HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2020-08-28Keep Friendswood Beautiful Board Minutes 7-28-20
Brent Bell
Paul Marx
Brandee Fernandez
Michael Fernandez
Shawn Potter
Stephanie Reddick
Natasha McAdoo
Sherry Goen
Kaye Corey
Patty Steinke
Justin Estopinal
Tim Anderson
Susan Stephens
Jeff Smith
Mary Wise
Karen Hart, Library Guest
Maddie Short, Library Guest
Matt Riley, Library Guest
Trish Hanks, Council Liaison
Kimberly Ramirez, KFB Coordinator
Meg Donelson, Staff
2. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:OOPM.
3. Discussion/Approval of Minutes
A. February 25, 2020
4. Communications/Guests
Friends of the Friendswood Public Library
Natasha introduces Friends of the Friendswood Public Library. Maddie Short explains
charitable organization that is independent from the city, they function to increase
awareness for the library. Maddie goes onto explain one of their projects, they are a
charitable organization. They work very closely with the city. The work to continue the
efforts of the library. There is currently 130+ members, run by a board of trustees, a
PowerPoint is displayed to support Maddie in her explanation of how people can
volunteer and be a part of the organization financially. The goal is to increase awareness
and foot traffic in the library. She further explains the different avenues of advertising
and their objective through memberships, fundraisers, and partnerships in the
community. They're asking KFB to help create a calm, meditative space for library
patrons to utilize in "Calm in the Courtyard."
Todd and Natasha give suggestions based on the amenities of the space, and further
explain what they would need, specific piping, electricity, etc.
Kaye explains specific details regarding the fountain.
A motion is made by Susan to give a financial gift in the amount of $200 to Friends of
the Friendswood Public Library, the motion is seconded by Tim, and approved
5. Volunteer Hours
Natasha explains that there have been individuals working in the pollinator garden.
6. Committee Reports
Executive Meeting Summary
Natasha explains the current budget items. This year the project was the Fairy Trail, but
that was funded by grant money. For this year's Fall Haul, we'll have Shredding, but no
garage sale. City staff will run the event this year; Adopt -A -Highway will happen
simultaneously. According to the budget, we have $5,980 dollars in surplus. Santa in
the Park will not be possible in its traditional capacity due to the restrictions with
COVID. Kimberly explains, via PowerPoint, the alternative idea in mind. We will still
have the same decorations, but we will be adding lighted arches throughout the park and
near city hall, and this is something that we can do in house with our staff. Depending
on costs, we will be adding more elements to the park. We will be wrapping the
Challenger oak trees, adding whimsical lights, and we are getting quotes from various
companies. We will be putting a mailbox in the park for kids to write letters to Santa
(city staff will respond to the letters). We will incorporate our current resources to
decorate around the fairy benches, and will add additional scenes in the park. Kim will
be approaching Hometown Bank for their sponsorship of $10,000. We will be able to
access the funds for Santa in the Park to provide something for the community for the
Christmas season. As we get closer to December, we will be making more concrete
plans. We will not be doing the parade, as the Chamber has cancelled everything for the
remainder of the year.
Pergola - $1,700
(Voted by Susan, seconded by Shawn.)
Bird Houses - $1,000
(Voted by Sherry, seconded by Susan.)
Fairy Trail Entrance - $500
(Voted by Sherry, seconded by Susan.)
Fairy Trail Maps - $400.00
(Voted by Sherry, seconded by Susan.)
Fairy Trail Maintenance Supplies — Glue Decor - $100.00
(Voted by Sherry, seconded by Susan.)
Pollinator Garden Video - $400.00
(Voted by Sherry, seconded by Brent.)
Additional KFB Initiative Video (Birds) - $400.00
(Voted by Sherry, seconded by Brent.)
Plants for Entrance of Door - $180.00
(Voted by Sherry, seconded by Susan.)
Friends of the Library Plant(s) - $200.00
(Voted by Susan, seconded by Tim.)
Pollinator Garden Supplies - $900.00
(Voted by Sherry, seconded by Brent.)
All motions were voted unanimously by the board.
Sherry made a motion to approve $100 for the Senior Bingo and $100 for the Back to
School Contest. Jeff seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
Keep Texas Beautiful/Michael Fernandez
Michael reports that KTB is at a standstill. The 4th of July parade was a success. A lot of
people came out along the roadways. The KTB Conference will be August 25t' — 26t', all
Public Awareness/Brandee Fernandez
Social Media Updates
She reports that we got some live videos from the 4th of July. Some posts received
over 2,000 likes, a significant amount of positive engagement.
Pandemic Social Media Use
In June, we had over 13,500 engagements from the fairy trail posts. The Movie in the
Park post was large in engagement as well. We're up in numbers 18% from this time last
Fairy Trail Updates/Shawn Potter
Shawn shares that the Fairy Trail ribbon cutting turned out wonderfully; Kimberly
displays the video advertising the FT from Facebook. The video has reached over
20,000 people. We've had great response, great publicity, we made the Houston
Chronicle (2nd page) the Citizen, Click 2 Houston, Lexus Dealership billboard, Sunny
99.1, and the Big Kids Small City Blog. We had over 16,000 hits on the website. We
have ordered nearly 2,000 maps. We are looking to add stronger hardware and more
decorations to the houses as time progresses. We have had very little vandalism. We
have not used any KFB funds, all expenses have been paid by HEB grants. We are
looking to add anchored faux topiaries and red brick walkway. We are asking to use
KFB funds to pay for maintenance on the trail, new houses for Everett to change during
the year when the season changes. We are looking to ask local businesses to collaborate
on doing special items in conjunction with the fairy trail and possibly have souvenirs.
We will be in contact with the Chamber of Commerce and local businesses, and will be
looking into eventually adding the destinations to the map. The ongoing expenses for
KFB will be glue, decorative items, maps, etc. Anything we can get will enhance and
add to the quality of the trail. Shawn proposes getting that money to add the items to the
door, maps, supplies, etc. Sherry makes motion to approve the money for additional
items for the doors, Susan seconds, and the motion is approved unanimously.
Education/Sherry Goen
2020 Training Updates
We are at a standstill for the packet that we were going to send out. Sherry has reached
out to a few homeschool teachers groups, and will send out packets upon request. We are
looking to do more educational videos on the pollinator garden, etc. We will make one on
the pollinator garden, A motion is made by Sherry, seconded by Brent, and approved
unanimously. $800 for two videos.
Beautification/Kaye Corey
Pollinator Garden Update
We are making changes to the garden so that eventually we will be able to hold classes
there, more plants are being planted. We have harvested a variety of seeds.
Matching Grant
As of tonight, we have 3 applicants. The Sunmeadow Subdivision is 50 years old,
they're wanting to replace their fencing, update their signs, and total cost will be over
$6,000, (asking for $2,000). Sherry makes motion, Brent Bell seconds, motion approved
Business Beautification Awards
Shawn makes recommendations of different businesses in the area. Sherry makes a
motion, Todd seconds, and the motion is approved unanimously to have the 3rd quarter
Beautification Award go to The Beldon.
2021 Tree Giveaway Planning
Todd talked to Barbara's Nursery, and inquired about quotes on trees. We will be giving
away 1 tree per family, and getting more trees this year due to increase in demand. We
are looking at having the event at Centennial in case we have to offer a drive up option.
Trees are 15 gallons and $15 each.
Parks/FDEDC Report/Paul Marx
Paul stated TXDOT will start breaking ground on sidewalks along Friendswood Dr. in
April 2021.
A motion is made to approve $1,800 to add a pergola in Stevenson Park by Susan,
seconded by Shawn, and approved unanimously.
Environmental Action
Softball Fields Pilot Recycle Program Update
Natasha provides an update on the pilot recycling program. She suggests that we
consult with her and educate Alexandria more on what can and cannot be recycled.
Recycling Trends/Updates
Brent updates on social distancing at Waste Connections, and explains different trends
upon paper mills, etc. He states that recycling needs to be an essential business because
of the demand for materials from recycled products. The Parks crew is checking the bin
daily to make sure nothing gets contaminated. We regularly notify Waste Connections
when it is full, and they come to pick it up.
8. Median Maintenance Updates (FM 518)
Kim displays photos of the medians and gives an update on the progress. They will be
finished in a couple weeks, we will do a final walkthrough to verify everything has been
9. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 7:04PM. The next meeting will be Tuesday, September 15