HomeMy WebLinkAboutCEDC Minutes 2005-07-06 RegularCommunity and Economic Development Committee
July 6, 2005
The Community and Economic Development Committee met on Wednesday, July 6, 2005, at 8
a.m. in the second floor conference room of City Hall, 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood,
Texas with the following members present: Chair Tony Banfield, Sr., Gregory Crinion, Brent
Goswick, Gary Harris, Kirk Lippert, Zekie McVeigh, and Robert McAfoos. Also present were
the following Liaisons: Council Member Laura Ewing and Galveston County Economic
Alliance President Don Gartman.
Staff member present was Karen Capps.
Also present were Gwen Griffin and Christina Brodsley of Griffin Integrated Marketing, Ty
Whitcomb, and resident Laurie Seyfert.
Absent from the meeting were Maurice Estlinbaum, Rebecca Hillenburg, Kevin Holland, Trish
Hanks, Carol Jones, Lynn Cummins, and Jim Reinhartsen.
1. Call to Order. Vice Chair Crinion called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m. with a
quorum present.
2. Approval of Minutes. Greg Crinion made a motion to approve the June 1, 2005
meeting minutes. Gary Harris seconded the motion and it passed unanimously in the
3. Elect Chair and Vice Chair. Greg Crinion made a motion to nominate Kirk Lippert as
new committee Chair. Gary Harris seconded the motion and it passed unanimously in the
committee. Tony Banfield made a motion to nominate Brent Goswick as committee Vice
Chair. Greg Crinion seconded the motion and it unanimously passed in the committee.
4. Report from sub -committees regarding 2004-05 goals. Gwen Griffin reported that
progress has been made on the CEDC goal of communication. A question and answer
document has been completed along with a presentation and talking points in preparation
for CEDC members to speak with community groups. Gwen suggested a town hall type
public meeting to kick off the community outreach initiative. The committee
acknowledged the need to discuss and seek approval from City Council once the
presentation is in final draft.
Kirk Lippert reported on the "develop large parcels" goal in which a meeting was held
with City Planner, Diana Steelquist. He said that city staff is putting together a database
that includes an inventory of available maps in ARCVIEW/GIS format. This information
will allow prospective businesses, residents, and current businesses to view available land
sites on-line with specific land characteristics such as zoning, pipeline easements, land
use, waterlines, sewer mains. The database will facilitate business prospects for site
selection and help residents better understand different aspects of the city.
The committee reviewed a preliminary map of the proposed Comprehensive Land Use
Plan. The committee would like to discuss the proposed Comprehensive Land Use Plan
with the Planning and Zoning Commission to provide input prior to their
recommendation and approval.
Kirk Lippert reported that the University of Houston Clear Lake would host a regional
brownfields workshop on October 25, 2005, from 2 p.m. until 6 p.m. The half -day
workshop will provide information on federal and state grants available for brownfields
assessment and clean up.
5. Report from CEDC Liaison to Planning and Zoning. There were no Liaisons present
at the meeting to report on Planning and Zoning meetings.
6. Report on the Main Street project. Tony Banfield reported on the Main Street project.
The Main Street Committee has been in existence since 1999. Much work, discussion,
and collaboration has been done at each juncture as Main Street progressed. In addition,
the Main Street Committee has held numerous meetings with residents, City Council, city
committees, stakeholders, and anyone else that was interested in hearing about the
project, including an informational booth at Stevenson Park on the Fourth of July. Even
though communication was at the forefront for the Main Street Committee and the
process was translucent, recently there has been misinformation regarding the goals, role
of the City, and the efforts of Main Street.
Tony stated that the M.S. Committee never considered nor discussed eminent domain or
condemnation of properties. There is no purpose in doing this nor does the City have
funds to purchase properties. There was never discussion or consideration regarding the
sale of FISD's Junior High site as was recently reported by an anonymous ad in the
newspaper. The City does not own the site, and since the school district does own the
site, only they could make that decision. The school site is not part of the Main Street
The idea to form a separate entity or local government corporation would help bring in
the private sector to oversee and manage redevelopment efforts. The City could help
provide public improvements that would help beautify the area such as enhancing
sidewalks, changing utility poles from wood to concrete, streetscaping amenities such as
benches, banners, and unique signage. Redevelopment of Main Street will happen
through private investors and developers. Tony added that the goal of Main Street is to
promote redevelopment and to make this process as friendly as possible to current
homeowners and existing businesses. If the Main Street area is enhanced, it will in turn
enhance the city as a whole.
Greg Crinion expressed concern that the notification of the hearing on the Main Street
interim zoning measures had not been mailed to the people in the area. The newspaper
coverage was not adequate to getting the information out to the concerned parties. Greg
also expressed concern that the Main Street Committee had not been part of the
discussion process concerning the interim zoning measures. He feels that the proposed
measures were too extreme and would have shut down Main Street. His concern is that
the new zoning measures would have been anti -business. Karen Capps told the
committee that Main Street and Planning and Zoning are holding joint work sessions
where they are going back and reviewing the proposed zoning measures. Changes will
be made and a new public hearing will be called which will invite public participation
and input into the process. Greg also stated that the Main Street Plan portrays the area to
have restaurants and entertainment of some sort and therefore encouraged that the
wet/dry issue be addressed. It is a public issue.
7. Other Reports:
A. Development Projects
Karen Capps reported the sale of the Thortek building fell through due to the lack of
financial investor backing. She also reported that she has been working with other
potential business developers. The vacant Kroger and Crafts, Etc. buildings both
have prospective tenants who appear to be close to signing a lease.
B. Marketing
Gwen Griffin provided a marketing report and explained that they are working on
new business prospect pocket folders.
C. Regional economic development alliances
There was no report.
8. Adjournment. Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:07 a.m.