HomeMy WebLinkAboutCEDC Minutes 2011-12-07 RegularFriendswood Community and Economic Development Committee Meeting Minutes December 7, 2011 The Friendswood Community and Economic Development Committee met on Wednesday, December 7, 2011, at 8:30 a.m., in the second floor conference room of City Hall, 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas, with the following members present: Chair Skip Evans, Pauline Moore, Tony Annan, Brett Banfield, Mark Conrad, Kirk Lippert, Jeremy Magnuson, and Dr. Hilmar Zeissig. Liaisons present were City Councilmembers Mike Barker and alternate Billy Enochs, Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership Executive Director of Special Initiatives Dan Seal, Friendswood ISD Superintendent Trish Hanks, and Planning and Zoning Commissioner Jim Gibson. Absent from the meeting was Bill Provenzano. Staff members present were Karen Capps and Roger Roecker. Also present was Jeff Newpher of the Friendswood Journal. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 8:34 with a quorum present. 2. Roll Call. Roll call was made. 3. Approval of Minutes. Kirk Lippert made a motion to approve the November 9, 2011 meeting minutes. The motion was seconded by Brett Banfield and it passed unanimously in the committee. 4. Discussion and possible action, but not limited to the Community and Economic Development Committee's strategic plan, goals, and action items. a. CEDC members volunteered to work on the following action items and report back to the committee: • Define success — Tony, Mark, Jeremy • Research infrastructure needs, easements, and ways to spur development, Whitcomb property — Brett, Kirk • Meet with Exxon representative regarding wells/easements in panhandle — Karen and Morad • Research and recommend ways to expand the Live Here Work Here marketing campaign — Mark, Pauline, Hilmar -Ad in Chamber directory -Monthly or quarterly print ads in Friendswood Journal and/or Reporter News, possibly of e-news + other news (Karen will ask for cost estimates) -Chamber will provide space in their monthly print ad in the Reporter News • Continue meetings with Brokers/Developers — Tony, Karen • Research options to fund infrastructure -CEDC can attend work session with City Council on Feb. 6, 2012 at 6 pm when Russell Gallahan of TX. Comptroller's Office will speak about Type A and Type B Economic Development Sales Tax -Schedule an educational presentation for committee to learn about special financing districts b. Tony Annan and Karen Capps reported on a meeting held with a large land owner/developer with commercial land in the city. c. Karen Capps reported that the 4ffi Quarter e-news was ready for distribution and the New Business Guide is available online and print copies will soon be available. The Live Here Work Here campaign was discussed as part of the strategic plan items. 5. Reports: City Council Earlier in the meeting, Councilmember Mike Barker provided an update on drainage and the Mud Gully project funded through Galveston County. Councilmember Billy Enochs provided the report since Councilmember Barker left earlier during the meeting. Councilmember Enochs reported that the Wight lawsuit was recently dismissed. He also reported that on November 14, City Council and Staff held a joint work session where capital improvement projects were discussed and prioritized. Also reported was that the City has applied to use Round 2 of State Disaster Recovery Funds to widen Friendswood Link from Blackhawk to FM 518 to be an emergency evacuation route. Friendswood Chamber of Commerce Carol Marcantel reported on Chamber upcoming events including the Christmas Lighted Parade on Saturday, December 10 at 6 pm and the Chamber's Open House on Thursday, December 15. Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership Dan Seal reported that BAHEP is working 55 active prospects and 20 of these are manufacturing prospects. BAHEP's Holiday party will be held on December 14. Embry Riddle Aeronautic University held an industry day and provided testimony on small businesses relating to the viability of aerospace and aeronautic industry in Texas. Dan also mentioned that the Congressional house redistricting maps were just released that provides two new Congressional seats in Texas. City Staff Karen Capps gave an update on active prospects and provided information on a recent ordinance that will increase some City development fees. 6. Adjournment. Mark Conrad made a motion to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Kirk Lippert. The meeting adjourned at 10:23 am.