HomeMy WebLinkAboutCEDC Minutes 2008-03-24 RegularFriendswood Community and Economic Development Committee
March 24, 2008
The Friendswood Community and Economic Development Committee met on Monday, March
24, 2008, at 7 pm., in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 910 S. Friendswood Drive,
Friendswood, Texas, with the following members present: Brett Banfield, Claude McEwen, Bill
Provenzano, Troy Waters, and Dr. Hilmar Zeissig. Also present were the Mayor and City
Council, members of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Griffin Integrated Marketing
representative Deanna Wilke.
Staff members present were Karen Capps and Bo McDaniel.
1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor at 7 pm. with a quorum
2. Discussion with City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding
downtown development options.
The Mayor presented a Downtown Action Plan. It was discussed appointing a Staff liaison for
downtown development as a short-term solution. City Manager Bo McDaniel stated he would
like Morad Kabiri to be that appointed Staff person, Councilmember Hill stated this is just
another bureaucratic mess to increase regulations, sales tax, etc. and will make problems worse
for Mr. Buzbee, not better. Councilmember Peden stated he agrees with Councilmember Hill.
Mayor Smith asked them to keep an open mind until the information has been presented and then
hear what they have to say. Councilmember Hill stated he would like to see Staff given
directions to find solutions, staff is capable, Councilmember Ewing stated Staff is capable but
may need one person to handle, development is confusing for people who do not do this
regularly, are trying to revitalize, is not brand new, will have these problems with anybody
coming in to develop and not just Buzbee, thinks CDD is understaffed and overworked. P&Z
Boardmember Holland stated does not feel the love, does not understand the document presented
since he has not seen it yet. Mayor apologized because he thought they would all have this
document and have reviewed. Can discuss at the planning meeting next Monday.
Councilmember Reid stated people are accusing Council of sending mixed signals.
Councilmember Hill stated people voted plan down that they did not want downtown plan.
Chairman Gibson asked if he could adjourn P&Z portion. Mayor said yes. Mayor Smith stated
the downtown area is not the only area that have development needs, explained his document.(on
Elmo) Mayor asked P&Z to discuss some of these needs(2b on the Mayor document) at their
upcoming April retreat, asked CM to make sure all information go out to the P&Z and CEDC for
next meeting.
Councilmember Peden stated we need to define the problem before we can solve it. Does any of
this fix the problem we are talking about, is premature to discuss solutions since we have not
decided what the problem is, is it Staff interpretation, developer not understanding or too many
regulations. Mayor stated after discussion with Buzbee he said it was not any 3 of those but the
types of developers Friendswood attracts do not have a Staff person that deals with these issues
primarily, that is why the City needs more Staff, need additional incentives to attract because we
are asking them to do special things that add more money to their projects. Councilmember
LeCour asked if this could be workshopped, needs more information on sales tax options as
promised previously. Councilmember Ewing stated Council has had workshops with the City
Manager explaining different funding options, has backup material tonight that explains clearly.
3. Adjournment.
The meeting adjourned at 10:10 pm.