HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRC Minutes 2021-10-14 Regular MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CHARTER REVIEW COMMISSION OCTOBER 14,2021 THE CHARTER REVIEW COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD MET IN A REGULAR MEETING ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2021, AT 5:37 P.M., IN THE SECOND FLOOR (CMO) CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, LOCATED AT 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, WITH THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS PRESENT CONSTITUTING A QUORUM: James H. Nye Vice Chairperson Kitten Brizendine Commissioner Bill Provenzano Commissioner Ron Cox Commissioner Judy Wiggins Commissioner Dave Smith Commissioner Robin Hall Chairperson Morad Kabiri City Manager Mary Kay Fischer City Attorney Leticia Brysch City Secretary 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Robin Hall called the meeting to order with a quorum present at 5:37 P.M.; all members were present with the exception of Commissioners Provenzano who was absent. Before starting discussion on the Sections assigned for the Octoberl4th meeting, Chairperson Hall requested that the agenda be taken out of order to allow for the Finance staff to present a recommended amendment to Section 8.03, "Annual budget." A. Discuss and take possible action on possible charter amendments. Deputy Director of Administrative Services Rhonda Bloskas presented the item and stated that staff was recommending that the removal of the actual income from the budget to eliminate a misleading column; this can be accomplished by removing "actual and" from the following sentence: The budget shall be so arranged as to show comparative figures for aetual and estimated income and expenditures of the current fiscal year and actual income and expenditures of the preceding fiscal year, compared to the estimate for the budgeted year. Ms. Bloskas further noted that the Government Finance Officers Association(GFOA) no longer requires that estimated figures be included in the budget. After a brief discussion, the Commission agreed with staff s recommendation. Charter Review Commission Meeting Minutes October 14,2021 Page 2 of 6 Chairperson Hall moved the agenda back to item 2.A. 2. MINUTES A. Consider approving the minutes of the Charter Review Commission Meeting held on September 30,2021. Chairperson Hall presented the item and asked if anyone had any comments, and/or edits to the draft meeting minutes. Commissioner Brizendine made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith. The vote was the following: Ayes: Chairperson Robin Hall,Vice Chairperson James H.Nye, Commissioner Dave Smith,and Commissioner Ron Cox, Commissioner Judy Wiggins and Commissioner Kitten Nays: None Other: Commissioner Bill Provenzano (absent) The item passed unanimously. 3. BUSINESS ITEM A. Discuss and take possible action on possible charter amendments. The Commission briefly revisited Sections placed in the parking lot during the prior meeting. • Section 3.03, Judge if election qualifications. o The oath and bribery requirements were discussed, but no changes were recommended. • Section 3.09, Prohibitions (c)regarding Interference with Administration. o This item was discussed, but no changes were recommended. • Section 4.01, City Manager, 4.03, City Attorney, and 4.04, City Secretary. o These sections were discussed considering the City Secretary's requested amendment to have her position moved under the control of the City Manager and to be treated as any other department head. The item was discussed and placed in the parking lot again for further discussion later. The Commission then briefly discussed the Sections assigned for the October 141h meeting. Sections 5.09 through 8.03 were covered. Throughout each section, questions were asked of staff present for clarifications and thoughts. Charter Review Commission Meeting Minutes October 14,2021 Page 3 of 6 The Commission made the following observations in regard to the following Sections: • Section 5.09, Recall election. o No recommended changes. • Section 5.10, Results of recall election. o No recommended changes. • Section 5.11, Limitation on recall. o No recommended changes. • Section 5.12, Failure of Council to call an election and Section 5.13, Failure of Council to call an election on recall. o Commission discussed this item briefly and requested that the staff check to these sections were the same, if they were in compliance with state and if one or the other needed to be removed. • Section 6.01, City elections. o The Commission agreed with the staff s recommendation to remove the council's authority to set polling locations as that is now set by the counties and to make the uniform election date language in line with state law, so if it is changed in the future, the charter is not incorrect. • Section 6.02, Filing for Office. o The Commission recommended the addition of language in the section to note "12- consecutive months" and"immediately" preceding the election. o They discussed the "Resign to Run" language and asked that staff review state law to check on this language for the next meeting; and o Recommended that the provision of 6.02 (4) be kept as it is indicative of election is Friendswood. • Section 6.03, Ballots. o No recommended changes. Charter Review Commission Meeting Minutes October 14,2021 Page 4 of 6 • Section 6.04, Canvassing of election results. o The Commission agreed with the staff recommendation to change the canvassing language to comply with state law as it cannot be enforced as written considering the time frame in which the election returns are completed by the counties. • Section 6.05, Oath of Office. o No recommended changes. • Section 7.01, Reserved o No recommended changes. • Section 7.02, Power to tax. o No recommended changes. • Section 7.03, Reserved. o No recommended changes. • Section 7.04, Reserved o No recommended changes. • Section 7.05 —7.07, Reserved. o No recommended changes. • Section 7.08, Arrears of taxes offset to debt against City. o No recommended changes. • Section 7.09, Reserved. o No recommended changes. • Section 7.10, Reserved o No recommended changes. Charter Review Commission Meeting Minutes October 14,2021 Page 5 of 6 • Section 8.01, Fiscal year. o No recommended changes. • Section 8.02, Public record. o After a brief discussion, the Commission concurred with staff s recommendation to make the budget available to the public upon request under the Texas Public Act; remove the "s" from records to read "a public record." • Section 8.03, Annual budget o In addition to the recommended change presented earlier by Ms. Bloskas,the Commission also concurred with the staff s recommendation to change the public hearing language to comply with the requirements in state law and eliminate the additional cumbersome publication. Overall,no formal action taken on all these Sections covered. The Commission would like to revisit these suggestions later and rate/rank them. 4. CLOSING BUSINESS AND NEXT MEETING A. Consider setting any tasks, and/or processes, for the next regularly scheduled Charter Review Commission meeting scheduled for Thursday, October 28, 2021. The Commission was reminded of their homework assignment; to review Sections 8.04 through 9.13 for their next meeting to be held on October 28, 2021. The Commission discussed the November I11h meeting, which fell on Veteran's Day and city offices would be closed. In response the Commission alternated the Thursdays and will have the following meetings date in November and December: • November 18th, • December 2"d • December 91h (reserved) and • December 16tn Staff was asked to investigate a survey of surrounding cities as it relates to council compensations. No formal action was taken. ADJOURNMENT With there being no further business to discuss,Chairperson Hall adjourned the October 14,2021, Charter Review Commission Meeting at 7:30 P.M. Charter Review Commission Meeting Minutes October 14,2021 Page 6 of 6 Robin Hall, hairperson Atte Let cia Brysch, City Secreta