HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRC Minutes 2021-09-16 RegularMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CHARTER REVIEW COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 16, 2021 THE CHARTER REVIEW COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF FRIENDS WOOD MET IN A REGULAR MEETING ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2021, IN THE SECOND FLOOR (CMO) CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, LOCATED AT 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, WITH THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS PRESENT CONSTITUTING A QUORUM: James H. Nye Kitten Brizendine Bill Provenzano Ron Cox Judy Wiggins Dave Smith Robin Hall Monad Kabiri Mary Kay Fischer 1. CALL TO ORDER Vice Chairperson Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Conunissioner Chairperson City Manager City Attorney Chairperson Robin Hall called the meeting to order with a quorum present at 5:34 P.M.; all members were present with the exception of Commissioners Wiggins and Smith who were absent. 2. MINUTES A. Cmrsider approving the miuutes of the Charter Review Commission Meeting held on Augnst 19, 2021. City Manager Monad Kabiri presented the item and asked if anyone had any comments, and/or edits to the draft meeting minutes. Commissioner Cox made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brizendine. The vote was the following: Ayes: Chairperson Robin Hall, Vice Chairperson James H. Nye, Commissioner Kitten Brizendine, Commissioner Bill Provenzano, and Commissioner Ron Cox Nays: None The item passed unanimously. Charter Review Commission Meeting Minutes September 16, 2021 Page 2 of 4 B. Consider approving the minutes of the Charter Review Commission Meeting held on September 2, 2021. City Manager Morad Kabiri presented the item and asked if anyone had any comments, and/or edits to the draft meeting minutes. Commissioner Cox made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brizendine. The vote was the following: Ayes: Chairperson Robin Hall, Vice Chairperson James H. Nye, Commissioner Kitten Brizendine, Commissioner Bill Provenzano, and Commissioner Ron Cox Nays: None The item passed unanimously. 3. BUSINESS ITEM A. Discuss and take possible action on possible charter amendments. Before starting discussion on the Sections assigned for the September 161h meeting, the Conmlission briefly revisited Sections placed in the parking lot during the prior meeting. • Revisited the he/she discussion and decided to not change the references in the Charter, beyond the single change suggested for Section 3.05, as it pertains to the Mayor. • Revisited Section 3.01 and decided to expand the total service time for Mayor and Councilmembers to 14 years consecutively, and allowing for a resetting of that term limit after sitting out two election cycles. • Revisited Section 3.04 and placed it back in the parking lot. Staff was asked to capture the proposed language in a comprehensive spreadsheet, similar to the handout that was provided at the August 19°i meeting. The Commission then briefly discussed the Sectiars assigned for the September 16°' meeting. Sections 3.06 tluough 4.01 were covered. Tluoughout each section, questions were asked of staff present for clarifications and thoughts. The Commission made the following observations in regard to the following Sections: • Section 3.09, Meetings of the City Council. o A suggestion was made, and consensus reached, for the following: Upon the direction of the Mayor, or the City Manager, a Special Council Meeting shall be posted by the City Secretary. Charter Review Commission Meeting Minutes September 16, 2021 Page 3 of 4 • Section 3.10, Rules of Procedure. A suggestion was made, and consensus reached, for the following: Not to change Chorter, but direct staff to place a provision in the Rules of Procedure to have the Mayor, or City Manager, specify items that require a super nicjority note during Council meetings, and prior to the vote • Section 3.11, Ordivaucesin general A suggestion was made, and consensus reached, for the following: Not to change Section 3.11 (b), but recommended designating a staff member have access to a printer for providing ordinances to a member of the public, upon request. The remainder of Section 3.11 was placed in the Parking Lot to discuss later • Section 3.13, Codes of technical regulation. o A suggestion was made, and consensus reached, for the following: The Commissioners were good with staff s recommendation provided during the August 19`i' meeting. • Section 3.14, Authentication and recording codification printing. o A suggestion was made, and consensus reached, for the following: The Commissioners were good with staff s recommendation provided during the August 19t1i meeting. • Section 4.01, City Manager. o A suggestion was made, and consensus reached, for the following: The Commissioners recommended Section 4.01(d)(2) be amended to only require the concurrence of Council for the appointment of Directors of Departments. The suspension and removal of Directors should be solely at the discretion of the City Manager. Overall, no formal action taken on all these Sections covered. The Commission would like to revisit these suggestions later and rate/rank them. 4. CLOSING BUSINESS AND NEXT MEETING A. Consider setting any tasks, and/or processes, for the next regularly scheduled Charter Review Commission meeting scheduled for Thursday, September 30, 2021. The Commission was reminded of their homework assignment; to review Sections 4.02 through 5.08 for their next meeting. No formal action was taken. Charter Review Commission Meeting Minutes September 16, 2021 Page 4 of 4 ADJOURNMENT With there being no further business to discuss, Chairperson Hall adjourned the September 16, 2021, Charter Review Commission Meeting at 7:20 P.M. Chairperson ffere', Leticia Brysch, City