HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 1, 1980 to September 30, 1981 Annual BudgetCITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ANNUAL BUDGET 1980 -1981 I I I I I I" I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I II 11 I 11 1 1 ! I I 11 I I Annual Budget CITY OF FRIENDS\JVOOD ANNUAL 1980 BUDGET 1981 VICKIE BLACK Councilwoman MARY BROWN Councilwoman PAUL E o MAAZ Councilman DALE WHITTENBURG Mayor JAMES Co MORGAN City Manager WILLIAM K. THOMPSON Finance Director City of Friendswood, Texas PAUL SCHRADER Councilman LOREN E. WOOD Councilman EDWARD ZEITLER Councilman ii TABLt OF CONTENTS Budget Message 1 r I Program of Services Budget At A Glance 3 Combined Revenues by Source 4 Combined Expenditures By Department 5 11 Combined Expenditure Classification Summary 6 Combined Expenditure Classification Graphs 7-7ACombined Salaries, Wages and Fringe Benefits II By Department 8 Combined Capital Outlay By Departm ent 9 Tax Rate Comparisons 10 JI Long-Term Debt -General Obligation Bonds -By Maturity Date 11 -15 Long-Term Debt -Revenue Bonds -By Maturity Date 16 Genera 1 Fund 17 11 Budget Recap 18 Revenue Graph 19 Expenditure Graph 20 Revenue Summary 21 Revenue Deta i 1 22 Mayor and Council 24 City Manager 26 City Secretary 30 Finance 34 Legal 38 Municipal Court 40 Administration (Reference Only) 44 Planning & Zoning 48 Community Services 50 YNOC 54 Public Works 56 Communications 60 I : Police 64 Fire (Combined) 68 Fire (Administrative) 69 II Fire (Fire Fighting) 73 Fire ( Ambulance) 76 Fire Marshall 78 lI Civil Defense 80 Humane 82 Engineering 86 Inspections 90 �j Streets 94 I Dr ainage 99 City Hall 101 Sanitation 105 1 I I 11 11 II 11 II 11 I. 11 11 11 11 l I lI [ j TABLE OF CONTENT {Continued) General Fund (Continued) Other Requirements 110 Health & Welfare 112 Library 114 Parks & Recreation 118 Community Appearan ce 123 Water & Sewer Fund 125 Budget Recap 126 Revenue Graph 127 Expenditure Graph 128 Revenue Su mmary 129 Revenue Detail 130 Water 132 Sewer 137 Other Requirements 142 Debt Service, W&S Construction and Sales Tax Funds Debt Service Fund Combined Budget Recap Budget Recap -General Obligation Budget Recap -Revenue Budget Recap -Sunmeadow Water & Sewer Construction Fund Budget Sales Tax Fund Budget Recap SUPPLEMENT TO THE BUDGET Revenue Sharing Fund Budget Recap 144 146 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 i ii 11 11 11 J l l I 11 II 11 11 lI I I 11 11 11 l l 11 1.1 lI I. I l @ily o/ GJ.iendswood DALE WHITTEN0URG Mayo, 109 WILLOWICK-PHONE -482-3323 FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 TO:· Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: 1980-81 Budget JAMES C. MORGAN City M1nagor Councllmon MARY DROWN PAUL E. MAAZ EDWARD 0. ZEITLER LOREN E. WOOD PAUL W. SCHRADER VICKIE L. BLACK BOBBIE C. HENRY City Secretary Submitted herewith is the budget for the 1980-81 fiscal year, in accordance with Section 8.03 of the City Charter. This budget is balanced in all funds, and reflects an eight and one-half cents increase in the ad valorem tax rate, as well as a substantial increase in sewer rates. However, there is an increase in revenues from the Industrial District, which was accomplished by negotiating an extension to the con­tract. The completion of the Blackhawk Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant will enable the City to meet the sewage effluent parameters imposed in 1969. However, the cost for operating the new plant will require an effective sewer rate that is more than double the previous rate. There is provision for an additional one-half day employee in the Water Department Office to assist in cashiering. Other personnel changes include: One employee from the Water Department Office to the Finance Department; One employee in the Police Department Reccirds to work one-half day in Municipal Court; One full-time employee transferred from Municipal Court to one-half day in Public Works a�d one-half day in Purchasing. This document provides for a more functional Purchasing Depart­ment. In the past, the Purchasing Agent has been limited in actual purchasing due to the paper work-load. The addition of the one-half employee should free time for the Purchasing Agent to perform more vital tasks. 11 11 II 11 11 11 I l 11 II 11 11 11 11 11 I 11 11 I. I 1980-81 BudgetPage 2 The only provisions for Capital Outlay Items is the purchaseof library books for $15,000; fire equipment to outfit new truck and new fire station for $10,000; $5,000 for equipmentfor the Police Department; $8,100 for lines and equipment in the Sewer Department; and $10,300 for meters and equipment inthe Water Department. Due to the limitation of available resources, this budget doesnot address the need for vehicle replacement, or new street constrµction and reconstruction of existing streets. This bud­get may best be described as a maintenance and operating budget. I would like to express my appreciation to each of you for youruntiring efforts to achieve an effective program of services while minimizing the increase in costs to the citizens. r7espe =� s ��� C. Morgan, / City Manager 2 I l I 11 I i J I I I 11 I ' I I I ! l I 11 I r--;::::_---=----=---=--=----=----=----=----==---==--==--==Annual Budget ---------, � BUDGET AT A GLANCE Beginning Balance October l, 1980 Anticipated Revenues' General Fund Water and Sewer Fund Debt Service Fund Total Anticipated Revenues Funds Available for Appropriation Budgeted Expenditures General Fund Water & Sewer Fund Debt Service Fund Total Budgeted Expenditures Balance September 30, 1981 2., l58 ,226 l ,097 ,420440,742 2,152,752 836,017 699,387 $ -0- 3,696,388 3,696,388 $3,688,156 $ 8,232 L-----------------9ity of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __. I II I I 11 1111 1111 1111 1111 l 11 11 : : 1111 I I II I I 11 II ll 11 l I Annual Budget �\1§;--:_��J COMBINED REVENUES BY SOURCE REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes Other Taxes Fees, Licenses, Fines, And Franchises Permits Interest Earned Contributions-Other Funds State and Federal Grants Sanitation Income Water Income Sewer Income Tap Fees -Water Tap Fees -Sewer Fees and Penalties Sewer Charges -WCID 108 TOTAL REVENUES INTERFUND TRANSFERS Debt Service -Re venue Bonds Debt Service -Sunmeadow Water & Sewer Income Water & Sewer Cons truction -Sewer Tap Fees TOTAL TRANSFERS TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR EXPENDITURE TOTAL $1 ,400 ,472 304,000 165,000 28,000 20,000 381,808 31 ,910 267,778 404,300 549,870 20,500 25,000 15,150 --82_!_ 6_QQ $3,696,388 ------ -0- $3, 696_,388 GENERAL FUND 959,730 304,000 165,000 28,000 20,000 381,808 31,910 267,778 2,158,226 --- -0- $2, -,�8,226 City of Friendswood, Texas 4 w & s DEBT w & sFUND SERVICE .CO NSTR. FUND FUND -0-440,742 -0- 404,300 549,870 20,500 25,000 15,150 82i600 1,097,420 440,7.112 -0- -258,738 +258,738 -25,000 +25,000 -283,738 +258,738 +25,000 $813,682 $699,480 l25,ooo 5 ===-.::.:.... _________________ Annual Budget=-----------------� II I I f I 11 II 1111 1111 I I II I I 11 1111 1111 1111 , I. I 11 �� COMBINED EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT Mayor and Council City Manager City Secretary Finance Legal Municipal Court Planning & Zoning Community Servi ces Y.N.O.C. Public Works Communications Police Fire Fire Marshal Civil Defense Humane Engi neering Inspections Streets Drainage City Hall Sanitation G.F. Other Requirements Health & Welfare Library Parks & Recreation Community Appearance Water Sewer W & S Other Requirements Debt Service -General Obligation Bonds Debt Service -Revenue Bonds Debt Service -Sun meadow Bonds TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL $ 5,650 64,784 29,052 89,855 23,700 41,253 7,387 50,381 2,299 50,677 83,940 484,336 86,711 3,915 500 30,754 21,710 42,651 325,612 12,250 47,463 249,625 209,590 10,222 102,156 75,279 1 ,000 215,027 542,849 78,141 285,849 258,738 154,800 $3,688,156 GENERAL FUND 5,650 64,784 29,052 89,855 23,700 41 ,253 7,387 50,381 2,299 50,677 83,940 484,336 86,711 3,915 500 30,754 21,710 42,651 325,612 12 ,250 47,463 249,625 209,590 10,222 102,156 75,279 1 ,000 -. -· .w & �s FUND 215,027 542,849 53, 141 $2,152,752 $811,017 DEBT w & s SERVICE -CONSTR. FUND FUND :25 ,000 285,849 258,738 154,800 $699,387 $25,000 ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ _ I f I r ! 11 lI I I : I i 11 l I l I I I 6 ,--..-----_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-Annual Budget---------, COMBINED EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY Salaries and Wages Supplies Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds Maintenance of Equipment Miscellaneous Services Sundry Charges Capital Outlay Inter-Departmental Expenses Debt Service Total Budgeted Expenditures $1 ,427 ,861 250,401 47,07 5 133,348 359,485 507,391 148,400 89,808 699,387 $3,663,156 .._ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __J I ' 7 r---;-_-_-_-_::_-_-_::_-_::_-_::_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-:_-:_-_-_-_-_-_-:_-:_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Annual Budget _-_-------------------� 11 I / I ! 11 11 11 II. I 11 I 11 \ lI lI I.I 1111 r · 11 COMBINED EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION GRAPH CURRENT FISCAL YEAR I Debt Service 19. o·9% Salaries & Wages 38.98% � I � I ---- I II\ "'� ·,c-(:lr,I) /rl i f '.'. I t. � cg * \ cO Outlay 2.45% --------J � ./ • �--------------City of Friendswood, Texas----------------' 11 J I II I I ! 11 J I I I ' J ) I I I. I u I 7A ,----------------------Annual Budget =================:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:_�7 COMBINED EXP ENDITURE CLASSIFICATION GRAPH PREVIOUS FISCAL YEAR Salaries & Wages 42.99% Debt Service 23.01% � '1 ,,,. Outlay 4.81% • ,,,> � ----------------City of Friendswood-, Texas _______________ ___, COMBINED SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS BY DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT TOTAL SALARIES SOCIAL RETIREMENT & WAGES SECURITY City Manager $ 57,409 50,478 3,332 3,599 City Secretary 24,052 21,236 1,402 1,414 Finance 83, 155 73, 116 4,826 5,213 Legal 7,200 7,200 -0--0- . ("') Muni c i pa 1 Court 35,025 31,530 2,081 1 ,414 ,.. Planning & Zoning 1 , 137 1,000 66 71 Community Services 39,061 34,345 2,267 2,449 0 Y.N.O.C. l ,599 1,500 99 -0-... Public Works 39,277 34,536 2,279 2,462 Communications 79,665 70,048 4,623 4,994 Police 387,265 340,837 22,495 23,933 C en - 0 Fire 21,576 19,232 l ,269 l ,0750 Humane 12,319 10,832 715 772 a. 0. (0 --i Inspections 37�201 32,710 2,159 2,332 � Cl) Street 129,562 113,921 7,519 8,122 en City Ha 11 23,213 20,712 1,367 1 , 134 Sanitation 168,455 148,118 9,776 l O ,561Library 72,814 64,424 4,252 4,138Parks & Recreation 43,458 38,212 2,522 __ i�714 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $1.,263 ,443 $1,113,987 $7 3,049 $76,407 Water 81,073 71,445 4,715 4,913 Sewer 83,345 73,389 4,844 5,112 TOTAL WATER & SEWER FUND 164,418 144,834 9,559 _ _10,02� COMBINED TOTAL $1 �427 1 86t $1 ,258 ,82i �.6.illL _ja.6_._4.12:_ 00 COMBINED CAPITAL OU TLAY BY DEPAR TMENT Department Total Build�ngs Office Vehicles Misc. Street Plant && Grounds Equipment Eguipm�n�t Storm Sewers Distr. Lines Finance -0-Planning & Zoning -0-Comm unications -0-Police 5,000 l ,000 4,000 Fire 10,000 10,000 Fire Marshal -0- •() Street 100,000 100,000 �: Drainage -0-0 Sanitation -0- "Tl Library 15,000 15,000* ... )> <ti Parks & Recreation -0- C U> !!!. � CD 0 C 0 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $130,000 -0-$1,000 -0-$29,000 $100,000 -0-:-2-a.� � DJ Water 10,300 300 10,000 U> Sewer 8,100 1,000 600 500 6,000 TOTAL WATER &SEWER FUND $18,400 $1,000 $ 900. -0-$ 500 -0-$16,000 COMBINED TOTAL $148,400 $1,000 $1 ,900 -0-$29,500 $100,000 $16,000 *Books I.O I : I 11 11 I I I I J I 11 J '. I i L 11 11 11 l Iu I 10 ;,._ ____________________ Annual Budget --===========================--i� TAX RATE COMPARISONS DATE 1975 1976 1977 1978 TAX LEVY 657,882 833,815 1 ,024 ,394 1 , 149,763 1979 1,179,726 TAX RATE 1 . 10 1.20 1. 15 1. 15 1. 15 TAX COLLECTIONS 621,305 802,331 996,67 5 1 ,091 , 733 1,148,588 �--------------City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __. ,..._ - CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS TAX DEBT ASSUMED BOND Galveston Co. WCID #15 -1962 Galveston County WCID #15 -1963 Galveston County WCID #21 11-1-1964 Year Principal Interest Interest Principal Interest Interest Pri nci pal Interest Interest End Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable 9/30 3/1 3/1 9/1 3/1 3/1 9/1 8/1 2/1 8/1 1981 $ 3,375.00 $ 3,375.00 $ 7,000 $ 2,125.00 $ 1,976.25 $15,000 $12,250.00 $ 12,250.00 1982 3,375.00 3,375.00 7,000 1,976.25 1,827.50 20,000 11,875.00 11,875.00 1983 3,375.00 3,375.00 7,000 1,827.50 l ,678. 75 20,000 11,375.00 11,375.00 1984 3,375.00 3,375.00 7,000 1,678.75 1,530.00 20,000 10,875.00 10,875.00 1985 3,375.00 3,375.00 7,000 l ,530.00 1,381.25 20,000 10,375.00 10,375.00 1986 3,375.00 3,375.00 8,000 1,381.25 1,211.25 20,000 9,875.00 9,875.00 1987 3,375.00 3,375.00 8,000 l ,211. 25 1,041.25 25,000 9,375.00 9,375.00 1988 3,375.00 3,375.00 9,000 1,041.25 850.00 25,000 8,750.00 8,750.00 1989 3,375.00 3,275.00 10,000 850.00 637.50 25,000 8,125.00 8,125.00 1990 3,375.00 3,375.00 10,000 637.50 450.00 25,000 7,500.00 7,500.00 1991 3,375.00 3,375.00 10,000 425.00 212.50 25,000 6,875.00 6,875.00 1992 3,375.00 3,375.00 10,000 212.50 30,000 6,250.00 6,250.00 ·1993 3,375.00 3,375.00 30,000 5,500.00 5,500.00 1994 3,375.00 3,375.00 30,000 4,750.00 4,750.00 1995 $ 30,000 3,375.00 2,700.00 30,000 4,000.00 4,000.00 1996 30,000 2,700.00 2,025.00 30,000 3,250.00 3,250.00 1997 30,000 2,025.00 l ,350. 00 30,000 2,500.00 2,500.00 1998 35,000 1,350.00 526.50 35,000 l ,750.00 l ,750.00199925,000 562.50 35,000 875.00 875.00---- $150,000 $57,262.50 $53,851.00 $100,000 $14,896.25 $12,771.25 $490,000 $136,125.00 $136,125.00 1994-1999 -4.50% 1980-1992 -4.25% - -'---- CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS TAX DEBT ASSUMED BONDS Sun Meadow MUD -4-1-1970 Sun Meadow MUD -7-7-1970 Sun Meadow MUD -10-1-1972 Year Principal Interest Interest Principal Interest Interest Principal Interest Interest End Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable 9/30 4/1 10/1 PY* 4/1 10/1 PY* 4/1 4/1 4/1 10/1 P�_ 4/1 1981 $ 35,000 $ 18,912.50 $ 18,912.50 $ 22,950.00 $ 22,950.00 $ 18,037.50 $18,037.50 1982 40,000 17,425.00 17,425.00 22,950.00 22,950.00 18,037.50 18,037.50 1983 40,000 15,725.00 15,725.00 22,950.00 22,950.00 18,037.50 18,037. 5C 1984 45,000 14,025.00 14,025.00 22,950.00 22,950.00 18,037.50 18,037.5C 1985 50,000 12,112.50 12,112.50 22,950.00 22,950.00 18,037.50 18,037.50 1986 55,000 9,987.50 9,987.50 22,950.00 22,950.00 18,037.50 18,037.5C 1987 55,000 7,650.00 7,650.00 22,950.00 22,950.00 18,037.50 18,037.50 1988 60,000 5,312.50 5,321.50 22,950.00 22,950.00 18,037.50 18,037. 5C 1989 65,000 2,762.50 2,762.50 22,950.00 22,950.00 18,037.50 18,037.5C 1990 $ 70,000 22,950.00 22,950.00 18,037.50 18,037. 5C 1991 75,000 19,975.00 19,975.00 18,037.50 18,037.50 1992 85,000 16,787.50 16,787.50 18,037.50 l8,037.5C 1993 90,000 13,175.00 13,175.00 18,037.50 18,037.50 1994 95,000 9,350.00 9,350.00 18,037.50 18,037.50 1995 70,000 5,312.50 5,312.50 $ 35,000 18,037.50 18,037.50 1996 2,337.50 2,337.50 115,000 17,031.25 17,031.25 1997 2,337.50 2,337.50 125,000 13,725.00 13,725.00 1998 2,337.50 2,337.50 135,000 10,131.25 10,131.25 1999 2,337.50 2,337.50 145,000 6,250.00 6,250.00 2000 55,000 2,337.50 2,337.50 105,000 2,625.00 2,625.00 $445,000 $103,912.50 $103,912.50 $540,000 $305,787.50 $305,787.50 $660,000 $320,325.00 $320,325.00 1980-1989 -8.50% 1990-2000 -8.50% 1995-1998 -5.75% 1999-2000 -8.50% *PY Stands for Previous Calendar Year N r-- Sewer Improvement -3-1-1967 Year Principal Interest Interest End Payable Payable Payable 9/30 3/1 3/1 9/1 1981 $15,000 $ 2,520.00 $ 2,205.00 1982 15,000 2,205.00 1,890.00 1983 15,000 l ,890.00 1,575.00 1984 15,000 l ,575.00 l ,260.001985 15,000 1,260.00 945.001986 15,000 945.00 630.001987 15,000 630.00 315.001988 15,000 315.00 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 $120,000 $11,340.00 $ 8,820.00 1980 -4 .10% 1981-1988 -4.20% *PY Stands for Previous Calendar Year. CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS TAX DEBT ASSUMED BONDS G.O. Refunding -3-1-1969 Principal Interest Interest Payable Payable Payable 3/1 3/1 9/1 $10,000 $ 4,350.00 $ 4,100.00 10,000 4,100.00 3,850.00 10,000 3,850.00 3,600.00 10,000 3,600.00 3,350.00 10,000 3,350.00 3,100.00 15,000 3,100.00 2,725.00 15,000 2,725.00 2,350.00 15,000 2,350.00 l ,975.0015,000 1,975.00 l ,600. 0015,000 l ,600.00 1,225.0015,000 l ,225.00 850.00 14,000 850.00 500.00 20,000 500.00 $174,000 $33,575.00 $ 29,225.00 1980-1993 -5.00% G.0. -7-1-1973PrincipalInterest Payable Payable 4/1 10/1 PY* $ 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 $100,000 $ 2,750.00 2,475.00 2,200.00 1,925.00 1,650.00 1,237.50 825. 00412.50 $13,475.00 1980-1988 -5.50% --. Interest Payable 4/1 $ 2,750.00 2,475.00 2,200.00 1,925.00 l ,650.00l ,237. 50825.00412.50 $13,475.00 w CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS TAX DEBT CITY ISSUED Drainage Improvement -11-1-1973 G.O. -9-1-1974 C.O. (Fire Truck) -1980 Year Principal Interest Interest Principal Interest Interest Principal Interest InterestEnd Payab.l e Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable �e Payable Payable 9/30 6/1 12/1 PY* 6/1 3/1 3/1 9/1 3/1 9/1 1981 $ 3,037.50 $ 3,037.50 $ 5,000 $ 26,593.75 $ 26,396.25 $10,000 $ 2,100 $ 2,0001982 3,037.50 3,037.50 10,000 26,396.25 26,001.25 10,000 l, 750 l, 750 1983 3,037.50 3,037.50 10,000 26,001.25 25,606.25 10,000 1,400 1,400 1984 3,037.50 3,037.50 10,000 25,606.25 25,211.25 l O ,000 l ,050 l ,050 1985 3,037.50 3,037.50 10,000 25,211.25. 24,816.25 20,000 700 7001986 3,037.50 3,037.50 10,00() 24,816.25 24,421.25 1987 3,037.50 3,037.50 10,000 24,421.25 24,026.25 1988 3,037.50 3,037.50 10,000 24,026.25 23,631.25 1989 $10,000 3,037.50 3,037.50 30,000 23,631.25 22,446.25 1990 15,000 2,737.50 2,737.50 30,000 22,446.25 21 ,261. 25 1991 15,000 2,287.50 2,287.50 35,000 21,261.25 19,878.75 1992 15,000 1,830.00 1,830.00 35,000 19,878.75 18,496.25 1993 15,000 1,372.50 1,372.50 45,000 18,496.25 16,718.75 1994 15,000 915.00 915.00 75,000 16,718.75 13,756.25 1995 15,000 457.50 457.50 50,000 13,756.25 11 ,818. 75 1996 70,000 11,818.75 9,106.25 1997 75,000 9,106.25 6,200.00 1998 70,000 6,200.00 3,487.50 1999 90,000 3,487.50 $100,000 $36,937.50 $36,937.50 $680,000 $369,873.75 $343,280.00 $ 60,000 $ 7,000 $ 7,000 1989-1990 -6.00% 1980-1994 -7.90% 1991-1995 -6. 10% 1995-1999 -7.75% *PY Stands for Previous Calendar Year ,:. ,-- CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS TAX DEBT CITY ISSUED C.O. (Fire Truck) -7-1-1976 Street Improvement -10-1-1977 c.o. -8-1-1979 Year Principal Interest Interest Principal Interest Interest Principal Interest Interest Total End Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Tax Bond 9/30 7/1 l /1 7/1 6/1 12/1 PY* 6/1 3/1 3/1 9/1 �ents 1981 $15,000 $ 431. 25 $ 431.25 $ 38,912.50 $ 38,912.50 $15,000 $ 11,460.00 $10,935.00 $ 475,173. 75 1982 $ 20,000 38,912.50 38,912.50 15,000 10,935.00 10,410.00 486,266.25 1983 30,000 38,362.50 38,362.50 15,000 10,410.00 9,885.00 486,248.75 1984 35,000 37,537.50 37,537.50 15,000 9,885.00 9,360.00 485,681.25 1985 35,000 36,575.00 36,575.00 20,000 9,360.00 8,660.00 499,238.75 1986 35,000 35,612.50 35,612.50 20,000 8,660.00 7,960.00 477,075.00 1987 40,000 34,650.00 34,650.00 20,000 7,960.00 7,260.00 474,740.0C 1988 45,000 33,550.00 33,550.00 20,000 7,260.00 6,630.00 472,928.75 1989 55,000 32,312.50 32,312.50 20,000 6,630.00 6,075.00 475,045.00 1990 55,000 30,800.00 30,800.00 25,000 6,075.00 5,381.25 474,851.25 1991 60,000 29,287.50 29,287.50 25,000 5,381.25 4,681.25 473,590.00 1992 65,000 27,637.50 27,637.50 25,000 4,681.25 3,975.00 475,428.75 1993 70,000 25,850.00 25,850.00 25,000 3,975.00 3,262.50 472,572.50 1994 75,000 23,837.50 23,837.50 25,000 3,262.50 2,537.50 471,805.00 1995 85,000 21,681.25 21,681.25 25,000 2,537.50 1,800.00 474,965.00 1996 90,000 19,237.50 19,237.50 30,000 1,800.00 900.00 477,062.50 1997 95,000 16,650.00 16,650.00 30,000 900.00 475,006.25 1998 100,000 13,800.00 13,800.00 442,601.50 1999 100,00G 10,800.00 10,800.00 439,575.00 2000 260,QOO 7,800.00 7,800.00 445,525.00 $15,000 $ 431.25 $ 431.25 $1,350,000 $553,806.25 $553,806.25 $370,000 $111 , 172. 50 $ 99,712.50 $9,455,380.25 1980-1981 -5.75% 1982-1992 -5.50% 1980 -5. 50% 1992 -5.65%1993-1996 -5.75% 1981-1987 -5.75% 1993 -5.70%1997-2000 -6.00% 1988 6.30% 1994 -5.80%1989-1990 -5.55% 1995 -5.90%1991 -5.60% 1996-1997-6.00% *PY Stands for Previous Calendar .::;:: lllill!!!» .... .-.. 4.,."'.;..,,•_ •· CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS REVENUE DEBT PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYMENT SCHEDULE Series 1969 Revenue Bonds $1,350,000 Water Developement Fund $400,000 Public Market Bonds Reserve Total Principal Interest Interest Principal Interest Interest Principal Interest Interest Fund Revenue Bond Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payments Payments Year 3/1 Rate 3/1 9/1 3/1 Rate 3/1 9/1 3/1 Rate . ...lL.L ___il!._ 1981 $15,000 6.50% $ 18,173.20 $17,689.30 $ 50,000 5.50% S 35,750.00 $ 34,375.00 '$ 12,125.00 $12,125.00 $ 24,000 $ 219,237.50 1982 20,000 6.50% 17,685.70 17,039.30 50,000 5.50% 34,375.00 33,000.00 12,125.00 12,125.00 24,000 220,350.00 1983 20,000 6.50% 17,035.70 16,389.30 50,000 5.50% 33,000.00 31,625.00 12,125.00 12,125.00 24,000 216,300.00 1984 20,000 6.50% 16,385.70 15,739.30 50,000 5.50% 31,625.00 30,250.00 12,125.00 12,125.00 24,000 212,250.00 1985 20,000 6.50% 15,735.70 15,089.30 50,000 5.50% 30,250.00 28,875.00 $ 50,000 5.50% 12,125.00 10,750.00 25,000 257,825.00 1986 20,000 6.50% 15,085.70 14,439.30 50,000 5.50% 28,875.00 27,500.00 50,000 5.50% 10,750.00 9,375.00 226,025.00 1987 25,000 6.50% 14,435.70 13,626.80 50,000 5.50% 27,500.00 26,125.00 50,000 5.50% 9,375.00 8,000.00 224,062.50 1988 25,000 6.50% 13,623.20 12,814.30 50,000 5.50% 26.125.00 24,750.00 50,000 6.25% 8,000.00 6,437.50 216,750.00 1989 25,000 6.50% 12,810.70 12,001.80 50,000 5.50% 24,750.00 23,375.00 50,000 6.25% 6,437.50 4,875.00 209,250.00 1990 30,000 6.50% 11,998.20 11,026.80 50,000 5.50% 23,375.00 22,000.00 50,000 6.50% 4,875.00 3,250.00 206,525.00 1991 30,000 6.125% 11,023.20 10,107.90 50,000 5.50% 22,000.00 20,625.00 50,000 6.50% 3,250.00 l ,625.00 198,631.10 1992 35,000 6. 125%10,104.60 9,035.85 50,000 5.SO'X 20,625.00 19,250.00 50,000 6.50% 1,625.00 195,640.45 1993 35,000 6. 125%9,032.90 7,963.80 100,000 5.50'X 19,250.00 16,500.00 187,746.70 1994 35,000 6. 125% 7,961.20 6,891.75 100,000 5.50%16,500.00 13,750.00 180,102.95 1995 40,000 6.125%6,889.50 5,666.55 100,000 5.50%13,750.00 11,000.00 177,306.05 1996-40,000 6. 125%5,664.70 4,441.35 100,000 5.50%11,000.00 8,250.00 169,356.05 1997 45,000 6. 125%4,439.90 3,063.00 100,000 5.50%8,250.00 5,500.00 166,252.90 1998 50,000 6. 125%3,062.00 1,531.50 100,000 5.50%5,500.00 2,750.00 162,843.50 1999 50,000 6. 125%1,531.00 100,000 5.50%2,750.00 154 .281.00 $580,000 $212,678.50 $194,557.20 $1,300,000 $415,250.00 $379,500.00 $400,000 $104,937.50 $92,812.50 $121,000 $3,800,735.70 a, J, I ·,: . :" . -.· . ·! . -· :·:·:� ',:?·,_ ,• · .-1·1... • I • • • • ;, t • • .. •, .... ;·· .. ·. ·,_ . ,• ' . . : : · � � • . • • -� I . . .·. ; • ... :· . 11 ·: .. . : · · · . . . . . . , .. ' I i I . . . . .. . .' .. . . = · · ·: · · -; , �-· · _. · · · · · :11 1 . • I: · :,' · . . . . . I .· ·:,:·· :>· •-�-<_.. ·_._· :'.-:_-�-: : __ 1 ·1·1' .. • ,. :. � ... . . , -. . . \ . . \ . . . . ' ';"' ·.·_. :/. - . . ·, .. · :_ . .. '··' ,-� . -. :. _,_ .. __ -·. _, ... -,._. _: .. 'I. ... . .. . ' . ' .. ', ' '•, ' : ' .':: .::,_:: \ .· ·:.(,.. . -. . .' '!. . ;_ . . , t· .• : . . ,· . ,I : ... t .. :· . . '' .. · . . ·: : . . . . . . .. . ... . ' ; ·_. .- ,.:�:· .,·. -. _·-: .. l� -"t • . . . . . ·· .. .' .' . ·· 111 a I n :::1 . ·· . . . . 11 1 . . .. .,·11. ' . . . . 1'1�3N3�; . ··111 . . .. 11 . . . . . ·_ .-. ,l •• I • . "H , ,· I • • • • .:. : .'I 11·• . .i'1' • ' •. !-' . . Jlj . . . . · .. , I :: ' ::•. ' : : ' ·/·,iii ! < ; • • •• ·, ·: •• _.··_, _.:; ;>tt-; t• . � . .. . . • . .. ·, �-�: t:�� 1�: • ·· · .· · · ·; fjl. ·,•j:. ii·. •�.·t,!_i; Jl ..--===================================------Annual Budget I n I I I r.1 I I I I I. LI I I lJ I u BUDGET RECAP GENERAL FUND .Beginning Balance October l, 1980 Anticipated Revenues Ad Valorem Taxes Other Taxes Fees, Licenses, Fines, Franchises Permits $ 959,730304,000165,00028,00020,000381,808Interest Earned on Investments Contributions from Other Funds State and Federal Grants Sanitation Income Total Anticipated Revenues Funds Available for Appropriatlon Bu dgeted Expenditures O\ 0'2-­ o'i 01.<­ o� O']ti I;;.. /3 Ji ,?O ,':). I .;i :}---.;. s' .�\.;, .1 7 3 (} 31 3 ,_ "3 3'-\- 35' �l, 37 38 31 lf CJ Mayor and Council City Manager City Secretary Finance Legal Municipal Court Planning and Zoning Community Services Y.N.O.C. Public Works Communications Pol ice .;2 3 Fi re·-O.c2rn / :-Jt.u> ,iv� / Fire Marshal Civil Defense Humane Engineering Inspections Streets Drainage City Hall Sanitation Other Requirements Health and Welfare Library Parks & Recreation Community Appearance TOTAL BUDGETED EXPENDITURES Balance September 30, 1981 ,24 .)vu 31 ,910267,778 / 5.650 /64,784" 29,052 ✓ 89,855 V 23,7001//41 ,253 7,387 /50,381 ✓ 2,299 ✓' 50,677 / 83,940 / 484,336 awlivl.-.,-u 86,111 / 3,915/500 /30 ,754/./21,710/ 42,651 325,612 // 12,250 / 47 ,463 � / 249,625 ✓/ 209 ,59o I 10,222 102,156 '/75,279 /l 2_000 -0- 2,158,226 2,158,226. $2,152,752 / 1 5,474 10 .__ _______________ Cit y of Friendswood, Texas _______________ ---1 IY ...----------------------Annual Budget --------------------i GENERAL FUND REVENUE GRAPH Ad val.or.em & Other Taxes 44.47% Other Taxes 14.09% �,o� .,.__o<::-c, <o°'� . �""' """' . .,,_,,� <z,O<:;, Sanitation Income 12.40% fl,<. �� ◊c, �'\).<:;; Permits nt .93% ----------------City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __. i l r r1 l I l L L 20 ' Annual Bud get --------------------i J'tA $$t .l _s OA GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE GRAPH Administration Planning & Zoning ·22.18% •�"qJ/'J-6 q-9$ 'b. y...u�·:a.f'-e \)0 '\ 'c.13 .<:i3°1o 4.23% ,� ,___ .... _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--= City of Friendswood, Texas _______________J r f LI n 11 rI u l L I l i:'.I Annual Budget SUI dRY Department Division Activity Number REVENUES GENERAL FUND 001 weo Actual Revenue 6 Months RewAA�rREVENUE CLASSIFICATION Revenue Budget Revenue 1978-1979 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 Ad Valorem Taxes 913,514 920,501 915,947 -959,730 Other Taxes 449 ,892 267,000 187,788 304,000 Fees, Licenses, Fines, Franchises 166,593 122,500 110,241 165,000 Permits 49,805 25,000 14,385 28,000 Interest Ea rned on Investments 36, l O l 20,000 11,856 20,000 Contributions From Other Funds 211 ,822 150,000 127,101 381 ,808 State and Federal Grants 70, 175 31 ,960 103,764 31,910 Sanitation Income 212,093 232,000 133,889 267,778 Other Revenue 32,379 -0-5,660 -0- TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 2,142,374 l, 768,961 1,610,131 2,158,226 .._ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas -------------------1 r1 r n u rJ r1 n 11 I I I I 111 L Annual Budget C IL Department Divisio n REVENUES GENERAL FUND ,., -RE ¥�N�� CLASSIFICATION ✓ IV .. -·� 31 \ 4+0e--Ad Va 1 orem Taxes ·O I 4-1-9� 0,z,Taxroll -Current Year4�m -Taxroll -Prior Years mo ��Penalties and Interest4-1-60 -Tax Certificates TOTAL 31 '2-42-80 -Other Taxes 42+-1 o_l Industrial District No. 14212 �-1 Industrial District No. 24213 -Industrial District No. 34221 1.9 Mixed Drink Tax J TOTAL 'rt._'32.0 . 1..-<..0,,,"-� � p � 32-I 43-00 -Fee_s, Licenses, Fines, Franchises OI 43-1-0 -Franchises 432o 0{Dog Tags & Pound Fees4330 °-Fines and Forfeits 4340 cJil Electrical Licenses 4350 °-Platt Fees . , t\ �\,o o_lP e) ') l Ct.Pr �1v.-.�,-J J.U-• TOTAL 31'v44tlG -Permits 44-1.Q OI B "ld" -Ul mg 4-444 °{Electrica1 Permits4-4-1-2�..i Plum bing Permits 44-1-3 -� Air Conditioning Permits44-14 �\J Sign Permits 4420 -Mobile Homes 44-30 °-�0ther Permits TOTAL R Actualevenue 1Q7A-1Q7Q 885,998 18,5998,917-0- 913,514 443,3901 ,5591,353-0- 449,892 92,44643969,2283,033 1,447 166,593 32,0667,4672,1694,3132061 ,317 2,267 49,805 22 Activity Number 001 +eee Revenue 6 Months Revenue Budget Revenue Budget 1Q7G-1QA() 1Q7G-1QA() 1 QA()_ 1 O�l 920,501 889,911 959�,730 -0-18,926 -0--0-7,110 -0--0--0--0- 920,501 915,947 959,730 266,000 182,453 300,000 400 1 , 121 -0-600 2,070 -0--0-2,144 4,000 267,000 187,788 304,000 71 ,500 55,783 92,00050013250047,000 51,972 69,0003,500 2,102 3,500 -0-252 .-0- 122,500 110,241 165,000 22,000 8,662 25 ,000-0-3,062 -0--0-641 -0--0-973 -0--0-170 -0-2,000 775 2,0001,000 102 1 ,000 25,000 14,385 28,000 �---------------City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __. l [ I ri n I.In r I I I I.I i [ l.l ll I ll ) J Annual Budget C IL Department Division REVENUE GENERAL FUND REVENUE CLASSIFICATION 3�-v4:500 -Interest Earned O\ 4-SB-l -Interest Earned -45J 1-= Intere�t Ef �ed) -1776 Park()'}... i wy. � , l,h • �L•� )Dd� 3 L\� -w 1.t, rw....... 3�1 4600 -Contributions From Other Funds 0 ti \ ��� 46tO -,.,Water & Sewer Fund i,\-v'?o 46-2-9-� Sa 1 es Tax Fund 4650 o_?, Revenue Sharing Fund TO]AL � 3 3 O • !) J\,.,,,_ u"\. fA--'-2)-0"\I <' . 331 4-109 -State & Federal Grants �130 - ~ � � l• ' 0 I, t ' 1 4741) o_l Sele tive Traffic Enforceme mfl �;Juvenile Services 4-749 o_.., Parks & Wi 1 dl i fe 4-760 0� Fire Pr otection Grant) . ht 4-�-Disaster Relief Grant !>, i.. • ,J} 1..vv-.,L . \ , O\· TOTALQ� � 1..1� �"�J�rv. 1',0 -� 3�, 4800 -Sanitation Income 0\ 48 ·10 -City 4820�i WCID 21 4-8�0 -SMUD -� e 3i.,o 'tf\� 4/V '.Ju,,:fl'+--J,.J4 4900 -Other. Revenue 3 \1 ' -\.Q..; � ,\ ,e. 4912 �\Donations -£ommunity Svc.4%9 °0( �N D�S}ons -Parks & Rec. �\JC\ 4-9% :! M, see 1\1 aneous Revenue 1 • � ·I .... . )· . .,.,_, t < 0.. �-.. TOTAL TOTAL REVENUES Actual ·Revenue 1978-1979 35,345756 36,101 -0-211 ,822-0-211 ,822 14,32234,34618,5073,000-0- 70,175 134,38044,88632,827 212,093 1255,78226,472 32,379 2,142,374 23 Activity Number 00/ weer Revenue 6 Months Revenue Budget Revenue Bud7et 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-981 20,000 11,405 20,000 -0-451 -0- 20,000 11 ,856 20,000 -0--0-89,808 150,000 127,101 220,000 -0--0-72,000. 150,000 127,101 381 ,808 13,850 3,163 11 ,844 18,110 -0-20,066 -0-21,601 -0--0--0--0--0-79,000 -0- 31,960 103,764 31 ,910 149,733 83,799 167,59851 ,249 28,131 56,262 31 ,018 21,959 43,918 232,000 133,889 267,778 -0-282 -0--0--0--0--0-5,378 -0- -0-5,660 -0- 1,768,961 1 ,610 ,631 2,158.226 .__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas __________ .....;_ ____ ---1 r; r. n [I (- 1 l I I I I [I \1 � 24 .----------------------Annual Budget ------- SUMMARY Department 001 Division oo / MAYOR AND COUNCIL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASS IF I CATION Supplies Miscellaneous Services Sundry Charges TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS *New Department -No Previous History Actual Expenditure 1978-1979* Activity ��. SI J GENERAL GOVERNMENT 5 6 Months Budget Expenditures 1979-1980* 1979-1980* 700 66 3,700 1 , 139 250 6 4,650 1 , 211 Number 1001 Budget 1980-1981 400 5,000 250 5,650 I /1 ._--:_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-City of Friendswood, Texas ------------------1 r r f_ I I ll lI I 25 00 I -001 -'5 I I ____________________ Ann ual Budget--------------------, (?; CD DETAliL Department 00/ Division 00/ MAYOR AND COUNCIL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure 131 §?.-� -Supplies Ci) AftivHv •+. 1 •Number ��<I --u...u � !::J-I I GENERAL GOVERNMENT 5 / +00-1- 6 Months Budget I Expenditures l BudgetliZ9�-l980 . 1979-1980 l9J30-19Al ''::9 ., 0520 3 -Office Supplies 001-001-15/1,0�--;>o:� 0 5220 -Food 00\-00\-�;J/1,0S' •;do 500 49 I 200 �r TOTAL 55-60 -Mis cellaneous Services 05505 -Travel Expense oo I -oo I-· J//. o,;'-§0505515 -Election Expenseoo1�001 �1/,0!:i· ':JI� �lP TOTAL 5'600 -Sundry Charges 0 5 619 -Miscellaneous Expense 00 I -0 0 1 -5 t I, oS--l.? I '7 TOTAL TOTAL MAYOR AND COUNCIL BUDGET 200 17 200 ----7 00 66 I 4 00 2,500 I 851 I 2 ,aaol ,200 288 3,000 3,700 l , 139 5,000 250 6 250250 6 250 4,650 l ,211 5,650 ......_ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ _. 1. l r� rl _ I I [I n I l r l 26 ,--------------------Annual Budget--------------------, SUMMAC.Y Department O a � Division 00/ C ITV MANAGER EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Wages Supplies Maintenance of Equipment Miscellaneous Services Sundry Charges Capital Outlay Inter-departmental Charges and Reimbursements TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL FUND Actual Expenditure 1978-1979* *New Department -No Previous History Activity CLttn't.t,,,/1.,,' £'"// Number GENERAL GOVERtlMENT 5 I 1002 6 Months Budget I Expenditures I Budget 1979-1980* 1979-1980* 1980-1981 52,203 1 ,675 700 4,300 100 550 -26, 102 33,426 24,915 568 367 2,206 26 -0- 13,051 15,031 57,409 1,700 750 4,825 100 -0- -0- 64,784 .__ _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ __, r! f r ' j r I] [I t I r1 l [_ l Li l , � II 0 01-0 01, 27 _____________________ Annual Budget--------------------� DETADL Department 002. Division O O I CITY MANAGER GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION S' I r tlM.�-f S:..DJw <J.·P....., -s+ee--Sa -1 a-�i es and Wa9.es , 05101 -Execut1ve oa \ -oaz. -�11. o s ct,10!, 5-1-1-5 -Cl eri ca 1 o o I -o v , i;-, ,. 0 I I 05107 -Social Security 001 -OO"L.-05108 -Retirementov/•Oo·1 •J /1, c TOTAL 12,. -SWQ -Su£2.1 ies Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 II I -I 13 II, o S- I 3 7 £"· /38 05202 -Postage 001 -001.-� //. u.5- � o,_ 05203 -Supplies 001 -oo, -§II, 05"-z.o:. 05214 -Fuel and Oil 00 1-001.-�11,cis--,.,�05223 -Mi nor Tools and E9uipment 00 1-00-i '.)/1 ,,:;,'j-')..1,'3 0 �\ TOTAL S4UO -Maintenance of Furniture, Fixtures, & Office Eguipmt. 05401 -Furniture, Fixtures, & Office Equipment.001, 001 05402 -Motor Vehicles 001-001.-'J/05403 -Radio 001-001 s11,0S--1 103 s5 TOTAL I ·5500 -Mi scellaneous Services 05505 -Travel Expense 001-ooi-if1 �/II, 0 .,·_ l/ OJ /,OS-4./0'2.. /.05°-<:,0':J I I 05509 -Rental of EquipmentOvl- oo z -� 11. o-t-s-� 1)5513 -Books & Periodicalsoo1-002. '311.0�-s,� ·�5514 -;Membership 001. 002 {,,.o�-1 I 3 TOTAL A�ixity , .. , .. , · li�1Hth}1A.�-t, v( �I/ f:1 IGENERAL GOVERNMENT Budget 1979-1980 34,260 11,628 2,813 3,502 52,203 100 500 l ,00075 1,675 300 250 150 700 1 ,000 3,000 50 250 4,300 I I 6 Months Expenditures I1979-1980 16,417 5,956 850 1,692 24,915 16 149 374 29 568 60 122 185 367 478 1,509 -0-219 2,206 I I Number rno2 Budget 1980-1981 37,686 12,792 3,332 3,599 57,409 100 500 1,000 100 1,700 300 250 200 750 1,200 3,300 50 275 4,825 ..___ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ __. r D rl l rl n I] r.1 I LI ]_j fj IJ l / 28 0 ol_ooi--5'11 �--------------------Annual Budget ------------------------, DET/All. Department 0 O --i-Division o Q I CITY MANAGER GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 'fl., 5600 - Sundry Charges 05619 -Miscellaneous Expense 0.01-00'2.-6°11,0.S-(;1? TOTAL v,O &G90 -Capital Outlay &'-I -E-1�l:�i 6410 -Furniture, Fixtures, and Office Equipment TOTAL TOTAL DEPARTMENT BUDGET 9000 -Inter-departmental Charges� Reimbursements 9041 -Water Department 9043 -Sewer Department TOTAL REIMBURSEMENTS TOTAL BUDGET AFTER REIMBURSEMENTS Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 �ct�ity . {J..)&n� / 1� � � V C GENERAL GOVERNMENT Budget 1979-1980 100 100 550 550 59,528 -13,051-13,051 -26,102 33,426 6 Months Expenditures 1979-1980 26 26 -0- -0- 28,082 6,525 6,525 13,051 15,032 Number l:, // 5"/ l i)OQ- Budget 198Q-1981 100 100 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 64,784 �---------------City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ ___, [l [ !: I L r l I f_ J J u lJ l 29 ,__ ____________________ Annual Budget ----------------------, PERSONNELSCHECUL� Department O O '2-Division a c) I CITY MANAGER GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE City Manager City Manager's Secretary SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Activity u/nu,..;,, GENERAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES .Number Rate of Pay 3, 140/Mo l ,066/Mo .066 .0713 S-1/ §/ Number 1002 Budget l 980-1981 37,686 12,792 50,478 3,332 3,599 6,931 57,409 .._ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ ___J I u 11 LJ ll r [ r f r I ["I IJ Li L 30 .--------------------Annual Budget -------------------7 SUMMARY Department 005 Division {} 0 fCITY SECRETARY GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Wages Supplies Maintenance of Equipment Miscellaneous Services Sundry Charges Inter-departmental charges and Reimbursements TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS *New Department -No Previous History Actual Expenditure Activity � .S/ I Number 1005GENERAL GOVERNMENT £/ Budget 21 , 771 2,500 100 2,600 1,000 27,971 -10 L2i§_ 17,715 6 Months Expenditures I Budget 979-1980 1980-1981 10,344 24,052 376 1 ,200 60 100 488 3,100 84 600 -- 11,352 29,052 _-_§_l 128 -0- 6,224 29,052 ..._ _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas -------------------1 f l f7 r l r r IJ I I r u f u I l / .. r:,\\ ' .. ool"o o 31 �-------------------Annual Budget-------------------� DETADL Department oos Division 00/ Activity�5// Number CITY SECRETARY GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT :5"//1005 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure Budget 1979-1980 1978-1979 oc,10 6�GO -Salaries and Wages 05101 -i�,o;s+r+ I �1015+J.7. - �101� 0<57 __ {) Executive Clerical/Part time Social Security Retirement TOTAL 18,030 1,260 1 , 105 1 ,376 21,771 e-2-90 -Supplies 0 5202 "' Postage 05203 -Office Supplies 5 00 2,000 o�<f O TOTAL 2,500 54Q0 -Maintenance of Equ ipment 05401 -Furniture, Fixtures & Offic� Machines 100 o�',J TOTAL I I 100 5-6GQ -Miscellaneous Services 05505 -Travel Expense t 850 05507 -Advertising & Public Notice 450 05509 -Rental of Equipment 100 05513 -Books & Periodicals 100 05514 -Memberships 100 05525 -Printing (Ordinance & Specifications) I I 1,000 O',\t><) TOTAL I I 2,600 suOO- -Sundry Charges 05618 -Recordings Fees 800 O 5619 -Miscellaneous Expense 200 TOTAL I I l ·;000 TOTAL DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET 27,971 6 Months Expenditures 1979-1980 8,671 450 556 667 10,344 24 252 276 60 60 437 -0- -0-3615 -0- 488 84 -0- 84 11,352 Budget 1980-1981 19,836 1,400 1 ,402 1 _1_414 24,052 200 1,000 1 ,200 100 100 1 ,000 300 100 100 100 l ,500 3,100 400 200 600 29,052 .__ _____________ Cit y of Friendswood, Texas ____________ _ r r r I f I I f I I I I] 11 LI I l. 32 �-------------------Annual Budget--------------------, DETAIL Department oos' Division ool CITY SECRETARY GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 9000 -Inter-departmental Charges & Reimbursements 9041 -Water Department 9043 -Sewer Department TOTAL REIMBURSEMENTS TOTAL BUDGET AFTER REIMBURSEMENTS I Actual Expenditure 19_78-1 q7q I Activity � ;f.(,;t;t • 51/Number GERNERAL GOVERNMENT � / lf>65- 6 Months Budget I Expenditures I Budget 1979-1980 197G-1Q80 lQAO-lQQl 5,128 2,564 I -0-5,128 2,564 -0- -10,256 -5,128 I -0- 17,715 I 6,224 I 29 1052 ----------------City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ ____. ll r r LI t 11 I I I ! I I I l__j LI r f l 33 �-------------------Annual Budget--------------------. PERSONN�LSCH�CULE Department O O §" CITY SECRETARY Division 00 / GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE City Secretary Cierk (Contract -280 Hours) SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Activity M,,,,LtM.· GENERAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES .Number Rate of Pay l l ,653/Mo l 5.00/Hr .066 .0713 S II Number �I 1005 Budget 1980-1981 19,836 �00 21,236 l ,402 l, 414 �816 24,052 ..__ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ __, rl I n [I r1 I J r l l"' I 1 1 I I 11 u u ll L 34 .----------------------Annual Budget ------------------------t SUMMARY Department FINANCE QOle, Division 00/ EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Wages Supplies Maintenance of Equipment Miscellaneous Services Sundry Charges Capital Outlay Inter-departmental Charges and Reimbursements TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL FUND Actual Expenditure 1978-1979* *New Department -No Previous History Activity� 5'11 Number GENERAL GOVERNMENT �/ 1006 6 Months Budget Expenditures Budget 1979-1980* 1979-1980* 1980-1981 61,389 29,940 83,155 2,700 2,878 5,000 325 382 500 925 729 1 ,200 250 -0-I -0- 1,000 1 , 123 -0-66,589 35,052 89,855 -30,696 -15,348 -0- 35,893 19,704 89,855 �-----------------City of Friendswood, Texas ------------------l 11 f' n n l [ { 1 ! f I L r u l l LI l 35 011 O voOl .,,o ____________________ Annual Budget----------------------, DETAIL Department ooLP Division oof FIN ANCE GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 0'51 ° S-1-06' -Salaries and Wages 05101 -Executive 05102 -Supervisory 05103 -Clerical 05107 -Social Security 05108 -Re tirement 0%-0 5-200 TOTAL SU££lies 05202 -Postage 05203 -Office Supplies ,/\ TOTAL os�r-&4oc r -Maintenance of Equipment 05401 -Furniture, Fixtures, and Office Machines 1 "'TOTAL a..,slJ 5-500 -Miscellaneous Services 05505 -Travel Expense 05513 -Books and Periodicals 05514 -Memberships O l,\,O TOTAL 5600 -Sundry Charges {)6619 -Miscellaneous TOTAL Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 Activity � · ..5 / /Number GENERAL GOVERNMENT !!F/ 1006 6 Months Budget I Expenditures I Budget 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 19,260 12,984 21,720 3,308 4J.11_ 61,389 200 2,500 2,700 325 325 775 50 100 925 250 250 9,462 6,908 10,026 l ,621l ,923 29,940 231 2,647 2,878 382 382 526 73 130 729 -0- -0- 23,796 14,280 35,040 4,826 5,213 83,155 500 4,500 5,000 500 500 900 100 200 l ,200 -0- -0- .__ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ _.l [' r r I I fl l i I 11 I] l I oOld'sl \ oo/- 36 ,_ ____________________ Annual Budget---------------------, DETAilL. Department 0\.) (.p Division 00/ FINANCE GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION o\poO -6B09--�tlay Q\i,l\ 0 06410 -Fur niture, Fixtures, &Office Equipment TOTAL TOTAL DEPARTMENT BUDGET 9000 -Inter-departmental Chargesand Reimbursements 9041 -Water Department9043 -Sewer Department TOTAL REIMBURSEMENTS TOTAL BUDGET AFTERREIMBURSEMENTS Actual Expendit_ure 1978-1979 Activity a�: I' I-It . !.) I I Number GENERAL GOVERNMENT 4-, / 1006 6 Months Budget I Expenditures I Budget 1979-1980 1919-1980 1980-]981 , ,ooo , , 123 I :-0- 1 ,ooo 1,123 I .-o- 66,589 -15,348-15,348 -30,696 35,893 35,052 i--89 ,855 7,6747 1.674 -15,348 19,704 -0- -0- -0- 89,855 .__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __. I l 11 [ f I 11 11 I I: I [ u 37 .---------------------Annual Budget ---------------------i PERSON�2LSCHEDUL� DepartmentFINANCE Oolt;7 Division O O / POSITION TITLE Finance Director Accountant I II Accountant I Keypunch & Computer Operator Purchasing Agent GENERAL FUND SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirenient TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND \�AGES Activi----;;-oJ;1,'-( t\ 1 GENERAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES .Number 1 1 1 1 1 Rate of Pay 1 ,983/Mo 1, 190/Mo 927/Mo 927/Mo 1,066/Mo .066 .0713 r;.J I/ Numbers I 1006 Budget 1980-1981 23,796 14,280 11 , 124 11 , 124 12,792 73,116 4,826 5,213 10,039 83,155 -----------------City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ _i n f] Li I J I l I_I II IJ ll u ti LI 38 .--------------------Annual Budget ----------------------i SUMMARY Division 00/ Department I r:r.AI 00¥ GENERAL_fUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Wages Sundry Charges Inter-departmental Charges and Reimbursement s TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Act ual 1��1!'�,t�7� *New Department -No Previous History Activity �w-1�. � I/ Number GE�ERAL GOVERNMENT �I 1008 6 Months Budrt I Expenditures Budget 1979-980 1979-1980* 1980-1981 7,200 2,400 7,200 15,500 3,955 16,500 -- 22,700 6,355 23,700 -5,000 2,500 -0- 17,700 3,855 23,700 .._ _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas --------------------1 f I r I I l r l I I Li L t • 39 oO 1Ao&.,; II �--------------------Annual Budget--------------------� DETAIL Department Division 00 1 LEGAL oof GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION o<; I 0 S+Q@ -Salaries and Wages s t05ll7 -Retainer Fees o�vo TOTAL 5.6.00 -Sundry Charges 05602 -Legal Expense -Other 05517 -Codification of City Ordinances TOTAL TOTAL DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET 9000 -Inter-Departmental Charges and Reimbursements 9041 -Water Department 9043 -Sewer Department TOTAL REI MBURSEMENTS TOTAL BUDGET AFTER REIMBURSEMENTS Actual Expenditure 1979-1980 Activity �v,.w:_ SI!Number GOVERN MENT 51 1008 6 Months Budget I Expenditures I Budget 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 7 _,_200 7,200 15,000 500 15,500 22,700 -2,500-2,500 -5,000 17,700 2 _,_400 2,400 2,561 1 ,394 3,955 6,355 1,250 1,250 2,500 3,855 7 1200 7,200 15,00Q 1,500 16,500 23,700 -0--0- -0- __ 2_3_!700 .___ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ ___. [ r n [ I l r I I I I I l L 1 r 40 .--------------------Annual Budget---------------------, SUMMARY Division oo/ Department O O <J MUNICIPAL COURT GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Wages Supplies Maintenance of Bldgs & Grounds Maintenance of Equipment Miscellaneous Services Sundry Charges Capital Outlay TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 23,876 827 25 -0 - 328 526 70 25,652 Activity i2.1'Y'w(-A.. !JI/ Number GENERAL GOVERNMENT !J/ 1009 6 Months Budget Expenditures Budget 1979 -1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 34,823 14,900 35,025 4,612 727 4,420 50 -0--0- -0-72 83 2,140 341 l ,350 275 487 375 l ,550_--l 1.167 -0- 43,450 17,694 41 ,253 .._ _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ ____,j ,­ [ r l [] J I I ; I l u I t I l LI u I L l ol CJ 11 QVI,, o D 41 ..----------------------AnnL•al Budget --------------------, CETADL Department o oC)Division OD I MUNICIPAL COURT GENERAL FUND Activity a_A,�· £ // Number GENERAL GOVERNMENT b I 1009 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION o w -s+GQ -Salaries and Wages 05103 -Clerical and Legal 05106 -Overtime 05107 -Social Security 05108 -Retirement Plan 05109 -Group Insurance o�y!) TOTAL �00 -Supplies 05202 -Postage 05203 -Office Supplies 05218 -Laundry and Cleaning 05223 -Minor Tools & Equipment TOTAL o�,() 53QQ. -Ma intenance of Bl dgs & Grds 05301 -Maintenance of Bldgs & Grds TOTAL o � '{'O S4QQ, -Ma intenance of Equipment 6 Months Actual Expenditure 1978-l97q Budget I Expenditures I Budget 1q7q_1qAn 1q7q_1qAn lQAO-lOQl 18,039 29,816 2,246 1 ,600 1,784 1,926 966 1,481 ...(,84-1-) -0- -2-3,8T6 I 34,823 ).3 u, '? 141 "-' · 150 681 ...-i--4,432 5 30 -0--0-----827 4,612 25 50 25 50 11 ,592 1,778 820 710 -0- 14,900 28,530 3,000 2,081 1 ,414 -0- 35,025 .;� 80 :r{,· 190535 '4,200 5 30 107 -0---- 727 4,420 -0--0- -0--0- 05401 -Furn, Fixtures, & Office Eqyip -0--0-72.83 O'>� TOTAL s-500--Miscellaneous Services 05503 -Insurance General 05504 -Surety Bonds Q5505 -Travel Expense and Reg Fees 05506 -Auto Allowance 05511 -Special Services 05513 -Books and Periodicals �5514 -Memberships (b �SX 55-1-9 -Utilities TOTAL -0- -0-1321 6 -0--0--0--0- 328 -0- -0-90750 -0-100 50 200 950 2,140 72 -0-4835-0-15 7 10 226 341 83 -0--0-500-0--0-50 100 700 1,350 �----------------Cit y of Friendswood, Texas ________________ _, I r 1 [ I ri LI lJ ti I l l L l 001 � S II ()01' 42 .---------------------Annual Budget---------------------, Ci&TAl!L Department 0 O°f Division 00 I MUNICIPAL COURT GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 0�\(10 '5'6'6� -Sundry Charges 05602 -Leg a 1 05603 -Jury Fees 05619 -Miscellaneous Expense TOTAL 0\#0� 69QQ - Capital Outlay 06203 - Buildings & Grounds 06410 -Furniture, Fixtures, & Office Equipment TOTAL TOTAL MUNICIPAL COURT BUDGET Actual Expenditure 1Q7A-1Q7Q ·32510794 -s26- ;}o \ -0- 70 70 25,652 Activity (J_,,/h1'LtiA. ·":.J // GENERAL GOVERNMENT 5/ 6 Months Number 1009 Budget I Expenditures I Budget 1Q79-]980 ]979 -1980 lQAO-lQOl -0--0--0-200 55 30075 432 75 ---- 275 487 375 -0- 1 ,550 1 ,550 43,450 200 967 1 , 167 17,694 -0- -0- -0- 41 ,253 -----------------Cit y of Friendswood, Texas ________ ___,_ _______ --1 n u n [ [ [I I l l I l l I Ll ll L l 43 �-------------------Annual Budget ----------------------, PERSON�2LS�HEDULE Department 001 Division oo / MUNICIPAL COURT GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE Court Clerk Deputy Clerk (Half Time) Judge (Pa rt-time) Prosecutor (Part-time) Overtime SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES *Flat rate, per court night Activity O-ef ,,,,lf1,,WI,• GENERAL GOVERNMENT G" I/ Number(, I , 009 EMPLOYEES Budget .Number l .5 l l Rate of Pay 1980-1981 955/Mo 11,460 d_9�7t;) 5,370 125* 6,5 00 100* 5,200 3,000 31,530 .066 I 2,081 .0713 I _ 1,414 3,495 35,025 ,._ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ _J II r I f ·1 u l r-1u L I I LI ( I l l Li L 44 .--------------------Annual Budget-----------------------, SU�t:rWA!RY Division Department ADMINISTRATION GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Wages Supplies Maintenance of Building & Grounds Maintenance of Equipment Miscellaneous Services Sundry Charges Capital Outlay TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 77,421 8,726 2,349 1,543 .30 ,539 52,511 70,250 243,339 Activity GENERAL GOVERNMENT Budget 6 Months Expenditures *Administration Department was separated into the following new departments in the 1979-1980 Budget: 1001 -Mayor and Council 1002 -City Manager 1005 -City Secretary 1006 -Finance Department 1008 -Legal Department 1034 -City Hall 1036 -General Fund Other Requirements Number 1010 Budget �----------------City of Friendswood, Texas -----------------l r I ,-1 r I l r I.J I [ LI l L l. 45 �--------------------Ann ual Budget --------------------� CiETADL Department Division Activity ADMINIST RATION GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual E�enditureC\ nt.� 1978-1979 6 Months Budget I Expen ditures1979-1980 1979-1980 5100 -Salaries and Wages 5101 -Executive ff �) r}I' �f�\b� 5102 -Supervisory 5103 -Clerical & Labor 5106 -Overtime 5107 -Social Security 5108 -Retirement 5109 -Group Insurance TOTAL 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage 5203 -Office Supplies 5211 -Paint, Lumber & Hardware 5214 -Fuel & Oil 5215 -Medical Supplies 5217 -Janitor Supplies 5218 -Uniforms 5220 -Foods 5223 -Minor Tools & Equipment 5227 -Oil and Grease TOTAL 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 5301 -Buildings and Grounds TOTAL 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5401 -Furniture, Fixtures &Office Machines 5402 -Motor Vehicles 5403 -Radio and Radar TOTAL 15,172 4,052 46,947 15 5,776 3,637 -1,82-2- 77 ,421 } ,r, ,1/ l ,4642,18417 -68321 \ l ,12.L/c469, 2,414 53 -0- .8 ,726 lJZ1 2,349 2,349 778 )�� --320· 1C,'il\-445. �'fl\--- ., , 543 · l 1i Number 1010 Budget 1980-1981 .__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ ____, f u l I.I p I I II u I t L Li 46 �-------------------Annual Budget---------------------, Department CETA�1. Division I Activity Number ADM IN I STRAT I ON GENERAL FUND I GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1010 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5501 -Vehicle Insurance 5503 -General Insurance Expense 5504 -Surety Bonds 5505 -Travel Expense 5506 -Auto Allowance 5507 -Advertising & Public Notice 5509 -Rental Of Equipment 5511 -Special Services 5513 -Books and Periodicals 5514 -Memberships 5515 -Election Expense5517 -Utilities TOTAL 5600 -Sundry Charges -Auditing -Legal -Tax Ap praisals ' }'I\ \)}\\}' 56015602560556065610561156125619 -Taxes to Other Agencies-Architectural Services -Data Processing & Billing-Mowing -Vacants Lots -Miscellaneous ExpenseTOTAL 6000 -Capital Outlay 6505 -Signs -City Buildings 6203 -Buildings & Grounds 6410 -Furniture, Fixtures, &Office Equipment 6450 -Automotive 6460 -Radio & Radar 6480 -Miscellaneous EquipmentTOTAL TOTAL ADMIN ISTRATION BUDGET Actual Expenditure I Budget 19 78-19 79 19 79 -19 80 674.1,,J'-1.5,861 251· 3,7021271 ,519 6,236 9 15 371 1 ,242 983 -8,658 3 0,539 ef'y� 6,725 I?\\ 12,687-�-,{ 2 3,9 79 -0- -0-6,077 348 -liv i2,69 5 52 ,51 1 70766,}94 qvJ 3,349 · cv' -0- -0--0- 70,250 243 ,339 I 6 Months Expenditures I Budget 19 79 -19 80 19 80-19 81 ----------------City of Friendswood, Texas -----------------' ri r1 r1 r I r I I I r1 I I I 11 11 u LI ll \;' �\ 47 �-------------------Annual Budget---------------------, PE�SO���LSCH�DUL5 Department Division ADM IN I STRATI ON GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE City Manager City Secretary Accountant III City Manager Secretary Staff Support Receptionist Administrative Assistant Accountant I Janitor Activity EMPLOYEES .Number Rate of Pay Number 1010 Budget .__ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __1 L LI I I l 48- --------------------Annual Budget---------------------, SU MARY Departmen t O I / PLANNING AND ZONING Division O O / GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual E xpenditure 1978-1979 Salaries and Wages Supplies Miscellaneous Services Sundry Charges Capital Outlay TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS -0- 373 192 4,525 279 5,369 Activity P-1 Z, � 5 / 1-Number GENERAL GOVERNMENT �/ 1011 6 Months Budge t I E><penditures I Budget 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 -0-4 79 l , 13 7 300 18 450 1,100 67 700 5 , l 00 I 32 I 5 , l 00 -0 --0--0- 6,500 597 7,387 ._ _________________ City or Friendswood, Texas ------------------J fl I r l r I r I I I [ 49 ool-011 Alv �-------------------Annual Budget -------------------� CETAB:L Department O / /Division o O / PLANNING AND ZONING GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 0110 Hee' -Salaries and Wages 05103 -Clerical & Labor 05107 -Social Security 05108 -Retirement r_ TOTAL 0'?�0 5r00 - Supplies 05202 - Postage 05203 -Of fice Supplies 05220 -Food � TOTAL al,� §5QQ -Miscellaneous Services 05509 -Rental of Equipment 05505 -Travel & Registration Fees 05507 -Advertising & Public Notice 05513 -Books & Periodicals o�v�TOTAL 9600 -Sundry Charges 05602 -Legal Fees a5610 -En gineering Service 05619 -Miscellaneous Q"'\)� TOTAL aeee--Capital Outlay 06410 -Furn, Fi xtures & Of fice Equipment TOTAL TOTAL PLANNING & ZONING BUDGET Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 -0- -0--0- -0- 42 331 -0- 373 -0-18174 -0- 192 -0-4,525 -0- 4,525 279 279 5,369 ActivitY Pv 7-_ £ J '2.. Number GENERAL GOVERNMENT .S-/ 1-0-H- 6 Months Budget I Expenditures I Budqet 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 -0- -0- -0- -0- 100 200 -0- 300 -0-900 100 100 l , l 00 l ,5003,500 l 00 5, l 00 -0- -0- 6,500 434 20 25 479 17 l -0- 18 67 -0--0- -0- 67 -0- -0-32 32 -0- -0- 596 1,000 66 71 1 , 137 150 200 100 450 -0-400 150 150 700 -0-5 ,000 100 5,100 -0- -0- 7 _J_387 �---------------City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ ___. [ n r: n r [ r n I I l I I fJ l] 0 l .]\ I 50 Annual Budget SU� �RY Department 0/i.. Division 00/ Activity �SA/W-S-/3 Number COMMUNITY SERVICES GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT SI 101? Actual 6 Months Budget EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget Expenditures 1978-1979 1979-1980 1979-1980 1q�n-10�1 I I Salaries and Wages 30,711 32,872 15,317 39,061 Supplies 763 l ,631 308 l ,604 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 361 300 210 300 Maintenance of Equipment 66 195 156 195 Miscellaneous Services . 3,366 8,447 l ,928 9,221 Sundry Charges 2,750 -0--0--0- Capital Outlay 2,383 6,829 445 -0- TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 40,400 50,274 20,004 50,381 .._ _________________ City or Friendswood, Texas -------------------l D r l r n I: I I I I l_ [ \1 51 ov/-ol'J-' �1? ,---------------------Annual Budget ---------------------, CETABil.. Department 0/2,. Division <Jo I COMMUNITY SERVICE GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION o�,o ot'OO' -Salaries and Wages 05102 -Supervisory Wages 05103 -Clerical 05107 -Social Security 05108 -Retirement I� 05109 -Group Insurance v1?\0\fs++9 -Overtime TOTAL oc;-i,0 5-2t)t} -Supplies 05202 -Postage 1,...., 05203 -Office Supplies)r,J.3+5r94 -Brochures 05211 -Paint, Lumber & Hardware 05215 -Medical �5217 -Janitor Supplies 05220 -Foods 05223 -Minor Tools & Equipment o£,?l> TOTAL 5'301f-Maintenance of Buildings, Grounds, Etc. 05301 -Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds .,0 TOTAL\) c; '1 5460 -Maintenance of Equipment 05401 -Maintenance of Furniture, Fixtures & Office Equip. TOTAL Actual Expenditure ]978-1979 18,231 5,791 2 ,581 l ,334-456-21318 -30,7113,0 ,J,C 56 443 15 -0- -0-3365151 763 361 361 66 66 Activity Number � s..vw 5'/3 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SI �� 6 Months Budget I Expenditures I Budget J979-1980 1979 -1980 lQ80-lQAl 20,920 7,020 l ,823l ,309-0-1 ,800 32,872 100 875 225 -0- -0-100 80 251 l ,631 300 300 195 195 7,385 5,642 85'2 573 -0-865 15,317 51 83 14 -0- -0-567727 308 210 210 156 156 27,397 5 ., 148 2,267 2,449 -0-1 2800 39,061 100 852 225 -0- -0-100 51 276 l ,604 300 300 195 195 ----------------City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ _ I rl l Jj r I 11 11 I I I IJ Ll u l 52 Q'IJ l -o iv � 13 �-------------------Annual Budget-------------------� CETAaL Department 0 I '2--Division oo / COMMUNITY SERVICES GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION oc,0v �gg. -Mi see 11 aneous 05505 -Travel Exp. & Reg Fees 05506 -Auto Allowance l//llQ5507 -Advertising & Public Notice$�J5-5tt""-Special Services 05512 - Special Tr aining �5513 -Books & Program Supplies '5514 -Memberships 'l 5 517 -Ut i1 it i es O�\,O TOTAL -5600 -Sundry Charges Q5619 -Miscellaneous Expense(Flood _ 5620 -Psychological Consu ltant �5621 -Intern Program TOTAL O\qo".> 6000 -Capital Outlay ( \_•' J 62--00 - Buildings & Structures 06203 -Buildings, Fixtures &Grounds 0 TOTAL Ov-f 6400�-Other Equipment 06410 -Furniture, Fixtures, and Office Equipment ()6460 -Radio and Radar Equipment TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLA Y TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES BUDGET Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 -0-506 16 160 139 -0-4021_505 3,366 -0-.,,.. 1 ,200 l !550 2,750 155 155 1,628 600 2,228 2,383 40,400 Act� "' � =, I J Number GENERAL GOVERNMENT � / ret2 6 Months Budget I Expenditures I Budget 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 -0-900 75 1 ,950 700 470 45 4,307 8,447 -0- -0- -0- -0- 5,000 5,000 1,829 -0- 1,829 6,829 50,274 10 118 22 -0-428 355 -0-995 1 ,928 1,640 -0- -0- 1 ,640 445 445 -0- -0- -0- 445 20 ,00_4 210 900 50 ,,(. 4,140; � 700 431 45 2,745 9 ,221 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 50,381 �----------------City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ _, n rt 11 I r I LI -I I L tiu u lJ IJ 53 -�----_-_::_-_-_-_-_-_-_::_-_-_::_-_-_-_-_:-_:-_-_-_::_:-_-_-_:-_-_:-_-_-_-_-_:-_::_-_-_--= Annual Budget ---------------------, PERSO����SCH�DULE Department O I 2-COMMUN I TY SERVICES Division O O I GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE Director/Counselor Secretary (20 /hrs/week) Assistant Counselor (33 hrs/week) Overtime and Callouts SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Activity t ..1,"'M µ;.A,v S f 3 Number GENERAL GOVERNMENT !;,./ �9-1-2- EMPLOYEES .Number 1 1 1 Rate of Pay 1,408/Mo 4.95/hr 6.12/hr .066 .0713 Budget 1980-1981 16,896 5,148 1 O, 501 1,800 34,345 2,267 2,449 4,716 39,061 '------------------Cit y of Friendswood, Texas _______________ ___J r r� fl fl I l r-1 11 I I fJ n u IJ 54 .---------------------Annual Bu dg et --------------------7 SUM�ARY Department Ol� I Division O O / Activity Y NOC... -s )'-/-Number Y.N.O. C. GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT G / ¼)-1.J- I Actual 6 Months EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget Expenditures Bud get 1978-1979 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 Salaries & Wages 1 ,517 -0--0-1,599 Supplies 320 500 293 250 Miscellaneous 250 700 -0-450 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 2,087 1,200 293 2,299 ....., _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas _________________ ___. I n r: fl lJ l' [ [ t I I I I fJ I u 55 O,,. .... �lLt' oo\✓ ',I ,----------------------Annual Budget ----------------------, DETAaL Department 013 Division 00/ Y.N.O.C. GENER.t\L FU ND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 0�10 54'0Q..-Sa laries & Wages lolc,to'?5-1-2-3- -Part-Time Labor 05107 -Social Security , ,.. TOTAL 0"'>1.N �00 - Supplies 05242 -Summer Program Supplies 'IJ TOTALo4"') 5"560 -Miscellaneous Services 05517 -Utilities 05529 -Programs (Youth Activities) TOTAL TOTAL YNOC DEP ARTMENT BU DGET I Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 1,499 18 1 ,517 320 320 -0-250 250 2,087 I Activity y I\/ O c., _ €" / Lf GENERAL GOVERNMENT S'/ 6 Months Budget I Expenditures ]979-1980 1979-1980 -0--0--0--0- -0--0- 500 I 293 I500 293 -0--0-700 -0- 700 -0- 1,200 293 Number 1013 Budget 1qAO-lQAl 1,500 99 1 ,599 250 250 150 300 450 2,299 ._ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ _, r� ri J I l r I I u 56 ,--------------------Annual Budget---------------------, SUMMA�Y Department O J g PUBLIC WORKS Division O O / GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual ExQenditure 1978-1979 Salaries and Wages Supplies Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds Maintenance of Equipment Miscellaneous Services Sundry Charges Capital Outlay TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 23,036 l ,234 601 82 l , 761 36 -0- 26,750 Activity f vJ -S / ::J GENERAL GOVERNMENT S/ 6 Months Number 1018 Budget Bud1et1979-980 Ex�enditures19 9-1980 1980-1981 24,606 11 ,830 39,277 l ,650 l ,029 2,450 600 105 600 800 764 600 -0-2,153 6,650 50 454 l, 100 -0-3,500 -0- 27,706 19,835 50,677 .__ _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas -------------------l n r I7 I_ r1 t I I u u I 57 00 I -O I g .,, S I 0 �-------------------Annual B udget---------------------, DETAmL Depa rtment o;e PIIRI Tr WORk'<: Divisio n 001 r.i:"NFRAI FIIND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION os,o s+eG- -Salaries and \�ages 05102 -Supervisory 05103 -Clerical & Labor 05107 -Social Security 05108 -Retirement 05109 -Group Insurance _ f\ TOTAL o<,-V" �e -Supplies 05203 -Office Supplies05214 -Fuel and Oil 05218 -Uniforms 05223 -Minor Tools & Equipment 05220 -Food ◊TOTALo4, 5'960 -Maintenance of Buildings &Grounds 05301-Buildings & Grounds O TOTAL o<,4 5400 -Maintenance of Egu i pmen t 05402 -Maintenance of Vehicle 05403 -Maintenance of Radio Equip. ()5494-- -Maintenance of Ti res .,Sl.\\v TOTAL o<,vf) S6'0& -Miscellaneous Services 05503 -Insurance General 05509 -Rental of Equipment () s.;.:i.g. -Ut i1 it i es Qi;�(\ TOTAL Actual Expenditu re 1978-1979 18,753 -0-1 ,892 1,588 �acn- -23 ,036r>,q3, 106721373-0-34 1,234 601 601 47 35 -0- 82 1 ,60-"7 32 122 t-;101 I�•\ Activity /) I Number ,-'uJ -!:, � r,FNFRAI GOVFRNMFNT � / 101A 6 Months Budget I Expenditures I Budget 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 21,636 -0-1 ,326 1,644 -0- 24,606 150 800 400 100 -0- 1,450 600 600 300 200 300 800 -0- 200 -0- 200 10,402 -0-638 790 -0- 11 ,830 47 348 171 -0-463 l ,029 105 105 687 77 -0- 764 -0- 402,113 2,153 23,796 10,740 2,279 2,462 -0- 39,277 150 950 400 -0- 950 2,450 600 600 300 200 100 600 -0- 1 ,650 5,000 6,650 -----------------City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ _. r n f [ r1 I I I I I L l l lJ l 58 0D I �011 ,SI� _____________________ Annual Budget ---------------------, DETA!!L Department O /6 Division Plll�I Tr WORKS EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 04�0 -S-68& - Sundry Charges �5612 -Mowing Expense �5619 -Miscellaneous Expense TOTAL O\,O 6000 -Capital Outlay c2 o I GENERAL FUNO Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 -0-36 36 6101 -Land, Easements, & R.O.W. -0- TOTAL -0- TOTAL DEPT. BUDGET 26,750 Activity f u-J _ � / '!i"' Number <;FNERAI GOVERNMENT �SL mm Budget 1978-1.2 79 -0-50 50 -0- -0- 271706 6 Months Expenditures 1979=1980 338 116 454 3,�00 3,500 19,835 Budget 1980-1981 1,000 100 1 , 100 -0- -0- 50,677 �---------------City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __, n rl I I LI f.l l__l [] lJ l 59 ,,_ ____________________ Annual Budget -----------------------, PERSO���LSCHED�L� o;? Division OfJ/ Dep artment PUBLIC WORKS GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE Director Receptionist/Secretary SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Activity PvJ -5" !'5"Number 1018 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 5/ EMPLOYEES .Number 1 1 Rate of Pay 1 ,983/Mo 89 5/Mo .066 .0713 Budget 1980-1981 23,796 1 O, 740 34,536 2,279 2,462 4,741 39,277 .._ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas -------------------' r n n n f I rl rt 11 l_ l L lJ l \-\L ., ' 60 ,-.-------------------Annual Budget--------------------, SUtrJlmffA!RY Department 02-0 Division oo / COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Wages Supplies Maintenance of Buildings and Ground Maintenance of Equipment Miscellaneous Services Sundry Charges Capital Outlay TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Actual Expenditure 1978-1979* *New Department -No Previous History Activity � PUBLIC SAFETY ,G-i. I 51- Number 1020 6 Months Budget I E><penditures I Budget 1979-1980* 1979-1980�80-l 981 79,665 2,840 300 400 665 70 -0- 83,940 ..__ _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ ---1 l r r ft rl f I L l l L oOl.,o,, .c ,vl 0 ,"/ 61 _____________________ Annual Budget----------------------, CET.Aaa.. Department 02-0 Division 00/ COMMUN I CATIONS GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 6l00 -Salaries & Wages 05102 -Supervisory 05103 -Clerical & Labor 05106 -Overtime 05107 -Social Security 05108 -Retirement r TOTALO"J')/' 02--00 -Supplies 05202 -Postage 05203 -Office Supplies 05204 -Wearing Apparel �5205 -Badges & Insigna 05215 -Medcial And Supplies 05217 -Janitor Supplies 05223 -Minor Tools and Equipment TOTAL Actual Expenditure 1978-1979* &� SJQO -Maintenance of Bldg & Groun�s �5301 -Buildings & Grounds TOTAL �'-\0 §4-00 -Maintenance of Equipment 05401 -Furn, Fixtures, & Office Equipment �5412 -Miscellaneous Equipment . .<"\ TOTAL Q',<-)V 550& -Miscellaneous Services 05504 -Surety Bonds 05505 -Travel Expenses & Reg Fees 05507 -Advertising & Public Notic�s 05513 -Books & Periodicals 05514 -Memberships TOTAL Activity � §-µI Number PUBLIC SAFETY 5°"2---1020 6 Months Budget I Expenditures I Budget 1979-1979* 1979-1980* 1980-1981 13,248 52,800 4,000 4,623 41994 79,665 15 800 l ,37510025 300 225 2,840 300 300 250 150 400 150 400 50 20 45 665 -I.__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __J D r n [I 1 I I l r I I I. I LI L L 62 flO I --0 t,O 01--\ .---------------------Annual Budget:======================================:;, CE7ADL. Department 0"2-0 Division 00/ Activity � _ 5 z.,... / Number COMMUN I CATIONS GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY {.) � 1020 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION -Actual Expenditure I Budget 1978-1979* 1979-1980* 6 Months Expenditures I Budget 1979-1980* 1980-1981 O'':> \j., SGQQ -Sundry Charges 05607 -Medical Exams I I I I 70 TOTAL 70 ot,oO 6QG0 -Capital Outlay 06410 -Furniture & Fix tures I I I -0- TOTAL -0- TOTAL CITY DISPATCH BUDGET I I I $3�940 *New Depart ment -No Previous Hist�ry .___ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __. I 11 r1 r I I u l I l I I n 1-,, J ��' \ I I 63 _____________________ Annual Budget-----------------------. P�RSO���LSCHECUL� Department 02.0 Division 00/ COMMUN I CATIONS GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE Dispatch Supervisor Dispatcher ;l -s p ) I ... � IYI D I �r I it- Overtime SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES �l. \(� s�r�0 e.,e�t � �-�( {g l'Y1 ""'� "i \� �c>_.; 3,17 4.31 l-L �4 Activity � . �6l-f Number 1020 PUBLIC SAFETY � --:L-, EMPLOYEES .Number 1 5 Rate of Pay 1 ,104/Mo 825-935/Mo .066 .0713 Budget 1980-198] 13,248 52,800 4,000 70,048 4,623 4,994 9,617 79,665 '------------------City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ _J n l I 11 IJ I I I I n _I LI 64 ____________________ Annual Bud get_;.._ __________________ 'su��Arr?Y 0 2-I Division 00/ Department POLICE GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Wages Suppli�s Maintenance of Buildings and Ground Maintenance of Equipment Miscellaneous Service Sundry Services Capital Outlay TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 355,866 29,787 686 26,583 23,258 1 ,593 __ 52,752 490,525 Activity Pu-l PUBLIC SAFETY -�7...1- q7-- 6 Months Budget I Expenditures1979-1980 1979-1980 411 , 188 193,018 35, 145 17,916 6,000 6,300 19,970 15,717 12, 165 4,260 800 545 _11___,_500 11 ,842 497,768 249,598 Number 1021 Budget 1980-1981' 387,265 47,836 1,000 30,380 12,305 550 5,000 484,336 .__ _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ ___J r I n r1 I n ll 11 lJ L �--�- ;::_"' .... '•-� -Oi / . 11::,,,�' I I Department Division 65 6"l.:'V o•i..J ., D0 ("' Annual Budget CETA�L oo J Activity ti!-� '2 "Z. NumberI ! 0�, POLICE GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY �'i-l 021 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 11 Expenditure Budget 1978-1979 1979-1980 I I 5100 -Salaries and Wages 11 5101 -Executive -0--0-5102 -Supervisory 36,747 40, 128 11 5103 -Clerical & Labor 243,994 308,728 5106 -Overtime 16,577 13,540 5107 - Social Security 28,405 22,215 5108 -Retirement 19,640 26,577 11 5109 -Group Insurance 10,503 -0-TOTAL 355,866 4 11 , 188 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage 374 825 5203 - Office Supplies 2,169 5,500 5204 -Wearing Apparel 5,206 5,100 5205 -Badges & Insignia 807 900 5208 -Chemical & Photo Lab. 480 2,000 5214 -Fuel and Oil 17,700 15,4 00 5215 -Medical and Supplies -0-aO 5217 -Janitor Supplies 593 500 5219 -Ammunition and Range 953 2,000 5220 -Foods; Prisoner & Other 477 400 5223 -Minor To ols and Equipment 1,028 2,500 I I TOTAL 29,787 35, 145 I I 53 00 -Maintenance of Bu ildings I I and Grounds I I 5301 -Buildings and Grounds I 686 I 6,000 TOTAL 686 6,000 5400 -Ma intenance of _E�ment 5401 -Maintenance of Furniture I and Office Equipment-·. 410 I 850 54 02 -Motor Vehicles 21,231 14,000 �---------------C ity of Friendswood, Texas I I 6 Months Expenditures I Budget 1979-1980 1980-1981 -0-23,196 11 t �0 0 32,892 40,056 1"1, 1 i:v127 ,336 260,985 11 ,9 34 16,000 t /,f63, 10,468 22,495 t-/'b-1,1 10,388 23,933 t (,3g'5' -0--0-----193,018 387,265 rJJ i�I 147 671 1 , 196 4,343 11 2,604 5,500 -t L J?i:7. 226 800 442 800 11 ,656 30,201 11-h-!5'.'5''7•2 60 289 9241 2 ,ooo 11-ni) .. 533 837 820 l ,700 17,916 41,836 115'0;� 6,300 I 1,000 6,300 1 ,000 759 I 1,200 11 ,499 22 ,080 11 (&55° r ii r 11 r.1 n n n I t 11 I l f t 66 vol'o I',.,, -i-l,,, � Annual Budget=------------------------ DETAIL Department a'). I Division oo I POLICE GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment (Cont.) 5403 -Radio and Radar 5412 -Miscellaneous Equipment TOTAL 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5501 -Vehicle Insurance 5503 -Insurance General 5504 -Surety Bonds 5505 -Travel Expenses & Reg Fees 5507 -Advertising & Public notices 5509 -Rental of Equipment 5511 -Special Services 5512 -Special Training 5513 -Books & Periodicals 5514 -Memberships 5517 -Utilities 5519 -Telegraph TOTAL 5600 -Sundry Charges 5607 -Medical Exams 5609 -Medical Expense, Non. Emp. 5619 -Miscellaneous Expense TOTAL 6000 -Capital Outlay Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 3,926 l 1016 26,583 4,718 10,471 84 891 67 -0-50l ,06058798 5, 159 73 23,258 496 70 1,027 l ,593 Activity p i:,( _5 z. 1,.. Number PUBLIC SAFETY 6""' 1021 6 Months Budget I Expenditures I Budget 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 4,520 600 19,970 -0--0-10076510050 100 700 400 150 8,000 l ,800 12, 165 300 300 200 800 2,800 659 15,717 -0--0-76957 156 -0-28225 301 -0- 2 ,517 -0- 4,260 93 127 325 545 6,200 900 30,380 -0- -0- -0-1 ,200 230 50 175 500 500 150 7,000 2 1500 12,305 150 200 200 550 -0-6203 -Buildings & Grounds 6410 -Furn,Fixtures, & Office Equipment 6450 -Automotive Equipment 290 2,970 36,658 10,174 2,660 -0- 3 ,000 -0- 7 ,500 2,000 l ,543 l ,943-0-6 ,220 2,136 1 ,��� I lr,1v1� 6460 -Radio and Radar Equipment 6480 -Miscellaneous Equipment TOTAL TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT BUDGET 52,752 _12_1 500 490,525 497,768 11 ,842 249,598 l ,00031000 5,000 484,336 �---------------City of Friendswood, Texas ---------------.....---1 '-/0,0(1;J r, I r -nn l l lJ IJ I l Li C L 67 .---------------------Annual Budget ----------------------. II 11 11 11 11 I I I I I I P��SO�N�LSCH2CULE Department POLICE D ;l. I Division O O I GENERAL FUND Activity P;{ -':J • 7 "2,­PUBLIC SAFETY 5-i-Number 1021 POSITION TITLE Chief Lieutenant (Adm. Assistant) Lieutenant {Patrol) Sergeant ( !v 1 ;?vl f f o'1.hi){) Patrolman Patrolman (S.T.E.P. Officer)* Detective (Junior Grade) Rec ords Clerk School Crossing Guard Overtime / !(l lP1 C ft; (I) I I t..f g� \ ,,01-- I�// I '--I I 0 SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND HAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES I 5) I I I EMPLOYEES I I .Number Rate of Pay 1 1 ,983/Mol 1 (l,669)Mol 1 1 ,669/Mo 3 1 , 488/M9 ;i 1321 -1 410/M 1 1,410/Mo 1 1,410/Mo , 1. 5 � 2 287** I I I I I .066 .0713 *Selective Traffic Enforcement Program, 70% Fun1ed by Feder11 Grant **Paid 9 months of the year � l�li Qv,,r1'�� 1 3,a,7 '-), 3 l'-i . l• '-\ Budget 1980-1981 23,796 20,028 20,028 / 53,568 152,301 ./16,920 - / 16,92� 16,110 5,166 _l_6_2000 340,837 22,495 23,933 �428 3871.265 .__ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ _J fl f -I I n [I I I: l l I. [ Li \ 68 Annual Budget SUi �RY -- Department Division Activity �'6��r FIRE (COMBINED) GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY 1023 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1978-1979 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 Salaries and Wages 16,93T. 19,629 8,073 21,576 Supplies 12,921 16,490 10,576 21,735 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 2,577 7,250 550 2,525 Maintenance of Equipment 13,769 16,100 17,613 18,450 Miscellaneous Services 23,609 13,694 5,026 12,325 Sundry Charges 1 , 150 -0-1 , 140 100 Capital Outlay 43,460 26,271 9,872 10,000 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 114,417 99,434 52,850 86,711 .._ _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ __. f l IJ r1 l [ LI I I r I ll fJ u 69 .---------------------Annual Budget -----------------------t SUMMAIRY Department t? 2. '2- FI RE (ADMINISTRATIVE) Division O O / GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 Salaries and Wages 16 ,931 Supplies 1,079 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 2,577 Maintenance of Equipment l ,076 Miscellaneous Services 16,304 Sundry Charges l , l 05 Capital Outlay 5, 191 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 44,308 I Activity j V\.l.'·S"I'-/ Number PUBLIC SAFETY 5 i.-;1022 6 Months Budget I Expenditures I Budget 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 19,629 l ,450 7,250 l ,550 4,822 -0- 2,200 I 36,901 8,073 l ,361 550 4,576 2,100 30 2,138 18,828 21,576 2,685 2,525 4,950 5,325 100 875 38,036' .._ _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas _--------------------1 D n n LI l1 I f [I lJ I] lJ I I I I I I 11 II 11 11 70 c90 l,,,fJ" 1,,.,,��-� Annual Budget CETA!l. - Department 02. i,.Division 00) FIRE (ADMINISTRATIVE) GENERAL FUND . Actual EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure 1978�1.919 _ 5100 -Salaries and Wages 5103 -Labor Wages 14,089 5107 -Social Security l ,3305108 -Retirement l ,0565109 -Group Insurance 456 TOTAL 16,931 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage 51 5203 -Office Supplies 214 5204 -Uniforms -0-5217 -Janitor 3215223 -Minor Tools and Equipment 4075214 -Fuel and Oil 86 TOTAL l ,079 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 5301 -Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 2,577 TOTAL 2,577 5400 -Maintenance of Eguipment 5402 -Motor Vehicles I 280 5401 -Furniture, Fixtures and Office Equipment 755 5403 -Radio and Radar -0-5412 -Miscellaneous Equipment 41 TOTAL l ,076 Activity Jvu ,Number PUBLIC SAFETY S-z_ 1022 6 Months Budget _ _J_9]9-19.80 Expenditures I Budget _1919-1.9.80 lQACl-lQAl 17,510 7,134 19,232 l ,073 438 l ,269l ,046 501 l ,075-0--0--0- 19,629 8,073 21,576 75 10 90 400 583 l , l 00225 255 300325 77 400 425 436 795 -0--0--0- l ,450 l ,361 2,685 7,250 550 2,525 7,250 550 2,525 I -0-I -0-I -0- 750 -0-500 800 4,576 4,200 -0--0-250 1,550 4,576 4,950 ..__ ________________ City of Friend�wood, Texas------------------' [j rt r! lJ rJ rt r I 11 I r 11 [ �1,-.... QO \; 01- � Annual Budget I I __ DETAIL Department 0'2.. l-Division 001 I FIRE ADM IN I STRATI VE GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 5500 -Miscellaneous Services I I 5501 -Vehicle Insurance 3,784 5503 -Insurance General 6,566 11 5505 -Travel Expense 1 , 164 5507 -Advertising 129 5512 -Special Training 212 5514 -Memberships -0-5517 -Utilities 4,449 TOTAL I 16,304 I I I 5600 -Sundry Charges 5619 -Miscellaneous Expense I _1__1 150 I TOTAL 6000 -Capital Outlay I 1 , 150 I 6203 -Buildings & Grounds 462 6460 -Radio and Radar 3,847 6480 -Miscellaneous Equipment 882 TOTAL 5, 191 TOTAL FIRE {ADMINISTRATIVE) 44,308 � �� 0 71 Activity J I../IJ-.�..l."'/ Number Budget 1979-1980 -0--0-225-0--0-904,507 4,822 I -0-I -0-I -0-2,200 -0- 2,200 ]_6,90l C-z... 10?? 6 Months Expenditures I Budget 1979-1980 1980-1981 -0--0--0--0--0-200-0--0-125 -0--0-125 _ J_,2_7§_5,000 2,100 I 5,325 30 I 100 30 I 100 -0--0-1 ,255 -0-883 875 2,138 I 875 -- 18,828_ I -38,036 �----------�----City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ _. r ' r: l_� !� !J lJ t 72 ,..... ____________________ Annual Budget----------------------, I I II I I 11 PERSO���LSCH�CUL� Department O i.-'l Division O O / FIRE (ADMINIS TRATIVE) GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE Fireman/EMT Apparatus Maintenance Buildings & Grounds Maintenance Man SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Ret irement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES I Activity j VV-' PUBLIC SAFETY ':, ) '../ � t., Number 1022 EMPLOYEES .Number l l I Rate of Pay l ,256/Mo 4.00/hr .066 .0713 Budget 1980-1981 15,072 �160 19,232 l ,269 _l ,075 2,344 I _1_1_i.576 -- .__ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __J n f I I n I rl ll LI LI 73 ----------------------Annual Budget----------------------, SU�MAtilV Department a l. 3 Division 001 FIRE (FIRE FIGHTING) GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Supplies Maintenance of Equipment Miscellaneous Services Sundry Charges Capital Outlay TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 9,079 10·,112 3,333 -0- 11 ,lJL I 34 ,241 Activity J. V\.,l ' 5' Z... '+Number I PUBLIC SAFETY qz.. 1023 Budget 1979-1980 11 ,240 11,400 6,872 -0- 18,071 47,583 6 Months Expenditures 1979-1980 7,199 11 ,690 2,578 l, 110 I_ 7,734 30,311 Budget 1980-1981 13,050 10,500 6,000 -0- 9,125 38,675 "------------------City of Friendswood, Texas ------------------l r r I r I. I I I f [ L l 74 -6�� 60l · o �7' ,---------------------Annual Budget --------------------, DETAUL Department Division Oi-3 FIRE {FIRE FIGHTING) 00/ GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5200 - Supplies 5204 -Wearing Apparel, Protective Clothing, Uniforms 5208 -Chemical and Lab 5214 -Fuel and Oil 5223 -Minor Tools (Fire Fighting) TOTAL 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5402 -Motor Vehicles (and Pumps) 5403 -Radio Rep air 5412 -Miscellaneous Equipment TOTAL 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5509 -Rental of Equipment 5505 -Travel Expense & Reg Fees 5512 -Special Training (A&M Summer Schools, Field Days, Instructor Train­ing, Chief's Conference) 5513 -Books, Periodicals and Training Aids 5514 -Memberships TOTAL 5600 -Sundry Charges 5619 -Miscellaneous Expense TOTAL Actual Expenditure 1Q7R-1Q7Q 4,034 l ,3133,177.555 9,079 8,978 583 551 10,112 53 20 2,360 618 282 3,333 -0- -0- Activity ,j V\..l,I � "J '-{ Number PUBLIC SAFETY 5::>-1023 Budget 1Q7Q-1QR'1 4,788 l ,2504,702500 11 ,240 10,400 500 500 11 ,400 -0-200 6,022 350 300 6,872 '-0- -0- 6 Months Expenditures 1Q7Q-1QR() 3,578 8ll 1,770 l ,040 7,199 10,548 543 599 11 ,690 -0-198 l ,638 437 305 2,578 l, 110 l, 110 Budget _l9_8Q-JqA1 4,550 l ,2506,750500 13,050 10,000 -0-500 10,500 -0-200 5,000 500 300 6,000 -0- -0- �---------------City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ --1 l r I ri r J IJ LI I_ I fl [I I] I "',� 001-01-7 ' � 75 �--------------------Annual Bu dget---------------------, DETAIL Depa rtment 01-�Division oO / FIRE (FIRE FIGHTING) GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 6000 -Capital Outlay (Cont'd) 6426 -Safety Equipment 6460 -Radio Equipment 6490 -Fire Services Equipment Total TOTAL FIRE DEPT. (FIRE) BUDGET Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 2,377 5,818 3,522 11 , 717 34,241 J, Activity j C/\..t ' 5'? 44- PUBLIC SAFETY .;-z_ 6 Months Number 1023 Budget I Expenditures I Budget 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 500 4,650 12 , 921 18,071 47,583 -0-3 ,761 3,973 7,734 30,311 3,000 1 , 125 5,000 9,125 38,675 �----------------City of Friendswood, Texas ------------------' ri rt n II I I r . [J n IJ u [J 76 ..--------------------Annual Budget--------------------, SUl1ACVIARY Department 0�'-1-Division 0 D f Activity J-vu 5;, '-I Number FIRE {AMBULANCE) GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY �1,.;. 1024 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION I Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1978-1979 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 Supplies 2,763 3,800 2,016 6,000 Maintenance of Equipment 2,581 3,150 1 ,706 3,000 Miscellaneous Services 3,972 2,000 348 1,000 Capital Outlay I 26,552 6,000 -0--0- TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 35,868 14,950 4,070 10,000 .__ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ------------------l rl 17 r Ll r:1 rJ I.In I I u [l 0 \] L 77 '() �·�� � ?-�Q10\..-v' ,----------------------Annual Budget--------------------� Department O e}-t...! Division IC27AIL 001 FIRE (AMBULANCE) GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5200 -Supplies 5204 -Wearing Apparel 5214 -Fuel & Oil �?-\, 521-6--Med i ca 1 Su pp 1 i es 5223 -Minor Tools & Equipment TOTAL 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5402 -Vehicles 5403 -Radio & Radar 5412 -Miscellaneous Equipment TOTAL 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5501 -Vehicle Insurance 5503 -Insurance General 5505 -Travel Expense 5511 -Special Services 5512 -Special Training TOTAL 6000 -Capital Outlay 6420 -Special Equipment 6450 -Automotive Equipment 6460 -Radio and Radar TOTAL TOTAL FIRE (RESCUE) DEPT. BUDGET Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 94 1 , 610 934 125 2,763 2,433 128 20 2,581 2,291 1 , 104 74 21 482 3,972 3,482 22,848 222 26,552 35,868 Activity � VU. ' t;;) t./ PUBLIC SAFETY t;''z.- 6 Months Number 1024 Budget I Expenditures I Budget 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 600 2,000 1 ,000 200 3,800 2,550 600 -0- 3,150 -0--0--0--0-2,000 2 ,QOO 6,000 -0--0- 6,000 14,950 469 1 , 109 255 183 2,016 1 ,421 285 -0- 1 , 706 -0--0--0- -0-348 348 -0--0--0- -0- 4,070 1,400 2,650 1,200 750 6,000 3,000 -0- -0- 3,000 -0--0--0--0-1 ,000 1,000 -0--0--0- -0- 10,000 ...._ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ ___. f'' J I I r- { l I r 78 Annual Budget SUI �RV Department 0�� Division 00/ Activity ). (.IU_.6)c../ Number FIRE MARSHALL GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY �'2,,-1025 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1978-1979 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 Supplies 532 935 107 455 Maintenance of Equipment 598 150 -0-2,000 Miscellaneous Services 83 1-,205 -0-l ,460 Capital Outlay 5,911 350 246 -0- TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 7,124 2,640 353 3,915 ,.._ _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas _________________ __, r, r r [l n J r I_ l I I [ I tJ r 4 ✓�-� oOt '0 � 79 ,----------------------Annual Budget --------------------� D:ETAD!L Department a�£ FT RI=' MAR<;l--lAI Division 00 I GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage 5203 -Office Supplies 5204 -Wearing Apparel 5214 -Fuel and Oil 5223 -Minor Tools & Equipment TOTAL 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5402 -Vehicle Maintenance TOTAL 5500 -Miscel laneous Services 5505 -Travel Expense 5511 -Special Services 5512 -Special Training 5513 -Books & Periodicals 5514 -Memberships TOTAL 6000 -Capital Outlay 6410 -Furn, Fixtures & Office Equipment 6426 -Safety Equipment 6480 -Special Equipment TOTAL TOTAL DEPARTMENT BUDGET Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 3 241 86 140 62 532 598 598 -0--0--0-83-0- 83 297 1,490 4,124 5,911 7,124 Activity J V\.L • q > I..( PUBLIC SAF"ETY £°'L--6 Months Number l.022 Budget I Expenditures I Budget 1979 -1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 10 100 200 600 25 935 150 150 460 225 120 350 50 1,205 -0- -0-350 350 2,640 -0--0--0-107-0- 107 -0- -0- -0--0- -0--0--0- -0- -0--0-246 246 353 20 125 125 -0-185 455 2,000 2,000 460 225 300 400 75 l ,460 -0--0--0- -0- 3,915 ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ ----1 r· r r n r I I [ 1 1 ·1 u I] I LI 80 ____________________ Annual Budget --------------------, SUMMARY Department O � � CIVIL DEFENSE Division O O / GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure Salaries and Wages Supplies Miscellaneous Services TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 1978-1979 14,444 4,118 85,030 103,592 Activity G D -5°"Z--S° PUBLIC SAFETY �l--- 6 Months Budget Expenditures 1979-1980 1979-1980 -0--0- 500 -0- -0-643 500 643 Number 1026 Budget 1980-1981 -0- 500 -0- 500 '-------------------City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ ___. I_ ln rn [I (. ' f I rJ 11 1, r I] I � � .� ' <II , rx�' Department Q�l, Division '?' r;nv· oO t-o � Annual Budget DEVAUL 001 Activity C..,()'?7-5 11 CIVIL DEF ENSE GENERAL .FUND PUBLIC SAFETY <;; 2-. EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION I Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures 1978-1979 1979-1980 1979-1980 I5100 -Salaries and Wages 5103 -Cle rical & Labor (Flood) 12 ,893 -0--0-5107 -Social Security 813 -0--0-5108 -Retirement 738 -0--0- TOTAL 5200 -SuQP_lies I 14,444 I -0-I -0- 5203 -Office Supplies 51 500 -0-5214 -Fuel and Oil 2,028 -0--0-5215 -Medical Supplies 9 -0--0-5220 -Food 2,017 -0--0-5223 -Minor Tools & Equipment 13 -0--0- TOTAL I 4,118 I 500 I -0- 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5526 -Flood Expense I 85 ,03_0 I -0-I 643 TOTAL I 85,030 I -0-I 643 11 TOTAL DEPT. BUDGET I 103,592 I 500 I 643 81 Number 1026 I Budget 1980 -1981 -0--0--0- I -0- 500 -0--0--0--0- I 500 I -0 - I -0- I 500 �---------------City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __, r LI 11 LI fl IJ [! I I [ I I I I I I I I 11 82 Annual Budget SU�MARV Department Division o o /Activity IJ_-5 _,_c., Number HUMANE 0�1 GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY 5':l-1027 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION I Salaries and Wages '5/ vO I Suppl ies §�(TO I Maintenance of Equipment stvo I Miscellaneous Services S--SV-0 I Sundry Charges 5bvr; Capital Outlay &?fNO TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS \ Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 Budget Expenditures Budget I I 6 Months 1979-1980 1979-1980 I 1980-1981 l O, 132 I 15,9251 5,614 I 12,319 888 I l ,957 I 736 I l ,565 218 I 700 I 37 I 990 962 I 650 I 676 I 3,780 176 200 -0-12,100 7,427 500 -0--0- 19,803 19,932 7,063 30,754 '-------------------City of Friendswood, Texas ------------------1 r n n r1 11 11 r I r I I l LI u l l 83 ool-0,) '/·i;,vo .---------------------Annual Budget===--------------------� D2TABL Department 0�1 Division oo f HUMANE GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5100 -Salaries and Wages 5103 -Clerical & Labor 5106 -Overtime 5107 -Social Security 5108 -Retirement 5109 -Group Insurance TOTAL 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage 5203 -Office Supplies 5204 -Wearing Apparel 5205 -Badges & Insignia 5214 -Fuel & Oil 5221 -Dog Pound Supplies 5223 -Minor Tools & Equipment TOTAL 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5402 -Motor Vehicles 5403 -Radio 5412 -Miscellaneous Equipment TOTAL 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5511 -Special Services 5501 -Vehicle Insurance 5509 -Rental of Equipment 5505 -Travel Expenses & Reg. Fees 5513 -Books & Periodicals 5517 -Utilities, Telephone TOTAL Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 8,513 -0-780 383 456 10,132 -0- 4-0- -0-558 275 51 888 195 20 3 218 -0-595 -0- -0- -0-367 962 Activity fl <;) l.., PUBLIC SAFETY :; 7- Budget 1979-1980 13,559 500 831 1,035 -0- 15,925 5 100 200 20 730 500 402 1 ,957 500 100 100 700 -0- -0- -0-100 50 500 650 6 Months Expenditures 1979-1980 4,513 425 301 375 -0- 5,614 -0-22-0-61367 228 58 736 37 -0--0- 37 338 -0-50-0- -0-288 676 Number 1027 Budget 1980-1981 10,332 500 715 772 -0- 12,319 15 100 225 50 1,000 100 75 1 ,565 500 390 100 990 3,780 -0- -0- -0--0- -0- 3,780 .___ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ ___. I_ r f n l I i I f I J 84 . -.)r;\.J 0oo \ .-01· 1 � Annual Budget C l!L Department Division 0�7 oo I Activity rJ-5il,.,' Number HUMANE GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY 5'-z_ 1027 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budrt1978-1979 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-981 5600 -Sundry Charges 5609 -Medical Expense, Vet Service 51 200 -0-100 5619 -Misc. Expense (SPCA Bldg.) 125 -0--0-12,000 TOTAL 176 200 -0-12, l 00 . 6000 -Capital Outlay 6450 -Automotive 7,062 -0--0--0-6460 -Radio -0--0--0--0-6480 -Miscellaneous Equipment 365 500 -0--0- TOTAL 7,427 500 -0--0- TOTAL HUMANE DEPARTMENT BUDGET 19,803 19,932 7,063 30,754 ..__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __. I IJ I l r I l IJ l lJ fJ n [ L l L 85 .---------------------Annual Budget---------------------, PE�SO��ELSCH�CUL� Department HUMANE 0�7 Humane Officer Overtime Division O O J GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Activity fl -5'%.-(,., ./ PUBLIC SAFETY ':I Z- EMPLOYEES .Number Rate of Pay 861/Mo .066 .0713 Number 1027 Budget 19_80-1 QAl 10,332 500 10,832 715 772 1,487 12,319 .__ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ _J n !'] [ l rl r n l I r 0 86 Annual Budget SUI �RY Department <.?30 Division 00/ Activity � <;3 /Number ENGINEERING GENERAL FUND MISCELLANEOUS §3 1030 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1978-1979 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 Salaries and Wages 9,904 -0--0--0- Supplies 1 , 175 600 379 610 Maintenance of Equipment 284 -0--0--0- Miscellaneous Services 391 100 156 100 Sundry Charges 11 ,659 30,050 9,018 ·21 ,000 Capital Outlay 495 350 -0--0- - TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 23,908 31 , 100 9,553 21,710 .._ _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas -----------------� I r-1 11u i-1 I _ I I I I I ri y I l \ ,�. \ 0 oo \-o,o, '1 ? 87 .---------------------Annual Bu dget---------------------. DETAgL Department 030 Div ision 00/ ENGINEERING GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5100 -Salaries and Wages 5102 -Supervisory 5103 -Clerical & Labor 5106 -Ov ertime 5107 -Social Security 5108 -Retirement 5109 -Group Insurance TOTAL 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage 5203 -Office Supplies 5214 -Gas & Oil 5218 -Laundry & Cleaning 5223 -Minor Tools & Equipment 5226 -Engineering Field Supplies TOTAL 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5402 -Vehicles TOTAL 5500 -Misc ellaneous Services 5501 -Vehicle Insurance 5511 -Special Services 5513 -Books & Periodicals TOTAL Actual ff f ���i 9u7� l , 1787,78354 647 93 149 9,904 -0-85866 33 108 83 l , 175 284 284 391 -0- -0- 391 Activity �S-3 I Number MISCELLANEOUS 53 6 Months Budgr I Expenditures 1979-980 1979-1980 -0 --0--0--0--0--0- -0- -0-200-0--0-200200 600 -0- -0- -0- -0-100 100 -0--0--0--0--0---0- -0- l 23 15 -0-89251 379 -0- -0- -0-156 -0- 156 1030 I Budget 1980-1981 -0- -0--0--0--0--0- -0- 10 200 -0--0-200200 610 -0- -0- -0- 100 -0- 100 .__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __. [ I r-1 11 l�t - 88 001,0:,a, 5:,1 0 .---------------------Annual Budget ----------------------. CETABL Departmen t 030 Division 00/ ENGINEERING GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5600 -Sundry Charges 5610 -Engineering Services 5619 -Miscellaneous Expenses TOTAL 6000 -Capital Outlay 6410 -Furniture, Fixtures, and Office Equipment TOTAL TOTAL ENGINEERING DEPT. BUDGET Actual Ex_genditure 19/8-1979 11 ,565 94 11 ,659 459 459 23,908 Activity � � 3 I Number MISCELLANEOUS S 3 1030 6 Months BudQ_et I Expenditures I Budget 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 30,000 50 30,050 350 350 31 , 100 8,217 801 9,018 -0- -0- 9,553 20,000 1,000 21,000 -0- -0- £L710 .__ _______________ Cit y of Friendswood, Texas _______________ ___, r f r [ [ I [ [ 89 ,-.--------------------Annual Budget ____________________ __, PERSON��LSC�EDUL5 Department O 3 0 ENG !NEERING Division O O f r,i=:NERAL FUND POSITION TITLE City Engineer SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Activity � �� 3 I Number MISCELLANEOUS 5 3 Hnn EMPLOYEES .Number Rate of Pay Budget 1980-1981 .__ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __, l f fl l [I I I 11 r I l I I 90 Annual Budget SUI �RY Department cD 3 / Division o o J Activity J -�/� Number INSPECTIONS GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT 51 l 031 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1978-1979 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 Salaries and Wages 43,834 34,187 16,102 37,201 Supplies 2,469 2,400 1 , 171 3,050 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds -0--0--0--0- Maintenance of Equipment 546 950 520 1 ,350 Miscellaneous Services 5,416 1,400 222 850 Sundry Charges 93 300 45 200 Capital Outlay 6,816 1,200 939 -0- Inter-departmental charges & Reimbursements -0--5,340 -2,670 -0- TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 59, 174 35,097 16,329 42,651 .__ _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ __, 91 �,t,o � ov 1,0�1 ✓ n Annual Budget D!ETA9L 1_; I Division Activity J 5 IL:, Number Department rJ 31 001 INSPECTIONS GENERAL FUND G ,;-; 1011 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures I Budget 1978-1979 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-J�81 5100 -Salaries and Wages 5102 -Supervisory Salaries 15,668 17 ,334 8,342 19,068 5103 -Clercial 19,538 12,018 5,781 13,392 5106 -Overtime 609 700 22 250 5107 -Social Security 3,424 1,842 874 2,159 5108 -Retirement 2,628 2,293 1 ,083 2,332 5109 --Group Insurance 1 ,967 -0--0--0- TOTAL 43,834 34, 187 16,102 37 ,201 5200 -Supplies 5202 - Postage 116 150 31 150 5203 -Office Supplies 260 450 165 450 5214 -Fuel & Oil 1,050 900 518 l ,3005217 -Janitor Supplies 398 150 176 4005218 -Uniforms 631 600 169 600 5223 -Minor Tools & Equipment -0-150 112 150 5220 -Food 14 -0--0--0- TOTAL 2,469 2,400 1 , 171 3,050 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 5301 -Maintenance of Buildings &Grounds -0--0--0--0- TOTAL -0--0--0--0- 5400 -Maintenance of E�ment 5401-Furnit ure, Fixtures, And Office Equipment 74 200 71 200 5402 -Vehicle Maintenance 382 600 400 l ,0005403 -Radio and Radar Equipment 90 150 49 15011 \-TOTAL I 546 I 950 I 520 I 1 ,350 \ .__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __J [I J I j_J [I u I u t \ \do (DI' o?l ,,..1 92 Annual Bud get----===- C�TAll. Division Department O 31 INSPECTIONS 00 I GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5501 -Vehicle Insurance 5503 -General Insurnace 5505 -Travel Expense 5509 -Rental of Equipment 5511 -Special Services 5513 -Books & Periodicals 5514 -Memberships 5517 -Utilities TOTAL 5600 -Sundry Ch arges 5602 -Legal 5619 -Miscellaneous Expense TOTAL 6000 -Capital Outlay 6410 -Furn. Fixtures & Office Equipment 6450 -Automotive Equipment 6460 -Radio Equipment TOTAL TOTAL DEPARTMENT BUDGET 9000 -Inter-departmental Charges & Reimbursements 9041 -Water Department 9043 -Sewer Department TOTAL INTER-DEPARTMENTAL CHARGES & REIMBURSEMENTS TOTAL DEPARTMENT BUDGET AFTER REIMBURSEMENTS Actual Expendi ture 1978-1979 753 150 478 1,382 -0-40652,548 5,416 59 34 93 792 5, 1,94 830 6,816 59,174 -0--0- -0- 59,174 Activity J-�/1..,Number GENERAL GOVERNMENT � / 1031 Budget 1979-1980 -0--0-600-0'-500150150-0- 1 ,400 100 200 300 l ,200-0--0- 1 ,200 40,437 -2,670-2,670 -5,340 35,097 6 Months Expenditures I Budget 1979-1980 1980-1981 -0--0-127-0--0-3065-0- 222 -0-45 45 939 -0--0- 939 18,999 l ,3351 ,335 2,670 16,329 -0--0-600-0--0-100150-0- 850 -0-200 200 -0--0--0- -0- 42,651 -0--0- -0- 42,651 L----"---------------City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __J fl r ,- [] J l u I: 93 ..--------------------Annual Budget---------------------, P��$0���LSCH�CUL2 Dep artme nt INSPECTIONS 0 .31 Division O O / GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE Supervisory Plans & Permits Clerk Overtime SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Socia 1 Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Activity J ,5/ &, GENERAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES .Number 1 R ate of Pa y 1 ,589/Mo 1 , 116/Mo .066 .0713 I Number §/1031 Budget 1980-1981 19,068 13,392 250 32,710 2, 159 2,332 4 l 491 37�201 ...__ ________________ Cit y of Friendswood , Texas _______________ __, [ f' 17 r I ri I I I I 94 ,--------------------Annual Budget --------------------7 SUMfitilAt,qY Department STREET () 3'2.-Division 00 / GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Wages Supplies Maintenance Buildings & Grounds Maintenance of Equipment Miscellaneous Services Sundry Charges Capital Outlay TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Unpaved Streets: 8.41 miles Concret e Streets: 14.71 miles Asphalt Streets : 35.39 miles TOTAL 58.51 miles Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 87,416 21 ,399 397 7,325 30,947 16,094 65,878 229,456 Activity S..'1( -5 4 /Number STREETS & HIGHWAY :5'/-1032 Budget 1979-1980 116,391 56,200 13,300 8,800 15,050 100 12, l 00 221,941 6 Months Expenditures 1979-1980 45,662 13,913 l ,455 3,605 6,559 2,448 12,886 I , 86,528 Budget 1980-1981 129,562 63,550 6,000 9,300 17,100 100 100,000 325,612 ._ _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ------------------1 D I l u r1 [l n lJ \ \ 95 /A�0,1"\,. I' 11 I 0��;x�-� -i---'.:? 0Dl_,,0 3 Annual Budget DETA�L. I I I DivisionDepartment Activity u --'5 L/ I Number oo I 0 '3 'I-STREETS GENER AL FUND STREETS & 2 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures I Budget 1978-1979 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 I I 5100 -Salaries and Wages I I 5102 - Supervisory 13,974 -0-6,896 15,974 11 5103 -Clerical & Labor 54,086 100,153 32,371 94 ,347 5106 -Overtime 3, 118 2,160 1 ,496 3,600 5107 -Social Security 6,815 6,272 2,486 7,519 5108 -Retirement 4,427 7,806 2,413 8,122 11 5109 -Group Insurance +,9�6' -0--0--0- TOTAL S-7-,A-1-6 I 116,391 I 45,662 I 129,562 11 5200 -Supplies r�i1 i 5202 -Postage 50 4 50 5203 -Office Supplies , 200 53 200 5204 -Wearing Apparel 200 15 200 5206 -Chemicals, Insecticides 1,000 -0-1 ,000 5211 -Paint, Lumber, Hardware 1,000 381 1,000 5213 -Paving Materials 45,000 7,639 45,000 5214 -Fuel and Oil 5,000 4,488 12 ,000 5215 -Medical Supplies 100 -0-100 5217 -Janitor Supplies 300 277 600 5218 -Laundry and Cleaning 2,000 676 2,000 5222 -Ice, Cups and Salt Tablets 50 6 100 5223 -Minor Tools and Equipment 700 252 700 5228 -Signs and Markers 600 122 600 TOTAL -21-,-399-56,200 13,913 63,550 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings I g {)) 1\){) and Grounds 5301 -Ma intenance of Buildings 309 300 230 500 5303 -Storm Sewers -0-3,000 -0-1,500 5304 -Streets and Alleys 88 10,000 1 ,225 4,000 TOTAL 397 13,300 1 ,455 6,000 ,..___ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __. r, r rt r [ [ n , LI LI [I l_ L �"\'\ 0 o-u \, o�'v , 96 �--------------------Annual Budget----------------------, DtETABL. Department 03'1.- _S_TREET Division 00/ GEN_ERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5401 -Maintenance of Furniture, Fixtures, Etc. 5402 -Motor Vehicles 5403 -Maintenance of Radio Equip. 5407 -Grading, Construction and Ditching Equipment 5410 -Maintenance of Shop Equip. 5412 -Miscellaneous Equipment 5416 -Tire Maintenance TOTAL 5500 -Miscellaneous Service 5501 -Insurance Motor Equipment 5503 -Insurance General 5505 -Travel Expense 5507 -Ad vertising & Public Notice 5509 -Rental of Equipment 5513 -Books and Periodicals 5517 -Utilities 15'�d+-s-2-24 -Street Inspection Labs TOTAL 5600 -Sundry Charges 5610 -Engineering Services 5619 -Miscellaneous Expenses TOTAL 6000 -Capital Outlay 6101 -Land-Easements 6203 -Buildings, Fixtures & Grds. 6410 -Furniture, Fixtures &Office Equipment 6430 -Shop Equipment Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 -0-3,524 20 3,540 181 60 -0- 7,325 2,974 11 ,524 -0--0-49-0-16,400 -0- 30,947 8,292 7,802 16,094 4,781 -0- 407 758 Activity .v( . 5 <./ (Number SIBEEJS & HIGHWAYS 5'1 1032 6 Months Budget I Expenditures1979-1980 1979-1980 100 2,500 300 4,500 200 200 1,000 8,800 -0--0-4001001 ,200 50 13,000 300 15,050 -0-100 100 -0--0- 6004,500 -0-1 , 798 -0- 1 ,238 118 -0-451 3,605 -0--0-4113145 -0-6 ,360 -0- 6,559 -0-2 ,448 2,448 1,002 -0- -0-3,050 Budget 1980-1981 100 3,000 300 4,500 200 200 1,000 9,300 -0--0-200-0-600 -0-16 ,000 300 17,100 -0-100 100 -0--0- -0- -0- �--------------- City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ ___. l I [ IJ i-1 I.I I I I n \ I I I I 11 11 Annual Budget DETADL Department 031-Division 001 STREET GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 6000 -Ca�ital Outla� {Cont'd) 6450 -Automotive Equipment 6460 -Radio Equipment 6440 -Grading, Construction, & Ditching Equipment 6501 -Street Improvements 6502 -Storm Sewers 6505 -Street Signs & Markers TOTAL TOTAL STREET DEPARTMENT BUDGET I I Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 29,814 800 7,500 16,286 -0-5 ,5J_2 65,878 -2 -29,456 J-\\'1 I� \I V I I 97 Activity SA/ • 5<.;/ Number STREETS & HIGHWAYS 5 '-I 1032 6 Months Budget Expenditures l Budget 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-198_1 -0-I 6,599 I -0--0--0--0- -0--0--0--0--0-1 uo-;o Ot> 3,000 -0--0-4,000 2,235 -0- 12,100 I 12,886 I 100,000 221,941 86,528 325,612 �---------------City of Friendswood, Texas ------------------' r 11 I I] n l l II I ! I I I I W1 � 98 _____________________ Annual Budget ----------------------, PERSCNM�LSCH�DUL� Department STREET 03'1.. Division O O I GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE Labor Foreman Equipment Operator Truck Driver Laborer Overtime SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Activity M -5 <.J.. I Number STREETS AND HIGHWAYS EJ'f_ l 032 EMPLOYEES .Number l 2 2 4 Rate of Pay 7.68/hr 6.62/hr 5.76/hr 5.15/hr .066 .0713 Budget 1980-1981 15,974 27,539 23,960 42,848 3,600 113,921 7,519 8,122 15,641 129,562 ..__ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ _j n f [ r l LI l LJ IJ l [I L 99 r---------------------Annual Budget------------------------, SUMMA�Y Division (00 1 Department DRAINAGE 033 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Supplies Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds Miscellaneous Services Capital Outlay TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 1 ,528 1 ,424 156 -0- 3,108 Activity /1_. Si./ 'l..-Number STREETS AND HIGHWAYS §'f 1033 6 Months Budget Expenditures Budget 1979-1980 1979 -1980 1980-1981 1,250 43 1,250 11 ,000 4,59l 11 ,000 -0--0 --0- 10,000 -0--0- 22,250 4,634 12,250 ..._ _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ __, f [ r r r l I l I I [ l [ { r f },0 oo 1, o2i?'"' 100 --------------------,--Annual Budget----------------------. DET£□1. Department 03, Division 00} DRAINAGE GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 52 00 -Supplies 5206 -Chemicals, Insecticides 5223 -Minor To ols & Equipment TOTAL 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 5301 -Buildings & Grounds 5303 -Maintenance of Storm Sewers 5304 -Streets & Alleys TOTAL 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5503 -Insurance General TOTAL 6000 -Capital Outlay 6502 -Storm Sewers TOTAL TOTAL DRAINAGE DEPARTMENT BUDGET Actual Expenditure 1978-=J979 l ,528-0- l ,52 8 -0-1 ,344 80 l ,42 4 156 156 -0- -0- 3,108 Activity � 5'41-Number STREETS & HIGHWAYS � 'f l 033 6 Months Budget I Expenditures I Budget lG7G-lGAn 1Q7G-lGRn lQAO-lQ�l 1,000 -0-1,000 -�2�5 �0 43 2 50 1,2 50 43 l ,2 50 -0-5,000 6,000 11 ,000 -0- -0- 10,000 10,000 22 ,250 -0-6243,967 4,591 -0- -0- -0- -0- 4,634 -0-5 ,000 6,000 11 ,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- 12 ,2 50 �---------------City of Friendswood, Texas __________________. n f l I I I I lJ [I IJ l l 01 �-------------------Annual Budget ---------------------r SUMMARY Department CITY HALL O 3 !.f Division O O I GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Wages Supplies Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds Maintenance of Equipment Miscellaneous Services Sundry Charges TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS *New Department -No previous History Actual Expenditure 1978-1979* Activity c_ 1-1 -'517 Number GENERAL GOVERNMENT �/ 1034 6 Months Budget Expenditures Budget 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 20,664 8,944 23,213 4, 150 l ,431 4,150 l ,500 l ,714 2,000 300 l ,503 l ,500 12,900 7,421 16,100 l ,200 134 500 --- - 40,714 21 ,147 47 ,463 ..__ _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ---------------------1 [ f"' r .I LI I. n I. I I._u LI u [J '? 11 ° oo \.,, o3 � 102 �--------------------Annual Budget--------------------� CiETAHL Dep artme n t Division 00) CITY HALL 034-GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5100 -Salaries and Wages 5103 -Clerical & Labor 5107 -Social Security 5108 -Retirement TOTAL 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage 5203 -Of fice Supplies 5211 -Paint Lumber & Hardware 5215 -Medical Sup plies 5217 -Janitorial Supplies 5220 -Foods 5223 -Minor Tools & Equipment TOTAL 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 5301 -Buildings & Grounds TOTAL 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5401 -Furniture, Fixtures, &Office Machines TOTAL 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5509 -Rental of Equipment 5511 -Special Services 5517 -Utilities TOTAL Actual ExJ?e nditure 19/8-1979 Activity C.. J / -6 /7 Nu mber GENERAL GOVERNMENT =, / 1034 BudQ_et 1979-1980 18,744 1 , 149 771 20,664 -0-1 ,000 200 50 800 2,000 100 4,150 1,500 1 ,500 300 300 3,500 400 9,000 12,900 -----6 Months Expenditures I Budget 1979-1980 1980-1981 8,335 511 98 8,944 266 198 244 -0-193529 1 ,431 1 , 714 1 , 714 1 ,503 1 ,503 1 , 765 -0-5 ,656 7,421 20,712 1 ,367 1 , 134 23,213 500 1 ,000 500 50 600 1,500 -0- 4,150 2,000 2,000 1,500 1 ,500 3,500 -0-12 ,600 16,100 �---------------City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __. r 11 n l 11 II r1 I 103 Annual Budget C IL -- Department Division oo I Activity c_ H -5'17 Number 034 CITY HALL GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT 5/ 1034 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1978-1979 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 5600 -Sundrt Charges 5619 -Miscellaneous Expense 1 ,200 134 500 TOTAL 1,200 134 500 TOTAL CITY HALL BUDGET 40,714 21,013 47,463 '--------------'----City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __, 1· fl f l f ( 104 ..--------------------Annual Budget---------------------, PERSO fa!L SCi-lcEDULrE Departme nt· CITY HALL 034 Division O O I GENERAL FUND Receptionist Janitor POSITION TITLE SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Activity C H ':, 17 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 5"/ Number 1034 EMPLOYEES .Nu mber Rate of Pay 926/Mo 800/Mo .066 .0713 Budget 1980-1981 11,112 9,600 20,712 l ,367 l , 134 2,501 23,213 -----------------City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ _, r I [ u [I r l.l I [I [I I] IJ f 105 ---�-Annual Budget SU! �RV Department o3s Division 001 Activity J.t?yi,t' '5�2',_Number SANITATION GENERAL FUND MISCELLANEOUS '53· 1035 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1978-1979 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 Salaries and Wages 145 ,373 152,115 75,809 168,455 Supplies 23,271 20,875 13 ,437 29,350 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 395 -0--0-400 Maintenance of Equipment 26,125 33,100 15,844 22,800 Miscellaneous Services 31,363 20,870 14, 156 28,520 Sundry Charges 9,405 125 49 100 Capital Outlay 35,288 l ,350 2,808 -0- TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 271,220 228,435 122,103 249,625 .__ _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas _________________ ___. I IJ r, n IJ 11 I_] LI l I l [j u [l [ i oD\.., O '? /�1,.0 �., ") 106 �--------------------Ann ual Budget ----------------------, DiETAaL Department 03� Division 001 SANITATION GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION �100 -Salaries and Wages 5102 -Supervisory 5103 -Labor 5106 -Overtime 5107 -Social Security 5108 -Retirement Plan 5109 -Group Insur ance TOTAL 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage 5203 -Office Sup plies 5204 -Wearing Ap parel 5206 -Chemicals, Insecticides, Etc. 5211 -Paint, Lumber, Hardware 5214 -Fuel and Oil 5215 -Medical Supplies 5217 -Janitor Supplies 5218 -Laundry and Cleaning (Uniforms) 5222 -Ice, Cu ps, Salt Tablets 5223 -Minor Tools, & Equipments 5227 -Oil & Grease 5231 - Replace Customer Containers TOTAL 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds Actual Expenditure1978-1979 8,634 90,132 22 ,211 11 , 523 6,677 �6, 196 .145,373 I Y/9-��130 (� 742 121 17 ,969 -0-21 , 2,722 I126 1 , 115 333 29 '2-3�7-l c30/1�" 395 Activity .s:.a--,,1..t . � a"'- MI s c EL LAN rnu s S-3 6 Months Budget I Expenditures1979-1980 1979-1980 16, 184 101,067 16,500 8,199 10,165 -0- 152,115 100 25 250 l ,00030015,000 100 50 l ,850100l ,000l ,000100 20,875 -0- 8,103 46,206 13,568 4, 161 3,771 -0- 75,809 3 53 224 714 113 9,330 32 155 1 , 124 64 828 671 126 13,437 -0-5301 -Buildings and Grounds TOTAL 395 I -0--0- Number 103_5 Budget 1980-1981 17,700 111,218 19,200 9,776 10,561 -0- 168,455 100 100 500 1,000 300 22,000 100 300 2,300 150 1 ,000 l ,500-0- 29,350 400 400 .__ ________________ Cit y of Friendswood, Texas ________________ _J rJ n n [I I [I [l I I l] l] LI [I L 0 1-c5"; 0; 1,-0 o{)l---/ 107 �-------------------Annual Budget---------------------, DtETAaL Department '03� Division 001 SANITATION GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5401 -Furniture, Fixtures and Of fice Equipment 5402 -Motor Vehicle 5403 -Radio and Radar 5410 -Shop Maintenance 5413 -Special Maintenance Items 5414 -Maintenance of Containers 5416 -Tire Maintenance TOTAL 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5501 -Insurance -Motor Equipment 5502 -Insurance -Personnel 5503 -Insurance -General 5507 -Advertising & Public Notice 5509 -Rental of Equipment 5513 -Books and Periodicals 5517 -Utilities 5521 -Landfill TOTAL 5600 -Sundry Charges 5607 -Medical Exams 5619 -Miscellaneous Expense TOTAL 6000 -Capital Outlay 6410 -Furn, Fixtures, & Office Equipment 6203 -Buildings, Fixtures & Grds 6421 -Special Equipment 6425 -Garbage Containers 6430 -?hop Equipment Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 -0-20,717 20 -0-1, 794 3,594 -0- 26,125 5,384 -0-"7 ,46-9 -0-49-0-202 18,259 -31 ,363. !t,'-'I) -0- 9,405 9,405 -0- -0-25,855 1,827 -0- Activity �' 5"3 "2.-. MISCELLANEOUS !5 3 6 Months Budget I Expenditures 1979-1980 1979-1980 -0- 12 ,800 100 100 11 , 100 6,000 3,000 33,100 -0- -0--0-50-0-20400 20,400 20,870 25 100 125 -0--0- -0-1 ,200 150 -0- 9,148 -0-145l ,2293,2842,038 15,844 -0- -0- -0--0-98-0-12413,934 14,156 -0-49 49 101 -0- -0-2,410 297 Number 1035 Budget 1980-1981 -0-15 ,000 -0-3003,500 -0- 4 ,000 22,800 -0- -0- -0- -0--0-20500 28,000 28,520 -0- 100 100 -0- -0- -0--0- -0- .__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __J [' r I : I : t I _( I L I l l r; I L L 108 �--------------------Annual Budget-----------------------. 11 11 I I 11 DIET.AIL Division 001 Department O 3 :{' <:/\�ITT Ll T TON r.i:-Nl="Rlll l="IINn EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 6000 -Ca�ital Outla� {Cont'd} 6450 -Automotive Equipment TOTAL TOTAL SANITATION BUDG�T Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 I _1�,606 35,288 I , '11 ., I I 271,220 I I Activity .ca..w-1 , � .:l '1.. MISCELLANEQUS_ .5 3 6 Months Budget Expenditures 1979-1980 1979-1980 -0-I -0- 1 ,350 2,808 -- 228,435 I . 122 , 103 I I Number ,n�r:;: Budget 1980-198_1 -0- -0- I ____249,625 .__ _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas-----------------' 109 I l rl .---------------------Annual Budget ---------------------, P�RSON�ELSCMEDULE fl , ' ' Department"· 035' Division 00) r l I I SANITATION GENERAL FUND I l u I I lJ L1 D n I POSITION TITLE Superintendent/Mechanic Drivers Laborers Overtime SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Socia 1 Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Activity .ia 1,..,_ ' 5' 3 "2- MISC EL LANE OU S :5°"'3 Number 1035 EMPLOYEES .Number 1 3 7 Rate of Pay 1 ,475/Mo 5,76/hr 5.17/hr .066 .0713 Budget 1980-1981 17,700 35,940 75,278 19,200 148, 118 9,776 10,561 20,337 168,455 .__ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __J r r rt n ri n I l [I u [I n I] f 110 ---------------------Annual Budget------------------------, SUMMA::RV Department O�L, Division ·oo I Activity 0 R. -51? Number OTHER REQUIREMENTS GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT 5"/ 1036 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION I Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1978-1979* 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 Miscellaneous Services I -0-150,830 76,042 124,200 Sundry Charges I -Q_-�'45,800 41,418_ _ 85,390 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS -0-196,630 117 ,460 209,590 *New Department -No previous history .__ _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas _________________ __. r [I f Li I 11 I [I l u �,�,a oo\A 3to ' 111 ...-----------------------Annual Budget--------------------, DETAIL Department 03v Division 00/ OTHER REQUIREMENTS GENERAL FUND Activity tJ /e . 5 Jg' GENERAL GOVERNMENTS/ Number 1036 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5500 -Miscellaneo us Services 5501 -Insurance -Motor Vehicle 5502 -Workmen's Compensation 5503 -Insurance -General Liabili�y 5504 -Surety Bonds 5510 -Groip Insurance 5514 -Memberships (TML) 5525 -Printing (Budget) 5526 -Disaster Fund-Flood Expense TOTAL 5600 -Sundry Charges 5601 -Auditing 5605 -Tax Appraisals 5611 -Data Processing 5615 -Contingency (Merit Raises) 5619 -Miscellaneous Expense TOTAL TOTAL DEPT BUDGET Actual Expenditure I Budget 1978-1979* 1979-1980 27,100 31 ,400 12,200 550 39, 180 700 1,200 38,500 150,830 7,500 25,000 13,300 -0--0- 45,800 196,630 *New Department -No Previous Histpry 6 Months Expenditures Budget 1979-1980 1980-1 81 21,680 25,300 12,293 38,500 14 ,201 19,500 300 550 16,720 38,450 227 700 752 1 ,200 _9_,869 -0- 76,042 I 124,200 7,839 9,500 26,287 36,360 7,268 16,400 -0-23, 130 24 -0- 41,418 85,390 -- 117,460 209,590 .__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ ___J [ fl r1 r1 r1 n ll I I I IJ I [ [] u IJ I LJ 112 r-,..---_-_-_-_-_ -_:-_-_:-_-_-_-_-_-_ -_-_-_ -_-_-_-_-_-_ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_:-_-_-_ ------= Annual Budget ---------------------; su��ARY Department 037 I Division O O I HEALTH & WELFARE GENERAL FUND I Actual EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Miscellaneous Services 8,047 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 8,047 Activity ;J" w -5"33 Number MISCELL ANEOUS '53 1037 Budget 8 ,4_6_5_ 8,465 6 Months Expenditures I Budget 1979-1980 l98O..J981 !,487 I 10 1222 4,487 10,222 .._ _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas -------------------1 r n r l [ r [ [ 113 001-031' t;p?D Annual Budget C IL Department 0.31 Division 00/ Activity ;Jvw-�33 Number HEALTH AND WELFARE GENERAL FUND MISCELLANEOUS �3 1037 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1978-1979 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 5500 -Miscellaneous Service� 5527 -Mental Health -0-350 -0-350 5528 -Health 8,047 8,915 4,487 9,872 TOTAL 8,047 9,325 4,487 10,222 TOTAL HEALTH & WELFARE BUDGET 8,047 9,325 4,487 10,222 �---------------City of Friendswood, Texas -------------------1 n r I r-1 [ I I I I r I I I_ I 114 Annual Budget SUI dRY Department 03g Division oO/ Activity ,1 -5S-/Number LIBRARY GENERAL FUND RECREATION & CULTURE 55 1038 Actual 6 Months EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1978-1979 1979-1980 1979-1980 l qR0-1981 Salaries and Wages 56,505 62,254 29,689 72 ,814 Supplies 1 ,516 1,800 1,009 2,350 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 729 900 223 500 Maintenance of Equipment 835 880 289 1,000 Miscellaneous Services 7,763 7,672 2,349 10,492 Capital Outlay 16, 163 18,428 10,564 15,000 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 83,511 91,934 44,123 102,156 ,__ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __, n i-1 11 I : r I I LI I l l_ u u L 6'5\0 00 I ,Q'?i, 115 �-------------------Annua l Budget--------------------� CETA�L Department LIBRARY 03? Division O C) { GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5100 -Salaries & Wages 5102 -Supervisory 5103 -Cl erical and Labor 5107 -Social Security 5108 -Retirement 5109 -Group Insurance TOTAL 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage 5203 -Office Supplies 5217 -Janitor Supplies 5223 -Minor Tools and Equipment TOTAL 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 5301 -Buildings and Grounds TOTAL 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5401 - Furniture, Fixtures and Office Equipment 5413 -Books, Replacement and Repair TOTAL 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5503 -Insurance -General 5505 -Travel and Registration 5506 -Auto Allowance 5507 -Ad vertising and Promotion � -Book Lease Program '!:!530 Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 16,094 31,793 4,441 2,659 },518- -5-6,sQ.5 �Lv�i, 319 l ,06377 57 l ,516 729 729 566 269 835 "'l,2s84-45 l 404 100 2,376 Activity / -5 5 /Number RECREATION & CULTURE 5--5'"'1038 Budget 1979-1980 14,900 41,643 3,466 2,245 -0- 62,254 400 l ,21585 100 l ,800 900 900 480 400 880 -0-500 480 70 2,542 6 Months Expenditures 1979-198n 7,719 18,957 l ,6351 ,378-0- 29,689 204 644 103 58 1,009 223 223 37 252 289 -0-25-0-621,272 Budget 1980-19Rl 17,664 46,760 4,252 4,138 -0- 72 ,814 400 l ,400450100 2,350 500 500 500 500 l ,000 -0-400 600 300 2,542 .__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas-----------------' n f r L l l L ri I I I I I 11 [ u rl I [_ r 116 Q O \ -o3 i • i,Sl o �--------------------Annual Budget ----------------------, CETA�L Department Division 001 LIBRARY 03i GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5500 -Miscel laneous Services (Cont'd) 5514 -Memberships 5513 -Periodicals, Microfiche, and Newspapers 5517 -Utilities 5525 -Programs TOTAL 6000 -Capital Outlay 6410 -Furniture, Fixtures & Office Equipment 6601 -Books 6602 -Rec ords TOTAL TOTAL LIBRARY BUDGET Actual Expenditure19/8-1979 -0- 981 l ,686481 �J. \,t.\19 2,501 13,662 -0- 16, 163 io ,lD� -8-3�-l- Activity / � 5 I Number RECREATION & CULTURE .5""..:,1038 Budget 1979-1980 -0- 1 ,070 2,460 550 7,672 2,700 15,228 500 18,428 91,934 6 Months Expenditures I Budget 1979-1980 1980-1981 63 132 757 38 2,349 l , l 099,455-0- 10,564 44,123 100 2,020 3,980 550 10,492 -0-15,000 -0- 15,000 102,156 �---------------City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __, [ n r l n f ri [ r [ 117 ,,_ ___________________ Annual Budget--------------------, PERSO���LSCHZCULE Department LIBRARY ()3&' Division '() 0 I GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE Library Director Assis tant Librarian Library Associate -Circulati on Library Associate -Interlibrary Loan Clerk/typist (32 hr/wk) Pages -2-3 people. Each will work: 16 hr/wk for 39 weeks = 624 hours 30 hr/wk for 13 weeks = 390 hours (summer) SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BE NEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Activity / -� 51 R_vC--S'J EMPLOYEES .Number 1 1 1 1 1 Rate of Pay 1 ,472/Mo 1 ,058/Mo 860/Mo 779/Mo 3.85/hr 3.15/hr .066 .0713 Number 1038 Budget 1980-1981 17,664 12,696 10,320 9,348 8,008 6,388 64,424 4,252 4,138 8,390 72 ,814 .___ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ __1 [ lJ f, fl [I l u i L I r fl I [ [j [ 1 118 .----------------------Annual Budget ----------------------, SUM�1ARY Department 03 ')I Division O O I PARKS & RECREATION GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION ! Actual Expenditure Sa laries and Wages 18,067 Supplies 7,328 Maintenance of Buildings 8,238 Maintenance of Equipment 948 Miscellaneous Services 4,934 Sundry Charges 629 Capital Outlay 31 , 709 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 71,853 I Activity P'I � S S'"Z-Number RECREATION & CULTURE .£".S-1039 6 Months Budget Expenditures Budget 43,061 16,693 43,458 8,025 2,807 12,036 9,250 3,712 6,850 1 , 150 379 2,150 6,175 1 ,558 10,785 -0--0--0- 6,600 1 _!958 I -0- 74,261 27,107 75,279 ,._ _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ ___. LI � �-i,O 119 n r:.1e 1/ 0 0 1 � 0:, � -'1 Annual Budget DETADL Department O 3 9 Division O O I Activity p '1 (<_ _ S'" � L Numbern I PARKS & RECREATION GENERAL FUND RECREATION & CULTURE s <j 1039 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Ac tu�I 6 Mo�ths r, I I Expenditure Budget Expenditures I Budget I I 5100 -Salaries and Wages Li 11 5102 -Supervisory . 3,570 14,424 6,935 15,864 5103 -Labor & Clerical 10,403 20,352 7,740 21,548 1-1 11 5106 - Overtime 132 -0-113 800 5107 -Social Security 1,347 2,132 906 2,522 -5108 -Retirement 372 2,653 999 2,724 5109 -Group Insurance --494--0--0--0-]_l 11 5111 -Summer Program 1,749_ 3,500 -0--0-TOTAL I -i-&-;06-r I 43,061 I 16,693 I 43,458 n i-i 0 \5200 - Supplies I 1 \ 5202 - Postage � 100 50 150 I]11 5203 -Office Supp 1 i es 8 750 164 750 5204 -Wearing Apparel . 300 300 350 5206 -Chemicals 2,290 650 171 800 11 11 5211 -Paint, Lumber, Hardware 9 300 58 500 5214 -Fuel and Oil 807 1,800 1,314 3,400 · 5217 -Janitor Supplies 56 125 126 500 I] 11 5223 -Minor Tools & Equipment 356 500 415 1,000 5241 -4th of July 2,769 3,000 34 3,000 5242 -Summer Program 455 500 -0-650 5243 -Community Band � -0--0--0-l]11 5218 -Uniforms (� -0- 1 175 936.TOTAL "'7,3� 8,025 2,807 I . 12,036II 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings lti'd\And Grounds fJ 5301 -Maint.-City Bldg & Grounds 181 -0--0--0-. 5302 -Mowing-Ball Fields 540 -0--0--0-5303 -Mowing-Riding Arena 546 -0--0--O-n 11 5304 -Streets and Alleys -0-3,000 66 6005305 -Mow�ng-Stevenson Park 799 -0--0--0-5306 -Mowing-Arena Park 239 -0--0--0-5321 -Multi-Purpose Area -0-1 ,000 1 ,817 1 ,000 n 5322 -Sports Complex -f-' 1�.0° Oc.1 ' 3,357 2,500 645 3,000 1J 5323 -Riding Arena 584 -0--0--0- [ I � �--_ -_ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_::-_-���.::.::.:::::::::::::::::===City of Friendswood, Texas [ r r n f r l I l I I I I l I. l 0 D [ 120 L/'2,0 oOIA�1-?" .----------------------Annual Budget----------------------. DETAIL Department 03� Division 00/ PARKS & RECREATION GENER AL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5300 -Ma inte nance of Buildings and Grounds (cont'd) 5324 -Hike and Bike 5325 -Stevens on Park 5326 -Old City Park 5327 -1776 Park 5328 -Gazebo TOTAL 5400 -Mainten ance of Equipment 5401 -Office Equipment 5402 -Motor Vehicles 5412 -Mis cellaneous Equipment TOJAL 5500 -Miscel laneous Serv ic e Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 -0-1 , 139 480 276 97 8,238 48 476 424 948 5501 -Vehicle Insurance 75"3-1-5503 -Insurance General 715-5505 -Travel Expense & Reg Fees 506 5507 -Advertising Expense 74 5509 -Rental of Equipm ent 49 5511 -Special Services -Mowing -0-5514 -Member ships 20 V.l 5517 -Utilities 2,763 IJ'J?-'\ � -Programs 116 -553�-GGA-t.r-a.ct--1.ab.o.r�umm��.�-P..r-o.g ram , -4.g __ TOTA L 5600 -Sundry 5619 -Miscellan eous Expense TOTAL -4,9�4- J½)\ 629 629 Activity p 't (t -S-5 Z...Number RECREATION & CULTURE '!i'S' 1039 6 Months Budget I Expenditures1979-1980 1979-1980 -0-1 ,500 l ,000250-0- 9,250 100 1,000 50 l , 150 -0- -0-300 75 150 -0-505,500 100 3,500 6,175 -0- -0- -0-1 ,008 176 -0- -0- 3,712 -0-231 148 379 -0- -0-92-0-168 82 20 l , 16630 -0- 1,558 -0- -0- Budget 1980-1981 -0-1 ,000 l ,000250-0- 6,850 150 l ,500500 2,150 -0- -0-500 75 300 200 60 6,000 150 3,500 10,785 -0- -0- ,_ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ _, r I [I f I I LI l.lu [ 1. L Annual Budget C IL Department 039 Division 00( PARKS & RECREATION GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure 1Q7A-1Q7Q 6000 -Capital Outlay 6221 -Mu ltipurpose Area -0-6222 -Sports Complex (Grant) 4,490 6223 -Riding Arena 616 6224 -Hike and Bike -0-6225 -Stevenson Park 1 ,932 6250 -Radio Equipment -0-6410 -Furniture & Equipment 1826421 -Special Equipment -0-6423 -Playground Equipment 156 6626 -Old City Park 12,200 6627 -1776 Park -0-6470 -Maps and Specs -0-6480 -Miscellaneous Equipm ent 5,838 6450 -Automotive Equipment 6,295 TOTAL 31 , 709 TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION BUDGET 71,853 ' Activity f 'l ft -�5-z.. 121 Number RECREATION & CULTURE 55"' 1039 6 Months Budget Expenditures lQ7G-lGAfl lQ7Q_lQQfl .-0-235 5,000 -0--0--0--0--0--0--0-1,600 1 ,612 -0-111 -0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0- 6,600 1 ,958 74,261 27,107 lo/'21, 3? :i?.,? 1.- Budget lQAfl-lQQl -f � -0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0- -0- 75,279 10 --75'3&? .__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ --1 [1 n l n rl [ ( I rl l r r LI l IJ 122 .----------------------Annual Budget ___________________ __, P�RSO�NELSCHECUL� Department 03't PARKS AND RECREATION Division 00 I GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE Director of Parks and Recreation Laborers Summer Program (200 hours) SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Soc ial Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Activity f 'f (l -s 5'"1-Number RECREATION AND CULTURE 55 l 039 EMPLOYEES Budget .Number I Rate of Pay 1980-1981 l I l ,322/Mo 15,864 2 I 5.18/hr 21,548 4.00/hr 800 38,212 .066 I 2,522 .0713 I 2,724 5 il46 43,458 ' .._ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ _J n r I [I fl n 11 r I f_ IJ D 123 _____________________ Annual Budget--------------------, SU�MA�Y Department IQ'-/ 0 Division O O 1 COMMUNITY APPEARANCE GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 630 630 Activity /:..; I\ 5 � J Number MI-SGEl-L -ANHllJ.S• /( v C-S S 1040 6 Months Budget I Expenditures 1979-1980 1979-1980 1 ,ooo I 45 1,000 45 Budget 1980-1981 1,000 1,000 L------------------City of Friendswood, Texas ---------------------l f� n n fl I: I l C [ 0 ,1,J � 1,¥oat� , Annual Budget C IL Department at.to Division 001 COMMUNITY APPEARANCE GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 530� -City Beautification Program 630 TOTAL 630 TOTAL COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BUDGET 630 124 Activity e.11 �,,-s 3 Number ,M-I-SeE'tt"JXNEOUS 1\" C .. -'2S l 040 6 Months Budget Expenditures Budget 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 l ,000 45 l ,000 1,000 45 l ,000 l ,000 45 l ,000 L..----------------City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ __, tl3J..VM Sil ------ D D D 126 ..-----------------------Annual Budget -------------------, BUDGET RECAP WATER AND SEWER FUND Beginning Balance October 1, 1980 Anticipated Revenues Water Income Sevier Revenues Tap Fees -Water Tap Fees -Sewer Fees and Penalties Sewer Charges -WCID 108 Total Anticipated Revenues Total Funds Available for Appropriation Transfers to Other Funds Water & Sewer Construction -Sewer Tap Fees Debt Service -Revenue Bonds Debt Service -Sunmeadow \�ater & Sewer Income Total Transfers to Other Funds Net Funds Available For Appropriation Bu dgeted Expenditures Operating Costs Water Sewer W & S Other Requirements Total Operating Cost Capital Outlay Water Sewer Total Capital Outlay Total Budgeted Operating &Capital Outlay Balance September 30, 1981 204,727 534,749 53,141 10,300 8,100 404,300 549,870 20,500 25,000 15,150 82,600 25,000 258,738 -0- 792,617 18 ,400 -0- 1 ,097 ,420 283,738 813,682 811,017 2,665 '-----------------City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ ___. D □ D 0 D 127 .---------------------Annual Budget --------------------i WATER AND SEWER FUND REVENUE GRAPH Water Income 36.84% Sewer Revenues 50.11% Sewer Charges WCID 108 7.53% � % � ·2� �----------------City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ ___J D D D 128 r-;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�::�-Annual Budget -------------------: WATER AND SEWER EXPENDITURE GRAPH Water Operating Cost 21.13% q,' �,;;; "''?:;.:,., r::::,v� � ·"" �-9." 'i>-'o c_.,'b-?i Debt Service 23.63% -1-J (J -1-J Cl) r:: s... SJ;!� - Q) J1 (\J "" (\J. s... 3 � � � . .-P­� u Sewer Operating Cost 51.28% ...__ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas :==============================�__J 129 Annual Budget SU! drlY Department Division Activity Number REVENUE WATER & SEWER FUND 2000 Actual Revenue 6 Months Revenue Revenue Budget Revenue Budget REVENUE CLASSIFICATION 1978-1979 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 Water Income 270,310 405,000 202,184 404 ,300 Sewer Income 249,162 266,000 133,869 549,870 Water Tap Fees 17,015 22,400 7,490 20,500 Sewer Tap Fees 33,760 40,000 11 , 926 25,000 Sewer Charges -WCID 108 93,508 95,000 41,341 82,600 Fees and Pena1ties 11 ,048 12,250 7,574 15,150 Miscellaneous Revenue 16,052 -0-950 -0- Contributions From Other Funds 14, 194 -0--0--0- TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 705,049 840,650 405,334 1 ,097 ,420 .__ _________________ City of Friendswood, Tex as _________________ _, 130 D Annual Budget C IL Department Division Activity Number t-f-u I REVENUES WATER & SEWER FUND -2B80- Actual REVENUE 6 Months REVENUE REVENUE Budget REVENUE Budget REVENUE CLASSIDICATION 1978-1979 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 �-,) ' ' J (Ip. I ·.-I I U :n \ 4100 -Water Revenue ol 170,237 255,150 128,702 257,400 4}01 : Water -Cycle I4102 '1-.� Water -Cycle I I 56,572 93,150 37,865 75,700 4103 ,)_ Water -Cycle III 43,501 56,700 35,617 71,200 TOTAL 270,310 405,000 202,184 404,300 3 · �· 4200 -Sewer Revenue )' 4201 I')-.. Se1ve r -Cyc 1 e I 151 ,571 167,580 82,280 340,920 4202 7; Sewer -Cyc 1 e II 57,203 61 , 180 29,463 120,970 4203 °.! Sewer -Cycle III 40,388 37,240 22, 126 87,980 TOTAL 249,162 266,000 133,869 549,870 3T� 4300 -Sewer Charges -WCID 108 ,d 4304 -Sewer Charges -WCID 108 93,508 95,000 41 ,341 82,600 TOTAL 93,508 95,000 41 ,341 82,600 �,i �400 -Water Tae Fees ,) \ 11 , 435 12,000 4,940 15,000 440-1-.. , Water Taps. -Cycle I4402 \·_ Water Taps -Cycle I I 370 400 -0-500 440-3 "-Water Taps -Cycle III 5,210 10,000 2,550 5,000 TOTAL 17,015 22,400 7,490 20,500 J/ 1 1 4500 -Sewer Tae Fees 4501 -Sewer Taps -Cycle I 22,859 20,000 8,374 15,000 4502 -Sewer Taps -Cycle II 761 5,000 -0-2,000 4503 -Sewer Taps -Cycle III 10, 140 15,000 3,552 8,000 TOTAL 33,760 40,000 11 ,926 25,000 ...__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ ___. 0 D 0 131 �--------------------Annual Budget -----------------------. DETA!L Department Division Activitv REVENUES WATER & SEWER REVENUE CLASSIFICATION :,; I\; 4600--Fees & Pena 1 ti es 4601 -Fees & Penalties -Cycle I 4602 '\ Fees & Penalties -Cycle Ii 4603 .;.' Fees & Penalties -Cycle III TOTAL ��,·/4l00 -Contributiona From Other Funds 0\ 4710 -General Fund Contribution TOTAL ·ri'6 4-900 -Miscellaneous Revenue 11 'i 4995 -Other Income 490}J Misc,. Revenue -Cycle I4902 -·Misc. Revenue -Cycle II4go3 � Misc. Revenue -Cycle III 4,gl(), L Interest Earned TOTAL TOTAL REVENUES BUDGETED Actual 1 . Budget 1978-1979 I 1979-1980 6,677 2,759 1 ,612 11 ,048 14, 194 14, 194 -0-15 ,993 19 40 -0- 16,052 705,049 7,718 2,817 l , 715 12,250 -0- -0- -0- -0--0- -0--0- -0- 840,650 Number 2000 6 Months Budg_et 1979-1980 11980-1�81 4,233 l ,889l ,452 7,574 -0- -0- 540 6 -0 -7397 950 8,466 3,778 2,906 15,150 -0- -0- -0--0--0 --0--0- -0- 405,334 r ,097,420 .__ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ .....J 132 �--------------------Annual Budget --------------------� SUMMA�Y Department Division L/ (.)\ Activity I/ J -t) r, /Number WATER Ol/1 WATER & SEWER FUND U...JVS -'5-(1 2041 Actual 6 Months EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION ExQenditure Bud�et Expenditures Budget 1978-1979 1979- 980 1979-1980 1980-1981 Salaries & Wages I 80,725 I 86,241 I 39,531 81 ,073 Supplies 17,512 21 ,490 12 ,580 25,300 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 10,905 3,300 1 ,640 3,300 Ma intenance of Equipment 27,220 12,550 8,258 15,400 Miscellaneous Services 41 ,453 33 ,850 14,449 34,250 Sundry Charges 17 ,691 100 556 500 Capital Outlay 29,719 29,700 6,975 10,300 Inter-departmental Expenses -0-38,697_ 19,348 44,904 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 225,225 225,928 103 ,337 215,027 .._ _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas _________________ _. D D 133 �--------------------Annual B udg et---------------------, C!ETA�L Department 4 I Division '1 a I WATER WATER & SEWER FUND !:5 _;') ��ieNorfG�e CLASSIFICATION :;',{ ,},/, f 1(,r J I / ) -· .t,. ', ►d/) V':J F'' -''/ rt /0 S-1-00-- Salaries & Wages /0 I -5.10-1--Executive 10 ·, s+e-2 -Supervisory Jo .. -5103 -Clerical & Labor ,o' -5106 -Overtime J'·· 1 5107 -Social Securit y i\?:? 5108 -Retirement Plan 5109 -Group Insurance TOTAL ?-o SzOO -Supplies �JI §201 -Purchase of Water ;. ) -5202 -Postage �0� 5203 -Office Supplies r-:: I 5204 -Wearing Ap parel :,) 5206 -Chemicals Jo; 5208 -Lab Supplies �,o 5210 -Pipe, Fitting & Valves 11 1 5211 -Paint, Lumber & Hardware , -1 5214 -Fuel & Oil ',,/ 5215 -Medical Supplies ',, 1 5216 -Fi re Hydrant Parts �· i5218 -Laundry & Clean ing ,ii I 5217 -Janitor·a1 Supplies 5222· -Ice, Cups & Salt Tablets 5223 -Minor Tools & Equipment 5227 -Oil & Grease 5229 -Water Equipment Parts &Materials TOTAL Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 7,696 15,984 43,014 2,197 4,185 4,299 3,350 80,725 3,690 901 408 269 4,198 111 157 111 2,081 8 723 l , 10577 32 803 149 2,689 17,512 Activity /I/\ Budget 1979-_1980 17,304 8,711 48,595 l ,2004,6475,784-0- 86 ,241 4,000 1,000 500 500 6,000 100 l ,0005002,500 40 -0-900 -0-50700 200 3,500 21 ,490 I I '; l · I I I 6 Months Expenditures 1979-1980 8,652 4,122 21 ,655 489 2,127 2,486 -0- 39,531 2,773 784 140 -0-3 ,246 3 -0- 82,027 45 1 , 136 656 64 27 349 -0- 1 ,322 12,580 Number yO/ 2:04-1 - Budget 1980-lOAl 19,776 9,585 40,684 1,400 4,715 4,913 -0- 81 ,073 5,000 l ,500l ,500-0- 6,000 100 -0-500 6,000 50 500 l ,20010050 700 100 2,000 25,300 �----------------City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ _, D D i□ 1[ D n-� i) ., Iv\' ../) 134 0 .. , \. v\ (\ \ Annual Budget C IL Department Division Lf O I Activity I ) ( . (Number L}\ WATFR F, ,i;-1.1i:-R J:"I INn ,, . ') (.. ?()II. 1 \.JATER EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1978-1979 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 5301 -Buildings & Grounds 41 300 48 300 5302 -Water Lines l O ,864 3,000 l ,592 3,000 TOTAL 10,905 3,300 l ,640 3,300 5400 -Maintenance of Eguiement 5401 -Furniture & Office Equip. 41 150 115 200 5402 -Motor Vehicles 2,589 l ,000 l , l 03 2,000 5403 -Radio Equipment 436 600 331 600 5407 -Consturction Equipment 519 800 164 800 5411 -Meters 2,105 2,000 2,021 2,500 5421 -City Well Equipment (70%) 6, 146 3,500 3,239 4,200 5423 -$MUD Well Equipment (30%) 5,009 l ,500 25 l ,8005431 -City Plant Maintenance (66.6%) 7,038 2,000 l ,241 2,200 5433 -SMUD Plant Maintenance (33.3%) 3,337 l ,000 19 l , l 00 TOTAL 27,220 12,550 8,258 15,400 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5501 -Vehicle Insurance 1 ,042 -0--0--0-5503 -Insurance -General 3,419 -0--0--0-5505 -Travel & Registration Fees 426 500 423 5005507 -Advertising & Public Notice 2 100 -0-1005509 -Rental of Equipment 926 200 117 2505511 -Special Services 225 -0-360 -0-5513 -Books & Periodicals -0--0-39 505514 -Mem berships 8 50 -0-505517 -Utilities 32,328 28,000 12,157 29,000 5520 -Water Taps 3,077 5,000 1 ,293 4,000 5512 -Special Training -0--0-60 300 TOTAL 41,453 33,850 14,449 34,250 .____ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __J C D D D D JJ ( 135 / \,\ , '') t,\o\·(/\ \' _____________________ Annual Budget---------------------, DETA!L Department 1../ \ Division L/v ( WATER WATER & SEWER FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5600 -Sundry Charges 5602 -Legal 5610 -Engineering Fees 5611 -Data Processing & Billing 5619 -Miscellaneous Expense TOTAL 6000 -Capital Outlay 6203 -Building And Grounds 6321 -Distribution Lines 6323 -Plant Improvements 6336 -Plant Equipment 6337 -Meters 6410 -Furniture & Office Equip. 6420 -Lab Equipment 6440 -Consturction Equipment 6450 -Automotive Equipment 6460 -Radio Equipment 6480 -Misc. Equipment TOTAL 9000 -Inter-Departmental Expenses I ti I 9010 -Administrative Expenses-General Fund TOTAL l ,I I , ? ;) '.' TOTAL WATER BUDGET Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 4,569 240 2,922 9,960 17 ,691 -0- -0- -0--0-12, 771 -0--0-5,939 9,191 684 l , 134 29,719 -0- -0- 225,225 Activity (.') '..J C • / Number (.,1._) 'I .$ c:J (,... 2041 Budget 1979-lQRn -0- -0--0-100 100 1 ,000 18,000 l ,000-0-9,000 400 300 -0--0- ,-0- -0- 29,700 38,697 38,697 225,928 6 Months Expenditures l Budget 19I9-l980 1980-1981 -·-- 300 -0- -0-256 556 -0- -0- -0-500 500 �\ O l · r, '\ \ I·· 1) \p I · O \J! -0--0- -0- -0- -0- 117-0--0-6,095 763 -0- 6,975 19,348 19,348 103,337 -0- -0-1 ,000 -0-9,000 -0-300 -0- -0--0- -0- 10,300 44,904 44,904 215,027 .___ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ ...J D 0 D 136 _____________________ Annual Budget ---------------------, PERSO���LSCH�CULE Dep artment WATER c/ I Division 4 0 / POSITION TITLE Water Superintendent Water Plant Operat or Accounts Receivable Clerk WATER AND SEWER FUND Assistant Accounts Receivable Clerk (V.O.E. Student - ½ day for 9 mos -Full time 3 mosD Labor Foreman Laborers ( 3) Overtime SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retiremen t TOTAL FRINGE BEN EFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Activity W -� l--,, I (,<) \J s ':.J (,, EMPLOYEES .Number 1 1 .6 .6 .6 1.8 Rate of Pay 1 ,648/Mo 963/Mo 1 ,000/Mo 3.25/hr 7.68/hr 5. 18/hr .066 .0713 Number 2041 Budget 1980-1981 19,776 11 ,556 7,200 2,535 9,585 19,393 1,400 71 ,445 4,715 4,913 9,628 81,073 �----------------City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ __, D 137 .---------------------Annual Budget-----------------------, SU:tlMA!RV Department I Division 4-() I Activity ...S -<::i'C? �Number SEWER 1..-/3 WATER & SEWER FUND w tv ...s . J (,,,. 2043 Actual 6 Months EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1978-1979 1979-i980 1979-1980 1980-1981 Salaries and Wages 126,140 82,698 34 , 111 83,345 Supplies 15,540 16,310 10,698 16,350 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 11 , 221 10,300 17,172 11 ,300 Maintenance of Equipment 47,142 31 ,000 23,591 25,400 Mi see 11 aneous Services 61 ,897 40,550 24,691 22,950 Sundry Charges 43,583 200 2,587 330,500 Capital Outlay 18,872 14,900 14,813 8,100 Inter-departmental Charges I -o-I . 3<5.,697 I 19,348 I and Reimbursements 44,904 D TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 324,395 234,655 147 ,011 542,849 0 ,._ _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas _________________ _, D D D D Annual Budget C IL Department Division L/ 3 '/VI SE\✓ER WATER & SEWER EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 5100 -Salaries & Wages 5101 -Executive 11,913 5102 -Supervisory 14,667 5103 -Clerical & Labor 77,581 5106 -Overtime 2 ,961 5107 -Social Security 6,546 5108 -Retirement Plan 7,283 5109 -Group Insurance 5,189 TOTAL 126, 140 5200 -Sueelies 5202 -Postage l ,3195203 -Office Supplies 6255204 -Wearing Apparel 374 5206 -Chemicals, Insecticides, et "7,099 "' .5208 -Lab Supplies 873 5211 -Paint, Lumber & Hardware 39 5214 -Fuel & Oil 2,908 5215 -Medical Supplies 5 5217 -Janitor Supplies 131 5218 -Laundry & Cleaning l ,0025220 -Foods 5 5222 -Ice, Cups & Salt Tablets 70 5223 -Minor Tools & Equipment 840 5227 -Oil & Grease 250 TOTAL 15,540 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings 5301 -Buildings & Grounds 56 5302 -Sewer Lines 11 , 165 TOTAL 11 ,221 tJ.�\. I Activity /,{) ,. � Budget ')o f/J'' () ,, 3 ., •J{,rJ- '.J (/ 6 Months Expenditures 1979-1980 1979-1980 -0--0-21,671 10,678 50,024 19,228 l ,000 445 4,456 l ,8515,547 1,909-0--0- 82,698 34,111 l ,500 518 700 72 200 -0-8,000 7,627 500 240 200 3 3,000 l ,26660 50 -0-77 900 522 -0--0-50 19700 178 500 126 16,310 10,698 300 11 10,000 17,161 10,300 17,172 138 Number 2043 Budget 1980-1981 -0-24,054 48,135 l ,2004,8445,112-0- 83,345 l ,5001 ,500-0-5,000 500 200 5,000 100 100 l ,200-0-50700 500 16,350 300 11 ,000 11 , 300 .___ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __J D D D 0 I D 139 1 \ I/ ,) ' l ,J ' I-{ 0 I r {) Lj';J • ) Annual Budget C IL Department Division l/ () I Activity 5-' !:J l,L. Number Lj :3 SEWER WATER AND SEWER IA...) 'v <; ,./ liJ'2043 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1978-1979 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5401 -Maintenance of Furniture &Fixtures 46 200 77 200 5402 -Motor Vehicles 2,317 l ,200 2,029 4,000 5403 -Radio & Radar Equipment 450 300 387 500 5407 -Grading, Construction and Ditching Equipment 2,219 l ,500 l , 147 2,000 t,\d\5499 -Maintenance of Lift Station 7,878 2,500 7,777 7,000 5410 -Maintenance of Shop Equip. -0-300 -0-200 SL\,65431 -Sewer Plant No l (25%) 7,575 6,250 2,826 7,000 5c-P.:>�5432 -Sewer Plant No 2 (60%) 21 , 164 15,000 5,778 -0- 1 -;,,,:,·1 5433 -Sewer Plant No 3 (15%) 5,493 3,750 3,570 4,500 TOTAL 47,142 31 ,000 23,591 25,400 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5501 -Vehicle Insurance 1,882 -0--0--0-5503 -Insurance General 2,373 -0--0--0-5505 -Travel Expenses & Fees 389 800 44 5005507 -Ads & Public Notices 4 100 -0-1005509 -Rental of Equipment 75 -0-300 3005514 -Memberships -0-50 40 1005517 -Utilities 53,790 38,000 22,535 20,000 5520 -Sewer Taps -0-l ,000 -0-1,000 ��\'\, !)·547 -Special Training -0-300 1 ,309 500 -5�1\ 5-5-1"2' -Special Services 3,384 300 437 400 5513 -Books & Periodicals -0--0-26 50 .TOTAL 61 ,897 40,550 24,691 22,950 5600 -Sundry Charges 5601 -Auditing 1,850 -0--0--0-5602 -Legal 9,212 -0-300 -0-5610 -Engineering Fees 1 ,473 -0--0--0-5611 -Data Processing & Billing 4,409 -0--0--0-5619 -Miscellaneous 26,639 200 2,587 5005643 -Blackhawk Operation Fees -0--0--0-330,000 TOTAL 43,583 200 2,587 330,500 �----------------City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ _, D D D nl 140 ..\ ')J • r o l o , t _____________________ Annual Budget ____________________ _ DETAal. Department SEWER I')/. .:,; Division 'I iJ IWATER AND SEWER EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 6000 -Capital Outlay 6101 -Land, Easements 6203 -Buildings, Fixtures &Grounds 6321 -Sewer Distribution Lines 6323 -Plant Improvements 6410 -Furniture, Fixtures &Office Equipment 6420 -Lab Equipment 6440 -Co nstruction Equipment 6450 -Automotive Equipment 6460 -Radio & Radar 6480 -Miscellaneous Equipment TOTAL 9000 -Inter-depa rtmental Expenses ({\ 10 \ 90l0 -Administrative Expenses-General Fund A�· f) f ,..,.. .. l 1. TOTAL I 1 • /,, TOTAL SEWER BUDGET Actual Expenditure 1978-1979 -0- -0-2,364 -0- -0- -0-7,549 8,799 -0-160 18,872 -0- -0- 324,395 Activity .S -':J (., 2... Number UJ" � -5'� 2043 6 Months Budget I Expenditures I Budget 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 -0- 1 ,000 6,000 -0- 600 500 -0-6,000 800 -0- 14 ,900 38,697 38,697 234,655 14,380 -0--0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0-433 -0- 14 ,81 3 19,348 19,348 147,011 -0- 1 ,000 6,000 -0- 600 500 -0--0--0- -0- 8,100 44,904 44,904 542,849 .__ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ _, D D D 141 ..----------------------Annual Budget ____________________ _ PER$0�NELSCHEDUL� Department SEvJER l/·3 Division Lf 1) / Activity 5-=> (; 'l-, WATER AND SEWER FUND uJ " s 'J (� EMPLOYEES POSITION TITLE Sewer Superintendent Sewer Plant Operator Sewer Plant Operator .Number Accounts Receivable Clerk I .4 Assistant Accounts Receivab le Clerk (V.O.E. Student - ½ day for 9mos & full time for 3 �os) .4 Labor Foreman I .4 Laborers (3) I 1.2 Overtime SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Rate of Pay l ,472/Mo l ,375/Mo l ,018/ 1 ,000/Mo 3.25/hr 7.68/hr 5.18/hr .066 .0713 Number 2043 Budget 1980-1981 17,664 16,500 12,216 4,800 1 ,690 6,390 12,929 1 ,200 73,389 4,844 5, 112 9,956 83,345 ._ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ -.1 C C lJ r � 0 142 Annual Budget SU ! dRY Department WATER & SEWER Division 'I ,.JI Activity OJ<. -5(,, ?, Number OTHER REQUIREMENTS L/ &; WATER & SEWER FUND (/J -...J ,;-,·, I {,-2046 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget E xrienditures Budget 1978-1979* 1979-1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 Miscellaneous Services -0-14,700 10,540 20,885 Sundry Charges -0-11 ,500 7,807 32,256 Debt Service Requirements -0-312,350 285,138 258,738 Transfer to Other Funds -0-40,000 44,130 25,000 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS -0-378,550 347,615 336,879 *New Department -No Previous� ,__ _________________ City of F riendswooci, Tex as _________________ _, D D D D ]] 'I '\''.J () �\ \l) �o\ Annual Budget Drl!TADL Department I./ "" Division "/ u I11 OTHER REQUIREMENTS \�ATER AND SEWER EXPENDITURE CLASS IF ICA TION I ! , 0 S�5�00 -Miscellaneous Services I I 05501 -Insurance -Motor Vehicle05502 -Workmen's Compensation 05503 -Insurance -General Liability ?5504 -Surety Bonds 05510 -Group Insurance TOTAL l'() UcJ_5600 -Sundry Charges 05519 -Misc. Expense (HUD Loan) 05601 -Auditing 05611 -Data Processing & Billing TOTAL ,. ,o �0 ]GGO -Debt Service Reguirement 113101 •7-01-0--General Obligation Bonds C 3, J?..-7020 -Revenue Bonds d 1, �vi. ( o J;'•)·,7030 -Sunmeadow Water & Sewer ' Revenue TOTAL 11t 410 8000 -Transfers to Other Funds 01\1•)\·8071 -Sewer Taps -Cycle I J·\\ . 8072 -Sewer Taps -Cycle II 1 \' 1 8073 -Sewer Taps -Cycle III," ,\8075 -Well #5 ";q 8040 -Blackhawk Sewer Plant �-i '.,·8050 -Water & Sewer Lines Qi• ,·18060 -Surface Water TOTAL TOTAL DEPT. BUDGET Actual Expenditure 1978-1979* I -0--0- -0--0--0- -0- -0--0--0- -0- -0--0- -0- -0- -0--0--0--0--0--0--0- -0- -0- I 143 I Activity 1) /( "--J /,,.-;;, Number I (A)' I ) (,,, 2046 6 Months Budget Expenditures l Budget 1979-1980 1979-1980 .198_0-1981 3,500 I 2,962 I 4,025 2,800 2,102 6,960 2,000 2,280 2,600 100 -0-100 6,300 3,196 7,200 14,700 10,540 20,885 -0--0-19,456 4,000 l ,500 5,000 7,500 6,307 7,800 11,500 7,807 32,256 -0--0--0-160,000 132,788 258,738 152,350 152,350 -0- 312,350 285,138 258,738 20,000 8,374 15,000 5,000 -0-2,000 15,000 3,552 8,000 -0-7,502 -0--0--0--0--0-23,473 -0--0-l ,229 -0- 40,000 44,130 25,000 378,550 347,615 336,879 .__ ________________ Cit y of Friendswood, Texas ________________ _J D rJ [ [ f l I [ r 0 145 .--�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,::::::::,::::::::::,::-,::,::-,::-,::-,::-_ Annual Budget -------------------, COMBINED BUDGET RECAP DEBT SERVICE FUND Beginning Balance October 1, 1980 Anticipated Revenues Ad Valorem Taxes Transfer From Water & Sewer Fund-Revenue Transfer From Water & Sewer Fund-Sunme adow Total Anticipated Revenue Funds Available for Bond Indebtedness Budgeted Bond Ind ebtedness General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Sunmeadow Bonds Total Budgeted Bond Indebtedness Balance September 30, 1981 440,742 258,738 -0- 285,849 258,738 154,800 $ -0- 699,480 699,480 699,387 $ 93 L-----------------City of Friendswood, Texas ==============================-_J \ D [ D 0 L 0 146 -�.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-_ Annual Budget --------------------, BUDGET RECAP DEBT SERVICE FUND GENERAL OBLIGATION Beginning Balance October l, 1980 Anticipated Revenues Ad Valorem Taxes Total .Anticipated Revenues Funds Available for Bond Indebtedness Budgeted Bond Indebtedness WC ID 15 Bonds Streets and Drainage Bonds Building Bonds Equipment Certificated of Obligation Total Budgeted Bond Indebtedness Balance September 30, 1981 285,942 17 ,85 l 103,625 129,335 35,038 $ -0- 285,942 285,942 285,849 $ -93 '------------------City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ __, 0 lJ [I [I [J D [ I l lJ lJ 0 0 D 147 .---------------------Annual Budget--------------------, BUDGET RECAP DEBT SERVICE FUND REVENUE Beginning Balance October 1, 1980 Anticipated Revenues Transfer From Water and Sewer Fund Total Anticipated Revenues Funds Available for Bond Indebtedness Bu dgeted Bond Indebtedness WCID 21 Bonds Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds Blackhaw k Wastewater Treatment Plant Bonds Total Budgeted Bond Indebtedness Balance September 30, 1981 258,738 39,500 / 50,863 ✓ 168,375 $ -0- 258,738 258,738 258,738 $ -0- City of Friendswood, Texas ===============================__J J [ 0 [I [] LI l D 148 .-�::_-:::::::::_-:::::::::::::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::_--= Annual Budget ------------------7 BUDGET RECAP DEBT SERVICE FUND SUNMEADOl� Beginning Balance October 1, 1980 Anticipated Revenues Ad Valorem Taxes Water and Sewer Income Total Anticipated Revenues Funds Available for Bond Indebtedness Budgeted Bond Indebtedness 1970 Issue 1970A Issue 1972 Issue Total Budgeted Bond Indebtedness Balance September 30, 1981 154,800 -0- 72,825 45,900 36,075 $ -0- 154,800 154,800 154,800 $ -0- ._ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas __________________J l I D [ I 149 �--------------------Annual Budget --------------------, BUDGET RECAP \�ATER AND SE\�ER CONSTRUCTION FUND Beginning Balance October l ,1980 Sewer Tap Reserves Sun Meadow Construction Total Beginning Balance Anticipated Revenues Sewer Tap Reserves Total Anticipated Revenues Funds Av aila ble for Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures Sewer Tap Reserve Sun Meadow Construction Total Budgeted Expenditures Balance September 30, 1981 121,345 75,555 25,000 -0- -0- 196,900 25,000 221,900 -0- 221,900 L......---------------City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ ___J D D 0 IJ 0 0 D D D 11 Annual Budget �� BUDGET RECAP -----SALES TAX FUND Beginning Balance October l, 1980 Anticipated Revenues Sales Tax Receipts Total Anticipated Revenues Funds Available for Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures Transfer To General Fund Total Budgeted Expenditures Balance September 30, 1981 220,000 220,000 220,000 220,000 -0- 220,000 $ -0- 150 ,__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ===============================___J : '� ....... .. '. ' i ··- :.. : . �- .· · ..... .130ana JS L .� \ . . .. �-. ·: ._;_ -:, ·_ :'-,.: .\.-. _.:.; :· ·i,-�� � . .•. . . . � . -' ... �... . .· -... :, · ... ,;·•;' -.· ' .. ·. . '. ,� _ .... , . :· .. : .. _. · ... .. . . --: ... .. .. ·.· 0 n [ ] [I LI fl l l ll [ [ , D 0 D D l 152 �-;-::-::-::-::-::---::--::--::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�--Annual Budget --------------------, BUDGET RECAP REVENUE SHARING FUND Beginning Balance October l, 1980 Anticipated 'Revenues Federal Government Alloc ation Total Anticipated Revenues Funds Available For Appropriation Budget Expenditures Operating Expenses -General Fund Total Expenditures Balance At September 30, 1981 72,000 72,000 72,000 72 ,000 -0- 72,000 -0- ._ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ================================_J