HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 1, 1979 to September 30, 1980 Annual Budgetf I , I � 11 11 11 I .I 1 · I I I i --==============================::,--, Annual Budqet CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ANNUAL BUDGET 1979 -19'80 Vickie Black Councilwoman ·Thomas F. Lay Councilman Paul E. Maaz Councilman RALPH L •. LOWE Mayor JAMES C. MORGAN City Manager William K. Thanpson Finance Director Dale Whittenburg Councilman Loren E. Wood Councilman Edward Zeitler Councilman 1..-----------------City of Friendswood, Texas==============================::.. I 11 f l !l TABLE OF CONTENTS !I Budget Message 1 11 Program of Services Budget At A Glance 3 Canbined Revenues By Source 4 Canbined Expenditures By Department 5 11 Canbined Expenditure Classification Sumnary 6 Canbined Expenditure Classification Graphs 7-7ACanbined Salaries, Wages and Fringe Benefits 11 By Department 8 Combined Capital Outlay By Department 9 Tax Rate Comparisons 10 11 LJng-Term Debt -General Obligation Bonds -By Maturity Date 11 -15 LJng-Term Debt -Revenue Bonds -By Maturity Date 16 11 General Fund 17 l:Budget Recap 18 Revenue Graph 19 Expenditure Graph 20 Revenue Surrmary 21 lI Revenue Detail 22 Mayor & Council 24 City Manager 26 11 City Secretary 30 Finance 34 Legal 38 II Municipal Court 40 Administration (Reference Only) 44 Planning & Zoning 48 Canmunity Services 50 !I YNOC 54 Public Works 56 Police 59 l1 Fire (Canbined) 63 Fire (Administrative) 64 Fire (Fire Fighting) 68 11 Fire (Ambulance) 71 Fire Marshall 73 Civil Defense 75 Humane 77 !I Engineering 81 Inspections 86 Streets 89 11 Drainge 94 City Hall 96 Sanitation 100 1 i [ : 11 11 I I II 11 II 11 11 L 11 I lI 11 l l u 11 11 I TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) General Fund (Continued) Other Requirements Health & Welfare Library Parks & Recreation Corrrnunity Appearance Capital Improvements Water & Sewer Fund Budget Recap Revenue Graph Expenditure Graph Revenue Summary Revenue Detail Water Sewer Other Requirements 105 107 109 113 118 120 122 123 124 125 126 127 129 134 139 Debt Service, W & S Construction and Sales Tax Funds 141 Debt Service Fund Ccmbined Budget Recap Budget Recap -General Obligation Budget Recap -Revenue Budget Recap -Sunrneadow Water & Sewer Construction Fund Budget Recap Sales Tax Fund Budget Recap SUPPLEMENT TO TI-IE BUDGET Revenue Sharing Fund Budget Recap 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 iii I / 11 11 I I 11 11 11 I I 11 11 11 11 11 I : I l 11 11 l.I II I @ily o/ GJ.iendswood RALPH L. LOWE Mayor 109 WILLOWICK-PHONE 482-3323 FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 JAMES C. MORGAN City Manager Councilmen THOMAS F. LAY PAUL E. MAAZ EDWARD 0. ZEITLER LOREN E. WOOD DALE WHITTENBURG R. J. BLANKEN BOBBIE C. HENRY City Secretary TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: 1979-80 Budget Gentlemen: Submitted herewith is the budget for the 1979-80 fiscal year, in accordance with Section 8.03 of the City Charter. It has been our practice to prepare a budget which is balanced in all funds, and this document conforms to that practice. However, in order to accomplish that goal it is necessary that there be upward adjustments in water rates and sanitation collection charges. The revenues to be collected from those recommended increases are reflected in this budget. The revenues to be derived from water and sanitation charges will more accurately correspond with the expenditures in those departments. This document reflects a decrease in revenues from·the In-. dustrial Districts_as well as reductions in permit fees. Funds for servicing the debt approved by the voters in the spring have been absorbed within this budget without a prop­erty re-valuation or a tax rate increase. In anticipation of a slow-down in residential construction due to economic conditions, an employee in the Inspection Department has been transferred to the Police Department as a Records Clerk. Additionally, we have absorbed three positions which were formerly funded by CETA. Those posi­tions are Director of Parks and Recreation; Associate I i I l 11 l I .. I 11 lI 11 11 11 I i 11 l I 11 u I 1 11 I l [ I 1979-80 Budget Page 2 Librarian; and Parks and Recreation Laborer. There are no other new positions in this budget. The format of this budget differs somewhat from those in years past. The primary difference is that the Admini­stration Department has been divided into the following: Mayor and Council; City Manager; City Secretary; Finance; Legal; City Hall; and General Fund-Other Requirements. Although there are no provisions for any new or expanded programs, I am convinced that the leadership provided by you, coupled with the dedication of the City employees will enable us to co ntinue to be responsive to the ne eds of the citizens. Your guidance in the preparation of this progra m of ser­vices .is appreciated. ,,z-R spectfully submitted, ( fd-/?'Ua/;;: h �,;-,J --/ /' // p v James C. Morgan City Manager 2· f I 'i 11 I I11 I I 11 I t I II 11 I I) l I I. I Ii' III I I I I l Ii't I 1'1 1 I I 1i 1 1 i 1 I . Annual Budget � BUDGEI' AT AT GLANCE Beginn:ing Balance Octobe� 1,1979 Anticipated Revenues General Fund Water and Sewer Fund Debt Service Fund Total Anticipated Revenues Funds Available for ApproEriation Budgeted Expenditures General Fund Water and Sewer Debt Service Fund Total Budgeted Expenditures Balance September 30, 1980 1,768,961 840,650 259,225 1,811,475 486', 783 689,475 City of Friendswood, Texas 3 $ 296,005 2,868,836 3,164,841 $2 ,18L 733 $ 177,108 I 1 ,--------Annual BudgetI I I I URCE COMBINED REVENUES BY SO r I i I I I I I I I l JII l REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes Industrial District Proceeds Fees, Licenses, Fines, And Franchises Permits Interest Earned Sales Tax Receipts State and Federal Grants Sanitation Income Water Incane Sewer Income Tap Fees -Water Tap Fees -Sewer Fees and Penalties Sewer Charges -WCID 108 TOTAL REVENUES INTERFUND TRANSFERS Debt Service -Revenue Bonds Debt Service -Sunmeadow Water and Sewer Income Water and Sewer Construction -Sewer Tap Fees TOTAL TRANSFERS TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR EXPENDITURE TOTAL $1,179,726 267,000 122,500 25,000 20,000 150,000 31,960 232,000 405,000 266,000 22,400 40,000 12,250 95,_000 ·2,868,836 -0- $ $2,868,836 $ GENERAL w & s DEBT w & sFUND FUND SERVICE CONSTR. FUND FUND 920,501 :$259, 225 267,000 122,500 25,000 20,000 150,000 31,960 232,000 405,000 266,000 22,400 40,000 12,250 95,000 1,768,961 ·$840,650 .$259�225 -0- -160,000 +160,000 -152,350 +152,350 -40,000 +40,000 -0--352,350 +312,350 +40,000 1,768,961 $488,300 $571,575 $40,000 .___ _____________ City of Friendswood, T exas 4 5 �=---------------------Annual Budget -------�-----------7 COMBINED EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT TOTAL GENERAL w & s DEBT w & s FUND FUND SERVICE CONSTR. 11 FUND FUND II Mayor and Council $ 4,650 $ 4,650 City Manager 33,426 33,426 City Secretary 17,715 17,715 Finance 35,893 35,893 Legal 17,700 17,700 Municipal Court 43,450 43,450 Planning and Zoning 6,500 6,500 Conmunity Services 50,274 50,274 YNOC 1,200 1,200 11 Public Works 27,706 27,706 Police 497,768 497,768 1 · Fir e 99,4,34 99,434 Fire Marshall 2,640 �2,640 I Civil Defense 500 500 I Hwnane 19,932 19,932 Engineering 31,100 31,100 Inspections 35,097 35,097 Street 221,941 221,941 Drain age 22,250 22,250 City Hall 40,714 40,714 Sanitation 228,435 228,435 G.F. Other Requirements 196,630 196,630 Health and Welfare 9,325 9,325 Library 91,934 91,934 Parks and Recreation 74,261 74,261 Conmunity Appearance 1,000 1,000 Capital Improvements -0--0-Water 225,928 225,928 Sewer 234,655 234,655 f I W & S Other Requirements 66,200 66,200 Debt Service -General I Obligation Bonds 278,375 278,375 Debt Service -Revenue 11 Bonds 258,750 258,750 Debt Service -I Suruneadow Bonds 152,350 152,350 11 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3,027,733 .$1,811,475 $526,783 $689,475 -0-l ,I �- i I City of Friendswood, Texas I I :::=====-,. _____________ Annual Budget====--------------, I . I I I I I 11 I I I /1 11 . I 11 ·111 I COMBINED EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATIO N SUMMARY Salaries and Wages Supplies Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds Maintenance of Equipment Miscellaneous Services Sundry Charges Capital Outlay Debt Service TOTAL Bt.JCGETED EXPENDITURES 1,279,217 204,395 64,750 127,770 365,048 112,900 144,178 689)475 $2,987,733 1..::::--...:::::.-...:::::.-...:::::.-...=-...=-..:::::-..=-..=-.=:.=:�-=: City of Friendswood, Texas ______ __. 6 11 I II 1 1I I I I I I I I I II I Ii1 11 I Annual Budget ----------------------, COMBINED EXPENDITURE CI.ASSIFICATION GRAPH CURRENT FISCAL YFAR Salaries & Wages 42.99% Debt Service 23.01% + I',) 01 11 i l �----_:;;-��..::::..::::..=-..=-.:::::.:::::=�=== City of Friendswood, Texas ________ -----1 7 I' I ..-1....-------=--·--_ ---�----------· An11uul Budgtlt -- 111 l I I 11 11 II I I 11 I II II l I l.1 l1 lI l. I ' COMBINED EXPENDITURE CIASSIFICATION GRAPH PREVIOUS FISCAL YEAR Debt Service 20.73% Salaries & W�es 42.56% Capital Outlay 13.01% ?'fl 7A ------------------City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __J ---------- (') 0 "Tl iD" ::, 0. .,. � 0 0 0. -i n> X ---- DEPARTMENT City Manager City Secretary Finance Legal Municipal Court Comnunity Services Public Works Police Fire Humane Inspections Street City Hall Sanitation Library Parks & Recreation TOTAL GENERAL FUND Water Sewer ---------------� -------- COMBINED SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS BY DEPARTMENT SALARI ES SOCIAL TOTAL & WAGES SECURITY 52,203 45,888 2,813 21,771 19,290 1,105 61,389 53,964 3,308 7,200 7,200 34,823 31,416 1,926 32,872 29,740 1,823 24,606 21,636 1,326 411,188 362,396 22,215 19,629 17,510 1,073 15,925 14,059 831 34,187 30,052 1,842 116,391 102,313 6,272 20,664 18,744 1,149 152,115 133,751 8,199 62,254 56,543 3,466 43,061 38,276 2,132 1,110,278 982,778 59,480 86,241 75,810 4,647 8I,698 72,6�5 _.:!:..2456 TOTAL WATER & SEWER 148,505 9,103 168,939 COMBINED TOTAL 1,271�217 1,13]._,283 68,583 -------------- RETIREMENT 3,502 1,376 4,117 1,481 1,309 1,644 26,577 1,046 )> ::, 1,035 ::, C !!!. 2,293 a:, 7,806 C a. 771 -10,165 2,245 2,653 68,020 5,784 5,_547 11,331 79,351 00 , I --- COMBINED CAPITAL OUTLAY BY DEPARIMENT Department Total Buildings Office Vehicles Misc. Streets & Grounds Equipment Equipment Distr. Lines City Manager 550 550 Finance 1,000 1,000 Municipal Court 1,550 1,550 Ccrnmunity Services 6,829 5,000 1,829 Police 12,500 3,000 9,500 C') Fire 26,271 26,271 ;:.· Fire Marshall 350 350 Hunane 500 500 Engineering 350 350 Inspections 1,200 1,200 .., )> �-Street 12,100 600 8,500 3,000 � � Drainage 10,000 10,000 c "' -Sanitation 1,350 1,350 CD 0 C 0 Library 18,428 2,700 *15, 728 (0 -i Parks & Recreation 6,600 5,000 1,600 � TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 99,578 $10,000 $12,779 $63,799 $13,000 Water 29,700 1,000 400 9,300 19,000 Sewer 14,900 1,000 600 6,000 1,300 6,000 -- TOTAL WATER & SEWER FUND $44,600 2,000 1,000 6,000 10,600 25,000 -- COMBINED TOTAL $144,178 $12,000 $13,779 · $ 6,000 $74,399 $13,000 $25,000 ;'c Books c.D CI'IY OF FRIENDSWOm, TEXAS TAX DEBT ASSUMED BOND Galveston Co. WCID #15 -1962 Galveston County WCID #15 -1963 Galveston County WCID #21 -11-1-1964 Year Principal Interest Interest Principal Interest Interest Principal Interest Interest End Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable· Payable Payable Payable Payable 9/30 3/1 3/1 9/1 3/1 3/1 9/1 8/1 2/1 8/1 1980 $ 3,375.00 $ 3,375.00 $ 6,000 $ 2,252.50 $ 2,125.00 $15,000 $12,625.00 $12,625.00 1981 3,375.00 3,375.00 7,000 2,125.00 1,976.25 15,000 12,250.00 12,250.00 1982 3,375.00 3,375.00 7,000 1,976.25 1,827.50 20,000 11,875.00 11,875.00 1983 3,375.00 3,375.00 7,000 1,827.50 1,678.75 20,000 11,375.00 11,375.00 1984 3,375.00 3,375.00 7,000 1,678.75 1,530.00 20,000 10,875.00 10,875.00 1985 3,375.00 3,375.00 7,000 1,530.00· 1,381.25 20,000 10,375.00 10,375.00 1986 3,375.00 3,375.00 8,000 1,381.25 1,211.25 20,000 9,875.00 9,875.00 1987 3,375.00 3,375.00 8,000 1,211.25 1,041.25 25,000 9,375.00 9,375.00 1988 3,375.00 3,375.00 9,000 1,041.25 850.00 25,000 8,750.00 8,750.00 198$ 3,375.00 3,375.00 10,000 850.00 637.50 25,000 8,125.00 8,125.00 1990 3,375.00 3,37,5.00 10,000 637.50 425.00 25,000 7,500.00 7,500.00 1991 3,375.00 3,375.00 10,000 425.00 212.50 25,000 6,875.00 6,875.00 1992 3,375.00 3,375.00 10,000 212.50 30,000 6,250.00 6,250.00 1993 3,375.00 3,375.00 30,000 5,500.00 5,500.00 1994 3,375.00 • 3,375.00 30,000 . 4,750.00 4,750.00 1995 $ 30,000 3,375.00 2,700.00 30,000 4,000.00 4,000.00 1996 30,000 2,700.00 2,025.00 30,000 3,250.00 3,250.00 1997 30,000 2,025.00 1,350.00 30,000 2,500.00 2,500.00 1998 35,000 1,350.00 526.50 35,000 1,750.00 1,750.00 1999 252000 562.50 35,000 875.00 875.00 $150,000 $60,637.50 $57,262.50 $106,000 $17,148.75 .$14,896.25 $505,000 $148,750.00 $148,750.00 1994-1999 -4.50% 1980-1992 -4.25% 10 ::-=-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-:..-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:._-:_-:._-:_-:_-:_-:_=.=.=.=.=.=.=--= Annual Budget ===:::.::_ ____________ _ TAX RATE COMPARISONS DATE TAX I.EVY TAX RATE TAX COLLECTIONS 1974 371,453 1.00 368,072 1975 657,882 1.10 621,305 1976 833,815 1. 20 802,331 I I 1977 1,024,394 1.15 9_96,675 . I I 1978 1,149,763 1.15 1,091,733 11 --'--______ ....__ _______ City of Friendswood, Texas=============================�___, Year End 9/30 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Sun Meadow MUD -4-1-1970 Prin�ipal Interest Payable Payable � 10/1 PY1= $ 30,000 35,000 40,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 55,000 55,000 60,000 65,000 $ 20,187.50 18,912.50 17,425.00 15,725.00 14,025.00 12,112.50 9,987.50 7,650.00 5,312.50 2,762.50 Interest Payable 4/1 $ 20,187.50 18,912.50 17,425.00 15,725.00 14,025.00 12,112.50 9,987.50 7,650.00 5,312.50 2,762.50 $475,000 $124,100.00 $124,100.00 1980-1989 -8.50% *PY Stands for Previous Calendar Year. CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , TI:XAS TAX DEBI' ASSUMED BONIB: · Sun Meadow MUD -7-1-1970 Principal Interest Interest Payable Payable Payable 4fl:__ 10/1 py1, 4/1 $ 22,950.00 $ 22,950.00 22,950.00 22,950.00 22,950.00 I 22,950.00 22,950.00 I 22,950.00 22,950.00 I 22,950.00 22,950.00 22,950.00 22,950.00 22,950.00 22,950.00 22,950.00 22,950.00 22,950.00 22,950.00 22,950.00 $ 70,000 22,950.00 22,950.00 75,000 19,975.00 19,975.00 85,000 16,787.50 16,787.50 90,000 13,175.00 13,175.00 95,000 9,350.00 9,350.00 70,000. 5,312.50 5,312.50 2,337.50 2,337.50 2,337.50 2,337.50 2,337.50 2,337.50 2,337.50 2,337.50 552000 $540,000 22337.50 $328,737.50 2,337.50 $.328, 737. 50 1990-2000 -8.50% Sun Meadow MUD -10-1-1972 Principal Interest Interest Payable Payable Payable 4/1 10/1 PY1' 4/1 $18,037.50 $18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037 .so18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 18,037.50 $ 35,000 18,037.50 18,037.50 115,000 17,031.25 17,031.25 125,000 13,725.00 13,725.00 135,000 10,131.25 10,131.25 145,000 6,250.00 6,250.00 1052000 22625.00 2,625.00 $660,000 $338,362.50 $338,362.50 1995-1998 -5.75% 1999-2000 -5.00% � Year End 9/30 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 -..____ Sewer Improvement -3-1-1967 Principal Interest Interest Payable Payable Payable 3/1 3/1 9/1 ------$10,000 15,000 15,000 15 ,ooo 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 $ 2,725.00 2,520.00 2,205.00 1,890.00 1,575.00 1,260.00 945.00 630.00 315.00 $130,000 $1 4,065.00 1980 -4.10% 1981-1988-4.20% $ 2,520.00 2,205.00 1,890.00 1,575.00 1,260.00 945.00 630.00 315.00 $H,34o�mi *Pt Stands for Previous Calendar Year. CITY OF FRIENIBWOOJ , TD'AS TAX DEBT ASSUMED G.O. Refunding -3-1-1969 Principal Interest Payable Payable 3/1 3/1 $10,000 $ 4,600.00 10,000 4,350.00 10,000 4,100.00 10,000 3,850.00 10,000 3,600.00 10,000 3,350.00 15,000 3,100.00 15,000 2,725.00 15,000 2,350.00 15,000 1,975.00 15,000 1,600.00 15,000 1,225.00 14,000 850.00 20,000 500.00 $184,000 $38,175.00 1980-1993 -5.00% Interest Payable 9/1 $ 4,350.00 4,100.00 3,850.00 3,600.00 3,350.00 3,100.00 2,725.00 2,350.00 1,975.00 1,600.00 1,225.00 850.00 500.00 $3 3,575.00 - G.O. -7-1-1973 Principal Interest Payable Payabl-e 4/1 10/1 Pt* $10,000 10.000 10,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 $ 3,025.00 2,750.00 2,475.00 2,200.00 1,925.00 1,650.00 1,237.50 825.00 412.50 $110,000 m,soo.oo 1980-1988 -5.50% Interest Payable 4/1 $ 3,025.00 2,750.00 2,475.00 2,200.00 1,925.00 1,650.00 1,237.50 825.00 412.50 $16,500.00 Drainage Improvement - 11-1-1973 Year Principal Interest Interest End Payable Payable Payable 9/30 6/1 12/1 PY* 6/1 1980 $ 3,037.50 $ 3,037.50 1981 3,037.50 3,037.50 1982 3,037.50 3,037.50 1983 3,037.50 3,037.50 1984 3,037.50 3,037.50 1985 3,037.50 3,037.50 1986 3,037.50 3,037.50 1987 3,037.50 3,037.50 1988 3,307.50 3,037.50 1989 $10,000 3,037.50 3,037.50 1990 15,000 2,737.50 2,737.50 1991 15,000 2,287.50 2,287.50 1992 15,000 1,830.00 1,830.00 1993 15,000 1,372.50 1,372.50 1994 15,000 915.00 915.00 1995 15,000 457.50 457.50 1996 1997 1998 1999 $100,000 $39,975.00 $39,975.00 1989-1990 -6.00% 1991-1995 -6.10% *PY Stands for Previous Calendar Year CI1Y OF FRIENDSWOOD,TEXAS TAX DEBT CI1Y ISSUED . G.O. -9-1-1974 Principal Interest Interest Payable Payable Payable 3/1 3/1 9/1 $ 5,000 $ 26,791.25 $ 26,593.75 5,000 26,593.75 26,396.75 10,000 26,396.15 26,001.25 10,000 26,001.25 25,606.25 10,000 25,606.25 25,211.25 10,000 25,211.25 24,816.25 10,000 24,816.25 24,421.25 10,000 24,421.25 24,026.25 10,000 24,026.25 23,631.25 30,000 23,631.25 22,446.25 30,000 22,446.25 ! 21,261.25 35,000 21,261.25 19,878.75 35,000 19,878.75 I 18,496.25 45,000 18,496.25 16,718.7575,000 16,718.75 I 13,756.2550,000 13,756.25 11,818. 75 70,000 11,818.75 I 9,106.25 75,000 9,106.25, I 6,200.00 70,000 6,200.00 I 3,487.50902000 32487.50 $685,000 $396,665.00 :$396, 873. 751980-1994 -7.90% 1995-1999 -7.75% C.O. (Gradall) -7-1-1975Principal Interest Payable Payable 7/1 1/1- $12,000 $345.00 $12,000 $345.00 1980 -5.75% Interest Payable 7/1 $345.00 $345.00 Year F,nd 9/30 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 C.O. (Fire Truck) -7-1-1976Principal Interest Interest Payable Payable Payable I!J__ 1/1 _1!.l $10,000 15,000 $ 718. 75 431.25 $25 ,ooo $1 ,150 .DO 1980-1981 -5.75% $ 718. 75 431.25 $1,150 •. 00, *PY Stands for Previous Calendar Year CITI OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS TAX DEBT CITI ISSUED \ Street Improvement -10-1-1977 Principal Interest , Interest Payable Payable Payable 6/1 12/1 pyi: 6/1 $ 38,912.50 38,912.50 $ 20,000 38,912.50 30,000 38,362.50 35,000 37,537.50 35,000 36,575.00 35,000 35,612.50 40,000 34,650.00 45,000 33,550.00 55,000 32,312.50 55,000 30,800.00 60,000 29,287.50 65,000 27,637.50 70,000 25,850.00 75,000 23,837.50 85,000 21,681.25 90,000 19,237.50 95,000 16,650.00 100,000 13,800.00 100,000 10,800.00 260,000 7,800.00 $1,350,000 $592,718.75 1982-1992 -5.50% 1993-1996 -5.75% 1997-2000 -6.00% $ 38,912.50 38,912.50 38,912.50 38,362.50 37,537.50 36,575.00 35,612.50 34,650.00 33,550.00 32,312.50 30,800.00 29,287.50 27,637.50 25,850.00 23,837.50 21,681.25 19,237.50 16,650.00 13,800. o·o I 10,800.00 7,800.00 $592,718, 75 G.O. -8-1-1979 Principal Interest Payable Payable 3/1 3/1 $15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 30,000 30,000 $ 13,851.36 11,460.00 10,935.00 10,410.00 9,885.00 9,360.00 8,660.00 7,960.00 7,260.00 6,630.00 6,075.00 5,381.25 4,681.25 3,975.00 3,262.50 2,537.50 1,800.00 900.00 Interest Payable 9/1 $ 11.460.00 10,935.00 10,410.00 9,885.00 9,360.00 8,660.00 7,960.00 7,260.00 6,630.00 6,075.00 5,381.25 4,681.25 3,975.00 3,262.50 2,537.50 1,800.00 900.00 $385,000 $125,023.86 $ill,172.50 1980 -5.50% 1992 -5.65% 1981-1987 -7.00% 1993 -5.70% 1988 6.30% 1994 -5.8oi 1989-1990 -5.55% 1995 -5.90% 1991 -5.60% 1996-1997 -6.00% Total Tax Bond P�ts $ 473,246.36 1109,173.7"3 </(", 'hf;z.� 472,766.25 473,448.75 473,581.25 477,838.75 477,075.00 474,740.00 ,472 ,928. 75 475,045.00 474,851.25 473,590.00 475,428.75 472,572.50 471,805.00 474,965.00 477,062.50 475.006.25 442,637.50 439,575.00 445,525.00 $9,862,862.61 CITI OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS REVENUE DEBT PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYMENT SCHEIXJLE Series 1969 Revenue Bonds $1,350,000 Water Developernent Fund $400,000 Public Market Bonds Reserve Total Principal Interest Interest Principal Interest Interest Principal Interest Interest Fund Revenue Bond Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payments Payments Year 3/1 Rate 3/1 9/1 3/1 Rate 3/1 9/1 3/1 Rate 3/1 9/1 1980 $15,000 6.50% $18,660.70 $18,176.80 $ 50,000 5.50% $37,125.00 $35,750.00 $12,125.00 $12,125.00 $ 24,000 $ 222,962.50 1981 15,000 6.50% 18,173.20 17,689.30 50,000 5.50% 35,750.00 34,375.00 12,125.00 12,125.00 24,000 219,237.50 1982 20,000 6.50% 17,685.70 17,039.30 50,000 5.50% 34,375.00 33,000.00 12,125.00 12,125.00 24,000 220,350.00 1983 20,000 6.50% 17,035.70 16,389.30 50,000 5.50% 33,000.00 31,625.00 12,125.00 12,125.00 24,000 216,300.00 1984 20,000 6.50% 16,385.70 15,739.30 50,000 5.50% 31,625.00 30,250.00 12,125.00 12,125.00 24,000 212,250.00 1985 20,000 6.50% 15,735.70 15,089.30 50,000 5.50% 30,250.00 28,875.00 $50,000 5.50% 12,125.00 10,750.00 25,000 257.825.00 1986 20,000 6.50% 15,085.70 14,439.30 50,000 5.50% 28,875.00 27,500.00 50,000 5.50% 10,750.00 9,375.00 226,025.00 l987 25,000 6.50% 14,435.70 13,626.80 50,000 5.50% 27,500.00 26,125.00 50,000 5.50% 9,375.00 8,000.00 224,062.50 1988 25,000 6.50% 13,623.20 12,814.30 50,000 5.50% 26,125.00 24,750.00 50,000 6.25% 8,000.00 6,437.50 216,750.00 1989 25,000 6.50% 12,810.70 12,001.80 50,000 5.50% 24,750.00 I 23,37s.oo 50,000 6.25% 6,437.50 4,875.00 209,250.00 1990 30,000 6.50% 11,998.20 11,026.80 50,000 5.50% 23,375.00 22,000.00 50,000 6.50% 4,875.00 3,250.00 206,525.00 1991 30,000 6.125% 11,023,20 10,107.90 50,000 5.50% 22,000.00 I 20,62s.oo 50,000 6.50% 3,250.00 1,625.00 198,631.10 1992 35,000 6.125% 10,104.60 9,035.85 50,000 5.50% 20,625.00 I 19,2so.oo 50,000 6.50% 1,625.00 195,640.45 1993 35,000 6.125% 9,032.90 7,963.80 100,000 5.50% 19,250.00 16,500.00 187,746.70 1994 35,000 6.125% 7,961.20 6,891.75 100,000 5.50% 16,500.00 13,750.00 180,102.95 1995 40,000 6.125% 6,889.50 5,666.55 100,000 5.50% 13,750.00 11,000.00 177,306.05 1996 40,000 6.125% 5,664.70 4,441.35 100,000 5.50% 11,000.00 8,250.00 169,356.05 1997 45,000 6.125% 4,439.90 3,063.00 100,000 5.50% 8,250.00 5,500.00 166,252.90 1.998 50,000 6.125% 3,062.00 1,531.50 100,000 5.50% 5,500.00 2,750.00 162,843.50 1999 50,000 6.125% 12531. 00 1002000 5.50% 2,750.00 1542281.00 $595,000 $231,339.20 $212,734.00 $1,350,000 $452,375.00 $415,250.00 $400,000 $117,062.50 $104,937.50 $145,000 $4,023,698.20 n f I n 11 11 11 [I 11 l l aNn.:1 lI l l 1'1H3N3� 11 fl 11 11 11 IJ lJ ti \ I 18 t Annual Budget I I If�\\ B{JIX;ET RECAP I 1 1 \\\-� �=fl/ GENERAL FUND I ,, Beginning Bala.I}ce�ctobe� l,_1979 $ 60,000 I I Anticipated Revenues I Ad Valorein Taxes 920,501 I Industrial District Proceeds 267,000 1i1 Fees, Licenses, Fines, Franchises 122,500 Pennits 25,000 Interest Earned on Investments 20,000 Sales Tax Receipts 150,000 1"1 State and Federal Grants 31,960 Sanitation Income 232,000 I I Total Anticipated Revenues $1,768,961 li 1 I Funds Available for App!'()priation $1,828,961 Budgeted Expenditures ·I Mayor and Council 4,650 ii City Manager 33,426 City Secretary 17,715 I Finance 35,893 { Legal 17,700 Municipal Court 43,450 i'i Planning and Zoning 6,500 Corronunity Services 50,274 YNOC 1,200 I Public Works 27,706 Police 497,768� 11 Fire 99,434,.. Fire Marshall 2,640,.. I.Civil Defense 500,... Humane 19,932..,,.. i: Engineering 31,100 Inspections 35,097 Street 221,941,,. f Drainage 22,250/ I Cit y Hall 40,714 Sanitation 228,435 -� iJ Other Requireinents 196,630 Health and Welfare 9,325--ii Library 91,934.,.... Parks & Recreation 74,261 Corronunity Appearance _l,00_Q I I Total Budgeted Expenditures $1,811,475 1:1 Balance SeEtember 302 1980 $ 17,486 LJ City of Friendswood, Texas - - . I 11 i-1 I I 11 r I 11 f I ll ll I I ·- -Annual Budgtlt ---�-- GENERAL FUND REVENUE GRAPH Ad Valorem Taxes 52.04% Industrial District Proceeds 15.09% Sanitation Income 13.12% .J..,J ----------·--------· City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ ___, r I I ! 11 1 rI I I I I I I I I J_ I. 11 IJ ll u Li I. ,------------------------·-An11ual Budgat -- s¾�<"cf GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE GRAPH Administration Planning & Zoning �¾ �� �% ?:,\J .� 17.25% • I ·ce �10►).: �"e '(_,�o� s-$'� '(_,'o-�e►R,, �'(_,\'> ��e ►?:,% ),?:, • 5,00% 1.72% <.V ,__ ________________ Ci t;y of Friendswood, Texas _______________ ___, I t I I. .--------------------Annual Budget SUMMA RY Ad Valorem Taxes Other Taxes Fees, Licenses, Fines, Franchises Pennits Interest Earned on Investments Transfers From Other Funds State and Federal Grants Sanitation Income Other Revenue TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 723,038 274,429 106,205 53,935 28,843 234,800 57,387 193,249 16,829 1,688 ,715 City of Friendswood Activity Revenue Budget 1978-1979 887,579 280,053 88,450 35,000 25,000 140,000 48,024 180,000 -0- 1,684,106 21 Number 1000 6 Mo nths Revenue :_ .Revenue -Budget 1978-1979 1979-1980 887,360 920,501 444,821 267,000 100,404 122,500 26,655 25,000 11,568 20,000 -0-150,000 24,274 31,960 88,011 232,000 4,371 -0- 1,587,464 1,768,961 • [L Annual Budget JI DETAIL I Department Division I Activity Number I REVENUES GENERAL FUND I 1000 i 1· Actual �e�enue I 6 Months I Ri'{Iaa�e ·Revenue u get ·Revenue I REVENUE CLASSIFICATION 1977-1978 1 Ii 4100 -Ad Valorem Taxes 4122 -Taxroll -City 568,724 688 ,327 685,063 713,388 1.1 4123 -Taxroll -WCID 21 67,725 85,135 84,859 88,368 !'1 4124 -Taxroll -SMUD 58,464 114,117 114,030 118,745 4101 -Taxroll -Prior Years 20,423 -0-910 -0-4150 -Penalties and Interest 6,040 -0-2,498 -0- 1'1 4160 -Tax Certificates ___L__§62 -0--0--0- TOTAL I 723,038 I 887,579 I 887,360 I 920,501 i' 4200 -O½her Taxes 4211 -Industrial District No. 1 269,577 278,519 441,367 266,000 i'; 4212 -Industrial District No. 2 654 714 1,559 400 4213 -Industrial District No. 3 751 820 -0-600 4221 -Mixed Drink Tax 3 2 447 -0-____li 8 9 5 -0- 1'1 TOTAL I 274,429 I 280,053 I 444,821 I 267,000 4300 -Fees, Licenses, Fines 2I Franchises I 4310 -Franchises 77,047 69,000 62,328 71,500 I ;1 4320 -Dog Tags and Pound Fees 542 450 280 500 4330 -Fines and Forfeits 25,542 16,000 33,764 47,000 4340 -Electrical Licenses 3,074 3,000 2,747 3,500 4350 -Platt Fees -0--0-___l_i 285 -0-u TOTAL I 106,205 I 88,450 I 100,404 I 122,500 4400 -PennitsI 1· 4410 -Building 47,964 32,000 18,023 22,000 J 4411 -Electrical Permits -0--0-3,676 -0-I 4412 -Plumbing Permits -0--0-1,138 -0-4413 -Air Conditioning Permits -0--0-2,406 -0-4414 -Sign Permits -0--0-30 -0-4420 -Mobile Hemes 1,317 2,000 1,010 2,000 IJ 4430 -Other Permits 4,654 1,000 372 �000 ,� TOTAL I 53,935 I 35,000 I 26,655 I 25,000 j I City of Friendswood, Texas ..---------------------Annual B udget ,· ' DETAI L l DepartmentREVENUE Division GENERAL FUND J 1 -------------1---------,.1-l.,R-e-Av-c�-�-t-e---l REVENUE CLASSIFICATION 1977-197 8 J I 4500 -Interest Earned 11 4510 -Interest Earned . 4511 -Interest Earned -1776 Park I TOTAL Ii '1 '1 II I :i' I I I r r:J 4600 -Contributions From Other Funds 4610 -Water & Sewer Fund 4620 -Sales Tax Fund TOTAL 4700 -State & Federal Grants 4710 4720 4740 4760 4770 -Selective Traffic Enforcemen-Juvenile Services-Parks and Wildlife-Fire Protection Grant-Anti-Recession Fiscal Assist TOTAL4800 -SanitatioR Income 4810 -City 4820 -WCID 21 4830 -SMUD TOTAL 4900 -Other Revenue 4920 -Anti-Recession Fiscal Assist 4930 -Donations -Parks & Rec. 4940 -Donations -Library 4995 -Miscellaneous Revenue TOTAL 28,085 758 28,843 28,443 206,357 -234,800 2,324 17,716 30,147 7,200 -0-57,387 124,646 42,708 25,895 -193,249 3,051 6,815 75 6,888 3 16,829 - 5- Activity Revenue Budget 1978-1979 25,000 -0-25,000 -0-140,000 140,000 -0-25,624 20,000 2,400 -0-48,024 116,186 39,754 24,060 180,000 -0--0--0--0--0-1,684,106 11 IDTAL REVENUES I 1,6 88,715 d, Texas -, City of Friendswoo L;) Number 1000 6 Months R1ta1JueRevenue_ u get 1978-1979 1979-1980 11,286 20,000 282 -0-11,568 20,000 -0--0--0-150,000 -0-150,000 -0-13,850 14,909 18,110 6,365 -0-3,000 -0--0--0-24,274 31,960 55,612 149,733 19,030 51,249 13,369 31,018 88,011 ?32,ooq -0--0-2,736 -0--0--0-1,635 -0-4,371 -0-1,587,464 :).., 768;961' I Annual Budget ·,SUI iRY I Cepartment Division Activity I MAYOR AND COUNCIL GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT ·,EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Ex�endltures1977-19781( 1978-1979* 19 8-1979l'( i' Supplies i' Miscellaneous Services Sundry Charges i' I i' :1: TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS I *New Deparunent -No previous h I I 1'1I 1 1 1:J l I ( .. L!-t Number 1001 Budget 1979-1980 700 3,700 250 4,650 i' I,____ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________. I.I lj I I [1 l l ' l I IJ L0 A I Budget C IL Department Division Activity Number MAYOR AND C •I\T C/')\IL·u·-"', nn, Actual 6 Months EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget Exp enditures Budget 1979-1980 5200 -Supplies 5203 -Office Supplies 500 5220 -Food 200 TOTAL 700 5500 -Miscellaneous Services . 5505 -Travel Expense 2,500 5515 -Election Expense 1,200 TOTAL 3,700 5600 -Sundry CharBes 5619 -Miscellaneous Expense 250 TOTAL 250 TOTAL MAYOR AND COUNCIL 4,650 BlJL'GET ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas---------------� --------------------Annual Budge t-------------------, r·1 , I 11 Cepartment I CITY MANAGER SUMMARY Division Activity GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT J I EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION l Actual Expenditure 1977-19781, 6 Months Budget I E>ependltures I Ii' I I i' 1 I II Salaries and Wages Supplies Maintenance of Equipment Miscellaneous Services Sundry Charges Capital Outlay Inter-departmental Charges and Reimbursements 1978-1979* 1978-1979* Number 1002 Budget 1979-1980 52,203 1,675 . 700 4,300 100 550 -2 6,102 I,==�=====�=�=�=:::!::====, I I I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 33,426 * New Department -No previous history I II I � IJI \1 I ---------------City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ __, LO I fl rl I 11 J I 11 11 I L l LI u Ll l ___________________ Annual Budget------------------� Department CITY MANAGER DETAIL Division I Activity GENERAL FUND I GENERAL GOVERNMENI' 6 Months Number 1002 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure Budget Expenditures I Budget 5100 -Salaries and Wages 5101 -Executive 5115 -ClericaJ 5137 -Social Security 5138 -Retirement TOTAL 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage 5203 -Supplies 5214 -Fuel and Oil 5223 -Minor Tools and Equipment TOTAL 5400 -Maintenance of Furniture, Fixtures, and Off i,ce�. Equipmt. 5401 -Furniture, Fixtures, anq Offi� Equipment 5402 -Motor Vehicles 5403 -Radio TOTAL 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5505 -Travel Expense 5509 -Rental of Equipment 5513 -Books and Periodicals 5514'-Membership TOTAL 1979-1980 34,260 11,628 2,813 3,502 52,203 100 500 1,000 75 1,675 300 250 150 700 1,000 3,000 50 250 4,300 LI ,__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ _, r, n r I I II f j rl 11 [l J 1 lJ I .___. Li:> Annual Budget C IL Department Division Activity Number CITY MANAGER GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1002 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1979-1980 5600 -Sundry Charges 5619 -Miscellaneous Expense 100 TOTAL 100 6000 -Capital O'utlal 6410 -Furniture, Fixtures, and Office Equipment 550 TOTAL 550 TOTAL DEPARIMENT BUDGET 59,528 9000 -Inter-depariJnental Charges anc Reimbursements 9041 -Water Department -13,0519043 -Sewer Deparunent -13,051 TOTAL REIMBURSEMENTS -26,102 TOTAL BlEGET AFTER REIMBURSEMENTS 33,426 ,_ ____ ___,_ _________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ ___, I I II :I i' ,1 I I ' I r I I I I Annual Budget PERSONNI Department Division CITY MANAGER GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE City Manager City Manager's Secretary SUB-TOI'AL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOI'AL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES ·- CHEDULE Activity Number GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1002 EMPLOYEES Budget Number Rate of Pay 1979-1980 1 2855 34 ,260 1 969 ·11,628 45,888 2,813 3,502 6,315 52 2203 I �-=--=-..=-.=-.=.======= City of Friendswood, Texas __ __.___� ___ '._j z� n f2' r-, ���)j � j_l') •.; I rl J I \ I II 1· I 11 11 11 I ' [I u LI u LI L' ..-------------------Annual Budget-------...------------, SUMMARY Department Division CITY SECRETARY GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASS If ICA TION Salaries and Wages Supplies Maintenance of Equipment Miscellaneous Services Sundry Charges Inter-departmental charges and Reimbursements TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS I Actual Expenditure1977-1978* *New department -No previous history �lvlt'( GENERAL GOVERNMENT Number 1005 8 Months Qud� I l:>tpendltures I Budget1978-1979� 1978-1979* 1979-1980 • 21,771 2,500 100 2,600 1,000 27,971 -10,256 17,715 ....._ _______________ City of Frie11dswood, Texas _______________ ___ I I 11 11 r1 11 II I : I I 11 u u u ti 1 ,jj_ .---------------------Annual Budget ___________________ _ DETAIL Department Division CI'IY SECRETARY GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5100 -Salaries and Wages 5101 -Executive 5121 -Clerical/ Part Time 5137 -Social Security 5138 -Retirement TOTAL 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage 5203 -Office Supplies TOTAL 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5401 -Furniture, Fixtures & Office Machines TOTAL . 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5505 -Travel Expense 5507 - Advertising G Public Notices 5509 -Rental of Equi pment 5513 -Books & Periodicals 5514 -Memberships 5525 -Printing (Ordinance & Specifications) TOTAL 5600 -Sundry Charges· 5618 -Recordings Fees 5619 -Miscellaneous Expense TOTAL TOTAL DEPARIMENTAL BUDGET Actual Expenditure Activity GENERAL GOVERNMENT Budget 6 Months Expenditures Number 1005 Budget l9n-l 9An 18,030 1,260 1,105 1,376 21,771 500 2,000 2,500 100 100 850 450 100 100 100 1_1000 2,600 800 200 1,000 27,971 ________________ Gity of Friendswood, Texas------------------' I' fl 1· I J I 11 l 1 I L 11 u IJ I lJ fj 32 Annual Budget IJ IL Department Division Activity Number CITY SECRETARY GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1005 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1979-1980 9000 -INTER-DEPARTMENTAL CHARGES & REIMBURSEMENTS 9041 -Water Department -5,1289043 -Sewer Department -5,128 TOTAL REIMBURSEMENTS -10,256 TOTAL BUDGET AFTER REIMBURSEMENTS 17,715 (•� .__ _______________ Cit y of Friendswood, Texas _______________ _, I I I I r1 I ]I I I I I t Il. 1 1 1 I �--------------------Annual Budg et---------------------, PBRSONNELSCHEDULE I Department Division CITY SECRETARY GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE City Secretary Clerk (Contact -280 Hours) SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TarAL FRINGE BENEFITS TarAL SALARIES AND WAGES Activity GENERAL GOVERNMENT Number 1005 EMPLOYEES Budget Number 1 1 Rate of Pay 1979-1980 1502.50 mol. 18,030 4.50 htj. 1,260 19,290 .0613 I 1,105 .0763 I 1,376 2,481 21,771 [I I LI I I L--------------City of Friendswood, Texas __ ____._ ____ ..____ ---- vv ,j4 Annual Budget{ I SUI 1RY { :Department Division Activity Number FINANCE GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1006 11 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION I Actual 6 Months BudgetExpenditureBudget E>ependitures 1977-1Cl781{ 1 q7R_ 1 Q?Q�': 1 Q?R-1 Q7Q1: 1 Q?Q .1 QRn Salaries and Wages 61,389 rl Supplies 2,700 I I Maintenence of Equipment 325 Miscellaneous Services 925 11 Sundry Charges 250 Capital Outlay 1,000 lI 66,589 Inter-departmental Charges -:-30,696 l l and Reimbursements JI TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 35,893 11 * New Department -No previou: I I LI { I u 1-1 I I L----------------City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __. I l I r-::=-==-=--==--==--==-==--======== Annual Budgetr I r , ' l I'r I I I r I l I 11 I I I_ I u u !.l Ll DETAIL Department Division FINANCE GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure 1077 .107"·'· 5100 -Salaries and Wages 5101 -Executive 5102 -Supervisory 5103 -Clerical 5107 -So cial Security 5108 -Retirement TITTAL 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage 5203 -Office Supplies TITTAL 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5401 -Furniture, Fixtures, and Office Machines TOTAL 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5505 -Travel Expense 5513 -Books and Periodicals 5514 -Memberships TOTAL 5600 -Sundry Charges 5619 -Miscellaneous TOTAL . Activity Number GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1006 6 Months Budget Expenditures Budget 107Q_7070* 107Q_1070* 1Q7Q-1QAn 19,260 12,984 21,720 3,308 4,117 61,389 200 22 500 2,700 325 325 775 so 100 925 250 250 ....__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ---------------� j:) 11 11 I I 11 I I: I f I II 1 I I. LI L� I I u I t. Li Li 36 Annual Budget l::J IL Department Division Activity Number FINANCE GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1006 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1977-19781, 1978-19791, 1978-19791, 1979-1980 6000 -CaEital Outlay 6410 -Furniture, Fixtures, and Office Equipment 1,000 TOTAL 1,000 TOTAL DEPAR'IMENT BUDGET 66,589 9000 -Inter-departmental Charges and Reimbursements 9041 -Water Department -15,3489043 -Sewer Department -152348 TOTAL REIMBURSEMENTS -30,696 TOTAL BUDGET AFI'ER REIMBURSEMENTS 35,893 ,__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __. 1. .---------------Annual B u dget ---------------, PERSONNEL SCHEDULE I I Department I Division I A ctivity Number ! I I POSITION TITLE Finance Director Accountant III Accountant I Purchasing Agent SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES :RAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES Number 1 1 1 1 Rate of Pay 1605 1082 842 968 Budget 1979-1980 19,260 12,984 10,104 11,616 S3,964 I l I Social Security Retirement .0613 3,308 .0763 4,117 II r r, I I I TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES 7,425 61,389 u I 11 '-r l I .....::-....::::--=-.-=-..=-..=-.======= City of Friendswood, Texas -_____ _ 37 11 l l fl 11 [I 11 [I l I I I .I.I l1 11 ll I.I u l l ,j0 r-----------------Annual Budget -----------------7 SUMMARY Division Department LEGA.L GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASS IF ICA TION Salaries and Wages Sundry Charges Inter-departmental Charges and Reimbursements TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS l Actual Expenditure 1977-19781: *New department -No previous history Activity GENERAL GOVERNMENT Number 1008 8 Months Budget I E�itures I Budget 1978-1979* 1978-1979* 1979-1980 7,200 15,500 22,700 -5,000 17,700 City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ --1 II 11 f I j 11 n u J J l l 39 Annual Budget C IL Department Division Activity Number LEGAL GENERAL FUND GOVERNMENT 1008 Actual 6 Months EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1979-1980 5100 -Salaries and Wages 5127 -Retainer Fees 7;200 TOTAL 7,200 5600 -Sundry Charges 5602 -Legal Expense -Other 15,000 5617 -Codification of City Ordinances 500 TOTAL 15,500 TOTAL DEPARI'MENTAL BUDGET 22,700 9000 -Inter-Departmental Charges and Reimbursements 9041 -Water Department -2,5009043 -Sewer Department -2,500 TOTAL REIMBURSEMENTS -5,000 TOTAL BUDGET AFTER REIMBURSEMENTS 17,700 � ·. ...__ ______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ ___. f. Ce i partment MUNICIPAL COURT Annual Budget SUI Division GENERAL FUND Actual 1RY Activity GENERAL GOVERNMENT 6 Months EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget Expenditures 7q77_7q7R 1 Q?R, .1 Q7Q 1 Q7Q, ,1 Q7Q Salaries and Wages 16,620 17,898 7,940 1-1 Supplies 860 615 352 Maintenance of Buildings and Grot.U1ds 32 -0--0- I Miscellaneous Services 237 750 328 St.U1dry Charges 1,013 475 38 : I Capital Outlay 348 200 -0- TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 19,110 19,938 8,658 I 1_11 11 l l ' Number 1009 Budget 1 q7q_ 1 qRn 34,823 4,612 50 2,140 275 1,550 43,450 J· .__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ __ u I ll r I I I u u 11 i t 41 Annual Budget ----�� El IL ' Department Division Activity Number MUNICIPAL COURT GENERAL fUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1009 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1977-1978 1978 -1979 1978-1979 1979-1 qRn 5100 -Salaries and Wages 5103 -Clerical and Legal 13,743 14,233 6,521 29,816 5106 -Overtime 1,392 1,500 -0-1,600 5107 -Social Security 400 966 600 1,926 5108 -Retirement Plan _702 741 344 1,481 5109 -Group In�urance 383 458 475 -0- TOTAL 16,620 17,898 7,940 34,823 5200 -Supplie� 5202 -Postage 38 200 63 150 5203 -Office Supplies 822 400 284 4,432 5218 -Laundry and Cleaning -0-15 5 30 TOTAL 860 615 352 4,612 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 5301 -Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 32 -0-.-0-50 TOTAL 32 -0--0-50 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5503 -Insurance General 67 -0--0--0-5504 -SUI'ety Bonds -0-28 1 905505 -Trav el Expense and Reg. Fees 64 197 321 750 5506 -Auto Allowance 46 200 6 -0-5511 -Sp ecial Services -0-100 -0-1005513 -Books and Periodicals -0-25 -0-50 5514 -Memberships 60 200 -0-200 5519 -Utilities -0--0--0-950 TOTAL 237 750 328 2,140 ,__ ______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ __, 11 I I r I rl [' I l r1 L1 u l 1 l I ' l 42 Annual Budget C IL Department Division Activity Number MUNICIPAL COURT GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1009 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1977-1978 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 5600 -Sundry Charges 5602 -Legal 150 -0--0--0-5603 - Jury Fees 554 400 38 2005619 -Miscellaneous Expense 309 75 -0-75 TOTAL 1,013 475 38 275 6000 -CaEital Outlal 6410 -Furniture, Fixtures, and Office Equipment 348 200 -0-1,550 TOTAL 348 200 -0-1,550 TOTAL MUNICIPAL COURT BUDGET 19,110 19,938 8,658 43,450 .___ ______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ __. r I ' I I l I l, 1 f I I ..---------------------Annual Budget--------------------, PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Departme nt Divisio n MUNICIPAL COURT POSITION TITLE Court Clerk Deputy Clerk Judge (Part-time) Prosecutor (Part-time) Overtime �l='Nl=''R AT . Fl INT) SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES 1,r1at rate, per court night Activity �RAT. �OVF.RI\JMF.N'T' EMPLOYEES Nu mber 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I Rate of Pay 868/rno I 1,-1-'"7'5tr/mo 125 :', 751, Number 1 (l(lQ Budget 1Q7Q_7n'7n 10,416 9,000 6,500 3,900 _h600 31,416 1,926 1,481 3,407 34�823 ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas-----�-----------' 4-5 l r 1 1 1· I ,1 1I 1 1 I 1 1· I ,1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I ·• I I I I r .Ii' l l l:I -1I I I Annual Budget 1RY SUMMARY Cepartment Division Division Cepartment ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION GENERAL FlJND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Wages Salaries and Wages SuppliesSupplies Maintenance of Building & Gro Maintenance of Bui lding & Grounds Maintenance of Equ ipmentMaintenance of Equipment Miscellaneous ServicesMiscellaneous Services Sundry Charges Capital Outlay Sundry Charges Capital Outlay TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS �•: Administration Deparbnent h 1001 -Mayor and Council 1002 -City Manager 1005 -City Secretary 1006 -Finance Deparbnent 1008 -Legal Deparbnent 1034 -City Hall 1036 -General Fund Other Actual Expenditure 1977-1978 67,763 12,562 1,887 996 39,256 50,028 8,959 181,451 Activity Activity Number Number GENERAL GOVERNMENT GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1010 1010 6 Months Budget Budget Expenditures 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-19801; 6 Months Budget Budget Expenditures 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-19801; 76,626 76,626 33,503 33,503 10,000 10,000 3,272 3,272 750 750 1,782 1,782 1,200 1,200 826 826 76,100 76,100 25,385 25,385 48,800 48,800 35,332 35,332 5,500 5,500 64,445 64,445 218,976 218,976 164,545 164,545 j into the following new deparbnents::he following new deparbnents: u I J j___ ____ City of F,.ienr.'swoo d, Texas 44 f I [ I r1 fl J I II 11 ,. I II f_l u L 4o Annual Budget C1 IL Department Division Activity Number All1INISTRATION GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1010 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1977-1978 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 5100 -Salaries and Wages 5101 -Executive 14,031 15,930 7,391 5102 -Supervisory -0--0--0-5103 -Clerical and Labor 46,553 49,812 21,452 5106 -Overtime 867 -0--0- 5107 -Social Se9urity 1,738 4,000 2,272 5108 -Retirement 3,148 4,340 1,484 5109 -Group Insurance 1,426 3,084 904 TOTAL 67,763 76,626 33,503 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage 728 750 755 5203 � Office Supplies 7,458 5,750 265 5211 -Paint, Lumber, and Hardware 3 200 17 5214 -Fuel and Oil 788 800 347 5215 -Medical Supplies 2 50 5 5217 - Janitor Supplies 1,059 500 495 5218 -Uniforms 35 -0-149 5220 -Foods 2,4-66 1,800 1,239 5223 -Minor Tools and Equipment 23 100 -0-5227 -Oil and Grease -0-50 -0- TOTAL 12,526 10,000 3,272 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 5301 -Buildings and Grounds 1,887 750 1,782 TOTAL 1,887 750 1,782 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5401 -Furniture, Fixtures, and Office Machines 598 800 379 5402 -Motor Vehicles 163 250 267 5403 -Radio and Radar 235 150 180 TOTAL 996 1,200 826 ---------------City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ __, Annual Budget r I DETAIL rl Department I Division r, ADMINISTRATION I GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION fl. I I I I 5500 -Miscellaneous Services r/1 I 5512 - Special Training 5503 -General Insurance ExpenseI 111 5504 -Surety Bonds 5505 -Travel Expense 5506 -Auto Allowance ·5507 -Advertising & Public Notices 1111 5509 -Rental of Equipment 5511 -Special Services I.I II I I J_f II J I 11 11 I I .-I I 11 11 l_j II fJ 5513 -Books and Periodicals5514 -Memberships 5515 -Election Expense 5517. -Utilities TOTAL 5600 -Sundry Charges 5601 -Auditing5602 -Legal 5605 -Tax Appraisals 5606 -Taxes to Other Agencies 5610 -Architectural Services 5611 -Data Processing & Billing5612 -Mowing -Vacants Lots 5619 -Miscellaneous ExpenseTOTAL 6000 -Capital Outlay 6505 -Signs -City Buildings6203 -Buildings & Grounds 6410 -Furniture, Fixtures, andOffice Equipment 6450 -Automotive 6460 -Radio and Radar 6480 -Miscellaneous Equipment TOTAL TOTAL ADMINISTRATION BUIX3ET Actual I Expenditure, 1977-1978 -0-18,1461003,748461,2256,2821,1271901,0441,821 5 2527 39,256 5,71516,72813,639-0-3,6348,4647001,14850,028 -0-I 2,124 1,391-0-4,7127328,959 181,451 I Activity I GENERAL GOVERNMENT 6 Months Budget Expenditures1978-1979 1978-1979 -0-15055,000 12,9966001064,000 3,157100105501386,000 3,2471504634002111,000 444 1,300 408 72000 4,055 76,100 25,385 5,000 6,52515,000 2,36022,000 23,979700-0--0--0-4,900 2,391-0--0-1,200 7748,800 35,332 -0-I 520 2,500 63,544 2,00Q 381-0--0--0--0-1 2000 -0-5,500 64,445 218,976 164,545 l I City of Friendswood, Texas 46 Number 1010 I Budget 1979-1980 l(i ,�� r Annual Budget i' PERSONNEL SC I i Department I Division I ADMINISTRATION !IfII POSITION TITLE GENERAL FUND II) I II ____________ _ 1 1 l I I• I I i1 i', City Manager City Secretary Acrountant III City Manager Secretary Staff Support Receptionist Administrative Assistant Accountant I Janitor HEDULE Activity EMPLOYEES Number Rate of Pay \ I j . .._____ ____ City of Friendswood, Texas ---· 47 Number 1010 Budget ----____ J Annual Budget I SUI �RY I Cepartment Division Activity -, PLANNING AND ZONING GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT I l ·1 I l i i' i 1 11 I lI II I I 11 1 11 111\ I 'i L EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Su pplies Miscellaneous Services Sundry Charges Capital Outlay TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures 7 Q77-1 Q7A 1 Q7A-1 Q7Q 1 Q7A-1 Q7Q 430 200 32 -0-1,100 18 2,059 5,100 4,495. -0-100 279 2,489 6,500 4,824 4t$ Number 1011 Budget 7q?q_79Rn 300 1,100 5,100 -0- 6,500 .__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ ___. fl t ! 1: I l n 11 I I LI f 1 l1 Li l_ 4� Annual Budget IJ IL Department Division Activity Number PLANNING AND ZONING GENERAL FUND GENER AT Grn, ... f-<'.1\11vlENI' 1 n11 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1977-1978 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 5200 -Supplies . 5202 -Postag e 84 100 24 100 5203 -Office. Supplies 346 100 8 200 TOTAL 430 200 32 300 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5505 -Travel & Registration Fees -0-900 -0-900 5507 -Ad vertising & Public Notices -0-100 18 100 5513 -Books & Periodicals -0-100 -0-100 TOTAL -0-1,100 18 1,100 5600 -Sundry Charges 5602 -Legal Fees -0-1,500 -0-1,500 5610 -Engineering Service 2,035 3,500 4,495 3,500 5619 -Miscellaneous 24 100 -0-100 TOTAL 2,059 5,100 4,495 5,100 6000 -Capital Outlay 6410 -Furniture, Fixtures, and Office Equipment -0-100 279 .-0- TOTAL -0-100 279 .-0- TOTAL PLANNING AND ZONING 2,489 6,500 4,824 6,500 BUIX;ET � ..__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas-----------------' l11 SUI �RY Annuaf Budget .I Division Activity 11 Department I COMMUNITY SERVICES GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1' I EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget E�enditures 1977-1978 1978-1979 19 8-1979 I Salaries and Wages 20,181 30,168 14,170 -1 Supplies 1,516 1,575 345 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 930 300 192 Maintenance of Equipment 295 196 141 . I Miscellaneous Services 4,622 6,800 1,987 Sundry Charges 8 -0-1,900 Capital Outlay 5,384 3,1,695 1,576 I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS -32;936 42,734 20,311 . I J1 I J ·1 I1 11 I L.1 . Number 1012 Budget 1979-1980 32,.872 1,631 300 195 8,447 -0- 6,829 50,274 \ ..._ ______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ ___. 50 I I 11 [ I r I I I I l_ l l1 ll u LI I ::>.l Annual Budget El IL Department Division Activity Number COMMUNI'IY SERVICES GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1012 6 Months EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1977-1978 1978-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 5100 -Salaries and Wages 5102 -Supervisory Wages 11,848 15,600 7,399 20,920 5103 -Clerical 7,593 11,280 4,909 7,020 5107 -Social Security 455 1,649 1,117 1,823 5108 -Retirement 18 1,181 516 1,309 5109 -Group Insurance 267 458 229 -0-5119 -Overtime 1,800 TOTAL 20,181 30,168 14,170 32,872 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage 59-100 41 100 5203 -Office Supplies 737 850 232 875 5204 -Brochures -0-225 -0-225 5211 -Paint, Lumber & Hardware 447 -0--0--0-5215 -Medical -0--0--0--0-5217 -Janitor Supplies 66 350 11 1005220 -Foods -0--0-33 80 5223 -Minor Tools & Equipment 207 50 28 251 TOTAL 1,516 1,575 345 1,631 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings, Grounds, Etc. 5301 -Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 930 300 192 300 TOTAL 930 300 192 300 5400 -Maintenance of Eguipment 5401 -Maintenance of Furniture, Fixtures & Office Equip. 295 196 141 195 TOTAL 295 196 141 195 .__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ ___, ,. f I I L I I I f J 11 L ,..... ___________________ Annual Budget-----------------------. DETAIL Dep artmen t Division COMMUNITY SERVICES GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5500 -Miscellaneous 5503 -General Insurance 5505 -Travel Exp. & Reg. Fees 5506 -Auto Allowance 5507 -Advertising & Public Noticei 5511 -Special Services 5512 -Special Training 5513 -Books & Program Supplies 5514 -Memberships 5517 -Utilities TOTAL 5600 -Sundry Charges 5619 -Contingency 5620 -Psychological Consultant 5621 -Intern Program TOTAL 6000 -Capital Outlay 6200 -Buildings & Structures 6203 -Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds TOTAL 6400 -Other Equipment 6410 -Furniture, Fixtures, and Office Equipment 6460 -Radio and Radar Equipment TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES BUDGET Actual Expenditure 1977-1978 189 73 148 58 2,000 699 167 30 1,258 4,622 8 . -0- -0- 8 2 2,,824 2,824 2,560 -0- 2,560 32,936 Activity GENERAL GOVERNMF.N'l Budget 1978-1979 50 -0-90075 2,000 800 350 30 2,595 6,800 -0--0- -0- -0- 3,000 3,000 695 -0- 695 42,734 6 Months Expenditures 1978-1979 -0--0- 323 9 -0- 135 123 -0-1,397 1,987 -0- 600 1,300 1,900 155 155 821 600 1,421 20,311 Number 101? Budget 1979_-19_80 -0--0- 900 75 1,950 700 470 45 4,307 8,447 -0--0- -0- -0- 5,000 5,000 1,829 -0- 1,829 6,829 50,274 .__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ __, 52 r· -r r1 rl f I rl 11 I I 11 I I I 11 u ll ll LJ vv .---------'-------------Annual Bu dget------------------� P ■RSONN·EL SCHEDULE Departme nt Division COMMUNITY SERVICES GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE Director/Counselor Secretary (30 hrs/week) Assistant Counselor (20 hrs/week) Overtime and Callouts SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Activity rrt.n:'R�T. �()\n:'R'll!Mt:'11.1 EMPLOYEES Nu mber 1 1 1 Rate of Pay 1,280/Mo 4.50/hr. 5.56/hr. .0613 .0763 Number 1 ()1? Budget 1979-19 80 15,360 7,020 5,560 1,800 29,740 1,823 1,309 3,132 32,872 .__ _______________ Cit y of Friendswood, Texas-______________ _ . 54 I Annual Budget I' I SUI .RY ·, I Department Division Activity Number YNOC GENERAL FUND ·GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1013 I EXPENDITURE CLAISIFICA TION ActuaJ e Months Expenditure Budget E>tpendltures Budget 1977-1978 1978 -1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 1! I Supplies -0-500 -0-500 11 Miscellaneous Services -0-700 -0-700 \ I 11 11 I I J I TOTALAPPROPRIATIONS -0 -1,200 -0-1,200 11 11 11 I I ll ti JI i.....--------------City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ ___. I •I • "' 11 I I I 11 u -ri: ll I 11 I.I lI A I Budget ll IL Department Division YNOC l�r-.Nr-:k'AT fllhlT) EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5200 -SuJ2plies 5242 -Sumner Program TaTAL 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5525 -Programs TaTAL YNOC DEPARI'MENTBl.JD3ET -. Actual Expenditure 1977-1 q711 -0- -0- - -0- I ' ,..•.: Activity Number -·I\T "f'\l:--::'-,n ·,.. ,.1 /'l1 ') . 6 Months Budget Expenditures Budget 1 Q?A-1 Q7Q 1 07Q_ 1 Q7Q 1070_1QQ(l 500 -0-500 ·700 -0-700 1,200 -0-1,200 l.l JJ l ----------------City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ _. 55 �~: ffl 56 [ r1 11r1 rl I I I _I ]_ I I I 1..1 11 11 u u l l Annual Budget _______ ..,..._.,... ________ _ SUMMARY Department Division PUBLIC WORKS EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Wages Supplies Maintenance of Equipment _ GENERAL FUND l Actual Exg_endlture1977-1978 Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds Sundry Charges TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Acilvltv GENERAL GOVERNMENT f$ Months 8ud �t I �x_pendltures 1978-1979 1978 -1979* 20,355 10,093 1,430 466 500 -0- -0--0- 50 36 22,335 10,595 *Deparbnent established during· fiscal year �978-1979._� :. • Number 1018 Budget 1979-1980 24,606 1,650 800 600 50 27 ,706 .__ __ -,-___________ Cit y of Friendswood, Texas ______________ ___. h��06· 1 11�1:;� �0,-:-'-=-.. ,J,1 =============---\'S:: -· / Annual Budget J: ,,re� f I 11 l I 11 [J I I I L I lI ti I I 11 I DETAIL Department Division PUBUC WORKS GENERAL F1JND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5100 -Salaries and Wages 5102 -Supervisory Salary 5107 -Social Security 5108 -Retirement 5109 -Group Insurance TOTAL 5200 -Supplies 5203 -Office Supplies 5206 -Rental Copy Machine 5214 -Fuel and Oil 5218 -Uni forms 5223 -Minor Tools & Equipment TOTAL 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 5301 -Buildings & Grounds TOTAL 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5402 -Maintenance of Vehicle 5403 -Maintenance of Radio Equip. 5404 -Maintenance of Tires TOTAL 5600 -Miscellaneous Expense 5619 -Miscellaneous Expense TOTAL TOTAL BUDGET Actual Expenditure 1977-1978 Activity Number GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1018 Budget 1978-1979 17,197 1,056 1,303 799 20,355 150 200 800 380 100 1,430 .. -0- -0- 300 200 -0- 500 50 50 22,335 6 Months Expenditures I Budget 1978-1979 1979-1980 8,255 799 623 436 10,093 -0--0-317149-0- 466 -0- -0- -0--0--0- -0- 36 36 10,595 21,636 1,326 1,644 -0- 24,606 150 200 800 400 100 1,650 600 600 300 200 300 800 50 50 27,706 .__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas __ .,.._ ___________ __, 57. r r I l I rl f l 11 II J 1.1 I LI I. u .J ll l L 58 _____________________ Annu al Budget--------------------, P ■RSONNELSCHEDULB Department Division PUBLIC WORKS GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE Director SUB-TOTAL SALARIES·AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Activity Number GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1018 EMPLOYEES I Budget Number I 1 I Rate of Pay:-1,79-lS•n 1803/Mo 212636 21,636 .0613 1,326 .0763 1,644 22,970 24,606 ...._ _______________ Cit y of Friendswood, Texa� -------------. J (1 SUI �RY Annual Budget Division Activity I l Department I POLICE GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY f I EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 8 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures I 1977-1978 1978-1979 1978-1979 Salaries and Wages 270,611 352,374 161,865 l I Supplies 25,698 29,225 10,758 11 Maintenance of Buildings & Ground:: 482 400 322 Maintenance of Equipment 15,081 17,350 9,614 I 1 Miscellaneous Service 14,323 7,900 19,859 Sundry Services 473 1,100 90 I Capital Outlay 28,644 37,391 29,999 l I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 355,312 445,740 232,507 I 11 I l I I ; Number 1021 Budget 1979-1980 411,188 35,145 6,000 19,970 12,165 800 12,500 497.,768 .___ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ _. 59 r I f I f I ri n rl 11 ll I I ' I r I Li u LI L l 60 A I Budget 1 C IL Department Division Activity Number POLICE GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY 1021 Actual 6 Months EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1977-1978 1Q7H-1Q7Q 1 Q7H-1 q7q 1070 .10Q(I 5100 -Salaries and Wages 5102 -Supervisory 77,854 68,136 32, 714 40,128 5103 -Clerical & Labor 150,413 217,450 98,362 308,728 5104 -Workers Canpensation 442 -0--0--0-5105 -Supplemental 1,193 -0--0--0-5106 -Overtime 12,822 10,800 5,171 13,540 5107 -Social Security 6,667 18,184 12,099 22,215 5108 -Retirement 12,683 20,704 7,634 26,577 5109 -Group Insurance 8,537 17,100 52885 -0- TOTAL 270,611 352,374 161,865 411,188 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage 328 300 220 825 5203 -Office Supplies 2,478 3,500 363 5,500 I 5204 -Wearing Apparel 4,771 4,500 1,498 5,100 5205 -Badges & Insignia 292 900 599 900 5208 -Chemical & Photo Lab. 1,230 1,800 119 2,000 5214 -Fuel and Oil 13,443 12,800 7,268 15,400 5215 -Medical and Supplies -0-50 2 20 5217 -Janitor Supplies 549 475 209 500 5219 -Arrmunition and Range 640 2,000 61 2,000 5220 -Foods; Prisoner and Other 391 400 150 400 5223 -Minor Tools and Equipment 1,576 2,500 269 2,500 TOTAL 25 ,698 29,225 10,758 35,145 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 5301 -Buildings and Grounds 482 400 322 6,000 TarAL 482 400 322 6,000 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5401 -Maintenance of Furniture and Office Equipment 379 850 273 850 5402 -Motor Vehicles 11,158 12,000 7,472 14,000 ...__ ______________ Cit y of Friendswood , Texas ______________ __. I l1 [I n fl u lI l I f I I I I LI r ___________________ Annual Budget--------------------, DETAIL Departmen t Division POLICE , t\ T. l=l 1tm EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment (Cont.) 5403 -Radio and Radar 5412 -Miscellaneous Equipment TOTA L 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5501 -Vehicle Insurance 5503 -Insurance General 5504 -Surety Bonds 5505 -Travel Expenses & Reg. Fees 5507 -Advert ising & Public Notices 5509 -Rental of Equipment 5511 -Special Services 5512 -Special Training 5513 -Books & Periodicals 5514 -Memberships 5517 -Utilites 5519 -Telegraph TOTAL 5600 -Sundry Charges 5607 -Medical Exams 5609 -Medical Expense, Non. Bnp. 5619 -Miscellaneous Expense TOTAL 6000 -Capital Outlay 6410 -Furniture, Fixtures and Office Equipment 6450 -Autanotive Equipment 6460 -Radio and Radar Equipment 6480 -Miscellaneous Equipment TOTAL TOTAL POLICE DEPARIMENT BUDGET Actual Expenditure 1977-1978 2,119 1,425 15,081 -0- 9,117 28 370 40 18 -0- 525 610 24 3,337 254 14,323 225 137 111 437 1,200 17,009 9,113 1,322 28,644 355,312 Activity PT TR T .T (' C: A l='Pl"'V Budget 1978-1979 4,000 500 17,350 -0--0--0- 1,800 100 -0--0- 900 450 150 3,000 1,500 7,900 600 300 200 1,100 2,291 .19 ,500 10,000 5,600 37,391 445,740 6 Months Expenditures 1978-1979 1,566 303 9,614 3,884 12,348 56 188 5 -0- 50235 103 25 2,965 -0- 19,859 50 40 -0- 90 1,815 20,281 7,197 706 29,999 232,2507 Number 10?1 Budget 1979-1980 4,520 600 19,970 -0--0- 100 765 100 50 100 700 400 150 8,000 1,800 12,165 300 300 200 800 3,000 -0- 7,500 2,000 12,500 49T, 768 .__ ______________ City of Friendswood, Texas--------------� 61 I I PERSONNI I f I Department Division Annual Budget I POLICE GENERAL FUND 11 I I ' I I I I I I I I I I ll [l I I I I i j POSITION TITLE Chief Lieutenant (Adm. Assistant) Lieutenant (Patrol) Sergeant Patrolman Patrolman (S.T.E.P. Officer) Detective (Junior Grade) Records Clerk Dispatcher Part-time Dispatchers School Crossing Guard Overtime SUB-TOTAL SAlARIES AND WAGES Social Securit y Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SAlARIES AND WAGES -· CHEDULE Activity Ptrnur. SAFF.'rY EMPLOYEES Rate of Number Pay 1 1,802 1 1,542 1 1,542 3 1,392-1,48� 9 1,201-1,321 1· 1,240 1· 1,362 .. ,, ,.. 2 751-814 4 721-812 .:--.r c, 2 260 .0613 .763 I l. *Selective Traffic Enforcement Program, 70% furn ed by Feden 1 Grant. I Number ___l0.21_ Budget 1 Q7Q_ 1 QRn 21,624 I 18,504 18,504 51,684 138,396 ll�, 880:'( 16,344 18 ,780 36,060 9,400 4,680 13,540 362,396 22,215 26,577 48,792 411,188 ------I: ..____ _____ C. f F . �-----1ty o nendswood, Texa� ____ ·-··--· 62 ,..:..::._ _________________ Annual Budget (1 SUI �RV ·' 11 Department Olvlllon I F'TRF. <COMBINED) GENERAL FUND I' I I EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual I Expenditure 197.7-1978 I' I I I Salaries and Wages 9,547 Supplies 13,064 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 188 Maintenance of Equipment 14,937 I Miscellaneous Services 17 ,360 Sundry Charges 373 j Capital Outlay 27,358 I ' TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 82,827 � I 1111 I I /.l ll u I Activity PUBLICE SAFETY 8 Months Budget Expenditures 1978-1979 1978-1979 18,588 7,655 8,810 3,813 8,400 . 179 14,086 5,907 16,118 2,921 -0--0- 18,527 29,884 84,529 50,359 ·; Number 182� 1024 Budget 1979-1980 19,629 16,490 7,250 16,100 13,694 -0- 26,271 99,434 I ..._ ______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ _. 63 64 Annual Budget l 1 I SUI �RY ; 11 Department Division Activity Number 1 FIRE (ADMINISTRATIVE) GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFEI'Y 1022 11 l EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget I 1977-1978 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979 1980 ( I Salaries and Wages 9,547 18,588 7,655 19,629 I I I Supplies 1,114 1,100 265 1,450 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 188 8,400 179 7,250 11 Maintenance of Equiµnent 3,480 2,150 486 1,550 I Miscellaneous Services 6,645 4,918 1,337 4,822 Sundry Charges 373 -0--0--0- Capital Outlay 9,761 5,150 3,846 2,200 J I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 31,108 40,306 13,768 _. 36,901 I I 11 I I Ll ! '-----------------City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ _. '· I I l I f I I I r1 I I LI 11 I I I I LI u IJ l .I l. 65 Annual Budget EJ IL Department Division Activity Number FIRE (ADMINISTRATIVE) GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY 1022 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1977-1978 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 5100 -Salaries and Wages 5103 -Labor Wages 9,045 15,962 6,402 17,510 5106 -Overtime -0--0--0--0-5107 -Social Security 142 980 577 1,073 5108 -Retirement 66 1,188 447 1,046 5109 -Group Insurance 294 458 229 -0----- TOTAL 9,547 18,588 7,655 19,629 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage -0--0-28 75 5203 -Office Supplies 588 500 115 400 5204 -Uniforms -0--0--0-225 5217 -Janitor 210 300 34 325 5223 -Minor Tools and Equipment 316 300 88 425 TOTAL 1,114 1,100 265 1,450 5300 -Mai ntenance of Buildings & Grounds 5301 -Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 188 -0-179 7,250 -Building Electrical -0-1,000 -0--Building General -0-7,000 -0- . A/C Reworked •Inside & OutsideWalls and Doors•Roof Leaks-Grounds -0-400 -0- TOTAL 188 8,400 179 7,250 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5401 :--Furniture, Fixtures and Office Equipment -0-500 486 750 5402 -Radio and Radar 653 1,650 -0-800 5412 -Miscellaneous Equipment 2,827 -0--0--0- TOTAL ':> l1nn ,�;150 486 1,550 .__ _______________ City of Friendswood , Texas ______________ _ r 111 -A=�U�Qe1 DliTAIL r' rl [I Ll r I 11 11 J I 1 f l l. LI u I l Department Division FIRE (ADMINISTRATIVE) GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure 1977-1978 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5503 -Insurance General 2,700 5505 -Travel Expense 4 5507 -Advertising 19 5512 -Special Training -0-5514 -Memberships -0-5517 -Utilities 3,922 TOTAL 6,645 5600 -Sundry Charges 5616 -Transfer to FVFD -0-5619 -Contingency 373 TOTAL 373 6000 -Capital Outlay 6203 -.Buildings & Grounds 2,995 6460 -Radio and Radar 6,766 TOTAL 9,761 TOTAL FIRE (ADMINISTRATIVE) BUIX;ET 312108 Activity Number PUBUC SAFEI'Y 1022 6 Months Budget Expenditures Budget 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-19_80 -0-44 -0- 1,018 1,164 225-0-129 -0-300 -0--0--0--0-903,600 -0-4,507 4,918 1,337 4,822 -0--0--0.-e-0--0--0- -0--0--0- 2,300 -0--0-2,850 3,846 2,200 5,150 2i§46 2,200 40,306 132768 36,901 ......._ _______________ City of Fr iendswood, Texas _______________ __. t>t> I ·111 1 Ii l II' Annual Budget ----------------------, PERSONNEL SCHEDULE I Department I Division FIRE (AIMINISTRATIVE) GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE Fireman/EM!' Apparatus Maintenance Buildings & Grounds Maintenance Man SUB-TOTAL SAIARIES AND WAGES Social Se�urity Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SAIARIES AND WAGES Activity HIBLIC SAFF.'T'Y EMPLOYEES Number ..1.022 Bu dget Rate of I I Number I Pay 1979-l.9.80- 1.0 l,1 �2j 13,704 .s 3.66 3,806 17,510 1,073 1,046 2,2119 19.2,629 l 11 I -------City of Friendswood, Texas _____.___� 67 I 1, l SUI lRY Annual Budget I Olvillon Activity 11 Department I FIRE (FIRE FIGHI'ING) GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY \ I EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months ExrMditure Budget ExQendltures 19 7-1978 1978-1979 1978-1979 1'-1 Supplies 9,622 5,450 2,575 Maintenance of Equipment 9,968 10,400 4,987 Miscellaneous Services 8,317 7,200 480 Capital Outlay 16,055 12,177 2,204 J 1· I !I11 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 43,962 35,227 10,246 1 I i I !I IIU1:: ·; Number 1023 Budget 1979-1980 11,240 11,400 6,872 18,071 47,583 ll ,__---.-------------Cit y of Friendswood, Texas ______________ _ 68 l l fl r1 n r1 11 LI u ti L I ____________________ Annual Budget ---------------------, DETAIL Department Division FIRE (FIRE FIGHTING) GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5200 -SupPlies 5204 -Wearing Apparel, Protective Clothing, Unifonns 5208 -Chemical and Lab•Foam, Ext. Powder, etq.•Electrical Parts5214 -Fuel and Oil 5223 -Minor Tools (Fire Fighting) TOTAL 5400 -Maintenance of Equipme nt 5402 -Motor Vehicles (and Pumps) 5403 -Radio Repair 5412 -Miscellaneous Equipment TOTAL 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5501 -Vehicle Insurance 5502 -Personnel Insurance 5505 -Travel Expense & Reg Fees 5511 -Special Services 5512 -Special Training (A&M Sumner Schools, Field Days, Instructor Train­ing , Chief's Con ference) 5513 -Books, Periodicals and Training Aids 5514 -Memberships TOTAL 6000 -Capital Outlay 6426 -Safety Equipment .Safety Bars, Grab Rail �teps, Belts, Hooks Actual Expen�iture �1Q?Q 4,658 1,334 3,010 620 9,622 7,401 1,388 1,179 9,968 2,646 1,104 37 -0-3,485 621 424 8,317 1,029 Activity Pl IRT .Tr' �AFETY Budget 1 Q?Q_ 1 Q?Q 2,700 1,000 250 1,000 500 5,450 8,400 1,500 500 10,400 1,800 1,200 200 -0- 3,200 500 300 7,200 500 6 Months Expenditures 1 Q ? Q -1__Q__'1__Q 897 95 1,378 205 2,575 4,735 145 107 4,987 -0--0-20-0- 315 63 82 480 -0- Number 1nn Budget 1 Q?Q_ 1 QAO 4,788 1,250 4,702 500 11,240 10,400 500 500 11,400 -0--0-200-0-6,022 350 300 6,872 500 .__ ______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ __. 69 I ---------------------Annua l Budgetr1 r1 [I f I I ll ' El IL Department Division FIRE (FIRE FIGHTING) GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Ac tual Expenditure 1977-1978 6000 -Capital Outlay (Cont'd) 6460 -Radio Equipment 6,801 6490 -Fire Services Equipment 8 2225 TOTAL 16,055 TOTAL FIRE DEPI'. (FIRE) 43,962 BUDGET Activity Number PUBLIC SAFETY 1023 6 Months Budget Expenditures Budget 1978 1cm:i 1q?A-1q7q 1Q7Q_1Qlrn 6,150 -0-4,650 6,027 )2,204 12,921 12,177 2,204 18,071 35.z.227 10,246 47,583 I_I 11 11 LI 11 l LI ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas--------------� 70 [ 11 SUI �RY Annual Budget ,I Division Activity r I Department I FIRE (AMBUIANCE) GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY [' I EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Exl)ellditures 197.7-1978 1978-1979 1978-1979 i' I Supplies 2,326 2,260 801 l l Maintenance of Equipment 1,489 1,536 244 I Miscellaneous Services 2,210 4,000 1,015 \I Capital Outlay 1,542 1,200 23,247 11 I I I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 7,567 8,996 25,307 I I I u J J Number 1024 Budget 1979-1980 3,800 3,150 2,000 6,000 14,950 I I .__ ______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ ___, 11 . l I I I I [ I IJ l u Annual Budget C IL Department Division FIRE (AMBUI.ANCE) GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure 1977-1978 5200 - Supplies 5203 - Office Supplies 282 5204 -Wearing Apparel 137 5214 -Fuel & Oil 1,181 5215 -Medical Supplies 726 5223 -Minor Tools & Equipment -0- TOTAL 2,326 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5402 -Vehicles 1,402 5403 -Radib & Radar 87 TOTAL 1,489 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5501 -Vehicle Insurance 1,514 5502 -Malpractice tiability -0-5505 -Travel Expense -0-5511 -Special Services -0-5512 -Special Training 696 TOTAL 2,210 6000 -CaEital Outlay 6420 -Special Equipment 158 6450 -Autanotive Equipment .73 6460 -Radio and Radar 12311 TOTAL 1,542 TOTAL FIRE (RESCUE) DEPI'. 72567Bt.JIX;ET Activity Number PUBLIC SAFCTY 1024 6 Months Budget Expenditures Budget 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 -0--0--0-180 -0-6001,300 715 2,000 780 40 1,000 -0-46 200 2,260 801 3,800 1,036 244 2,550 500 -0-600 1,536 244 3,150 3,000 667 -0-600 -0--0--0-74 -0--0--0--0-400 274 2,000 4,000 1,015 2,000 200 177 6,000 -0-22,848 -0-1,000 222 -0- 1,200 23,247 6,000 8,996 25,307 14,950 LJ ... _ .... _ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -City of Friendswood , Texas ______________ ___. 72 f I rl 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 lIu ll LI I -. I Annual Budget SUMMARY Department Olvillon Activity FIRE MARSHALL GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENDITURE CLUIIF ICA TION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures 1Q77-lq78 1q78-1979 1978 1979 Supplies 2 550 172 Maintenance of Equipment -0--0-190 Miscellaneous Services 188 900 89 Capital Outlay -0-200 587 -- TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 190 1,650 1,038 .. - __ City of Frien,dswood, Te.xas 7 73 Number 1025 Budget 1979-1980 935 150 1,205 350 2,640 I '--:::=---=----=------=----_-_-_-_-_-_-Annual Budgetr' f I f I J I 11 11 I J I I LI Ll t l l DETAIL Department Division FIRE MARSHALL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure 1977-1978 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage -0-5203 -Office Supplies 25203 -Wearing Apparel -0- 5214 -Fuel & Oil -0-5223 -Minor Tools & Equipment -0- Tal'AL 2 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5402 -Vehicle Maintenance -0- TOTAL -0- 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5505 -Travel Expense -0- 5511 -Special Services 1405512 -Special Training -0- 5513 -Books & Periodicals -0-5514 -Memberships 48 TOTAL 188 6000 -Capital Outlay 6426 -Safety Equipment -0-6480 -Special Equipment -0- TOTAL -0- TOTAL DEPARTMENT BUL'GET 190 Activity Number PUBLIC SAFEIY 1025 6 Months Budget Expenditures Budget 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 -0-3 10 200 166 100 -0--0-200 350 -0-600 -0-3 25 550 172 935 -0-190 150 -0-190 150 -0--0-460 -0--0-225 600 -0-120 250 89 350 50 -0-50 900 89 1,205 200 587 -0--0--0-350 200 587 350 1,650 12038 2,640 I ..__ .... -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_-_ -_ -_ -_-_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_-_City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ ___. 74 r' l SUI �RY Annual Budget Olvltlon Activity 11 Department I CIVIL DEFENSE GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY 1 1 I EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 1 Actual e Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures 1977-1978 1978-1979 1978-1979 f I Supplies -0-500 50 1: -- I I I I TOTI\L APPROPRIATIONS -0-500 50 1..1 i-1 ti u l .l 11 Number 1026 Budget 1979 -1980 500 500 l .__ ______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ __. 75 f I .. r1 I I -I n r1 11 11 I I-I _J fl lJ l1 76 Annual Budget CJ IL Department Division Activity Number· CIVIL DEFENSE GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY 1026 Actual 6 Months EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget lc::i77-l c::i?R 1 c::i?R-1 q7q 1 q?R-1 q7q 1 Q7Q ., QAn 5200 -Supplies 5203 -Civil Defense Supplies -0-500 50 500 TOTAL -0-500 50 500 TOTAL CIVIL DEFENSE Bl.JOOET -0-500 50 500 ..__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ ___. 7'7 I J SUI �RY . Annual Budget I ,Department Division Activity Number HUMANE GENERAL RJND PUBLIC SAFETY 1027 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Budget Expenditure Budget Expenditures I 1977-1978 1978-1Cl79 1 Cl78-l979 l Cl?Cl-1 QAn Salaries and Wages 11,138 13,062 4,372 15,925 I I Supplies 1,178 1,400 338 1,957 I I Maintenance of Equipment 324 800 180 700 Miscellaneous Services 323 200 780 650 11 Sundry Charges 66 500 -0-200 Capital Outlay 5,070 500 -0-500 I i I i r TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS :·.18;099 16,462 5,670 19,932 I I I 1 1 I l Ir I I 11 I ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __. 1· I 11 .. r I l I II r! 11 Uii I 11 I I 11 I l � I 11 I I u ii LI Annual Budget DETAIL Department Division HUMANE I GENERAL FUND Actual EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure 1977-1978 5100 -Salaries and Wages 5103 -Clerical & Labor 9,804 5106 -Overtime 617 5107 -Social Security 315 5108 -Retirement -0-5109 -Group Insurance 402 TOTAL 11,138 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage -0-5203 -Office Supplies 505204 -Wearing Apparel 255205 -Badges & Insignia -0-5214 -Fuel & Oil 5295221 -Dog Pound Supplies 4045223 -Minor Tools & Equipment 170 TOTAL I 1,178 I 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5402 -Motor Vehicles 254 5403 -Radio 60 5412 -Miscellaneous Equipment 10 TOTAL I 324 I 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5501 -Vehicle Insurance -0-5503 -Insurance General 785505 -Travel Expenses & Reg. Fees -0-5513 -Books & Periodicals -0-5517 -Utilities, Telephone 245 TOTAL I 323 I Activity Number I PUBUC SAFE'IY 1027 6 Months Budget Expenditures Budget 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 11,595 3,790 13 ,559 -0--0-500 712 353 831 295 -0-1,035 460 229 -0- 13,062 I 4,372 I 15,925 -0--0-5 100 4 100 250 -0-200 50 -0-20 500 307 730 500 23 500 -0-4 402 1,400 I 338 I 1,957 600 160 500 100 20 100 100 -0-100 800 I 180 I 700 -0-579 ..:o- -0--0--0-100 -0-100100-0-50 -0-201 500 200 I 780 I 650 _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ ___. 78 r1 I I r lI L I I l I LI n l l [ 79 Annual Budget El IL Department Division Activity Number HUMANE GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFE'IY 1027 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1 q77_ 1 Q?R 1 Q7Q_ 1 Q7Q l·Q7·R-1 Q?Q 1 Q7Q_ 1 QQ() 5600 -Sundry Charges 5609 -Medical Expense, Vet Service 27 500 -0-200 5619 -Misc. Expense 39 -0--0--0- TOTAL 66 500 -0-200 6000 -Capital Outlay 6450 -Autanotive 4,087 -0--0--0-6460 -Radio 754 -0--0--0-6480 -Miscellaneous Equipment 229 500 -0-500 TOTAL 5,070 500 -0-500 TOTAL HUMANE DEPAR'IMENT BUDGET 18,009 16,462 52670 19,932 .__ _______________ Cit y of Friendswood, Texas ______________ __. I. 1'1 I I I i1 11 .------------Annual B udget------------, i PERSONNEL SCHEDULE I Departme nt Division I HUMANE POSITION TITLE Humane Officer Asst. Humane:Officer Overtime GENERAL FUND SUB-TOTAL SAIARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SAIARIES AND WAGES Activity PUBLIC SAFE:IY EMPLOYEES Number 1 .5 Rate of Pay 731 4.01 Number 1027 Budget 1979--1980 9,3 86 4,173 500 14,059 831 1,035 1,866 15,925 I 1 1 l l I I L---------c· t F · d d r ---_____ .........._ -·--� 11ty o nen swoo , exa� ____________J 8U Annuat Budget 1 1 I SUI �RY Division Activity I Department 1 ENGINEERING GENERAL FUND MISCELLANEOUS [' I EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures 1977-1978 1978-1979 1978-1979 f l Salaries and Wages 19,868 32,766 5,442 1 l Supplies 1,164 1,000 501 ( I Maintenance of Equipment 803 500 -0- Miscellaneous Services 1,125 100 391 Sundry Charges 13,894 20,000 10,716 l Capital Outlay -0-350 -0-I I l / ' TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 36,854 54,716 17,050 I I l LI 1: J . Number 1030 Budget 1979-1980 -0- 600 -0- 100 30,050 350 31,100 _________________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ ..... 8J. I I I r1 r, rJ f I I! r 1 I I I_! l_l l. l ll 82 Annual Budget l:J IL Department Division Activity Number ENGINEERING GENERAL FUND MISCELLANEOUS 1030 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1Q77-1Q7A 1 Q7A-1 Q7Q 1 Q7A-1 Q7Q 1070 _1QQ(l 5100 -Salaries & Wages 5102 -Supervisory 12,713 20,412 1,178 -0-5103 -Clerical & Labor 5,570 7,862 3,704 -0-5106 -Overtime 9 -0-55 -0-5107 -Social Security 344 1,734 339 -0-5108 -Retirement 867 1,843 93 -0-5109 -Group Insurance 365 915 73 -0- TOTAL 19,868 32,766 5,442 -0- 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage 5 -0---0--0-5203 -Office Supplies 125 200 15 2005214 -Gas & Oil 426 200 364 -0-5218 -Laundry & Cleaning 423 350 33 -0-5223 -Minor Tools & Equipment 101 50 81 2005226 -Engineering Field Supplies 84 200 8 200 TOTAL. 1,164 1,000 501 600 5400 -Maintenance of Esuipment 5402 -Vehicles 803 500 -0--0- TOTAL 803 500 -0--0- 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5501 -Vehicle Insurance -0--0-391 -0-5503 -Insurance General 556 -0--0--0-5506 -Auto Allowance 35 -0--0--0-5511 -Special Services 482 -0--0--0-5513 -Books & Periodicals 52 100 -0-100 TOTAL i,125 100 391 100 .___ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ ____, I I �------------------Annual Budget----------�--------, fl I l I � I fl II II I I -l I_ I 11u f 1 l1 LI l DETAIL Department Division I Activity ENGINEERING GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5600 -Sundry Charges 5610 -Engineering Services 5619 -Miscellaneous Expenses TOTAL 6000 -Capital Outlay 6410 -Furniture, Fixtures, and Office Equipment TOTAL TOTAL ENGINEERING DEPI'. BlID3ET , Actual Expenditure 1977-1978 13,814 80 13,894 -0- -0- 36,854 MISCELLANEOUS 6 Months Budget I Expenditures 1978-1979 1978-1979 20,000 -0- 20,000 350 350 54,716 10,710 6 10,716 -0- -0- 17,050 Number 103_0 Budget 1979-1980 30,000 50 30,050 350 350 31,J00 ..._ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ ___. 80 [. n rl rl 11 11 1· I 11 II I I I I 11 u LI LJ LJ I.I tl4 Annual Budget P ■RSONNI CHEDULE Department Division Activity Number ENGINEERING GENERAL FUND MISCT.LTANF.O! JS 1 n::in EMPLOYEES Budget POSITION TITLE Rate of Number Pay 1979-1980 City Engineer SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Position of engineer to be filled during the yec tr and funds ·, transferred to salaries and wages from 5610, e11.J ineering se1 �ices. ·-. -________________ City of Friendswood, Texa� ______________ _ ts::> Annual BudgetI : SUI �RY [ ;Department Division Activity Number INSPECTIONS GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1031 1-1 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months BudgetExf,enditure Budget Eic�dltures19 7-1978 1978-1979 19 8-1979 1979-1980 I I Salaries and Wages 15,643 42,105 20,170 34,187 r-, Supplies 1,668 1,780 912 2,400 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 34 -0 -1 -0-ii I Maintenance of Equipment 30 225 430 950 ' 1 Miscellaneous Services 1,879 4,700 2,728 1,400 Sundry Charges 7 100 41 300 I · Capital Outlay 6,302 6 2..500 6,336 1,200 I I Inter-departmental charges and Reimbursements -0--0--0--5,340 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 25,563 55,410 30,618 35,097 -II I11 Ii' I I 1 11 I_ 1 '1 City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __, r1 � I 11 11 I I U [ LI [ I ll l l. tjb Annual Budget C IL Department Division, Activity Number INSPECTIONS GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1031 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1077_1070 1 070_ 1 070 B7fl-1 q7q 7 Q7Q_ lQAn 5100 -Salaries & Wages 5102 -Supervisory Salaries 13,447 14,904 7,332 17,334 5103 -Clerical 208 19,570 9,026 12,018 5106 -Overtime 82 648 355 700 5107 -Social Security 372 2,155 1,517 1,842 5108 -Retirement 922 2,322 952 2,293 5109 -Group Insurance 612 2,506 988 -0- TOTAL 15,643 42,105 20,170 34,187 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage 40 80 89 150 5203 -Office Supplies 216 450 78 450 5214 -Fuel & Oil 952 750 372 900 5217 -Janitor Supplies 38 -0-78 150 5218 -Uniforms 414 500 281 600 5223 -Minor Tools & Equipment 8 -0-14 150 TOTAL 1,668 1,780 912 2,400 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 5301 -Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 34 -0-1 -0- TOTAL 34 -0-1 -0- 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5401 -Furniture, Fixtures, and Office Equipment 9 50 74 200 5402 -Vehicle Maintenance 21 175 301 600 5403 -Radio & Radar Equipment -0--0-55 150 TOTAL 30 225 430 950 I _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas--------------� I ! r I l 1 I I I { . I ( l ll l ti I Annual Budget C1 IL Department Division Activity Number INSPECTIONS GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1031 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1977-1978 1978-1979 1q78-1979 1 q7q_ 1 q�n 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5503 -General Insurance 101 -0-585 -0-5505 -Travel Expense 777 4-00 105 6005506 -Auto Allowance 10 -0--0--0- 5510 -Rental of Buildings 500 3,000 1,333 -0- 5511 -Special Services 390 500 -0-5005513 -Books & Periodicals 31 100 4-4-1505514--Memberships 70 100 65 1505517 -Utilities -0-600 596 -0- TOTAL 1,879 4-,700 2,728 1,4-00 5600 -Sundry Charges 5602 -Legal -0-100 -0-100 5619 -Miscellaneous Expense 7 -0-4-1 200 TOTAL 7 100 4-1 300 6000 -CaEital Outlay 6410 -Furniture, Fixtures, and Office Equipment 416 600 342 1,200 6450 -Automotive Equipment 4,644 4-,800 5,194 -0-6460 -Radio Equipment 1,242 1,100 800 -0- TOTAL 6,302 6,500 6,336 1,200 TOTAL DEPARTMENT BUDGET 2�,563 55,410 30,618 40,4-37 9000 -Inter-deEartmental Charges and Reimbursements 904-1 -Water Department -0--0--0--2,6709043 -Sewer Department -0--0--0--2,670 TOTAL INTER-DEPARI'MENTAL CHARGES & REIMBURSEMENTS -0--0--0--5,340 TOTAL DEPAR'IMENT BUDGET AFTER REIMBURSEMEN TS 25,563 55,4-10 30,618 35,097 .__ ______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ __. r l f I ri rl lI I ! I I 1:1 I I I l I L lJ ll I titi ,,..... ___________________ Annual Budget----------------------, P ■RSONNELSCHEDULE Department INSPECTIONS Division GENERAL Ft !NT) POSITION TITLE Supervisory Inspector (Assistant) Overtime SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Activity �NF.RAT. �OVF.RNMF.N'l EMPLOYEES Number 1 1 I- Rate of Pay 1,445/Mo 1,015/Mo Number ,n::n Budget 1q7q_1q8n 17,334 12,018 700 30,052 1,842 2,293 4,13 5 34,187 �--------------- City of Friendswood, Texa� -, I II I SUI �RY Annual Budget I Division Activity 11 Department I STREEI' GENERAL FUND STREEI'S & HIGHWAY (I EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget E>Cpenditures 1977-1978 1978-1979 1978-1979 11 Salaries and Wages 92,757 132,655 40,642 Supplies 44,157 54,850 15,296 Maintenance Buildings & Grounds 2,099 13,300 8 Maintenance of Equipment 22,703 7,800 4,097 I Miscellaneous Ser vices 27,758 11,950 23,185 Sundry Charges -0-100 7,069 I Capital Outlay 24,126 22,250 34,911 � l I I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 213,600 242,905 125,208 lJ Unpaved Streets: 8.41 Miles Concrete Streets:14.71 Miles 11 Asphalt Streets: 35.39 Miles Total 58.51 Miles !\ I u l I . 11 ' Number 1032 Budget 1979-1980 116,391 56,200 13,300 8,800 15,050 100 12,100 221,941 I I l ..._ ______________ City of Friendswood, Texas--------------� �� rr ri II 11 r1 ' 11 I LI LI u I l l 90 Annual Budget El IL Department Division Activity Number STREET GENERAL FUND STREETS & HIGHWAYS 1032 6 Months EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1977-1978 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 5100 -Salaries & Wages 5102 -Supervisory 29,666 18,468 7,563 -0-5103 -Clerical & Labor 48,400 90,081 24,606 100,153 5104 -Worker's Canpensation 299 500 -0--0-5106 -Overtime 2,670 2,160 611 2,160 5107 -Social Security 2,281 6,793 2,782 6,272 5108 -Retirement 5,013 8,381 1,823 7,806 5109 -Group Insurance 4,428 6,272 3,257 -0- TOTAL 92,757 132,655 40,642 116,391 5200 -SuPQlies 5202 -Postage 35 -0--0-50 5203 -Office Supplies 100 200 6 200 5204 -Wearing Apparel 59 200 33 200 5206 -Chemicals, Insecticides 109 1,000 106 1,000 5211 -Paint, Lumber, Hardware 290 1,000 56 1,000 5213 -Paving Materials 33,144 45,000 11,853 45,000 5214 -Fuel and Oil 7,106 4,000 2,194 5,000 5215 -Medical Supplies 2 100 -0-100 5217 -Janitor Supplies -0--0--0-300 5218 -Laundry and Cleaning 2,239 2,000 483 2,000 5222 -Ice, Cups and Salt Tablets 146 50 1 50 5223 -Minor Tools and Equipment 877 700 495 700 5228 -Signs and Markers 50 600 69 600 TOTAL 44,157 54,850 15,296 56,200 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 5301 -Maintenance of Buildi ngs 81 300 8 300 5303 -Stonn Sewers 92 3,000 -0-3,000 5304 -Streets and Alleys 1,926 10,000 -0-10,000 TOTAL 2,099 13,300 8 13,300 L----------------City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ ___, f I f I .--... ____ -_-_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_-_ -_ -_-_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_-_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_-_-_::Annual Budget-------------------,n r1 11 I I 11 I I I L [ u Ll ll DETAIL Division Department STREET GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5401 -Maintenance of Furniture, Fixtures, Etc. 5402 -Motor Vehicles 5403 -Maintenance of Radio Equip. 5407 -Grading, Constr uction and Ditching Equipment 5410 -Maintenance of Shop Equip. 5412 -Miscellaneous Equipment TOTAL 5500 -Miscellaneous Service 5501 -Insurance Motor Equipment 5503 -Insurance General 5505 -Travel Expense 5507 -Advertising & Public Notice 5509 -Rental of Equipment 5510 -Rental of Building 5513 -Books and Periodicals 5517 -Utilities 5224 -Street Inspection Labs TOTAL 5600 -Sundry Charges 5610 -Engineering Services 5619 -Miscellaneous Expenses TOTAL 6000 -Capital Outlay 6101 -Land-Easements 6203 -Buildings, Fixtures & Ground: 6410 -Furniture, Fixtures & Office Equipment 6430 -Shop Equipment Actual Expenoiture 1977-197A 3 1,129 -0 - 21,364 73 134 22,703 1,365 7,524 -0--0- 6,362 125 -0- 12,132 250 27,758 -0--0- -0- -0--0- -0--0- Activity STREETS & HIGHWAYS Budget 1Q7A-1Q7Q 100 2,000 300 5,000 200 200 7,800 700 -0--0-1001,000 -0- 5010,000 100 11,950 -0-100 100 -0-100 500 1,500 6 Months Expenditures 1 Q7A-1 q7q -0- 1,159 20 2,832 26 60 4,097 3,262 13,598 -0--0--0--0--0-6,325 -0- 23,185 7,063 6 7,069 4,781 -0- -0--0- Number 1032 Budget 1 070_ 1.QAn 100 3,000 300 5,000 200 200 8,800 -0--0- 4001001,200 . -0- 50 13,000 300 15,050 -0-100 100 -0--0- 600 4,500 ,__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ ___, 91 ' I •-l rl 11 l II II I l f ll I u l 92 Annual Budget C IL Department Division Activity Number STRECT GENERAL FUND STREETS & HIGHWAYS 1032 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenoiture Budget Expenditures Budget l977-lq7R 1q?R-1q7q 1 q?R-1 q7q 1Q7Q -1.QRn 6000 -CaEital Outlay (Cont'd) 6450 -Autanotive Equipment 13,025 14,000 5,989 -0-6460 -Radio Equipment 155 -0-800 -0-6440 -Grading, Construction, & Ditching Equipment -0--0-3,540 -0-6501 -Street Improvements -0--0-16 ,286 -0-6502 -Storm Sewers 239 3,000 -0-3,000 6505 -Street Signs & Markers 10,707 3,150 3,515 4,000 TOTAL 24,126 22,250 34,911 12,100 TOTAL STRECT DEPARTMENT BUDGET 213,600 242,905 125,208 221,941 ' I l .__ ______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ __. r r r-1r I [ I I I !I II I ti II 11 u LJ l L 93 _____________________ Annu al Budget---------------------, PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Departmen t STREET Division GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE Labor Foreman Equipment Operator Truck Driver Laborer Overtime SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Activity .. S'.I'REEI'S AND HIGHWAYS EMPLOYEES Number 1 2 2 4 Rate of Pay 6.97/hr 6.00/hr 5.23/hr 4.68/hr Number 1032 Budget 1 Cl7 q -l_9__8__Q 14,498 24,960 21,757 38,938 2,160 102,313 6,272 7,806 14,078 116,391 ....._ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas-______________ _ Annual Budget (1 SUI lRY Division Activity 11 Department DRAINAGE GENERAL FUND STREET'S AND HIGHWAYS I EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION I · Actual fJ Months Ex�dlture 19��79 E><�ditures19 7-1978 19 8-1979 ~1 Supplies 5 1,250 -0- I I Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 2 11,000 169 Miscellaneous Services 102 -0-156ICapital Outlay 7,422 10,000 -0- I 1 l 11 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 7,531 22,250 325 lI lIu u l I I Number 1033 Budget 1979-1980 1,250 11,000 --0- 10,000 22,250 I '. ..._ ______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ ___. 94 I J I f I l I 11 f I 11 I.I 11 11 I 11 II u l ; LI A I Budget El IL Department Division T"l'R I\ TM Ar.!1=' r..., .... ,L ul\T �Thm EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure 1977 1978 5200 -Supplies 5206 -Chemicals, Insecticides -0-5223 -Minor Tools & Equipment 5 TOTAL 5 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 5301 -Buildings & Grounds -0-5303 -Maintenance of Stonn Sewers 25304 -Streets & Alleys -0- TOTAL 2 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5503 -Insurance General 102 TOTAL 102 6000 -Capital Outlay 6502 -Stonn Sewers 7,422 TOTAL 7,422 - TOTAL DRAINAGE DEPARIMENT BUDGET 7,531 Activity STREEI'S & HIGHWAYS 6 Months Budget Expenditures 1978 -1979 1978 -1979 1,000 -0- 250 -0- 1,250 -0- -0--0-5,000 1566,000 13 11,000 169 -0-156 -0-156 10,000 -0- 10,000 -0- 22,250 325 Number 1 n::i::i Budget 1 q7q 1 qsrn 1,000 250 1,250 -0- 5,000 6,000 11,000 -0- -0-· 10,000 10,000 22,250 .__ ______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ ___. 95 .--------------------Annual Budget ------------------7 I I SUMMARY ·'Division I Department 1 CITY HALL GENERAL FUND � I EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION I I Salaries and Wages I Supplies I Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds I: Maintenance of Equipment Miscellaneous Services Sundry Charges TOTAL APPROPRI ATIONS Actual Expenditure 1977-1978;': *New department -No previous history •I I J j 11 :I _j Activity GENERAL GOVERNMENT Number 1034- e Months Budget I Expenditures I Budget 1978-1979* 1978-1979* 1979-1980 20,664- 4-,150 1,500 300 12,900 1,200 4-0, 714- I { --------- Cit y of Friendswood, Texas _________ _ �b ..---------------------Annual Budget ___________________ _ I I u;; LIi i ull I I I 11 I DETAIL Dep artment Division CITY HALL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5100 -Salaries and Wages 5107 -Social Security 5108 -Retirement 5115 -Clerical 5125 -Janitorial TOTAL 5200 -Supplies 5203 -Office Supplies 5211 -Paint Lumber & Hardware 5215 -Medical Supplies 5217 -Janitorial Supplies 5220 -Foods 5223 -Mi nor Tools & Equipment TOTAL 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings and GroW1ds 5301 -Buildings & GroW1ds TOTAL 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5401 -Furniture, Fixtures & OfficE Machines TOTAL 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5509 -Rental of Equipment 5511 -Special Services 5517 -Utilities TOTAL Actual Expenditure 1977-197k• Activity GENERAL GOVERNMENT 6 Months Budget I Expenditures 1Q7R-1Q7Q .. 1Q7R-1Q7Q Number 1034 Budget 10'70_ 1 QQ() 1,149 771 10,104 8,640 20,664 1,000 200 50 800 2,000 100 4,150 1,500 1,500 300 300 3,500 400 9,000 12,900 ..__ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ __, ';J'/ ,·., I r1 I I I I I I II I _ I I I l I L__J 11 l I_ 1 L i 98 Annual Budget C IL Department Division Activity Number CITY HALL GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1034 Actual 6 Months EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1977-1978-1978-1979; 1978-1979" 1979-1980 5600 -Sundry Charges 5619 -Miscellaneous Expense 1,200 TOTAL 1,200 TOTAL CITY HALL BUD3EI' 402714 ....._ ______________ City of Friendswood, Texas------------------' �� .---------------------Annual Budget--------------------, P ■RSONNELSCHEDULE Department I Division I Activity Number r.rrv HAT .T' �RAT. FUND GENERAT I GQVERNMl='N'T' 1 n�ll I EMPLOYEES I Budget POSITION TITLE INumber Rate of I I I Pay 1979-1980 . 11 Receptionist I 1 I 842/Mo I 10,104 I Janitor 1 720/Mo �640 l!SUB-TarAL SAI.ARIES AND WAGES 18,744 Social Security I I .0613 I 1,149 ll .Retirement I I .0763 I 771 II I I TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS I I I . 1,920 TOTAL SAI.ARIES AND WAGES I I I 20,664 --f . I r I I l l 1J L 11 I I I Li I City of Friendswood, Texa� - Annuat Budget i'I SUI 1RY ·1 Division Activity 11 Department ·1 SANITATION GENERAL FUND MISCELLANEOUS f I EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 8 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures 1977-1978 1978-1979 1978-1979 I Salaries and Wages 115,675 143,759 61,457 -1 Supplies 16,643 12,375 8,375 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 38 300 2 Maintenance of Equipment 38,915 27,200 7,791 I Miscellaneous Services 26,798 16,220 19,010 Sundry Charges 50 125 -0-I Capital Outlay 27,3 35 33,000 33,454 -I I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 225,454 23 2,979 13 0,377 ] l I J J I 100 Number 1035 Budget 1979 -1980 152,115 20,875 -0- 33,100 20,870 125 1,350 228,43 5 _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ __, I I I--;:::_-=---=--==--==-�-==-======== Annual BudgetI I r I 11 11 JI 11 I.I I DETAIL Department Division SANITATION GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure 1977-1978 5100 -Salaries & Wages 5102 -Supervisory 14,125 5103 -Labor 70,978 5104 -Workers Compensation 741 5106 -Overtime 18,552 5107 -Social Security 2,692 5108 -Retirement Plan 5,154 5109 -Group Insurance 3,433 TOTAL 115,675 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage 52 5203 -Office Supplies 161 5204 -Wearing Apparel 59 5206 -Chemicals, Insecticides, Et< 906 5211 -Paint, Lumber, Hardware 237 5214 -Fuel and Oil 12,000 5215 -Medical Supplies 3 5217 -Janitor Supplies -0-5218 -Laundry and Cleaning (Uniforms) 2,160 5222 -Ice, Cups, Salt Tablets 76 5223 -Minor Tools & Equipments 921 5227 -Oil & Grease 44 5231 -Replace Customer Containers 24 TOTAL 16,643 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 5301 -Buildings and Grounds 38 TOTAL 38 Activity Number MISCELLANEOUS 1035 6 Months Budget Expenditures Budget 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 14,580 5,723 16,184 90,643 38,709 101,067 1,000 -0--0-13,906 7,306 16,500 7,311 4,622 8,199 9,019 2,310 10,165 7,300 2,787 -0- 143,759 61,457 152,115 -0-1 100 150 4 25 150 4 250 1,000 326 1,000 300 116 300 6,800 6,997 15,000 100 -0-100 -0-21 50 1,700 890 1,850 100 -0-100 1,000 285 1,000 1,000 -0-1,000 75 19 100 12,375 8,663 20,875 300 2 -0- 300 2 -0- 11 LI ti ll i l l I (. ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ _ lU.L r I f I r, r1 11 I _l I I [I ti l_l I_ n I . I ..---------------------Annual Budget----------------------, DETAIL Depa rtme nt Divisio n SANITATION GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5401 -Furniture, Fixtures and Office Equipment 5402 -Motor Vehicle 5403 -Radio and Radar 5410 -Shop Maintenance 5413 -Special Maintenance Items 5416'-Maintenance of Containers TOTAL 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5501 -Insurance -Motor Equipment 5502 -Insurance -Personnel 5503 -Insurance -General 5507 -Advertising & Public.Notice 5510 -Rental of Building 5513 -Books and Periodicals 5517 -Utilities 5521 -Landfill TOTAL 5600 -Sundry Charges 5607 -Medical Exams 5619 -Miscellaneous Expense TOTAL 6000 -Capital Outlay 6203 -Buildings, Fixtures & Grounq .. 6421 -Special Equipment 6425 -Garbage Containers 6430 - Shop Equipment Actual Expenditure 1977-1978 3 22,162 -0--0- 16,750 -0- 38,915 824 5,705 739 7 125 -0-26019,138 26,798 -0- 50 50 -0- 23,925 3,410 -0- Activity MISCELLANEOUS Budget 1978-1979 -0- 10,000 100 -0- 11,100 6,000 27,200 750 -0- -0- 50-0- 20400 15,000 16,220 25 100 125 800 25,000 1,200 -0- 6 Months Expenditures 1978-1979 -0- 6,581 20 -0- 11 1,179 7,791 3,329 -0- 8,812 -0- -0- -0- 109 6,760 19,010 -0- -0- -0- -0- 25,638 1,827 -0- Nu mber 1035 Budget 1979-1980 -0-15,800 100 100 11,100 6,000 33,100 -0- -0- -0- 50-0- 20400 20,400 20,870 25 100 125 -0- -0- 1,200 150 .__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ---------------..J 102 I �-=----=----=------_--==--==--==-:=::-Annual Budget I I l rn 11 r1 I I I I l.I I ' I DETAIL Department Division SANITATION GENERAL FUND Actual EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenpiture 1977-1978 6000 -Capital Outlay (Cont'd) 8450 -Autanotive Equipment -0- TOTAL 27 ,335 TOTAL SANITATION BUDGET 225,454 .. 103 Activity Number MISCELLANEOUS 1035 6 Months Budget Expenditures Budget 1Q7A-1Q7Q 1Q7A-1Q7Cl 1Q7Q .1QAn 6,000 5,989 -0- 33,000 33,454 1,350 232,979 130,377 228,435 I I L I ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas--------------� ["_ .104 l 1 � Annual Budget======�--- j r fl r1 n I I I ·1 I I " 11 u t L P ■RSONNELSCHEDULE Department SANITATION Division GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE Superintendent/Mechanic Drivers Laborers Overtime SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES �ctivi,y MISCELLANEOU_S_ EMPLOYEES Number 1 3 7 --.Rate of Pay 1,348/Mo 5.23/hr 4.70/hr Number 1 n35 Budget 1q7q_1qRn 16,185 32,634 68,432 16,500 133,751 8,199 10,165 18,364 152,115 ..._ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas-----------------__, . I 105 Annual Budget I 11 SUI �RY ' I Department Division Activity Number OTHER REQUIREMENTS GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1036 l EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget E>lpenditures Budget 1977-1978;'; 1978-19791, 1978-19791, 1979-1980 I Miscellaneous Services 150,830 -, Sundry Charges 45,800 1 1 l ' TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 196,630 J I I J u I I l ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas---------------� r1 11 f I r I I J i-1 LI LI { 11 I LI I LI l l LI 101:i I Annual Budget C IL Department Division Activity Number OTHER REQUIREMENTS GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1036 6 Months EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1977-197A* 1 Q7A-1 Q7Q1', 1 Q7R .1 Q7Q1', 1070 .10Qn 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5501 -Insurance -Motor Vehicle 27,100 5502 -Workmen's Compensation 31,400 5503 -Insurnace -General Liabilit; 12,200 5504 -Surety Bonds 550 5510 -Group Insurance 39,180 5514 -Memberships (1ML) 700 5525 -Printing (Budget) 1,200 5526 -Disaster Fund -Flood ExpensE 38,500 TOTAL 150,830 5600 -Sundry Charges 5601 -Auditing 7,500 5605 -Tax Appraisals 25,000 5611 -Data Processing 13,300 TOTAL 45,800 TOTAL DEPT BUDGET 196,630 . *New deparbnent -No previous hist bry ....._ ______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ ___, .LU I Annual Budget l SUI �RY ; I Department Division Activity Number 1 HFALTH & WELFARE GENERAL FUND MISCELIANEOUS 1037 I I EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual e Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 197.7-1978 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 � I Miscellaneous Services 6,748 8,465 3,964 9,325 11 11 l l lI 11 l :TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 6,748 8,465 3,964 9,325 1 i 11 11 u l l u I I ,.__----------'-------City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ 1 I I.l 11 I_ I 11 I 11 11 LI l � I.I 108 Annual Budget - C IL Department Division Activity Number HEALTI-I & WELFARE GENERAL FUND MISCELLANEOUS 1037 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months E>ependiture Budget E>ependitures Budget 1977-1978 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5527 -Mental Health -0-300 -0-350 5528 -Health 62748 8,165 3,964 8,975 TOTAL 6,748 8,465 3,964 9,325 TOTAL HEALTI-I & WELFARE 6,748 8,465 32964 9,325 BUD3ET ----------------City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __, 1'.1 SUI Annual Budget �RV I Division Activity 1 l Department I LIBRARY GENERAL FUND RECREATION & CULTURE !'1 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures1977-1978 1978-1979 1978-1979 ,;i Salaries and Wages 38,484 49,869 23,947 1 1 I Supplies 1,407 1,650 974 Maintenance of-Buildings & Grounds 845 750 581 11 Maintenance of Equipment 734 880 157 I I Miscellaneous Services 8,126 8,080 4,405 Capital Outlay 16,755 15,751 6,990 11 II I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 66,351 76,980 37,054 I _I :·1 I I J l . Number 1038 Budget 1979-1980 62,254 1,800 900 880 7,672 18,428 91,934 '--------------,-----City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ _. .LU'::J I ,--------------------Annual Budget --------------------i r I DETAIL Department Division ll I I 1.1 I I LIBRARY GENERAL FUND 11 1. I I EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5100 -Salaries and Wages 5102 -Supervisory 5103 -Clerical and Labor 5107 -Social Security 5108 -Retirement 5109 -Group Insurance TOTAL 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage 5203 -Office Supplies 5217 -Janitor Supplies 5223 -Minor Tools and Equipment TOTAL 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 5301 -Buildings and Grounds TOTAL 5400 -Maintenance of Equipnent 5401 -Furniture, Fixtures and Office Equipnent 5413 -Books, Replacement and Repair LI I I TOTAL I I 5500 - Miscellaneous Services 5503 -Insurance -General 5505 -Travel and Registration 5506 -Auto Allowance 5507 -Advertising and Promotion 5510 -Book Lease Program Actual Expenditure 1977-1978 13,109 20,429 946 2,115 1,885 38,484 265 1,039 76 27 1,407 845 845 450 284 734 1,542 833 435 28 2,376 Activity Number RECREATION & CULTURE 1038 Budget 1978-1979 15,024 28,255 2,656 2,560 1,374 49,869 400 1,125 75 50 1,650 750 750 480 400 880 836 900 480 40 2,304 6 Months Expenditures 1978-1979 7,024 12,970 1,813 1,231 686 23,947 153 742 39 40 974 581 581 54 103 157 1,139 256 180 -0-990 Budget 1979-1980 14,900 41,643 3,466 2,245 -0- 62 ,254 400 1,215 85 100 1,800 900 900 480 400 880 -0-500 480 70 2,542 110 .__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __. rl 11 l l 11 11 I l 11 11 11 u LI f_l lJ Annual Budget � IL Department Division PARKS AND RECREATION GENERAL FUND Actual EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure 7q77_7Q7Q 6000 -Capital Outlay 6221 -Multipurpose Area 2,271 6222 -Sports Ccmplex .(Grant) 21,058 6223 -Riding Arena 1,865 6224 -Hike and Bike -0- 6225 -Stevenson Park 4,524 6250 -Radio Equipment -0- 6410 -Furniture & Equipment 1,054 6421 -Special Equipment 1,349 6423 -Playground Equipment -0- 6626 -Old City Park 3946627 -1776 Park 1056470 -Maps and Specs -0- 6480 -Miscellaneous Equipment -0- TOTAL 32,620 TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION BUI::GET 63,417 .l.lb Activity Number RECREATION & CUL'IURE 1039 6 Months Budget Expenditures Budget 1 Q7Q 1 Q7Q 1070 1070 1 Q7Q_ 1 oon -0--0--0- 40,000 12,623 5,000 -0-18 -0--0--0--0--0-850 -0--0--0-1,600200-0--0--0--0--0- 1,000 -0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0- 150 -0--0 - 200 -0--0- 41,550 13,491 6,600 92,202 25,519 74,261 I.�-=-----___:::--_-_ -_-City of Friendswood, Texas ____ __. Annual Budget ; I �pa�ment I I DETAIL I Division LIBRARY GENERAL 1 ii I I I -I I Irr . I I u 11 II I I 11 I)� 11 l_j EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5500 -Miscellaneous Services ----(Cont'd) 5513 -Periodicals, Microfiche, and Newspapers 5517 -Utilities 5525 -Programs TOTAL 6000 -CaEital Outlay 6410 -Furniture, Fixtures and Office Equiµnent 6601 -Books 6602 -Records TOTAL TOTAL LIBRARY Bl.JrGET I Actual Expenditure 1977-1978 934 1,604 374 I 8,126 I 3,273 13,482 -0- I 16,755_ I 66,351 11_1 I Activity Number F.1038 6 Months Budget Expenditures Budget 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 995 563 1,070 2,000 1,177 2,460 525 100 550 8,080 I 4,405 I 7,672 2,509 1,150 2,700 13,242 5,840 15,228 -0--0-500 15,751 I _.§.,910 I 18,428 76,980 37,054 91,934 .__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __, r 112 r - Annual Budget ======�========================, 11f I P ■RSONNELSCHEDULB I [ rl r [J I I { I I l f J t L l L Department LIBRARY Division GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE Library Director Assistant Librarian Library Associate -Circulation Library Associate -Interlibrary Loan Clerk/typist (32hr/wk) Pages -2-3 people Each will work: 16 hr/wk for 39 weeks= 624 hours 30 hr/wk for 13 weeks= 390 hours (surrmer) SUB-TOTAL SAIARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SAIARIES AND WAGES Activity EMPLOYEES Number Rate of Pay 1 ,;r 1,242/Mo 1 ,✓ 962/Mo 1 7t'Y fffei/' 782/Mo 1 1oi � 708/Mo . 8 3.50/hr 1.46 3.15/hr Number 1038 Budget 1B79-l980 14,900 11,543 9,386 8,500 5,824 6,390 56,543 3,466 2,245 5,711 62,254 �---------------City of Friendswood, Texas -----'------1 _______J ..----------------Annual Budget----------------, I I SUMMARY r 11 Department Division Activity 1 1 PARKS AND RECREATION 11 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION •·1 Salaries and Wages I Supplies Maintenance of Buildings Maintenance of Equipment I Miscellaneous Services Sundry _I Capital Outlay i I I -ii I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS I I" l 1 I I ilJ ti u ,1-J GENERAL FUND Actual Expenditure 197.7-1978 7,811 5,344 11,534 124 5,924 60 32,620 63,417 RECREATION & CULTURE 6 Months Budget Expenditures 1978-1979 1978-1979 29,002 5,818 6,350 850 6,000 2,584 625 434 8,675 2,319 -0-23 41,550 :l.3_,_491 92,202 25,519 Number 1039 Budget 1979-1980 43,061 8,025 9,250 1,150 6,175 -0- b600 74,261 L ...__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ _, 113 "· 11 r 1 r1 I.I I l I I I I u t r u .--------------------Annual Budget----------------------,DETAIL Departme nt Division PARKS & RECREATION GENERAL F1JND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5100 -Salaries & Wages 5102 -Supervisory 5103 -Labor and Clerical 5106 -Overtime 5107 -Social Security 5108 -Retirement 5109 -Group Insurance 5111 -Sumner Program TOTAL 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage 5203 -Office Supplies 5204 -Wearing Apparel 5206 -Chemicals 5211 -Paint, Lwnber & Hardware 5214 -Fuel and Oil 5217 -Janitor Supplies 5223 -Minor Tools & Equiµnent 5241 -4th of July 5242 -Sumner Program 5243 -Ccmnunity Band 5244 -YNOC TOTAL 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 5301 -Maint.-City Bldg & Grounds 5302 -Mowing-Ball Fields 5303 -Mowing-Riding Arena 5304 -Streets and Alleys 5305 -Mowing-Stevenson Park 5306 -Mowing-Arena Park 5321 -Streets and Alleys 5322 -Sports Canplex 5323 -Riding Arena 5324 -Hike and Bike Actual Expenditure 1977-1978 909 3,500 99 109 19 115 3,060 7,811 86 216 85 17 -0- 800 8 911 2,621 119 62 419 5,344 51 277 210 380 854 287 380 3,036 1,431 -0- Activity RECREATION & CUL'IURE Budget 1978-1979 12,960 8,761 -0- 1,548 1,313 920 3,500 29,002 100 500 -0- 500 -0- 1,350 -0- 500 2,600 500 300 -0- 6,350 -0--0--0- 200 -0--0- 200 1,000 1,000 -0- 6 Months Expenditures 1928-_lq7q 1,189 3,815 96 448 3 267 -0- 5,818 32 116 66 42 -0- 388 56 146 4 -0--0--0- 850 -0- 7212-0- 96-0--0- 822 35 -0- Nu mber 1039 Budget 1 Q79-1980 14,424 20,352 -0- 2,132 2,653 -0- 3,500 43,061 100 750 300 650 300 1,800 125 500 3,000 500 -0--0- 8,025 -0--0--0- 3,000 -0--0- 1,000 2,500 -0--0- .___ _______________ Cit y of Friendswood, Texas ______________ ___, 114 r-1 I I I I ,..... __________________ Annual Budget __________________ --, DETAIL Department I Division I Activity Number PARKS AND RECREATION I GENERAL FUND I RECREATION & CULTURE 1039 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds (cont'd) 5325 -Stevenson Park 5326 -Old City Park 5327 -1776 Park 5328 -Gazebo TOTAL 5400 -Maintenance of Equipment 5401 -Office Equipment 5402 -Motor Vehicles 5412 -Miscellaneous Equipment TOTAL 5500 -Miscellaneous Service 5501 -Vehicle Insurance 5503 -Insurance General 5505 -Travel Expense & Reg. Fees 5506 -Auto Allowance 5507 -Advertising Expense 5509 -Rental of Equipment 5510 -Rental of Building 5511 -Special Services -Mowing 5514 -Memberships 5517 -Utilities 5525 -Programs TOTAL 5600 -Sundry 5619 -Contingency TOTAL Actual Expenditure 1977-1978 3,705 515 152 110 11,534 20 81 23 124 -0- 641-0- 237 150 250 -0- 404,119 692 5,924 60 60 6 Months Budget I Expenditures I Budget 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 1,500 1,000 250 250 6,000 75 500 50 625 -0--0 - 200-0- 50-0--0 - 3,750 25 4,500 150 8,675 -0- -0- 1,020 306 -0- 30 2,584 48 298 88 434 268 771 37 -0- 36 -0--0--0--0- 1,207 -0- 2,319 23 23 1,500 1,000 250 -0- 9,250 100 1,000 50 1,150 -0--0- 300-0- 75150 -0--0- 505,500 100 6,175 -0- -0- 115 .__ _______________ Cit y of Friendswood, Texas ______________ __. f ·f r1 r1ur fl 11 LJ lI I L u LI u 117 Annual Budget ----------------------, P ■RSONNELSCHEDULE Department I Division PARKS AND RECREATION GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE Director of Parks and Recreation Laborers Slll'Ttmer Program (200 hours) SUB-TOTAL SAIARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SAIARIES AND WAGES Activity RECREATION & CULWRE EMPLOYEES Number 1 2 Rate ofPay , , � 'Jf 1,20 2/Mo ff. •I(,. 4.70/hr 4.00/hr City of Friendswood, Texa� Number _103_9. Budget 1979-1980 I(,_ n? 14,424 .z.�, 7 / 'f-19, SS 2 800 I ,,.,. 34,776 .2, l ft, 2,132 1, Vt.:l... 2,653 5', 'f' 8 4,785 39,561 __________________ . AnnualBudget _________________ ---i 11 SUMMARY J PePartment l I COMMUNITY APPEARANCE Division GENERAL FUND 11 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION l ActualExpenditure 1977-1978 11 I l 11 l I I Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds :! TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 11 ti l.l 11 lJ l -0- -0- Activity MISCELLANEOUS 6 Months Budget I E!(l)@Odity_res1978-1979 1978-1�'/9 1,000 356 1,000 356 Number 1040 Budget 1979-1980 1,000 1,000 I.______ . 'L, City of Friendswood, Texas _______ _J 118 r1 I I JI I I l I II 11 I.] 11 IJ LI 11 u l1 I 119 Annual Budget C IL Department Division Activity Number COMMUNITY APPEARANCE GENERAL FUND MISCELI.ANEOUS 1040 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1977-1978 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 5300 -Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 5305 -City Beautification Program -0-1,000 356 1,000 TOTAL -0-1,000 356 1,000 TOTAL COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BUrGET -0-1 2000 356 1,000 .__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas---------------� .-------------------Annual Budget-------------------, 11 SUMMARY Division �M� �m� r !)epartment I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS GENERAL FUND 1080 11 11 11 II lIr1 11 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Capital Improvements 11 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS I::,======== I_! 11 \_j 11 l.l l I 1 Actual E,cpendlture1977-1978 6 Months Budget I Eicpenditures I Budget 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 85,000 -0- 85,000 -0- .[ ------City of Friendswood, Te><as _____ __, .L:LU ll l I ! II i-1 11 lJ l 11 11 I Iu u 11 J 11 Annual Budget C IL Deportment Division CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS GENERAL RJND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure 1977-1978 6000 -Capital Improvements Street Improvement Overrun Sidewalks TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS .LL.L Activity Number 1080 6 Months Budget Expenditures Budget 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 85,000 -0- 85,000 -0- 852000 -0- L .__ .... _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-City of Friendswood, Texas--------------�-- n 0 D D 0 WATER AND SEWER FUND 122 -:=-::-::-::-..:-..:-_-_-_-_-:_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=Annual Budget ----------------7 I 1, I t' iIII I i' ,: I , i' l J I II B�ET RECAP WATER AND SEWER FUND Beginning Balance October 1, 19 79. Anticipated Revenues Water Income Sewer Revenues Tap Fees -Water Tap Fees -Sewer Fees and Penalties Sewer Charges -WCID 108 Total Anticipated Revenues Total Funds Available for Appropriation Transfers to Other Funds Water & Sewer Construction -Sewer Tap Fees Debt Service -Revenu� Bonds Debt Service -Sunmeadow Water & Sewer Income Total Transfers to Other Funds Net Funds Available for Appropriation Budgeted Expenditures Operating Costs Water Sewer W&S Other Requirements Total Operating Costs Capital Outlay Water Sewer Total Capital Outlay Total Budgeted Operating and Capital Outlay Balance September 30, 1980 196,228 219,755 26,200 29,700 14,900 405,000 266,000 22,400 40,000 12,250 95,000 40,000 160,000 152,350 - 442,183 44,600 $ -0- 840,650 840,650 352,350 488,300 486,783 $ 1,517 123 r ::============================== City of Friendswood, Texas ===============================--' .lL4 .-------------------=-··---Annual Budgtll -------...... ------------, WATER AND SEWER FUND REVENUE GRAPH Water Incane 48.18% Sewer Revenues 31.64% Sewer Charges WCID 108 11.30% i % ·>6'..e0 -----------------Cit y of Friendswood, Texas _______________ _. l D [ .l.Lv An11ual Budg�t ----------------------, WATER AND SLWER EXPENDITURE GRAPH Water Operating Cost 24.95% Debt. Service 37.22% Sewer Operating Cost 27.75% j 0¥> cJJ f::: � .::,-' �---------------City o� rriendswood, Texas ________________ __, 1 Annual Budget I SUI �RY ·1 Department I.REVENUE Oivi5ion �Mty -, ll ,II 11 I] 11 I I I l i1 I I I I 11 I l ] l WATER AND SF.WF'.R Fl 1t-.rr I Actual -Expenditure Budget REVENUE CLASSIFICATION 1977-1978 l97�-1Q7Q Water Income 224,377 240,000 Sewer Income 207,116 256,500 Water Tap Fees 27,398 25 ,000 Sewer Tap Fees 59,197 50,000 Interest Earned on Investments 113 -0- Sewer Charges -WCID 108 49,721 103,770 Fees and Penalties 10,837 12,000 Miscellaneous Revenue 5,822 -0- TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 584,581 687,270 _ City of Friendswood, Texas .LLO Number ?nnn 0 Months � )(J)41fldi tu res Budget 1 Q?A-1 Q7Q lQ7Q-1QAn 90,851 405,000 86,149 266,000 7,105 22,400 15,031 40,000 -0--0- 44,873 95,000 5,539 12,250 157 -0- 249,705 840,650 • - i .I r i' I I I [I' [II [Irl I I I II n I Annual Budget C IL Department Division REVENUES WATER & SEWER FUND Actual REVENUE . REVENUE CLASSIFICATION 1977-1978 4100 -Water Revenue 4101 -Water -Cycle I 136,645 4102 -Water -Cycle II 52,524 4103 -Water -Cycle III 35,208 TOTAL 224,377 4200 -Sewer Revenue 4201 -Sewer -Cycle I 126,133 4202 -Sewer -Cycle II 48,484 4203 -Sewer -Cycle III 32,499 TOTAL 207,116 4300 -Sewer Charges -WCID 108 4304 -Sewer Charges -WCID 108 49,721 TOTAL 49,721 4400 -Water Tap Fees 4401 -Water Taps -Cycle I 14,288 4402 -Water Taps -Cycle II 3,390 4403 -Water Taps -Cycle III 9,720 TOTAL 27,398 4500 -Sewer Tap Fees 4501 -Sewer Taps -Cycle I 28,853 4502 -Sewer Taps -Cycle II 7,257 4503 -Sewer Taps -Cycle III 23,087 TOTAL 59,197 127 Activity .. Number 2000 REVENUE 6 Months REVENUE Bud� :-RE\TENUE Budget 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 151,320 57,241 255,150 55,224 20,107 93,150 33,456 13,503 56,700 240,000 90,851 405,000 161,6 98 51,570 167,580 59,867 20,666 61,180 34,935 13,913 37,240 256,500 86,149 266,000 103,770 44,873 95,000 103,770 44,873 95,000 12,000 5,505 12,000 450 200 400 12,550 1,400 10,000 25,000 7,105 22,400 22,000 10,405 20,000 9,700 507 5,000 18,300 4,099 15,000 50,000 15,031 40,000 ...._ _____________________ Ci•.y of r-riendswo,_·d, Texas---------==�---.::-=====--- - I [ ij I] I I ] l I f I J i 1 I ] i 1 I I I r I • I Annual Budget IJ IL Department Division Activityctivity REVENUES WATER & SEWER FUND I REVENUE Actual VENUE REVENUE .. Budaet Budaet REVENUE CLASSIFICATION 1977-1978 1978 -1979 78 -1979 4600 -Fees & Penalties 4601 -Fees & Penalties -Cycle I 6,387 7,147 4602 -Fees & Penalties -Cycle II 2,543 2,813 4603 -Fees & Penalties -Cycle III 1,907 2,040 7,147 2,813 2,040 TOTAL 10,837 12,000 12,000 4800 -Interest Earned 4810 -Interest Earned 113 -0--0- TOTAL 113 -0--0- 4900 -Mi scellaneous Revenue 4901 -Misc. Revenue -Cycle I 77 -0--0- 4902 -Misc. Revenue -Cycle II 52 -0--0- 4903 -Misc. Revenue -Cycle III 5,693 -0--0- TOTAL 5,822 -0--0- TOTAL REVENUES BUDGETED 584,581 687,270 87,270 . I ·-----··•. ·- -·---·---Citv at Fneni:swor:1..:, -exas ... ... • I O MonthsO Months iREVENUE :·REVENUE 1978-1979 1978-1979 3,367 3,367 1,466 1,466 706 706 5 ,539 5 ,539 -0--0- -0--0- -0--0-55152 152 157 157 249,705 249,705 ; ; 1.L8 Number Number ! 2000 2000 REVENUE REVENUE Budget Budget 1979-1980 1979-1980 7,718 7,718 2,817 2,817 1,715 1,715 12,250 12,250 -0--0- -0--0- -0--0--0--0- -0--0- -0--0- 840,650 840,650 • Annual Budget { 11 SUI �RY Division Activity I 'i)epartment I WATER WATER AND SEWER FUND 1 l EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION I Actual Expenditure ·Budget1977-1978 1978-1979 u Salaries & Wages 64,738 79,821 Supplies 23,919 23,830 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 6,269 3,300 0 Maintenance of Equipment 12,241 13,200 Miscellaneous Services 30,874 19,524 Q Sundry Charges 3,384 13 ,080 Capital Outlay 32,306 42,740 .r Inter-departmental Charges and Reimbursements -0--0- I ! �! TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 173,731 195,495 11 LI r r 1L9 Number 2041 6 Months E >tpertditu res Budget 1978-1979 1979-1980 1'1, tJ ,s--35,556 .ae,-rlfr 9,845 21,490 2,434 3,300 4,794 12,550 20,178 33,850 3,989 100 9,278 29,700 -0-38,697 of/(, 7e)oJ.. 86,074 -r2->,�LO I ...._ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ______________ _J I ! u n .UU Annual Budget Cl IL Department Division Activity Number WATER WATER AND SEWER F1JND 2041 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1977-1978 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 5100 -Salaries and Wages 5101 -Executive 5,751 6,156 2,956 17,304 5102 -Supervisory 13,753 15,552 7,381 8,711 5103 -Clerical & Labor 35,746 45,133 18,944 48,595 5106 -Overtime 2,107 1,080 1,022 1,200 5107 -Social Security 1,463 4,167 1,709 4,647 5108 -Retirement Plan 3,275 4,690 1,759 5,784 5109 -Group Insurance 2,586 2,843 1,785 -0-5104 -Worker's Ccmpensation 57 200 -0--0- TOTAL 64,738 79,821 35,556 86,241 5200 -Supplies 5201 -Purchase of Water 3,229 3,000 3,690 4,000 5202 -Postage 811 800 441 1,000 5203 -Office Supplies 1,020 240 215 500 5204 -Wearing Apparel 119 120 220 500 5206 -Chemicals 6,011 6,000 2,241 6,000 5208 -Lab Supplies -0-100 -0-100 5210 -Pipe, Fittings & Valves 1,067 6,000 144 1,000 5211 -Paint, Ll.llllber & Hardware 30 500 2 500 5214 -Fuel & Oil 1,608 1,500 868 2,500 5215 -Med ical Supplies -0-40 8 40 5216 -Fire Hydrant Parts 170 -0--0--0- 5218 -Laundry & Cleaning 940 1,100 370 900 5220 -Foods 130 -0--0--0-5222 -Ice, Cups & Salt Tablets 29 30 6 50 5223 -Minor Tools & Equipment 1,742 800 298 700 5227 -Oil & Grease 258 100 77 200 5229 -Water Equipment Parts & Materials 6,755 3,500 1,265 3,500 TOTAL 23,919 23,830 9,845 21,490 .__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __. i I D 0 0 n I .['31 Annual Budget El IL Department Division Activity Number WATER WA.'T'F.R ANn "'"""'"" FITNT ?()l11 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1977-1978 1978 -1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 5300 -Ma intenance of Buildings & Grounds 5301 -Buildings & Grounds 81 300 9 300 5302 -Water Lines 6,188 3,000 2,425 3,000 TOTAL 6,269 3,300 2,434 3,300 5400 -Maintenance of Eguiprnent 5401 -Furniture & Office Equip. 33 100 37 150 5402 -Motor Vehicles 1,851 1,000 1,202 1,000 5403 -Radio Equipment 16 300 282 600 5407 -Construction Equipment 2,683 800 46 800 5411 -Meter·s 2,654 2,500 1,015 2,000 5421 -City Well Equiprnent (70%) 609 3,500 822 3,500 5423 -SMUD Well Equipment (30%) 261 2,000 66 1,500 5431 -City Plant Maintenance (66.6%) 2,753 2,000 979 2,000 5433 -SMUD Plant Maintenance (33.3%) 1,381 1,000 345 1,000 TOTAL 12,241 13,200 4,794 12,550 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5501 -Vehicle Insurance -0--0-1,125 -0-5503 -Insurance -General 3,919 1,500 3,419 -0-5505 -Travel & Registration Fees 393 400 168 5005507 -Advertising & Public Notice s -0-100 3 1005509 -Rental of Equipment 2,595 500 823 2005511 -Special Services 471 -0--0--0-5513 -Books & Periodicals 24 -0--0--0-5514 -Memberships -0-24 8 505517 -Utilities 23,064 16,000 12,402 28,000 5520 -Water Taps 408 1,000 2,230 5,000 TOTAL 30,874 19,524 20,178 33,850 .__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ ___, 0 D 0 0 u .L:SL'. Annual Budget C IL Department Division Activity Number WATER WATER AND SEWER FUND 2041 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1977-1978 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 5600 -Sundry Charges 5601 -Auditing -0-2,500 -0--0-5602 -Legal 1,392 2,500 1,728 -0-5610 -Engineering Fees -0-5,000 90 -0-5611 -Data Processing g Billing 1,959 3,000 1,381 -0-5619 -Miscellaneous Expense 33 80 790 100 TOTAL 3,384 13,080 3,989 100 6000 -Capital Outlay 6203 -Buildings and Grounds -0-1,000 125 1,000 6321 -Distribution Lines 21,327 18,000 -0-18,000 6323 -Plant Improvements 498 1,000 -0-1,000 6336 -Plant Equipment 425 -0--0--0- 6337 -Meters . 9,050 9,000 5,247 9,000 6410 -Furniture g Office Equip. 350 400 -0-400 6420 -Lab Equipment -0-300 -0-300 6440 -Backhoe -0-6,000 906 -0-6450 -Automotive Equipment -0-6,000 2,316 -0-6460 -Radio Equipment 157 1,040 684 -0-6480 -Misc. Equipment 499 -0--0--0- TOTAL 32,306 42,740 9,278 29,700 9000 -Inter-DeEarbnental Char�es and Reimbursements 9002 -City Manager 13,051 9005 -City Secretary 5,128 9006 -Finance Dept 15,348 9008 -Legal 2,500 9031 -Inspections 2,670 TOTAL REIMBURSEMENTS 38,697 TOTAL WATER BUIX;EI' 173,731 195,495 86,074 225,928 ..__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __, [ r fJ D [ D 133 .---------------------Annual Budget --------------------, PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Department WATER Divisio n WATER AND SEWER FUND POSITION TITLE Water Superintendent Water Plant Operator Accounts Receivable Clerk Assistant Accounts Receivable Clerk Labor Foreman La.borers ( 3) Overtime SUB-TaI'AL SAIARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL SAIARIES AND WAGES Activity EMPLOYEES Number 1 1 .6 .6 .6 1.8 Rate of Pay 1442/Mo 890/Mo 908/Mo 782/Mo 6.98/hr 4, 71/hr .0613 .0763 Number _2n41 Budget 1978-1979 17,304 10,680 t,S'38 -±9-,8%­!S", tar -9c;-3-8� 8,711 17,635 1,200 t7, t. 99 1-&--;-8i-8- .; • J5o � 5'. ,u.6,7814 '7'1, t) ,s­-86, 241: .__ _______________ Cit y of Friendswood, Texas ________________ _ 134 Annual Budget r SUI �RY I 10epartment Division Activity Number SEWER WATER AND SEWER FUND 2043 r EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION I Actuai 6 Months Expenditure Budget E,tpenditures Budget 1977-1978 1978-1979 1978-1979 1c:i7q_ 7 q Rn I, i Salaries and Wages 99,859 121,375 56,660 82,698 I I. Supplies 23,830 24,525 6,596 16,310 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 13,251 3,300 8,458 10,300 I I Maintenance of Equipnent 50,458 27,500 19,458 31,000 Miscellaneous Services 44,117 33,836 26,028 40,550 Sundry Charges 5,888 9,120 8,059 200 I Capital Outlay 32,413 24,460 6,118 14,900 Inter-departmental Charges and Reimbursements 38,697 f_ TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 269,816 244,116 131,377 234,655 L D 0 D I] 17 !] I ,__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas 135 Annual Budget C IL Department Division Activity Number SEWER WATER AND SEWER 2043 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1977-1978 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 5100 -Salaries and Wages 5101 -Executive 8,418 9,234 4,435 -0-5102 -Supervisory 12,498 14,256 6,993 21,671 5103 -Clerical & Labor 64,462 79,426 35,200 50,024 5104 -Worker's Canpensation 36 300 -0--0-5106 -Overtime 2,731 864 1,000 5107 -Social Security 2,255 6,367 2,772 4,456 5108 -Retirement Plan 5,416 7,568 3,303 5,547 5109 -Group Insurance 4,043 3,360 2,576 -0- TOTAL 99,859 121,375 56,660 82,698 5200 -Supplies 5202 -Postage 1,031 1,000 628 1,500 5203 -Office Supplies 342 360 303 700 5204 -Wearing Apparel 171 180 54 200 5206 -Chemicals, Insecticides,etc 16,584 18,000 3,331 8,000 5208 - Lab Supplies 423 400 242 500 5211 -Paint, Lumber & Hardware 135 200 -0-200 5214 -Fuel & Oil 2,476 1,500 1,190 3,000 5215 -Medical Supplies 2 60 5 60 5217 -Janitor Supplies -0--0-30 -0-5218 -Laundry & Cleaning 978 1,500 295 900 5220 -Foods 162 -0-5 -0-5222 -Ice, Cups & Salt Tablets 53 25 22 50 5223 -Minor Tools & Equipment 1,222 800 316 700 5227 -Oil & Grease 251 500 175 500 TOTAL 23,830 24,525 6,596 16,310 0 5300 - Maintenance of Buildings 5301 -Buildings & Grounds 159 300 9 300 5302 -Sewer Lines 13,092 3,000 8,449 10,000 TOTAL 13,251 3,300 8,458 10,300 .__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas _______________ __. �Ll'!'O i,4 �·.\ ,J •• t :�'° �:< 'Y <l/ '("'\_-:-·-;;,\ �"" r.c�-:. Department Annual Budget C IL Division SEWER WATER AND SEWER FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure 1977-1978 5400 -Maintenance of Eguipment 5401 -Maintenance of Furniture & Fixtures 68 5402 -Motor Vehicles 2,394 5403 -Radio & Radar Equipment 68 5407 -Grading, Construction and Ditching Equipment 4,563 5499 -Maintenance of Lift Stati01 5,304 5410 -Maintenance of Shop Equip. 230 5431 -Sewer Plant No 1 (25%) 9,458 5432 -Sewer Plant No 2 (60%) 22,698 5433 -Sewer Plant No 3 (15%) 5,675 TOTAL 50,458 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5501 -Vehicle Insurance -0-5503 -Insurance General 4,94 2 5505 -Travel Expenses & Fees 208 5507 -Ads & Public Notices -0-5509 -Rental of Equipment 1,500 5514 -Memberships -0-5517 -Utilities 36,194 5520 -Sewer Taps 1,243 5511 -Special Training -0-5512 -Special Services 30 TOTAL 44,117 5600 -Sundry Charges 5601 -Auditing -0-5602 -Legal 2,488 5610 -Engineering Fees -0-5611 -Data Processing & Billing 3,123 5619 -Miscellaneous 277 TOTAL 5,888 Activity Number ?nu::i 6 Months Budget Expenditures Budget 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 200 39 200 1,000 1,289 1,200 300 221 300 1,200 643 1,500 2,500 1,255 2,500 300 -0-300 6,000 5,361 6,250 12,000 7,896 15,000 4,000 2,754 3,750 27,500 19,458 31,000 -0-1,687 -0-1,500 2,373 -0-600 338 800100 4 100-0--0--0-36 -0-5030,000 19,245 38,000 1,000 -0-1,000 100 -0-300 500 2,381 300 33,836 26,028 40,550 1,500 -0--0-3,000 4,472 -0--0-1,473 "-0-4,500 2,072 -0-120 42 200 9,120 8,059 200 I .__ _______________ Cit y of Friendswood, Texas _______________ ____, 136 I [ I I I I d I I I I u Annual Budget C IL Department Division SEWER WATER AND SEWER FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure 1977-1978 6000 -CaEital Outlay 6101 -Land, Easements -0-6203 -Buildings, Fixtures & Grounds 28,588 6321 -Sewer Distribution Lines 392 6323 -Plant Improvements 1,354 6410 -Furnitur e, Fixtures and Office Equipment -0-6420 -Lab Equipment -0-6440 -Backhoe -0-6450 -Autanotive Equipment -0-6460 -Radio & Radar 1,336 6480 -Miscellaneous Equipment 743 TOTAL 32,413 9000 -Inter-deEartmental Charges and Reimbursements 9002 -City Manager 9005 -City Secretary 9006 -Finance Dept 9008 -Legal 9031 -Inspections TOTAL REIMBURSEMENTS TOTAL SEWER BUI:X;ET 2692816 Activity Number 2043 6 Months Budget Expenditures Budget 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979-1980 -0-2,600 -0- 1,000 -0-1,000 6,000 44 6,000 3,000 -0--0- 600 -0-600 300 -0-500 9,000 -0--0-3,000 3,474 6,000 1,560 -0-800 -0--0--0- 24,460 6,118 14,900 13,051 5,128 15,348 2,500 2,670 38,697 244,116 131,377 234,655 .__ ________________ City of Friendswood, Texas ________________ __. l::l'/ D 138 ____________________ Annual Budget -------------------, PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Department SEWER Division WATER & SE.WER Fl INT) POSITION TITLE Sewer Superintendent Sewer Plant Operator Sewer Plant Operator Accounts Receivable Clerk Assistant Accounts Receivable Clerk Labor Foreman Laborers ( 3) Overtime SUB-TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Social Security Retirement TOTAL SALARIES & WAGES Activity EMPLOYEES Number I 1 I 1 I 1 I .4 I .4 I .4 I 1. 2 I Rate of Pay 1322/Mo 1263/Mo 1250/Mo 908/Mo 782/Mo 6.98/hr 4.71/hr .0613 .0763 Number 2043 Budget 1978-1979 15,864 15,156 15,000 4,358 3,754 5,807 11,756 1,000 72,695 4,456 5,547 82,698 ....._ _______________ City of Frienc1swood, Texas-------------___ _ .U� Annual Budget I SUI �RY I rartment WATER & SEWER Division Activity Number OTHER REQUIREMENTS WATER & SEWER FUND 2046 lJ EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION I Actual 6 Months Ex�endlture 19��979 ��ditures Budget 197 -1978 9 8-979 1979 -1980 [ Miscellaneous Services -0--0--0-14,700 [! Sundry Charges -0--0--0-11,500 Debt Service Requirements 179,989 211,853 89,811 312,350 [I Transfer to Other Funds 73,676 50,000 9,389 40;000 D D C r TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 253,665 261,853 99,200 378,550 D 1 D n G t -1 � ..._ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas ____________ ·•·------·-·_ /4�'� ,c-�, r/�. -,��\_.'j (I ·' -� ... 1!0. , . ',<II �--' I r,_--_11. \ , \ -.-/ ·•,� �-------------------Annual Budget---------------------, [ 0 0 n 0 r DETAIL Departme nt Division OTHER REQUIREMENTS WATER AND SEWER FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5500 -Miscellaneous Services 5501 -Insurance -Motor Vehicle 5502 -Workmen's Compensation 5503 -Insurance -General Liability 5504 -Surety Bonds 5510 -Group Insurance TOTAL 5600 -Sundry Charges 5601 -Auditing 5611 -Data Processing & Billing TOTAL 7000 -Debt Service Requirement 7010 -General Obligation Bonds 7020 -Revenue Bonds 7030 -Sunmeadow Water and Sewer Revenue TOTAL 8000 -Transfers to Other Funds 8071 -Sewer Taps -Cycle I 8072 -Sewer Taps -Cycle II 8073 -Sewer Taps -Cycle III 8075 -Well #5 -Eng. Svcs. 8040 -Blackhawk Regional Sewer Plant TOTAL TOTAL DEPT. BUIX;ET Actual Expenditure 1977 -1978 -0--0- -0--0--0- -0- . -0- -0- -0- 89,443 38,026 52,520 179,989 28,852 7,258 23,087 13,175 1,304 73,676 253,665 I I Activity 6 Months Budget I Expenditures1978-1979 1978 -1979 -0--0- -0--0--0- -0- -0--0- -0- -0- 183,063 28,790 211,853 20,000 9,700 18,300 -0- -0- 50,000 261,853 I I -0--0- -0--0--0- -0- -0--0- -0- -0- 61,021 28,790 89,811 6,851 254 2,284 -0- -0- 9,389 99,200 I I Number 2046 Budget 1979-1980 3,500 2,800 2,000 100 6,300 14,700 4,000 7,500 11,500 -0-160,000 152,350 312,350 20,000 5,000 15,000 -0- -0- 40,000 378,550 140 Li f ,__ _______________ City of Friendswood, Texas---------------� n J . . 141 ' ..... ( r:DEBT SERVICE FUND f.l rl rl 1.1 n l u II ll . . w & s .. CONSTRUCTION . · FUND ri SALES TAX FUND lJ Li I. -1- -. 142 I 1 • ______ AnnualBudge t ________, I 1 1 I i'1 i' i' l I\ I I1'1I 1 1 I 1 1 -Il IIl Ill l 1 I i'1 II t1 I I COMBINED Bl.Jlm:'I' RECAP DEBT SERVICE FUND Beginning Balance October 1, 1979 Anticipated Revenues Ad Valorein Taxes Transfer Fran Water & Sewer Fund-Revenue Transfer Fran Water & Sewer Fund-Sunmeadow Total Anticipated Revenue Funds Available for Bond Indebtedness Budgeted Bond Indebtedness General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Sunmeada,.r Bonds Total Budgeted Bond Indebtedness Balance September 30 , 1980 259,225 160,000 152,350 318,625 218,500 152,350 $117,900 571,575 689,475 689,475 $ -0-- 1 1 I I l ::=-.:::::::��.:::.::::::::========= City of Friendswood, Texas ________, 14 3 fl==========---_ Annual Budget ====-----i ,' j {1 I I l J I I :, : 11 II I _I a I J Bl}!:x;E'T RECAP DEBT SERVICE FUND GENERAL OBLIGATION Beginning Balance October 1, 1979 Anticipated Revenues Ad Valorein Taxes 259,225 Total Anticipated Revenues Funds Available for Bond Indebtedness Budgeted Bond Indebtedness WCID 15 Bonds Streets and Drainage Bonds Building Bonds Equipment Certificate� of Obligation Total Budgeted Bond Indebtedness Balance September 30, 1980 17,128 99,145 137,975 24,127 $19,15 0 259,225 278,375 278,375 $ -0- jj City of Friendswood, Texas =============================::::.._J '- fl r', r 1 1 I 11 I I \ Ir11 1 1 1 I I I I ] 1 1 I I 11 ·11,1 l 11 I 11 I 1:1 Ii' �'i'Ii'l Annual Budget BUffiET RECAP � DEBT SERVICE FUND Beginning Balance October 12 1979 Anticipated Revenues REVENUE Transfer Fran Water and Sewer Fund Total Anticipated Revenues Funds Available for Bond Indebtedness Budgeted Bond Indebtedness WCID 21 Bonds Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds Blackhawk Wastewater Treatment Plant Bonds Total Budgeted Bond Indebtedness Balance September 302 1980 City of Friendswood, Texas 144, $ 98,750 160,000 160,000 258,750 40,250 / 51,838 ✓ 166,662 25!!_,750 $ -0- " I -:=...-=---=----=----_-_-_-_-_-Annual Budget--------,[I I\ � I 11 [I 1 11 r\ I I · II/ II l_ 1 1 1 I Ii' i�I [I I [:j BUOOET RECAP DEBT SERVICE FUND SUNMEAOOW ·Beginning Balance October 1, 1979 Anticipated Revenues Ad Valorem Taxes Water and Sewer Incane Total Anticipated Revenues Funds Available for Bond Indebtedness Budgeted Bond Indebtedness 1970 Issue 1970A Issue 1972 Issue Total Budgeted Bond Indebtedness Balance September 30, 1980 -0- 152,350 70,375 45,900 36,075 $ -0- 152,350 152,350 152,350 $ -0- 145 L�================ City of Friendswood, Texas==�.=::::-..::::::::::-..:=:-...:=-�_:::::::-_::::::-'__. 146 f 1 ________ Annual Budget _____ __, I I I [i l l r 11 I r I I 11 I I.I rl -IIi Ii 11 I r ·1'i' l! I � l/ I J BUix;ET RECAP WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND Beginning Balance October 1, 1979 Sewer Tap Reserves Sun Meadow Construction Total Beginning Balance Anticipated Revenues Sewer Tap Reserves Total Anticipated Revenues Funds Available for Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures Sewer Tap Reserve Sun MeadCM Construction Total Budgeted Expenditures Balance September 30, 1980 49,034 69,071 40,000 -0--0- $ -0- 118,105 40,000 158,105 -0- $158,105 I LJ.:=-.=::.=::.=::.:=::=::::=::::=::::=::::== City of Friendswood, Texas ________, r-;:=:::::.::::.==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-== Annual Budget I I I r-,1� 11 11 I � I 11 I i Bl.JD3IT RECAP SALES TAX FUND Beginning Balance October 1, 1979 Anticipated Revenues Sales Tax Receipts Total Anticipated Revenues Funds Available for Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures 150,000 Transfer To General Fund -St reets 75,000 Transfer to General Fund -Parks and Recreation 75,000 Total Budgeted Expenditures Balance September 30, 1980 $ -0- 150,000 150,000 150,000 $-0- 147 11 IJ =============::============= City of Friendswood, Texas--------------� " -l-· IJ .. -n , SUPPLEME NT . i · ..• �-· _ r _I .u ·,. �, I : I � Ll \�: I c-I·- ; l . -.. . .. ·_ · --� : .-· to -· .. . ..,,. . . --. _ -_ · the - _ . BUDG·E T -�·-. ·11 .· : • · REVENUE . SHARING l r-::===:=::.==================Annual Budget 1 1 I I 11 • - 11 l 11 I i' I I I i' I I_ ·I1, 1, ., ,' '1 I I 1i'-1 !I BUDGET RECAP REVENUE SHARING FUND Beginning Balance October 1, 1979 Anticipated Revenues Federal Goverment Allocation Total Anticipated Revenues Funds Available for Appropriation Budgeted Expenditures Library Books Recorder, Viewer & Printer Radio & Radar Equipment Police Cars Refuse Collection (Flood Related) Total Expenditures Balance at September 30, 1980 81,725 4,725 7,000 9,500 29,000 3-1,500 $ -0- $ 81,725 81,725 81,725 -0- I i :=-.=-..=-..=--_::::-_-......._-_-_ -_ -_-_-_City of Friendswood, Texas _____ ___, 149