HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2021-09-28KEEP FRIENDSWOOD BEAUTIFUL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2021 NATASHA MCADOO, CHAIRPERSON KAYE COREY, BOARD MEMBER TODD MENDENHALL, BOARD MEMBER DIANNA HALL, BOARD MEMBER JEFF SMITH, BOARD MEMBER STEFANIE REDDICK, BOARD MEMBER VIJAY MAHAL, BOARD MEMBER MARY WISE, BOARD MEMBER PATTY STEINKE, BOARD MEMBER BETTY MORENO, BOARD MEMBER JAMES TONEY, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION KIMBERLY RAMIREZ, ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION MEG DONELSON, RECREATION ASSISTANT KELLY BROWNING, GUEST ANDREW SHELLY, GUEST Call to Order Chairperson McAdoo called the meeting to order at 6:03PM. 2. Discussion/Approval of Minutes A. August 24, 2021 A motion to approve the minutes from the August 24' meeting was made by Jeff Smith, seconded by Patty Steinke, and approved unanimously. 3. Communications/Guests Students from the Friendswood High School Recycling Club discussed the objectives of the club and how it impacts the campus. They express their interest to Vijay, the new head of the Environmental Action committee. Vijay will be attending meetings held by the club at the campus to further determine what data would be beneficial to the committee, and how to best maintain it. Some current statistics of the growing program are recounted to the board members; Isabel shares that approximately 60 students attend the monthly meetings, and 73 classrooms participate in the program. The club members sort through cans, plastic bottles, and dead markers. The tabs from recycled cans are taken to the Ronald McDonald house to help raise money to build houses for people in need. The group concluded their presentation by reporting no new recycling supply needs, and the board discusses the time frame in which more gloves, hand sanitizer, and trash liners will be donated to the club on behalf of KFB. Guest, Kelly Browning discussed her process and outcome of raising funds to rebuild the play structure in her Friendswood neighborhood. She also expresses interest in joining the committee, and being a part of projects taking place and moving forward with KFB. 4. Volunteer Hours A. Discuss Track It Forward Natasha answers questions about Track It Forward, the program used by the committee to keep track of volunteer hours. 5. Committee Reports A. Receive the Executive Committee Reports/Updates for: • Mustang Field and Tree Sculpture; Dianna is currently brainstorming ideas for the biography of the field, and how it will be marketed. She reminds the committee that seeds will be planted starting the first week of November. The field will begin in a smaller capacity in the early stages, to gauge the longevity of the bluebonnets and their ability to withstand a significant amount of visitors. There is existing irrigation at the Dog Park that can be rearranged to accommodate the field. Dianna will be reaching out to the Shelley's to discuss funding options. Additionally, Kaylub prepared an all-inclusive estimate for the land preparation at $1,200. In the future KFB would like to add artwork to the middle of the field for photo ops. • Care Fund; Stephanie reports no new updates with the Care Fund. The Care Fund is personal donations from the board to accommodate members that are sick, had surgery or loss of a family member. • GCAA Award Update; Plans for the GCAA grant funds are still being discussed. Creating an entrance to the old fire station parking lot will be discussed with TX Dot. The City is working on getting estimates to give the parking lot a face lift. The board also discusses installing banners on the light poles on 528 to tie the road in with the rest of Friendswood. • Fall Haul; Fall Haul is scheduled for November 13t", the second Saturday in November. The committee discusses the possibility of incorporating a hazardous waste service for residents in the semiannual cleanup events, and obtaining more funding to be able to have shredding services for the full length of the event in the future. • Santa in the Park Update. Santa in the Park has been moved to the first Saturday in December (the same day as the Flap Jack Fun Run). Volunteers for the day of Santa in the Park will be needed for the ticket booth and assistance with booth vendor setup as well as the festivities in the park on Friday nights. The Friday events will feature music at the Gazebo, a snow machine, and a handful of food vendors. B. Keep Texas Beautiful report by Michael Fernandez including: • KTB Updates/Conference No new updates for KTB or associated conferences. • DMWT Cleanup Site(s) and Results. Michael stated we had a good cleanup and collected 10 bags of trash. C. Receive a Public Awareness Report by Brandee Fernandez for: • Social Media Updates No social media updates. • Christmas Map Natasha pitches an idea to the board about having a map created to be accessible for people visiting Christmas lights in the Friendswood area. This map would be inclusive of homes that feature extravagant light displays, and local businesses. D. Receive Fairy Trail Updates by Shawn Potter for: • Fairy Homes and Entrance We applied for grant for the entrance. Shawn will refurbish/sand 3 or 4 homes this week. Katy won a state recognized award for the fairy map. Natasha relays details about the current happenings in the Fairy Trail. E. Receive an Education Report by Sherry Goen for the 2021 Training Events. No new updates. F. Receive a Beautification report updated by Kaye Corey on the Pollinator Garden and the Matching Grant; a report about the Business Beautification Awards from Michael Fernandez. Kaye reports that progress was made by volunteers in the garden. The sunflowers have been cut down and City staff has been packaging the sunflower seeds. G. Receive the Parks/FDEDC Report from Paul Marx. James reports that City staff is in the works of adding swings to Stevenson Park. Additionally, options are being considered to obtain a play structure for Old City Park, particularly one that is inclusive of special needs populations. The playground will be placed across from the pavilion. Furthermore, James is seeking additional quotes for the new rubber track in Stevenson Park. H. Receive an Environmental Action Report for: • Recycling Trends/Updates; Natasha and Vijay discuss the responsibilities of the Environmental Action committee, and his involvement with the FHS Recycling Club. • Softball Fields Pilot Recycle Program Update No new updates. 6. Receive Median Maintenance Updates (FM 518). Kim reports that the City's contract for the medians has officially expired. 7. Present New Business. The committee discusses repainting and cleaning the existing bridges in Friendswood to add more character to the City. 8. Adjournment Chairperson McAdoo adjourned the meeting at 7:28PM. The next meeting will be t" held on October 26