HomeMy WebLinkAboutCEDC Minutes 2005-04-06 RegularCommunity and Economic Development Committee
April 6, 2005
The Community and Economic Development Committee met on Wednesday, April 6, 2005, at 8
a.m. in the second floor conference room of City Hall, 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood,
Texas with the following members present: Chair Tony Banfield, Vice Chair Gregory Crinion,
Maurice Estlinbaum, Brent Goswick, Gary Harris, Rebecca Hillenburg, Kirk Lippert, and Robert
McAfoos. Also present were the following liaisons: Friendswood Chamber of Commerce
President Carol Jones and Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership representative Brian
Staff members present were Karen Capps and Ron Cox.
Also present were Gwen Griffin and Christina Brodsley of Griffin Integrated Marketing, and Bill
Finger of the Main Street Committee.
Absent from the meeting were Zekie McVeigh, Kevin Holland, Jerry Ericsson, Trish Hanks, Ron
McPherson, and Jim Reinhartsen.
1. Call to Order. Chair Banfield called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m. with a quorum
2. Approval of Minutes. Gary Harris made a motion to approve the March 2, 2005
meeting minutes. Greg Crinion made a motion to amend the meeting minutes. Gary
Harris seconded the change to the minutes and it passed unanimously in the committee.
3. Report from sub -committees regarding 2004-2005 goals. Rebecca Hillenburg
reported on the Communication subcommittee's work. The group met on March 25, and
at that time reviewed the final message and the next course of action. Rebecca said that
Gwen Griffin will create a presentation and question and answer informational sheet to
be used in small group meetings where members of the CEDC, City Council, and other
designated persons will provide information to the public about the importance of
economic development. Karen Capps reminded the committee that City Council
requested to review the message and information that will be disseminated prior to the
public meetings. Greg Crinion stated that the Corridor subcommittee is on hold until the
detention study is done for the panhandle area and more information is available
regarding the proposed alignment of the Brittany Bay extension. Kirk Lippert reported
on the Large Undeveloped Parcels subcommittee. The subcommittee met on April 4, and
reviewed maps of the FM 528 area from the Public Safety Building site southeast of the
Friendswood/Alvin city limits. A large aerial map and a smaller map depicting land
ownership, zoning, utility availability, and the floodplain, were reviewed.
4. Report from Carol Jones regarding planned Chamber festival events. Friendswood
Chamber President, Carol Jones, reported on current and planned festivals in the city.
Current festivals include Halloween in the Park, Easter in the Park, Fourth of July, and
the Christmas Parade. On April 23, the Chamber will host their first Auto and Bike
Extravaganza in Stevenson Park. The Chamber is also planning a new Fig Festival that
will be held in the fall of 2007.
5. Discussion ret!ardint! the proposed Tree Ordinance. Greg Crinion and Tony Banfield
reported on the proposed Tree Ordinance principle areas of importance. Greg Crinion
said that in the new Ordinance, a tree survey would be required on commercial land with
trees that are 12 inches in diameter in size or larger. Trees that are 12 inches in diameter
or greater must be replaced one for another. All replacement trees must be three inches
in diameter or larger. Follow-up will be made to ensure that all replacement trees and
trees remaining on site will stay on the property at least two years after development.
Aerials may be used to survey large tracts of land. A tree survey is not required if there
are no trees on the property or if trees are less than 12 inches in diameter. For
landscaping, one tree of at least two inches in diameter, per every 30 linear feet on the
property, must be located on the frontage and one tree of two inches in diameter must be
located in buffer or transition zones. Greg and Tony stated the tree committee is still
working on the heritage tree section of the Ordinance.
6. Report from CEDC liaison to Planning and Zoning. Gary Harris reported on the
March P&Z meetings. The commission discussed and approved commercial site plans
for Walgreen's and Friendswood Lakes Office building.
7. Other Reports:
A. Development Projects
Karen Capps gave a report on current prospects and projects underway. She reported
on several medical prospects with interest in different areas in the city.
B. Main Street
Bill Finger reported on work and recommendations prepared by three Main Street
subcommittees. The three subcommittees are: Main Street Entity subcommittee,
Main Street Director Search subcommittee, and the Main Street Business
Environment subcommittee. The Entity subcommittee will recommend that Council
create a separate local government corporation to oversee and implement the Main
Street redevelopment plan. The Director subcommittee researches salary, position
description, and qualifications regarding hiring a Main Street Director, but will wait
to recommend hiring a full time person until fundraising is pursued. The Business
Environment subcommittee is working on several issues including drainage
availability, incentives, and new mixed -use main street zoning measures. Bill told the
CEDC that these recommendations were presented to City Council at a work session
on April 4, 2005.
8. Adiournment. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:28 a.m.