HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2021-10-26KEEP FRIENDSWOOD BEAUTIFUL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2021 NATASHA MCADOO, CHAIRPERSON KAYE COREY, BOARD MEMBER TODD MENDENHALL, BOARD MEMBER DIANNA HALL, BOARD MEMBER JEFF SMITH, BOARD MEMBER STEPHANIE REDDICK, BOARD MEMBER VIJAY MAHAL, BOARD MEMBER MARY WISE, BOARD MEMBER PATTY STEINKE, BOARD MEMBER BETTY MORENO, BOARD MEMBER BRANDEE FERNANDEZ, BOARD MEMBER MICHAEL FERNANDEZ, BOARD MEMBER BRENT BELL, BOARD MEMBER SHAWN PORTER, BOARD MEMBER KELLY BROWNING, BOARD MEMBER JAMES TONEY, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION KIMBERLY RAMIREZ, ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION NATALIE MAYFIELD, RECREATION ASSISTANT KATHY WOITENA, GUEST 1. Call to Order Chairperson McAdoo called the meeting to order at 6:01PM. 2. Discussion/Approval of Minutes A. Consider approving the minutes of the Keep Friendswood Beautiful Regular meeting held on September 28, 2021. Scratch matching fund on previous agenda/meeting notes. Patty motion to approve the minutes from the September 28th meeting. Seconded by Kathy, and approved unanimously. 3. Communications/Guests The Recycle club visited KFB’s board meeting, Vijay has been in the recycling club for 2 years, Liliana has been in for 1 year. 50 kids are part of the club, they collect cans and bottles for recycling. They’d like to thank KFB for allowing them to speak at their meetings. Vijay went to the recycling club meeting in October to give them an update about KFB. They only recycle grades 1-7 of plastic. If anyone would like a recycling club tee-shirt, they can contact Vijay’s teacher (Ms. Woodley). Shirts are $13. McAdoo suggested they sell shirts at events. Kelly motions to approve $300 for trash bags and other items for the recycling club. Seconded by Patty, unanimously approved by the committee. Kathy Woitena has a proposal to open a new park in her community. As a working mother she typically does not get home until 5:30pm. With traffic it takes her around 30 minutes to get to the nearest park that has a playground. She commented that there is not many activities for those in her community. Having activities or options for those who cannot afford to participate in after school activities is her main goal. She believes these kids deserve a public playground of some sort. She is willing to assist with looking for grants in order to obtain playground equipment. She would like to see if that is something KFB would support and assist with. She proposed including handicap assessable equipment could assist in securing grants for equipment. McAdoo inquired about the possibility of placing a playground near the baseball field. Director Toney stated unfortunately there is not a safe space to place one. She stated Pearland has 11- 17 public parks available to their neighborhoods. Placing an option near the lake in her subdivision is not an option due to limited space and safety precautions are unable to be met. Kelly offered to provide more information and guidance regarding this proposed plan since she has experience in that field. There is a 26-acre tract of land near their subdivision, however, it has not been developed yet. A bond would be needed to develop said land. However, a bond proposal likely will not be scheduled for around 5 or so years. 4. Volunteer Hours A. Receive and discuss volunteer hours and programs. McAdoo stated that starting in January she would like KFB to get back on track with volunteer hours. This will be further discussed in the January meeting. 5. Committee Reports A. Receive the Executive Committee Reports/Updates for: • Mustang Field and Tree Sculpture; On Nov 11th they are planting the seeds at 4pm near the Friendswood Dog Park. The fields have already been prepped for the seed planting. They will need help scattering the seeds. The seeds were purchased by Andrew Shelly as a student project. McAdoo suggested we feature him. • Care Fund; Funds are in place. • GCAA Award Update; Executive committee met with Morad and Steven regarding the parking lot near the old fire station. They would like it to be a green parking lot, to be done before the entry way is installed. They would like to redo the parking lot soon, however, with the budget it seems unattainable at this time. Phase one would include the entry way. They have agreed to pay for a landscaper to help with the rendering. McAdoo stated if anyone is interested to get in touch with her regarding forming a committee to complete this task. They have assurance that the work will not affect the entry way. • Fall Haul Will take place on Nov 13th. Kimberly sent out a signup sheet for the event. It would be advised the hours are spread out to ensure a member of KFB is present during the event. Paul requested signs with arrows be provided to help with directing traffic. Alternatively an A- Frame at the end of the street to help direct traffic. McAdoo also proposed a sign for garage sales. Toney proposed a volunteer from KFB be at the entrance to ensure items are being fairly distributed to the garage sales. Michael proposed further signs to direct those to the garage sale and the trash site. He also stated extra volunteers may be needed to further assist with this event. Michael proposed the start hours for volunteers on the adopt highway cleanup to 7am. • Santa in the Park Update. Taking place Dec 4th. Volunteers are needed starting at 10am to help set up booths. More volunteers are needed during the event to help answer questions and for KFB’s booth. A volunteer will need to be stationed near the Pollinator Garden to help bring awareness to KFB. Last year 1000 letters were mailed back for our “Santa letters” event. P&R is requesting that KFB provide volunteers to help with sending the respond letters. Letters are accepted the last week of November to Dec 3rd. Letters are answered as received. Mary proposed some of her students could assist with this volunteer project. Catherine proposed we set up a Glitter Henna booth, representing KFB, at the Santa in the Park event. B. Keep Texas Beautiful Report by Michael Fernandez including: • KTB Updates/Conference and There are a few webinars upcoming regarding KTB. We did apply for the Green Bag grant through HEB. This will be used for the Pollinator garden, maps, and landscaping if it is secured. • DMWT Cleanup Site(s) and Results C. Receive a Public Awareness Report by Brandee Fernandez for: • Social Media Updates and Over 3,800 followers. We increased by 132% recently. The pictures of the electrical box paintings gained a lot of traction online. • Christmas Map. McAdoo proposed setting up a meeting to help integrate the maps. The map would need to be updated easily as more houses are added to the map. The google form is needed then it will need to be announced. Outreach may be needed to ensure those who do not follow us on Facebook have the opportunity to be included. D. Receive Fairy Trail Updates by Shawn Potter for: • Fairy Trail Entrance As of a month ago the numbers of visits are still high. There are still many people mapping the area. Texas Chronicles is writing a feature piece. Shawn has redone many of the homes, however, would like to let them weather naturally. E. Receive an Education Report by Sherry Goen for the 2021 Training Events. An Education chair is needed. They would be the person who assists coming up with ideas for events for KFB. They would also be a liaison between the KFB board and the school. F. Receive a Beautification report updated by Kaye Corey on the Pollinator Garden and the Matching Grant; a report about the Business Beautification Awards from Michael Fernandez. We had a bride and groom taking photos in front of the garden. More volunteers have been working on the garden lately. More nectar plants, as the existing plants were fading and weeding. Bluebonnet seeds will be placed after the new Blue Bonnet patch has been seeded. The bee house failed and going to be reintroduced. The monarch migration is almost finished. All tropical milkweed will be chopped down as it is now carrying disease. The brown anoles are causing issues for other plants in the garden and might need to be addressed should the issue progress. Kaye is working on landscaping the front of the library which will result in more volunteer hours for the committee. G. Receive the Parks/FDEDC Report from Paul Marx. Paul will be stepping down from the board committee. He will continue to volunteer for the committee. H. Receive an Environmental Action Report for: The materials that are being recycled is at an all-time high. Recycling is in high demand, however, prices have increased. • Softball Fields Pilot Recycle Program Update; Will no longer be a pilot. Alexandria is no longer playing at the field as it’s no longer sustainable. Trash has been placed in the recycling bin despite best efforts. 6. Receive Median Maintenance Updates (FM 518). The contract with this has ended. The next project will be started at the beginning of next year. 7. Present New Business. The tree give way. The previous tree nursery that was used can no longer donate the large trees. The trees are of a smaller size and they cannot donate as many as they have in the past. Red Oak and Live Oak are what they have available at this time. January 15th is the date of this event. Sherry motions we purchase 100 trees up to $1250 for the tree give away. Paul seconded the motion. The committee unanimously approved. 8. Adjournment Chairperson McAdoo adjourned the meeting at 7:11PM. The next meeting will be held on January 25th, 2022. James Toney Director of Parks and Recreation This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive service must be made two (2) business days or more prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's Office at (281) 996-3270 for further information. I, LETICIA BRYSCH, CITY SECRETARY OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD KEEP FRIENDSWOOD BEAUTIFUL WAS POSTED IN A PLACE CONVENIENT TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT, ON DATE AT TIME LETICIA BRYSCH, CITY SECRETARY