HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 04 06 Charter RevisionsI
(Adopted by Public Vote April 6, 1974)
(Adopted by Public Vote April 6, 1974)
Section 2.03 Eminent Domain (page 4, Line 7) presently reading "property
of railroads" arrended to read "property by railroads."
Section 2.05 Street Developrrent and Improvements (Amended)
The City shall have the power to develop and improve, or cause to be developed and improved, any and all public streets or ways within the corporate limits of the City by laying out, opening, narrowing, widening, straightening, extending, lighting, and establishing building lines along the same; by purchasing, condemning, and taking property therefor; by filling, grading, raising, lowering, paving, repaving, and repai'ring, in a permanent manner, the same; and by constructing, reconstructing, altering, repairing, and realigning curbs, gutters, drains, sidewalks, culverts, and other appurtenances and incidentals in connection with such development and improvement authorized hereinabove, or any combination or parts thereof. The cost of such development and improvement may be paid partly by assessments levied as a lien against the property abutting thereon and against the owners thereof.
When the City undertakes developing, improving, and paving any and all public streets, sidewalks ,, alleys, highways, and other public ways within its corporate limits, the City shall have the power and authority to proceed in accordance with Chapter 106, Page 489, Acts 1927, Fortieth Legislature, First Call Session, as now or hereafter amended, the same being Article 1105b of the Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes of Texas.
The procedure for the adoption of ordinance for street development and improvement shall be:
A.A copy of the proposed ordinance shall be furnished to (l) eachmember of the City Council (2) the City Attorney, and (3) ·anycitizen of the City upon request to the City Secretary, atleast three days before the date of the meeting at which theordinance is to be considered.
B.A street development and improvement ordinance may be adoptedand finally passed at the meeting at which it is introduced.
Section 3.05 Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tern (Second paragraph amended to read:)
The Mayor Pro-Tern shall be a Councilman elected by the Council at the first regular Council meeting following each regular City election. The Mayor Pro-Tern shall act as Mayor during the di sability or absence of the Mayor, and in this capacity shall have the rights and duties conferred upon the Mayor.
Section 3.06 Vacancies. Forfeiture, Filling of Vacancies (Paragraph C.
amended to read as fo 11 ows:)
C. When a vacancy shall develop, a special election shall be called by the Council within thirty (30) days following the occurrence of the vacancy to fill the vacancy in the same manner as described herein
for regular elections. However, if such vacancy occurs within one
hundred twenty (120) days prior to a regular election, then no special election shall be called.
Notwithstanding the requirement in Section 2.10 that a quorum of the Counci l consists of four members, if at any time the membership
of the Council is reduced to less than four, the remaining members may by majority action appoint additional members to raise the membership
to four. These a ppointees shall serve until the positions can be filled at the next regular or special City election.
section 3.11 Ordinances in General
(Paragraph B, last paragraph, amended to read as follows:)
A proposed ordinance, (except emergency ordinances; budget/tax
ordinances; ordinances relative to street development and improvements;
and ordinances relative to borrowing for capital improvements) shall be read on three regular Council meetings, with at least two weeks elapsing between each reading. A proposed ordinance may be amended at any reading,
but any amended ordinance shall automatically be placed again on first reading at a subsequent meeting. The procedure for the adoption of an emergency ordinance shall be in accordance with Section 3.12 hereof; the
procedure for the adoption of budget/tax ordinances ahl1 be in accordance with Section 8.03 hereof; the procedure for the adoption of ordinances relative to street development and improvement shall be in accordance with Section 2,05 hereof; and the procedure for the adoption of ordinances relative to borrowing for capital improvements shall be in accordance with Sec ti on 8 .05 hereof .
( Paragraph C, amended to read as fo 11 ows:)
Effective Date: Every ordinance shall become effective upon adoption, or at any later time specified in the ordinance, except that every ordinance imposing any penalty, fine, or forfeiture shall become effective after the caption, the offense and penalty clauses of the
ordinance have been published in the official City newspaper.
(Paragraph D, amended to read as follows:)
The reading aloud of the title of the ordinance shall suffice as a reading, provided printed copies of the ordinance, in the form
required for adoption, are in front of all members of Council and a reasonable number of additional copies are available to citizens present at the meeting. If two Councilmen request that the ordinance be read in its entirety, it must be so read.
Section 3.17 (New Section added)
Duly elected City Officials acting in their offi ci a 1 capacity
shall be protected by the City from personal financial loss resulting from Council decisions made while in official sessions as a result of law suits filed pertaining to such decisions.
Section 6.02 Filing for Office (Paragraph A, Item 5 amended to read:)
5. An incumbent seeking election must file for the same officeor position number presently serving. If incun:bent seeks
another office or position number, he must first resign.
(Paragraph B, amended to read:)
B. Procedure and Schedule for Filing. Any qualified voter of the
City may be nominated for an elective office by petition of ten such voters who shall be designated as his sponsors. No voter shall sign more than one petition for a particular office or
position number; if a voter signs more than one, his signature
shall be void except as to the first fi 1 ed of the peti ions signed by him. The signatures shall be executed in ink or indelible pencil. Each signer shall indicate next to his signature the date of his signing and the place of his residence. The signed petition shall be filed with the City Secretary not earlier than 90 days or later than the normal posted close of business 30 days before the election.
(Paragraph D, new paragraph, added)
D.Public Disclosure. Candidates shall file with the City Secretary 21 days prior to day of election a financial disclosure statement containing the following information. This should include information pertaining to the candidate, his or her spouse, and dependent minor children.
l. List of all property owned or held in trust within the citylimits and extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city. This
list should include location (address), size (general dimen
sions) and current use.
2. List of all fees, sal aries or gifts of value exceeding $10.00 received from companies or individuals under contract with the city during the twelve months prior to filing for public office.
3.0.-,.nership of any stock in companies under contract to the citywhen such stock comprises greater than 2% of the company's
total outstanding stock.
Section 8.05 Borrowing for Capital Improvements (Paragraph E, new paragraph added)
E. The procedure for adoption of any ordinance relative to borrowing for caoital improverrents shall be:
1.A copy of the proposed ordinance shall be furnished to(1)each member of the City Council, (2) the City Attorney,and (3) any citizen of the City upon request to the CitySecretary, at least three days before the date of the meetin gat which the ordinance is to be considered.
2. Any ordinance relative to borrowing for capital improvementsmay be adopted and finally passed at the meeting at which itis introduced.