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CC Minutes 2021-04-05 Regular
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR ACQUISITION & PROJECT MANAGEMENT CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD STANDARD CONTRACT AGREEMENT §THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF GAL VESTON/HARRIS § AGREEMENT FOR ACQUISITION AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, entered into as of this j_6_ day of. September, 2019, by and between the City of Friendswood, Texas (hereinafter called the “CITY") acting herein by its City Manager, duly authorized by action of the City Council of the City of Friendswood and Jeffrey S. Ward, & Associates lnc.,P.O. Box 4365, Leesburg, VA. 20177 (hereinafter called the “AGENT") acting herein by Jeff Ward, President and CEO hereunto duly authorized: WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, the CITY desires to engage the AGENT to render certain professional services hereafter described in “Scope of Services" for the project briefly described as: Acquisition and Project Management Services relating to the impacts from Hurricane Harvey, DR-4332-056, RFP 2019-04. NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: ENGAGEMENT OF AGENTI. The CITY hereby agrees to engage the AGENT and the AGENT hereby agrees to perform the “Scope of Services" hereinafter set forth. This Agreement shall be performed In Galveston and Harris County, Texas. SCOPE OF SERVICES The Scope of Services Includes acquisition and project management services include, but are not limited to: landowner notification, title commitment, appraisal negotiation, settlements, environmental services, demolition services, and closeout. The work is further described in detail on Attachment A - JSWA Response to RFP 2019-04 dated August 19, 2019. TIME OF PERFORMANCEill. AGENT shall proceed immediately upon execution of this Agreement with performance of the services called for under the Basic Services with completion within 365 calendar days after execution. City and AGENT may mutually agree in writing to renew or extend this Agreement for a specified period of time. INFORMATION AND SERVICES TO BE FURNISHED AGENTIV. 00405-1 Approved: September 10, 2018City of Friendswood CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD STANDARD CONTRACT AGREEMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR ACQUISITION & PROJECT MANAGEMENT It IS agreed that the CITY shall furnish, without charge, for the purpose of the Agreement, information, data, reports, records, and maps as are required for grant applications and presentations The CITY and its agents including other service providers shall cooperate v\/ith the AGENT and \mII, to the fullest extent reasonably practicable, facilitate the performance of the work described in this Agreement AGENT is entitled to rely upon the accuracy of all information, data, maps, documents, drav^ngs, records, provided by City staff and other city service providers for each specific project COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENTV. COMPfN^ION It IS agreed that total fees for work as described in Attachmenl,,A hereto shall not exceed the sum of $110,500.00 (One Hundred Ten Thousand Five Hundred Dollars) unless specifically authorized by the CITY. Administration of the grant, for items such as geneTal public meetings, quarterly reporting, and financial reirnbursements are not included in the Per Property fees ($110,500 00) abwe. When/if needed, this support will bCprovided on an hourly rate basis and will be incurred as directed/appr^ed by the City Hourly rates foLadministrative support, described above, will be $160 00 per hour Services and Ri 'ursables for the % A. B. PAYMENT AGENT shall invoice CITY monthly for its services and reimbursables incurred by AGENT for services performed under the direction and control of AGENT as described herein The CITY will pay AGENT from non- grant funds CITY agrees to pay AGENT at its designated office the full amount of each such invoice upon receipt or as otherwise specified m this Agreement A charge of one percent per month shall be added to the unpaid balance of invoices not paid within thirty-one (31) days after date of invoice The AGENT shall pay fte subcontractors no later than the tenth day after he receives payment ,es required under Chapter 2251, Texas Government Code VI. RECORDS AGENT shall keep accurate records, including grant related applications, agreements, and administration documents and provide completed copies to the city periodically and at close out of any funded grants Such records should be kept in the office of the AGENT for a period not less then 3 years or longer if stated by the grant document 00405-2 Approved: Septen^r 10, 2018City of Friendswood ? PROFESmNAL SERVICESCITYOFFRIENDSWOOb standard contract agreement for acquisition & PROJECT MANAGEMENT VII. OWNERSHIP OF DOGUMENTS AH documents relating to the services provided iri this Agreement are the property of CITY AGENT may retain feproducible copies of drawings and other documents for its use VIII. INSURANCE All msurance shall be writ^ by. ah ihsprer^liGehsed to'ePn^uet business in the State of Texas, unlessx^otli^ise permitted by,CITY _The:^GENT shall, at his pWh expense, pupchase^^ maintain and keep' in .force Inlurahce lfiat shall protect against' injury^art(^^o,n,daWiages which' may arise out of-or result frdm^operations 1 under this Agreement, whether the'operations be by:>'limself 6r, by any subeontfactor^ %, ,^GENt agrees* to maintain;' during the service period; Professional, Liability /insurance coverage of ^$1,000,000; per occur'rence/claim/pplicy year aggre^gate / limits to protect the CitY against damages'arising from the AGENT’S negligent I or wrongful act or omission-in the performance of services-under this Agreernent « n K . A f.. IINDEMNIFICATION, ^IXI ■' II I AGENJ,'s'hali'comp|y vyith the requirements of all applicable laws, rules, an|lf ; regulalidiis-m connection with the services of.AGENT and shall exonerate,I .indeniriify, hdld harmless, and defend the CITY, its offifeefS, agents and allI . emplpyees from.,any apd; ail liability, loss pr damage arising out pf ,AG^.NT|^s I nonoompliance with such laws; rules and regulations, witfiput limitation AGEt^T shall assume full responsibility for payments of Federal, State arid Local taxeeor . contributions imposed of required under, the Social . Security, V^orker’s;'.Compeneatipn,;. arid'Income fax Laws with respect lo'AGENT’S emplpyees Further, AGENT shall exonerate;:indeninify,-hold harmless, and defend theCITY,its-Officers, agents .and all ’employees .from any and ail 'liability, loss, damages, expenses or claims arismgrout-ofi any act oTnegligence, intentional tort or failure to pay:a subcontractor or supplier of AGENT in connection^th any of the workperformedpr to be perfori|pd under this’Agreement by AGENT ADDRESS #*N.0f ICE AND COMMUNICATIols '"' jj’ ■ H X. MENf Jeffrey S Ward PO Sox 4366 Leesburg, VA 20177: Attn Jeffrey s Ward Title President and CEO , CITY: ^ CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD 910 S Friendswood br Friendsvyood, Texas 77546Attn Moiad Kabiri, P E, aIcP Title City Manager 00405^3 Appi^ved: September IQ, 2018City ofFHendswobd PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR ACQUISITION & PROMCT MANAGEMENT CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD STANDARD CONTf^CT AGREEMENT All notices and communications under this Agreement shall be mailed or delivered to CITY and AGENT at the above addresses, respectively XI. CAPTIONS Each paragraph of this Agreement has been supplied with a caption to serve only as a guide to the contents The caption does hot control the meaning of any Paragraph or in any vA^ay determiheltsinterpretation or application XII. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNMENTS ■K- I p.f-The CIT?r and tl|e /l§Ef^T' each Binds %e%selves: and their successors,executory atoffiieliiitoil, and assighsto the other pafti^^oi|this A^fernent andto the’ succe&ors/executors^admTiiistrators and assigns of %i£h othe| party, inrespect to all^ovenahts of this Agreernent:' Except as aboi^^either the CITYnor the AGENT shall &siign,- sublet. ^transferSits interest in this Agre.ementWithout the written corisent bf the other Nothing hereintshall be construed ascreating anyf;pereQna!^abillty on tnefpart of .any officer or agent of any publicbody which may: be av^rtylner Xllf. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT FOR CAUSE - I ji jif, through any cause, tiie AGENT shall fail to^fulfill .ih alimely andiproper marinerI : its oblig^ons-under this Agreement, or if the-AGENT shall violate any of thfeI; icovenants, agreements, or stipulatiohs of this Agreement, the CITY , shall ^ thereupon have the right to terniinate this Agreement by giving written noticeI the AGENT of such terrnmation and specifying the effective date thereof, at leak V five (5) days before the effective date, of such termination In. such event,Jail\ finished or unfinished documents, data, and reports prepared by the AGENTt under this Contract shall be delivered to the CITY, and the AGENT shalf be ^entitled to recejve pa^^m,eht|of a prorated monthly fee and reimbilrsables Notwithstanding the above>,the AGEI^’shaH hpt be rolieVed of liability to theCiTY; for damages sustained-..by’the CITY--h| wkue of any breach of the AgreOnnent by the AGENT and the CITY may withhold any paynhent to the AGENT fpr the purpose of/setoff.until such tinneas the exact arriQuht of damages due the CITY frorh the AGENT is detetmiried XIV. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE CITY.: I vf • -.S The CITY may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving at least thirty (30) days notice in writing tO the AGENT If the Agreement is terminated by the CITY as provided herein, the AGENT shall be paid for the prorated monthly fee and relmbursables incurred up to the termination date If this Agreement isterminated due tO the fault Of the AGENT, other terms and conditions contained in Section XIII of this Agreement relative to termination shall apply 0040S-4 City of Friendswood Approved: September 10,2018 ■f\ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR grant consulting CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD STANDARD CONTRACT AGREEMENT j , XV. tERMINATION BY AGENT The AGENT may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving at least thirty (30) days’ notipe in writing to the CITY If the Agreement is terminated by the AGENT as provided herein,-the"AGENT^h^ll*~Wi|^^^^ thirty (30) days of the notice, deliver to the Gity,-all project files, docjjmehte'ahd^^ to grantprojects, and provide a sMus-'Pf-thp^prc^ects, AGEN^^^ paid for the prorated monthly fee and rfebdrsables*incurred upTo the termination date ' ' ^ ‘i ,-nV ■ "V'- XVI.- CHANgIs--'. ■ yi'-i .f'■f Tt|e CITY nfa^^from timje to'tinie/ reque^^Ph%ges^ the.sco^Sf the seiylces tobe performed bythe A(j|tfT;under thisl^grepnhent ihciu|ifig any^crease or decrease;)/! the{|mount of the AGENT’S compensation, vyhich aremutually agreedTiup(m •by /and bet^veerisifie! GjJY AGENT shall| beincorporated in written ame'ndifients to this A^greerpent ' ^ ' V- 4 -f ■i \ ■ ■ j( Ht •'i 'IA I> .I.L^-\XV^I.f PERSONNELj I - ;A. “ Jhe AG ■•f ■' ./iv•j \IENT represents-that it has, of shOil secure afeits oWn expense, allpl^pnnS required m, performing theSrSeryices under this Agfeemon|Such personnel shall npt be empl'oye|s’pf or have any contractual relationship with the CITY \ An pf the services required hereunder shall be perfprmed by the AGENTpr under his supefvisipn and all personnel engaged m the work shall/be\ : ' fully qualified and, if applicable, shall , be authorized or permitted under 'i, '' state and ^ocal law to’perform such services' -' ,/ . |> ' If i % - s None of the work of'Services|^pvered; by this Agreement\/halI be subcentracted withoutihe- priof wriHen apprpval'of the; CITY . Any work or services subcontracted hereunder shall.be specified by vyritten Contract oragreement and sha|?bejsu,bject to~^ch-proyision of this Agre^ement ■c%. 'T\ "i-\ 'S- XVIII. REPORTS ANDdNFORIVIATION Vj. ■Y The AGENt Shall, at sucRTimes^andjn.sUChTOrrffS as the CITY may reasonably require, furnish the CITY such periodic reports, it may request pertaining to the! . work or services undertaken pursuant to this Agreement, the costs and obligations incurred or to be incurred in connection therewith, and any other . matters covered by this Agreerrient XIX. CIVIL RIGHTS 00405-5 Appmved: September 10,2018City of Friendswood & .f.t 1 1 CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD STANDARD CONTRACT AGREEMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR GRANT CONSULTING The AGENT shall comply with applicable requirements of Chapter 106 Civil Practice and Remedies Code of the ^ate of Texas which prohibits discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, color, sex or national origin, while performing worR on behalf of the CITY The AGENT shall carry out its virark under this Agreement in a rhanner that shall ensure full compliahce by the CITY with the Statute XX. INTEREST OF AGENT AND EMPLOYEES The agent cbvenantsithato presently •ha^'^po interest and shall, Pot acquire any intere^,, direct ofeindire^, in'^he'study area or'apy .pareel^^^ therein, or any other interests wh)^ wpld confliet m any^manner or depree with tha pefformance ofitsspryicesl^feuraer , ~fj ^'’i, Jhe AGENT further coyenante that in^e petfdrmahceKof this Agreemepti ho person wPo has any sdph intejest shall be ennploydd bylthe AGENT VERIFICATION AND COMPLIANCE WITH STATE LAWS .1^. i ■•4 1 V.. VXXI' V.By sigmog^this Agreement and the attached Geffiicate of Iriterested Parties(Form 12S5|,:and the document relating to-H B'“N(^f89>. the AGENT verifies sfleis ih cpr^iahfea^th all state jaws, including Texas Gpvernmet^ Code Chapter* 2252, Sii^apter F (S B No 252), Texas Government Code siction 2252 90^ (Disclosure ;of Interested Parties): and Texas Government. Code Chapter 22^0(H B No 89), and hereby acknovyledges the follovwng .r. II V. If 1 ■( v AGENT IS not a conhpahy ehgaged in business with Iran, Sudan,/or a foreign terrorist organization and is not a cprnpany mcluded/onthe list prei^ared byjand jmamtained by the Texas State Cdmptrpller AGENT doe^ not boycotfcisrael, apii'r '^ .'1^^ Will not boycott Israeliduring the term of this Agreement XXII. INCORPORATION OF PROVISIONS REdUIREb BY LAW I 1 •y V: 2 3 'T -rl f. 4-v Each proyiSiqn and Clau required by law to be-inserted ihto/tfie Agreement shall be deerped to be efiacted herein ;ahd the Agreehiient-slia ll be read and enforced as thdUgfi each were'mcluded herein If. through "mistake or otherwiseany such provision is no^ inserted or isPot cphecdy m the Agreement shallbe amended to make sucfrihsertion*upori :application by either party XXIIi. VENUE Any action bfought by either party based on any claim arising under or as a result of this Agreement shall be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction in Galveston County, Texas 00405-6 City of Friendswood Approved: September 10^ 2018. e C: ; CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD STANDARD CONTRACT AGREEMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR GRANT CONSULTING EXECUTED IN Three (3) counterparts (each of which is an original) on behalf of AGENT by Jeffrey S, Ward, its President and CEO shown below, and on behalf of the CITY by Morad Kabiri, its City Manager, thereto duly authorized this 16th day of September. 2019. ACCEPTED;PROPOSED AND AGREED TO: CITY:AGENT: CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD. TEXAS JEFFREY S. WARD BY:/PR^DENT&^CEO O CITXMANAGER ... nDATE:i: %DATE:\. 'k. mC ATTEST: A CITY S^RETARY ”ti':K SECRETARY) APPROVED AS TO FORlOk 00405-7 City of Friendswood Approved: Soptombor 10, 2018 Attacliment A Table of Contents A. Cover Letter B. Qualifications ,l. Briefly introduce your firm, providing a summary of the administration, structure, organization and staffing of your firm 2. Provide a list of all management, supervision, labor, and equipment necessary to provide acquisition and project management services. 3; Identify the project manager and each individual who will work as part of this engagement. Include resumes for each person to be assigned. Include any professional designations and ' affiliations, certifications and licenses, etc. This includes identifying any proposed subcontractors. C. Experience 1,Discussion of Respondent’s acquisition and project management services experience in working with government agencies. List comparable projects for federal, state, or local governments, whether ongoing completed, including references. Please include, at a minimum, details for each Texas project listed in m.C.l. For each, please provide: a. Project name and location b. Year completed c. Short description and project d. Names, addresses, and phone numbers of owner and contact person tasked with daily responsibilities of project, e. Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of clients. or 2. D. Project Methodology 1. Provide a work plan that describes the firm’s methodology, including a detailed project plan, based on prior experience with acquisition and project management 2. The strategies and methods by which the work is perfonned must be included in the proposal and detailed sufficiently to allow the city to determine compatibility of the approach to the city’s overall goals. 3. Work plan shall clearly distinguish the firm’s duties and responsibilities and those of the city. Absence of this distinction shall mean the firm is assuming foil responsibility for all tasks. services. E. Pricing and Fees I. The proposal shall provide a breakdown of all potential costs (i.e., applicable hourly rates, training, travel and per diem, etc.). 2. The proposal shall include all services (e.g. landowner notification, title commitment, appraisal; negotiation. Settlements, environmental services, demolition services, and closeout) and should include a breakdown of each service per each property. 3. The proposal shall include a fee schedule for additional services required for successful implementation not already specifically identified in this RFP or optional services that may be of benefit to the city. F. References Include names and telephone numbers of persons whom the City can contact for references regarding the Ann’s past performance on similar projects. nn e A. COVER LETTER Inc. Mitigation and Burout Consultants PO Box *sje Leesburg, t'4 £0177 (\V) 70S-777-707e (F) 66e-€SS~6SS£ Jsv. a I .^outlook, com August 19, 2019 The Cit}' of Friendswood Cit>’ Secr€tai>'’s Office 910 S. Friendswood Drive Friendswood, Texas 77546 Re; Acquisition and Project Manasemcnt Sen'iccs for the Citv of Friendswood for Disasters DR-4332-056 - KFP 2019-04 City Secretary'; Transmitted herewith are one (1) original and four (4j copies of our response to the City of Friendswood’s Request Proposals for Acquisition and Project Management Services for the City of Friendswood for Disasters DR-4332-056 - RFP 2019-04. Jeffrey S. Ward. & Associates, Inc. has assembled a highly qualified team of professionals with specialized expertise for management of the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HM]GP), Acquisition Demolition private residences. We appreciate your consideration of our team to work with you to achieve your goals in reducing flood risk within the Friendswood by implementing this Acquisition and Project Management The proposal set forth herewith remains effective for a period of 60 calendar days. We value this opportunity to share with you our qualifications and our commitment to serce Friendswood as an extension of vour staff. Sincerety, Jeffrey S. Ward, & Associates, Inc. JeffWard Principal B. QUALIFICATIONS 1. Briefly introduce your firm, providing a summary of the administration, structure, organization and staffing of your firm Firm name, addresses, and telephone number of the fi mi office responsible for delivery of the project; Jeffrey S, Ward, & Associates. Inc. P.O. Box 4356 Leesburg, VA 20177 540-668-6945 Structure of the firm; Subchapter S. Corporation Size of Firm; Jeffrey S. Ward, & Associates, Inc has one primary owner (Jeffrey S. Ward), 5 full time consultants, and 30 subconsultants that support various on-going projects across the U.S. Year firm has been in business Incorporated in January 2002. The finn has been in business for 18 years, but the Key Personnel has been providing support similar to that request in this RFP for over 22 years. Names of principals in firm; Jeffrey S. Ward, President and CEO Primary contact. Jeffrey S. Ward P.O. Box 4356 Leesburg, VA 20177 703-472-2363 Organizational description Jeffrey S. Ward & Associates, Inc (JSWA) is a small business but has the appropriate numbers of experienced staff to complete all elements required by the City of Friendswood relative to this RFQ, on schedule and within budget. Mr. Ward will be principal in charge and overall project manager and will serve as overall techmeal lead. Although the staff of JSWA is not especially large, (a) we are highly experienced and efficient; (b) we have a proven track record of completing large and very complex projects on time and on budget, and; (c) we have an array of other technical resources available when and if needed. Primary services for this work will be conducted at JSWA's Virginia location. JSWA is committed to client service, and anticipates on-site meetings, as well as visits and consultation with City staff and contractors. JSWA and its team members are also available at the City’s discretion for interim conference calls, onsite visits as needed, and other consultation. Our team has been very successful in administering and overseeing FEM A mitigation Grant Programs, and this is due in large part to our focus on communication and Homeowner/clicnt service, in addition to technical skills and a deep understanding of FEMA and State of Texas requirements. Description of firm’s pfiUosophy . JSWA iS'highly experiericed in.all aspects of FEMA.anitigation'prograrns.Grant Adnoinistfation and Project Management. In addition to hands-Qii FEMA nytigation grant adrninistfatiori and project nianagement experience,-JSWA has a yeiy strong knowiedge of ahd^ strong working relationship with TWDB arid TDEM (tiie State’s grant admiriistratorS) arid FEMA Region VI, the awarding agehcy. The impoftarice of having corisultarits with this kind of experience arid relationships cahnpt.be overstated. Qur phildsophy is to be hands with the dlierits arid the iinpacted owners. We feel strongly that the homeowrier’s ultimate satisfaction with, hovy they were treated arid heard throughout the rnitigation of their flood damaged/flood-prone home is a direct reflection of our work. If the flood victims feel they were treated fairly, the client is typically happy. Satisfied City residence typically equates to satisfied City officials. 2. Provide a list of all rnariagement, supendsion, ;lab6i‘, ahd eqiiiprrierit necessary to provide acquisitioriand project iriariagemerit services. n .^ : Mr. Ward will be principal in charge and pvefall project rriariager arid will serve as Overail techriical lead. JSWA has iri-depth experience with aU elements ofthis scope of work. JSWA has formulated a feani with direcf experience with prior buyouts. JSWA has wpfked with both Accurity Qualified POialytics (AQA) arid South Larid Title ori prior FEMA funded and client furided acquisitions totaling Over 1,500 homes. This team has a good working.relationship which wiil benefit the client iri a seamless arid effective . . acquisitidri program. JSWA implernerits projects with an eye on.ensufirig flood victirns are treated fairly' and equitably arid the Client’s expectations afe.exceeded, all while ensuring adhererice to FEMA requirements arid, regulations. More, iriformation about our teamriiates is shOvyri below arid in- other sections of this RFP resporise., • Accurity Qualified Analytics (AQ.AJi U real estate appraisal and consultirig firm located in Houston, Texis,: • South Land Titlev a.locally owned ariddperated title company serving cuStpiners in the HdUston Metroplex for more than 20 years. We will detail the qualifications arid experience of JSWA, Accurity .Qualified Arial3riicsi and South Land Title in Sectipn B ..3 below, alorig with our organizational chart and fesumes of key persOnriel; In the following sections, Team JS WA \villdetrioriStrate Our capability for perforiiiirig all tasks detailed in the Identify the project manager .and each individual Who will work as part of this engageriierit. Include resumes for each.persori to be assigned. Include any professipnal designatioris and affiliations, certifications arid licerises,,etc. This includes identifying ariy proposed subcontractors. 3. Jeff Ward JSWAINC Project Manager (PM) T ITLE /CLOS I NGAPPRAISAL NEGOTIATION Frank J. Lucco Shebette Bowman We/Closing Lead South Land Tide JeffWard Negotiation LeadAppraisal Lead AQA See resume secfon for cadre of AQA appraisers See resume secton for cadre of relocation agents Additional JSWA resources as needed DKSCRIPTION OF PROJECT TEAM ORGANIZATION As indicated in our chart above, JeffWard will be the overall project manager and will be responsible for delivery for all scope of work items. JSWA has a cadre of buyout support staff, with multiple years of experience in buyout implementations. Under the leadership of Shebette Bowman, South Land Title will be the lead for all title and closing related activities. Under the leadership of Frank Lucco, Accurity Qualified Analytics will be the lead for all appraisal activities. NAMES AND RESUMES OF TEAM MEMBERS JSWA Jeftrkv S. Ward President, Jeffrey S. Ward & Associates, Lnc., Siinimnry Mr. Ward is an experienced project manager of large, complex mitigation projects, funded under federal, state, and local programs. He is a proven facilitator of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) mitigation plans for cities, counties, districts, and states. Mr. Ward has an unparalleled track record of successful mitigation project identification, grant application development, and grant implementation including Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA), Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM), and Severe Repetitive Loss (SRI.), and Repetitive Flood Claims (RFC). Additionally, he is a flood-damaged property acquisition, demolition, and elevation expert; a Certified Floodplain Manager; and a nationally recognized expert in FEMA’s Benefit Cost Analysis software. A buyout expert, he authored an online course on managing a Buyout Program approved by the Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM). Relevant Experience President, Jeffrey S. Ward & Associates, Inc., September 2001 to present Mr. Ward has assisted communities tliroughout the country in the acquisition and demolition of more than 4,900 flood-damaged and flood-prone structures funded under HMGP, FMA, SRL, PDM, and RFC. His work has ensured that flood victims get treated fairly and equitably throughout the acquisition process. Many of these projects have included relocation assistance. Overview of accomplishments: n Assisting communities in Texas, Florida, Louisiana, New Jersey, and South Carolina with the preparation of successful (awarded) applications for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) project grants. Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) project grants, FMA planning grants, and Pre- Disaster Mitigation (PDM) project grants, PDM planning grants, and Engineering Study Grants. These applications have resulted in over $850M of grant awards. Mr. Ward served as project/grant implementer for the majority of the above-mentioned awards. n Oversight of demolition process, from demolition bid through completion, for home acquisitions that required demolition. n Filing Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) claims (over 700 claims filed - S5 million in paid claims). • Participated on client's mitigation planning committees to evaluate mitigation projects and recommending funding opportunities. Unique understanding and experience with Harris County and Southeast Texas regional flood mitigation issues: n Served as acquisition consultant for Travis County, Texas for all involuntary and voluntary acquisitions. His team assisted Travis County with the acquisition and demolition of over 200 flood-prone structures throughout the County. These acquisitions have been a mix of voluntary (FEMA and County-funded) and involuntary (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [USACEj-funded) projects. All voluntary acquisitions included providing supplemental housing assistance to over 100 low income and minority homeovyner. All involuntary acquisitions included strict adherence to URA benefits for over 100 participants, both primary owner occupants and tenants. n Go-authored Harris County Flood Control District’s (HCFCD, TX) voluntary and non-voluntary acquisitions policies and procedures manuais. n Acquisition counselor for HCFCD voluntary acquisitions after Tropical Storm Allison. n Completed an acquisition program.in three colonias for structures damaged in flood events. This included bi-lingual outreach; bi-lingual offer presentation and negotiations; and providing relocation assistance to minority, disadvantaged flood victims. All flood victims received supplemental housing benefits. . : n Served as acquisition consultant for the City of El Paso, Texas for all involuntary and voluntary acquisitions. These acquisitions included both voluntary and involuntary acquisitions. All voluntary acquisitions included provided LIRA supplemental housing assistance to over 100 lo\y income and minority homeowner. At the completion of the voluntaiy program, the City hired JSWA to acquire over 30 parcels using TXDOT fiinds, all of which required stnct adherence tO URA guidelines. A ftill-time interpreter supported these acquisition projects. • Served as acquisition consultant for several communities following Hurricane Ike and assisted in the acquisition of over 1,200 flood damaged properties. All of these acquisitions included duphcation of benefits. Duplication of benefits in these cases were more complicated than most due to the fact that many flood victims received flood insurance payrnents, repair grants, and TWIA insurance payments. • Provided support to Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) in Outreach to communities that have eligible SRL Properties and completed BCAs in support of application development, o Provided application development, administration, Project Management, and Benefit Cost Analysis for three TWDB-funded Flood protection planning grants totally over $1M in total project costs ($500,000 in State funding). These studies identified viable mitigation alternatives that were funded by FEMA and implemented, o More than $ 1OOM in FEMA mitigation funds were obtained for alternatives identified in these studies. ' Seryed as mitigation consultant to the Texas Medical Center and over 50-member facilities. ' Acquisition consultant (under contract) for Travis County^ Texas as well as Wayne, Ne\y Jersey and Greenville County, South Carolina. ' Lead mitigation consultant to Jefferson County Drainage District No. Six (DD6). JSWA has been DD6’ mitigation consultant for the past ten years. JSWA has been successful in obtaining over $125M in FEM A funds for drainage projects. Many of these projects required the acquisition of Right-of-Way and easements for location or expansion of drainage structures. JSWA provides direct support the District’s attorney and Board of Director’s for Right-of-Way acquisition, all of which required adherence to URA guidelines. Er Specialized expertise aad leadership id the field: n Author of an Association of Stare Floodplain Manager (ASFPM)-approved on-line course on managing a Buyout Program. The course is available nationwide as Continuing Education Credits (CEC) toward maintaining a CFM designation. n Expert in FEMA's full and limited data module Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) Software. Completed individual BCA runs on more than 100,000 structures for a variety of mitigation projects (detention basins, charmelization, bridge raising, home elevations, home acquisition/demolition, and wind retrofitting). n Provides in-depth analysis, data validation, and data correction/update of FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) databases (Repetitive Loss, Paid Claims, and Policies in Force). This effort includes the identification of properties that have been mitigated and providing required updates to FEMA/NFIP. Education, Certiflcations/Liccnscs, and Specialized Training n Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM), 2002 n MBA, Georgetown University, 2000 n Lockheed Martin Program Management Development Program, 1997 n Process Patent Inventor while at Lockheed Martin - (Patent No. 6,873,964) n BS, Business Management and Finance. Salisbury State University, 1984 South Land Title SHEBtlih Bum w Title Specialist/Compliance & Operations Officer/Commercial Escrow Officer, South Land Title Summary Ms. Bowman began her career in the title industry in 1993 and was promoted to Escrow Officer in 1998. She has experience with multiple FEMA buyout projects and has also performed TxDOT right of way acquisitions. Relevant Experience Compliance & Operations Officer/Commercial Escrow Officer, South Land Title, 2002 to present Ms. Bowman joined South Land Title in 2002 and served as Branch Manager/Residential Escrow Officer for the League City office. She and her team manage the overall closing process by meeting all title and curative requirements necessary to issue a title insurance policy, including reviewing the sales contract, title commitments, preparing closing statements, obtaining legal documents, conducting the closing, disbursing funds and recording documents. With extensive knowledge in FEMA buy out programs, Shebette managed her team and closed substantial buyout proja:ts for the following municipalities: n City of Galveston • Galveston County n Harris County n City of Houston n City of Friendswood n City of Pearland n City of Pasadena n City of Alvin n Liberty County With both residential and commercial closing experience, Shebette has closed a variety of large, complex commercial transactions including golf courses, senior living developments, industrial warehouses, convenient stores, and TxDOT right of way acquisitions. PbtiOV W'Al.KhR Title Specialist/Vice President of Commercial Transactions and Audits, South Land Title Summary Ms. Walker has more than 30 years of experience in the title industry. She also has extensive residential closing experience and has helped facilitate closings for FEMA buyout programs for the City of Galveston and County of Galveston. Relevant Experience Vice President of Commercial Transactions and Audits, South Land Title, 2000 to present Ms. Walker joined South Land Title in 2000 and has worked in all capacities of a title office, including Branch Manager and Escrow Officer. In addition to managing the Commercial Division, Peggy oversees the companies' escrow audits, claims and policy compliance. Peggy manages the overall closing process by meeting all title and curative requirements necessary to issue a title insurance policy by reviewing the sales contract, title commitments, preparing closing statements, obtaining legal documents, conducting the closing, disbursing funds, and recording documents. AQA I-RANKJ. I I cm C’R!'. SRA Managing Director of Accurity Qualified Analytics Summary Mr. Lucco is the Managing Director of Accurity Qualified Analytics in Houston and is the President of Frank J. Lucco & Associates, a real estate brokerage firm. He has a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Houston and has been appraising since 1978. Specializing in residential appraising and consulting, he holds the designations of SRA with the Appraisal Institute and CRP (Certified Relocation Professional) with the Employee Relocation Council. Mr. Lucco has received his Texas State Certification as a General Real Estate Appraiser and served fee appraiser for the Veterans Administration and the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for many years. He is an Arbitrator, and among other functions, serves on the panel of Texas Appraisal Review Board Determinations. He has served on the Houston MI.S Advisory Board, is a member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, as well as a member of the Forensic Expert Witness Association. Mr. Lucco has been involved with the Appraisal Institute for many years, including serving as President of the Houston Chapter in 2000. He recently served on the Appraisal Institute’s Body of Knowledge Committee, which proposes additions to, or retirements from, principles, theories, and techniques in existing and/or proposed materials in the Appraisal Institute’s Body of Knowledge as well as the Residential Appraisal Project Team, which is charged with the task of developing ideas to enhance the value proposition for residential appraisers. For several years, he served as a Regional Representative for the Appraisal Institute. Mr. Lucco served as one of ten members of the Residential Council for the Appraisal Institute on the national level, which meets to discuss issues involving the residential appraiser. As vice chair of the AI Strategic Planiung Committee, he has offered his view of the future. He was appointed to the Residential White Paper Task Force, which was chartered to answer various pointed questions as to the future of residential appraising. He has served as one of the Appraisal Institute Board of Directors, the Appraisal Institute Relief Foundation Board of Directors, and Finance Committee Appraisal Institute Relief Foundation Board of Directors. Mr. Lucco has been honored by the Appraisal Institute, nationally with the President’s Award and the Bert L. Thornton President’s Award, and locally by the Houston chapter of the Appraisal Institute with numerous citations, including the President’s Award (twice awarded). Board of Directors Award and Key Map Award. Mr. Lucco has authored articles published in the trade journals: Appraisal Review and Mortgage Underwriting Journal The AppraisalJoiimal. Regional Real Estate Review. Appraisal Today, The Communicator, Valuation Review, DSNews, Houston Association of Realtors Network, Premier Agent Magazine, LiveValuation Magazine, and Texas Realtor. He is routinely quoted in the Houston Chronicle and has appeared on radio and television programs discussing appraising, the housing market, and the local economy. as a Mr. Lucco has served as an expert witness in court litigation and has spoken at national appraisal conferences in both the U.S. and Canada. Mr. Lucco has been an approved instructor for several Appraisal Institute courses and seminars, he has taught locally, nationally, and internationally. He has also served as a Special Commissioner for Galveston County. Mr. Lucco holds a Texas Affordable Housing Specialist Certification from the Texas Association of Realtors. Relevant Experience President of Frank J. Lucca and Associates, Inc,, Houston, Texas, June 1985 to Present Managing Director ofAccurity Qualified Analytics, with offices in Houston, Texas, March 2013 to Present Managing Director of IRR-Residential Appraisers & Consultants, with offices in Houston, Austin and San Antonio, Texas, September 1, 2007 to March 2013 President of Tarin, Coon & Lucco, Houston, Texas, May 2003 to Present Appraiser and Review Appraiser for Ronald O. Walker and Associates, Inc., Houston, Texas, August 1978 to June 1985 In the roles above, Mr. Lucco has completed assignments for banks, savings and loan associations, life insurance companies, relocation management companies, mortgage companies, law firms, individuals and investors. He is a published author, has serv'ed as an expert witness in legal litigation, and teaches courses and seminars for the Appraisal Institute. Education, Ccrtiflcations/Licenscs, and Speciali/ed Training n Bachelor of Science, University of Houston, Houston, Texas 1978 n CRP - Employee Relocation Council (Certified Relocation Council) n SRA - Appraisal Institute n QSC - Quality Service Certified n Certified as a Texas Affordable Housing Specialist through the Te.xas Association of Realtors n Over 200 courses and seminars in the areas of: Real estate appraisal, real estate law, residential construction, appraisal review, depreciation, relocation, litigation-market analysis, environmental issues, USPAP, affordable housing, manufactured homes, client guidelines, complex residential properties, fair lending, property nghts, emerging technologies, automated valuation models, partial interests, GIS mapping, real estate brokerage, statistical modeling, real estate ethics, arbitration, real estate fraud, forensic appraising, etc. Professional Affiliations State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser - TX-132020S-G Affiliate Member - Employee Relocation Council Member Relocation Appraisers and Consultants (RAC) Member - The Houston Association of Realtors Member - The Texas Association of Realtors Member - The National Association of Realtors Texas Real Estate Broker’s License No. 263011-35 Member - Forensic Expert Witness Association Member - Association of Certified Fraud Examiner Special Awards Recipient of Candidate Scholarship from the AIRE A 1984 Outstanding Performance Award, FHA Fee Appraiser 1987-1988 Delivered Seminar at the National NAREA Conference 1990 President's Award for the Houston Chapter of the Appraisal Institute 1993 K.ey Man Award for the Houston Chapter of the Appraisal Institute 1994 Delivered Seminar at the Appraisal Institute of Canada’s Regional Conference 1995 Board of Directors Award for the Houston Chapter of the Appraisal Institute 1995 • Delivered Seminar at the Appraisal Institute of Canada's National Conference 1996 n President's Award for Appraisal Institute Nationally 2001 n Bert L. Thornton President’s Award from Appraisal Institute, Jan 2008 n IRR-Residential President’s Award, May 2010 Jennifer Bennett Appraise!’ Summary Jennifer Bennett has a wide range of experience as a certified residential real estate appraiser, including the appraisal of single-family homes, high dollar non-conforming homes, and unrestricted properties. She also has expertise working with a large. Fortune 500 company as a loan processor, loan originator, and stair appraiser. Ms. Bennett has excellent analytical and reporting skills, as well as sales experience, and is bilingual - fluent in Spanish. Relevant Experience Accurity Qualified Analytics, Houston, TX, Residential Appraiser/Analyst, 2018 Acorn Appraisals, Houston TX, StaffAppraiser, 2015 to Present RELS Valuation - Staff Appraiser, 2009 to 2015 Wachovia Bank/World Savings, Houston, TX, Staff Appraiser, 1997 to 2008 Gulf Coast Seal, Houston TX, Manufacturing/Purchasing Associate, 1995 to 1997 Education, Certifications/Liccnses, and Specialized Training n Associates Degree. The Bradford School, Houston TX 1992 n Texas State Certified Real Estate Appraiser TX1334797-R .Awards n Presidents Club Award n Appraiser of the Month, March 2008 n 2 Shared Success Awards for Going Above and Beyond Rob Bowm.w. m.b.a. Appraiser Summary Rob Bowman has prepared over 3,000 appraisal reports for mortgage loan purposes on single family and multi-family (up to 4 units) properties, including townhouses, condominiums, new construction and proposed construction. He also has experience preparing appraisals for investment properties. Some of the types of clients that Mr. Bowman has prepared appraisal reports for include mortgage bankers, mortgage brokers, banks and investors. Relevant Experience Accurity Qualified Analytics, Houston, TX, Residential Appraiser/Analyst, 2018 Acorn Appraisal, Houston, TX, Real Estate Appraiser, 2014 - Present Brubaker and Associates, Houston, TX, Real Estate Appraiser June 2012 - May 2024 Bowman Real Estate Services, Houston, TX - Real Estate Appraiser May 2002 - May 2012 Arthur Andersen, Houston, TX - Manager, Transaction Advisory Services, April 2000 - May 2002 Sovereign Business Forms, Inc,, Houston, TX~ Financial Analyst, January 1997 - March 2000 Arthur Andersen, New York, NY - Financial markets Division, September 1995 - December 1996 AIG-National Union, New York, NY - Underwriter, June 1993-April 1995 Continental Insurance, New York, NY- Underwriter, January 1993 - June 1993 Continental Insurance, New York, NY-Associate Underwriter, January 1992 - January 1993 Continental Insurance, Houston, TX- Underwriter Trainee, International Department, July 1991 - January 1992 Education, Certifications/Licenses, and Specialized Training • Fordham University Graduate School of Business, New York, NY - Master in Business Administration (M.B.A.) July 1995. G.P.A. 3.7 n The University of Texas, Austin, TX - Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.), May 1991, Major: Finance n Certified Real Estate Appraiser, Slate of Texas, July 2004, # TX1333923-R • Certified Public Accountant (C.P.A.), Licensed: State of New York, March 2003 A. David BRtKjKS. SRA, Al-RRS, CRP Appraiser Summary David Brooks, SRA, AI-RRS, CRP is a native of the Norfolk and Arlington, Virginia areas, and has resided in Houston, Texas since 1977. He began real estate appraising in March 1977 with the University Savings Association and was subsequently promoted to supervisor of the appraisal department in the Clear Lake City office. His primary responsibilities are appraising and appraisal review of one-lo-four fanuly dwellings and vacant land for individuals, institutional investors, mortgage companies and national relocation companies. These appraisals covered the entire range of purposes and property types from modest single family starter homes to residences that are some of the largest and most expensive homes in the entire metropolitan area. He is the Designated Realtor for David Brooks & Associates with the Houston Board of Realtors. Mr. Brooks is a Supervisory Consultant for Accurity Qualified Analytics in Houston, Texas. Mr. Brooks has completed appraisals for various individuals and corporations including banks, savings and loan associations, life insurance companies, relocation management companies, mortgage companies, law firms, and investors. He has prepared appraisals for use in Fort Bend, Harris and Montgomery County Civil Courts and in Federal Bankruptcy Court. Relevant E.vpencncc Appraiser, Norvel F. Favela, MAI, June 1978 to July 1981 Self-employed, full-time fee appraiser since August 1981 to present From 1983 to 1989 Mr. Brooks was co-owner of Brooks, Rockwell & Associates, Inc. Mr. Brooks is owner of David Brooks & Assoc., Inc. Education, Certifications/lJccnses, and Specialized Training n Old Dominion University, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, major in Real Estate Finance n SRA Appraisal Institute n CRP - Employee Relocation Council (Certified Relocation Professional) n Designated Fee Appraiser for Veterans Administration • Designated Fee Appraiser for Federal Housing Administration (FHA) n State Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser #TX-1321233-R n Texas Real Estate Broker’s License #247885 n Houston Board of Realtors n Principles of Real Estate Appraisal n Principles of Real Estate Finance n Principles of Real Estate Investment n Principles of Real Estate Law n Residential Properties Course VllI, American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers n MCE RESPA/Contracts- May 2000 n Updates on Current Topics for Appraisers- October 2000 • I'he Future is Yours- October 2000 n FHA Appraisal Inspection from the Ground - November 2000 n FNMA-TX Homestead Exemption Act - November 2000 n Committee CE Credit-Regional - December 2000 • VA Fee Appraisers Training - March 2001 n 28 Hour Re-Certification Seminar - April 2001 n Texas Appraisers Websites and Fannie Mae Update -October 200! n TALCB Panel Discussion - October 2001 n Port of Houston Authority - November 2001 n Leadersliip in Crises - April 2002 n Appraisal Consulting - January 2003 n 28-Hour Re-Certification Seminar - May 2003 n 7-Hour National USPAP Update Course May 2003 • Continuing Education for CRP • August 2004 • Houston Market and Capital Markets - March 2005 n Texas RE Commission Legal Update - March 2005 n Appraisal Review'General - March:20,05 , n The Road Less Traveled; Special Purpose Properties - March 2005 n Local EcOnornic Overview - August 2005 ' n Professional's Guide to the Uniform Residential Appraisal Report - October 2005 n New FNMA Forms 2006 - October 2005 n Economic Impact of Houston, Economy after Hurricane Katrina - November 2005 n Property Taxes & TX State Spending - February 2006 n Busiriess Practices and Ethics Course 420- March 2O06 n Busiriess Practices and Ethics’- April 2006 n Energy Performance & the Impact on the Houston Ecohoniy - May 2006 n Committee CE Credit-Regional - June 2006 n Mid-Year 2006 Office and Iiidustrial Update- August 2006 , n US Army Corps of Engineers R.E. Division -October 2O06 ■. Committee CE Credit-Chapter Level - Decerhber 2006 ■ National Uriifomi Standards of Professional Practice Cpurse 40O - April 2007 ■ Current Outlook on Houston Area Homebuilding - October 2007 ■ Spotlight on USPAP: Common Errors and Issues - February 2008■ \^at's Nev/in Bay Area Houston - February 2008 . ■ National Umform Standards of Professional Practice Course 400 - April 2007 ' ■ Guireht Outlook ph Houston Area HCmebuildihg- October 2007 ■ Spotlight on USPAP; Common Errors and Issues - Febniaiy 2008 ■ What's New in Bay Area Houston - Febniary 2008 ■ Common Errprs and Issues - May 2008 ■ What is 1031 Exchange - May 2008 ■ Texas R.E. ComniisSions Legal Update - May 2008 Texas R.E. Commissions Ethics Update-May 2008 ■ The Relocation Training Program - October 2008 ■ Economics of the State Affairs- February 2009 ■ National Uniform Standards o f Professional Practice CoiirSe 400 - February 2009 ■ Appraisal Challenges; Declining Markets and Sales Concessions - March 2009 Spotlight; The New Residential Market Conditions Forms - Ma;rch 2009 ■ Federal and State Legislative Impacting R,Ei Appraisers - May 2009 ■ Intematiohal Valuation Standards - August 2009 ■ Economics State of Affairs- October.2009 ■ Legal arid Ethics Update-June 2010 ■ AppraiserLegislativeUpdate-July 2010, .■ fheRelocationTrainingProgram-July 2010 ■ AppraiserLawsuit Avoidance-August 2010 ■ VA Policies & Procedures- September 2010 ■ The Port of Houston and How It Affects Real Estate Today - Oetpber 2010 ■ 2011 Current Issues That Affect Real Estate Appraisers - February 2011 ■ USPAP Update Cpurse Aprir2011, Business Practices and Etliics-April 2011 ^ 7-Hpur National USPAP Update Course- April 2011 ■■ City Centre Mixed-Use Development-May ' 2011 ■ FHA&VA Appraisal Basics - June 2011■ 2012 Houston Apartment Update- February 2012 ■ TREC Legal & Ethics Update-June 2012 : ■ Positively Outstanding Service-June 2012 ■ Appraisal Curriculum Overview-Residential - December 2012 . \ n Covering all Ihe Bases in Residential Reporting -May 2013 n Foreclosure Basics for Appraisers - May 2013 n 2012-2013 7 Hour National USPAP Course - May 2013 Professional Affiliations n Houston Chapter of the Appraisal Institute, Board of Directors - Director 2000 - Present n Houston Chapter of the Appraisal Institute, President 2008 • Houston Chapter of the Appraisal Institute, Vice-President 2007 n Houston Chapter of the Appraisal Institute, Secretary/Treasurer 2006 n Appraisal Institute, Admissions Committee of the American Institute 1989 - 2000 n Houston Chapter of the Appraisal Institute, Residential Education Committee Chair 1998 - 2004 and 2006 - 2007 I.WVRFNC F A. lilJ IS Appraiser Summary Certified, experienced appraiser with more than 15 years’ experience m the field. Relevant Experience Acciirity Qualified Analytics, Houston, TX - Residential Appraiser/Analyst, 2018 Accurity Acorn Appraisals, Houston, TX- Residential Appraiser, 2016 to Present L Ellis Appraisals, Inc., East Meadow, NY/Austin, TX - Residential Appraiser, 2006 to Present Island Preferred, Inc., Medford, NY - Residential Appraiser, 2006 to 2009 lY'indmill Appraisals, Inc., Moriches, NY - Residential Appraiser, 2006 to 2009 Francine Falkowitz appraisals, Inc., Massapequa, NY-Residential Appraiser, 2005 to 2006 Speedy Appraisal Services, Syosset, NY - Residential Appraiser, 2003 to 2005 Education, Ccrtifications/Eicenses, and Specialized Training n New York University, NY - Bachelor of Arts, Organizational Behavior and Communication, 2000 n Merrill Institute, NY - R1 &, R2 Appraisal Classes, 2004 n Columbia Society of Real Estate Appraisers n R3 & R4 USPAP and A.Q.l Classes 2004 n DESIGNATIONS AND LICENSES n State Certified Real Estate Appraiser TX-1360505 n State Certified Real Estate Appraiser NY 45000047879 (previous) n SRA Designation - Appraisal Institute n Al-RRS Program, Residential Review Specialist - Appraisal Institute l-R'WK I). FLORHS Appraiser Summary Frank Flores has been engaged in the valuation of real estate in and around the greater Houston/Harris County area for over 40 years. Appraisals have also been performed m Austin, San Antonio, Rio Grande Valley, Padre Island, El Paso and Dallas areas. Frank has appraised all types of residential and commercial properties for private companies, institutions, and government agencies. His experience includes commercial properties, subdivisions, residences, townhouses, condominiums, industrial properties, and all types of easements. In addition, Frank has testified as an expert witness on the value of real property before Harris, Fort Bend, Brazoria, and Montgomery County civil courts, as well as federal bankruptcy courts. Testimony given includes the valuation of vacant land, residential, commercial, and industrial properties. Clients include condemnation authorities, financial institutions, attorneys, individuals, and courts. Relevant Experience Accurity Qualified Analytics ~ 2015 to Present Frank D. Flores and Associates - 1982 to Present Frank Flores was employed as a full time real estate appraiser with several local appraisal firms from March 1976 to April 1982, Education, Certifications/Eicenses, and Specialized Training n Houston Community College, Houston, TX, 1975 -1976 n University of Houston, Houston, TX, 1978 - 1982 n University ofTexas at Arlington, TX, 1982 n Underwriting Guidelines (Federal National Mortgage Association) n Americans with Disabilities Act (Appraisal Institute) n Fair landing and the Appraiser (Appraisal Institute) n Understanding Limited Appraisals and Appraisal reporting Options (Appraisal n Institute) n Eminent Domain Conference - (Harris County Attorney’s Office) n Attacking & Defending an Appraisal in Litigation (HCROW) n Cost Approach 2008 n USPAP-Update 2010-2011 n Residential Report Writing 2010 • Sales Verification: Principles. Procedures & Case Study 2010 n FI IA Appraising Today for Texas 2010 Professional Affiliations n Texas Stale Certified General Real Estate Appraiser - TX-1322723-G • FHA Approved Appraiser n Bilingual (Spanish) n Awarded RM-AIREA in 1981 and SRA-SREA in 1984 n Former Member -1 louston Area Board of Realtors n Real Estate Broker, State ofTexas License 262305 (Inactive) n 1994 President - Appraisal Institute - Houston Chapter n Past Member - Appraisal Institute Market Data Advisory Board n Past Member - Society of Real Estate Appraisers n 1986-1987 Young Advisory Council “ 1988 Discussion Leader - Young Advisory Council n Social Chainnan - American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers Houston n Chapter; 1988-1989 and American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers n Houston Chapter; 1988 n Public Relations Chairman - American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, Houston Chapter; 1986-1987 Awards • Certificates of Appreciation - Society of Real Estate Appraisers Houston Chapter; 1985-1986; 1986-1987 and 1987-1988 n Key Man Awards - Society of Real Estate Appraisers Board of Directors, Houston Chapter; 1983, 1984 and 1989 L)A\ ID C. CiRIBBI 1 Appraiser Summary Experienced appraiser who has completed assignments for Banks, Savings and Loan Associations, Mortgage Companies, Credit Unions, Attorneys at Law, Federal Bureau of Livestigation, FDIC, Investors, FHMA, FHA, FNMA, Relocation Companies and Individuals. Instructed Residential Appraisal class at North Harris Montgomery County Community College, now Lone Star College (October 1996 and October 1998). Relevant Experience Appraiserfor Accurity Qualified Analytics (formerly IRR-Residential Appraisers & Consultants), Houston, TX • June 1986 to present Contract employeefor Andy Link, PhD, Houston, Texas, 1985 to June 1986 Cities Service Oil and Gas Corporation, Houston, Texas, May 1981 to September 1985: Education, Certifications/Licenses, and Specialized Training n Bachelor of Science - University of South Carolina; Columbia, South Carolina, 1978 n Master of Science-University of South Carolina; Columbia, South Carolina, 1981 n State Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser TX-1322664-R n FHA Approved Appraiser n CVR Certified n Principles and Practices, The Real Estate School, Houston, TX, October 1986 n Real Estate Math, The Real Estate School, Houston, TX, October 1986 n Fair Housing Seminar, The Real Estate School, Houston, TX, October 1986 n The language of Real Estate, The Real Estate School, Houston, TX, December 1987 n Real Estate Appraisal, The Real Estate School, Houston, TX, December 1988 n Principles of Real Estate Appraisal. AIREA, Houston, TX, February 1989 n Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, Houston TX, November 1991 n FNMA Guidelines, Appraisal Institute, Houston, TX, January 1993 n USPAP, Stewart Real Estate School, Houston, TX, February 1996 n Valuations of Investment Real Estate, Meyers School of Real Estate, Houston, TX, n February 1997 n The Residential Appraiser Productivity Training Class, Pickett School of Real Estate, Houston, TX. July 1998 n FNMA Seminar for 2055, 2065 & 2075 Form, Houston, TX, July 1998 n FlLA’s Home Buyer Protection Plan and The Appraisal Process, Appraisal Institute, September 1999 n Manufactured Housing and Property Inspection, Stewart Real Estate School, February 2000 • Property Tax Consulting and Law Update, Stewart Real Estate School, February 2000 n Appraisal Technology, Stew'art Real Estate School, February 2000 n USPAP Update, Stewarf Real Estate School, February 20Q0 n Underwriting the Appraisal By. HUD, February 2001 n USPAP Update 2002, Robinson Real Estate School, December 2001 , n Manufactured Homes, Robinson Real Estate School, December 2001 n Property Inspections, Robinson Real Estate School, December 2001 n Property Tax Laws, Robinson Real Estate School, December 2001 n ReverseMortgages, Robinson Real Estate School, December 2001 n Mortgage Banking & Appraisal Technology, Robinson Real Estate School, Dec 2001 n IRS 1031 Exchanges, Robinson Real Estate School, December .2001 n Business Valuation & Federal Land Acquisitipn, Robinson Real Estate School, Dec 2001 n MarketingYburSeh'ices, Robinson Real Estate School, December 2001 n Appraisal Consulting, Appraisal Institute, January, 2004 n ScopeofWork, Appraisal Institute, January, 2004 n Land Valua.tibn Procedures, Appraisal Institute, January, 2004 n National USPAP Course, Appraisal Institute, Januaiy, 2004 n Road Less Traveled: Special Purpose Properties, Appraisal Institute, January, 2006 n MCE Legal, AQB Category “e-\ Appraisal InstitutCj Januaiy, 2006 n Appraising the Tough Ones, Appraisal Institute, January, 2006 n MCE Ethics, AQB Category V’, Appraisal Institute, January, 2006 n USPAP, Course 400, Appraisal Institute, January, 2006 n FNMA Vendor Training Senninar, FNMA-NPDC, Dallas, November, 2007. n hLortgage Fraud-A Dangerous Business, Champions School of RE, January, 2008 n CE Residential Report Writing, Champions School of Real Estate, January, 2008 n National USPAP Update, Champions School of Real Estate, February, 2008 n . Identifying Relevant Characteristics, The Columbia Institute, January 201,0 n FaimieMaeToday, The Columbia Institute, January 2010. n FHAToday, The Columbia Institute, January 2010 n USPAP Update, The Columbia Institute, January 2010 n Collateral Valuation Process, AppraisalWorld, October, 2010 n Relocation Seminar, Dwellworks/Cartus, November, 2010 n Effective Rent, Appraisal Institute, February 2012 n Appraising the Appraisal: Appraisal Review - General, Appraisal Institute, February 2012 n n Sellers Concessions, Appraisal Institute, February 2012 n Staying out of Trouble in Your Appraisal Practice, Appraisal Institute; February 2012 n Quality Assurance, Appraisal Institute, Februaiy 2012 . n National 7 Hour USPAP Update Course, Appraisal Institute, February 2012 n ' Residential Reporting: Hitting All of the Bases, Champions School of RE, Februaiy 2014 n CE Residential Site Valuation & Cost Approach, Champions School of RE, Febmary 2014 n National USPAP Update, Champions School of RE, February 2014 n CE Residential Market Analysis & Highest & Best Use, Champions Schopl of RE, January 2016 n National USPAP Update (2016^2017) - Classroom, Champions School of RE, January 2016 n Today’s FHA.& VA, Champions School of RE, January 2016 n Attacking & Defending an Appraisal in Litigation Legal Conference Day 2, Whitmer Education n SeryiceSi Inc. January, 2017 . n 7-Hour National USPAP Update Course, Appraisal Institute, February 2018 n Raise Your Appraiser IQ, Appraisal Institute,,February.2018 n Transferred Value, Appraisal Institute, February 2018 n Advanced Land Valuation: Sound Solutions and Perplexing Problems, Appraisal Institute, Februaiy 2018 : i; LICENSES/ACCREDITAHONS Mr. Ward of JSWA is a Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM), 2002. Our subcontracted personnel for tliis project have relevant accreditations and licenses appropriate to their roles on this project, which can be seen in the previous Resume section. C. EXPERIENCE 1. Discussion of Respondent’s acquisition and project management services experience in working with government agencies. JSWA Since 2002, Jeff Ward and JSWA have managed large, complex acquisition projects funded under Federal, State, and local programs. JSWA boasts an unparalleled track record of successful mitigation project identification, grant application development, and grant adnunistration and project management including home acquisition and demolition, minor flood control projects, and hazard mitigation plan development. JSWA’s Grant Administration and Project Management experience has included projects funded under FEMAs FMA, HMGP, PDM, SRL, and RFC grant programs and USAGE and HUD CDBG funded acquisitions. Figure 1: JSWA Qualifications ^ JS'W <^^ssociates, Inc. w H'azani M-ingataa Consubants One of the Nafton’s Top Property Acquisition Consultants • Assisted in the acquisition and demolition of over 4,900 flood-damaged and flood- prone structures funded under HMGP, FMA SRL, PDM, USAGE, and CDBG around the country. • Author of Association of State Floodplain Manager (ASFPM)-approved on-iine course on managing a Buyout Program. • Certified Floodplain Manager. • Assisted Friendswood with prior buyout programs and HMGP/FMA grant applications * Provided support to communities throughout Harris County, acquiring more than 1.400 properties after Tropical Storm Allison. • Assisted Galveston County with over 800 acquisitions after Hurricane Ike • Currently the lead aquisition consultant tor Harris County/HCFCD for all post-Harvey • acquisitions. Deep Understanding of Friendswood and Texas communities ^ 1 Readiback to top appraisal and title • South Land Title: More than 20 years' service in Houston Metroplex, with support from an experienced team of title professionals at more than 20 locations. • Accurity Quality Analytics: National company affiliated with appraisal divisions of Tarin, Coon & Lucco and Frank J. Lucco and Associates. Inc., established appraisal experts in toe Houston area since 1954. Mr. Ward is a flood-damaged and flooded property acquisition expert, as well as a Certified Floodplain Manager and nationally recognized expert in FEMA’s Benefit Cost Analysis software. He is an experienced facilitator of FEMA mitigation plans for Cities, Counties, Districts, and States. For this project we will be working with experienced subcontractors South Land Title and Accurity Qualified Analytics. These subcontractors are profiled below. Resumes for all key personnel, including Mr. Ward, are provided in Section 4.6, Figure I details our unique capabilities and expenence for this project. SOUTH LAND TITLF Texan Title Holdings is the parent company of South Land Title, LLC, with over 20 offices licensed in 37 counties. Wliile having a large presence in Texas, we are still local enough to provide professional service with a personal touch. South Land Title LLC consists of experienced real estate attorneys, title examiners and escrow officers in Abilene, Austin, metropolitan Houston, Bryan/College Station and Navasota. In the Houston metropolitan area. South Land Title is proud to offer the financial strength and stability of the nation’s lop underwriters, including WFG National Title Insurance company. Fidelity National Title Company, Alamo Title Insurance Company, Stewart Title Guaranty Company, Old Republic Title Insurance company. First American Title Insurance Company, Title Resources Guaranty Company, First National Title Insurance Company and National Investors Title Insurance Company. Accurity Qualified Analytics The appraisal divisions of Tarin, Coon «& Lucco and Frank J. Lucco and Associates, Inc., well-established appraisal experts in the Houston area since 1954, recently affiliated with the nationwide professional appraisal company of Accurity Qualified Analytics, LLC. (AQA). Whether we function as an expert witness, develop a forensic review, assist in estate planning, provide appraisals for mortgage financing, or as a residential consultant, we offer the credentials, specialized knowledge, integrity, analytical skills and educational background necessary to expertly assist our clients. The problem-solving advice generated from our senior real estate strategists can bring simplified solutions to complex real estate matters, AQA launched in 2006 with the sole objective of building a superior residential valuation services organization utilizing a franchise affiliation business model. Bringing together experienced, knowledgeable, high quality, locally owned, residential appraisal firms into a national organization made high level talent nationally accessible. By bringing together the power of a national organization and a proven, web-based, state-of-the-art technology platform able to deliver and track all its services, AQA met its objective. With nearly 50 affiliate offices nationwide, Accurity Qualified Analytics has grown quickly to become one of the largest residential appraisal organizations in the country. In addition to AQA’s residential appraisal experience, AQA has in-depth e.xperience with valuing easements, commercial properties, and land-only appraisals. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE JSWA has in-depth experience with program management of projects identical in scope to The City of Friendswood’s requirements. The following list is a subset of those projects that highlight this specific experience; • Lead mitigation consultant to Travis County, Texas for all involuntary and voluntary acquisitions. JSWA has served as acquisition consultant for Travis County, Texas for all involuntary (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers]-funded) and voluntary (FEMA-funded) acquisitions. His team assisted Travis County with the acquisition and demolition of more than 200 flood- prone structures throughout the County. These acquisitions have been a mix of voluntary (FEMA and County-funded) and involuntary projects. All voluntary acquisitions included providing supplemental housing assistance to over 100 low income and minority homeowners. All involuntary acquisitions included strict adherence to URA benefits for over 100 participants, both primary owner occupants and tenants. Lead mitigation consultant for Greenville, South Carolina. JSWA has served as acquisition consultant to the. County for FEMA and/or County-funded voluntary acquisition program and has implemented the acquisition and demolition of over 150 flood-prone structures. Over 10 percent of these homes have been non-owner-occupied requiring adherence to URA guidance for aU displaced tenants. These projects included both the buyout project management as well as the demolition management. Lead mitigation consultant to Wayne, New Jersey for all voluntary acquisitions. JSWA has assisted the Township of Wayne with the acquisition and demolition of over 300 flood-prone structures. These acquisitions have been a mix of CDBG funded and FMA/SRL funded. Over 10 percent of these homes have been non-owner-occupied and we have followed URA guidance for all displaced tenants. Lead Acquisition to Harris County, Real Property Division and Harris County Flood Contract District. JSWA is cufrently the acquisition consultant Harris County, Real Property , Division and Harris County Flood Contract District. JSWA is currently implementing the acquisition of over 800 properties funded under Hurricane Harvey. In this capacity, toe JSWA team is responsible.for appraisals, offers, relocation assistance, and settlement services for all homes acquired under tliis program. n t' Table 2 (next page) lists mitigation projects performed in the past 10 years for which JSWA has assisted in project identification, application development, grant administration, and project implementation by number of homes. Table 1: Mitigation Projects by Number of Homes Jurisdiction Number of Homes Funding Source Paterson Wayne, NJ Wayne, NJ City of Pearland City of Friendswood HCFCD Jefferson County DD6 Liberty County Cameron County 'I'ravis County Hardin County City of Pasadena City of Beaumont City of Vidor Greenville SC City of El Paso Jefferson County TX Orange County City of Galveston TX Galveston County, TX Pohatcong, NJ Total 50 CDBG and HMGP, Green Acres 290 SRL 10 CDBG HMGP HMGP HMGP, FMA, PDM, Local, SRL HMGP and FMA HMPG HMGP HMGP, FMA, PDM, USACE HMGP PDM FMA and SRL HMGP Local and PDM HMGP and local HMGP HMGP HMGP HMGP HMGP 104 148 2,500 60 110 40 200 12 44 35 12 150 140 104 36 65 800 2 4,912 Notes: HMGP: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program FMA: Flood Mitigation Assistance RFC: Repetitive Flood Claims PDM: Pre-Disaster Mitigation TWDB: Texas Water Development Board (Engineering Study Grant) USACE: United States Army Corp of Engineers CDBG: Community Development Block Grant SRL: Severe Repetitive Loss Table 2: Mitigation Projects by Federal Share Jurisdiction Federal Share Funding Project Type [ Support Provided App Dev/Project Management/Grant Admin App Dev/Project Management/Grant Admin App Dev/Project Management/Grant Admin App Dev/Project Management/Grant Admin Cameron County, TX $1,000,000 HMGP Buyout Hardin County, TX $1,000,000 HMGP Buyout X Structural/ Buyout City of Beaumont, TX $15,400,000 HMGP/SRI- Jefferson County DD6,FMA/HMG Structural/ Buyout $125,000,000 p TX HMGP/TW Buyouts/Eng Study Grant App Dev/B/C Dev onCity of Friendswood, TX $ 17,440,000 DB alts. App Dev/Project Management/Grant Admin App Dev App Dev/ProJect Management/Grant Admin App Dev/ProJect Management/Grant Admin App Dev/ProJect Management/Grant Admin App Dev/Project Ma nagement/G rant Admin App Dev/B/C/Project Mgml. Harris County Flood Control District, TX FMA/PDM/$223,795,027 Buyout SRL Jersey Village, TX $3,200,000 PDM Elevation Liberty County, TX $7,000,000 HMGP Buyout PD/HMGP/City of Pasadena, TX $15,358,208 Buyout SRL City of Pearland, TX $27,716,417 HMGP/RFC Buyouts HMGP/PD M/USACE Travis County, TX $7,000,000 Buyout HMGP/ TWDB FMA/HMG Buyouts/Eng Study Grant Elevation/Mit Recon Structural Wind Retrofit Buyout City of Vidor, TX $1,575,000 Jefferson Parish LA $23,000,000 App Dev P University of Miami, FL NFCH - FL Pohatcong Township, NJ $12,000,000 $1,000,000 $ 750,000 PDM B/C Development B/C Development App Dev App Dev/Project Management/Grant Admin HMGP HMGP Plan Development State of New Jersey $ 130,000 HMGP Jurisdiction Federal Share Funding Project T>pe Support Provided App Dev/Project Management/Granl Admin App Dev/Projecl Management/Grant Admin App Dev/Project Management/Grant Admin App Dev/Prqject Management/Granl Admin App Dev/Project Management/Grant Admin App Dev/Project Management/Grant Admin App Dev/Project Management/Grant Admin App Dev/Project Management/Granl Admin App Dev/Project Management/Grant Admin App Dev/Project Management/Grant Admin App Dev/Project Management/Grant Admin App Dev/Proj ect Management/Grant Admin App Dev/Project Management/ Admin App Dev/Project Management/Grant Admin SNND, TX $5,040,000 FMA Structural Jefferson County DD7, $36,500,000 HMGP Structural TX Jefferson County, TX $18,000,000 HMGP Buyout City of Galveston, TX $20,000,000 HMGP Buyout City of Euless, TX $ 200,000 SRL Buyout City of Mansfield, TX $3,000,000 FMA/SRL Buyout Buyout /Elevations Galveston County, TX $151,300,000 HMGP/SRL Orange County, TX $3,433,431 HMGP Buyout Shutters/Gener ator TX Med Center $2,300,000 HMGP FMA and CDBG Wayne Township, NJ $66,300,000 Buyout Santa Rosa Island Authority Elevations and Mit/Recon $6,500,000 FMA/SRL City of League City, Texas Elevations and Mit/Recon $3,000,000 SRL Brazoria County Drainage District 4 $5,000,000 FMA Structural Nassau Bay, Texas $6,600,000 FMA/SRL Elevation Jurisdiction Project Type | Support ProvidedFederal Share Funding App Dev/Project Management/Grant Admin App Dev $10,300,000 FMALittle Falls, NJ Buyout $17,600,000 FMA Elevations Elevations and Mit/Recon Guadalupe County, TX $14,800,000 FMA App DevCity of Houston, TX Total S852,238,084 Qualifications As shown in our history, JSWA meets and exceeds the qualifications listed in the RFP: Familiarity with FEMA, Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs. Our Project Management has included projects funded under FEMAs FMA, HMGP, PDM, SRL, and RFC grant programs. We also have experience with USACE-flinded projects as well as projects funded under HUDs CDBG projects. JSWA has assisted cities, counties, and drainage districts tliroughoul Country, primarily in Texas, in applying for and administering over $800M in FEMA grants. The projects, listed in Table 2 above, have been funded under multiple grant programs, to include HMGP, PDM, FMA, USAGE, and CDBG. JSWA slays current on all FEMA mitigation grant programs to ensure clients are eligible to apply and are competitive when they do apply. This includes evaluating clients proposed mitigation alternatives and capital improvements project budget to determine which proposed alternatives may be suitable for potential FEMA funding. Familiarity with Federal Mitigation Grant Rules, Regulations and Procedures as They Pertain to Buyout Projects for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA), and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). JSWA has implemented over 4,800 buyouts FEMAs FMA, HMGP, PDM, SRL, and RFC grant funds as well as USAGE funds and HUD CDBG funds. See table 1 above for a summary of these prior buyout programs. Real Estate Sales, Rights, Title, Appraisal, Relocation, Condemnation Support and Closing Experience. JSWA and our subcontractors for this project have years of experience in these areas. In addition to our work for projects in Texas, South Carolina, Louisiana, and New Jersey, our subcontractors offer long histories performing these services throughout Fort Bend County. AQA, as Tarin, Coon & Lucco/Frank J. Lucco and Associates, Inc., has served the Houston area most respected real estate appraisal and consulting firms in the greater Houston area. Founded in 1954, the firm offers more than fifty years in the practice of real estate appraisal and consulting. South Land Title, in business for more than 20 years, has assisted lenders, real estate agents, builders, residential investors and commercial investors with every type of real estate transaction. Knowledgeable in Determining Duplication of Benefits as Part of the Purchase Process. JSWA served as acquisition consultant for several communities following Tropical Storm Allison, and Hurricanes Rita and Ike (as well as several smaller events), JSWA has assisted in the acquisition of over 2,700 flood damaged properties. AH of these acquisitions included duplication of benefits determinations. JSWA assisted in the acquisition of over 1,200 properties after Hurricane Ike. Duplication of benefits in these Ike buyouts were more complicated than most, due to the fact that many flood victims received flood insurance payments, repair grants, and TWIA insurance payments. 2. List con^arable projects for federal, state, or local governments, whether ongoing or completed, including references. Please include, at a minimum, details for each Texas project listed in III.C.I. For each, please provide: f. Project name and location g. Year completed h. Short description and project i. Names, addresses, and phone numbers of owner and contact person tasked with daily responsibilities of project, j. Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of clients. Harris County, TX Acquisition/Project Manager of over 600 home acquisitions, $200M FEMA grant administered by the Texas Division of Emergency Management (ongoing) Point of Contact; Client Name: Abstract: Shannon C. Watson, P.E., Division Manager, Real Property Division Harris County Engineering Department, 713-274-3725, shannon.watson@hcpid.org Client Name: Abstract: Fort Bend County, TX Acquisition/Project Manager of 42 home acquisitions, $10M FEMA grant administered by the Texas Division of Emergency Management (ongoing) Point of Contact:Caroline Egan, Disaster Recovery Manager Homeland Security & Emergency Management, (281) 342-6185 (p), Caro!ine.Euan(<rfortbendcountvtx,gov Client Name; Abstract; Galveston County, Texas Homeowner Liaison and Subject Matter Expert for over 800 home acquisitions, over $100M FEMA grant administered by the Texas Division of Emergency Management (Complete 2012) Point of Contact;James Gentile. GalvcvSton County Housing & Economic Development 722 Moody St. Ave. 6th FL, Galveston, TX. 77550 Office 409-770-5369, james.gentile@co.galveston.tx.us Client Name: County of Greenville, SC Abstract:Homeowner Liaison and Subject Matter Expert for over 180 home elevations, $30M in local and FEMA grants (2007 to present - ongoing) Point of Contact:Paula G. Guckcr, Assistant County Administrator for Community Planning, Development and Public Works, (864) 467-7007, pguckertoigrccnvillecountv.org Client Name: Township of Wayne, New Jersey Abstract:Grant Administrator and Project Manager of 400 home acquisition and demolition, $80M FEMA grant administered by the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management (three grants - three closed 2012 to 2014, and iliree ongoing - no extension requested). Point of Contact:Neal Bellet MPA, RPPO, QPA. Business Administrator Township of Wayne, 973-694-1800 ext. 3202, belletn@wavnetownship.com D. PROJECT METHODOLOGY Provide a work plan that describes the firm’s methodology, including a detailed project plan, based on prior experience with acquisition and project management services. 1. The strategies and methods by which the work is performed must be included in the proposal and detailed sufTiciently to allow the city to determine compatibility of the approach to the city’s overall goals. 2. Work plan shall clearly distinguish the firm’s duties and responsibilities and those of llie city. Absence of this distinction shall mean the firm is assuming full responsibility for all tasks. 3. Mr. Ward will be principal in charge and overall project manager and will serve as overall technical lead. JSWA has in-depth experience with all elements of this scope of work. JSWA has formulated a team with direct experience with prior buyouts. JSWA has worked with both Accurity Qualified Analytics (AQA) and South Land Title on prior FEMA funded and client fiinded acquisitions totaling over 1,500 homes. This team has a good working relationship which will benefit the client in a seamless and effective acquisition program. JSWA implements projects with an eye on ensunng flood victims are treated fairly and equitably and the Client’s expectations are exceeded, all while ensuring adherence to FEMA requirements and regulations. More information about our teammates is shown below and in other sections of this RFP response. • Accurity Qualified Analytics (AQA), a real estate appraisal and consulting firm located in Houston, Texas. • South Land Title, a locally owned and operated title company serving customers in the Houston Metroplex for more than 20 years. We have detailed the qualifications and experience of JSWA, Accurity Qualified Analytics, and South Land Title prior sections of this response In the following sections. Team JSWA will demonstrate our capability for performing all tasks detailed in theRE'P. A. Landowner Notification In multiple past projects, JWSA has perfonned all aspects of landowner notification, including obtaining landowner contact information and completing notification letter packages. Our team has experience compiling applicable Bill of Rights documents, project details, identification of the selected appraisCT, and obtaining metes and bounds, and parcel sketches. B. Title In various past projects, JSWA has worked with South Land Title, who has provided the following services, and will provide these same services for this project: I. Our team will open title and obtain commitment upon request. This process will involve sending metes and bounds to the title company and reviewing the title commitment. Team members will make copies of all documents, including commitments, and create a filing system. Our team will review ownership and any Schedule B or C items. 2. Our team will forward the title or limited title sheet to tlie appraiser upon receipt. 3. Our team will submit a full abstract of title in a report form and includes copies of vesting deeds, record owner, lienholders, easements, and restrictions. 4. It is understood that both abstracts and title policy are required. Title Policy will be in the form approved by the Texas Department of Insurance and the price for title policies will be based on the Texas Department of Insurance title policy rates. As indicated above, JSWA, through South Land Title, will open title and obtain title commitments. As you will see in the option / value added services section below, it is our recommendation that the City use this contract to also handle real estate settlements. If the City so chooses, JSWA can provide the following services. • Receive and review contracts; • Confirm legal descriptions using property addresses, tax parcel account numbers, appraisals and surveys; • Open title and review commitment; • Verify legal descriptions and compare legal vesting, tax parcel account numbers, appraisals and survey; • Send title commitment to JSWA along with copies of exception documents reflected on title commitment; • Communicate with JSWA any exceptions on commitment that could possibly be a “red flag”; • Order tax certificates and HOA Statement of Accounts; • Coriimunicate with parcel owner to cure title issues, such as probates, liens, payoffs, bankruptcies and any other curative matters; • Order and review surveys, if required; • Prepare Settlement Statements and title documents for closing; • Obtain Deed and any other required buyout documents for signature; • Coordinate with JSWA to obtain checks for each parcel; • Coordinate with parcel owners for closing date/time; • Coordinate closing date/time with JSWA for inspections to be ordered; • Make receipts and disbursements per the Settlement Statement; • Electronically record the required documents (Deed), in the appropriate county; • After funding, deliver a final closing package to include; • Original title policy; • Original settlement statement; • Original recorded deed; • Original title company documents; • Original buyout documents; • Original survey, if required. • Maintain updated spreadsheets for buyout project; and • Title company buyout team to be readily available to provide support and ensure the timely delivery of communication to facilitate each closing. C. Appraisal In various past projects, JSWA has worked with Accurity Qualified Analytics (AQA), who has provided the following services, and will provide these same services with this project; JSWA works witli Client to provide AQA with an appraisal assignment letter. This letter will include: ..a. Metes and bounds and parcel'sketches b. Prbject description c. Appraisal District account infprination d. environmental studies that were completed JSWA will order pre-flood or current market value appraisal from appraiser (nonrcitizens ineligible for pre-fiood market value) AQA completes appraisal-inspection and delivers a complete appraisal D. Negotiation ... For all parcels approved for acquisition in a buyout program, JSWA will be the key liaison in negotiations between the homeowner and the client, ensuring the. homeowner clearly understands the program and n their rights and Options, while also ensuring the client meets all grant requirements. Specifically, we have: performed the following-services: a. Serving as buyout representative, representing the client during the entire buyout process b. Developing data for and preparing the determination of compensation and Offer to sell c. Meeting with each parcel owner to describe the acquisition process, specifically: L , Tirneframe for acquisition 2. Grant requirements regarding Duplication of Benefits or Increased Cost of Compliance 3. Offer process ^ 4. Closing process 5. Demolition process 6. . Reviewing and verifying eligibility for buyout with each parcel owner 7. Preparing draft deed with required .deed restrictions 8. Performing all required grant administration to include reporting and feimbursement request preparation/processing 9. . Facilitating bi-lingual outreach and bi-lingual offer presentation and negotiarions. Our extensive experience"Will guide the process using the following steps of the negotiation process! Written Offer. When we prepare a written pffer, we review the appraisal, determine applicable Duplication of Benefits (DOB) deductions if pre-flood value, prepare offer letter and present offer along with appraisal, metes and bounds, parcel sketches. Right to Repurchase arid Landowners Bill of Rights, if applicable, Negotiation. Once the offer is sent, we meet with property owners within several days to discuss coricems, revievv infoniiatioh supplied by owners, and review any maps or schematics, answering any questions and resolving any concerns that the parcel ovraer may have tliroughout all phases of the buyout. We prepare negotiator logs and maintain files on acquisition process arid progress, documenting all pertinent information. JSWA typically prepares and maintains a hard copy case file for each buyout participant. If needed, we wifi work on title curative for items on Schedule B and.C (or limited title sheet) not acceptable to Fort Bend County. This will be accorriplished iri coordination with the Clierit, South Land Title, and the owner of the property. Request extension letter. We understand that the extension letter must be received within the 30-day allotted time for an extension request. As part of our negotiation duties. We will submit extension requests to Fort Bend County in the 30-day allotted timeframe if the owner needs more time to gather infonriatiori e n4 in order to their present counteroffer. If the ext ension is granted, we infonn owners in writing that they have 30 days to present mformation in reference to their counter; Receive counteroffer. We will review contents of tlie counteroffer for correct informationand prepare forms that outline both City of Friendswood’s offer and the property owner’s request. Submit counteroffer to City of Friendswood for consideration. We will then send the counterolTer packet to City of Friendswood, requesting review of the counteroffer information. . Receive and send out cpuritefoffer acceptance or denial letter. Once the counteroffer has beeri approved or , denied by. City of Friendswood, we will prepare and deliver the appropriate letter, along with final offer letter. Final offer; Once received, we will mail the final offer letter to landowner including conveyance documeht(s) and property code 21.101 after at least 30 days from the receipt of certified offer letter. In the 14-day period for the final offer to expire, we will begin gathering information needed to proceed to : coridemnation. Include copy of conveyance document(s) and property code 21.101 per SB18. Settlement. Upon settlement if needed we will perform title curative measures. This will be accomplished in coordihation with the Client, South Land Title, and the owner of the property. We will submit a Request for Payment to’City of Friendswood for any lender processing fees associated with obtairiing' releases or Consents; will .submit these requests to pay all landowners, lieiiliolders, leasehold estates or other impfovemeht owners. We will also contact landowners to schedule piclcuR or delivery of checks and complete pre-closing inspection reports. Finally, we will, collect Assignment of Coverage D forms for. buyouts deemed substantially damaged with an active flood insurance policy for demolition reimbursements. , File Closeout JSWA understands how to perform a file closeout. We understand City of Friendswood requires the following as part of a closed file and we will confirfn that all items (noted in Task 6a) are included: Cad Printouts • Court orderauthorizing purchase with all exhibits • Appraisal assignment letter. * Title report .(all requirements met) • . Offer letter a nd .proof of offer recei ved • Filial offer • Copy of extension letter request and attachment’s • Request for Payment • Copy of all appraisals • Copy of.check and receipt • Recorded Insfmriient ' fc n fcf E. Settlements. ... As described in section B above, the JSWA team, to include South Land Title LLC, will conduct real estate closing at a local title company (cost showh in the Pricing section below, includes all but Title insurance, which is based on the State’s title insurance rate chart); PREFEE^D METHODS FQR MEETli^G REQUIREMENTS/DELIVERABLES IN SPECMGATIONS As indicated in the section above, the JSWA Team is prepared to meet all requirements and deliverables specified in the City’s REP. In coordination with our team inenibers and key personnel, we foresee no limitations on our ability to perform these: sei-vices. The majority of the work will be completed by the JSWA on the City’s behalf. TheTollowing are the work items the City will likely be responsible for:- n • Reviewing and signing Contracts for Sale • Reviewing and processing JSWA prepared check requests for transmittal of funds to the title company • Reviewing and submitting JSWA prepared reimbursement requests for submittal to the State Reviewing and signh. • Inspecting homes for vacancy prior to closing • . Facilitating and posting RFPs for demolition p Note, JSWA will assist in data collection needed for demolition bidding • Hiring the asbestos survey firm and .demplition firais F. Environriierital Services Please note, as we understand it. State procurement requirements do not allow the implementation contractor to perform asbestos abatement, asbestos suivey, or asbestos monitoring services. Where the RFP asked for these seryices, it is the intent of JSWA to assist the City with the City’s procurement and oversight of an asbestos survey firm. Data from asbestos surveys wiU be used as part of the backup documentation for bidding demolitions. JSWA will assist the City in ensuring; 1 .The environmental, review process is in accordance with 24 CFR Part 58 and.all associated laws and Authorities 2. Final disposal of hazardous or toxic waste is in a manner that complies with all local, state, and federal guidelines, ordinances, codes, and laws G. Demolition Services Please nOte, as we understand it, State procurement requirements’ do not allow.the implementation contractor tp perforrn Demolition. Services - further, without knowing the results pf asbestos Surveys and obtain firm demolition quotes, based pn the. specific characteristics of each home, it is iinpossible to provide a price for demolition. Where the RFP asked for these serv'ices, it is the intent of JSWA to assist ..the City iyith the City’s procurement and oversight of the demolition firm(s), but the demolition firms will be solicited by and liired by the City. JSWA will assist the City with: n II I 1. Verifying the work site for any and all demolition sendees by street ,address of the pnmary structure and Tax Identification Number of the property 2. Ensuring the chosen demolition contractor obtains and provides all permits, labor, expertise, equipment, machines and tools necessary to perform the demolition services ,3. Verifying the utility services (water, sewer, electric, gas and cable) have been disconnected prior to accomplishing the physical disconnections and any capping or terminations necessary to proceed with demolition 4. Overseeing demolition contractor(s) during the demolition services and removal of the structure, any: . outbuildings located on the properly, basements, foundationsj arid site improvements, including blit not limited torretaining walls, paying; foundatiori landscaping, concrete pads, sidewalk and drivev/ays, fencing, mailboxes, signs, poles, porches, trash, waste, rubbish, rocks, debris, etc. ‘ _5. Verifyirig the finished surface is reasonably smooth compacted and free from irregular surface changes 6. Ensuring final disposal of debris is in a manner that complies with all local, state, and federal guidelines, ordinances, codes, and laws E. PRICING AND FEES The proposal shall provide a breakdown of all potential costs (i.e., applicable hourly rales, training, travel and per diem, etc.). 1. 2.The proposal shall include all ser\aces (e.g. landowner notification, title commitment, appraisal, negotiation, settlements, environmental services, demolition savices, and closeout) and should include a breakdown of each SCTvice per each property. The proposal shall include a fee schedule for additional serv'ices required for successful implementation not already specifically identified in this RFP or optional services that may be of benefit to the city. 3. PRICING AND FEES Respondents: Please use form below or irrclude equivalent pricing and fees breakdown in your submittal. . Description Estimated Cfuantity Unit Price total Price Landowner Notification 26 $100.00 $2,600.00 Tide Commitment 26 $300.00 $7,800.00 Appraisal 26 $750.00 $19,500.00 Negotiation 26 $1600.00 $41,600.00 , Settlements *26 $300.00.$7,800.00 Environmental Services 26 $100.00 $2,600.00 Demolition Services ••$1,000.0026 $26,000.00 Closeout 26 $100.00 $2,600.00 Grand $110,500.00 Total * Settlements include all costs associated with conducting closing, to include escrow fee for both buyer and seller, Texas Guarantee Fee, recordation fees, and tax certificates; This per property fee does not include the actual cost of title insurance, which is promulgated by the State based upon final purchase price. See Environmental Services and Demolition Section responses in D. Project Methodology above - if should be noted that contractor will perform these two services, rather will assist the City in procurement and oversight of these services. Administratidn of the grant, for items such as general public meetings, quarterly reporting, and financial reimbursement requests (to be submitted to the State) are not included in the Per Property fees stated above. When/if needed, these will be provided on an hourly rate basis, and will be incurred as directed and approved by the City. Hourly rates for administrative support, described above, will be $160.00 per hour. . RFP 2019-04 Acquisition & Property Management Services 13/27 t F. REFERENCES Reference #1 Organization Name: Township of Wayne, New Jersey Contact Name/Telephone Number: Neal Bellel MPA, RPPO, QPA. Business Administrator, Township of Wayne, 973-694-1800 ext. 3202 Email: belletn@waynetownship.com Address: 475 Valley Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Services Provided: demolition, $66.3M FEMA and CDBG grants administered by the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management. Over 10 percent of these homes have been non-owner-occupied and we have followed URA guidance for all displaced tenants. Grant Administrator and Project Manager of 300 home acquisition and Reference #2 Organization Name: Harris County Texas Contact Name/Telcphonc Number: Shamion C. Watson, P.E., Division Manager, Real Property Division Harris County Engineering Department, 713-274-3725, Email: shannon.watson@hcpid.org Address: 10555 Northwest Freeway, Ste. 2i0, Houston, Texas 77092 Services Provided: administered by the Texas Division of Emergency Management. This support includes appraisals, acquisition agent services, relocation services, and settlements Acquisition/Project Manager of over 600 home acquisitions, S200M FEMA grant Reference #3 Organizatioa Name: Travis County, Texas Contact Name/Telephone Number: Melinda Mallia, Transportation and Natural Resources, 512-854-4460 Email: Melinda.Malliatetraviscountvlx.gov Address: P.O. Box 1748, Austin, TX 78767 Services Provided: demolition, FEMA, USAGE and County funded buyouts. 200 flood-prone structures throughout the County. These acquisitions have been a mix of voluntary {FEMA and County-funded) and involuntary (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [USACEJ-funded) projects. All voluntary acquisitions included providing supplemental housing assistance to over 100 low income and minority homeowner. All involuntary acquisitions included strict adherence to URA benefits for over 100 participants, both primary owner occupants and tenants, Grant Administrator and Project Manager for over 200 home acquisition and Reference #4 Organization Name: Jefferson County Drainage District No. Six, Texas Contact Name/Telephone Number: Richard FeBlanc, General Manager, 409-842-1818 Email: rpleblanc@dd6.org Address: 6550 Walden Rd., Beaumont, TX 77707-5510 Services Provided: JSWA has been DD6’ mitigation consultant for the past ten years. JSWA has been successful in obtaining over S125M in FEMA funds for drainage projects. Many of these projects required the acquisition of Righi-of-Way and easements for location or expansion of drainage structures. JSWA provides direct support the District’s attorney and Board of Director’s for Right-of-Way acquisition, all of which required strict adherence to URA guidelines. Reference #5 Organi/ation Name: Fort Bend County, Texas Contact Name/Telephone Number; Caroline Egan, Disaster Recovery Manager Homeland Security & Emergency Management, (281) 342-6185 Email: Caroline.Egan@fortbendcountytx.gov Address: 307 Fort Street, Richmond, TX 77469 Services Provided:Acquisition/Project Manager of 42 home acquisitions, $10M FEMA grant administered by the Texas Division of Emergency Management. This support includes appraisals, acquisition agent services, settlements, and support to the post acquisition home demolitions. Reference #6 Organization Name: Galveston County, Texas Contact Name/Telephone Numl>er: James Gentile, Contract Services, 409-770-5543 Email; .lamcs.iicniilcv/ co.«.ralveston.tx.u.s Address: 722 Moody 3rd Floor, Galveston, TX. 77550 Services Provided: Ike voluntary buyout program for over 800 homes damaged or destroyed by this event. All homes acquired required complex duplication of benefits, hi addition to offer generation and negotiations, JSWA oversaw the appraisal firm and title company and provided URA benefits to all displaced tenants. JSWA also performed the duties and subject matter expert for a 200-home elevation program funded under the FEMA SRL program. JSWA was the buyout consultant and subject matter expert for a post Hurricane EXECUTION OF OFFER The undersigned, in submitting this proposal and their OFFER of same, represents that they are authorized to obligate their firm, that they have read this entire bid proposal package. Is aware of the covenants contained herein and will abide by and adhere to the expressed requirements. Submittals will be considered as being responsive only if entire Bid Package plus any/all attachments is returned with all blanks filled In. Submitted by: Jeffrey S Ward & Associated, Inc (OFFICIAL FIRM name) By: (Origir^ Signature) Must be signed tto be considered responsive. Jeff Ward (Typed or Printed Name) 8/20/19President (Date)(Title) Remittance Address:P.O Box 4356 Leesburg (City, State, Zip code) VA 20177 USA ( 703 ) 777>7076Phone U: ( 066 ) 635-6582Fax #; E-Mail Address:jswa 1 ©outlook.com If an addendum is issued for this bid, please acknowledge receipt. ADDENDUMS/AMENDMENTS:Date acknowledgedInitials 1) 2) 3) 10/27RFP 2019-04 Acquisition & Property Management Services STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION 1. Proposer , Full Name of Business: Principai Business Address: Jeffrey S. Ward & Associates, Inc P.O 80x4356 Leesburg, VA 2Q177 Principal Phone Number:703-777-7076 Local Business Address: Local Business Contract: Local Business Phone:. Local Business Fax: Local Business E-mail: Type of Organization: Tax ID #: License #:. SubChapter S Corporation 01-0722967 Provide names of authorized representatives of the Respondent who has/have legal authority to bind the Respondent into contractual obligations: . (a Jeff Ward (b (c {d 2. Subcontractor(s) List of all firms participating in this proposal Address (a Accurity QualifiedAnalytics, 2470 Gray Falls Drive #190 Houston, TX 77077 Name Area of Responsibility Appraisals (b South Land Title LLC, 1100 Gulf Freeway, Suite 100 League City, Texas 77573 ^: Title and Settlements (c (d RFP 2019-04 Acquisition & Property Management Services 11/27 s. BIDDER'S CERTIFICATION The 1985 Texas Legislature passed H6620 relating to bids by nonresident contractors. The pertinent portion of the Act has been extracted and is as follows: Section 1. (a) (2) "Nonresident bidder" means a bidder whose principal place of business is not in this state, but excludes a contractor whose ultimate parent company or majority owner has its principal place of business In this state. (3) "Texas resident bidder" means a bidder whose principal place of business is in this state, and includes a contractor whose ultimate parent company or majority owner has its principal place of business in this state. (b) The state or a governmental agency of the state may not award a contract for general construction, improvements, services, or public works projects or purchases of supplies, materials, or equipment to a nonresident bidder unless the nonresident's bid is lower than the lowest bid submitted by a responsible Texas resident bidder by the same amount that a Texas resident bidder would be required to underbid a nonresident bidder to obtain a comparable contract in the state in which the nonresident's principal place of business is located. is a resident bidder of Texas as defined in HB 620.I certify that (Company Name) Signature Print Name I certify that Jeffrey S. Ward & Associates. Inc. (Company Name) and our principal place of business is Leesburg is a Nonresident bidder as defined in H8 620 , VA Signatur Print Name Jeff Ward, President 12/27RFP 2019-04 Acquisition & Property Management Services CONTRACTOR'S CAPACITY TO PERFORM Based on the provider's response to this solicitation, please identify dedicated resources available for contract fulfillment (use.extra pages as necessary): Jeff Ward will be the overall project rrianager and has the compacitity toAvailability to perform:1. fulfill ali obligations of this RFP (include any additional personnel or equipment/assets contractor will acquire to complete contract performance) 2. Equipment and operational items: (identify by quantity and type any equipmeht/assets allocated'to contract performance) 3. Personnel: (Identify by quantity and category any personnel assigned to contract performance) 4.Other Resources: (Identify any other resources to be allocated to corriplete coritract performance) ■RFF 2019-04 Acquisition & Property Management Services 15/27 (• . CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES (Form 1295) In 2015, the Texas Legislature adopted House Bill 1295. The Texas Government Code §2252.908, and the rules issued by the Texas Ethics Commission found.in Title 1, Sections 46.1,46.3 and 46.5 of the Texas Administrative Code, require a business entity to submit a completed Form 1295 to the City before the City may enter into a contract with that business entity. The law states that a governmental entity or state agency may not enter into certain contracts with a business entity unless the business entity submits a disclosure of interested parties to the governmental entity or state agency at the time the business entity submits the signed contract to the governmental entity or state agency. The law applies only to a contract of a governmental entity or state agency that either (1) requires an action or vote by the governing body of the entity of agency before the contract may be signed or (2) has a value of at least $1 million, the disclosure requirement applies to a contract entered into on or after January 1, 20l6. Form 1295 must be completed online. The form is available from the Texas Ethics Commission by accessing the following web address: https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/filinRinfo/1295/ print the completed Form 1295 showing the Certification Number and Date Filed in the Certification of Filing box at the upper right corner. The person filing the 1295 needs to complete an "unsworn declaration". The following definitions found in the statute and Texas Ethics Commission rules may be helpful in completing Form 1295. "Business entity" includes an entity through which business is conducted with a governmental entity or state agency, regardless ofwhetherthe entity is a for-profit or non profit entity. The term does not include a governmental entity or state agency. "Controlling interest" means: (1) an ownership interest or participating interest in a business entity by virtue of units, percentage, shares, stock, or otherwise that exceeds 10 percent; (2) membership on the board of directors or other governing body of a business entity of which the board or other governing body is composed of not more thaii 10 members; or (3) serves as an officer of a business entity that has four or fewer officers, or service as One of the four officers rnost highly compensated by a business entity that has rnore than.four officers. "Interested party" means: (1) a person who has a controlling interest in a business entity with whom a governmental entity or state agency contracts; or (2) a person who actively participates in facilitating a contract or negotiating the terms of a contract with a governmental entity or state agency, including a broker, intermediary, adviser, or attorney for the business entity. Subsection (c) of this section does not apply to an officer of a publicly held business entity Or its wholly owned subsidiaries. "Intermediary", for purposes of this rule, means a person who actively participates in the facilitation of the contract or negotiating the contract, including a broker, adviser, attorney, or representative of pr agent for the business entity who: (1) receives compensation from the business entity for the person's participation; (2) communicates directly yvith the governmental entity or state agency on behalf of the business entity regarding the contract; and (3) is not an employee of the business entity. The law has been amended beginning January 1, 2018. A completed Form 1295 is not required for: • A sponsored research contract of an institution of higher education; • An interagency contract of a state agency or ah institution of higher education RFP 2019-04 Acquisition & Property Management Services 16/27 i •4 • A contract related to health and human services if: ' o The value of the contract cannot be determined at the time the contract is executed; and o Any qualified vendor is eligible for the contract; • Acontract with a publicly traded business entity, including a wholly owned subsidiary of the business entity • A contract with an eleetric utility, as that term is defined by Section 31.002, Utilities Code; or; • A contract with a gas utility, as that term is defined by Section 121.001, Utilities Code. RFP 2019-04 Acquisition & Property Management Services 17/27 ri. - i CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 lof 1 OFFICE USE ONLY CERTIFICATION OF FILING Compieie Nos. 1 • 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. Compleie Nos 1. 2. 3. 5. and 6 if there are no interested parties. 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place of business. Jeffrey S. Ward & Assodates, Inc. Leesburg, VA United States 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for v\4iich the form is being filed. The City of Friendswood. TX Certificate Number: 2019-531016 Date Filed: 08/20/2019 Date Acknowledged: 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contreu^t, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. RFP 201904 Acquisition and Project Management Services For the City of Friendswood for Disasters DR4332056 Nature of interest (check applicable) 4 Name of Interested Party City, State, Country (place of business) Controlling Intermediary 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. 0 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION Jeff Ward May 20. 1962My name is and my date of birth is PO. 80X4356 Leesburg VA 20177 USAMy address is (street)(cHy)(state)(up code)(country) I declare under pertalty of oerjury Uiat the foregoing is true and correct. Loudoun County, state of Virginia the 20tf^av of August (month) 20 19Executed in on (year) fitature Of a&Qlorized a^nt of contracting business entity (Dedarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethiC5.state.lx.us Version V1.1.39f8039c ATTACHMENT A PROCUREMENT FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS there are no bonding requirements for this RFP. The following are required Federal Clauses that shall be returned with the proposal and are part of the contract documents herein. CONTENTS 1. Equal Employment Opportunity 2. Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act 3. Clean Air Act 4. Federal Water Pollution Act ,5. Debarrnent and Suspension 6. Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment 7. Procurement of Recycled Materials 8. Access to Records 9. Department ofHomeland Security Logo, Seal, and Flags 10. Compliance with Federal Law, Regulations, and Executive Orders Tl. No obligation by Federal Government 12. Program Fraud and False or Fraudulent Statements and Related Acts 13. Contracting With Small and Minority Businesses, Women's Business Enterprises, and Labor Surplus Area Fifnris 14. Energy Efficiency and Conservation RFP 2019-04 Acquisition & Property Management Services 18/27 . t'£ 1. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 29;CFR Part 1630,41 CFR Parts 60 et seq. During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows: (1) The contractor will not discriminate against any employee pr applicant fpr employmeht because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin. The contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during etfiployment without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, sexual.orientation, gender identity, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: Employment, upgrading, demotion,:Qr transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other fo/ms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment,.notices to be provided setting forth the- provisions of this nondiscriminatipn clause. (2) The contractor will, in all solicitatioris of advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideratipn for employment without regard to race, color, religion. Sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin. . (3) The contractor will not discharge or in any other manner discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because such employee or applicant has inquired about, discussed, or discipsed the cPmpensation of the employee or applicant of another employee or.applicaht. This provision shall not apply to instances in which an employee who has access to the compensation information of Other erhpipyees or applicahts as a part Of SUch. empipyee.'s esSential job functions discloses the compensation: of such other ernployees or applicants to individuals who do not otherwise have access to such information, unless such disclosure is in response to a formal complaint or charge, in furtherance ofan investigation, proceeding, hearing, oractipn, including an investigation conducted by the employer, or is consistent with the contractor's legal duty to furnish information. (4) The contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement Or other contract orUndefStanding, a notice to be provided advising the said labor Union or workers' representatives of the contractor's commitments undefthis section, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicahts for employment. (5) the contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order 11246 of September 24,196S, and of the rules, fegulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. (6) The contractor will furnish all information and reports required by Executive Order 11246 of September 24,1965, and by ru|es, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labpf, or pursuant thereto, arid will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the administering agency and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with Such rules, regulations, and orders. (7) In the event of the corttraCtpr's noncpmpliahce with the nondiscrimination clauses of this contract of with ariy of the said rules, regulations. Or orders, this contract may be canceled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part and the contractor may be declared ineligible for further Government contracts pr federally assisted construction contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order 11246 of September 24,1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order 11246 of September 24,1965, or by rule, regulation, ororder of the Secretary of Labor; or as otherwise provided by law. (8) The contractor will include the portion of the sentence immediately preceding paragraph (1) and the provisions of paragraphs (1) through (8) in every subcontract or pufchase pfder unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary Of Labor issued pursuant to section 204 of Executive Order 11246 of September 24,1965, so that such RFP 2019-04 Acquisition & Property Management Services 19/27 I provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. The contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the administering agency may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, that in the event a contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the administering agency, the contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. The applicant further agrees that it will be bound by the above equal opportunity clause with respect to its own employment practices when it participates in federally assisted construction work; Provided, That if the applicant so participating is a State or local government, the above equal opportunity clause is not applicable to any agency, instrumentality or subdivision of such government which does not participate in work on or under the contract. The applicant agrees that it will assist and cooperate actively with the administering agency and the Secretary of Labor in obtaining the compliance of contractors and subcontractors with the equal opportunity clause and the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor, that it will furnish the administering agency and the Secretary of Labor such information as they may require for the supervision of such compliance, and that it will otherwise assist the administering agency in the discharge of the agency's primary responsibility for securing compliance. The applicant further agrees that it will refrain from entering into any contract or contract modification subject to Executive Order 11246 of September 24,1965, with a contractor debarred from, or who has not demonstrated eligibility for. Government contracts and federally assisted construction contracts pursuant to the Executive Order and will carry out such sanctions and penalties for violation of the equal opportunity clause as may be imposed upon contractors and subcontractors by the administering agency or the Secretary of Labor pursuant to Part M, Subpart D of the Executive Order. In addition, the applicant agrees that if it fails or refuses to comply with these undertakings, the administering agency may take any or all of the following actions: Cancel, terminate, or suspend in whole or in part this grant (contract, loan, insurance, guarantee); refrain from extending any further assistance to the applicant under the program with respect to which the failure or refund occurred until satisfactory assurance of future compliance has been received from such applicant; and refer the case to the Department of Justice for appropriate legal proceedings. Jeff Ward L (Typed or Printed Name of Signatory)Date rHI> DOCUMENI MUST QE COiVIPLfcftD AMD 5UtJMIIT£D AS IT IS A PAKT OP FHF fllD PACKAGE. RFP 2019-04 Acquisition & Property Management Services 20/27 2. CONTRACT WORK HOURS AND SAFETY STANDARDS ACT 29 CFR§ 5.5(B) (1) Overtime requirements. No contractor or subcontractor contracting for any part of the contract work which may require or Involve the employment of laborers or mechanics shall require or permit any such laborer or mechanic in any workweek in which he or she is employed on such work to work in excess of forty hours in such workweek unless such laborer or mechanic receives compensation at a rate not less than one and one-half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of forty hours in such workweek. (2) Violation; liability for unpaid wages; liquidated damages, in the event of any violation of the clause set forth In paragraph (1) of this section the contractor and any subcontractor responsible therefor shall be liable for the unpaid wages. In addition, such contractor and subcontractor shall be liable to the United States for liquidated damages. Such liquidated damages shall be computed with respect to each individual laborer or mechanic, including watchmen and guards, employed in violation of the clause set forth in paragraph (1) of this section, in the sum of $10 for each calendar day on which such individual was required or permitted to work in excess of the standard workweek of forty hours without payment of the overtime wages required by the clause set forth in paragraph (1) of this section. (3) Withholding for unpaid wages and liquidated damages. The State of Texas shall upon its own action or upon written request of an authorized representative of the Department of Labor, withhold or cause to be withheld, from any moneys payable on account of work performed by the contractor or subcontractor under any such contract or any other Federal contract with the same prime contractor, or any other federally-assisted contract subject to the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, which is held by the same prime contractor, such sums as may be determined to be necessary to satisfy any liabilities of such contractor or subcontractor for unpaid wages and liquidated damages as provided in the clause set forth in paragraph (2) of this section. (4) Subcontracts. The contractor or subcontractor shall insert in any subcontracts the clauses set forth in paragraphs (1) through (4) of this section and also a clause requiring the subcontractors to include these clauses in any lower tier subcontracts. The prime contractor shall be responsible for compliance by any subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor with the clauses set forth in paragraphs (1) through {4} of this section. Jeff Ward (Typed or Printed Name of Signatory)Date THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE COMPLEfFD AND SUBMITTED AS IT IS A PART OF THE BID PACKAGL. RFP 2019-04 Acquisition & Property Management Services 21/27 3. CLEAN AIR ACT (42 U.S.C. § 7401 et seq.) Clean Air Act 1. The Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act. as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 7401 et seq. 2. The Contractor agrees to report each violation to the City of Friendswood and understands and agrees that the City of Friendswood will, in turn, report each violation as required to assure notification to the State of Texas, Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the appropriate Environmental Protection Agency Regional Office. 3, The Contractor also agrees to include these requirements in each subcontract exceeding $150,000 financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FEMA. huM-Jeff Ward SL (Typed or Printed Name of Signatory)Date 4. FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION ACT (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.) Federal Water Pollution Control Act 1. The contractor agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended. 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq. 2. The contractor agrees to report each violation to the City of Friendswood and understands and agrees that the City of Friendswood will. In turn, report each violation as required to assure notification to the State of Texas, Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the appropriate Environmental Protection Agency Regional Office. 3. Contractor also agrees to include these requirements in each subcontract exceeding $150,000 financed in whole or part with Federal assistance provided by FEMA. in Jeff Ward (Typed or Printed Name of Signatory} THIS OOCUMENi MUST BE COMPLETED AMD SUBMIT I'ED AS IT IS A PART OF THE BID PACKAGE RFP 2019-04 Acquisition & Property Management Services 22/27 5. DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION Suspension and Debarment By signing and submitting its bid or proposal, the bidder or proposer agrees to comply with the following: (1) This contract is a covered transaction for purposes of 2 C.F.R. pt. 180 and 2 C.F.R. pt. 3000. As such the contractor is required to verify that none of the contractor, its principals (defined at 2 C.F.R. § 180.995), or its affiliates (defined at 2 C.F.R. § 180.905) are excluded (defined at 2 C.F.R. § 180.940) or disqualified (defined at 2 C.F.R. § 180.935). (2) The contractor must comply with 2 C.F.R. pt. 180, subpart C and 2 C.F.R, pt. 3000, subpart C and must include a requirement to comply with these regulations in any lower tier covered transaction it enters into. (3) This certification is a material representation of fact relied upon by the City of Friendswood and the State of Texas. If it is later determined that the contractor did not comply with 2 C.F.R. pt. 180, subpart C and 2 C.F.R. pt. 3000, subpart C, in addition to remedies available to the State of Texas and the City of Friendswood, the Federal Government may pursue available remedies, including but not limited to suspension and/or debarment. (4) The bidder or proposer agrees to comply with the requirements of 2 C.F.R. pt. 180, subpart C and 2 C.F.R. pt. 3000, subpart C while this offer is valid and throughout the period of any contract that may arise from this offer. The bidder or proposer further agrees to include a provision requiring such compliance in its lower tier covered transactions. Jeff Ward (Typed or Printed Name of Signatory) PLEASE NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE RESPONDENT AND ALL SUBCONTRACTORS. THESE DOCUMENTS MUST BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED AS IT IS A PART OF THE BID PACKAGE. RFP 2019-04 Acquisition & Property Management Services 23/27 6. BYRD ANTI-LOBBYING AMENDMENT Byrd Anti-Lobbving Amendment. 31 U-S.C. § 1352 (as amended! Contractors who apply or bid for an award of $100,000 or more shall file the required certification. Each tier certifies to the tier above that it will not and has not used Federal appropriated funds to pay any person or organization for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with obtaining any Federal contract, grant, or any other award covered by 31 U.5.C. § 1352. Each tier shall also disclose any lobbying with non-Federal funds that takes place in connection with obtaining any Federal award. Such disclosures are forwarded from tier to tier up to the recipient. APPENDIX A. 44 C.F.R. PART 18 - CERTIFICATION REGARDING LOBBYING Certification for Contracts, Grants, Loans, and Cooperative Agreements (To be submitted with each bid or offer exceeding $100,000) The undersigned [Contractor] certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge, that; 1) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. 2) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress In connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form - LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. 3) The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all sub awards at all tiers (including subcontracts, sub grants and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all sub recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by 31, U.S.C. § (as amended by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995). Any person who fails to the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. The Contractor, Jeffrey S. Ward & Associates, Inc ^certifies or affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of each statement of its certification and disclosure, if any. In addition. Contractor understands and agrees that the provisions of 31 U.S.C. § 3801 et seq apply to this certification and disclosure, if any. Jeff Ward (Name and Title of Contractor's Authorized Official)Sign, THIS DOCtiMFNT MUST BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTro AS 11' IS A PART 0? THE BID PACKAGE REP 2019-04 Acquisition & Property Management Services 24/27 7. PROCUREMENT OF RECOVERED MATERIALS 42 U.S.C. 6962 (i) In the performance of this contract, the Contractor shall make maximum use of products containing recovered materials that are EPA- designated Items unless the product cannot be acquired — • Competitively within a timeframe providing for compliance with the contract performance schedule; • Meeting contract performance requirements; or • At a reasonable price. (ii) Information about this requirement, along with the list of EPA-designate items, is available at EPA's Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines web site, https://www.epa.gov/smm/comprehensive-procurement-guideline-cpg-program. (ill)) The Contractor also agrees to comply with all other applicable requirements of Section 6002 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act." Jeff Ward } (Typed or Printed Name of Signatory) 8. ACCESS TO RECORDS AND REPORTS Access to Records- The following access to records requirements apply to this contract: (1) The contractor agrees to provide the City of Friendswood, the State of Texas, the FEM A Administrator, the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their authorized representatives access to any books, documents, papers, and records of the Contractor which are directly pertinent to this contract for the purposes of making audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcriptions. (2) The Contractor agrees to permit any of the foregoing parties to reproduce by any means whatsoever or to copy excerpts and transcriptions as reasonably needed. (3) The contractor agrees to provide the FEMA Administrator or his authorized representatives access to construction or other work sites pertaining to the work being completed under the contract." (4) In compliance with the Disaster Recovery Act of 2018, the City of Friendswood, the State of Texas, and the Contractor acknowledge and agree that no language in this contract is intended to prohibit audits or internal reviews by the FEMA Administrator or the Comptroller General of the United States. Jeff Ward (Typed or Printed Name of Signatory) i HIS DOCUMENT MUST DE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED AS IT IS A PART OF THE BID PACKAGE. RPP 2019-04 Acquisition & Property Management Services 25/27 9. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY SEAL, LOGO, AND FLAGS "The contractor shall not use the DHS seal(s}. logos, crests, or reproductions of flags or likenesses of DHS agency officials without specific FEMA pre-approval." Jeff Ward (Typed or Printed Name of Signatory) 10. COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL LAW, REGULATIONS, AND EXECUTIVE ORDERS "This is an acknowledgement that FEMA financial assistance will be used to fund the contract only. The contractor will comply will all applicable federal law, regulations, executive orders, FEMA policies, procedures, and directives." Jeff Ward (Typed or Printed Name of Signatory) 11. NO OBLIGATION BY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT "The Federal Government is not a party to this contract and is not subject to any obligations or liabilities to the non- Federal entity, contractor, or any other party pertaining to any matter resulting from the contract." Jeff Ward (Typed or Printed Name of Signatory) 12. PROGRAM FRAUD AND FALSE OR FRAUDULENT STATEMENTS AND RELATED ACTS aiU.S.C. 3801etseq. 'The Contractor acknowledges that 31 U.S.C. Chap. 38 (Administrative Remedies for False Claims and Statements) applies to the Contractor's actions pertaining to this contract." Jeff Ward (Typed or Printed Name of Signatory) THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED AS IT IS A PART OF THE BID PACKAGE, RFP 2019-04 Acquisition & Property Management Services 26/27 13. CONTRACTING WITH SMALL AND MINORITY BUSINESSES, WOMEN'S BUSINESS ENTERPRISES, AND LABOR SURPLUS AREA FIRMS (2 CFR §200.321) Should the CONTRACTOR subcontract any work under this Contract. CONTRACTOR shall take the following steps: place qualified small and minority businesses and women's business enterprises on solicitation lists; assure that small and minority businesses, and women's business enterprises are solicited whenever they are potential sources; divide total requirements, when economically feasible, into smaller tasks or quantities to permit maximum participation by small and minority businesses, and women's business enterprises; establish delivery schedules, where the requirement permits, which encourage participation by small and minority businesses, and women's business enterprises; and the services and assistance, as appropriate, of such organizations as the Small Business Administration and the Minority Business Development Agency of the Department of Commerce. Their websites and contact information can be found at www.sba.eov and www.mbda.gov. use Jeff Ward {Typed or Printed Name of Signatory) 14. ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND CONSERVATION CONTRACTOR shall comply with the mandatory standards and policies In compliance with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U. S. C. § 6201). Jeff Ward (Typed or Printed Name of Signatory) I'HIS DOCUMENT MUST BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED AS IT iS A PART OF THE BID PACKAGE. RFP 2019-04 Acquisition & Property Management Services 27/27