HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 01 22 Charter-articleLEGAL NOTICE Plans, specifications and bidding documents are available at the City Secretary's office duringg regular business hours at 109 Willowick, Riendswood, Texas The Person to contact for adddional information is Jon R. Branson at 462- 3245. Deloris Archer, CMC City Secretaryry City oP FrierxJswood ', NOTICE TO BIDDERS ', CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS '', BID NO. 692-2 ', Sealed bids, marked "POOL ', PREPARATION', will be received, in '.. duplicate, in the office of the City '; Secretary, 3519 .Liberty Drive, P.O. ': Box 2068, Pearland, Texas, 77588, ®until it;00 A.M., February 5, 1992, at ',: which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud for the ? furnishing of all labor, material and equipment and pedorming of all work required for: ' SURFACE PREPARATION, CLEANING, RESURFACING AND WATER TREATMENT OF '. INDEPENDENCE PARK SWIMMING I POOL AND WADING POOL :. Bids shall be submitted in sealed envelopes upon the blank form of proposal furnished. ' All bid proposals shall be accompanied by a Cashier's Check '.. upon a National or State bank in the amounP of Pive percent (5%) of the total amount payable to the Owner, or a Bid Bond in Phe same amounP from '.'87 FORD ESCORT Air, APNFM, Standard Tmns- mission, Excellent Condition. ' /fit �. ♦.; �, 111 '90 FORD AEROSTAR VAN 7 Passeng r, V 6, XLT Package, Tilt wheel, Cruise Control' 9 999 Low Miles, Eztra Nice , • � � p � , � [r/ '87 NISSAN PULSAR 4/C Power. T-Top, Cassette, 3eally Nice. 4,999 B6 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREAflE I Door; V-e Automatic, Tilt yheel, Cruise Control,Power �Sdows, ANUFM, S5,000Milesl $3,495 LEGAL NOTICE a surety company authorized to do business in Texas as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract and execute a maintenance bond. Bids without check or bid bond will no4 be wnsidered. Prospective bidders may obtain drawings, specifications, and bid documents at the City Secretary's Office, 3519 Liberty Drive, Pearland Texas, 77581, with a deposit of $25.00 per set. This deposit will be refunded provided all bidding documents, plan and specifications are returned to the City Secretary in good condition no later than ten (10) calendar days after the time bids are received. Deposits for plans and specifications not returned as stated above will be considered forfeited. The City of Pearland reserves Phe right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities in bids received. Pat Jones City Secretary City of Pearland, Texas SHERIFFS NOTICE OF SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF Brazoria WHEREAS by virtue of writ of Execution issued out of the 239th District Court Brazoria County, Texas, on the 4th day of November 1991, in Cause No. 84G2219, where James L. Dahlenburg and wife Patrice Dahlenburg Ind. & James L. Dahlenburg as shareholder of del Ray Chemical International Inc. was/were Plaintiff, and George Hernandez, del Rey Chemical International, Inc. and del Rey Chemical Inc. was/were .-• 11; -• � rl t •'� • • f • �•1 ' • ` � . t 47 'E pue LEGAL N®TICE ul!ounoo rod Iq)„ Defendant, on a judgement renderer letE'ua6 in said Court against Defendant an 44 I J!ul in favor of the said Plaintiff, for the,��U(e), sum of $137,408.19 DOLLARS, wilt interest thereon at the rate of 10 % pebq sw,af cent per annum, from date o�6els aq judgemenP, together with all costs o liounoo su@; I did on the 13th day of Januaryiyl ayl. 1992, aP 12:00 o'clock p.m., levy upon the following described lots, tracts and �a,ow parcels of land situated in Brazorialea,q e County, Texas, as the property oP delunoo se Rey Chemical, Inc. ruoglppe to-wd: uos,ad A tract or parcel of land situated in LoGGou pegs No. 5 of a partition of Sections 30 andu,al ay1 35, H.T. R B.R.R. Company Surveyy,3,(_aa,41 Abstracts 552 and 296, respectively1l a,ow according to the plat recorded inan,as of Volume 82, Page 316 of the Deedu 'sw,a1 Records of Brazoria Countyy Texas,uyl ueyl and being more particularly by metesSlloedeo and bounds. ; uos,ad and on the 4th day of Pebruary 1992,E sw,a1 being the first Tuesday of said month,oala aq between the hours of 10 o'clock A.M.ew ayl„ and 4 o'dock P.M. on said day, at the courthouse door of said County, and I noasuoo will offer for sale and sell at public 6waq auction, for cash to the hghest bidder, �gtsod e all the right, title and in4eres4 04 del oea pue Rey Chemical Inc. in and to said aq Ileys above described Property. ew a Witness my hand this the 73th day of � ,o few January, 9992 0o ayj, E.J. King Sheriff, Brazoria County, Texas By Theresa Stelly Deputy The description of the property sh II ggive S oaS" the numberof acres, original survey,lorality �smopof in the county, and [he name by which the ', land is most generally known, but it shall sexal not be necessary for it to contain field ,ayey0 notes. �olloag & Gary Maze Local Owners '87 PONTIAC 6000 4 Door, Air, Power, Excellent �4 Condrtion, Low Miles. , '86 DODGE 1/2 TON PICKU@P� Air 8 Power, Good aJ, Work Truck. DJ '88 CHRYSLER LE BARON 2 Door, Arc, Automatic, @5afllll9 Power Windows and Seats, rr➢D 77777J Lg. Whl. Base, Auto, Pwr. Steenng q � ®t ��pp & Brakes, NC, Bedlinen hke New! �D 9 l [ • r r R{io (t)„ (e)„ If ol,. aaS„ '• .�. , ,' rig r r t. r