HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 2021-22RESOLUTION NO. R2021-22 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, ADOPTING AN UPDATED "POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR APPOINTMENTS TO CITY BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES FOR THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS. WHEREAS, the City of Friendswood has a number of boards, commissions, committees and advisory boards and committees, in which the City Council is required to appoint members; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to allow as great of citizen participation on these boards, commissions and committees as possible; and WHEREAS, attached hereto is that certain City of Friendswood "Policy and Procedures for Appointments to City Boards, Commissions and Committees" which document contains procedures and guidelines for appointment and membership of the City's various boards, commissions and committees. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: Section 1. That the facts and matters set forth in the preamble of this Resolution are hereby found to be true and correct. Section. 2. That certain City of Friendswood "Policy and Procedures for Appointments to City Boards, Commissions and Committees" a true and correct copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and for all things made a part hereof, is hereby adopted. Section 3. That the City Secretary shall maintain copies of such " Policy for Appointments to the City Boards, Commissions and Committees ", which shall be made available, upon payment of the reasonable costs of publication thereof, to any person requesting same. The City Secretary is further directed to periodically evaluate and review such standards and, when deemed necessary and appropriate, recommend changes to the City Council. PASSED, APPROVED AND RESOLVED on this 1st day of NOVEMBER, 2021. ATTEST: LETICIA BRYSCH, City Secr tary APPROVED AS TO FORM: d MARY AY F CHER, City Attorney � FRIENpS cS�j�TF o F '0—��P� R2021-22 2 EXHIBIT "A" APPOINTMENT TO CITY BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ADOPTED AUGUST 5, 1996 AMENDED JUNE 19, 2000 AMENDED JUNE 26, 2006 AMENDED FEBRUARY 5, 2007 SUSPENDED JULY 12, 2010 RE -ADOPTED & AMENDED JANUARY 5, 2015 AMENDED JULY 101 2017 AMENDED JULY 02, 2018 AMENDED AUGUST 06, 2018 AMENDED NOVEMBER 04, 2019 AMENDED DECEMBER 07, 2020 AMENDED MAY 3, 2021 AMENDED NOVEMBER 1, 2021 Page 1 of 19 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Appointments to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees PURPOSE It is the desire and intent of the Friendswood City Council to encourage and support citizen participation in the governing of the affairs of the City. Service through membership on a City board, commission, or committee is a valued and important opportunity for participation in an advisory capacity. To these ends, this policy sets out an orderly process for citizens interested in serving as members of a City board, commission, or committee and for the City Council to oversee those appointments. The Friendswood Charter gives the Mayor the authority to appoint special committees as he/she deems advisable and as instructed by the Council (City Charter Section 3.05). Special committees established for specific purposes are usually of limited duration and the Council may apply these policies and procedures to said committees as deemed necessary. II. POLICY This policy sets forth the comprehensive process for appointments to the City's boards, commissions, and committees, including advertising for candidates, application forms, and processing information to the City Council; appointment timetable; attendance records; letters of appointment; oaths of office; and letters of appreciation. III. COUNCIL LIAISONS The Mayor and City Council may annually appoint a councilmember to serve as a liaison to various boards, commissions, and committees. Liaison appointments will generally be made no later than the second regular meeting of the Council following the May General election. The Council Liaison shall serve as a conduit of information between the City Council and the board, commission, or committee. An information sheet listing all standing boards, commissions, and committees that may have an assigned Council Liaisons) is included as Exhibit A. A synopsis of most of the City's standing boards, commissions, and committees is included as Exhibit B. IV. PROCEDURES Sec. 4.01. Uniform Appointment Date The City of Friendswood shall create or amend orders in such a manner that will allow for appointments to be effective on one of two uniform dates in July or November. Sec. 4.02. Applicable Laws and Ordinances All boards, commissions, and committees shall act in accordance with the authority granted to them through applicable state law, charter provision, and/or directives an policies of the City Council. Page 2 of 19 EXHIBIT "A" Some members of boards, commissions, and committees are considered officers because of their special responsibilities and decision -making duties, and as such, will require increased levels of commitment and responsibility. The boards, commissions, and committees whose members are considered officers are: Planning and Zoning Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustment, Y Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals, and Y Charter Review Commission. Sec. 4.03. Terms of Office Each term of service on a board, commission or committee will be for a three-year period unless otherwise directed by Council or otherwise provided by law, except for the Charter Review Commission, which is a six-month term and Zoning Board of Adjustment, which requires a 2-year term by statute (LGC 54.033 and 211.008). No member/officer shall be elected to serve as Chair or Vice Chair for more than four terms unless otherwise directed by Council. Sec. 4.04. Oaths of Office Oaths of Office appropriate to the position held and in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.05 of the City Charter (Every officer of the City, whether elected or appointed, before entering upon the duties of office, shall take and subscribe to the appropriate oath or affirmation to be filed and kept in the office of the City Secretary) will be administered to all newly appointed or reappointed members at their first regular meeting or as soon as possible after appointment. Arrangements to receive oaths of office at another time may also be made at the discretion of the City Secretary or whomever is authorized by law to give the oath such as a notary public. The following boards, commissions or committees are subject to this section: ➢ Planning & Zoning Commission, Y Zoning Board of Adjustment, ➢ Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals, and Y Charter Review Commission. Sec. 4.05. Rules and Regulations All boards, commissions, and committees shall follow procedures of conduct set out in Robert's Rules of Order. All board, commission, and committee meetings shall have an agenda and record the action by keeping minutes. Advisory boards, commissions, and committees shall not be required to comply with the Texas Open Meetings Act. However, the following boards, commissions or committees are subject to Texas Open Meetings Act: Y Planning and Zoning Commission, Y Zoning Board of Adjustment, ➢ Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals, ➢ Friendswood Downtown Economic Development Corporation, and Y Charter Review Commission. Some boards, commissions, and committees may desire or be directed to adopt rules of procedure, all such rules of procedure and subsequent amendments shall be approved by the City Council. Page 3 of 19 EXHIBIT "A" Sec. 4.06. Appointment of Officers/Members Officers or members of each of the City's boards, commissions, and committees will be appointed in accordance with any applicable ordinances, state laws, or City Charter. The positions of Chair and Vice Chair may be rotated following the appointment and reappointment time frame, but may not serve more than four consecutive terms, unless otherwise approved by the Council. Officers of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustment, Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals, Friendswood Downtown Economic Development Corporation, and the Charter Review Commission are required to be residents of Friendswood. Members of boards, commissions, or committees, that are advisory in nature, are required to be residents of the city, or business owners that pay taxes to the City of Friendswood. The City Secretary shall include all newly appointed officers/members in the City's Boards, Commissions, and Committees' rosters. Sec. 4.07. Providing and Maintaining Records The City Secretary's office shall keep an up-to-date official record of pertinent information on each board, commission, and committee in an official notebook. City Staff Liaisons to the boards, commissions, and committees will work with the City Secretary's Office to provide up-to-date information of names, addresses, and telephone numbers for their boards, commissions, and committee members. The City Secretary's Office is responsible for maintaining the City's historical list of boards, commission, and committee members. Sec. 4.08. Attendance Policy and Records Attendance records shall be maintained by all City Staff Liaisons providing support to the various City boards, commissions, and committees and input into the City's centralized meeting, agenda, and minute program; said attendance records can also be made available upon request to the boards, commissions, and committees members at each regular meeting. Staff liaisons will work with the City Secretary's Office to ensure that attendance records are correct and available for Council review at the time of the appointment / reappointment process. It shall be the responsibility of each member to attend meetings regularly. Three consecutive unexcused absences or the absence of an advisory board or committee member from more than 50 percent of the meetings in a six-month period shall be cause for Council to consider the removal of said member for excessive absences. Three consecutive unexcused absences or the absence of a member considered to be an officer from more than 20 percent of the meetings in a six-month period shall be cause for Council to consider the removal of said member for excessive absences. Attendance at all regular meetings, special meetings, and work sessions by each board, commission, and committee member will be recorded, and absences shall be noted as excused or unexcused by the Chair; examples of excused absences include but are not limited to: illness, business reasons, death of family members, etc. Sec. 4.09. Information Packets Page 4 of 19 EXHIBIT "A" Each applicant shall receive a welcome letter and packet of information about the committee, its purpose, members, meeting schedule and location, and any other information, such as rules of procedure, as requested. Additionally, the City Secretary's Office will provide each newly appointed board, commission, and committee member with a copy of the City's Volunteer Guidebook. Each individual will complete the guidebooks acknowledgement of receipt form and only one form is required for the individual for the duration of his/her time on the board, committee commission. V. Appointments Sec.5.01. Applications All citizens interested in being appointed or reappointed to a board, commission or committee must have an up-to-date application on file or submit a completed application to the City Secretary via its paper or online application. New applications will be forwarded to the Staff Liaison of the appropriate board, commission, or committee. At the established time, applications will be distributed by the City Secretary's Office to the Mayor and City Council. Upon request, the City Secretary shall provide an application and a background check disclosure and authorization form to citizens, as well as information sheets on the various boards, commissions, and committees. A background check is required upon initial appointment and for reappointment. The City Secretary shall advertise an invitation to citizens to submit an application indicating their interest and qualifications to serve on a board, commission, or committee at least once a year, or as needed, in the news media, social media, internet, and/or as otherwise directed by City Council. The two regularly scheduled appointments cycles are as follows: J U LY: ➢ Planning and Zoning Commission, ➢ Zoning Board of Adjustment, ➢ Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals, ➢ Library Board of Trustees, ➢ Community and Economic ➢ Development Committee, and ➢ Charter Review Commission (to be appointed Council). NOVEMBER: ➢ Fourth of July Steering Committee, ➢ Keep Friendswood Beautiful, ➢ Senior Citizen Advisory Committee, and ➢ Investment Committee. in July every 5 years or as called by All applications submitted to the City Secretary will be date stamped, e-mailed to the Staff Liaison to the committee(s) and will be retained by the City Secretary for a period in compliance with the City's records retention schedule. The applications will be used in making appointments to boards, commissions, and committees for expiring terms of office and as vacancies occur. Page 5 of 19 EXHIBIT "A" The City Secretary will send a letter to each board, commission, and committee member who has an expiring term of office to determine if the member wishes to be considered for reappointment and/or to update the application on file. Sec. 5.02. Appointment Process By the end of May and September of each year, the City Secretary will notify the Staff Liaison what members/officers would like to be reappointed and who would not. The Staff Liaison will contact the Council Liaison to discuss the candidates for appointment/reappointment. Council liaisons, chairpersons, vice chairpersons, staff, or other members/officers may interview new candidates to be considered prior to the appointments. The Council Liaison to the board, commission or committee will contact the Mayor on the proposed appointments/reappointments and obtain his concurrence. The Council Liaison will notify the City Secretary who will then prepare an Agenda Item form for the July or November Council meeting to have the appointments/reappointments approved by Mayor and Council. Appointments shall be made to boards, commissions, and committees at the regular monthly Council meeting in July and November or as soon thereafter as possible. Appointments will be effective July and November, respectively. A congratulatory letter and welcome packet with related forms will be prepared by the City Secretary's Office for all newly appointed or reappointed members to the City's boards, commissions, and committees. An example of said welcome packet is hereto included as Exhibit C. Appreciation letters will be sent by the City Secretary to all individuals who were not appointed. All members/officers of the boards, commission and committees must complete Open Meetings Act (OMA) Training and Public Information Act Training administered by the Texas Attorney General within 90 days as required by law and must provide their certificate of completion to the City Secretary's office. Members/officers may designate the City Secretary as the public information coordinator to satisfy the training requirements of the Texas Public information Act. Sec. 5.03. Selection Criteria Members selected should not only be qualified, but also show a desire and commitment to serve in the capacity they are appointed. The selection of members to boards, commissions, and committees shall be made considering the stated interest and desire of the applicant to serve, as well as, other criteria as deemed appropriate by the Council and may include but is not limited to: the applicant's availability, qualifications, personal background, and any special skills he/she may have. Sec. 5.04. Filling Vacancies Vacancies on boards, commissions, and committees caused by resignations will be filled throughout the year as they occur to complete unexpired terms of office. When a vacancy occurs, the Staff Liaison of the board, commission, or committee shall notify the City Secretary. Appointments to fill vacancies will be made at a Council meeting by a majority of City Council from the list of applicants provided on the Agenda Item form completed by the City Secretary. Page 6 of 19 EXHIBIT "A" Should there be no current applicants for the vacancy, the City Secretary shall follow the procedures previously described to seek new applicants. Page 7 of 19 EXHIBIT "A" EXHIBIT A FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL LIAISONS COMMITTEE COUNCIL MEMBER Clear Creek Watershed Steering Committee Main Liaison: Alternate: Community & Economic Development Main Liaison: Committee Alternate: 4th of July Steering Committee Main Liaison: Alternate: Galveston County Commissioners Court Main Liaison: Alternate: Galveston County Consolidated Drainage Main Liaison: District Alternate: Galveston County Mayors' & Councils' All City Council Members Association GCMCA Gulf Coast Authority Main Liaison: Alternate: Houston -Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) Main Liaison: Alternate: Harris County Commissioners Court Main Liaison: Alternate: Harris County Mayors' and Councils' All City Council Members Association HCMCA Homeowner's Associations City Manager's Office/Staff Keep Friendswood Beautiful (KFB) Main Liaison: Alternate: Library Board Main Liaison: Alternate: Planning and Zoning Commissions Main Liaison: Alternate: Senior Citizens Advisory Committee Main Liaison: Alternate: Zoning Board of Adjustment Main Liaison: Alternate: Investments Committee No Liaison Required Construction Board of Adjustment & Appeals No Liaison Required Charter Review Commission No Liaison Required Page 8 of 19 EXHIBIT "A" EXHIBIT B SYNOPSIS OF STANDING BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Number of Members: 7 regular Term of Office: 3-years, overlapping terms Established by: City Code, Chapter 2 "Administration", Article II "Boards, Committees and Commissions", Division 3 "Planning and Zoning Commission, Section 2-69; LGC Chapters 211 & 212 Appointed by: City Council Regular Meetings: 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month Time: 7:00 P.M. Location: Friendswood City Hall Compensation: None Officers: Chair & Vice Chair selected every 3 years by Commission members. Officers will be appointed for three-year terms following the appointment and reappointment time frame. Chair and Vice Chair may not serve more than four three-year terms, unless otherwise approved by Council. Staff Support: Community Development - Department Head and staff. Council Liaison: Yes, appointed by City Council Duties of the Commissions: The Commission shall submit recommendations to the City Council, after holding public hearings, on any change or amendment to any of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance or the Zoning Districts Map: any request for a specific use permit or planned unit development any change or amendment to the subdivision ordinance: and any related request by Council. In public meeting, the commission also reviews and approves commercial site plans, preliminary and final plats, and subdivision developments. The commission also acts in the capacity of the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee created by Section 395.058 of the Texas Local Government Code. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Number of Members: 5 regular & 4 Term of Office: 2-years, overlapping I alternates terms Established by: City Code, Appendix C, Sections 10-13; LGC Sections 211.008 — 211.011 Appointed by: City Council Regular Meetings: As needed Time: 4th Tuesday of the month, as needed, unless a holiday falls during the week of the meeting date, and date is moved to the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Location: Friendswood City Hall Officers: Chair& Vice Chair elected every 2 years by members. Officers will be appointed for two-year terms as required by statute (LGC 54.033 and 211.008). Chair and Vice Chair may not serve more than four terms, unless otherwise approved by Council. Compensation: None Staff Support: Building Official, City Planner and Development Coordinator Council Liaison: No Duties of the Commissions: This board hears and rules on requests for appeals, special exceptions and variances to the Zoning Ordinance and authorizes variances from the zoning ordinance when not contrary to the public interest. This board also serves as the appeals board for Fire and Life Safety Codes, Flood Damage Prevention Code (City Code, Section 3441), and Building and Standards Commission BASC(City Code, Section 14-319 . Page 9 of 19 EXHIBIT "A" CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS Number of Members: 7 regular & 2 Term of Office: 3-years alternates if desired Established by: City Code, Chapter 14 "Buildings and Building Regulations", Article II "Standard Building Code", Section 105.1 Appointed by: City Council Regular Meetings: As needed Time: 7:00 P.M. Location: Friendswood City Hall Officers: Chair& Vice Chair are selected every two years by members. Officers will be appointed for three-year terms following the appointment and reappointment time frame. Chair and Vice Chair may not serve more than four three-year terms, unless otherwise approved by Council. Compensation: None Staff Support: Building Official Council Liaison: No Duties of the Commissions: The Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall have the power to hear appeals of decisions and interpretations of the building official and consider variances of the technical codes. Membership of the board should be composed of individuals with knowledge and experience in the technical codes, such as design professionals, contractors, or building industry representatives. Alternate members, if appointed, should consist of a member at -large front the building industry and one member at -large from the public. FRIENDSWOOD PUBLIC LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD Number of Members: 7 regular & 3 alternates Term of Office: 3-years, overlapping I terms Established by: Ordinance No. 173; effective November 22, 1972 Appointed by: City Council Regular Meetings: W1 Tuesday of the month, as needed Time: 7:00 P.M. Location: Friendswood Public Library Officers: Chair and Vice Chair are selected by members. Officers will be appointed for three-year terms following the appointment and reappointment time frame. Chair and Vice Chair may not serve more than four three-year terms, unless otherwise approved by Council. Compensation: None Staff Support: Library Director and designated Library staff Council Liaison: Yes, appointed by City Council Duties of the Commissions: To establish general library policy, represent the public and its interest in the operation of the library, secure from the people of Friendswood support for the Library, and to interpret the needs of the people to the City Council. COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Number of Members: 7 regular Term of Office: 3-years, overlapping terms Established by: Council Action on February 15, 1993 Appointed by: City Council Regular Meetings: 1st Wednesday of the month Time: 3:30 P.M. Location: Friendswood City Hall Compensation: None Officers: Chair and Vice Chair are selected by members. Officers will be appointed for a three-year term following the appointment and Page 10 of 19 EXHIBIT "A" reappointment time frame. Chair and Vice Chair may not serve more than four three-year terms, unless otherwise approved by Council. Ex Officios: Chamber of Commerce Representative and Planning and Zoning Commission Representative Staff Support: Assistant City Manager and/or his/her designee Council Liaison: Yes, appointed by City Council Duties of the Commissions: To encourage commercial and industrial developments which are compatible with the image of Friendswood; provide recommendations to the City Council regarding codes, ordinances, policies, and procedures that assist economic development and conduct surveys of citizens and businesses to gain understanding of economic development which is compatible with the ci 's interest, needs, and image. CHARTER REVIEW COMMISSION Number of Members: 7 regular I Term of Office: I 6-months Established by: City Charter, Section 11.09 "Charter Review Commission" Appointed by: City Council, every five years Regular Meetings: 3rd Tuesday of the month, as needed Time: 7:00 P.M. Location: Friendswood City Hall Officers: Chair and Vice Chair are selected by members. Compensation: None Staff Support: City Manager, City Attorney and City Secretary Council Liaison: No Duties of the Commissions: To (1) inquire into the operation of the City government under the Charter provisions and determine whether any such provisions require revision, to include public hearings as needed; (2) propose, if it deems desirable, amendments to this Charter to improve the effective application of the Charter to current conditions; and (3) report its findings and present its proposed amendments, if any, to the Council. FOURTH OF JULY STEERING COMMITTEE Number of Members: 20 regular Term of Office: 3-years, overlapping terms _ Established by: Council Action Appointed by: City Council Regular Meetings: 3rdWednesday of the month Time: 6:00 P.M. Location: Friendswood City Hall Compensation: None Officers: Chair and Vice Chair are selected by members. Members will be appointed for three-year terms following the appointment and reappointment time frame. Chair and Vice Chair may not serve more than four three-year terms, unless otherwise approved by Council. Staff Support: Director of Parks and Recreation and/or his/her designee Council Liaison: Yes, appointed by City Council Duties of the Commissions: To assist staff in organizing, planning, coordinating, and overseeing the annual City of Friendswood Fourth of July activities and any other related functions requested by the City Council. Page 11 of 19 EXHIBIT "A" KEEP FRIENDSWOOD BEAUTIFUL Number of Members: 20 regular & 2 Term of Office: 3-years, overlapping alternates terms Established by: City Council January 15. 1973, as Civic Beautification Committee City Council, January 25, 2010, from Community Appearance Board to Keep Friendswood Beautiful Committee Appointed by: City Council Regular Meetings: 41h Tuesday of the month Time: 6:30 P.M. Location: Friendswood City Hall Compensation: None Officers: Chair and Vice Chair are selected by members. Members will be appointed for three-year terms following the appointment and reappointment time frame. Chair and Vice Chair may not serve more than four three-year terms, unless otherwise approved by Council. Staff Support: Director of Parks and Recreation and/or his/her designee Council Liaison: Yes, appointed by Ci Council Duties of the Commissions: To enhance the aesthetic appearance of the city and to encourage residents to take an active role in maintaining its image. The KFB directs and coordinates management and planning of its projects and education of the community: recommends budget and project priorities to City Council: seeks grants for funding opportunities: makes suggestions for conserving and protecting natural resources: and performs such other duties as the City Council may reasonably request. Keep Friendswood Beautiful also serves as the advisory committee for the City's Storm Water Management Program last updated 2014per TCEQ. SENIOR CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE Number of Members: 8 regular & 1 alternate Term of Office: 3-years, overlapping terms Established by: Council Action 1993 Appointed by: City Council Regular Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of the month Time: 9:00 A.M. Location: Activities Building, 416 Mornin side Compensation: None Officers: Chair and Vice Chair are selected by members. Members will be appointed for three-year terms following the appointment and reappointment time frame. Chair and Vice Chair may not serve more than four three-year terms, unless otherwise approved by Council. Staff Support: Director of Parks and Recreation and/or his/her designee Council Liaison: Yes, appointed by City Council Duties of the Commissions: To advise the City Council in all matters pertaining to Friendswood's Senior Citizens Program: acquaints itself with and makes a continuous study and review of the program: recommends the adoption of policies for the program: recommends to the City Council rules and regulations governing the program: makes recommendations to the City Council and City Manager and reasons therefore: and performs other duties as the City Council may reasonably request Number of Members: INVESTMENT_ COMMITTEE 3 regular & No Term of Office: 3-years alternates Established by: Council Action(January 1997 Appointed by: City Council Regular Meetings: Quarter) Time: 4:00 P.M. or at the Request of the Chair Page 12 of 19 EXHIBIT "A" Location: Friendswood City Hall / Administrative Services Department Compensation: None Officers: Members will be appointed for three-year terms following the appointment and reappointment time frame. Chair and Vice Chair may not serve more than four three-year terms, unless otherwise approved by Council. Staff Support: Director of Administrative Services and/or his/her designee Liaison/DeputyLiaison/Deputy City Manager Council Liaison: No Duties of the Commissions: To assist staff in organizing, planning, coordinating, and overseeing the annual City of Friendswood Fourth of July activities and any other related functions requested by the City Council. Page 13 of 19 EXHIBIT "A" EXHIBIT C DATE NAME ADDRESS BLOCK DEAR (NAME): On behalf of the Mayor and City Council, congratulations, on your recent appointment to the Your term commences , and will expire on . It is at that time that you will be eligible for reappointment to another full -year term, should you and the City Council desire to do so. Your attendance is very important, so an attendance record is kept at each meeting; therefore, it is your responsibility to attend the meetings regularly and notify the staff liaison of your absence as soon as possible. Please note that your appointment requires the completion and filing of the documents/trainings noted below, and they are: 1. Oath of Office and Statement of Elected/Appointed Officer; 2. Public Information Act Training and/or the Appointment of Public Information Coordinator; 3. Public Access Option; 4. Open Meeting Act Training; and 5. Volunteer Guidebook Acknowledgement Page. If you require assistance with these documents or processes, please visit our City Secretary's Office located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, where staff will be happy to assist you. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate in contacting the Friendswood City Secretary, at 281-996-3270 or via email at citysecretary@friendswood.com. Thank you for your time and service. Sincerely yours, City Secretary Page 14 of 19 EXHIBIT "A" In the name and by the authority of The State of Texas OATH OF OFFICE I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I will faithfully execute the duties of the office of of the for the City of Friendswood, of the State of Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States and of this State, and the charter and ordinances of this city, so help me God. SWORN TO and subscribed before me by on this day of (Seal) Officer's Signature Printed Name Signature of Person Administering Oath Printed Name Title STATEMENT OF ELECTED/APPOINTED OFFICER (Pursuant to Tex Coast. art. XVI, §1(b), amended 2001) I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, promised to pay, contributed, or promised to contribute any money or thing of value, or promised any public office or employment for the giving or withholding of a vote at the election at which I was elected or as a reward to secure my appointment or confirmation, whichever the case may be, so help me God. UNDER PENALTIES OFPERJURY, I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING STATEMENTAND THAT THE FACTS STATED THEREIN ARE TRUE. Date Position to Which Elected/Appointed Officer's Signature Friendswood, Galveston/Harris City and/or County Page 15 of 19 EXHIBIT "A" TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 552.024 PUBLIC ACCESS OPTION FORM [Note: This form should be completed and signed by the public official no later than the 14th day after the public official is elected or appointed.] (Name of Appointed/Elected Official) Title Board/ Commission to Which Elected / Appointed The Public Information Act allows employees, public officials and former employees and officials to elect whether to keep certain information about them confidential. Unless you choose to keep it confidential, the following information about you may be subject to public release if requested under the Texas Public Information Act. Therefore, please indicate whether you wish to allow public release of the following information: PUBLIC ACCESS? NO YES Home Address Home Telephone Number Personal Cell Phone Numbers Emergency Contact Information Social Security Number Family Member Information Officer's Signature (Date) Page 16 of 19 EXHIBIT "A" APPOINTMENT OF THE PUBLIC INFORMATION COORDINATOR PURSUANT TO THE TEXAS PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTIES OF § GALVESTON/HARRIS § The City Secretary of the City of Friendswood, Texas, is primarily responsible for administering the responsibilities of the public official or governmental body of the City under the Texas Public Information Act. As such, pursuant to Section 552.012(c) of the Texas Government Code, I as a member of the of the City of Friendswood, Texas, hereby appoint the City Secretary as the public information coordinator to satisfy my training requirements of the Texas Public Information Act. Signed this day of (Name of Appointed/Elected Official) Title THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTIES OF § GALVESTON/HARRIS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared , a member of the of the City of Friendswood, Texas, known to the to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of this office this day of. (SEAL) NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS Page 17 of 19 EXHIBIT "A" TO: Board, Commission or Committee Member FROM: , City Secretary SUBJECT: Texas Open Meetings Act ***************************************************************************** During the Regular Session of the 79th Legislature, the Legislature enacted legislation which, among other actions, amended the Texas Open Meetings Act (TOMA). Effective January 1, 2006, the new law requires public elected/appointed officials who are members of a governmental body to receive training concerning its responsibilities with regard to the Texas Open Meetings Act. The Act stipulates that training must be completed within 90 days from the date the oath of office is taken. To fulfill the training requirement, you will need to do the following: 1) Watch the training video To access the training video, please follow this link to the OAG's website: https://www.texasattomey e�gov/open-govermnent/open-meetings-act-training At the conclusion of the training video, you will be presented with an identification code/number. Please record this code/number as it will be used to obtain your course certificate. If you do not have access to the internet, please contact the City Secretary's Office at 281-996- 3270, to request a DVD copy of the video. 2) Print the course certificate To obtain your course certificate, please follow this link: https://www2.texasattomey e�jzov/forms/openrec/og_certificates.php 3) Mail, fax, email, or deliver the certificate to the City of Friendswood City Secretary's Office Mail/Deliver: 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas 77546-4856 Fax: 281-482-1634 Email: citysecretarykfriendswood.com Thank you for taking the time to be in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. Should you have any questions in regards to this process, the training or your board member paperwork, please contact our offices, at (281) 996-3270. Page 18 of 19 EXHIBIT "A" ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD VOLUNTEER GUIDEBOOK I hereby acknowledge receipt of the City of Friendswood Volunteer Guidebook, and that I am responsible for knowing and following the policies and procedures contained therein. I, also, understand the City of Friendswood Volunteer Guidebook may be modified at any time and I will be responsible staying abreast of those updates when notified. Date Received Volunteer Signature Printed Name Page 19 of 19