HomeMy WebLinkAbout01.03.1995 Friendswood Pool & Fitness Center Project Number 20-00106TEXAS COMMISSIONERS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT EDWIN L, COX, JR. 4200 Smith SOW Road Austin, Tablas 70744 CHARLES D. TRAVIS Chairman, Athens Executive Director GEORGE R. DDLIN Viiee•Chai€man, Houston January 3, 1985 WM. D. BRAECKLEIN Dallas WM. L. GRAHAM Honorable Ralph L. Lowe Amarillo Mayor of the City of Fri endswood RICHARD R. MORRISDN, 111 109 Wi l l owi ck Clear Lake City Fri endswood, Texas 77546 W. 8, OSBORN, JR. Santa Elena Re: Fri endswood Pool and Fitness Center Project Number 20-00106 PERKINS D. SAMS Midland Dear Mayor Lowe: OR, RAY E, SANTOS Lubbock The executed project agreement for the above referenced project, WM. M. WHELESS, III which constitutes the official approval, is enclosed. Houston The enclosed instructions with attachments are provided for guidance and compliance as you proceed with the project. Plans and specifications must be approved by the Department before construction can begin, Attention is also invited to the enclosed Rule 127,50.08.001, Guidelines for Administration of Local Land and Water Conservation Fund projects, which is also adopted for use for the Texas Local Parks, Recreation and Open Space Fund program. These guidelines require a quarterly status report for the project with the first report due three months from the date of this letter, In addition, it is requested you complete the project completion schedule and return it to the Department. The Department's Grants-ir.-Aid';ranch will monitor this project. In the future, all correspondence concerning the project should be directed to Tim Hogsett, who is head of this branch in the Department. Your actions to provide outdoor recreational facilities for your citizens are to be commended. Sincerely, Cha les D. Tr vis Executive Director CDT: RE: js Enclosures L+ovi err TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT Texas Local Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Fund Agreement Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Number. Project Name Friendswood Pool and Fitness Center Project PeriDd Project Cost 12-15-83 to 8-31-87 $800,000 20-00106 Approved State Funds $400,000 The undersigned political subdivision agrees to furnish the Department a comprehensive report detailing the present and anticipated use of the property, any contiguous additions to the property and any major changes in the character of the property, including the extent of park development which may have taken place. This report will be furnished on the anniversary date of the grant (date the Department signed this project agreement) for five years. PROJECT SCOPE (Description of Project) The City of Friendswood will acquire 3.66 acres of land by donation and further develop Friendswood Park to include site preparation, utilities, parking, bathhouse, service/storage building, .25 mile jogging/fitness course, playground, 50 meter swimming pool and children's pool, fencing, landscaping and signs. Pre -agreement costs incurred from 12-15-83 to the date of project approval in the amount not to exceed $400,000 shall be allowable under this agreement. A permanent recognition sign/plaque is required to be maintained at the project site. ALL UTILITY LINES WILL BE PLACED UNDERGROUND, The following attachment is hereby incorporated into this Agreement General Provisions dated June, 1980 r * STATE OF TEXAS BY har' es avis TITLE Executive Di ector DATE 1-3-85 DATE * POLITICAL SUBDIVISION * CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD NAME OF POLIT CAL SUBDIVISION Ralph L. Lowe, Mayor NAME AND TITLE TYPE M CERTIFICATE OF LAND DEDICATION FOR PARK USE OF Program) This is to certify that a permanent record shall be kept in the City of Friendswood public property records and available for city, county, other-) public inspection to the effect that the property described in the scope of the project agreement for Friendswood Pool & Fitness Center (project name of park Number 20-00 106 ), and the dated project boundary map made part of that agreement, has been acquired or developed with Texas Local Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Fund Program assistance, and that it cannot be converted to other than public outdoor recreation use without the written approval of the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, S-i'gnature Ralph L. Lowe, Mayor Name and Title type Da to OF 6700 --2 (6/80) t 4601-LPF (5-80) 1 11 TEXAS LOCAL PARKS, RECREATION, AND OPEN SPACE FUND PROJECT AGREEMENT General Provisions Part I - Definitions A. The term "Department" as used herein means the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. B. The term "Director" as used herein means the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, or any representative lawfuly delegated the authority to act for the Executive Director. C. The term "Project" as used herein means a single project which is the subject of this project agreement. D. The term "Participant" as used herein means the political subdivision which is party to the project agreement. E. The term "Fund" as used herein means the Texas Local Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Fund. F. The term "Procedural Guide" as used herein means the Procedural Guide for the Land and Water Conservation Fund Program. Part II - Continuing Assurances The parties to the project agreement specifically recognize that the Texas Local Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Fund assistance project creates an obligation to maintain the property described in the project agreement consistent with the Texas Local Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Fund Act and the following requirements: A. The Participant agrees that the property described in the project agreement and the dated project boundary map made part of that agreement is being acquired or developed with Fund assistance, and that it shall not be 2 A converted to other than public recreation use but shall be maintained in public recreation in perpetuity or for the term of the lease in the case of leased property. B. The Participant agrees that the benefit to be derived by the State of Texas from the full compliance by the Participant with the terms of this agreement is the preservation, protection, and the net increase in the quality of public recreation facilities and resources which are available to the people of the State, and such benefit exceeds to an immeasurable and unascertainable extent the amount of money furnished by the State by way of assistance under the terms of this agreement. C. The Participant agrees that the property and facilities described in the project agreement shall be operated and maintained as prescribed by Appendix N of the Procedural Guide. D. The Participant agrees that a permanent record shall be kept and available for public inspection to the effect that the property described in the scope of the project agreement, and the dated project boundary map made part of that agreement, has been acquired or developed with Fund assistance and that it cannot be converted to other than public recreation use. F. Nondiscrimination 1. The Participant shall comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and in accordance with Title VI of that Act, no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, religion, color, sex, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of any property or facility acquired or developed pursuant to the project agreement. The Participant shall immediately take any measures neces- sary to effectuate this provision. 2. The Participant shall comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which in part, 0 3 a) prohibits discriminatory employment practices resulting in unequal treatment of persons who are or should be benefiting from the grant aided facility. b) prohibits discriminating against any person on the basis of residence. Part III - Project Assurances A. Project Application 1. The Application for State Assistance bearing the same project number as the agreement and associated documents is by this reference made a part of the agreement. 2. The Participant possesses legal authority to apply for the grant and to finance and construct the proposed facilities. A resolution, motion, or similar action has been duly adopted or passed authorizing the filing of the application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the Participant to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional infor- mation as may be required. 3. The Participant has the ability and intention to finance the non -- State share of the costs for the project. Sufficient funds will be available to assure effective operation and maintenance of the facilities acquired or developed by the project. B. Project Execution I. The project period shall begin with the date of approval of the project agreement or the effective date of a waiver of retroactivity and shall terminate at the end of the stated or amended project period 4 unless the project is completed or terminated sooner in which event the Project period shall end on the date of completion or termination. 2. The Participant will cause work on the project to be commenced within a reasonable time after receipt of notification that funds have been approved and assure that the project will be prosecuted to completion with reasonable diligence. 3. The Participant will require the facility to be designed to comply with the minimum requirements for accessibility for the handi- capped under the provisions of Section 7, Article 601b, V.T.C.S. (S.B. #111). The Participant will be responsible for conducting inspections to insure compliance with these specifications by the contractor. 4. The Participant shall secure completion of the work in accordance with approved construction plans and specifications, and shall secure compliance with all Federal, State, local laws and regulations. 5. In the event the project covered by the project agreement cannot be completed in accordance with the plans and specifications for the project, the Participant shall bring the project to the point of recre- ational usefulness agreed upon by the Participant and the Director or his designee. 6. The Participant will provide for and maintain competent and adequate architectural engineering supervision and inspection at the construction site to insure that the completed work conforms with the approved plans and specifications; also, it will furnish progress reports and such other information as the Department may require. 7. The Participant will comply with the terms of Title II and Title III, the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-646) 94 Stat. 1894 (1970), and the applicable regulations and procedures implementing such Act for all real property acquisitions and where applicable shall assure f 5 that the Act has been complied with for property to be developed with assistance under the project agreement. 8. The Participant will comply with the provisions of: Executive Order 11988, relating to evaluation of flood hazards; Executive Order 11288, relating to the prevention, control, and abatement of water pollution, Executive Order '11990, relating to the protection of wetlands, and the Flood Disaster. Protection Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-234) 87 Stat. 975. 9. The Participant will assist the Department in its compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and the Archeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1966 by a) consulting with the Texas Historical Commission on the conduct of investigations, as necessary, to identify properties listed in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places that are subject to affects by the activity, and to notify the Department of the existence of any such properties, and by b) complying with all requirements established by the Department to avoid or mitigate adverse affects upon such properties. C. Construction Contracted for by the Participant Shall Meet the Following Requirements: 1. Contracts for construction in excess of $5,000 shall be awarded through a process of competitive bidding involving formal advertising, with adequate purchase description, sealed bids, and public openings. Copies of all advertisements, bids, and a copy of the contract shall be provided the Director. 0 2. The Participant shall inform all bidders on contracts for construction that Program Funds are being used to assist in construction. 3. Written change orders shall be issued for all necessary changes in the facility being constructed. Such change orders shall be sub- mitted to the Department for.review and, if approved, shall be made a part of the project file and should be kept available for audit. 4. Contracts for construction shall include a provision for compliance with the Copeland "Anti -kickback" Act. 5. The Participant shall incorporate, or cause to be incorporated, into all construcion contracts the following provisions: "During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as foll ows: "(1) The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, or national origin. The contractor will take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, religion, color, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruit- ment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection of training, including apprenticeship. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the contracting officer setting forth the provisions of the nondiscrimination clause." "(2) The Contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, color, sex, or national origin." 7 "(3) The contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice, to be provided by the agency Contracting officer, advising the labor union or workers' represen- tative of the contractor's commitments under Section 202 of Executive Order No. 11246, as amended (3CFR 169 (1974)), and shall post copies of notices in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment." "(4) The contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No. 11246, as amended, and the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor." "(5) The contractor will furnish all information and reports required by Executive Order No. 11246, as amended, and by the rules, regula- tions, and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the contracting agency and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investi- gation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders." "(6) In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the non- discrimination clauses of this contract or with any of such rules, regulations, or orders, this contract may be canceled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part and the contractor may be declared ineligible for further Government contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order No. 11246, as amended, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order 11246, as amended, or by rule, regulations, or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law." "(7) The contractor will include the provisions of Paragraphs (1) through (7) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to Section 204 of Executive Order No. 11246, as amended, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or S vendor. The contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the contracting agency may direct -as means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncom- pliance: Provided, however, that in the event the contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the contracting agency, the contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States." D. Conflict of Interests 1. No official or employee of the State or Local Government who is authorized in his official capacity to negotiate, make, accept, or approve, or to take part in such decisions regarding a contract or subcontract in connection with this project shall have any financial or other personal interest in any such contract. 2. No person performing services for the State or Local Government in connection with this project shall have a financial or other personal interest other than his employment or retention by the State or Local Government, in any contract or subcontract in connection with this project. No officer or employee of such person retained by the State or Local Government shall have any financial or other personal interest in any real property acquired for this project unless such interest is openly disclosed upon the public records of the State, and such officer, employee or person has not participated in the acqui- sition for or on behalf of the Participant. L. Project Costs Project Costs eligible for assistance shall be determined upon the basis of the criteria set forth by the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund Program, and House Bill 233, Acts of the 66th Legislature, 1979. W F. Project Administration 1. The Participant shall promptly submit such reports and documentation as the Director may request. 2. Properties and facilities acquired or developed with Fund assistance shall be availablQ for inspection by the Department at such intervals as the Director shall require. The Participant will promptly submit status reports as required by the Director. G. Retention and Custodial Requirements for Records 1. Financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other records pertinent to this grant shall be retained for a period of three years after final payment; except the records shall be retained beyond the three-year period if audit findings have not been resolved. 2. The retention period starts from the date of the final expenditures report for the project. 3. Microfilm copies are authorized in lieu of original records. 4. The Director, State Comptroller of Public Accounts, State Auditors Office, or any of their duly authorized representatives, shall have access to any books, documents, papers, and records of the Participant which are pertinent to a specific project for the purpose of making audits, examinations, excerpts and transcripts. H. Project Termination 1. The Director may temporarily suspend State assistance under the project pending corrective action by the Participant or pending a decision to terminate the grant by the Department. is 2. The Participant may unilaterally terminate the project at any time prior to the first payment on the project. After the initial payment, the project may be terminated, modified, or amended by the Participant only by mutual agreement with the Department. 3. The Director may terminate the project in whole, or in part, at any time before the date of completion, whenever it is determined that the Participant has failed to comply with the conditions of the grant. The Director will promptly notify the Participant in writing of the determination and the reasons for termination, together with the effective date. Payments made to the Participant or recoveries by the Department under projects terminated for cause shall be in accord with the legal rights and liabilities of the parites. 4. The Director or Participant may terminate grants in whole, or in part at any time before the date of completion, when both parties agree that the continuation of the project would not produce beneficial results commensurate with the further expenditure of funds. The two parties shall agree upon the termination conditions, including the effective date and, in the case of partial termination, the portions to be terminated. The Participant shall not incur new obligations for the terminated portion after the effective date and shall cancel as many outstanding obligations as possible. The'Department may allow full credit to the Participant for the State share of the noncancellable obligations, properly incurred by the Participant prior to termina- tion. 5. Termination either for cause or for convenience requires that the project in question be brought to a state of recreational usefulness agreed upon by the Participant and the Director or that all funds provided by the Department be returned. GUIDELINES FOR ADMINISTRATION OF LOCAL LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND PROJECTS The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, by authority of Sections 13.302 through 13.312, Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, has adopted Rule, to read as follows: .001. Policy. (a) It is the Commission's policy that the State Liaison Officer shall administer local projects in accord with the following guidelines, with interpretation of intent to be made to provide the greatest number of outdoor recreational opportunities for Texas in accord with priorities of the Texas Outdoor Recreation Plan: (1) Local administrative costs shall not be considered as eligible local matching funds unless circumstances dictate that high priority public needs will not be met without the full or partial benefit of such in --kind contribution. (2) A staged project, when requested by the Department, with concurrence of the sponsor, will be funded in sequential stages when sufficient federal funds are available, and the sponsor requests activation of a subsequent stage. (3) When the sponsors request a project be staged due to lack of local committed funds, only that part of the project which the sponsor certifies funds available will be supported. Subsequent stages will be submitted for funding as a new project, (4) Approved projects shall be pursued in a timely manner by the sponsor, unless due to extraordinary circumstances beyond the sponsor's control. Failure to meet the following time frames shall be grounds for the State Liaison Officer to initiate cancellation of the affected project in order to recommend reallocation of available funds to other projects: (A) Acquisition Projects: (i) Appraisals shall be forwarded to the Department no later than nine (9) months after receipt of official notice of project approval; and (ii) After the sponsor has been notified that the appraisal has been approved, the acquisition shall be completed and reimbursement(s) shall be filed with the Department no later than twelve (12) months. (a) Development Projects: (i) Construction plans and specifications shall be forwarded to the Department no later than nine (9) months after official notification of project approval; and (ii) On -the -ground construction shall begin no later than six (6) months after the Department by official notification has approved project plans and specifications. GUIDELINES FOR ADMINISTRATION OF TEXAS LOCAL PARKS, RECREATION, AND OPEN SPACE FUND PROGRAM This rule is adopted under the authority of Section 24.005, Texas Parks and Wildlife Code. .001. Policy. It is the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission Policy that the Executive Director shall administer local projects in accord with the following guidelines with interpretation of intent to be made to provide the greatest number of outdoor recreational opportunitites for Texas in accord with priorities of the Texas Outdoor Recreation Plan. In keeping with this policy, local projects will not be approved from both the Texas Local Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Fund and the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund Program unless extraordinary circumstances dictate that high priority public needs will not be met without the full or partial funding of both programs. (a) Rule, the Procedural Guide for Land and Water Conservation Fund Program, is adopted for the Texas Local Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Fund Program. (b) Rule 127,50.08.001, Guidelines for Administration of Local Land and Water Conservation Fund projects, is adopted for the Texas Local Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Fund Program, except all references to the State Liaison Officer shall mean the Executive Director. Issued in Austin, Texas, on June 6, 1980. 5700(6--80), TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT ACQUISITION PROJECT PROCEDURES (Texas Local. Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Fund Program) Section 301 of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, Public Law 91-646 which established certain procedures to be followed in the acquisition of real property by Federal agencies or by other agencies receiving Federal financial assistance will be used in the Texas Local Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Fund Program. These procedures are to insure that the seller is informed of and offered the fair market value for his land and improvements. The following policy and procedure will apply to all acquisition projects. a. Two acceptable appraisals meeting the State Procedural Guide requirements of the Land and Water Conservation Program must be secured and then approved by the Department before the initiation of negotiations for the purchase of real property. The seller must be informed in writing of the value of the property based on the results of the appraisals. The offer must be not less than the sponsor's estimate of the fair market value as determined by the appraisals. b. The owner or his, or her, designated representative shall be given an opportunity to accompany the appraisers during their inspections of the property. The appraisal reports must indicate whether or not he, or she, accompanied the appraisers. Responsibilities of Sponsor The following check list will insure compliance with the Act: a. The sponsor makes the initial contact with seller to see if the land is for sale. The original contact should be to determine if the owner of the property is willing to sell the property for park purposes. At this point no price should be negotiated. If the owner is willing to sell he, or she, should be informed of his, or her, rights and the rights of any.tenants under the Relo- cation Act (see Title II) and permission should be obtained to inspect the property and have it appraised. If land is to be acquired by condemnation, sponsor will be required to follow State laws regarding the procedures to follow for condemnation. b. The sponsor obtains information as to whether or not relocation of owner or tenants will be involved and advises them of their rights under P. L. 91-646. c. The sponsor has the land appraised by two independent appraisers and gives the owner an opportunity to be present during the inspection of the property by the appraisers. (It is suggested that appraisers with a professional designation be employed. See Appendix M of the State Procedural Guide for the Land and Water Conservation Fund Program.) d. The sponsor submits the two appraisals for review by the State. if deemed acceptable by the review, the Department will concur in both appraisals. if the land is to be purchased, the governing body of the sponsor will determine the fair market value of the land which will not be lower than the low appraisal or higher than the high appraisal. The fair market value of land to be donated will be deter- mined by the Department. e. The sponsor informs the owner in writing of the fair market value of the property based on the results of the appraisals using a letter or a standard form similar to the sample "Statement of Just Compensation." (Attached) f. The sponsor makes a written offer to purchase the land for the full amount established as just compensation. After the project is approved and the State has reviewed the appraisals and informed the sponsor the land can be purchased, the following documentation is required for reimbursement: a. Cover letter stating land has been purchased and requesting reimbursement. b. One copy of the Statement of Just Compensation and letter of offer to purchase. c. Waiver of Right to Just Compensation (if necessary). This waiver will be a signed statement by the owner waiving his right to just compensation and indicating that he, or she, (1) has been informed of all his, or her, rights and bene- fits under the Unifrom Relocation Assistance and Real Prop- erties Acquisitions Policies Act of 1970; (2) has been pro- vided with a Statement of Just Compensation and a written offer to purchase for this amount (state the amount); and (3) is satisfied with the price paid even though it is less than the approved appraisal of fair market value and the reasons why he, or she, has elected to accept the lessor amount. d. Proof of ownership and legal rights obtained. (One xerox copy of the deed and. city or county (sponsor) attorney's ............ . opinion of the title, if not clearly explained in the deed.) 1f you obtain a title insurance policy, send a xerox copy. e. Proof of payment (one copy of cancelled checks, both sides). f. Photograph of temporary sign. (See below.) Temporary Project Acknowledgement Temporary project signs will be erected for a period of not less than 6 months. Signs are to be erected after all acquisition and relocation is completed. -2- Signs shall be no less than 3 feet by 4 feet (12 square feet) and no larger than 6 feet by 8 feet (48 square feet). The sign should include the source percent and dollar amount of all State assistance. It should also include the source percentage and dollar amounts of all local funds involved. Attached is a sample of the sign. The second line will indicate that the project is acquisition. Enclosures - Temporary Sign Statement of dust Compensation -3- THE CITY OF Public Outdoor Recreation Sire" Aided by THE TEXAS FOCAL PARK, RECREATION a OPEN SPACE FUND Administered by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department STATE City of Total Project FUNDING 50 % $ 50,000 5 0% $ 509 000 $1001000 * As Appropriate ** Acquisition, Development, or Acquisition and Development STATEMENT OF JUST COMPENSATION Pursuant to , (Authority --Political Subdivision Resolution) is now in the process (Acquiring Agency) of acquiring private property necessary for . Title records indicate that you are the record owner of real property located in the State of Texas, County of , more particularly described as follows: Since your property is within the project area, it is necessary to acquire the property for this project. We are prepared to purchase your property subject to any existing Easements or.Restrictions of record and excepting and reserving the following interests which will not be acquired and for which no value is included in our estimate of just compensation. In compliance with Section 301 of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, Public Law 91-646, an estimate of just compensation in the amount of $ has been made for the interest to be acquired in the above described property. This amount is based upon State -approved appraisals prepared for the acquiring agency and is not less than the appraiser's opinion of fair market value which he determined after a personal inspection of your property, at which time, you or your representative were given the opportunity to accompany him. The appraisal takes into consideration the location of your property, its highest and best use, current land sales of properties similar to your property and other indicators of values, i. e., Just compensation includes amounts for the land, improvements, severance, if any, and other elements as follows: LAND IMPROVEMENTS: Buildings Structures DAMAGE TO THE REMAINDER OTHER TOTAL Any increase or decrease in the market valuation caused by the public improvement or project for which property is to be acquired, or by the like- lihood that the project would be acquired for such improvement or project, other than that due to physical deterioration with the reasonable control of the owner, has been disregarded in making the determination of just compensation. Signed Title Date STATEMENT OF OWNER Acquiring Agency head I have been given the opportunity to accompany or to designate a r representative to accompany the appraiser during his inspection of the property and I understand the amount established is not less than the appraiser's opinion of fair market value. I have read and understand the conditions in this statement. Signed Owner Date Representative of 04mer Date Address (Attachment to Statement of Just Compensation) INFORMATION FOR LANDOWNERS AND TENANTS ABOUT BENEFITS UNDER THE UNIFORM RELOCATION ASSISTANCE AND REAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION POLICIES ACT OF 1970 - PUBLIC LAW 91-646 The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 provides for certain benefits and payments to displaced persons (landowners and tenants) which result from the sale of land to a government agency (Federal, State or local). The law provides for benefits and payments for which you may be eligible in the following areas; 1. Reimbursement of moving and related expenses or certain substitute payments. 2. Replacement housing allowance under certain conditions. 3. Relocation assistance services to help relocate replacement housing, farms, or business properties. 4. Reimbursement of certain expenses incurred in selling real property in which Federal funds are involved. These payments and benefits are discussed in greater detail in the following paragraphs. 1. Reimbursement of moving and related expenses. Displaced owners and tenants are eligible for reimbursement of actual expenses incurred in moving themselves, their families, and their personal property from land acquired for Federal or federally --assisted programs. When a com- mercial mover is used, the reimbursement will be the amount charged. If the actual expenses are to be claimed, accurate records must be kept and bills and receipts obtained to support an application for reimbursement of expenses. Reimbursement for actual moving expenses shall not exceed the estimate or amount charged by a commercial mover. In addition to moving expenses, actual direct losses of tangible personal property as a result of moving or discontinuing a business or farm operation may be reimbursable but not to exceed the cost of•moving such property. Owners or tenants displaced from a business or farm operation are eligible for an additional payment not to exceed $500 for expenses incurred in searching within a 50-mile radius for a replacement business or farm. Should an owner or tenant displaced from a dwelling prefer, he may accept substitute payment of $200 plus an allowance of up to $300 (based on the size of dwelling moved from) instead of actual moving expenses. A schedule of allowable payments will be furnished. Should a displaced person from a business or farm operation prefer, he may accept a substitute payment instead of actual moving and search for relocation property expenses of not less than $2,500 nor more than $10,000, based on the actual net income before income taxes. To qualify as a farm operation, the farm must contribute, or be. capable of contributing, at lease one-third of the operators support. To qualify as business it must be shown that (1) it cannot be relocated without a substantial loss of its existing patronage, and (2) it is not a part of a commercial enterprise having at least one other establishment not being acquired by the Government. 2. Replacement housing allowance. In addition to reimbursement of moving expenses, owners or tenants actually occupying dwellings on the property acquired by a government agency under a Federal or federally -assisted program may be eligible for a payment to help them purchase or rent a decent, safe, and sanitary replacement dwelling. This payment may be in the form of (A) a differential payment, or (B) a rent supplement, or (C) a down payment allowance. (A) Differential payment. A payment which when added to the purchase price of the dwelling acquired by the Government agency would enable the owner occupant to acquire a decent, safe, and sanitary dwelling in the same general area from which he was displaced. The maximum amount that can be allowed for a replacement dwelling shall in no case exceed $15,000. To qualify for this payment an owner occupant must have occupied the dwelling for not less than 180 days prior to the initiation of negotiations by the Government agency (the date the first monetary offer was made). (B) Rent supplement. The amount necessary, when added to the actual rent or fair cash rental, whichever is greater, which will enable a displaced tenant or owner occupant to rent a decent, safe, and sanitary dwelling for a period not to exceed four years, but in no case shall the total amount of such payment exceed $4,000. The Government will determine the maximum amount necessary to rent a replacement dwelling. Total payments in excess of $500 will be made in four equal annual installments. To qualify for this payment, a tenant or owner must have occupied the dwelling acquired by the Government for not less than 90 days prior to the initiation of - negotiations. An owner occupant of more than 180 days prior to the initiation of negotiations may elect to receive this payment instead of the differential payment, but not to exceed the amount he would have received as a differential payment. (C) Down payment. The amount necessary to make a down payment for purchase, including closing costs, on a decent, safe, and sanitary dwelling but not to exceed $4,000, however, any amount over $2,000 must be matched on an equal basis by the displaced tenant. The amount required for a dorm payment cannot exceed the minimum needed in the area for a conventional loan plus closing costs. The same occupancy qualifications apply for a down payment as for a rent supplement. -2- 3. Relocation Assistance. The Government agency will, to the greatest extent possible, assist displaced landowners and tenants in locating and becoming established in a decent, safe, and sanitary replacement housing, and in locating replacement farms and business properties. It would also provide assistance in completing appli- cations for moving and other expenses and payments authorized by Public Law 91-646. Should you have questions, the Governments negotiator will be glad to discuss them with you, or you may write to the State Government office in charge of Federal or federally -assisted programs. The Government will, upon request, provide any lending institution, or other interested party, with a statement of expenses and allowances for which you as a displaced owner or tenant are eligible under Public Law 91-646. 4. Reimbursement of ex enses incurred in sellina real property when Federal funds are used. (Relocation expenses only) Landowners are eligible for reimbursement of certain expenses incurred by them in conveying title to real property to the Government (Political Subdivision). The expenses eligible are: (A) Recording fees, transfer taxes, revenue stamps, and notary fees. (B) Penalty costs for pre -payment of pre-existing recorded mortgages as may be required to convey a clear title to the Government agency (Political Subdivision). (C) The pro.rata portion of real property taxes which would apply to the period after the date title vests in the Government, or the effective date of possession by the Government (Political Subdivision), whichever is earlier. Tt is the obligation of the landowner to pay these expenses initially, and then claim reimbursement by application. -3- I 1 TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT INSTRUCTIONS (Texas Local Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Fund Program) General All plans and specifications must be approved by the Department prior to invitation to bid and construction. The Architect and/or Engineer preparing the plans and specifications should be registered and his or her seal and signature placed on all construction drawings prior to submittal for Department review. The attached "Plans and Specifications Guidelines" should be furnished to the Architect or Engineer and accompany the plans and specifications when they are forwarded for Department review. When the plans and specifications are completed, forward two (2) sets by cover letter to the Department with the enclosed Pre -construction Certificate and Handicapped Accessibility Statement of Intent (see next paragraph). Physically Handicapped Requirements The standards and specifications adopted by the Architectural Barriers Branch of the State Purchasing and General Services Commission (SP&GSC) to comply with Section 7, Article 601b, V.T.C.S. are required to be included in the design of the park facilities. A copy of the standards and specifications and forms (Statement of Intent) to be accomplished are enclosed for your information and use. The Statement of Intent form must be submitted to the Department. with the plans and specifications. The 2 Department will forward to the SP&GSC and return to the sponsor after the SP&GSC has acknowledged receipt. Permits The Participant shall insure that all applicable permits or approvals have been obtained prior to construction. A copy of these approvals or permits shall be provided the Department. Examples include, but are not limited to 1) Corps of Engineers Permit for construction in the waters of the United States, 2) Texas Department of Health approval for swimming pools, 3) Texas Department of Health approval of new water or sewage systems, 4) Texas Historical Commission approval of archeological assessment. Civil Rights The contractor is required to comply with regulations issued pursuant to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with respect to nondiscrimination in assisted programs of the Department. The following provisions known as EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE are to be incorporated verbatim in each contract. "During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows: "M The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, or national origin. The contractor will take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; 3 rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection of training, including apprenticeship. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the contracting officer setting forth the provisions of the nondiscrimination clause. 11(2) The contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, color, sex, or national origin. "(3) The contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which. he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice, to be provided by the agency contracting officer, advising the labor union or workers' representative of the contractor's commitments under Section 202 of Executive Order No. 11246, as amended (3CFR 169 (1974)), and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. I'M The contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No. 11246, as amended, and of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. 11(5) The contractor will furnish all information and reports required by Executive Order No. 11246, as amended, and by the rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the contracting agency and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders. 11(6) in the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this contract or with any of such rules, regulations, or orders, this contract may be canceled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part and the contractor may be declared ineligible for further Government contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order No. 11246, as amended, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order No. 11246, as amended or by rule, regulation, or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. 11(7) The contractor will include the provisions of Paragraphs (1) through (7) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to Section 204 of Executive Order No. 11246, as amended, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. The contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order, as the contracting agency may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, that in the event the contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the contracting agency, the contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interest of the United States." Program Funds All bidders will be informed that State funds will be used to assist in construction. This can be accomplished in the "special provisions" of the specifications or in the bidding documents. 5 Contract and Bond Requirements A. For contracts expected to exceed $5,000, public notice shall be published as required by Article 2368a, V.T.C.S. to solicit competitive bids. B. Standard construction practices recommend a bid guarantee from each bidder equivalent to five percent of the bid price. The "bid guarantee" shad consist of a firm commitment such as a bid bond, certified check, or other negotiable instrument accompanying a bid as assurance that the bidder will, upon acceptance of his bid, execute such contractual documents as may be required within the time specified. C. For contracts exceeding $25,000 the following applies: 1. A performance bond on the part of the contractor for 100 percent of the contract price. A "performance bond" is one executed in connection with a contract to secure fulfillment of all the contractor's obligations under such contract. 2. A payment bond on the part of the contractor for 100 percent of the contract price. A "payment bond" is one executed in connection with a contract to assure payment as required by law of all persons supplying labor and materials in the execution of the work provided for in the contract. 3. In lieu of the bond requirements for contracts less than $50,000, a provision that no money will be paid to the contractor until completion and acceptance may be included in the contract. 01 The Participant shall include, in addition to provisions to define a sound and complete agreement, the following provisions in all contracts: A. Contracts shall contain such contractual provisions or conditions which will allow for administrative, contractual, or legal remedies in instances where contractors violate or breach contract terms, and provide for such sanctions and penalties as may be appropriate. B. All contracts, amounts for which are in excess of $10,000 shall contain suitable provisions for termination by the Participant including the manner by which it will be effected and the basis for settlement. In addition, such contracts shall describe conditions under which the contract may be terminated for default as well as conditions where the contract may be terminated because of circumstances beyond the control of the contractor. Program Acknowledgement Appropriate acknowledgement of Fund assistance is required. A. Temporary Signs - All development projects, including combined projects (acquisition and development) will be signed until completion of development. In the case of combined projects, signing can commence at the time development is initiated with the sign acknowledging both acquisition and development. Acquisition projects will be signed for a period of not less than 6 months. 7 Publicizing an acquisition project by installation of signs prior to the completion of the acquisition, particularly those involving the acquisition of several parcels, could seriously affect the negotiations for the properties to be acquired. Therefore, signing of acquisition projects should be delayed until the acquisition of all parcels is completed and all relocations have occurred. Development projects should be signed at the time construction is initiated. Temporary signs shall be no less than 3 feet by 4 feet (12 square feet) and no larger than 6 feet by 8 feet (48 square feet). The attached sample reflects the minimum standard required for the sign. The second line will indicate whether the project is acquisition, development or both. The temporary sign should have a white background with either red or blue lettering. It is acceptable to use both red and blue lettering where one color is used to highlight the project sponsor and the Fund, and the other color for the remaining lettering. B. Permanent Signs - Suitable permanent public acknowledgement for all development projects is required. This acknowledgment will be in the form of a permanent sign which represents the State -- Local partnership role in creating outdoor recreation opportunities. It is suggested that this permanent acknowledgement be in the form of a plaque to minimize maintenance costs. The wording of .01 the permanent sign should reflect that shown in the enclosed suggested layout. Please let us review and approve your plans for permanent recognition when they are finalized. Reimbursement When plans and specifications have been approved by the Department and construction has been initiated, billing will not be processed until copies of bid advertisement, bid tabulations and executed contracts are furnished the Department. The contract must be awarded to the low bidder unless a request for award of contract to other than low bidder has been submitted to the Department and approved. Enclosed is a folder with a project tabular summary and guidelines for preparation of billings. Enclosure o Plans and specifications'guidelines o Pre -construction Certificate o Physically handicapped standards w/statement form o Billing folder THE CITY OF Public outdoor Recreation Site" Aided by THE TEXAS LOCAL PARK, RECREATION a OPEN SPACE FUND Administered by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department .FUNDING STATE 50% $ 50,000 City of 50% S 502000 Total Project $100 000 As Appropriate '� Acquisition, Development, or Acquisition and Development A TEXAS LOCAL PARKS, RECREATION, AND OPEN SPACE FUND PROJECT SPONSORED BY: THE CITY OF ANYTOWN TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT DEDICATED JANUARY 1, 1983 J.T:.ALDERS -MAYOR SUSAN JONES-CITY COMMISSION THOMAS AND GREER- LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS PROJECT NAME Friendswood Pool and Fitness Center 20-00106 PROJECT NUMBER This is a tentative schedule to be used as a guide to the timely completion of various elements of this project. Complete only those items applicable to your project. Dates may be revised if necessary. Items of schedule should be discussed in the Quarterly Status Report. If more than one con- tractor, combine into one period, Use most accurate dates available when completing or revising schedule. ACQUISITION Project Approval (Official) PWD Approval of Appraisers Prepare Appraisal PWD Review/Approval Complete Acquisition Billing for Acquisition CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION TIME PERIOD 3 Weeks APPROX. DATE REMARKS Esc TIME PERIOD APPROX. DATE Project Approval (Official) Preparation of Plans & Specs PWD Review/Approval 2 Weeks Advertise/Receive Bids Contract Award Start Construction First Partial Billing Complete Construction Final Billing FORCE ACCOUNT CONSTRUCTION TIME PERIOD Project Approval Preparation of Plans & Specs PWD Review/Approval 2 Weeks Start Construction First Partial Billing Complete Construction Final Billing Prepared by Revised by Revised by APPROX. DATE REMARKS REMARKS Telephone: AC PWD 424 (4/132) 4601 15 Drinking Fountains and Water Coolers, are provided, an appropriate number but accessible route and shall comply with this section. If drinking fountains or water coolers never less than one shall be provided the standards and specifications of (1) Appropriate Number. A minimum of 30% of the total number of units located within a building or facility shall be considered appropriate provided they are strategically located througout the facility. The appropriate number of accessible units in exterior locations, such as in parks and recreational and sports facilities, shall be based on the total number of units provided and the distance and location of the units. (2) Clearances. (A) For frontal approach, wall and post -mounted cantilevered units shall have a clear knee space between the bottom of the apron and the floor or ground, 25 to 27 inches (64 to 69 cm) high, 30 inches (76 cm) wide, and 17 to 19 inches (43 to 48 cm) deep. Such units shall also have a minumum clear floor space of 30x48 inches (76x122 cm) to allow a person in a wheelchair to approach the unit facing forward. (B) Free-standing or built-in units not having a clear space under them, shall have a clear floor space in front sufficient in size to allow a person in a wheelchair to make a parallel approach to the unit. (3) Spouts. Accessible drinking units shall have up -front spout outlets no higher than 36 inches (91 cm) measured from the floor. The spout shall direct the water flow in a trajectory that is parallel or nearly parallel to the front of the unit. The spout shall provide a flow of water approximately 4 inches (10 cm) high so that a cup or glass may be inserted under the flow of water. (4) Controls. Controls shall be up -front no higher than 36 inches (91 cm) nor lower than 28 inches (71 cm) above the floor. They shall be operable with one hand and shall not require tight grasping, pinching or severe twisting of the wrist. The force required to activate controls shall be no greater than 5 .l bf. 4601 •(Rev.' 4-82 ) STANDARDS FOR FACILITIES USABLE BY PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED The attached standards and illustrations are extracted from standards established by the State Purchasing and General Services Commission. This extract is not intended to show all the standards but to highlight those most commonly encountered in our program. For a complete set of the standards, contact the Architectural Barriers Branch, State Purchasing and General Services Commission, P. 0. Box 13047, Austin, Texas 78711. Phone 512/475-2943. 1 Parking and Passenger Loading Zones, (1) Appropriate Number. The appropriate number of parking spaces should be based on the location and function of the buildings or facilities the parking is to serve but never less than the number specified below: TABLE (e)1 Minimum Number Total Parkin S aces Available of Accessible Spaces 1 - 50 1 51 - 100 2 101 - 300 3 (2) Location. Accessible parking spaces and accessible passenger loading zones that serve a particular building should be located on an accessible Circulation route and as near as possible to the accessible primary entries of the building or facility. (3) Parking Space Specifications. An accessible parking space is one that is open on at least one side and which allows room for individuals in wheelchairs, crutches or braces to safely get in and out of a vehicle onto a level surface suitable for wheeling and walking. Accessible parking spaces should not be located in such a place that would cause persons to wheel or walk behind parked cars. (A) Head -in or diagonal spaces shall be at least 96 inches (244 cm) wide with an adjacent aisle or clear space of at least 60 inches (152 cm) wide. A common aisle between two 96 inch wide spaces may be shared. See Figures (e)1.1 thru (e)1.4. In order to better accommodate handicapped persons using vans with side lifts, an aisle of 72 inches (183 cm) is preferred. (B) Parallel parking is discouraged except when it can be situated in such a manner that persons entering and exiting vehicles will be out of the flow of traffic. (C) Parked vehicle overhangs shall not intrude into or reduce the clearance of accessible routes. See Figure (e)1. (D) Parking surfaces and accessible aisles shall not have a slope in any direction in excess of 1:50 (2%). (E) Accessible parking spaces shall be identified and reserved for the handicapped by a sign incorporating the symbol of accessibility and placed so that it will not be obscured by parked vehicles. The signage shall be of such size that it is legible from a distance that would be reasonable for the condition. See Figure (e)3 for an example of an acceptable sign. i 318 3I8 3 1 112 4 718 5 2 R E SA�'E mn V 2C �- 4 114 -*- 4 114 1 2C A- 1/2P 3 3 1 COLORS LEGEND ANO BORDER -GREEN 18 a'rt r { BACKGROUND-WifTE WKTE SYMBOL ON BLUE BACKGROUND 0 r ) 3l4 r '1 1 112 1. 1... `�� aG 0P +rrrw swrwwsrrr�wwwr� ,� 3 71a . 3 718 2 112 17z xut "IOR Dam t icnaD AAWOM l w� PAT BE VSEO ED SGM f0 HRRa Afl iR[ fit StRY[D f U VA W54 10ON t2X0UKXBf K A SW VA" S. yrr 4 TD DC ' �cn ro u� ,� srkct 5aftt. 3/8 /4 A. 50-200. FINE ,� COLORS LEGEND AND BORDER -GREEN _ E Y$ BACKGROUND - WHITE 'WITHOUT VEHICLE 7Y/8G PERMIT —7//bG 2' 12 R7-®a FIGURE (f) ) � no`mani"rn""n{v , 5 N Ramps. Any part of an accessible route with a slope greater than 1:20 (5%) shall be considered a ramp and shall comply with this section. EXCEPTION: Sloped surfaces less than 6% and less than 30 feet (9 m) in length may be acceptable. (1) Slope and Rise. Ramps shall not exceed the slope and rise ratios set out in Table (h).1. (2) Width. The minimum clear width of a ramp shall be 48 inches (122 cm). EXCEPTION: Single run ramps not in excess of 30 feet (9 m) in length may have widths of no less than 36 inches (91 cm). (3) Landings. Ramps shall have level landings at the bottom and top of each run complying with the following: (A) The landings shall be at least as wide as the widest ramp run leading to it. (B) The landing length shall be a minimum of 60 inches (152 cm) clear. (C) There shall be a level landing of at least 60x6O inches (152x152 cm) wherever ramps change direction. (4) Handrails. Any ramp or portion of a ramp having a horizontal projection greater than 72 inches (183 cm) shall have handrails on both sides. Hand- rails are not required on curb ramps. Ramp handrails shall comply,with this paragraph. (A) Handrails shall be provided along both sides of ramp segments. The inside handrail on switchback or dogleg ramps shall always be continuous. (B) Where handrails are not continuous, they shall extend at least 12 inches (30 cm) beyond the top and bottom of the ramp segment. and shall be,parallel with the floor or ground surface. Full extensions shall not be required where such exceptions would create protruding hazards. (C) Handrails that are wall -mounted or are located adjacent to another surface of object, shall have a clear space between the rail and wall surface or object of at least 11 inches (4 cm). (D) Handrail gripping surfaces shall be continuous without interruption by mounting brackets, mullions, or newal posts, 0 Toilet Rooms. When toilet facilities are provided, an appropriate number but never less than one shall comply with this section. (1) Appropriate Number and Location. At least 20% of the total number of restroom units within a building or facility, shall comply with the standards and specifications of this section and shall be located in places considered equitable to the remaining units. Accessible men's and women's restrooms shall be required except in buildings and facil- ities where only unisex restrooms are provided. (2) Doors and Entrances. All doors to and within applicable toilet rooms shall comply with Section on Doors. Doors shall not swing into the clear floor space required for any fixture. Alcove or vestibule entries in applicable toilet rooms shall comply with Section on Doors, and shall not have door configurations in conflict with that section. (3) Clear Floor Space. All applicable fixtures and controls required by this section to be accessible, shall be on an accessible route. An unobstructed turning space of at least 60x60 inches (152xl52 cm) shall be provided in all applicable toilet rooms. The clear floor spaces at fixtures and controls, the accessible route, and the turning space may overlap provided the clear space under fixtures is at least 27 inches (68 cm) above the floor. (4) Toilet Stalls. If toilet stalls are provided in toilet rooms required to be accessible, then a reasonable number but always at least one shall: (A) be on an accessible route. (B) have the size and arrangement complying with appropriate standards and specifications and in the configurations illustrated in Fig- ures (1) 1.1 and (1) 1.2. (C) have a toe clearance of no less than 9 inches (23 cm) under the front partition and at least one side partition. If the depth of the stall is greater than 60 inches (152 cm), then a toe clear- ance is not required. (D) If doors are provided, they shall be outswinging and shall comply with Section on Doors. Door openings greater than 32 inches shall be required when the approach and turning requirements restrict wheelchair movement. Maneuvering clearances at stall openings shall be as shown in Figure (1) 1. To make it easier for users to close toilet stall doors, it is recommended that spring hinges, closers, or pull --bars mounted on the inside surface of the door near the hinge side be provided. 11 (A) Height. Urinals shall be floor -mounted or wall -hung with an elongated rim mounted no higher than 17 inches (43 cm). (B) Clear Floor Space. A clear floor area of at least 30x48 inches (76x122 cm) shall be provided in front of urinals to allow a forward approach. (C) Flush Controls. Flush controls shall be hand -operated and shall be mounted on the wide side of the toilet area no more than 44 inches (112 cm) nor less than 28 inches (71 cm) above the floor. (7) Lavatories. If lavatories are provided, a reasonable number but always at least one shall comply with this paragraph. Lavatory approach accessibility may be satisfied by complying with either sub -paragraph (A) or (B) below. (A) Frontal approach accessibility shall be achieved by complying with the height and space requirement shown in Figures (1)4.1 and (1)4.2. (B) Side approach accessibility can be achieved by complying with the height and space requirements shown in Figures (1)4.3 and (1)4.4. (C) Hot water and drain pipes under lavatories shall be insulated or otherwise covered and there shall be no sharp or abrasive surfaces under the lavatories. (p) Faucet controls and other operating devices relative to the use of lavatories, shall be within the reach limitations prescribed in Section (c) and as shown in Figure (1)4. Faucet controls shall be operable with one hand and shall not require tight grasping, pinching or severe twisting of the wrist. The force required to activate controls shall be no greater than 5 lbf. Lever -operated, push -type, and electronically controlled mechanisms are examples of preferred designs. Self -closing valves shall remain open for at least ten (10) seconds. (8) Toilet Room Fixtures and Equipment. (A) Mirrors. If mirrors are provided, an appropriate number but never less than one, shall be mounted so that the bottom edge is no higher than 40 inches (102 cm) from the floor. They shall be mounted on an accessible route at a location consistent with that of other mirrors in the same restroom. EXCEPTION: Mirrors having a permanent (fixed) tilt may be mounted higher than the prescribed height provided the viewing level is equal to the 40 inch (102'cm) height at a distance of approximately 48 inches (122 cm). See Figure (1)5. 13 r (1) I , 2 1( stall door width is: 32 in (01 cm),Y shall be 40 in (102 cm) min. ; 36 in (9) (m),Y shall 6. 36 in (9) cm) min T3 in r (1) 1 .3 5 2 min 3i FIGURE (1) 1 32 min _��8saq Lf I�iIN FIGURE (1)_- 48 min 2 (1) 3.2 FIGURE (1) 3 (I) 3.3 IIF 'TP;_, xM0 GENERAL SERVICES C0'MI5SI0iQ +BC--30057-80 p, 0, Box 1AU471 Capitol Station ;Austin, -texas 78711 Handicapped Accessibility Statement of Intent 1 the undersigned building owner or authorized agent, having examined Section 7, Article 601b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, am familiar with the provisions thereof, and do hereby notify the State Purchasing and General Services Commission of the below described project and certify that I will perform, or cause to be performed, all services necessary to complete said project so that it will comply with the provisions of the aforementioned statute. ILDING OWNER/PUB MAILING ADDRESS NAME OF BUILDING OR pACILITY EST. DATE OF COMPLETION LOCATION (ADDRESS) OF nUILD1111 0'' FACILITY ARCHITECT F, MAILING ADDRESS PROJECT DESCRIPTION Signed oil this the _ day of By: Name or An, C of Building Owner Title: CITY ZIP CODE COUNTY , 19 Signature of Authorizcd'Wnit Received by the State Purchasing and General Services Commission this day of 19— 'i'FiIS FOIE 1S ADOPTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH BOARD RULE: 580 PROMULGATED UNDER PIE JTQ z5 UA OV '_RiICLE 601b, SUPRA, AND IS TO ACCOMPANY THE, PROJECT PLANS AND SPEECIFICATIGNS iti 0!E ARE SUSAEI'I'I-FD TO THE COgE,JJSSION FOR REVIEW. I m,ried i R t c ly IAI)OIz COMPI e tion of the project, the building owner or his authorized agent shall furnish the Commission with an accurate and complete statement verifying that the ,ply with the Act. i'urst�rt to buildings and facilities covered in this project co Rule 551, the Commis;ion may inspect all subject buildings and facilities ter the purpose of verifying statements of compliance, Athessibil ssionitY only upon certifications Or ing�of compliance described in Rule S82, will be issued by [)ursua1't to such inspections or verifications. 4601 (8-82) TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS GUIDELINES PURPOSE These guidelines describe the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department's policy regarding the preparation, review and approval of construction plans and specifications for development projects undertaken with assistance from the Department's Grants -in -Aid program. PLANS REVIEW Registered Professional Engineers, Architects, and Landscape Architects of the Department review all plans and specifications. Plans and specifications must be officially transmitted to the Department from the sponsor by a letter of transmittal accompanied by a pre -construction certificate. Plans and specifications will not be considered for review unless they bear the registration seal of the consultant, who is reminded that ethically his seal should appear only on documents for which he is personally responsible and technically proficient. Permits or letters of approval from other applicable State agencies must accompany submittals, if not furnished previously. (Examples: Texas Department of Health for swimming pools, new water or sewer systems; Texas Historical Commission for archeological clearance). REVIEW PERIOD A minimum of two (2) weeks should be allowed for review; consultant or applicant conferences with review personnel must necessarily be handled by appointment. LIMITS OF REVIEW AND APPROVAL The Parks Division of the Department is a reviewing body only, and its staff may not act as designers nor furnish detailed estimates. Review of design features will be limited to those delineated by the "Pre -Construction Certificate", stated thusly: 1. Meet all applicable Federal, State and local codes and current engineering practices (this responsibility is to be borne by the consultant whose seal is affixed to the plans and specifications); L'a;e 2 2. That health, safety, durability and economy receive considera- tion consistent with the scope and objectives of the project; 3. That design is in good taste; 4. That the proposed development is suitable for the environment and will not harm the esthetic value of the area; and 5. That provisions have been made to insure adequate supervision by competent personnel. PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED REQUIREMENTS The standards and specifications adopted by the Architectural Barriers Section of the State Purchasing and General Services Commission to comply with Article 601b of V.T.C.S. are required to be included in the design of the park facili- ties. PROGRAM ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SIGNS The format, location and construction details of signs acknowledging Fund assis- tance will be included on plans. INFORMATION REQUIRED Submitted plans and specifications shall in all cases be in sufficient detail to permit a comprehensive evaluation of the project. Because a project is to be constructed by force account rather than by contract does not relieve the applicant nor the State of their responsibilities to provide technically ade- quate construction documents. Bid proposals must identify costs of any portion of the work not supported by Fund assistance. These costs must be easily separated for audit purposes. Plans and specifications are not required on items such as playground equip- ment, picnic tables and benches to be purchased; however, the manufacturer's name and model number must be furnished. Plans and specifications for the installations must be provided. The attached design checklist labeled "Attachment #1 - Checklist for Plans and Specifications" establishes the minimum construction document elements required for Parks and Wildlife Department review. It is intended to assist the consul- tant and his client (the applicant) in obtaining rapid approval without dicta- ting criteria, creativity or originality. TYPES OF REVIEW ACTION The Sponsor will be informed of the result of the Department review: . Page 3 a l 1. Approval as submitted; 2. Approval as noted (subject to corrections, changes, etc. noted on documents); 3. Approval of certain portions as submitted or noted; or 4. Disapproval pending resubmittal. CONSTRUCTION PHASE Periodic inspections by Department representatives should be expected. Project change orders must be forwarded to the Department for review and approval prior to construction. FINAL INSPECTION Upon notification by the applicant or his representative that a project has been completed, the Parks and Wildlife Department will conduct a final inspection of records and facilities. Items not constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications may be disqualified for participation in the Grants--in- Aid program. r . t F� ATTACHMENT #1 Checklist for Plans and Specifications This checklist is designed for use by the Consultant, the Applicant and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department review personnel, in that order. Its purpose is to assist the involved parties in expediently meeting minimum criteria for recreational project development. Each item of the checklist should be marked by the consultant and applicant and submitted with plans and specifications to be reviewed. H PA H e S U H PLANS 1. General a. Sheet size, 24" x 36" preferred. b. Title Block, State Project Number, and Professional Registration Seal on all sheets. c. Vicinity Map d. Site plan showing location of all proposed facilities and existing facilities. e. Clearly indicate which"portions of work are to be accomplished by Force Account and which are to be by Contract work. f. Clearly indicate any work not included in project funding. g. North Arrows shown on all maps and site plans. h. Scale shown for all drawings. i. Indicate existing and finished contours and/or grades. J. Locate all Bench Marks. k. Program acknowledgement sign. t � 1 H H H U z a 2. Buildings a. Site plan - may be combined with other project elements if sufficient detail can be reflected, b. Sufficient number of elevations to depict each different view of building. c. Minimum of two cross -sections (longitudinal and transverse) including foundation; additional as needed, d. Foundation plan including structural details (reinforcing, etc.) e. Plumbing - plan and riser diagram, 1) cold water; 2) hot water; 3) gas; 4) waste and drains. f. Electrical - plan, circuitry diagram, symbols and schedule. g. Mechanical (HVAC) - plan, details, schedule. h. Room finish schedules (floor, wall, ceiling, etc.) i. Door and window schedule. J. Details - wall and roof sections; miscellaneous details necessary for fabrication and installa- tion of all building components. k. Dimensioned floor plan for each level. 1. Sufficient number of interior elevations to depict each different view. M. Identification of special provisions for use by handicapped. 3. Structures Other Than Buildings a. Site plan - may be combined with other project elements if sufficient detail can be reflected. b. Minimum of two (2) elevations, C. Minimum of two (2) sections, including foundation. d. Foundation plan including structural details, e. Sufficient dimensions to allow easy construction. E "4 U F-1 CI] � A U a,' E-{r 4. Roads and Parking a. Site Plan - may be combined with other project elements if sufficient detail can be reflected. b. Plan/Profile on roads. C. Cross-section showing type and dimension of materials, slopes, etc. d. Drainage patterns, grades, structures, etc. e. Existing and finished grades; spot elevations as required for clarity. f. All necessary dimensions, curve data, etc. 5. Landscaping (including nature trails, hiking trails, bikeways, turf, shrubbery, trees, landscaping struc- tures, irrigation systems) a, Site Plan -- may be combined with other project elements if sufficient detail can be reflected. b. Existing and finished grades; spot elevations as required for clarity, drainage patterns as appropriate. C. Planting Plans; give dimensions and plant spacings, indicate existing and proposed plant materials by accepted common name; provide key for proposed plant material listing quantity, common name, scientific name, size plant, and transplanting condition (i.e., B & B, BR, Con- tainer) d. Transplanting and staking details for typical tree planting, shrub bed, and/or ground cover bed planting. e. Plans, elevations, cross -sections, and con- struction details as required for site develop- ments including walks, trails, curbs, retaining walls, foot bridges, steps, ramps, fences, bar- riers, entrance portals and signing, H H H r.a V ram- H C!] r-7 z a U f, Sprinkler system plan including sized piping diagram, sprinkler head locations, and key for sprinkler head selections; typical spacing detail indicating coverage pattern, full, half, quarter, etc,; riser, valve, and piping installation details. Provide control wire/tubing diagram, valve location, etc, as required for atuomatci type system. Provide detailed specifications of all equipment proposed. 6, Water Systems a, Site Plan - may be combined with other project elements if sufficient detail can be reflected, b. Profile on all lines 6" or larger. C. Indicate size and type of: materials of all lines. d. Show size and location of all valves, and valve boxes, e, Details -- equipment installation, f. Typical details - ditch, line installation, etc. i. Sewage Systems a. Site Plan - may be combined with other project elements if sufficient detail can be reflected. b. Profile on all lines larger than 4". c. Location and details of all manholes and cleanouts. d. Indicate size and type of materials, e. Details -- equipment installations, f. Typical details - ditch. line installation, etc, 8, Electrical System a, Site Plan -- may be combined with other project elements if sufficient detail can be reflected, b. Indicate line size and type. C. Indicate Primary and Secondary distribution System. d. Building distribution schematic. e. Show location and size of all transformers, disconnects, and panels. f. Details - equipment installation. g. Typical details. h. Identify any existing overhead lines. 9. Telephone, Gas and Other Utilities a. Site plan - may be combined with other project elements if sufficient detail can be reflected. b. Indicate size and type of material. c. Details - as required. z H En O H N SPECIFICATIONS *1. Addenda (stapled to inside of front cover) *2. Invitation and Instruction to Bidders *3. Special Instructions to Bidders *4. Contractor's Proposal Forms *5. Performance Bond Forms *6. Payment Bond Forms *7. Contract Forms *8. Certificate of Insurance *9. General Conditions *10. Supplementary and/or Special Conditions a. Statement regarding use of Program Funds b. Equal Opportunity Clause (non -Discrimination Provision) C. Wage Scale d. Other 11. Detailed Technical Specifications a. Table of Contents b. Technical sections - by major project element and/or craft involved. r *Not specifically required on Force Account Projects PRE -CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATION "I hereby certify that construction plans and specifications to be used in conjunction with Project No. are on file and that they meet all applicable Federal,.State, and local codes and current engineering practices; that health, safety, durability, and economy received consideration consis- tent with the scope and objectives of the project; that the design is in good taste; that the proposed development is suitable for the envi- ronment and will not harm the esthetic value of the area; and that pro- visions have been made to insure adequate supervision by competent personnel." Signature Date Name Title Pwo 453 { 7/721 6700