HomeMy WebLinkAboutCEDC Minutes 2008-12-17 RegularFriendswood Community and Economic Development Committee Minutes December 17, 2008 The Friendswood Community and Economic Development Committee met on Wednesday, December 17, 2008, at 8:00 a.m., in the second floor conference room of City Hall, 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas, with the following members present: Chair Jamie Ballard, Vice Chair Brett Banfield, Pauline Moore, Cody Owen, and Dr. Hilmar Zeissig. Liaisons present were City Councilmember Mike Barker, Planning and Zoning Commission David O'Farrell, Friendswood Chamber of Commerce President Carol Jones, Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership representative Barbara Cutsinger, Clear Creek Independent School District representative Eva DeCardenas, and Griffin Integrated Marketing representative Deanna Wilke. Also present was Friendswood resident Donald "Skip" Evans. Staff members present were Karen Capps and Morad Kabiri (left at 9 am). Absent from the meeting were Kirk Lippert, Bill Provenzano, and Troy Waters. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 8:15 with a quorum present. 2. Roll Call. Roll call and introductions were made. 3. Approval of Minutes. Brett Banfield made a motion to approve the November 19, 2008 meeting minutes. The motion was seconded by Pauline Moore and it passed unanimously in the committee. 4. Discussion and possible action, but not limited to the following goals and action items to be included in the Community and Economic Development Committee's 2008-09 strategic plan. A. Business Recruitment Chair Ballard stated that he would like to begin a more direct approach next year by visiting with local realtors and focus on specific businesses and areas in the city, i.e. downtown. B. Business retention and expansion There was no report. C. Incentives Karen Capps met with the City Attorney on the draft tax abatement guidelines. The City Attorney is making changes and incorporating specific green building qualifications in the tax abatement policy. The draft policy will be emailed to members once it is ready. 5. Reports: A. Planning and Zoning There was no report. B. Liaisons Eva deCardenas reported that in 1948, CCISD had 1,000 student enrolled and has now grown to over 37,000 students in 2008. Two new elementary campuses will open in League City and have been named after former CCISD employees. The elementary school on Highway 3 near Highway 96 was named after a former high school teacher as Ralph Parr Elementary and the one located on Highway 96 near Highway 146 was named after former Superintendent, Dr. Sandra Mossman Elementary. Ms. Margaret Calagna, a second grade teacher at Armand Bayou Elementary School was selected to receive a 2008 Milken National Educator Award recipient which comes with a cash prize of $25,000. Carol Jones reported that new Chamber board members were just sworn in. The Christmas parade went well, however many were attending the Mustangs game in College Station that evening. Carol also reported on the annual Christmas open house at the Chamber on December 18. Barbara Cutsinger of BAHEP reported that the annual Quasar banquet will be held on January 16. Mike Coates will be the honoree. BAHEP has been working on a regional application for EDA grant funding. She also reported on several leads from the Greater Houston Partnership and the Governor's office. C. Marketing Deanna Wilke gave an update on the "Live Here Work Here" campaign. Griffin Marketing is creating content for the City's website and will include profiles in upcoming e-newsletters. A second billboard on FM 2351 is being planned after the current one comes down in April. The billboard's owner is providing it at no charge. The 41h quarter e-newsletter was finalized and distributed and a media advisory was created and distributed about the grand opening of the Friendswood Medical Wellness Center -Dr. Baden and Memorial Hermann Imaging. D. City Staff Morad Kabiri provided a report on Capital Improvement Projects that affect economic development. He said that preliminary engineering is being done on the downtown drainage project that will alleviate drainage from the east side of FM 518 from south of Willowick to Cowards Creek. The City is acquiring the last easement for a 16 inch water line that will be located on FM 528 towards Alvin. Other projects mentioned were Deepwood Force Main and Beamer Road utility improvements. E. Project Status Karen Capps reported that Council approved amendments to Neighborhood Empowerment Zone #1 which included the expansion of the geographical boundaries to Cowards Creek. Amendments to the grant awarded to BPI, Inc. for the HomeTown Center project were also approved. Ms. Capps reported on the grand opening of Dr. Baden and Memorial Hermann Imaging's building at 1505 E. Winding Way. Park Plaza just broke ground on their project across from City Hall. Jacob White Construction Company just moved into their new "green" office building. Robert's Office Park is being remodeled into 18,000 sf of office space. Ms. Capps is working on grant funding from EDA. Also reported were several live here work here prospects that are attending development review committee meetings. 6. Adiournment. The meeting was adjourned at 9:38 am.