HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 11 14 Charter-memoM E M O R A N D U M
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Charter Review Commission
DATE: November 14, 1991
SUBJECT: Proposed Revisions to the Home Rule Charter of the City
of Friendswood
The Charter Review Commission hereby submits its report of
recommended amendments to the City's Home Rule Charter. Such
proposed amendments are as follows:
Proposed Amendment No. 1
The second paragraph of Subsection (c) of Section 3.06 of
Artic III of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas,
shall he after provide as follows:
3.o�Vacancies, forfeiture, filling of
"(c)....Notwith nding the requirement in Section
3.10 that a quorum of t council consists of four (4)
members, if at any time the mbership of the council
is reduced to less that four (4), a remaining members
may by majority action appoint addlltisnA 1 members to
raise the membership to four (4). These ointees
shall serve until the positions can be filled a e
next regular or special city election."
Proposed Amendment No. 2
tion 3.10 of Article III of the Charter of the City of
Friendsw , Texas, shall hereafter provide as follows:
3.10�Rules of procedure.
"The council 11, by resolution, determine its
own rules and order o usiness and the rules shall
provide that citizens o the city shall have a
reasonable opportunity to be rd at any meeting in
regard to any matter under conside on. The council
shall provide for minutes being taken recorded of
all meetings, and such minutes shall be a public
record. Voting, except on procedural motions, 11 be
by roll call if requested by the mayor or any
councilmember, and the ayes and nays shall be recor
in the minutes. Four (4) councilmembers shal
constitute a quorum for the purpose of transaction of
Proposed Amendment No. 3A
SuDg,tection (b) of Section 3.11 of Article III of the Charter
of the C115Y of Friendswood, Texas, shall hereafter provide as
"sec. 3a\ ordinances in general.
"(b) Proc ure: Any member of council may offer
any ordinance i writing that he/she desires after it
has been approve by the city attorney as to form and
has been placed Xn the agenda of a regular council
meeting. Copies o the proposed ordinance, in the form
required for adoptio shall be furnished to members of
council a minimum of a week before adoption. Copies
of the proposed ordin ce, in the form required for
adoption, shall be poste at the city hall and at least
one other public place shall be designated by
ordinance and shall be fu ished to citizens, upon
request to the city secrets , beginning one week
before adoption and, if amende shall be posted and
furnished in the amended form be 'nning one week prior
to the next reading and for as 1 g as the proposed
ordinance is before council.
"The city attorney shall review all proposed
ordinances prior to adoption and shask1 make any
suggestions and/or objections to the said rdinance in
writing to the city council.
"A proposed ordinance may be read at regular
council meetings only. A proposed ordinance may be
amended; however, if an amendment is made o the
proposed ordinance on the date designated for ado tion,
consideration of such amended ordinance for ad tion
shall be postponed until the next regular c ncil
Proposed Amendment No. 3B
Subsection (b) of Section 3.11 of Article III of the Charter
of the City of Friendswood, Texas, shall hereafter provide as
"Sec. 3.11e ordinances in general.
Any member of council may offer
any ordinance in _writing that he/she desires
after it
has been
approved by
the city attorney as to
form and
has been
placed on
the agenda of a regular
Copies of the
proposed ordinance, in
the form
for adoption,
shall be furnished to members of
council a
minimum of
one week before adoption.
of the proposed ordinance, in the form required for
adoption, shall be posted at the city hall and at least
one other public place as shall be designated by
ordinance and shall be furnished to citizens, upon
request to the city secretary, beginning one week
before adoption and, if amended, shall be posted and
furnished in the amended form beginning one week prior
to the next reading and for as long as the proposed
ordinance is before council. If an amendment is made
to the proposed ordinance at the time designated for
final reading, the final reading shall be postponed
until the next regular council meeting.
"The city attorney shall review all proposed
ordinances prior to adoption and shall make any
suggestions and/or objections to the said ordinance in
writing to the city council.
"A proposed ordinance shall be read at two (2)
regular council meetings, with at least two (2) weeks
lapsing between readings. However, the requirement of
reading an ordinance at two (2) regular council
meetings with at least two (2) weeks lapsing between
readings shall not apply to ordinances relating to the
adoption or amendment of a budget, the assessment,
levy, or collection of taxes, the calling of an
election, or the canvassing of the returns and
declaration of results of an election, the incurring of
indebtedness, including, specifically, the issuance or
sale of bonds or certificates of obligation, the
development or improvement of a street, or an emergency
if so declared by council. An ordinance requiring two
(2) readings shall be deemed rejected if consideration
on second reading is not obtained within ninety (90)
days of the date approval on first reading is
Proposed Amendment No. 3C
Section 3.12 of Article III of the Charter of the City of
Friendswood, Texas, shall hereafter provide as follows:
"Sec. 3.12. Emergency ordinances.
"To meet emergencies the council may adopt
emergency ordinances. Such ordinances shall not grant,
renew, or extend franchises, or regulate rates charged
by a public utility. Each emergency ordinance shall
contain a provision declaring the existence -of an
emergency. The affirmative vote of five (5) members
elected to council shall be required for adoption."
Proposed Amendment No. 4
Subsection (b) of Section 4.02 of Article IV of the Charter
of the City of Friendswood, Texas, shall hereafter provide as
"Sec. 4.02. Municipal court.
"(b) The judge of said court shall be appointed by
council to serve for a term of two (2) years. He/she
shall be an attorney licensed and practicing in the
State of Texas and shall receive such salary as may be
fixed by council."
Proposed Amendment No. 5
Paragraph (3) of Subsection (a) of Section 6.02 of Article
VI of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, which
nw paragraph (3) provides that persons in arrears in the payment of
�! taxes or other liabilities due the City shall not be qualified to
file for elective city office, shall be deleted in its entirety.
Proposed Amendment No. 6
Section 6.05 of Article VI of the Charter of the City of
Friendswood, Texas, shall hereafter provide as follows:
"8ec. 6.05. Oath of office.
"Every officer of the City, whether elected or
appointed, before entering upon the duties of office,
shall take and subscribe to the appropriate oath or
affirmation to be filed and kept in the office of the
city secretary."
Proposed Amendment No. 7
Article VII of the Charter of the City of Friendswood,
Texas, which Article VII provides for tax administration, shall
be deleted in its entirety.
Proposed Amendment No. 8
Subsection (g) of Section 8.04 of Article VIII of the
Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, shall hereafter
provide as follows:
"Sea. 8.04. Amendments after adoption.
"(q) Any ordinance relative to the adoption or
amendment of a fiscal year budget may be passed at the
meeting at which it is introduced."
Proposed Amendment No. 9
of Article IX of
the Charter of the
City of
shall hereafter
provide as follows:
"Sac. 9.09. Regulation of rates.
"To the extent permitted by law, the council shall
have full power to regulate the rates, charges, and
fares of each public utility franchise holder operating
in the city."
Proposed Amendment No. 10
Subsection (a) of Section 11.09 of Article XI of the Charter
of the City of Friendswood, Texas, shall hereafter provide as
"Sea. 11.09. Charter review commission.
11(a) Duties of the commission:
"(1) Inquire into the operation of the city
government under the charter provisions
and determine whether any such
provisions require revision. To this
end public hearings may be held.
"(2) Propose, if it deems desirable,
amendments to this charter to improve
the effective application of the charter
to current conditions.
"(3) Report its findings and present its
proposed amendments, if any; to the