to the job.-After do ors are fi.tted, remov e from frame. Prime and paint edges as specified in Spe ction 09900, Painting. When finish has �horoughly dried, re-hang doors. 3.03 ADJUSTING Neatly fit and secure finish hardware in place. Adjust as required for pro per operation •. (( ([ (( ·, �· VV/VI. 1 of ·2 SECTION 08701 FINISH-HARDWARE PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer .to the General and ·supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK: Coordinate with the-Work of other Trades. 1.03 SUBMITTALS In accor dance. wi·th··section 013·00,· Submittals, ·submit complete schedule of hardware, indicating manufacturer, catalog numb�r, type, location, handing, keying,· and finish of each item.required •. Submit_samples bf �ach hardware type and finish. Samples will be returned, and, if ap proved, may be inco rporated into the Work. 1 . Ol+ WARRANT I ES In addition to Contractor's guarantee stipulated i·n ContractConditions, furnish manuf actur er's warranties covering materials and workmanship for a pe riod of one year for hardware in general and five ye ars for door closers. Period of warranty shall begin orr date of substan tial comp letion. 1 .05 SCOPE Provide and instaJl all hardware required (exce pt for items specifically included _in other Sections, such as cabinet hardware) under hardware allowance specified in Section 01010, Summary of the Work. ( ,,-- G PART ... .3.01 3.02 EXECUTION INSTAt.::LATION 08701 2 of 2 Install all hardware in strict accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions.• Fit accurately; attach securely, and adjust carefully. HARDWARE ·LOCATION Hardware shall be l9cated on do ors as follows, except as otherwise indicated: A.Door Knobs: Center one metre (39-37'') �bov e finish floor. .. B.Door Pulls, Push Bars, Push Plates: Center one met�e·(39. 37") above finish floor •. C.Panic De vice "Push Bars: Center 1.067M (42") .above ffnishf 1 oor. D.Hinges: . ,Upper edge of top hinge 13cm (S") . be 1 ow head offrame; Lower ·edge of bottom hi"nge 25cm (10"). above .fin_i.shfloor; Intermediate hinges equidis�ant between top �nd bottomhinges.· 3.03 PROT ECTION 3.04 Protect hardw are fr om damage in subsequent const ruction opefations. -FINAL CLEANING Prior to final inspect1on� clean and polis� all hardware, taking care not to damage or scar factory finishes. Adjust hardware as requi•red�. Refer to Section.01700, Project Closeout. I '( ,-' 08706 l of 3. SE CTION 08706 -WEATHERSTRIPPING AND THRESHOLDS AND SOUNDSTRIPPING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to. the Gen er�l and Supple mentary Conditions�· 1.02 RELATED WORK 1.03 1.04 Coor dinate wit� the Work of other Tr ades. SUBMITTALS Submit, in accordance with Section 01 300, submittals, manufacturer's liter ature .o� all stock items and sh�p drawings on shop-fabricated items. SCOPE Furnlsh weathe rstri pping and thre sholds for all exter ior doors. � PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 �GENERAL Thre sholds shown in the Drawings are as manufactured by Pemko Manu­facturing Co� E�ui�alent produ cts of other manufacturers will be accepted upon proper application in accordance with Contract Conditions. 2.02 MATERIALS A.Aluminum: Fabricate extrusions from Alloy 6063T5. Aluminumforgings, castings, and rolled stripping shall be of alloy.appro pri ate to .the method of fabrication. B.Bronze and Brass: All bron ze extrusions shall be fabricated fromalloy 385. Fo rg ings, castings, and rolled strippings shallbe of 85-15 red brass, as appropriate to the intended use andmethod of fabrication. C.Vinyl: Comply _with CS 230-60, pure virgin vinyl. ,. ( ( I ·� 2.03 FINISHES 08706 2 of 3 Finishes specified for specific products shall conform to the fol lowing: A.Aluminum:1 .• Mill Finish: Dull grey, as-fabricate d f1nish. . . 2.Clear Anodized: Polished, clear anodized finish pro tectedwith clear methacrylate lacquer.3.Bronze Anodized: Duranodic process or ap·prove d equal, pro­tected wJth·clear methacrylate lacquer. B.Bronze and Brass:1.Mi 11 Finish: As-fabricated , du sty yellow finish·.2.Sat in Finish:. Applied ·by blasting with glass· beads.. 3.Architectural Finish: Oxidized and ru bbed dar-k brown finishsimilar to US10B.4.Polished F °inish: Rich, uniform dark gola col.or. Do notcoat with lacquer. 2.04 TH RESHOLDS Pemko 153 AV, modif1ed, aluminum with vinyl insert, or' approved equal. 2.05 WEATHERSTRIPPING A.Exterior Hollow Metal Doors and Frames:Pemco 296AR, or approve d_ equal.. 2.06 SOUND STRIPPING A.Head and Jambs: Zero #770. B.Sill: Zero #361 automatic door bot tom with Zero #560 saddle. 2.0 MISCELLANEOUS Provide addi tional cover pla tes, anchors, shapes, and other items· as detailed. / ('• v 08706 3 of 3 2.07 FASTENERS · Furnish all items with necessary fasteners, color matched to item to be attached. Fasteners shall be as follows: A.Aluminum to wood: Aluminum screws. B.Bronze to wood: Bronze screws, . C.For fastening to interior metal: Self-tapping cadmium-platedsteel screws overplated to match item to be attached. 0.For fasteni�g to exterior metal: Stairiless steel self-tapping-screws, plated to match item to be attached. 2.08 APPROVED MANUFACTURERS The following manufacturers are approv ed, pen ding approval of specific items in accordance with Section 01300, submittals. Other manufacturers require prior submittal In accordance with contract conditions. A.May Manufacturing B.National Guard Products, Inc. C.Pemko Manufacturing Co. D.Reese Enterprises, Inc. E.Zero Weatherstripping Co., Inc. PAR T 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 THRESHOLDS Extend full width of opening. with lead expansion shields. with ·section 07900, Sealants. Notch to fit frames. Attach to concrete Set in full bed of se alant in accordance 3,02 WEATHERSTRIPPING Install following manufacturer's instructions. 3.03 OPERATING COM PONENTS Install following manufacturer's instructions. Adjust for prQper operation. 3.04 PROJECT CLOSEOUT Furnish two complete sets of manufacturer's printed maintenance, operating, and adjustment instructions, along with necessary small tools. Instruct Owner's maintenance personnel. Refer to Section 01700, -Project Closeout. t( c· SECTION 08802 -GLASS AND GLAZING 08802 1 of 3 PART 1 -·GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK Coordinate with the Work of o·ther Trades. 1.03 SUBMITTALS Submit, in accordance wi th Section 01300, Submittals, manu­facturers literature and samples for each type of glazing material specified. 1.04 PROTECTION 1.05 1.06 ·Re fer to Section 01600, Material & Equipment. Store glassunder cover and protected from alkiline and ferrous water run­off .. Protect from cyclii�rying and wetting. Store glass incases where poss-ible. Where glass must be stored uncased, pro­vide spacers between each leaf of glass. STANDARDSFlat Glass Jobbers Association Glazing Manual. GUARANTEEIn addition to Contractor's gua rantee specified in ContractConditions, provide manufacturer's wa rranty of workmanshipand materials for a period of one year following accept ance, ·asevidenced by final payment. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 FLOAT GLASS (meet or exceed F.S. DD-G-451d) A.Glass Type G-1: 6mm (¼11 ) thick clear float glass, glazingquality. 2.02. TEMPERED GLASS (Meet or exceed F.S. DD-G-14038, ANSI 297,1-1975, and F._S.S._ 16 CFR 1201) · A.Glass Type G-3: 6mm (¼") thick clear tempered glass,madefrom float glass specified above under 2.01.A. 2.03 ·sEALANT 2.04 2.05 Refer to Section 07900, Sealants. SETTING BLOCKS Neoprene, Shore-A Duroineter hardne·ss 8 5 + 5. Length: 27mm/m2 (0.111 /S.F.) of glass area but not less than 100mm (411) in length. APPROVED MANUFACTURERS Provide products of the following manufacturers or approved equal: ASG Industries, Inc. Ford Glass Division. Fourco Glass Co. Guardian Industries Corp. Libby -Owens-Ford Co. PPG Industries •-��ell p��h llte of alass bearing manufacturer's label. < (r ◄ \� 08802 2 of 3 PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL -INSTALLATION Install glass iri accordance with manufact.urer's printed instructions. 3.02 "CLEARANCE AND BITE Type Install glass In frames with the following minimum clearances and bite: CLEARANCES Tolerances Face Edge Bite G-.1 thru·4 G-5 1. 6mm --(1/16'')4mm (5/32 11 ) 3. 2mm. [1 /81 1-) 6.4mm (1/811 ) 6.4mm (1/41 1) 9.5mm (3/8 11 ) 9.5mm (3/8 1') 12.":?mm (1/2 11 ) 3.03 GLASS EDGES A.· Do not c�t tempered glass B.All non-tempered gl1ass shall be·cut to produce clean, sharpedges. C.Protect edges from damage. Do not "pitch" or rotate on corneron hard surfaces. Do not nip, swipe, stone, or strike edges.Do not knock off flares. Do not bump, drag, or brush the edgeof a lite against sash or other hard surfaces. Avoid scratch­ing glass, particularly near the edge. 3.04 SETTING BLOCKS Set each lite on two identical setting blocks, centered at bottom quarter points. When this is impractical, the end of the setting block can be moved to within either 152mm (6") or one-eighth the width of the glass from the glass edge, whichever is greater. Set­ting ·blocks shall in all cases be equidistant from centerline of glass. 3:05 GLASS POSITIONING Center glass vertically and horizontally in frame opening . For 1 ites in dry glazing systems, wider than 1.2m (4 '), provide edge cushion In each jamb or vertical mullion to prevent lateral dis­placement of the lite. Cushion shall be neoprene of Shore A 65 '! 5 durometer hardness, ful 1 channel width, at elast 76mm (311 )· in length. Allow 3mm (l/8 11 ) clearance between glass edge and edge cushi.on. Do not use intermittent face shims. Maintain face clearance by continuous neoprene gasket or spacer. Provide gask�t or spacer of durome�er hardness appropriate to system used. 3.06 SEALANT · Where sealant is 07900, Sealants. to an approximate framing members. used in glazing work, it shall conform to Section Sealant used to provide watershed shall be limited height of 1.6mm (1/161 1) beyond sightli ne of glass I( (1 (� 3.07 WEEP SYSTEMS 08802 ·3 Of 3 Do not fill glazing channel with sealant. leave channel and weep holes clear . Do not block weep systems.- 3.o-8 FINAL CLEAN I NG·Prior-to final insp ection, clean all glazing work and poli�h al l expose dsurfaces. Remove sealant from su_rfac_es ·not_intend�d to rece_ive sealant.Refer to Section 01700, Project. Cl?se.out .• .f �:., 09103 1 of 3 SECTION 09103 -PORTLAND CEMEN T PLASTER (STUCCO) PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK 1.03 1.04 1.05 Coordinate with the Work of other T rades. SCOPE The Work to be accomplished under this Section includes all Labor and materials for the installation of Portland cement plaster (stucco) as shown in the Drawings and specified in this Section. STANDARDS Published Standards of the Texas Lath ing and Plastering Contractors Associ ation and the Texas Bureau for Lathing and Plastering. SUBMITTALS Submit, in accordance with Sectio'n 01300, Submittals, samples measuring 60cm X 60cm (241 1 X 2411 ). PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2. 0 1 FRAM I NGStuds and furring shall be in accordance with Section 05400, Light­gauge Framing. 2.02 SHEATHING lnsulati.ve _sheathing in accoi-dance•with Section 07203, ·Buildmng In sulation. 2.·03 METAL LATHCopper-alloy steel flat expanded diamond mesh, galv anized after fabrication, and weighing 1.84 kg/m2 (3,4 lbs./sq.yd,), self­furring type. 2.04 ACCESSORIES A.Hanger Wire: 4mm (8 ga.) (( \ � I te. ,_.· B.Tie Wire: Annealed, 1.19mm (18 ga.) C.Corner Beads: No.Type, zinc, 0.46mm (2 6 ga.). D.Casing Beads: No. 66 Type, zinc, 0.58mm (24 ga.) E.Control Joints: For flat work, No. 15 Type, zinc,0.46mm (26 ga.), for inside corners, No. 30 type,zinc, 0.46mm (26 ga.). F.Expansion Joints: No. 40 Type, Zinc 0.46mm (26 ga.). G.Vented Drip Screed: Extruded Aluminum, Fry Reglet orapproved equal. 09103 2 of 3 H.Flashing Reglet: Extruded Aluminum, Fry Reglet or approvedequal. I.Resilient Clips: U.S.G. No. 100, ·or approved equal. J.Base Screeds: No. 77 type, zinc., 0.46mm (26 ga.) K.Membrane: Asphalt saturated felt, 0.73 kg/m2 (15 lbs./sq:y. 2.05 PLASTER MATERIA LS 2.06 A.White Portland Cement: ASTM C-150, Type · I. B.Portland Cement: ASTM C-150, Type I; t.Hydrated Lime: ASTM C-206 D.Sand: ASTM C-35 E.Quicklime: ASTM C-5, slaked in accordance with appendix.to ASTM Specification. F.·water: AASHO T-26. G.· Waterproofing: A.C. Horn 11Hydratlte", Sonneborn "Hydrodde", or appr oved equal, for adding to plaster mix. PLASTER MIX By weight, one part Portland cement to not less than three nor more than four and one-half parts damp (not wet) loose sand. Add water and only sufficient hydrated lime for plasticity. Add water­proofi ng, following manufacturer's printed instructions,to all three coats where stucco is to receive painted coating, and to scratch and brown coats where stucco is left exposed as fin ished surface. Use white Portland cement for third coat where stucco is not to be painted. ( ([ l' l.-· PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 FRAMING 09103 3 of 3 Align and Install accurately and securely, spacing in accordance with manufacturer's printed.instructions. lnst�ll horizontal stiffemers at 1.4m (4 1 -6 1 ) on center vertically. 3.02 SHEATHING Apply sheathing using screw attachment to metal studs, with long dimension across supports. Stagger vert�cal joints. 3.03 LATHING Screw-attach self-furring metal lath to ·studs through sheathing with attachments spaced not more than 18cm (T'). ��art. 3.04 ACCESSORIES Attach accessorie� to the lath. Intersections of accessory_items shall be embedded in sealant specified in Section 07900, Sealants. 3.05 APPLICATION OF STUCCO A.First Coat: Machine apply to 13mm (½") min •. thickness. Rakesurface with a scratcher. B.Second Coat: Machine app ly to first coat when first coat hascured sufficiently to carry weight of second coat, to thickness of 6mm (¼") min. · ·If sufficient,t.lme. ha� elapsed between coatsto dry the first coat, dampen firsi coat by fog spr ay beforeapplying second coat. C.Third Coat: Machine apply to second coat when second coatis sufficiently firm, to thickness of 3mm (l/811 ) min., fortotal thic kness of all three coats min. 22mm (7/811 ), nominal25.4mm (111 ). Texture shall be TX-6,-Machine-appl led finish,fine orifice. If sufficient time has elaps_ed between coats todry the second coat, dampen second coat by fog spray beforeapplying third coat. 3.06 CURING Keep each coat damp until subsequent coat is applied. Keep finish coat damp for 48 hours after application. 3.0 7 CLEANING Upon completion, remove equipment, scaffolds, staging, tools, debris, and surplus materials. Inspect and clean plaster surfaces. Remove plaster from surfaces not intended to receive pl�ster. r ,( SECTION 09250 -GYPSUM DRYWALL PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions •. 1.02 RELATED WORK Coordinate with. the Work of other Trades. \ 09250 1 of 2 c;· J 1. 03 STANDARDSAmerican Standard Specifications for the Application and Finishing of Gypsum Wallboard (American Standards Association). �- PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 GYPSUM WALLBOARD Tapered-edge, paper faces, 16mm (5/811) thick gypsum panels, fire rated,. U.S. Gypsum, Georgia Pacific, or approved equal. 2.02 SCREWS Type 11S1 1 d rywa 11 sc rews. 2.03 CORNER BEADS AND CASING TRIM Galvanized. 2.04 TAPE AND JOINT TREATMENT As recommended by gypsum board manufacturer. C .! ( 1 � PART 2 -EXECUTION . 3.01 INSTALLATION 09250 2 of 2 A.Apply gypsum boards with long dimension parallel to framingmembers, with all abutting edges and ends over support s. Neat­ly fit and stagger joints on opposite sides of wall. Wheremore than one layer of gypsum board is laid on one side ofwall, stagger all joints. Cut and fit ne atly around all pen­etrations. Space fasteners 20cm (8 11 ) on center along ver­tical edges, and 30cm (1211) on center at midpoints. Attach 9.5mm (3/811) from edge of board. 8.Maintain joints 2.4mm (313211 ) to li.Omm (5/3211) wide. Donot butt joints tight • C.Make finished surfaces plumb, level, or true to grade and. line indicated, without ridges, bows, or warps. Deviationsgreater than 3mm in 3m (l/811 in 10') when tested with 3m (10') straightedge will be cause for rejection. 3.02 TAPING AND FINISHING A.Mix joint and finishing compounds accord ing to manufacturer'sdirections. B.Apply tape to joints according to manuf acturer's directions,embedding tape in full bed of joint compound. C.Immediately apply thin coat of joint compound over tape. D.After tape is set and dry, sand lightly to remove irregular­ities. Apply final coat of joint compound, feathering edges. E: After joint compound is dry, sand lightly, and apply finishing compound, feathering to a strip not less than 30cm (1211) wide. 3.03 TRIM All external corners shall receive metal corner bead. Conceal flanges with two coats of joint compound screeded to corner bead, followed by one coat of finishing compound, feathered 20cm to 25cm (811 to 1011) on each side of bead. Install casing bead at all ex­posed edges. Internal corners shall be treated as for joints, with tape folded lengthwise. 3.04 SANDING Lightly sand after each application of joint or finishing compound, taking care not to score paper face. Apply additional coats as needed. 3.05 CLEAN-UP Upon completion, remove all equipment, tools, and surplus materials. Remove joint and finishing compound from surfaces not intended to receive it. ( (( (t 09505 1 of 3 SECTIO_N 09505 -LAY-IN ACOUSTICAL CEILING SYSTEM PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to·the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK Coordinate with.the Work of other Trades. 1.03 STANDARDSCeiling and Interior Systems Contractors Association (CIS CA) Handbook. 1.04 SUBMITTALS 1.05 Submit the following in accord ance with the General Conditions. A.Manufacturers Literature: describing the characteristics of thelay-in panels and the suspension system. B.Samp�es: One sample each:(1)Each type of ceiling panel(2)Suspension system complete with interlock connection atg_rid crossing. C.Shop Drawings: Reflected ceiling plan dr awn to dim ensions takenat the location of installation, showing proposed layout of gridsystem, if different · from that shown in the Architect's Drawings.Layouts differing from Architect's Drawings will be approved onlyif actual conditions at location of installation require layoutdifferent from that shown. SCOPE The Work specified in this Sec tion includes the furnishing -of all sup­ervision, labor, mate�ials, and equipment required and the performing of all operations necessary for the complete installation of the sus­pended lay-in acoustical ceiling systems as shown in the Drawings and as specified in this Section. ( «-. (( 1.06 JOB CONDITIONS 09505 2 of 3 Installation of acoustical systems must not begin until other work has progressed to a point where the following conditions exist: A.HVAC system is op erational;B.Wet work such as concrete work, masonry work, drywal 1 work 1, plaster work, and the like is complete and dry;C.Exterior doors and windows are in place and weather-tight;D.Duct work and above-c eiling conduit is in place; andE.Roof and floor decks are cured and dry. 1.07 MATERIAL DELIVERY AND STORAGE Deli ver all materials in original, �nopened packages with manu­facturer's name and contents legibly indicated on each package. Stor e in a safe, dry, enclosed area. Protect from damage. Refer to Section 01600, Material and Equipment. PART 2 -PR ODUCTS 2.01 CEILING PANELS A.General: Type 1 Ceiling -Acoustical Lay-in Board: Shall meetClass 25 Federal Specification SS-S-118a. Incombustible mineralfiber acoustical boar d panels shall ·be lay-in type in 5/81 1 thickness and nominal 2 1 x 2 1 size to fit 2' x 2' exposed gridsystem. Pattern shall be selected by Architect to match ex­isting ceiling. Light reflectanc e shall be ,75 or more.Approved Manufacture rs (Type 1) are: Acousti-Celotec ProductsBaldwin-Ehret-Hill, Inc.Owens Corning FiberglasJohns-ManvilleNational Gypsum Co.United States GypsumConwed Corporation �--I c--.1 \� 09505 3 of 3 I PART 3 -EXECUTIO N 3.01 GENERAL WORKMANSHIP Use only qualified personnel experienced in the installation of lay­tn acoustical celling systems. lnstal 1 level and tn al lgnment ·with wall:s, in accordance with approved layout, in accordance with manu­facturer1 s printed instructions. 3.02 PREPARATORY WORKInspect spaces to determine that preconditions for installation work are mei. Do nat proceed until wor� of other tradei in the plenum space has been installed and approved. 3.03 INSTALLATION 3.04 A.Install in accordance with ASTM C-636-69, and with applicable U.L.·requirements. �-Install in accordance with approved layout, using border units not less than 15cm (611) wide, unless specifically approved in writing by the Architect. Make all lines true and straight. Com­pleted ceiling shall be in correct alignment and on a level plane. CLEANING After completion and before final inspection, clean ceiling units, and suspension system where soiled. Replace stained, damaged units. Visible defects will be cause for rejection. Remove all scrap mat­erials, rubbish, tools, and equipment. Deliver to the owner additional celling units for maintenance replacement in the amount of 5% of the number of units and parital units installed. Refer to Section 01700, Project Closeout. ,(; a �-- 09650 1 of 3 SECTION 09650 � RESI LIENT FLO ORING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary_ Conditions 1.02 RELATED WORK 1.03 1.04 Coordinate with the Work of other Trades. GUARANTEE Provide written guarantee for one year from date of acc�ptance as determined by final payment, against defects in material and work­manship, including, but not limited to, the following: warping, buckling, shrink ing, cracking, softening, discoloring, and delami­nation from the substrate. SUBMITTALS Submit for approval, in accordance with the General Condition s, manufacturer's literature and samples of each color and pattern selected. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 VINYL ASBESTOS TILE 30cm X 30cm X 2.38mm thick (1211 X 1211 X 3/3211 ), conforming to F.S. SS-T-312 Type IV, with applied weight from 13.6 kg. to 18kg. (30 to 40 lbs) modified in testing procedures 3211 and 6311 of Federal Test Method Standard No. 501a. A.COLOR �ND PATTERNAs selected by Architect from standard range in ArchitecturalSerie�, homogenous, smooth surface. B.MANUFACTURER AND TYPEArmstrong "Excellon Supreme" or approved equal. Other accep­table man ufacture rs:AZROCKFlintkoteGAFKent i 1 e (( C ( \.__.1 2�02 SHEET VINY� FLOORfNG ·. (NONE TH IS.PROJECT) 09650 2 of 3 Premium-priced, cushioned sheet vinyl" flooring; Armstrong 11 Solarlan11 or approved equal. Ot�er acceptable manufacturers:Congoleum ·••. Flintkote GAF Kent l 1 e 2.03 RESIL IEN T BASE (NONE THIS PR OJECT) Pure vinyl or rubber, topset cove, 3mm (1/811) thick, height as· indit�ted·, with premolded outside corners, color as selected; Armstrong,Azrock, Flintkqte, GAF, Kentile, Burke, ·Robbins, or approved equal. · · . 2.04 ADHESIVES As recommended by-manufacturer of flooring or base material. PART J-EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATORY WORK A.Where flooring and base are··to· replace·exist:ing mater.ial:!?,;•removeexisting·m aterlals and adhesive. B.Patch chips and level minor irregularities in substrate usingan approved latex-based underlayment. 3,02 INSTALL ATION OF FLOORING Install flooring s�rict]y in accordanc e with manufacturer's printed instructions. Protect from damage by other trades until final ac­ceptance. A.Layout: arrange layout of tiles in rooms or spaces so edge rowsagainst walls are no narrower than 15cm (611). B.Grain Direction: continuous, all grain running same directiop,as established by.Architect. Do not stagger Joints or graindirection. •C. Sheet Installation: Use sheet vinyl in widths as wide as practicable.Obtain Architect's approval for Joint layout befo·re installation. 3.03 IN STALLATION OF BASE Install base in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructi:ons. A.Abut ends to hairline fit with ends under compression. Do notstretch base to flt. Re-cut if necess ary. Install in longestlengths p�acticabl�. B.Place so base touches wall at all points along top edge and floorat all points along bottom edge. r; ( VJv-,-3 of 3 3,04 CLEANING After completion of work and before fin al inspection, clean and polish all floors.and base in accordance with manufacturer's printed instruction. Instruct Owner/s maintenance staff in proper maintenance procedures, and deliver manufacturer's prin ted maintenance instructions tb Owner•� ·representative.· Delive�: 5% of the quantity insialled for Owner's maintenance use. Refer to Section 01700, Project Closeout. 3,05 EXCESS MATERIAL Leave excess materi als that are whole but not damaged .with the Owner. I r r· ( .( . . 09900 1 of 7 SECTION 09900 - PAINTING PART 1 -GENERAL 1�01 Refer to �he General and Su pplementary Conditions.- 1.02 RE LATED WORK Coordinate with the Work of other·Trades. 1.03 SCOPE The Work to be accomplished under this iection includes, but is not limi ted to, the coating of drywall, masonry, trim, millwork, and ail othe r surfaces normally painted. Specified.in other Sections are shop-applied coatings. Not all products specified in this Section may be required for this Project. Refer to the painting schedule in Part 2 for products required for this Proj�ct. 1.04 SUBMIT TALS ·submit, in accordance with the General Con ditions and Section 01300,Submittals, complete painting schedule and manufacturer's.literature.Architect will select colors from manufacturer's standard range ofcolors. After colors haye been selected, prepare and submit samplesof each color and each type of painte d surface. Samples shall show,by overlay and masking, each coat of paint and primer to be applied toobta-in -spec-i-fied dry-fi.J.m thickness. 1.05 INSPECTION Notify Architect for inspection just prior to the application of each coat, �nd after final coat. 1.06 GUARAN TEE Provide written guarantee against defects in material and workman­ship for a period of one year from the date of acceptance as deter­mined by final payment. PART 2 -PR ODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL The products specified in this Section are as manufactured by the Sher�in-Williams Com pany. Equivalent products of the following ·) !"' c-·. { (I 2.01 cont. 09900 2 of 7 · manufacturers are approved, subject to acceptance of .submittals ,specified. Equ ivalent' products ·of other manufacturef:s not 1 ist­ed below will be·accep.ted upon proper request ·for substitution in accordance with Contract Conditions .• · Approved manufacturers are: Benjamin Moore & Co. Cabot Stains Cook Paint and Varnish Co. Dupont deNemours Glidden Paint Co. James Bute Co. Jones-Blatr Co. Masury Paint Co. Napco Paint Co. Olymp_i.c StainsPittsburgh Paint Company Sherwin-wn 1 i ams Company 2.02 METAL PRIMER For Shop-Primed or Unprimed Ferrous Metals:. "Kromik Metal Primer" B50N2 -or approved equal; a ·long: qi 1 multi-pt·gmented rust-inhibitive brown steel primer, formulated with lead sltico .chromate, zinc oxide, iron oxide, and red 1 ead, and meeting_ the fo 11 owing requirements: A.Spreading Rate: 450 sq. f.t. per gallon at "3.5 m.ils wet, 2 milsdry. B.Heat Resistance: Up to 200° F. C.Vo 1 ume So 1 ids·: 50% !_2% 2.03 GAtVANIZED METAL PRIMER For Galvanized Surfaces: "SW Galvanizecl Iron Primer" B50At or appr.oved equal; a double compartment galvanized iron primer with zinc dust in one compartment and a long·oil linsee d, tung, phenolic . ve hicle in which zinc oxide is dispersed in the other compartment, designed for mixing together just before application, and meeting the fol lowing requfrements: A.Spreading Rate: 675 sq. ·ft.·per gallon at 2.5 ·mills wet, 1.5mi 11 s dry. B.Heat Resistance: Up to 250° F. C.Volume Solids: 63% +2%. 2.04 BLOCK FILLER AN D WALL TEXTURE COAT A h.igh sol ids, pigmented block filler or a one-coat drywal 1 texture finish, "Pro-Mar" B25W1 Block Filler or .approved equal, meeting the following requirements: r· \. \ ) (�1 ( ) (; . 2.04 cont. 09900 3 ·of 7 A;• .Spreading -Rate (approximate).: On eoncrete Masonry Units: 75 to 125 .sq. ft. per-gall on. On Dr.yw�.11: ·150. to 200 sq. ft. per gallon. B.Volume.Solids (Min.): 53% !,2% C.Weight Solids: 76.01% D.Vehicle Type: _Styrene-Butadiene Latex 2.05 ENAMEL UNDERCOAT ON WOOD A white, low-odor, medium oil alkyd undercoater, "S-W Enamel Under­coater" B49W2 or approved equal, meeting the following requirements: A.Spreading Rat�: 320 ft. per gallon.@ 5 mils wet, 2 mils dry. B.Volume Solids: 39.6% !,2%. 2.06 LATEX WALL PR IMER A white, pigmented, vinyl-acrylic latex primer, "Pro-Mar" Latex Primer, or approved equal, meeting the following requirements: A.Spreading Rate: 400 sq. ft. per gallon at 4 mils wet, 1.4 milsdry. B.Volume Solids: 34% +2% C.Weight Solids: 49.84% D.Vehicle Type: Vinyl Acrylic Latex 2.07 ALKYD SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL A soya alkyd semi-gloss enamel, "Pro-Mar" B34W100 Alkyd Semi-Gloss Ename1 or-approved equal, meeting the following requi rements: A.Spreading Rate: 385 sq. ft. per gallon at 4.2 mils wet, 2 milsdry. B.Volume Sol ids: 48% !,2% c.Weight Solids: 68.5% D.Vehicle Type: Soya Alkyd Resin 2.08 ALKYD FLAT WALL PAINT A· so 1 vent-based alkyd flat wa 11 ·paint, 1 1Pro .:.Mar11 B32W101 A 1 kyd Hat . Paint, or approved equal meeting the following requirements: A.Spreading Rate: 350 sq. ft. per gallon at 4.5 mils wet, 2 milsdry. B.Volume Solids: 44% +2% C.Weight Solids: 72% .±,2% o.Vehicle Type: Soya Alkyd Resin ,· \.) c; J 09900 4 of7 2. 09 ALKYD EGG .SHELL ENAMELA soya alkyd eggshell enamel, "Pro-Mar" B33W100 Alkyd Eg-Shel Enamel, or approved equal meeting the following requirements: A.Spreading Rate: 380 sq� ft. ·pei gallon at 4.2 �ils wet,2 mils.dry. B.Volume Solids: 47.5% .!.2% C.Wei�ht Solidst 68.6% · · D.. Veh i c 1 e Type: · Soya A 1 kyd Resin 2.lO INTERIOR wooD· STAIN ·Light�fast, non-bleeding type pigments dispensed in an alkyd vehicle for 'controlled penetration and sealing, "S-W Interior Wood Stain" or approved equal, meeting the following requirements: A� Spreading Rate: 600-700 sq. ft. per gallon. B •. Volume Sol ids: 25.4% !2% 2.11 PASTE WOOD FILLER . A paste wood .filler formulated with selected filler pigments and a ·hard-drying but flexible blended, aklyd oil vehicle, "S-W PasteWood Filler" or approved equal, meeting the following requirements: A.Spreading Rate: 400-500 sq. ft. per gallon. 8.Volume Solids: 71,5% !3 t 2.12 SOLID COLOR EXTERIOR STAIN An alkyd-type solid color product formulated with light-fast, non� bleeding pigments, "S-W Sol·id Color Exterior Stain" or approved equal, by Olympic, PPG, or Cabot, meeting the following requirements: A.Spreading Rate:Rough Surfaces: B.Vo 1-ume So 1 ids: 2 • 13 VARN.I SH Smooth Surfaces: 350 sq. ft. per gallon; 200 sq. ft. per gallon. 3��% A polyurethane modified oil varnish, "Marvethane Satin" for top coat only, "Marvethane Gloss" for coats other than top coat, or approv�d equal, meeting the following requirements: . A. Spreading �ate: 55 0 sq. ft. per gallon • B.�eat Resistance:· Up to 140° F. c.Volume Sol ids: Gloss-42.5% !2%; Satin-39.8% !2 % • \ \.) . ( ,, V;J 5 of 7 2.14 PAINT SCHEDULE A.PAINT P-1: Semi-gloss enamel ori exterior or jnterior shop­primed -or un primed ferrous metals. Apply to achie ve minimum5.4 mils total dry film thickness, three coats min imum: First Coat Metal PrimerSecond & Third Coats A 1 kyd _Semi -G 1 oss Ename 1 B.PAINT P-2: Semi-gloss enamel on exterior or i"nterior galvaniz ed ... -··­ferrous metals. Apply to achieve minimum 4;� total dry film thickness three coats minimum: First Coat Second & Third.Coats Galvanized Meta·l -PrimerA 1 kyd Sem i-G 1 oss · Ename 1 C.PAINT P-3: Textured Gloss finish . on exi sting t!--ite\' _.P:1'.'ep·are.surfaces_ thoroughJy with Erisodt.um: phosphate 'deaner.· .. ·-. . . --·. . �. -. . . First & Second Coats -ACRIPOXY .·!+lPAC ,coating ,·- ··D. PAINT p:4: Textured Alkyd Eggshell Enamel on Drywall. Apply ..to achieve mi nimum total dry film thickness of 5 mils, three coats minimum: First Coat- Second & Third Coats Texture Coat (block fi ller reduced with one quart latex flat wall paint per gallon of filler, tinted toward final color) Alkyd Eggshell Enamel (Texture b16ck filler with roller for mediu� sti pple) -£.·Paint Type �-5 -T·ransparent Finish on Wood: First Coat: Stain �s desired Second Coat: · Paste Wood Fi 1 ler, stain to match Third Coat: Sealer Fourth Coat: Gloss Varnish Fifth: Satin Varnish -�· Paint ·Type p�·6 -Paint on E�istlng Interior Masonry First Coat: Mixture one gallon latex paint with five . : , ..... :gaJ 1 ons texture • Second Coat: Latex Wall Paint Third Coat: Semi-Gloss Enamel .r . � -- ) (, PART 3 EXE CUTION 09900 6 of7 3.01. SURFA CE.PREPARATION ·_A. Dirt and Foreign Mat ter: Remove from all surfaces to be coated.Remove loose dirt. by .bris tle brushes, blowing clean wi th air ·pressure, or steam cleaning. Do not spread surfice deposi ts ofoil or grease over addi tional areas in the cleaning -process. B.Mold or Mildew: Remove before painting, wearing sa fety glasses.·and gloves, by the following procedure:· Add �ne quart of house­hold bl-ach to three quarts of wa ter, and apply to area.t6 be cleaned •. Scrub well wi th brush and allow solution to remain on ·. ·surfac� for 10 minites before rinsing thorou ghl y with clean water."Allow s�rface to dry thoroughly before applica ti on of coating. C •· -0 i.1. and Grease: Remove wi th· mi nera 1 spirits. Change rags and solvent frequeD tly. Xylol may be used in well-ventilated spaces. D.Galvani zed .Iron:. Clean thoroughl y to remove grease, residue, andcorros·ion products on the surface, using solvents or chemicalwashes. following manufactur.er 1 s directions. E.·Primed Ste�l:. Clean using solvents following SSPC-SP-1-63, be-. fore applica tion of field coat of primer. Field coat of primershall be coated wi th finish coats within two weeks, or recleaning�i 11 be required. F.Exposed W�od_: Inspect to determine tl:'iat surface is clean and dry.Prime .and pa.int. as soon as possible. Do not paint immedia telyafter rain, dur i ng foggy weather, or when air temperature is be­low 10°c (50°F-)_. Knots and.pi tch streaks shall be scraped orburned, spot sarided, and coated before first full coat is applied.Al-1 nai 1 holes or small holes shal 1 be f i 1 l'ed wi th pain ter'sputty after .first ful 1 coa t is applied. G-; ·Concrete Masonry Units: Shall be free from dirt, loose or ex­cess-mortar, and thoroughly dry. H.Con·crete and Portland Cement Plaster {Stucco) shal 1 be free fromdirt. loose or excess mortar, film, laitance and any res i due ofform_ ·ot.1 or curing comp oun ds. Al low to dry a min imum of onemonth before painting. If surface ts chalky, treat wi th approvedmasoRry condi tioner before painting. I.Interior Wood: . Al 1 finish wood products shal 1 be delivered pro­tec te·d from the wea ther and stored in dry, warm rooms. Back-primeal 1 mi.1 lwork i�ems immediately after. del i very. Sand with the gra i n·{never across .the grain) and correc t surface blemishes beforefini�hing. J.Drywall: Shall be clean and dry before painting. Inspect todetermtne that surfaces are flat, jo i nt treatment is properlydone, and screw heads are prop erly covered wi th compound. Repor tany 9efic i enctes in writing to the Archi tect and do not applycoatings 'to �r�wall surfaces un til deficiencies have been correc ted. (- \ (- � 3.02 METHOD OF APPLICATION 09900 7 of 7 A.Metal Coati.ngs shall be applied by spr_ay, either air less orconventional, or by brush in areas where spray application isimpract i ca_l.. ·B. Wood Coatings: Shall be applied by sp ray,a·irless or conventi-onal,-or by brush(in areas where spra·y application is impract·ical,. First coat may be applied by dipping. before wood member is .i ns fa 1.1 ed. c·. Flat Alkyd Latex on Drywall, or Masonr:y: .·wall primers and finish coats may be applied by spray, either airless or.con­ventlonal, or by-brush or roller. Block filler shall be applied by roller. . Texture coats shall be roller-applied .for medium stipple. D.Lightly sand between each coat of en amel or varnish on .wood ormetal surfaces, working with the grain, never across the grainof wood. E.Apply all coatings in· strict accordance with manufacturer's printe dinstructions. 3.03 CLEANUP At completion of paint-ing work� remove all trash, tools, equipment and surplus materials. Clean·paint from surfaces not• intended for painted finish. Refer to Section 01700, Project Closeout. 3.04 EXCESS PAINTS Leave excess paint with the Owner. ---· -- (\,-( . ) '\ � SECTION 09953 -VINYL WALL COVERING PART 1·-GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions •. 1.02 RELATED WORK Coordinate with the Work of other Trades. 1.03 STANDARDS A.Federal Specification CCC-W-408A for Type II Medium Dutyvinyl coated wall coverings. B.ASTM E-84 Specifications for Method of Test for SurfaceBurning Characteristics of Building Materials. C.ASTM-D-751 Specifications for Method of Determining theForce Necessary to Separate the Vinyl from rts FabricBacking. 1.04 SCOPE ��,:s 1 of 4 A.Work Included: All labor and materials necessa ry to furnishand install vinyl wall covering as indicated on the Drawingsand specified in this Section. B.Work Excluded: Preparation of substrates except as speci­fied in this Section. Also excluded are other wall coveringsspecified in other Sections. 1.05 SUBMITTALS Submit the following in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals: A.Manufacturer's Literature: Material Specifications includingtest resul ts showing compliance with this Section, installationinstructions, and maintenance·recommendations. B.Samples: · One sample · 30cm X 30cm (12 11 x 12 11 ) of each colorand pattern sel ected. 1.06 QUALITY CONTROL Install full width test panels and corner installations of the mat­erial selected, in areas and to.extent directed by the Architect. Replace unsatisfactory panels until approved by Architect. Approved panels will f6rm th� minimum standard of quality for the remainder of Wor� under this Section. ( (;· (· ( t .. 1.07 DELIVERY AND STORAGE 09953 2 of 4 Receive, handle, store, distribute, and protect materials following manufacturer's recommendations. Deliver materials to project site packaged in original containers with seals unbroken and identific�� tion labi1s intact. Labels shal·l bear name of manufacturer, br�nd name, quality or grade, and·U�L. fire hazard classification. Store wall covering. at temper atures between ]r22° C and 29.4° C· (45° F and 85° F). Do not store rolls vertically. Refer to Sections 01500, Temporary Facilities and Controls, and 01600, Material•·and Equipment. 1.08 CERTIFICATION Manufactuier shall submit to the Architect upon-ieq�est.a Certlflcate· of Compliance that wallcovering furnished meets br exceeds these Specificatl�ns� PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 WALLCOVERING Material shall be an integrally pigmented, opaque, cilendered vinyl film laminated to a fabric and meeting the following requirements: A.Fire Hazard Classification: Material shall bear the U.L. labeland fire hazard classification (ASTM E-84) in accordance withthe following mini mum standards: Flame Spread 25 Fuel Contributed 10 Smoke Developed 25 B. 11Tedlar11 Film Protection: Material shall -bear a top-b onded , inert, colorless, transparent, polyvinyl fluoride film, 11Tedlar11 by duPont or approved equal, not less than o·. 127nm (0.00511) thick. C.Physical Properties: Meet or exceed F.S. CCC-W-408A, Type II.Tensile Strength (CCC-T-191B): 40 x 30.Tear Strength (CCC-T-191 B Test 5132): 25 x. 25,·Fabric Backing: Osna�urg or DrillTotal Weight: 510g/m (15oz./sq. yd.) D.Pattern and Color: Architect will ·select no mar� than an averageof one color/pattern per room from the full line of wallcoverings,meeting the specific ations, offered by the approved manufacturer. E.Manufacturer: Shall be one of the following or approved equal: Borden: "Knight Guard Tedlar11 B.F. Goodrich: "Koroseal Tedlar11 Gene ral Tire: 11Genon Tedlar11 Laminating Services, Inc .: 1-'Vinylfab Tedlar11 L. E. Carpenter: 1 1 V i crtex-T Ted 1 ar11 Stauffer Chemi ca 1: "Type 11 Ted 1 ar 11 er I (\ (_ 2.0 2 WALL PRIMER As recommended by-wal 1.covering manufacturer. 2 .03 ADHESIVE 09953 3 of 4 As recommended by wa 11 cover·i ng manuf actu,rer. Use .NO wheat pastes. 2.04 ACOUSTICAL WALL COVERING (NONE THIS PROJECT) lnstal 1 where scheduled an ·accoustical wal lcoverihg, L.E. Carpenter "VICRTIQUE", or approved equa·l., meeting the following requirements: Total Wt.: SiOg/m2 (15oz/sq. yd.} ·Backing Type: Non-woven polyesterThickness (average.): 1.0 2 mm to 1.27nm (0.04011 to 0.050")Tensile Strength: 150 x 130 (WXF}. Tear Strength: 100+ ··x 100+ (Elmendorf WXF}Color Fastness: 200 hours fadometer, no change.Shrinkage (%WXF) average: 1.7 x 0.5NRC: 0.2 0 minimumFire Hazard (ASTM E 84)Flame Spread 15 Fuel Contributed 0 Smoke Developed 55 Substrate: Mildewproof Surface: Washable, stains removable with use of standard household cleaners such as "Fantastic". PART l -EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A.Inspecti on: Inspect all surfaces that are to receive wall-covering before beginning work to assure surfaces are clean, dry,sound, and ready to receive fi nish. Report to the Architect,.'.inwriting, �ny defects that will prevent .a satisfactory finishedinstallation, and do not proceed until these defects have been corrected. B.Preparation of materials: Remove wallcovering from package inarea of work at least 24 hours before beginning ·work. C.Preparation of Surfaces: Prime and .seal substrates in accordancewith wallcovering manufacturer's recommendations. 3.0 2 INSTALL ATION A.Job Conditions: In areas to r�ceive wallcovering, maintain con­stant temperature of 15° C (60° F) for 48 hours before, during,and after installation. Do not install wallcovering until per­manent lighting and HVAC systems are in place and operating. B.Qualification of Installer: lnstal lation .contractor and his work­men shall be experienced and shall show evidence of satisfactorycompletion of similar work. ·C. Place wal lcovering panels · consecutive ly in the same-order-· they are ..cut from rolls, including areas above or below openings. (( l (\. L 3. 02 cont. 099 53 4 of 4 D.Apply adhesive to wallcovering backing and place material panelsas instruc ted by wallcovering manufacturer. Register, match,or reverse patterns, depending on texture and color, in order toinsure color uniformity. E.Install with seams vertical and plumb, at least 15cm (6 11 ) fromcorners. Use no horizontal seams •. Install to achieve good bondto substrate, and so that finished installation is smooth, clean,and without wrinkles or defects. Do not lap seams. 3.03 COMPLETION OF WORK A.Clean surfaces as work proceeds using warm water and a clean ,soft sponge. Wipe d·ry invnediately. B.Remove rubbish and surplus material-s resulting from the Work.Remove tools and equipment. Deliver to Owner maintenance supplyof each pattern and color wallcover-ing in the amount of 5% of thequantity inst.al led. C.Refer to Section 01700, Project Closeout. . (" SECTION 10602 -DEMOUNTABL� PARTITIONS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK: Coordinate with the Work of other Trades. 1.03 SUBMITTALS Submit, tn accordance with Section 01300, Submittals, manufacturer's literature and shopdrawings. 1.64 SCOPE . . 1 of 1 The Work to be accomplished under this Section includes the furnishing and installing of panels, trim components, window frames, and door frames. 1.05 GUAR ANTEE In . addition t·o Contractor's. guarantee specified in Contract Conditions, furnish manufacturer's installer 1 s guarantee against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year after Substantial Completion. PART Z> PRODUCTS 2.01 2.02 GENERAL Products specified are Gold· Bond Contempo-Wall Type 11 B 11 as manufacturedby National Gypsum Cpmpany to match existing. PANELS Provide vinyl surfaced gypsum board panels in widths as required or to match existing. 2.03 TRIM COMPONENTS All trim is to be clear satin anodized aluminum to match existing. 2.04 GLAZING Refer to Section 08802 within this Project Manual. 2.05 DOOR FRAMES Frames to be clear satin anodized aluminum to match exi.sting. PART 3 -EXECUTION Install in strict ac cordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. c· -c· ( l.· 1 of , SECTfON 10800-tOILET AND �ATH ACCESSORIES PART 1 -GENERAL 1.0l Refer to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK Coordi�ate with the Work of other Trides. 1 ·. 03 SUBMiTTALS Submit, in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals, manufacturer's literature and schedules: PART 2 -· PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL Products specified are those of Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc. Equivalent products of other manufacturers listed below will be accepted upon approval of submittals. Equivalent products of manufacturers not listed wil l be accepted upon proper request for substitution in accordance with Contract Conditions. Approved manufacturers: Bradley Washfountain Co. �obrick Waihroom Equipment, Inc. Charles Parker Company Phillip Carey Mfg. Co. Reserve-A-Roll 2.02 GRAB BARS A.Whee l Chair Toilet Com partment Grab Bars: Shall be 1½11 diameter, 361 1 long,· and 1½11 diameter by 1811 long (unless noted otherwise 11 heavey dutysatin .finish stainless steel with 1½11 clearance between rail and wall.install at each side of water closet compartment designa ted for physically handi�appe d. Grab Bars shall be attached at ends and shall also be cen ter_supported. Exte nd grab bars 1811 in front of water closet. B.Horizontal Shower Bar .for Handicap ped Shower Compartments:38mm (H-11 ) d{am.· satin finsh stainless steel, 38mm (1½1 1) stand off, Bobrick B-6265 or app roved equal. C.Furnish anchors and mounting accessories as require d for mounti ngto substrates. PART 3 -EXECUTION Install in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions, in locations shown in th� �rawings or as dir�cted by the Architect. c-- \ ·� ( ) 15700 1 of 3 ·SECTION 15700 -HEATING, VENTILATING, AND AIR CONDITIONING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Refe r to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK Refe r to the Drawings and other Sections of these Spe cifications to become acquainted with all building fe atures and details af­fecting Work under this Section. 1.03 SCOPE 1.04 1.05 The Work under this Section includes all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to complete the Work as described in the Drawings and Specifications. DRAWINGS The approximate location of all items and arrangeme nt of piping and ductwork is shown and indicated on the Drawings. Exact locations shall be determined in the field by reference to the general building plans, by cons ultation wi th other trades, and by actual measurements of Work in-place, and shall in _all cases be subject to the app roval of the Architect. No attempt has been made to show all connect-ions, fittings, offsets, etc., which may be required. All ducts, piping, etc., run above the ceiling, shall be routed to prevent contact and· interference with recessed lighting fixtures. Coordinate with the plumbing sub­contractor the placement of main pipe runs above ceilings and running parallel with hot and cold domestic water lines. Coop­erate closely with other trades. STANDARDS Conform to the following: Standard Buildi ng Code ASHRAE Guide, Latest Edition SMACNA Standards All applicable national, state, and local codes. 1.06 PERM ITS, FEES, AND REGULATIONS Obtain all necessary permits, pay all legal fe es and charges pe r­taining to Work under this Section, and comply with all national, state, and local laws, codes, ordinances, and regulations affect-ing Work under this Section. Obtain approval w_hen required of the various insuring agencies and inspection ·authorities. When requested, provide competent evidence of compliance with ap plicable codes. All applicable codes and ordinances are hereby made a part of this Contract by reference whether or not specifically named in these Specifications. In the event that any code requirements are found to be in variance with the requirements of these Specifications, the more stringent requirement shall gov ern. Any such variances shall be called immediately to the attention of the· Architect� (' \ I ·\, � \ ) 15700 2 of 3 1.07 SUBMITTALS Comply with Section 01300, Submittals. 1.os· GUARA�TEEIn addition to General Contractor's guarantee specified in Contract Conditions, _provide HVAC subcontractor's guarantee of materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of substantial completion. HVAC subcontractor shall �aintain all Wtirk under th1s Section in cu rrent repair and perfect working condition during the guarantee period, furnishing, at no extra charge, all labor and materials necessary to fulf.ill this guaraptee. 1.09 PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS The subcon tractor for Work under this Section shall maintain at the job site project record documents as specified in Section 01500, Temporary Faciliti es and Contr ols. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 2.02 GENERAL All materials and products shall be new and ·in perfec t condition. For requirements relating to proposed substitution of equivalent products of other manufacturers for those specified, refer to Supp lementary Conditions, Paragraph 4.4.3. PIPING Conform to Speci ficati ons on the Drawings. 2.03 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT Conform to Specifications on the Drawings. 2.04 TEM PERATURE SENSORS Conform to Specifica tlons on the Drawings. 2.05 DUCTWORK It is the intent of the Drawings to use 25mm (111) thick rigid _ fibrous glass ductw otk for all ductwork. Materials shall be as manufactured by Owens-Corning, U.L. approved, or ap proved equal. Ducts shall be su pported on galvanized sheet metal straps attached to structure. Maximum spacing of support shall not exceed lm (401 1). 2.06 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS AND MATERIALS Conform to the Drawings and industry standards. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 CONTRACTOR'S PREPARATION Before submitting hi s Bid Proposal, each bidder for subcontracts for work under this Section shall examine all Drawings relating to his work; shall visit the project site; and shall inform him­self fully as to the extent and character of the Work under this Section and its rela tionship to Work under other Sections. The ( (l ( 15700 3 of 3 Contract Conditions place requi rements upon the Contractor regarding com�leteness of the Work and the responsibility of the Contractor, and apply to this Section as fully as if repeated here in full . The tender of a prop osal for Work under- this Sectio� wilt �e inter­preted as a tender for the complete work involved as reasonably. infer red from the Drawings and Specifications. No consideration will be made for allegations by Contractor or Subcontractor that incompleteness of .the Drawings or Specifications led him to omit certain items from his quotation. 3, 02 CONTRACTOR"S RESPONSIBILITY . A. Work per formed under this Section shall be coordinated �ith the ·work perfor,med ,by--.other .. tr-ades.·, so as .not-·to · de 1 ay or damage any.. ·part of the Work. Coordinate all matters and conditions con­cerning the site and ·other phases of construction which might affect the work under this Section. B.The Subcontractor for Work under this Section shall give the workadequate supervi sion, both at the si.te and at the shop, an� shallplace on the work a fully competent foreman to have constantcharge of the work and who shall remain in charge until all workis completed, unless remov ed by reason of sickness, dischargedfor cause, or replaced by the Contractor. All directions shall. be given to this foreman in the absente of the Contractor. C.Labor shall be performed in accordance with generally recognizedstandards of workmansh ip, by me chanics skilled in .their particulartrades. Conduit and equi pment shall be installed square andplumb and accessible for proper operation and service. Instal­lation shall be consistent in appearance and completeness whetherencloses or exposed. Any item which will not present a neat andfinished appearance shall be replaced at the Contractor's ex pense. 3,03 DUCTWORK INSTALLATION Install ductwork, supporting as specified in 2.05 J of.thi.s Section. 3,04 DEFECTIVE WORK If inspection or test shows defects, such defective work or materials shall be made with new material. No caulking of holes or screwed joints will be acceptable. 3.05 SUPPORT SERVICES AND PRO JECT CLOSEOUT Conform to requi rements of Section 01700, Project Closeout. 3,06 SYSTEMS TESTING AND ADJUSTING Equipment: Test· and adjust in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. ,, (�-c (. '\ I SECTION 16000 -ELECTRICAL PART 1 -GENERAL 16000 1 o f 5 1.01 Refer to the General and Supple�ent�ry Co nditio ns. 1.02 RELATED WORK Refer t o the Architectural and Structural Drawi ngs to beco me acquainted with all buildi ng feat'ures and detai ls. Other Sectio ns o f the Spec i fi catio ns affect Work un_der thi s Sec.tio n. 1. 03 SCOPEThe Wo rk under t he Co nt ract to be awarded shal 1 i nclude the furn- ishi ng o f all labo r, materials, and equi pment necessary to co mplete the wo rk as descri bed in these Specif icat ·i ons and as set fo rth o n the Drawings. 1 • 04 DRAWlNGS The appro ximate lo catio n-�f all ite�s and arrangement o f branch ci r­cuit s is sho wn o r i ndicated o n the Drawi ngs. These Drawi ngs are not intended to pro vide co mplete and accurate details fo r exactlocation o f o utlet s, apparatus, fixtures, etc. Exact lo catio ns shall be determined in the field by reference to the general buildi ng plans, by consultatio n with· ot het•·tfades; and by actual measurements o f the work in.place, and will in all cases be subject to the appr oval o f the Architect � 1.05 STANDARDS Co nf o rm to the latest editio n o f the Natio nal Electri cal Co de and to all applicable lo cal co des and ordinances. 1.06 PERMITS, FEES, AND REGULATIONS Obtain all necessary pe rmits, pay ·all legal f�e� and charges per­ taining to Wo rk under this Section, and co mply wit h all natio nal, stat e, and lo cal laws, co des, o rdinances, and regulations affecting Wo rk under this Section. Obtain appro val when required o f the vario us insuri ng agencies and i ns pect io n auth o riti es. When req uested, pr o vide competent evidence o f compliance with applicable co de. All applicable codes and o rdi nances are hereby made a part o f thi s Co n­ tract by reference whether o r not ·s pecifically named i n these Sp�c i ­ficatio ns. In the eve nt that any co de requi rements are found to be in variance with the requirements of t hese Speci f iac tio ns, the mo re stri ngent requ irement shall govern. Any such va riances shall be called immediately to the attentio n of t he Architect . ·r{ ( I t 16000 2 of 5 1.07 SUBMITTALS Submit manufacturer's literature on all products in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals. 1.08 GUARANTEE In addition to General Contractor's guarantee specified in Contract Conditions, provide electrical subcontractor's guarantee of materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of Substantial Completi on. Electrical subcontractor shall maintain all Work under this Section in current repair and perfe ct working condition during the guarantee period, furnishing, at no extra charge, all labor and materials necessary to fulfill this guarantee, with the exception of replacement lamp bulbs. 1.09 PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS The subcontractor for Work under this Section shall maintain at the job site project record documents as specified in Section 01500, Temporary Facilities and Controls. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 2.02 GENERAL All materials and products shall be new and in perfect condition. For requirements relating to proposed substitution of equivalent products of other manufacturers for those specified, refer to Sup­plementa ry Conditions, Paragraph 4.4.3. CONDUIT EMT with set-screw fittings. 2.03 WIRE 2.04 A.All wire used in this project shall be copper. All wire notspecifically noted otherwise on the drawings shall be Type THW.Wire shall be the best grade of manufacture, shall be delivered tothe project site in coils, and shall be U.L. ap proved. All wireshall be properly coded for identifica tion after coils are broken. B.All wire l�rger than No. 8 shall be stranded. Use no wire �mallerthan No. 12 unless sp ecifically noted on the Drawi ngs. C.Connections: Furnish copper connecting lugs of the proper sizewith all stranded conductors. PANEL BOARDS Furnish and install panelboards indicated on the Drawi ngs, flush or surface mounted as indicated. Manufacture shall be in accordance with the Standard Practices of the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., the requi·remen ts of the National Electrical Code, and all other codes having jurisdiction. All panelboards shall be equipped with lockable doors and keyed alike. Furnish a total of 12 keys. Finish and construction shall be the manufacturer's standard. Approved manufacturers: Cutler-Hammer. Federal Pacific General Electric Powe 11 Square D Hubbell Westinghouse ( ( (( ..... 2.05 SWITCHES, RECEPTACL ES, ANb DEViCES 16·000 3 of 5 A., These items have been sch�duled on the Drawings. Furnish the specified brand or approved equal.· Approved manufacturers : A.H. & H •. Bryant Circle F General Electr ic Hubbell B.Fusible and Non-F�sible· Switches:. Size, type, and_quanity asrequired by governing codes. Use Fusetrons where fuses arerequired (11 Buss11 low peak or equal.) 2.06 LIGHTING FIXTURES Fixtures have been.designated and scheduled on the Drawings. Furnish and install all lighting fixtures throughout the building, erected in place and in operation, including lamps. 2.07 MISCE LLANEOUS A.Boxes for devices shall be of the proper size and type to housethe app licable device in the location intended. B.Specific requirements to accommodate materials, equipment, etc.,furnished by others, have bee n shown on the Drawings. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 CONTRACTOR'S PREPARATION Before submitting · his Bld-Pr�posal, each bidder for subcon tracts for work under this Section shall examine all Drawings relating to h�s work; shall visit ·the project site; and shall inform himself fully as to the extent and character of the Work under this Section and its relationship to Work under other Section s. The:Cont�act -Condttions place requirements upon the Contractor regardirg completeness of the Work and the resp6nsibil ity of the Contractor, and apply to.=this Section as fully as if repeated here in full. The tender of a pro-•posal for Work under this. Section will be interpreted as a tender forthe complete.w ork involved as reasonably inferred from the Drawingsand Specifications. No co nsideration·will be made for allegationsby Contractor or Subcontractor that incompleteness of the Drawingsor Specifications led him to omit certain items from his quotation. 3.02 TEMPORARY WIRI NG Subcontractor for Work under this Section shall coordinate with the General Contractor the prQvision of temporary power, lighting, and wiring. Refer to Section 01500, Temporary Facilities and Controls. 3.03 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY A.Work performed under this Section shall be coordinated with thework performed by other trades so as not to delay or damage anypart of the Work. Coordinate all matters and conditions ·con- � �� �--' 3.04 3.05 16000 4 of 5 cernlng the site and other phases of construction which might affect the work under this Section. -B. The Subcontractor for Work under this Section shall give the workadequate superv ision, both at the site and at the shop, and shall place on the work a fully competent foreman to have constant charge of the work and who shall remain in charge unti l all work is completed, unless removed by reason of sickness, di scharge d for cause, or re plac ed by the Contractor. All-directions shall be given to this foreman in the absence of the Contracto r. C.Labor shall be performed in accordance with ge nerally recognizedstandards of workman sh ip by mechani cs skilled in thei r pa rticular.trades. Conduit and equipment shall be installed squa re·andplumb and access�ble for proper operation and service. lnstal-. lati ons shall be consistent in completeness and appearance whetherenclosed or exposed. Any item wh ich will not present a neat andfinished appearance shall be replaced with out addi tional cost to the Owner. COND UITS Conduits shall be concealed In all finished areas. Where they cannot be concealed, and are indicated as run ex posed on the drawings, they shall be neatly racked and run par allel and per pendi cular to all walls. Where motors are mounted on sliding bases, prov ide flexible conduit with appropr iate connectors in lengths sufficient to allow for .the max­imum movement which could result from the sliding base. MISCELLANEOUS SYSTEMS Furnish all mater ials as shown on the drawings. 3.06 WIRE A.Do not pull wire into conduit until all work of an injuriousnature is com p 1 eted. Where two or more ci rcuits run to a s i ngrleoutlet box, eac h circuit shall be properly tag ged as a guide tothe fixture h�nger. B.A color scheme shall be adopted for the wiring system �hich willpermit identification of circuits .in any pull box withbut theuse of tags. C.Splices: (whe re required) shall be fully made up in outlet boxe sand at least 12 11 tagged end left for the fixture hang er. Wherelocal requi rements specify certain colors for ph ases and-neutral,etc., these shall become the standard for th is project. D.Joints and splices wi 11 not be permitted in mai ns or feeders.Joints in branch circuits will be permitted where branch circuitsdivide, and then shall consist of one th rough-ci rcui t to whichthe branch shall be spli ced. Joints shall not be left for thefixture hanger to make. (( ,( ( fl 16000 -·5 of 5 3.07 PANELBOARDS Securely mount and plumb panelboards. A neatly typ��iitten ca rd, with numbers giving the descriptions of the circuits, shall be fur­ni shed in the directory frame on the back of the door on each panel­board. Each cir�ult sha1 ·1· have a number.· 3,08 RECEPTACLES See drawings for locations. Review Architectural Drawings. Normal receptacle hei ght will be as shown in the Drawings. Recep tacles on common walls on opposite sides shall be staggered a mi nimum of 15cm (6 11 ) ·3.09 SERVICE .CONNECTIONSRefer to the various details and riser diagrams in the Drawings show­ing.the method and manner of making the necessary installation for service to the building. The Drawings indicate the sizes of all f�eders and the location of their terminals. 3,10 MOTORS This Contractor shall wire for and connect power to all motors shown and indica ted on the Electrical Drawings, and furnished under other Sections. Provide suitable grounds for each motor. 3.11 3.12 GROUNDING The Drawings indicate various grounds and the Specifications have called for some grounds; howeve r, all conduit work shall be securely and permanently grounded, as required by local and national electri cal codes. All devices having a ground connection shall also be grounded. ITEMS NOT SPECIFIED Items not specifically ment ioned herein, but shown on the Drawings, shall be furnished and installed as if they had been included in both places. 3,13 PROJECT CLOSEOU T Refer to Section 01700, Project Closeout. Instruct the Owner's personnel in maintenance procedures and lamping requirements.