HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 1, 1978 to September 30, 1979 Annual BudgetACCOUNTANT I COPY ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF FRIEN➢SWOOD OCTOBER 1, 1978 - SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 Annual Budget Ir i CITY OF FRIEN DSWOOD "'A fl-ITTI, MIT R. J. Blanken Councilman Thomas F. Lay Councilman Paul E. Maaz Councilman UDGET 1978 - 1979 RALPH L. LOWE Mayor JAMES C. MORGAN City Manager Dale Whittenburg Councilman, Loren E. Wood Councilman Edward Zeitler Councilman I City of Friendswood, Texas ii Anrival Budget TABLE OF CONTENTS BUDGET MESSAGE.►.••►......•.•►.,.•.•,..+.•.....►....•+...............1 PROGRAM OF SERVICES Amendments to the Budget+..,.,,..•...••..a.............•.s.,.a....2—A Budget At A Glance.•a►,.•,,,4s+..aaaa•s•,aaa•,•a..s•►• „ s+,.,as,s43 Combined Revenues By Source...............................>.s...•.4 Combined Expenditures By Department.•.+„ a•ass•a>as „ •..,,.s,.ss•,5 Combined Expenditure Classification Summary.,,,..6«s•ss,s••„•.►,.6 Combined Expenditure Classification Graph.,..,s,s.ss•+6+,,.•s,s,.,7 Combined Salaries, Wages and Fringe Benefits By Department.►,.s.,,8 Combined Capital Outlay By Department..s,,,,..•.+,ss„•,sa..,.s,s,9 Tax Rate Comparisons.....s•......•....,......'....................10 Long —Term Debt --General Obligation Bonds —By Maturity Date■.a.+,.,all Long —Term Debt —Revenue Bonds —By Maturity Date....................17 GENERAL FUND Budget Recap................►.......+.,►►..........,..,..........19 Revenue Graph...s.s►.................•.►►.••+•+..................20 Expenditure Graph..•+.►.............•....+....,....•...•.........21 Revenue Summary ....... ....................................22 Revenue Detail.............................•.,.....a.............23 Administration ........ ........:........a•..25 Planning and Zoning...........•....+.,..•.+....+,....sa.,........29 Community Services......►..........• .............................31 YNOC.►•••►•+«saa•a+••,••,,,••a•,.,,s+.s.a,..,,s.••.+s•aa«►►s.,.•.35 Building.............+..►•....+......,.s..s....,....,..s..•s...s.37 Street.►...................•..s.as..................•....s+.a..,.41 Drainage......+..........•.•...............+........►ss,•.,,.sa „ 45 P o 11 ce ..... ..... .... .. s • + . a . .. . a , , s a a . , , . + , . a . , a • . a . + , a a , a s . , a .. a 4 7 Humane.•sa „•.,.••a.a•••.•■,,.,....••••►•••.,s.,■•aa•..►►,►.>.+.s51 Fire. Summary.s►:• so* .s.,.......,.s...►►sob* •.........,ss••+s,.,s•.55 Fire Administrative.►.►...a...........•.................►........56 Fire — Eire.......s+.....•..s•................+.....,.•..,....>•.60 Fire — Rescue:.,........«,..••...............«..............,...•►63 F it a Mar s ha 1 . .. .... • s.s • ►a • a a + . • • . . , a ► « ► • • . a , :. .. .. . + , + s s , .. , • a a ► s 6 5 Civil Defense............................s.►......,.......,......67 Municipal C ou r t...•........a►.,•►•.+ „ •a..••►.+s•.,s.•a+s.+..,,.«69 Eng in eer in g . .. . • • ... , .... . .. . • .. .. , . .. • . . ► , • 1 ► • « . a • . a • • a , . a • a • a , . 7 3 Sanitation•..a,•a...►••►••a• „•••.,••,>•a,•,•+sa,++s.....,,.•...•77 Health and Welfare,s......... ..•..........►..........s..►.......,81 Library....+.«...................a...........s..,.......,.......s83 Parks and Recreation.,.........s........................+.....•..87 Community Appearance•..,.,.a..a•......as,.,.,•,,.•.••a.,s«.•..s,s92 Unassigned Cost of Living Raises..s...as.........................93—A Capital Improvements...........+...,..•......,.....+.,........s..99 City of Friendswood, Texas iii Annual Budgat TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) WATER AND SEWER FUND Budget Recap.••..... ... •.... •■......,•...............a....a►•.•.102 Revenue Graph..........a.....,a.•a,..•>..........►..•a••ar••e..•l03 Expenditure Graph.....••....•.........•.•.•...•...,a...,...,....104 Revenue Summary••...a.a,••••►aa•►•aa..a••a.a•►•a,a,•a•a a a a a a a•105 Revenue Detail.a■..•••a,r.a••r•+,••.•,•.•,•••••.••a,.>••••••a• „ •l06 Wat er . ... .. .. a + .. • • • a • a • a a • • • a . • • • a a • • a s • . a > • • • > . • . • • • .. a a .. . ► • • 10 8 5ewera. „•►•■a••••••••.•.••,•a•.••.•••.,•►•.••aaa•r.aa „ ,•a..•a,113 Transfers To Other Funds•................>.>....•........,..•,.•118 DEBT SERVICE, WATER & SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND SALES TAX FUNDS. •..120 DEBT SERVICE FUND Combined Budget Recap•.....•...•.•..............•..•....•.•...,.121 Budget Recap — General ObligationBoudsa,aaa•4a.••.•.,6,••4,a•.+122 Budget Recap — Revenue Bands.............a..•..>...a........•...123 Budget Recap — Sunmeadow Bonds.................a...,.•.a........124 R evenu e S umm ar y .... . .. • . . . • • .. ♦ • . • . . .. . . .. . . . . a . a a + • a a • . , , • • ► ► • 12 5 Revenue Detail....►.......•,•.....+.,.a....................•....12b Long Term Debt — General Obligation Bonds••64+.►.•a►•••9.•►,•a.•l27 Long Term Debt — Revenue Bands.•..............•.......a.........129 Long Term Debt — Sunmeadow Bands.•••••.•.•.•••••+,••••a.•aa••.•►131 WATER & SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND Budget Recaps.........•,a....,..►.....•.•aaa•a.•.+.,.+.a••■.aa••133 Revenue Detail..••••••.•►•a.a•• a.•a••••+,.•••••••••as•a►•,•.■l34 Sewer Tap Reserves..a.a.........•............•....►...►•........135 Sunmeadow+QIlBtXUCtiQn•>•a•aa•a,•.•,..+a.•aa•a•►••►a.••••••,.•■•13() SALES TAX FUND Budget Recaps•,.,.........a..a..a.a•....aa.....a>a.............•l37 Revenue Detail.a•,.•■►aa••+••r•.•••.••+••a•a+a••••.►a•a•.s•..a..1317 Transfer To General Fund Detail..a,a•..................a..•.a•.•l39 SUPPLEMENT TO THE BUDGET REVENUE SHARING FUND Budget Recap.........•..■.......►......,...a.a.,..•a..a.........141 City of Friendswood, Texas 1 IIALPH L. LOWE Mayor JAME GAN eity ogiendswood City Manager Councilmen THOMAS F. LAY 109 WILLOWICK—PHONE 402.0923 PAUL E. MAAZ FRIENDSW44Dr TEXAS 77546 EOWAR40.ZEITLER CLYDE A. RANEY RICHARO L. HAKEN R. J. BLANKEN 00001E C. HENRY �Clly Secretary TO: Honorable Mayor 8 Members of the City Council FROM: City Manager DATE: June 16, 1978 SUBJECT: Budget Message Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is the proposed budget for the 1978--79 fiscal year in accordance with Article VIII of the City Charter, A combination of factors require that additional income be generated. At the beginning of the current fiscal year we had surplus funds which en- abled us to support the current operating budget, as well as reduce taxes by $0 A per $100 assessed value. Those surplus funds have now been de- pleted to a large extent and we must now look to supporting the operating budget from current revenues. It is my recommendation that the tax rate be raised $0.10 per each $100 of assessed value and that the sewer rate be raised $3.00 per month, and this document reflects those increases. The construction of the Blackhawk Wastewater Treatment Plant, the sewage collection system for the Clover Acres area, and related interceptor lines will be well under way during the 1978-79 fiscal year. This construction will require the sale of bonds which have been approved by the electorate and the servicing of that debt is the primary reason for the $3.00 per month increase in sewage rates. The debt generated by the bond issue for street improvements which are presently underway will'require servicing during the coming fiscal year and this constitutes the majority of the reason for the tax increase. The continued growth of the community requires that provision be made in the budget for additional employees. The Police Department budget includes an additional Patrolman, Detective, and Crime Prevention Officer, There is -an additional employee in the Accounting Department, an additional Laborer in the Sanitation Department, an additional Inspector in the Building Official Department, an additional Library Associate, and the provision for the Director of Parks and Recreation. Budget Message Page 2 Due to our having to begin to use the sanitary landfill at Hitchcock again, combined with the need for an additional employee to complete the third crew, the Sanitation Department revenues are considerably below the expendi- tures. The salary and wage rates reflected in the personnel summary of each depart- ment are those that are being paid at the present time, however, there is provision for a 10% across the board pay increase for all permanent full-time employees. Provision is also made in the General Fund for the inclusion of the $85,000 for overrun in the Street Improvement Program and the-05,000 for sidewalk construction which the City Council committed to earlier in the cur- rent fiscal year. As is true in most cases at home or work, financial limitations preclude our accomplishing many of the goals which we had set out to do. In this case, we were unable to fund the purchase of the water tank truck for the Fire Depart- ment which was requested, nor were we able to find adequate funds to contri- bute toward the purchase of land and an eventual Fire and Police substation in the Sunmeadow area. The budget is balanced in all funds and while there are some areas that are still not adequately addressed, I believe that this document represents a level of services which meet the most critical needs of the community. I would like to take this opportunity to express to you my appreciation for your assistance and guidance and to all the City Employees, as well,as the appointed Boards and Commissions, for a continuing job well done. R pectfully submitted, J y " James C. Morgan City Manager 2-A Annual Budget AMENDMENTS TO THE 1978-1979 BUDGET CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD SEPTEMBER 11, 1978 REVENUES Additions: Water 6 Sewer Fund - Fees 8 Penalties $3,000 + Deletions: General Fund -- Ad Valorem Taxes *44,216 General Fund - Industrial District 22,347 66,563 - NET BUDGETED REVENUE DELETIONS *63,563 EXPENDITURES Additions: Merit Raises Since Printing of Budget: Administration $ 916 Police 3,773 Sanitation 1,745 Water 1,918 Sewer 1,082 $ 9,434 Fire Department Certification Expense: Tuition 300 Board 40 Uniforms Cleaned (Required) 40 Meals 400 Auto Allowance 338 1,118 Parks & Recreation Department Matching Funds for Federal Grant - Sports Complex 20,000 30,552 + Deletions: Police - Crime Prevention Officer and 1/2 Detective 22,033 Fire - Administrative Substitute Firefighter 4,551 Contingency 1,000 5,551 Fire - Rescue Special Training 2,000 Court - Travel Expense 403 Library - Salaries 6 Wages 3,142 Maintenance of Buildings Grounds 750 Utilities 1,000 Books 1,108 6,000 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget 2-B AMENDMENTS TO THE 1978-1979 BUDGET PAGE 2 EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES Deletions: Cost of Living Raise - Reduce to 8% Capital Improvements - Sidewalks NET BUDGETED EXPENDITURE DELETIONS NET BALANCE 23,103 35,000 $94,090 - $63,538 $ 25 W- City of Friendswood, Texas 3 Annual Budget AMENDED BUDGET AT E SEPTEMBER 11, - Be innin Balance October 1, 1978 Anticipated Revenues General Fund $1 Water and Sewer Fund Debt Service Fund _ Total Anticipated Revenues Funds Available for A ropriation Budgeted Expenditures General Fund $- Water and Sewer Fund Debt Service Fund Total Budgeted Expenditures Balance September 30, 1979 City of Friendswooa, i exas 4 Annual Budget AMENDED COMBINED REVENUES BY SOURCE SEPTEMBER 11, 1978 REVELS TOTAL Ad Valorem Taxes $1,107,784 Industrial District Proceeds 280,053 Fees, Licenses, Fines And Franchises 88,450 Permits 35,000 Interest Earned 25,000 Sales Tax Receipts 140,000 State and Federal Grants 48,024 Sanitation Income 1B0,000 Water Income 240,000 Sewer Income 256,500 Tap Fees - Water 25,000 Tap Fees - Sewer 50,000 Fees and Penalties 12,000 Sewer Charges - WCID 108 103 770 TOTAL REVENUES *2,591,581 INTERFUND TRANSFERS General Fund Debt Service - Revenue Bonds Debt Service - Sunmeadow Water and Sewer Income Water and Sewer Construction - Sewer Tap Fees TOTAL TRANSFERS $ -0- GENERAL W 8 S FUND FUND $ 887,579 280,053 88,450 35,000 25,000 140,000 48,024 180,000 DEBT W 9 S SERVICE CONSTR FUND FUND *220,205 $240,000 266,500 25,000 50,000 12,000 103,770 $1,684,io6 $687,270.$220,205 $ -0- -- 14,194 + 14,194 -183,063 +183,063 - 28,790 + 28,790 - 50 000 +50,000 $ - 14,194 --24�7,,659 :+211,B53 +501000 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR EXPENDITURE $2,591,581 $1,669,912 $439,611 $432,058 $50,00C City of Friendswood, Texas r ) 5 Annual Budget AMENDED COMBINED EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT SEPTEMBER 11, 1978 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GENERAL W 8 S DEBT W 8 S FUND FUND SERVICE CONSTR FUND FUND Administration $ 218,976 $ 218,976 Planning and Zoning 6,500 6,500 Community Services 42,734 42,734 YNOC 1,200 1,200 Building 55,410 55,410 Street 242,905 242,905 Drainage 22,250 22,250 Police 445,740 445,740 Humane 16,462 16,462 Fire 84,529 84,529 Fire Marshal 1,650 1,650 Civil Defense 500 500 Municipal Court 19,938 19,938 Engineering 54,716 54,716 Sanitation 232,979 232,979 Health and Welfare 8,465 8,465 Library 76,980 76,980 Parks 8 Recreation 92,202 92,202 ccmunity Appearance 1,000 1,000 .Cost of Living Raises 9,068 9,068 Capital Improvements 85,000 85,000 Water 195,495 $195,495 Sewer 244,116 244,116 Debt Service - General Obligation Bonds 234,920 $234,920 Debt Service - Revenue Bonds 191,313 191,313 Debt Service -- Sunmeadow Bonds 154,900 154,900 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $22739 948 $12719,204 $4392611 $581,133 $ --0-- City of friendswood, Texas Annual Budget 6 AMENDED COMBINED EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY Salaries and Wages Supplies Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds Maintenance of Equipment Miscellaneous Services Sundry Charges Capital Outlay Debt Service TOTAL BUDGETED EXPENDITURES *15149,136 581,133 $2,739,948 City of Friandswood, Texas COMBINED EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION GRAPH � � 8 Annual Budget a 0 cla H P4 LQi o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0LO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n {J} {J} -cf} N {fY N {fY {fY O U CO (D CV o o w CO uO o� 0 u7 m 0 co M o COao O p co u s o � CDco u� uO rl CD[— " o m 00 M N ,O_ n p� u7 (N rl O� CO m O) ^ ^ n m CN (D (O [� C_ 4 1fY orlN H ��joOrlm6roM � dco -t 00 (N 00 o O) 00 rI CO Hco w N rl 00Q1 MHmm[�04 rI[�OO CDLOLO (D n . n n n n n n n n n n r-I 04 OO N r-I rl 07 (N rl n n CD (O (D to- to- err {rr �r CD U-) m N O co, .:J) H co 00 003 (nD 'CO((, N N (mD o Lnrnoorloo(omr-I�s co m N m En o co r-I t- r-I n rn t- m co � n n n ^ I C14 H [� N r I 00 r-I (D n � n Q7 LO Ol u7 U r trr trr trr 0 W 4jr �r {rr NOCN6)CWLO04m�O)CT' N rICD rI 0 m O) o oO m [J] (/] C,OO (N C C)�(Dm[—NC�CN C N00 00 O ^ 00 r-I ^ m u7 � n N H n n ^ [� m © n n n n n u7cOu� o(.o r1�U-)u7Oommu7 H O� H rA 04 N m 1) t—m (O O H L� � (O N m rI U] l u' {!} (O co u7 u7 � N 00 CO W M "' CN u7 '0N(.O c)u7C, fD00Olcou7(OO 0N0m rI cOrlrl(omou7mt- I'-aoo n n n n n n n n n �{ COOCV (N NmCC) �Nm (J) (T' 00 Or) H O p [gym�mrYrl rYm�N Cr) N H O 'ri(1) C9w PHI ' a� � C) w Ei U U]P-4x 00 co O CZ)H rn C, H � O U � Eb City of Friendswood, Texas r Annual Budget H z W H w G-1 P4 H O a N H Pa U G-1 w z H P4 z O 0 C.7 v) 0 0 0 0 Ln Ln o o r-I CD CDrI n n co CD rA o r-ico 0 0 ooNo o o0 o roi 0 Lor) r�tl 00 m m to z p Lfi [D Lo N N N Sn n n r i r-I n lD N N rrA LLO r-A 4.0- O O O O O O (D0 0 0 0 0 co o Lo 0 eo n H (D O , n n n n n n (D(D ri ri ri N N 4f) i!} 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o m 0 0 CD. m 00 (DU-) p n n n n rn co w m CDm Lo H r-i th th trr trr � 0o LOoo r-i CD CD mo L!') o0 o CDLn 0 oo LTl oo rn oLn oo (D L CD O r-i l.o (D Ln N N m LIB N [V 0 0 0 (D o r o (n o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lr) CD r-i m o0 0 o n n 0 0n 0 n O n n N m N ri rI D 00 H 0 m OD Pc1 p� � •v trr VV oou0000r-ion0000r-io oc�) zt- 00 0 o 0 61 o Lo 0 a) o CV o o L.n o LO Ln o o H co o C^ n Lo r'iw Lo CV Oc)LX)LnNNm Ol—Ln CD CD LP ^ - n Lfi m lD CD N M 00 � CV (D H r-i rr-I m r-I � ,� m m bO O U 4J Q} �9 C� bO b1D . 0 m� City of Friendswood, Texas`s I Annual Budget 10 TAX RATE COMPARISONS a DATE TAX LEVY TAX RATE TAX COLLECTIONS 1973 334,974 , .89 333,056 1974 371,453 1.00 368,072 1975 657,882 1.10 621,305 1976 833,815 1.20 802,331 1977 1,024,394 1.15 996,675 City of Friendswood, Texas 18 i Annual Budget AMENDED BUDGET RECAP GENERAL FUND SEPTEMBER 11, 197B Be ining Balance October 1, 1978 Anticipated Revenues Ad Valorem Taxes Industrial District Proceeds Fees, Licenses, Fines, Franchises Permits Interest Earned On Investments Sales Tax Receipts State and Federal Grants Sanitation Income Total Anticipated Revenues Funds Available For Appro riation Transfers To/From Other Funds Water and Sewer Fund Total Transfers To/From Other Funds Net Funds Available For A ro riation Budgeted Expenditures Administration Planning and Zoning Community Services YNOC Building Street Drainage Police Humane Fire Fire Marshall Civil Defense Municipal Court Engineering Sanitation Health and Welfare Library Parks and Recreation Community Appearance Cost of Living Raises Capital Improvements - Streets Total Budgeted Expenditures Balance September 30� 1979 $ B87,579 280,053 B8,450 35,000 25,000 140,000 48,024 1B�O,000 + $14,194 $ 218,976 6,500 42,734 1,200 555410 242,905 22,250 445,740 16,462 84,529 1,650 500 19,938 54,716 232,979 8,465 76,980 92,202 1,000 9,068 85,000 $ 50,000 1,684,106 $1,734,106 14,194 $1,719,912 $1,719,204 $ 708 City of Friendswood, Texas 20 GENERAL FUND REVENUE GRAPH 21 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE GRAPH w Administration 2.49 Planning 6 Zoning 13.64%3.22$ Street 6 Drainage �y 5.04% 15.43 %yy ,�tiGy�ti , 3.18a eery�� Librax'Y 4.48% parks Police 6 Humane 'MCI5.38% Recrq.tion." 26.89% 1� S A� L Sanitation e�si00 z�s Health 6 Welfare 4.94% 14.04% .29% 22 Annual Budget . r z U �V13 �1W 11 ci R V Department Division Activity Number REVENUES GENERAL FUND 1000 Actual Revenue 6 Months Revenue REVENUE CLASSIFICATION' Revenue Budget Revenue Budget 11976 - 1977 1977-1978 1977 - l978 1978 - 1979 Ad Valorem Taxes Other Takes Fees, Licenses, Fines, Franchises Permits Interest Earned On Investments Transfers From Other Funds State and Federal Grants Sanitation Income Other Revenue TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 633,597 780,576 700,013 887,579 283,169 280,000 271,298 280,053 85,156 73,450 68,115 88,450 24,614 27,500 20,954 35,000 16,315 46,500 12,265 25,000 149,529 120,000 63,500 140,000 15,450 28,000 10,128 48,024 156,311 165,000 89,977 180,000 5,454. -0- 2,228' -0- 1,369,595 1,521,026 1,238,478 1,684,106 City of Friendswood, Texas i_N r I 23 Department REVENUES Division REVENUE CLASSIFICATION 4100 - Ad Valorem Taxes - Taxro11 - City - Taxroll - WCID 21 - Taxroll - SMUD 4101 - Taxroll - Prior Years 4150 - Penalties and Interest 4160 - Tax Certificates TOTAL 4200 - Other Taxes 4211 - Industrial District No. 1 4212 - Industrial District No. 2 4213 - Industrial District No, 3 4221 - Mixed Drink'Tax TOTAL 4300 - Fees, Licenses Fines, --Annual Budget ®4:TCAL GENERAL FUND Actual Revenue 1976-1977 4310 - Franchises 4820 - Dog Tags and Pound Fees 4330 - Fines and Forfeits 4340 - Electrical Licenses TOTAL 4400 - Permits 4410 - Building 4420 - Mobile Homes 4430 - Other Permits TOTAL 4500 - Interest Earned 4510 - Interest Earned 4511 - Interest Earned - 1776 Park TOTAL 497,174 58,963 49,085 17,954 9,154 1,267 633,597 278,519 714 820 3,116 283,169 63,229 609 19,103 2,215 85,156 20,964 1,325 2,325 24,614 15,900 1.11 .Lb , J10 Activity Revenue Budget 1977-1978 637,677 74,518 68,381 -0- -0- Number 1000 6 Months Revenue Revenues Budget 1977-1978 1978-1979 544,441 66,155 55,569 33,060 -0- '03U,b/b I /Uu,u1j 651,146 80,536 107,953 -0- -0- -0- 887,579 278,466 269,565 278,519 714 -0- 714 820 -0- 820 -0- 1,733, -0- 280,000 271,298' 280,053 55.,000 52,358 69,000 450 130 450 16,000 12,893 16,000 2,000 2,734 3,000 73,450 68,115 88,450 25,000 18,948 32,000 1,500 1,287 2,000 1,000 719 1,000,,. 27,500 20,954 35,000 46,500 11,886 1 25,000 46,500 0 112,265 25,00 City of Friendswood, Texas Department REVENUES Division REVENUE CLASSIFICATION 4600 - Contributions From Other. Funds 4610 - Water 6 Sewer Fund 4620 - Sales Tax Fund TOTAL 4700 - State 6 Federal Grants -Annual Budget - ®FITAIL Activity Number GENERAL FUND 1000 Actual Revenue 6 Months 11,Revenue Budget Revenues TRevenue Budget 76--1977 1977-1978 1977-1978 1978-1979 4710 - Selective Traffic Enforcement 4720 - Juvenile Service 4740 - Parks and Wildlife 4760 - Fire Protection Grant 4770 - Anti -Recession Fiscal Assist TOTAL it800 - Sanitation Income 4810 - City 4820 - WCID 21 4830 - SMUD TOTAL 4900 - Other Revenue 4940 - Donations - Community Serv. 4950 - Donations - FVFD 491� - Donations - Parks & Rec. 49 - Miscellaneous Revenue TOTAL TOTAL REVENUES 57,540 91,980 149,529 626 11,789 -0- -0- 3,035 15,450 101,062 34,576 20,673 156,311 775 200 1,964 2,515 5,454 11069,595- 24 -0- 28,444 -0- 120,000 35,056 140,000 120,000 63,500 140,000 -0- 626 --0- 28,000 -0- 25,624 -0_ -0- 20,000 -0- 7,200 2,400 -0- 2,302 _-0- 28,000 10,128 48,024 106,680 58,078 116,186 36,500 19,872 39,754 21,820 12_ 2,027 24,060 1i655000 09,977 180,000 u -0- -0- --0- -0- -0- --0- -0-- -0- -0- -0- 2,228 -0- -0- 1 2,228, l -8- 1,521,026 1,238,478 1,684,106 City of Friendswood, Texas m Annual Budget �UMw 161"09aRV 25 Department ADMINISTRATION Division GENERAL FUND Activity Number 1010 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure Budget 6 Months Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1977-1978 1977-1978 1978-1979 Salaries 8 Wages 66,938 84,903 30,216 76,626 Supplies 9,285 8,350 3,317 10,000 Maintenance of Buildings 6 Grounds 713 300 576 750 Maintenance of Equipment 2,158 1,050 23'1 1,200 Miscellaneous Services 57,298 563450 61,510 76,100 Sundry Charges 38,996 43,200 17,522 48,800 Capital Outlay 11,302 5,018 7,880 5,500 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 186,690. ( 199,271 s 121,255 218,976 City of Friendswood, Texas Department Division ADMINISTRATION I , EXPENDITURE CLASSPICATION 5100 - Salaries 6 Wa es 5101 - Executive 5102 - Supervisory �5&�' - Clerical 6 Labor-5113 5106 - Overtime 5107 - Social Security 5108 -- Retirement &199 Group Insurance TOTAL 5200 - Supplies 5202 - Postage 5203 - Office Supplies 5211 - Paint, Limber, 6 Hardware 5214 - Fuel & Oil 5215 - Medical Supplies 5217 - Janitor Supplies 5220 -- Foods 5223 - Minor Tools 6 Equipment 5227 - Oil 6 Grease TOTAL 5300 - Maintenance of Buildings 5301 - Buildings and Grounds TOTAL 5400 - Maintenance of Equipment Annual Budget ®EETQAL 26 Activity Number GENERAL FUND 1010 Actual 6 Months l Expenditure Budget 119177-1978 1 Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1977-1978 197 8-1979 5401 - Furniture, Fixtures 6 Office Machines 5402 - Motor Vehicles 5403 - Radio and Radar 12,389 6,500 42,316 411 3,362 1,009 931 66,938 623 5,682 78 1,424 3 1,096 226 153 y,Loo 713 713 293 1,774 TOTAL I L,1oo 14,250 6,851 15090 -0- -0- --0- 58,155 20,809 49,812 323 -0- -0- 4,236 615 4,000 5,539 1,412 4,340 2,400 529 3,084 84,903 30,2-16 76,626 750 278 750 5,750 1,653 5,750 200 3 200 800 1421 800 50 -0- 50 450 387 5,00 200 854 1,800 100 -0- 100 50 -0- 50 8,350 I 3,317 1 10,000 300 1 576 750 300 576 750 800 183 800 150 45 250 100 6 150 1,050 234 1,200 City of Friendswood, Texas f��t,N45!v_QQo� �. �!\!A5 Department Division ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Annual Budget - DMTAIL i Activity GENERAL FUND Actual Expenditure Budget 1976-1977 1'1977-1978 Number 1010 6 Months Expenditures Budget 1977-1978 11978-1979 27 5500 - Miscellaneous Services 5503 - General Insurance Expense 38,904 40,000 52,995 55,000 5504 - Surety Bonds 64 3,587 200 3,600 50 2,440 600 4,000 5505 -- Travel Expense 86 100 9 100 5506 5507 - Auto Allowance - Advertising 8 Public Notices 991 500 81 550 5509 - Rental. of Equipment 1,656 2,400 3,071 6,000 5511 - Special Services 515 150 69 150 5513 - Books and Periodicals 916 400 104 400 5514 - Memberships 1,176 1,100 380 1,000 5515 - Election Expense 1,393 1-,000 1,035 1,300 5517 - Utilities 81010 7,000 1,276 7,000 TOTAL 57,298 56,450 61,510 76,100 5600 - Sundry Char es 5601 - Auditing 2,862 3,500 4,425 5,000 5602 - Legal 11,109 15,000 10,280 15,000 5605 - Tax Appraisals 17,195 19,000 -0- 22,000 5606 - Taxes to Other Agencies 530 700 --0- 700 5607 - Medical Exams 20 -0- -0-- -o- 5611 - Data Processing 8 Billing 4,561 5,000 2,015 4,900 5619 - Miscellaneous Expenses 2,719 -0- 802 1,200 TOTAL 38,996 43,200 17,522 48,800 6000 - Ca ital Outlay 6203 - Buildings & Grounds 3,678 -0- 1,524 .2,500 6410 - Furniture, Fixtures, and Office Equipment ,066 1,318 1,254 2,000 6450 -- Automotive 5 ,66 -0- �0- -0.. 6460 - Radio and Radar -0- 3,700 -Q-7, 4, 732 732 -0-- lz(100. 6480 - Miscellaneous Equipment -0- _ TOTAL 11,302 5,018 71880 5,500 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION BUDGET 186,690 199,271 121,255 218,976 City of Friendswood, Texas 28 Annual Budget PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Department ADMINISTRATION Division GENERAL FUND Activity Number 1010 EMPLOYEES E 1978-1979 Budget POSITION TITLE Rate of Number pay City Manager .5 2,565 Mo 15,390 City Secretary .5 1,350 Mo B,100 Accountant III .5 972 Mo 5,832 Administrative Assistant .5 1,080 Mo 6,480 City Manager Secretary .5 870 Mo 5,220 Staff Support .5 B70 Mo 5,220 Receptionist 1.0 756 Mo 9,072 *Accountant I .5 648 Mo 3,888 Janitor 1.0 500 Mo 6,000 SUB -TOTAL SALARIES & WAGES 65,202 Social Security 4,000 Retirement 4,340 Group Insurance 3 , 0 84 TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS 11,424 TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES I I I 76,626 *Denotes New Position . City of Friendswood, Texas 29 1'cxn� Annual Budget IIv11 rVW Lz Department PLANNING t; ZONING Division GENERAL FUP EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATIONActual Expenditure 1976--197 Salaries & Wages 1,526 Supplies 1, 61-8 Miscellaneous Services 115 Sundry Charges 115 Capital Outlay -0- TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 35374 City of Friendswo( --Annual r'*Budget y_ ®=-TAUIL 30 Department Division Activity Number PLANNING & ZONING GENERAL FUND 1011 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 8 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 11977-1978 1 1977-1978 1 1978-1.979 5100 - Salaries 6 Wages 5103 - Clerical 5106 - Overtime 5107 - Social Security 5109 - Group Insurance TOTAL 5200 - Supplies 5202 - Postage 5203 - Office Supplies TOTAL 5500 -- Miscellaneous Services 5505 - Travel t; hegistration tees 5507 - Advertising 6 Public Notices 5513 - Books & Periodicals TOTAL 5600 - Sundry Charges 5602 - Legal Fees 5610 - Engineering Service 5619 - Miscellaneous Expenses TOTAL 6000 - Capital Outlay 6410 - Furniture, Fixtures and Office Equipment TOTAL TOTAL PLANNING 9 ZONING BUDGE`I` 1,089 325 Gl 1,526 2 1,616 1,618 0G 115 103 12 115 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0-. -0- -0- --0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0-- 1 -0- 1 -0-- 100 1 21 100 100 90 100 9nn 111 200 400 -0- 900 100 12 100 100 -0- 100 600 12 1,100 1,500 -0-- 1,500 3,500 --0- 3,500 100 -0- 100 55100 --0- 5,100 100 -0- 100 100 -0- 100 6,000 123 6,500 I I City of Friendswood, Texas Department COMMUNITY SERVICES Annual Budget SUMMA Division GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Wages Supplies Direct Operating Expenses Travel Equipment TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Actual Expenditure City of Friendswood, TE J Department COMMUNITY SERVICES Annual Budget SUMMARY Division GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actuei Expenditure Salaries and Wages Direct Operating Expenses Professional Services Travel Equipment TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS City of Friendswood, Texas Activity CITY FUNDED B Months .Budget Expenditures 4 Number 1012 1978-1979 Budget 10,190 200 3,200 300 3,220 17,110 F, Annual Budget DETAIL Department Division COMMUNITY SERVICES GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure 5100 - Salaries and Wages 5102 Director/Counselor 5109 - Call Outs -- Director/CounE 5137 - Social Security 5138 Retirement 5139 - Group Insurance TOTAL 5300 - Direct Operating Expenses 5311 - Special Training and Wont, TOTAL 5400 Professional Services 5401 - Psychological Consultant 5402 _ Intern Program 5403 Evaluation TOTAL 5500 -- Travel 5505 - Seminar Travel TOTAL 6000 - Capital Outlay 6400 -- Equipment 6460 - Radio Equipment TOTAL TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES CITY FUNDED Activity Number CITY FUNDED 10.12 6 Months 1978-1979 Budget 1--Expenditures I Budget 5,102 1,800 1,649 1,181 458 10,190 200 200 1,200 1,500 500 3,200 300 300 3,220 3,220 17,110 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Department Division COMMUNITY SERVICES Acti�i#y GENERAL FUND CITY FUNDED POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES Number Bate of Pay Director/Counselor (37o City Funded) Call Outs - Director/Counselor SUB -TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES FRINGE BENEFITS Social Security Retirement Group Insurance TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES 1 1300 Month Number 1012 1978-1979 Budget, _ .. , 5,102 1,800 6,902 1,649 1,181 458 3,288 10,190 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget - suMMARV Department Division COMMUNITY SERVICES GENERAL FUND 7 Actual EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Personnel Supplies Direct Operating Expenses Travel Equipment TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Activity STATE GRANT FUNDED 6 Months Budget Expenditures 4 Number 1013 1978--1979 Budget 18,778 1,575 4,196 600 475 25,624 City of Friendswood, Texas 11__`, f --Annual Budget _ DETAIL Department Division Activity Number COMMUNITY SERVICES GENERAL FUND STATE GRANT FUNDED 1013 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION I Actual 6 Months 1978-1979 Expenditure Budget expenditures I Budget 6000 - Capital Outlay 6400 - Equipment 6410 - Furniture, Fixtures and Office Equipment TOTAL TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES STATE GRANT [ FUNDED TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 475 475 25,624 25,624 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget DETAIL Department Division ;OMMUMITY SERVICES GENERAL EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5100 - Personnel 5102 - Director/Counselor 5120 - Assistant Counselor 5121 - Secretary TOTAL 5200 - Supplies 5202 - Postage 5203 - Office Supplies 5204 - Brochures 5217 - Janitor Supplies 5223 - Minor Tools and Equipment TOTAL 5300 - Direct Operating Expenses 5301 - Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 5302 - Maintenance of Furniture, Fixtures 6 Office Equipment 5303 - Liability Insurance 5307 - Advertising and Promotion 5311 - Special Training and Workshops 5313 - Books and Program Supplies . 5314 - Memberships 5317 - Utilities TOTAL 5500 - Travel 5506 - Auto Allowance TOTAL FUND Actual Expenditure r j Activity Number STATE GRANT FUNDED 1013 6 Months 1978--1979 Budget Expenditures Budget 8,698 3,840 6,240 18,778 100 850 225 350 50 1,575 ell. 196 50 75 600 350 30 2,595 4,196 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget PERSONNEL SCNEDULE Department Division Activity Number COMMUNITY SERVICES GENERAL FUND STATE GRANT FUNDED 1013 EMPLOYEES 19713-1979 POSITION TITLE Budget Number Rate of Pay Director/Counselor (63o Grant Funded) 1 1300 Month 8,698 Assistant Counselor .37 5.00 Hour 3,840 Secretary .75 4.00 Hour 6,240 3ES City of Friendswood, Texas 18,778 U } 31 �g Annual IB'u�dgeet z U CVrj CV d amv 3 Department COMMUNITY SERVICES Division GENERAL FUND Activity Number 1012 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Exponditure Budget 6 Months Expenditures Budget g 1976--1977 1977-1978 1977-1978 1978-1979 Salaries & Wages 18,083 22,385 7,853 30,168 Supplies 529 1,340 251 1,575 Maintenance of Buildings 8 Grounds 7T8 300 81 300 Maintenance of Equipment 56 132 60 196 Miscellaneous 5,182 5,983 501 6,800 Sundry Charges 38 20 1 -0-- Capital Outlay -0-- 1,649 16 3,695 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 24,606 31,809 8,763 42,734 The purpose of Friendswood Community Services is to provide the.Friendswood area with a youth, family, and crisis counseling service with the goal of diversion of youth who would otherwise be incarcerated or placed in detention for status offenses. City of Friendswood, Texas 1 .Annual Budget = DUTQOL 32 Department Division Activity Number COMMUNITY SERVICES GENERAL FUND 1012 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure Budget 6 Months Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1977-1978 977-1978 1978--1979 5100 - Salaries and Wages 5102 - Supervisory wages 12,714 14,535 5,374 15,600 5103 - Clerical 3,830 55815 2,267 11,280 5107 - Social Security 968 1,264 212 1,649 5108 - Retirement 218 771 -0- 1,181 5109 - Group Insurance 353 -0- -0- 458 18,083 22,385 7,853 TOTAL, 30,168 5200 - Supplies 5202 - Postage 82 75 j27 100 5203 - Office Supplies 410 625 183 850 .5204 - Brochures -0- 250 -0- 225 5211 - Paint, Lumber 8 Hardware -0- 325 5 -0- 5215 - Medical -0- 5 1 -0- 5217 - Janitor Supplies 22 50 31' 350 5223 - Minor Tools & Equipment 15 10 4 50 529 1,340 251 1,575 TOTAL 5300 - Maintenance of Buildings, Grounds, Etc. 5301 - Maintenance of Buildings 8 Grounds 718 300 81 300 718 300 81 300 TOTAL 5400 - Maintenance of Equipment 5401 - Maintenance of Furniture, Fixtures & Office Equip. 56 132 60 196 56 132 60 196 TOTAL 5500 - Miscellaneous 5503 - uenerai insurance 5505 - Travel Exp. 8 Reg. Fees 5506 - Auto Allowance -0- 420 1,312 100 25 1 50 100 23 -0- 1,053 -0- 900 City of Friendswood, Texas ( j: Department Division COMMUNITY SERVICES EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5500 — Miscellaneous (Cont'd) — Annual Budget - ®MIME ( 33 Activity GENERAL, FUND Actual Expenditure Budget 1976-1977 1977-19' 5507 - Advertising E Public Notices 5511 -• Special Services 5512 - Special Training 5513 - Books E Program Supplies 5514 - Memberships 5517 - Utilities TOTAL 5600 - Sundry Charges 5619 - Contingency TOTAL 6000 - Capital Outlay 6200 - Buildings E Structures 6203 - Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds TOTAL, 6400 - Other PVjPEj2nt 6410 - Furniture, Fixtures, and Office Equipment TOTAL TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES BUDGET 157 1,550 225 160 25 1,333 5,182 s —0— I —0- 24,606 —0- 2,000 700 200 30 1,800 5,983 Number 1012 6 Months Expenditures Budget 1977-1978 1978-1979 —0— .75 —0— 2,000 11 800 30 350 —0— 30 412 2,595 501 6,800 20 1 —0- 20 1 —0- 600 —0— I 3,000 600 1 —0— If 3,000 1,049 16 6.95 1,049 1 16 695 31,809 8,763 42,734 City of Friendswood, Texas ip,�tND Vy �! Annual Budget PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Department Division Activity Number COMMUNITY SERVICES GENERAL FUND 1 1012 POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES Budget — Number Rate of Pay 1977--1978 5, I Director/Counselor (includes $1,800 for call - outs and overtime) Secretary (30 hrs/week) Assistant Counselor (96 days/yr) Psychological Consultant (part-time) SUB --TOTAL SALARIES 6 WAGES Social Security Retirement Insurance TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES & WAGES 34 1.0 1,300 Mo. 15,600 .75 4.00 Hr. 6,240 .37 5.00 Hr. 3,840 1.0 100 Mo. 1,200 26,880 1,649 1,181 458 30,168 City of Friendswood, Texas A 35 Anni—i M.idneh Ulty Ul F-Ilt:IIUDVWUUU, I CAG13 Department Division YNOC j EXPENDITURECLASSIFICATION 5200 - Supplies 5242 - Sumner Pragrram TOTAL 5500 - Miscellaneous Services 5525 -- Programs TOTAL TOTAL YNOC DEPARTMENT BUDGET 36 `Annual Budget DMTAIL Activity Number GENERAL FUND 1013 Actual 6 Months Expenditure 1976�-1977 Budget Expenditures Budget 1977-1978 1977-1978 1978-1979 _0 -0- 500 -0- -0- -0- 500 -0- -0- -0- -0- 700 -01 -0- -0- 1,200 City of Friendswood, Texas } e Annual Budget R Department Division Activity Number BUILDING GENERAL FUND 1 1015 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1977-1978 1977-1978 1978-1979 Salaries r; Wages Supplies ## Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds I Maintenance of Equipmmt I M4 ---I l n.,o� c Camvi ncc 37 —0— 15,852 75048 42,10.5 —0— 1,610 326 1,780 —0— --0— 34 —0- -0— 225 —0— 225 —0— 555 608 4,700 —0— 100 —0— 100 —0— 5,000 6,160 6,500 23,342 1 14,176 55,410. City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget DETAIL Department Division Activity Number BUILDING GENERAL FUND 1015 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 11977-1978 1977�1978 1978-1979 5100 - Salaries 5 Wages 5102 - Supervisory Salaries 5103 - Clerical 5106 - Overtime 5107 - Social Security 5108 - Retirement 5109 - Group Insurance TOTAL 5200 - Supplies 5202 - Postage 5203 - Office Supplies 5214 - Fuel 5 Oil 5214 -- Uniforms TOTAL 5300 - Maintenance of Buildings 5 Grounds 5301 - Maintenance of Buildings 6 Grounds TOTAL 5400 - Maintenance of Equipment 5401 -- Furniture, Fixtures, and Office Equipment 5402 - Vehicle Maintenance TOTAL !M -0- -0- -0- 38 13,200 6,244 14,904 -0- -0- 19,570 -0- 6 648 772 187 2,155 1,010 398 2,322 870 213 2050 42?10.5. 15,852 7,04E 40 30 80 400 131 450 750 5 750 420 160 500 1,610 326 1 1,780 -0- 34 j .-0- -0- 34 I -0- 50 -0- 50 175 -0- 175 225 -0- 225 City of Friendswood, Texas —Annual Budget ®MTAIL IC] Activity Number Division Department . BUILDING GENERAL FUND 1015 Actual 6 Months EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget ExpendituresIBdget1976-1977 1977-1978 1977-1778 -1979 5500 - Miscellaneous Services 5505 - Travel Expense 5510 - Rental of Buildings 5511 -- Special Services 5513 - Books & Periodicals 5514 - Memberships 6517 - Utilities TOTAL 5600 - Sundry CWSes 5602 - Legal TOTAL 6000 - Capital Outlaw 6410 - Furniture, Fixtures, and Office Equipment 6450 - Automotive Equipment 6460 - Radio Equipment TOTAL TOTAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUDGET " S1L■ IN -0- 200 130 400 -a_ -a- 3,000 200 390 500 75 18 100 80 70 100 -0- _0- 600 555 608 4,700 100 -0- 100 100 -0- 100 300 416 600 4,200 4,644 4,800 500 1,100 1,100 5,000 65160 6,500 23,342 14,176 55,41Q city of Friendswood, Texas 40 Annual Budget PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Department Division Activity Number BUILDING' GENERAL FUND 10.15 POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES Budget Number Rate of Pay Supervisory 1 1242 Mo 14,904 Inspector. (Assistant) 1 929 Mo 11,146 Clerical 1 702 Mo 8,424 Overtime 648 SUB -TOTAL, SALARIES & WAGES 3 5 P I2 2 Social Security 2,155 Retirement 25322 Group Insurance 2,506 TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS 6,983 TOTAL SALARIES & WAGES I I I 4 105, City of Friendswood, Texas 41 pAlnnual Budget UWV�lVda1lYi[V Department Division Activity Number STREET GENERAL FUND 1020 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 1 Exppenditendit ure Budget 6 Months Expenditures Budget 1976--1977 1977-1978 1977-1978 1978-1979 Salaries and Wages 64,987 1145833 43,127. 132,655 Supplies 44,868 54,850 11,932 54.,850 Maintenance Buildings 6 Grounds 10,196 13,300 1,324 13,300 Maintenance of Equipment 20,418 75900 2,899 7,800 Miscellaneous Services 9,293 11,950 5,269 11,950 Sundry Charges 1,043 200 (832) 100 Capital Outlay 27,637 57,350 7,168 22,250 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Unpaved Streets: 8.41 Miles Concrete Streets; 14,71 Miles Asphalt Streets: 35.39 Miles Total 58.51 Miles 178,436 f 260,383 70,887 2425905 City of Friendswood, Texas Department Division Annual Budget DETAIL Activity 42 Number STREET GENERAL FUND 1020 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1977-1978 1 1977-1978 11978-1979 5100 - Salaries 9 Waaes 5102 - Supervisory 5103 - Clerical 6 Labor 5104 - Worker's Compensation 5106 - Overtime 5107 - Social Security 5108 - Retirement 5109 - Group Insurance TOTAL 5200 - Supplies 5203 - Office Supplies 5204 - Wearing Apparel 5206 - Chemicals, Insecticides 5211 - Paint, Lumber, Hardware 5213 - Paving Materials 5214 - Fuel and Oil 5215 - Medical Supplies 5218 -- Laundry and Cleaning 5222 - Ice, Cups and Salt Tablets 5223 - Minor Tools and Equipment 5228 - Signs and Markers TOTAL 5300 - Maintenance of Buildings 5301 - Maintenance of Buildings 5303 - Storm Sewers 5304 - Streets and Alleys TOTAL 5400 - Maintenance of Equipment 5401 - Maintenance of Furniture, Fixtures, Etc. 5402 - Motor Vehicles 17,384 16,500 13,227 18,468 36,791 146 80,912 -0- 24,219 185 9.0 Q81 '500 3,807 2,000 895 2460, 3,387 5,816 1,123 6?79.3 1,459 7,605 23193 8081 2,019 23000 114,833 1,285 43,127 6,272 64,987 132?6aa5. 78 200 11 200 96 200 59 200 1,047 13000 --0- 1,000 416 1,000 164, 1,000 35,673 45,000 10,035 45,000 4,940 4,000 442 4,000 29 100 -0- 100 1,241 1,600 805 2,000 57- 50 14 50 1,019 700 352 700 272 1,000 54,850 50 11,932 600 44,868 54,850 242 300 5 300 256 35000 92 3,000 9,692 10,000 1,227 10,000 10,190 13,300 1,324 135300 30 200 1 100 4,126 2,000 855 2,000 City of Friendswood, Texas Department Division STREET EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION -Annual Budget ®TAIL GENERAL FUND Actual Expenditure 1 Q7F_l g77 5400 - Maint. of Equipment (Cont'd) 5403 - Maintenance of Radio Equip. 5407 - Grading, Construction and Ditching Equipment 5410 - Maintenance of Shop Equip. 5412 - Miscellaneous Equipment TOTAL 5500 - Miscellaneous Service 5501 - Insurance Motor Equipment 5507 - Advertising & Public Notices 5509 - Rental of Equipment 5513 - Books and Periodicals 5517 - Utilities 5224 -- Street Inspection Labs TOTAL 5600 - Sundry Charges 5619 - Miscellaneous Expenses TOTAL 6000 - Capital Outlay 6203 - Buildings, Fixtures 6 GroundE 6410 - Furniture, Fixtures & Office Equipment 6430 - Shop Equipment 6450 - Automotive Equipment 6460 - Radio Equipment 6440 -'Grading, Construction, 6 Ditching Equipment 6502 - Storm Sewers 6505 - Street Signs 6 Markers TOTAL TOTAL STREET DEPARTMENT BUDGET it Encumbered from 1976-1977 241 15,031 -0- 'ZU,41a _0- 7 155 -0-- 9,131 -0- 9,293 1,043 1,043 -0- 119 6,497 13,939 -0- -0- -0- 7,082 27,637 178,436 Activity Budget 7_1Qi 300 5,000 200 200 7,900 700 100 2,000 50 9,000 100 11,950 200 IE 200 300 300 1,000 15,300 300 "34,000 3,000 3,150 57,350 1 260,383 43 Number 1020 B Months Expenditures Budget t g77_1 g7ft 1197B-1971 -0- 1,985 -0- 58 2,899 300 5,000 200 200 7,800 -0- 700 -0- 100 3 1,000 _0- 50 5,016 3.0,000 250 ' 100 5,269 j 11,950 *(832) 100 (832) 1 . 100 _0- 500 -o- 1,500 5,225 .14,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 3,000 1.,943 _ 3,150 7,168 1 22,250 70,887 j 242,905 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Department Division Activity Number STREET GENERAL FUND 1020 EMPLOYEES Budget POSITION TITLE 9 Number Rate of Pay 1978-1979 Street Supervisor Labor Foreman Equipment Operator Truck Driver Laborer Overtime SUB -TOTAL SALARIES 8 WAGES Social Security Retirement Worker's Compensation Group Insurance TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES 8 WAGES 1 1,539 Mo 18,468 1 6.2640 Hr 13,029 2 5.4000 Hr 22,464 2 4.7000 Hr 19,544 4 4.2100 Hr. 35,044 2,160 110,709 6,793 8,381 500 6,272 21,946 132,655 44 City of Friendswood, Texas rQo Annual Budget z U Department Division Activity Number DRAINAGE GENERAL FUND 1025 Actual 6 Months Ex EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Budget Expenditure Budget Expenditures Q7R-1 Q'77 l 977-1978 1.977-1978 1978-1979 Supplies 192 1,250 -0- 1,250 Maintenance of Buildings 6 Grounds 5,894 11,000 2 11,000 Capital Outlay 6,086 10,000 -0- 10,000 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 125172 I 22,25Q 2 22,250 City of Friendswood, Texas 46 — Annuai Budget — DEETAIL Department Division Activity Number DRAINAGE GENERAL FIND 1025 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1977--1978 1 1977-1978 1978-1979. 5200 - Supplies 5206 - Chemicals, Insecticides 5223 - Minor Tools 6 Equipment TOTAL 5300 - Maintenance of Buildin s 6 Grounds 5301 - Buildings 6 Grounds 5303 - Maintenance of Storm Sewers 5304 - Streets 6 Alleys TOTAL 6000 - Capital Out1a 6502 - Storm Sewers TOTAL TOTAL DRAINAGE DEPARTMENT BUDGET -0- 192 192 -0- 3,998 1,896 5,894 6,086 - 6,086 12,172 1,000 -0- 1,000 250 --0- 250 1,250 -0- 1,250 -0- -0- -0- 5,000 2 5,000 6,000 -0- 6,000 11,000 2 11,000 10,000 10,000 22,250 -0- 10,000 -0- 10,000 2 1 22,250 City of Friendswood, Texas t,n�a rv90 SO 47 Annual Budget Department Division Activity Number POLICE GENERAL FUND AJBLIC SAFETY 1030 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION EActual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1977-1978 1977-1978 1978-1979 Salaries 6 Wages 193,403 283,408 124,305 �52,374 Supplies 18,406 21,785 8,180. 29,225 Maintenance of Buildings 6 Grounds 18 -0- 184 400 Maintenance of Equipment 12,574 11,250 4,871 175350 Miscellaneous Service 5,515 5,550 2,484 7,900 Sundry Services 1,081 1,150 301 1,100 Capital Outlay 10,427 25,100 27,087 37,391 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 1 2415424 1 348,243 1 167,412 j 4455740 City of Friendswood, Texas Department Division Annual Budget DETAIL. EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure 1976-1977 5100 - Salaries &.Wages 5102 - Supervisory 16,564 5103 - Clerical 9 Labor 143,921 5104 - Workers Compensation -0- 5105 - Supplemental -0- 5106 -- Overtime 14,579 5107 -- Social Security 105239 5108 - Retirement 2,943 5109 - Group Insurance 5,157 TOTAL 193,403 5200 - Supplies 5202 - Postage 268 5203 - Office Supplies 2,746 5204•- Wearing Apparel 2,961 5205 - Badges & Insignia 335 5208 - Chemical f Photo Lab 1,101 5214 -- Fuel and Oil 8,778 5215 - Medical and Supplies 3 5217 - Janitor Supplies 160 5219 - Ammunition and Range 881 5220'- Foods; Prisoner and Other 1.51 5223 - Minor Tools and Equipment 1,022 TOTAL 18,406 5300 - Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 5301 - Buildings and Grounds 18 TOTAL 18 5400 - Maintenance of Equipment 5401 - Maintenance of Furniture and Office Equipment 364 5402 - Motor Vehicles 8,811 48 Activity Number 1030 6 Months Budget Expenditures Budget A77-1978 1.977-1978 1978-197' 87,780 32,628 68,136 149,140 72,433 217,450 -0- 248 -0- -0- 1,193 -0- 6,000 6,099 10,800 14,211 3,302 18,184 18,277 45931 20,704 8,000 32471 17,100 283,408 .1.24,305 352,374 275 115 300 3,150 686 3,500 3,200 3,015 4,500 900 178 900 1,000 579 1,800. 10,000 1,956 12,800 75 -0- 50 135 208 475 2,000 102 2,000 250 178 • 400 800 1,163 2,500 21,785 8,180 29,225 -0- 1 184 400 _0- 184 400 250 1 71 1 850 10,000 3,660 12,000 City of Friendswood, Texas Department Division POLICE I EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5400 - Maintenance of Ec 5403 - Radio and Radar 5412 - Miscellaneous Equipment TOTAL 5500 - Miscellaneous Services Annual Budget _.- ®MTAIL GENERAL FUND Actual 1 Expenditure 1976--1977 t (Conitd ) 5505 - 'Travel Expenses 6 Reg. Fees 5507 - Advertising 6 Public notices 5512 - Special Training 5513 - Books 6 Periodicals 5514 - Memberships 5517 - Utilities 5519 - Telegraph 5509 - Rental of Equipment TOTAL 5600 - Sundry Charges 5607 - Medical Exams 5609 - Medical Expense, Non. Emp. 5619 - Miscellaneous Expense TOTAL 6000 -- Capital Out1 6450 - Automotive Equipment 6410 - Furniture, Fixtures and Office Equipment 6460 - Radio and Radar Equipment 6480 - Miscellaneous Equipment TOTAL TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT BUDGET 2,890 1L,J!`t 519 36 380 311 88 3,002 1,179 -0- 5,515 90 335 1,Vol 5,066 711 2,033 2,617 10,427 241,424 49 Activity Number PUBLIC SAFETY 1030 6 Months Budget Expenditures Budget 1977-1978 1977-1978 1.978-1979 500 411 4,000 500 729 500 11,250 4,871 17,350 300 121 1,800 100 4 100 700 465 900 350 219 450 100 14 150 4,000 1,389 3,000 -0- 254 1,500 -0- 18 -0- 5,550 2,484 7,900 500 135 600 400 67 300 250 99 200 1,150 301 1,100 11,000 1,600 9,200 3,300 25,100 348,243 17,009 149 8,774 1,155 19,500 2,291 10,000 5,600 27,087 -------- 37,391 445,740 167,412 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Department Division POLICE GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE Chief Lieutenant, Patrol Lieutenant, Administrative Assistant Sergeant, Patrol Sergeant, Detective Sergeant, Detective Patrolman Detective, Junior Grade Records Clerk Dispatcher Dispatcher, Relief School Crossing Guard Overtime SUB -TOTAL SALARIES 9 WAGES Social Security Retirement Group Insurance TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES 9 WAGES Activity Number 1030 EMPLOYEES Budget r1978-1979 Number BPay f 1.0 1,620 Mo 19,440 1.0 1,390 Mo 165680 1.0 1,361 Mo 16,332 1.0 1,307 Mo 15,684 1.0 1,296 Mo 15,552 1.0 1,255 Mo 15,060 9.0 1,191 Mo 1283628 .5 1,151 Mo 6,906 1.0 756 Mo 9,072 3.0 729 Mo 26,244 1.5 3.78 Hr 11,794 1.5 233 Mo 4,194 10,800 296,386 18,184 20,704 17,100 55,9$,8... 35�74 50 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Department Division POLICE GENERAL FUND JOB DESCRIPTION RATES Lieutenant Rate Sergeant Rate Sergeant Rate Patrolman Rates: Starting Pay 6 Months Pay 1 Year Pay Records Clerk Rate: Starting Pay 6 Months Pay 1 Year Pay Dispatcher Rates: Starting Pay 6 Months Pay 1 Year Pay Merit Relief Dispatcher Rates: Starting Pay 6 Months Pay 1 Year Pay Crossing Guard Rate Activity Number 1030 Budget BASE PAY 1,296 Mo 1,215 Mo 1,022 Mo 1,070 Mo 1,151 Mo 648 Mo 702 Mo 756 Mo 648 Mo 675 Mo 702 Mo 729 Mo 3.24 Hr 3.51 Hr 3.78 Hr 233 Mo 50-»A City of Friendswood, Texas 50-8 Annual Budget PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Department Division Activity Number POLICE GENERAL FUND 1030 POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES Budget BASE PAY CERTAYICA 1978-1979 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: Chief J. M. Wright 1,620 -0- 1,620 Mo Lt R. E. Williams 1,350 11 1,361 Mo DETECTIVE DIVISION: Sgt J. W. Sprague 1,215 81 1,296 Mo Sgt J. J. Palmire 1,215 40 1,255 Mo JG New Position i 1,151 -0- 1,151 Mo PATROL DIVISION: Lt W. E. Still 1,350 40 1,390 Mo Sgt J. M. Holland 1,296 11 1,307 Mo Patrol R. L. Doss 1,151 40 1,191. Mo Patrol A. R. Trapman 1,151 11 1,162 Mo Patrol B. J. Rankin 1,151 11 1,162 Mo Patrol M. Godwin 1,151 40° 1,191 Mo Patrol A. B. Craft 1,070 40, 11110 Mo Patrol G. R. Burger 1,070 -0- 1,070 Mo Patrol R. C. Childers 1,022 -0- 1,022 Mo Patrol G. F. Edwards 1,022 -0- 1,022 Mo DISPATCH DIVISION: FT M. R. Starr 729 -0- 729 Mo FT D. T. Matheny 648 -0-- 648 Mo FT J. M. Dunree 648 -0- 648 Mo PT P. A. Deaton 3.78 -0- 3.78 Hr PT J. W. Gutierrez 3.51 -0-- 3.51 Hr RECORDS CLERK: FT C. D. Stephenson 702 -0- 702 Mo CROSSING GUARD: PT J. I. Hartman 233 -0- 233 Mo PT M. Gordy 233 -0- 233 Mo City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget — SUM0111 4 Department Division Activity Number HUMANE GENERA, FUND FU Q SAFFTY 1031 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION ExActual 6 Months penditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1977-1978 1 1977-1978 1978-1979 Salaries and Wages Supplies Maintenance of Equipment Miscellaneous Services Sundry Charges Capital Outlay TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 51 -0- 12,497 5,652 13,062 457 1,400 171 11400 -0-- 425 254 800 -0- 650 49 200 -0- 500 -0- 500 -0- 5,100 4,316 500 457 20,572 10,442 F 16,462 City of Friendswood, Texas Department Division HUMANE EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5100 - Salaries & Ha es 5103 - Clerical & Labor 5106 - Overtime 5107 - Social Security 5108 - Retirement 5109 - Group Insurance TOTAL 5200 - Supplies 5203 - Office Supplies 5204 - Wearing Apparel 5205 - Badges 9 Insignia 5214 - Fuel & Oil 5221 - Dog Pound Supplies 5223 - Minor Tools 6 Equipment TOTAL 5400 - Maintenance of Equipment 5402 - Motor Vehicles 5403 - Radio 5412 - Miscellaneous Equipment TOTAL 5500 - Miscellaneous Services Annual Budget — DMTAIL Activity GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY Actual B Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures 1976-1977 1977-1978 1977-1978 5505 - Travel Expenses 9 Reg. Fees 5513 - Books 6 Periodicals 5517 - Utilities, Telephone I 0 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 457. ,to I I k 52 Number 1031 11 Budget 1978-1979 10,260 5,309 11,595 400 -0- -0- 600 170 712 754 -0- 295 483 173 460 12,497 5,652 13,062 100 -0- 100 200 -0- 250 50 -0- 50 450 .80 500 600 73. 500 -0- Z, 8 L -0- 1,400 171 r 1,400 300 254 600 75 -0- 100 50 -0- 100 425 254 800 100 -0- 100 50 -0- 100 500 49 -T--= 0-- 650 49 200 5600 - Sundry Charges 5609 - Medical Expense, Vet Service -0- 500 -0- 500 TOTAL -0- 500 -0- 500 City of Friendswood, Texas r-. —Annual Budget — ®ETQIL Department Division Activity Number HUT M GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY 1031 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1977-1978 1977-1978 1978-IRT 6000 -- Capital Outla 6450 - Automotive 6460 - Radio 6480 - Miscellaneous Equipment TOTAL TOTAL HUMANE DEPARTMENT BUDGET 53 -0- 4,000 4,087' -0- -0- 750 -0- --0- --0- 350 229 S00 -0- 5,100 41316 500 457 20,572 10,442 16,462 City of Friendswood, Texas 54 Annual Budget PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Department Division Activity Number HUMANEGENERAL FUND 1031 EMPLOYEES Budget POSITION TITLE Rate of Number pay i 1978-1979 Humane Officer - Class 5 1.0 648 Mo 7,776 Assistant Humane Officer .5 3.672 Hr 3,819 SUB --TOTAL SALARIES 6 WAGES 11,595 Social Security I I 712 Retirement 295 Group Insurance 460 TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS I 1 1 1,467 TOTAL SALARIES & WAGES 1 ( 1 13,062 City of Friendswood, Texas 55 �WW Annual /Buudg�elt► Z U VLIwki Department Division Activity Number ALL FIRE DEPARTMENTS 1040 FIRE GENERAL FUND COMBINED 1041 1042 Actual 6 Months EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1977-197B 1977-1978 1978-1979 Salaries and Wages 4,077 16,400 2,464 1B,588 Supplies 12,14.9 9,6B2 3,173 8,B10 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 13524 25300 12B 8,400 Maintenance of Equipment 11,271 13,256 53605 14,086 Miscellaneous Services 7,331 11,400 3,OB1 16,11E Sundry Charges (232) 500 4,342 -0- Capital Outlay 18,326 195727 12.,762 1B,527 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 54,446 73,265 31,555 84,529 City of Friendswood, Texas 56 Annual Budget aU ARV Department Division Activity Number FIRE GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATIVE 1040 Actual 6 Months Budget EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget7B Expenditures g 979 1 76-1977 1977-19 1977-1978 1978-1 0 2 464, 18 588 Salaries and Wages 4,077 16,4 0 , Supplies ' 443 1,900 172 15100 Maintenance of Buildings a; Grounds 1,524 25300 128 8,400 Maintenance of Equipment 950 1,500 330 2,150 Miscellaneous Services -0- 200 1,533 45918 Sundry Charges (232) 500 4,342 -0-- Capital Outlay -0= 2,300 4,648 5,150 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS s 6,762 25,100 13,617 40,306 City of Friendswood, Texas cnUBW rum Department r Division FIRE EXPENDITURE -CLASSIFICATION 5100 - Salaries 6 Wages f 57 —Annual Budget ®MTAIL Activity Number GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATIVE 1040 Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1977-1978 1977--1978 - 1978-1979 5103 - Labor Wages 3,852 5106 - Overtime -0-. 5107 - Social Security 225 5108 - Retirement -0- 5109 - Group Insurance -0- TOTAL 4,077 5200 - Supplies 5203 - Office Supplies 443 5217 - Janitor -0- 5223 - Minor Tools and Equipment -0-- TOTAL 443 5300 -Maintenance of Buildin S 9 Grounds 5301 - Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 1,524 - Building Electrical -0- - Building General -0- . A/C Reworked . Inside 6 Outside Walls and Doors . Roof Leaks - Grounds -0- TOTAL 1,524 5400 - Maintenance of Di4ipment 5401 - Furniture, Fixtures and Office Equipment 185 5402 - Radio and Radar 765 5412 - Miscellaneous Equipment -0- TOTAL 950 14,600 2,370. 15,962 -0- -0- 0- 624 29 980 816 -0- 1,188 360 65 458 18,588 16,400 2,464 1,300 183 500 300 40 300 300 (51) 300 1,900 172. 1,100 2,300 128 1 -0- -0- -0- 1,000 _0- _0_ 7,000 -0_ -0- 400 2,300 128 8,400 _0- -0- 500 15000 70 1,650 500 260 -0- 1,500 330 2,150 City of Friendswood, Texas 11 --Annual Budget —_ ®MTAIL Department Division Activity Number FIRE GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATIVE 1040 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 1 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1977-1978 1977-1978 , 1978-1979 5500 - Miscellaneous Services 5512 - Special Training 5505 - Travel Expense 5507 -- Advertising 5517 - Utilities TOTAL 5600 - SundryChar es 5616 - Transfer to FVFD 5619 - Contingency TOTAL 6000 - Capital 0ut1a� 6203 - Buildings 8 Grounds Hallway Security Door. Lack Changes Building Fire 8 Security System 6460 - Radio and Radar Frequency Meter Signal Generator TOTAL TOTAL FIRE (ADMINISTRATION) BUDGET ar (306) 74 (232 ) 1 6,762 -0- -0- 300 200 -0- 1,018 -0- 9 -0- -0- 1,524 3,600 200. 1,533 4,918 --0— 4,313 —0- 500 29 —0- 500 4,342 1 —0— 4 -0- -0- 400 -0- -0- 400 -0- -0- 1,500 21300. 4?6.48 2185-0 2,300 4,648 5,150 25,100 13,617 40,306 58 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Department FIRE I Division GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE Activity ADMINISTRATIVE EMPLOYEES Hate of Number Pay Fireman/EMT Apparatus Maintenance . 1.0 1,026 Mo Buildings 9 Grounds Maintenance Man .5 3.51 Hr SUB -TOTAL SALARIES & WAGES Social Security Retirement Group Insurance TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES 8 WAGES Number 1040 Budget 1978-1979 12,312 3,650 15,962 980 1,188 458 2,626 18,588 59 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget 3 U ViVIt 01 A R Department Division Activity Number FIRE GENiEi FUND FIRE 1041 Actual 6 Months Budget EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget Expenditures 1976�-1977 1977-1978 1 1977-1978 1 1978-1979 Supplies Maintenance of Equipment Miscellaneous Services Capital outlay TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 9,216 5,980 2,322 5,450 8,545 95900 4,410 10,400 6,314 6,900 1,384 7,200 18 326 15� ,627 _ 61967 12,177 42,401 38,407 15,083 35,227 w City of Friendswood, Texas 61 M 1 \ 1fXA51 .--AAnnual +Budget DE ■ AUL Department Division Activity Number FIRE GENERAL FUND FIRE 1041 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1,1977-1978 1977-1978 '1978-1979 5200 - Supplies 5204 - Wearing Apparel, Protective Clothing, Uniforms 5208 - Chemical and Lab 3146� 2,980 1,539 2,700 . Foam, Ext. Powder, etc. 2,141 1,000 62 1,000 . Electrical Parts -0- 500 -0- 250 5214 - Fuel and Oil 2,179 1,000 482 1,000 5223 - Minor Tools (Fire Fighting) 1,431 500 239 500 5,980 5,450 TOTAL 9,216 2,322 5400 - Maintenance of Equipment 7,897 8,400 3,006 8,400 5402 - Motor Vehicles (and Pumps) 5403 - Radio Repair -0- 500 1,358 1,500 5412 - Miscellaneous Equipment 648 1,000 46 500 9,900 10,400 TOTAL 8,545 41410 5500 - Miscellaneous Services 6512 - Special Training (A6M Summer Schools, Field Days, Instructor Training Chief's Conference 2,855 3,200 434 3,200 5511 - Special Services 50 -0- -0- -0- 5513 - Books, Periodicals and Training Aids 489 500 591 500 5514 - Memberships 168 200 359 300 5501 - Vehicle Insurance 1,986 1,800 -0- 1,800 5502 - Personnel Insurance .766 1,000 -0- 1,200 5505 - Travel DxTense 8 Reg. Fees -0- 200 -0- 200 1,384 7,200 TOTAL 6,314 6,900 6000 -Capital Outlay 6426 - Safety Equipment Safety Bars, Grab Rails Steps, Belts, Hooks 300 1,200 676 500 City of Friendswood, Texas Department Division FIRE EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 6000 - Capital Outlay (Cont'd) --Annual Budget OMTAMIL GENERAL FUND Actual Expenditure 1976-1977 6460 - Radio Equipment Alerting Radios, Radio' R-805 T-81, and Walkie Talkie 6480 - Special Equipment 6490 - Fire Services Equipment 2 - 50' Sections H.P. 3/4" Hose 8 - 50' Sections D.J. 1-1/2" Hose 14 - 50' Sections D.J. 2-1/2" Hose 2 Salvage Covers and Floor Runners 2 Portable Extinguishers 2 Nozzles 2 Hydrant Valves 1-1/2" Foam Eductor Foam Airation Tubs Hose Bridges TOTAL TOTAL FIRE DEPT. (FIRE) BUDGET 7,944 3,947 6,135 -0- -0- -0- 18,326 42,401 62 Activity Number FIRE 1041 6 Months. Budget Expenditures Budget 1977-1978 1977-1978 1978-1979 6,150 3,583 65150 -0- -0- -0- 4,100 2,708 -0- 300 -0- 325 550 -0- 600 1,876 -0- 1,890 316 -0- 325 150 -0- 300 250 -0- 500 735 -0- 522 -0- -0- 245 -0- -0- 220 -0- -0- 600 15,627 ( 6,967 1 12,177 38,407 15,083 35,227 City of Friendswood, Texas I Department Annual Budget 120hUMMW ARV Division Activity Number FIRE IGENERAL FUND RESCUE i1042 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION ExActual 6 Months panditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976--1977 1977-1978 1977—.1978- 1978-1979 Supplies Maintenance of Equipment Miscellaneous Services Capital Outlay TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 63 2,490 1,802 679 2,260 1,776 1,856 865 1,536 1,017 4,300 164 4,000 —0— 1,800 1,147 1,200 5,283 9,758 1 2,855 8,996 City of Friendswood, Texas I Department Division FIRE EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5200 - Sup lies 5203 - Wearing Apparel 5214 - Fuel 6 Oil 5215 - Medical Supplies TOTAL 5400 - Maintenance of EquiEnent 5402 - Vehicles 5403 - Radio 5 Radar TOTAL 5500 - Miscellaneous Services 5501 - Vehicles 5502 - Malpractice Laibility 5511 - Special Services 5512 - Special Training TOTAL 6 000 . - Capital Outlaw 6420 - Special Equipment 6450 - Automotive Equipment 6460 - Radio and Radar TOTAL — Annual Budget ®MTAIL Activity Number GENES FUND RESCUE 1042 Actual 6 Months pe Expenditure Budget Exnditures Budget 1976-1977 1977-1978 1 1977-1978 11978-1979 TOTAL FIRE (RESCUE) DEPT. BUDGET 20,4 .1,033 1,253 2,490 1,269 -0.. 388 50 579 1,017 -0- -0- -0- -0- 5,283 64 150' 189 180 872 155 1,300 780 335 780 1,802 679 2,260 1,256 852 1,036 600 13 500 1,856 865 1,536 15500 -0- 3,000 400 -0- f 600 -0- -0- -0- 2,400 164 400 4,300 164 4,000 400 -0- 200 -0- -0- -0- 1,400 1,147 1,000 1,800 1,147 .1,200 9,758 2,855 8,996 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget �uM�aaRV Department Division Activity Number FIRE MARSHAL GENERAL FUND 1043 Actual 6 Months EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget Supplies Miscellaneous Services Capital Outlay TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 65 1976-1977 1977-1978 1977-1978 1978-1979 43 550 -0- 550 196 s 900 48 900 -0- 200 -0- 200 3 239 1,650 1 48 1,650 City of Friendswood, Texas 66 Annual Budget DETAIL Department Division Activity Number FIRE MARSHAL GENERAL FUND 1043 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1977-1978 1977-1978' 11978-19.79 5200 - Su lies 5203 - Office Supplies 5214 - Fuel 5 Oil TOTAL 5500 - Miscellaneous Services 5511 - Special Training 5513 - Books 5 Periodicals 5514 - Memberships TOTAL 6000 - Capital Outlay 6426 - Safety Equipment TOTAL 4,3 -0- 43 -0- 're, 196 200 -0- 200 350 -0- 350 550 -0- 550 600 —0— 600 250 --0— 250 50 48 50 900 48 900 200 200 � —0— ^ 1 200 _0— 200 TOTAL FIRE MARSHAL BUDGET 239 1,650 48 1,650 City of Friendswood, Texas Et+�S1Y 67 ' Annual Budget 3UFri VOW ��� Department Division Activity Number CIVIL DEFENSE GENERAL FUND 1045 Actual FEXJ ths Budget EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget tures 1976-1977 1977-19781978- 1978�-1979 Supplies TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 297 500 297 1 500 —0— 500 1 1 —0— F 500 City of Friendswood, Texas f�,�s.4a wp0� i 68 I .�y• I '1 4' t \�Jvo Annual Budget f I DETAIL. Department Division Activity Number CIVIL DEFENSE GENETAL FUND Actual 6 Months 1045 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1977-1978 1977-1978- 1978-1979 5200 - Supplies 5203 - Civil Defense Supplies TOTAL 297 1 500 -0- 500 11 297 500 -0- 500 TOTAL CIVIL E DEFENSE 1 297 500 w0- 500 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget Department Division Activity Number MUNICIPAL COURT GENERAL FUND 1 10.50 Actual 1 B Months. Budget EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION I Expenditure Budget Expenditures i 1976-1977 1977-1978 1.977-1978 1978-1979 Salaries and Wages 13,339 15,781 7,417 17,898 Supplies 52�4 615 210 615 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds -0- -0- 33 -0- Miscellaneous Services.. 524 489 60 -750 Sundry Charges 908 475 341 475 Capital Outlay 126 -0- -0- 200 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 15,421 j 17,360 8,061 F 19,938 City of Friendswood, Texas r Annual Budget — ®ET&IL Activity Number Division Department , MUNICIPAL COURT GENERAL FUND 1050 Actual 6 Months EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budges 1976-1977 1977- 97 1978-1979 70 5100 — Salaries & Wages 5103 — Clerical 6 Legal 11,291 13,610 6,059 14,233 5106 — Overtime 887 300 674 1,500 5107 — Social Security 642 553 188 966 5108 — Retirement Plan 173 693 323 741 458 5109 — Group'Insurance 346 625 173 TOTAL 13,339 15,781 7,417 17,898 5200 —,,Supplies 5202 — Postage 132 200 6 200 5203 — Office Supplies 371 400 204 400 5218 — Laundry 6 Cleaning 21 15 —0— 15 TOTAL' 524 615 210. 615 5300 - Maintenance of Buildin s "r & Grounds 5301 - Maintenance of Buildings 6 Grounds -0- -0- 33 -0— TOTAL —0— -0- 33 -0- 5500 - Miscellaneous Services 5504 - Surety Bonds 14 14 •-0- 28 5505 - Travel Expense &.Reg. Fees 446 200 -0- 197 5506 - Auto Allowance 17 -0- -0- 200 5511 - Special Services -0- 100 -0- 100 5513 — Books 6 Periodicals 7 25 —0— 25 5514 — Memberships 40 150 60 200 TOTAL 524. 489 60 75G 5600 -- Sundry Char ems 5603 - Jury Fees 686 400 341 400 5619 - Miscellaneous Expense 222 75 -0- 75 TOTS, 908 475 341 475 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget DETAIL Department Division Activity Number -MUNICIPAL COURT GENERAL FUND 1050 Actual B Months EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 6000 - Ca ital Outla 6410 - Furniture, Fixtures and Office Equipment TOTAL 71 126 -0- _0_ 200 126 -Ow -0- 200 TOTAL MUNICIPAL COURT BUDGET 1 15,421 17,360 8,061 19,938 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Department Division MUNICIPAL COURT POSITION TITLE GENERAL FUND Court Clerk Judge Prosecutor Cashier Overtime SUB -TOTAL SALARIES 9 WAGES Social Security Retirement Group Insurance TOTAL FRIDGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES 8 WAGES I Activity Number 1050 EMPLOYEES _ Budget Number Rate 1 Pay f 1978-1979 1.0 816 Mo 9,792 ,1 85 Day 2,210 .l 75 Day 1,950 ,1 10.80 Day 281 1,500 15,733 741 741 458 2,165 17,898 72 City of Friendswood, Texas 73 Annual Budget Department Division Activity Number ENGINEERING GENERAL FUND 1060 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure Budget Budget 1976-1977 1977-19781978-1979 Salaries Wages 26,129 35,525 rno 32,766 Supplies 878 1,100 1,000 Maintenance of Equipment 613 -0- 500 Miscellaneous Services -0- 100 55 100 Sundry Charges 447 20,000 .34 20,000 Capital Outlay 1,263 2,237 SO 350 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 29,330 58,962 9,173 54,716 City of Friendswood, Texas Isy'? trx� Annual Budget DETAIL. 74 Department Division Activity Number ENGINEERING GENERAL FUND 1060 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1977-1978 1977-1978, 1978-W1979 5100 - Salaries 6 Wages 5102 - Supervisory 5103 - Clerical 6 Labor 5107 - Social Security 5108 - Retirement 5109 -- Group Insurance TOTAL 5200 - Supplies 5202 - Postage 5203 - Office Supplies 5223 - Minor Tools 6 Equipment 5226 - Engineering Field Supplies 5214 - Gas 6 Oil 5218 - Laundry 6 Cleaning TOTAL 5400 - Maintenance of Equipment 5402 - Vehicles TOTAL 5500 - Miscellaneous Services 5506 - Auto Allowance 5513 - Books & Periodicals TOTAL 5600 - Sundry Charges 5610 - Engineering Services 5619 - Miscellaneous Expenses TOTAL 16,739 6,981 1,616 238 555 26,129 -»0- 208 164 84 334 613 V 1 V -0- -0- -0- -0- 447 447 18,900 4,489 20,412 12,400 25754 7,862 1,831 158 1,734 2,394 287 1,843 -0- 163 915-. 35,525 71)851 32,766 -0- 4 -0- 200 83 200 400 20 50 500 55 200 -0- 97 200 -0- 168 350 11100 �+27r 1,000 I r —0— 726 500 —0— 1 726 500 —0— 100 35 20 55 —0- 100 100 100 20,000 —0— .20,000 —0— 34 34 —0- 20,000 20,000 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget ®MTAIL Department Division Activity Number ENGINEERING GENERAL FUND 1060 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1.977 1 1977--1978 1977-1978 1978-1979 6000 - Ca ital Outlay 6410 - Furniture, Fixtures and Office Equipment TOTAL TOTAL ENGINEERING DEPT. BUDGET 75 �1,263 2,237 Bo 1 350 11 15263 1 2,237 80 350 29,330 58,962 9,173 54,716•- City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Department Division ENGINEERING I GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE City Engineer Chain Man SUB -TOTAL SALARIES 8 WAGES Social Security Retirement Group Insurance TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES 8 WAGES Activity Number 1060 EMPLOYEES Budget Number Rate of Pay 1978-1979 l 1,701 Mo 20,412 1 3,78 Hr 7,862 28,274 1,734 1,843 915 4,492 32,766 76 City of Friendswood, Texas U 77 Annual Budget S�J Mv "ARC Division Activity Department SANITATION GENERAL FUND Actual EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget 1916-1977 1977-197 Salaries and Wages 985988 114,941 Supplies 20,952 11,500 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds. 1,4+41 500 Maintenance of Equipment 37,319 15,100 Miscellaneous Services 15,448 16,520 Sundry Charges 124 125 Capital Outlay 26,453 29,800 TOTAL. APPROPRIATIONS 1 200,725 1 188,486 Number 1070 6 Months Expenditures Budget 1977-1978. 1978-1979 50,24.0 143,759 676 12,375 37 300 11,960 27,200 6,659 160220 10 125 3j410 33,000 4 72,992 232,979 Three full route_ crews and one extra employee for a driver trainee and labor. +� 1/2 Ton Truck City of Friandswood, Texas '���,nuswQQ -Annual Budget - DETAIL r; 78 Department Division Activity SANITATION GENERAL FUND Actual 6 Months EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget Expenditures 11977-1978 1976-1977 1977-1978 5100 - Salaries E Wa es 5102 - Supervisory 13,371 13,500 6,560 5103 - Labor 55,929 74,568 31,494 5104 - Workers Compensation 116 19,925 -0-- 11,000 398 7,199 5106 - 5107 - Overtime Social Security 5,221 5,795. 1,367 5108 - Retirement Plan 1,749 2,677 7,578 2,500 2,102 1,120 5109 - Group Insurance _ TOTAL 981,988 1142941 50�240 5200 - Supplies 5203 - Office Supplies 63 150 -0- 59 5204 - 5206 - Wearing Apparel Chemicals, Insecticides, Etc. 543 4,978 150 1,000 -1,576 , 5211 - Paint, Lumber, Hardware 24 9,951 300 6,800 150 738 5214 - 5215 - Fuel and Oil Medical Supplies 29 100 -0- 5218 - Laundry and Cleaning 1,897 900 25 817 -0- 5222 -- 5223 Ice, Cups, Salt Tablets - Minor Tools 9 Equipment 14 11331 1,000 430 5227 - Oil & Grease 2,087 1,000 44 14 5231 - Replace Customer Containers 35 75 . TOTAL 20,952 11,500 676 5300 - Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 5301 - Buildings and Grounds 1)441 500 37 TOTAL 1s�+41 500 37 5400 - Maintenance of EqujLxnent 5401 - Furniture, Fixtures and 3 Office Equipment 30 -0- 5402 - Motor Vehicle 21,304 8,000 7,295 Number 1070 Budget 1978-19 14,580 90,643 1,000 13,906 7,311 9,019 7,300 143,759 150 150 1,000 300 6,800 100 1,700 100 1,000 1,000 75 12075 300 300 -0- 10,000 City of Friendswood, Texas Ea�ENtD9 W�p6 r 79 "Annual Budget DETAIL. Department Division SANITATION GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure 5400 - Maintenance of Equipment (Continued) 5403 - Radio and Radar 5410 - Shop Maintenance 5413 - Special Maintenance Items 5414 - Maintenance of Containers TOTAL 5500 - Miscellaneous Services 5501 - Insurance - Motor Equipment 5502 - Insurance - Personnel 5507 -- Advertising & Public Notices 5513 - Books and Periodicals 5517 - Utilities 6521 - Landfill TOTAL 5600 - Sundry Charles 5607 - Medical Exams 5619 - Miscellaneous Expense TOTAL 6000 - c ap ital Outla 6203 - Buildings, Fixtures & Grounds 6421 - Special Equipment 6425 - Garbage Containers 6430 - Shop Equipment 6450 - Automotive Equipment TOTAL TOTAL SANITATION BUDGET 180 1,260 14,545 -0- 37 , 319 -0- -0- -a- -fl_ 247 15�201 15,448 -0- 124 124 119 22,784 3,550 -0- -0- 26,453 Activity Budget l7—1 Q' 100 -0- 7,000 -0- 15,100 750 1,300 50 20 400 14,000 16,520 25 100 125 800 25,000 3,700 300 -0- 29,800 f 200,725 ! 188,486 City of Friendswood, Texas Number 1070 6 Months Expenditures Budget IQ77-107R 1g7R-197 —0- -0- 4,662 -0-- 11,960 12 -0- -0- -0- 76 6,569, 6,659 -0- -0- 3,410 -0- --0- �3 ..410 72,992 100 -0- 11,100 6,00,0 27,200 750 -0- 50 20 400 15,000 16,220 25 100 125 800 25,000 1,200 -0- 6,000 33,000 2322979- j r Annual Budget PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Department Division Activity SANITATION GENERAL FIND POSITION TITLE Supervisor/Mechanic Driver Laborer Overtime SUB --TOTAL SALARIES 6 WAGES Social Security Retirement Workers Compensation Group Insurance TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES 6 WAGES EMPLOYEES Number Rate of Pay Number 1070 Budget 1978-1979 1.0 1,215 Mo 14,580 3.0 4.698 Hr 29,316 7.0 4,212 Hr 61,327 13,906 119,129 7,311 9,019 1,000 7,300 24,630 143,759 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget 5UbryOow V03aRV 81 mow. Department Division Activity Number HEALTH 6 WELFARE GENERAL FUND 1072 th EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION ExActual penditure Budget expendi6Montu®res Bud . get 1976-1977 1977-1978 1977-1978 1978-1979 Galveston County Mental Health Galveston County Health TOTAL. APPROPRIATIONS 300 300 -0- 300 61605 7,423 3,374 81165 6,905 7,723 3,374 8,465 City of Friendswood, Texas —Annual Budget , ® M I� & I L Department Division Activity HEALTH & WELFARE GMRAL FUND Actual 6 Months EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget Expenditures 1976-1977 1977-1978 1977-1978 7100 - Galveston County Mental Health 7105 - Mental Health TOTAL 8100 - Galveston County Health 8105 - Health TOTAL TOTAL HEALTH 6 WELFARE 0JD('ET Number 1072 Budget 1978-197 4 300 300 -0- 300 300 300 -0- 300 6,605 7,423 3,374 8,165 6,605 7,423 1 3,374 8,165- 82 I 6,905 7,723 3,374 8,465 City of Friendswood, Texas N Annual Budget aUM01ARV 83 Department LIBRARY Division GENERAL FUND Activity Number 1080 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual penditure Budget 6 Months Expenditures Bud et g 1Ex976-1977 1977-1978 1977-1978 1978-1979 Salaries and Wages 28,996 405826 18,523 49,869 Supplies 1,509 1,550 614 1)650 Maintenance of Buildings and GroundE 1,476 15500 576 750 Maintenance of Equipment 806 830 - 8 880 Miscellaneous Services 7,881 8,695 41024 8,080 Capital Outlay 13,365 14,725 9,145 15,751.; TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 54,033 68,126 1 32,874 76,980 s City of Friendswood, Texas P j --Annual Budget ®MTAIL 84 Department Division A lvity Number LIBRARY GENERAL 1r'M 7 1080 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1,1977-1978 1977-1978 1.1978-1979 5100- Salaries and W es 5102 - Supervisory 5103 - Clerical and Labor 5107 --.Social Security 5108 - Retirement 5109 - Group Insurance TOTAL 5200 -- Supplies 5202 - Postage 5203 - Office Supplies 5217 - Janitor Supplies 5223 - Minor Tools and Equipment TOTAL 6300 - Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 5301 - Buildings and Grounds TOTAL 5400 - Maintenance of Equipment 5401 - Furniture, Fixtures and Office Equipment 6413 - Book6, Replacement and Repair TOTAL, 10,039 15,873 1, 514` 512 1,058 28L 96 313 996 4 196 1,509 1,476 1,476 315 491 806 13,500 21,500 2,048 2,678 1,100 40,826 300 1,125 75 50 1,550 1,500 1,500 480 350 630 6,387 9,526 478 934 1,198 18,523 143 429 37 5 614 ' 576 576 66 - 74 8 15,024 28,255 2,656 2,560 1,374 49,869 400 1,125 75 50 1,650 7 50 750 480 400 880 City of Friendswood, Texas --Annual Budget DETAIL Department Division Activity Number LIBRARY GENERAL FUND 1080 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1,1977-1978 1 1977--1978. 111978-1979 5500 - Miscellaneous Services 5503 - Insurance - General 5505 - Travel and Registration 5506 - Auto Allowance 5507 - Advertising and Promotion 5510 - Book Lease Program 5513 - Periodicals, Microfiche, and Newspapers 5517 - Utilities 5525 - Programs TOTAL 6000 - Capital Outlay 6410 - Furniture, Fixtures and Office Equipment 6601 - Books TOTAL TOTAL LIBRARY BUDGET 446 44� 307 31 2,304 827 2,886 636 7,881 1,499 11,866 13,365 54,033 600 800 400 15 2,535 920 3,000 425 8,695 2,715 12,010 14,725 1 68,126 836 387 183 19 1,188 534 752 125 4,024 836 900 480 40 2,304 995 2,000 525 8,080 i 1,325 2,509 71820 13,242 95145 15,751 32,874 1 762910 1 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Department Division LIBRARY GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE Library Director Assistant Librarian Library Associate - Circulation Clerk Library Page SCAB -TOTAL SALARIES 6 WAGES Social Security Retirement Group Insurance TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES 9 WAGES Activity Number 1080 EMPLOYEES Budget Number Bate of Pay 1978-1979 1.0 1,252 Mo 15,024 1.0 864 Mo 10,368 1.0 702 Mo 8,424 .5 2.90 Hr 3,285 ."b ! 2.90 Hr 6,178 43,279 2,656 2,560 1,374 6,590 49,869 M. City of Friendswood, Texas 67 Annual Budget Department Division Activity Number PARKS AND RECREATION GENERAL FUND 1090 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION g Actual 6 Months Budget Expenditure Budget Expenditures 1976-1977 1977-1978 1977-1978 197E-1979 Salaries and Wages 7,297 8,300 1,916 29,002 Supplies 2,037 3,000 357. 6,350 Maintenance of Buildings -0- 2,000 206 6,000 Maintenance of Equipment -0- -0- 11 625 Miscellaneous Services 2,876 4,500 1,800 6,675 Sundry 3,635 2,000 (600) —0— Capital Outlay 113,469 40,200 3,863 41,550 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 129,314 60,000 7,553 92,202 City of Friendswood, Texas Department Division PARKS AND RECREATION EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 5100 - Salaries ry Wages 5102 - Supervisory 5103 - Labor and Clerical 5107 - Social Security 5108 - Retirement 5109 -- Group Insurance 5111 - Sumner Program TOTAL 5200 - Supplies 5202 - Postage 5203 - Office Supplies 5206 - Chemicals 5214 - Fuel and Oil 5223 - Minor Tools & Equipment 5241 - 4th of July 5242 -- Summer Program 5243 - Community Band TOTAL 5300 - Maintenance of Buildings 5304 - Streets and Alleys 5321 - Multipurpose Area 5322 - Sports Complex 5323 - Riding Arena 5324 - Hike and Bike 5325 - Stevenson Park 5326 - Old City Park 5327 - 1776 Park 5328 - Gazebo TOTAL —Annual Budget . ®MTAIL Activity GENERAL FUND Actual Expenditure Budget 1976-1977 1,1977-1978 -0- 3,787 218 -0- 3 ,292 7,297 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0-. 1,770 -0- 267 2$037 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- iu 6 Months Expenditures 1977-1978 88 Number 1090 Budget 1978-1979 -0- -0- 12,960 5,000 1,842 8,761 -0- 61 1,548 -0- 13 1,313 920 3,300 -0- 3,500 8,300 1,916 29,002 -0_ 12 100 --0- 23 500 -0- -0- 500 2,000 84 1,350 -0- 161 500 500 -0- 2,600 -0- --0- 500 500 -0- 300 35000 357 6,350 -0- -0- 200 -0- -0- 800 2,000 2 1,000 -0- -0- 1,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- 184 1,500 -0- 20 1,000 -0- -0- 250 -0- -0- 250 2,000 1 206 1 .6,000 City of Friendswood, Texas i --Annual Budget ®MTAIL r )- Department Division Activity Number PARKS AND RECREATION GENERAL FUND 1090 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 19.76.719.77 19.77,1978 1937s1978 1978,1979. 5400 - Maintenance of Equipment 5401 - Office Equipment 5402 - Motor Vehicles 5412 - Miscellaneous Equipment TOTAL 5500 - Miscellaneous Service 5505 -- Travel Expense 8 Reg. Fees 5507 -- Advertising Expense 5514 - Memberships 5517 - Utilities 5525 - Programs 5511 - Special Services - Mowing TOTAL 5600 - Sundry 5619 - Contingency TOTAL 6000.- Ca ital Outlay 6101 - Land 6102 - Paving of Parking Lot 6200 - Buildings and Structures 6221 - Multipurpose Area 6222 - Sports Complex (Grant) 6223 - Riding Arena 6224 - Hike and Bike 6225 - Stevenson Park 6626 - Old City Park 6627 - 1776 Park 6228 - Gazebo 6410 - Furniture & Equipment 6423 - Playground Equipment -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 11 -0-' -0- -0- _0- -0- 11 -0- -0-- 2,876 -0- -0- 2,876 3,635 3,635 -0- -0- -0- 71,382 28,391 -0- -0- 11,097 361 935 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 4,500 -0- -0-- 4,500 -0- -0- -0- 1,796 4 i,tsUU 75 500 50 625 200 50 25 4,500 150 3,750 8,675 2,000 (600) -0- 2,000 (600) -0- 17,450 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 443 -0-- 4,000 402 40,000 4,000 120 -0- 2,000 --0- -0- 8,000 2,825 -0- 4,500 73 -0- 250 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0_ -0- 200 -0- -0- 1,000 89 City of Friendswood, Texas --Annual Budget - DMTAIL AIL Department Division Activity Number PARKS AND RECREATION GENERAL FUND 1090 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1,1977-1978 1977--1978 11978-1979 6000 - Capital Outlay (Cont'd) 6470 - Maps and Specs 6480 - Miscellaneous Equipment 6490 - Basketball Association TOTAL -0- -0 -0-, -0- 1,303 -0- 113,469 40,200 TOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION BUDGET 129,314 -0- 150 -0- 200 -0- -0- 3,863 41,550_ 60,000 7,553 9.2,202 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Department Division PARKS & RECREATION I GENERAL FUND POSITION TITLE Director Maintenance Person Summer Programs SUB --TOTAL SALARIES 9 WAGES Social Security Retirement Group Insurance TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES & WAGES Activity Number 1090 EMPLOYEES Budget Number Rate of Pay 1978-1979 E 1,0 1,080 Mo 125960 1.0 4.212 Hr, 8,761 3,500 25,221 1,548 1,313 3,781 29,002 91 City of Friendswood, Texas 92 VIIY VI 1 I IGI IUUVVUW-1 I -- 93 ,--Annual Budget . DET&IL Department Division Activity Number COMMUNITY APPEARANCE GENERAL FUND 1091 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 11976-1977 11977-19781 1977-.1978 1978-197 6000 - Capital Outlay 6203 - Gmunds - Plants -0- 1,000 38 1,000 TOTAL ..p- 1,000 38 1,000 TOTAL COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BUDGET � -0 - � 1,000 � 38 I 1,000 1 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget � �wwjWvwl �� Department �/+' a�'���`0 °� O( Division Activity ? a" I's- :COST OF LIVING RAISES GENERAL FUND EXPENDITI)RE'CLASSiFICATION Actual Budget 500 1977-1978 'Increase General Fund Salaries and Wages Social Security Retirement Group Insurance Workers Compensation TOTAL Water and Sewer Fund Salaries and Wages Social Security Retirement Group Insurance Workers Compensation TOTAL COMBINED TOTAL Salaries and Wages Social Security Retirement Group Insurance Workers Compensation TOTAL 94 Number 8% 10% Increase Increase 764,272 38,213 61,142 76,427 45,994 25344 3,751 4,689 49,938 2,893 4,628 5,786 42,481 1,500 904,185 43,450 69,521 86,902 153,395 71670 12,271 15,340 9,411 471 753 941 11,613 580 929 1,161 9,083 500 184,002 8,721 13,953 17,442 917,667 45,883 73,413 91,767 55,405 2,815 4,504 5,630 61,551 3,473 5,557 6,947 51,564 2,000 1,088,187 52,171 83,474 104,344 City of Friendswood, Texas �iQ�cwRsw�a f:� 1 r: f 95 Annual Budget DETAIL Department Division COST OF LIVING RAISE GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Budget 1977 1978 Administration Salaries and Wages Social Security Retirement Group Insurance TOTAL Community Services Salaries and Wages Social Security Retirement Group Insurance TOTAL Building Salaries and Wages Social Security Retirement -Group Insurance TOTAL Street Salaries and Wages Social Security ..Retirement Group Insurance Workers Compensation TOTAL 59,910 3,682 3,712 3,084 70,33668 26,880 1,649 1,181 458 30,168 32,520 1,995 2,150 2,506 39,171 102,508 6,290 7,760 6,272 500 123,330 Activity Number 5% 8% I 1Q% Increase I Increase Increase 2,995 184 227 3,406 1,344 82 102 1,528 1,626 101 123 1,850 5,125 314 388 5,827 4,793 294 363 5,450 2,150 132 163 2,445 2,602 160 197 2,959 8,201 503 621 9,325 5,991 368 454 6,813 2,688 165 203 3,056 3,252 199 246 3,697 10,250 629 776 11,655 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget DETAIL 96 Department Division Activity Number COST OF LIVING RAISES GENERAL FUND Budget EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Ac ug% 10 0 5� �,1977al Increase Increase Increase Police salaries and Wages Social Security Retirement Group Insurance TOTAL Humane, Salaries and Wages Social Security Retirement Group Insurance TOTAL Fire Salaries and Wages Social Security Retirement Group Insurance TOTAL Municipal Court Salaries and Wages Social Security Retirement Group Insurance TOTAL 294,778 18,085 20,255 17,800 350,918 10,736 659 273 460 12,128 18,780 1,152 1,166 458 21,556 14,980 .827 686 458 16,951 14,739 904 1,115 16,758 537 33 41 611 939 58 71 1,068 749 46 57 852 23,582 29,478 1,447 1,808 1,785 2,232 26,814 33,518 859 1,074 53 66 65 81 971 1,221 r 1,502 1,878 92 115 114 142 .11708 2,135 1,198 1,498 73 92 90 114 11361 1 1,704 City of Friendswood, Texas f 3 .--Annual Budget DETAIL 97 Department COST OF LIVING RAISE Division GENERAL FUND Activity Number ' EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Budget 5% 8% 10% 1977-1978 Increase Increase Increase Engineering Salaries and Wages 26,160 1,309 2,094 .2,618 Social Security 15606 80 128 161 Retirement 1,706 99 158 198 Group Insurance 915 TOTAL 30,407 1,488 2,380 2,977 Sanitation Salaries and Wages 110,328 55516 8,827 11,033 Social Security 5,977 338 542 677 Retirement 75375 418 668 835 Group Insurance 7,300 Workers Compensation 1,000 TOTAL 131,980 6,272 10,037, 12,545 Lib;. racy Salaries and Wages 43,060 2,153 3,445 4,306 Social Security . 2,642 132 211 264 Retirement 2,606 163 261 326 Group Insurance 11850 TOTAL, 50,158 2,448 3,917 4,896 Parks and Recreation Salaries and Wages 23,612 1,181 1,889 2,361 Social Security 1,450 72 116 145 Retirement 1,068 89 143 179 Group Insurance 920 TOTAL, 27,050 1,342 2,148 2,685 City of Friendswood, Texas 93-A Annual Budget SUMMARY Department Division Activity COST OF LIVING RAISES GENERAL FUND Actual EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget 4 Number 6 Months 1978-1979 Expenditures Budget General Fund Salaries and Wages 7,880 Social Security 341 Retirement 847 Group Insurance -0- Workers Compensation -0- TOTAL GENERAL FUND 9,068 Water and Sewer Fund Salaries and Wages (3,445) Social Security ( 212) Retirement 777 Group Insurance 2,880 Workers Compensation -0-- TOTAL WATER AND SEWER FUND --0- TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS COMBINED GENERAL FUND AND WATER AND SEWER FUND Salaries and Wages 4,435 Social Security 129 Retirement 1,624 Group Insurance 2,880 Workers Compensation -0- TOTAL COMBINED GENERAL FUND AND WATER AND SEWER FUND 9,068 City of Friendswood, Texas j we Annual Budget Mw rwl AR I RAL, FUND Activity Number 1020 Actual B Months Bud et g Expenditure Budget Expenditures 1978—] 79 85,000 85,000 of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget D ET AM Department Division Activity Number COST OF LIVING RAISE GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Budget 5$ 8% 10% 197.7-1978 Increase I Increase Increase Water Salaries and Wages Social Security Retirement Group Insurance Workers Compensation TOTAL Sewer Salaries and Wages Social Security Retirement Group Insurance Workers Compensation TOTAL TOTAL .z 60,259 3,013 4,820 6,026 3,697 185 296 370 4,562 228 365 456 3,550 200 72,268 3,426. 5,481 6,852 93,136 4,657 75451 9,314 5,714 286 457, 571 7,051 .352 564, 705 5,533 300 111,734 5,295 87472 10,590 1,088,187 I 52,171 83,474 1 104,344E City of Friendswood, Texas 100 Annual Aiminnt uny of rriu utowuu0r 1 ur-Ob 11� f� i'- C L k Annual Budget f 102 AMENDED BUDGET RECAP WATER AND SEWER FUND SEPTEMBER 11, 1978 Beginning Balance October 1, 1978 Anticipated Revenues Water Income Sewer Income Tap Fees - Water Tap Fees - Sewer Fees and Penalties Sewer Charges - WCID 108 Total Anticipated Revenues Funds Available For Appropriation Transfers To/From Other Fluids General. Fund Water and Sewer Construction - Sewer Tap Fees Debt Service - Revenue Bonds Debt Service - Sunmeadow Water and Sewer Income Total Transfers To/From Other Funds Net Funds Available For Appropriation Budgeted Expenditures Operating Costs Water $152,755 Sewer 219,656 Total Operating Costs Capital Outlay Water $ 42,740 Sewer 24,460 Total Capital Outlay Total Budgeted Expenditures Balance September 30 1979 $ 240,000 256,500 25,000 50,000 12,000 103,770 - $ 14,194 + 50,000 + 183,063 + 28,790 $ 372,411 67,200 $687,270 $687,270 247,659 $439,611 $439,611 $ -0- City of Friendswood, Texas 103 WATER AND SEWER FUND REVENUE GRAPH WATER AND SEWER EXPENDITURE.GRAPH. e 105 Annual Budget CUM my ] SEWER FL Actual Revenue 1976-1971 231,147 1445211 27,066 48,120 -0- 48,122 9,194 614 508,474 of F riendswoi 106 --Annual Budget _ ®MTAIL Department Division Activity Number REVENUES WATER 6 SEWER FUND 2000 Actual .,REVENUE �vv NNUE udget 6 Months REVENUE. R Udge UE REVENUE CLASSIFICATION 1976-1977 1977-1978 1977-1.'978 1978-197 4100 -- Water Revenue 4101 - Water - Cycle Z 152,814 157,204 69,684 151,320 4102 - Water - Cycle ZI 50,786, 49,644 25,430 55,224 4103 - Water - Cycle III 27,547 19,152 15,412 33,456 TOTAL 231,147 226,000 110,526 240,000 4200 - Sewer Revenue 4201 - Sewer - Cycle 1 95,340 98,079 47,945 161,698 4202 - Sewer - Cycle IZ 31,684 30,972 .17,749 59,867 4203 - Sewer - Cycle III 17,187 11,949 10,359 34,935 TOTAL 144,211 141,000 76,053 256,500 4300 - Sewer Charges -- WCID 108 4304 - Sewer Charges - WCID 108' 48,122 48,300 20,142 r 103,770 TOTAL, 48,122 48,300 202142 103,770 4400 - Water Tap Fees 4401 - Water Taps - Cycle Z 6,152 14,600 7,128 12,000 4402 - Water Taps - Cycle II 13,982 900 2,600 450 4403 - Water Taps - Cycle III 6,932 2,500 52070" 123,550 TOTAL 27,066 18,000 14,798 25,000 4500 -- Sewer Lap Fees 4501-- Sewer Taps - Cycle Z 10,938 25,955 14,750 22,000 4502 -'Sewer Taps w Cycle II 24,858 1,600 6,500 9,700 4503 - Sewer Taps - Cycle III 12,324 4,445 12,281 18,300 TOTAL 48,120 32,000 33,531 50,000 4600 - Fees and Penalties 4601 - Fees & Penalties - Cycle I 5,786 3,420 3,160 7,147 4602 - Fees & Penalties - Cycle II 2,312 1,710 1,243 2,813 4603 - Fees 6 Penalties - Cycle III 1,096 570 899 2,040 TOTAL 9,194 5,700 5�302 12,000 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget ® MT A IL / 107 smo =WATER& Activity Number Department 2000 REVENUES FUND Actual R V-FgNUE 6 Months REVENUE REVENUE CLASSIFICATION ` , REVENUE udget REVENUE Budget 11976-1977 1977-1978 1977-1.978 1978-1979 4800 - Interest Earned 4810 - Interest Earned TOTAL 4900 - Miscellaneous Revenue 4901 -- Misc Revenue - Cycle I 4902 -- Misc Revenue - Cycle II 4903 - Misc Revenue - Cycle III TOTAL TOTAL REVENUES BUDGETED -0- 1^ 400 74 -0- -0-- , 1_ 1,400 74 -0- 591 -0- 42 -0- 13 -0- -0- -0- 10 -0- -0- -D- 614 _�0- _^�-42 -0 506,474 City of Friendswood, Texas 472�,400 260,468 687,270 t���NU�woos 108 rrx5 -' A��nnuaf Budget UNWwIWam v Department Divislon Activity Number WATER WATER AND SEWER FUND 2010 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 1 Actual Expenditure Budget 6 Months Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1977-1978 97 -1978. 1978-1979 Salaries ry Wages 55,603 70,795 29,002 79,821 Supplies 17036 24,850 10,253 23,830 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds 2,559 1,400 1,762 3,300 Maintenance of Equipment 8,615 12,900 6,535 135200 Miscellaneous Services 205978 12,050 8,831 19,524 Sundry Charges 14,486 6,525 11,547 13,080 Capital Outlay 10,396 34,040 11,116 42,740 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 1 130,473 1 162,560 79,046 ' 195,495 City of Friendswood, Texas 1 Annual Budget DETAIL 109 Department Division Activity Number WATER WATER AND SEWER FUND 2010 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1977-1978 1977-1978 1978-1979 5100 - Salaries E Waaes 5101 - Executive 5102 - Supervisory 5103 - Clerical 6 Labor 5106 - Overtime 5107 - Social Security 5108 - Retirement Plan 5109 - Group Insurance 5104 - Worker's Compensation TOTAL 5200 - SuDnlies 5201 -- Purchase of Water 5202 - Postage 5203 - Office Supplies 5204 - Wearing Apparel 5206 - Chemicals 5208 - Lab Supplies 5210 - Pipe, Fittings E Valves 5211 - Paint, Lumber 6 Hardware 5214 - Fuel 6 Oil 5215 - Medical Supplies 5218'- Laundry 6 Cleaning 5222 - Ice, Cups 6 Salt Tablets 5223 - Minor Tools 6 Equipment 5227 - Oil 6 Grease 5229 - Water Equipment Parts 6 Materials TOTAL 5300 - Maintenance of Buildings 6 Grounds 5301 - Buildings 6 Grounds 5302 - Water Lines TOTAL 4,956 12,196 32,253. 789 2,703 917 1,789 bb,bU3 4,456 627 596 -0- 4,814 1,947 1,551 123 1,399 2 864 25 697 7 1798 3b 171 2,388 2,559 5,700 13,500 39,785 600 3,991 5,219 2,000 -0- 2,740 6,387 16,767 109 689 1,255 1,031 24 6,156 155552 45,133 1,080 4,167 4,690 2,843 200 79,821 70,795 29,002 -0- 2,644 3,000 825 383 800 700 135 240 -0- 105 F 120 5,100 1,933 6,000 150 -0- 100 13,650 800 6,000 500 26 500 1,500 185 1,500 50 -0- 40 1,100 332 l"100 25 -0- 30 300 812 800 500 23 100 450 2,875 3,500 24,850 10,253 23,830 400 39 300 1,000 1,723 .3,000 1,400 1,762 3,300 City of Friendswood, Texas -Annual Budget. DMTAIL 110 Department I Division 1 Activity Number WATER WATER AND SEWER FEND 1 2010 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual B Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 11977-1978 1 1977-1978 1978-1979 5400 - Maintenance of Equipment 5401 - Furniture & Office Equipment 98 5402 - Motor Vehicles 15111 5403 - Radio Equipment 145 5407 - Construction Equipment 134 5411 - Meters 1,413 5421 - City Well Equipment (70%) 1)555 5423 - SMUD Well Equipment (30%). 666 5431 - City Plant Maintenance (66.64) 25326 5433 - SMUD Plant Maintenance (33.30. 1,167 TOTAL 8,615 5500 - Miscellaneous Services 5503 - Insurance - General 5505 - Travel & Registration Fees 5507 - Advertising ry Public Notices 5509 - Rental of Equipment 5514 - Memberships 5517 -- Utilities 5520 - Water Taps TOTAL 5600 - Sundry Charges 5601 -- Auditing 5602 - Legal 5610 - Engineering Fees . 5611 - Data Processing &'Billing 5619 - Miscellaneous Expense TOTAL 6000 -- Capital Outlay -0- 184 34 10 18,544 2,202 20,978 785 1,470 10,700 1,220 14,11 14,486 100 1,000 300 1,000 -0- 1,750 750 5,328 2,672 12,900 1,200 200 150 500 -0- 8,000 2,000 12,050 2,500 2,500 -0- 1,500 25 6,525 6203 - Buildings & Grounds -0- 200 6321 - Distribution Lines 929 24,000 6323 - Plant Improvements 88 500 6337 - Meters 8,602 7,000 18 466 -0- 171 1,757 33 14 2,715 1,361 6,535 624 279 -0- 337 -0-- 7 ,415 176 8,831 -0- 480 10,400 725 (58) 11,547 -0- 7,411 -0- 3,180 100 1,000 300 800 2,500 3,500 2,000 2,000 1,000 13,200 1,500 400 100 500 4 L 16,000 1,000 19,524 2,500 2,500 5,000 3,000 80 13,080 1,000 18,000 1,000 9,000 City of Friendswood, Texas ��Euasw Annual Budget DUSTAIL Department Division Activity Number WATER WATER AND SEWER FUND 2010 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months . Expenditure • Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1977-1978 1 1977-1978 1978--1979 6000 - Capital Outlay (Cont'd) 6410-- Furniture 9 Office Equipment 503 500 6420 - Lab Equipment --0- -0- 6450 - Automotive Equipment -0- 1,840 6460 - Radio Equipment 65 -0- WD -- Plant Equipment hvu ,, 209 -0- 6440 ---i,►a.. -0- -0- TOTAL 10,396 34,040 --0- 400 -0- 300 -0- 6,000 100 1,040 425 -0-- -0- 6,000 11,116 42,740 TOTAL WATER BUDGET I 130,473 I 162,560 1 79,046 1195,495 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Department Division WATER I WATER AND SEWER FUND POSITION TITLE City Manager City Secretary Water Supervisor Labor Foreman Accountant III City Manager's Secretary Purchasing Agent/Staff Support Water Plant Operator Service Man Accounts Receivable Clerk Laborer Laborer Assistant Accounts Receivable Clerk Accountant I Overtime SUB -TOTAL SALARIES 6 WAGES Activity EMPLOYEES Number Rate of Pay .2 .2 1.0 .4 .2 .2 .2 .6 .4 .4 .8 .4 .4 .2 2,565 Mo 1,350 Mo 1,296 Mo 6.264 Hr, 972 Mo 870 Mo 870 Mo 864 Mo 864 Mo 816 Mo 4.482 Hr 4.212 Hr 702 Mo 648 Mo 112 Number 2010 Budget 1978--1979 6,156 3,240 15,552 5,212 2,333 2,088 2,088 6,221 4,147 3,917 7,458 3,504 3,370 1,555 1,080 67,921 City of Friendswood, Texas 112—A, Annual Budget PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Department Division I Activity Number WATER I WATER AND SEWER FUND 2010 POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES Budget Number Rate of Pav 1978-1979 SUB -TOTAL SALARIES & WAGES I 1 1 67,921 Social Security 4,167 Retirement Plan 4,690 Worker's Compensation 200 Group Insurance 2,843 TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS 11,900 TOTAL SALARIES & WAGES i 1 1 79,821 City of Friendswood; Texas 113 �0.�khti+yvg0 Annual Budget I-013-P U M rVI A 0 V Department SEWER Division WATER AND SEWER FUND Activity Number 2011 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 1 Actual Expenditure Budget 6 Months Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1977-1978 977--1978 1978-1979 Salaries 8 Wages 77,347 105,183 45,017 121,375 Supplies 27,539 23,305 11,737 24,525 Maintenance of Buildings 8 Grounds 20,641 5,300 1,441 3,300 Maintenance of Equipment 28,201 12,300 18,195 27..500 Miscellaneous Services 24,263 20,450 16,186 33,836 Sundry Charges 6,279 6,600 1,994 9,120 Capital Outlay 52,675 14,360 11,086 24,460 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS [ 236,945 1 187,498 105,656 244,116 City of Friendswood, Texas a Annual Budget ®ET&IL Department Divislon Activity SEWER WATER AND SEWER FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure Budget 197E 1977 1977--1978 5100 - Salaries 8 Wap-es 5101 - Executive 5102 -- Supervisory 5103 - Clerical is Labor 5104 - Worker's Compensation 5106 - Overtime 5107 -- Social Security 5106 - Retirement Plan 5109 - Group Insurance TOTAL 5200 - Supplies 5202 - Postage 5203 - Office Supplies 5204 - Wearing Apparel 5206 - Chemicals, Insecticides,etc. 5208 - Lab Supplies 5211 - Paint, Lumber 6 Hardware 5214 - Fuel is Oil 5215 - Medical Supplies 5218 - Laundry 6 Cleaning 5222 - Ice, Cups 6 Salt Tablets 5223 - Minor Tools 6 Equipment 5227 - Oil 6 Grease TOTAL 5300 - Maintenance of Buildings 5301 - Buildings 6 Grounds 5302 - Sewer Lines TOTAL 7,434 15,640 45,353 -0- 1,183 3,723 1,246 2,768 77,347 933 401 119 20,039 1,566 74 2,192 84 1,241 25 855 1/,bdi J 486 20,155 20,641 Number 2011 6 Months Expenditures Budget 1977-1978 1.1978-1979 8,550 4,111 9,234 12,780 6,144 14,256 69,879 29,680 791426 --0- 36 -300 1,200 95 864 41409 1,086 6,367 5,765 2,321 7,566 2,600 1,544 3,360 105,183 j 45,017 1 121,375 1,000 390 1,000 600 101' 360 50 14ra 180 17,000 9,487 18,000 1,000 185 400 100 95 200 1,400 .353 1,500 100 2 60 1,800 384 1,500 25 13 25 150 466 800 80 113 500 23,305 1 11�737 ( 24,525 300 155 300 5,000 1,286 3,000 5,300 1,441 3,300 114 City of Friendswood, Texas --Annual Budget DETAIL Department Division Activity SEWER WATER AND SEWER FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure Budget 1976--1977 1977-1978 5400 - Maintenance of Equipment 5401 - Maintenance of Furniture & Fixtures 5402 - Motor Vehicles 5403 - Radio & Radar Equipment 5407 - Grading, Construction and Ditching Equipment 5409 - Maintenance of Lift Stati 5410 - Maintenance of Shop Equip 5431 - Sewer Plant No. 1 (25%) 5432 - Sewer Plant No. 2 (60%) 5433 - Sewer Plant No. 3 (15%) TOTAL 5500 - Miscellaneous Services 5503 - Insurance General 5505 - Travel Expenses 6 Fees 5507 - Ads and Public Notices 5514 - Memberships 5517 - Utilities 5520 - Sewer Taps 5511 - Special Training 5512 - Special Services TOTAL 5600 - Sundry Charges 5601 - Auditing 5602 - Legal 5610 - Engineering Fees 5611 - Data Processing & Billing 5619 - Miscellaneous Equipment TOTAL 142 1,433 2 196 2,234 4 6,047 14,514 3.629 28,201 -0- 548 31 14 22,812 528 20 310 24,263 200 1,000 300 700 3,000 100 1,750 4,200 1,050 12,300 1,200 400 200 50 17,000 1,000 100 500 20,450 1,384 1,500 2,491 3,000 590 -0- 1,786 2,000 28 100 6,279 1 - 6,600 115 Number 2011 6 Months Expenditures Budget L977-1978 11 1978-1 979 33 1,523 45 1,054 1,402 230 3,477 8,345 2,086 18,195 -0- 136 -0- -0- 15,408 642 -0- -0- 16,186 -0- 1,120 -0- 1,273 (399) 1,994 200 1,000 300 1,200 2,500 300 6,000 12,000 4,000 27,500 1,500 600 100 36 30,000 1,000 100 500 33,836 1,500 3,000 -0- 4,500 120 9,120 City of Friendswood, Texas p�taoswoo rexA' —Annual Budget n ®M �i &OL Department Division Activity Number SEWER WATER AND SEWER FUND 2011 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1977-1978 1977-1978 11978-1979 6000 - Capital Outlay 6203 - Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds 6321 -- Sewer Distribution Lines 6323 - Plant Improvements 6410 - Furniture, Fixtures and Office Equipment 6420 - Lab Equipment 6440 - Backhoe 6450 - Automotive Equipment 6460 - Radio & Radar 6480 - Miscellaneous Equipment TOTAL TOTAL, SEWER BUDGET 1,684 666 49,606 131 184 -0- -0- 91 236,945 1,0D0 6,000 3,000 300 300 -0- 2 ,760 11000 I187,498 12 4,389 5,435 -0- -0- -0_ -0- 1,250 -0- 11,086 105,654 4 1,000 6,000 3,000 600 300 9,000 3,000 1,560 -0- 24,460 244,116 11111111 16 City of Friendswood, Texas 117 Annual Budget PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Department SEWER Division WATER 9 SEWER FUND Activity Number 2011 POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES Budget Number Rate of Pay 1978-1979 City Manager .3 25565 Mo 9,234 City Secretary .3 1,350 Mo 45860 Sewer Supervisor 1.0 1,188 Mo 14,256 "B" Sewer Plant Operator, 2.0 1,123 Mo 265957 Labor Foreman .6 6.264 Hr 7,817 Accountant III .3 972 Mo 3,499 City Manager's Secretary .3 870 Mo 3,132 Purchasing Agent/Staff Support .3 870 Mo 3,132 Accounts Receivable Clerk .6 816 Mo 55876 Laborer 1.2 4.482 Hr 11,187 Laborer .6 4.212 Hr 5,257 Assistant Accounts Receivable Clerk .6 702 Mo 5,054 Accountant I .3 6q8 Mo 2,331 Lab Technician .5 54 Mo 324 Overtime 864 SUB -TOTAL SALARIES 6 WAGES 103,780 City of Friendswood, Texas 117—A Annual Budget PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Department Division Activity Number SEWER I WATER 6 SEWER FUND 2011 POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES Budget Rate of Number pay 1978-1979 SUB -TOTAL SALARIES 6 WAGES 1 1 1 103,780 Social Security 6,367 Retirement Plan 7,568 Worker's Compensation 300 Group Insurance 3,360 TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS 17,611 TOTAL SALARIES 6 WAGES ( I I 121,375 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget Department TRANSFERS TO Division Activity Number OTHER FUNDS WATER AND SEWER FUND 2098 Actual 6 Months EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Expenditure Budget Exppendltures Budget 1976-1977 1977-1978 1977-1978 1970-1979 Transfers to Water and Sewer Construction Fluid Transfers to Debt Service Fund TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 118 -0-- 32,000 33,531 50,000 48,754 1445026 84,376 211,853 48,754 176,026 117,907 261,853 0IN of Friendswood, Texas --Annual Budget ®M it AIL - Department TRANSFERS Division Activity Number TO OTHER FUNDS 'WATER AND SEWER FUND 2098 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1977-1976 1 1977-1978 1978-1979 7100 - Transfers to Water 8 Sewer Construction Fund 7110 - Sewer Taps - Cycle I 7120 - Sewer Taps - Cycle II 7130 -- Sewer Taps - Cycle III TOTAL 8106 - Transfers to Debt Service Fund 8110 - General Obligation Bonds 8120 - Revenue Bonds 8130'- Sunmeadow Water and Sewer Revenue TOTAL TOTAL TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS -0_ 48,754 -0- 4�8 -7 54 48,754 14,100 14,750 22,000 6,200 65500 9,700 112700 12,281 18,300 32,000 33,531 50,000 61,000 43,696 .-0- 38,026 225186 183,063 45,000 18,494 1 28,790 1445026 84,376 r 211,853 I 1761026 1 117,907 1 261,853 City of Friendswood, Texas 120 I)EP7BT SERVICE- FUMD ti.: 121 Beginning Balance October 11978 $149,075 Anticipated Revenues Ad Valorem Taxes $220,205 Transfer From Water 9 Sewer Fund - Revenue . 183,063 Transfer From Water & Sewer Fund Sunmeadow 28,790 Total Anticipated Revenue 432 058 Funds Available for Bond Indebtedness $6815133 Bud eted Bond Indebtedness General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Sunmeadow Bonds Total Budgeted Bond Indebtedness Balance September 30, 1979. $234,920 ' 154,900 f 581,133 1 $ -0- City of Friendswood, Texas Beginning Balance October 1, 1978 Anticipated Revenues Ad Valorem Taxes $9410,35 Total Anticipated Revenues Funds Available for Bond Indebtedness Budgeted Bond Indebtedness WCID 15 Bonds $ 52,363 Streets and Drainage Bonds 1421680- Building Bonds 16,600 Equipment Certificates of Obligation .23,277 Total Budgeted Bond Indebtedness Balance September 30, 1979 T $140,826 94,095 $234,920 f 234,920 BUDGET RECAP DEBT SERVICE FUND REVENUE Beg Ming Balance October 1, 1978 Anticipated Revenues Transfer From Water and Sewer' Fund 4 Total Anticipated Revenues Funds Available for Bond Indebtedness *183,063 183,063 $191,313 Budgeted Bond Indebtedness WCTD 15 Bonds $ WCTD 21 Bonds 41,000 Water 8 Sewer Revenue Bonds 52,813 Blackhawk Wastewater Treatment plant Bonds 97,500 Total Budgeted Bond Indebtedness 191,313 Balance_ September 30, 1979 $ _� BUDGET RECAP DEBT- SERVICE F'[JND SUNMEADOW Beginning Balance October 1, 1978 Anticipated Revenues Ad Valorem Taxes Water and Sewer Income Total Anticipated Revenues Funds Available for Bond Indebtedness Budgeted Bond Indebtedness 1970 Issue 1970A Issue 1972 Issue Total Budgeted Bond Indebtedness Balance September 30, 1979 $126,110 28,790 $ 72,925 45,900 362 75 154,900 154,900 154,900 $ -0- Department REVENUE REVENUE CLASSIFICATION 125 ' i M Annual 13udget 1UQ�ii Division Activity DEBT SERVICE FUND Number 6600 Actual Revenue B Months ,Revenue Revenue Budget Revenue Budget 1976-1977 1977-1978 1977-1978 1978-1979 Ad Valorem Takes 333 299 � 174,384 2801436 220,205 Interest Earned On Investments 7,022 -0- 9,727 -0- Ty'ansfers FMn Other FLnds 48,754, ------ 144� ,026 925719 211,853 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS City of Friendswood, Texas -Annual Budget � i�'Aq�. Department Division REVENUE DEBT SERVICE FUND Actual REVENUE CLASSIFICATION Revenue 11976-1977 4100 - Ad Valorem Taxes 4123 - Current Tax Roll - City 4124 - Current Tax Roll - WCID 21 4125 - Current Tax Roll - Sunmeadow 4126 - Prior Tax Roll - City 4127 - Prior Tax Roll - WCID 21 4128 - Prior Tax Roll - Sunmeadow TOTAL 4500 --Interest Earned on Investment 4510 - Interest - General obligati L1511 - Interest - Revenue 4512 - Interest - Sunmeadow TOTAL 4700 - Transfers Flom Water and Sewer Fund 4701 r General Obligation Bonds 4702 - Revenue Bonds 4703 - Sunmeadow Water and Sewer Revenue TOTAL 268,652 31,861 26,524 5,687 164 411 333,299 4,682 2,340 -0- 7,022 -0- 48,754 -0- 48,754. Activity Revenue Budget 1977-1978 55,457 6,478 112,449 -0- -0- -0- 174,384 61,00o 38,026 45,OOQ 144 LO26 6 Months Revenue 1977-1978 229,132 27,842 23,387 75 -0- -0- 280,436 9,242 485 -0- 9,727 43,696 22,186 26,837 9-?_L719 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND REVENUES 389,075 318,410 382,882 City of Friendswood, Texas __ 126 NOmber 6000 Revenue Budget 1978--1979 �3,9oa 10,195 126,110 -0- -0- 220,205 -0- 183,063 28,790 211,853 432,058 � j`�y����a�� 127 i Annual Budget Urvq cmArm Department TAX 6 GENERAL Divislon Activity Number EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual pen itu 19EE 16- 9 � Budget 1977-197 6 Months di ur i"VM18 Budget 1978--1979 WCID 15 Bonds 445000 482255 34,845 52,363 Streets and Drainage 655645 117J34 35,224 142,680 Buildings 17,650, 17 J25 17,125 16,600 Equipment 24,548 24,428 22214 23,277 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 151,843 2063942 893408 234,920 City of Friendswood, Texas 4� --Annual Budget DETAIL Department TAX 6 GENERAI, Division Activity Number OBLIGATION BONDS DEBT SERVICE FUND 6010 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976-1977 1977--1978 1977-1978 1978-1979 WCID 15 Bonds Citizens State Bank - 1962 Citizens State Bank - 1963 Citizens State Bank - 1967 Citizens State Bank - 1969 TOTAL Streets and Drainage Bonds Friendswood Bank - Drainage-1973 Friendswood Bank - Road -1974 Friendswood Bank - Streets -1977 TOTAL Buildings Friendswood Bank - Fire -- 1973 TOTAL f�juipment Friendswood Bank - Gr+adall -1975 Friendswood Bank - Fire Trk-1976 TOTAL TOTAL TAX AND GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS 6,750 11,075 16,475 9,700 44,000 6,075 59,570 -0-- 65,645 17,650. 17,650 12,415 12,133.. 24,548.. 6,750 10,865 16,065 14,575 48,255 6,075 59,175 51,884 117,134 ,17,125 17,125 11,840 122588 24,428 151,843 206,942 3075 6,750 8,485' 10,633 13,135 15,655 9,850 19,325 34,845 1 52,363 3,038 6,075 32,186 58,780 --0- 77,825 35,224 142,680 17,125 16,600 172125 16,600 920 11,265 1,294 12,012 21214 23,277 899,408 1 234 020 f City of Friendswood, Texas 129 ppA��nnnu�all+Budget Department REVENUE BONDS Division DEBT SERVICE FUND Activity Number 6020 ActuaEXPENDITURE 6 Months CLASSIFICATION Expenditpendit ure Bud et Expp nditures Budget 1976-1977 1977-1978 1977-1975 1.978-197 WCID 15 11100 3,050 2,550 -0- WCID 21 42,500 41,750 13y375 41,000 Water 6 Sewer Revenue Bonds 54,763 53,788 34,638 52,813 Blackhawk Wastewater Treatment Plant -0- -0- -0- 97,500 Administrative Expense 49 -0- 33 -0- TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS I 98,412 98,588 ( 505596 191,313 City of Friendswood, Texas Annual Budget ®MTAIL 130. Department Division Activity Number REVENUE BONDS DEBT SERVICE FUND 6020 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual B Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 11976-1977 11977-1978 1977-1978 1978-197 WCID 15 Citizens State Bank -- 1957 WCID 21 American National Bank - 1964 Water 6 Sewer Revenue Bonds Houston National Bank - 1969 Blackhawk Wastewater Bonds Bonds yet to be sold - 1978 Administrative., E enseF t��, American Nattor�al (Bank II. TOTAL REVENUE BONDS PAYABLE 42,500 3 0.5.0, 41,750 13,375 41,000 54,763 53,788 34,638 52,813 -0- -p. -0- 97,500 4 -' 33 F 4 98,412' 982588 502596 191,313 City of Friendswood, Texas 131 . � E Annual Budget GUVVIAMRV Department SUNMEADOW TAX BONDS Division DEBT SERVICE FUND Activity Number 6030 Act 6 Months EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Ex endititure Budget Exp enditures Budget 1978-197 1976-1977 1977-197 1977-1978 Sun►neadow Municipal Utility District 154,574 157,449 157,449 154,900 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 154,574 157,449 157,449 f 154,900 City of Friendswood, Texas --Annual Budget DETAIL Department Division Activity Number SUNMEADOW TAX BONDS DEBT SERVICE FUND 6030 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual B Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 11976-1977 1977-1978 1977-1979 978-1979.. I Sunmeadow Municipal Utilitv District Fidelity Bank r; Trust - 1970 Fidelity Bank & Trust - 1970 A Fidelity Bank & Trust - 1972 TOTAL 72,600 75,475 75,475 72,925 45,900 45,900 45,900 45,900 36,074' 36,074 36,074 36,075 154,574 157,449 157,449 154,900 City of Friendswood, Texas -,� 133 l Annual Budget WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND Be innin Balance October 1 1978 Sewer Tap Reserves Sun°Meadow Construction Total.Beginning Balance Anticipated Revenues; Sewer Tap Reserves Total Anticipated Revenues Funds Available for E enditures Budgeted Expenditures; Sewer Tap Reserve Sun Meadow Construction Total Budgeted Expenditures Balance September 30, 1979 13 $50,000 63,400 50 &0 $113,400 50,000 $163,400 1 City of Friendswood, Texas 134 Annual Budget DOMTaIL Department Division WATER AND Activity Number REVENUE SEWER CONSTRUCTION 5000 Actual Revenue 6 Months Revenue Revenue Budget 11977-1978 Revenue 1 Budget REVENUE CLASSIFICATION 1976-1977 1977--1978 1978-1979 7100 - Transfers From Other Funds 7110 - Transfer from Water and Sewer Fund - Sewer Tap Fees -0- 32,000 33,531 50,000 TOTAL, -0- 32,000 33,531 50,000 City of Friendswood, Texas a AnnoRi Rudnat %jity UI rrienoswuuu, 1 dxati 135 A --Annual Budget ®ETal Department Division WATER AND SEWEI SUNMI-WW CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION FM EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual Expenditure 6000 -- Ca ital Outla 6321 - Water Distribution Lines TOTAL TOTAL SUNMEADOW CONSTRUCTION 105,424 105,424 105,424 City of Friendswood, 7 137 Annual Budget _ E SALES TAX FUND PfLinning Balance October 1, 1979 Antici ated Revenues: Sales Tax Receipts Total Anticipated Revenues , Funds Available for Apgropriation Budgeted Expenditures: Transfer to General Fund - Streets Transfer to General Fund - Parks and Recreation Total Budgeted Ex enditures Balance Se tember 30, 1979 $1►}0, 000 140,000 $140,000 70,000 702.000 140,000 -0- City of Friendswood, Texas i Annual Budget ®MTAIL Department Division REVENUE SALES TAX FUND Actual REVENUE CLASSIFICATION Revenue 1976-1977 4100 - Sales -Tax Receipts 138 Activlty Number ' 3000 Revenue 6 Months Revenue Budget Revenue Budget 977-1978 1977-1978 1978--1979 4101 - Sales Tax Receipts 119,044 1201000 68,567 140 y 000 TOTAL 119,044 120,000 _68,567 140,000 4500 - Interest Earned 451.0 -. Interest Earned TOTAL TOTAL SALES TAX REVENUE 22,937 0 1,718 -0- 2,937 -0- 12718 -0- 121.,981 120,000 70,285 l'40,000 City of Friendswood, Texas 139 1 Annual Budget Department TRANSFER Division Activity, Number TO GENERAL FUND SALES TAX FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION Actual 6 Months Expenditure Budget Expenditures Budget 1976--1977 1977-19.78 1977--1976 19.78�19.79. Transfer to General Fund Sales Tax Receipts TOTAL TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FUND 91�989 I 1220� 000 I 35;0.56 . I 140,000 91,989\ l 120,000 I 35,056 I 140,000 City of Friendswood, Texes f, 14 i TE � i i REVENUE SHARING FUND Beginning Balance October 1, 1978 $ -0- Anticipated Revenues Federal Government Allocation Funds Available for Appropriation Budgeted Expenditures Street Participation Program Balance September 30, 1979 80,690 $80,890 80,890 $ --0-