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2018 International Energy Conservation Code
1008170 I NTE R N A T I O N A L COD ES" 2018 I -CODE BONUS OFFER Get a free 45-day online subscription to ICC's premJumACCESS' 2018 I -Codes Complete Collection Test drive many powerful, time -saving tools available to you from premJumACCESS To activate your bonus, visit www.iccsafe.org/codebonus k A Member of the International Code Family° INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE° I.i Agffi,,AOICC N,fiuN¢,TA,d,awo.mALLh¢d,mansbyan O,d Party o,±DFI,m®dahONtd Emgh ass¢o,FA mpyncg and Mwodwg,ISd ANY VNAVTHORIVED REPRODUCTION ORDISIRIB VIION LEA VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT, AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PBNALTIBSTHBRB VNDBR 2018 International Energy Conservation Code® First Printing August 2017 ISBN 978-1-60983-749-5 (soft-cover edition) COPYRIGHT © 2017 by INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL, INC Date of First Publication August 31, 2017 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED This 2018International Energy Conservation Code® is a copyrighted work owned by the Interna- tional Code Council, Inc Without advance written permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be repro- duced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including, without limitation, electronic, optical or mechanical means (by way of example, and not limitation, photocopying or recording by or in an information storage retrieval system) For information on use rights and permissions, please contact Publications, 4051 Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, IL 60478 Phone 1-888-ICC-SAFE (422-7233) Trademarks "International Code Council," the "International Code Council' logo, "ICC," the "ICC logo, "International Energy Conservation Code," " IECC and other names and trademarks appearing in this book are trademarks of the International Code Council, Inc , and/or its licensors (as applicable), and may not be used without permission PRINTED IN THE U S A CoLFIEILOO?.o17 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awned by HDO,, Van Dme(Rvdme pooch od om).(Qty of PnmdNmod)Odo,N=b¢*10081vme 01 JM 15. xm.o oc s AM (PET) t to Lie Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO,Pepeodomo- by anytlt Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg L,oIRb¢d ANY UNAVTHO RIVER REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER Introduction Development PREFACE The International Energy Conservation Code' (IECC°) establishes minimum requirements for energy -efficient buildings using prescriptive and performance -related provisions. It is founded on broad -based principles that make possible the use of new materials and new energy -efficient designs. This 2018 edition is fully compatible with all of the International Codes" (I -Codes) pub- lished by the International Code Council° (ICC°), including the International Building Code', Interna- tional Existing Building Code°, International Fire Code" International Fuel Gas Code" International Green Construction Code®, International Mechanical Code" International Plumbing Code" Interna- tional Private Sewage Disposal Code°, International Property Maintenance Code" International Res- idential Code°, International Swimming Pool and Spa Code , International Wildland-Urban Interface Code', International Zoning Code' and International Code Council Performance Code'. This code contains separate provisions for commercial buildings and for low-rise residential buildings (3 stories or less in height above grade). Each set of provisions, IECC—Commercial Provi- sions and IECC—Residential Provisions, is separately applied to buildings within its respective scope. Each set of provisions is to be treated separately. Each contains a Scope and Administration chapter, a Definitions chapter, a General Requirements chapter, a chapter containing energy efficiency requirements and existing building provisions applicable to buildings within its scope. The I -Codes, including this International Energy Conservation Code, are used in a variety of ways in both the public and private sectors. Most industry professionals are familiar with the I -Codes as the basis of laws and regulations in communities across the U.S. and in other countries. However, the impact of the codes extends well beyond the regulatory arena, as they are used in a variety of nonregulatory settings, including: • Voluntary compliance programs such as those promoting sustainability, energy efficiency and disaster resistance. • The insurance industry, to estimate and manage risk, and as a tool in underwriting and rate decisions. • Certification and credentialing of individuals involved in the fields of building design, con- struction and safety. • Certification of building and construction -related products. • U.S. federal agencies, to guide construction in an array of government -owned properties. • Facilities management. • 'Best practices' benchmarks for designers and builders, including those who are engaged in projects in jurisdictions that do not have a formal regulatory system or a governmental enforcement mechanism. • College, university and professional school textbooks and curricula. • Reference works related to building design and construction. In addition to the codes themselves, the code development process brings together building pro- fessionals on a regular basis. It provides an international forum for discussion and deliberation about building design, construction methods, safety, performance requirements, technological advances and innovative products. This 2018 edition presents the code as originally issued, with changes reflected in the 2000 through 2015 editions and further changes approved through the ICC Code Development Process through 2017. A new edition such as this is promulgated every 3 years. 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® I " ' (ATFIght @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awned by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®,At, ICC No FLth, TAodomo6m A LO, goodomo-by o,,,O Party o, AxmboemRowsd Mgle—odympyncg mdoNyb,IyogL,oIRbAd ANY UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIESTHEREUNDER Maintenance This code is founded on principles intended to establish provisions consistent with the scope of an energy conservation code that adequately conserves energy; provisions that do not unnecessar- ily increase construction costs; provisions that do not restrict the use of new materials, products or methods of construction; and provisions that do not give preferential treatment to particular types or classes of materials, products or methods of construction. The International Energy Conservation Code is kept up to date through the review of proposed changes submitted by code enforcement officials, industry representatives, design professionals and other interested parties. Proposed changes are carefully considered through an open code development process in which all interested and affected parties may participate. The ICC Code Development Process reflects principles of openness, transparency, balance, due process and consensus, the principles embodied in OMB Circular A-119, which governs the federal government's use of private -sector standards. The ICC process is open to anyone; there is no cost to participate, and people can participate without travel cost through the ICC's cloud -based app, cdp- Access°. A broad cross section of interests are represented in the ICC Code Development Process. The codes, which are updated regularly, include safeguards that allow for emergency action when required for health and safety reasons. In order to ensure that organizations with a direct and material interest in the codes have a voice in the process, the ICC has developed partnerships with key industry segments that support the ICC's important public safety mission. Some code development committee members were nomi- nated by the following industry partners and approved by the ICC Board: • National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) • National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC) The code development committees evaluate and make recommendations regarding proposed changes to the codes. Their recommendations are then subject to public comment and council -wide votes. The ICC's governmental members —public safety officials who have no financial or business interest in the outcome —cast the final votes on proposed changes. The contents of this work are subject to change through the code development cycles and by any governmental entity that enacts the code into law. For more information regarding the code devel- opment process, contact the Codes and Standards Development Department of the International Code Council. While the I -Code development procedure is thorough and comprehensive, the ICC, its members and those participating in the development of the codes disclaim any liability resulting from the publication or use of the I -Codes, or from compliance or noncompliance with their provisions. The ICC does not have the power or authority to police or enforce compliance with the contents of this code. Code Development Committee Responsibilities (Letter Designations in Front of Section Numbers) In each code development cycle, proposed changes to the code are considered at the Committee Action Hearings by the applicable International Code Development Committee. The IECC—Commer- cial Provisions (sections designated with a "C" prior to the section number) are primarily maintained by the Commercial Energy Code Development Committee. The IECC—Residential Provisions (sec- tions designated with an "R" prior to the section number) are maintained by the Residential Energy Code Development Committee. This is designated in the chapter headings by a [CE] and [RE], respectively. Maintenance responsibilities for the IECC are designated as follows: [CE] = International Commercial Energy Conservation Code Development Committee [RE] = International Residential Energy Conservation Code Development Committee IV 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ill ' CopynghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rvdme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,mmt to ( S I 1, xAgffievom Rt, ICC Nootths �TAodomoo.mAtO, �goodomo-by any Ot Party o,Axmboema Romsd Mgle— odympyncg and Nyodwg TMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER .,ROD ,,LON OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION 01 THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER For the development of the 2021 edition of the I -Codes, there will be two groups of code devel- opment committees and they will meet in separate years. Group A Codes Group B Codes (Heard in 2018, Code Change Proposals (Heard in 2019, Code Change Proposals Deadline: January B, 2018) Deadline: January 7, 2019) International Building Code Administrative Provisions (Chapter 1 of all —Egress (Chapters 10, 11, Appendix E) codes except IECC, IRC and IgCC, administra- - Fire Safety (Chapters 7, 8, 9, 14, 26) tive updates to currently referenced Stan- -General (Chapters 2-6, 12, 27-33, dards, and designated definitions) Appendices A, B, C, D, K, N) International Fire Code International Building Code —Structural (Chapters 15-25, Appendices F, G,H,I,1,L,M) International Fuel Gas Code International Existing Building Code International Mechanical Code International Energy Conservation Code — Commercial International Plumbing Code International Energy Conservation Code — Residential — IECC—Residential — IRC—Energy (Chapter 11) International Property Maintenance Code International Green Construction Code (Chapter 1) International Private Sewage Disposal Code International Residential Code — IRC—Building (Chapters 1-10, Appendices E, F, H,1, K, L, M, 0, Ci, R, S, T) International Residential Code —IRC—Mechanical(Chapters 12-23) —IRC—Plumbing (Chapters 25-33, Appendices G, I, N, P) International Swimming Pool and Spa Code International Wildland-Urban Interface Code International Zoning Code Note: Proposed changesto the ICC Performance Code IN will be heard by the code development committee noted in brack- ets [ I in the text of the ICC Performance Code IN Marginal Markings Solid vertical lines in the margins within the body of the code indicate a technical change from the requirements of the 2015 edition. Deletion indicators in the form of an arrow (a*) are provided in the margin where an entire section, paragraph, exception or table has been deleted or an item in a list of items or a table has been deleted. Coordination of the International Codes The coordination of technical provisions is one of the strengths of the ICC family of model codes. The codes can be used as a complete set of complementary documents, which will provide users with full integration and coordination of technical provisions. Individual codes can also be used in subsets or as stand-alone documents. To make sure that each individual code is as complete as pos- sible, some technical provisions that are relevant to more than one subject area are duplicated in some of the model codes. This allows users maximum flexibility in their application of the I -Codes. 2O18 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® v I " I (AcynghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(RvdrtpOo,da od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[d6N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Liam, Agffi,,At, ICC No fwN¢[TAod,Ao,, m ALO, good,Ao-by o,r,O Party o, Axmboema Romsd Mgle—ody oryncg andoNyb,IyogT,oIRbAd ANY UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIESTHEREUNDER Italicized Terms Adoption Selected words and terms defined in Chapter 2, Definitions, are italicized where they appear in code text and the Chapter 2 definition applies. Where such words and terms are not italicized, common - use definitions apply. The words and terms selected have code -specific definitions that the user should read carefully to facilitate better understanding of the code. The International Code Council maintains a copyright in all of its codes and standards. Maintaining copyright allows the ICC to fund its mission through sales of books, in both print and electronic for- mats. The ICC welcomes adoption of its codes by jurisdictions that recognize and acknowledge the ICC's copyright in the code, and further acknowledge the substantial shared value of the public/pri- vate partnership for code development between jurisdictions and the ICC. The ICC also recognizes the need for jurisdictions to make laws available to the public. All I -Codes and I -Standards, along with the laws of many jurisdictions, are available for free in a nondownloadable form on the ICC's website. Jurisdictions should contact the ICC at adop- tions@iccsafe.org to learn how to adopt and distribute laws based on the International Energy Conservation Code in a manner that provides necessary access, while maintaining the ICC's copyright. To facilitate adoption, two sections of this code contain blanks for fill-in information that needs to be supplied by the adopting jurisdiction as part of the adoption legislation. For this code, please see: Sections C101.1 and R101.1. Insert: [NAME of JURISDICTION]. 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® (ATFIgbtOO?.o17 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awned by HDO,, Van Dme(Rvdme pooch od om).(Dty of PnmdNmod)Odo,N=b¢*10081vme 01 JM 15. xm.o oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to Lie Ag,, ^®,At, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomo,,m ALO, goodomo- by any tlud Party o, Axmboem a Row d Mglo—ody oTyncg andoNyb,IyogT,oIRb¢d ANY VNAVTHORIVED RBPLA VCIION OR DISTRIBUTION IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERALCOPYRIGHTACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PBNALTIBSTHBRRVNDBR EFFECTIVE USE OF THE INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE The International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) is a model code that regulates minimum energy conservation requirements for new buildings. The IECC addresses energy conservation require- ments for all aspects of energy uses in both commercial and residential construction, including heating and ventilating, lighting, water heating, and power usage for appliances and building sys- tems. The IECC is a design document. For example, before one constructs a building, the designer must determine the minimum insulation R-values and fenestration U-factors for the building exterior envelope. Depending on whether the building is for residential use or for commercial use, the IECC sets forth minimum requirements for exterior envelope insulation, window and door U-factors and SHGC ratings, duct insulation, lighting and power efficiency, and water distribution insulation. Arrangement and Format of the 2018 IECC The IECC contains two separate sets of provisions —one for commercial buildings and one for resi- dential buildings. Each set of provisions is applied separately to buildings within their scope. The IECC—Commercial Provisions apply to all buildings except for residential buildings three stories or less in height. The IECC—Residential Provisions apply to detached one- and two-family dwellings and multiple single-family dwellings as well as Group R-2, R-3 and R-4 buildings three stories or less in height. These scopes are based on the definitions of "Commercial building" and 'Residential building," respectively, in Chapter 2 of each set of provisions. Note that the IECC—Commercial Pro- visions therefore contain provisions for residential buildings four stories or greater in height. Each set of provisions is divided into five different parts: Chapters Subjects 1-2 Administration and definitions 3 Climate zones and general materials requirements 4 Energy efficiency requirements 5 Existing buildings 6 Referenced standards The following is a chapter -by -chapter synopsis of the scope and intent of the provisions of the International Energy Conservation Code and applies to both the commercial and residential energy provisions: Chapter 1 Scope and Administration. This chapter contains provisions for the application, enforcement and administration of subsequent requirements of the code. In addition to establish- ing the scope of the code, Chapter 1 identifies which buildings and structures come under its pur- view. Chapter 1 is largely concerned with maintaining "due process of law" in enforcing the energy conservation criteria contained in the body of this code. Only through careful observation of the administrative provisions can the code official reasonably expect to demonstrate that "equal pro- tection under the law" has been provided. 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® vii I i i i CITFIghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO, goodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboem a Romsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER Chapter 2 Definitions. Chapter 2 is the repository of the definitions of terms used in the body of the code. Codes are technical documents and every word, term and punctuation mark can impact the meaning of the code text and the intended results. The code often uses terms that have a unique meaning in the code and the code meaning can differ substantially from the ordinarily understood meaning of the term as used outside of the code. The terms defined in Chapter 2 are deemed to be of prime importance in establishing the mean- ing and intent of the code text. The user of the code should be familiar with and consult this chapter because the definitions are essential to the correct interpretation of the code and the user may not be aware that a term is defined. Additional definitions regarding climate zones are found in Tables 301.3(1) and (2). These are not listed in Chapter 2. Where understanding of a term's definition is especially key to or necessary for understanding of a particular code provision, the term is shown in italics. This is true only for those terms that have a meaning that is unique to the code. In other words, the generally understood meaning of a term or phrase might not be sufficient or consistent with the meaning prescribed by the code; therefore, it is essential that the code -defined meaning be known. Guidance regarding tense, gender and plurality of defined terms as well as guidance regarding terms not defined in this code is provided. Chapter 3 General Requirements. Chapter 3 specifies the climate zones that will serve to establish the exterior design conditions. In addition, Chapter 3 provides interior design conditions that are used as a basis for assumptions in heating and cooling load calculations, and provides basic material requirements for insulation materials and fenestration materials. Climate has a major impact on the energy use of most buildings. The code establishes many requirements such as wall and roof insulation R-values, window and door thermal transmittance (U-factors) and provisions that affect the mechanical systems based on the climate where the building is located. This chapter contains information that will be used to properly assign the building location into the correct climate zone and is used as the basis for establishing or elimi- nating requirements. Chapter 4 Energy Efficiency. Chapter 4 of each set of provisions contains the technical require- ments for energy efficiency. Commercial Energy Efficiency. Chapter 4 of the IECC—Commercial Provisions contains the energy -efficiency -related requirements for the design and construction of most types of com- mercial buildings and residential buildings greater than three stories in height above grade. This chapter defines requirements for the portions of the building and building systems that impact energy use in new commercial construction and new residential construction greater than three stories in height, and promotes the effective use of energy. In addition to energy conservation requirements for the building envelope, this chapter contains requirements that impact energy efficiency for the HVAC systems, the electrical systems and the plumbing systems. It should be noted, however, that requirements are contained in other codes that have an impact on energy conservation. For instance, requirements for water flow rates are regulated by the International Plumbing Code. Residential Energy Efficiency. Chapter 4 of the IECC—Residential Provisions contains the energy -efficiency -related requirements for the design and construction of residential buildings regulated under this code. It should be noted that the definition of a residential building in this code is unique for this code. In this code, a residential building is a detached one- and two-family dwelling and multiple single-family dwellings as well as R-2, R-3 or R-4 buildings three stories or less in height. All other buildings, including residential buildings greater than three stories in height, are regulated by the energy conservation requirements in the IECC—Commercial Provi- sions. The applicable portions of a residential building must comply with the provisions within this chapter for energy efficiency. This chapter defines requirements for the portions of the building and building systems that impact energy use in new residential construction and pro- motes the effective use of energy. The provisions within the chapter promote energy efficiency in the building envelope, the heating and cooling system and the service water heating system of the building. Vill 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® i l i CopynghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (GET) Mt,mmt to S ( I 1, xAg,e^ '^Rt, ICC Nootths TAodomoo.mAt,goodomo-by any Ot Party o,Axmboema Romsd Mgle— odympyncg and Nyodwg TMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCTMN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER Chapter 5 Existing Buildings. Chapter 5 of each set of provisions contains the technical energy efficiency requirements for existing buildings. Chapter 5 provisions address the maintenance of buildings in compliance with the code as well as how additions, alterations, repairs and changes of occupancy need to be addressed from the standpoint of energy efficiency. Specific provisions are provided for historic buildings. Chapter 6 Referenced Standards. The code contains numerous references to standards that are used to regulate materials and methods of construction. Chapter 6 contains a comprehensive list of all standards that are referenced in the code. The standards are part of the code to the extent of the reference to the standard. Compliance with the referenced standard is necessary for compli- ance with this code. By providing specifically adopted standards, the construction and installation requirements necessary for compliance with the code can be readily determined. The basis for code compliance is, therefore, established and available on an equal basis to the code official, contractor, designer and owner. Chapter 6 is organized in a manner that makes it easy to locate specific standards. It lists all of the referenced standards, alphabetically, by acronym of the promulgating agency of the standard. Each agency's standards are then listed in either alphabetical or numeric order based on the stan- dard identification. The list also contains the title of the standard; the edition (date) of the standard referenced; any addenda included as part of the ICC adoption; and the section or sections of this code that reference the standard. Abbreviations and Notations The following is a list of common abbreviations and units of measurement used in this code. Some of the abbreviations are for terms defined in Chapter 2. Others are terms used in various tables and text of the code. AFUE Annual fuel utilization efficiency bhp Brake horsepower (fans) Btu British thermal unit Btu/h-ft2 Btu per hour per square foot C-factor See Chapter 2—Definitions CDD Cooling degree days cfm Cubic feet per minute cfm/ft2 Cubic feet per minute per square foot Continuous insulation COP Coefficient of performance DCV Demand control ventilation OC Degrees Celsius OF Degrees Fahrenheit DWHR Drain water heat recovery DX Direct expansion Ec Combustion efficiency E, Ventilation efficiency E( Thermal efficiency EER Energy efficiency ratio EF Energy factor ERI Energy rating index F-factor See Chapter 2—Definitions 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ix I l l i CApyRght @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dwood om),(DO, of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) pouuant to ( I.iOmoe Ag,,aRt, ICC No LOM, [TAodomoo, oAtO, goodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboe®aDhoNsd Mglo—ody opyncg and Nyodwg p,ARISAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER FDD Fault detection and diagnostics FEG Fan efficiency grade FL Full load ft2 Square foot gpm Gallons per minute HDD Heating degree days hp Horsepower HSPF Heating seasonal performance factor HVAC Heating, ventilatingand air conditioning IEER Integrated energy efficiency ratio IPLV Integrated Part Load Value Kg/m2 Kilograms per square meter kW Kilowatt LPD Light power density (lighting power allowance) L/s Liters per second Ls Liner system m2 Square meters MERV Minimum efficiency reportingvalue NAECA National Appliance Energy Conservation Act NPLV Nonstandard Part Load Value Pa Pascal PF Projection factor pcf Pounds per cubic foot psf Pounds per square foot PTAC Packaged terminal air conditioner PTHP Packaged terminal heat pump R-value See Chapter 2—Definitions SCOP Sensible coefficient of performance SEER Seasonal energy efficiency ratio SHGC Solar Heat Gain Coefficient SPVAC Single packaged vertical air conditioner SPVHP Single packaged vertical heat pump SRI Solar reflectance index SWHF Service water heat recovery factor U-factor See Chapter 2—Definitions VAV Variable air volume VRF Variable refrigerant flow VT Visible transmittance W Watts W.C. Water column w.g. Water gauge x 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® firill ' CopynghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van Dme(Rvdme Oo,d—od om),(Qty of R—d—od)O,do,N=b¢*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,mmt to S I ( ITHR 1,—Agffievom Rt, ICC No otths �TAodomoo.m AtO, �goodomo- by anty y Ot Paro, Axmboem-Romsd Mgle— ody mpyncg and Nyodwg TMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER .,ROD,CTON OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION 01 THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER TABLE OF CONTENTS IECC-COMMERCIAL PROVISIONS..... C-1 CHAPTER 1 SCOPE AND ADMINISTRATION .............. C-3 IECC-RESIDENTIAL PROVISIONS..... R-1 CHAPTER 1 SCOPE AND ADMINISTRATION .............. R-3 CHAPTER 2 DEFINITIONS ................... C-7 CHAPTER 2 DEFINITIONS................... R-7 CHAPTER 3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .... C-13 CHAPTER 4 COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY ................... C-31 CHAPTER 3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .... R-11 CHAPTER 4 RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY ................... R-29 CHAPTER 5 EXISTING BUILDINGS......... C-101 CHAPTER 5 EXISTING BUILDINGS ......... R-45 CHAPTER 6 REFERENCED STANDARDS.... C-105 CHAPTER 6 REFERENCED STANDARDS..... R-49 APPENDIX CA SOLAR -READY ZONE -COMMERCIAL ...... C-113 INDEX.....................................C-115 APPENDIX RA SOLAR -READY PROVISIONS -DETACHED ONE- AND TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS AND TOWNHOUSES ............... R-53 INDEX ...................................... R-55 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® A I " ' CITFIght @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awned by H®Ih¢ Van Cm,(Rv dme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[d6 N=b6*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 oc s AM(PET)pucrvant to ( Lomoe Ag,, ^® '^^I, ICC No (wN¢ [,Aodomoo. m ALM,, �gAodomo,, by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd M glo— ody mpyncg and ,yodwgp,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER A! 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® RUTS' CopynghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van Cm,(Rvdme Oo,d—od om),(Qty of ERmdNmod)O[d6N=b6*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM(PET)p,,mmt to I ( " TITFa I,—Ag,—^ '^^I, ICC No o tths ,Aodomoam ALM,, peodomo-by any Ot Party o[Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo— odyWpyaog and,yodwg GMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDEEAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER IECC-COMMERCIAL PROVISIONS I1F_1:71Its] MKe]►lI121►lI V CHAPTER 1 SCOPE AND CHAPTER 4 COMMERCIAL ENERGY ADMINISTRATION .............. C-3 EFFICIENCY................... C-31 PART 1—SCOPE AND APPLICATION........... C-3 Section C101 Scope and General Requirements C-3 C102 Alternative Materials, Design and Methods of Construction and Equipment C-3 PART 2ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT ..................... C-3 C103 Construction Documents C-3 C104 Fees C-5 C105 Inspections C-5 C106 Validity C-5 C107 Referenced Standards C-6 C108 Stop Work Order C-6 C109 Board of Appeals C-6 CHAPTER 2 DEFINITIONS ................... C-7 Section C201 General C-7 C202 General Definitions C-7 CHAPTER 3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS..... C-13 Section C301 Climate Zones C-13 C302 Design Conditions C-28 C303 Materials, Systems and Equipment C-28 Section C401 General C-31 C402 Building Envelope Requirements C-31 C403 Building Mechanical Systems C-41 C404 Service Water Heating (Mandatory) C-70 C405 Electrical Power and Lighting Systems C-74 C406 Additional Efficiency Package Options C-85 C407 Total Building Performance C-89 C408 Maintenance Information and System Commissioning C-95 CHAPTER 5 EXISTING BUILDINGS......... C-101 Section C501 General C-101 C502 Additions C-101 C503 Alterations C-102 C504 Repairs C-103 C505 Change of Occupancy or Use C-103 CHAPTER 6 STANDARDS.... C-105 APPENDIX CA SOLAR -READY ZONECOMMERCIAL...... C-113 Section CA101 Scope C-113 CA102 General Definition C-113 CA103 Solar -ready Zone C-113 I IN 11 WINIP, 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE" C-1 I I I I Co LFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv O,,e pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b6 xl 00e170Se 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) mt to ( Lie Affiee^®t'^^I, ICC No (wN¢ [,Aodomoo. m AtOo, Pepeodomo-by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd M glo— ody mpyncg and ,yodwgp,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER C-2 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® RIB., ( "' CopynghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van Cm,(Rvdme Oo,d—od om),(Qty of ERmdNmod)O[d6N=b6*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM(PET)p,,mmt to II,—Ag,—^ '^^I, ICC No o tths ,Aodomoam ALM,, peodomo-by any Ot Party o[Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo— odyWpyaog and,yodwg GMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDEEAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER CHAPTER 1 ICE] SCOPE AND ADMINISTRATION User note: About this chapter., Chapter 1 establishes the limits of applicability of the code and describes how the code is to be applied and enforced Chapter 1 is in two parts Part 1—Scope and Application and Part 2—Administration and Enforcement Section 101 identifies what buildings, systems, appliances and equipment fall under its purview and references other 1-Codes as applicable Standards and codes are scoped to the extent referenced The code is intended to be adopted as a legally enforceable document and it cannot be effective without adequate provisions for its adminis- tration and enforcement The provisions of Chapter 1 establish the authority and duties of the code official appointed by the authority having jurisdiction and also establish the rights and privileges of the design professional, contractor and property owner PART 1—SCOPE AND APPLICATION SECTION C101 SCOPE AND GENERAL REQUIREMENTS C101.1 Title. This code shall be known as the Energy Con- servation Code of [NAME OF JURISDICTION], and shall be cited as such It is referred to herein as "this code " C101.2 Scope. This code applies to commercial buildings and the buildings' sites and associated systems and equip- ment C101.3 Intent. This code shall regulate the design and con- struction of buildings for the effective use and conservation of energy over the useful life of each building Tlus code is intended to provide flexibility to permit the use of innovative approaches and techniques to achieve this objective This code is not intended to abridge safety, health or environmen- tal requirements contained in other applicable codes or ordi- nances C101.4 Applicability. Where, in any specific case, different sections of this code specify different materials, methods of construction or other requirements, the most restrictive shall govern Where there is a conflict between a general require- ment and a specific requirement, the specific requirement shall govern C101.4.1 Mixed residential and commercial buildings. Where a building includes both residential building and commercial building portions, each portion shall be sepa- rately considered and meet the applicable provisions of IECC Commercial Provisions or IECC Residential Provisions C101.5 Compliance. Residential buildings shall meet the provisions of IECCResidential Provisions Commercial buildings shall meet the provisions of IECC—Commercial Provisions C101.5.1 Compliance materials. The code official shall be permitted to approve specific computer software, work- sheets, compliance manuals and other similar materials that meet the intent of this code SECTION C102 ALTERNATIVE MATERIALS, DESIGN AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT C102.1 General. The provisions of this code are not intended to prevent the installation of any material or to prohibit any design or method of construction not specifically prescribed by this code, provided that any such alternative has been approved An alternative material, design or method of con- struction shall be approved where the code official finds that the proposed design is satisfactory and complies with the intent of the provisions of this code, and that the material, method or work offered is, for the purpose intended, not less than the equivalent of that prescribed in this code in quality, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability and safety Where the alternative material, design or method of construc- tion is not approved, the code official shall respond in writ- ing, stating the reasons why the alternative was not approved C102.1.1 Above code programs. The code official or other authority having jurisdiction shall be permitted to deem a national, state or local energy efficiency program to exceed the energy efficiency required by this code Buildings approved in writing by such an energy effi- ciency program shall be considered to be in compliance with this code The requirements identified as "manda- tory" in Chapter 4 shall be met J_1:ii&M_10PAI101M0Jill! Il1010 KAI0U1=10170]:Z03=1Ptl=10Yll SECTION C103 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS C103.1 General. Construction documents and other support- ing data shall be submitted in one or more sets with each application for a permit The construction documents shall be prepared by a registered design professional where required by the statutes of the jurisdiction in which the project is to be constructed Where special conditions exist, the code official is authorized to require necessary construction documents to be prepared by a registered design professional Exception: The code official is authorized to waive the requirements for construction documents or other support- ing data if the code official determines they are not neces- sary to confirm compliance with this code 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-3 I 11 1 CoLFIEILOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rvdme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15, ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomo,,m AtO, goodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER SCOPE AND ADMINISTRATION C103.2 Information on construction documents. Construc- tion documents shall be drawn to scale on suitable material Electronic media documents are permitted to be submitted where approved by the code official Construction documents shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed, and show in sufficient detail pertinent data and features of the building, systems and equipment as herein governed Details shall include, but are not luntied to, the following as applicable 1 Insulation materials and their R-values 2 Fenestration U-factors and solar heat gam coefficients (SHGCs) 3 Area -weighted U-factor and solar heat gam coeffi- cient (SHGC) calculations 4 Mechanical system design criteria 5 Mechanical and service water heating systems and equipment types, sizes and efficiencies 6 Economizer description 7 Equipment and system controls 8 Fan motor horsepower (hp) and controls 9 Duct sealing, duct and pipe insulation and location 10 Lighting fixture schedule with wattage and control narrative 11 Location of daylight zones on floor plans 12 Au sealing details C103.2.1 Building thermal envelope depiction. The building thermal envelope shall be represented on the con- struction drawings C103.3 Examination of documents. The code official shall examine or cause to be examined the accompanying con- struction documents and shall ascertain whether the construc- tion indicated and described is in accordance with the requirements of this code and other pertinent laws or ordi- nances The code official is authorized to utilize a registered design professional, or other approved entity not affiliated with the building design or construction, in conducting the review of the plans and specifications for compliance with the code C103.3.1 Approval of construction documents. When the code official issues a permit where construction docu- ments are required, the construction documents shall be endorsed in writing and stamped "Reviewed for Code Compliance" Such approved construction documents shall not be changed, modified or altered without authori- zation from the code official Work shall be done in accor- dance with the approved construction documents One set of construction documents so reviewed shall be retained by the code official The other set shall be returned to the applicant, kept at the site of work and shall be open to inspection by the code official or a duly autho- rized representative C103.3.2 Previous approvals. This code shall not require changes in the construction documents, construction or designated occupancy of a structure for which a lawful permit has been heretofore issued or otherwise lawfully authorized, and the construction of which has been pur- sued in good faith within 180 days after the effective date of this code and has not been abandoned C103.3.3 Phased approval. The code official shall have the authority to issue a permit for the construction of part of an energy conservation system before the construction documents for the entire system have been submitted or approved, provided that adequate information and detailed statements have been filed complying with all pertinent requirements of this code The holders of such permit shall proceed at their own risk without assurance that the permit for the entire energy conservation system will be granted C103.4 Amended construction documents. Changes made during construction that are not in compliance with the approved construction documents shall be resubmitted for approval as an amended set of construction documents C103.5 Retention of construction documents. One set of approved construction documents shall be retained by the code official for a period of not less than 180 days from date of completion of the permitted work, or as required by state or local laws C103.6 Building documentation and closeout submittal requirements. The construction documents shall specify that the documents described in this section be provided to the building owner or owner's authorized agent within 90 days of the date of receipt of the certificate of occupancy C103.6.1 Record documents. Construction documents shall be updated to convey a record of the completed work Such updates shall include mechanical, electrical and control drawings that indicate all changes to size, type and location of components, equipment and assemblies C103.6.2 Compliance documentation. Energy code compliance documentation and supporting calculations shall be delivered in one document to the building owner as part of the project record documents or manuals, or as a standalone document This document shall include the specific energy code edition utilized for compliance deter- mination for each system, documentation demonstrating compliance with Section C303 1 3 for each fenestration product installed, and the interior lighting power compli- ance path, building area or space -by -space, used to calcu- late the lighting power allowance For projects complying with Item 2 of Section C401 2, the documentation shall include 1 The envelope insulation compliance path 2 All compliance calculations including those required by Sections C402 1 5, C403 8 1, C405 3 and C405 4 For projects complying with Section C407, the docu- mentation shall include that required by Sections C407 4 1 and C407 4 2 C103.6.3 Systems operation control. Training shall be provided to those responsible for maintaining and operat- ing equipment included in the manuals required by Section C10362 The training shall include 1 Review of manuals and permanent certificate 2 Hands-on demonstration of all normal maintenance procedures, normal operating modes, and all emer- gency shutdown and startup procedures 3 Training completion report C-4 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® rill 1 1 Copyngbt Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dv od om).(Dtyof PnmdNmod)O,do,N=b¢*1008170S801 JM 15. Z.mo oc s AM (GET) mtto S ( I 1, Ag,'^Rt, ICC No otths TAodomoo. m AtOy odomo- by any Ot Party o, AAmboema,Ooossd Mgle —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER SCOPE AND ADMINISTRATION SECTION C104 FEES C104.1 Fees. A permit shall not be issued until the fees pre- scribed in Section C104 2 have been paid, nor shall an amendment to a permit be released until the additional fee, if any, has been paid C104.2 Schedule of permit fees. A fee for each permit shall be paid as required, in accordance with the schedule as estab- lished by the applicable governing authority C104.3 Work commencing before permit issuance. Any person who commences any work before obtaining the neces- sary permits shall be subject to an additional fee established by the code official that shall be in addition to the required permit fees C104.4 Related fees. The payment of the fee for the con- struction, alteration, removal or demolition of work done in connection to or concurrently with the work or activity autho- rized by a permit shall not relieve the applicant or holder of the permit from the payment of other fees that are prescribed by law C104.5 Refunds. The code official is authorized to establish a refund policy SECTION C105 INSPECTIONS C105.1 General. Construction or work for which a permit is required shall be subject to inspection by the code official, his or her designated agent or an approved agency, and such con- struction or work shall remain visible and able to be accessed for inspection purposes until approved Approval as a result of an inspection shall not be construed to be an approval of a violation of the provisions of this code or of other ordinances of the jurisdiction Inspections presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or of other ordi- nances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid It shall be the duty of the permit applicant to cause the work to remain visi- ble and able to be accessed for inspection purposes Neither the code official nor the jurisdiction shall be liable for expense entailed in the removal or replacement of any mate- rial, product, system or building component required to allow inspection to validate compliance with this code C105.2 Required inspections. The code official, his or her Idesignated agent or an approved agency, upon notification, shall make the inspections set forth in Sections C105 2 1 through C105 2 6 C105.2.1 Footing and foundation insulation. Inspec- tions shall verify the footing and foundation insulation R- value, location, thickness, depth of burial and protection of insulation as required by the code, approved plans and specifications C105.2.2 Thermal envelope. Inspections shall verify the correct type of insulation, R-values, location of insulation, fenestration, U-factor, SHGC and VT, and that au leakage controls are properly installed, as required by the code, approved plans and specifications C105.2.3 Plumbing system. Inspections shall verify the type of insulation, R-values, protection required, controls and heat traps as required by the code, approved plans and specifications C105.2.4 Mechanical system. Inspections shall verify the installed HVAC equipment for the correct type and size, controls, insulation, R-values, system and damper air leak- age, minimum fan efficiency, energy recovery and econo- mizer as required by the code, approved plans and specifications C105.2.5 Electrical system. Inspections shall verify light- ing system controls, components, and meters as required by the code, approved plans and specifications C105.2.6 Final inspection. The final inspection shall include verification of the installation and proper operation of all required building controls, and documentation veri- fying activities associated with required building commis- sioning have been conducted in accordance with Section C408 C105.3 Reinspection. A building shall be reinspected where determined necessary by the code official C105.4 Approved inspection agencies. The code official is authorized to accept reports of thud -party inspection agencies not affiliated with the bwldmg design or construction, pro- vided that such agencies are approved as to qualifications and reliability relevant to the building components and systems that they are inspecting C105.5Inspection requests. It shall be the duty of the holder of the permit or their duly authorized agent to notify the code official when work is ready for inspection It shall be the duty of the permit holder to provide access to and means for inspections of such work that are required by this code C105.6 Reinspection and testing. Where any work or instal- lation does not pass an initial test or inspection, the necessary corrections shall be made to achieve compliance with this code The work or installation shall then be resubmitted to the code official for inspection and testing C105.7 Approval. After the prescribed tests and inspections indicate that the work complies in all respects with this code, a notice of approval shall be issued by the code official C105.7.1 Revocation. The code official is authorized to suspend or revoke, in writing, a notice of approval issued under the provisions of this code wherever the certificate is issued in error, or on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or where it is determined that the building or structure, premise, or portion thereof is in violation of any ordinance or regulation or any of the provisions of this code SECTION C106 VALIDITY C106.1 General. If a portion of this code is held to be illegal or void, such a decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this code 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-5 I 11 I CoLFIEILOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rvdme Oo,dA od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b6xlooe1vme 01 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM(PET)puArvant to ( LEA Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO,«odomo- by any Ot Party o, AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg L,oIRb¢Ad ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER SCOPE AND ADMINISTRATION SECTION C107 REFERENCED STANDARDS C107.1 Referenced codes and standards. The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be those listed in Chapter 6, and such codes and standards shall be considered as part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference and as further regulated in Sec- tions C107 1 1 and C107 1 2 C107.1.1 Conflicts. Where conflicts occur between provi- sions of this code and referenced codes and standards, the provisions of this code shall apply C107.1.2 Provisions in referenced codes and standards. Where the extent of the reference to a referenced code or standard includes subject matter that is within the scope of this code, the provisions of this code, as applicable, shall take precedence over the provisions in the referenced code or standard C107.2 Application of references. References to chapter or section numbers, or to provisions not specifically identified by number, shall be construed to refer to such chapter, section or provision of this code C107.3 Other laws. The provisions of this code shall not be deemed to nullify any provisions of local, state or federal law SECTION C108 STOP WORK ORDER C108.1 Authority. Where the code official finds any work regulated by this code being performed in a manner either contrary to the provisions of this code or dangerous or unsafe, the code official is authorized to issue a stop work order C108.2 Issuance. The stop work order shall be in writing and shall be given to the owner of the property involved, the owner's authorized agent, or to the person doing the work Upon issuance of a stop work order, the cited work shall immediately cease The stop work order shall state the reason for the order and the conditions under which the cited work will be permitted to resume C108.3 Emergencies. Where an emergency exists, the code official shall not be required to give a written notice prior to stopping the work C108.4 Failure to comply. Any person who shall continue any work after having been served with a stop work order, except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition, shall be liable to a fine as set by the applicable governing authority SECTION C109 BOARD OF APPEALS C109.1 General. In order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the code official relative to the application and interpretation of this code, there shall be and is hereby created a board of appeals The code official shall be an ex officio member of said board but shall not have a vote on any matter before the board The board of appeals shall be appointed by the governing body and shall hold office at its pleasure The board shall adopt rules of procedure for conducting its business, and shall ren- der all decisions and findings in writing to the appellant with a duplicate copy to the code official C109.2 Limitations on authority. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the true intent of this code or the rules legally adopted thereunder have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of this code do not fully apply or an equally good or better form of construction is proposed The board shall not have authority to waive requirements of this code C109.3 Qualifications. The board of appeals shall consist of members who are qualified by experience and training and are not employees of the jurisdiction C-6 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® Copyngbt @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dv od om),(Dtyof PnmdNmod)O,do,N=b¢x1 008170S801 JM 15. Z.mo oc s AM (GET) mtto S I ( 1, sAg,e^ '^Rt, ICC No otths TAodomoo. m At6sodomo- by any Ot Party o, AAmboema,Ooossd Mgle —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER CHAPTER 2 ICE] DEFINITIONS User note: About this chapter., Codes, by their very nature, are technical documents Every word, term and punctuation mark can add to or change the meaning of a technical requirement It is necessary to maintain a consensus on the specific meaning of each term contained in the code Chapter 2 performs this function by stating clearly what specific terms mean for the purposes of the code SECTION C201 GENERAL C201.1 Scope. Unless stated otherwise, the following words and terms in this code shall have the meanings indicated in this chapter C201.2 Interchangeability. Words used in the present tense include the future, words in the masculine gender include the femmine and neuter, the singular number includes the plural and the plural includes the singular C201.3 Terms defined in other codes. Terms that are not defined m this code but are defined in the International Build- ing Code, International Fire Code, International Fuel Gas Code, International Mechanical Code, International Plumb- ing Code or the International Residential Code shall have the meanings ascribed to them in those codes C201.4 Terms not defined. Terms not defined by this chapter shall have ordinarily accepted meanings such as the context implies SECTION C202 GENERAL DEFINITIONS ABOVE -GRADE WALL. See "Wall, above -grade " ACCESS (TO). That which enables a device, appliance or E*J equipment to be reached by ready access or by a means that first requires the removal or movement of a panel, or similar obstruction ADDITION. An extension or increase in the conditioned space floor area, number of stories or height of a building or structure AIR BARRIER. One or more materials joined together in a continuous manner to restrict or prevent the passage of air through the building thermal envelope and its assemblies AIR CURTAIN. A device, installed at the building entrance, that generates and discharges a lam mar air stream intended to prevent the infiltration of external, unconditioned air into the conditioned spaces, or the loss of interior, conditioned air to the outside ALTERATION. Any construction, retrofit or renovation to an existing structure other than repair or addition Also, a change in a building, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system that involves an extension, addition or change to the arrangement, type or purpose of the original installation APPROVED. Acceptable to the code official APPROVED AGENCY. An established and recognized Iagency that is regularly engaged in conducting tests or fur - rushing inspection services, or furnishing product certifica- tion research reports, where such agency has been approved I by the code official AUTOMATIC. Self-acting, operating by its own mechanism when actuated by some impersonal influence, as, for exam- ple, a change in current strength, pressure, temperature or mechanical configuration (see "Manual") BELOW -GRADE WALL. See "Wall, below -grade " BOILER, MODULATING. A boiler that is capable of more than a single firing rate in response to a varying temperature or heating load BOILER SYSTEM. One or more boilers, their piping and controls that work together to supply steam or hot water to heat output devices remote from the boiler BUBBLE POINT. The refrigerant liquid saturation tempera- ture at a specified pressure BUILDING. Any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy, including any mechanical systems, service water heating systems and electric power and lighting systems located on the building site and support- ing the building BUILDING COMMISSIONING. A process that verifies and documents that the selected building systems have been designed, installed, and function according to the owner's project requirements and construction documents, and to minimum code requirements BUILDING ENTRANCE. Any door, set of doors, door- way, or other form of portal that is used to gam access to the building from the outside by the public BUILDING SITE. A contiguous area of land that is under the ownership or control of one entity BUILDING THERMAL ENVELOPE. The basement walls, I exterior walls, floors, ceilings, roofs and any other building ele- ment assemblies that enclose conditioned space or provide a boundary between conditioned space and exempt or uncon- ditioned space C-FACTOR (THERMAL CONDUCTANCE). The coeffi- cient of heat transmission (surface to surface) through a build - mg component or assembly, equal to the time rate of heat flow per unit area and the unit temperature difference between the wane side and cold side surfaces (Btu/h • ft' • °F) [W/(m2 K)] CAPTIVE KEY OVERRIDE. A lighting control that will not release the key that activates the override when the light- ing is on CAVITY INSULATION. Insulating material located between framing members 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-7 I 11 I CoLFIEILOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rvdme Oo,dA od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b6xlooe1vme 01 JM 15, ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( LEA Ag,, ^®'^Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomo,,m AtO, goodomo- by any Ot Party o, AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg L,oIRb¢Ad ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER DEFINITIONS E* E* CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY. A change in the use of a building or a portion of a building that results in any of the following 1 A change of occupancy classification 2 A change from one group to another group within an occupancy classification 3 Any change in use within a group for which there is a change in the application of the requirements of this code CIRCULATING HOT WATER SYSTEM. A specifically designed water distribution system where one or more pumps are operated in the service hot water piping to circulate heated water from the water -heating equipment to the fixture supply and back to the water -heating equipment CLIMATE ZONE. A geographical region based on climatic criteria as specified in this code CODE OFFICIAL. The officer or other designated authority charged with the admmistration and enforcement of this code, or a duly authorized representative COEFFICENT OF PERFORMANCE (COP) — COOL- ING. The ratio of the rate of heat removal to the rate of energy input, in consistent units, for a complete refrigerating system or some specific portion of that system under desig- nated operating conditions COEFFICIENT OF PERFORMANCE (COP) — HEAT- ING. The ratio of the rate of heat delivered to the rate of energy input, in consistent units, for a complete heat pump system, including the compressor and, if applicable, auxiliary heat, under designated operating conditions COMMERCIAL BUILDING. For this code, all buildings that are not included in the definition of "Residential build- ing„ COMPUTER ROOM. A room whose primary function is to house equipment for the processing and storage of electrone data and that has a design electrone data equipment power density of less than 20 watts per square foot (20 watts per 0 092 m) of conditioned floor area or a connected design electronic data equipment load of less than 10 kW CONDENSING UNIT. A factory -made assembly of refrig- eration components designed to compress and liquefy a spe- cific refrigerant The unit consists of one or more refrigerant compressors, refrigerant condensers (air-cooled, evapora- tively cooled, or water-cooled), condenser fans and motors (where used) and factory -supplied accessories CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA. The horizontal projection of the floors associated with the conditioned space CONDITIONED SPACE. An area, room or space that is enclosed within the building thermal envelope and is directly or indirectly heated or cooled Spaces are indirectly heated or cooled where they communicate through openings with con- ditioned spaces, where they are separated from conditioned spaces by unmsulated walls, floors or ceilings, or where they contain unmsulated ducts, piping or other sources of heating or cooling CONTINUOUS INSULATION (d). Insulating material that is continuous across all structural members without ther- mal bridges other than fasteners and service openings It is installed on the interior or exterior or is integral to any opaque surface of the building envelope CRAWL SPACE WALL. The opaque portion of a wall that encloses a crawl space and is partially or totally below grade CURTAIN WALL. Fenestration products used to create an external nonload-bearing wall that is designed to separate the exterior and interior environments DAYLIGHT RESPONSIVE CONTROL. A device or sys- tem that provides automatic control of electric light levels based on the amount of daylight in a space DAYLIGHT ZONE. That portion of a building's interior floor area that is illuminated by natural light DEMAND CONTROL VENTILATION (DCV). A ventila- tion system capability that provides for the automatic reduction of outdoor air intake below design rates when the actual occu- pancy of spaces served by the system is less than design occu- pancy DEMAND RECIRCULATION WATER SYSTEM. A water distribution system having one or more recirculation pumps that pump water from a heated water supply pipe back to the heated water source through a cold water supply pipe DUCT. A tube or conduit utilized for conveying air The air passages of self-contained systems are not to be construed as air ducts DUCT SYSTEM. A continuous passageway for the transmis- sion of air that, in addition to ducts, includes duct fittings, dampers, plenums, fans and accessory au -handling equipment and appliances DWELLING UNIT. A single unit providing complete inde- pendent living facilities for one or more persons, including per- manent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation DYNAMIC GLAZING. Any fenestration product that has the fully reversible ability to change its performance proper- ties, including U-factor, solar heat gam coefficient (SHGC), or visible transmittance (VT) ECONOMIZER, AIR A duct and damper arrangement and automatic control system that allows a cooling system to sup- ply outside au to reduce or eliminate the need for mechanical cooling during mild or cold weather ECONOMIZER, WATER. A system where the supply au of a cooling system is cooled indirectly with water that is itself cooled by heat or mass transfer to the environment without the use of mechanical cooling ENCLOSED SPACE. A volume surrounded by solid sur- faces such as walls, floors, roofs, and openable devices such as doors and operable windows ENERGY ANALYSIS. A method for estimating the annual energy use of the proposed design and standard reference design based on estimates of energy use ENERGY COST. The total estimated annual cost for pur- chased energy for the building functions regulated by this code, including applicable demand charges ENERGY RECOVERY VENTILATION SYSTEM. Sys- tems that employ au -to -air heat exchangers to recover energy from exhaust air for the purpose of preheating, precoolmg humidifying or dehumidifying outdoor ventilation au prior to supplying the air to a space, either directly or as part of an HVAC system C-8 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ( "' Copyngbt Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Raodme Oo,dA od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (GET) mt to S I 1,i AgffiAvo Rt, ICC No otths �TAodomoo. m At6s �epeodomo- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER DEFINITIONS ENERGY SIMULATION TOOL. An approved software program or calculation -based methodology that projects the annual energy use of a building ENTRANCE DOOR. A vertical fenestration product used for occupant ingress, egress and access in nonresidential build- ings, including, but not limited to, exterior entrances utilizing latching hardware and automatic closers and containing over 50 percent glazing specifically designed to withstand heavy-duty usage EQUIPMENT ROOM. A space that contains either electrical equipment, mechanical equipment, machinery, water pumps or hydraulic pumps that are a function of the bwldmg's services EXTERIOR WALL. Walls including both above -grade walls and basement walls FAN BRAKE HORSEPOWER (BHP). The horsepower delivered to the fan's shaft Brake horsepower does not include the mechanical drive losses such as that from belts and gears FAN EFFICIENCY GRADE (FEG). A numerical rating identifying the fan's aerodynamic ability to convert shaft power, or impeller power in the case of a direct -driven fan, to air power FAN SYSTEM BHP. The sum of the fan brake horsepower of all fans that are required to operate at fan system design condi- tions to supply air from the heating or cooling source to the conchhoned spaces and return it to the source or exhaust it to the outdoors FAN SYSTEM DESIGN CONDITIONS. Operating condi- tions that can be expected to occur during normal system oper- ation that result in the highest supply fan airflow rate to Iconditioned spaces served by the system, other than during air economizer operation FAN SYSTEM MOTOR NAMEPLATE HP. The sum of the motor nameplate horsepower of all fans that are required to operate at design conditions to supply au from the heating or cooling source to the condtioned spaces and return it to the source or exhaust it to the outdoors FENESTRATION. Products classified as either skylights or vertical fenestration Skylights. Glass or other transparent or translucent glaz- ing material installed at a slope of less than 60 degrees (1 05 rad) from horizontal, including unit skylights, tubu- lar daylightmg devices and glazing materials in solariums, sunrooms, roofs and sloped walls Vertical fenestration. Windows that are fixed or opera- ble, opaque doors, glazed doors, glazed block and combi- nation opaque and glazed doors composed of glass or other transparent or translucent glazing materials and installed at a slope of not less than 60 degrees (1 05 rad) from horizontal FENESTRATION PRODUCT, FIELD -FABRICATED. A fenestration product whose frame is made at the construc- tion site of standard dimensional lumber or other materials that were not previously cut, or otherwise formed with the specific intention of being used to fabricate a fenestration product or exterior door Field fabricated does not include site -built fenestration FENESTRATION PRODUCT, SITE -BUILT. A fenestra- tion designed to be made up of field -glazed or field -assem- bled units using specific factory cut or otherwise factory - formed framing and glazing units Examples of site -built fenestration include storefront systems, curtain walls, and atrium roof systems F-FACTOR The perimeter heat loss factor for slab -on -grade floors (Btu/h • It • °F) [W/(m • K)] FLOOR AREA, NET. The actual occupied area not includ- ing unoccupied accessory areas such as corridors, stairways, toilet rooms, mechanical rooms and closets GENERAL LIGHTING. Lighting that provides a substan- tially uniform level of illumination throughout an area Gen- eral lighting shall not include decorative lighting or lighting that provides a dissimilar level of illumination to serve a spe- cialized application or feature within such area GREENHOUSE. A structure or a thermally isolated area of a building that maintains a specialized sunlit environment exclusively used for, and essential to, the cultivation, protec- tion or maintenance of plants GROUP R. Buildings or portions of buildings that contain any of the following occupancies as established in the Inter- nahonal Budckng Code 1 GroupR-1 2 Group R-2 where located more than three stories in height above grade plane 3 Group R-4 where located more than three stories in height above grade plane HEAT TRAP. An arrangement of piping and fittmgs, such as elbows, or a commercially available heat trap that prevents therm osyphonmg of hot water during standby periods HEATED SLAB. Slab -on -grade construction in which the heating elements, hydromc tubing, or hot air distribution sys- tem is in contact with, or placed within or under, the slab HIGH SPEED DOOR. A nonswmgmg door used primarily to facilitate vehicular access or material transportation, with a minimum opening rate of 32 inches (813 mm) per second, a minimum closing rate of 24 inches (610 mm) per second and that includes an automatic -closing device HISTORIC BUILDING. Any building or structure that is one or more of the following 1 Listed, or certified as eligible for listing by the State Historic Preservation Officer or the Keeper of the National Register of Historic Places, in the National Register of Historic Places 2 Designated as lustoric under an applicable state or local law 3 Certified as a contributing resource within a National Register -listed, state -designated or locally designated historic district HUMIDISTAT. A regulatory device, actuated by changes in humidity, used for automatic control of relative humidity IEC DESIGN H MOTOR. An electric motor that meets all of the following It is an induction motor designed for use with three- phase power 4m 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-9 I I I I CALFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO, goodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdm6o d Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg LARISAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER DEFINITIONS 2 It contains a cage rotor 3 It is capable of direct -on-line starting 4 It has four, six or eight poles 5 It is rated from 0 4 kW to 1600 kW at a frequency of 60 hertz IEC DESIGN N MOTOR. An electric motor that meets all of the following 1 It is an induction motor designed for use with three- phase power 2 It contains a cage rotor 3 It is capable of direct -on-line starting 4 It has two, four, six or eight poles 5 It is rated from 0 4 kW to 1600 kW at a frequency of 60 hertz INFILTRATION. The uncontrolled inward au leakage into a buddmg caused by the pressure effects of wind or the effect of differences in the indoor and outdoor air density or both INTEGRATED PART LOAD VALUE (IPLV). A single - number figure of merit based on part -load EER, COP or kW/ton expressing part -load efficiency for au -conditioning and heat pump equipment on the basis of weighted operation at various load capacities for equipment IISOLATION DEVICES. Devices that isolate HVAC zones so that they can be operated independently of one another Isolation devices include separate systems, isolation dampers, and controls providing shutoff at terminal boxes LABELED. Equipment, materials or products to which have been affixed a label, seal, symbol or other identifying mark of a ' nationally recognized testing laboratory, approved agency or other organization concerned with product evaluation that maintains periodic inspection of the production of the labeled items and whose labeling indicates either that the equipment, material or product meets identified standards or has been tested and found suitable for a specified purpose LINER SYSTEM (Ls). A system that includes the follow- ing 1 A continuous vapor barrier liner membrane that is installed below the purlms and that is uninterrupted by framing members 2 An uncompressed, unfaced insulation resting on top of the liner membrane and located between the purlins For multilayer installations, the last rated R-value of insu- lation is for unfaced insulation draped over purlms and then compressed when the metal roof panels are attached LISTED. Equipment, materials, products or services included in a list published by an organization acceptable to the code official and concerned with evaluation of products or services that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or materials or periodic evaluation of services and whose listing states either that the equipment, material, product or service meets identified standards or has been tested and found suitable for a specified purpose LOW -SLOPED ROOF. A roof having a slope less than 2 units vertical in 12 units horizontal LOW -VOLTAGE DRY -TYPE DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER. A transformer that is air-cooled, does not use oil as a coolant, has an input voltage less than or equal to 600 volts and is rated for operation at a frequency of 60 hertz 4m LUMINAIRE-LEVEL LIGHTING CONTROLS. A light- ing system consisting of one or more luminaires with em- bedded lighting control logic, occupancy and ambient light sensors, wireless networking capabilities and local override switching capability, where required MANUAL. Capable of being operated by personal interven- tion (see "Automatic') NAMEPLATE HORSEPOWER. The nominal motor output power rating stamped on the motor nameplate NEMA DESIGN A MOTOR. A squirrel -cage motor that meets all of the following 1 It is designed to withstand full -voltage starting and develop locked -rotor torque as shown in paragraph 1238 1 ofNEMAMG 1 2 It has pull-up torque not less than the values shown in paragraph 12 40 1 of NEMA MG 1 3 It has breakdown torque not less than the values shown in paragraph 12 39 1 of NEMA MG 1 4 It has a locked -rotor current higher than the values shown in paragraph 12 35 1 of NEMA MG 1 for 60 hertz and paragraph 12 35 2 of NEMA MG 1 for 50 hertz 5 It has a slip at rated load of less than 5 percent for motors with fewer than 10 poles NEMA DESIGN B MOTOR. A squirrel -cage motor that meets all of the following 1 It is designed to withstand full -voltage starting 2 It develops locked -rotor, breakdown, and pull-up torques adequate for general application as specified in Sections 12 38, 12 39 and 12 40 of NEMA MGl 3 It draws locked -rotor current not to exceed the values shown in Section 12 35 1 for 60 hertz and Section 12 35 2 for 50 hertz of NEMA MGl 4 It has a slip at rated load of less than 5 percent for motors with fewer than 10 poles NEMA DESIGN C MOTOR. A squirrel -cage motor that meets all of the following 1 Designed to withstand full -voltage starting and develop locked -rotor torque for high -torque applications up to the values shown in paragraph 12 38 2 of NEMA MGl (incorporated by reference, see A§431 15) 2 It has pull-up torque not less than the values shown in paragraph 12 40 2 of NEMA MG 3 It has breakdown torque not less than the values shown in paragraph 12 39 2 of NEMA MG 4 It has a locked -rotor current not to exceed the values shown in paragraph 12 35 1 of NEMA MGl for 60 hertz and paragraph 12 35 2 for 50 hertz 5 It has a slip at rated load of less than 5 percent C-10 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ( "' CopyrightOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rvdme Oo,dA od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) mt to ( I LEA Ag,e^ '^Rt, ICC No otths TAodomoo. m AtOy odomo- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER DEFINITIONS NETWORKED GUESTROOM CONTROL SYSTEM. A control system, accessible from the front desk or other central location associated with a GroupR-1 building, that is capable of identifying the occupancy status of each guestroom according to a tuned schedule, and is capable of controlling HVAC in each hotel and motel guestroom separately NONSTANDARD PART LOAD VALUE (NPLV). A sin- gle -number part -load efficiency figure of merit calculated and referenced to conditions other than IPL V conditions, for units that are not designed to operate at AHRI standard rating con- ditions OCCUPANT SENSOR CONTROL. An automatic control device or system that detects the presence or absence of peo- ple within an area and causes lighting, equipment or appli- ances to be regulated accordingly ON -SITE RENEWABLE ENERGY. Energy derived from solar radiation, wind, waves, tides, landfill gas, bJogas, bio- mass or the internal heat of the earth The energy system pro- viding on -site renewable energy shall be located on the project site OPAQUE DOOR. A door that is not less than 50-percent opaque in surface area POWERED ROOF/WALL VENTILATORS. A fan con- sisting of a centrifugal or axial impeller with an integral driver in a weather -resistant housing and with a base designed to fit, usually by means of a curb, over a wall or roof opening PROPOSED DESIGN. A description of the proposed build- ing used to estmnate annual energy use for determining compli- ance based on total building performance RADIANT HEATING SYSTEM. A heating system that transfers heat to objects and surfaces within a conditioned space, primarily by infrared radiation READY ACCESS (TO). That which enables a device, appli- ance or equipment to be directly reached, without requiring the removal or movement of any panel or similar obstruction REFRIGERANT DEW POINT. The refrigerant vapor satu- ration temperature at a specified pressure REFRIGERATED WAREHOUSE COOLER. An enclosed storage space capable of being refrigerated to tem- peratures above 32°F (0°C), that can be walked into and has a total chilled storage area of not less than 3,000 square feet (279 m REFRIGERATED WAREHOUSE FREEZER. An enclosed storage space capable of being refrigerated to tem- peratures at or below 32°F (0°C), that can be walked into and has a total chilled storage area of not less than 3,000 square feet (279 m) REFRIGERATION SYSTEM, LOW TEMPERATURE. Systems for maintaining food product in a frozen state in refrigeration applications REFRIGERATION SYSTEM, MEDIUM TEMPERA- TURE. Systems for maintaining food product above freezing in refrigeration applications REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. An individual who is registered or licensed to practice their respective design profession as defined by the statutory requirements of the professional registration laws of the state or jurisdiction in which the project is to be constructed REPAIR. The reconstruction or renewal of any part of an existing bwldmg for the purpose of its maintenance or to cor- rect damage REROOFING. The process of recovering or replacing an existing roof covering See "Roof recover" and "Roof replacement" RESIDENTIAL BUILDING. For this code, includes detached one- and two-family dwellings and multiple single- family dwellings (townhouses) and Group R-2, R-3 and R-4 buildings three stories or less in height above grade plane ROOF ASSEMBLY. A system designed to provide weather protection and resistance to design loads The system consists of a roof covering and roof deck or a single component serving as both the roof covering and the roof deck A roof assembly includes the roof covering, underlayment, roof deck, msula- tion, vapor retarder and interior finish ROOF RECOVER. The process of installing an additional roof covering over an existing roof covering without remov- ing the existing roof covering ROOF REPAIR. Reconstruction or renewal of any part of an existing roof for the purpose of its maintenance ROOF REPLACMENT. The process of removing the exist- ing roof covering, repairing any damaged substrate and installing a new roof covering ROOFTOP MONITOR. A raised section of a roof contain- ing vertical fenestration along one or more sides R-VALUE (THERMAL RESISTANCE). The inverse of the time rate of heat flow through a body from one of its bounding surfaces to the other surface for a unit temperature difference between the two surfaces, under steady state conditions, per unit area (h • ft'• °F/Btu) [(m'• K)/W] SATURATED CONDENSING TEMPERATURE. The saturation temperature corresponding to the measured refrig- erant pressure at the condenser inlet for single component and azeotropic refrigerants, and the arithmetic average of the dew point and bubble point temperatures corresponding to the refrigerant pressure at the condenser entrance for zeotropic refrigerants SERVICE WATER HEATING. Supply of hot water for pur- poses other than comfort heating SLEEPING UNIT. A room or space in which people sleep, that can include permanent provisions for living, eating, and either sanitation or kitchen facilities but not both Such rooms and spaces that are part of a dwelling unit are not sleeping units SMALL ELECTRIC MOTOR. A general purpose, alter- nating current, single speed induction motor SOLAR HEAT GAIN COEFFICIENT (SHGC). The ratio of the solar heat gam entering the space through the fenestration assembly to the incident solar radiation Solar heat gam includes directly transmitted solar heat and absorbed solar radiation, that is then reradiated, conducted or convected into the space 4m 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-11 I " ' CALFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomo,,m AtO, goodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdm6o d Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg LARISAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER DEFINITIONS STANDARD REFERENCE DESIGN. A version of the pro- posed design that meets the minimum requirements of this code and is used to determine the maximum annual energy use requirement for compliance based on total building perfor- mance STOREFRONT. A system of doors and windows mulled as a composite fenestration structure that has been designed to resist heavy use Storefront systems include, but are not limited to, exterior fenestration systems that span from the floor level or above to the ceiling of the same story on commercial buildings, with or without mulled windows and doors THERMOSTAT. An automatic control device used to main- tain temperature at a fixed or adjustable setport TIME SWITCH CONTROL. An automatic control device or system that controls lighting or other loads, including switching off, based on time schedules U-FACTOR (THERMAL TRANSMITTANCE). The coeffi- cient of heat transmission (air to air) through a building compo- nent or assembly, equal to the time rate of heat flow per unit area and unit temperature difference between the warm side and cold side air films (Btu/h • ft' • °F) [W/(m' • K)] VARIABLE REFRIGERANT FLOW SYSTEM. An engi- neered direct -expansion (DX) refrigerant system that incor- porates a common condensing unit, at least one variable - capacity compressor, a distributed refrigerant piping network to multiple indoor fan heating and cooling units each capable of individual zone temperature control, through integral zone temperature control devices and a common commumcations network Variable refrigerant flow utilizes three or more steps of control on common interconnecting piping VENTILATION. The natural or mechanical process of sup- plying conditioned or unconditioned air to, or removing such air from, any space VENTILATION AIR. That portion of supply air that comes from outside (outdoors) plus any recirculated air that has been treated to maintain the desired quality of air within a designated space VISIBLE TRANSMITTANCE [VT]. The ratio of visible light entering the space through the fenestration product assembly to the incident visible light Visible transmittance includes the effects of glazing material and frame and is expressed as a number between 0 and 1 VOLTAGE DROP. A decrease in voltage caused by losses in the wiring systems that connect the power source to the load WALK-IN COOLER. An enclosed storage space capable of being refrigerated to temperatures above 32°F (0°C) and less than 55°F (12 8°C) that can be walked into, has a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet (2134 mm) and has a total chilled storage area of less than 3,000 square feet (279 m') WALK-IN FREEZER. An enclosed storage space capable of being refrigerated to temperatures at or below 32°F (0°C) that can be walked into, has a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet (2134 mm) and has a total chilled storage area of less than 3,000 square feet (279 m) WALL, ABOVE -GRADE. A wall associated with the build- ing thermal envelope that is more than 15 percent above grade and is on the exterior of the building or any wall that is associated with the building thermal envelope that is not on the exterior of the building WALL, BELOW -GRADE. A wall associated with the base- ment or first story of the building that is part of the building thermal envelope, is not less than 85 percent below grade and is on the exterior of the building WATER HEATER. Any heating appliance or equipment that heats potable water and supplies such water to the pota- ble hot water distribution system ZONE. A space or group of spaces within a building with heat- ing or cooling requirements that are sufficiently similar so that desired conditions can be maintained throughout using a single controlling device C-12 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ( "' Copynght Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rv dme Oo,dA od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) Mt,mmt to ( I LEA Ag,e^ '^Rt, ICC No o tths TAodomoo. m At y goodomo- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle —ooly oTymg and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FED REAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER CHAPTER 3 ICE] GENERAL REQUIREMENTS User note: About this chapter., Chapter 3 addresses broadly applicable requirements that would not be at home in other chapters having more specific coverage of subject matter This chapter establishes climate zone by U S counties and also contains product rating, marking and installation requirements for materials such as insulation, windows, doors and siding SECTION C301 CLIMATE ZONES C301.1 General. Ckmate zones from Figure C301 1 or Table C301 1 shall be used for determining the applicable require- ments from Chapter 4 Locations not indicated in Table C301 1 shall be assigned a ckmate zone in accordance with Section C301 3 C301.2 Warm humid counties. In Table C301 1, warm humid counties are identified by an asterisk C301.3 International climate zones. The climate zone for any location outside the Umted States shall be determmed by applying Table C301 3(1) and then Table C301 3(2) C301.4 Tropical climate zone. The tropical climate zone shall be defined as 1 Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, US Virgin Islands, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, and 2 Islands in the area between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-13 I 1 1 I Co LFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rv dme Oo,dA od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b6 xl 00e170Se 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM(PET)puArvant to ( LEA Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomo,,m AtO,«odomo- by any Ot Party o, AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg L,oIRb¢Ad ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS N T IN it "S "v'.. INORI D `L n lFaItry W .I I •� C-14 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® � eme000rnoxoaIS— Isx —oe raemesu. mexuv�rrxcrrmm raucwaxva�nrr ramsue�rcrvo wu. rmm—e— GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE C301.1 CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY Key: A- Moist, B - Dry, C - Marine. Absence of moisture designation indicates moisture regime is irrelevant. Asterisk (*) indicates a warm -humid location. US STATES ALABAMA 3A Lee 7 Kodiak Island 3A Calhoun 3A Monroe 3A Autauga* 3A Limestone 7 Lake and Peninsula 4A Carroll 3A Montgomery 2A Baldwin* 3A Lowndes* 7 Matanuska-Susitna 3A Chicot 3A Nevada 3A Barbour* 3A Macon* 8 Nome 3A Clark 4A Newton 3A Bibb 3A Madison 8 North Slope 3A Clay 3A Ouachita 3A Blount 3A Marengo* 8 Northwest Arctic 3A Cleburne 3A Perry 3A Bullock* 3A Marion 7 Prince of Wales- 3A Cleveland 3A Phillips 3A Butler* 3A Marshall Outer Ketchikan 3A Columbia* 3A Pike 3A Calhoun 2A Mobile* 7 Sitka 3A Conway 3A Poinsett 3A Chambers 3A Monroe* 7 Skagway-Hoonah- 3A Craighead 3A Polk Angoon 3A Cherokee 3A Montgomery 8 Southeast Fairbanks 3A Crawford 3A Pope 3A Chilton Morgan 3A Mor 3A Crittenden 3A Prairie 3A Choctaw* 3A Perry* 7 Valdez -Cordova 3A Cross 3A Pulaski 3A Clarke 3A Pickens 8 Wade Hampton 3A Dallas 3A Randolph 3A Clay 3A Pike* 7 Wrangell -Petersburg 3A Desha 3A Saline 3A Cleburne 3A Randolph 7 Yakutat 3A Drew 3A Scott 3A Coffee 3A Russell* 8 Yukon -Koyukuk 3A Faulkner 4A Searcy 3A Colbert 3A Shelby ARIZONA 3A Franklin 3A Sebastian 3A Conecuh* 3A St. Clair 5B Apache 4A Fulton 3A Sevier* 3A Coosa 3A Sumter 3B Cochise 3A Garland 3A Sharp 3A Covington* 3A Talladega 5B Coconino 3A Grant 3A St. Francis 3A Crenshaw* 3A Tallapoosa 4B Gila 3A Greene 4A Stone 3A Cullman 3A Tuscaloosa 3B Graham 3A Hempstead* 3A Union* 3A Dale* 3A Walker 3B Greenlee 3A Hot Spring 3A Van Buren 3A Dallas* 3A Washington* 2B La Paz 3A Howard 4A Washington 3A DeKalb 3A Wilcox* 2B Maricopa 3A Independence 3A White 3A Elmore* 3A Winston 3B Mohave 4A Izard 3A Woodruff 3A Escambia* ALASKA 5B Navajo 3A Jackson 3A Yell 3A Etowah 7 Aleutians East 2B Pima 3A Jefferson CALIFORNIA 3A Fayette 2B Pinal 3A Johnson 3A Franklin 7 Aleutians West 3B Santa Cruz 3A Lafayette 3C Alameda 3A Geneva* 7 Anchorage 4B Yavapai 3A Lawrence B Alpine 3A Greene 8 Bethel 2B Yuma 3A Lee 4 4B Amador 3A Hale 7 Bristol Bay 3A Lincoln 3B Butte 7 Denali ARKANSAS 3A Little River* 4B Calaveras 3A Henry* 8 Dillingham 3A Arkansas 3A Logan g 3B Colusa 3A Houston 8 Fairbanks North Star 3A Ashley 3A Lonoke 3B Contra Costa 3A Jackson 7 Haines 4A Baxter 4A Madison 4C Del Norte 3A Jefferson 7 Juneau 4A Benton 4A Marion 4B El Dorado 3A Lamar 7 Kenai Peninsula 4A Boone 3A Miller * 3B Fresno 3A Lauderdale 7 Ketchikan Gateway 3A Bradley 3A Mississippi 3B Glenn 3A Lawrence PP (continued) 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE" C-15 I " ' (AFIght @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢Van DmA(Rv dme Oo,dA od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM(PET)puTrvant to ( LEA Affiee^® Rt, ICC No(wN¢[TAodamo,,m AtO, T�odamo- by any Ot Party oT AAmboem aOoTvsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg L,oIRb¢Ad ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISTRIBUTION IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE C301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 4C Humboldt 3B Yuba 5B Montrose 2A Escambia* 2A Taylor* 2B Imperial COLORADO 5B Morgan 2A Flagler* 2A Union* 4B Inyo 4B Otero 2A Franklin* 2A Volusia* 3B Kern 5B Adams 6B Ouray 2A Gadsden* 2A Wakulla* 3B Kings 6B Alamosa 7 Park 2A Gilchrist* 2A Walton* 4B Lake 5B Arapahoe 5B Phillips 2A Glades* 2A Washington* 5B Lassen 6B Archuleta 7 Pttkin 2A Gulf* 3B Los Angeles 4B Baca SB Prowers 2AHamilton* GEORGIA 3B Madera 5B Bent 5B Pueblo 2A Hardee* 2A Appling* 3C Marin 5B Boulder 6B Rio Blanco 2A Hendry* 2A Atkinson* 4B Mariposa 5B Broomfield 7 Rio Grande 2A Hernando* 2A Bacon* 3C Mendocino 6B Chaffee 7 Routt 2A Highlands* 2A Baker* 3B Merced 5B Cheyenne 6B Saguache 2A Hillsborough* 3A Baldwin 5B Modoc 7 Clear Creek 7 San Juan 2A Holmes* 4A Banks 6B Mono 6B Conejos 6B San Miguel 2A Indian River* 3A Barrow 3C Monterey 6B Costilla 5B Sedgwick 2A Jackson* 3A Bartow 3C Napa 5B Crowley 7 Summit 2A Jefferson* 3A Ben Hill* 5B Nevada 6B Custer 5B Teller 2A Lafayette* 2A Berrien* 3B Orange 5B Delta 5B Washington 2A Lake* 3A Bibb 3B Placer 5B Denver 5B Weld 2A Lee* 3A Bleckley* 5B Plum as 6B Dolores 5B Yuma 2A Leon* 2A Brantley* 3B Riverside 5B Douglas 2A Levy* 2A Brooks* 3B Sacramento 6B Eagle CONNECTICUT 2ALJberty * 2A Bryan* 3C San Benito 5B Elbert 5A (all) 2A Madison* 3A Bulloch* 3B San Bernardino 5B El Paso DELAWARE 2A Manatee* 3A Burke 3B San Diego 5B Fremont 4A all ( ) 2A Marion* 3A Butts 3C San Francisco SB Garfield 2A Martin* 3A Calhoun 3B San Joaquin 5B Gilpin DISTRICT OF IAMiami-Dade* 2A Camden* 3C San Luis Obispo 7 Grand COLUMBIA IAMonroe* 3A Candler* 3C San Mateo 7 Gunnison 4A (all) 2A Nassau* 3A Carroll 3C Santa Barbara 7 Hinsdale 2A Okaloosa* 4A Catoosa 3C Santa Clara 5B Huerfano FLORIDA 2A Okeechobee* 2A Charlton* 3C Santa Cruz 7 Jk acson 2A Alachua* 2A Orange* 2A Chatham* 3B Shasta 5B Jefferson 2A Baker* 2A Osceola* 3A Chattahoochee* 5B Sierra 5B KJowa 2A Bay* 2A Palm Beach* 4A Chattooga 5B Siskryou 5B Kit Carson 2A Bradford* 2A Pasco* 3A Cherokee 3B Solano 7 Lake 2A Brevard* 2A Pinellas* 3A Clarke 3C Sonoma 5B La Plata I Broward* 2A Polk* 3A Clay* 3B Stanislaus 5B Larnner 2A Calhoun* 2A Putnam* 3A Clayton 3B Sutter 4B Las Animas 2A Charlotte* 2A Santa Rosa* 2A Clinch* 3B Tehama 5B Lincoln 2A Citrus* 2A Sarasota* 3A Cobb 4B Trinity 5B Logan 2A Clay* 2A Seminole* 3A Coffee* 3B Tulare 5B Mesa 2A Collier* 2A St Johns* 2A Colquitt* 4B Tuolumne 7 Mineral 2A Columbia* 2A St Lucie* 3A Columbia 3C Ventura 6B Moffat 2A DeSoto* 2A Sumter* 2A Cook* 3B Yolo 5B Montezuma 2A Dixie* 2A Suwannee* 3A Coweta 2A Duval* (continued) C-16 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® 011 ( " ' CopyngbtOO?.o17 "To ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awned by HDO,, Van Dme(Rvdme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O,do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JoK 15, fDO oc s AM(PET) IAU—t to Ag,,^Kt'At, ICC Nof-thsT,odomoo.mAt,goodomo-by any Ot Party, o[Axmboemd,Oo[vs39oglo—oKIA oKyg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER RBPROD VCIION OR DISI RI B VTION IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT, AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE C301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 3A Crawford 2A Lanier* 3A Taylor* 5B Cassia 4A Crawford 3A Crisp* 3A Laurens* 3A Telfair* 6B Clark 5A Cumberland 4A Dade 3A Lee* 3A Terrell* 5B Clearwater 5A DeKalb 4A Dawson 2A Liberty* 2A Thomas* 6B Custer 5A De Witt 2A Decatur* 3A Lincoln 3A Tiff* 5B Elmore 5A Douglas 3A DeKalb 2A Long* 2A Toombs* 6B Franklin 5A DuPage 3A Dodge* 2A Lowndes* 4A Towns 6B Fremont 5A Edgar 3A Dooly* 4A Lumpkin 3A Treutlen* 5B Gem 4A Edwards 3A Dougherty* 3A Macon* 3A Troup 5B Gooding 4A Effingham 3A Douglas 3A Madison 3A Turner* 5B Idaho 4A Fayette 3A Early* 3A Marion* 3A Twiggs* 6B Jefferson 5A Ford 2A Echols* 3A McDuffle 4A Union 5B Jerome 4A Franklin 2A Effingham* 2A McIntosh* 3A Upson 5B Kootenai 5A Fulton 3A Elbert 3A Menwether 4A Walker 5B Latah 4A Gallatin 3A Emanuel* 2A MJller* 3A Walton 6B Lemhi 5A Greene 2A Evans* 2A MJtchell* 2A Ware* 5B Lewis 5A Grandy 4A Fannin 3A Monroe 3A Warren 5B Lincoln 4A Hamilton 3A Fayette 3A Montgomery* 3A Waslungton 6B Madison 5A Hancock 4A Floyd 3A Morgan 2A Wayne* 5B Minidoka 4A Hardin 3A Forsyth 4A Murray 3A Webster* 5B Nez Perce 5A Henderson 4A Franklin 3A Muscogee 3A Wheeler* 6B Oneida 5A Henry 3A Fulton 3A Newton 4A White 5B Owyhee 5A Iroquois 4A Gilmer 3A Oconee 4A Whitfield 5B Payette 4A Jackson 3A Glascock 3A Oglethorpe 3A Wilcox* 5B Power 4A Jasper 2A Glynn* 3A Paulding 3A Wilkes 5B Shoshone 4A Jefferson 4A Gordon 3A Peach* 3A Wilkinson 6B Teton 5A Jersey 2A Grady* 4A Pickens 3A Worth* 5B Twin Falls 5A Jo Daviess 3A Greene 2A Pierce* HAWAII 6B Valley 4A Johnson 3A Gwinnett 3A Pike 5B Washington 5A Kane 4A Habersham 3A Polk IA (all)* 5A Kankakee ILLINOIS 4A Hall 3A Pulaski* IDAHO 5A Kendall 3A Hancock 3A Putnam SB Ada 5A Adams 5A Knox 3A Haralson 3A Quitman* Adams 4A Alexander6B SA Lake 3A Hams 4A Rabun 6B Bannock 4A Bond 5A La Salle 3A Hart 3A Randolph* 6B Bear Lake SA Boone 4A Lawrence 3A Heard 3A Richmond 5B Benewah 5A Brown 5A Lee 3A Henry 3A Rockdale 6B Bingham 5A Bureau 5A Livingston 3A Houston* 3A Schley* 6B Blaine 5A Calhoun 5A Logan 3A Irwin* 3A Screven* 6B Boise 5A Carroll 5A Macon 3A Jackson 2A Seminole* 6B Bonner SA Cass 4A Macoupin 3A Jasper 3A Spalding 6B Bonneville 5A Champaign 4A Madison 2A Jeff Davis* 4A Stephens 6B Boundary 4A Christian 4A Marron 3A Jefferson 3A Stewart* 6B Butte 5A Clark 5A Marshall 3A Jenkins* 3A Sumter* 6B Camas 4A Clay 5A Mason 3A Johnson* 3A Talbot SB Canyon 4A Clinton 4A Massac 3A Jones 3A TalJaferro 6B Caribou5A SA Coles McDonough 3A Lamar 2A Tattnall* 5A Cook 5A McHenry (eontimed) 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-17 I " ' CITFIghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van Dme(Rvdme Oo,dwood om),(Dby of FRmdNmod)O,do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'At, ICC No(wN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO, �goodomo- by anty y Ot Paro, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE C301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 5A McLean 5A Boone 5A Miami 5A Appanoose 5A Jasper 5A Menard 4A Brown 4A Monroe 5A Audubon 5A Jefferson 5A Mercer 5A Carroll 5A Montgomery 5A Benton 5A Johnson 4A Monroe 5A Cass 5A Morgan 6A Black Hawk 5A Jones 4A Montgomery 4A Clark 5A Newton 5A Boone 5A Keokuk 5A Morgan 5A Clay 5A Noble 6A Bremer 6A Kossuth 5A Moultrie 5A Clinton 4A Ohio 6A Buchanan 5A Lee 5A Ogle 4A Crawford 4A Orange 6A Buena Vista 5A Linn 5A Peoria 4A Daviess 5A Owen 6A Butler 5A Louisa 4A Perry 4A Dearborn 5A Parke 6A Calhoun 5A Lucas 5A Platt 5A Decatur 4A Perry 5A Carroll 6A Lyon 5A Pike 5A De Kalb 4A Pike 5A Cass 5A Madison 4A Pope 5A Delaware 5A Porter 5A Cedar 5A Mahaska 4A Pulaski 4A Dubois 4A Posey 6A Cerro Gordo 5A Marion 5A Putnam 5A Elkhart 5A Pulaski 6A Cherokee 5A Marshall 4A Randolph 5A Fayette 5A Putnam 6A Chickasaw 5A Mills 4A Richland 4A Floyd 5A Randolph 5A Clarke 6A Mitchell 5A Rock Island 5A Fountain 4A Ripley 6A Clay 5A Monona 4A Saline 5A Franklin 5A Rush 6A Clayton 5A Monroe 5A Sangamon 5A Fulton 4A Scott 5A Clinton 5A Montgomery 5A Schuyler 4A Gibson 5A Shelby 5A Crawford 5A Muscatine 5A Scott 5A Grant 4A Spencer 5A Dallas 6A O'Brien 4A Shelby 4A Greene 5A Starke 5A Davis 6A Osceola 5A Stark 5A Hamilton 5A Steuben 5A Decatur 5A Page 4A St Clair 5A Hancock 5A St Joseph 6A Delaware 6A Palo Alto 5A Stephenson 4A Harrison 4A Sullivan 5A Des Moines 6A Plymouth 5A Tazewell 5A Hendricks 4A Switzerland 6A Dickinson 6A Pocahontas 4A Union 5A Henry 5A Tippecanoe 5A Dubuque 5A Polk 5A Vermilion 5A Howard 5A Tipton 6A Emmet 5A PottawattamJe 4A Wabash 5A Huntington 5A Union 6A Fayette 5A Poweshiek 5A Warren 4A Jackson 4A Vanderburgh 6A Floyd 5A Ringgold 4A Washington 5A Jasper 5A Vermillion 6A Franklin 6A Sac 4A Wayne 5A Jay 5A Vigo 5A Fremont 5A Scott 4A White 4A Jefferson 5A Wabash 5A Greene 5A Shelby 5A Whiteside 4A Jennings 5A Warren 6A Grundy 6A Sioux 5A Will 5A Johnson 4A Warrick 5A Guthrie 5A Story 4A Williamson 4A Knox 4A Washington 6A Hamilton 5A Tama 5A Winnebago 5A Kosciusko 5A Wayne 6A Hancock 5A Taylor 5A Woodford 5A LaGrange 5A Wells 6A Hardin 5A Union INDIANA 5A Lake 5A White 5A Harrison 5A Van Buren 5A LaPorte 5A Whitley 5A Henry 5A Wapello 5A Adams 4A Lawrence 6A Howard 5A Warren 5A Allen SA Mattison IOWA 6A Humboldt SA Washington 5A Bartholomew 5A Marion 5A Adair 6A Ida 5A Wayne 5A Benton 5A Marshall 5A Adams 5A Iowa 6A Webster 5A Blackford 4A Martin 6A Allamakee 5A Jackson 6A Winnebago (continued) C-18 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® " ' C.,tghtOO?.o17 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awned by HDO,, Van Dme(Rvdme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O,do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JoK 15, fDO oc s AM(PET) To—t to ( I ( 1,i ,Ag,,v KtaAt, IcC No f-ths T,odomoo. m At, goodomo- by any Ot Party, o, Axmboema,Ooossd 9oghe oKfy,,Knog md,NyF,Iaog T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHORIVED RBPROD VCIION OR DISI RI B VTION IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT, AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 6A Winneshiek 5A Woodbury 6A Worth 6A Wright KANSAS 4A Allen 4A Anderson 4A Atchison 4A Barber 4A Barton 4A Bourbon 4A Brown 4A Butler 4A Chase 4A Chautauqua 4A Cherokee 5A Cheyenne 4A Clark 4A Clay 5A Cloud 4A Coffey 4A Comanche 4A Cowley 4A Crawford 5A Decatur 4A Dickinson 4A Domphan 4A Douglas 4A Edwards 4A Elk 5A Ellis 4A Ellsworth 4A Finney 4A Ford 4A Franklin 4A Geary 5A Gove 5A Graham 4A Grant 4A Gray 5A Greeley 4A Greenwood 5A Hamilton 4A Harper 4A Harvey TABLE C301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 4A Haskell 4A Hodgeman 4A Jackson 4A Jefferson 5A Jewell 4A Johnson 4A Kearny 4A Kmgman 4A KJowa 4A Labette 5A Lane 4A Leavenworth 4A Lincoln 4A Lmn 5A Logan 4A Lyon 4A Marion 4A Marshall 4A McPherson 4A Meade 4A MJami 5A Mitchell 4A Montgomery 4A Morris 4A Morton 4A Nem aha 4A Neosho 5A Ness 5A Norton 4A Osage 5A Osborne 4A Ottawa 4A Pawnee 5A Phillips 4A Pottawatomie 4A Pratt 5A Rawlins 4A Reno 5A Republic 4A Rice 4A Riley 5A Rooks 4A Rush 4A Russell 4A Saline 5A Scott 4A Sedgwick 4A Seward 4A Shawnee 5A Sheridan 5A Sherman 5A Smith 4A Stafford 4A Stanton 4A Stevens 4A Sumner 5A Thomas 5A Trego 4A Wabaunsee 5A Wallace 4A Washington 5A Wichita 4A Wilson 4A Woodson 4A Wyandotte KENTUCKY 4A (all) LOUISIANA 2A Acadia* 2A Allen* 2A Ascension* 2A Assumption* 2A Avoyelles* 2A Beauregard* 3A Bienville* 3A Bossier* 3A Caddo* 2A Calcasieu* 3A Caldwell* 2A Cameron* 3A Catahoula* 3A Claiborne* 3A Concordia* 3A De Soto* 2A East Baton Rouge* 3A East Carroll 2A East Feliciana* 2A Evangeline* 3A Franklin* 3A Grant* 2A Iberia* (eontinued) 2A Iberville* 3A Jackson* 2A Jefferson* 2A Jefferson Davis* 2A Lafayette* 2A Lafourche* 3A La Salle* 3A Lincoln* 2A Livingston* 3A Madison* 3A Morehouse 3A Natclutoches* 2A Orleans* 3A Ouacluta* 2A Plaquemines* 2A Pointe Coupee* 2A Rapides* 3A Red River* 3A Richland* 3A Sabine* 2A St Bernard* 2A St Charles* 2A St Helena* 2A St James* 2A St John the Baptist* 2A St Landry* 2A St Martin* 2A St Mary* 2A St Tammany* 2A Tangipahoa* 3A Tensas* 2A Terrebonne* 3A Union* 2A Vermilion* 3A Vernon* 2A Waslungton* 3A Webster* 2A West Baton Rouge* 3A West Carroll 2A West Feliciana* 3A Winn* MAINE 6A Androscoggin 7 Aroostook 6A Cumberland 6A Franklin 6A Hancock 6A Kennebec 6A Knox 6A Lincoln 6A Oxford 6A Penobscot 6A Piscataquis 6A Sagadahoc 6A Somerset 6A Waldo 6A Washington 6A York MARYLAND 4A Allegany 4A Anne Arundel 4A Baltimore 4A Baltimore (city) 4A Calvert 4A Caroline 4A Carroll 4A Cecil 4A Charles 4A Dorchester 4A Frederick 5A Garrett 4A Burford 4A Howard 4A Kent 4A Montgomery 4A Prince George's 4A Queen Anne's 4A Somerset 4A St Mary's 4A Talbot 4A Washington 4A Wicomico 4A Worcester MASSACHSETTS 5A (all) MICHIGAN 6A Alcona 6A Alger 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-19 I " ' CITFIght @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dwood om),(Dby of FRmdNmod) O,do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^Rt, ICC No ELM, [TAodomoo.m AtO, �goodomo- by anty y Ot Paro, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE C301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 5A Allegan 7 Mackinac 6A Carver 7 Otter Tall 3A Clarke 6A Alpena 5A Macomb 7 Cass 7 Pennington 3A Clay 6A Antrim 6A Mamstee 6A Cluppewa 7 Pme 3A Coahoma 6A Arenac 6A Marquette 6A Clusago 6A Pipestone 3A Copiah* 7 Baraga 6A Mason 7 Clay 7 Polk 3A Covington* 5A Barry 6A Mecosta 7 Clearwater 6A Pope 3A DeSoto 5A Bay 6A Menommee 7 Cook 6A Ramsey 3A Forrest* 6A Benzie 5A Midland 6A Cottonwood 7 Red Lake 3A Franklin* 5A Berrien 6A Nfissaukee 7 Crow Wing 6A Redwood 3A George* 5A Branch 5A Monroe 6A Dakota 6A Renville 3A Greene* 5A Calhoun 5A Montcalm 6A Dodge 6A Rice 3A Grenada 5A Cass 6A Montmorency 6A Douglas 6A Rock 2A Hancock* 6A Charlevoix 5A Muskegon 6A Faribault 7 Roseau 2A Harrison* 6A Cheboygan 6A Newaygo 6A Fillmore 6A Scott 3A Hinds* 7 Chippewa 5A Oakland 6A Freeborn 6A Sherburne 3A Holmes 6A Clare 6A Oceana 6A Goodhue 6A Sibley 3A Humphreys 5A Clinton 6A Ogemaw 7 Grant 6A Steams 3A Issaquena 6A Crawford 7 Ontonagon 6A Hennepin 6A Steele 3A Itawamba 6A Delta 6A Osceola 6A Houston 6A Stevens 2A Jackson* 6A Dickinson 6A Oscoda 7 Hubbard 7 St Louis 3A Jasper 5A Eaton 6A Otsego 6A Isanti 6A Swift 3A Jefferson* 6A Emmet 5A Ottawa 7 Itasca 6A Todd 3A Jefferson Davis* 5A Genesee 6A Presque Isle 6A Jackson 6A Traverse 3A Jones* 6A Gladwm 6A Roscommon 7 Kanabec 6A Wabasha 3A Kemper 7 Gogebic 5A Saginaw 6A Kandiyolu 7 Wadena 3A Lafayette 6A Grand Traverse 6A Sanilac 7 Kittson 6A Waseca 3A Lamar* 5A Gratiot 7 Schoolcraft 7 Koochichmg 6A Washington 3A Lauderdale 5A Hillsdale 5A Shiawassee 6A Lac qui Parle 6A Watonwan 3A Lawrence* 7 Houghton 5A St Clair 7 Lake 7 Wilkin 3A Leake 6A Huron 5A St Joseph 7 Lake of the Woods 6A Winona 3A Lee 5A Ingham 5A Tuscola 6A Le Sueur 6A Wright 3A Leflore 5A Ionia 5A Van Buren 6A Lincoln 6A Yellow 3A Lincoln* 6A Iosco 5A Washtenaw 6A Lyon Medicine 3A Lowndes 7 Iron 5A Wayne 7 Mahnomen MISSISSIPPI 3A Madison 6A Isabella 6A Wexford 7 Marshall 3A Adams* 3A Marion* 5A Jackson MINNESOTA 6A Martin 3A Alcorn 3A Marshall 5A Kalamazoo 6A McLeod 3A Amite* 3A Monroe 6A Kalkaska 7 Aitkin 6A Meeker 3A Montgomery SA Kent 6A Anoka 7 Mille Lacs 3A Attala 3A Neshoba 7 Becker 3A Benton 7 Keweenaw 6A Morrison 3A Bolivar 3A Newton 6A Lake 7 Beltrami 6A Mower 3ANoxubee SA Lapeer 6A Benton 6A Murray 3A Calhoun 3A OktJbbeha 6A Leelanau 6A Big Stone 6A NJcollet 3A Carroll3A 3A Panola 5A Lenawee 6A Blue Earth 6A Nobles Chickasaw 2A Pearl River* SA Livingston 6A Brown 7 Norman 3A Choctaw 3A Perry * 7 Carlton 3A Claiborne* 7 Luce 6A Olmsted 3A Pike (continued) C-20 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® " ' CopyngbtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awned by HDO,, Van Dme(Rvdme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O,do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JoK 15, fDO oc s AM(PET) To—t to ( I ( 1,i ,Ag,,v KtaAt, IcC No f-ths T,odomoo. m At, goodomo- by any Ot Party, o, Axmboema,Ooossd 9oghe oKfy,,Knog md,NyF,Iaog T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHORIVED DEPROD VCIION OR DISI RI E VTION IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT, AND SVEJECI TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3A Pontotoc 3A Prentiss 3A Quitman 3A Rankin* 3A Scott 3A Sharkey 3A Simpson* 3A Smith* 2A Stone* 3A Sunflower 3A Tallahatchie 3A Tate 3A Tippah 3A Tishomingo 3A Tunica 3A Union 3A Walthall* 3A Warren* 3A Washington 3A Wayne* 3A Webster 3A Wilkinson* 3A Winston 3A Yalobusha 3A Yazoo MISSOURI 5A Adair 5A Andrew 5A Atchison 4A Audrain 4A Barry 4A Barton 4A Bates 4A Benton 4A Bollinger 4A Boone 5A Buchanan 4A Butler 5A Caldwell 4A Callaway 4A Camden 4A Cape Girardeau 4A Carroll 4A Carter 4A Cass 4A Cedar TABLE C301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 5A Chariton 4A Christian 5A Clark 4A Clay 5A Clinton 4A Cole 4A Cooper 4A Crawford 4A Dade 4A Dallas 5A Daviess 5A DeKalb 4A Dent 4A Douglas 4A Dunklin 4A Franklin 4A Gasconade 5A Gentry 4A Greene 5A Grundy 5A Harrison 4A Henry 4A Hickory 5A Holt 4A Howard 4A Howell 4A Iron 4A Jackson 4A Jasper 4A Jefferson 4A Johnson 5A Knox 4A Laclede 4A Lafayette 4A Lawrence 5A Lewis 4A Lincoln 5A Linn 5A Livingston 5A Macon 4A Madison 4A Manes 5A Marion 4A McDonald 5A Mercer 4A Miller 4A Mississippi 4A Moniteau 4A Monroe 4A Montgomery 4A Morgan 4A New Madrid 4A Newton 5A Nodaway 4A Oregon 4A Osage 4A Ozark 4A Pemiscot 4A Perry 4A Pettis 4A Phelps 5A Pike 4A Platte 4A Polk 4A Pulaski 5A Putnam 5A Ralls 4A Randolph 4A Ray 4A Reynolds 4A Ripley 4A Saline 5A Schuyler 5A Scotland 4A Scott 4A Shannon 5A Shelby 4A St Charles 4A St Clair 4A St Francois 4A St Louis 4A St Louis (city) 4A Ste Genevieve 4A Stoddard 4A Stone 5A Sullivan 4A Taney 4A Texas 4A Vernon 4A Warren 4A Waslungton 4A Wayne (eontimed) 4A Webster 5A Worth 4A Wright MONTANA 6B (all) NEBRASKA 5A (all) NEVADA 5B Carson City (city) 5B Churchill 3B Clark 5B Douglas 5B Elko 5B Esmeralda 5B Eureka 5B Humboldt 5B Lander 5B Lincoln 5B Lyon 5B Mineral 5B Nye 5B Pershing 5B Storey 5B Washoe 5B White Pme NEW HAMPSFHRE 6A Belknap 6A Carroll 5A Cheshire 6A Coos 6A Grafton 5A Hillsborough 6A Merrimack 5A Rockingham 5A Strafford 6A Sullivan NEW JERSEY 4A Atlantic 5A Bergen 4A Burlington 4A Camden 4A Cape May 4A Cumberland 4A Essex 4A Gloucester 4A Hudson 5A Hunterdon 5A Mercer 4A Middlesex 4A Monmouth 5A Morns 4A Ocean 5A Passaic 4A Salem 5A Somerset 5A Sussex 4A Union 5A Warren NEW MEXICO 4B Bernalillo 5B Carron 3B Chaves 4B Cibola 5B Colfax 4B Curry 4B DeBaca 3B Dona Ana 3B Eddy 4B Grant 4B Guadalupe 5B Harding 3B Hidalgo 3B Lea 4B Lincoln 5B Los Alamos 3B Luna 5B McKinley 5B Mora 3B Otero 4B Quay 5B Rio Arnba 4B Roosevelt 5B Sandoval 5B San Juan 5B San Miguel 5B Santa Fe 4B Sierra 4B Socorro 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-21 I " ' CoLFIEILOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van Dme(Rvdme Oo,dwood om),(Dby of FRmdNmod)O,do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^Rt, ICC No(wN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO, �goodomo- by anty y Ot Paro, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 5B Taos 5B Torrance 4B Union 4B Valencia NEW YORK 5A Albany 6A Allegany 4A Bronx 6A Broome 6A Cattaraugus 5A Cayuga 5A Chautauqua 5A Chemung 6A Chenango 6A Clinton 5A Columbia 5A Cortland 6A Delaware 5A Dutchess 5A Erie 6A Essex 6A Franklin 6A Fulton 5A Genesee 5A Greene 6A Hamilton 6A Herkimer 6A Jefferson 4A Kings 6A Lewis 5A Livingston 6A Madison 5A Monroe 6A Montgomery 4A Nassau 4A New York 5A Niagara 6A Oneida 5A Onondaga 5A Ontario 5A Orange 5A Orleans 5A Oswego 6A Otsego 5A Putnam TABLE C301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 4A Queens 5A Rensselaer 4A Richmond 5A Rockland 5A Saratoga 5A Schenectady 6A Schoharie 6A Schuyler 5A Seneca 6A Steuben 6A St Lawrence 4A Suffolk 6A Sullivan 5A Tioga 6A Tompkins 6A Ulster 6A Warren 5A Washington 5A Wayne 4A Westchester 6A Wyoming 5A Yates NORTH CAROLINA 4A Alamance 4A Alexander 5A Alleghany 3A Anson 5A Ashe 5A Avery 3A Beaufort 4A Berrie 3A Bladen 3A Brunswick* 4A Buncombe 4A Burke 3A Cabarrus 4A Caldwell 3A Camden 3A Carteret* 4A Caswell 4A Catawba 4A Chatham 4A Cherokee 3A Chowan 4A Clay 4A Cleveland 3A Columbus* 3A Craven 3A Cumberland 3A Currituck 3A Dare 3A Davidson 4A Davie 3A Duplin 4A Durham 3A Edgecombe 4A Forsyth 4A Franklin 3A Gaston 4A Gates 4A Graham 4A Granville 3A Greene 4A Guilford 4A Halifax 4A Harnett 4A Haywood 4A Henderson 4A Hertford 3A Hoke 3A Hyde 4A Iredell 4A Jackson 3A Johnston 3A Jones 4A Lee 3A Lenoir 4A Lincoln 4A Macon 4A Madison 3A Martin 4A McDowell 3A Mecklenburg 5A Mitchell 3A Montgomery 3A Moore 4A Nash 3A New Hanover* 4A Northampton 3A Onslow* (continued) 4A Orange 3A Pamlico 3A Pasquotank 3A Pender* 3A Perquimans 4A Person 3A Pitt 4A Polk 3A Randolph 3A Richmond 3A Robeson 4A Rockingham 3A Rowan 4A Rutherford 3A Sampson 3A Scotland 3A Stanly 4A Stokes 4A Surry 4A Swam 4A Transylvania 3A Tyrrell 3A Union 4A Vance 4A Wake 4A Warren 3A Washington 5A Watauga 3A Wayne 4A Wilkes 3A Wilson 4A Yadkin 5A Yancey NORTH DAKOTA 6A Adams 7 Barnes 7 Benson 6A Billings 7 Bottineau 6A Bowman 7 Burke 6A Burleigh 7 Cass 7 Cavalier 6A Dickey 7 Divide 6A Dunn 7 Eddy 6A Emmons 7 Foster 6A Golden Valley 7 Grand Forks 6A Grant 7 Griggs 6A Hettinger 7 Kidder 6A LaMoure 6A Logan 7 McHenry 6A McIntosh 6A McKenzie 7 McLean 6A Mercer 6A Morton 7 Mountrail 7 Nelson 6A Oliver 7 Pembina 7 Pierce 7 Ramsey 6A Ransom 7 Renville 6A Richland 7 Rolette 6A Sargent 7 Sheridan 6A Sioux 6A Slope 6A Stark 7 Steele 7 Stutsman 7 Towner 7 Traill 7 Walsh 7 Ward 7 Wells 7 Williams OHIO 4A Adams 5A Allen C-22 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® " ' CopynghtOO2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awned by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dv od om),(Dby of FRmdNmod)O,do,N=b,,*1008170S801 jM 15, fDO oc s AM(PET) T,,ry tto I. 'MI ( 1,i ,Ag,,vo ,AOIcC Nof th,, ,od,S,o,,,ou ,,, od,S,00zbyany ,dpartyo, Axmboe—tho[vs3 ANYVNAVTHORIVED RBPROD VCIION ORDISI—IION LEA VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSEAGREEMENT.AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIESTHEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE C301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 5A Ashland 5A Mahomng 3A Bryan 3A Okfuskee 4C Lmn 5A Ashtabula 5A Marion 3A Caddo 3A Oklahoma 5B Malheur 5A Athens 5A Medina 3A Canadian 3A Okmulgee 4C Marion 5A Auglaize 5A Meigs 3A Carter 3A Osage 5B Morrow 5A Belmont 5A Mercer 3A Cherokee 3A Ottawa 4C Multnomah 4A Brown 5A Miami 3A Choctaw 3A Pawnee 4C Polk 5A Butler 5A Monroe 4B Cimarron 3A Payne 5B Sherman 5A Carroll 5A Montgomery 3A Cleveland 3A Pittsburg 4C Tillamook 5A Champaign 5A Morgan 3A Coal 3A Pontotoc 5B Umatilla 5A Clark 5A Morrow 3A Comanche 3A Pottawatomie 5B Union 4A Clermont 5A Muskingum 3A Cotton 3A Pushmataha 5B Wallowa 5A Clinton 5A Noble 3A Craig 3A Roger Mlls 5B Wasco 5A Columbiana 5A Ottawa 3A Creek 3A Rogers 4C Washington 5A Coshocton 5A Paulding 3A Custer 3A Seminole 5B Wheeler 5A Crawford 5A Perry 3A Delaware 3A Sequoyah 4C Yamlull 5A Cuyahoga 5A Pickaway 3A Dewey 3A Stephens PENNSYLVANIA 5A Darke 4A Pike 3A Ellis 4B Texas 5A Defiance 5A Portage 3A Garfield 3A Tillman 5A Adams 5A Delaware 5A Preble 3A Garvin 3A Tulsa 5A Allegheny 5A Erie 5A Putnam 3A Grady 3A Wagoner 5A Armstrong 5A Fairfield 5A Richland 3A Grant 3A Washington 5A Beaver 5A Fayette 5A Ross 3A Greer 3A Washita 5A Bedford 5A Franklin 5A Sandusky 3A Harmon 3A Woods 5A Berks 5A Fulton 4A Scioto 3A Harper 3A Woodward 5A Blau 4A Gallia 5A Seneca 3A Haskell 5A Bradford SA Geauga SA Shelby 3A Hughes OREGON 4A Bucks 5A Greene 5A Stark 3A Jackson 5B Baker 5A Butler 5A Guernsey 5A Summit 3A Jefferson 4C Benton 5A Cambria 4A Hamilton 5A Trumbull 3A Johnston 4C Clackamas 6A Cameron 5A Hancock 5A Tuscarawas 3A Kay 4C Clatsop 5A Carbon 5A Hardin 5A Union 3A Kingfisher 4C Columbia 5A Centre 5A Harrison 5A Van Wert 3A KJowa 4C Coos 4A Chester 5A Henry 5A Vinton 3A Latimer 5B Crook 5A Clarion 5A Highland 5A Warren 3A Le Flore 4C Curry 6A Clearfield 5A Hocking 4A Washington 3A Lincoln 5B Deschutes 5A Clinton 5A Holmes 5A Wayne 3A Logan 4C Douglas 5A Columbia 5A Huron 5A Williams 3A Love 5B Gilliam 5A Crawford 5A Jackson 5A Wood 3A Major 5B Grant 5A Cumberland 5A Jefferson 5A Wyandot 3A Marshall 5B Harney 5A Dauphin 5A Knox 3A Mayes 5B Hood River 4A Delaware SA Lake OKLAHOMA 3A McClain 4C Jackson 6A Elk 4A Lawrence 3A Adair 3A McCurtam 5B Jefferson 5A Erie 5A Licking 3A Alfalfa 3A McIntosh 4C Josephine 5A Fayette 5A Logan 3A Atoka 3A Murray 5B Klamath 5A Forest 5A Lorain 4B Beaver 3A Muskogee 5B Lake 5A Franklin 5A Lucas 3A Beckham 3A Noble 4C Lane 5A Fulton 5A Madison 3A Blaine 3A Nowata 4C Lincoln 5A Greene (eontimed) 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-23 I " ' CoLFIEILOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rvdme pooch od om),(Dby of FRmdNmod)O,do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^Rt, ICC No ELM, [TAodomoo.m AtO, �goodomo- by anty y Ot Paro, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 5A Huntingdon 5A Indiana 5A Jefferson 5A Juniata 5A Lackawanna 5A Lancaster 5A Lawrence 5A Lebanon 5A Lehigh 5A Luzeme 5A Lycommg 6A McKean 5A Mercer 5A Mifflin 5A Monroe 4A Montgomery 5A Montour 5A Northampton 5A Northumberland 5A Perry 4A Philadelphia 5A Pike 6A Potter 5A Schuylkill 5A Snyder 5A Somerset 5A Sullivan 6A Susquehanna 6A Tioga 5A Union 5A Venango 5A Warren 5A Washington 6A Wayne 5A Westmoreland 5A Wyommg 4A York RHODE ISLAND 5A (all) SOUTH CAROLINA 3A Abbeville 3A Aiken 3A Allendale* 3A Anderson TABLE C301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 3A Bamberg* 3A Barnwell* 3A Beaufort* 3A Berkeley* 3A Calhoun 3A Charleston* 3A Cherokee 3A Chester 3A Chesterfield 3A Clarendon 3A Colleton* 3A Darlington 3A Dillon 3A Dorchester* 3A Edgefield 3A Fairfield 3A Florence 3A Georgetown* 3A Greenville 3A Greenwood 3A Hampton* 3A Horry* 3A Jasper* 3A Kershaw 3A Lancaster 3A Laurens 3A Lee 3A Lexington 3A Marion 3A Marlboro 3A McCormick 3A Newberry 3A Oconee 3A Orangeburg 3A Pickens 3A Richland 3A Saluda 3A Spartanburg 3A Sumter 3A Union 3A Williamsburg 3A York SOUTH DAKOTA 6A Aurora 6A Beadle 5A Bennett 5A Bon Homme 6A Brookings 6A Brown 6A Brule 6A Buffalo 6A Butte 6A Campbell 5A Charles MJx 6A Clark 5A Clay 6A Codington 6A Corson 6A Custer 6A Davison 6A Day 6A Deuel 6A Dewey 5A Douglas 6A Edmunds 6A Fall River 6A Faulk 6A Grant 5A Gregory 6A Haakon 6A Hamlm 6A Hand 6A Hanson 6A Harding 6A Hughes 5A Hutchinson 6A Hyde 5A Jackson 6A Jerauld 6A Jones 6A Kingsbury 6A Lake 6A Lawrence 6A Lincoln 6A Lyman 6A Marshall 6A McCook 6A McPherson 6A Meade 5A Mellette 6A Miner (continued) 6A Minnehaha 6A Moody 6A Pennington 6A Perkins 6A Potter 6A Roberts 6A Sanborn 6A Shannon 6A Spink 6A Stanley 6A Sully 5A Todd 5A Tripp 6A Turner 5A Union 6A Walworth 5A Yankton 6A Ziebach TENNESSEE 4A Anderson 4A Bedford 4A Benton 4A Bledsoe 4A Blount 4A Bradley 4A Campbell 4A Cannon 4A Carroll 4A Carter 4A Cheatham 3A Chester 4A Claiborne 4A Clay 4A Cocke 4A Coffee 3A Crockett 4A Cumberland 4A Davidson 4A Decatur 4A DeKalb 4A Dickson 3A Dyer 3A Fayette 4A Fentress 4A Franklin 4A Gibson 4A Giles 4A Grainger 4A Greene 4A Grundy 4A Hamblen 4A Hamilton 4A Hancock 3A Hardeman 3A Hardin 4A Hawkins 3A Haywood 3A Henderson 4A Henry 4A Hickman 4A Houston 4A Humphreys 4A Jackson 4A Jefferson 4A Johnson 4A Knox 3A Lake 3A Lauderdale 4A Lawrence 4A Lewis 4A Lincoln 4A Loudon 4A Macon 3A Madison 4A Marion 4A Marshall 4A Maury 4A McMinn 3A McNaJry 4A Meigs 4A Monroe 4A Montgomery 4A Moore 4A Morgan 4A Obion 4A Overton 4A Perry 4A Pickett 4A Polk 4A Putnam 4A Rhea C-24 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® '.'tEhtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awned by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dv od om),(Dby of FRmdNmod)O,do,N=b,,*1008170S801 jM 15, fDO oc s AM(PET) T,,ry tto ( I ( 1,i ,Ag,,v ,AOIcC Nof th,, ,od,S,o,,,ou ,,, od,S,00zbyany ,dpartyo, Axmboe—tho[vs3 ANYVNAVTHORIVED RBPROD VCIION ORDISI—IION LEA VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSEAGREEMENT.AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIESTHEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE C301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 4A Roane 3B Brewster 3B Ector 3B Howard 3B McCulloch 4A Robertson 4B Briscoe 2B Edwards 3B Hudspeth 2A McLennan* 4A Rutherford 2A Brooks* 3A Ellis* 3A Hunt* 2A McMullen* 4A Scott 3A Brown* 3B El Paso 4B Hutchinson 2B Medina 4A Sequatchie 2A Burleson* 3A Erath* 3B Irion 3B Menard 4A Sevier 3A Bumet* 2A Falls* 3A Jack 3B Midland 3A Shelby 2A Caldwell* 3A Fannin 2A Jackson* 2A Milam* 4A Smith 2A Calhoun* 2A Fayette* 2A Jasper* 3A Mills* 4A Stewart 3B Callahan 3B Fisher 3B Jeff Davis 3B Mitchell 4A Sullivan 2A Cameron* 4B Floyd 2A Jefferson* 3A Montague 4A Sumner 3A Camp* 3B Foard 2A Jim Hogg* 2A Montgomery* 3A Tipton 4B Carson 2A Fort Bend* 2A Jim Wells* 4B Moore 4A Trousdale 3A Cass* 3A Franklin* 3A Johnson* 3A Morris* 4A UnicoJ 4B Castro 2A Freestone* 3B Jones 3B Motley 4A Union 2A Chambers* 2B Frio 2A Karnes* 3A Nacogdoches* 4A Van Buren 2A Cherokee* 3B Gaines 3A Kaufman* 3A Navarro* 4A Warren 3B Childress 2A Galveston* 3A Kendall* 2A Newton* 4A Washington 3A Clay 3B Garza 2A Kenedy* 3B Nolan 4A Wayne 4B Cochran 3A Gillespie* 3B Kent 2A Nueces* 4A Weakley 3B Coke 3B Glasscock 3B Kerr 4B Ochiltree 4A White 3B Coleman 2A Goliad* 3B Kimble 4B Oldham 4A Williamson 3A Collm* 2A Gonzales* 3B King 2A Orange* 4A Wilson 3B Collingsworth 4B Gray 2B Kinney 3A Palo Pinto* TEXAS 2A Colorado* 3A Grayson 2A Kleberg* 3A Panola* 2A Comal* 3A Gregg* 3B Knox 3A Parker* 2A Anderson* 3A Comanche* 2A Grimes* 3A Lamar* 4B Parmer 3B Andrews 3B Concho 2A Guadalupe* 4B Lamb 3B Pecos 2A Angelina* 3A Cooke 4B Hale 3A Lampasas* 2A Polk* 2A Aransas 2A Coryell* 3B Hall 2B La Salle 4B Potter 3A Archer 3B Cottle 3A Hamilton* 2A Lavaca* 3B Presicho 4B Armstrong 3B Crane 4B Hansford 2A Lee* 3A Rains* 2A Atascosa 3B Crockett 3B Hardeman 2A Leon* 4B Randall 2A Austin 3B Crosby 2A Hardin* 2A Liberty* 3B Reagan 4B Bailey 3B Culberson 2A Harris* 2A Limestone* 2B Real 2B Bandera 4B Dallam 3A Harrison* 4B Lipscomb 3A Red River* 2A Bastrop* 3A Dallas* 4B Hartley 2A Live Oak* 3B Reeves 3B Baylor 3B Dawson 3B Haskell 3A Llano* 2A Refugio* 2A Bee 4B Deaf Smith 2A Hays* 3B Loving 4B Roberts 2A Be 3A Delta 3B Hemphill 3B Lubbock 2A Robertson* 2A Bexar 3A Denton* 3A Henderson* 3B Lynn 3A Rockwall* 3A Blanco* 2A DeWitt* 2A Hidalgo* 2A Madison* 3B Runnels 3B Borden 3B Dickens 2A Hill* 3A Marion* 3A Rusk* 2A Bosq ue 2B Dlmmlt 4B Hockley 3B Martin 3A Sabine* 3A Bowie* 4B Donley 3A Hood* 3B Mason 3A San Augustine* 2A Brazoria* 2A Duval* 3A Hopkins* 2A Matagorda* 2A San Jacinto* 2A Brazos 3A Eastland 2A Houston* 2B Maverick 2A San PatncJo* (eontimed) 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-25 I " ' CoLFIEILOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rvdme pooch od om),(Dby of FRmdNmod)O,do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^Rt, ICC No ELM, [TAodomo,,m AtO, �goodomo- by anty y Ot Paro, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE C301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 3A San Saba* 3A Young 4C Clark 4A Gilmer WISCONSIN 3B Schleicher 2B Zapata 5B Columbia 5A Grant 6A Adams 3B Scurry 2B Zavala 4C Cowlitz 5A Greenbrier 7 Ashland 3B Shackelford UTAH 5B Douglas 5A Hampshire 6A Barron 3A Shelby* 6B Ferry 5A Hancock 7 Bayfield 4B Sherman 5B Beaver 5B Franklin 5A Hardy 6A Brown 3A Smith* 6B Box Elder 5B Garfield 5A Harrison 6A Buffalo 3A Somervell* 6B Cache 5B Grant 4A Jackson 7 Burnett 2A Starr* 6B Carbon 4C Grays Harbor 4A Jefferson 6A Calumet 3A Stephens 6B Daggett 4C Island 4A Kanawha 6A Chippewa 3B Sterling SB Davis 4C Jefferson SA Lewis 6A Clark 3B Stonewall 6B Duchesne 4C King 4A Lincoln 6A Columbia 3B Sutton 5B Emery 4C KJtsap 4A Logan 6A Crawford 4B Swisher 5B Garfield 5B KJttitas 5A Marion 6A Dane 3A Tarrant* 5B Grand 5B Klickitat 5A Marshall 6A Dodge 3B Taylor SB Iron 4C Lewis 4A Mason 6A Door 3B Terrell 5B Juab 5B Lincoln 4A McDowell 7 Douglas 3B Terry SB Kane 4C Mason 4A Mercer 6A Dunn 3B Throckmorton 5B Millard 6B Okanogan 5A Mineral 6A Eau Claire 3A Titus* 6B Morgan 4C Pacific 4A Mingo 7 Florence 3B Tom Green 5B Plate 6B Pend Oreille 5A Monongalia 6A Fond du Lac 2A Travis* 6B Rich 4C Pierce 4A Monroe 7 Forest 2A Trinity* 5B Salt Lake 4C San Juan 4A Morgan 6A Grant 2A Tyler* 5B San Juan 4C Skagit 5A Nicholas 6A Green 3A Upshur* 5B Sanpete 5B Skamania 5A Ohio 6A Green Lake 3B Upton 5B Sevier 4C Snohomish 5A Pendleton 6A Iowa 2B Uvalde 6B Summit 5B Spokane 4A Pleasants 7 Iron 2B Val Verde SB Tooele 6B Stevens SA Pocahontas 6A Jackson 3A Van Zandt* 6B Umtah 4C Thurston 5A Preston 6A Jefferson 2A Victoria* 5B Utah 4C Wahkiakum 4A Putnam6A Juneau 2A Walker* 6B Wasatch 5B Walla Walla 5A Raleigh 6A Kenosha 2A Waller* 3B Washington 4C Whatcom 5A Randolph 6A Kewaunee 3B Ward 5B Wayne 5B Whitman 4A Ritchie 6A La Crosse 2A Washington* g 5B Weber 5B Yaknna 4A Roane 6A Lafayette 2B Webb VERMONT WEST VIRGINIA 5A Summers 7 Langlade 2A Wharton* 6A (all) 5A Taylor 7 Lincoln 3B Wheeler 5A Barbour 5A Tucker 6A Manitowoc 3A Wichita VIRGINIA 4A Berkeley 4A Tyler y 6A Marathon 3B WJlbarger 4A (all) 4A Boone 5A Upshu 6A Marinette 2A WJllac * WASHINGTON 4A Braxton 5A Brooke 4A Wayne 6A Marquette 2A Williamson* 5A Webster 6A Menominee 2A Wilson* 5B Adams 4A Cabell 5A Wetzel 6A Milwaukee 3B Winkler SB Asotm 4A Calhoun 4A Wirt 6A Monroe 3A Wise 5B Benton 4A Clay 4A Wood 6A Oconto 3A Wood* 5B Chelan 5A Doddridge 4A Wyoming 7 Oneida 4B Yoakum 4C Clallam 5A Fayette 6A Outagamie (continued) C-26 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® " ' CopyngbtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awned by HDO,, Van Dme(Rvdme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O,do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JoK 15, fDO oc s AM(PET) Tox—t to ( I ( 1,i ,Ag,,v KtaAt, IcC No f-ths T,odomoo. m At, goodomo- by any Ot Party, o, Axmboema,Ooossd 9oghe oKfy,,Knog md,NyF,Iaog T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHORIVED RBPROD VCIION OR DISI RI B VTION IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT, AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE C301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 6A Ozaukee 7 Taylor 6B Big Horn 6B Sheridan NORTHERN 6A Pepin 6A Trempealeau 6B Campbell 7 Sublette MARIANA 6A Pierce 6A Vernon 6B Carbon 6B Sweetwater ISLANDS 6A Polk 7 Vilas 6B Converse 7 Teton IA (all)* 6A Portage 6A Walworth 6B Crook 6B Uinta 7 Price 7 Washburn 6B Fremont 6B Washakle PUERTO RICO 6A Racine 6A Washington 5B Goshen 6B Weston IA (all)* 6A Richland 6A Waukesha 6B Hot Springs US TERRITORIES VIRGIN ISLANDS 6A Rock 6A Waupaca 6B Johnson IA (all)* 6A Rusk 6A Waushara 6B Laramie AMERICAN 6A Sauk 6A Winnebago 7 Lincoln SAMOA 7 Sawyer 6A Wood 6B Natrona IA(all)* 6A Shawano W YOMING 6B Niobrara GUAM 6A Sheboygan 6B Park 6A St Croix 6B Albany 5B Platte IA(all)* TABLE C301.3(1) INTERNATIONAL CLIMATE ZONE DEFINITIONS MAJOR CLIMATE TYPE DEFINITIONS Marine (C) Definition Locations meeting all four criteria 1 Mean temperature of coldest month between -30C (27°F) and 180C (65°F) 2 Warmest month mean <220C(72°F) 3 At least four months with mean temperatures over 10°C (50°F) 4 Dry season in summer The month with the heaviest precipitation in the cold season has at least three times as much precipitation as the month with the least precipitation in the rest of the year The cold season is October through March in the Northern Hemisphere and April through September in the Southern Hemisphere Dry (B) Defirution Locations meeting the following criteria Not marine and P,,, < 0 44 x (TF - 19 5) [P,m < 2 0 x (TC +7) in SI units] where P„ = Annual precipitation in inches (cm) T = Annual mean temperature in°F (OC) Moist (A) Defiruhorl Locations that are not marine and not dry Warm -humid Defirution Moist (A) locations where either of the following wet -bulb temperature conditions shall occur during the warmest six consecutive months of the year 1 670F (19 4°C) or lugher for 3,000 or more hours, or 2 730F (22 8°C) or lugher for 1,500 or more hours For SI °C= [(°F) - 32]/1 8, 1 inch = 2 54 cm 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-27 I " ' Co LFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Dby of FRmdNmod) O,do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^Rt, ICC NofwN¢[Todomoo.mAtO, goodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE C301.3(2) INTERNATIONAL CLIMATE ZONE DEFINITIONS ZONE NUMBER THERMAL CRITERIA IP Units SI Units 1 9000 < CDD50°F 5000 < CDD10°C 2 6300 < CDD50°F < 9000 3500 < CDD10°C < 5000 3Aand 3B 4500<CDD50°F<6300AND HDD65°F<5400 2500<CDD10°C<3500AND HDDI8°C<3000 4Aand 4B CDD50°F<4500AND HDD65°F<5400 CDD10°C<2500AND HDDI8°C<3000 3C HDD65°F < 3600 HDD18°C < 2000 4C 3600 < HDD65°F < 5400 2000 < HDD18°C < 3000 5 5400 < HDD65°F < 7200 3000 < HDD18°C < 4000 6 7200 < HDD65 °F < 9000 4000 < HDD 18 °C < 5000 7 9000 < HDD65 °F < 12600 5000 < HDD 18 °C < 7000 8 12600 < HDD65°F 7000 < HDD18°C For SI 'C — h`F) - 32F1 8 SECTION C302 DESIGN CONDITIONS C302.1 Interior design conditions. The interior design tem- peratures used for heating and cooling load calculations shall be a maximum of 72°F (22°C) for heating and minimum of 75°F (24°C) for cooling. SECTION C303 MATERIALS, SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT C303.1 Identification. Materials, systems and equipment shall be identified in a manner that will allow a determination of compliance with the applicable provisions of this code. C303.1.1 Building thermal envelope insulation. An R- value identification mark shall be applied by the manufac- turer to each piece of building thermal envelope insulation 12 inches (305 mm) or greater in width. Alternatively, the insulation installers shall provide a certification listing the type, manufacturer and R-value of insulation installed in each element of the building thermal envelope. For blown - in or sprayed fiberglass and cellulose insulation, the initial installed thickness, settled thickness, settled R-value, installed density, coverage area and number of bags installed shall be listed on the certification. For sprayed polyurethane foam (SPF) insulation, the installed thick- ness of the areas covered and R-value of installed thick- ness shall be listed on the certification. For insulated siding, the R-value shall be labeled on the product's pack- age and shall be listed on the certification. The insulation installer shall sign, date and post the certification in a con- spicuous location on the job site. Exception: For roof insulation installed above the deck, the R-value shall be labeled as required by the material standards specified in Table 1508.2 of the International Building Code. C303.1.1.1 Blown -in or sprayed roof/ceiling insula- tion. The thickness of blown -in or sprayed fiberglass and cellulose roof/ceiling insulation shall be written in inches (mm) on markers and one or more of such mark- ers shall be installed for every 300 square feet (28 m') of attic area throughout the attic space. The markers shall be affixed to the trusses or joists and marked with the minimum initial installed thickness with numbers not less than 1 inch (25 mm) in height. Each marker shall face the attic access opening. Spray polyurethane foam thickness and installed R value shall be listed on certification provided by the insulation installer. C303.1.2 Insulation mark installation. Insulating materi- als shall be installed such that the manufacturer's R-value mark is readily observable upon inspection. C303.1.3 Fenestration product rating. U-factors of fen- estration products shall be determined as follows: 1. For windows, doors and skylights, U-factor ratings shall be determined in accordance with NFRC 100. 2. Where required for garage doors and rolling doors, I U-factor ratings shall be determined in accordance with either NFRC 100 or ANSI/DASMA 105. Ufactors shall be determined by an accredited, inde- pendent laboratory, and labeled and certified by the manu- facturer. Products lacking such a labeled U-factor shall be assigned a default U-factor from Table C303.1.3(1) or C303.1.3(2). The solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) and visible transmittance (VT) of glazed fenestration products (windows, glazed doors and skylights) shall be determined in accordance with NFRC 200 by an accredited, indepen- dent laboratory, and labeled and certified by the manufac- turer. Products lacking such a labeled SHGC or VT shall be assigned a default SHGC or VT from Table C303.1.3(3). C-28 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE" Co,tght OO?.o,7 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awsed by HDO,, Van DmA(Rv dme Oo,&N,Vod om),(DU, of FRmd—od)For, N=b,,*1008170S801 Jan,s. f DO oc s AM(PET) AU—t to ( I ( I VIL1,, Ag,,KtaAt, IcC Nof-thsT,odomo,,mAt,Tbodomo-by any Door Party, o,AAmbotma,Ooossd9ogAUAar ool,,oTVygmd,NyF,IaogLoIRbtAd ANY VNAVTHORIVED RBPROD VCIION OR DISI RI B VTION IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT, AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE C303.1.3(1) DEFAULT GLAZED WINDOW, GLASS DOOR AND SKYLIGHT U-FACTORS FRAME TYPE WINDOW AND GLASS DOOR SKYLIGHT Single Double Single Double Metal 120 080 200 1 30 Metal with Thermal Break 1 10 065 190 1 10 Nonmetal or Metal Clad 095 055 175 1 05 Glazed Block 060 TABLE C303.1.3(2) DEFAULT OPAQUE DOOR U-FACTORS DOOR TYPE OPAQUE U-FACTOR Uninsulated Metal 1 20 Insulated Metal (Rolling) 090 Insulated Metal (Other) 060 Wood 050 Insulated, nonmetal edge, max 45% glazing' any glazing double pane 035 TABLE C303.1.3(3) DEFAULT GLAZED FENESTRATION SHGC AND VT SINGLE GLAZED DOUBLE GLAZED GLAZED BLOCK Clear Tinted Clear Tinted SHGC 08 07 07 06 06 VT 06 03 06 03 06 C303.1.4 Insulation product rating. The thermal resis- tance (R-value) of insulation shall be determined in accor- dance with the U S Federal Trade Commission R-value rule (CFR Title 16, Part 460) in units of h • It' • °F/Btu at a mean temperature of 75°F (24°C) C303.1.4.1 Insulated siding. The thermal resistance (R-value) of insulated siding shall be determined in accordance with ASTM C1363 Installation for testing shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's instruc- tions C303.2 Installation. Materials, systems and equipment shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instruc- tions and the Intemational Building Code C303.2.1 Protection of exposed foundation insulation. Insulation applied to the exterior of basement walls, crawl space walls and the perimeter of slab -on -grade floors shall have a rigid, opaque and weather -resistant protective cov- ering to prevent the degradation of the insulation's thermal performance The protective covering shall cover the exposed exterior insulation and extend not less than 6 inches (153 mm) below grade C303.2.2 Multiple layers of continuous insulation board. Where two or more layers of continuous insulation board are used in a construction assembly, the continuous insulation boards shall be installed in accordance with Section C303 2 Where the continuous insulation board manufacturer's instructions do not address installation of two or more layers, the edge joints between each layer of continuous insulation boards shall be staggered 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-29 I 1 1 1 Co LFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Dby of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,,vo aRt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO, goodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER C-30 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ' CopynghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van Cm,(Rvdme Oo,d—od om),(Qty of ERmdNmod)O[d6N=b6*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM(PET)p,,mmt to ( "( I I,—Ag,—^ '^^I, ICC No o tths ,Aodomoam ALM,, peodomo-by any Ot Party o[Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo— odyWpyaog and,yodwg GMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDEEAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER E* CHAPTER 4 ICE] COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY User note: About this chapter. Chapter 4 presents the paths and options for compliance with the energy efficiency provisions Chapter 4 contains energy efficiency provisions for the building envelope, fenestration, mechanical systems, appliances, freezers and coolers, kitchen exhaust, interior and exterior lighting, water heating systems, transformers and motors SECTION C401 GENERAL C401.1 Scope. The provisions in this chapter are applicable to commercial buildings and their building sites. C401.2 Application. Commercial buildings shall comply with one of the following 1 The requirements of ANSUASHRAE/IESNA 90 1 2 The requirements of Sections C402 through C405 and C408 In addition, commercial buildings shall comply with Section C406 and tenant spaces shall comply with Section C406 1 1 3 The requirements of Sections C402 5, C403 2, C403 3 through C403 3 2, C403 4 through C403 4 2 3, C403 5 5, C403 7, C403 8 1 through C403 8 4, C403 10 1 through C403 10 3, C403 11, C403 12, C404, C405, C407 and C408 The building energy cost shall be equal to or less than 85 percent of the standard reference design building C401.2.1 Application to replacement fenestration products. Where some or all of an existing fenestration unit is replaced with a new fenestration product, including sash and glazing, the replacement fenestraton unit shall meet the applicable requirements for U-factor and SHGC in Table C402 4 Exception: An area -weighted average of the U-factor of replacement fenestration products being installed in the building for each fenestration product category listed in Table C402 4 shall be permitted to satisfy the U-factor requirements for each fenestration product category listed in Table C402 4 Individual fenestration products from different product categories listed in Table C402 4 shall not be combined in calculating the area -weighted average U-factor SECTION C402 BUILDING ENVELOPE REQUIREMENTS C402.1 General (Prescriptive). Building thermal envelope assemblies for buildings that are intended to comply with the code on a prescriptive basis in accordance with the compliance path described in Item 2 of Section C401 2, shall comply with the following 1 The opaque portions of the building thermal envelope shall comply with the specific insulation requirements of Section C402 2 and the thermal requirements of either the R-value-based method of Section C402 13, the U-, C- and F-factor-based method of Section C402 1 4, or the component performance alternative of Section C402 15 2 Roof solar reflectance and thermal emittance shall comply with Section C402 3 3 Fenestration in building envelope assemblies shall comply with Section C402 4 4 Air leakage of building envelope assemblies shall com- ply with Section C402 5 Alternatively, where buildings have a vertical fenestration area or skylight area exceeding that allowed in Section C402 4, the building and building thermal envelope shall com- ply with Section C401 2, Item 1 or Section C401 2, Item 3 Walk-in coolers, walk-in freezers, refrigerated warehouse coolers and refrigerated warehouse freezers shall comply with Section C403 10 1 or C403 10 2 C402.1.1 Low -energy buildings. The following low - energy buildings, or portions thereof separated from the remainder of the building by building thermal envelope assemblies complying with this section, shall be exempt from the building thermal envelope provisions of Section C402 1 Those with a peak design rate of energy usage less than 3 4 Btu/h • ft' (10 7 W/m) or 1 0 watt per square foot (10 7 W/m) of floor area for space conditioning purposes 2 Those that do not contain conditioned space 3 Greenhouses C402.1.2 Equipment buildings. Buildings that comply with the following shall be exempt from the building ther- mal envelope provisions of this code 1 Are separate buildings with floor area not more than 500 square feet (50 m) 2 Are intended to house electronic equipment with installed equipment power totaling not less than 7 watts per square foot (75 W/m2) and not intended for human occupancy 3 Have a heating system capacity not greater than (17,000 Btu/hr) (5 kW) and a heating thermostat set - point that is restricted to not more than 50°F (10°C) 4 Have an average wall and roof U-factor less than 0 200 in Chmate Zones 1 through 5 and less than 0 120 in Climate Zones 6 through 8 5 Comply with the roof solar reflectance and thermal emittance provisions for Climate Zane 1 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-31 I 1 1 I Co LFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rv dme Oo,dA od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b6 xl 00e170Se 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM(PET)puArvant to ( LEA Affiee^® Rt, ICC No(wN¢[TAodomo,, m AtO, «odomo- by any Ot Party o, AAmboem a Romsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg L,oIRb¢Ad ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY C402.1.3 Insulation componentR-value-based method. Building thermal envelope opaque assemblies shall comply with the requirements of Sections C402 2 and C402 4 based on the climate zone specified in Chapter 3 For opaque por- tions of the builckng thermal envelope intended to comply on an insulation component R-value basis, the R-values for insulation shall be not less than that specified in Table C402 1 3 Commercial buildings or portions of commercial buildings enclosing Group R occupancies shall use the R- values from the "Group R" column of Table C402 1 3 Commercial buildings or portions of commercial buildings enclosing occupancies other than Group R shall use the R- values from the "All other" column of Table C402 1 3 C402.1.4 Assembly U-factor, C-factor or F-factor- based method. Building thermal envelope opaque assem- blies shall meet the requirements of Sections C402 2 and C402 4 based on the climate zone specified in Chapter 3 Building thermal envelope opaque assemblies intended to comply on an assembly U-, C- or F-factor basis shall have a U-, C- or F-factor not greater than that specified in Table C402 1 4 Commercial buildings or portions of commer- cial buildings enclosing Group R occupancies shall use the U-, C- or F-factor from the "Group R" column of Table C402 1 4 Commercial buildings or portions of commer- cial buildings enclosing occupancies other than Group R shall use the U-, C- or F-factor from the "All other" col- umn of Table C402 1 4 C402.1.4.1 Thermal resistance of cold -formed steel walls. U-factors of walls with cold -formed steel studs shall be permitted to be determined in accordance with Equation 4-1 U=1/[RL+ (ER)] (Equation 4-1) where R, = The cumulative R-value of the wall components along the path of heat transfer, excluding the cavity insulation and steel studs ER— The effective R-value of the cavity insulation with steel studs as specified in Table C402 1 4 1 C402.1.5 Component performance alternative. Build- ing envelope values and fenestration areas detemmmed in accordance with Equation 4-2 shall be an alternative to compliance with the U-, F- and C-factors in Tables C402 1 4 and C402 4 and the maximum allowable fenes- tration areas in Section C402 4 1 Fenestration shall meet the applicable SHGC requirements of Section C402 4 3 A+B+C+D+E<Zero (Equation4-2) where A = Sum of the (UA Dif) values for each distinct assembly type of the bwldmg thermal envelope, other than slabs on grade and below -grade walls UA Dif = UA Proposed - UA Table UA Proposed = Proposed U-value x Area UA Table = (U-factor from Table C402 1 3, C402 1 4 or C402 4 x Area B = Sum of the (FL Dif) values for each distinct slab - on -grade perimeter condition of the building thermal envelope FL Dif = FL Proposed - FL Table FL Proposed = Proposed F-value x Perimeter length FL Table = (F-factor specified in Table C402 1 4) x Perimeter length C = Sum of the (CA Dif) values for each distinct below -grade wall assembly type of the building thermal envelope CA Dif = CA Proposed - CA Table CA Proposed = Proposed C-value x Area CA Table = (Maximum allowable C-factor specified in Table C402 1 4) x Area Where the proposed vertical glazing area is less than or equal to the maximum vertical glazing area allowed by Section C402 4 1, the value of D (Excess Vertical Glazing Value) shall be zero Otherwise D = (DA x UV) - (DA x U Wall), but not less than zero DA = (Proposed Vertical Glazing Area) - (Vertical Glazing Area allowed by Section C402 4 1) UA Wall = Sum of the (UA Proposed) values for each opaque assembly of the exterior wall TABLE C402.1.4.1 EFFECTIVE R-VALUES FOR STEEL STUD WALL ASSEMBLIES NOMINAL STUD DEPTH (inches) SPACING OF FRAMING (inches) CAVITY R-VALUE (insulation) CORRECTION FACTOR (FJ EFFECTIVE R-VALUE (ER) (Cavity R-Value x Q 31/L 16 13 046 598 15 043 6 45 31/L 24 13 055 7 15 15 052 780 6 16 19 037 703 21 035 735 6 24 19 045 855 21 043 903 8 16 25 031 775 24 25 038 950 C-32 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® 1 1 '11 Copyngbt Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Raodme pooch od om),(DLy of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) mt to ( I ( 1, Ag,'^Rt, ICC No otths TAodomoo. m At6sodomo- by any Ot Party o[ Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle—ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEUTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY riv�: O + w Io v I 3 3 W S,S _ ' Wi n'. .-r .-r l m Cb So Wi _ O: V -t o + a: a: a: -it- � N V n + US _ O O 0 O S0 N �+� � n + US zp p L P4a: a: P4 a: a5 a o a+' a: a: a5 �'. �'. + Z.a: N V n + ra T N + + + ON vi O W W vi t�tl OI I SO_ f4 f4P4 P4'�P O+ P4 �N ��+� P4 e v _ + + V+ _+ V O L u 0 ra T �O Q �P4 P4 P4 P4P4 P4P4 P4 oP� fyr P P4N P4 f4 W J a,-• ti tiff tit` tit`f1'iP4 ua a: a: �'. a5 a: a: P4 a P4 o + P4 a: a:'- N P4 + a: Zt o +a S'Sm v+- 0 Q O ,-. -� -7 � � w' '^ a a: P4 �'. a: w a+ �'. a: a: a: a: a: P: o w ig a: a: a5 a''v N fx m + w a: Z + a - + + n O T .M .m .m o N C ti a a' a' d e d a' a' a' a' a' a' p a' e d d f O ow�wBh'�y� +h+-o Ut x o o rna w_h+ �� �� gym`" v�h o0 c o.0 O Q ,-.^3 P4 rn P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 ,-. P4 N V� ��w'_ V+ w v i4 (4 N I J + a � V+ + V + O O W J O N f4 ^ f4 T f4 .r .r f4 f4 .r t` f4 f4 -itxu %4 '' P4 z %4 P4 S) Wi V + V %4 L4 N a7 L o � .i m + v m o + h Q p,' P., w' P4 pv'P4 C4 C4 �rn� �'. ��+w P4 L4 N 6 O T a m+ + J N S'S z V a: L4 a: L4 L4 L4 a: %4 P4 a: P4 N + %4 a: N P" a5 �'' a: a:a: + u: a5 a: N '« - .�-1 m +,r,+G +�o wo�nm SS ^`o ^ �' SO a' a' w' P4a4 a4 a4 P4 P4 w' N + P4 c o m _ r " o i S'S lu on � I�o N w'= v a a5 a: �" a: a a: a5 aS P4 N + a: P4 w,' Z o dm r m a i m m Fit Jt US C B w ti x z T O O O O L T V � � V d O d N O E O O O � c o c d a E c`o r N J p o d O E° °q � o pq aci � O U y0 � W O O O FC4 T C x o 3 c u E c 6 is T is T O PA Q O O ax E:E � 5: w oh �iz$° 3 U tE a O d E m c o z w tE�' E - o 5 c:E c SEE cb tS ccb U¢ o� I=- zo 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-33 I " ' CITFIghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van Cm,(Rvdme Oo,d—od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[d6N=b6*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM(PET)pucrvant to ( Lomoe Ag,,—® '^^I, ICC No (wN¢ [,Aodomo,, m ALM,, Pepeodomo-by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd M glo— ody mpyncg and ,yodwgp,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY SO N .-r I O rn n x x x x x U x x m x x x x x x x U Q ci x x x x x x x U x x w wO n ¢ ' ' ' '. '. '. '. U ' D ' ti 'D 'D 'D 'D 'D 'D 'D U 'D �D e i o O O O O O O O O o o o 4 4 w q N ¢ ' D ' ' ' ' ' ' U 5 ' O O O O O O O O O O O C O O LD O O 'j 'j `o 'o aF W L N O SO SO LL 1� C h V N SO rn V O O O N O O O y� w a ' ' '. N (7 x x x x x x x ti x x x x x x x U x x k. k.O '• '• N p o 0 0 0 0 0 o O O o 0 0 ti 'D 'D 'a Q x x x x x x .� U �D �D Z o 0 o oo° v V > � x d SE d g o a N t+ Q jj o 3 °S E N t/] tC. W J N �x E � Q c Ez > SE Q d 0 itl _ 3 h N N O - c m o d US m � d o d a 3 o tl E s o o mm x_ m m �� US 0 o E � T O C z=N�� vJ m a c W 3 0 ffi c o W o SASO U 3 d m Q c o o hSO o w c- E z Y Q m F O$ _mow w cSAQ o 3 w o d m 3 m W O b d O N SA c N O O h N td > N Qa O O O N N S o V 2 MO U O tS d o c y 3 g and o .wS - d m n �z w.o m� c`o'o �a o U o m o o '2 '� _ o .per c0 =ow >� �Ln'« 6 T m t Ln t w a,c � o� crw'Ci ffi 3 d E d SE o SEE 3tE D. oL C-34 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® " ' C.,tght@2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awsed by H®Ih¢Van Cm,(Rvdme Oo,dwood om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[d6N=b6*1008170S801 jm 15, fDO oc s AM(PET)pucrvant to ( I ( I,®xeA,,m,m,AOIcC Nofth,,,odoSmo,,,o�t,,, od,S,00zbyany ,dpartyo,Axmbm®authoNsd ANYVNAVTHORIVED RBPROD VCIION ORDItl RIBVTION LEA VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSEAGREEMENT.AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIESTHERBUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY U Wall = Area -weighted average U-value of all above -grade wall assemblies UAV = Sum of the (UA Proposed) values for each vertical glazing assembly UV = UAV/total vertical glazing area Where the proposed skylight area is less than or equal to the skylight area allowed by Section C402 4 1, the value of E (Excess Skylight Value) shall be zero Otherwise E _ (EA x US) - (EA x U Roof), but not less than zero EA = (Proposed Skylight Area) - (Allowable Skylight Area as specified in Section C402 4 1) U Roof = Area -weighted average U-value of all roof assemblies UAS = Sum of the (UA Proposed) values for each skylight assembly US = UAS/total skylight area C402.2 Specific building thermal envelope insulation requirements (Prescriptive). Insulation in building thermal envelope opaque assemblies shall comply with Sections C402 2 1 through C402 2 7 and Table C402 13 C402.2.1 Roof assembly. The minimum thermal resis- tance (R-value) of the insulating material installed either between the roof framing or continuously on the roof assembly shall be as specified in Table C402 1 3, based on construction materials used in the roof assembly Insula- tion installed on a suspended ceiling having removable ceiling tiles shall not be considered as part of the mini- mum thermal resistance of the roof insulation Continuous insulation board shall be installed in not less than 2 layers and the edge joints between each layer of insulation shall be staggered Exceptions: 1 Continuously insulated roof assemblies where the thickness of insulation varies 1 inch (25 mm) or less and where the area -weighted U-factor is equivalent to the same assembly with the R-value specified in Table C402 1 3 2 Where tapered insulation is used with insulation entirely above deck, the R-value where the insu- lation thickness varies 1 inch (25 mm) or less from the mimmum thickness of tapered insula- tion shall comply with the R-value specified in Table C402 13 3 Two layers of insulation are not required where insulation tapers to the roof deck, such as at roof drams C402.2.1.1 Skylight curbs. Skylight curbs shall be insulated to the level of roofs with insulation entirely above the deck or R-5, wluchever is less Exception: Unit skylight curbs included as a com- ponent of a skylight listed and labeled in accordance with NFRC 100 shall not be required to be insulated C402.2.2 Above -grade walls. The minimum thermal resistance (R-value) of materials installed in the wall cav- ity between framing members and continuously on the walls shall be as specified in Table C402 1 3, based on framing type and construction materials used in the wall assembly The R-value of integral insulation installed in concrete masonry units shall not be used in detennming compliance with Table C40213 except as otherwise noted in the table In detennmmg compliance with Table C4021 4, the use of the U-factor of concrete masonry units with integral insulation shall be permitted "Mass walls" where used as a component in the ther- mal envelope of a building shall comply with one of the following 1 Weigh not less than 35 pounds per square foot (171 kg/m') of wall surface area 2 Weigh not less than 25 pounds per square foot (122 kg/m') of wall surface area where the material weight is not more than 120 pcf (1900 kg/m') 3 Have a heat capacity exceeding 7 Btu/ft' • 'F (144 kJ/m'•I) 4 Have a heat capacity exceeding 5 Btu/ft'• 'F (103 kJ/m' • 1), where the material weight is not more than 120 pcf (1900 kg/m') C402.2.3 Floors. The thermal properties (component R- values or assembly U-, C- or F-factors) of floor assemblies over outdoor air or unconditioned space shall be as speci- fied in Table C402 1 3 or C402 1 4 based on the construc- tion materials used in the floor assembly Floor framing cavity insulation or structural slab insulation shall be installed to maintain permanent contact with the underside of the subfloor decking or structural slabs "Mass floors" where used as a component of the ther- mal envelope of a building shall provide one of the follow- ing weights 1 35 pounds per square foot (171 kg/m') of floor sur- face area 2 25 pounds per square foot (122 kg/m') of floor sur- face area where the material weight is not more than 120 pounds per cubic foot (1923 kg/m') Exceptions: 1 The floor framing cavity insulation or structural slab insulation shall be permitted to be in contact with the top side of sheathing or continuous insu- lation installed on the bottom side of floor assem- blies where combined with insulation that meets or exceeds the minimum R-value in Table C402 1 3 for "Metal framed" or "Wood framed and other" values for "Walls, Above Grade" and extends from the bottom to the top of all perime- ter floor framing or floor assembly members 2 Insulation applied to the underside of concrete floor slabs shall be permitted an airspace of not more than 1 inch (25 mm) where it turns up and is in contact with the underside of the floor under walls associated with the building thermal enve- lope. C402.2.4 Slabs -on -grade perimeter insulation. Where the slab on grade is in contact with the ground, the mmi- mum thermal resistance (R-value) of the insulation around the perimeter of unheated or heated slab -on -grade floors 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-35 I 1 1 1 CALFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dv od om).(Qtyof PnmdNmod)O,do,N=b¢*1008170S801 JM 15. Z.mo oc s AM (PET) tto ( Lie Affiee^® Rt,ICC NofwN¢[TAodomo,,m AtO,Pepeodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdm6o d Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg LARISAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY designed in accordance with the R-value method of Sec- tion C402 1 3 shall be as specified in Table C402 13 The perimeter insulation shall be placed on the outside of the foundation or on the inside of the foundation wall The perimeter insulation shall extend downward from the top of the slab for the mimmum distance shown in the table or to the top of the footing, whichever is less, or downward to not less than the bottom of the slab and then horizontally to the interior or exterior for the total distance shown in the table Insulation extending away from the building shall be protected by pavement or by not less than of 10 inches (254 mm) of soil Exception: Where the slab -on -grade floor is greater than 24 inches (61 mm) below the finished exterior grade, perimeter insulation is not required C402.2.5 Below -grade walls. The C-factor for the below - grade exterior walls shall be in accordance with Table C402 1 4 The R-value of the insulating material installed continuously within or on the below -grade exterior walls of the building envelope shall be in accordance with Table C402 1 3 The C-factor or R-value required shall extend to a depth of not less than 10 feet (3048 mm) below the out- side finished ground level, or to the level of the lowest floor of the conditioned space enclosed by the below - grade wall, whichever is less C402.2.6Insulatiion of radiant heating systems. Radi- ant healing system panels, and their associated compo- nents that are installed in interior or exterior assemblies shall be insulated to an R-value of not less than R-3 5 on all surfaces not facing the space being heated Radiant healing system panels that are installed in the building thermal envelope shall be separated from the exterior of the building or unconditioned or exempt spaces by not less than the R-value of insulation installed in the opaque assembly in which they are installed or the assembly shall comply with Section C402 1 4 Exception: Heated slabs on grade insulated in accor- dance with Section C402 2 4 C402.2.7 Airspaces. Where the thermal properties of air- spaces are used to comply with this code in accordance with Section C401 2, such airspaces shall be enclosed in an unventilated cavity constructed to minimize airflow into and out of the enclosed airspace Airflow shall be deemed minimized where the enclosed airspace is located on the interior side of the continuous air barrier and is bounded on all sides by building components Exception: The thermal resistance of airspaces located on the exterior side of the continuous au barrier and adja- cent to and behind the exterior wall -covering material shall be determined in accordance with ASTM C1363 modified with an airflow entering the bottom and exit- ing the top of the airspace at an au movement rate of not less than 70 mm/second C402.3 Roof solar reflectance and thermal emittance. Low -sloped roofs directly above cooled conditioned spaces in Climate Zones 1, 2 and 3 shall comply with one or more of the options in Table C402 3 Exceptions: The following roofs and portions of roofs are exempt from the requirements of Table C402 3 1 Portions of the roof that include or are covered by the following 1 1 Photovoltaic systems or components 1 2 Solar air or water -heating systems or compo- nents 1 3 Roof gardens or landscaped roofs 1 4 Above -roof decks or walkways 15 Skylights 1 6 HVAC systems and components, and other opaque objects mounted above the roof 2 Portions of the roof shaded during the peak sun angle on the summer solstice by permanent features of the bwldmg or by permanent features of adjacent buildings 3 Portions of roofs that are ballasted with a minnnurn stone ballast of 17 pounds per square foot [74 kg/m'] or 23 psf [117 kg/m'] pavers 4 Roofs where not less than 75 percent of the roof area complies with one or more of the exceptions to this section C402.3.1 Aged roof solar reflectance. Where an aged solar reflectance required by Section C402 3 is not available, it shall be determined in accordance with Equation 4-3 R,ed = [0 2 + 0 7(R,,,.,, - 0 2)] (Equation 4-3) where R,ed = The aged solar reflectance R. , = The initial solar reflectance determined in accordance with CRRC-S100 C402.4 Fenestration (Prescriptive). Fenestration shall com- ply with Sections C402 4 1 through C402 4 5 and Table C402 4 Daylight responsive controls shall comply with this section and Section C405 2 3 1 C402.4.1 Maximum area. The vertical fenestration area, not including opaque doors and opaque spandrel panels, shall be not greater than 30 percent of the gross above -grade wall area The skylight area shall be not greater than 3 percent of the gross roof area C402.4.1.1 Increased vertical fenestration area with daylight responsive controls. In Climate Zones 1 through 6, not more than 40 percent of the gross above - grade wall area shall be vertical fenestration, provided that all of the following requirements are met 1 In buildings not greater than two stories above grade, not less than 50 percent of the net floor area is within a daylight zone. C-36 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ( Ifirill 1 1 UER Copyright Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dv od om).(Qtyof PnmdNmod) O,do, N=b¢*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 06 s AM (PET) mtto ( I 1, Ag,'^Rt, ICC No otths TAodomoo. m Athsodomo- by any Ot party o, AAmboemamhoossd Mgle —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C402.3 MINIMUM ROOF REFLECTANCE AND EMITTANCE OPTIONS' Three -year -aged solar reflectance index° of 55 and 3-year aged thermal earittance` of 0 75 Three -year -aged solar reflectance index' of 64 a The use of area -weighted averages to comply with these requirements shall be permitted Materials lacking 3-year-aged tested values for either solar reflectance or thermal emittance shall be assigned both a 3-year-aged solar reflectance in accordance with Section C4023 1 and a 3-year-aged thermal emittance of 0 90 b Aged solar reflectance tested in accordance with ASTM C1549, ASTM E903 or ASTM E1918 or CRRC-S100 c Aged thermal emittance tested in accordance with ASTM C1371 or ASTM E408 or CRRC-S100 d Solar reflectance index (SRI) shall be determined in accordance with ASTM E1980 using a convection coefficient of 21 Btu/h • IF -OF (12W/m' • K) Calculation of aged SRI shall be based on aged tested values of solar reflectance and thermal emittance TABLE C402.4 BUILDING ENVELOPE FENESTRATION MAXIMUM U-FACTOR AND SHGC REQUIREMENTS CLIMATE ZONE 1 2 3 4EXCEPT MARINE SAND MARINE4 8 7 8 Vertical fenestration U-factor Fixed fenestration 050 050 046 038 038 036 029 029 Operable fenestration 065 065 060 045 045 043 037 037 Entrance doors 1 10 083 077 077 077 077 077 077 SHGC Onentation' SEW N SEW N SEW N SEW N SEW N SEW N SEW N SEW N PF<02 025 033 025 033 025 033 036 048 038 051 040 053 045 NR 045 N 02<PF<05 030 037 030 037 030 037 043 053 046 056 048 058 NR NR NR NR PF>_05 040 1 040 040 040 040 040 058 058 061 061 064 064 NR NR NR NR Skylights U-factor 075 065 055 050 050 050 050 050 SHGC 035 035 035 040 040 040 NR NR NR = No Requirement, PF = Projection Factor a "N' indicates vertical fenestration oriented within 45 degrees of true north "SEW" indicates orientations other than "N" For buildings in the southern hemisphere, reverse south and north Buildings located at less than 23 5 degrees latitude shall use SEW for all orientations 2 In buildings three or more stories above grade, not less than 25 percent of the net floor area is within a daylight zone. 3 Daylight responsive controls complying with Section C405 2 3 1 are installed in daylight zones. 4 Visible transmittance (VT) of vertical fenestra- tion is not less than 1 1 times solar heat gam coef- ficient (SHGC) Exception: Fenestration that is outside the scope of NFRC 200 is not required to comply with Item 4 C402.4.1.2 Increased skylight area with daylight responsive controls. The skylight area shall be not more than 6 percent of the roof area provided that daylight responsive controls complying with Section C405 2 3 1 are installed in topht zones C402.4.2 Minimum skylight fenestration area. In an enclosed space greater than 2,500 square feet (232 m2) in floor area, directly under a roof with not less than 75 per- cent of the ceiling area with a ceiling height greater than 15 feet (4572 mm), and used as an office, lobby, atrium, concourse, corridor, storage space, gymnasium/exercise center, convention center, automotive service area, space where manufacturing occurs, nonrefrigerated warehouse, retail store, distribution/sorting area, transportation depot or workshop, the total topht daylight zone shall be not less than half the floor area and shall provide one of the fol- lowing 1 A minimum skylight area to topht daylight zone of not less than 3 percent where all skylights have a VT of not less than 0 40 as determined in accordance with Section C303 1 3 2 A mimmum skylight effective aperture of not less than 1 percent, determined in accordance with Equa- tion 4-4 Skylight Effective Aperture = 0 85 x Skvlieht Area x Skvlieht VT x WF Toplit Zone (Equation 4-4) where Skylight area = Total fenestration area of skylights Skylight VT = Area weighted average visible transmittance of skylights WF = Area weighted average well factor, where well factor is 0 9 if light well depth is less than 2 feet (610 fom), or 0 7 if light well depth is 2 feet (610 mm) or greater 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-37 I 1 1 1 Co LFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED AwLDd by H®Ih¢ Of, Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNOood)O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, 2MO oc s AM (PET) t to ( Lie Affiee^®Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomo,,mAtO,Pepeodomo,o by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo¢ odympyncg and,yodwg LooLOSAd ANY UNEARTHED RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY Light well depth = Measure vertically from the underside of the lowest point of the skylight glazing to the ceiling plane under the skylight Exception: Skylights above daylight zones of enclosed spaces are not required in 1 Buildings in Climate Zones 6 through 8 2 Spaces where the designed general lighting power densities are less than 0 5 W/ft'(5 4 W/m) 3 Areas where it is documented that existing struc- tures or natural objects block direct beam sun- light on not less than half of the roof over the enclosed area for more than 1,500 daytime hours per year between 8 a in and 4 p in 4 Spaces where the daylight zone under rooftop monitors is greater than 50 percent of the enclosed space floor area 5 Spaces where the total area minus the area of sidelight daylight zones is less than 2,500 square feet (232 m), and where the lighting is controlled in accordance with Section C405 2 3 C402.4.2.1 Lighting controls in toplit daylight zones. Daylight responsive controls complying with Section C405 2 3 1 shall be provided to control all electric lights within topht zones C402.4.2.2 Haze factor. Skylights in office, storage, automotive service, manufacturing, nonrefrigerated warehouse, retail store and distribution/sorting area spaces shall have a glazing material or diffuser with a haze factor greater than 90 percent when tested in accordance with ASTM D1003 Exception: Skylights designed and installed to exclude direct sunlight entering the occupied space by the use of fixed or automated baffles or the geometry of skylight and light well C402.4.3 Maximum U-factor and SHGC. The maxi- mum U-factor and solar heat gam coefficient (SHGC) for fenestration shall be as specified in Table C402 4 The window projection factor shall be determined in accordance with Equation 4-5 PF = A/B (Equation 4-5) where PF— Projection factor (decimal) A = Distance measured horizontally from the farthest continuous extremity of any overhang, eave or permanently attached shading device to the vertical surface of the glazing B = Distance measured vertically from the bottom of the glazing to the underside of the overhang, eave or permanently attached shading device Where different windows or glass doors have different PF values, they shall each be evaluated separately C402.4.3.1 Increased skylight SHGC. In Climate Zones 1 through 6, skylights shall be permitted a maxi- mum SHGC of 0 60 where located above daylight zones provided with daylight responsive controls C402.4.3.2 Increased skylight U-factor. Where sky- lights are installed above daylight zones provided with daylight responsive controls, a maximum U-factor of 0 9 shall be permitted in Climate Zones 1 through 3 and a maximum U-factor of 0 75 shall be permitted in Cli- mate Zones 4 through 8 C402.4.3.3 Dynamic glazing. Where dynamic glazing is intended to satisfy the SHGC and VT requirements of Table C402 4, the ratio of the higher to lower labeled SHGC shall be greater than or equal to 2 4, and the dynamic glazing shall be automatically controlled to modulate the amount of solar gam into the space in multiple steps Dynamic glazing shall be considered separately from other fenestration, and area -weighted averaging with other fenestration that is not dynamic glazing shall not be permitted Exception: Dynamic glazing is not required to com- ply with this section where both the lower and higher labeled SHGC already comply with the requirements of Table C402 4 C402.4.3.4 Area -weighted U-factor. An area - weighted average shall be permitted to satisfy the U- factor requirements for each fenestration product cate- gory listed in Table C402 4 Individual fenestration products from different fenestration product categories listed in Table C402 4 shall not be combined in calcu- lating area -weighted average U-factor C402.4.4 Daylight zones. Daylight zones referenced in Sections C402 4 1 1 through C402 4 3 2 shall comply with Sections C405 2 3 2 and C405 2 3 3, as applicable Day- light zones shall include toplit zones and sidelit zones C402.4.5 Doors. Opaque swinging doors shall comply with Table C4021 4 Opaque nonswingmg doors shall comply with Table C402 1 3 Opaque doors shall be con- sidered as part of the gross area of above -grade walls that are part of the building thermal envelope Other doors shall comply with the provisions of Section C402 4 3 for vertical fenestration C402.5 Air leakage —thermal envelope (Mandatory). The thermal envelope of buildings shall comply with Sections C402 5 1 through C402 5 8, or the building thermal envelope shall be tested in accordance with ASTM E 779 at a pressure differential of 0 3 inch water gauge (75 Pa) or an equivalent method approved by the code official and deemed to comply with the provisions of this section when the tested air leakage rate of the building thermal envelope is not greater than 0 40 cfm/ft' (2 0 L/s • m) Where compliance is based on such testing, the building shall also comply with Sections C402 5 5, C402 5 6 and C402 5 7 C402.5.1 Air barriers. A continuous air barrier shall be provided throughout the building thermal envelope The au barriers shall be permitted to be located on the inside or outside of the building envelope, located within the assem- blies composing the envelope, or any combination thereof The air barrier shall comply with Sections C402 5 1 1 and C402 5 1 2 Exception: Air barriers are not required in buildings located in Climate Zone 2B C-38 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® rill 1 1 Copyngbt Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rv dme Oo,dA od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) mt to ( I (Ifi1, Ag,'^Rt, ICC No otths TAodomoo. m AtOy odomo- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FED REAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY C402.5.1.1 Air barrier construction. The continuous air barrier shall be constructed to comply with the fol- lowing 1 The air barrier shall be continuous for all assem- blies that are the thermal envelope of the building and across the Ioints and assemblies 2 Air barrier joints and seams shall be sealed, including sealing transitions in places and changes in materials The joints and seals shall be securely installed in or on the joint for its entire length so as not to dislodge, loosen or otherwise impair its ability to resist positive and negative pressure from wind, stack effect and mechanical ventilation 3 Penetrations of the air barrier shall be caulked, gasketed or otherwise sealed in a manner compat- ible with the construction materials and location Sealing shall allow for expansion, contraction and mechanical vibration Joints and seams asso- ciated with penetrations shall be sealed in the same manner or taped Sealing materials shall be securely installed around the penetration so as not to dislodge, loosen or otherwise impair the pene- trations' ability to resist positive and negative pressure from wind, stack effect and mechanical ventilation Sealing of concealed fire sprinklers, where required, shall be in a manner that is rec- ommended by the manufacturer Caulking or other adhesive sealants shall not be used to fill voids between fire sprinkler cover plates and walls or ceilings 4 Recessed lighting fixtures shall comply with Sec- tion C402 5 8 Where similar objects are installed that penetrate the air barrier, provisions shall be made to maintain the integrity of the air barrier C402.5.1.2 Air barrier compliance options. A con- tinuous au barrier for the opaque building envelope shall comply with Section C402 5 1 2 1 or C4025122 C402. Materials. Matenals with an au perme- ability not greater than 0 004 cfm/ft' (0 02 Us • m) under a pressure differential of 0 3 inch water gauge (75 Pa) when tested in accordance with ASTM E2178 shall comply with this section Materials in Items 1 through 16 shall be deemed to comply with this sec- tion, provided that joints are sealed and materials are installed as air barriers in accordance with the manu- facturer's instructions 1 Plywood with a thickness of not less than'/g inch (10 mm) 2 Oriented strand board having a thickness of not less than % inch (10 mm) 3 Extruded polystyrene insulation board having a thickness of not less than'/ inch (12 7 mm) 4 Foil -back polyisocyanurate insulation board having a thickness of not less than '/ inch (12 7 mm) 5 Closed -cell spray foam having a minimum density of 15 pcf (2 4 kg/m') and having a thickness of not less than h/ inches (38 mm) 6 Open -cell spray foam with a density between 0 4 and 1 5 pcf (0 6 and 2 4 kg/m') and having a thickness of not less than 4 5 inches (113 mm) 7 Exterior or interior gypsum board having a thickness of not less than inch (12 7 mm) 8 Cement board having a thickness of not less than'/ inch (12 7 mm) 9 Built-up roofing membrane 10 Modified bituminous roof membrane 11 Fully adhered single -ply roof membrane 12 A Portland cement/sand parge, or gypsum plaster having a thickness of not less than'/A inch (15 9 mm) 13 Cast -in -place and precast concrete 14 Fully grouted concrete block masonry 15 Sheet steel or aluminum 16 Solid or hollow masonry constructed of clay or shale masonry units C402. Assemblies. Assemblies of materials and components with an average air leakage not greater than 0 04 cfm/ft2(0 2 Us • m2) under a pressure differential of 0 3 inch of water gauge (w g )(75 Pa) when tested in accordance with ASTM E2357, ASTM El677 or ASTM E283 shall comply with this section Assemblies listed in Items 1 through 3 shall be deemed to comply, provided that joints are sealed and the requirements of Section C402 5 1 1 are met 1 Concrete masonry walls coated with either one application of block filler or two applica- tions of a paint or sealer coating 2 Masonry walls constructed of clay or shale masonry units with a nominal width of 4 inches (102 mm) or more 3 A Portland cement/sand parge, stucco or plas- ter not less than Yz inch (12 7 mm) in thick- ness C402.5.2 Air leakage of fenestration. The air leakage of fenestration assemblies shall meet the provisions of Table C402 5 2 Testing shall be in accordance with the applica- ble reference test standard in Table C402 5 2 by an accred- ited, independent testing laboratory and labeled by the manufacturer Exceptions: 1 Field -fabricated fenestration assemblies that are sealed in accordance with Section C402 5 1 2 Fenestration in bwldmgs that comply with the testing alternative of Section C402 5 are not required to meet the air leakage requirements in Table C402 5 2 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-39 I 11 1 CITFIghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rvdme Oo,dv odim).(Dtyof PnmdNmod)O,do,N=b¢*1008170S801 JM 15. Z.mo oc s AM (PET) LAt,—tto ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^Rt, ICC NofwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO, goodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdm6o d Mglo—ody oT,,g and Nyodwg LARISAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C402.5.2 MAXIMUM AIR LEAKAGE RATE FOR FENESTRATION ASSEMBLIES FENESTRATION ASSEMBLY MAXIMUM RATE (CFMIFT') TEST PROCEDURE Windows 0 20' Sliding doors 0 20' AAMA/WDMA/ Swinging doors 0 20' CSA101/I S 2/A440 or Skylights — with condensation weepage 030 NFRC 400 openings Skylights — all other 0 20' Curtmn walls 006 NFRC 400 Storefront glaring 006 Commercial glazed swinging entrance 100 doors or ASTM E283 at 1 57 psf (75 Pa) Power -operated sliding doors and power- 100 operated folding doors Revolving doors 100 Garage doors 040 ANSI/DASMA 105, NFRC 400, or Rolling doors 100 ASTM E283 at 1 57 psf (75Pa) High-speed doors 130 For SI 1 cubic foot per minute — 0 47 L/s, 1 square foot= 0 093 m' a The maximum rate for windows, sliding and swmgmg doors, and skylights is petitioned to be 0 3 cfm per square foot of fenestration or door area when tested in accordance with AAMA/WDMA/CSA101/1 S 2/A440 at 6 24 psf (300 Pa) C402.5.3 Rooms containing fuel -burning appliances. In Climate Zones 3 through 8, where combustion air is sup- plied through openings in an exterior wall to a room or space containing a space -conditioning fuel -burning appli- ance, one of the following shall apply 1 The room or space containing the appliance shall be located outside of the builckng thermal envelope 2 The room or space containing the appliance shall be enclosed and isolated from conditioned spaces in- side the building thermal envelope Such rooms shall comply with all of the following 21 The walls, floors and ceilings that separate the enclosed room or space from conditioned spaces shall be insulated to be not less than equivalent to the insulation requirement of below -grade walls as specified in Table C402 13 or C402 1 4 22 The walls, floors and ceilings that separate the enclosed room or space from conditioned spaces shall be sealed in accordance with Section C402 5 1 1 23 The doors into the enclosed room or space shall be shall be fully gasketed 24 Water Imes and ducts in the enclosed room or space shall be insulated in accordance with Section C403 25 Where an air duct supplying combustion air to the enclosed room or space passes through conditioned space, the duct shall be insu- lated to an R-value of not less than R-8 Exception: Fireplaces and stoves complying with Sec- tions 901 through 905 of the International Mechanical Code, and Section 2111 14 of the International Build- ing Code C402.5.4 Doors and access openings to shafts, chutes, stairways and elevator lobbies. Doors and access open- ings from conditioned space to shafts, chutes stairways and elevator lobbies not within the scope of the fenestra- tion assemblies covered by Section C402 5 2 shall be gas- keted, weatherstripped or sealed Exceptions: 1 Door openings required to comply with Section 716 of the International Building Code. 2 Doors and door openings required to comply with UL 1784 by the International Building Code. C402.5.5 Air intakes, exhaust openings, stairways and shafts. Stairway enclosures, elevator shaft vents and other outdoor air intakes and exhaust openings integral to the building envelope shall be provided with dampers in accordance with Section C403 7 7 C402.5.6 Loading dock weatherseals. Cargo door open- ings and loading door openings shall be equipped with weatherseals that restrict infiltration and provide direct contact along the top and sides of vehicles that are parked in the doorway C402.5.7 Vestibules. Building entrances shall be protected with an enclosed vestibule, with all doors opening into and out of the vestibule equipped with self -closing devices Vesti- bules shall be designed so that in passing through the vesti- bule it is not necessary for the interior and exterior doors to open at the same time The installation of one or more revolving doors in the building entrance shall not eliminate the requirement that a vestibule be provided on any doors adjacent to revolving doors Exceptions: Vestibules are not required for the follow - mg 1 Buildings in Climate Zones 1 and 2 2 Doors not intended to be used by the public, such as doors to mechanical or electrical equip- ment rooms, or intended solely for employee use 3 Doors opening directly from a sleeping unit or dwelling unit 4 Doors that open directly from a space less than 3,000 square feet (298 m) in area 5 Revolving doors 6 Doors used primarily to facilitate veh cular movement or material handling and adjacent per- sonnel doors 7 Doors that have an air curtain with a velocity of not less than 6 56 feet per second (2 m/s) at the floor that have been tested in accordance with ANSI/AMCA 220 and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions Manual or C-40 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® rill 1 1 UER Copyright Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod) O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (GET) Mt,mmt to ( I (Ifi1, Ag,e^ '^Rt, ICC No o tths TAodomoam At y goodomo- by any Ot Party o[ Axmboemdmho[vsd Mgle—o,IA oTVcg and Nyodwg GMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY automatic controls shall be provided that will operate the air curtain with the opening and clos- ing of the door Air curtains and their controls shall comply with Section C408 2 3 C402.5.8 Recessed lighting. Recessed luminaires installed in the building thermal envelope shall be all of the following 1 IC -rated 2 Labeled as having an air leakage rate of not more 2 0 cfin (0944 L/s) when tested in accordance with ASTM E283 at a 157 psf (75 Pa) pressure differen- tial 3 Sealed with a gasket or caulk between the housing and interior wall or ceiling covering SECTION C403 BUILDING MECHANICAL SYSTEMS C403.1 General. Mechanical systems and equipment serving Ithe bwldmg heating, cooling, ventilating or refrigerating needs shall comply with this section C403.1.1 Calculation of heating and cooling loads. Design loads associated with heating, ventilating and air conditioning of the building shall be determined in accor- dance with ANSUASHRAE/ACCA Standard 183 or by an approved equivalent computational procedure using the design parameters specified in Chapter 3 Heating and cooling loads shall be adjusted to account for load reduc- tions that are achieved where energy recovery systems are utilized in the HVAC system in accordance with the ASHRAE HVAC Systems and Equipment Handbook by an approved equivalent computational procedure C403.2 System design (Mandatory). Mechanical systems shall be designed to comply with Sections C403 2 1 and C403 2 2 Where elements of a building's mechanical sys- tems are addressed in Sections C403 3 through C403 12, such elements shall comply with the applicable provisions of those sections C403.2.1 Zone isolation required (Mandatory). HVAC systems serving zones that are over 25,000 square feet (2323 m') in floor area or that span more than one floor and are designed to operate or be occupied nonsimultane- ously shall be divided into isolation areas Each isolation area shall be equipped with isolation devices and controls configured to automatically shut off the supply of condi- tioned air and outdoor air to and exhaust air from the isola- tion area Each isolation area shall be controlled independently by a device meeting the requirements of Section C403 4 2 2 Central systems and plants shall be provided with controls and devices that will allow system and equipment operation for any length of time while serv- ing only the smallest isolation area served by the system or plant Exceptions: 1 Exhaust air and outdoor air connections to isola- tion areas where the fan system to which they connect is not greater than 5,000 cfm (2360 L/s) 2 Exhaust airflow from a single isolation area of less than 10 percent of the design airflow of the exhaust system to which it connects 3 Isolation areas intended to operate continuously or intended to be inoperative only when all other isolation areas in a zone are inoperative C403.2.2 Ventilation (Mandatory). Ventilation, either natural or mechanical, shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 4 of the International Mechanical Code Where mechanical ventilation is provided, the system shall provide the capability to reduce the outdoor air sup- ply to the mimmurn required by Chapter 4 of the Interna- honal Mechanical Code C403.3 Heating and cooling equipment efficiencies (Man- datory). Heating and cooling equipment installed in mechan- ical systems shall be sized in accordance with Section C403 3 1 and shall be not less efficient in the use of energy than as specified in Section C403 3 2 C403.3.1 Equipment sizing (Mandatory). The output capacity of heating and cooling equipment shall be not greater than that of the smallest available equipment size that exceeds the loads calculated in accordance with Sec- tion C403 1 1 A single piece of equipment providing both heating and cooling shall satisfy this provision for one function with the capacity for the other function as small as possible, within available equipment options Exceptions: 1 Required standby equipment and systems pro- vided with controls and devices that allow such systems or equipment to operate automatically only when the primary equipment is not operat- ing 2 Multiple units of the same equipment type with combined capacities exceeding the design load and provided with controls that are configured to sequence the operation of each unit based on load C403.3.2 HVAC equipment performance requirements (Mandatory). Equipment shall meet the minimum effi- ciency requirements of Tables C403 3 2(1) through C403 3 2(9) when tested and rated in accordance with the applicable test procedure Plate -type liquid -to -liquid heat exchangers shall meet the minimum requirements of Table C403 3 2(10) The efficiency shall be verified through cer- tification under an approved certification program or, where a certification program does not exist, the equip- ment efficiency ratings shall be supported by data fur- nished by the manufacturer Where multiple rating conditions or performance requirements are provided, the equipment shall satisfy all stated requirements Where components, such as indoor or outdoor coils, from differ- ent manufacturers are used, calculations and supporting data shall be furnished by the designer that demonstrates that the combined efficiency of the specified components meets the requirements herein C403.3.2.1 Water-cooled centrifugal chilling pack- ages (Mandatory). Equipment not designed for opera- tion at AHRI Standard 550/590 test conditions of 44°F 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-41 I l l I CALFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dv od om),(Qtyof PnmdNmod) O,do, N=b¢ x1 008170S801 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) tto ( Lie Affiee^® Rt,ICC NofwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO,Pepeodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdm6o d Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg LARISAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY (7'C) leaving chilled -water temperature and 2 4 gpm/ ton evaporator fluid flow and 85'F (29'C) entering condenser water temperature with 3 gpm/ton (0 054 I/s • kW) condenser water flow shall have maximum full - load kW/ton (FL) and part -load ratings requirements adjusted using Equations 4-6 and 4-7 FLS,, =FLAK, (Equation 4-6) PLV1, —1PLV/KGCI, (Equation 4-7) where K,, = AxB FL = Full -load kW/ton value as specified in Table C403 3 2(7) FL601 = Maximum full -load kW/ton rating, adjusted for nonstandard conditions IPLV = Value as specified in Table C403 3 2(7) PLV" = Maximum NPLV rating adjusted for nonstandard conditions A = 0 00000014592 x (LIFT)4 0 0000346496 x (LIFT)' + 000314196 x (LIFT)' — 0 147199 x (LIFT) + 3 9302 B = 0 0015 x LzEI,aP + 0 934 LIFT = LvgCond—LgE, LvgCond = Full -load condenser leaving fluid temperature (OF) LygEy, = Full -load evaporator leaving temperature (OF) The FL., and PLV,, values are only applicable for centrifugal chillers meeting all of the following full - load design ranges 1 Minimum evaporator leaving temperature 360F 2 Maximum condenser leaving temperature 1150F 3 20OF <LIFT <80OF C403.3.2.2 Positive displacement (air- and water- cooled) chilling packages. Equipment with a leaving fluid temperature higher than 320F (0°C) and water- cooled positive displacement chilling packages with a condenser leaving fluid temperature below 1150F (46°C) shall meet the requirements of Table C403 3 2(7) when tested or certified with water at standard rating condi- tions, in accordance with the referenced test procedure C403.3.3 Hot gas bypass limitation. Cooling systems shall not use hot gas bypass or other evaporator pressure control systems unless the system is designed with multi- ple steps of unloading or continuous capacity modulation The capacity of the hot gas bypass shall be limited as mdi- cated in Table C403 3 3, as limited by Section C403 5 1 TABLE C403.3.3 MAXIMUM HOT GAS BYPASS CAPACITY RATED CAPACITY MAXIMUM HOT GAS BYPASS CAPACITY (% of total capacity) < 240,000 Btu/h 50 > 240,000 Birth 25 For SI 1 British thermal unit per hour = 0 2931 W C403.3.4 Boiler turndown. Boiler systems with design input of greater than 1,000,000 Btu/h (293 kW) shall com- ply with the turndown ratio specified in Table C403 3 4 The system turndown requirement shall be met through the use of multiple single -input boilers, one or more modu- lating boilers or a combination of smgle-mput and modu- lating boilers TABLE C403.3.4 BOILER TURNDOWN BOILER SYSTEM DESIGN INPUT (Btulh) MINIMUM TURNDOWN RATIO z 1,000,000 and less titan or equal to 5,000,000 3 to 1 > 5,000,000 and less than or equal to 10,000,000 4 to 1 > 10,000,000 5 to 1 For SI 1 British thermal unit per hour= 0 2931 W C403.4 Heating and cooling system controls (Mandatory). Each heating and cooling system shall be provided with con- trols in accordance with Sections C403 4 1 through C403 4 5 C403.4.1 Thermostatic controls (Mandatory). The supply of heating and cooling energy to each zone shall be controlled by individual thermostatic controls capable of responding to temperature within the zone Where humidification or dehu- midification or both is provided, not fewer than one humidity control device shall be provided for each humidity control system Exception: Independent perimeter systems that are designed to offset only building envelope heat losses, gains or both serving one or more perimeter zones also served by an interior system provided that both of the following conditions are met 1 The perimeter system includes not fewer than one thermostatic control zone for each building expo- sure having exterior walls facing only one orien- tation (within ± 45 degrees) (0 8 rad) for more than 50 contiguous feet (15 240 mm) 2 The perimeter system heating and cooling supply is controlled by thermostats located within the zones served by the system C403.4.1.1 Heat pump supplementary heat (Manda- tory). Heat pumps having supplementary electric resis- tance heat shall have controls that, except during defrost, prevent supplementary heat operation where the heat pump can provide the heating load I a. C-42 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® rill 1 1 UER Copyngbt Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rv dme Oo,dA od om),(DO, of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) LAOmoOt to ( I (Ifi1, Ag,'^Rt, ICC No L OM, TAodomo,, oALtIty odomo- by any Ot Party o, AAmboe®aa6oAvsd Mgle —ot✓D mpyncg and Nyodwg L-IRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM EM. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C403.3.2(1) MINIMUM EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS: ELECTRICALLY OPERATED UNITARY AIR CONDITIONERS AND CONDENSING UNITS EQUIPMENT TYPE SIZE CATEGORY HEATING SECTION TYPE SUBCATEGORY OR RATING CONDITION MINIMUM EFFICIENCY TEST PROCEDURE Air conditioners, air cooled < 65,000 BtuN A41l Split System 13 0 SEER Single Package 14 0 SEER Through -the -wall air cooled g ( ) < 30,000 BtuN A411 Split system 12 0 SEER AHRI 210/240 Single Package 12 0 SEER Small -duct high -velocity (air cooled) < 65,000 BtLiN All Split System 11 0 SEER Electric Resistance Split System and 11 2 EER >_ 65,000 Btu/h and (or None) Single Package 12 8 IEER < 135,000 Btu/h All other Split System and Single Package 11 0 EER 12 6 IEER Electric Resistance Split System and 11 0 EER > 135,000 Btu/h and (or None) Single Package 12 4IEER Air conditioners, air cooled < 240,000 Btu/h AHRI 340/360 All other Split System and Single Package 10 8 EER 12 2 IEER Electric Resistance Split System and 10 0 EER > 240,000 Btu/h and (or None) Single Package 11 6 IEER < 760,000 Btu/h All other Split System and Single Package 9 8 EER 11 4 IEER Electric Resistance Split System and 9 7 EER >_ 760,000 Btu/h (or None) Single Package 11 2 IEER All other Split System and Single Package 9 5 EER 11 0 IEER < 65,000 Btu/h° All Split System and Single Package 12 1 EER 12 3 IEER AHRI 210/240 Electric Resistance Split System and 12 1 EER >_ 65,000 Btu/h and (or None) Single Package 13 9 IEER < 135,000 Btu/h All other Split System and Single Package 11 9 EER 13 7 IEER Electric Resistance Split System and 12 5 EER > 135,000 Btu/h and (or None) Single Package 13 9 IEER Air conditioners, water cooled < 240,000 Btu/h AHRI All other Split System and Single Package 12 3 EER 13 7 IEER 340/360 Electric Resistance Split System and 12 4 EER > 240,000 Btu/h and (or None) Single Package 13 6 IEER < 760,000 Btu/h All other Split System and Single Package 12 2 EER 13 4 IEER Electric Resistance Split System and 12 2 EER >_ 760,000 Btu/h (or None) Single Package 13 5 IEER All other Split System and Single Package 12 0 EER 13 3 IEER (continued) 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-43 I " ' CITFIght @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmT(Rv dme Oo,dT od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM(PET)puTrvant to ( LET Affiee^® At, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO,Tepeodomo- by any Ot Party oT ATmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg LMARISed ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISTRIBUTIO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C403.3.2111—continued MINIMUM EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS: ELECTRICALLY OPERATED UNITARY AIR CONDITIONERS AND CONDENSING UNITS EQUIPMENT TYPE SIZE CATEGORY HEATING SUB -CATEGORY OR MINIMUM TEST SECTION TYPE RATING CONDITION EFFICIENCY PROCEDURE' < 65,000 Btu/hh All Split System and 12 1 EER AHRI Single Package 12 3 IEER 210/240 Electric Resistance Split System and 12 1 EER >_ 65,000 Btu/h and (or None) Single Package 12 3 IEER < 135,000 Btu/h Split System and 11 9 EER All other Single Package 12 1 IEER Electric Resistance Split System and 12 0 EER > 135,000 Btu/h and (or None) Single Package 12 2 IEER Air conditioners, < 240,000 Btu/h Split System and 11 8 EER evaporatively cooled All other Single Package 12 0 IEER AHRI 340/360 Electric Resistance Split System and 11 9 EER > 240,000 Btu/h and (or None) Single Package 12 1 IEER < 760,000 Btu/h Split System and 11 7 EER All other Single Package 11 9 IEER Electric Resistance Split System and 11 7 EER (or None) Single Package 11 9 IEER >_ 760,000 Btu/h All other Split System and 11 5 EER Single Package 11 7 IEER Condensing units, air cooled >_ 135,000 Btu/h 10 5 EER 11 8 IEER Condensing units, water >— 135,000 Btu/h 13 5 EER AHRI cooled 14 0 IEER 365 Condensing units, > 135,000 Btu/h 13 5 EER evaporatively cooled 14 0 IEER For SI 1 British thermal unit per hour= 0 2931 W a Chapter 6 contains a complete specification of the referenced test procedure, including the reference year version of the test procedure b Single-phase, air-cooled air conditioners less than 65,000 Btu/h are regulated by NAECA SEER values are those set by NAECA C-44 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® " ' Copyaght Oo 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dwood om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, Nomb,,*10081vwS8 01JM 15, m0 06 s AM (PET) mt to ( I (IFTER 1, Ag,'^Rt, ICC Nootths TAodomoam Athsodomo-by any Ot Party o[Axmboemdmho[vsd Mglo— o,IAo, and Nyodwg GMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER RBPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIBVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11AND THE LICENSE A G RB BM ENT. AND R OJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C403.3.2(2) MINIMUM EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS: ELECTRICALLY OPERATED UNITARY AND APPLIED HEAT PUMPS EQUIPMENT TYPE SIZE CATEGORY HEATING SECTION TYPE SUBCATEGORY OR RATING CONDITION MINIMUM EFFICIENCY TEST PROCEDURE' Split System 14 0 SEER Air cooled (cooling mode) < 65,000 BtLiN All Single Package 14 0 SEER Split System 12 0 SEER AHRI Through -the -wall, air cooled < 30,000 Btu/hb All 210/240 Single Package 12 0 SEER Single -duct lugh-velocity air cooled < 65,000 BtLiN All Split System 11 0 SEER Electric Resistance Split System and 11 0 EER >_ 65,000 Btu/h and (or None) Single Package 12 0 IEER < 135,000 Btu/h Split System and 10 8 EER All other Single Package 11 8 IEER Electric Resistance Split System and 10 6 EER > 135,000 Btu/h and (or None) Single Package 11 6 IEER AHRI Air cooled (cooking mode) < 240,000 Btu/h 340/360 Split System and 10 4 EER All other Single Package 11 4 IEER Electric Resistance Split System and 9 5 EER (or None) Single Package 10 6 IEER z 240,000 Btu/h Split System and 9 3 EER All other Single Package 9 4 IEER < 17,000 Btu/h All 86'F entering water 12 2 EER Water to Air Water Loop ISO 13256-1 >_ 17,000 Btu/h and < 65,000 Btu/h All 86°F entering water 13 0 EER (cooling mode) >_ 65,000 Btu/h and All 86'F entering water 13 0 EER < 135,000 Btu/h Water to Air Ground Water < 135,000 Btu/h All 59'F entering water 18 0 EER ISO 13256-1 (cooling mode) Brine to Air Ground Loop < 135,000 Btu/h All 7717 entering water 141 EER ISO 13256-1 (cooling mode) Water to Water Water Loop (cooling mode) < 135,000 Btu/h All 86'F entering water 10 6 EER Water to Water Ground Water < 135,000 Btu/h All 59'F entering water 16 3 EER ISO 13256-2 (cooling mode) Brine to Water Ground Loop < 135,000 Btu/h All 7717 entering fluid 12 1 EER (cooling mode) (continued) 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-45 I " ' Co LFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv O,,e pooch od om),(Dt, of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) mt to ( Lie Affiee^® At, ICC No fwN¢ [,Aodomoo. m AtOo, gAodomo,, by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd M glo— ody mpyncg and ,yodwgp,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISTRIBUTIO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C403.3.2121—continued MINIMUM EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS: ELECTRICALLY OPERATED UNITARY AND APPLIED HEAT PUMPS EQUIPMENT TYPE SIZE CATEGORY HEATING SECTION TYPE SUBCATEGORY OR RATING CONDITION MINIMUM EFFICIENCY TEST PROCEDURE' Split System 8 2 HSPF Air cooled (heating mode) < 65,000 BtLiN Single Package 8 0 HSPF Split System 7 4 HSPF AHRI Through -the -wall, (air cooled, < 30,000 BtLiN 210/240 heating mode) (cooling capacity) Single Package 7 4 HSPF Small -duct lugh velocity <65,000 BtLiN Split System 6 8 HSPF (air cooled, heating mode) 470F db/430F wb z 65,000 Btu/h and outdoor au 3 3 COP < 135,000 Btu/h 170F db/l50F wb 2 25 COP (cooking capacity) outdoor au AHRI Air cooled (heating mode) 340/360 z 135,000 Btu/h 470F db/430F wb outdoor air 3 2 COP (cooling capacity) 170F db/l50F wb outdoor air 2 05 COP Water to Air Water Loop < 135,000 Btu/h 68OF entering water 4 3 COP (hearing mode) (cooling capacity) Water to Air Ground Water < 135,000 Btu/h 50°F entering water 3 7 COP ISO 13256-1 (hearing mode) (cooling capacity) Brine to Air Ground Loop < 135,000 Btu/h 320F entering flmd 3 2 COP (hearing mode) (cooling capacity) Water to Water Water Loop < 135,000 Btu/h 68°F entering water 3 7 COP (hearing mode) (cooling capacity) Water to Water Ground Water < 135,000 Btu/h 50°F entering water 3 1 COP ISO 13256-2 (hearing mode) (cooling capacity) Brine to Water Ground Loop < 135,000 Btu/h 320F entering flmd 2 5 COP (hearing mode) (cooling capacity) For SI 1 British thermal umtper hour— 0 2931 W, OC= hoF) - 32]/1 8 a Chapter 6 contains a complete specification of the referenced test procedure, including the reference year version of the test procedure b Single-phase, air-cooled heat pumps less than 65,000 Btu/h are regulated by NAECA SEER and HSPF values are those set by NAECA y C-46 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® " ' Copyaght @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dv od om),(Qty of Ro,dNood) O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 06 s AM (PET) mt to ( I (TIFTER 1, Ag,e^ '^Rt, ICC No otths[TAodomoo. m Aths Tepeodomo- by any Ot Party o[ ATmboemdmho[vsd Mglo —o,IA o,and Nyodwg GMIRIS d ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIBVTION IS VIOLATION 01 THE FED REAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE BM ENT. AND R OJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C403.3.2(3) MINIMUM EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS: ELECTRICALLY OPERATED PACKAGED TERMINAL AIR CONDITIONERS, PACKAGED TERMINAL HEAT PUMPS, SINGLE -PACKAGE VERTICAL AIR CONDITIONERS, SINGLE VERTICAL HEAT PUMPS, ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS AND ROOM AIR -CONDITIONER HEAT PUMPS EQUIPMENT TYPE SIZE CATEGORY (INPUT) SUBCATEGORY OR RATING CONDITION MINIMUM EFFICIENCY TEST PROCEDURE' PTAC (cooling mode) All Capacities 950F db outdoor air 14 0 - (0 300 x Cap/1000) EER new construction PTAC (cooling mode) replacements All Capacities 950F db outdoor air 10 9 - (0 213 x Cap/1000) EER PTHP (cooling mode) All Capacities 950F db outdoor air 14 0 - (0 300 x Cap/1000) EER new construction AHRI PTHP (cooling mode) replacements All Capacities 950F db outdoor air 10 8 - (0 213 x Cap/1000) EER 310/380 PTHP (heating mode) All Capacities 3 2 - (0 026 x Cap/1000) COP new construction PTHP (heating mode) replacements All Capacities 2 9 - (0 026 x Cap/1000) COP < 65,000 Btu/h 950F db/ 750F wb outdoor air 9 0 EER z 65,000 Btu/h and 950F db/ 750F wb outdoor air 8 9 EER SPVAC (cooling mode) < 135,000 Btu/h z 135,000 Btu/h and 950F db/ 750F wb outdoor air 8 6 EER < 240,000 Btu/h AHRI 390 < 65,000 Btu/h 950F db/ 750F wb outdoor air 9 0 EER z 65,000 Btu/h and 95°F db/ 75°F wb outdoor air 8 9 EER SPVHP (cooling mode) < 135,000 Btu/h z 135,000 Btu/h and 950F db/ 750F wb outdoor air 8 6 EER < 240,000 Btu/h < 65,000 Btu/h 470F db/ 430F wb outdoor air 3 0 COP z 65,000 Btu/h and 470F db/ 430F wb outdoor air 3 0 COP SPVHP (heating mode) < 135,000 Btu/h AHRI 390 z 135,000 Btu/h and 470F db/ 750F wb outdoor air 2 9 COP < 240,000 Btu/h < 6,000 Btu/h 11 0 CEER z 6,000 Btu/h and 11 0 CEER < 8,000 Btu/h z 8,000 Btu/h and 10 9 CEER Room air conditioners, < 14,000 Btu/h with louvered sides z 14,000 Btu/h and 10 7 CEER < 20,000 Btu/h z 20,000 Btu/h and 9 4 CEER < 25,000 Btu/h > 25,000 Btu/h 9 0 CEER < 6,000 Btu/h 10 0 CEER z 6,000 Btu/h and 10 0 CEER ANSI/ < 8,000 Btu/h AHAM RAC-1 z 8,000 Btu/h and 9 6 CEER Room air conditioners, < 11,000 Btu/h without louvered sides z 11,000 Btu/h and < 14,000 Btu/h 9 5 CEER z 14,000 Btu/h and 9 3 CEER < 20,000 Btu/h z 20,000 Btu/h 9 4 CEER Room air -conditioner < 20,000 Btu/h 9 8 CEER heat pumps with louvered sides z 20,000 Btu/h 9 3 CEER Room air -conditioner < 14,000 Btu/h 9 3 CEER heat without pumps louvered sides z 14,000 Btu/h 8 7 CEER (Continued) 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-47 I " ' CITFIght @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A-LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmT(Rv dme Oo,dT od om),(Dby of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) puuuant to ( LET Ag,,vo At, ICC No fwN¢[Todomoo.m AtO,Tgoodomo- by any Ot Party oT ATmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo-ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISTRIBUTIO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C403.3.2(3)—continued MINIMUM EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS: ELECTRICALLY OPERATED PACKAGED TERMINAL AIR CONDITIONERS, PACKAGED TERMINAL HEAT PUMPS, SINGLE -PACKAGE VERTICAL AIR CONDITIONERS, SINGLE VERTICAL HEAT PUMPS, ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS AND ROOM AIR -CONDITIONER HEAT PUMPS EQUIPMENT TYPE SIZE CATEGORY (INPUT) SUBCATEGORY OR RATING CONDITION MINIMUM EFFICIENCY TEST PROCEDURE Room air conditioner casement only All capacities 9 5 CEER ANSI/ Room air conditioner casement -slider All capacities 10 4 CEER AHAM RAC-1 For SI 1 British thermal unit per hour = 0 2931 W, °C = [(°F) - 32]/1 8, wb =wet bulb, db = dry bulb "Cap" = The rated cooling capacity of the project in Btu/h Where the unit's capacity is less than 7000 Btu/h, use 7000 Btu/h in the calculation Where the unit's capacity is greater than 15,000 Btu/h, use 15,000 Btu/h in the calculations a Chapter 6 contains a complete specification of the referenced test procedure, including the referenced year version of the test procedure b Replacement unit shall be factory labeled as follows "MANUFACTURED FOR REPLACEMENT APPLICATIONS ONLY NOT TO BE INSTALLED IN NEW CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS " Replacement efficiencies apply only to units with existing sleeves less than 16 inches (406 mm) in height and less than 42 inches (1067 mm) in width TABLE C403.3.2(4) WARM -AIR FURNACES AND COMBINATION WARM -AIR FURNACES/AIR-CONDITIONING UNITS, WARM -AIR DUCT FURNACES AND UNIT HEATERS, MINIMUM EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS EQUIPMENT TYPE SIZE CATEGORY (INPUT) SUBCATEGORY OR RATING CONDITION MINIMUM EFFICIENCY"' TEST PROCEDURE Warm -an fitmaces, < 225,000 Btu/h 80% AFUE or DOE 10 CFR Part 430 or 80%E,` ANSI Z21 47 gas fired > 225,000 Btu/h Maximum capacity` 80%E,E ANSI Z21 47 War -an fiimaces, < 225,000 Btu/h 83% AFUE or DOE 10 CFR Part 430 or 80%E,` UL 727 oil fired > 225,000 Btu/h Maximum capacity° 81ONE,' UL 727 Warm -au duct fumaces, All capacities Maximum capacity° 80%Et ANSI Z83 8 gas fired Warm -au unit heaters, All capacities Maximum capacity° 80%E, ANSI Z83 8 gas fired Warm -au unit heaters, All capacities Maximum capacity° 80%E UL 731 oil fired For SI 1 British thermal unit per hour= 0 2931 W a Chapter 6 contains a complete specification of the referenced test procedure, including the referenced year version of the test procedure b Minimum and maximum ratings as provided for and allowed by the unit's controls c Combination units not covered by the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act of 1987 (NAECA) (3-phase power or cooling capacity greater than or equal to 65,000 Btu/h [19 kW]) shall complywlth either rating d E, = Thermal efficiency See test procedure for detailed discussion e E = Combustion efficiency (100% less flue losses) See test procedure for detailed discussion f E,= Combustion efficiency Units shall also include an IID, have)ackets not exceeding 0 75 percent of the input rating, and have either power venting or a flue damper A vent damper ism acceptable alternative to a flue damper for those furnaces where combustion air is drawn from the conditioned space g E, = Thermal efficiency Units shall also include an IID, have Jacket losses not exceeding 0 75 percent of the input rating, and have either power venting or a flue damper A vent damper ism acceptable alternative to a flue damper for those furnaces where combustion air is drawn from the conditioned space C-48 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® U.," ' TER Copyaght Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rv dme Oo,dA od om),(Qty of ERmdNmod) O,do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 06 s AM (GET) Mt,mmt to I (TIFLEA Ag,e^ At, ICC No o tths [TAodomo,, oAtt y goodomo- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemdmho[vsd Mglo —o,IA oTy gand Nyodwg p,oIRb¢Ad ANY UNAUTHO OLDER RBPROD UCIION OR D ISIRIBUTION IS VIOLATION OP THE DEC SEAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRBEME NT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C403.3.2(5) MINIMUM EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS: GAS -AND OIL -FIRED BOILERS EQUIPMENT TYPE' SUBCATEGORY OR RATING CONDITION SIZE CATEGORY (INPUT) MINIMUM EFFICIENCY"•¢ TEST PROCEDURE < 300,000 Btu/h' g 82% AFUE 10 CFR Part 430 Gas -fired >_ 300,000 Btu/h and 80%E, <2,500,000 Btu/hh 10 CFR Part 431 > 2,500,000 Btu/h' 82%E Boilers, hot water <300,000 Btu/hg 84%AFUE 10 CFR Part 430 Oil -fired` >_ 300,000 Btu/h and 82"�°E, < 2,500,000 Btu/hh 10 CFR Part 431 > 2,500,000 Btu/h' 84%E, Gas -fired <300,000 BtLiN 80%AFUE 10 CFR Part 430 > 300,000 Btu/h and 79%E Gas -fired- all, except natural draft <2,500,000 Btu/hb ' > 2,500,000 Btu/h' 79%E, 10 CFR Part 431 > 300,000 Btu/h and 77D%E Boilers, steam Gas -fired -natural draft <2,500,000 Btu/hb ' > 2,500,000 Btu/h' 77%E, < 300,000 Btu/h 82% AFUE 10 CFR Part 430 Oil -fired` >_ 300,000 Btu/h and 81%E, <2,500,000 Btu/hh 10 CFR Part 431 > 2,500,000 Btu/h' 81%Et For SI 1 British thermal unit per hour= 0 2931 W a These requirements apply to boilers with rated input of 8,000,000 Btu/h or less that are not packaged boilers and to all packaged boilers Minimum efficiency requirements for boilers cover all capacities of packaged boilers b Maximum capacity — minimum and maximum ratings as provided for and allowed by the unit's controls c Includes oil -fired (residual) d E — Combustion efficiency (100 percent less flue losses) e E,— Thermal efficiency See referenced standard for detailed information f Boilers shall not be egnippedwlth a constant -burning ignition pilot g A boiler not equipped with a tankless domestic water heating cod shall be equipped with an automatic means for adjusting the temperature of the water such that an incremental change in inferred heat load produces a corresponding incremental change in the temperature of the water supplied TABLE C403.3.2(6) MINIMUM EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS: CONDENSING UNITS, ELECTRICALLY OPERATED EQUIPMENT TYPE SIZE CATEGORY MINIMUM EFFICIENCY" TEST PROCEDURE' 10 1 EER Condensing umts, For cooled >_ 135,000 Btu/h 11 2 IPL V AHRI 365 13 1 EER Condensing umts, water or evaporatively cooled >_ 135,000 Btu/h 13 1 IPLV For SI 1 British thermal unit per hour= 0 2931 W a Chapter 6 contains a complete specification of the referenced test procedure, including the referenced year version of the test procedure b IPLVs are only applicable to equipment with capacity modulation 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-49 I " ' CITFIght @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rv dme Oo,dA od om),(Dby of FRmdNmod) O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 06 s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( LEA Ag,, ^®'^Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomo,,m AtO, goodomo- by any Ot Party o, AAmboemdmho[vsd Mglo—oily oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRb¢Ad ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIRTHO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C403.3.2(7) WATER CHILLING PACKAGES— EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS" 1, d EQUIPMENT TYPE SIZE CATEGORY UNITS BEFORE 1/1/2015 AS OF 1/1/2015 TEST PROCEDURE` Path A Path B Path A Path B < 150 Tone > 9 562 FL NA` > 10 100 FL > 9 700 FL > 12500IPLV > 13 700 IPLV > 15,800IPLV Air-cooled clnllers EER (Btu/W) z 150 Tone > 9 562 FL NA` > 10 100 FL > 9 700 FL > 12500IPLV > 14000IPLV > 16 100 IPLV Air cooled without condenser, electrically operated All capacities (BtuE/W) Air-cooled chillers without condenser shall be rated with matching condensers and complying with air-cooled chafer efficiency requirements <0780 FL <0800 FL <0750 FL <0780 FL <75 Tons <0630IPLV <0600IPLV <0600IPLV <0500IPLV < 0 775 FL _< 0 790 FL < 0 720 FL < 0 750 FL > 75 tons and < 150 tons <0615IPLV <0586IPLV <0560IPLV <0490IPLV Water cooled, <0 680 FL _<0 718 FL <0 660 FL <0 680 FL electrically operated > 150 tons and <300 tons kW/ton <0580IPLV _<0540IPLV _<0540IPLV _<0440IPLV positive displacement < 0 620 FL _< 0 639 FL < 0 610 FL < 0 625 FL AHRI 550/ > 300 tons and < 600 tone 590 <0540IPLV <0490IPLV <0520IPLV <0410IPLV <0620 FL <0639 FL <0560 FL <0585 FL > 600 tons <0540IPLV <0490IPLV <0500IPLV <0380IPLV < 0 634 FL _< 0 639 FL < 0 610 FL < 0 695 FL < 150 Tons <0596IPLV <0450IPLV <0550IPLV <0440IPLV < 0 634 FL _< 0 639 FL < 0 610 FL < 0 635 FL >_ 150 tone and <300 tone <_ 0 596 IPLV <_ 0 450 IPLV <_ 0 550 IPLV <_ 0 400 IPLV Water cooled, <0 576 FL _<0 600 FL <0 560 FL <0 595 FL electrically operated > 300 tons and <400 tons kW/ton <0549IPLV <0400IPLV <0520IPLV <0390IPLV centrifugal <0576 FL <0600 FL <0560 FL <0585 FL > 400 tons and < 600 tons <0549IPLV <0400IPLV <0500IPLV <0380IPLV <0570 FL <0590 FL <0560 FL <0585 FL >_ 600 Tons <0539IPLV <0400IPLV <0500IPLV <0380IPLV Air cooled, absorption, single effect All capacities COP > 0 600 FL NA` > 0 600 FL NA` Water cooled absorption, single All capacities COP > 0 700 FL NA` > 0 700 FL NA` effect AHRI 560 Absorption, double effect, indirect fired All capacitee COP > 1 000 FL NA > 1 000 FL NA > 1 050 IPLV > 1 050 IPLV Absorption double effect direct fired A11 capacities COP > 1 000 FL NA > 1 000 FL NA > IP 1 000LV > 1 050IPLV a The requirements for centrifugal chiller shall be adjusted for nonstandard rating conditions in accordance with Section C403 3 2 1 and are only applicable for the range of conditions listed in Section C403 3 21 The requirements for air-cooled, water-cooled positive displacement and absorption chillers are at standard rating conditions defined in the reference test procedure b Both the full -load and IPLV requirements shall be meter exceeded to comply with this standard Where there is a Path B, compliance canbe with either Path A or Path B for any application c NA means the requirements are not applicable for Path B and only Path A can be used for compliance d FL represents the full -load performance requirements and IPLV the part -load performance requirements C-50 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ( " ' UERCopyright Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dv od om),(Dty of Ro,dNood) O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 06 s AM (GET) mt to ( I 1, s Ag,e^ '^Rt, ICC No o tths TTAodomo,, oAths Tepeodomo- by any Ot Party o[ ATmboemdmho[vsd Mgle —ooly o,and Nyodwg L-IRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD,,MN OR D ISIRIEUTIO N IS A VIOLATION OP THE FED REAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. ANDREJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C403.3.2(8) MINIMUM EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS: HEAT REJECTION EQUIPMENT TOTAL SYSTEM HEAT EQUIPMENT TYPE' REJECTION CAPACITY AT RATED SUBCATEGORY OR RATING CONDITION' PERFORMANCE a• e." REQUIRED"TEST PROCEDURE"' CONDITIONS Propeller or axial fan 950F entering water CTI ATC-10and open -circuit cooling All 850F leaving water > 40 2 gpm/hp CTI STD-201 RS towers 75°F entering wb Centrifugal fan 950F entering water CTI ATC-10and open -circuit cooling All 850F leaving water > 20 0 gpm/hp CTI STD-201 RS towers 75°F entering wb Propeller or axial fan 1020F entering water CTI ATC-- and closed-circuit cooling All 90OF leaving water >_ 16 1 gpm/hp CTI STD-20101 RS towers 75°F entering wb Centrifugal fan 1020F entering water CTI ATG 1 and closed- circuit cooling All 90OF leaving water > 7 0 gpm/hp CTI STD-201 RS towers 750F entering wb Arnmoma Test Fluid Propeller or axial fan All140OF entering gas temperature ? 134,000 Btu/h x hp CTI ATC-106 evaporative condensers 96 30F condensing temperature 750F entering wb Arnmoma Test Fluid Centrifugal fan All 140OF entering gas temperature 140OF ?l 1Q,000 Btu/h x hp CTI ATC-106 evaporative condensers 30F condensing temperature 750F entering wb R-507A Test Fluid Propeller or axial fan All 1650F 1650F entering gas temperature ? 157,000 Btu/h x hp CTI ATC-106 evaporative condensers condensing temperature 750F entering wb R-507A Test Fluid Centrifugal fan All 1650F entering gas temperature 1650F ? 135,000 Btu/h x hp CTI ATC-106 evaporative condensers condensing temperature 750F entering wb 1250F Condensing Temperature Air-cooled condensers All 190OF Entering Gas Temperature > 176,000 Btu/h x hp AHRI 460 150F subcooling 950F entering db For SI OC = [(OF) - 32]/1 8, L/s • kW = (gpm/hp)/(l l 83), COP = (Btu/h • hp)/(2550 7), db = dry bulb temperature, OF, wb=wet bulb temperature, OF a The efficiencies and test procedures for both open- and closed-circuit cooling towers are not applicable to hybrid cooling towers that contain a combination of wet and dry heat exchange sections b For purposes of this table, open circuit cooling tower performance is defined as the water flow rating of the tower at the thermal rating condition, divided by the fan nameplate -rated motor power c For purposes of this table, closed-circuit cooling tower performance is defined as the water flow rating of the tower at the thermal rating condition, divided by the sum of the fan nameplate -rated motor power and the spray pump nameplate -rated motor power d For purposes of this table, air-cooled condenser performance is defined as the heat rejected from the refrigerant divided by the fan nameplate -rated motor power e Chapter 6 contains a complete specification of the referenced test procedure, including the referenced year version of the test procedure The certification requirements do not apply to field -erected cooling towers f Where a certification program exists for a covered product and it includes provisions for verification and challenge of equipment efficiency ratings, then the product shall be listed in the certification program, or, where a certification program exists for a covered product, and it includes provisions for verification and challenge of equipment efficiency ratings, but the product is not listed in the existing certification program, the ratings shall be verified by an independent laboratory test report g Cooling towers shall comply with the minimum efficiency listed in the table for that specific type of tower with the capacity effect of any project -specific accessories or options included in the capacity of the cooling tower h For purposes of this table, evaporative condenser performance is defined as the heat rejected at the specified rating condition in the table divided by the sum of the fan motor nameplate power and the integral spray pump nameplate power r Requirements for evaporative condensers are listed with ammonia (R-717) and R-507A as test fluids in the table Evaporative condensers intended for use with halocarbon refrigerants other than R-507A shall meet the minimum efficiency requirements listed in this table with R-507A as the test fluid 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-51 I " ' CITFIght @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Cm,(Rv dme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO 06 s AM (PET) t to ( Lie Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢ [TAodomoo. m AtO, Pepeodomo-by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdmho[vsd M glo— ody mpyncg and ,yodwg L,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C403.3.2(9) MINIMUM EFFICIENCY AIR CONDITIONERS AND CONDENSING UNITS SERVING COMPUTER ROOMS EQUIPMENT TYPE NET SENSIBLE COOLING CAPACITY' MINIMUM SCOP-127'EFFICIENCY DOWNFLOW UNITS I UPFLOW UNITS TEST PROCEDURE Air conditioners, mr cooled < 65,000 Btu/h 2 20 / 2 09 z 65,000 Btu/h and < 240,000 Btu/h 2 10 / 1 99 z 240,000 Btu/h 1 90 / 1 79 Air conditioners, water cooled < 65,000 Btu/h 2 60 / 2 49 z 65,000 Btu/h and < 240,000 Btu/h 2 50 / 2 39 z 240,000 Btu/h 2 40 /2 29 water cooled with .4a confluid fluid economizer economioners,zer < 65,000 Btu/h 2 55 /2 44 ANSI/ASHRAE 127 z 65,000 Btu/h and < 240,000 Btu/h 2 45 / 2 34 z 240,000 Btu/h 2 35 / 2 24 Air conditioners, glycol cooled (rated at 40% propylene glycol) < 65,000 Btu/h 2 50 / 2 39 z 65,000 Btu/h and < 240,000 Btu/h 2 15 / 2 04 z 240,000 Btu/h 2 10 / 1 99 Air conditioners, glycol cooled (rated at 40°/o propylene glycol) with fluid economizer < 65,000 Btu/h 2 45 / 2 34 z 65,000 Btu/h and < 240,000 Btu/h 2 10 / 1 99 z 240,000 Btu/h 2 05 / 1 94 For SI 1 British thermal unit per hour— 0 2931 W a Net sensible cooling capacity the total gross cooling capacity less the latent cooling less the energy to the air movement system (Total Gross— latent —Fan Power) b Sensible coefficient of performance (SCOP-127) a ratio calculated by dividing the net sensible cooling capacity in watts by the total power input in watts (excluding reheaters and humidifiers) at conditions defined in ASHRAE Standard 127 The net sensible cooling capacity is the gross sensible capacity minus the energy dissipated into the cooled space by the fan system TABLE C403.3.2(10) HEAT TRANSFER EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT TYPE SUBCATEGORY MINIMUM EFFICIENCY TEST PROCEDURE' Liquid -to -liquid heat exchangers Plate type NR AHRI 400 NR=No Requirement a Chapter 6 contains a complete specification of the referenced test procedure, including the referenced year version of the test procedure C403.4.1.2 Deadband (Mandatory). Where used to control both heating and cooling, zone thermostatic controls shall be configured to provide a temperature range or deadband of not less than 5°F (2 8°C) within which the supply of heating and cooling energy to the zone is shut off or reduced to a mimmum Exceptions: 1 Thermostats requiring manual changeover between heating and cooling modes 2 Occupancies or applications requiring preci- sion in indoor temperature control as approved by the code official C403.4.1.3 Setpoint overlap restriction (Manda- tory). Where a zone has a separate heating and a sepa- rate cooling thermostatic control located within the zone, a limit switch, mechanical stop or direct digital control system with software programming shall be configured to prevent the heating setpomt from exceed - mg the cooling setpomt and to maintain a deadband in accordance with Section C403 4 1 2 C403.4.1.4 Heated or cooled vestibules (Manda- tory). The heating system for heated vestibules and air curtains with integral heating shall be provided with controls configured to shut off the source of heating when the outdoor air temperature is greater than 450F (7°C) Vestibule heating and cooling systems shall be controlled by a thermostat located in the vestibule con- figured to limit heating to a temperature not greater than 60OF (160C) and cooling to a temperature not less than 850F (29°C) Exception: Control of heating or cooling provided by site -recovered energy or transfer air that would otherwise be exhausted C403.4.1.5 Hot water boiler outdoor temperature setback control (Mandatory). Hot water boilers that supply heat to the building through one- or two -pipe heating systems shall have an outdoor setback control that lowers the boiler water temperature based on the outdoor temperature C-52 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ( Ifirill 1 1 UER CopynghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dv od om),(Qty of Ro,dNood)O[do,Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, ZMO 06 s AM (PET) mt to S I 1, Ag,e^ '^Rt, ICC No otths[TAodomo,, m At6s Tepeodomo- by any Ot Party o[ ATmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo —o,IA o,and Nyodwg GMIRIS d ANY VNAVTHO OLDER .,ROD ,,LON OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION 01 THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY C403.4.2 Off -hour controls (Mandatory). Each zone shall be provided with thermostatic setback controls that are con- trolled by either an automatic time clock or programmable control system Exceptions: 1 Zones that will be operated continuously 2 Zones with a full HVAC load demand not exceeding 6,800 Btu/h (2 kW) and having a man- ual shutoff switch located with ready access C403.4.2.1 Thermostatic setback (Mandatory). Thermostatic setback controls shall be configured to set back or temporarily operate the system to maintain zone temperatures down to 55°F (13°C) or up to 85°F (29° C) C403.4.2.2 Automatic setback and shutdown (Man- datory). Automatic time clock or programmable con- trols shall be capable of starting and stopping the system for seven different daily schedules per week and retaining their programming and time setting during a loss of power for not fewer than 10 hours Additionally, the controls shall have a manual override that allows temporary operation of the system for up to 2 hours, a manually operated timer configured to operate the sys- tem for up to 2 hours, or an occupancy sensor C403.4.2.3 Automatic start (Mandatory). Automatic start controls shall be provided for each HVAC system The controls shall be configured to automatically adjust the daily start time of the HVAC system in order to bring each space to the desired occupied temperature immediately prior to scheduled occupancy C403.4.3 Hydronic systems controls. The heating of fluids that have been previously mechanically cooled and the cool- ing of fluids that have been previously mechanically heated shall be limited in accordance with Sections C403 4 3 1 through C403 4 3 3 Hydronic heating systems comprised of multiple -packaged boilers and designed to deliver condi- tionedwater or steam into a common distribution system shall include automatic controls configured to sequence operation of the boilers Hydronic heating systems composed of a sin- gle boiler and greater than 500,000 Btu/h (146 5 kW) input design capacity shall include either a multistaged or modulat- ing burner C403.4.3.1 Three -pipe system. Hydronic systems that use a common return system for both hot water and chilled water are prohibited C403.4.3.2 Two -pipe changeover system. Systems that use a common distribution system to supply both heated and chilled water shall be designed to allow a deadband between changeover from one mode to the other of not less than 15°F (8 3°C) outside air tempera- tures, be designed to and provided with controls that will allow operation in one mode for not less than 4 hours before changing over to the other mode, and be provided with controls that allow heating and cooling supply temperatures at the changeover point to be not more than 30°F (16 7°C) apart C403.4.3.3 Hydronic (water loop) heat pump sys- tems. Hydronic heat pump systems shall comply with Sections C403 4 3 3 1 through C403 4 3 3 3 C403. Temperature deadband. Hydronic heat pumps connected to a common heat pump water loop with central devices for heat rejection and heat addition shall have controls that are config- ured to provide a heat pump water supply tempera- I ture deadband of not less than 20°F (11 Q between initiation of heat rejection and heat addition by the central devices Exception: Where a system loop temperature optunization controller is installed and can deter- mine the most efficient operating temperature based on real-time conditions of demand and capacity, deadbands of less than 20°F (1 FQ shall be permitted C403. Heat rejection. The following shall apply to hydronic water loop heat pump systems in Climate Zones 3 through 8 1 Where a closed-circuit cooling tower is used directly in the heat pump loop, either an auto- matic valve shall be installed to bypass the flow of water around the closed-circuit cool- ing tower, except for any flow necessary for freeze protection, or low -leakage positive -clo- sure dampers shall be provided 2 Where an open -circuit cooling tower is used directly in the heat pump loop, an automatic valve shall be installed to bypass all heat pump water flow around the open -circuit cool- ing tower 3 Where an open-circuJt cooling tower is used in conjunction with a separate heat exchanger to isolate the open -circuit cooling tower from the heat pump loop, heat loss shall be controlled by shutting down the circulation pump on the cooling tower loop Exception: Where it can be demonstrated that a heat pump system will be required to reject heat throughout the year C403. Two -position valve. Each hydronic heat pump on the hydronic system having a total pump system power exceeding 10 hp (7 5 kW) shall have a two -position valve C403.4.4 Part -load controls. Hydronic systems greater than or equal to 300,000 Btu/h (146 5 kW) in design output capac- ity supplying heated or chilled water to comfort conditioning systems shall include controls that are configured to do all of the following 1 Automatically reset the supply -water temperatures in response to varying building heating and cooling demand using coil valve position, zone -return water temperature, building -return water temperature or outside air temperature The temperature shall be reset by not less than 25 percent of the design sup- ply -to -return water temperature difference 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-53 I 1 1 1 CALFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod) O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) t to ( Lie Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO,Pepeodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdm6o d Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg LARISAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY Automatically vary fluid flow for hydronic systems with a combined pump motor capacity of 2 hp (1 5 kW) or larger with three or more control valves or other devices by reducing the system design flow rate by not less than 50 percent or the maximum reduction allowed by the equipment manufacturer for proper operation of equipment by valves that modulate or step open and close, or pumps that mod- ulate or turn on and off as a function of load 3 Automatically vary pump flow on heating -water systems, chilled -water systems and heat rejection loops serving water-cooled unitary air conditioners as follows 3 1 Where pumps operate continuously or oper- ate based on a time schedule, pumps with nominal output motor power of 2 hp or more shall have a variable speed drive 32 Where pumps have automatic direct digital control configured to operate pumps only when zone heating or cooling is required, a variable speed drive shall be provided for pumps with motors having the same or greater nominal output power indicated in Table C403 4 4 based on the climate zone and system served 4 Where a variable speed drive is required by Item 3 of this Section, pump motor power input shall be not more than 30 percent of design wattage at 50 percent of the design water flow Pump flow shall be con- trolled to maintain one control valve nearly wide open or to satisfy the minimum differential pressure Exceptions: 1 Supply -water temperature reset is not required for chilled -water systems supplied by off -site dis- trict chilled water or chilled water from lee stor- age systems 2 Variable pump flow is not required on dedicated coil circulation pumps where needed for freeze protection 3 Variable pump flow is not required on dedicated equipment circulation pumps where configured in primary/secondary design to provide the mini- mum flow requirements of the equipment manu- facturer for proper operation of equipment 4 Variable speed drives are not required on heating water pumps where more than 50 percent of annual heat is generated by an electric boiler C403.4.5 Pump isolation. Chilled water plants including more than one chiller shall be capable of and configured to reduce flow automatically through the chiller plant when a chiller is shut down Chillers piped in series for the purpose of increased temperature differential shall be considered as one chiller Boiler systems including more than one boiler shall be capable of and configured to reduce flow automatically through the boiler system when a boiler is shut down C403.5 Economizers (Prescriptive). Economizers shall comply with Sections C403 5 1 through C403 5 5 An au or water economizer shall be provided for the fol- lowing cooling systems 1 Chilled water systems with a total cooling capacity, less cooling capacity provided with air economizers, as specified in Table C403 5(1) 2 Individual fan systems with cooling capacity greater than or equal to 54,000 Bta/h (15 8 kW) in buildings having other than a Group R occupancy, The total supply capacity of all fan cooling units not provided with economizers shall not exceed 20 percent of the total supply capacity of all fan cooling units in the building or 300,000 Btu/h (88 kW), whichever is greater 3 Individual fan systems with cooling capacity greater than or equal to 270,000 Btu/h (79 1 kW) in buildings having a Group R occupancy The total supply capacity of all fan cooling units not provided with economizers shall not exceed 20 percent of the total supply capacity of all fan cooling units in TABLE C403.4.4 VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE (VSD) REQUIREMENTS FOR DEMAND -CONTROLLED PUMPS CHILLED WATER AND HEAT REJECTION LOOP PUMPS IN THESE CLIMATE ZONES HEATING WATER PUMPS IN THESE CLIMATE ZONES VSD REQUIRED FOR MOTORS WITH RATED OUTPUT OF: IA, 1B,2B >_2hp 2A,313 >_3hp 3A,3C,4A,4B 7,8 >_5hp 4C, 5A, 513, 5C, 6A, 613 3C, 5A, 5C, 6A, 613 >_75hp 4A, 4C, 513 >_ 10 hp 7,8 413 >_ 15 hp 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B >_ 25 hp 113 >_ 100 hp IA >_ 200 hp C-54 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® Copyngbt @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (GET) mt to ( I ( 1, Ag,'^Rt, ICC No otths TAodomoo. m At6sodomo- by any Ot Party o[ Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle—ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER RBPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIBVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE BM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY the building or 1,500,000 Btu/h (440 kW), whichever is greater Exceptions: Economizers are not required for the follow- ing systems 1 Individual fan systems not served by chilled water for buildings located in Chmate Zones I and 1B 2 Where more than 25 percent of the air designed to be supplied by the system is to spaces that are designed to be humidified above 35'F (1 7'C) dew - point temperature to satisfy process needs 3 Systems expected to operate less than 20 hours per week 4 Systems serving supermarket areas with open refrig- erated casework 5 Where the cooling efficiency is greater than or equal to the efficiency requirements in Table C403 5(2) 6 Systems that include a heat recovery system in accordance with Section C403 9 5 TABLE C403.5(2) EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY PERFORMANCE EXCEPTION FOR ECONOMIZERS CLIMATE ZONES COOLING EQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT (EER OR IPLV) 2A, 213 10% efficiency improvement 3A, 313 15% efficiency improvement 4A, 4B 20% efficiency improvement C403.5.1 Integrated economizer control. Economizer systems shall be integrated with the mechanical cooling system and be configured to provide partial cooling even where additional mechanical cooling is required to provide the remainder of the cooling load Controls shall not be capable of creating a false load in the mechanical cooling systems by limiting or disabling the economizer or any other means, such as hot gas bypass, except at the lowest stage of mechanical cooling Units that include an air economizer shall comply with the following Unit controls shall have the mechanical cooling capacity control interlocked with the air economizer controls such that the outdoor air damper is at the 100-percent open position when mechanical cooling is on and the outdoor air damper does not begin to close to prevent coil freezing due to minimum com- pressor run time until the leaving air temperature is less than 45'F (7'C) Direct expansion (DX) units that control 75,000 Btu/ h (22 kW) or greater of rated capacity of the capac- ity of the mechanical cooling directly based on occupied space temperature shall have not fewer than two stages of mechanical cooling capacity Other DX units, including those that control space temperature by modulating the airflow to the space, shall be in accordance with Table C403 5 1 C403.5.2 Economizer heating system impact. HVAC system design and economizer controls shall be such that economizer operation does not increase building heating energy use during normal operation Exception: Economizers on variable air volume (VAV) systems that cause zone level heating to increase because of a reduction in supply air temperature C403.5.3 Air economizers. Where economizers are I required by Section C403 5, air economizers shall comply with Sections C403 5 3 1 through C403 5 3 5 C403.5.3.1 Design capacity. Air economizer systems shall be configured to modulate outdoor air and return TABLE C403.5(1) MINIMUM CHILLED -WATER SYSTEM COOLING CAPACITY FOR DETERMINING ECONOMIZER COOLING REQUIREMENTS CLIMATE ZONES (COOLING) TOTAL CHILLED -WATER SYSTEM CAPACITY LESS CAPACITY OF COOLING UNITS WITH AIR ECONOMIZERS Local Water-cooled Chilled -water Systems Air-cooled Chilled -water Systems or District Chilled -Water Systems IA Economizer not required Economizer not required 113, 2A, 213 960,000 Btu/h 1,250,000 Btu/h 3A, 313, 3C, 4A, 413, 4C 720,000 Btu/h 940,000 Btu/h 5A, 513, 5C, 6A, 613, 7,8 1,320,000 Btu/h 1,720,000 Btu/h For SI 1 British thermal unit per hour = 0 2931 W TABLE C403.5.1 DX COOLING STAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR MODULATING AIRFLOW UNITS RATING CAPACITY MINIMUM NUMBER MINIMUM OF MECHANICAL COOLING STAGES COMPRESSOR DISPLACEMENT' z 65,000 Btu/h and < 240,000 Btu/h 3 stages <35% of full load > 240,000 Btu/h 4 stages <25% full load For SI 1 British thermal unitper hour— 0 2931 W a For mechanical cooling stage control that does not use variable compressor displacement, the percent dsplacement shall be equivalent to the mechanical cooling capacity reduction evaluated at the full load rating condlhons for the compressor 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-55 I 1 1 1 CITFIght @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) t to ( Lie Affiee^® Rt, ICC NofwN¢[TAodomoo.mAtO, Pepeodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdmho[vsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg L,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISTRIBUTIO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY air dampers to provide up to 100 percent of the design supply air quantity as outdoor air for cooling C403.5.3.2 Control signal. Economizer controls and dampers shall be configured to sequence the dampers with the mechanical cooling equipment and shall not be controlled by only mixed -air temperature Exception: The use of mixed -au temperature limit control shall be permitted for systems controlled from space temperature (such as single -zone sys- tems) C403.5.3.3 High -limit shutoff. Air economizers shall be configured to automatically reduce outdoor air intake to the design minimum outdoor air quantity when outdoor air intake will not reduce cooling energy usage High -limit shutoff control types for specific cli- mates shall be chosen from Table C403 5 3 3 High - limit shutoff control settings for these control types shall be those specified in Table C403 5 3 3 C403.5.3.4 Relief of excess outdoor air. Systems shall be capable of relieving excess outdoor air during air economizer operation to prevent overpressurizmg the building The relief air outlet shall be located to avoid recirculation into the building C403.5.3.5 Economizer dampers. Return, exhaust/ relief and outdoor air dampers used in economizers shall comply with Section C403 7 7 C403.5.4 Water -side economizers. Where economizers are required by Section C403 5, water -side economizers shall comply with Sections C403 5 4 1 and C403 5 4 2 C403.5.4.1 Design capacity. Water economizer sys- tems shall be configured to cool supply air by indirect evaporation and providing up to 100 percent of the expected system cooling load at outdoor air tempera- tures of not greater than 50o17 (10o(7) dry bulb/45'F (7'C) wet bulb Exceptions: 1 Systems primarily serving computer rooms in which 100 percent of the expected system cooling load at 40o17 (4'Q dry bulb/35'F (1 7'Q wet bulb is met with evaporative water economizers 2 Systems primarily serving computer rooms with dry cooler water economizers that satisfy 100 percent of the expected system cooling load at 35'F (1 7'Q dry bulb 3 Systems where dehumidification requirements cannot be met using outdoor air temperatures of 50o17 (10o(7) dry bulb/45'F (7'C) wet bulb and where 100 percent of the expected system cooling load at 45'F (7'Q dry bulb/40'F (4'Q wet bulb is met with evaporative water economizers C403.5.4.2 Maximum pressure drop. Precooling coils and water -to -water heat exchangers used as part of a water economizer system shall either have a water- side pressure drop of less than 15 feet (45 kPa) of water or a secondary loop shall be created so that the coil or heat exchanger pressure drop is not seen by the circu- lating pumps when the system is in the normal cooling (noneconomizer) mode C403.5.5 Economizer fault detection and diagnostics (Mandatory). Air-cooled unitary direct -expansion units listed in Tables C403 3 2(1) through C403 3 2(3) and vari- able refrigerant flow (VRF) units that are equipped with an TABLE C403.5.3.3 HIGH -LIMIT SHUTOFF CONTROL SETTING FOR AIR ECONOMIZERS" REQUIRED HIGH LIMIT DEVICE TYPE CLIMATE ZONE (ECONOMIZER OFF WHEN): Equation Description 113, 2B, 3B, 3C, 4B, 4C, 5B, 5C, 6B, 7, 8 TUA> 750F Outdoor arr temperature exceeds 750F Fixed dry bulb 5A, 6A ToA > 70OF Outdoor arr temperature exceeds 70OF IA, 2A, 3A, 4A ToA > 650F Outdoor arr temperature exceeds 650F Differential dry bulb 113,213 , 3B, 3C, 4B, 4C, 5A, T > T Outdoor arr temperature exceeds 5B, 5C, 6A, 6B, 7, 8 °A AG return au temperature Fixed enthalpy with fixed hoA > 28 Btu/lb' or Outdoor au enthalpy exceeds dry-bulb temperatures All ToA > 75°F 28 Btu/lb of dry au' or Outdoor an temperature exceeds 750F Differential enthalpy with h > h or Outdoor au enthalpy exceeds fixed dry-bulb All ToA > 75oF return an enthalpy or temperature Outdoor an temperature exceeds 750F For SI 1 foot =305 mm, oC= (oF - 32F1 8, 1 Btu/lb = 2 33 kJ/kg a At altitudes substantially different than sea level, the fixed enthalpy limit shall be set to the enthalpy value at 75oF and 50-percent relative humidity As an example, at approximately 6,000 feet elevation, the fixed enthalpy limit is approximately 30 7 Btu/Ib b Devices with selectable setpoints shall be capable of being set to within 2oF and 2 Btu/lb of the setpoint listed C-56 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® Copynght @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rv dme Oo,dA od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) mt to ( I ( 1, Ag,'^Rt, ICC Nootths TAodomoam Athsodomo-by any Ot Party o[AAmboemdmho[vsd Mglo— o,IAo, and Nyodwg L-IRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER .,Goo VCIION OR D ISIRIBVTION IS VIOLATION 01 THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE BM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY economizer in accordance with Sections C403 5 through higher allowed rates under Items 3, 4 and 5 C403 5 4 shall include a fault detection and diagnostics of this section system complying with the following 22 The first stage of heating modulates the zone 1 The following temperature sensors shall be perma- supply air temperature setpomt up to a maxi- nently installed to monitor system operation mum setpomt while the airflow is main- 1 1 Outside air tamed at the deadband flow rate 1 2 Supply air 23 The second stage of heating modulates the 1 3 Return air airflow rate from the deadband flow rate up to the heating maximum flow rate that is less 2 Temperature sensors shall have an accuracy of f2°F than 50 percent of the zone design peak sup- (1 1°C) over the range of 40OF to 80OF (4°C to ply rate 26 7°C) 3 Refrigerant pressure sensors, where used, shall have 3 The outdoor airflow rate required to meet the mini - mum ventilation requirements of Chapter 4 of the an accuracy of f3 percent of full scale International Mechanical Code I 4 The unit controller shall be configured to provide 4 Any lugher rate that can be demonstrated to reduce system status by indicating the following overall system annual energy use by offsetting re- 4 1 Free cooling available heat/recool energy losses through a reduction in out- 4 2 Economizer enabled door au intake for the system as approved by the 43 Compressor enabled code official 44 Heating enabled 5 The airflow rate required to comply with applicable 45 Mixed air low limit cycle active codes or accreditation standards such as pressure relationships or mmimum air change rates 46 The current value of each sensor Exception: The following individual zones or entire air 5 The unit controller shall be capable of manually ini- distribution systems are exempted from the require- tiating each operating mode so that the operation of ment for VAV control compressors, economizers, fans and the heating sys- 1 Zones or supply air systems where not less than tem can be independently tested and verified 75 percent of the energy for reheating or for pro- f 6 The unit shall be configured to report faults to a fault viding wane au in mixing systems is provided management application available for access by from a site -recovered, including condenser heat, day-to-day operating or service personnel, or annun- or site -solar energy source ciated locally on zone thermostats I 7 The fault detection and diagnostics system shall be 2 Systems simulthat taneous f air tting, retooling, mixing or simultaneous supply of air that has been vi- suppnt ly configured to detect the following faults ously cooled, either mechanically or through the h the 71 Air temperature sensor failure/fault use of economizer systems, and air that has been 72 Not economizing when the unit should be previously mechanically heated economizing C403.6.2 Single -duct VAV systems, terminal devices. 73 Economizing when the unit should not be Smgle-duct VAV systems shall use terminal devices capa- economizing ble of and configured to reduce the supply of primary sup- 7 4 Damper not modulating ply air before reheating or recoolmg takes place 75 Excess outdoor air C403.6.3 Dual -duct and mixing VAV systems, terminal devices. Systems that have one warm air duct and one cool C403.6 Requirements for mechanical systems serving air duct shall use terminal devices that are configured to multiple zones. Sections C403 6 1 through C403 6 9 shall reduce the flow from one duct to a mmimum before mix - apply to mechanical systems serving multiple zones ing of air from the other duct takes place C403.6.1 Variable air volume and multiple -zone sys- C403.6.4 Single -fan dual -duct and mixing VAV sys- tems. Supply air systems serving multiple zones shall be tems, economizers. Individual dual -duct or mixing heat - variable air volume (VAV) systems thathave zone controls ing and cooling systems with a single fan and with total configured to reduce the volume of air that is reheated, capacities greater than 90,000 Btu h [(26 4 kW) 7 5 tons] recooled or mixed in each zone to one of the following shall not be equipped with air economizers 1 Twenty percent of the zone design peak supply for C403.6.5 Supply -air temperature reset controls. Multi- ple -zone HVAC systems shall include controls that auto- 2 Systems with DDC where all of the following apply matically reset the supply -air temperature in response to 2 1 The airflow rate in the deadband between representative building loads, or to outdoor air tempera - heating and cooling does not exceed 20 per- ture The controls shall be configured to reset the supply cent of the zone design peak supply rate or air temperature not less than 25 percent of the difference 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-57 I 1 1 1 CALFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod) O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO, goodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdm6o d Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg LARISAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY E* between the design supply -au temperature and the design room au temperature Exceptions: 1 Systems that prevent reheating, recooling or mix - mg of heated and cooled supply au 2 Seventy-five percent of the energy for reheating is from site -recovered or site -solar energy sources 3 Zones with peak supply air quantities of 300 cfin (142 L/s) or less C403.6.6 Multiple -zone VAV system ventilation opti- mization control. Multiple -zone VAV systems with direct digital control of individual zone boxes reporting to a central control panel shall have automatic controls con- figured to reduce outdoor air intake flow below design rates in response to changes in system ventilation effi- ciency (EF) as defined by the Intemational Mechanical Code Exceptions: 1 VAV systems with zonal transfer fans that recir- culate au from other zones without directly mix - mg it with outdoor air, dual -duct dual -fan VAV systems, and VAV systems with fan -powered ter- minal units 2 Systems where total design exhaust airflow is more than 70 percent of total design outdoor air intake flow requirements C403.6.7 Parallel -flow fan -powered VAV air terminal control. Parallel -flow fan -powered VAV air terminals shall have automatic controls configured to 1 Turn off the term mal fan except when space heating is required or where required for ventilation 2 Turn on the terminal fan as the first stage of heating before the heating coil is activated 3 During heating for warmup or setback temperature control, either 3 1 Operate the terminal fan and heating coil without primary air 32 Reverse the terminal damper logic and pro- vide heating from the central air handler by primary au C403.6.8 Setpoints for direct digital control. For sys- tems with direct digital control of individual zones report- ing to the central control panel, the static pressure setpoint shall be reset based on the zone requiring the most pres- sure In such case, the setpoint is reset lower until one zone damper is nearly wide open The direct digital controls shall be capable of monitoring zone damper positions or shall have an alternative method of indicating the need for static pressure that is configured to provide all of the fol- lowing 3 Allowance for an operator to readily remove one or more zones from the reset algorithm C403.6.9 Static pressure sensor location. Static pressure sensors used to control VAV fans shall be located such that the controller setpoint is not greater than 12 inches w c (299 Pa) Where this results in one or more sensors being located downstream of major duct splits, not less than one sensor shall be located on each major branch to ensure that static pressure can be maintained in each branch C403.7 Ventilation and exhaust systems. In addition to other requirements of Section C403 applicable to the provi- sion of ventilation air or the exhaust of air, ventilation and exhaust systems shall be in accordance with Sections C403 7 1 through C403 7 7 C403.7.1 Demand control ventilation (Mandatory). Demand control ventilation (DCV) shall be provided for spaces larger than 500 square feet (46 5 m') and with an average occupant load of 25 people or greater per 1,000 square feet (93 m) of floor area, as established in Table 403 3 1 1 of the Intemational Mechanical Code, and served by systems with one or more of the following 1 An air -side economizer 2 Automatic modulating control of the outdoor air damper 3 A design outdoor airflow greater than 3,000 cfm (1416 L/s) Exceptions: 1 Systems with energy recovery complying with Section C403 7 4 2 Multiple -zone systems without direct digital con- trol of individual zones communicating with a central control panel 3 Systems with a design outdoor airflow less than 1,200 cfin (566 L/s) 4 Spaces where the supply airflow rate minus any makeup or outgoing transfer au requirement is less than 1,200 cfin (566 L/s) 5 Ventilation provided only for process loads C403.7.2 Enclosed parking garage ventilation controls (Mandatory). Enclosed parking garages used for storing or handling automobiles operating under their own power shall employ contamination -sensing devices and auto- matic controls configured to stage fans or modulate fan average airflow rates to 50 percent or less of design capac- ity, or intermittently operate fans less than 20 percent of the occupied time or as required to maintain acceptable contaminant levels in accordance with International Mechanical Code provisions Failure of contamination - sensing devices shall cause the exhaust fans to operate continuously at design airflow 1 Automatic detection of any zone that excessively Exceptions: drives the reset logic 1 Garages with a total exhaust capacity less than 2 Generation of an alarm to the system operational 22,500 cfin (10 620 L/s) with ventilation systems location that do not utilize heating or mechanical cooling C-58 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® rill 1 1 C,gbt OO?.o17 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rv dme Oo,dA od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (GET) mt to ( ( I 1, sAg,e^ '^Rt, ICC No otths TAodomoo. m AtOy odomo- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FED REAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY 2 Garages that have a garage area to ventilation system motor nameplate power ratio that exceeds 1125 cfm/hp (710 L/s/kW) and do not utilize heating or mechanical cooling C403.7.3 Ventilation air heating control (Mandatory). Units that provide ventilation air to multiple zones and operate in conjunction with zone heating and cooling sys- tems shall not use heating or heat recovery to warm supply air to a temperature greater than 60°F (16°C) when repre- sentative building loads or outdoor air temperatures indi- cate that the majority of zones require cooling C403.7.4 Energy recovery ventilation systems (Manda- tory). Where the supply airflow rate of a fan system exceeds the values specified in Tables C403 7 4(1) and C403 7 4(2), the system shall include an energy recovery system The energy recovery system shall be configured to provide a change in the enthalpy of the outdoor air supply of not less than 50 percent of the difference between the outdoor air and return air enthalpies, at design conditions Where an air economizer is required, the energy recovery system shall include a bypass or controls that permit oper- ation of the economizer as required by Section C403 5 Exception: An energy recovery ventilation system shall not be required in any of the following conditions 1 Where energy recovery systems are prohibited by the Intemational Mechanical Code 2 Laboratory fume hood systems that include not fewer than one of the following features 21 Variable -air -volume hood exhaust and room supply systems configured to I reduce exhaust and makeup air volume to 50 percent or less of design values 22 Direct makeup (auxiliary) air supply equal to or greater than 75 percent of the exhaust rate, heated not warmer than 2°F (1 FQ above room setpoint, cooled to not cooler than 3°F (1 7°C) below room setpoint, with no humidification added, and no simultaneous heating and cooling used for dehumidification control 3 Systems serving spaces that are heated to less than 60°F (15 5°C) and that are not cooled 4 Where more than 60 percent of the outdoor heating energy is provided from site -recovered or site -solar energy 5 Heating energy recovery in Climate Zones 1 and 2 6 Cooling energy recovery in Climate Zones 3C, 4C, 513, 5C, 613, 7 and 8 TABLE C403.7.4(1) ENERGY RECOVERY REQUIREMENT (Ventilation systems operating less than 8,000 hours per year) PERCENT I%) OUTDOOR AIR AT FULL DESIGN AIRFLOW RATE CLIMATE ZONE > 10% and <20% >20% and <30% Z30% and <40% >40%and < >50%and < 60% >60%and < 70% >70%and <50% 80% Z80/ DESIGN SUPPLY FAN AIRFLOW RATE term) 3B, 3C, 4B, 4C, 5B NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 1B, 2B, 5C NR NR NR NR > 26,000 > 12,000 > 5,000 > 4,000 6B >_ 28,000 >_ 26,5000 > 11,000 > 5,500 > 4,500 > 3,500 > 2,500 > 1,500 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A > 26,000 >_ 16,000 > 5,500 > 4,500 > 3,500 > 2,000 > 1,000 > 120 7,8 >_ 4,500 >_ 4,000 > 2,500 > 1,000 >140 > 120 > 100 > 80 For SI 1 cfrn = 0 4719 L/s NR = Not Required TABLE C403.7.4(2) ENERGY RECOVERY REQUIREMENT (Ventilation systems operating not less than 8,000 hours per year) PERCENT I%) OUTDOOR AIR AT FULL DESIGN AIRFLOW RATE CLIMATE ZONE >10%and <20% >20%and <30% >30%and <40% >40%and <50% >50%and <60% >60%and <70% >70%and <80% >80/ Design Supply Fan Airflow Rate term) 3C NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 1 B, 2B, 3B, 4C, 5C NR > 19,500 > 9,000 > 5,000 > 4,000 > 3,000 > 1,500 >_ 120 1A, 2A, 3A, 4B, 5B > 2,500 > 2,000 > 1,000 > 500 >_ 140 >_ 120 >_ 100 >_ 80 4A, 5A, 6A, 6B, 7, 8 >_ 200 >_ 130 >_ 100 >_ 80 >_ 70 >_ 60 >_ 50 >_ 40 For SI 1 cfrn = 0 4719 L/s NR = Not Required 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-59 I 1 1 1 (Arynght @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A-LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) t to ( Lie Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO,Pepeodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo-ody mpyncg and Nyodwg L-ARISed ANY UNEARTHED RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISTRIBUTIO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY 7 Systems requiring dehumidification that employ energy recovery in series with the cooling coil 8 Where the largest source of air exhausted at a single location at the building exterior is less than 75 percent of the design outdoor air flow rate 9 Systems expected to operate less than 20 hours per week at the outdoor air percentage covered by Table C403 7 4(1) 10 Systems exhausting toxic, flammable, part or corrosive fumes or dust 11 Commercial kitchen hoods used for collecting and removing grease vapors and smoke C403.7.5 Kitchen exhaust systems (Mandatory). Replacement air introduced directly into the exhaust hood cavity shall not be greater than 10 percent of the hood exhaust airflow rate Conditioned supply au delivered to any space shall not exceed the greater of the following The ventilation rate required to meet the space heat- ing or cooling load The hood exhaust flow mmus the available transfer air from adjacent space where available transfer air is considered to be that portion of outdoor ventila- tion air not required to satisfy other exhaust needs, such as restroom s, and not required to maintain pres- surization of adjacent spaces Where total kitchen hood exhaust airflow rate is greater than 5,000 cfm (2360 L/s), each hood shall be a factory - built commercial exhaust hood listed by a nationally rec- ognized testing laboratory in compliance with UL 710 Each hood shall have a maximum exhaust rate as specified in Table C403 7 5 and shall comply with one of the fol- lowing 1 Not less than 50 percent of all replacement air shall be transfer air that would otherwise be exhausted 2 Demand ventilation systems on not less than 75 per- cent of the exhaust air that are configured to provide not less than a 50-percent reduction in exhaust and replacement air system airflow rates, including con- trols necessary to modulate airflow in response to appliance operation and to maintain full capture and containment of smoke, effluent and combustion products during cooking and idle 3 Listed energy recovery devices with a sensible heat recovery effectiveness of not less than 40 percent on not less than 50 percent of the total exhaust airflow Where a single hood, or hood section, is installed over appliances with different duty ratings, the maximum allowable flow rate for the hood or hood section shall be based on the requirements for the highest appliance duty rating under the hood or hood section Exception: Where not less than 75 percent of all the replacement air is transfer air that would otherwise be exhausted C403.7.6 Automatic control of HVAC systems serving guestrooms (Mandatory). In Group R-1 buildings con- taining more than 50 guestrooms, each guestroom shall be provided with controls complying with the provisions of Sections C403 7 6 1 and C403 7 6 2 Card key controls comply with these requirements C403.7.6.1 Temperature setpoint controls. Controls shall be provided on each HVAC system that are ca- pable of and configured to automatically raise the cool - mg setport and lower the heating setport by not less than 4°F (2°C) from the occupant setport within 30 minutes after the occupants have left the guestroom The controls shall be capable of and configured to auto- matically raise the cooling setport to not lower than 80°F (27°C) and lower the heating setport to not higher than 60°F (16°C) when the guestroom is unrented or has not been continuously occupied for more than 16 hours or a networked guestroom control system indicates that the guestroom is unrented and the guestroom is unoccupied for more than 30 minutes A networked guestroom control system that is capable of returning the thermostat setports to default occupied setports 60 minutes prior to the time a guestroom is scheduled to be occupied is not precluded by this sec- tion Cooling that is capable of limiting relative humid- ity with a setport not lower than 65-percent relative humidity during unoccupied periods is not precluded by this section C403.7.6.2 Ventilation controls. Controls shall be provided on each HVAC system that are capable of and configured to automatically turn off the ventilation and TABLE C403.7.5 MAXIMUM NET EXHAUST FLOW RATE, CFM PER LINEAR FOOT OF HOOD LENGTH TYPE OF HOOD LIGHT -DUTY EQUIPMENT MEDIUM -DUTY EQUIPMENT HEAVY-DUTY EQUIPMENT EXTRA -HEAVY-DUTY EQUIPMENT Wall -mounted canopy 140 210 280 385 Single island 280 350 420 490 Double island (per side) 175 210 280 385 Eyebrow 175 175 NA NA Backshelf/Pass-over 210 210 280 NA For SI 1 clin = 0 4719 L/s, 1 foot =305 min NA = Not Allowed C-60 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® 11 1 CopyRghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rvdme Oo,dA od om),(Dby of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (GET) Mt,mmt to ( ( I 1, Ag,'^Rt, ICC No otths TAodomoo. m AtOy Tbodomo- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle —ooly opylog and Nyodwg L-IRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER RBPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIBVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FED REAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE BM ENT, . AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY exhaust fans within 30 minutes of the occupants leav- ing the guestroom, or isolation devices shall be pro- vided to each guestroom that are capable of automatically shutting off the supply of outdoor air to and exhaust air from the guestroom Exception: Guestroom ventilation systems are not precluded from having an automatic daily pre -occu- pancy purge cycle that provides daily outdoor air ventilation during unrented periods at the design ventilation rate for 60 minutes, or at a rate and dura- tion equivalent to one air change C403.7.7 Shutoff dampers (Mandatory). Outdoor air intake and exhaust openings and stairway and shaft vents shall be provided with Class I motorized dampers The dampers shall have an air leakage rate not greater than 4 cfm/ft' (20 3 L/s • m) of damper surface area at 10 inch water gauge (249 Pa) and shall be labeled by an approved agency when tested in accordance with AMCA 500D for such purpose Outdoor air intake and exhaust dampers shall be installed with automatic controls configured to close when the systems or spaces served are not in use or during unoc- cupied period wane -up and setback operation, unless the systems served require outdoor or exhaust air in accor- dance with the International Mechanical Code or the dampers are opened to provide intentional economizer cooling Stairway and shaft vent dampers shall be installed with automatic controls configured to open upon the activation of any fire alarm mitiating device of the building's fire alarm system or the interruption of power to the damper Exception: Nonmotorized gravity dampers shall be an alternative to motorized dampers for exhaust and relief openings as follows 1 In buildings less than three stories in height above grade plane 2 In buildings of any height located in Climate Zones 1, 2 or 3 3 Where the design exhaust capacity is not greater than 300 cfm (142 L/s) Nonmotorized gravity dampers shall have an air leak- age rate not greater than 20 cfm/ft' (101 6 L/s • m) where not less than 24 inches (610 mm) in either dimension and 40 cfm/ft' (203 2 L/s • m) where less than 24 inches (610 mm) in either dimension The rate of au leakage shall be determined at 1 0 inch water gauge (249 Pa) when tested in accordance with AMCA 500D for such purpose The dampers shall be labeled by an approved agency C403.8 Fans and fan controls. Fans in HVAC systems shall comply with Sections C403 8 1 through C403 8 5 1 C403.8.1 Allowable fan horsepower (Mandatory). Each HVAC system having a total fan system motor nameplate horsepower exceeding 5 hp (3 7 kW) at fan system design conditions shall not exceed the allowable fan system motor nameplate hp (Option 1) or fan system bhp (Option 2) shown in Table C403 8 l(1) This includes supply fans, exhaust fans, return/relief fans, and fan -powered terminal units associated with systems providing heating or cooling capability Smgle-zone variable air volume systems shall comply with the constant volume fan power lnnitation Exceptions: 1 Hospital, vivarium and laboratory systems that utilize flow control devices on exhaust or return to maintain space pressure relationships neces- sary for occupant health and safety or environ- mental control shall be permitted to use variable volume fan power lnnitation 2 Individual exhaust fans with motor nameplate horsepower of 1 hp (0 746 kW) or less are exempt from the allowable fan horsepower requirement C403.8.2 Motor nameplate horsepower (Mandatory). For each fan, the fan brake horsepower shall be indicated on the construction documents and the selected motor shall be not larger than the first available motor size greater than the following 1 For fans less than 6 bhp (4413 W), 1 5 times the fan brake horsepower 2 For fans 6 bhp (4413 W) and larger, 1 3 times the fan brake horsepower 3 Systems complying with Section C403 8 1 fan sys- tem motor nameplate hp (Option 1) Exception: Fans with motor nameplate horsepower I less than 1 hp (746 W) are exempt from this section TABLE C403.8.1(1) FAN POWER LIMITATION LIMIT I CONSTANT VOLUME VARIABLE VOLUME Opton 1 Fan system motor nameplate hp Allowable nameplate motor hp hp < CFMs x 0 0011 hp < CFMs x 0 0015 Option 2 Fan system bhp Allowable fan system bhp bhp < CFMs x 0 00094 + A bhp < CFMs x 0 0013 + A For SI 1 bhp = 735 5 W, 1 hp = 745 5 W, 1 cfrn = 0 4719 L/s where CFM, = The maximum design supply airflow rate to conditioned spaces served by the system in cubic feet per minute hp = The maximum combined motor nameplate horsepower bhp = The maximum combined fan brake horsepower A = Sum of [PD X CFMD / 4131] where PD = Each applicable pressure drop adjustment from Table C403 8 1(2) in w c CFMD = The design airflow through each applicable device from Table C403 8 1(2) in cubic feet per minute 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE" C-61 I I I I CITFIght @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rv dme Oo,dA od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 06 s AM(PET)puArvant to ( LEA Affiee^® Rt, ICC NofwN¢[TAodomoo.mAtO,«odomo- by any Ot Party o, AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg L,oIRb¢Ad ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C403.8.1(2) FAN POWER LIMITATION PRESSURE DROP ADJUSTMENT DEVICE IADJUSTMENT Credits Return air or exhaust systems required by code or accreditation standards to be fully ducted, or systems required to maintain air pressure differentials between adjacent rooms 0 5 inch w c (2 15 inches w c for laboratory and vivanum systems) Return and exhaust urflow control devices 0 5 inch w c Exhaust filters, scrubbers or other exhaust treatment The pressure drop of device calculated at fan system design condition Particulate filtration credit MERV 9 thin 12 0 5 inch w c Particulate filtration credit MERV 13 than 15 0 9 inch w c Particulate filtration credit MERV 16 and greater and electronically enhanced filters Pressure drop calculated at 2x clean filter pressure drop at fan system design condition Carbon and other gas -phase air cleaners Clean filter pressure drop at fan system design condition Brosafety cabinet Pressure drop of device at fan system design condition Energy recovery device, other than coil runaround loop For each airstream, (2 2 x energy recovery effectiveness — 0 5) inch w c Coil runaround loop 0 6 inch w c for each au stream Evaporative humidifier/cooler in series with another cooling coil Pressure drop of device at fan system design conditions Sound attenuation section (fans serving spaces with design background noise goals below NC35) 0 15 inch w c Exhaust system serving fume hoods 0 35 inch w c Laboratory and vivanum exhaust systems in high-rise buildings 0 25 inch w c /100 feet of vertical duct exceeding 75 feet Deductions Systems without central cooling device - 0 6 inch w c Systems without central healing device - 0 3 inch w c Systems with central electric resistance heat - 0 2 inch w c For SI 1 inch w c — 249 Pa, 1 inch — 25 4 am w c =water column, NC=Noise criterion C403.8.3 Fan efficiency (Mandatory). Fans shall have a fan efficiency grade (FEG) of not less than 67, as deter- mined in accordance with AMCA 205 by an approved, independent testing laboratory and labeled by the manu- facturer The total efficiency of the fan at the design point of operation shall be within 15 percentage points of the maximum total efficiency of the fan Exception: The following fans are not required to have a fan efficiency grade 1 Fans of 5 hp (3 7 kW) or less as follows 1 1 Individual fans with a motor nameplate horsepower of 5 hp (3 7 kW) or less, unless Exception 1 2 applies 1 2 Multiple fans in series or parallel that have a combined motor nameplate horse- power of 5 hp (3 7 kW) or less and are operated as the functional equivalent of a single fan 2 Fans that are part of equipment covered in Sec- tion C403 3 2 3 Fans included in an equipment package certified by an approved agency for au or energy perfor- mance 4 Powered wall/roof ventilators 5 Fans outside the scope of AMCA 205 6 Fans that are intended to operate only during emergency conditions C403.8.4 Fractional hp fan motors (Mandatory). Motors for fans that are not less than '/12 hp (0 082 kW) and less than 1 hp (0 746 kW) shall be electronically com- mutated motors or shall have a mimmum motor efficiency of 70 percent, rated in accordance with DOE 10 CFR 431 These motors shall have the means to adjust motor speed for either balancing or remote control The use of belt - driven fans to sheave adjustments for airflow balancing instead of a varying motor speed shall be permitted Exceptions: The following motors are not required to comply with this section 1 Motors in the airstream within fan coils and ter- minal units that only provide heating to the space served C-62 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® rill l l UER Copyright Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(hv dme Oo,dA od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, ZMO oc s AM (GET) mt to ( I (Ifi1, Ag,e^ '^Rt, ICC No Barth, TAodomo,, m AtOy odomo- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemdmho[vsd Mglo —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRIS d ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY 2 Motors in space -conditioning equipment that comply with Section C403 3 2 or Sections C403 8 1 through C403 8 3 3 Motors that comply with Section C405 7 C403.8.5 Fan control. Controls shall be provided for fans in accordance with Section C403 8 5 1 and as required for specific systems provided in Section C403 C403.8.5.1 Fan airflow control. Each cooling system listed in Table C403 8 5 1 shall be designed to vary the indoor fan airflow as a function of load and shall com- ply with the following requirements 1 Direct expansion (DX) and chilled water cooling units that control the capacity of the mechanical cooling directly based on space temperature shall have not fewer than two stages of fan control Low or minimum speed shall not be greater than 66 percent of full speed At low or minimum speed, the fan system shall draw not more than 40 percent of the fan power at full fan speed Low or mmimum speed shall be used during periods of low cooling load and ventilation -only operation 2 Other units including DX cooling units and chilled water units that control the space tempera- ture by modulating the airflow to the space shall have modulating fan control Minimum speed shall be not greater than 50 percent of full speed At mmnnum speed the fan system shall draw not more than 30 percent of the power at full fan speed Low or mmimum speed shall be used during periods of low cooling load and ventila- tion -only operation 3 Units that include an air -side economizer in accordance with Section C403 5 shall have not fewer than two speeds of fan control during econ- omizer operation Exceptions: 1 Modulating fan control is not required for chilled water and evaporative cooling units with fan motors of less than 1 hp (0 746 kW) where the units are not used to provide ventila- tion air and the indoor fan cycles with the load 2 Where the volume of outdoor air required to comply with the ventilation requirements of the International Mechanical Code at low speed exceeds the air that would be delivered at the speed defined in Section C403 8 5, the minimum speed shall be selected to provide the required ventilation air TABLE C403.8.5.1 COOLING SYSTEMS COOLING FAN MECHANICAL SYSTEM TYPE MOTOR SIZE COOLING CAPACITY DX cooling Any >_ 65,000 Bta/h Clulled water and > I/hp Any evaporative coohng q For SI 1 British thermal unit per hour = 0 2931 W, 1 hp = 0 746 kW C403.9 Heat rejection equipment. Heat rejection equip- ment, including air-cooled condensers, dry coolers, open -cir- cuit cooling towers, closed-circuit cooling towers and evaporative condensers, shall comply with this section Exception: Heat rejection devices where energy usage is included in the equipment efficiency ratings listed in Tables C403 3 2(6) and C403 3 2(7) C403.9.1 Fan speed control. Each fan system powered by an individual motor or array of motors with connected power, including the motor service factor, totaling 5 hp (3 7 kW) or more shall have controls and devices config- ured to automatically modulate the fan speed to control the leaving fluid temperature or condensing temperature and pressure of the heat rejection device Fan motor power input shall be not more than 30 percent of design wattage or 50 percent of the design airflow Exceptions: 1 Fans serving multiple refrigerant or fluid cooling circuits 2 Condenser fans serving flooded condensers C403.9.2 Multiple -cell heat rejection equipment. Multi- ple -cell heat rejection equipment with variable speed fan drives shall be controlled to operate the maximum number of fans allowed that comply with the manufacturer's requirements for all system components and so that all fans operate at the same fan speed required for the mstan- taneous cooling duty, as opposed to staged on and off operation The mmimum fan speed shall be the mmimum allowable speed of the fan drive system in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations C403.9.3 Limitation on centrifugal fan open -circuit cooling towers. Centrifugal fan open -circuit cooling tow- ers with a combined rated capacity of 1,100 gpm (4164 L/ m) or greater at 95°F (35°C) condenser water return, 85°F (29°C) condenser water supply, and 75°F (24°C) outdoor air wet -bulb temperature shall meet the energy efficiency requirement for axial fan open -circuit cooling towers listed in Table C403 3 2(8) Exception: Centrifugal open -circuit cooling towers that are designed with inlet or discharge ducts or require external sound attenuation C403.9.4 Tower flow turndown. Open -circuit cooling towers used on water-cooled chiller systems that are con- figured with multiple- or variable -speed condenser water pumps shall be designed so that all open- circuit cooling tower cells can be run in parallel with the larger of the flow that is produced by the smallest pump at its mmimum expected flow rate or at 50 percent of the design flow for the cell C403.9.5 Heat recovery for service water heating. Con- denser heat recovery shall be installed for heating or reheating of service hot water provided that the facility operates 24 hours a day, the total installed heat capacity of water-cooled systems exceeds 6,000,000 Btu/hr (1 758 kW) of heat rejection, and the design service water heating load exceeds 1,000,000 Btu/h (293 kW) 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-63 I 1 1 1 Co LFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod) O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 06 s AM (PET) t to ( Lie Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO,Pepeodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg L-ARIS d ANY UNEARTHED RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISTRIBUTIO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY The required heat recovery system shall have the capacity to provide the smaller of the following 1 Sixty percent of the peak heat rejection load at design conditions 2 The preheating required to raise the peak service hot water draw to 85'F (29'C) Exceptions: 1 Facilities that employ condenser heat recovery for space heating or reheat purposes with a heat recovery design exceeding 30 percent of the peak water-cooled condenser load at design condi- tions 2 Facilities that provide 60 percent of their service water heating from site solar or site recovered energy or from other sources C403.10 Refrigeration equipment performance. Refrigera- tion equipment shall have an energy use in kWh/day not greater than the values of Tables C403 10 l(1) and C403 10 1(2) when tested and rated in accordance with AHRI Standard 1200 The energy use shall be verified through certi- fication under an approved certification program or, where a certification program does not exist, the energy use shall be supported by data furnished by the equipment manufacturer C403.10.1 Walk-in coolers, walk-in freezers, refriger- ated warehouse coolers and refrigerated warehouse freezers (Mandatory). Refrigerated warehouse coolers and refrigerated warehouse freezers shall comply with this section Walk-in coolers and walk-in freezers that are neither site assembled nor site constructed shall comply with the following 1 Be equipped with automatic door -closers that finely close walk-in doors that have been closed to within 1 inch (25 mm) of full closure Exception: Automatic closers are not required for doors more than 45 inches (1143 mm) in width or more than 7 feet (2134 mm) in height 2 Doorways shall have strip doors, curtains, spring - hinged doors or other method of minimizing infil- tration when doors are open 3 Walk-in coolers and refrigerated warehouse cool- ers shall contain wall, ceiling, and door insulation of not less than R-25 and walk-in freezers and refrigerated warehouse freezers shall contain wall, ceiling and door insulation of not less than R-32 Exception: Glazed portions of doors or struc- tural members need not be insulated 4 Walk-in freezers shall contain floor insulation of not less than R-28 5 Transparent reach -in doors for walk-in freezers and windows in walk-in freezer doors shall be of triple -pane glass, either filled with inert gas or with heat -reflective treated glass 6 Windows and transparent reach -in doors for walk- in coolers shall be of double -pane or triple -pane, inert gas -filled, heat -reflective treated glass 7 Evaporator fan motors that are less than 1 hp (0 746 kW) and less than 460 volts shall use elec- tronically commutated motors, brushless direct - current motors, or 3-phase motors 8 Condenser fan motors that are less than 1 hp (0 746 kW) shall use electronically commutated motors, permanent split capacitor -type motors or 3-phase motors 9 Where antisweat heaters without antisweat heater controls are provided, they shall have a total door rail, glass and frame heater power draw of not more than 7 1 W/ft' (76 W/m') of door opening for walk-in freezers and 3 0 W/ft' (32 W/m') of door opening for walk-in coolers 10 Where antisweat heater controls are provided, they shall reduce the energy use of the antisweat heater as a function of the relative humidity in the air out- side the door or to the condensation on the inner glass pane 11 Lights in walk-in coolers, walk-in freezers, refng- erated warehouse coolers and refrigerated ware- house freezers shall either use light sources with an efficacy of not less than 40 lumens per watt, including ballast losses, or shall use light sources with an efficacy of not less than 40 lumens per watt, including ballast losses, in conjunction with a device that turns off the lights within 15 minutes when the space is not occupied C403.10.2 Walk-in coolers and walk-in freezers (Man- datory). Site -assembled or site -constructed walk-in cool- ers and walk-in freezers shall comply with the following 1 Automatic door closers shall be provided that fully close walk-in doors that have been closed to within 1 inch (25 mm) of full closure Exception: Closers are not required for doors more than 45 inches (1143 mm) in width or more than 7 feet (2134 mm) in height 2 Doorways shall be provided with strip doors, cur - tams, spring -lunged doors or other method of mm- nmizmg infiltration when the doors are open 3 Walls shall be provided with insulation having a thermal resistance of not less than R-25, ceilings shall be provided with insulation having a thermal resistance of not less than R-25 and doors of walk- in coolers and walk-in freezers shall be provided with insulation having a thermal resistance of not less than R-32 Exception: Insulation is not required for glazed portions of doors or at structural mem- bers associated with the walls, ceiling or door frame 4 The floor of walk-in freezers shall be provided with insulation having a thermal resistance of not less than R-28 5 Transparent reach -in doors for and windows in opaque walk-in freezer doors shall be provided with triple -pane glass having the interstitial spaces C-64 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® 11 1 CopyngbtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rvdme Oo,dA od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO 06 s AM (PET) Mt,mmt to ( ( I 1, s Ag,e^ '^Rt, ICC No o tths TAodomoo. m At y goodomo- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle —ooly oTymg and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C403.10.1(1) MINIMUM EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS: COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT TYPE APPLICATION ENERGY USE LIMITSkWhper day)' TEST PROCEDURE Refrigerator with solid doors Holding Temperature 0 10 x V + 2 04 AHRI 1200 Refrigerator with transparent doors 0 12 x V + 3 34 Freezers with solid doors 0 40 x V + 1 38 Freezers with transparent doors 0 75 x V + 4 10 Refrigerators/freezers with solid doors the greater of 0 12 x V + 3 34 or 0 70 Commercial refrigerators Pulldown 0 126 x V + 3 51 a V —volume of the chiller or frozen compartment as defined in AHAM-HRF-1 TABLE C403.10.1(2) MINIMUM EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS: COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATORS AND FREEZERS EQUIPMENT TYPE ENERGY USE LIMITS (kWhlrlay)a•" TEST PROCEDURE Equipment Class` Family Code Operating Mode Rating Temperature VOP RC M Vertical open Remote condensing Medium 0 82 x TDA+ 4 07 SVO RC M Semrvertical open Remote condensing Medium 0 83 x TDA+ 3 18 HZO RC M Horizontal open Remote condensing Medium 0 35 x TDA+ 2 88 VOP RC L Vertical open Remote condensing Low 2 27 x TDA+ 6 85 HZO RC L Horizontal open Remote condensing Low 0 57 x TDA+ 6 88 VCT RCM Vertical transparent door Remote condensing Medium 0 22 x TDA+ 195 VCT RC L Vertical transparent door Remote condensing Low 0 56 x TDA+ 2 61 SOC RC M Service Remote condensing Medium 0 51 x TDA+ 0 11 over counter VOP SC M Vertical open Self-contained Medium 174 x TDA+ 4 71 SVO SC M Serruvenccal open Self-contained Medium 1 73 x TDA+ 4 59 HZO SC M Horizontal open Self-contained Medium 0 77 x TDA+ 5 55 AHRI 1200 HZO SC L Horizontal open Self-contained Low 1 92 x TDA+ 7 08 VCT SC I Vertical transparent door Self-contained Ice cream 0 67 x TDA+ 3 29 VCS SC I Vertical solid door Self-contained Ice cream 0 38 x V + 0 88 HCT SC I Horizontal transparent door Self-contained Ice cream 0 56 x TDA+ 0 43 SVO RC L Semrvertical open Remote condensing Low 2 27 x TDA+ 6 85 VOP RC I Vertical open Remote condensing Ice cream 2 89 x TDA + 8 7 SVO RC I Semrvertical open Remote condensing Ice cream 2 89 x TDA + 8 7 HZO RC I Horizontal open Remote condensing Ice cream 0 72 x TDA+ 8 74 VCT RC I Vertical transparent Remote condensing Ice cream 0 66 x TDA+ 3 05 door HCT RC M Horizontal transparent door Remote condensing Medium 0 16 x TDA+ 0 13 (continued) 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-65 I " ' Copyright @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv O,,e Oo,dv od om),(Qty of Ro,dNood) O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) mt to ( LET Affiee^®t'^^I, ICC NofwN¢[TAodomoo.mALM,,T,Aodomo,, by any Ot Party oT ATmboemdmho[vsd Mglo—oily mpyncg and ,yodwg L-ARISed ANY UNEARTHED RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C403.10.1(2)—continued MINIMUM EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS: COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATORS AND FREEZERS EQUIPMENT TYPE ENERGY USE LIMITS (kWhlday)a•" TEST PROCEDURE Equipment Classc Family Code Operating Mode Rating Temperature HCT RC L Horizontal Remote condensing Low 0 34 x TDA + 0 26 transparent door HCT RC I Horizontal Remote condensing Ice cream 0 4 x TDA+ 0 31 transparent door VCS RC M Vertical solid door Remote condensing Medium 0 11 x V + 0 26 VCS RC L Vertical solid door Remote condensing Low 0 23 x V + 0 54 VCS RC I Vertical solid door Remote condensing Ice cream 0 27 x V + 0 63 HCS RC M Horizontal Remote condensing Medium 0 11 x V + 0 26 solid door HCS RC L Horizontal Remote condensing Low 0 23 x V + 0 54 solid door HCS RC I Horizontal Remote condensing Ice cream 0 27 x V + 0 63 solid door Horizontal AHRI 1200 HCS RC I solid door Remote condensing Ice cream 0 27 x V + 0 63 SOC RC L Service Remote condensing Low 1 08 x TDA + 0 22 over counter SOC RC I Service Remote condensing Ice cream 1 26 x TDA + 0 26 over counter VOP SC L Vertical open Self-contained Low 4 37 x TDA+ 11 82 VOP SC I Vertical open Self-contained Ice cream 5 55 x TDA+ 15 02 SVO SC L Serruvertical open Self-contained Low 4 34 x TDA+ 11 51 SVO SC I Serruvertical open Self-contained Ice cream 5 52 x TDA+ 14 63 HZO SC I Horizontal open Self-contained Ice cream 2 44 x TDA+ 9 0 SOC SC I Service over counter Self-contained Ice cream 1 76 x TDA + 0 36 HCS SC I Horizontal solid door Self-contained Ice cream 0 38 x V + 0 88 V = Volume of the case, as measured in accordance with Appendix C of AHRI 1200 TDA = Total display area of the case, as measured in accordance with Appendix D of AHRI 1200 Equipment class designations consist of a combination [m sequential order separated by periods (AAA) (BB) (C)] of (AAA) An equipment family code where VOP = vertical open SVO = semivertical open HZO = horizontal open HCT = horizontal transparent doors HCS = horizontal solid doors SOC = service over counter (BB) An operating mode code RC = remote condensing SC = self-contained (C) A rating temperature code M = medium temperature (38°F) L = low temperature (0°F) I = ice-cream temperature (15°F) For example, "VOP RC M" refers to the "vertical -open, remote -condensing, medium -temperature" equipment class filled with inert gas or provided with heat-reflec- live treated glass 6 Transparent reach -in doors for and windows in opaque walk-in cooler doors shall be double -pane heat -reflective treated glass having the interstitial space gas filled Evaporator fan motors that are less than 1 hp (0 746 kW) and less than 460 volts shall be elec- tronically commutated motors or 3-phase motors Condenser fan motors that are less than 1 hp (0 746 kW) in capacity shall be of the electrom- C-66 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ( ( " ' Copyaght Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dv od om),(Qty of Ro,dNood) O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (GET) mt to I RR 1, Ag,e^ '^Rt, ICC No otths[TAodomo,, m Aths Tepeodomo- by any Ot Party o[ ATmboemdmho[vsd Mglo —o,IA o,and ,yodwg GMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FED REAL COPYRIGHT 11AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND SVEJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY cally commutated or permanent split capacitor - type or shall be 3-phase motors Exception: Fan motors in walk-in coolers and walk-in freezers combined in a single enclo- sure greater than 3,000 square feet (279 m) in floor area are exempt 9 Antisweat heaters that are not provided with anti - sweat heater controls shall have a total door rail, glass and frame heater power draw not greater than 71 W/ft' (76 W/m) of door opening for walk in freezers, and not greater than 3 0 W/ft' (32 W/m') of door opening for walk-in coolers 10 Antisweat heater controls shall be configured to reduce the energy use of the antisweat heater as a function of the relative humidity in the au outside the door or to the condensation on the inner glass pane 11 Light sources shall have an efficacy of not less than 40 lumens per Watt, including any ballast losses, or shall be provided with a device that automatically turns off the lights within 15 min- utes of when the walk-in cooler or walk-in freezer was last occupied C403.10.2.1 Performance standards (Mandatory). Effective January 1, 2020, walk-in coolers and walk-in freezers shall meet the requirements of Tables C403 10 2 1(1), C403 10 2 1(2) and C403 10 2 1(3) C403.10.3 Refrigerated display cases (Mandatory). Site -assembled or site -constructed refrigerated display cases shall comply with the following 1 Lighting and glass doors in refrigerated display cases shall be controlled by one of the following 11 Tune -switch controls to turn off lights during nonbusmess hours Timed overrides for display cases shall turn the lights on for up to 1 hour and shall automatically time out to turn the lights off 1 2 Motion sensor controls on each display case section that reduce lighting power by not less than 50 percent within 3 minutes after the area within the sensor range is vacated 2 Low -temperature display cases shall incorporate temperature -based defrost termination control with a tune -limit default The defrost cycle shall terminate first on an upper temperature limit breach and sec- ond upon a time limit breach 3 Antisweat heater controls shall reduce the energy use of the antisweat heater as a function of the rela- tive humidity in the au outside the door or to the condensation on the inner glass pane C403.10.4 Refrigeration systems. Refrigerated display cases, walk-in coolers or walk-in freezers that are served by remote compressors and remote condensers not located in a condensing unit, shall comply with Sections C403 10 4 1 and C403 10 4 2 Exception: Systems where the working fluid in the refrigeration cycle goes through both subcritical and super -critical states (transcritical) or that use ammonia refrigerant are exempt TABLE C403.10.2.1(1) WALK-IN COOLERAND FREEZER DISPLAY DOOR EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTSa CLASS DESCRIPTOR CLASS MAXIMUM ENERGY CONSUMPTION (kWh1day)a Display door, medium temperature DD, M 0 04 x Add+ 0 41 Display door, low temperature DD, L 0 15 x Aaa+ 0 29 a Aaa is the surface area of the display door TABLE C403.10.2.1(2) WALK-IN COOLER AND FREEZER NONDISPLAY DOOR EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTSa CLASS DESCRIPTOR CLASS MAXIMUM ENERGY CONSUMPTION (kWhlday)a Passage door, medium temperature PD, M 0 05 x A„ a + 1 7 Passage door, low temperature PD, L 0 14 x A„ a + 4 8 Freight door, medium temperature FD, M 0 04 x A„ a + 1 9 Freight door, low temperature FD, L 0 12 x A„ a + 5 6 a A„a is the surface area of the nondlsplay door TABLE C403.10.2.1(3) WALK-IN COOLER AND FREEZER REFRIGERATION SYSTEM EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS CLASS DESCRIPTOR CLASS MINIMUM ANNUAL WALK-IN ENERGY FACTORAWEF (Btu/W-h) Dedicated condensing, medium temperature, indoor system DC M I 561 Dedicated condensing, medium temperature, indoor system, DC M I, 561 > 9,000 Btu/h capacity > 9,000 Dedicated condensing, medium temperature, outdoor system DC M I 760 Dedicated condensing, medium temperature, outdoor system, DC M I, 760 > 9,000 Btu/h capacity > 9,000 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE" C-67 I I I I Copyright @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dv od om),(Dty of Ro,dNood) O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 06 s AM(PET)puTrvant to ( LET Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO, odomo- by any Ot Party oT ATmboemdmho[vsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg L,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIRTHO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY C403.10.4.1 Condensers serving refrigeration sys- tems. Fan -powered condensers shall comply with the following 1 The design saturated condensing temperatures for air-cooled condensers shall not exceed the design dry-bulb temperature plus 10°F (5 6°C) for low -temperature refrigeration systems, and the design dry- bulb temperature plus 15°F (8°C) for medium temperature refrigeration systems where the saturated condensing temperature for blend refrigerants shall be determined using the average of liquid and vapor temperatures as con- verted from the condenser dram pressure 2 Condenser fan motors that are less than 1 hp (0 75 kW) shall use electronically commutated motors, permanent split -capacitor -type motors or 3-phase motors 3 Condenser fans for air-cooled condensers, evapo- ratively cooled condensers, air- or water-cooled fluid coolers or cooling towers shall reduce fan motor demand to not more than 30 percent of design wattage at 50 percent of design air vol- ume, and incorporate one of the following contin- uous variable speed fan control approaches 3 1 Refrigeration system condenser control for air-cooled condensers shall use vari- able setpoint control logic to reset the condensing temperature setpoint in response to ambient dry-bulb tempera- ture 32 Refrigeration system condenser control for evaporatively cooled condensers shall use variable setpoint control logic to reset the condensing temperature setpoint in response to ambient wet -bulb tempera- ture 4 Multiple fan condensers shall be controlled in unison 5 The minimum condensing temperature setpoint shall be not greater than 70°F (21 °C) C403.10.4.2 Compressor systems. Refrigeration com- pressor systems shall comply with the following 1 Compressors and multiple -compressor system suction groups shall include control systems that use floating suction pressure control logic to reset the target suction pressure temperature based on the temperature requirements of the attached refrigeration display cases or walk-ins Exception: Controls are not required for the following 1 Single -compressor systems that do not have variable capacity capability 2 Suction groups that have a design saturated suction temperature of 30°F (-1 1°C) or higher, suction groups that comprise the high stage of a two -stage or cascade system, or suction groups that primarily serve chillers for secondary cooling fluids Liquid subcooling shall be provided for all low - temperature compressor systems with a design cooling capacity equal to or greater than 100,000 Bta/hr (29 3 kW) with a design -saturated suction temperature of -10°F (-23°C) or lower The sub - cooled liquid temperature shall be controlled at a maximum temperature setpoint of 50°F (10°C) at the exit of the subcooler using either compressor economizer (interstage) ports or a separate com- pressor suction group operating at a saturated suction temperature of 18°F (-7 8°C) or higher 21 Insulation for liquid lines with a fluid operating temperature less than 60°F (15 6°C) shall comply with Table C403 11 3 3 Compressors that incorporate internal or external crankcase heaters shall provide a means to cycle the heaters off during compressor operation C403.11 Construction of 1TVAC system elements. Ducts, plenums, piping and other elements that are part of an HVAC system shall be constructed and insulated in accordance with Sections C403 11 1 through C403 11 3 1 C403.11.1 Duct and plenum insulation and sealing (Mandatory). Supply and return air ducts and plenums shall be insulated with not less than R-6 insulation where located in unconditioned spaces and where located outside the building with not less than R-8 insulation in Climate Zones 1 through 4 and not less than R-12 insulation in Cli- mate Zones 5 through 8 Where located within a building envelope assembly, the duct or plenum shall be separated from the building exterior or unconditioned or exempt spaces by not less than R-8 insulation in Climate Zones 1 through 4 and not less than R-12 insulation in Climate Zones 5 through 8 Exceptions: 1 Where located within equipment 2 Where the design temperature difference between the interior and exterior of the duct or plenum is not greater than 15°F (8°C) Ducts, air handlers and filter boxes shall be sealed Joints and seams shall comply with Section 603 9 of the Intemahonal Mechamcal Code C403.11.2 Duct construction (Mandatory). Ductwork shall be constructed and erected in accordance with the Intemahonal Mechamcal Code C403.11.2.1 Low-pressure duct systems (Manda- tory). Longitudinal and transverse joints, seams and connections of supply and return ducts operating at a static pressure less than or equal to 2 inches water gauge (w g ) (498 Pa) shall be securely fastened and sealed with welds, gaskets, mastics (adhesives), mas- C-68 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ( Ifirill 1 1 UER Copyngbt Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rv dme Oo,dA od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 06 s AM (PET) mt to ( I 1, Ag,'^Rt, ICC No otths TAodomoo. m At6sodomo- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FED REAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY tic -plus -embedded -fabric systems or tapes installed in Documentation shall be furnished by the designer accordance with the manufacturer's instructions Pres- demonstrating that representative sections totaling not sure classifications specific to the duct system shall be less than 25 percent of the duct area have been tested clearly indicated on the construction documents in and that all tested sections comply with the require - accordance with the International Mechanical Code ments of this section Exception: Locking -type longitudinal joints and seams, other than the snap -lock and button -lock types, need not be sealed as specified in this section C403.11.2.2 Medium -pressure duct systems (Man- datory). Ducts and plenums designed to operate at a static pressure greater than 2 inches water gauge (w g ) (498 Pa) but less than 3 inches w g (747 Pa) shall be insulated and sealed in accordance with Section C403 11 1 Pressure classifications specific to the duct system shall be clearly indicated on the construction documents in accordance with the International Mechanical Code C403.11.2.3 High-pressure duct systems (Manda- tory). Ducts and plenums designed to operate at static pressures equal to or greater than 3 inches water gauge (747 Pa) shall be insulated and sealed in accordance with Section C403 11 1 In addition, ducts and plenums shall be leak tested in accordance with the SMACNA HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual and shown to have a rate of air leakage (CL) less than or equal to 4 0 as determined in accordance with Equation 4-8 CL — F/Pe 65 (Equation 4-8) C403.11.3 Piping insulation (Mandatory). Piping serv- ing as part of a heating or cooling system shall be ther- mally insulated in accordance with Table C403 11 3 ' Exceptions: 1 Factory -installed piping within HVAC equip- ment tested and rated in accordance with a test procedure referenced by this code 2 Factory -installed piping within room fan -coils and unit ventilators tested and rated according to AHRI 440 (except that the sampling and varia- tion provisions of Section 6 5 shall not apply) and AHRI 840, respectively 3 Piping that conveys fluids that have a design operating temperature range between 60°F (15°C) and 105°F (41°C) 4 Piping that conveys fluids that have not been heated or cooled through the use of fossil fuels or electric power 5 Strainers, control valves, and balancing valves associated with piping 1 inch (25 mm) or less in diameter where 6 Direct buried piping that conveys fluids at or F =The measured leakage rate incfm per 100 square below 60°F (15°(7) feet of duct surface C403.11.3.1 Protection of piping insulation (Manda- tory). Piping insulation exposed to the weather shall be P — The static pressure of the test protected from damage, including that caused by sun - TABLE C403.11.3 MINIMUM PIPE INSULATION THICKNESS (in inches)" FLUID OPERATING INSULATION CONDUCTIVITY NOMINAL PIPE OR TUBE SIZE (inches) TEMPERATURE RANGE AND USAGE (OF) Conductivity Btu • in.l(h • fe- °F)b Mean Rating Temperature, OF <1 1 to < 1112 1112 to <4 4 to <8 > 8 >350 032-034 250 45 50 50 50 50 251-350 029-032 200 30 40 45 45 45 201-250 027-030 150 25 25 25 30 30 141-200 025-029 125 15 15 20 20 20 105-140 021-028 100 10 10 15 15 15 40-60 1 021-027 75 1 05 1 05 1 10 1 10 1 10 <40 020 —026 50 05 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 15 For SI 1 inch = 25 4 mm, °C= [CF) - 32]/1 8 a For piping smaller than 1'/L inches and located in partitions within conditioned spaces, reduction of these thicknesses by 1 inch shall be permitted (before thickness adjustment required in footnote b) but not to a thickness less than 1 inch b For insulation outside the stated conductivity range, the minimum thickness (T) shall be determined as follows T = r [(1 + t1r)"N— 1] where T = minimum insulation thickness, r = actual outside radius of pipe, t = insulation thickness listed in the table for applicable fluid temperature and pipe size, K= conductivity of alternate material at mean rating temperature indicated for the applicable fluid temperature (Btu • m/h • fl • °F) and k = the upper value of the conductivity range listed in the table for the applicable fluid temperature c For direct -buried heating and hot water system piping, reduction of these thicknesses by 1'/Y inches (38 min) shall be permitted (before thickness adjustment required in footnote b but not to thicknesses less than 1 inch 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-69 I I I I (AryaghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od mm).(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) t to ' Lie A,,,®Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.mfwih¢Pepeodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboem a Romsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg L-ARISed ANY UNEARTHED RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY light, moisture, equipment maintenance and wind, and shall provide shielding from solar radiation that can cause degradation of the material Adhesive tape shall not be penmitted C403.12 Mechanical systems located outside of the build- ing thermal envelope (Mandatory). Mechanical systems providing heat outside of the thermal envelope of a building shall comply with Sections C403 12 1 through C403 12 3 C403.12.1 Heating outside a building. Systems installed to provide heat outside a building shall be radiant systems Such heating systems shall be controlled by an occu- pancy sensing device or a timer switch, so that the system is automatically de -energized when occupants are not present C403.12.2 Snow- and ice -melt system controls. Snow - and ice -melting systems shall include automatic controls configured to shut off the system when the pavement tem- perature is above 50'F (10°C) and precipitation is not fall- ing, and an automatic or manual control that is configured to shut off when the outdoor temperature is above 40'F (4'C) C403.12.3 Freeze protection system controls. Freeze protection systems, such as heat tracing of outdoor piping and heat exchangers, including self-regulating heat trac- ing, shall include automatic controls configured to shut off the systems when outdoor au temperatures are above 40'F (4'C) or when the conditions of the protected fluid will prevent freezing SECTION C404 SERVICE WATER HEATING (MANDATORY) C404.1 General. This section covers the minimum efficiency of, and controls for, service water -heating equipment and insulation of service hot water piping C404.2 Service water -heating equipment performance efficiency. Water -heating equipment and hot water storage tanks shall meet the requirements of Table C404 2 The effi- ciency shall be verified through data furnished by the manu- facturer of the equipment or through certification under an approved certification program Water -heating equipment intended to be used to provide space heating shall meet the applicable provisions of Table C404 2 C404.2.1 High input service water -heating systems. Gas -fired water -heating equipment installed in new build- ings shall be in compliance with this section Where a sin- gular piece of water -heating equipment serves the entire building and the input rating of the equipment is 1,000,000 Btu/h (293 kW) or greater, such equipment shall have a thermal efficiency, E), of not less than 90 percent Where multiple pieces of water -heating equipment serve the building and the combined input rating of the water -heat- ing equipment is 1,000,000 Btu/h (293 kW) or greater, the combined input -capacity -weighted -average thermal effi- ciency, Eb shall be not less than 90 percent Exceptions: 1 Where not less than 25 percent of the annual ser- vice water -heating requirement is provided by on - site renewable energy or site -recovered energy, the minimum thermal efficiency requirements of this section shall not apply 2 The input rating of water heaters installed in indi- vidual dwelling units shall not be required to be included in the total input rating of service water - heating equipment for a building 3 The input rating of water heaters with an input rating of not greater than 100,000 Btu/h (29 3 kW) shall not be required to be included in the total input rating of service water -heating equip- ment for a building C404.3 Heat traps for hot water storage tanks. Storage tank -type water heaters and hot water storage tanks that have vertical water pipes connecting to the mlet and outlet of the tank shall be provided with integral heat traps at those inlets and outlets or shall have pipe -configured heat traps in the pip- ing connected to those inlets and outlets Tank inlets and out- lets associated with solar water heating system circulation loops shall not be required to have heat traps C404.4Insulation of piping. Piping from a water heater to the termination of the heated water fixture supply pipe shall be insulated in accordance with Table C403 11 3 On both the inlet and outlet piping of a storage water heater or heated water storage tank, the piping to a heat trap or the first 8 feet (2438 mm) of piping, whichever is less, shall be insulated Piping that is heat traced shall be insulated in accordance with Table C403 11 3 or the heat trace manufacturer's instructions Tubu- lar pipe insulation shall be installed in accordance with the insulation manufacturer's instructions Pipe insulation shall be continuous except where the piping passes through a framing member The mimmum insulation thickness requirements of this section shall not supersede any greater insulation thick- ness requirements necessary for the protection of piping from freezing temperatures or the protection of personnel against external surface temperatures on the insulation Exception: Tubular pipe insulation shall not be required on the following 1 The tubing from the connection at the termmation of the fixture supply piping to a plumbing fixture or plumbing appliance 2 Valves, pumps, strainers and threaded unions in pip- ing that is 1 inch (25 mm) or less in nominal diameter 3 Piping from user -controlled shower and bath mixing valves to the water outlets 4 Cold -water piping of a demand recirculation water system 5 Tubing from a hot drinking -water heating unit to the water outlet 6 Piping at locations where a vertical support of the piping is installed 7 Piping surrounded by building insulation with a thermal resistance (R-value) of not less than R-3 C404.5 Heated water supply piping. Heated water supply piping shall be in accordance with Section C404 5 1 or C404 5 2 The flow rate through '/q inch (6 4 mm) piping shall be not greater than 0 5 gpm (1 9 L/m) The flow rate C-70 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® I CopyngbtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rvdme Oo,dA od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) mt to ( 1 S I 1, Ag,'^Rt, ICC No otths TAodomoo. m At6sodomo- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FED REAL COPYRIGHT 11AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C404.2 MINIMUM PERFORMANCE OF WATER -HEATING EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT TYPE SIZE CATEGORY (input) SUBCATEGORY OR RATING CONDITION PERFORMANCE REQUIREDa" TEST PROCEDURE Tabletop', >_ 20 gallons and 0 93 - 0 0013217, EF < 120 gallons Resistance >_ 20 gallons 0 960 - 0 0003 V, EF < 12 kW' and < 55 gallons DOE 10 CFR Part 430 Water heaters, electric Grid-embledE> 75 gallons 1 061 - 0 0016817, EF and < 120 gallons > 12 kW Resistance (0 3 + 27/V,), %/h ANSI Z21 10 3 < 24 amps and Heat pump > 55 gallons 2 057 - 0 0011317, EF DOE 10 CFR Part 430 < 250 volts and < 120 gallons >_ 20 gallons and 0 675 - 0 001517, EF <_ 55 gallons < 75,000 Btu/h DOE 10 CFR Part 430 > 55 gallons and 0 8012 - 0 00078 V, EF <_ 100 gallons Storage water heaters, gas > 75,000 Btu/h and 80%E, < 155,000 Btu/h < 4,000 Bhilh/gal (Q/800+ 110„�T�SL, Btu/h ANSI Z21 10 3 > 155,000 Btu/h <4,000 Btu/h/gal 80%E, (Q/800+ 110„FVSL, Btu/h > 50,000 Btu/h and >_ 4,000 (Btu/h)/gal 0 82 - 0 00 19 V, EF DOE 10 CFR Part 430 < 200,000 Btu/h' and < 2 gal Instantaneous water heaters, ? 200,000 Btu/h >_ 4,000 Btu/h/gal 80 /o E, " gas and < 10 gal ANSI Z21 10 3 >_ 200,000 Btu/h ? 4,000 Btu/h/gal and 80%E, >_ 10 gal (Q/800 + 110.,FV SL, Btu/h < 105,000 Btu/h 20 gal and < 50 gallons 0 68 - 0 001917, EF DOE 10 CFR Part 430 Storage water heaters, oil 80%E >_ 105,000 Btu/h <4,000 Btu/h/gal ` ANSI Z21 10 3 (Q/800+ 110„FVSL, Btu/h < 210,000 Btu/h ? 4,000 Btu/h/gal and < 2 gal 0 59 - 0 0019 V, EF DOE 10 CFR Part 430 Instantaneous water heaters, > 210,000 Btu/h > 4,000 Btu/h/gal and 80%E, oil < 10 gal ANSI Z21 10 3 > 210,000 Btu/h > 4,000 Btu/h/gal and 78%E, >_ 10 gal (Q/800 + 110.fV SL, Btu/h Hot water supply boilers, >_ 300,000 Btu/h and >_ 4,000 Btu/h/gal and 80%E, gas and oil < 12,500,000 Btu/h < 10 gal Hot water supply boilers, gas >_ 300,000 Btu/h and >_ 4,000 Btu/h/gal and 80%E, ANSI Z21 10 3 < 12,500,000 Btu/h >_ 10 gal (Q/800 + 110„'V SL, Btu/h Hot water supply boilers, oil > 300,000 Btu/h and > 4,000 Btu/h/gal and 78%E, < 12,500,000 Btu/h > 10 gal (Q/800 + 110.fV SL, Btu/h Pool heaters, gas and oil All 82%E, ASHRAE 146 (continued) 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-71 I " ' Copyright @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Cm,(Rv dme Oo,dA od om),(Qty of IFRmd—od) O[do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) mt to ( LEA Affiee^® Rt, ICC No(wN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO,«odomo- by any Ot Party o, AAmboemdmho[vsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg p,oIRb¢Ad ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISTRIBUTION IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C404.2—continued MINIMUM PERFORMANCE OF WATER -HEATING EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT TYPE SIZE CATEGORY (input) SUBCATEGORY OR RATING CONDITION PERFORMANCE REQUIRED'•" TEST PROCEDURE Heat pump pool heaters All 4 0 COP AHRI 1160 Minimum insulation Unfired storage tanks All requirement R-12 5 (none) (h • ft • 'F)/Btu For SI 1 foot =304 8 min, 1 square foot= 0 0929 m',OC= hOO - 32]/1 8, 1 British thermal unit per hour= 0 2931 W, 1 gallon =3 785 L, 1 British thermal unit per hour per gallon = 0 078 W/L a Energy factor (EF) and thermal efficiency (H) are minimum requirements In the EF equation, V is the rated volume in gallons b Standby loss (SL) is the maximum Btu/h based on a nominal 70OF temperature difference between stored water and ambient requirements In the SL equation, Q is the nameplate input rate in Btu/h In the equations for electric water heaters, V is the rated volume in gallons and m is the measured volume in gallons In the SL equation for oil and gas water heaters and boilers, V is the rated volume in gallons c Instantaneous water heaters with input rates below 200,000 Btu/h shall comply with these requirements where the water heater is designed to heat water to temperatures 1SOOT or higher d Electric water heaters with an input rating of 12 kW (40,950 Btu/hr) or less that are designed to heat water to temperatures of 180OF or greater shall comply with the requirements for electric water heaters that have an input rating greater than 12 kW (40,950 Bm h) e A tabletop water heater is awater heater that is enclosed in a rectangular cabmetwfth a flat top surface not more than 3 feet in height f A grid -enabled water heater is an electric resistance water heater that meets all of the following 1 Has a rated storage tank volume of more than 75 gallons 2 Was manufactured on or after April 16, 2015 3 Is equipped at the point of manufacture with an activation lock 4 Bears a permanent label applied by the manufacturer that complies with all of the following 41 Is made of material not adversely affected by water 42 Is attached by means of nonwater-soluble adhesive 43 Advises purchasers and end users of the intended and appropriate use of the product with the following nonce printed in 16 5 point Arial Narrow Bold font "IMPORTANT INFORMATION This water heater is intended only for use as part of an electric thermal storage or demand response program It will not provide adequate hot water unless enrolled in such a program and activated by your utility company or another program operator Confirm the availability of a program in your local area before purchasing or installing this product" through s/6 inch (7 9 mm) piping shall be not greater than 1 gpm (3 8 L/m) The flow rate through '/g inch (9 5 mm) pip- ing shall be not greater than 15 gpm (5 7 L/m) C404.5.1 Maximum allowable pipe length method. The maximum allowable piping length from the nearest source of heated water to the termination of the fixture supply pipe shall be in accordance with the following Where the piping contains more than one size of pipe, the largest size of pipe within the piping shall be used for determining the maximum allowable length of the piping in Table C404 5 1 1 For a public lavatory faucet, use the "Public lavatory faucets" column in Table C404 5 1 2 For all other plumbing fixtures and plumbing appli- ances, use the "Other fixtures and appliances" col- umn in Table C404 5 1 C404.5.2 Maximum allowable pipe volume method. The water volume in the piping shall be calculated in accordance with Section C404 5 2 1 Water heaters, circu- lating water systems and heat trace temperature mainte- nance systems shall be considered to be sources of heated water The volume from the nearest source of heated water to the termination of the fixture supply pipe shall be as follows 1 For a public lavatory faucet not more than 2 ounces (0 06 L) 2 For other plumbing fixtures or plumbing appliances, not more than 0 5 gallon (1 89 L) C404.5.2.1 Water volume determination. The vol- ume shall be the sum of the internal volumes of pipe, fittings, valves, meters and manifolds between the near- est source of heated water and the termination of the fixture supply pipe The volume in the piping shall be determined from the "Volume" column in Table C404 5 1 The volume contained within fixture shutoff valves, within flexible water supply connectors to a fix- ture fitting and within a fixture fitting shall not be included in the water volume determination Where heated water is supplied by a recirculating system or heat -traced piping, the volume shall include the portion of the fitting on the branch pipe that supplies water to the fixture C404.6 Heated -water circulating and temperature main- tenance systems. Heated -water circulation systems shall be in accordance with Section C404 6 1 Heat trace temperature maintenance systems shall be in accordance with Section C404 6 2 Controls for hot water storage shall be in accor- dance with Section C40463 Automatic controls, tempera- ture sensors and pumps shall be in a location with access Manual controls shall be in a location with ready access C404.6.1 Circulation systems. Heated -water circulation systems shall be provided with a circulation pump The system return pipe shall be a dedicated return pipe or a cold water supply pipe Gravity and thermo-syphon circu- lation systems shall be prohibited Controls for circulating hot water system pumps shall start the pump based on the identification of a demand for hot water within the occu- pancy The controls shall automatically turn off the pump C-72 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® 11 1 CopyrightOo2.017ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awsedby H®Ih,,Vm Dm,(hvdmepf dTVod mm).(Qtyof IG,,dwood)O,d,,N=b,,*1008170S8 ocJM 15.2m.00c4AM(PET)Tummtto S ( I I.i AgffiTTmT ,Ath ICC NofwNs TTAodomoa oIuth, gAodomo,,IVm th,d Partyo, ATmboem-thow.d &,gITU odAmTOe�g mdoetw,kmg T,okbAd ANY VNAVTHORIVED SISTER D VCIION OGIH1RIE1E.o ISA VIOLATION OP THE FEDEFAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE L ICENSEA G RE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIESTHEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C404.5.1 PIPING VOLUME AND MAXIMUM PIPING LENGTHS NOMINAL PIPE SIZE (inches) VOLUME (liquid ounces per foot length) MAXIMUM PIPING LENGTH (feet) Public lavatory faucets Other fixtures and appliances 1/4 033 6 50 "16 05 4 50 '/g 0 75 3 50 1/2 1 5 2 43 '/R 2 1 32 '/q 3 0 5 21 '/g 4 0 5 16 1 5 05 13 11/4 8 0 5 8 11/2 11 0 5 6 2 or larger 18 05 4 For SI 1 inch = 25 4 min, 1 foot= 304 8 min, 1 liquid ounce = 0 030 L, 1 gallon =128 ounces when the water in the circulation loop is at the desired temperature and when there is not a demand for hot water C404.6.2 Heat trace systems. Electric heat trace systems shall comply with IEEE 515 1 Controls for such systems shall be able to automatically adjust the energy input to the heat tracing to maintain the desired water temperature in the piping in accordance with the times when heated water is used in the occupancy Heat trace shall be arranged to be turned off automatically when there is not a demand for hot water C404.6.3 Controls for hot water storage. The controls on pumps that circulate water between a water heater and a heated -water storage tank shall limit operation of the pump from heating cycle startup to not greater than 5 min- utes after the end of the cycle C404.7 Demand recirculation controls. Demand recircula- tion water systems shall have controls that comply with both of the following 1 The controls shall start the pump upon receiving a sig- nal from the action of a user of a fixture or appliance, sensing the presence of a user of a fixture or sensing the flow of hot or tempered water to a fixture fitting or appliance 2 The controls shall limit the temperature of the water entering the cold -water piping to not greater than 104'F (40'C) C404.8 Drain water heat recovery units. Dram water heat recovery units shall comply with CSA B55 2 Potable water- side pressure loss shall be less than 10 psi (69 kPa) at maxi- mum design flow For Group R occupancies, the efficiency of dram water heat recovery unit efficiency shall be in accor- dance with CSA B55 1 C404.9 Energy consumption of pools and permanent spas (Mandatory). The energy consumption of pools and perma- nent spas shall be controlled by the requirements in Sections C404 9 1 through C404 9 3 C404.9.1 Heaters. The electric power to all heaters shall be controlled by an on -off switch that is an integral part of the heater, mounted on the exterior of the heater, or exter- nal to and within 3 feet (914 mm) of the heater in a loca- tion with ready access Operation of such switch shall not change the setting of the heater thermostat Such switches shall be in addition to a circuit breaker for the power to the heater Gas -fired heaters shall not be equipped with con- tinuously burning ignition pilots C404.9.2 Time switches. Time switches or other control methods that can automatically turn off and on heaters and pump motors according to a preset schedule shall be installed for heaters and pump motors Heaters and pump motors that have built-in time switches shall be in compli- ance with this section Exceptions: 1 Where public health standards require 24-hour pump operation 2 Pumps that operate solar- and waste -heat -recov- ery pool heating systems C404.9.3 Covers. Outdoor heated pools and outdoor per- manent spas shall be provided with a vapor -retardant cover or other approved vapor -retardant means Exception: Where more than 75 percent of the energy for heating, computed over an operating season of not fewer than 3 calendar months, is from site -recovered energy such as from a heat pump or on -site renewable energy system, covers or other vapor -retardant means shall not be required C404.10 Energy consumption of portable spas (Manda- tory). The energy consumption of electric -powered portable spas shall be controlled by the requirements of APSP 14 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-73 I 1 1 1 CALFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) t to ( Lie Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO,Pepeodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdm6o d Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg LARISAd ANY UNEARTHED RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY SECTION C405 ELECTRICAL POWER AND LIGHTING SYSTEMS C405.1 General (Mandatory). This section covers lighting system controls, the maximum lighting power for interior and exterior applications and electrical energy consumption Dwelling units within multifamily bwldmgs shall comply with Section R404 1 All other dwelling units shall comply with Section R404 1, or with Sections C405 2 4 and C405 3 Sleeping units shall comply with Section C405 2 4, and with Section R404 1 or C405 3 Lighting installed in walk-in cool- ers, walk-in freezers, refrigerated warehouse coolers and refrigerated warehouse freezers shall comply with the light- ing requirements of Section C403 10 1 or C403 10 2 C405.2 Lighting controls (Mandatory). Lighting systems shall be provided with controls that comply with one of the following 1 Lighting controls as specified in Sections C405 2 1 through C405 2 6 2 Lummaire level lighting controls (LLLC) and lighting controls as specified in Sections C405 2 1, C405 2 4 and C405 2 5 The LLLC lummaire shall be inde- pendently capable of 21 Monitoring occupant activity to brighten or dim lighting when occupied or unoccupied, respec- tively 22 Monitoring ambient light, both electric light and daylight, and brighten or dim artificial light to maintain desired light level 23 For each control strategy, configuration and reconfiguration of performance parameters including, bright and dim setpomts, timeouts, dimming fade rates, sensor sensitivity adjust- ments, and wireless zoning configurations Exceptions: Lighting controls are not required for the fol- lowing 1 Areas designated as security or emergency areas that are required to be continuously lighted 2 Interior exit stairways, interior exit ramps and exit passageways 3 Emergency egress lighting that is normally off C405.2.1 Occupant sensor controls. Occupant sensor controls shall be installed to control lights in the following space types 1 Classroom s/lecture/trammgrooms 2 Conference/meeting/multipurpose rooms 3 Copy/prmtrooms 4 Lounges/breakrooms 5 Enclosed offices 6 Open plan office areas 7 Restrooms 8 Storage rooms 9 Locker rooms 10 Other spaces 300 square feet (28 m) or less that are enclosed by floor-to-ceJlmg height partitions 11 Warehouse storage areas C405.2.1.1 Occupant sensor control function. Occu- pant sensor controls in warehouses shall comply with Section C405 2 1 2 Occupant sensor controls in open plan office areas shall comply with Section C405 2 1 3 Occupant sensor controls for all other spaces specified in Section C405 2 1 shall comply with the following 1 They shall automatically turn off lights within 20 minutes after all occupants have left the space 2 They shall be manual on or controlled to auto- matically turn on the lighting to not more than 50- percent power Exception: Full automatic -on controls shall be permitted to control lighting in public corri- dors, stairways, restrooms, primary building entrance areas and lobbies, and areas where manual -on operation would endanger the safety or security of the room or building occupants 3 They shall incorporate a manual control to allow occupants to turn off lights C405.2.1.2 Occupant sensor control function in warehouses. In warehouses, the lighting in aisleways and open areas shall be controlled with occupant sen- sors that automatically reduce lighting power by not less than 50 percent when the areas are unoccupied The occupant sensors shall control lighting in each aisleway independently and shall not control lighting beyond the aisleway being controlled by the sensor C405.2.1.3 Occupant sensor control function in open plan office areas. Occupant sensor controls in open plan office spaces less than 300 square feet (28 m') in area shall comply with Section C405 2 1 1 Occupant sensor controls in all other open plan office spaces shall comply with all of the following 1 The controls shall be configured so that general lighting can be controlled separately in control zones with floor areas not greater than 600 square feet (55 in 2) within the open plan office space 2 The controls shall automatically turn off general lighting in all control zones within 20 minutes after all occupants have left the open plan office space 3 The controls shall be configured so that general lighting power in each control zone is reduced by not less than 80 percent of the full zone general lighting power in a reasonably uniform illumma- tion pattern within 20 minutes of all occupants leaving that control zone Control functions that switch control zone lights completely off when the zone is vacant meet this requirement 4 The controls shall be configured such that any daylight responsive control will activate open plan office space general lighting or control zone general lighting only when occupancy for the same area is detected C405.2.2 Time -switch controls. Each area of the building that is not provided with occupant sensor controls com- C-74 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® I CopyngbtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rvdme Oo,dA od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b6xlooe1vme 01 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (GET) mt to ( 1 S I 1, Ag,'^Rt, ICC No otths TAodomoo. m At6sodomo- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY plying with Section C405 2 1 1 shall be provided with time -switch controls complying with Section C405 2 2 1 Exception: Where a manual control provides light I reduction in accordance with Section C405 2 2 2, hme- switch controls shall not be required for the following 1 Spaces where patient care is directly provided 2 Spaces where an automatic shutoff would endan- ger occupant safety or security 3 Lighting intended for continuous operation 4 Shop and laboratory classrooms C405.2.2.1 Time -switch control function. Each space provided with time -switch controls shall be provided with a manual control for light reduction in accordance with Section C405 2 2 2 Time -switch controls shall include an override switching device that complies with the following 1 Have a minimum 7-day clock 2 Be capable of being set for seven different day types per week 3 Incorporate an automatic holiday "shutoff' fea- ture, which turns off all controlled lighting loads for not fewer than 24 hours and then resumes nor- mally scheduled operations 4 Have program backup capabilities, which prevent the loss of program and time settings for not fewer than 10 hours, if power is interrupted 5 Include an override switch that complies with the following 5 1 The override switch shall be a manual control 52 The override switch, when initiated, shall pernut the controlled lighting to remain on for not more than 2 hours 53 Any individual override switch shall con- trol the lighting for an area not larger than 5,000 square feet (465 m) Exceptions: I 1 Within mall concourses, auditoriums, sales areas, manufacturing facilities and sports arenas 1 1 The time limit shall be permitted to be greater than 2 hours, provided that the switch is a captive key device 12 The area controlled by the override switch shall not be limited to 5,000 square feet (465 m) provided that such area is less than 20,000 square feet (1860 m') 2 Where provided with manual control, the fol- lowing areas are not required to have light reduction control 21 Spaces that have only one lummaire with a rated power of less than 100 watts 2 2 Spaces that use less than 0 6 watts per square foot (6 5 W/m ) 2 3 Corridors, lobbies, electrical rooms I and or mechanical rooms C405.2.2.2 Light -reduction controls. Spaces required to have light -reduction controls shall have a manual control that allows the occupant to reduce the con- nected lighting load in a reasonably uniform illumma- tion pattern by not less than 50 percent Lighting reduction shall be achieved by one of the following or another approved method 1 Controlling all lamps or luminaires 2 Dual switching of alternate rows of luminaires, alternate luminaires or alternate lamps 3 Switching the middle lamp luminaires inde- pendently of the outer lamps 4 Switching each lummaire or each lamp Exception: Light reduction controls are not required in daylight zones with daylight responsive controls complying with Section C405 2 3 C405.2.3 Daylight -responsive controls. Daylight -respon- sive controls complying with Section C405 2 3 1 shall be provided to control the electric lights within daylight zones in the following spaces 1 Spaces with a total of more than 150 watts of gen- eral lighting within sidelit zones complying with Section C405 2 3 2 General lighting does not include lighting that is required to have specific application control in accordance with Section C405 2 4 2 Spaces with a total of more than 150 watts of gen- eral lighting within toplit zones complying with Section C405 2 3 3 Exceptions: Daylight responsive controls are not required for the following 1 Spaces in health care facilities where patient care is directly provided 2 Lighting that is required to have specific applica- tion control in accordance with Section C405 2 4 3 Sidelit zones on the first floor above grade in Group A-2 and Group M occupancies 4 New bwldmgs where the total connected lighting power calculated in accordance with Section C405 3 1 is not greater than the adjusted interior lighting power allowance (LPA,,) calculated in accordance with Equation 4-9 LPAadIj _ [LPA R. x (1 0 - 0 4 x UDZPA / TBPA)] (Equation 4-9) where LPAadIj = Adjusted bwldmg interior lighting power allowance in watts LPA R, = Normal building lighting power allowance in watts calculated in 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-75 I I I I CALFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) t to ( Lie Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO,Pepeodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdm6o d Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg LARISAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY accordance with Section C405 3 2 and reduced in accordance with Section C406 3 where Option 2 of Section C4061 is used to comply with the requirements of Section C406 UDZFA = Uncontrolled daylight zone floor area is the sum of all sidelit and toplit zones, calculated in accordance with Sections C405 2 3 2 and C405 2 3 3, that do not have daylight responsive controls TBFA = Total building floor area is the sum of all floor areas included in the lighting power allowance calculation in Section C405 3 2 C405.2.3.1 Daylight -responsive control function. Where required, daylight -responsive controls shall be provided within each space for control of lights in that space and shall comply with all of the following 1 Lights in tophtzones in accordance with Section C405 2 3 3 shall be controlled independently of lights in sidelit zones in accordance with Section C405 2 3 2 2 Daylight responsive controls within each space shall be configured so that they can be calibrated from within that space by authorized personnel 3 Calibration mechanisms shall be in a location with ready access. 4 Where located in offices, classrooms, laborato- ries and library reading rooms, daylight respon- sive controls shall dun lights continuously from full light output to 15 percent of full light output or lower 5 Daylight responsive controls shall be configured to completely shut off all controlled lights 6 Lights in sideht zones in accordance with Section C405 2 3 2 facing different cardinal orientations [within 45 degrees (0 79 rad) of due north, east, south, west] shall be controlled independently of each other Exception: Up to 150 watts of lighting in each space is permitted to be controlled together with lighting in a daylight zone facing a different cardinal orientation C405.2.3.2 Sidelit zone. The sidelit zone is the floor area adjacent to vertical fenestration that complies with all of the following 1 Where the fenestration is located in a wall, the sidelit zone shall extend laterally to the nearest full - height wall, or up to 10 tunes the height from the floor to the top of the fenestration, and longitudi- nally from the edge of the fenestration to the nearest full -height wall, or up to 2 feet (610 mm), which- ever is less, as indicated in Figure C405 2 3 2 2 The area of the fenestration is not less than 24 square feet (2 23 m) 3 The distance from the fenestration to any build- ing or geological formation that would block access to daylight is greater than the height from the bottom of the fenestration to the top of the building or geologic formation 4 The visible transmittance of the fenestration is not less than 0 20 C405.2.3.3 Toplit zone. The toplit zone is the floor area underneath a roof fenestration assembly that com- plies with all of the following 1 The topht zone shall extend laterally and longim- dmally beyond the edge of the roof fenestration assembly to the nearest obstruction that is taller than 0 7 times the ceiling height, or up to 0 7 tunes the ceiling height, whichever is less, as indicated in Figure C405 2 3 3(1) 2 Where the fenestration is located in a rooftop monitor, the toplit zone shall extend laterally to the nearest obstruction that is taller than 0 7 times the ceiling height, or up to 1 0 times the height from the floor to the bottom of the fenestration, whichever is less, and longitudinally from the edge of the fenestration to the nearest obstruction that is taller than 0 7 times the ceiling height, or up to 0 25 tunes the height from the floor to the bottom of the fenestration, whichever is less, as indicated in Figures C405 2 3 3(2) and C405 2 3 3(3) 3 Direct sunlight is not blocked from hitting the roof fenestration assembly at the peak solar angle on the summer solstice by buildings or geological formations 4 The product of the visible transmittance of the roof fenestration assembly and the area of the rough opening of the roof fenestration assembly divided by the area of the toplit zone is not less than 0 008 C405.2.4 Specific application controls. Specific applica- tion controls shall be provided for the following 1 The following lighting shall be controlled by an occupant sensor complying with Section C405 2 1 1 or a time -switch control complying with Section C405 2 2 1 In addition, a manual control shall be provided to control such lighting separately from the general lighting in the space 1 1 Display and accent 1 2 Lighting in display cases 1 3 Supplemental task lighting, including per- manently installed under -shelf or under -cab - met lighting 14 Lighting equipment that is for sale or demonstration in lighting education 2 Sleeping units shall have control devices or systems that are configured to automatically switch off all C-76 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® 1 1 1 Copyngbt Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dv od om).(Dtyof PnmdNmod)O,do,N=b¢*1008170S801 JM 15. Z.mo o6 s AM (PET) mtto S ( I 1, Ag,'^Rt, ICC No otths TAodomoo. m At6sodomo- by any Ot Party o, AAmboema,Ooossd Mgle —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER ORDER VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FED REAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER [N:NSISIq:ZNL1�gJq:IIl'�gtltl[NIgIPI'1 permanently installed luminaires and switched receptacles within 20 minutes after all occupants have left the unit Exceptions: 1 Lighting and switched receptacles con- trolled by card key controls 2 Spaces where patient care is directly pro- vided 3 Permanently installed luminaires within dwelling emits shall be provided with controls complying with Sechon C405 2 1 1 or C405 2 2 2 4 Lighting for nonvrsual applications, such as plant growth and food warning shall be controlled by a time switch control complying with Section C405 2 21 that is independent of the controls for other lighting within the room or space ' C405.2.5 Manual controls. Where required by this code, manual controls for lights shall comply with the following 1 They shall be in a location with ready access to occupants 2 They shall be located where the controlled lights are visible, or shall Identify the area served by the lights and indicate then status C405.2.6 Exterior lighting controls. Exterior lighting systems shall be provided with controls that comply with Sectors C405 2 6 1 through C405 2 6 4 Decorative light- ing systems shall comply with Sections C405261, C405 2 6 2 and C405 2 6 4 Exceptions: 1 Lighting for covered vehicle entrances and exits from buildings and parking structures where required for eye adaptation 2 Lighting controlled from within dwelling units C405.2.6.1 Daylight shutoff. Lights shall be automati- cally turned off when daylight is present and satfies the lightng needs (a) Dmuartzone (b) (a) Section view (b) Plan view of daylight zone under a rooftop monitor FIGURE C405 2 32 SIDELIT ZONE onmvcnon 0]CF w"ss]ana. sane s+ca (a) a: e (b) (a) Section view (b) Plan view of daylight zone under a roof fenestration assembly FIGURE C405 2 3 3(1) TOPLIT ZONE 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-TT ,_A_b�N`�„,w mRw �d sue —IyP� I-�oN�,ANAAo�a ISANAu�noxosnffsmeiw.aoexuvxrAcrxrmnffuawgAas�rr A --Tumor o�avu.ArmC—I— „�� :N:NSISIq:ZNL1�gJq:IIl'�gtltl[NIq�PI'i C405.2.6.2 Decorative lighting shutoff. Building facade and landscape lighting shall automatically shut off from not later than 1 hour after business closing to not earlier than 1 hour before business opening C405.2.6.3 Lighting setback. Lighting that is not con- trolled in accordance with Section C405 2 6 2 shall be controlled so that the total wattage of such lighting is automatically reduced by not less than 30 percent by selectively switching off or dimming luminaires at one of the following times 1 From not later than midnight to not earlier than 6 am 2 From not later than one hour after business clos- mg to not earlier than one hour before business opening 3 During any time where activity has not been detected for 15 minutes or more (a) (a) (a) Section view (b) Plan view of daylight zone under a rooftop monitor C405.2.6.4 Exterior timeswitchcontrol function. Time -switch controls for exterior lighting shall comply with the following 1 They shall have a clock capable of being pro- grammed for not fewer than 7 days 2 They shall be capable of being set for seven dif- ferent day types per week 3 They shall incorporate an automatic holiday set- back feature 4 They shall have program backup capabilities that prevent the loss of program and time settings for a period of not less than 10 hours in the event that power is interrupted C405.3 Interior lighting power requirements (Prescrip- tive). A budding complies with this section where its total connected interior lighting power calculated under Section FIGURE C405 23 3(2) DAYLIGHT ZONE UNDER ROOFTOP MONITOR (a) Section view (b) Plan view of daylight zone under a rooftop monitor FIGURE C405 2 3 3(3) DAYLIGHTZONE UNDERA SLOPED ROOFTOP MONITOR C-78 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C reI@W.,— db,u,�� (C,4r,..a..m4o Nx I. I,S, ®hs.1-11ranasne.m.��e .a A_.a.,w .�w mRMNv yam — Iy aeae000rn— IS— ISA — OFraemesu. I—xcrrmm raucwa A—STInrcrvo wu. rmmc—e— COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY C405 3 1 is not greater than the interior lighting power allow- ance calculated under Section C405 3 2 C405.3.1 Total connected interior lighting power. The total connected interior lighting power shall be deter- mined in accordance with Equation 4-10 TCLP = [LPL, + BLL + LED + TPX + Other] (Equation 4-10) where TCLP = Total connected lighting power (watts) LVL = For luminaires with lamps connected directly to building power, such as line voltage lamps, the rated wattage of the lamp BLL = For luminaires incorporating a ballast or transformer, the rated input wattage of the ballast or transformer when operating that lamp LED =For light -emitting diode luminaires with either integral or remote drivers, the rated wattage of the lummaJre TPX = For lighting track, cable conductor, rail conductor, and plug-in busway systems that allow the addition and relocation of luminaires without rewiring, the wattage shall be one of the following 1 The specified wattage of the luminaires, but not less than 8 W per linear foot (25 W/ lm m) 2 The wattage limit of the permanent current - limiting devices protecting the system 3 The wattage limit of the transformer sup- plying the system Other —The wattage of all other luminaires and lighting sources not covered previously and associated with interior lighting verified by data supplied by the manufacturer or other approved sources The connected power associated with the following lighting equipment and applications is not included in cal- culating total connected lighting power 1 Television broadcast lighting for playing areas in I sports arenas 2 Emergency lighting automatically off during nor- mal building operation 3 Lighting in spaces specifically designed for use by occupants with special lighting needs, including those with visual impairment and other medical and age -related issues 4 Casino gaming areas 5 Mirror lighting in dressing rooms �I6 Task lighting for medical and dental purposes that is in addition to general lighting and controlled by an independent control device 7 Display lighting for exhibits in galleries, museums and monuments that is in addition to general light- I ing and controlled by an independent control device 8 Lighting for theatrical purposes, including perfor- mance, stage, film production and video produc- tion 9 Lighting for photographic processes 10 Lighting integral to equipment or instrumentation and installed by the manufacturer 11 Task lighting for plant growth or maintenance 12 Advertising signage or directional signage 13 Lighting for food warm mg ' 14 Lighting equipment that is for sale 15 Lighting demonstration equipment in lighting edu- cation facilities 16 Lighting approved because of safety consider- ations 17 Lighting in retail display windows, provided that the display area is enclosed by ceiling -height parti- tions 18 Furniture -mounted supplemental task lighting that is controlled by automatic shutoff 19 Exit signs C405.3.2 Interior lighting power allowance. The total interior lighting power allowance (watts) is determined according to Table C405 3 2(1) using the Building Area Method, or Table C405 3 2(2) using the Space -by -Space Method, for all areas of the building covered in this per- mit C405.3.2.1 Building Area Method. For the Building Area Method, the interior lighting power allowance is the floor area for each building area type listed in Table C405 3 2(1) times the value from Table C405 3 2(1) for that area For the purposes of this method, an "area" shall be defined as all contiguous spaces that accommo- date or are associated with a single building area type, as listed in Table C405 3 2(1) Where this method is used to calculate the total interior lighting power for an entire building, each building area type shall be treated as a separate area C405.3.2.2 Space -by -Space Method. For the Space - by -Space Method, the interior lighting power allow- ance is determined by multiplying the floor area of each space times the value for the space type in Table C405 3 2(2) that most closely represents the proposed use of the space, and then summing the lighting power allowances for all spaces Tradeoffs among spaces are permitted C405. Additional interior lighting power. Where using the Space -by -Space Method, an increase in the interior lighting power allowance is permitted for specific lighting functions Additional power shall be permitted only where the specified lighting is installed and automatically controlled separately from the general lighting, to be turned off during nonbusmess hours This additional power shall be used only for the specified luminaires and shall not be used for any other purpose An increase 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-79 I 1 1 1 CALFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) t to ( Lie Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO,Pepeodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdm6o d Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg LARISAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C405.3.2(1) INTERIOR LIGHTING POWER ALLOWANCES: BUILDING AREA METHOD BUILDING AREA TYPE LPD (wltt) Automotive facility 071 Convention center 076 Courthouse 090 Dining bar lounge/leisure 090 Dining cafeteria/fast food 079 Dining family 078 Dormitory' ° 061 Exercise center 0 65 Fire station' 0 53 Gymnasium 068 Health care chruc 082 Hospital' 1 05 Hotel/Motel' ° 075 Library 0 78 Manufacturing facility 090 Motion picture theater 0 83 Multifamily` 0 68 Museum 1 06 Office 0 79 Parking garage 0 15 Penitentiary 0 75 Performing arts theater 1 18 Police station 0 80 Post office 0 67 Religious building 094 Retail 1 06 School/university 081 Sports arerta 0 87 Town hall 0 80 Transportation 0 61 Warehouse 0 48 Workshop 090 Where sleeping units are excluded from lighting power calculations by application of Section R405 1, neither the area of the sleeping units nor the wattage of lighting in the sleeping units is counted Where dwelling units are excluded from lighting power calculations by application of Section R405 1, neither the area of the dwelling units nor the wattage of lighting in the dwelling units is counted Dwelling units are excluded Neither the area of the dwelling units nor the wattage of lighting in the dwelling units is counted TABLE C405.3.2(2) INTERIOR LIGHTING POWER ALLOWANCES: SPACE -BY -SPACE METHOD COMMON SPACE TYPES' LPD (wattslsq.tt) Atrium Less titan 40 feet in height 0 03 per foot in total height Greater than 40 feet in height 0 40 + 0 02 per foot in total height Audience seating area In an auditorium 063 In a convention center 082 In a gymnasium 065 In a motion picture theater 1 14 In a penitentiary 028 In a performing arts theater 203 In a religious building 153 In a sports arena 043 Otherwise 043 Banlnng activity area 086 Breakroom (See Lounge/breakroom) Classroom/lecture hall/trarmng room In a penitentiary 134 Otherwise 096 Computer room 1 33 Conference/meeting/multipurpose room 1 07 Copy/pnnt room 056 Corridor In a facility for the visually impaired (and not used primarily by the staff)' 092 In a hospital 092 In a manufacturing facility 029 Otherwise 066 Courtroom 1 39 Dining area In bar/lounge or leisure dining 093 In cafeteria or fast food dining 063 In a facility for the visually impaired (and not used primarily by the staff)' 200 In family dining 071 In a penitentiary 096 Otherwise 063 Electncal/mechanical room 043 Emergency velucle garage 041 (continued) C-80 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ' Copyngbt Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv O,,e Oo,d—od om),(Qty of R—d—od)O,do,Nomb¢*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (GET) mt to ( I ( " I,—Ag,—^ '^^I, ICC Nootths,Aodomoam At6sodomo-by any Ot Party o[Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—o,IA-, and,yodwg GMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER RBPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIBVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE BM ENT. AND R OJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C405.3.2(2)—continued TABLE C405.3.2(2)—continued INTERIOR LIGHTING POWER ALLOWANCES: INTERIOR LIGHTING POWER ALLOWANCES: SPACE -BY -SPACE METHOD SPACE -BY -SPACE METHOD COMMON SPACE TYPES' LPD (watts/sq.ft) Food preparation area 106 Guestioomqd 0 77 Laboratory In or as a classroom 120 Otherwise 145 Laundry/washing area 043 Loading dock, interior 058 Lobby For an elevator 068 In a facility for the visually impaired (and not used primarily by the staft)° 203 In a hotel 1 06 In a motion picture theater 045 In a performing arts theater 170 Otherwise 10 Locker room 048 Lounge/breakroom In a healthcare facility 078 Otherwise 0 62 Office Enclosed 09 Open plan 081 Parking area, interior 014 Pharmacy area 134 Restioom In a facility for the visually impaired (and not used primarily by the staff 096 Otherwise 0 85 Sales area 122 Seating area, general 042 Stairway (see Space containing stairway) Stairwell 0 58 Storage room 046 Velucular maintenance area 056 Workshop 1 14 BUILDING TYPE SPECIFIC SPACE TYPES' LPD (watts/sq.ft) Automotive (see Velucular maintenance area) Convention Centerextubit space 0 88 Dormitory living quarters"' 054 Facility for the visually impaired' In a chapel (and not used primarily by the staff) 106 In a recreation room (and not used primarily by the staff) 1 80 Fire Stationsleeping quarters' 020 Gymnasium/fitness center In an exercise area 050 Ina playing area 08 (continued) BUILDING TYPE SPECIFIC SPACE TYPES' LPD (watts/sq.ft) Healthcare facility In an exam/treatment room 1 68 In an imaging room 1 06 In a medical supply room 054 In a nursery 1 00 In a nurse's station 0 81 In an operating room 2 17 In a patient room` 062 In a physical therapy room 084 In a recovery room 1 03 Library In a reading area 082 In the stacks 1 20 Manufacturing facility Ina detailed manufacturing area 093 In an equipment room 065 In an extra-lugh-bay area (greater than 50' floor -to -ceiling height) 1 05 In a lugh-bay area (25-50' floor -to -ceiling height) 075 In a low -bay area (less than 25' floor -to- ceiling height) 096 Museum In a general extubition area 1 05 In a restoration room 085 Performing arts theaterdressing room 036 Post office —sorting area 068 Religious buildings In a fellowslup hall 055 In a worslup/pulpnUchonr area 1 53 Retail facilities In a dressing/fitting room 050 In a mall concourse 090 Sports arenaplaying area For a Class I facility' 247 For a Class II facility( 1 96 For a Class III facilntyg 1 70 For a Class IV facility" 1 13 (continued) 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-81 I " ' CITFIgRtOo 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv O,,pfnmda od om),(Dt, of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb,,*10081vwS8 01JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) mt to ( Lie Affiee^®At, ICC NofwN¢[,Aodomoo.mAtOo, gAodomo,, by any Ot Party o, AxmboemdmRo dMglo —ody mpyncg and,yodwg LARISAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C405.3.2(2)—continued INTERIOR LIGHTING POWER ALLOWANCES: SPACE -BY -SPACE METHOD BUILDING TYPE SPECIFIC SPACE TYPESa LPD (waltslsq.ft) Transportation facility In a baggage/carousel area 045 In an airport concourse 031 At a terminal ticket counter 062 Warehousestorage area For medium to bulky, palletized items 035 For smaller, hand -carried items 069 a In cases where both a common space type and a building area specific space type are listed, the building area specific space type shall apply b A `Facility for the Visually Impaired' is a facility that is licensed orwdl be licensed by local or state authorities for senior long-term care, adult daycare, senior support or people with special visual needs c Where sleeping units are excluded from lighting power calculations by application of Section R405 1, neither the area of the sleeping units nor the wattage of lighting in the sleeping units is counted d Where dwelling units are excluded from lighting power calculations by application of Section R405 1, neither the area of the dwelling units nor the wattage of lighting in the dwelling units is counted e Class I facilities consist of professional facilities, and semiprofessional, collegiate, or club facilities with seating for 5,000 or more spectators f Class II facilities consist of collegiate and semiprofessional facilities with seating for fewer than 5,000 spectators, club facilities with seating for between 2,000 and 5,000 spectators, and amateur league and high-school facilities with seating for more than 2,000 spectators g Class III facilities consist of club, amateur league and high-school facilities with seating for 2,000 or fewer spectators It Class IV facilities consist of elementary school and recreational facilities, and amateur league and high-school facilities without provision for spectators RetailArea4 = The floor area used for the sale of jewelry, crystal and china Exception: Other merchandise categories are permitted to be included in Retail Areas 2 through 4, provided that justification doc- umenting the need for additional lighting power based on visual inspection, contrast, or other critical display is approved by the code official 2 For spaces in which lighting is specified to be installed in addition to the general lighting for the purpose of decorative appearance or for highlighting art or exhibits, provided that the additional lighting power shall be not more than 0 9 W/ft' (9 7 W/m') in lobbies and not more than 0 75 W/ft' (8 1 W/m') in other spaces C405.4 Exterior lighting power requirements (Manda- tory). The total connected exterior lighting power calculated in accordance with Section C405 4 1 shall be not greater than the exterior lighting power allowance calculated in accor- dance with Section C405 4 2 C405.4.1 Total connected exterior building exterior lighting power. The total exterior connected lighting power shall be the total maximum rated wattage of all lighting that is powered through the energy service for the building Exception: Lighting used for the following applica- tions shall not be included in the interior lighting power allowance is permitted 1 Lighting approved because of safety consider - in the following cases ations 1 For lighting equipment to be installed in sales 2 Emergency lighting automatically off during areas specifically to highlight merchandise, normal business operation the additional lighting power shall be deter- 3 Exit signs mined in accordance with Equation 4-11 Additional interior lighting power allowance = 4 Specialized signal, directional and marker hght- 1000 W + (Retail Area 1 x 0 45 W/ft2) + ing associated with transportation (Retail Area 2 x 0 45W/ft2) + (Retail Area 3 x 5 Advertising signage or directional signage 1 05 W/ft2) + (Retail Area 4 x 1 87 W/ft2) 6 Integral to equipment or instrumentation and For SI units installed by its manufacturer Additional interior lighting power allowance = 7 Theatrical purposes, including performance, 1000 W + (Retail Area 1 x 4 8 W/m2) + stage, film production and video production (Retail Area 2 x 4 84 W/m2) + (Retail Area 3 8 Athletic playing areas x 11 W/m2) + (Retail Area 4 x 20 W/m2) 9 Temporary lighting (Equation 4-11) 10 Industrial production, material handling, trans - where porration sites and associated storage areas Retail Area I = The floor area for all 11 Theme elements mthem e/amusement parks products not listed in Retail Area 2, 3 or 4 12 Used to highlight features of art, public monu- Retail Area 2 = The floor area used for the ments, and the national flag sale of vehicles, sporting 13 Lighting for water features and swimming goods and small electronics pools Retail Area 3 = The floor area used for the 14 Lighting controlled from within dwelling units, sale of furniture, clothing, where the lighting complies with Section cosmetics and artwork R404 1 C-82 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® rill 1 1 UER Copyngbt Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, ZMO oc s AM (GET) mt to ( I (Ifi1, Ag,'^Rt, ICC Nootths TAodomoam At6sodomo-by any Ot Party o[Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo— o,IAo, and Nyodwg GMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY C405.4.2 Exterior lighting power allowance. The total exterior lighting power allowance is the sum of the base site allowance plus the individual allowances for areas that are to be illuminated by lighting that is powered through the energy service for the building Lighting power allow- ances are as specified in Table C405 4 2(2) The lighting zone for the building exterior is determined in accordance with Table C405 4 2(1) unless otherwise specified by the code official TABLE C405.4.2(1) EXTERIOR LIGHTING ZONES LIGHTING ZONE DESCRIPTION 1 Developed areas of national parks, state parks, forest land, and rural areas Areas predominantly consisting of residential zoning, 2 neighborhood business districts, light industrial with limited rughttime use and residential mixed -use areas 3 All other areas not classified as lighting zone 1, 2 or 4 High -activity commercial districts in major 4 metropolitan areas as designated by the local land use planning authority C405.4.2.1 Additional exterior lighting power. Any increase in the exterior lighting power allowance is lnn- tied to the specific lighting applications indicated in Table C405 4 2(3) The additional power shall be used only for the luminaires that are serving these applica- tions and shall not be used for any other purpose C405.4.3 Gas lighting (Mandatory). Gas -fired lighting appliances shall not be equipped with continuously burn- ing pilot ignition systems C405.5 Dwelling electrical meter (Mandatory). Each dwelling unit located in a Group R-2 building shall have a separate electrical meter C405.6 Electrical transformers (Mandatory). Low -voltage dry -type distribution electric transformers shall meet the min- imum efficiency requirements of Table C405 6 as tested and rated in accordance with the test procedure listed in DOE 10 CFR 431 The efficiency shall be verified through certifica- tion under an approved certification program or, where a cer- tification program does not exist, the equipment efficiency ratings shall be supported by data furnished by the trans- former manufacturer Exceptions: The following transformers are exempt 1 Transformers that meet the Energy Policy Act of 2005 exclusions based on the DOE 10 CFR 431 definition of special purpose applications 2 Transformers that meet the Energy Policy Act of 2005 exclusions that are not to be used in general purpose applications based on information pro- vided in DOE 10 CFR 431 3 Transformers that meet the Energy Policy Act of 2005 exclusions with multiple voltage taps where the highest tap is not less than 20 percent more than the lowest tap 4 Drive transformers 5 Rectifier transformers 6 Auto -transformers 7 Unmterruptible power system transformers 8 Impendance transformers 9 Regulating transformers 10 Sealed and nonventilatmg transformers 11 Machine tool transformers 12 Welding transformers 13 Grounding transformers 14 Testing transformers C405.7 Electric motors (Mandatory). Electric motors shall meet the minimum efficiency requirements of Tables C405 7(1) through C405 7(4) when tested and rated in accor- dance with the DOE 10 CFR 431 The efficiency shall be ver- ified through certification under an approved certification program or, where a certification program does not exist, the equipment efficiency ratings shall be supported by data fur- nished by the motor manufacturer Exception: The standards in this section shall not apply to the following exempt electric motors 1 Air -over electric motors 2 Component sets of an electric motor 3 Liquid -cooled electric motors 4 Submersible electric motors 5 Inverter -only electric motors C405.8 Vertical and horizontal transportation systems and equipment. Vertical and horizontal transportation sys- tems and equipment shall comply with this section C405.8.1 Elevator cabs. For the luminaires in each eleva- tor cab, not including signals and displays, the sum of the lumens divided by the sum of the watts shall be not less than 35 lumens per watt Ventilation fans in elevators that do not have their own air-conditioning system shall not consume more than 0 33 watts/cfm at the maximum rated speed of the fan Controls shall be provided that will de - energize ventilation fans and lighting systems when the elevator is stopped, unoccupied and with its doors closed for over 15 minutes C405.8.2 Escalators and moving walks. Escalators and moving walks shall comply with ASME A17 1/CSA B44 and shall have automatic controls configured to reduce speed to the minimum permitted speed in accordance with ASME All 1/CSA B44 or applicable local code when not conveying passengers Exception: A variable voltage drive system that reduces operating voltage in response to light loading conditions is an alternative to the reduced speed func- tion C405.8.2.1 Regenerative drive. An escalator designed either for one-way down operation only or for reversible operation shall have a variable frequency regenerative drive that supplies electrical energy to the building electri- cal system when the escalator is loaded with passengers whose combined weight exceeds 750 pounds (340 kg) 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-83 I 1 1 1 CALFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) t to ( Lie Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO,Pepeodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdm6o d Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg LARISAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY y TABLE C405.4.2(2) LIGHTING POWER ALLOWANCES FOR BUILDING EXTERIORS LIGHTING ZONES Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Base Site Allowance 350 W 400 W 500 W 900 W Uncovered Parking Areas Parking areas and drives 0 03W/ft2 004 W/ft2 006 W/ft2 0 08 W/ft Building Grounds Walkways and ramps less than 10 feet wide 0 5 WAmear foot 0 5 W/Imear foot 0 6 WAmear foot 0 7 W/hnear foot Walkways and ramps 10 feet wide or greater, plaza areas, special feature areas 0 10 W/ft2 0 10 W/ft2 0 11 W/ft2 0 14 W/ft Dining areas 065 W/ft2 065 W/ft2 075 W/ft2 095 W/ft Stairways 06 W/ft2 0 7 W/ff 07 W/ft2 07 W/ft Pedestrian tunnels 0 12 W/ft' 0 12 W/ft' 0 14 W/ft' 021 W/ft Landscaping 003 W/ft2 004 W/ft2 004 W/ft2 004 W/ft Building Entrances and Exits Pedestrian and velucular entrances and exits 14 WAmear foot of opening 14 W/lmear foot of opening 21 WAmear foot of opening 21 WAmear foot of opening Entry canopies 002 W/ft2 025 W/ft2 04 W/ft2 04 W/ft Loading docks 035 W/ft2 035 W/ft2 035 W/ft2 035 W/ft Sales Canopies Free-standing and attached 004 W/ft2 004 W/ft2 06 W/ft2 07 W/ft Outdoor Sales Open areas (including velucle sales lots) 002 W/ft2 002 W/ft2 035 W/ft2 005 W/ft Street frontage for vehicle sales lots in addition to "open area allowance No allowance 7 W/hnear foot 7 WAmear foot 21 WAmear foot For SI 1 foot =304 8 mm, 1 watt per square foot= W/O 0929 m' W —watts TABLE C405.4.2(3) INDIVIDUAL LIGHTING POWER ALLOWANCES FOR BUILDING EXTERIORS LIGHTING ZONES Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Building facades No allowance 0 075 W/ft2 of gross 0 113 W/ft2 of gross 0 15 W/ft2 of gross above -grade wall area above -grade wall area above -grade wall area Automated teller machines (ATM) and 135 W per location plus 45 W per additional ATM per location right depositories Uncovered entrances and gatehouse 0 5 W/f of area inspection stations at guarded facilities Uncovered loading areas for law enforcement, fire, ambulance and other 035 W/ft2 of area emergency service vehicles Dnve-up windows and doors 200 W per drive through Parking near 24-hour retail entrances 400 W per main entry For SI 1 watt per square foot— W/O 0929 m' W =watts C-84 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ' Copyright Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(hv dme Oo,dv od om),(Qty of Ro,dNood) O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) mt to ( I ( " 1, Ag,'^Rt, ICC No otths TTAodomoam Aths Tepeodomo- by any Ot Party o[ ATmboemdmho[vsd Mgle —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER RBPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIBVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE BM ENT. AND R OJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C405.6 MINIMUM NOMINAL EFFICIENCY LEVELS FOR 10 CFR 431 LOW -VOLTAGE DRY -TYPE DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS SINGLE-PHASE TRANSFORMERS THREE-PHASE TRANSFORMERS WAS Efficiency (%)° WAS Efficiency (%)° 15 9770 15 9789 25 9800 30 9823 375 9820 45 9840 50 9830 75 9860 75 9850 1125 9874 100 9860 150 9883 167 9870 225 9894 250 9880 300 9902 333 9890 500 99 14 750 9923 1000 9928 a kdoVolt-Amp rating b Nominal efficiencies shall be established in accordance with the DOE 10 CFR 431 test procedure for low -voltage dry -type transformers C405.9 Voltage drop in feeders and branch circuits. The total voltage drop across the combination of feeders and branch circuits shall not exceed 5 percent SECTION C406 ADDITIONAL EFFICIENCY PACKAGE OPTIONS C406.1 Requirements. Buildings shall comply with one or more of the following 1 More efficient HVAC performance in accordance with Section C406 2 2 Reduced lighting power in accordance with Section C406 3 3 Enhanced lighting controls in accordance with Section C406 4 4 On -site supply of renewable energy in accordance with Section C406 5 5 Provision of a dedicated outdoor air system for certain H VAC equipment in accordance with Section C406 6 6 High -efficiency service water heating in accordance with Section C406 7 7 Enhanced envelope performance in accordance with Section C406 8 8 Reduced air infiltration in accordance with Section C406 9 C406.1.1 Tenant spaces. Tenant spaces shall comply wi th Section C406 2, C406 3, C406 4, C406 6 or C406 7 Alter- natively, tenant spaces shall comply with Section C406 5 where the entire building is in compliance Exception: Previously occupied tenant spaces that comply with this code in accordance with Section C501 C406.2 More efficient 1TVAC equipment performance. Equipment shall exceed the minimum efficiency require- ments listed in Tables C403 3 2(1) through C403 3 2(7) by 10 percent, in addition to the requirements of Section C403 Where multiple performance requirements are provided, the equipment shall exceed all requirements by 10 percent Van - able refrigerant flow systems shall exceed the energy effi- ciency provisions of ANSUASHRAEQESNA 901 by 10 percent Equipment not listed in Tables C403 3 2(1) through C403 3 2(7) shall be limited to 10 percent of the total build- ing system capacity C406.3 Reduced lighting power. The total connected mte- nor lighting power calculated in accordance with Section I C405 3 1 shall be less than 90 percent of the total lighting power allowance calculated in accordance with Section C405 3 2 C406.4 Enhanced digital lighting controls. Interior lighting in the building shall have the following enhanced lighting controls that shall be located, scheduled and operated in accordance with Section C405 2 2 1 Luminaires shall be configured for continuous dim- ming 2 Luminaires shall be addressed individually Where individual addressabihty is not available for the lumi- naire class type, a controlled group of not more than four luminaries shall be allowed 3 Not more than eight luminaires shall be controlled together in a daylight zone. 4 Fixtures shall be controlled through a digital control system that includes the following function 41 Control reconfiguration based on digital addressabihty 4 2 Load shedding 4 3 Individual user control of overhead general illu- mination in open offices 4 4 Occupancy sensors shall be capable of being reconfigured through the digital control system 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-85 I 1 1 I Co LFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dwood om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb6xlooe1vme 01 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) t to ( Lie Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO,Pepeodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg L-ARISed ANY UNEARTHED RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C405.7(1) MINIMUM NOMINAL FULL -LOAD EFFICIENCY FOR NEMA DESIGN A, NEMA DESIGN B, AND IEC DESIGN N MOTORS (EXCLUDING FIRE PUMP) ELECTRIC MOTORS AT 60 HZ"' MOTOR HORSEPOWER (STANDARD KILOWATT EQUIVALENT) NOMINAL FULL -LOAD EFFICIENCY (%) AS OF JUNE 1, 2016 2 pole 4 Pole 6 Pole 8 Pole Enclosed Open Enclosed Open Enclosed Open Enclosed Open 1 (0 75) 770 770 855 855 825 825 755 755 15(11) 840 840 865 865 875 865 785 770 2 (1 5) 855 855 865 865 885 875 840 865 3(22) 865 855 895 895 895 885 855 875 5(37) 885 865 895 895 895 895 865 885 75(55) 895 885 917 910 910 902 865 895 10(75) 902 895 917 917 910 917 895 902 15 (11) 910 902 924 930 91 7 91 7 895 902 20 (15) 910 910 930 930 91 7 924 902 91 0 25 (18 5) 917 917 936 936 930 930 902 91 0 30 (22) 917 917 936 941 930 936 91 7 91 7 40 (30) 924 924 94 1 941 94 1 94 1 91 7 91 7 50 (37) 930 930 945 945 94 1 94 1 924 924 60 (45) 936 936 950 950 945 945 924 930 75 (55) 936 936 954 950 945 945 936 94 1 100 (75) 941 936 954 954 950 950 936 94 1 125 (90) 950 941 954 954 950 950 94 1 94 1 150 (110) 950 941 958 958 958 954 94 1 94 1 200 (150) 954 950 962 958 958 954 945 94 1 250 (186) 958 950 962 958 958 958 950 950 300 (224) 958 954 962 958 958 958 350 (261) 958 954 962 958 958 958 400 (298) 958 958 962 958 450 (336) 958 962 962 962 500 (373) 958 962 962 962 a Nominal efficiencies shall be established in accordance with DOE 10 CFR 431 b For purposes of determining the required minimum nominal full -load efficiency of an electric motor that has a horsepower or kilowatt rating between two horsepower or two kilowatt ratings listed in this table, each such motor shall be deemed to have a listed horsepower or kilowatt rating, determined as follows 1 A horsepower at or above the midpoint between the two consecutive horsepowers shall be rounded up to the higher of the two horsepowers 2 A horsepower below the midpoint between the two consecutive horsepowers shall be rounded down to the lower of the two horsepowers 3 A kilowatt rating shall be directly converted from kilowatts to horsepower using the formula 1 kilowatt— (1/0 746) horsepower The conversion should be calculated to three significant decimal places, and the resulting horsepower shall be rounded in accordance with No 1 or No 2 above, as applicable C-86 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ' (Arynght OO?.o,7 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rv dme Oo,dA od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, ZMO oc s AM (GET) mt to ( "( I 1, s Ag,e^ '^Rt, ICC No otths[TAodomo,,m AAuths Tepeodomo- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemdmho[vsd Mglo —o,IA o,and ,yodwg L-IRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND SVEJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C405.7(2) MINIMUM NOMINAL FULL -LOAD EFFICIENCY FOR NEMA DESIGN C AND IEC DESIGNHMOTORSAT 60 HZ'•' MOTOR HORSEPOWER (STANDARD KILOWATT EQUIVALENT) NOMINAL FULL -LOAD EFFICIENCY (%) AS OF JUNE 1, 2016 4 Pole 6 Pole 8 Pole Enclosed Open Enclosed Open Enclosed Open 1 (0 75) 855 855 825 825 755 755 15(11) 865 865 875 865 785 770 2(15) 865 865 885 875 840 865 3 (2 2) 895 895 895 885 855 875 5(37) 895 895 895 895 865 885 75(55) 917 910 910 902 865 895 10 (7 5) 917 917 910 91 7 895 902 15 (11) 924 930 917 91 7 895 902 20 (15) 930 930 917 924 902 910 25 (18 5) 936 936 930 930 902 910 30 (22) 936 941 930 936 917 917 40 (30) 941 941 941 94 1 917 917 50(37) 945 945 941 941 924 924 60(45) 950 950 945 945 924 930 75 (55) 954 950 945 945 936 941 100 (75) 954 954 950 950 936 941 125 (90) 954 954 950 950 941 941 150 (110) 958 958 958 954 941 941 200 (150) 962 958 958 954 945 941 a Nominal efficiencies shall be established in accordance with DOE 10 CFR 431 b For purposes of determining the required minimum nominal full -load efficiency of an electric motor that has a horsepower or kilowatt rating between two horsepower or two kilowatt ratings listed in this table, each such motor shall be deemed to have a listed horsepower or kilowatt rating, determined as follows 1 A horsepower at or above the midpoint between the two consecutive horsepowers shall be rounded up to the higher of the two horsepowers 2 A horsepower below the midpoint between the two consecutive horsepowers shall be rounded down to the lower of the two horsepowers 3 A kilowatt rating shall be directly converted from kilowatts to horsepower using the formula 1 kilowatt— (1/0 746) horsepower The conversion should be calculated to three significant decimal places, and the resulting horsepower shall be rounded in accordance with No 1 or No 2 above, as applicable TABLE C405.7(3) MINIMUM AVERAGE FULL -LOAD EFFICIENCY POLYPHASE SMALL ELECTRIC MOTORS' MOTOR HORSEPOWER OPEN MOTORS Number of Poles 2 4 6 Synchronous Speed (RPM) 3600 1800 1200 025 656 695 675 033 695 734 71 4 050 73 4 78 2 753 0 75 76 8 81 1 81 7 1 770 835 825 1 5 840 865 838 2 185 5 1865 1N/A 3 855 869 N/A a Average full -load efficiencies shall be established in accordance with DOE 10 CFR 431 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-87 I " ' (Arynght OO?.o,7 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dwood om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, ZMO oc s AM (PET) t to ( Lie Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢ [TAodomo,, m AtO, Pepeodomo-by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdmho[vsd M glo— oily mpyncg and ,yodwg L-ARIS ed ANY UNEARTHED RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C405.7(4) MINIMUM AVERAGE FULL -LOAD EFFICIENCY FOR CAPACITOR -START CAPACITOR -RUN AND CAPACITOR -START INDUCTION -RUN SMALL ELECTRIC MOTORS' MOTOR HORSEPOWER OPEN MOTORS Number of Poles 2 4 6 Synchronous Speed (RPM) 3600 1800 1200 025 666 68 5 622 033 705 724 666 050 724 762 762 075 762 818 802 1 80 4 82 6 81 1 1 5 81 5 838 N/A 2 82 9 845 N/A 3 841 N/A N/A a Average full -load efficiencies shall be established in accordance with DOE 10 CFR 431 5 Construction documents shall include submittal of a Sequence of Operations, including a specification out- lining each of the functions in Item 4 6 Functional testing of lighting controls shall comply with Section C408 C406.5 On -site renewable energy. The total minimum rat- ings of on -site renewable energy systems shall be one of the following Not less than 171 Bta/h per square foot (5 4 W/m) or 0 50 watts per square foot (5 4 W/m') of conditioned floor area 2 Not less than 3 percent of the energy used within the building for building mechanical and service water heating equipment and lighting regulated in Chapter 4 C406.6 Dedicated outdoor air system. Buildings containing equipment or systems regulated by Section C40334, C403 4 3, C403 4 4, C403 4 5, C403 6, C403 8 4, C403 8 5, C403 8 5 1, C403 9 1, C403 9 2, C403 9 3 or C403 9 4 shall be equipped with an independent ventilation system designed to provide not less than the minimum 100-percent outdoor air to each individual occupied space, as specified by the Interna- honal Mechanical Code. The ventilation system shall be capable of total energy recovery The HVAC system shall include supply -air temperature controls that automatically reset the supply -air temperature in response to representative building loads, or to outdoor air temperatures The controls shall reset the supply -air temperature not less than 25 percent of the difference between the design supply -air temperature and the design room -air temperature C406.7 Reduced energy use in service water heating. Buildings shall be of the following types to use this compli- ance method 1 Group R-1 Boardinghouses, hotels or motels 2 Group I-2 Hospitals, psychiatric hospitals and nursing homes 3 Group A-2 Restaurants and banquet halls or buildings containing food preparation areas 4 Group F Laundries 5 Group R-2 6 Group A-3 Health clubs and spas 7 Buildings showing a service hot water load of 10 per- cent or more of total building energy loads, as shown with an energy analysis as described in Section C407 C406.7.1 Load fraction. The building service water -heat - mg system shall have one or more of the following that are sized to provide not less than 60 percent of the building's annual hot water requirements, or sized to provide 100 percent of the building's annual hot water requirements if the building shall otherwise comply with Section C403 9 5 1 Waste heat recovery from service hot water, heat - recovery chillers, building equipment, or process equipment 2 On -.rite renewable energy water -heating systems C406.8 Enhanced envelope performance. The total UA of the building thermal envelope as designed shall be not less than 15 percent below the total UA of the building thermal envelope in accordance with Section C402 1 5 C406.9 Reduced air infiltration. Air infiltration shall be verified by whole -building pressurization testing conducted in accordance with ASTM E779 or ASTM El827 by an inde- pendent third party The measured air -leakage rate of the building envelope shall not exceed 0 25 cfm/ft' (2 0 L/s x m) under a pressure differential of 0 3 inches water column (75 Pa), with the calculated surface area being the sum of the above- and below -grade building envelope A report that includes the tested surface area, floor area, air by volume, sto- ries above grade, and leakage rates shall be submitted to the code official and the building owner Exception: For buildings having over 250,000 square feet (25 000 m) of conditioned floor area, air leakage testing need not be conducted on the whole building where testing is conducted on representative above -grade sections of the building Tested areas shall total not less than 25 percent of the conditioned floor area and shall be tested in accor- dance with this section C-88 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® (Arynght @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (GET) mt to ( I ( 1, Ag,'^Rt, ICC Nootths TAodomoam At6sodomo-by any Ot Party o[Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo— o,IAo, and Nyodwg L-IRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM EM. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY SECTION C407 TOTAL BUILDING PERFORMANCE C407.1 Scope. This section establishes criteria for compli- ance using total building performance The following systems and loads shall be included in determmmg the total building performance heating systems, cooling systems, service water heating, fan systems, lighting power, receptacle loads and process loads Exception: Energy used to recharge or refuel vehicles that are used for on -road and off -site transportation purposes C407.2 Mandatory requirements. Compliance with this section requires compliance with Sections C402 5, C403 2, C403 3 through C403 3 2, C403 4 through C403 4 2 3, C403 5 5, C403 7, C403 8 1 through C403 8 4, C403 10 1 through C403 10 3, C403 11, C403 12, C404 and C405 C407.3 Performance -based compliance. Compliance based on total building performance requires that a proposed build - mg (proposed design) be shown to have an annual energy cost that is less than or equal to the annual energy cost of the standard reference design Energy prices shall be taken from a source approved by the code official, such as the Depart- ment of Energy, Energy Information Administration's State Energy Price and Expenditure Report Code officials shall be permitted to require tune -of -use pricing in energy cost calcu- lations The reduction in energy cost of the proposed design associated with on -site renewable energy shall be not more than 5 percent of the total energy cost The amount of renew- able energy purchased from off -site sources shall be the same in the standard reference design and the proposed design Exception: Jurisdictions that require site energy (1 kWh= 3413 Btu) rather than energy cost as the metric of compar- ison C407.4 Documentation. Documentation verifying that the methods and accuracy of compliance software tools conform to the provisions of this section shall be provided to the code official. C407.4.1 Compliance report Permit submittals shall include a report documenting that the proposed design has annual energy costs less than or equal to the annual energy costs of the standard reference design The compliance documentation shall include the following information 1 Address of the building 2. An inspection checklist documenting the building component characteristics of the proposed design as specified in Table C407 5 1(1) The inspection check- list shall show the estimated annual energy cost for both the standard reference design and the proposed design 3 Name of individual completing the compliance report 4 Name and version of the compliance software tool C407.4.2 Additional documentation. The code official shall be permitted to require the following documents 1. Documentation of the building component charac- teristics of the standard reference design 2. Thermal zoning diagrams consisting of floor plans showing the thermal zoning scheme for standard reference design and proposed design 3 Input and output reports from the energy analysis simulation program containing the complete input and output files, as applicable The output file shall include energy use totals and energy use by energy source and end -use served, total hours that space conditioning loads are not met and any errors or warning messages generated by the simulation tool as applicable 4 An explanation of any error or warning messages appearing in the simulation tool output 5 A certification signed by the builder providing the building component characteristics of the proposed design as given in Table C407 5 1(1) 6 Documentation of the reduction in energy use asso- ciated with on -site renewable energy C407.5 Calculation procedure. Except as specified by this section, the standard reference design and proposed design shall be configured and analyzed using identical methods and techniques C407.5.1 Building specifications. The standard reference design and proposed design shall be configured and ana- lyzed as specified by Table C4075l(1) Table C407 5 l(1) shall include by reference all notes contained in Table C402 1 4 C407.5.2 Thermal blocks. The standard reference design and proposed design shall be analyzed using identical ther- mal blocks as specified in Section C407 5 2 1, C407 5 2 2 or C407 5 2 3 C407.5.2.1 HVAC zones designed. Where HVAC zones are defined on HVAC design drawings, each HVAC zone shall be modeled as a separate thermal block Exception: Different HVAC zones shall be allowed to be combined to create a single thermal block or identical thermal blocks to which multipliers are applied, provided that 1 The space use classification is the same throughout the therm al block 2 All HVAC zones in the thermal block that are adjacent to glazed exterior walls face the same orientation or their orientations are within 45 degrees (0 79 rad) of each other 3 All of the zones are served by the same HVAC system or by the same kind of HVAC system 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-89 I 1 1 I CALFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dv od om),(Dtyof PnmdNmod)O,do,N=b¢x1 008170S801 JM 15. Z.mo oc s AM (PET) tto ( Lie Affiee^® Rt,ICC NofwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO,Pepeodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdm6o d Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg LARISAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY C407.5.2.2 HVAC zones not designed. Where HVAC zones have not yet been designed, thermal blocks shall be defined based on similar internal load densities, occu- pancy, lighting, thermal and temperature schedules, and in combination with the following guidelines 1 Separate thermal blocks shall be assumed for mte- nor and perimeter spaces Interior spaces shall be those located more than 15 feet (4572 mm) from an exterior wall Perimeter spaces shall be those located closer than 15 feet (4572 mm) from an exterior wall 2 Separate thermal blocks shall be assumed for spaces adjacent to glazed exterior walls a separate zone shall be provided for each orientation, except orientations that differ by not more than 45 degrees (0 79 rad) shall be permitted to be considered to be the same orientation Each zone shall include floor area that is 15 feet (4572 mm) or less from a glazed perimeter wall, except that floor area within 15 feet (4572 mm) of glazed perimeter walls having more than one orientation shall be divided proportion- ately between zones 3 Separate thermal blocks shall be assumed for spaces having floors that are in contact with the ground or exposed to ambient conditions from zones that do not share these features 4 Separate thermal blocks shall be assumed for spaces having exterior ceiling or roof assemblies from zones that do not share these features C407.5.2.3 Group R-2 occupancy buildings. Group R-2 occupancy spaces shall be modeled using one thermal block per space except that those facing the same orienta- tions are permitted to be combined into one thermal block Comer units and units with roof or floor loads shall only be combined with units sharing these features C407.6 Calculation software tools. Calculation procedures used to comply with this section shall be software tools capa- ble of calculating the annual energy consumption of all build- ing elements that differ between the standard reference design and the proposed design and shall include the follow- ing capabilities 1 Building operation for a full calendar year (8,760 hours) 2 Climate data for a full calendar year (8,760 hours) and shall reflect approved coincident hourly data for tem- perature, solar radiation, humidity and wind speed for the building location 3 Tenor more thermal zones 4 Thermal mass effects 5 Hourly variations in occupancy, illumination, recepta- cle loads, thermostat settings, mechanical ventilation, HVAC equipment availability, service hot water usage and any process loads 6 Part -load performance curves for mechanical equip- ment 7 Capacity and efficiency correction curves for mechani- cal heating and cooling equipment 8 Printed code official inspection checklist listing each of the proposed design component characteristics from Table C407 5 l(1) determined by the analysis to pro- vide compliance, along with their respective perfor- mance ratings including, but not limited to, R-value, U- factor, SHGC, HSPF, AFUE, SEER, EF C407.6.1 Specific approval. Performance analysis tools complying with the applicable subsections of Section C407 and tested according to ASHRAE Standard 140 shall be permitted to be approved Tools are permitted to be approved based on meeting a specified threshold for a jurisdiction The code official shall be permitted to approve tools for a specified application or limited scope C407.6.2 Input values. Where calculations require input values not specified by Sections C402, C403, C404 and C405, those input values shall be taken from an approved source C407.6.3 Exceptional calculation methods. Where the simulation program does not model a design, material or device of the proposed design, an exceptional calculation method shall be used where approved by the code official. Where there are multiple designs, materials or devices that the simulation program does not model, each shall be cal- culated separately and exceptional savings determined for each The total exceptional savings shall not constitute more than half of the difference between the baseline building performance and the proposed building perfor- mance Applications for approval of an exceptional method shall include all of the following 1 Step-by-step documentation of the exceptional cal- culation method performed, detailed enough to reproduce the results 2 Copies of all spreadsheets used to perform the calcu- lations 3 A sensitivity analysis of energy consumption where each of the input parameters is varied from half to double the value assumed 4 The calculations shall be performed on a time step basis consistent with the simulation program used 5 The performance rating calculated with and without the exceptional calculation method C-90 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® 11 1 UER CopyngbtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rvdme Oo,dA od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (GET) mt to ( I (Ifi1, sAg,e^ '^Rt, ICC No otths TAodomoo. m At6sodomo- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C407.5.1(1) SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE STANDARD REFERENCE AND PROPOSED DESIGNS BUILDING COMPONENT CHARACTERISTICS STANDARD REFERENCE DESIGN PROPOSED DESIGN The space use classification shall be chosen in accordance with Table C405 5 2 for all areas of the Space use classification Same as proposed building covered by this permit Where the space use classification for abuildmg is not known, the budding shall be categorized as an office building Type Insulation entirely above deck As proposed Gross area same as proposed As proposed Roofs U-factor as specified in Table C402 14 As proposed Solar absorptance 0 75 As proposed Emrttance 0 90 As proposed Type Mass wall where proposed wall is mass, otherwise steel -framed wall As proposed Gross area same as proposed As proposed Walls, above -grade U-factor as specified in Table C402 14 As proposed Solar absorptance 0 75 As proposed Emrttance 0 90 As proposed Type Mass wall As proposed Walls, below -grade Gross area same as proposed As proposed U-Factor as specified in Table C402 14 with insulation layer on interior side of walls As proposed Type joist/framed floor As proposed Floors, above -grade Gross area same as proposed As proposed U-factor as specified in Table C402 14 As proposed Floors, slab -on -grade Type Unheated As proposed F-factor as specified in Table C402 14 As proposed Type Swinging As proposed Opaque doors Area Same as proposed As proposed U-factor as specified in Table C402 14 As proposed Area 1 The proposed vertical fenestration area, where the proposed vertical fenestration area is less than 40 percent of above -grade wall area As proposed Vertical fenestration other titan opaque doors 2 40 percent of above -grade wall area, where the proposed vertical fenestration area is 40 percent or more of the above -grade wall area U-factor as specified in Table C402 4 As proposed SHGC as specified in Table C4024 except that for clunateswith no requirement (NR) SHGC= 0 40 shall be used As proposed External shading and PF None As proposed Area 1 The proposed skylight area, where the proposed skylight area is less than that permitted by Section C402 1 As proposed Skylights 2 The area permitted by Section C402 1, where the proposed skylight area exceeds that permitted by Section C402 1 U-factor as specked m Table C4024 As proposed SHGC as specified in Table C402 4 except that for climates with no requirement (NR) SHGC= 0 40 shall be used As proposed The interior lighting power shall be determined in accordance with Section C405 3 2 Where the occupancy of the budding is not Lighting, interior known, the lighting power density shall be 1 0 Watt per square foot As proposed (10 7 W/m') based on the categorization of buildings with unknown space classification as offices The lighting power shall be determined in accordance with Table Lighting, exterior C405 4 2(2) and C405 4 2(3) Areas and dimensions of surfaces As proposed shall be the same as proposed (continued) 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-91 I " ' CAryaght @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van cm,(Rv dme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, ZMO oc s AM (PET) t to ( Lie Ac,e^ '^Rt, ICC NofwN¢[TAodomo,,mAtO,Pepeodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdmho d Mglo—oily mpyncg and Nyodwg LARISAd ANY UNEARTHED RIVER REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C407.5.1(1)—continued SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE STANDARD REFERENCE AND PROPOSED DESIGNS BUILDING COMPONENT CHARACTERISTICS STANDARD REFERENCE DESIGN PROPOSED DESIGN Receptacle, motor and process loads shall be modeled and estimated based on the space use classification End -use load components within and associated with the building shall be modeled to Internal gams Same as proposed include, but not be limited to, the following exhaust fans, parking garage ventilation fans, exterior building lighting, swimming pool heaters and pumps, elevators, escalators, refrigeration equipment and cooking equipment Operating schedules shall include hourly profiles for daily operation and shall accournfor variations Same as proposed between weekdays, weekends, holidays and any Exception: Thermostat settings and schedules for HVAC systems seasonal operation Schedules shall model the time -dependent variations in occupancy, Schedules that utilize radiant heating, radiant cooking and elevated an speed, illumination, receptacle loads, thermostat settings, provided that equivalent levels of occupant thermal comfort are ventilation, HVAC equipment demonstrated by means of equal Standard Effective Temperature availabmechanical service water usage and any as calculated m Nonnative Appendix B of ASHRAE Standard 55 process loaityds schedulehot process loads The schedules shall be typical of the proposed building type as determined by the designer and approved by the jurisdiction Mechanical ventilation Same as proposed As proposed, in accordance with Section C403 2 2 Fuel type same as proposed design As proposed Equipment type° as specified in Tables C407 5 1(2) and C407 5 1(3) As proposed Efficiency as specified in Tables C403 3 2(4) and C403 3 2(5) As proposed Heating systems Capacity' sized proportionally to the capacities in the proposed design based on sizing runs, and shall be established such that no smaller As proposed number of unmet heating load hours and no larger heating capacity safety factors are provided than in the proposed design Fuel type same as proposed design As proposed Equipment type` as specified in Tables C407 5 1(2) and C407 5 1(3) As proposed Efficiency as specified in Tables C403 3 2(1), C403 3 2(2) and As proposed C403 3 2(3) Cooling systems Capacity' sized proportionally to the capacities in the proposed design based on sizing runs, and shall be established such that no smaller As proposed number of unmet cooling load hours and no larger cooling capacity safety factors are provided than in the proposed design Economizer' same as proposed, in accordance with Section C403 5 As proposed Fuel type same as proposed As proposed For Group R, as proposed multiplied by SWHF Efficiency as specified in Table C404 2 For other than Group R, as proposed multiplied by Service water heating` efficiency as provided by the manufacturer of the DWHR unit Capacity same as proposed As proposed Where no service water hot water system exists or is specified in the proposed design, no service hot water heating shall be modeled SWHF — Service water heat recovery factor, DWHR =Dram water heat recovery a Where no heating system exists or has been specified, the heating system shall be modeled as fossil fuel The system characteristics shall be identical in both the standard reference design and proposed design b The ratio between the capacities used in the annual simulations and the capacities determined by sizing runs shall be the same for both the standard reference design and proposed design c Where no cooling system exists or no cooling system has been specified, the cooling system shall be modeled as an air-cooled single -zone system, one unit per thermal zone The system characteristics shall be identical in both the standard reference design and proposed design d If an economizer is required in accordance with Table C403 5(1) and where no economizer exists or is specified in the proposed design, then a supply -air economizer shall be provided in the standard reference design in accordance with Section C403 5 e The SWHF shall be applied as follows 1 Where potable water from the DWHR unit supplies not less than one shower and not greater than two showers, of which the dram water from the same showers flows through the DWHR unit then SWHF — [1— (DWHR unit efficiency • 0 36)] 2 Where potable water from the DWHR unit supplies not less than three showers and not greater than four showers, of which the dram water from the same showers flows through the DWHR unit then SWHF — [1— (DWHR unit efficiency • 0 33)] 3 Where potable water from the DWHRumt supplies not less than five showers and notgreater than six showers, of which the dramwater from the same showers flows through the DWHR unit, then SWHF — [1— (DWHRumt efficiency • 0 26)] 4 Where Items 1 through 3 are not met, SWHF —1 0 C-92 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ( " ' (Aryaght Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rv dme Oo,dA od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, ZMO 06 s AM (GET) mt to ( I TIFTER 1, s Ag,e^ At, ICC No otths[TAodomo,,m Aths Tepeodomo- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemdmho[vsd Mglo —o,IA o,and ,yodwg L-IRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD, IMN OR D ISIRIEUTIO N IS A VIOLATION OP THE FED ERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C407.5.1(2) HVAC SYSTEMS MAP CONDENSER COOLING SOURCE' HEATING SYSTEM CLASSIFICATION' STANDARD REFERENCE DESIGN HVC SYSTEM TYPEc Single -zone Residential System Single -zone Nonresidential System All Other Electric resistance System 5 System 5 System 1 Water/ground Heat pump System 6 System 6 System 6 Fossil fuel System 7 System 7 System 2 Electric resistance System 8 System 9 System 3 Air/none Heat pump System 8 System 9 System 3 Fossil fuel System 10 System 11 System 4 Select "water/ground' where the proposed design system condenser is water or evaporatively cooled, select "air/none" where the condenser is air cooled Closed-circuit dry coolers shall be considered to be air cooled Systems utilizing district cooling shall be treated as if the condenser water type were ` water" Where mechanical cooling is not specified or the mechanical cooling system in the proposed design does not require heatrelection, the system shall be treated as if the condenser water type were "Air" For proposed designs with ground -source or groundwater -source heat pumps, the standard reference design HVAC system shall be water -source heat pump (System 6) Select the path that corresponds to the proposed design heat source electric resistance, heat pump (including air source and water source), or fuel fired Systems utilizing district heating (steam or hotwater) and systems without heating capability shall be treated as if the heating system type were "fossil fuel " For systems with mixed fuel heating sources, the system or systems that use the secondary heating source type (the one with the smallest total installed output capacity for the spaces served by the system) shall be modeled identically in the standard reference design and the primaryheating source type shall be used to determine standard reference design HVAC system type Select the standard reference design HVAC system category The system under "single -zone residential system" shall be selected where the HVAC system in the proposed design is a single -zone system and serves a Group R occupancy The system under "single -zone nonresidential system" shall be selected where the HVAC system in the proposed design is a single -zone system and serves other than Group R occupancy The system under "all other" shall be selected for all other cases 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-93 I " ' Copyright @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(hv dme Oo,dA od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, ZMO oc s AM(PET)puArvant to ( LEA Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢ [TAodomo,, m AtO, «odomo-by any Ot Party o, AAmboemdmho[vsd M glo— ody mpyncg and ,yodwg p,oIRb¢Ad ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C407.5.1(3) SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE STANDARD REFERENCE DESIGN HVAC SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONS SYSTEM NO. SYSTEM TYPE FAN CONTROL COOLING TYPE HEATING TYPE 1 Variable an volume with parallel fan -powered boxes° VAV' Chilled water' Electric resistance 2 Variable an volume with reheat' VAV' Chilled water' Hot water fossil fuel boiler` 3 Packaged variable an volume with parallel fan- powered boxes° VAV' Direct expansion' Electric resistance 4 Packaged variable air volume with reheat° VAV' Direct expansion' Hot water fossil fuel boiler` 5 Two -pipe fan coil Constant volume` Chilled water' Electric resistance 6 Water -source heat pump Constant volume` Direct expansion' Electric heat pump and boilerg 7 Four -pipe fan coil Constant volume` Chilled water' Hot water fossil fuel boiler` 8 Packaged terminal heat pump Constant volume` Direct expansion` Electric heat pump" 9 Packaged rooftop heat pump Constant volume` Direct expansion` Electric heat pump" 10 Packaged terminal air conditioner Constant volume` Direct expansion Hot water fossil fuel boiler` 11 Packaged rooftop air conditioner Constant volume` Direct expansion Fossil fuel furnace For SI 1 foot= 304 8 mm, 1 cfm/ft' = 0 4719 L/s, 1 Btu/h = 0 293/W, °C= [(°F) - 32]/1 8 a VAV with parallel boxes: Fans in parallel VAV fan -powered boxes shall be sized for 50 percent of the peak design flow rate and shall be modeledwith 0 35 W/cfm fan power Minimum volume setpoints for fan -powered boxes shall be equal to the minimum rate for the space required for ventilation consistentwith Section C403 6 1, Item 3 Supply air temperature setpoint shall be constant at the design condition b VAV with reheat: Minimum volume setpoints for VAV reheat boxes shall be 0 4 cfm/ft' of floor area Supply air temperature shall be reset based on zone demand from the design temperature difference to a 1 WE temperature difference under minimum load conditions Design airflow rates shall be sized for the reset supply air temperature, i e, a 10°F temperature difference c Direct expansion: The fuel type for the cooling system shall match that of the cooling system in the proposed design d VAV: Where the proposed design system has a supply, return or relief fan motor 25 hp or larger, the corresponding fan in the VAV system of the standard reference design shall be modeled assuming a variable -speed drive For smaller fans, a forward -curved centrifugal fan with inlet vanes shall be modeled Where the proposed design's system has a direct digital control system at the zone level, static pressure setpoint reset based on zone requirements in accordance with Section C403 8 5 shall be modeled e Chilled water: For systems using purchased chilled water, the chillers are not explicitly modeled and chilled water costs shall be based as determined in Sections C407 3 and C407 5 2 Otherwise, the standard reference design's chiller plant shall be modeledwith chillers having the number as indicated in Table C407 5 1(4) as a function of standard reference building chiller plant load and type as indicated in Table C407 5 1(5) as a function of individual chiller load Where chiller fuel source is mixed, the system in the standard reference design shall have chillers with the same fuel types andwith capacities having the same proportional capacity as the proposed design's chillers for each fuel type Chilled water supply temperature shall be modeled at 44°F design supply temperature and 56°F return temperature Piping losses shall not be modeled in either building model Chilled water supply water temperature shall be reset in accordance with Section C403 9 3 Pump system power for each pumping system shall be the same as the proposed design, where the proposed design has no chilled water pumps, the standard reference design pump power shall be 22 W/gpm (equal to a pump operating against a 75-foot head, 65-percent combined impeller and motor efficiency) The chilled water system shall be modeled as primary -only variable flow with flow maintained at the design rate through each chiller using a bypass Chilled water pumps shall be modeled as riding the pump curve or with variable -speed drives where required in Section C403 9 3 The heat rejection device shall be an axial fan cooling tower with two -speed fans where required in Section C403 9 Condenser water design supply temperature shall be 85°F or 10°F approach to design wet -bulb temperature, whichever is lower, with a design temperature rise of 10°F The tower shall be controlled to maintain a 70oF leaving water temperature where weather permits, floating up to leaving water temperature at design conditions Pump system power for each pumping system shall be the same as the proposed design, where the proposed design has no condenser water pumps, the standard reference design pump power shall be 19 W/gpm (equal to a pump operating against a 60-foot head, 60-percent combined impeller and motor efficiency) Each chiller shall be modeled with separate condenser water and chilled water pumps interlocked to operate with the associated chiller f Fossil fuel boiler: For systems using purchased hot water or steam, the boilers are not explicitly modeled and hotwater or steam costs shall be based on actual utility rates Otherwise, the boiler plant shall use the same fuel as the proposed design and shall be natural draft The standard reference design boiler plant shall be modeled with a single boiler where the standard reference design plant load is 600,000 Btu/h and less and with two equally sized boilers for plant capacities exceeding 600,000 Btu/h Boilers shall be staged as required by the load Hot water supply temperature shall be modeled at 180°F design supply temperature and 130°F return temperature Piping losses shall not be modeled in either building model Hot water supply water temperature shall be reset in accordance with Section C403 9 3 Pump system power for each pumping system shall be the same as the proposed design, where the proposed design has no hot water pumps, the standard reference design pump power shall be 19 W/gpm (equal to a pump operating against a 60-foot head, 60-percent combined impeller and motor efficiency) The hot water system shall be modeled as primary only with continuous variable flow Hot water pumps shall be modeled as riding the pump curve or with variable speed drives where required by Section C403 9 3 g Electric heat pump and boiler: Water -source heat pumps shall be connected to a common heat pump water loop controlled to maintain temperatures between 60oF and 90oF Heat rejection from the loop shall be provided by an axial fan closed-circuit evaporative fluid cooler with two -speed fans where required in Section C403 8 5 Heat addition to the loop shall be provided by a boiler that uses the same fuel as the proposed design and shall be natural draft Where no boilers exist in the proposed design, the standard reference building boilers shall be fossil fuel The standard reference design boiler plant shall be modeled with a single boiler where the standard reference design plant load is 600,000 Btu/h or less and with two equally sized boilers for plant capacities exceeding 600,000 Btu/h Boilers shall be staged as required by the load Piping losses shall not be modeled in either building model Pump system power shall be the same as the proposed design, where the proposed design has no pumps, the standard reference design pump power shall be 22 W/gpm, which is equal to a pump operating against a 75-foot head, with a 65-percent combined impeller and motor efficiency Loop flow shall be variable with flow shutoff at each heat pump when its compressor cycles off as required by Section C403 9 3 Loop pumps shall be modeled as riding the pump curve or with variable speed drives where required by Section C403 9 3 h Electric heat pump: Electric air -source heat pumps shall be modeled with electric auxiliary heat The system shall be controlled with a multistage space thermostat and an outdoor air thermostat wired to energize auxiliary heat only on the last thermostat stage andwhen outdoor air temperature is less than 40oF i Constant volume: Fans shall be controlled in the same manner as in the proposed design, i e , fan operation whenever the space is occupied or fan operation cycled on calls for heating and cooling Where the fan is modeled as cycling and the fan energy is included in the energy efficiency rating of the equipment, fan energy shall not be modeled explicitly C-94 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ' (Arynght OO?.o17 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rv dme Oo,dA od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[do, NOmb,,xl 008170S801 JM 15, ZMO 06 s AM (PET) mt to 511A.11 " ( 1, s Ag,e^ '^Rt, ICC No fwNs TTAod,Ao,,m AtO, Tepeod,Ao- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemdmho[vsd Mglo —o,IA o,and ,yodwg L-IRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEUTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND RREJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE C407.5.1(4) NUMBER OF CHILLERS TOTAL CHILLER PLANT CAPACITY NUMBER OF CHILLERS < 300 tons 1 > 300 tons, < 600 tons 2, sized equally > 600 tons 2 minimum, with chillers added so that all are sized equally and none is larger than 800 tons For SI 1 ton=3517 W TABLE C407.5.1(5) WATER CHILLER TYPES INDIVIDUAL CHILLER PLANT CAPACITY ELECTRIC CHILLER TYPE FOSSIL FUEL CHILLER TYPE < 100 tons Reciprocating Single -effect absorption, direct fired > 100 tons, < 300 tons Screw Double -effect absorption, direct fired > 300 tons Centrifugal Double -effect absorption, direct fired For SI 1 ton =3517 W SECTION C408 MAINTENANCE INFORMATION AND SYSTEM COMMISSIONING C408.1 General. This section covers the provision of main- tenance information and the commissioning of, and the func- tional testing requirements for, building systems C408.1.1 Building operations and maintenance infor- mation. The building operations and maintenance docu- ments shall be provided to the owner and shall consist of manufacturers' information, specifications and recom- mendations, programming procedures and data points, narratives, and other means of illustrating to the owner how the building, equipment and systems are intended to be installed, maintained and operated Required regular maintenance actions for equipment and systems shall be clearly stated on a readily visible label The label shall include the title or publication number for the operation and maintenance manual for that particular model and type of product C408.2 Mechanical systems and service water -heating systems commissioning and completion requirements. Prior to the final mechanical and plumbing inspections, the registered design professional or approved agency shall pro- vide evidence of mechanical systems commissioning and completion in accordance with the provisions of this section Construction document notes shall clearly indicate provi- sions for commissioning and completion requirements in accordance with this section and are permitted to refer to specifications for further requirements Copies of all docu- mentation shall be given to the owner or owner's authorized agent and made available to the code official upon request in accordance with Sections C408 2 4 and C408 2 5 Exceptions: The following systems are exempt 1 Mechanical systems and service water heater sys- tems in buildings where the total mechanical equip- ment capacity is less than 480,000 Btu/h (140 7 kW) cooling capacity and 600,000 Btu/h (175 8 kW) combined service water -heating and space -heating capacity 2 Systems included in Section C403 5 that serve indi- vidual dwelling units and sleeping units C408.2.1 Commissioning plan. A commissioning plan shall be developed by a registered design professional or approved agency and shall include the following items 1 A narrative description of the activities that will be accomplished during each phase of commissioning, including the personnel intended to accomplish each of the activities 2 A listing of the specific equipment, appliances or systems to be tested and a description of the tests to be performed 3 Functions to be tested including, but not limited to, calibrations and economizer controls 4 Conditions under which the test will be performed Testing shall affirm winter and summer design con- ditions and full outside air conditions 5 Measurable criteria for performance C408.2.2 Systems adjusting and balancing. HVAC sys- tems shall be balanced in accordance with generally accepted engineering standards Air and water flow rates shall be measured and adjusted to deliver final flow rates within the tolerances provided in the product specifica- tions Test and balance activities shall include air system and hydronic system balancing C408.2.2.1 Air systems balancing. Each supply air outlet and zone terminal device shall be equipped with means for air balancing in accordance with the require- ments of Chapter 6 of the International Mechanical Code Discharge dampers used for air -system balancing are prohibited on constant -volume fans and variable - volume fans with motors 10 hp (18 6 kW) and larger 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-95 I I I I CoLFIEILOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Raodme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) t to ( Lie Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO,Pepeodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg LMARISed ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY Au systems shall be balanced in a manner to first mim- mize throttling losses then, for fans with system power of greater than 1 hp (0 746 kW), fan speed shall be adjusted to meet design flow conditions Exception: Fans with fan motors of 1 hp (0 74 kW) or less are not required to be provided with a means for air balancing C408.2.2.2 Hydronic systems balancing. Individual hydronic heating and cooling coils shall be equipped with means for balancing and measuring flow Hydronic systems shall be proportionately balanced in a manner to first minimize throttling losses, then the pump impeller shall be trimmed or pump speed shall be adjusted to meet design flow conditions Each hydromc system shall have either the capability to measure pres- sure across the pump, or test ports at each side of each PUMP Exception: The following equipment is not required to be equipped with a means for balancing or mea- suring flow 1 Pumps with pump motors of 5 hp (3 7 kW) or less 2 Where throttling results in not greater than 5 percent of the nameplate horsepower draw above that required if the impeller were trimmed C408.2.3 Functional performance testing. Functional performance testing specified in Sections C408 2 3 1 through C408 2 3 3 shall be conducted C408.2.3.1 Equipment. Equipment functional perfor- mance testing shall demonstrate the installation and operation of components, systems, and system -to -sys- tem interfacing relationships in accordance with approved plans and specifications such that operation, function, and maintenance serviceability for each of the commissioned systems is confirmed Testing shall include all modes and sequence of operation, including under full -load, part -load and the following emergency conditions 1 All modes as described in the sequence of opera- tion 2 Redundant or automatic back-up mode 3 Performance of alarms 4 Mode of operation upon a loss of power and res- toration of power Exception: Unitary or packaged HVAC equipment listed in Tables C403 3 2(1) through C403 3 2(3) that do not require supply air economizers C408.2.3.2 Controls. HVAC and service water -heating control systems shall be tested to document that control devices, components, equipment and systems are cali- brated and adjusted and operate in accordance with approved plans and specifications Sequences of opera- tion shall be functionally tested to document they oper- ate in accordance with approved plans and specifications C408.2.3.3 Economizers. Air economizers shall undergo a functional test to determine that they operate in accordance with manufacturer's specifications C408.2.4 Preliminary commissioning report. A prelimi- nary report of commissioning test procedures and results shall be completed and certified by the registered design professional or approved agency and provided to the budding owner or owner's authorized agent The report shall be organized with mechanical and service hot water findings in separate sections to allow independent review The report shall be identified as "Preliminary Commis- sioning Report," shall include the completed Commission- ing Compliance Checklist, Figure C408 2 4, and shall identify 1 Itemization of deficiencies found during testing required by this section that have not been corrected at the time of report preparation 2 Deferred tests that cannot be performed at the time of report preparation because of climatic conditions 3 Climatic conditions required for performance of the deferred tests 4 Results of functional performance tests 5 Functional performance test procedures used during the commissioning process, including measurable criteria for test acceptance C408.2.4.1 Acceptance of report. Buildings, or por- tions thereof, shall not be considered as acceptable for a final inspection pursuant to Section C105 2 6 until the code official has received the Preliminary Commission - mg Report from the budding owner or owner's autho- rized agent C408.2.4.2 Copy of report. The code official shall be permitted to require that a copy of the Preliminary Commissioning Report be made available for review by the code official C408.2.5 Documentation requirements. The construc- tion documents shall specify that the documents described in this section be provided to the building owner or owner's authorized agent within 90 days of the date of receipt of the certificate of occupancy C408.2.5.1 System balancing report. A written report describing the activities and measurements completed in accordance with Section C408 2 2 4m C408.2.5.2 Final commissioning report. A report of test procedures and results identified as "Final Com- missioning Report" shall be delivered to the budding owner or owner's authorized agent The report shall be organized with mechanical system and service hot water system findings in separate sections to allow independent review The report shall include the fol- lowing 1 Results of functional performance tests 2 Disposition of deficiencies found during testing, including details of corrective measures used or proposed C-96 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ( Ifirill 1 1 Copyngbt Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dv od om).(Dtyof PnmdNmod)O,do,N=b¢*1008170S801 JM 15. Z.mo o6 s AM (GET) mtto ( I 1, sAg,e^ '^Rt, ICC No otths TAodomoo. m At6sodomo- by any Ot Party o, AAmboema,Ooossd Mgle —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY 3 Functional performance test procedures used during the commissioning process including mea- surable criteria for test acceptance, provided herem for repeatability Exception: Deferred tests that cannot be performed at the time of report preparation due to climatic con- ditions C408.3 Functional testing of lighting controls. Automatic lighting controls required by this code shall comply with this section C408.3.1 Functional testing. Prior to passing final inspection, the registered design professional shall pro- vide evidence that the lighting control systems have been tested to ensure that control hardware and software are cal- ibrated, adjusted, programmed and in proper working con- dition in accordance with the construction documents and manufacturer's instructions Functional testing shall be in accordance with Sections C408 3 1 1 through C408 3 1 3 for the applicable control type C408.3.1.1 Occupant sensor controls. Where occu- pant sensor controls are provided, the following proce- dures shall be performed 1 Certify that the occupant sensor has been located and aimed in accordance with manufacturer rec- ommendations 2 For projects with seven or fewer occupant sen- sors, each sensor shall be tested 3 For projects with more than seven occupant sen- sors, testing shall be done for each unique combi- nation of sensor type and space geometry Where multiples of each umque combination of sensor type and space geometry are provided, not less than 10 percent and in no case fewer than one, of each combination shall be tested unless the code official or design professional requires a higher percentage to be tested Where 30 percent or more of the tested controls fail, all remaining identical combinations shall be tested For occupant sensor controls to be tested, ver- ify the following 3 1 Where occupant sensor controls include status indicators, verify correct operation 32 The controlled lights turn off or down to the permitted level within the required time 3 3 For auto -on occupant sensor controls, the lights turn on to the permitted level when an occupant enters the space 3 4 For manual -on occupant sensor controls, the lights turn on only when manually activated 3 5 The lights are not incorrectly turned on by movement in adjacent areas or by HVAC operation C408.3.1.2 Time -switch controls. Where time -switch controls are provided, the following procedures shall be performed 1 Confirm that the time -switch control is pro- grammed with accurate weekday, weekend and holiday schedules 2 Provide documentation to the owner of time - switch controls programming including weekday, weekend, holiday schedules, and set-up and prefer- ence program settings 3 Verify the correct time and date in the time switch 4 Verify that any battery back-up is installed and energized 5 Verify that the override time limit is set to not more than 2 hours 6 Simulate occupied condition Verify and docu- mentthefollowing 6 1 All lights can be turned on and off by their respective area control switch 62 The switch only operates lighting in the enclosed space in which the switch is located 7 Simulate unoccupied condition Verify and docu- ment the following 7 1 Nonexempt lighting turns off 7 2 Manual override switch allows only the lights in the enclosed space where the over- ride switch is located to turn on or remain on until the next scheduled shutoff occurs 8 Additional testing as specified by the registered design professional. C408.3.1.3 Daylight responsive controls. Where day- light responsive controls are provided, the following shall be verified 1 Control devices have been properly located, field calibrated and set for accurate setpomts and threshold light levels 2 Daylight controlled lighting loads adjust to light level setpomts in response to available daylight 3 The calibration adjustment equipment is located I for ready access only by authorized personnel C408.3.2 Documentation requirements. The construc- tion documents shall specify that the documents described in this section be provided to the bwldmg owner or I owner's authorized agent within 90 days of the date of receipt of the certificate of occupancy C408.3.2.1 Drawings. Construction documents shall include the location and catalogue number of each piece of equipment C408.3.2.2 Manuals. An operating and maintenance manual shall be provided and include the following 1 Name and address of not less than one service agency for installed equipment 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-97 I 11 1 CoLFIEILOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rvdme Oo,dv odim).(Dtyof PnmdNmod)O,do,N=b¢*1008170S801 JM 15. Z.mo oc s AM (PET) tto ( LEA Affiee^® Rt,ICC NofwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO,«odomo- by any Ot Party o, AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg L,oIRb¢Ad ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY 2 A narrative of how each system is intended to operate, including recommended setpomts 3 Submittal data indicating all selected options for each piece of lighting equipment and lighting controls 4 Operation and maintenance manuals for each piece of lighting equipment Required routine maintenance actions, cleaning and recommended relampmg shall be clearly identified 5 A schedule for inspecting and recalibratmg all lighting controls C408.3.2.3 Report A report of test results shall be pro- vided and include the following 1 Results of functional performance tests 2 Disposition of deficiencies found during testing, including details of corrective measures used or proposed C-98 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ( " ' UER CopyngbtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Raodme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) mt to ( I 1, xAg,e^ '^Rt, ICC No otths TAodomoo. m At6sodomo- by any Ot Party o[ Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle—ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY Project Information Project Address Commissioning Authority Commissioning Plan (Section C408 2 1) Project Name ❑ Commissioning Plan was used during construction and includes all items required by Section C408 2 1 ❑ Systems Adjusting and Balancing has been completed ❑ HVAC Equipment Functional Testing has been executed If applicable, deferred and follow-up testing is scheduled to be provided on ❑ HVAC Controls Functional Testing has been executed If applicable, deferred and follow-up testing is scheduled to be provided on ❑ Economizer Functional Testing has been executed If applicable, deferred and follow-up testing is scheduled to be provided on ❑ Lighting Controls Functional Testing has been executed If applicable, deferred and follow-up testing is scheduled to be provided on ❑ Service Water Heating System Functional Testing has been executed If applicable, deferred and follow-up testing is scheduled to be provided on ❑ Manual, record documents and training have been completed or scheduled ❑ Preliminary Commissioning Report submitted to owner and includes all items required by Section C408 2 4 I hereby certify that the commissioning provider has provided me with evidence of mechanical, service water heating and lighting systems commissioning in accordance with the 2018 IECC Signature of Building Owner or Owner's Representative FIGURE C408.2.4 ING COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-99 I " t CopyagRtOo 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rvdme pooch od om),(Dby of FRmdNmod)O,d6N=b6*10081vwS8 01JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'At, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomo,,m AtO, �goodomo- by anty y Ot Paro, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER C-100 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® CopynghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van Cm,(Rvdme Oo,d—od om),(Qty of ERmdNmod)O[d6N=b6*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM(PET)p,,mmt to ( I ( I,—Ag,—^ '^^I, ICC No o tths ,Aodomoam ALM,, peodomo-by any Ot Party o[Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo— odyWpyaog and,yodwg GMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDEEAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER CHAPTER 5 ICE] EXISTING BUILDINGS User note: About this chapter. Many buildings are renovated or altered in numerous ways that could affect the energy use of the building as a whole Chapter 5 requires the application of certain parts of Chapter 4 in order to maintain, if not improve, the conservation of energy by the reno- vated or altered building SECTION C501 GENERAL C501.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall control the alteration, repair, addition and change of occupancy of existing buildings and structures C501.2 Existing buildings. Except as specified in this chap- ter, this code shall not be used to require the removal, alter- ation or abandonment of, nor prevent the continued use and maintenance of, an existing building or building system law- fully in existence at the time of adoption of this code C501.3 Maintenance. Builchngs and structures, and parts thereof, shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition Devices and systems required by this code shall be main - tamed in conformance to the code edition under which they were installed The owner or the owner's authorized agent shall be responsible for the maintenance of buildings and structures The requirements of this chapter shall not provide the basis for removal or abrogation of energy conservation, fire protection and safety systems and devices in existing structures C501.4 Compliance. Alterations, repairs, additions and changes of occupancy to, or relocation of, existing buildings and structures shall comply with the provisions for alter- ations, repairs, additions and changes of occupancy or relo- cation, respectively, in this code and in the International Building Code, International Existing Building Code, Inter- national Fire Code, International Fuel Gas Code, Interna- tional Mechanical Code, International Plumbing Code, International Property Maintenance Code, International Pri- vate Sewage Disposal Code and NFPA 70 C501.5 New and replacement materials. Except as other- wise required or permitted by this code, materials permitted by the applicable code for new construction shall be used Like materials shall be permitted for repairs, provided that hazards to life, health or property are not created Hazardous materials shall not be used where the code for new construc- tion would not allow use of these materials in buildings of similar occupancy, purpose and location C501.6 Historic buildings. Provisions of this code relating to the construction, repair, alteration, restoration and move- ment of structures, and change of occupancy shall not be mandatory for historic buildings provided that a report has been submitted to the code official and signed by a registered design professional, or a representative of the State Historic Preservation Office or the historic preservation authority hav- ing jurisdiction, demonstrating that compliance with that pro- vision would threaten, degrade or destroy the historic form, fabric or function of the building SECTION C502 ADDITIONS C502.1 General. Additons to an existing building, building system or portion thereof shall conform to the provisions of this code as those provisions relate to new construction with- out requiring the unaltered portion of the existing building or building system to comply with this code Additions shall not create an unsafe or hazardous condition or overload existing building systems An addition shall be deemed to comply with this code if the addition alone complies or if the existing building and addition comply with this code as a single build- ing Additions shall comply with Sections C402, C403, C404, I C405 and C502 2 Additions complying with ANSUASHRAEQESNA 901 need not comply with Sections C402, C403, C404 and C405 C502.2 Prescriptive compliance. Additions shall comply I with Sections C502 2 1 through C502 2 6 2 C502.2.1 Vertical fenestration. New vertical fenestration area that results in a total building fenestration area less than or equal to that specified in Section C402 4 1 shall comply with Section C4021 5, C40243 or C407 Addy - bons with vertical fenestration that result in a total building fenestration area greater than Section C402 4 1 or adch- hons that exceed the fenestration area greater than Section C402 4 1 shall comply with Section C402 4 1 1 for the addition only Additions that result in a total building verti- cal fenestration area exceeding that specified in Section I C402 4 1 1 shall comply with Section C402 15 or C407 C502.2.2 Skylight area. New skylight area that results in a total building fenestration area less than or equal to that specified in Section C402 4 1 shall comply with Section C402 1 5 or C407 Additions with skylight area that result in a total building skylght area greater than C402 4 1 or additions that exceed the skylght area shall comply with Section C402 4 12 for the addition only Additions that result in a total building skylght area exceeding that speci- fied in Section C402 4 1 2 shall comply with Section C402 1 5 or C407 C502.2.3 Building mechanical systems. New mechanical systems and equipment that are part of the addition and 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-101 I 11 I CopyrightOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rvdme Oo,dA od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b6xlooe1vme 01 JM 15, ZMO oc s AM(PET)puArvant to ( LEA Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomo,, m AtO, «odomo- by any Ot Party o, AAmboem a Romsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg L,oIRb¢Ad ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER EXISTING BUILDINGS serve the building heating, cooling and ventilation needs shall comply with Section C403 C502.2.4 Service water -heating systems. New service water -heating equipment, controls and service water heat- ing piping shall comply with Section C404 C502.2.5 Pools and inground permanently installed spas. New pools and inground permanently installed spas shall comply with Section C404 10 C502.2.6 Lighting power and systems. New lighting sys- tems that are installed as part of the addition shall comply with Section C405 C502.2.6.1 Interior lighting power. The total interior lighting power for the addition shall comply with Sec- tion C405 3 2 for the adckhon alone, or the existing building and the addition shall comply as a single build - mg C502.2.6.2 Exterior lighting power. The total exterior lighting power for the addition shall comply with Sec- tion C405 4 2 for the adckhon alone, or the existing building and the addition shall comply as a single build - mg SECTION C503 ALTERATIONS C503.1 General. Alterations to any building or structure shall comply with the requirements of Section C503 and the code for new construction Alterations shall be such that the existing builckng or structure is not less conforming to the provisions of this code than the existing building or structure was prior to the alteration Alterations to an existing build- ing, building system or portion thereof shall conform to the provisions of this code as those provisions relate to new con- struction without requiring the unaltered portions of the exist- ing building or building system to comply with this code Alterations shall not create an unsafe or hazardous condition or overload existing building systems Alterations complying with ANSUASHRAEQESNA 90 1 need not comply with Sections C402, C403, C404 and C405 Exception: The following alterations need not comply with the requirements for new construction, provided that the energy use of the bwldmg is not increased 1 Storm windows installed over existing fenestration 2 Surface -applied window film installed on existing single -pane fenestration assemblies reducing solar heat gam, provided that the code does not require the glazing or fenestration to be replaced 3 Existing ceiling, wall or floor cavities exposed during construction, provided that these cavities are filled with insulation 4 Construction where the existing roof, wall or floor cavity is not exposed 5 Roof recover 6 Air barriers shall not be required for roof recover and roof replacement where the alterations or reno- vations to the building do not include alterations, renovations or repairs to the remainder of the build- ing envelope C503.2 Change in space conditioning. Any nonconditioned or low -energy space that is altered to become conditioned space shall be required to be brought into full compliance with this code Exceptions: 1 Where the component performance alternative in Section C402 15 is used to comply with this sec- tion, the proposed UA shall be not greater than 110 percent of the target UA 2 Where the total building performance option in Sec- tion C407 is used to comply with this section, the annual energy cost of the proposed design shall be not greater than 110 percent of the annual energy cost otherwise permitted by Section C407 3 C503.3 Building envelope. New building envelope assem- blies that are part of the alteration shall comply with Sections C402 1 through C402 5 Exception: Where the existing building exceeds the fenes- tration area limitations of Section C402 4 1 prior to alter- ation, the building is exempt from Section C402 4 1 provided that there is not an increase in fenestration area C503.3.1 Roof replacement. Roof replacements shall comply with Section C40213, C402 14, C402 15 or C407 where the existing roof assembly is part of the build- ing thermal envelope and contains insulation entirely above the roof deck C503.3.2 Vertical fenestration. The addition of vertical fenestration that results in a total bwldmg fenestration area less than or equal to that specified in Section C402 4 1 shall comply with Section C402 15, C402 4 3 or C407 The addition of vertical fenestration that results in a total building fenestration area greater than Section C402 4 1 shall comply with Section C402 4 1 1 for the space adjacent to the new fenestration only Alterations that result in a total building vertical fenestration area exceeding that specified in Section C402 4 1 1 shall com- ply with Section C402 1 5 or C407 Provided that the ver- tical fenestration area is not changed, using the same vertical fenestration area in the standard reference design as the bwldmg prior to alteration shall be an alternative to using the vertical fenestration area specified in Table C407 5 1(1) C503.3.3 Skylight area. New skylight area that results in a total building skylight area less than or equal to that specified in Section C402 4 1 shall comply with Section C402 1 5, C402 4 or C407 The addition of skylight area that results in a total building skylight area greater than Section C402 4 1 shall comply with Section C402 4 12 for the space adjacent to the new skylights Alterations that result in a total building skylight area exceeding that specified in Section C402 4 12 shall comply with Section C402 1 5 or C407 Provided that the skylight area is not changed, using the same skylight area in the standard ref- erence design as the building prior to alteration shall be an 4m C-102 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ( 1 I UER CopyrightOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rvdme Oo,dA od om),(Dty of ERmdNmod)O[do,N=b6xlooe1vme 01 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (GET) mt to ( I 1, Ag,'^Rt, ICC No otths TAodomoo. m At6sodomo- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDEEAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER EXISTING BUILDINGS alternative to using the skylight area specified in Table C407 5 1(1) C503.4 Heating and cooling systems. New heating, cooling and duct systems that are part of the alteration shall comply with Sections C403 C503.4.1 Economizers. New cooling systems that are part of alteration shall comply with Section C403 5 C503.5 Service hot water systems. New service hot water systems that are part of the alteration shall comply with Sec- tion C404 C503.6 Lighting systems. New lighting systems that are part of the alteration shall comply with Section C405 Exception. Alterations that replace less than 10 percent of the luminaires in a space, provided that such alterations do not increase the installed interior lighting power SECTION C504 REPAIRS C504.1 General. Buildings and structures, and parts thereof, shall be repaired in compliance with Section C501 3 and this section Work on nondamaged components that is necessary for the required repair of damaged components shall be con- sidered to be part of the repair and shall not be subject to the requirements for alterations in this chapter Routine mainte- nance required by Section C501 3, ordinary repairs exempt from permit and abatement of wear due to normal service conditions shall not be subject to the requirements for repairs in this section Where a building was constructed to comply with ANSI/ ASHRAEQESNA 90 1, repairs shall comply with the stan- dard and need not comply with Sections C402, C403, C404 and C405 C504.2 Application. For the purposes of this code, the fol- lowing shall be considered to be repairs 1 Glass -only replacements in an existing sash and frame 2 Roof repairs 3 Au barriers shall not be required for roof repair where the repairs to the building do not include alterations, renovations or repairs to the remainder of the building envelope 4 Replacement of existing doors that separate condi- tioned space from the exterior shall not require the installation of a vestibule or revolving door, provided that an existing vestibule that separates a conditioned space from the exterior shall not be removed 5 Repairs where only the bulb, the ballast or both within the existing luminaires in a space are replaced, pro- vided that the replacement does not increase the installed interior lighting power SECTION C505 CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY OR USE C505.1 General. Spaces undergoing a change in occupancy that would result in an increase in demand for either fossil fuel or electrical energy shall comply with this code Where the use in a space changes from one use in Table C405 3 2(1) or C405 3 2(2) to another use in Table C405 3 2(1) or C405 3 2(2), the installed lighting wattage shall comply with Section C405 3 Where the space undergoing a change in occupancy or use is in a building with a fenestration area that exceeds the lnnitations of Section C40241, the space is exempt from Section C402 4 1 provided that there is not an increase in fenestration area Exceptions: 1 Where the component performance alternative in Section C402 1 5 is used to comply with this sec- tion, the proposed UA shall be not greater than 110 percent of the target UA 2 Where the total building performance option in Sec- tion C407 is used to comply with this section, the annual energy cost of the proposed design shall be not greater than 110 percent of the annual energy cost otherwise permitted by Section C407 3 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-103 I II I CITFIghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rvdme Oo,dA od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b6xlooe1vme 01 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM(PET)puArvant to ( LEA Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO,«odomo- by any Ot Party o, AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg L,oIRb¢Ad ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER C-104 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® CopynghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van Cm,(Rvdme Oo,d—od om),(Qty of ERmdNmod)O[d6N=b6*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM(PET)p,,mmt to ( I ( I,—Ag,—^ '^^I, ICC No o tths ,Aodomoam ALM,, peodomo-by any Ot Party o[Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo— odyWpyaog and,yodwg GMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDEEAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER CHAPTER 6 [CE] REFERENCED STANDARDS User note: About this chapter., Chapter 6lists the full title, edition year and address of the promulgator for all standards that are referenced in the code The section numbers in which the standards are referenced are also listed This chapter lists the standards that are referenced in various sections of this document The standards are listed herein by the promulgating agency of the standard, the standard identification, the effective date and title, and the section or sections of this document that reference the standard The application of the referenced standards shall be as specified in Section 107 AAMAAmerican Arclutectural Manufacturers Association 1827 Walden Office Square Suite 550 Schaumburg IL 60173-4268 AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A C440-17: North American Fenestration Standard/Specifications for Windows, Doors and Unit Skylights Table C402 5 2 ARAM Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers I I 1119th Street NW, Suite 402 Waslungton, DC 20036 ANSI/AHAM RAC-1-2008: Room Air Conditioners Table C403 3 2(3) AHAM HRF-1-2016: Energy, Performance and Capacity of Household Refrigerators, Refrigerator -Freezers and Freezers Table C403 10 1 Au -Conditioning, Heating, & Refrigeration Institute 2111 Wilson Blvd, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 ISO/AHRI/ASHRAE 13256-1 (2017): Water -to -Air and Brine -to -Air Heat Pumps —Testing and Rating for Performance Table C403 3 2(2) ISO/AHRI/ASHRAE 13256-2 (2017): Water -to -Water and Brine -to -Water Heat Pumps —Testing and Rating for Performance Table C403 3 2(2) 210/240-2016: Performance Rating of Unitary Air-conditioning and Air -source Heat Pump Equipment Table C403 3 2(1), Table C403 3 2(2) 310/350-2014 (CSA-C744-04): Standard for Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps Table C403 3 2(3) 340/360-2015: Performance Rating of Commercial and Industrial Unitary Air-conditioning and Heat Pump Equipment Table C403 3 2(1), Table C403 3 2(2) 365(I-P)-2009: Commercial and Industrial Unitary Air-conditioning Condensing Units Table C403 3 2(1), Table C403 3 2(6) 390 (I-P)-2015: Performance Rating of Single Package Vertical Air -conditioners and Heat Pumps Table C403 3 2(3) 400 (I-P)-2015: Performance Rating of Liquid to Liquid Heat Exchangers Table C403 3 2(10) 440-2005: Performance Rating of Room Fan Coils —with Addendum 1 C403 11 3 460-2005: Performance Rating of Remote Mechanical -draft Air-cooled Refrigerant Condensers Table C403 3 2(8) 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-105 I " ' CITFIght Oo 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(hv dme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb,,*10081vwS8 01JM 15, ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^Rt, ICC NofwN¢[TAodomo,,mAtO, goodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboem a Romsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg TARISAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER REFERENCED STANDARDS AHRI—continued 5501590 (I-P)-2015: Performance Rating of Water -chilling and Heat Pump Water -heating Packages Using the Vapor Compression Cycle C403 3 2 1, Table C403 3 2(7) 560-00: Absorption Water Chilling and Water Heating Packages Table C403 3 2(7) 1160 (I-P) —2014: Performance Rating of Heat Pump Pool Heaters Table C404 2 1200 (I-P)-2013: Performance Rating of Commercial Refrigerated Display Merchandisers and Storage Cabinets C403 10, Table C403 10 l(1), Table C403 10 1(2) AMCAAir Movement and Control Association International 30 West University Drive Arlington Heights, IL 60004-1806 205-12: Energy Efficiency Classification for Fans C403 8 3 220-05 (R2012): Laboratory Methods of Testing Air Curtain Units for Aerodynamic Performance Rating C402 5 6 50OD-12: Laboratory Methods for Testing Dampers for Rating C403 7 7 ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute 25 West 43rd Street, T' Floor New York, NY 10036 Z21.10.3/CSA 4.3-11: Gas Water Heaters, Volume III —Storage Water Heaters with Input Ratings Above 75,000 Btu per Hour, Circulating Tank and Instantaneous Table C404 2 Z21.47/CSA 2.3-12: Gas -fired Central Furnaces Table C403 3 2(4) Z83.8/CSA 2.6-09: Gas Unit Heaters, Gas Packaged Heaters, Gas Utility Heaters and Gas -fired Duct Furnaces n Table C403 3 2(4) Ain Si The Association of Pool & Spa Professionals 2111 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite 580 Alexandria, VA 22314 14-2014: American National Standard for Portable Electric Spa Energy Efficiency C404 8 ASHRAE ASHRAE 1791 Tullie Circle NE Atlanta, GA 30329 ASHRAE 127-2007: Method of Testing for Rating Computer Table C403 3 2(9) ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 183-2007 (RA2014): Peak Cooling and Heating Load Calculations in Buildings, Except Low-rise Residential Buildings C403 1 1 ASHRAE-2016: ASHRAE HVAC Systems and Equipment Handbook C403 1 1 ISO/AHRI/ASHRAE 13256-1 (2017): Water -to -Air and Brine -to -Air Heat Pumps —Testing and Rating for Performance Table C403 3 2(2) ISO/AHRI/ASHRAE 13256-2 (2017): Water -to -Water and Brine -to -Water Heat Pumps —Testing and Rating for Performance Table C403 3 2(2) C-106 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ( ( " ' Copyaght Oo 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,d—od om),(Dty of R—d—od)OTdo,Nomb,,x1 ooe1vwS8 01JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (GET) Mt,mmt to I RR 1,—Ag,—^ '^Rt, ICC No otths TTAodomoo, m At , goodomo- by any Ot Party o[ ATmboem-tho[vsd Mglo —o,IA oTymg and Nyodwg TMIRIS d ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER REFERENCED STANDARDS ASHRAE—continued 55-2013: Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy Table C407 5 1 90.1-2016: Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-rise Residential Buildings C401 2, Table C402 1 3, Table C402 14, C406 2, Table C407 6 1, C502 1, C503 1, C504 1 140-2014: Standard Method of Test for the Evaluation of Building Energy Analysis Computer Programs C407 6 1 146-2011: Testing and Rating Pool Heaters Table C404 2 ASMEAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers Two Park Avenue New York, NY 10016-5990 ASME A17.1-2016/CSA B44-16: Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators C405 8 2 AS 1T M ASTM International 100 Ban Harbor Drive, P O Box C700 West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 C90-14: Specification for Load -bearing Concrete Masonry Units Table C401 3 C1363-11: Standard Test Method for Thermal Performance of Building Materials and Envelope Assemblies by Means of a Hot Box Apparatus C303 1 4 1, Table C402 14, 402 2 7 C1371-15: Standard Test Method for Determination of Emittance of Materials Near Room Temperature Using Portable Emissometers Table C402 3 C1549-09(2014): Standard Test Method for Determination of Solar Reflectance Near Ambient Temperature Using a Portable Solar Reflectometer Table C402 3 D1003-13: Standard Test Method for Haze and Luminous Transmittance of Transparent Plastics C402 4 2 2 E283-04(2012): Test Method for Determining the Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen C402 5 12 2, Table C402 5 2, C402 5 7 E408-13: Test Methods for Total Normal Emittance of Surfaces Using Inspection -meter Techniques Table C402 3 E779-10: Standard Test Method for Determining Air Leakage Rate by Fan Pressurization C402 5 E903-12: Standard Test Method Solar Absorptance, Reflectance and Transmittance of Materials Using Integrating Spheres (Withdrawn 2005) Table C402 3 E1677-11: Specification for Air Barrier (AB) Material or Systems for Low-rise Framed Building Walls C4025122 E1827-11: Standard Test Methods for Determining Airtightness of Building Using an Orifice Blower Door C402 5, C406 9, C606 4 E1918-06(2015): Standard Test Method for Measuring Solar Reflectance of Horizontal or Low -sloped Surfaces in the Field Table C402 3 E1980-11: Standard Practice for Calculating Solar Reflectance Index of Horizontal and Low -sloped Opaque Surfaces Table C402 3, C402 3 2 E2178-13: Standard Test Method for Air Permanence of Building Materials C4025121 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-107 I " ' CITFIghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van Dme(Rvdme Oo,d—od om),(Qty of FRmdwood)O[do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,—t to ( Lie Ag,,—®'^Rt, ICC NofwN¢[Todomoo.mAtO, goodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRb Ad ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER REFERENCED STANDARDS ASTM—continued E2357-11: Standard Test Method for Determining Air Leakage of Air Barriers Assemblies C4025122 CRRCCool Roof Rating Council 449 15th Street, Suite 400 Oakland, CA 94612 ANSI/CRRC-S100-2016: Standard Test Methods for Determining Radiative Properties of Materials Table C402 3, C402 3 1 CSA CSA Group 8501 East Pleasant Valley Road Cleveland, OH 44131-5516 AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-17: North American Fenestration Standard/Specification for Windows, Doors and Unit Skylights Table C402 5 2 CSA B55.1-2015: Test Method for Measuring Efficiency and Pressure Loss of Drain Water Heat Recovery Units C404 8 CSA B55.2-2015: Drain Water Heat Recovery Units C404 8 C1TT 1 Cooling Technology Institute P O Box 681807 Houston, TX 77268 ATC 105 (00): Acceptance Test Code for Water Cooling Tower Table C403 3 2(8) ATC 105S-11: Acceptance Test Code for Closed Circuit Cooling Towers Table C403 3 2(8) ATC 106-11: Acceptance Test for Mechanical Draft Evaporative Vapor Condensers Table C403 3 2(8) STD 201-11: Standard for Certification of Water Cooling Towers Thermal Performances Table C403 3 2(8) CTI STD 201 RS(15): Performance Rating of Evaporative Heat Rejection Equipment Table C403 3 2(8) DASMADoor & Access Systems Manufacturers Association, International 1300 Sumner Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115-2851 105-2016: Test Method for Thermal Transmittance and Air Infiltration of Garage Doors and Rolling Doors C303 1 3, Table C402 5 2 DOE US Department of Energy c/o Superintendent of Documents 1000 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20585 10 CFR, Part 430-2015: Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products: Test Procedures and Certification and Enforcement Requirement for Plumbing Products; and Certification and Enforcement Requirements for Residential Appliances; Final Rule Table C403 3 2(4), Table C403 3 2(5), Table C4042 C-108 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ( "' CopyaghtOo 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van DmT(hvdme Oo,d—od om),(Qty of R—d—od)OTdo,N=b,,x1ooe1vwS8 01JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (GET) mt to ( I 1,—Ag,—^ '^Rt, ICC No o tths TTAodomo,, oAths Tepeodomo- by any Ot Party o[ ATmboemdmho[vsd Mglo —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRIS d ANY VNAVTHO OLDER RBPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIBVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE BM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER REFERENCED STANDARDS DOE -continued 10 CFR, Part 430, Subpart B, Appendix N-(2015): Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Furnaces and Boilers C202 10 CFR, Part 431-2015: Energy Efficiency Program for Certain Commercial and Industrial Equipment: Test Procedures and Efficiency Standards; Final Rules Table C403 3 2(5), C405 6, Table C405 6, C405 7 10 CFR 431 Subpart B App B: Uniform Test Method for Measuring Nominal Full Load Efficiency of Electric Motors C403 8 4, Table C405 7(1), Table C405 7(2), Table C405 7(3), C405 7(4) NAECA 87-(88): National Appliance Energy Conservation Act 1987 [Public Law 100-12 (with Amendments of 1988-P.L. 100-357)] Table C403 3 2(1), Table C403 3 2(2), Table C403 3 2(4) ICC IBC-18: International Building Code® C201 3, C303 2, C402 5 3, C501 4 IFC-18: International Fire Code® C201 3, C501 4 IFGC-18: International Fuel Gas Code® C201 3, C501 4 IMC-18: International Mechanical Code® International Code Council, Inc 500 New Jersey Avenue NW 6th Floor Waslungton, DC 20001 C403 7 7, C403 2 2, C403 7 1, C403 7 2, C403 7 4, C403 7 5, C403 11 1, C403 11 2 1, C403 112 2, C403 6, C403 6 6, C406 6, C501 4 IPC-18: International Plumbing Code® C201 3, C501 4 IPMC-18: International Property Maintenance Code® C501 4 IPSDC-18: International Private Sewage Disposal Code® C501 4 IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 3 Park Avenue, 17" Floor New York, NY 10016 IEEE 515.1-2012: IEE Standard for the Testing, Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Electrical Resistance Trace Heating for Commercial Applications C404 6 2 IES Illuminating Engineering Society 120 Wall Street, 17th Floor New York, NY 10005-4001 ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-2016: Energy Standard for Buildings, Except Low-rise Residential Buildings C401 2, Table C402 1 3, Table C402 14, C406 2, C502 1, C503 1, C504 1 ISO International Organization for Standardization Chemm de Blandonnet 8, CP 401, 1214 Verner Geneva, Switzerland ISO/AHRI/ASHRAE 13256-1(2017): Water -to -Air and Brine -to -Air Heat Pumps -Testing and Ratingfor Performance Table C403 3 2(2) ISO/AHRI/ASHRAE 13256-2(2017): Water -to -Water and Brine -to -Water Heat Pumps -Testing and Ratingfor Performance C403 3 2(2) 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-109 CITFIght @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A-LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'At, ICC NofwN¢[Todomoo.mAtO, goodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo-ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRb Ad ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER REFERENCED STANDARDS NEMA MG1-2014: Motors and Generators C202 NFPA 70-17: National Electrical Code C501 4 National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 National Fire Protection Association 1 Batterymarch Park Quincy, MA 02169-7471 NFRCNational Fenestration Rating Council, Inc 6305 Ivy Lane, Suite 140 Greenbelt, MD 20770 100-2017: Procedure for Determining Fenestration Products U factors C303 1 3, C402 2 1 1 200-2017: Procedure for Determining Fenestration Product Solar Heat Gain Coefficients and Visible Transmittance at Normal Incidence C303 1 3, C402 4 1 1 400-2017: Procedure for Determining Fenestration ProductAir Leakage Table C402 5 2 SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association, Inc 4021 Lafayette Center Drive Chantilly, VA 20151-1219 SMACNA-2012: HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual Second Edition C403 2 11 2 3 UL 710-12: Exhaust Hoods for Commercial Cooking Equipment —with Revisions through November 2013 C403 7 5 727-06: Oil -fired Central Furnaces —with Revisions through October 2013 Table C403 3 2(4) 731-95: Oil -fired Unit Heaters —with Revisions through October 2013 Table C403 3 2(4) 1784-01: Air Leakage Tests of Door Assemblies —with Revisions through February 2015 C402 5 3 UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Road Northbrook, IL 60062-2096 US —FTC C United States -Federal Trade Comrmssion 600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20580 CFR Title 16 (2015): R-value Rule C303 1 4 C-110 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ( "' CopyaghtOo 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(hvdme Oo,dA od om),(Dty of ERmdNmod)O[do,N=b,,*10081vwS8 01JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (GET) mt to ( I 1, Ag,e^ '^Rt, ICC No o tths TTAodomo,, oAtths Tepeodomo- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemdmho[vsd Mglo—, ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRIS d ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FED REAL COPYRIGHT 11 INC THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. INC REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER REFERENCED STANDARDS WDMAWindow and Door Manufacturers Association 2025 M Street NW, Surte 800 Washington, DC 20036-3309 AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-17: North American Fenestration Standard/Specification for Windows, Doors and Unit Skylights Table C402 5 2 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-111 I " ' CITFIghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van DmA(Rvdme Oo,d—od om),(Dty of IFRmd—od)O[do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM(PET)puTrvant to ( LEA Affiee^® Rt, ICC NofwN¢[Todomoo.mAtO, odomo- by any Ot Party oT AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg p,oIRb¢Ad ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER C-112 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® CopynghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van Cm,(Rvdme Oo,d—od om),(Qty of ERmdNmod)O[d6N=b6*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM(PET)p,,mmt to ( I ( I,—Ag,—^ '^^I, ICC No o tths ,Aodomoam ALM,, peodomo-by any Ot Party o[Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo— odyWpyaog and,yodwg GMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDEEAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER APPENDIX CA SOLAR -READY ZONE -COMMERCIAL The provisions contained in this appendix are not mandatory unless specifically referenced in the adopting ordinance. User note: About this appendix., Appendix CA is intended to encourage the installation of renewable energy systems by preparing buildings for the future installation of solar energy equipment, piping and wiring SECTION CA101 SCOPE CAlOLl General. These provisions shall be applicable for new construction where solar -ready provisions are required SECTION CA102 GENERAL DEFINITION SOLAR -READY ZONE. A section or sections of the roof or building overhang designated and reserved for the future installation of a solar photovoltaic or solar thermal system SECTION CA103 SOLAR -READY ZONE CA103.1 General. A solar -ready zone shall be located on the roof of buildings that are five stories or less in height above grade plane, and are oriented between 110 degrees and 270 degrees of true north or have low -slope roofs Solar -ready zones shall comply with Sections CA103 2 through CA103 8 Exceptions: 1 A building with a permanently installed, on -site renewable energy system 2 A building with a solar -ready zone that is shaded for more than 70 percent of daylight hours annually 3 A building where the licensed design professional certifies that the incident solar radiation available to the building is not suitable for a solar -ready zone 4 A building where the licensed design professional certifies that the solar zone area required by Section CA103 3 cannot be met because of extensive roof- top equipment, skylights, vegetative roof areas or other obstructions CA103.2 Construction document requirements for a solar -ready zone. Construction documents shall indicate the solar -ready zone CA103.3 Solar -ready zone area. The total solar -ready zone area shall be not less than 40 percent of the roof area calcu- lated as the horizontally projected gross roof area less the area covered by skylights, occupied roof decks, vegetative roof areas and mandatory access or set back areas as required by the International Fire Code The solar -ready zone shall be a single area or smaller, separated sub -zone areas Each sub- zone shall be not less than 5 feet (1524 mm) in width in the narrowest dimension CA103.4 Obstructions. Solar ready zones shall be free from obstructions, including pipes, vents, ducts, HVAC equip- ment, skylights and roof -mounted equipment CA103.5 Roof loads and documentation. A collateral dead load of not less than 5 pounds per square foot (5 psf) (2441 kg/m') shall be included in the gravity and lateral design calculations for the solar -ready zone The structural design loads for roof dead load and roof live load shall be indicated on the construction documents CA103.6 Interconnection pathway. Construction docu- ments shall indicate pathways for routing of conduit or piping from the solar -ready zone to the electrical service panel or service hot water system CA103.7 Electrical service reserved space. The main elec- trical service panel shall have a reserved space to allow installation of a dual -pole circuit breaker for future solar elec- tric installation and shall be labeled "For Future Solar Elec- tric " The reserved space shall be positioned at the end of the panel that is opposite from the panel supply conductor con- nection CA103.8 Construction documentation certificate. A per- manent certificate, indicating the solar -ready zone and other requirements of this section, shall be posted near the electri- cal distribution panel, water heater or other conspicuous loca- tion by the builder or registered design professional 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-113 I 1 1 I CALFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(DLy of FRmdNmod) O[do, Nomb6 xl 00e170Se 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) t to ( Lie Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO,Pepeodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdm6o d Mglo¢ ody mpyncg and Nyodwg LARISAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER C-114 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® CopynghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van Cm,(Rvdme Oo,d—od om),(Qty of ERmdNmod)O[d6N=b6*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM(PET)p,,mmt to ( I ( I,—Ag,—^ '^^I, ICC No o tths ,Aodomoam ALM,, peodomo-by any Ot Party o[Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo— odyWpyaog and,yodwg GMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDEEAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER 0 ACCESSIBLE INDEX Controls C402 2 3, C404 6, C404 9 1, C405 2 2 3, C405 2 3 1 Defined C202 ADDITIONAL EFFICIENCY PACKAGE C406 ADDITIONS Defined C202 Historic buildings C501 6 Requirements C502 ADMINISTRATION Chapter 1 AIR BARRIER C402 5 Access openings C402 5 4 Assemblies C402 5 1 2 2 Compliance options C402 5 1 2 Construction C402 5 1 1 Dampers C402 5 5, C403 7 7 Doors other than fenestration C402 5 4 Fenestration C402 5 2, Table C402 5 2 Materials C402 5 1 2 1 Penetrations C402 5 1 1 Recessed lighting C402 5 8 Rooms with fuel burning appliances C402 5 3 Testing C402 5 Vestibules C402 5 7 AIR CONDITIONERS Efficiency requirements Tables C403 3 2(1, 3) AIR CURTAIN Defined C202 Vestibules C402 5 7 AIR ECONOMIZERS Defined C202 Requirements C403 5, C403 5 1, C403 5 2, C403 5 3, C403 5 4 AIR INFILTRATION (see AIR BARRIER) Defined C202 AIR INTAKES AND EXHAUSTS C402 5 5, C403 7 7 AIR LEAKAGE —THERMAL ENVELOPE (see AIR BARRIER) AIR SYSTEM BALANCING C408 2 2 1, C408 2 2 2, C408 2 5 3 ALTERATIONS Defined C202 Historic buildings C501 6 Replacement fenestration C401 2 1 Requirements C503 ALTERNATE MATERIALS C102 APPROVED Defined C202 APPROVED AGENCY Defined C202 Inspections C105 4 AREA -WEIGHTED U-FACTOR C402 4 3 4 AUTOMATIC Defined C202 BASEMENT WALLS (see WALL, BELOW GRADE) Requirements C303 2 1 BELOW -GRADE WALLS (see WALL, BELOW GRADE) BOARD OF APPEALS C109 Limitations on authority C109 2 Qualifications of members C109 3 BOILERS Defined C202 Requirements Table C403 3 2(5), C403 3 4, C403 4 3, C404 2, Table C404 2 Setback controls C403 4 1 5 Turndown controls C403 3 4 BUILDING Defined C202 Multifamily residential C407 5 2 3 BUILDING COMMISSIONING Defined C202 Requirements C408 BUILDING ENTRANCE Defined C202 Exterior lighting Table C405 4 2(2) Lighting controls C405 2 1 1 Vestibules C402 5 7 BUILDING ENVELOPE Compliance documentation C103 2, C103 2 1 Defined C202 Exemptions C4021 1, C4021 2 Insulation C303 1 1 Insulation and fenestration criteria C402 1 3, Table C402 1 3, C402 1 4, Table C402 1 4 Requirements C402 Performance method C407 3 BUILDING THERMAL ENVELOPE Air leakage and barriers C402 5 Defined C202 Doors C402 4 5 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-115 I " I CopyagRt Oo 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED AwLDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b6 xl 00e170Se 01JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^M, ICC No f�Lth,[TAodomoo.mAt,�goodomo,o by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle ass¢ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER INDEX Low -energy buildings C402 1 1 Defined C202 Performance C402 1, C402 1 3, Total building performance C407 C402 1 4, C402 1 5 COMMISSIONING C408 Rooms with fuel -burning appliances C402 5 3 COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT Specific insulation C402 2 General C101 5 Existing buildings C501 4 C COMPRESSOR (REFRIGERATION) SYSTEMS C403 10 4 2 C-FACTOR COMPONENT PERFORMANCE Defined C202 APPROACH C40215 Assembly U-, C- or F-factor method C402 1 4, COMPUTER ROOM Table C402 1 4 Air conditioning Table C403 3 2(9) CAULKING AND Defined C202 WEATHERSTRIPPING C402 5 1 1, C402 5 1 2 1, CONDENSING UNITS C402 5 1 2 2, C402 5 3, Defined C202 C402 5 4, C402 5 6, C402 5 8 Efficiency requirements Tables C403 3 2(1, 6) CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY C501 4, C505 CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA CHILLERS Table C403 3 2(7), Table C407 5 1(4) Defined C202 Positive displacement Renewable energy C406 5 chilling packages C403 3 2 2 CONDITIONED SPACE Water-cooled centrifugal Defined C202 chiller packages C403 3 2 1, Table C403 3 2(7), Table C407 5 1(5) Change from nonconditioned or low energy C502 CIRCULATING HOT WATER SYSTEM Roof solar reflectance C4022 3 Defined C202 Rooms containing fuel -burning Requirements C404 6 1, C404 6 3 appliances C402 5 3 CIRCULATING PUMPS C403 4 3 3 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS C103 CIRCULATING SYSTEMS C403 4 3 3, Amended C103 4 C404 6 Approval C103 3 1 CLIMATE TYPES Examination C103 3 Defined Table C301 3(1) Information required C103 2 CLIMATE ZONES Phased approvals C103 3 3 Defined C202 Previous approvals C103 3 2 Established C301, Figure C301 1, Retention C103 5 Table C301 1 Revocation C105 7 1 By state or territory Figure C301 1, Table C301 1 CONTINUOUS AIR BARRIER International climate zones C301 3, Defined C202 Table C301 3(1), Table C301 3(2) Required C402 5 1 Warm humid C301 2, Table C301 2, C301 3 1 CONTINUOUS INSULATION Tropical C301 4 Defined C CODE OFFICIAL Requirements 1 C303 2 2,1 3, Approval of alternate methods C102 Table C402 1 C402 2 3 3, C402 2 2,, C40 Defined C202 CONTROLS Examination of construction documents C103 3 Capabilities C403, C403 3 1, C403 4 1, Inspections C105 C403 4 1 2, C403 4 2 1, COEFFICIENT OF PERFORMANCE (COP) C403 4 2 2, C403 4 3 3 1, Defined C202 C403 4 5, C403 7 1, C404 6, 404 7 Requirements Table C403 3 2(2), Chilled water plants C403 4 5 Table C403 3 2(7) Economizers C403 5, C403 5 1, C403 5 3 2, COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS C403 5 3 3, Table C403 5 3 3 Compliance C101 2, C101 4 1, Energy recovery systems C403 7 4 C101 5, C401 1, C401 2, Chapter 5 C-116 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ( I ( I I Co,tght@2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awned by HDO,, Van Dme(Rvdme pooch od om),(DU, of FRmdwood)O[d6N=b6xlooe1vme 01 JoK 15, fDO oc s AM(PET)pu�rvant to I,®,A,e Kta L, IcC NoUth,T,odomo,,m AUO, odomo- by any Ot Party, o[ Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Etghe od,,o,,ygmdortwo,Iaog,,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHORIVED RBPROD VCIION OR DISI RI B VTION IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT, AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER INDEX Fan speed C403 8 1, C403 8 5, C403 8 5 1, C403 9 Freeze protection system C403 12 3 Glazing C402 4 3 3 Heat pump C403 4 1 1, C403 4 3 3 Heating and cooling C403 3 1, C403 4, C403 5 1 Hot water system C404 6 Humidity C403 4 1, C403 5 1, C403 7 4 HVAC C403 4, C408 2 3 2 Hydronic systems C403 4 3 Lighting C402 4, C402 4 1 1, C402 4 1 2, C402 4 2 1, C402 4 3 1, C405 2, C405 4 1 Lighting, digital C406 4 Off hour C403 4 2 Service water heating C403 3 3, C404 5, C404 6 Shutoff dampers C 403 4 4, C403 7 7 Snow melt system C403 12 2 Temperature C403 4 1, C403 4 2, C403 4 2 1, C403 4 2 2, C403 4 2 3, C403 4 3, C403 7 7 Three -pipe system C403 4 3 1 Two -pipe changeover system C403 4 3 2 Variable air volume systems C403 5 2, C403 6 Ventilation C403 2 6 COOLING SYSTEMS Hot gas bypass limitation C403 2 2 COOLING TOWER C403 9 3, C403 9 4 COOLING WITH OUTDOOR AIR C403 5 1 CRAWL SPACE WALLS Defined C202 Requirements C303 2 1 CURTAIN WALL Defined C202 Air leakage of fenestration Table C402 5 2 0 DAMPERS C402 5 5, C403 7 7 DAYLIGHT RESPONSIVE CONTROL Defined C202 Required C402 4 1 1, C402 4 1 2, C402 4 2 1, C402 4 3 1, C402 4 3 2, C405 2 3 1 DAYLIGHT ZONE C402 4 4, C405 2 3 2, C405233 Defined C202 Under skylights C402 4 1 2, C402 4 2, C405 2 2 3 DAYLIGHT ZONE CONTROL C405 2 3 DEADBAND C403 4 1 2, C403 4 1 3, C4034331 DEFINITIONS Chapter 2 DEGREE DAY COOLING (CDD) Table C301 3(2) DEGREE DAY HEATING (HDD) Table C301 3(2) DEMAND CONTROL VENTILATION (DCV) Defined C202 Requirements C403 7 1 DEMAND RECIRCULATION WATER SYSTEM Defined C202 Requirements C404 7 DESIGN CONDITIONS C302 DIRECT EXPANSION (DX) C403 8 5 1 DOORS Default U-factors Table C303 1 3(2) Garage doors C303 1 3 Loading docks C402 5 6 Opaque C402 2 7 Performance requirements Table C402 1 3, Table C402 1 4, C402 4, C402 4 5, 402 5 4 Vestibules C402 5 7 DRAIN WATER HEAT RECOVERY C404 8 DUAL DUCT VAV C403 6 3, C403 6 4 DUCTS Defined C202 Insulation C103 2, C403 11 1, C403 11 2, C403 11 2 1, C403 11 2 2, C403 11 2 3 Sealing C103 2, C403 11 1, C403 11 2 1, C403 11 2 2, C403 11 2 3 Billet li 0 =1 PA Defined C202 Requirements C403 11 2 DWELLING UNIT Defined C202 Electrical Meter C405 5 Lighting C405 1 Vestibules C402 5 7 DYNAMIC GLAZING Defined C202 Requirements C402 4 3 3 E =A01010]PAIW4[1 Air Table C403 5(1), C403 5 3 Controls C403 5 1, C403 6 8, C403 6 9 Defined C202 Fault detection and diagnostics (FDD) C403 2 5 5 High -limit shutoff control C403 5 3 3, Table C403 5 3 3 Requirements C403 5 3, C403 5 4 Water C403 5 4 EFFICIENCY, ADDITIONAL C406 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-117 I " I Co LFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A-LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b6 xl 00e170Se 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'At, ICC No(wN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO, �goodomo- by anty y Ot Paro, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo-ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER INDEX ELECTRICAL METERS C405 5 ELECTRICAL MOTORS C405 7 ELECTRICAL POWER AND LIGHTING C405 ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMERS C405 6 ELEVATOR POWER C405 8 1, C405 8 2 ELEVATOR SHAFTS C402 5 4, C402 5 5 ENCLOSED SPACE Defined C202 Under skylights C402 4 2 ENERGY ANALYSIS, ANNUAL Defined C202 Documentation C407 Requirements C407 ENERGY COST Compliance performance C401 2 Defined C202 Performance basis C407 3 ENERGY EFFICIENCY RATIO (EER) C403 3 2, Tables C403 3 2(1, 2, 3, 6, 7) ENERGY RECOVERY VENTILATION SYSTEMS Defined C202 Requirements C403 1 1, C403 7 4 ENERGY SIMULATION TOOL Defined C202 Requirements/use C101 51, C407, C407 2, C407 5 ENTRANCE DOOR Air leakage Table C402 5 2 Defined C202 Thermal performance Table C402 4 ENVELOPE, BUILDING THERMAL Defined C202 ENVELOPE DESIGN METHODS C402 1 3, C402 1 4, C402 1 5 EQUIPMENT BUILDINGS C402 1 2 EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCIES C103 2, C403 3 2, C403 5 1, C403 8 5, C404 2 EQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS C403 32 Boilers Table C403 3 2(5) Condensing units Table C403 3 2(6) Economizer exception Tables C403 5(2) Heat rejection equipment Table C403 3 2(8) Packaged terminal air conditioners and heat pump Table C403 3 2(3) Unitary air conditioners and condensing units Table C403 3 2(1) Unitary and applied heat pumps Table C403 3 2(2) Warm air duct furnaces and unit heaters Table C403 3 2(4) Warm air furnaces Table C403 3 2(4) Warm air furnaces/ air-conditioning units Table C403 3 2(4) Water chilling packages, standard Table C403 3 2(7) Water heating Table C404 2, C404 2 1 EQUIPMENT ROOM Defined C202 Lower power allowance Table C405 4 2(2) ESCALATORS C405 8 2 EXEMPT BUILDINGS C401 1 1, C402 1 2 EXHAUSTS C402 5 5 EXIT SIGNS C405 2, C405 3 1 EXISTING BUILDINGS Chapter 5 EXTERIOR LIGHTING C405 2 5, C405 4 EXTERNAL SHADING Table C407 5 1(1) EXTERIOR WALLS Defined C202 Thermal performance C402, C402 2 2 F F—FACTOR Defined C202 Assembly U-, C- or F-factor method C402 1 4, Table C402 1 4 FAN BRAKE HORSEPOWER (BHP) Defined C202 FAN EFFICIENCY GRADE (FEG) Defined C202 Requirements C403 8 3 FAN FLOOR HORSEPOWER C403 8 1 FAN POWER LIMITATION Tables C403 8 1(1, 2) FAN SYSTEM BHP Allowable C403 8 1 Defined C202 FAN SYSTEM DESIGN CONDITIONS Allowable C403 8 2 Defined C202 FAN SYSTEM MOTOR NAMEPLATE HP Defined C202 FAULT DETECTION & DIAGNOSTICS (FDD) Economizers C403 2 5 5 FEES C104 Refunds C104 5 Related fees C104 4 Schedule of permit fees C104 2 FENESTRATION (see also Doors) C303 1 3, C402 4 Air leakage (infiltration) rate C402 5 2, Table C402 5 2 Defined C202 C-118 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® I I Co,tght@2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awned by HDO,, Van Dme(Rvdme pooch od om),(DU, of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b6xlooe1vme 01 JoK 15, fDO oc s AM(PET) To—t to ( I ( 1,, Ag,,KtaAt, IcC Nof-thsT,odomo,,mAt,goodomo- by any Ot Party, o[ Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Etghe ody,,Kygmd,Nyo,Iaog T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHORIVED REPROD VCIION OR DISI RI E VTION IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT, AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER INDEX Maximum area C402 4 1, C402 4 1 2 Rating and labeling C303 1 3, C402 1 3 Skylights C402 4 1 2, C402 4 2, C402 4 2 1, C402 4 2 2, C402 4 3, C502 2 2, C503 3 3 Solar heat gain (SHGC) C402 4 3, Table C402 4 Vertical C402 1, C402 4 1 1, C402 4 3, Table C402 4, C502 2 1, C503 3 2 FENESTRATION PRODUCT, FIELD -FABRICATED Defined C202 Air leakage C402 5 2 FENESTRATION PRODUCT, SITE -BUILT Defined C202 FLOOR AREA, NET Defined C202 Fenestration increase C402 4 1 1 FLOORS Slab on grade C402 2 4 Thermal properties C402 2 3 FREEZE PROTECTION SYSTEMS C403 12 3 FURNACE EFFICIENCY Table C403 3 2(4) C Additional lighting C405 3 2 2 1 Daylight controls C405 2 3 Defined C202 Interior lighting power C405 3 1 GENERAL PURPOSE ELECTRIC MOTORS Defined C202 GREENHOUSE Defined C202 Building envelope C402 1 1 GUESTROOMS (see SLEEPING UNIT) GLAZING AREA Default fenestration U-factors Table C303 1 3(1) Dynamic C402 4 3 3 1:I HAZE FACTOR C402 4 2 2 HEAT PUMP Tables C403 3 2(2, 3), C403 4 1 1, C403 4 3 3 HEAT RECOVERY Drain water C404 8, C406 7 1 Economizer exemption C403 5 Kitchen exhaust C403 7 5 Service water C403 9 5 HEAT REJECTION EQUIPMENT C403 9, Table C403 3 2(8) HEAT TRACE SYSTEMS C404 6 2 HEAT TRANSFER EQUIPMENT Table C403 3 2(9) HEAT TRAPS Defined C202 Required C404 3, C404 4 HEATED SLAB Defined C202 Insulation Table C402 1 3, Table C402 1 4, C402 2 6 HEATING AND COOLING LOADS C3021, C4031 1, C403 3 1, C403 3 2, C403 4 1 1, C403 5 HEATING OUTSIDE A BUILDING C403 12 1 HIGH-SPEED DOOR Air leakage Table C402 5 2 Defined C202 HISTORIC BUILDINGS Defined C202 Compliance C501 6 HOT GAS BYPASS C403 3 3, Table C403 3 3 HOT WATER C404 2, C404 6 Efficient delivery C404 5 Piping insulation C403 11 3, C404 4 System controls C403 9 5, C404 6 HUMIDISTAT Defined C202 Requirements C403 4 1, C403 7 4 HVAC EQUIPMENT Automatic setback and shutdown C403 4 2 2 Automatic start capabilities C403 4 2 3 Increased efficiency C406 2 Performance requirements C403 3 2 Supply -air temperature reset C403 6 5 System map zones Table C407 5 1(2), C407 5 2 1 HVAC SYSTEMS C403, C408 2 Manuals C408 2 5 2 Plan C408 2 1 Report C408 2 4, C408 2 4 1, C408 2 4 2, C408 2 5 4 HYDRONIC HEAT PUMP SYSTEMS C403 4 3 3 ICE MELT SYSTEMS C403 12 2 IDENTIFICATION (MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEM) C303 1 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-119 I " I CopyagRt Oo 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED AwLDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b6 xl 00e170Se 01JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^M, ICC No f�Lth,[TAodomoo.mAt,�goodomo,o by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle ass¢ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER INDEX INDIRECTLY CONDITIONED SPACE (see CONDITIONED SPACE) INFILTRATION (air leakage) (see AIR BARRIER) Defined C202 INSPECTIONS C105 Inspection agencies C105 4 INSULATED SIDING C303 1 4 1 INSULATION Continuous insulation C303 2 2, C402 1 3, Table C402 1 3, C402 2 1 Duct C403 11 1 Identification C303 1, C3031 2 Installation C3031 1, C3031 1 1, C303 1 2, C303 2 Mechanical system piping C403 11 3 Piping C404 4 Plenum C403 11 1 Product rating C303 1 4 Protection of exposed foundation C303 2 1 Protection of piping insulation C403 11 3 1 Radiant heating systems C402 2 6 Requirements C402 1 3, Table C402 1 3, C402 2 through C402 2 6 INTEGRATED PART LOAD VALUE (IPLV) Defined C202 Requirements Tables C403 3 2(6, 7), C403 3 2 1, Table 403 3(2) INTERIOR LIGHTING POWER C405 3, C405 3 2 IN KITCHEN EXHAUST C403 7 5, Table C403 7 5 L LABELED Dampers C403 7 7 Defined C202 Fans C403 8 3 Glazing, skylights C402 2 1 1, C402 4 2 4, C402 5 2 HVAC equipment Table C403 3 2(3) Lighting C402 5 8, C405 3 1 Requirements C303 1 3, C303 3, Table C403 3 2(3) LIGHTING POWER Additional lighting C405 3 2 2 1, C405 4 1 Design procedures C405 3 2, C405 3 2 1. C405 3 2 2 Exterior connected C405 4, C405 4 1, Tables C405 4 2(1, 2) Interior connected C405 3, C405 3 1, C405 3 2, Tables C405 3 2(1, 2), C406 3 Reduced lighting power density C406 3 LIGHTING SYSTEMS C405, C406 3 Controls, exterior C405 2 5, Tables C405 4 2(1, 2), C405 4 1 Controls, interior C405 2 2, C405 3, C405 3 1, C405 3 2, Tables C405 3 2(1, 2), C406 4 Daylight responsive C405 2 3, C405 2 3 1 Dwelling and sleeping units C405 1, C405 2 2, C405 2 3, C405 2 4, C405 3 1 Existing buildings C502 1, C502 2 6, C503 1, C503 6, 504 1 Light reduction C405 2 2 2 Occupant sensor controls C405 2 1, C405 2 1 1, C405,21 2 Recessed C402 5 8 Retail display C405 3 2 2 1 Specific applications C405 2 4 Time switch controls C405 2 2, C405 2 2 1 LINER SYSTEM (Ls) Defined C202 Insulation Table C402 1 3 LISTED Defined C202 Kitchen exhaust hoods C403 7 5 Skylights C402 2 1 1 LOADING DOCK WEATHERSEALS C402 5 6 LOW -ENERGY BUILDINGS C402 1 1 LOW -SLOPED ROOF Defined C202 Roof solar reflectance C402 3 LUMINAIRE Controls C405 2, C405 2 1, C405 2 2, C405 2 3, C405 2 4 Sealed C402 5 8 Wattage C405 3 1, C405 4 1 M Pd_110 k " 0 L10 1+3= General C501 2, C501 3 Instructions for equipment and systems C303 3 Owner responsibility C501 3 MANUALS C101 5 1 Defined C202 MASS Floor Table C402 1 3, Table C402 1 4 Wall C402 2 2 C-120 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® 1I 1 Co,tghtOO2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awned by HDO,, Van Dme(Rvdme Oo,d-od om),(Dty of FRmdwood)O,d6N=b6*1008170S801 JoK 15, fDO oc s AM(PET) To-t to ( I ( 1,-,Ag,,-KtaAt, IcC No huthsT,odomoo.m AUO,goodomo-by any Ot Party, o[Axmboem-tho[vsd Etgh-ody,,Kygmd,NyF,Iaog T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHORIVED RBPROD VCIION OR DISI RI B VTION IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT, AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER INDEX MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT C303 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT C403 Existing buildings C501 5, C502 1, C502 2 3, C503 4, C504 MECHANICAL VENTILATION C403 1, C403 2 2 METERS, ELECTRICAL C405 5 MOTOR NAMEPLATE HORSEPOWER C403 8 2 Efficiency C405 7 MOVING WALKWAYS C405 8 2 MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS C407 5 2 3 MULTIPLE -ZONE SYSTEMS C403 6, C403 6 5 1 NAMEPLATE HORSEPOWER Defined C202 NET FLOOR AREA (see FLOOR AREA, NET) NONCONDITIONED SPACE Alterations C503 2 NONSTANDARD PART LOAD VALUE Defined C202 C OCCUPANCY Complex HVAC systems C403 6 Compliance C101 4, C101 5 Lighting power allowances C405 2 2, C405 3 2, C405 3 2 1, Tables C405 3 2(1, 2) Mixed occupancies C101 4 1 OCCUPANT SENSOR CONTROL Commissioning C408 3 1 1 Defined C202 Lighting C406 4 Outdoor heating C403 12 1 Required C405 2 1, C405 2 1 1, C405 2 1 2 OFF -HOUR, CONTROLS C403 4 2, C403 7 7, C405 2 2 1 ON -SITE RENEWABLE ENERGY Defined C202 Efficiency package C406 5 OPAQUE AREAS C402 1, Table C402 1 3, Table C402 1 4 OPAQUE DOORS Defined C202 Regulated Table C402 1 3, C402 1 4, C402 4 5 OPERATING & MAINTENANCE MANUAL C408 2 5 2 ORIENTATION Daylight Responsive controls C405 2 3 1 Fenestration Table C402 4 Thermostatic controls C403 4 1. C407 5 2 2 o PACKAGED TERMINAL AIR CONDITIONER (PTAC) Requirements Table C403 3 2(3) PACKAGED TERMINAL HEAT PUMP Requirements Table C403 3 2(3) PARKING GARAGE VENTILATION C403 7 2 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS C407 PERMIT (see FEES) Work commencing before permit C104 3 PIPE INSULATION C403 11 3, Table C403 11 3, C404 4 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS C103 PLENUMS Insulation and sealing C403 11 1 POOLS C404 9 Controls C404 9 1, 404 9 2 Covers C404 9 3 Existing buildings C502 2 5 POWER DENSITY C406 3 POWERED ROOFIWALL VENTILATORS Defined C202 Fan efficiency exemption C403 8 3 PROPOSED DESIGN Defined C202 Requirements C407 PUBLIC LAVATORY C404 5 PUMPING SYSTEMS C403 4 3 3, C404 6, C408222 7 Above -grade walls C402 2 2 Defined C202 Insulation component method C402 1 3, Table C402 1 3 Roof assemblies C402 2 1 Slabs on grade C402 2 4 Steel stud walls C402 1 4 1, Table C402 1 4 1 RADIANT HEATING SYSTEM Defined C202 Insulation C402 2 6 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-121 I " I CopyagRt Oo 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED AwLDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b6 xl 00e170Se 01JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^M, ICC No f�Lth,[TAodomoo.mAt,�goodomo,o by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle ass¢ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER INDEX READILY ACCESSIBLE Defined C202 Lighting controls C405 2 2 3, C405 2 3 1 RECOOLING C403 6 REFERENCED STANDARDS C107, Chapter 6 REFRIGERATED WAREHOUSE COOLER Defined C202 Requirements C403 10 1 REFRIGERATED WAREHOUSE FREEZER Defined C202 Requirements C403 10 1 REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT Performance C403 10, Tables C403 10 1(1, 2) REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL Commissioning C408 Defined C202 REHEATING C403 6 5, C403 9 5 RENEWABLE/NONDEPLETABLE ENERGY SOURCES C406 5 REPAIR Defined C202 Historic buildings C501 6 Requirements C501 5, C504 REPLACEMENT MATERIALS C501 5 Replacement fenestration C401 2 1 REROOFING Defined C202 RESET CONTROL C403 6 5 RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS Compliance C101 2, C101 41, C101 5 Defined C202 ROOF ASSEMBLY Air barriers C402 5 1 2 1 Defined C202 Fenestration C402 4 1, C402 4 1 2, C402 4 2, C405 2 3 3 Recover C503 1 Reflectance and emittance options Table C402 3 Repairs C504 1 Replacement C503 3 1 Requirements C303 1 1 1, C402 2 1 Solar reflectance and thermal emittance C402 3 ROOF RECOVER Defined C202 Exemption C503 1 ROOF REPAIR Defined C202 Exemption C504 1 ROOF REPLACEMENT Defined C202 Requirements C503 3 1 ROOFTOP MONITOR Daylight zones C405 2 3 2 Defined C202 Skylights required C402 4 2 ROOF VENTILATORS (see POWERED ROOF/ WALL VENTILATORS) ROOMS WITH FUEL -BURNING APPLIANCES C402 5 3 1.1 SATURATED CONDENSING TEMPERATURE Defined C202 Refrigeration systems C403 10 4 1 SCOPE OF CODE C101 2 SCREW LAMP HOLDERS Defined C202 Requirements C405 3 1 SEASONAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY RATIO (SEER) Tables C403 3 2(1, 2, 3) SERVICE WATER HEATING Defined C202 Drain water heat recovery C404 8 Efficiency C404 2 1, 404 5 Existing buildings C502 2 4, C503 5, C504 1 Reduced use C406 7 Requirements C403 9 5, C404, C404 2, C404 2 1, 404 5, 404 6, 404 7 SETBACK THERMOSTAT C403 4 2, C403 4 2 1, C403 4 2 2 SHADING C402 3, C402 4 3 SHGC (see SOLAR HEAT GAIN COEFFICIENT) SHUTOFF DAMPERS C402 5 5, C403 7 7 SIMULATED PERFORMANCE ALTERNATIVE C407 SIMULATION TOOL (see ENERGY SIMULATION TOOL) SINGLE ZONE C403 5 SIZING Equipment and system C403 3 1 SKYLIGHTS C402 1 5, C402 3, Table C402 4, C402 4 3 1, C402 4 3 2 Additions C502 2 2 Air leakage (infiltration) Table C402 5 2 Alterations C503 3 3 Curb insulation C402 2 1 1 Defined (see Fenestration) C202 C-122 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® I I Co,tght@2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A,sd by HDO,, Van Dme(Rvdme pooch od om),(DU, of FRmdNmod)O[d6N=b6xlooe1vme 01 JoK 15, fDO oc s AM(PET)pu�rvant to ( I ( I,®,A,e Kta L, IcC NoUth,T,odomo,,m AUO, odomo,o by any Ot Party, o[ Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Etghe od,,o,,ygmdortwo[Iaog,,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHORIVED REPROD VCIION OR DISI RI E VTION IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT, AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER INDEX Haze factor C402 4 2 2 Lighting controls C402 4 2 1 Maximum area C402 4 1, C402 4 1 2 Minimum area C402 4 2 SLAB -EDGE INSULATION C303 2 1, C402 2 4 SLEEPING UNIT Defined C202 Lighting C405 1, C405 2 2, C405 2 4, C405 2 3 SMALL ELECTRIC MOTOR Defined C202 Minimum efficiency C405 7 SNOW MELT AND ICE SYSTEM CONTROLS C403 12 2 SOLAR HEAT GAIN COEFFICIENT (SHGC) C103 2, Table C303 1 3(3), C402 4 1 1, C402 4 3, Table C402 4, C402 4 3 1 Defined C202 Dynamic glazing C402 4 3 3 Replacement products C401 2 1 SPAS C404 9, C404 10 STAIRWAYS C402 5 4, C402 5 5, C403 7 7, C405 2, C405 2 1 1, Table C405 3 2(2) STANDARD REFERENCE DESIGN Defined C202 Requirements C407, Tables C407 5 1(1, 3) STANDARDS, REFERENCED C107, Chapter 6 STEEL FRAMING Table C402 1 3, Table C402 1 4, C402 1 4 1 STOP WORK ORDER C108 Authority C108 1 Emergencies C108 3 Failure to comply C108 4 Issuance C108 2 STOREFRONT Defined C202 Glazing Table C402 5 2 SUPPLY AIR TEMPERATURE RESET CONTROLS C403 6 5 SUSPENDED CEILINGS C402 2 1 SWIMMING POOLS C404 9 11 TEMPERATURE DEADBAND C403 4 3 3 1 TENANT SPACES C406 1 1 THERMAL CONDUCTANCE (see C-Factor) THERMAL MASS (see MASS) THERMAL RESISTANCE (see R-VALUE) THERMAL TRANSMITTANCE (see U-FACTOR) THERMOSTAT Defined C202 Pools and spa heaters C404 9 1 Requirements C403 4, C403 4 1, C403 2 4 1 2, C403 4 1 3, C403 4 2, C403 6 Setback capabilities C403 4 2 TIME SWITCH CONTROL Defined C202 Requirements C405 2 2, C405 2 2 1 TOTAL BUILDING PERFORMANCE C407 TOWNHOUSE (see RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS) TRANSFORMERS, ELECTRIC C405 6 U U-FACTOR Area -weighted U-factor fenestration C402 4 3 4 Assembly U-, C- or F-factor method C402 1 4, Table C402 1 4 Component performance alternative C402 1 5 Default door Table C303 1 3(2) Default glazed fenestration Table C303 1 3(1) Defined C202 Fenestration C401 2 1, C402 4 3, Table C402 4 Skylights Table C402 4, C402 4 3 2 Steel framing C402 1 4 1 V VARIABLE AIR VOLUME SYSTEMS (VAV) C403 4 5 6, C403 5 2, C403 6 2, C403 6 3, C403 6 5, C403 6 7, C403 6 9, C403 9 5, Table C407 5 1(3) VARIABLE REFRIGERANT FLOW SYSTEM Defined C202 Increased efficiencies C406 2 VENTILATION C403 2 2 Defined C202 Demand control ventilation (DCV) C403 7 1 Energy recovery system C403 7 4, C406 6 Parking garages C403 7 2 VENTILATION AIR Defined C202 Energy recovery C403 7 4 Fan controls C403 8 5 1 Kitchen exhaust C403 7 5 VERTICAL FENESTRATION (see FENESTRATION) VESTIBULES C402 5 7, C403 4 1 4 VISIBLE TRANSMITTANCE (VT) Default glazed fenestration Table C303 1 3(3) Defined C202 Dynamic glazing C402 4 3 3 Increased fenestration C402 4 1 1 Skylights C402 4 2, C405 2 3 3 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® C-123 I 11 I CopyagRtOo 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED AwLDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rvdme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b6xlooe1vme 01JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^M, ICC No f�Lth,[TAodomoo.mAt,�goodomo,o by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle ass¢ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER INDEX n 1T0%14:E 10 119101074 :4:7 Defined C202 Requirements C403 10 1, C403 2 16 WALK-IN FREEZER Defined C202 Requirements C403 10 1, C403 10 2 WALL Above -grade wall, defined C202 Thermal resistance Table C402 1 3, Table C402 1 4, C402 2 2 Below -grade wall, defined C202 Thermal resistance Table C402 1 3, Table C402 1 4, C402 1 5 Crawl space wall, defined C202 Exterior wall, defined C202 Steel framed C402 1 4 1, Table C402 1 4 1 WALLS (see EXTERIOR WALLS AND ENVELOPE, BUILDING THERMAL) WALLS ADJACENT TO UNCONDITIONED SPACE (see BUILDING THERMAL ENVELOPE) WALL VENTILATORS (see POWERED ROOF/ WALL VENTILATORS) WATER ECONOMIZER C403 5, C403 5 4, C403 5 4 1, C403 5 4 2 WATER HEATER Defined C202 Efficiency Table C404 2, C404 2 1 WATER HEATING C404, Table C404 2 WINDOW AREA (see FENESTRATION and GLAZING AREA) Z ZONE (see also CLIMATE ZONES) Defined C202 Requirements C403 4, C403 5, C407 5 2 1, C407 5 2 2 C-124 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® I I Co,tght@2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awned by HDO,, Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(DU, of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b6xlooe1vme 01 JoK 15, fDO oc s AM(PET) To,ry tto ( I ( 1,, Ag,,KtaAt, IcC Nof-thsT,odomo,,mAt,goodomo,o by any Ot Party, o[ Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Etghe ody,,Kygmdortwodaog T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHORIVED RBPROD VCIION OR DISI RI B VTION IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT, AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER IECC-RESIDENTIAL PROVISIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 SCOPE AND ADMINISTRATION .............. R-3 PART 1—SCOPE AND APPLICATION........... R-3 Section R101 Scope and General Requirements R-3 R102 Alternative Materials, Design and Methods of Construction and Equipment R-3 PART 2—ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT ..................... R-3 R103 Construction Documents R-3 R104 Fees R-4 R105 Inspections R-4 R106 Validity R-5 R107 Referenced Standards R-5 R108 Stop Work Order R-5 R109 Board of Appeals R-6 CHAPTER 2 DEFINITIONS ................... R-7 Section R201 General R-7 R202 General Definitions R-7 CHAPTER 3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS..... R-11 Section R301 Climate Zones R-11 R302 Design Conditions R-26 R303 Materials, Systems and Equipment R-26 CHAPTER 4 RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY ................... R-29 Section R401 General R-29 R402 Building Thermal Envelope R-29 R403 Systems R-35 R404 Electrical Power and Lighting Systems R-37 R405 Simulated Performance Alternative (Performance) R-37 R406 Energy Rating Index Compliance Alternative R-42 CHAPTER 5 EXISTING BUILDINGS.......... R-45 Section R501 General R-45 R502 Additions R-45 R503 Alterations R-46 R504 Repairs R-46 R505 Change of Occupancy or Use R-47 CHAPTER 6 REFERENCED STANDARDS..... R-49 APPENDIX RA SOLAR -READY PROVISIONS —DETACHED ONE- AND TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS AND TOWNHOUSES ............... R-53 Section RA101 Scope R-53 RA102 General Definition R-53 RA103 Solar -ready Zone R-53 INDEX ...................................... R-55 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-1 I " ' Co LFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv O,,e pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) mt to ( Lie Affiee^®t'^^I, ICC No (wN¢ [,Aodomoo. m AtOo, Pepeodomo-by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd M glo— ody mpyncg and ,yodwgp,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER R-2 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ff.,( "' CopynghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van Cm,(Rvdme Oo,d—od om),(Qty of ERmdNmod)O[d6N=b6*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM(PET)p,,mmt to R1.11I I,—Ag,—^ '^^I, ICC No o tths ,Aodomoam ALM,, peodomo-by any Ot Party o[Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo— odyWpyaog and,yodwg GMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDEEAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER CHAPTER 1 [RE] SCOPE AND ADMINISTRATION User note: About this chapter. Chapter 1 establishes the limits of applicability of this code and describes how the code is to be applied and enforced Chapter 1 is in two parts Part 1—Scope and Application (Sections 101-102) and Part 2—Administration and Enforcement (Sections 103- 109) Section 101 identifies which buildings and structures come under its purview and references other 1-Codes as applicable Standards and codes are scoped to the extent referenced (see Section 107 1) This code is intended to be adopted as a legally enforceable document, and it cannot be effective without adequate provisions for its adminis- tration and enforcement The provisions of Chapter 1 establish the authority and duties of the code official appointed by the authority having jurisdiction and also establish the rights and privileges of the design professional, contractor and property owner PART 1—SCOPE AND APPLICATION SECTION R101 SCOPE AND GENERAL REQUIREMENTS R101.1 Title. This code shall be known as the Energy Con- servation Code of [NAME OF JURISDICTION], and shall be cited as such It is referred to herein as "this code " R101.2 Scope. This code applies to residential buildings and the building sites and associated systems and equipment R101.3 Intent. This code shall regulate the design and con- struction of buildings for the effective use and conservation of energy over the useful life of each building Tlus code is intended to provide flexibility to permit the use of innovative approaches and techniques to achieve this objective This code is not intended to abridge safety, health or environmen- tal requirements contained in other applicable codes or ordi- nances R101.4 Applicability. Where, in any specific case, different sections of this code specify different materials, methods of construction or other requirements, the most restrictive shall govern Where there is a conflict between a general require- ment and a specific requirement, the specific requirement shall govern R101.4.1 Mixed residential and commercial buildings. Where a building includes both residential building and commercial building portions, each portion shall be sepa- rately considered and meet the applicable provisions of the IECC Commercial Provisions or IECC Residential Provisions R101.5 Compliance. Residential buildings shall meet the provisions of IECCResidential Provisions Commercial buildings shall meet the provisions of IECC—Commercial Provisions R101.5.1 Compliance materials. The code official shall be permitted to approve specific computer software, work- sheets, compliance manuals and other similar materials that meet the intent of this code SECTION R102 ALTERNATIVE MATERIALS, DESIGN AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT R102.1 General. The provisions of this code are not intended to prevent the installation of any material or to prohibit any design or method of construction not specifically prescribed by this code The code official shall have the authority to approve an alternative material, design or method of con- struction upon application of the owner or the owner's autho- rized agent The code official shall first find that the proposed design is satisfactory and complies with the intent of the pro- visions of this code, and that the material, method or work offered is, for the purpose intended, not less than the equiva- lent of that prescribed in this code for strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability and safety Where the alternative material, design or method of construction is not approved, the code official shall respond to the applicant, in writing, stating the reasons why the alternative was not approved R102.1.1 Above code programs. The code official or other authority having jurisdiction shall be permitted to deem a national, state or local energy -efficiency program to exceed the energy efficiency required by this code Buildings approved in writing by such an energy -effi- ciency program shall be considered to be in compliance with this code The requirements identified as "manda- tory" in Chapter 4 shall be met PART 2—ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT SECTION R103 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS R103.1 General. Construction documents, technical reports and other supporting data shall be submitted in one or more sets with each application for a permit The construction doc- uments and technical reports shall be prepared by a registered design professional where required by the statutes of the jurisdiction in which the project is to be constructed Where special conditions exist, the code official is authorized to require necessary construction documents to be prepared by a registered design professional Exception: The code official is authorized to waive the requirements for construction documents or other support- 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-3 I 1 1 I CALFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb6xlooe1vme 01 JM 15, ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomo,,m AtO, goodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdm6o d Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg TARISAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER SCOPE AND ADMINISTRATION ing data if the code official determines they are not neces- sary to confirm compliance with this code R103.2 Information on construction documents. Construc- tion documents shall be drawn to scale on suitable material Electronic media documents are permitted to be submitted where approved by the code official Construction documents shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed, and show in sufficient detail pertinent data and features of the building, systems and equipment as herein governed Details shall include the fol- lowing as applicable 1 Insulation materials and their R-values 2 Fenestration U-factors and solar heat gain coefficients (SHGC) 3 Area -weighted U-factor and solar heat gain coeffi- cients (SHGC) calculations 4 Mechanical system design criteria 5 Mechanical and service water -heating systems and equipment types, sizes and efficiencies 6 Equipment and system controls 7 Duct sealing, duct and pipe insulation and location 8 Au sealing details R103.2.1 Building thermal envelope depiction. The building thermal envelope shall be represented on the con- struction documents R103.3 Examination of documents. The code official shall examine or cause to be examined the accompanying con- struction documents and shall ascertain whether the construc- tion indicated and described is in accordance with the requirements of this code and other pertinent laws or ordi- nances The code official is authorized to utilize a registered design professional, or other approved entity not affiliated with the building design or construction, in conducting the review of the plans and specifications for compliance with the code R103.3.1 Approval of construction documents. When the code official issues a permit where construction docu- ments are required, the construction documents shall be endorsed in writing and stamped "Reviewed for Code Compliance" Such approved construction documents shall not be changed, modified or altered without authori- zation from the code official Work shall be done in accor- dance with the approved construction documents One set of construction documents so reviewed shall be retained by the code official The other set shall be returned to the applicant, kept at the site of work and shall be open to inspection by the code official or a duly autho- rized representative R103.3.2 Previous approvals. This code shall not require changes in the construction documents, construction or designated occupancy of a structure for which a lawful permit has been heretofore issued or otherwise lawfully authorized, and the construction of which has been pur- sued in good faith within 180 days after the effective date of this code and has not been abandoned R103.3.3 Phased approval. The code official shall have the authority to issue a permit for the construction of part of an energy conservation system before the construction documents for the entire system have been submitted or approved, provided adequate information and detailed statements have been filed complying with all pertinent requirements of this code The holders of such permit shall proceed at their own risk without assurance that the permit for the entire energy conservation system will be granted R103.4 Amended construction documents. Work shall be installed in accordance with the approved construction docu- ments, and any changes made during construction that are not in compliance with the approved construction documents shall be resubmitted for approval as an amended set of con- struction documents R103.5 Retention of construction documents. One set of approved construction documents shall be retained by the code official for a period of not less than 180 days from date of completion of the permitted work, or as required by state or local laws SECTION R104 FEES R104.1 Fees. A permit shall not be issued until the fees pre- scribed in Section R104 2 have been paid, nor shall an amendment to a permit be released until the additional fee, if any, has been paid R104.2 Schedule of permit fees. A fee for each permit shall be paid as required, in accordance with the schedule as estab- lished by the applicable governing authority R104.3 Work commencing before permit issuance. Any person who commences any work before obtaining the neces- sary permits shall be subject to an additional fee established by the code official that shall be in addition to the required permit fees R104.4 Related fees. The payment of the fee for the con- struction, alteration, removal or demolition of work done in connection to or concurrently with the work or activity autho- rized by a permit shall not relieve the applicant or holder of the permit from the payment of other fees that are prescribed by law R104.5 Refunds. The code official is authorized to establish a refund policy SECTION R105 INSPECTIONS R105.1 General. Construction or work for wluch a permit is required shall be subject to inspection by the code official or his or her designated agent, and such construction or work shall remain visible and able to be accessed for inspection purposes until approved It shall be the duty of the permit applicant to cause the work to remain visible and able to be accessed for inspection purposes Neither the code official R-4 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® Copyngbt @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dv od om),(Dtyof PnmdNmod)O,do,N=b¢x1 008170S801 JM 15. Z.mo oc s AM (GET) mtto S I ( 1, sAg,e^ '^Rt, ICC No otths TAodomoo. m At6sodomo- by any Ot Party o, AAmboema,Ooossd Mgle —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER SCOPE AND ADMINISTRATION nor the jurisdiction shall be liable for expense entailed in the removal or replacement of any material, product, system or building component required to allow inspection to validate compliance with this code R105.2 Required inspections. The code official or his or her designated agent, upon notification, shall make the inspec- tions set forth in Sections R105 2 1 through R105 2 5 R105.2.1 Footing and foundation inspection. Inspec- tions associated with footings and foundations shall verify compliance with the code as to R-value, location, thick- ness, depth of burial and protection of insulation as required by the code and approved plans and specifica- tions R105.2.2 Framing and rough -in inspection. Inspections at framing and rough -in shall be made before application of interior finish and shall verify compliance with the code as to types of insulation and corresponding R-values and their correct location and proper installation, fenestration properties such as U-factor and SHGC and proper installa- tion, and au leakage controls as required by the code, and approved plans and specifications R105.2.3 Plumbing rough -in inspection. Inspections at plumbing rough -in shall verify compliance as required by the code and approved plans and specifications as to types of insulation and corresponding R-values and protection, and required controls R105.2.4 Mechanical rough -in inspection. Inspections at mechanical rough -in shall verify compliance as required by the code and approved plans and specifications as to installed HVAC equipment type and size, required con- trols, system insulation and corresponding R-value, system air leakage control, programmable thermostats, dampers, whole -house ventilation, and minimum fan efficiency Exception: Systems serving multiple dwelling units shall be inspected in accordance with Section C105 2 4 R105.2.5 Final inspection. The building shall have a final inspection and shall not be occupied until approved The final inspection shall include verification of the installa- tion of all required building systems, equipment and con- trols and their proper operation and the required number of high -efficacy lamps and fixtures R105.3 Reinspection. A building shall be reinspected where determined necessary by the code official R105.4 Approved inspection agencies. The code official is authorized to accept reports of third -party inspection agencies not affiliated with the building design or construction, pro- vided that such agencies are approved as to qualifications and reliability relevant to the building components and systems that they are inspecting R105.5Inspection requests. It shall be the duty of the holder of the permit or their duly authorized agent to notify the code official when work is ready for inspection It shall be the duty of the permit holder to provide access to and means for inspections of such work that are required by this code R105.6 Reinspection and testing. Where any work or instal- lation does not pass an initial test or inspection, the necessary corrections shall be made to achieve compliance with this code The work or installation shall then be resubmitted to the code official for inspection and testing R105.7 Approval. After the prescribed tests and inspections indicate that the work complies in all respects with this code, a notice of approval shall be issued by the code official R105.7.1 Revocation. The code official is authorized to, in writing, suspend or revoke a notice of approval issued under the provisions of this code wherever the certificate is issued in error, or on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or where it is determined that the building or structure, premise, or portion thereof is in violation of any ordinance or regulation or any of the provisions of this code SECTION R106 VALIDITY R106.1 General. If a portion of this code is held to be illegal or void, such a decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this code SECTION R107 REFERENCED STANDARDS R107.1 Referenced codes and standards. The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be those indicated in Chapter 5, and such codes and standards shall be considered as part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference and as further regulated in Sec- tions R107 1 1 and R107 1 2 R107.1.1 Conflicts. Where conflicts occur between provi- sions of this code and referenced codes and standards, the provisions of this code shall apply R107.1.2 Provisions in referenced codes and standards. Where the extent of the reference to a referenced code or standard includes subject matter that is within the scope of this code, the provisions of this code, as applicable, shall take precedence over the provisions in the referenced code or standard R107.2 Application of references. References to chapter or section numbers, or to provisions not specifically identified by number, shall be construed to refer to such chapter, section or provision of this code R107.3 Other laws. The provisions of this code shall not be deemed to nullify any provisions of local, state or federal law SECTION R108 STOP WORK ORDER R108.1 Authority. Where the code official finds any work regulated by this code being performed in a manner either contrary to the provisions of this code or dangerous or unsafe, the code official is authorized to issue a stop work order 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-5 I 1 1 I CALFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dwood om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb6xlooe1vme 01 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) t to ( Lie Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO,Pepeodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdm6o d Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg LARISAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER SCOPE AND ADMINISTRATION R108.2 Issuance. The stop work order shall be in writing and shall be given to the owner of the property involved, to the owner's authorized agent, or to the person doing the work Upon issuance of a stop work order, the cited work shall immediately cease The stop work order shall state the reason for the order and the conditions under which the cited work will be permitted to resume R108.3 Emergencies. Where an emergency exists, the code official shall not be required to give a written notice prior to stopping the work R108.4 Failure to comply. Any person who shall continue any work after having been served with a stop work order, except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition, shall be subject to a fine as set by the applicable governing authority SECTION R109 BOARD OF APPEALS R109.1 General. In order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the code official relative to the application and interpretation of this code, there shall be and is hereby created a board of appeals The code official shall be an ex officio member of said board but shall not have a vote on any matter before the board The board of appeals shall be appointed by the governing body and shall hold office at its pleasure The board shall adopt rules of procedure for conducting its business, and shall ren- der all decisions and findings in writing to the appellant with a duplicate copy to the code official R109.2 Limitations on authority. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the true intent of this code or the rules legally adopted thereunder have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of this code do not fully apply or an equally good or better form of construction is proposed The board shall not have authority to waive requirements of this code R109.3 Qualifications. The board of appeals shall consist of members who are qualified by experience and training and are not employees of the jurisdiction R-6 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® Copyngbt @ 2.017ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA (Rv dme Oo,d—od om), (Dty of R—d—od) O,do, N=b¢*10081vme 01JM 15. ZMO ocs AM (GET) puArvmt to S I ( 1,—Ag,—^ '^Rt, ICC No otths TAodomoo. m At6s odomo- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FED REAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER CHAPTER 2 [RE] DEFINITIONS User note: About this chapter., Codes, by their very nature, are technical documents Every word, term and punctuation mark can add to or change the meaning of a technical requirement It is necessary to maintain a consensus on the specific meaning of each term contained in the code Chapter 2 performs this function by stating clearly what specific terms mean for the purpose of the code SECTION R201 GENERAL R201.1 Scope. Unless stated otherwise, the following words and terms in this code shall have the meanings indicated in this chapter R201.2 Interchangeability. Words used in the present tense include the future, words in the masculine gender include the feminine and neuter, the singular number includes the plural and the plural includes the singular R201.3 Terms defined in other codes. Terms that are not defined m this code but are defined in the International Build- ing Code, International Fire Code, International Fuel Gas Code, International Mechanical Code, International Plumb- ing Code or the International Residential Code shall have the meanings ascribed to them in those codes R201.4 Terms not defined. Terms not defined by this chapter shall have ordinarily accepted meanings such as the context implies SECTION R202 GENERAL DEFINITIONS ABOVE -GRADE WALL. A wall more than 50 percent above grade and enclosing conditioned space This includes between -floor spandrels, peripheral edges of floors, roof and basement knee walls, dormer walls, gable end walls, walls enclosing am ansard roof and skylight shafts ACCESSIBLE. Admitting close approach as a result of not being guarded by locked doors, elevation or other effective means (see "Readily accessible") ADDITION. An extension or increase in the conditioned space floor area, number of stories or height of a building or structure AIR BARRIER. One or more materials joined together in a continuous manner to restrict or prevent the passage of air through the building thermal envelope and its assemblies AIR -IMPERMEABLE INSULATION. An insulation that functions as an air barrier material ALTERATION. Any construction, retrofit or renovation to an existing structure other than repair or addition Also, a change in a building, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system that involves an extension, addition or change to the ' arrangement, type or purpose of the original installation APPROVED. Acceptable to the code official APPROVED AGENCY. An established and recognized agency that is regularly engaged in conducting tests furnish- I ing inspection services, or furnishing product certification, where such agency has been approved by the code official AUTOMATIC. Self-acting, operating by its own mechanism when actuated by some impersonal influence, as, for exam- ple, a change in current strength, pressure, temperature or mechanical configuration (see "Manual') BASEMENT WALL. A wall 50 percent or more below grade and enclosing conditioned space BUILDING. Any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy, including any mechanical systems, service water heating systems and electric power and lighting systems located on the building site and support- ing the building BUILDING SITE. A contmguous area of land that is under the ownership or control of one entity BUILDING THERMAL ENVELOPE. The basement walls, exterior walls, floors, ceiling, roofs and any other building element assemblies that enclose conditioned space or provide a boundary between conditioned space and exempt or unconditioned space CIRCULATING HOT WATER SYSTEM. A specifically designed water distribution system where one or more pumps are operated in the service hot water piping to circulate heated water from the water -heating equipment to fixtures and back to the water -heating equipment CLIMATE ZONE. A geographical region based on climatic criteria as specified in this code CODE OFFICIAL. The officer or other designated authority charged with the administration and enforcement of this code, or a duly authorized representative COMMERCIAL BUILDING. For this code, all buildings that are not included in the definition of "Residential build- ing CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA. The horizontal projection of the floors associated with the conditioned space CONDITIONED SPACE. An area, room or space that is enclosed within the building thermal envelope and that is directly or indirectly heated or cooled Spaces are indirectly heated or cooled where they communicate through openings 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-7 I 1 1 I CALFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, Nomb6 xl 00e170Se 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) t to ( Lie Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomo,,m AtO,Pepeodomo- by any Ot Party o, AMb�tm,Oo,vsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg LARISAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER DEFINITIONS with conditioned spaces, where they are separated from con- ditioned spaces by uninsulated walls, floors or ceilings, or where they contain uninsulated ducts, piping or other sources of heating or cooling CONTINUOUS AIR BARRIER. A combination of materi- als and assemblies that restrict or prevent the passage of air through the builckng thermal envelope CONTINUOUS INSULATION (ci). Insulating material that is continuous across all structural members without ther- mal bridges other than fasteners and service openings It is installed on the interior or exterior, or is integral to any opaque surface, of the building envelope CRAWL SPACE WALL. The opaque portion of a wall that encloses a crawl space and is partially or totally below grade CURTAIN WALL. Fenestration products used to create an external nonload-bearmg wall that is designed to separate the exterior and interior environments DEMAND RECIRCULATION WATER SYSTEM. A Iwater distribution system having one or more recirculation pumps that pump water from a heated water supply pipe back to the heated water source through a cold water supply pipe DUCT. A tube or conduit utilized for conveying au The air passages of self-contained systems are not to be construed as au ducts DUCT SYSTEM. A continuous passageway for the transmis- sion of air that, in addition to ducts, includes duct fittings, dampers, plenums, fans and accessory air -handling equipment and appliances DWELLING UNIT. A single unit providing complete inde- pendent living facilities for one or more persons, including per- manent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation ENERGY ANALYSIS. A method for estimating the annual energy use of the proposed design and standard reference design based on estimates of energy use ENERGY COST. The total estimated annual cost for pur- chased energy for the building functions regulated by this code, including applicable demand charges ENERGY SIMULATION TOOL. An approved software program or calculation -based methodology that projects the annual energy use of a building ERI REFERENCE DESIGN. A version of the rated design that meets the mimmum requirements of the 2006Interna- tional Energy Conservation Code. EXTERIOR WALL. Walls including both above -grade walls and basement walls FENESTRATION. Products classified as either vertical fen- estration or skylights Skylights. Glass or other transparent or translucent glaz- ing material installed at a slope of less than 60 degrees (1 05 rad) from horizontal Vertical fenestration. Windows that are fixed or opera- ble, opaque doors, glazed doors, glazed block and combi- nation opaque/glazed doors composed of glass or other transparent or translucent glazing materials and installed at a slope of not less than 60 degrees (1 05 rad) from hori- zontalFENESTRATION PRODUCT, SITE -BUILT. A fenestra- tion designed to be made up of field -glazed or field -assem- bled units using specific factory cut or otherwise factory- fonmed framing and glazing units Examples of site -built fenestration include storefront systems, curtain walls and atrium roof systems HEATED SLAB. Slab -on -grade construction in which the heating elements, hydronic tubing, or hot au distribution sys- tem is in contact with, or placed within or under, the slab HIGH -EFFICACY LAMPS. Compact fluorescent lamps, light -emitting diode (LED) lamps, T-8 or smaller diameter lmear fluorescent lamps, or other lamps with an efficacy of I not less than the following 1 60 lumens per watt for lamps over 40 watts 2 50 lumens per watt for lamps over 15 watts to 40 watts 3 40 lumens per watt for lamps 15 watts or less HISTORIC BUILDING. Any building or structure that is one or more of the following 1 Listed, or certified as eligible for listing by the State Historic Preservation Officer or the Keeper of the National Register of Historic Places, in the National Register of Historic Places 2 Designated as historic under an applicable state or local law 3 Certified as a contributing resource within a National Register -listed, state -designated or locally designated historic district INFILTRATION. The uncontrolled inward au leakage into a builckng caused by the pressure effects of wind or the effect of differences in the indoor and outdoor air density or both INSULATED SIDING. A type of continuous insulation with manufacturer -installed insulating material as an integral part of the cladding product having anR-value of not less than R-2 INSULATING SHEATHING. An insulating board with a core material having anR-value of not less than R-2 LABELED. Equipment, materials or products to which have been affixed a label, seal, symbol or other identifying mark of a nationally recognized testing laboratory, approved agency or other organization concerned with product evaluation that maintains periodic inspection of the production of such labeled items and whose labeling indicates either that the equipment, material or product meets identified standards or has been tested and found suitable for a specified purpose LISTED. Equipment, materials, products or services included in a list published by an organization acceptable to the code official and concerned with evaluation of products or services that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or materials or periodic evaluation of services and whose listing states either that the equipment, material, product or service meets identified standards or has been tested and found suitable for a specified purpose R-8 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ( Ifi11 1 CopyngbtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rvdme Oo,dA od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,mmt to S I RR 1, Ag,e^ '^Rt, ICC No o tths TAodomoo. m At y goodomo- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle —ooly oTymg and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGREEME NT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER DEFINITIONS LOW -VOLTAGE LIGHTING. Lighting equipment powered through a transformer such as a cable conductor, a rail conduc- tor and track lighting MANUAL. Capable of being operated by personal interven- tion (see "Automatic") IOPAQUE DOOR. A door that is not less than 50-percent opaque in surface area PROPOSED DESIGN. A description of the proposed budd- ing used to estimate annual energy use for determining compli- ance based on total building performance RATED DESIGN. A description of the proposed building used to determine the energy rating index READILY ACCESSIBLE. Capable of being reached quickly for operation, renewal or inspection without requiring those to whom ready access is requisite to climb over or remove obsta- cles or to resort to portable ladders or access equipment (see "Accessible") REPAIR. The reconstruction or renewal of any part of an existing builckng for the purpose of its maintenance or to cor- rect damage REROOFING. The process of recovering or replacing an existing roof covering See "Roof recover" and "Roof replacement " RESIDENTIAL BUILDING. For this code, includes detached one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses as well as Group R-2, R-3 and R-4 buildings three stories or less in height above grade plane ROOF ASSEMBLY. A system designed to provide weather protection and resistance to design loads The system consists of a roof covering and roof deck or a single component serving as both the roof covering and the roof deck A roof assembly Iincludes the roof covering, underlayment and roof deck, and can also include a thermal barrier, an ignition barrier, insula- tion or a vapor retarder ROOF RE-COVER. The process of installing an additional roof covering over a prepared existing roof covering without removing the existing roof covering ROOF REPAIR. Reconstruction or renewal of any part of an existing roof for the purposes of its maintenance ROOF REPLACEMENT. The process of removing the existing roof covering, repairing any damaged substrate and installing a new roof covering R-VALUE (THERMAL RESISTANCE). The inverse of the time rate of heat flow through a body from one of its bounding surfaces to the other surface for a unit temperature difference between the two surfaces, under steady state conditions, per unit area (h • ft'• °F/Btu) [(m'• K)/W] SERVICE WATER HEATING. Supply of hot water for pur- poses other than comfort heating SOLAR HEAT GAIN COEFFICIENT (SHGC). The mho of the solar heat gam entering the space through the fenestration assembly to the incident solar radiation Solar heat gam includes directly transmitted solar heat and absorbed solar radiation that is then reradiated, conducted or convected into the space STANDARD REFERENCE DESIGN. A version of the pro- posed design that meets the minimum requirements of this code and is used to determine the maximum annual energy use requirement for compliance based on total building perfor- mance SUNROOM. A one-story structure attached to a dwelling with a glazing area in excess of 40 percent of the gross area of the structure's exterior walls and roof THERMAL ISOLATION. Physical and space conditioning separation from conditioned spaces The conditioned spaces shall be controlled as separate zones for heating and cooling or conditioned by separate equipment THERMOSTAT. An automatic control device used to main- tain temperature at a fixed or adjustable setpoint U-FACTOR (THERMAL TRANSMITTANCE). The coeffi- cient of heat transmission (air to air) through a bwldmg compo- nent or assembly, equal to the time rate of heat flow per unit area and unit temperature difference between the warm side and cold side air films (Btu/h • ft' • °F) [W/(m' • K)] VENTILATION. The natural or mechanical process of sup- plying conditioned or unconditioned air to, or removing such air from, any space VENTILATION AIR. That portion of supply air that comes from outside (outdoors) plus any recirculated air that has been treated to maintain the desired quality of air within a designated space VISIBLE TRANSMITTANCE [VT]. The ratio of visible light entering the space through the fenestration product assembly to the incident visible light, Visible Transmittance, includes the effects of glazing material and frame and is expressed as a number between 0 and 1 WHOLE HOUSE MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM. An exhaust system, supply system, or combma- tion thereof that is designed to mechanically exchange indoor air with outdoor air when operating continuously or through a programmed intermittent schedule to satisfy the whole house ventilation rates ZONE. A space or group of spaces within a builckng with heat - mg or cooling requirements that are sufficiently similar so that desired conditions can be maintained throughout using a single controlling device 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-9 I " ' Co LFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rv dme Oo,dA od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM(PET)puArvant to ( LEA Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomo,,m AtO,«odomo- by any Ot Party o, AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg L,oIRb¢Ad ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER R-10 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ' CopynghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van Cm,(Rvdme Oo,d—od om),(Qty of ERmdNmod)O[d6N=b6*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM(PET)p,,mmt to ( "( I I,—Ag,—^ '^^I, ICC No o tths ,Aodomoam ALM,, peodomo-by any Ot Party o[Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo— odyWpyaog and,yodwg GMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDEEAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER CHAPTER 3 [RE] GENERAL REQUIREMENTS User note: About this chapter. Chapter 3 covers general regulations for energy conservation features of buildings The climate zone for a building is established by geographic location tables and figures in this chapter SECTION R301 CLIMATE ZONES R301.1 General. Ckmate zones from Figure R301 1 or Table R301 1 shall be used for determining the applicable require- ments from Chapter 4 Locations not indicated in Table R301 1 shall be assigned a ckmate zone in accordance with Section R301 3 R301.2 Warm humid counties. In Table R301 1, warm humid counties are identified by an asterisk R301.3 International climate zones. The climate zone for any location outside the Umted States shall be determmed by applying Table R301 3(1) and then Table R301 3(2) R301.4 Tropical climate zone. The tropical climate zone shall be defined as 1 Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, US Virgin Islands, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, and 2 Islands in the area between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-11 I 1 1 I Co LFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rv dme Oo,dA od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b6 xl 00e170Se 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM(PET)puArvant to ( LEA Affiee^® Rt, ICC No(wN¢[TAodomo,,m AtO,«odomo- by any Ot Party o, AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg L,oIRb¢Ad ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS i U T N N Y ¢qE i �IY 10ay wo nw+ r°n3� m 3e6 cmm N=pc O m EZ 8 �ot my o <am --E ¢mm mOIzz LLV R-12 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® xeae000«oxoaou-wev�ox�sx xounoxoe rarmesu. mem v�rrxcrrmm raucwaxva ramsue�E vo wu. rmmuuemau.vwu.>�s>�eurrz GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE R301.1 CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY Key: A — Moist, B — Dry, C — Marine. Absence of moisture designation indicates moisture regime is irrelevant. Asterisk(*) indicates a warm -humid location. US STATES ALABAMA 3A Lee 7 Kodiak Island 3A Calhoun 3A Monroe 3A Autauga* 3A Limestone 7 Lake and Peninsula 4A Carroll 3A Montgomery 2A Baldwin* 3A Lowndes* 7 Matanuska-Susitna 3A Clucot 3A Nevada 3A Barbour* 3A Macon* 8 Nome 3A Clark 4A Newton 3A Bibb 3A Madison 8 North Slope 3A Clay 3A Ouacluta 3A Blount 3A Marengo* 8 Northwest Arctic 3A Cleburne 3A Perry 3A Bullock* 3A Marion 7 Prince of Wales- 3A Cleveland 3A Phillips 3A Butler* 3A Marshall Outer Ketchikan 3A Columbia* 3A Pike 3A Calhoun 2A Mobile* 7 Srtka 3A Conway 3A Pomsett 3A Chambers 3A Monroe* 7 Skagway-Hoonah- 3A Craighead 3A Polk 3A Cherokee ome 3A Montgomery* g ry Angoon 3A Crawford 3A Pope p 8Southeast Fairbanks 3A Chilton 3A Morgan 3A Crittenden 3A Prairie 3A Choctaw* 3A Perry* 7 Valdez -Cordova 3A Cross 3A Pulaski 3A Clarke* 3A Pickens 8 Wade Hampton 3A Dallas 3A Randolph 3A Clay 3A Pike* 7 Wrangell -Petersburg 3A Desha 3A Saline 3A Cleburne3A Randolph 7 Yakutat 3A Drew 3A Scott 3A Coffee* 3A Russell* 8Yukoi-Koyukuk 3A Faulkner 4A Searcy 3A Colbert 3A Shelby ARIZONA 3A Franklin 3A Sebastian 3A Conecuh* 3A St Clair 5B Apache 4A Fulton 3A Sevier* 3A Coosa 3A Sumter 3B Cochise 3A Garland 3A Sharp 3A Covington* 3A Talladega 5B Coconino 3A Grant 3A St Francis 3A Crenshaw* 3A Tallapoosa 4B Gila 3A Greene 4A Stone 3A Cullman 3A Tuscaloosa 3B Graham 3A Hempstead* 3A Union* 3A Dale* 3A Walker 3B Greenlee 3A Hot Spring 3A Van Buren 3A Dallas* 3A Washington* 2B La Paz 3A Howard 4A Washington 3A DeKalb 3A Wilcox* 2B Maricopa 3A Independence 3A White 3A Elmore* 3A Winston 3B Mohave 4A Izard 3A Woodruff 3A Escambia* ALASKA 5B Navajo 3A Jackson 3A Yell 3A Etowah 7 Aleutians East 2B Pima 3A Jefferson CALIFORNIA 3A Fayette 2B Pmal 3A Johnson 3A Franklin 7 Aleutians West 3B Santa Cruz 3A Lafayette* 3C Alameda 3A Geneva* 7 Anchorage 4B Yavapai 3A Lawrence 6B Alpine 3A Greene 8 Bethel 2 B Yuma 3A Lee 4B Amador 3A Hale 7 Bristol Bay 3A Lincoln 3B Butte 7 Denali ARKANSAS 3A Little River* 4B Calaveras 3A Henry* 8 Dillingham 3A Arkansas 3A Logan 3B Colusa 3A Houston* 8 Fairbanks North Star 3A Ashley 3A Lonoke 3B Contra Costa 3A Jackson 7 Haines 4A Baxter 4A Madison 4C Del Norte 3A Jefferson 7 Juneau 4A Benton 4A Marion 4B El Dorado 3A Lamar 7 Kenai Peninsula 4A Boone 3A Miller* 3B Fresno 3A Lauderdale 7 Ketchikan Gateway 3A Bradley 3A Mississippi 3B Glenn 3A Lawrence pp (eontimed) 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-13 I " ( Co LFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Dby of FRmdNmod) O,do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^Rt, ICC No(wN¢[TAodomo,,m AtO, �goodomo- by anty y Ot Paro, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE R301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 4C Humboldt 3B Yuba 5B Montrose 2A Escambia* 2A Taylor* 2B Imperial COLORADO 5B Morgan 2A Flagler* 2A Union* 4B Inyo 4B Otero 2A Franklin* 2A Volusia* 3B Kern 5B Adams 6B Ouray 2A Gadsden* 2A Wakulla* 3B Kings 6B Alamosa 7 Park 2A Gilchrist* 2A Walton* 4B Lake 5B Arapahoe 5B Phillips 2A Glades* 2A Washington* 5B Lassen 6B Archuleta 7 Pttkin 2A Gulf* 3B Los Angeles 4B Baca SB Prowers 2AHamilton* GEORGIA 3B Madera 5B Bent 5B Pueblo 2A Hardee* 2A Appling* 3C Marin 5B Boulder 6B Rio Blanco 2A Hendry* 2A Atkinson* 4B Mariposa 5B Broomfield 7 Rio Grande 2A Hernando* 2A Bacon* 3C Mendocino 6B Chaffee 7 Routt 2A Highlands* 2A Baker* 3B Merced 5B Cheyenne 6B Saguache 2A Hillsborough* 3A Baldwin 5B Modoc 7 Clear Creek 7 San Juan 2A Holmes* 4A Banks 6B Mono 6B Conejos 6B San Miguel 2A Indian River* 3A Barrow 3C Monterey 6B Costilla 5B Sedgwick 2A Jackson* 3A Bartow 3C Napa 5B Crowley 7 Summit 2A Jefferson* 3A Ben Hill* 5B Nevada 6B Custer 5B Teller 2A Lafayette* 2A Berrien* 3B Orange 5B Delta 5B Washington 2A Lake* 3A Bibb 3B Placer 5B Denver 5B Weld 2A Lee* 3A Bleckley* 5B Plum as 6B Dolores 5B Yuma 2A Leon* 2A Brantley* 3B Riverside 5B Douglas 2A Levy* 2A Brooks* 3B Sacramento 6B Eagle CONNECTICUT 2ALJberty * 2A Bryan* 3C San Benito 5B Elbert 5A (all) 2A Madison* 3A Bulloch* 3B San Bernardino 5B El Paso DELAWARE 2A Manatee* 3A Burke 3B San Diego 5B Fremont 4A all ( ) 2A Marion* 3A Butts 3C San Francisco SB Garfield 2A Martin* 3A Calhoun 3B San Joaquin 5B Gilpin DISTRICT OF IAMiami-Dade* 2A Camden* 3C San Luis Obispo 7 Grand COLUMBIA IAMonroe* 3A Candler* 3C San Mateo 7 Gunnison 4A (all) 2A Nassau* 3A Carroll 3C Santa Barbara 7 Hinsdale 2A Okaloosa* 4A Catoosa 3C Santa Clara 5B Huerfano FLORIDA 2A Okeechobee* 2A Charlton* 3C Santa Cruz 7 Jk acson 2A Alachua* 2A Orange* 2A Chatham* 3B Shasta 5B Jefferson 2A Baker* 2A Osceola* 3A Chattahoochee* 5B Sierra 5B KJowa 2A Bay* 2A Palm Beach* 4A Chattooga 5B Siskryou 5B Kit Carson 2A Bradford* 2A Pasco* 3A Cherokee 3B Solano 7 Lake 2A Brevard* 2A Pinellas* 3A Clarke 3C Sonoma 5B La Plata I Broward* 2A Polk* 3A Clay* 3B Stanislaus 5B Larnner 2A Calhoun* 2A Putnam* 3A Clayton 3B Sutter 4B Las Animas 2A Charlotte* 2A Santa Rosa* 2A Clinch* 3B Tehama 5B Lincoln 2A Citrus* 2A Sarasota* 3A Cobb 4B Trinity 5B Logan 2A Clay* 2A Seminole* 3A Coffee* 3B Tulare 5B Mesa 2A Collier* 2A St Johns* 2A Colquitt* 4B Tuolumne 7 Mineral 2A Columbia* 2A St Lucie* 3A Columbia 3C Ventura 6B Moffat 2A DeSoto* 2A Sumter* 2A Cook* 3B Yolo 5B Montezuma 2A Dixie* 2A Suwannee* 3A Coweta 2A Duval* (continued) R-14 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® S I ( CopynghtOO?.o17 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awned by HDO,, Van Dme(Rvdme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O,do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JoK 15, fDO oc s AM(PET) IAU—t to Lie Ag,,^Kt'At, ICC Nof-thsT,odomoo.mAt,goodomo-by any Ot Party, o[Axmboemd,Oo[vs39oglo—oKIA oKyg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER RBPROD VCIION OR DISI RI B VTION IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT, AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE R301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 3A Crawford 2A Lanier* 3A Taylor* 5B Cassia 4A Crawford 3A Crisp* 3A Laurens* 3A Telfair* 6B Clark 5A Cumberland 4A Dade 3A Lee* 3A Terrell* 5B Clearwater 5A DeKalb 4A Dawson 2A Liberty* 2A Thomas* 6B Custer 5A De Witt 2A Decatur* 3A Lincoln 3A Tiff* 5B Elmore 5A Douglas 3A DeKalb 2A Long* 2A Toombs* 6B Franklin 5A DuPage 3A Dodge* 2A Lowndes* 4A Towns 6B Fremont 5A Edgar 3A Dooly* 4A Lumpkin 3A Treutlen* 5B Gem 4A Edwards 3A Dougherty* 3A Macon* 3A Troup 5B Gooding 4A Effingham 3A Douglas 3A Madison 3A Turner* 5B Idaho 4A Fayette 3A Early* 3A Marion* 3A Twiggs* 6B Jefferson 5A Ford 2A Echols* 3A McDuffle 4A Union 5B Jerome 4A Franklin 2A Effingham* 2A McIntosh* 3A Upson 5B Kootenai 5A Fulton 3A Elbert 3A Menwether 4A Walker 5B Latah 4A Gallatin 3A Emanuel* 2A MJller* 3A Walton 6B Lemhi 5A Greene 2A Evans* 2A MJtchell* 2A Ware* 5B Lewis 5A Grandy 4A Fannin 3A Monroe 3A Warren 5B Lincoln 4A Hamilton 3A Fayette 3A Montgomery* 3A Waslungton 6B Madison 5A Hancock 4A Floyd 3A Morgan 2A Wayne* 5B Minidoka 4A Hardin 3A Forsyth 4A Murray 3A Webster* 5B Nez Perce 5A Henderson 4A Franklin 3A Muscogee 3A Wheeler* 6B Oneida 5A Henry 3A Fulton 3A Newton 4A White 5B Owyhee 5A Iroquois 4A Gilmer 3A Oconee 4A Whitfield 5B Payette 4A Jackson 3A Glascock 3A Oglethorpe 3A Wilcox* 5B Power 4A Jasper 2A Glynn* 3A Paulding 3A Wilkes 5B Shoshone 4A Jefferson 4A Gordon 3A Peach* 3A Wilkinson 6B Teton 5A Jersey 2A Grady* 4A Pickens 3A Worth* 5B Twin Falls 5A Jo Daviess 3A Greene 2A Pierce* HAWAII 6B Valley 4A Johnson 3A Gwinnett 3A Pike 5B Washington 5A Kane 4A Habersham 3A Polk IA (all)* 5A Kankakee ILLINOIS 4A Hall 3A Pulaski* IDAHO 5A Kendall 3A Hancock 3A Putnam SB Ada 5A Adams 5A Knox 3A Haralson 3A Quitman* Adams 4A Alexander6B SA Lake 3A Hams 4A Rabun 6B Bannock 4A Bond 5A La Salle 3A Hart 3A Randolph* 6B Bear Lake SA Boone 4A Lawrence 3A Heard 3A Richmond 5B Benewah 5A Brown 5A Lee 3A Henry 3A Rockdale 6B Bingham 5A Bureau 5A Livingston 3A Houston* 3A Schley* 6B Blaine 5A Calhoun 5A Logan 3A Irwin* 3A Screven* 6B Boise 5A Carroll 5A Macon 3A Jackson 2A Seminole* 6B Bonner SA Cass 4A Macoupin 3A Jasper 3A Spalding 6B Bonneville 5A Champaign 4A Madison 2A Jeff Davis* 4A Stephens 6B Boundary 4A Christian 4A Marron 3A Jefferson 3A Stewart* 6B Butte 5A Clark 5A Marshall 3A Jenkins* 3A Sumter* 6B Camas 4A Clay 5A Mason 3A Johnson* 3A Talbot SB Canyon 4A Clinton 4A Massac 3A Jones 3A TalJaferro 6B Caribou5A SA Coles McDonough 3A Lamar 2A Tattnall* 5A Cook 5A McHenry (eontimed) 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-15 I " ' CITFIghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van Dme(Rvdme Oo,dwood om),(Dby of FRmdNmod)O,do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'At, ICC No(wN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO, �goodomo- by anty y Ot Paro, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE R301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 5A McLean 5A Boone 5A Miami 5A Appanoose 5A Jasper 5A Menard 4A Brown 4A Monroe 5A Audubon 5A Jefferson 5A Mercer 5A Carroll 5A Montgomery 5A Benton 5A Johnson 4A Monroe 5A Cass 5A Morgan 6A Black Hawk 5A Jones 4A Montgomery 4A Clark 5A Newton 5A Boone 5A Keokuk 5A Morgan 5A Clay 5A Noble 6A Bremer 6A Kossuth 5A Moultrie 5A Clinton 4A Ohio 6A Buchanan 5A Lee 5A Ogle 4A Crawford 4A Orange 6A Buena Vista 5A Linn 5A Peoria 4A Daviess 5A Owen 6A Butler 5A Louisa 4A Perry 4A Dearborn 5A Parke 6A Calhoun 5A Lucas 5A Platt 5A Decatur 4A Perry 5A Carroll 6A Lyon 5A Pike 5A De Kalb 4A Pike 5A Cass 5A Madison 4A Pope 5A Delaware 5A Porter 5A Cedar 5A Mahaska 4A Pulaski 4A Dubois 4A Posey 6A Cerro Gordo 5A Marion 5A Putnam 5A Elkhart 5A Pulaski 6A Cherokee 5A Marshall 4A Randolph 5A Fayette 5A Putnam 6A Chickasaw 5A Mills 4A Richland 4A Floyd 5A Randolph 5A Clarke 6A Mitchell 5A Rock Island 5A Fountain 4A Ripley 6A Clay 5A Monona 4A Saline 5A Franklin 5A Rush 6A Clayton 5A Monroe 5A Sangamon 5A Fulton 4A Scott 5A Clinton 5A Montgomery 5A Schuyler 4A Gibson 5A Shelby 5A Crawford 5A Muscatine 5A Scott 5A Grant 4A Spencer 5A Dallas 6A O'Brien 4A Shelby 4A Greene 5A Starke 5A Davis 6A Osceola 5A Stark 5A Hamilton 5A Steuben 5A Decatur 5A Page 4A St Clair 5A Hancock 5A St Joseph 6A Delaware 6A Palo Alto 5A Stephenson 4A Harrison 4A Sullivan 5A Des Moines 6A Plymouth 5A Tazewell 5A Hendricks 4A Switzerland 6A Dickinson 6A Pocahontas 4A Union 5A Henry 5A Tippecanoe 5A Dubuque 5A Polk 5A Vermilion 5A Howard 5A Tipton 6A Emmet 5A PottawattamJe 4A Wabash 5A Huntington 5A Union 6A Fayette 5A Poweshiek 5A Warren 4A Jackson 4A Vanderburgh 6A Floyd 5A Ringgold 4A Washington 5A Jasper 5A Vermillion 6A Franklin 6A Sac 4A Wayne 5A Jay 5A Vigo 5A Fremont 5A Scott 4A White 4A Jefferson 5A Wabash 5A Greene 5A Shelby 5A Whiteside 4A Jennings 5A Warren 6A Grundy 6A Sioux 5A Will 5A Johnson 4A Warrick 5A Guthrie 5A Story 4A Williamson 4A Knox 4A Washington 6A Hamilton 5A Tama 5A Winnebago 5A Kosciusko 5A Wayne 6A Hancock 5A Taylor 5A Woodford 5A LaGrange 5A Wells 6A Hardin 5A Union INDIANA 5A Lake 5A White 5A Harrison 5A Van Buren 5A LaPorte 5A Whitley 5A Henry 5A Wapello 5A Adams 4A Lawrence 6A Howard 5A Warren 5A Allen SA Mattison IOWA 6A Humboldt SA Washington 5A Bartholomew 5A Marion 5A Adair 6A Ida 5A Wayne 5A Benton 5A Marshall 5A Adams 5A Iowa 6A Webster 5A Blackford 4A Martin 6A Allamakee 5A Jackson 6A Winnebago (continued) R-16 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® " ' C.,tghtOO?.o17 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awned by HDO,, Van Dme(Rvdme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O,do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JoK 15, fDO oc s AM(PET) To—t to ( I ( 1,i ,Ag,,v KtaAt, IcC No f-ths T,odomoo. m At, goodomo- by any Ot Party, o, Axmboema,Ooossd 9oghe oKfy,,Knog md,NyF,Iaog T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHORIVED RBPROD VCIION OR DISI RI B VTION IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT, AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 6A Winneshiek 5A Woodbury 6A Worth 6A Wright KANSAS 4A Allen 4A Anderson 4A Atchison 4A Barber 4A Barton 4A Bourbon 4A Brown 4A Butler 4A Chase 4A Chautauqua 4A Cherokee 5A Cheyenne 4A Clark 4A Clay 5A Cloud 4A Coffey 4A Comanche 4A Cowley 4A Crawford 5A Decatur 4A Dickinson 4A Domphan 4A Douglas 4A Edwards 4A Elk 5A Ellis 4A Ellsworth 4A Finney 4A Ford 4A Franklin 4A Geary 5A Gove 5A Graham 4A Grant 4A Gray 5A Greeley 4A Greenwood 5A Hamilton 4A Harper 4A Harvey TABLE R301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 4A Haskell 4A Hodgeman 4A Jackson 4A Jefferson 5A Jewell 4A Johnson 4A Kearny 4A Kmgman 4A KJowa 4A Labette 5A Lane 4A Leavenworth 4A Lincoln 4A Lmn 5A Logan 4A Lyon 4A Marion 4A Marshall 4A McPherson 4A Meade 4A MJami 5A Mitchell 4A Montgomery 4A Morris 4A Morton 4A Nem aha 4A Neosho 5A Ness 5A Norton 4A Osage 5A Osborne 4A Ottawa 4A Pawnee 5A Phillips 4A Pottawatomie 4A Pratt 5A Rawlins 4A Reno 5A Republic 4A Rice 4A Riley 5A Rooks 4A Rush 4A Russell 4A Saline 5A Scott 4A Sedgwick 4A Seward 4A Shawnee 5A Sheridan 5A Sherman 5A Smith 4A Stafford 4A Stanton 4A Stevens 4A Sumner 5A Thomas 5A Trego 4A Wabaunsee 5A Wallace 4A Washington 5A Wichita 4A Wilson 4A Woodson 4A Wyandotte KENTUCKY 4A (all) LOUISIANA 2A Acadia* 2A Allen* 2A Ascension* 2A Assumption* 2A Avoyelles* 2A Beauregard* 3A Bienville* 3A Bossier* 3A Caddo* 2A Calcasieu* 3A Caldwell* 2A Cameron* 3A Catahoula* 3A Claiborne* 3A Concordia* 3A De Soto* 2A East Baton Rouge* 3A East Carroll 2A East Feliciana* 2A Evangeline* 3A Franklin* 3A Grant* 2A Iberia* (eontinued) 2A Iberville* 3A Jackson* 2A Jefferson* 2A Jefferson Davis* 2A Lafayette* 2A Lafourche* 3A La Salle* 3A Lincoln* 2A Livingston* 3A Madison* 3A Morehouse 3A Natclutoches* 2A Orleans* 3A Ouacluta* 2A Plaquemines* 2A Pointe Coupee* 2A Rapides* 3A Red River* 3A Richland* 3A Sabine* 2A St Bernard* 2A St Charles* 2A St Helena* 2A St James* 2A St John the Baptist* 2A St Landry* 2A St Martin* 2A St Mary* 2A St Tammany* 2A Tangipahoa* 3A Tensas* 2A Terrebonne* 3A Union* 2A Vermilion* 3A Vernon* 2A Waslungton* 3A Webster* 2A West Baton Rouge* 3A West Carroll 2A West Feliciana* 3A Winn* MAINE 6A Androscoggin 7 Aroostook 6A Cumberland 6A Franklin 6A Hancock 6A Kennebec 6A Knox 6A Lincoln 6A Oxford 6A Penobscot 6A Piscataquis 6A Sagadahoc 6A Somerset 6A Waldo 6A Washington 6A York MARYLAND 4A Allegany 4A Anne Arundel 4A Baltimore 4A Baltimore (city) 4A Calvert 4A Caroline 4A Carroll 4A Cecil 4A Charles 4A Dorchester 4A Frederick 5A Garrett 4A Burford 4A Howard 4A Kent 4A Montgomery 4A Prince George's 4A Queen Anne's 4A Somerset 4A St Mary's 4A Talbot 4A Washington 4A Wicomico 4A Worcester MASSACHSETTS 5A (all) MICHIGAN 6A Alcona 6A Alger 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-17 I " ' CITFIght @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dwood om),(Dby of FRmdNmod) O,do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^Rt, ICC No ELM, [TAodomoo.m AtO, �goodomo- by anty y Ot Paro, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE R301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 5A Allegan 7 Mackinac 6A Carver 7 Otter Tall 3A Clarke 6A Alpena 5A Macomb 7 Cass 7 Pennington 3A Clay 6A Antrim 6A Mamstee 6A Cluppewa 7 Pme 3A Coahoma 6A Arenac 6A Marquette 6A Clusago 6A Pipestone 3A Copiah* 7 Baraga 6A Mason 7 Clay 7 Polk 3A Covington* 5A Barry 6A Mecosta 7 Clearwater 6A Pope 3A DeSoto 5A Bay 6A Menommee 7 Cook 6A Ramsey 3A Forrest* 6A Benzie 5A Midland 6A Cottonwood 7 Red Lake 3A Franklin* 5A Berrien 6A Nfissaukee 7 Crow Wing 6A Redwood 3A George* 5A Branch 5A Monroe 6A Dakota 6A Renville 3A Greene* 5A Calhoun 5A Montcalm 6A Dodge 6A Rice 3A Grenada 5A Cass 6A Montmorency 6A Douglas 6A Rock 2A Hancock* 6A Charlevoix 5A Muskegon 6A Faribault 7 Roseau 2A Harrison* 6A Cheboygan 6A Newaygo 6A Fillmore 6A Scott 3A Hinds* 7 Chippewa 5A Oakland 6A Freeborn 6A Sherburne 3A Holmes 6A Clare 6A Oceana 6A Goodhue 6A Sibley 3A Humphreys 5A Clinton 6A Ogemaw 7 Grant 6A Steams 3A Issaquena 6A Crawford 7 Ontonagon 6A Hennepin 6A Steele 3A Itawamba 6A Delta 6A Osceola 6A Houston 6A Stevens 2A Jackson* 6A Dickinson 6A Oscoda 7 Hubbard 7 St Louis 3A Jasper 5A Eaton 6A Otsego 6A Isanti 6A Swift 3A Jefferson* 6A Emmet 5A Ottawa 7 Itasca 6A Todd 3A Jefferson Davis* 5A Genesee 6A Presque Isle 6A Jackson 6A Traverse 3A Jones* 6A Gladwm 6A Roscommon 7 Kanabec 6A Wabasha 3A Kemper 7 Gogebic 5A Saginaw 6A Kandiyolu 7 Wadena 3A Lafayette 6A Grand Traverse 6A Sanilac 7 Kittson 6A Waseca 3A Lamar* 5A Gratiot 7 Schoolcraft 7 Koochichmg 6A Washington 3A Lauderdale 5A Hillsdale 5A Shiawassee 6A Lac qui Parle 6A Watonwan 3A Lawrence* 7 Houghton 5A St Clair 7 Lake 7 Wilkin 3A Leake 6A Huron 5A St Joseph 7 Lake of the Woods 6A Winona 3A Lee 5A Ingham 5A Tuscola 6A Le Sueur 6A Wright 3A Leflore 5A Ionia 5A Van Buren 6A Lincoln 6A Yellow 3A Lincoln* 6A Iosco 5A Washtenaw 6A Lyon Medicine 3A Lowndes 7 Iron 5A Wayne 7 Mahnomen 3A Madison MISSISSIPPI 6A Isabella 6A Wexford 7 Marshall 3A Marion* 5A Jackson 6A Martin 3A Adams* 3A Marshall SA Kalamazoo NIINNESOTA 6A McLeod 3A Alcorn 3A Monroe 6A Kalkaska 7 Aitkm 6A Meeker 3A Amite* 3A Montgomery 5A Kent 6A Anoka 7 Mille Lacs 3A Attala 3A Neshoba 7 Keweenaw 7 Becker 6A Morrison 3A Benton 3A Newton 6A Lake 7 Beltrami 6A Mower 3A Bolivar 3A Noxubee 5A Lapeer 6A Benton 6A Murray 3A Calhoun 3A Oktibbeha 6A Leelanau 6A Big Stone 6A Nicollet 3A Carroll 3A Panola 5A Lenawee 6A Blue Earth 6A Nobles 3A Chickasaw 2A Pearl River* 5A Livingston 6A Brown 7 Norman 3A Choctaw 3A Perry* 7 Luce 7 Carlton 6A Olmsted 3A Claiborne* 3A Pike* (continued) R-18 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® " ' CopyngbtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awned by HDO,, Van Dme(Rvdme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O,do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JoK 15, fDO oc s AM(PET) To—t to ( I ( 1,i ,Ag,,v KtaAt, IcC No f-ths T,odomoo. m At, goodomo- by any Ot Party, o, Axmboema,Ooossd 9oghe oKfy,,Knog md,NyF,Iaog T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHORIVED DEPROD VCIION OR DISI RI E VTION IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT, AND SVEJECI TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3A Pontotoc 3A Prentiss 3A Quitman 3A Rankin* 3A Scott 3A Sharkey 3A Simpson* 3A Smith* 2A Stone* 3A Sunflower 3A Tallahatchie 3A Tate 3A Tippah 3A Tishomingo 3A Tunica 3A Union 3A Walthall* 3A Warren* 3A Washington 3A Wayne* 3A Webster 3A Wilkinson* 3A Winston 3A Yalobusha 3A Yazoo MISSOURI 5A Adair 5A Andrew 5A Atchison 4A Audrain 4A Barry 4A Barton 4A Bates 4A Benton 4A Bollinger 4A Boone 5A Buchanan 4A Butler 5A Caldwell 4A Callaway 4A Camden 4A Cape Girardeau 4A Carroll 4A Carter 4A Cass 4A Cedar TABLE R301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 5A Chariton 4A Christian 5A Clark 4A Clay 5A Clinton 4A Cole 4A Cooper 4A Crawford 4A Dade 4A Dallas 5A Daviess 5A DeKalb 4A Dent 4A Douglas 4A Dunklin 4A Franklin 4A Gasconade 5A Gentry 4A Greene 5A Grundy 5A Harrison 4A Henry 4A Hickory 5A Holt 4A Howard 4A Howell 4A Iron 4A Jackson 4A Jasper 4A Jefferson 4A Johnson 5A Knox 4A Laclede 4A Lafayette 4A Lawrence 5A Lewis 4A Lincoln 5A Linn 5A Livingston 5A Macon 4A Madison 4A Manes 5A Marion 4A McDonald 5A Mercer 4A Miller 4A Mississippi 4A Moniteau 4A Monroe 4A Montgomery 4A Morgan 4A New Madrid 4A Newton 5A Nodaway 4A Oregon 4A Osage 4A Ozark 4A Pemiscot 4A Perry 4A Pettis 4A Phelps 5A Pike 4A Platte 4A Polk 4A Pulaski 5A Putnam 5A Ralls 4A Randolph 4A Ray 4A Reynolds 4A Ripley 4A Saline 5A Schuyler 5A Scotland 4A Scott 4A Shannon 5A Shelby 4A St Charles 4A St Clair 4A St Francois 4A St Louis 4A St Louis (city) 4A Ste Genevieve 4A Stoddard 4A Stone 5A Sullivan 4A Taney 4A Texas 4A Vernon 4A Warren 4A Waslungton 4A Wayne (eontimed) 4A Webster 5A Worth 4A Wright MONTANA 6B (all) NEBRASKA 5A (all) NEVADA 5B Carson City (city) 5B Churchill 3B Clark 5B Douglas 5B Elko 5B Esmeralda 5B Eureka 5B Humboldt 5B Lander 5B Lincoln 5B Lyon 5B Mineral 5B Nye 5B Pershing 5B Storey 5B Washoe 5B White Pme NEW HAMPSFHRE 6A Belknap 6A Carroll 5A Cheshire 6A Coos 6A Grafton 5A Hillsborough 6A Merrimack 5A Rockingham 5A Strafford 6A Sullivan NEW JERSEY 4A Atlantic 5A Bergen 4A Burlington 4A Camden 4A Cape May 4A Cumberland 4A Essex 4A Gloucester 4A Hudson 5A Hunterdon 5A Mercer 4A Middlesex 4A Monmouth 5A Morns 4A Ocean 5A Passaic 4A Salem 5A Somerset 5A Sussex 4A Union 5A Warren NEW MEXICO 4B Bernalillo 5B Carron 3B Chaves 4B Cibola 5B Colfax 4B Curry 4B DeBaca 3B Dona Ana 3B Eddy 4B Grant 4B Guadalupe 5B Harding 3B Hidalgo 3B Lea 4B Lincoln 5B Los Alamos 3B Luna 5B McKinley 5B Mora 3B Otero 4B Quay 5B Rio Arnba 4B Roosevelt 5B Sandoval 5B San Juan 5B San Miguel 5B Santa Fe 4B Sierra 4B Socorro 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-19 I " ' CITFIghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van Dme(Rvdme Oo,dwood om),(Dby of FRmdNmod)O,do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^Rt, ICC No(wN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO, �goodomo- by anty y Ot Paro, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 5B Taos 5B Torrance 4B Union 4B Valencia NEW YORK 5A Albany 6A Allegany 4A Bronx 6A Broome 6A Cattaraugus 5A Cayuga 5A Chautauqua 5A Chemung 6A Chenango 6A Clinton 5A Columbia 5A Cortland 6A Delaware 5A Dutchess 5A Erie 6A Essex 6A Franklin 6A Fulton 5A Genesee 5A Greene 6A Hamilton 6A Herkimer 6A Jefferson 4A Kings 6A Lewis 5A Livingston 6A Madison 5A Monroe 6A Montgomery 4A Nassau 4A New York 5A Niagara 6A Oneida 5A Onondaga 5A Ontario 5A Orange 5A Orleans 5A Oswego 6A Otsego 5A Putnam TABLE R301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 4A Queens 5A Rensselaer 4A Richmond 5A Rockland 5A Saratoga 5A Schenectady 6A Schoharie 6A Schuyler 5A Seneca 6A Steuben 6A St Lawrence 4A Suffolk 6A Sullivan 5A Tioga 6A Tompkins 6A Ulster 6A Warren 5A Washington 5A Wayne 4A Westchester 6A Wyoming 5A Yates NORTH CAROLINA 4A Alamance 4A Alexander 5A Alleghany 3A Anson 5A Ashe 5A Avery 3A Beaufort 4A Berrie 3A Bladen 3A Brunswick* 4A Buncombe 4A Burke 3A Cabarrus 4A Caldwell 3A Camden 3A Carteret* 4A Caswell 4A Catawba 4A Chatham 4A Cherokee 3A Chowan 4A Clay 4A Cleveland 3A Columbus* 3A Craven 3A Cumberland 3A Currituck 3A Dare 3A Davidson 4A Davie 3A Duplin 4A Durham 3A Edgecombe 4A Forsyth 4A Franklin 3A Gaston 4A Gates 4A Graham 4A Granville 3A Greene 4A Guilford 4A Halifax 4A Harnett 4A Haywood 4A Henderson 4A Hertford 3A Hoke 3A Hyde 4A Iredell 4A Jackson 3A Johnston 3A Jones 4A Lee 3A Lenoir 4A Lincoln 4A Macon 4A Madison 3A Martin 4A McDowell 3A Mecklenburg 5A Mitchell 3A Montgomery 3A Moore 4A Nash 3A New Hanover* 4A Northampton 3A Onslow* (continued) 4A Orange 3A Pamlico 3A Pasquotank 3A Pender* 3A Perquimans 4A Person 3A Pitt 4A Polk 3A Randolph 3A Richmond 3A Robeson 4A Rockingham 3A Rowan 4A Rutherford 3A Sampson 3A Scotland 3A Stanly 4A Stokes 4A Surry 4A Swam 4A Transylvania 3A Tyrrell 3A Union 4A Vance 4A Wake 4A Warren 3A Washington 5A Watauga 3A Wayne 4A Wilkes 3A Wilson 4A Yadkin 5A Yancey NORTH DAKOTA 6A Adams 7 Barnes 7 Benson 6A Billings 7 Bottineau 6A Bowman 7 Burke 6A Burleigh 7 Cass 7 Cavalier 6A Dickey 7 Divide 6A Dunn 7 Eddy 6A Emmons 7 Foster 6A Golden Valley 7 Grand Forks 6A Grant 7 Griggs 6A Hettinger 7 Kidder 6A LaMoure 6A Logan 7 McHenry 6A McIntosh 6A McKenzie 7 McLean 6A Mercer 6A Morton 7 Mountrail 7 Nelson 6A Oliver 7 Pembina 7 Pierce 7 Ramsey 6A Ransom 7 Renville 6A Richland 7 Rolette 6A Sargent 7 Sheridan 6A Sioux 6A Slope 6A Stark 7 Steele 7 Stutsman 7 Towner 7 Traill 7 Walsh 7 Ward 7 Wells 7 Williams OHIO 4A Adams 5A Allen R-20 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® CopynghtOO2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awned by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dv od om),(Dby of FRmdNmod)O,do,N=b,,*1008170S801 jM 15, fDO oc s AM(PET) T,,ry tto ( I ( 1,i ,Ag,,vo ,AOIcC Nof th,, ,od,S,o,,,ou ,,, od,S,00zbyany ,dpartyo, Axmboe—tho[vs3 ANYVNAVTHORIVED RBPROD VCIION ORDISI—IION LEA VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSEAGREEMENT.AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIESTHEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE R301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 5A Ashland 5A Mahomng 3A Bryan 3A Okfuskee 4C Lmn 5A Ashtabula 5A Marion 3A Caddo 3A Oklahoma 5B Malheur 5A Athens 5A Medina 3A Canadian 3A Okmulgee 4C Marion 5A Auglaize 5A Meigs 3A Carter 3A Osage 5B Morrow 5A Belmont 5A Mercer 3A Cherokee 3A Ottawa 4C Multnomah 4A Brown 5A Miami 3A Choctaw 3A Pawnee 4C Polk 5A Butler 5A Monroe 4B Cimarron 3A Payne 5B Sherman 5A Carroll 5A Montgomery 3A Cleveland 3A Pittsburg 4C Tillamook 5A Champaign 5A Morgan 3A Coal 3A Pontotoc 5B Umatilla 5A Clark 5A Morrow 3A Comanche 3A Pottawatomie 5B Union 4A Clermont 5A Muskingum 3A Cotton 3A Pushmataha 5B Wallowa 5A Clinton 5A Noble 3A Craig 3A Roger Mlls 5B Wasco 5A Columbiana 5A Ottawa 3A Creek 3A Rogers 4C Washington 5A Coshocton 5A Paulding 3A Custer 3A Seminole 5B Wheeler 5A Crawford 5A Perry 3A Delaware 3A Sequoyah 4C Yamlull 5A Cuyahoga 5A Pickaway 3A Dewey 3A Stephens PENNSYLVANIA 5A Darke 4A Pike 3A Ellis 4B Texas 5A Defiance 5A Portage 3A Garfield 3A Tillman 5A Adams 5A Delaware 5A Preble 3A Garvin 3A Tulsa 5A Allegheny 5A Erie 5A Putnam 3A Grady 3A Wagoner 5A Armstrong 5A Fairfield 5A Richland 3A Grant 3A Washington 5A Beaver 5A Fayette 5A Ross 3A Greer 3A Washita 5A Bedford 5A Franklin 5A Sandusky 3A Harmon 3A Woods 5A Berks 5A Fulton 4A Scioto 3A Harper 3A Woodward 5A Blau 4A Gallia 5A Seneca 3A Haskell 5A Bradford SA Geauga SA Shelby 3A Hughes OREGON 4A Bucks 5A Greene 5A Stark 3A Jackson 5B Baker 5A Butler 5A Guernsey 5A Summit 3A Jefferson 4C Benton 5A Cambria 4A Hamilton 5A Trumbull 3A Johnston 4C Clackamas 6A Cameron 5A Hancock 5A Tuscarawas 3A Kay 4C Clatsop 5A Carbon 5A Hardin 5A Union 3A Kingfisher 4C Columbia 5A Centre 5A Harrison 5A Van Wert 3A KJowa 4C Coos 4A Chester 5A Henry 5A Vinton 3A Latimer 5B Crook 5A Clarion 5A Highland 5A Warren 3A Le Flore 4C Curry 6A Clearfield 5A Hocking 4A Washington 3A Lincoln 5B Deschutes 5A Clinton 5A Holmes 5A Wayne 3A Logan 4C Douglas 5A Columbia 5A Huron 5A Williams 3A Love 5B Gilliam 5A Crawford 5A Jackson 5A Wood 3A Major 5B Grant 5A Cumberland 5A Jefferson 5A Wyandot 3A Marshall 5B Harney 5A Dauphin 5A Knox 3A Mayes 5B Hood River 4A Delaware SA Lake OKLAHOMA 3A McClain 4C Jackson 6A Elk 4A Lawrence 3A Adair 3A McCurtam 5B Jefferson 5A Erie 5A Licking 3A Alfalfa 3A McIntosh 4C Josephine 5A Fayette 5A Logan 3A Atoka 3A Murray 5B Klamath 5A Forest 5A Lorain 4B Beaver 3A Muskogee 5B Lake 5A Franklin 5A Lucas 3A Beckham 3A Noble 4C Lane 5A Fulton 5A Madison 3A Blaine 3A Nowata 4C Lincoln 5A Greene (eontimed) 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-21 I " ' CoLFIEILOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rvdme pooch od om),(Dby of FRmdNmod)O,do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^Rt, ICC No ELM, [TAodomoo.m AtO, �goodomo- by anty y Ot Paro, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 5A Huntingdon 5A Indiana 5A Jefferson 5A Juniata 5A Lackawanna 5A Lancaster 5A Lawrence 5A Lebanon 5A Lehigh 5A Luzeme 5A Lycommg 6A McKean 5A Mercer 5A Mifflin 5A Monroe 4A Montgomery 5A Montour 5A Northampton 5A Northumberland 5A Perry 4A Philadelphia 5A Pike 6A Potter 5A Schuylkill 5A Snyder 5A Somerset 5A Sullivan 6A Susquehanna 6A Tioga 5A Union 5A Venango 5A Warren 5A Washington 6A Wayne 5A Westmoreland 5A Wyommg 4A York RHODE ISLAND 5A (all) SOUTH CAROLINA 3A Abbeville 3A Aiken 3A Allendale* 3A Anderson TABLE R301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 3A Bamberg* 3A Barnwell* 3A Beaufort* 3A Berkeley* 3A Calhoun 3A Charleston* 3A Cherokee 3A Chester 3A Chesterfield 3A Clarendon 3A Colleton* 3A Darlington 3A Dillon 3A Dorchester* 3A Edgefield 3A Fairfield 3A Florence 3A Georgetown* 3A Greenville 3A Greenwood 3A Hampton* 3A Horry* 3A Jasper* 3A Kershaw 3A Lancaster 3A Laurens 3A Lee 3A Lexington 3A Marion 3A Marlboro 3A McCormick 3A Newberry 3A Oconee 3A Orangeburg 3A Pickens 3A Richland 3A Saluda 3A Spartanburg 3A Sumter 3A Union 3A Williamsburg 3A York SOUTH DAKOTA 6A Aurora 6A Beadle 5A Bennett 5A Bon Homme 6A Brookings 6A Brown 6A Brule 6A Buffalo 6A Butte 6A Campbell 5A Charles MJx 6A Clark 5A Clay 6A Codington 6A Corson 6A Custer 6A Davison 6A Day 6A Deuel 6A Dewey 5A Douglas 6A Edmunds 6A Fall River 6A Faulk 6A Grant 5A Gregory 6A Haakon 6A Hamlm 6A Hand 6A Hanson 6A Harding 6A Hughes 5A Hutchinson 6A Hyde 5A Jackson 6A Jerauld 6A Jones 6A Kingsbury 6A Lake 6A Lawrence 6A Lincoln 6A Lyman 6A Marshall 6A McCook 6A McPherson 6A Meade 5A Mellette 6A Miner (continued) 6A Minnehaha 6A Moody 6A Pennington 6A Perkins 6A Potter 6A Roberts 6A Sanborn 6A Shannon 6A Spink 6A Stanley 6A Sully 5A Todd 5A Tripp 6A Turner 5A Union 6A Walworth 5A Yankton 6A Ziebach TENNESSEE 4A Anderson 4A Bedford 4A Benton 4A Bledsoe 4A Blount 4A Bradley 4A Campbell 4A Cannon 4A Carroll 4A Carter 4A Cheatham 3A Chester 4A Claiborne 4A Clay 4A Cocke 4A Coffee 3A Crockett 4A Cumberland 4A Davidson 4A Decatur 4A DeKalb 4A Dickson 3A Dyer 3A Fayette 4A Fentress 4A Franklin 4A Gibson 4A Giles 4A Grainger 4A Greene 4A Grundy 4A Hamblen 4A Hamilton 4A Hancock 3A Hardeman 3A Hardin 4A Hawkins 3A Haywood 3A Henderson 4A Henry 4A Hickman 4A Houston 4A Humphreys 4A Jackson 4A Jefferson 4A Johnson 4A Knox 3A Lake 3A Lauderdale 4A Lawrence 4A Lewis 4A Lincoln 4A Loudon 4A Macon 3A Madison 4A Marion 4A Marshall 4A Maury 4A McMinn 3A McNaJry 4A Meigs 4A Monroe 4A Montgomery 4A Moore 4A Morgan 4A Obion 4A Overton 4A Perry 4A Pickett 4A Polk 4A Putnam 4A Rhea R-22 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® " ' '.'tEhtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awned by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dv od om),(Dby of FRmdNmod)O,do,N=b,,*1008170S801 jM 15, fDO oc s AM(PET) T,,ry tto I. 'MI ( 1,i ,Ag,,v ,AOIcC Nof th,, ,od,S,o,,,ou ,,, od,S,00zbyany ,dpartyo, Axmboe—tho[vs3 ANYVNAVTHORIVED RBPROD VCIION ORDISI—IION LEA VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSEAGREEMENT.AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIESTHEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE R301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 4A Roane 3B Brewster 3B Ector 3B Howard 3B McCulloch 4A Robertson 4B Briscoe 2B Edwards 3B Hudspeth 2A McLennan* 4A Rutherford 2A Brooks* 3A Ellis* 3A Hunt* 2A McMullen* 4A Scott 3A Brown* 3B El Paso 4B Hutchinson 2B Medina 4A Sequatchie 2A Burleson* 3A Erath* 3B Irion 3B Menard 4A Sevier 3A Bumet* 2A Falls* 3A Jack 3B Midland 3A Shelby 2A Caldwell* 3A Fannin 2A Jackson* 2A Milam* 4A Smith 2A Calhoun* 2A Fayette* 2A Jasper* 3A Mills* 4A Stewart 3B Callahan 3B Fisher 3B Jeff Davis 3B Mitchell 4A Sullivan 2A Cameron* 4B Floyd 2A Jefferson* 3A Montague 4A Sumner 3A Camp* 3B Foard 2A Jim Hogg* 2A Montgomery* 3A Tipton 4B Carson 2A Fort Bend* 2A Jim Wells* 4B Moore 4A Trousdale 3A Cass* 3A Franklin* 3A Johnson* 3A Morris* 4A UnicoJ 4B Castro 2A Freestone* 3B Jones 3B Motley 4A Union 2A Chambers* 2B Frio 2A Karnes* 3A Nacogdoches* 4A Van Buren 2A Cherokee* 3B Gaines 3A Kaufman* 3A Navarro* 4A Warren 3B Childress 2A Galveston* 3A Kendall* 2A Newton* 4A Washington 3A Clay 3B Garza 2A Kenedy* 3B Nolan 4A Wayne 4B Cochran 3A Gillespie* 3B Kent 2A Nueces* 4A Weakley 3B Coke 3B Glasscock 3B Kerr 4B Ochiltree 4A White 3B Coleman 2A Goliad* 3B Kimble 4B Oldham 4A Williamson 3A Collm* 2A Gonzales* 3B King 2A Orange* 4A Wilson 3B Collingsworth 4B Gray 2B Kinney 3A Palo Pinto* TEXAS 2A Colorado* 3A Grayson 2A Kleberg* 3A Panola* 2A Comal* 3A Gregg* 3B Knox 3A Parker* 2A Anderson* 3A Comanche* 2A Grimes* 3A Lamar* 4B Parmer 3B Andrews 3B Concho 2A Guadalupe* 4B Lamb 3B Pecos 2A Angelina* 3A Cooke 4B Hale 3A Lampasas* 2A Polk* 2A Aransas 2A Coryell* 3B Hall 2B La Salle 4B Potter 3A Archer 3B Cottle 3A Hamilton* 2A Lavaca* 3B Presicho 4B Armstrong 3B Crane 4B Hansford 2A Lee* 3A Rains* 2A Atascosa 3B Crockett 3B Hardeman 2A Leon* 4B Randall 2A Austin 3B Crosby 2A Hardin* 2A Liberty* 3B Reagan 4B Bailey 3B Culberson 2A Harris* 2A Limestone* 2B Real 2B Bandera 4B Dallam 3A Harrison* 4B Lipscomb 3A Red River* 2A Bastrop* 3A Dallas* 4B Hartley 2A Live Oak* 3B Reeves 3B Baylor 3B Dawson 3B Haskell 3A Llano* 2A Refugio* 2A Bee 4B Deaf Smith 2A Hays* 3B Loving 4B Roberts 2A Be 3A Delta 3B Hemphill 3B Lubbock 2A Robertson* 2A Bexar 3A Denton* 3A Henderson* 3B Lynn 3A Rockwall* 3A Blanco* 2A DeWitt* 2A Hidalgo* 2A Madison* 3B Runnels 3B Borden 3B Dickens 2A Hill* 3A Marion* 3A Rusk* 2A Bosq ue 2B Dlmmlt 4B Hockley 3B Martin 3A Sabine* 3A Bowie* 4B Donley 3A Hood* 3B Mason 3A San Augustine* 2A Brazoria* 2A Duval* 3A Hopkins* 2A Matagorda* 2A San Jacinto* 2A Brazos 3A Eastland 2A Houston* 2B Maverick 2A San PatncJo* (eontimed) 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-23 I " ' CoLFIEILOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rvdme pooch od om),(Dby of FRmdNmod)O,do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^Rt, ICC No ELM, [TAodomo,,m AtO, �goodomo- by anty y Ot Paro, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE R301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 3A San Saba* 3A Young 4C Clark 4A Gilmer WISCONSIN 3B Schleicher 2B Zapata 5B Columbia 5A Grant 6A Adams 3B Scurry 2B Zavala 4C Cowlitz 5A Greenbrier 7 Ashland 3B Shackelford UTAH 5B Douglas 5A Hampshire 6A Barron 3A Shelby* 6B Ferry 5A Hancock 7 Bayfield 4B Sherman 5B Beaver 5B Franklin 5A Hardy 6A Brown 3A Smith* 6B Box Elder 5B Garfield 5A Harrison 6A Buffalo 3A Somervell* 6B Cache 5B Grant 4A Jackson 7 Burnett 2A Starr* 6B Carbon 4C Grays Harbor 4A Jefferson 6A Calumet 3A Stephens 6B Daggett 4C Island 4A Kanawha 6A Chippewa 3B Sterling SB Davis 4C Jefferson SA Lewis 6A Clark 3B Stonewall 6B Duchesne 4C King 4A Lincoln 6A Columbia 3B Sutton 5B Emery 4C KJtsap 4A Logan 6A Crawford 4B Swisher 5B Garfield 5B KJttitas 5A Marion 6A Dane 3A Tarrant* 5B Grand 5B Klickitat 5A Marshall 6A Dodge 3B Taylor SB Iron 4C Lewis 4A Mason 6A Door 3B Terrell 5B Juab 5B Lincoln 4A McDowell 7 Douglas 3B Terry SB Kane 4C Mason 4A Mercer 6A Dunn 3B Throckmorton 5B Millard 6B Okanogan 5A Mineral 6A Eau Claire 3A Titus* 6B Morgan 4C Pacific 4A Mingo 7 Florence 3B Tom Green 5B Plate 6B Pend Oreille 5A Monongalia 6A Fond du Lac 2A Travis* 6B Rich 4C Pierce 4A Monroe 7 Forest 2A Trinity* 5B Salt Lake 4C San Juan 4A Morgan 6A Grant 2A Tyler* 5B San Juan 4C Skagit 5A Nicholas 6A Green 3A Upshur* 5B Sanpete 5B Skamania 5A Ohio 6A Green Lake 3B Upton 5B Sevier 4C Snohomish 5A Pendleton 6A Iowa 2B Uvalde 6B Summit 5B Spokane 4A Pleasants 7 Iron 2B Val Verde SB Tooele 6B Stevens SA Pocahontas 6A Jackson 3A Van Zandt* 6B Umtah 4C Thurston 5A Preston 6A Jefferson 2A Victoria* 5B Utah 4C Wahkiakum 4A Putnam6A Juneau 2A Walker* 6B Wasatch 5B Walla Walla 5A Raleigh 6A Kenosha 2A Waller* 3B Washington 4C Whatcom 5A Randolph 6A Kewaunee 3B Ward 5B Wayne 5B Whitman 4A Ritchie 6A La Crosse 2A Washington* g 5B Weber 5B Yaknna 4A Roane 6A Lafayette 2B Webb VERMONT WEST VIRGINIA 5A Summers 7 Langlade 2A Wharton* 6A (all) 5A Taylor 7 Lincoln 3B Wheeler 5A Barbour 5A Tucker 6A Manitowoc 3A Wichita VIRGINIA 4A Berkeley 4A Tyler y 6A Marathon 3B WJlbarger 4A (all) 4A Boone 5A Upshu 6A Marinette 2A WJllac * WASHINGTON 4A Braxton 5A Brooke 4A Wayne 6A Marquette 2A Williamson* 5A Webster 6A Menominee 2A Wilson* 5B Adams 4A Cabell 5A Wetzel 6A Milwaukee 3B Winkler SB Asotm 4A Calhoun 4A Wirt 6A Monroe 3A Wise 5B Benton 4A Clay 4A Wood 6A Oconto 3A Wood* 5B Chelan 5A Doddridge 4A Wyoming 7 Oneida 4B Yoakum 4C Clallam 5A Fayette 6A Outagamie (continued) R-24 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® " ' CopyngbtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awned by HDO,, Van Dme(Rvdme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O,do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JoK 15, fDO oc s AM(PET) Tox—t to ( I ( 1,i ,Ag,,v KtaAt, IcC No f-ths T,odomoo. m At, goodomo- by any Ot Party, o, Axmboema,Ooossd 9oghe oKfy,,Knog md,NyF,Iaog T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHORIVED RBPROD VCIION OR DISI RI B VTION IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT, AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE R301.1—continued CLIMATE ZONES, MOISTURE REGIMES, AND WARM -HUMID DESIGNATIONS BY STATE, COUNTY AND TERRITORY 6A Ozaukee 7 Taylor 6B Big Horn 6B Sheridan NORTHERN 6A Pepin 6A Trempealeau 6B Campbell 7 Sublette MARIANA 6A Pierce 6A Vernon 6B Carbon 6B Sweetwater ISLANDS 6A Polk 7 Vilas 6B Converse 7 Teton IA (all)* 6A Portage 6A Walworth 6B Crook 6B Uinta 7 Price 7 Washburn 6B Fremont 6B Washakle PUERTO RICO 6A Racine 6A Washington 5B Goshen 6B Weston IA (all)* 6A Richland 6A Waukesha 6B Hot Springs US TERRITORIES VIRGIN ISLANDS 6A Rock 6A Waupaca 6B Johnson IA (all)* 6A Rusk 6A Waushara 6B Laramie AMERICAN 6A Sauk 6A Winnebago 7 Lincoln SAMOA 7 Sawyer 6A Wood 6B Natrona IA(all)* 6A Shawano W YOMING 6B Niobrara GUAM 6A Sheboygan 6B Park 6A St Croix 6B Albany 5B Platte IA(all)* TABLE R301.3(1) INTERNATIONAL CLIMATE ZONE DEFINITIONS MAJOR CLIMATE -TYPE DEFINITIONS Marine (C) Definition Locations meeting all four criteria 1 Mean temperature of coldest month between -30C (27°F) and 180C (65°F) 2 Warmest month mean <220C(72°F) 3 Not fewer than four months with mean temperatures over 10°C (50°F) 4 Dry season in summer The month with the heaviest precipitation in the cold season has not less trtan three times as much precipitation as the month with the least precipitation in the rest of the year The cold season is October through March in the Northern Hemisphere and April through September in the Southern Hemisphere Dry (B) Definition —Locations meeting the following criteria Not marine and P„ < 0 44 x (TF - 19 5) [P,m < 2 0 x (TC +7) in SI units] where P„ = Annual precipitation in inches (cm) T = Annual mean temperature in OF (°C) Moist (A) Definition Locations that are not marine and not dry Warm -humid DefuntionMoist (A) locations where either of the following wet -bulb temperature conditions shall occur during the warmest six consecutive months of the year 1 670F (19 4°C) or lugher for 3,000 or more hours 2 730F (22 8°C) or lugher for 1,500 or more hours For SI °C= [(°F) - 32]/1 8, 1 inch = 2 54 cm 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-25 I " ' CITFIght @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Dby of FRmdNmod) O,do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^Rt, ICC NofwN¢[Todomoo.mAtO, goodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdmho[vsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE R301.3(2) INTERNATIONAL CLIMATE ZONE DEFINITIONS ZONE NUMBER THERMAL CRITERIA IP Units SI Units 1 9000 < CDD50OF 5000 < CDD I OOC 2 6300 < CDD50OF < 9000 3500 < CDD 10°C < 5000 3Aand3B 4500 < CDD50OF < 6300 AND HDD650F<5400 2500<CDD10°C< 3500 AND HDDI80C<3000 4A and 4B CDD50OF < 4500 AND HDD650F < 5400 CDD10°C < 2500 AND HDD180C < 3000 3C HDD650F < 3600 HDD 180C < 2000 4C 3600 < HDD650F < 5400 2000 < HDD 180C < 3000 5 5400 < HDD650F < 7200 3000 < HDD 180C < 4000 6 7200 < HDD650F < 9000 4000 < HDD 180C < 5000 7 19000 < HDD650F < 12600 5000 < HDD 180C < 7000 8 112600 < HDD650F 7000 < HDD 180C For SI oC= [(oF) - 32]/1 8 SECTION R302 DESIGN CONDITIONS R302.1 Interior design conditions. The interior design tem- peratures used for heating and cooling load calculations shall be a maximum of 720F (22°C) for heating and mimmum of 750F (24°C) for cooling SECTION R303 MATERIALS, SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT R303.1 Identification. Materials, systems and equipment shall be identified m a manner that will allow a determination of compliance with the applicable provisions of this code R303.1.1 Building thermal envelope insulation. An R- value identification mark shall be applied by the manufac- turer to each piece of building thermal envelope insulation that is 12 inches (305 mm) or greater in width Alterna- tively, the insulation installers shall provide a certification that indicates the type, manufacturer and R-value of insu- lation installed in each element of the building thermal envelope For blown -in or sprayed fiberglass and cellulose insulation, the initial installed thickness, settled thickness, settled R-value, installed density, coverage area and num- ber of bags installed shall be indicated on the certification For sprayed polyurethane foam (SPF) insulation, the installed thickness of the areas covered and the R-value of the installed thickness shall be indicated on the certifica- tion For insulated siding, the R-value shall be on a label on the product's package and shall be indicated on the cer- tification The insulation installer shall sign, date and post the certification in a conspicuous location on the job site Exception: For roof insulation installed above the deck, the R-value shall be labeled as required by the material standards specified in Table 1508 2 of the International Building Code or Table R9062 of the International Residential Code, as applicable R303.1.1.1 Blown -in or sprayed roof and ceiling insulation. The thickness of blown -in or sprayed fiber- glass and cellulose roof and ceiling insulation shall be written in inches (mm) on markers that are installed at not less than one for every 300 square feet (28 in 2) throughout the attic space The markers shall be affixed to the trusses or joists and marked with the minimum initial installed thickness with numbers not less than 1 inch (25 mm) in height Each marker shall face the attic access opening The thickness and installed R-value of sprayed polyurethane foam insulation shall be indicated on the certification provided by the insulation installer R303.1.2 Insulation mark installation. Insulating mate- rials shall be installed such that the manufacturer's R- value mark is readily observable at inspection R303.1.3 Fenestration product rating. U-factors of fen- estration products such as windows, doors and skylights shall be determined in accordance with NFRC 100 Exception: Where required, garage door U-factors shall be determined in accordance with either NFRC 100 or ANSI/DASMA 105 U-factors shall be determined by an accredited, inde- pendent laboratory, and labeled and certified by the manu- facturer Products lacking such a labeled U-factor shall be assigned a default U-factor from Table R303 1 3(1) or R303 1 3(2) The solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) and visible transmittance (VT) of glazed fenestration products such as windows, glazed doors and skylights shall be determined in accordance with NFRC 200 by an accred- ited, independent laboratory, and labeled and certified by the manufacturer Products lacking such a labeled SHGC or VT shall be assigned a default SHGC or VT from Table R303 1 3(3) R303.1.4 Insulation product rating. The thermal resis- tance, R-value, of insulation shall be determined in accor- dance with Part 460 of US -FTC CFR Title 16 in units of h • ft' • °F/Btu at a mean temperature of 75°F (24°C) R303.1.4.1 Insulated siding. The thermal resistance, R-value, of insulated siding shall be determined in accordance with ASTM C1363 Installation for testing shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's mstruc- tions R-26 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® 1 I CopyRgbt Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Raodme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b6 xl ooe1vme 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (GET) Mt,mmt to ( I ( 1, Ag,'^Rt, ICC Nootths TAodomoo.m Aty Tbodomo-by any Ot Party o[Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle—odympyncg and Nyodwg L-IRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT, . AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE R303.1.3(1) DEFAULT GLAZED WINDOW, GLASS DOOR AND SKYLIGHT U-FACTORS WINDOW AND SKYLIGHT GLASS DOOR FRAME TYPE Single Double Single Double pane pane Metal 1 20 0 80 2 00 1 30 Metal with Thermal Break 1 10 065 1 90 1 10 Nonmetal or Metal Clad 095 055 1 75 1 05 Glazed Block 0 60 TABLE R303.1.3(2) DEFAULT OPAQUE DOOR U-FACTORS DOOR TYPE OPAQUE U-FACTOR Umnsulated Metal 1 20 Insulated Metal 060 Wood 050 Insulated, nonmetal edge, not exceeding 45% glazing any glazing double pane 035 TABLE R303.1.3(3) DEFAULT GLAZED FENESTRATION SHGC AND VT SINGLE GLAZED DOUBLE GLAZED GLAZED BLOCK Clear Tinted Clear Tinted SHGC 08 07 07 06 06 VT 06 03 06 03 06 R303.2 Installation. Materials, systems and equipment shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instruc- tions and the International Building Code or the International Residential Code, as applicable R303.2.1 Protection of exposed foundation insulation. Insulation applied to the exterior of basement walls, crawl space walls and the perimeter of slab -on -grade floors shall have a rigid, opaque and weather -resistant protective cov- ering to prevent the degradation of the insulation's thermal performance The protective covering shall cover the exposed exterior insulation and extend not less than 6 inches (153 mm) below grade R303.3 Maintenance information. Maintenance instruc- tions shall be furnished for equipment and systems that require preventive maintenance Required regular mainte- nance actions shall be clearly stated and incorporated on a readily accessible label The label shall include the title or publication number for the operation and maintenance man- ual for that particular model and type of product 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-27 I 1 1 1 Co LFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Raodme pooch od om),(Dby of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,,vo aRt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO, goodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg TMARISed ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER R-28 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ' CopynghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van Cm,(Rvdme Oo,d—od om),(Qty of ERmdNmod)O[d6N=b6*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM(PET)p,,mmt to ( "( I I,—Ag,—^ '^^I, ICC No o tths ,Aodomoam ALM,, peodomo-by any Ot Party o[Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo— odyWpyaog and,yodwg GMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDEEAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER CHAPTER 4 [RE] RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY User note: About this chapter., Chapter 4 provides requirements for the thermal envelope of a building, including minimum insulation values for walls, ceiling and floors, maximum fenestration U-factors, minimum fenestration solar heat gain coefficients, and methods for determining building assembly and a total building U-factor A performance alternative and an energy rating alternative are also provided to allow for energy code compliance other than by the prescriptive method SECTION R401 GENERAL R401.1 Scope. This chapter applies to residential buildings R401.2 Compliance. Projects shall comply with one of the following 1 Sections R401 through R404 2 Section R405 and the provisions of Sections R401 through R404 indicated as "Mandatory " 3 The energy rating index (ERI) approach in Section R406 R401.2.1 Tropical zone. Residential buildings in the trop- ical zone at elevations less than 2,400 feet (731 5 m) above sea level shall be deemed to be in compliance with this chapter provided that the following conditions are met 1 Not more than one-half of the occupied space is air conditioned 2 The occupied space is not heated 3 Solar, wind or other renewable energy source sup- plies not less than 80 percent of the energy for ser- vice water heating 4 Glazing in conckhoned spaces has a solar heat gam coefficient of less than or equal to 0 40, or has an overhang with a projection factor equal to or greater than 0 30 5 Permanently installed lighting is in accordance with Section R404 6 The exterior roof surface complies with one of the options in Table C402 3 or the roof or ceiling has insulation with anR-value of R-15 or greater Where attics are present, attics above the insulation are vented and attics below the insulation are unvented 7 Roof surfaces have a slope of not less than one- fourth unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (21-per- cent slope) The finished roof does not have water accumulation areas 8 Operable fenestration provides a ventilation area of not less than 14 percent of the floor area in each room Alternatively, equivalent ventilation is pro- vided by a ventilation fan 9 Bedrooms with exterior walls facing two different directions have operable fenestration on exterior walls facing two directions 10 Interior doors to bedrooms are capable of being secured in the open position 11 A ceiling fan or ceiling fan rough -in is provided for bedrooms and the largest space that is not used as a bedroom R401.3 Certificate (Mandatory). A permanent certificate shall be completed by the builder or other approved party and posted on a wall in the space where the furnace is located, a utility room or an approved location inside the building Where located on an electrical panel, the certificate shall not cover or obstruct the visibility of the circuit directory label, service disconnect label or other required labels The certifi- cate shall indicate the predominant R-values of insulation installed in or on ceilings, roofs, walls, foundation compo- nents such as slabs, basement walls, crawl space walls and floors and ducts outside conditioned spaces, U-factors of fen- estration and the solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) of fenes- tration, and the results from any required duct system and building envelope air leakage testing perfonned on the build- ing Where there is more than one value for each component, the certificate shall indicate the value covering the largest area The certificate shall indicate the types and efficiencies of heating, cooling and service water heating equipment Where a gas -fired invented room heater, electric furnace or baseboard electric heater is installed in the residence, the cer- tificate shall indicate "gas -fired invented room heater," "electric furnace" or "baseboard electric heater," as appropri- ate An efficiency shall not be indicated for gas -fired invented room heaters, electric furnaces and electric base- board heaters SECTION R402 BUILDING THERMAL ENVELOPE R402.1 General (Prescriptive). The building thermal enve- lope shall comply with the requirements of Sections R402 1 1 through R402 1 5 Exceptions: 1 The following low -energy buildings, or portions thereof, separated from the remainder of the build- ing by building thermal envelope assemblies com- plying with this section shall be exempt from the building thermal envelope provisions of Section R402 1 1 Those with a peak design rate of energy usage less than 3 4 Bta/h • ft' (10 7 W/m') or 1 0 watt/ft' of floor area for space -condition- ing purposes 1 2 Those that do not contain conditioned space 2 Log homes designed in accordance with ICC 400 ' 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-29 I I I I CALFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(hv dme Oo,dv od om),(Dtyof PnmdNmod)O,do,N=b¢x1 008170S801 JM 15, Z.mo oc s AM (PET) tto ( Lie Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢ [TAodomo,, m AtO, Pepeodomo-by any Ot Party o, Axmboema Romsd M glo— ody mpyncg and NyodwgL ARTS Ad ANY UNEARTHED RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY R402.1.1 Vapor retarder. Wall assemblies in the budd- ing thermal envelope shall comply with the vapor retarder requirements of Section R702 7 of the International Rest- denhal Code or Section 1405 3 of the International Build- ing Code, as applicable R402.1.2 Insulation and fenestration criteria. The building thermal envelope shall meet the requirements of Table R402 1 2, based on the climate zone specified in Chapter 3 R402.1.3 R-value computation. Insulation material used in layers, such as framing cavity insulation or continuous insulation, shall be summed to compute the corresponding component R-value The manufacturer's settled R-value shall be used for blown -in insulation Computed R-values shall not include anR-value for other building materials or au films Where insulated siding is used for the purpose of complying with the continuous insulation requirements of Table R402 12, the manufacturer's labeled R-value for the insulated siding shall be reduced by R-0 6 R402.1.4 U-factor alternative. An assembly with a U-fac- tor equal to or less than that specified in Table R402 14 shall be an alternative to the R-value in Table R402 1 2 TABLE R402.1.2 INSULATION AND FENESTRATION REQUIREMENTS BY COMPONENT' CLIMATE FENESTRATION SKYLIGHT, GLAZED CEILING WOOD MASS FLOOR BASEMENTc SLAB" CRAWL SPACED ZONE U-FACTOR U-FACTOR FENESTRATION R-VALUE FRAME WALL WALL R-VALUE WALL R-VALUE WALL SHGC"' R-VALUE R-VALUE' R-VALUE &DEPTH R-VALUE 1 NR 075 025 30 13 3/4 13 0 0 0 2 040 065 025 38 13 4/6 13 0 0 0 3 0 32 0 55 0 25 38 20 or 13+5 8/13 19 5/13 0 5/13 4 except 032 055 040 49 20 or 13+5h 8/13 19 10/13 10, 2 ft 10/13 Manne 5 and 030 055 NR 49 20 or 13+5h 13/17 309 15/19 10, 2 ft 15/19 Manne 4 6 030 055 NR 49 20+5h or 13+10 15/20 309 15/19 10, 4 ft 15/19 7 and 8 030 055 NR 49 20+5 or 13+10 19/21 389 15/19 10, 4 ft 15/19 NR=Not Required For SI 1 foot =304 8 min a R-values are minimums U-factors and SHGC are maximums Where insulation is installed in a cavity that is less than the label or design thickness of the insulation, the installed R-value of the insulation shall be not less than the R-value specified in the table b The fenestration U-factor column excludes skylights The SHGC column applies to all glazed fenestration Exception: In Climate Zones 1 through 3, skylights shall be permitted to be excluded from glazed fenestration SHGC requirements provided that the SHGC for such skylights does not exceed 0 30 c "10/13" means R-10 continuous insulation on the interior or exterior of the home or R-13 cavity insulation on the interior of the basement wall "15/19" means R-15 continuous insulation on the interior or exterior of the home or R-19 cavity insulation at the interior of the basement wall Alternatively, compliance with "15/19" shall be R-13 cavity insulation on the interior of the basement wall plus R-5 continuous insulation on the interior or exterior of the home d R-5 insulation shall be provided under the full slab area of a heated slab in addition to the required slab edge insulation R-value for slabs as indicated in the table The slab edge insulation for heated slabs shall not be required to extend below the slab e There are no SHGC requirements in the Marine Zone f Basement wall insulation is not required in warm -humid locations as defined by Figure R301 1 and Table R301 1 g Alternatively, insulation sufficient to fill the framing cavity and providing not less than an R-value of R-19 It The first value is cavity insulation, the second value is continuous insulation Therefore, as an example, "13+5" means R-13 cavity insulation plus R-5 continuous insulation i Mass walls shall be in accordance with Section R402 2 5 The second R-value applies where more than half of the insulation is on the interior of the mass wall TABLE R402.1.4 EQUIVALENT U-FACTORS' CLIMATE ZONE FENESTRATION U-FACTOR SKYLIGHT U-FACTOR CEILING U-FACTOR FRAME WALL U-FACTOR MASS WALL U-FACTOR" FLOOR U-FACTOR BASEMENT WALL UfACTOR CRAWL SPACE WALL UfACTOR 1 050 075 0 035 0 084 0 197 0 064 0 360 0 477 2 040 065 0 030 0 084 0 165 0 064 0 360 0 477 3 032 055 0 030 0 060 0 098 0 047 0091, 0 136 4 except Marme 032 055 0 026 0 060 0 098 0 047 0 059 0 065 5 and Manne 4 030 055 0 026 0 060 0 082 0 033 0 050 0 055 6 030 055 0 026 0 045 0 060 0 033 0 050 0 055 7 and 8 030 055 0 026 0 045 0 057 0 028 0 050 0 055 a Nonfenestration U-factors shall be obtained from measurement, calculation or an approved source b Mass walls shall be in accordance with Section R402 2 5 Where more than half the insulation is on the interior, the mass wall U-factors shall not exceed 0 17 in Climate Zone 1, 0 14 in Climate Zone 2,0 12 in Climate Zone 3, 0 087 in Climate Zone 4 except Marine, 0 065 in Climate Zone 5 and Marine 4, and 0 057 in Climate Zones 6 through 8 c In warm -humid locations as defined by Figure R301 1 and Table R301 1, the basement wall U-factor shall not exceed 0 360 R-30 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ff.,1 1 1 (Aryaght Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A-LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod) O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 06 s AM (GET) mt to I( 1, xAg,e^ '^Rt, ICC Nootths TAodomoam Athsodomo-by any Ot Party o,Axmboema Romsd Mglo— o,IAo, and Nyodwg L-IRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY R402.1.5 Total UA alternative. Where the total building thermal envelope UA, the sum of U-factor times assembly area, is less than or equal to the total UA resulting from multiplying the U-factors in Table R402 1 4 by the same assembly area as in the proposed builckng, the building shall be considered to be in compliance with Table R402 1 2 The UA calculation shall be performed using a method consistent with the ASHRAE Handbook of Fun- damentals and shall include the thermal bridging effects of framing materials In addition to UA compliance, the SHGC requirements shall be met R402.2 Specific insulation requirements (Prescriptive). In addition to the requirements of Section R402 1, insulation shall meet the specific requirements of Sections R40221 through R402 2 13 R402.2.1 Ceilings with attic spaces. Where Section R402 1 2 requires R-38 insulation in the ceiling, installing R-30 over 100 percent of the ceiling area requiring insula- tion shall satisfy the requirement for R-38 wherever the full height of uncompressed R-30 insulation extends over the wall top plate at the eaves Where Section R402 1 2 requires R-49 insulation in the ceiling, installing R-38 over 100 percent of the ceiling area requiring insulation shall satisfy the requirement for R-49 insulation wherever the full height of uncompressed R-38 insulation extends over the wall top plate at the eaves This reduction shall not apply to the U-factor alternative approach in Section R40214 and the Total UA alternative in Section R402 1 5 R402.2.2 Ceilings without attic spaces. Where Section R402 1 2 requires insulation R-values greater than R-30 in the ceiling and the design of the roof/ceiling assembly does not allow sufficient space for the required insulation, the minimum required insulation R-value for such roof/ ceiling assemblies shall be R-30 Insulation shall extend over the top of the wall plate to the outer edge of such plate and shall not be compressed This reduction of msu- lation from the requirements of Section R402 1 2 shall be limited to 500 square feet (46 in 2) or 20 percent of the total insulated ceiling area, whichever is less Tlus reduction shall not apply to the U-factor alternative approach in Sec- tion R402 1 4 and the Total UA alternative in Section R402 1 5 R402.2.3 Eave baffle. For air -permeable insulations in vented attics, a baffle shall be installed adjacent to soffit and eave vents Baffles shall maintain an opening equal or greater than the size of the vent The baffle shall extend over the top of the attic insulation The baffle shall be per- mitted to be any solid material R402.2.4 Access hatches and doors. Access doors from conditioned spaces to unconditioned spaces such as attics and crawl spaces shall be weatherstripped and insulated to a level equivalent to the insulation on the surrounding sur- faces Access that prevents damaging or compressing the insulation shall be provided to all equipment Where loose -fill insulation is installed, a wood -framed or equiva- lent baffle or retainer shall be installed to prevent the loose -fill insulation from spilling into the living space when the attic access is opened The baffle or retainer shall provide a permanent means of maintaining the installed R- value of the loose -fill insulation Exception: Vertical doors providing access from condt- tioned spaces to unconditioned spaces that comply with the fenestration requirements of Table R402 12 based on the applicable climate zone specified in Chapter 3 R402.2.5 Mass walls. Mass walls where used as a compo- nent of the building thermal envelope shall be one of the following 1 Above -ground walls of concrete block, concrete, insulated concrete form, masonry cavity, brick but not brick veneer, adobe, compressed earth block, rammed earth, solid timber or solid logs 2 Any wall having a heat capacity greater than or equal to 6 Btu/ft' • °F (123 kJ/m' • I) R402.2.6 Steel -frame ceilings, walls and floors. Steel - frame ceilings, walls, and floors shall comply with the TABLE R402.2.6 STEEL -FRAME CEILING, WALL AND FLOOR INSULATION R-VALUES WOOD FRAME COLD -FORMED STEEL -FRAME R EQUIVALENT R-VALUE' REQUIREMENT Steel Truss Ceilings" R-30 R-38 or R-30 + 3 or R-26 + 5 R-38 R-49 or R-38 + 3 R-49 R-38 + 5 Steel Joist Ceilingsb R-30 R-38 in 2 x 4 or 2 x 6 or 2 x 8 R-49 in any framing R-38 R-49 in 2 x 4 or 2 x 6 or 2 x 8 or 2 x 10 Steel -Framed Wall, 16 inches on center R-13 + 4 2 or R-21 + 2 8 or R-13 R-0+93or R-15+38or R-21+31 R-0+112 or R-13+61 or R-15+57or R-13+3 R-19+50 or R-21+47 R-0+140 or R-13+89 or R-15+85or R-20 R-19+78orR-19+62or R-21+75 R-13+127or R-15+123or R-19+116or R-20+5 R-21+113 or R-25+109 R-0+146 or R-13+95 or R-15+91 or R-21 R-19 + 8 4 or R-21 + 8 1 or R-25 + 7 7 Steel Framed Wall, 24 inches on center R-13 R-0+93or R-13+30or R-15+24 R-0+112 or R-13+49 or R-15+43 or R-13+3 R-19+35 or R-21+31 R-0 + 14 0 or R-13 + 7 7 or R-15 + 7 1 or R-20 R-19+63 or R-21+59 R-13+115or R-15+109or R-19+101 or R-20+5 R-21 + 9 7 or R-25 + 9 1 R-0+146 or R-13+83 or R-15+77 or R-21 R-19+69or R-21+65or R-25+59 Steel Joist Floor R-13 R-19 in x6, or R-19+6 in x8 or2x 10 R-19 R-19+6 m2x6, or R-19+12 m2 x 8or2 x 10 a The first value is cavity insulation R-value, the second value is continuous insulation R-value Therefore, for example, `°R-30+3" means R-30 cavity insulation plus R-3 continuous insulation b Insulation exceeding the height of the framing shall cover the framing 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-31 I 1 1 1 CITFIght OO?.o,7 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'^Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomo,,m AtO, goodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg L,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY insulation requirements of Table R402 2 6 or the U-factor requirements of Table R402 1 4 The calculation of the U-factor for a steel -frame envelope assembly shall use a series -parallel path calculation method R402.2.7 Walls with partial structural sheathing. Where Section R402 1 2 requires continuous insulation on exterior walls and structural sheathing covers 40 percent or less of the gross area of all exterior walls, the required continuous insulation R-value shall be permitted to be reduced by an amount necessary, but not more than R-3 to result in a consistent total sheathing thickness on areas of the walls covered by structural sheathing This reduction shall not apply to the U-factor alternative in Section R40214 and the Total UA alternative in Section R402 1 5 R402.2.8 Floors. Floor framing -cavity insulation shall be installed to maintain permanent contact with the underside of the subfloor decking Exception: As an alternative, the floor framing -cavity insulation shall be in contact with the topside of sheath- ing or continuous insulation installed on the bottom side of floor framing where combined with insulation that meets or exceeds the minimum wood frame wa11R-value in Table R402 12 and that extends from the bottom to the top of all perimeter floor framing members R402.2.9 Basement walls. Walls associated with condi- tioned basements shall be insulated from the top of the basement wall down to 10 feet (3048 mm) below grade or to the basement floor, whichever is less Walls associated with unconditioned basements shall comply with this requirement except where the floor overhead is insulated in accordance with Sections R402 1 2 and R402 2 8 R402.2.10 Slab -on -grade floors. Slab -on -grade floors with a floor surface less than 12 inches (305 mm) below grade shall be insulated in accordance with Table R402 1 2 The insulation shall extend downward from the top of the slab on the outside or inside of the foundation wall Insula- tion located below grade shall be extended the distance pro- vided in Table R402 12 by any combination of vertical insulation, insulation extending under the slab or insulation extending out from the building Insulation extending away from the builckng shall be protected by pavement or by not less than 10 inches (254 mm) of soil The top edge of the insulation installed between the exterior wall and the edge of the interior slab shall be perm fitted to be cut at a 45-degree (0 79 rad) angle away from the extenor wall. Slab -edge insulation is not required injurisdictions designated by the code official as having a very heavy termite infestation R402.2.11 Crawl space walls. As an alternative to insu- lating floors over crawl spaces, crawl space walls shall be insulated provided that the crawl space is not vented to the outdoors Crawl space wall insulation shall be perma- nently fastened to the wall and shall extend downward from the floor to the finished grade elevation and then ver- tically or horizontally for not less than an additional 24 inches (610 mm) Exposed earth in unvented crawl space foundations shall be covered with a continuous Class I vapor retarder in accordance with the International Build- ing Code or International Residential Code, as applicable Joints of the vapor retarder shall overlap by 6 inches (153 mm) and be sealed or taped The edges of the vapor retarder shall extend not less than 6 inches (153 mm) up stem walls and shall be attached to the stem walls R402.2.12 Masonry veneer. Insulation shall not be required on the horizontal portion of a foundation that sup- ports a masonry veneer R402.2.13 Sunroom insulation. Sunrooms enclosing con- ditioned space shall meet the insulation requirements of this code Exception: For sunrooms with thermal isolation, and enclosing conditioned space, the following exceptions to the insulation requirements of this code shall apply 1 The mimmum ceiling insulation R-values shall be R-19 in Climate Zones 1 through 4 and R-24 in Climate Zones 5 through 8 2 The minimum wall insulation R-value shall be R- 13 in all climate zones Walls separating a sun - room with a thermal isolation from conditioned space shall comply with the building thermal envelope requirements of this code R402.3 Fenestration (Prescriptive). In addition to the requirements of Section R402, fenestration shall comply with Sections R402 3 1 through R402 3 5 R402.3.1 U-factor. An area -weighted average of fenestra- tion products shall be permitted to satisfy the U-factor requirements R402.3.2 Glazed fenestration SHGC. An area -weighted average of fenestration products more than 50-percent glazed shall be permitted to satisfy the SHGC requirem ents Dynamic glazing shall be permitted to satisfy the SHGC requirements of Table R402 1 2 provided that the ratio of the higher to lower labeled SHGC is greater than or equal to 2 4, and the dynamic glazing is automatically controlled to modulate the amount of solar gain into the space inmultiple steps Dynamic glazing shall be considered separately from other fenestration, and area -weighted averaging with other fenestration that is not dynamic glazing shall be prohibited Exception: Dynamic glazing shall not be required to comply with this section where both the lower and higher labeled SHGC comply with the requirements of Table R402 1 2 R402.3.3 Glazed fenestration exemption. Not greater than 15 square feet (1 4 m) of glazed fenestration per dwelling unit shall be exempt from the U-factor and SHGC requirements in Section R402 1 2 This exemption shall not apply to the U-factor alternative in Section R402 14 and the Total UA alternative in Section R402 1 5 R402.3.4 Opaque door exemption. One side -hinged opaque door assembly not greater than 24 square feet (222 m) in area shall be exempt from the U-factor requirement in Section R402 1 4 This exemption shall not R-32 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® rill 1 1 Copyright Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rv dme Oo,dA od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b,, *1 008170S8 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (GET) mt to ( ( I 1, Ag,'^Rt, ICC No otths TAodomoo. m Athsodomo- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemdmho[vsd Mgle —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY apply to the U-factor alternative in Section R402 1 4 and the Total UA alternative in Section R402 1 5 R402.3.5 Sunroom fenestration. Sunrooms enclosing conditioned space shall comply with the fenestration requirements of this code Exception: In Climate Zones 2 through 8, for sun - rooms with thermal isolation and enclosing condi- tioned space, the fenestration U-factor shall not exceed 0 45 and the skylight U-factor shall not exceed 0 70 New fenestration separating the sunroom with thermal isolation from conditioned space shall comply with the building thermal envelope requirements of this code R402.4 Air leakage (Mandatory). The building thermal envelope shall be constructed to limit air leakage in accor- dance with the requirements of Sections R402 4 1 through R402 4 5 R402.4.1 Building thermal envelope. The building ther- mal envelope shall comply with Sections R402 4 1 1 and R402 4 12 The sealing methods between dissimilar materi- als shall allow for differential expansion and contraction R402.4.1.1 Installation. The components of the build- ing thermal envelope as indicated in Table R402 4 1 1 shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and the criteria indicated in Table R402 4 1 1, as applicable to the method of construc- tion Where required by the code official, an approved third party shall inspect all components and verify com- pliance R402.4.1.2 Testing. The building or dwelling unit shall be tested and verified as having an air leakage rate not exceeding five air changes per hour in Climate Zones 1 and 2, and three air changes per hour in Climate Zones 3 through 8 Testing shall be conducted in accordance with RESNET/ICC 380, ASTM E779 or ASTM El827 and reported at a pressure of 0 2 inch w g (50 Pascals) Where required by the code official, testing shall be conducted by an approved third party A written report of the results of the test shall be signed by the party conducting the test and provided to the code official Testing shall be performed at any time after creation of all penetrations of the building thermal envelope During testing 1 Exterior windows and doors, fireplace and stove doors shall be closed, but not sealed, beyond the intended weatherstripping or other infiltration control measures 2 Dampers including exhaust, intake, makeup air, backdraft and flue dampers shall be closed, but not sealed beyond intended infiltration control measures 3 Interior doors, where installed at the time of the test, shall be open 4 Exterior or interior terminations for continuous ventilation systems shall be sealed 5 Heating and cooling systems, where installed at the time of the test, shall be turned off 6 Supply and return registers, where installed at the tune of the test, shall be fully open R402.4.2 Fireplaces. New wood -burning fireplaces shall have tight -fitting flue dampers or doors, and outdoor com- bustion air Where using tight -fitting doors on factory - built fireplaces listed and labeled in accordance with UL 127, the doors shall be tested and listed for the fireplace R402.4.3 Fenestration air leakage. Windows, skylights and sliding glass doors shall have an au infiltration rate of not greater than 0 3 cfin per square foot (1 5 L/s/m ), and for swinging doors, not greater than 0 5 cfm per square foot (2 6 L/s/m ), when tested in accordance with NFRC 400 or AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/IS 2/A440 by an accredited, independent laboratory and listed and labeled by the manufacturer Exception: Site -built windows, skylights and doors R402.4.4 Rooms containing fuel -burning appliances. In Climate Zones 3 through 8, where open combustion air ducts provide combustion air to open combustion fuel burning appliances, the appliances and combustion air opening shall be located outside the builckng thermal envelope or enclosed in a room that is isolated from inside the thermal envelope Such rooms shall be sealed and insulated in accordance with the envelope requirements of Table R402 1 2, where the walls, floors and ceilings shall meet not less than the basement wall R-value requirement The door into the room shall be fully gasketed and any water lines and ducts in the room insulated in accordance with Section R403 The combustion au duct shall be insu- lated where it passes through conditioned space to an R- value of not less than R-8 Exceptions 1 Direct vent appliances with both intake and exhaust pipes installed continuous to the outside 2 Fireplaces and stoves complying with Section R402 4 2 and Section R1006 of the International Residential Code R402.4.5 Recessed lighting. Recessed luminaires installed in the building thermal envelope shall be sealed to limit air leakage between conditioned and unconchhoned spaces Recessed luminaires shall be IC -rated and labeled as having an air leakage rate of not greater than 2 0 cfm (0 944 L/s) when tested in accordance with ASTM E283 at a pressure differential of 1 57 psf (75 Pa) Recessed luminaires shall be sealed with a gasket or caulked between the housing and the interior wall or ceiling covering R402.5 Maximum fenestration U-factor and SHGC (Man- datory). The area -weighted average maximum fenestration U-factor permitted using tradeoffs from Section R402 1 5 or R405 shall be 0 48 in Climate Zones 4 and 5 and 0 40 in Cli- mate Zones 6 through 8 for vertical fenestration, and 0 75 in Climate Zones 4 through 8 for skylights The area -weighted average maximum fenestration SHGC permitted using tradeoffs from Section R405 in Climate Zones 1 through 3 shall be 0 50 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-33 I 1 1 1 CALFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dv od om).(Qtyof PnmdNmod) O,do, N=b¢*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) tto ( Lie Affiee^® Rt,ICC NofwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO,Pepeodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdm6o d Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg LARISAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE R402.4.1.1 AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION INSTALLATION' COMPONENT AIR BARRIER CRITERIA INSULATION INSTALLATION CRITERIA A continuous arr banner shall be installed in the building envelope General requirements The exterior thermal envelope contains a continuous arr Au -permeable insulation shall not be used as a sealing material banner Breaks orjoints in the arr banner shall be sealed The arr banner many dropped ceiling or soffit shall be aligned with the insulation and any gaps in the arr banner Ceiling/attic shall be sealed The insulation many dropped ceilmg/soffit shall be aligned with the air banner Access openings, drop down stairs or knee wall doors to unconditioned attic spaces shall be sealed Cavities within comers and headers of frame walls The junction of the foundation and sill plate shall be sealed shall be insulated by completely filling the cavity with a material having a thermal resistance, Wks The junction of the top plate and the top of exterior walls R-value, of not less than R-3 per inch shall be sealed Exterior thermal envelope insulation for framed walls Knee walls shall be sealed shall be installed in substantial contact and continuous alignment with the arr banner Windows, skylights and doors The space between framing and skylights, and the jambe of windows and doors, shall be sealed Run joists Run joists shall include the an banner Rim joists shall be insulated Floor framing cavity insulation shall be installed to maintain permanent contact with the underside of Floors, including cantilevered subfloor decking Alternatively, floor framing floors and floors above The arr banner shall be installed at any exposed edge of cavity insulation shall be in contact with the top side insulation of sheathing, or continuous insulation installed on garages the underside of floor framing, and shall extend from the bottom to the top of all perimeter floor framing members Exposed earth in invented crawl spaces shall be covered Crawl space insulation, where provided instead of Crawl space walls with a Class I vapor retarder with overlapping I omts floor insulation, shall be permanently attached to taped the walls Duct shafts, utility penetrations, and flue shafts Shafts, penetrations opening to exterior or unconditioned space shall be sealed Batts to be installed in narrow cavities shall be cut to Narrow cavities fit or narrow cavities shall be filled with insulation that on installation readily conforms to the available cavity space Garage separation Air sealing shall be provided between the garage and conditioned spaces Recessed lighting Recessed light fixtures installed in the building thermal Recessed light fixtures installed in the building envelope shall be sealed to the finished surface thermal envelope shall be an tight and IC rated In exterior walls, batt insulation shall be cut neatly to Plumbing and wiring fit around wiring and plumbing, or insulation, that on installation readily conforms to available space, shall extend behind piping and wrung Shower/tub on exterior wall The arr banner installed at exterior walls adjacent to showers and tubs shall separate the wall from the Exterior walla adjacent to showers and tube shall be shower or tub insulated Electncal/phone box on exterior The arr banner shall be installed behind electrical and walls communication boxes Alternatively, ur-sealed boxes shall be installed HVAC supply and return register boots that penetrate HVAC register boots building thermal envelope shall be sealed to the subfloor, wall covering or ceiling penetrated by the boot Where required to be sealed, concealed fire sprinklers shall only be sealed in a manner that is recommended by the Concealed sprinklers manufacturer Caulking or other adhesive sealants shall not be used to fill voids between fire sprinkler cover plates and walls or ceilings a Inspection of log walls shall be in accordance with the provisions of ICC 400 R-34 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® " ' CAyaght Oo 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rv dme Oo,d—od om),(Dty of R—d—od)OTdo,Nomb¢x1 ooe1vwS8 01JM 15, ZMO oc s AM (GET) mt to ( I (IFTER 1,—Ag,—^ '^Rt, ICC No o tths TTAodomo,, oALtIty odomo- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemdmho[vsd Mglo —o,IA Wpyn4g and Mwodwg L-IRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIMN OR D ISIRIEUTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND RREJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY SECTION R403 SYSTEMS R403.1 Controls (Mandatory). Not less than one thermostat shall be provided for each separate heating and cooling sys- tem R403.1.1 Programmable thermostat. The thermostat controlling the primary heating or cooling system of the dwelling unit shall be capable of controlling the heating and cooling system on a daily schedule to maintain differ- ent temperature setpoints at different times of the day This thermostat shall include the capability to set back or temporarily operate the system to maintain zone tempera- tures of not less than 55°F (13°C) to not greater than 85°F (29°C) The thermostat shall be programmed initially by the manufacturer with a heating temperature setpoint of not greater than 70°F (21°C) and a cooling temperature setpoint of not less than 78°F (26°C) R403.1.2 Heat pump supplementary heat (Mandatory). Heat pumps having supplementary electric -resistance heat shall have controls that, except during defrost, prevent supplemental heat operation when the heat pump compres- sor can meet the heating load R403.2 Hot water boiler outdoor temperature setback. Hot water boilers that supply heat to the building through one- or two -pipe heating systems shall have an outdoor set- back control that decreases the boiler water temperature based on the outdoor temperature R403.3 Ducts. Ducts and air handlers shall be installed in accordance with Sections R403 3 1 through R403 3 7 R403.3.1 Insulation (Prescriptive). Supply and return ducts in attics shall be insulated to an R-value of not less than R-8 for ducts 3 inches (76 min) in diameter and larger and not less than R-6 for ducts smaller than 3 inches (76 min) in diameter Supply and return ducts in other portions of the building shall be insulated to not less than R-6 for ducts 3 inches (76 min) in diameter and not less than R-4 2 for ducts smaller than 3 inches (76 min) in diameter Exception: Ducts or portions thereof located com- pletely inside the building thermal envelope. R403.3.2 Sealing (Mandatory). Ducts, air handlers and filter boxes shall be sealed Joints and seams shall comply with either the International Mechanical Code or Interna- tional Residential Code, as applicable R403.3.2.1 Sealed air handler. Air handlers shall have a manufacturer's designation for an air leakage of not greater than 2 percent of the design airflow rate when tested in accordance with ASHRAE 193 R403.3.3 Duct testing (Mandatory). Ducts shall be pres- sure tested to determine air leakage by one of the follow- ing methods 1 Rough -in test Total leakage shall be measured with a pressure differential of 0 1 inch w g (25 Pa) across the system, including the manufacturer's air handler enclosure if installed at the time of the test Registers shall be taped or otherwise sealed during the test 2 Postconstruction test Total leakage shall be mea- sured with a pressure differential of 0 1 inch w g (25 Pa) across the entire system, including the man- ufacturer's au handler enclosure Registers shall be taped or otherwise sealed during the test Exceptions: 1 A duct air -leakage test shall not be required where the ducts and au handlers are located entirely within the builckng thermal envelope 2 A duct air -leakage test shall not be required for I ducts serving heat or energy recovery ventilators that are not integrated with ducts serving heating or cooling systems A written report of the results of the test shall be signed by the party conducting the test and provided to the code official R403.3.4 Duct leakage (Prescriptive). The total leakage of the ducts, where measured in accordance with Section R403 3 3, shall be as follows 1 Rough -in test The total leakage shall be less than or equal to 4 cubic feet per minute (113 3 L/min) per 100 square feet (9 29 m) of conditioned floor area where the air handler is installed at the time of the test Where the air handler is not installed at the time of the test, the total leakage shall be less than or equal to 3 cubic feet per minute (85 L/mm) per 100 square feet (9 29 m) of conditioned floor area 2 Postconstruction test Total leakage shall be less than or equal to 4 cubic feet per minute (113 3 L/ min) per 100 square feet (9 29 m) of conditioned floor area R403.3.5 Building cavities (Mandatory). Building fram- ing cavities shall not be used as ducts or plenums R403.3.6 Ducts buried within ceiling insulation. Where supply and return au ducts are partially or completely bur- ied in ceiling insulation, such ducts shall comply with all of the following 1 The supply and return ducts shall have an insulation R-value not less than R-8 2 At all points along each duct, the sum of the ceiling insulation R-value against and above the top of the duct, and against and below the bottom of the duct, shall be not less than R-19, excluding the R-value of the duct insulation 3 In Climate Zones IA, 2A and 3A, the supply ducts shall be completely buried within ceiling insulation, insulated to an R-value of not less than R-13 and in compliance with the vapor retarder requirements of Section 60411 of the International Mechanical Code or Section M1601 4 6 of the International Residential Code, as applicable Exception: Sections of the supply duct that are less than 3 feet (914 min) from the supply outlet shall not be required to comply with these requirements 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-35 I 1 1 I Copyright @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rv dme Oo,dA od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, N=b6 xl 00e170Se 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM(PET)puArvant to ( LEA Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO,«odomo- by any Ot Party o, AAmboemdmho[vsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg p,oIRb¢Ad ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY R403.3.6.1 Effective R-value of deeply buried ducts. Where using a simulated energy performance analysis, sections of ducts that are installed in accordance with Section R403 3 6, located directly on, or within 5 5 inches (140 mm) of the ceiling, surrounded with blown -in attic insulation having an R-value of R-30 or greater and located such that the top of the duct is not less than 3 5 inches (89 mm) below the top of the insu- lation, shall be considered as having an effective duct nisulationR-value of R-25 R403.3.7 Ducts located in conditioned space. For ducts to be considered as inside a conditioned space, such ducts shall comply with either of the following 1 The duct system shall be located completely within the continuous air barrier and within the building thermal envelope 2 The ducts shall be buried within ceiling insulation in accordance with Section R403 3 6 and all of the fol- lowing conditions shall exist 2 1 The au handler is located completely within the continuous air barrier and within the building thermal envelope 22 The duct leakage, as measured either by a rough -in test of the ducts or a post -construc- tion total system leakage test to outside the building thermal envelope in accordance with Section R403 3 4, is less than or equal to 1 5 cubic feet per minute (42 5 L/min) per 100 square feet (9 29 m) of conditioned floor area served by the duct system 2 3 The ceiling insulation R-value installed against and above the insulated duct is greater than or equal to the proposed ceiling insulation R-value, less the R-value of the insulation on the duct R403.4 Mechanical system piping insulation (Manda- tory). Mechanical system piping capable of carrying fluids greater than 105'F (41'C) or less than 55'F (13'C) shall be insulated to an R-value of not less than R-3 R403.4.1 Protection of piping insulation. Piping insula- tion exposed to weather shall be protected from damage, including that caused by sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance and wind The protection shall provide sluelding from solar radiation that can cause degradation of the material Adhesive tape shall be prohibited R403.5 Service hot water systems. Energy conservation measures for service hot water systems shall be in accordance with Sections R403 5 1 through R403 5 4 R403.5.1 Heated water circulation and temperature maintenance systems (Mandatory). Heated water circu- lation systems shall be in accordance with Section R403 5 1 1 Heat trace temperature maintenance systems shall be in accordance with Section R403 5 1 2 Automatic controls, temperature sensors and pumps shall be accessi- ble Manual controls shall be readily accessible R403.5.1.1 Circulation systems. Heated water circula- tion systems shall be provided with a circulation pump The system return pipe shall be a dedicated return pipe or a cold water supply pipe Gravity and thermo- syphon circulation systems shall be prohibited Con- trols for circulating hot water system pumps shall start the pump based on the identification of a demand for hot water within the occupancy The controls shall automatically turn off the pump when the water in the circulation loop is at the desired temperature and when there is no demand for hot water R403.5.1.2 Heat trace systems. Electric heat trace sys- tems shall comply with IEEE 515 1 or UL 515 Con- trols for such systems shall automatically adjust the energy input to the heat tracing to maintain the desired water temperature in the piping in accordance with the tunes when heated water is used in the occupancy R403.5.2 Demand recirculation water systems. Demand recirculation water systems shall have controls that com- ply with both of the following 1 The controls shall start the pump upon receiving a signal from the action of a user of a fixture or appli- ance, sensing the presence of a user of a fixture or sensing the flow of hot or tempered water to a fix- ture fitting or appliance 2 The controls shall limit the temperature of the water entering the cold water piping to not greater than 104-F (40°C) R403.5.3 Hot water pipe insulation (Prescriptive). Insu- lation for hot water piping with a thermal resistance, R- value, of not less than R-3 shall be applied to the follow- ing 1 Piping '/q inch (19 1 mm) and larger in nominal diameter 2 Piping serving more than one dwelling unit 3 Piping located outside the conditioned space 4 Piping from the water heater to a distribution mani- fold 5 Piping located under a floor slab 6 Buried piping 7 Supply and return piping in recirculation systems other than demand recirculation systems R403.5.4 Drain water heat recovery units. Dram water heat recovery units shall comply with CSA B55 2 Dram water heat recovery units shall be tested in accordance with CSA B55 1 Potable water -side pressure loss of dram water heat recovery units shall be less than 3 psi (207 kPa) for individual units connected to one or two showers Potable water -side pressure loss of dram water heat recov- ery units shall be less than 2 psi (13 8 kPa) for individual units connected to three or more showers R403.6 Mechanical ventilation (Mandatory). The building shall be provided with ventilation that complies with the requirements of the International Residential Code or Inter- national Mechanical Code, as applicable, or with other R-36 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® Copyright @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dv od om).(Qtyof PnmdNmod)O,do,N=b¢*1008170S801 JM 15. Z.mo 06 s AM (PET) mtto ( I (Ifirill VETO 1, Ag,'^Rt, ICC No otths TAodomoo. m AtOy odomo- by any Ot party o, AAmboemamhoossd Mgle —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY approved means of ventilation Outdoor air intakes and exhausts shall have automatic or gravity dampers that close when the ventilation system is not operating R403.6.1 Whole -house mechanical ventilation system fan efficacy. Fans used to provide whole -house mechani- cal ventilation shall meet the efficacy requirements of Table R403 6 1 Exception: Where an air handler that is integral to tested and listed HVAC equipment is used to provide whole -house mechanical ventilation, the air handler shall be powered by an electronically commutated motor R403.7 Equipment sizing and efficiency rating (Manda- tory). Heating and cooling equipment shall be sized in accor- dance with ACCA Manual S based on building loads calculated in accordance with ACCA Manual J or other approved heating and cooling calculation methodologies New or replacement heating and cooling equipment shall have an efficiency rating equal to or greater than the mini- mum required by federal law for the geographic location where the equipment is installed R403.8 Systems serving multiple dwelling units (Manda- tory). Systems serving multiple dwelling units shall comply with Sections C403 and C404 of the International Energy Conservation Code —Commercial Provisions instead of Sec- tion R403 R403.9 Snow melt and ice system controls (Mandatory). Snow- and ice -melting systems, supplied through energy ser- vice to the building, shall include automatic controls capable of shutting off the system when the pavement temperature is greater than 50°F (10°C) and precipitation is not falling, and an automatic or manual control that will allow shutoff when the outdoor temperature is greater than 40°F (4 8°C) R403.10 Pools and permanent spa energy consumption (Mandatory). The energy consumption of pools and perma- nent spas shall be in accordance with Sections R403 10 1 through R403 10 3 R403.10.1 Heaters. The electric power to heaters shall be controlled by a readily accessible on -off switch that is an integral part of the heater mounted on the exterior of the heater, or external to and within 3 feet (914 mm) of the heater Operation of such switch shall not change the set- ting of the heater thermostat Such switches shall be in addition to a circuit breaker for the power to the heater Gas -fired heaters shall not be equipped with continuously burning ignition pilots R403.10.2 Time switches. Time switches or other control methods that can automatically turn off and on according to a preset schedule shall be installed for heaters and pump motors Heaters and pump motors that have built-in time switches shall be in compliance with this section Exceptions: Where public health standards require 24-hour pump operation 2 Pumps that operate solar- and waste -heat -recov- ery pool heating systems R403.10.3 Covers. Outdoor heated pools and outdoor per- manent spas shall be provided with a vapor -retardant cover or other approved vapor -retardant means Exception: Where more than 75 percent of the energy for heating, computed over an operation season of not less than three calendar months, is from a heat pump or an on -site renewable energy system, covers or other vapor -retardant means shall not be required R403.11 Portable spas (Mandatory). The energy consump- tion of electric -powered portable spas shall be controlled by the requirements of APSP 14 R403.12 Residential pools and permanent residential spas. Residential swimming pools and permanent residential spas that are accessory to detached one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses three stories or less in height above grade plane and that are available only to the house- hold and its guests shall be in accordance with APSP 15 SECTION R404 ELECTRICAL POWER AND LIGHTING SYSTEMS R404.1 Lighting equipment (Mandatory). Not less than 90 percent of the permanently installed lighting fixtures shall contain only high -efficacy lamps R404.1.1 Lighting equipment (Mandatory). Fuel gas lighting systems shall not have continuously burning pilot lights SECTION R405 SIMULATED PERFORMANCE ALTERNATIVE (PERFORMANCE) R405.1 Scope. This section establishes criteria for compli- ance using simulated energy performance analysis Such TABLE R403.6.1 WHOLE -HOUSE MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM FAN EFFICACY' FAN LOCATION AIR FLOW RATE MINIMUM (CFM) MINIMUM EFFICACY (CFMIWATT) AIR FLOW RATE MAXIMUM (CFM) HRV or ERV Any 1 2 cfm/watt Any Range hoods Any 2 8 cfm/watt Any In -line fan Any 2 8 cfm/watt Any Bathroom, utility room 10 1 4 cfm/watt < 90 Bathroom, utility room 90 2 8 cfm/watt Any For SI 1 dm = 28 3 L/min a When tested in accordance with HVI Standard 916 4m 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-37 I 11 I CoLFIEILOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rvdme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO 06 s AM (PET) t to ( Lie Affiee^® At, ICC NofwN¢[TAodomoo.mAtO,Pepeodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg L,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCIION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY analysis shall include heating, cooling, mechanical ventila- tion and service water heating energy only R405.2 Mandatory requirements. Compliance with this section requires that the mandatory provisions identified in Section R401 2 be met Supply and return ducts not com- pletely inside the building thermal envelope shall be insulated to an R-value of not less than R-6 R405.3 Performance -based compliance. Compliance based on simulated energy performance requires that a proposed residence (proposed design) be shown to have an annual energy cost that is less than or equal to the annual energy cost of the standard reference design. Energy prices shall be taken from a source approved by the code official, such as the Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration's State Energy Data System Prices and Expenditures reports Code officials shall be permitted to require time -of -use pric- ing in energy cost calculations Exception: The energy use based on source energy expressed in Btu or Btu per square foot of conditioned floor area shall be permitted to be substituted for the energy cost The source energy multiplier for electricity shall be 3 16 The source energy multiplier for fuels other than electricity shall be 1 1 R405.4 Documentation. Documentation of the software used for the performance design and the parameters for the building shall be in accordance with Sections R405 4 1 through R405 4 3 R405.4.1 Compliance software tools. Documentation verifying that the methods and accuracy of the compliance software tools conform to the provisions of this section shall be provided to the code official. R405.4.2 Compliance report. Compliance software tools shall generate a report that documents that the proposed design complies with Section R405 3 A compliance report on the proposed design shall be submitted with the applica- tion for the building permit Upon completion of the build- ing, a compliance report based on the as -built condition of the building shall be submitted to the code official before a certificate of occupancy is issued Batch sampling of build- ings to determme energy code compliance shall only be allowed for stacked multiple -family units Compliance reports shall include information in accor- dance with Sections R405 4 2 1 and R405 4 2 2 Where the proposed design of a building could be built on dif- ferent sites where the cardinal orientation of the building on each site is different, compliance of the proposed design for the purposes of the application for the building permit shall be based on the worst -case orientation, worst -case configuration, worst -case building air leakage and worst- case duct leakage Such worst -case parame- ters shall be used as inputs to the compliance software for energy analysis R405.4.2.1 Compliance report for permit applica- tion. A compliance report submitted with the applica- tion for building permit shall include the following Building street address, or other building site identification 2 A statement indicating that the proposed design complies with Section R405 3 3 An inspection checklist documenting the building component characteristics of the proposed design as indicated in Table R405 5 2(1) The inspection checklist shall show results for both the standard reference design and the proposed design with user inputs to the compliance software to gener- ate the results 4 A site -specific energy analysis report that is in compliance with Section R405 3 5 The name of the individual performing the analy- sis and generating the report 6 The name and version of the compliance software tool R405.4.2.2 Compliance report for certificate of occupancy. A compliance report submitted for obtain - mg the certificate of occupancy shall include the fol- lowing 1 Building street address, or other building site identification 2 A statement indicating that the as -built building complies with Section R405 3 3 A certificate indicating that the bwldmg passes the performance matrix for code compliance and indi- cating the energy saving features of the buildings 4 A site -specific energy analysis report that is in compliance with Section R405 3 5 The name of the individual performing the analy- sis and generating the report 6 The name and version of the compliance software tool R405.4.3 Additional documentation. The code official shall be permitted to require the following documents 1 Documentation of the building component charac- teristics of the standard reference design. 2 A certification signed by the builder providing the building component characteristics of the proposed design as given in Table R405 5 2(1) 3 Documentation of the actual values used in the soft- ware calculations for the proposed design. R405.5 Calculation procedure. Calculations of the perfor- mance design shall be in accordance with Sections R405 5 1 and R405 5 2 R405.5.1 General. Except as specified by this section, the standard reference design and proposed design shall be configured and analyzed using identical methods and tech- niques R405.5.2 Residence specifications. The standard refer- ence design and proposed design shall be configured and analyzed as specified by Table R405 5 2(1) Table R405 5 2(1) shall include, by reference, all notes con- tained in Table R402 1 2 R-38 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® rill 1 1 Co Oo'EIL Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme Oo,dv od om).(Dtyof PnmdNmod)O,do,N=b¢*1008170S801 JM 15. Z.mo oc s AM (GET) mtto ( ( I 1, sAg,e^ '^Rt, ICC No otths TAodomoo. m AtOy odomo- by any Ot Party o, AAmboema,Ooossd Mgle —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE R405.5.2(1) SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE STANDARD REFERENCE AND PROPOSED DESIGNS BUILDING COMPONENT STANDARD REFERENCE DESIGN PROPOSED DESIGN Type mass, where the proposed wall is a mass wall, otherwise, wood frame As proposed Gross area same as proposed As proposed Above -grade walls U-factor as specified inTable R402 14 As proposed Solar absorptance = 0 75 As proposed Emittance = 0 90 As proposed Type same as proposed As proposed Basement and crawl space Gross area same as proposed As proposed walls U-factor as specified in Table R402 14, with the isolation layer on the interior side of the walls As proposed Type wood frame As proposed Above -grade floors Gross area same as proposed As proposed U-factor as specified in Table R402 14 As proposed Type wood frame As proposed Ceilings Gross area same as proposed As proposed U-factor as specified in Table R402 14 As proposed Type composition shingle on wood sheathing As proposed Roofs Gross area same as proposed As proposed Solar absorptance = 0 75 As proposed Emittance = 0 90 As proposed Attics Type vented with an aperture of 1 flf per 300 flf of ceiling area As proposed Type same as proposed As proposed Foundations Foundation wall area above and below grade and soil characteristics same as proposed As proposed Area 40 ft2 As proposed Opaque doors Orientation North As proposed U-factor same as fenestration as specified Table R402 14 As proposed Total area" = As proposed (a) The proposed glazing area, where the proposed glazing area is less than 15 percent of the conditioned floor area (b) 15 percent of the conditioned floor area, where the proposed glazing area is 15 percent or more of the conditioned floor area Vertical fenestration other than opaque doors Orientation equally distributed to four cardinal compass orientations (N, E, S & V) As proposed U-factor as specified in Table R402 14 As proposed SHGC as specified in Table R402 12 except for climate zones without an SHGC requirement, the SHGC shall be equal to 0 40 As proposed Interior shade fraction 0 92-(0 21 x SHGC for the standard reference design) Interior shade fraction 0 92- (0 21 x SHGC as proposed) External shading none As proposed Skylights None As proposed Thermallyisolatedsunrooms None As proposed The air leakage rate at a pressure of 0 2 inch w g (50 Pa) shall be The measured air exchange rate' Climate Zones 1 and 2 5 air changes per hour Climate Zones 3 through 8 3 air changes per hour Air exchange rate The mechanical ventilation rate shall be in addition to the air leakage rate and shall be the same as in the proposed design, but not greater than The mechamcal ventilation rate° shall be in addition to the air 0 01 x CFA + 7 5 x (Nb,+ 1) where CFA = conditioned floor area, flf leakage rate and shall be as proposed Nb,= number of bedrooms Energy recovery shall not be assumed for mechanical ventilation (continued) 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-39 I " ' CITOolot @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, m0 oe s AM (PET) t to ( Lie Affiee^® At, ICC NofwN¢[Tod,Ao,,mAtO, Pepeod,Ao- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdm6o d Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg LARISAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE R405.5.2111—continued SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE STANDARD REFERENCE AND PROPOSED DESIGNS BUILDING COMPONENT STANDARD REFERENCE DESIGN PROPOSED DESIGN Where mechanical ventilation is not specified in the proposed design None Where mechanical ventilation is specified in the proposed design, the annual vent fan energy use, in units of kWh/yr, shall equal (1/e,bi x [0 0876 x CFA+ 65 7 x (Nb,+ 1)] Mechanical ventilation where As proposed of = the minimum exhaust fan efficacy, as specified in Table R403 6 1, corresponding to a flow rate of 0 01 x CFA+7 5 x (Nb,+1) CFA=conditioned floor area, ft' Nb, = number of bedrooms IGam, in units of Btu/day per dwelling unit, shall equal 17,900 + 23 8 x CFA+ 4,104 x Nb, Internal gains where Same as standard reference design CFA=conditioned floor area, fr' Nb, = number of bedrooms Same as standard reference design, plus any additional Internal mass Internal mass for fumiture and contents 8 pounds per square foot of floor mass specifically designed as area a thermal storage element` but not integral to the building envelope or structure For masonry floor slabs 80 percent of floor area covered by R-2 carpet and As proposed pad, and 20 percent of floor directly exposed to room air Structural mass For masonry basement walls as proposed, but with insulation as specified in As proposed Table R402 14, located on the interior side of the walls For other walls, ceilings, floors, and interior walls wood frame construction As proposed For other than electric heating without a heat pump as proposed Where the proposed design utilizes electric heating without a heat pump, the Heating systems', e standard reference design shall be an air source heat pump meeting the As proposed requirements of Section C403 of the IECC---Commercial Provisions Capacity sized in accordance with Section R403 7 Cooling systems'. ( As proposed Capacity sized in accordance with Section R403 7 As proposed As proposed Use same as proposed design As proposed Use, in units of Service water heatingd f g gal/day = 30 + (10 x Nb) where Nb, = number of bedrooms Duct insulation in accordance with Section R403 3 1 Duct insulation as proposed A thermal distribution system efficiency (DSE) of 0 88 shall be applied to both the heating and cooling system efficiencies for all systems other than tested duct systems Thermal distribution sys- Exception: For nonducted heating and cooling systems that do not have a As tested or, where not tested, as tems fan, the standard reference design thermal distribution system efficiency specified in Table (DSE) shall be 1 R405 5 2(2) For tested duct systems, the leakage rate shall be 4 cfm (113 3 L/min) per 100 ft (9 29 m') of conditioned floor area at a pressure of differential of 0 1 inch w g (25 Pa) Thermostat Type Manual, cooling temperature setpoint=75°F, Same as standard reference heating temperature setpoint=720F design (continued) R-40 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ' CopyrightOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rvdme Oo,dA od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oe s AM (GET) mt to ( I ( " 1, Ag,e^ '^Rt, ICC No o tths TTAod,Ao,, oAtt6sTepeod,Ao- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER .,ROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION 01 THE FED REAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE R405.5.2(1)—continued SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE STANDARD REFERENCE AND PROPOSED DESIGNS For SI 1 square foot= 0 93 m', 1 British thermal unit =1055 J, 1 pound per square foot =4 88 kg/m', 1 gallon (US)= 3 785 L, OC = (OF - 32)/1 8, 1 degree = 0 79 Fact a Where required by the code official, testing shall be conducted by an approved party Hourly calculations as specified in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, or the equivalent, shall be used to determine the energy loads resulting from infiltration It The combined air exchange rate for infiltration and mechanical ventilation shall be determined in accordance with Equation 43 of 2001 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, page 26 24 and the "Whole -house Ventilation" provisions of 2001 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, page 26 19 for intermittent mechanical ventilation c Thermal storage element shall mean a component that is not part of the floors, walls or ceilings that is part of a passive solar system, and that provides thermal storage such as enclosed water columns, rock beds, or phase -change containers A thermal storage element shall be in the same room as fenestration that faces within 15 degrees (0 26 Each of true south, or shall be connected to such a room with pipes or ducts that allow the element to be actively charged d For a proposed design with multiple heating, cooling or water heating systems using different fuel types, the applicable standard reference design system capacities and fuel types shall be weighted in accordance with their respective loads as calculated by accepted engineering practice for each equipment and fuel type present e For a proposed design without a proposed heating system, a heating system having the prevailing federal minimum efficiency shall be assumed for both the standard reference design and proposed design f For a proposed design home without a proposed cooling system, an electric air conditioner having the prevailing federal minimum efficiency shall be assumed for both the standard reference design and the proposed design g For a proposed design with a nonstorage-type water heater, a 40-gallon storage -type water heater having the prevailing federal minimum energy factor for the same fuel as the predominant heating fuel type shall be assumed For a proposed design without a proposed water heater, a 40-gallon storage -type water heater having the prevailing federal minimum efficiency for the same fuel as the predominant heating fuel type shall be assumed for both the proposed design and standard reference design h For residences with conditioned basements, R-2 and R-4 residences, and for townhouses, the following formula shall be used to determine glazing area AF=A xFA xF where AF = Total glazing area A = Standard reference design total glazing area FA = (Above -grade thermal boundary gross wall area)/(above-grade boundary wall area+ 0 5 x below -grade boundary wall area) F= (above -grade thermal boundary wall area)/(above-grade thermal boundary wall area+ common wall area) or 0 56, whichever is greater and where Thermal boundary wall is any wall that separates conditioned space from unconditioned space or ambient conditions Above -grade thermal boundary wall is any thermal boundary wall component not in contact with sod Below -grade boundary wall is any thermal boundary wall in sod contact Common wall area is the area of walls shared with an adjoining dwelling unit L and CFA are in the same units TABLE R405.5.2(2) DEFAULT DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM EFFICIENCIES FOR PROPOSED DESIGNS' DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION AND CONDITION FORCED AIR SYSTEMS HYDRONIC SYSTEMS" Distribution system components located in unconditioned space 095 Untested distribution systems entirely located in conditioned space` 088 1 "Ductless" systems 1 For SI 1 cubic foot per minute = 0 47 L/s, 1 square foot= 0 093 m', 1 pound per square inch = 6895 Pa, 1 inch water gauge =1250 Pa a Default values in this table are for untested distribution systems, which must still meet minimum requirements for duct system insulation It Hydromc systems shall mean those systems that distribute heating and cooling energy directly to individual spaces using liquids pumped through closed -loop piping and that do not depend on ducted, forced airflow to maintain space temperatures c Entire system in conditioned space shall mean that no component of the distribution system, including the arr-handler unit, is located outside of the conditioned space d Ductless systems shall be allowed to have forced airflow across a cod but shall not have any ducted arrflow external to the manufacturer's air -handler enclosure 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-41 I " ' (Aryaght @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Of, DmA(Rv dme Oo,dA od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15, ZMO 06 s AM(PET)puArvant to ( LEA Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢ [TAodomo,, m AtO, «odomo-by any Ot Party o, AAmboemdmho[vsd M glo— oily mpyncg and ,yodwg L-LOS ed ANY UNEARTHED RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY R405.6 Calculation software tools. Calculation software, where used, shall be in accordance with Sections R405 6 1 through R405 6 3 R405.6.1 Minimum capabilities. Calculation procedures used to comply with this section shall be software tools capable of calculating the annual energy consumption of all building elements that differ between the standard ref- erence design and the proposed design and shall include the following capabilities 1 Computer generation of the standard reference design using only the input for the proposed design. The calculation procedure shall not allow the user to directly modify the building component characteris- tics of the standard reference design. 2 Calculation of whole -building (as a single zone) siz- ing for the heating and cooling equipment in the standard reference design residence in accordance with Section R403 6 3 Calculations that account for the effects of indoor and outdoor temperatures and part -load ratios on the performance of heating, ventilating and air-condi- tioning equipment based on climate and equipment sizing 4 Printed code official inspection checklist listing each of the proposed design component characteristics from Table R405 5 2(1) detemmmed by the analysis to provide compliance, along with their respective performance ratings such as R-value, U-factor, SHGC, HSPF, AFUE, SEER and EF R405.6.2 Specific approval. Performance analysis tools meeting the applicable provisions of Section R405 shall be permitted to be approved Tools are permitted to be approved based on meeting a specified threshold for a jurisdiction The code official shall be permitted to approve such tools for a specified application or limited scope R405.6.3 Input values. When calculations require input values not specified by Sections R402, R403, R404 and R405, those input values shall be taken from an approved source SECTION R406 ENERGY RATING INDEX COMPLIANCE ALTERNATIVE R406.1 Scope. This section establishes criteria for compli- ance using an Energy Rating Index (ERI) analysis R406.2 Mandatory requirements. Compliance with this section requires that the provisions identified in Sections R401 through R404 indicated as "Mandatory" and Section R403 5 3 be met The building thermal envelope shall be greater than or equal to levels of efficiency and Solar Heat Gain Coefficients in Table 402 1 1 or 402 1 3 of the 2009 International Energy Conservation Code Exception: Supply and return ducts not completely inside the building thermal envelope shall be insulated to an R- value of not less than R-6 R406.3 Energy Rating Index. The Energy Rating Index (ERI) shall be determined in accordance with RESNETQCC 301 except for buildings covered by the International Rest- dential Code, the ERI Reference Design Ventilation rate shall be in accordance with Equation 4-1 Ventilation rate, CFM = (0 01 x total square foot area of house) + [7 5 x (number of bedrooms + 1)] (Equation 4-1) Energy used to recharge or refuel a vehicle used for trans- portation on roads that are not on the building site shall not be I included in the ERI reference design or the rated design R406.4 ERI-based compliance. Compliance based on an ERI analysis requires that the rated design be shown to have an ERI less than or equal to the appropriate value indicated in Table R406 4 when compared to the ERI reference design TABLE R406.4 MAXIMUM ENERGY RATING INDEX CLIMATE ZONE ENERGY RATING INDEX' 1 57 2 57 3 57 4 62 5 61 6 61 7 58 8 58 a Where on -site renewable energy is included for compliance using the ERI analysis of Section R406 4, the building shall meet the mandatory requirements of Section R406 2, and the building thermal envelope shall be greater than or equal to the levels of efficiency and SHGC in Table R40212 or Table R40214 of the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code R406.5 Verification by approved agency. Verification of compliance with Section R406 shall be completed by an approved third party R406.6 Documentation. Documentation of the software used to determine the ERI and the parameters for the residen- hal building shall be in accordance with Sections R406 6 1 through R406 6 3 R406.6.1 Compliance software tools. Software tools used for determining ERI shall be Approved Software Rat- I ing Tools in accordance with RESNETQCC 301 R406.6.2 Compliance report. Compliance software tools shall generate a report that documents that the ERI of the rated design complies with Sections R406 3 and R406 4 The compliance documentation shall include the following information 1 Address or other identification of the residential building 2 An inspection checklist documenting the building component characteristics of the rated design The inspection checklist shall show results for both the ERI reference design and the rated design, and shall document all inputs entered by the user necessary to reproduce the results R-42 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® 1 I 1179NCopynght Oo 2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, Nomb6 xl ooe1vme 01 JM 15, m0 06 s AM (PET) mt to ( I ( 1, xAg,e^ '^Rt, ICC Nootths TAodomoo.m At6sodomo-by any Ot Party o[Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo— o,IAo, and Nyodwg L-IRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD ,,MN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE AGRE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY 3 Name of individual completing the compliance report 4 Name and version of the compliance software tool Exception: Where an otherwise identical building model is offered in multiple orientations, compliance for any orientation shall be permitted by documenting that the building meets the performance requirements in each of the four (north, east, south and west) cardinal orientations R406.6.3 Additional documentation. The code official shall be permitted to require the following documents 1 Documentation of the building component charac- teristics of the ER-1 reference design 2 A certification signed by the builder providing the building component characteristics of the rated design. 3 Documentation of the actual values used in the soft- ware calculations for the rated design R406.6.4 Specific approval. Performance analysis tools meeting the applicable sections of Section R406 shall be approved Documentation demonstrating the approval of performance analysis tools in accordance with Section R406 6 1 shall be provided R406.6.5 Input values. Where calculations require input values not specified by Sections R402, R403, R404 and R405, those input values shall be taken from RESNET/ ICC 301 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-43 I l l l CApyngbt @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) t to ( Lie Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO,Pepeodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdm6o d Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg LARISAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER R-44 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ' CopynghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van Cm,(Rvdme Oo,d—od om),(Qty of ERmdNmod)O[d6N=b6*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM(PET)p,,mmt to ( "( I I,—Ag,—^ '^^I, ICC No o tths ,Aodomoam ALM,, peodomo-by any Ot Party o[Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo— odyWpyaog and,yodwg GMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDEEAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER CHAPTER 5 [RE] EXISTING BUILDINGS User note: About this chapter. Many buildings are renovated or altered in numerous ways that could affect the energy use of the building as a whole Chapter 5 requires the application of certain parts of Chapter 4 in order to maintain, if not improve, the conservation of energy by the reno- vated or altered building SECTION R501 GENERAL R501.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall control the alteration, repair, addition and change of occupancy of existing buildings and structures R501.1.1 Additions, alterations, or repairs: General. Additions, alterations, or repairs to an existing builckng, building system or portion thereof shall comply with Sec- tion R502, R503 or R504 Unaltered portions of the exist- ing building or building supply system shall not be required to comply with this code R501.2 Existing buildings. Except as specified in this chap- ter, this code shall not be used to require the removal, alter- ation or abandonment of, nor prevent the continued use and maintenance of, an existing building or building system law- fully in existence at the time of adoption of this code R501.3 Maintenance. Buildings and structures, and parts thereof, shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition Devices and systems that are required by this code shall be maintained in conformance to the code edition under which installed The owner or the owner's authorized agent shall be responsible for the maintenance of buildings and structures The requirements of this chapter shall not provide the basis for removal or abrogation of energy conservation, fire protection and safety systems and devices in existing structures R501.4 Compliance. Alterations, repairs, additions and changes of occupancy to, or relocation of, existing buildings and structures shall comply with the provisions for alterations, repairs, additions and changes of occupancy or relocation, respectively, in this code and the International Residential Code, International Building Code, International Existing Building Code, International Eire Code, International Fuel Gas Code, International Mechanical Code, International Plumbing Code, International Property Maintenance Code, International Private Sewage Disposal Code and NFPA 70 R501.5 New and replacement materials. Except as other- wise required or permitted by this code, materials permitted by the applicable code for new construction shall be used Like materials shall be permitted for repairs, provided that hazards to life, health or property are not created Hazardous materials shall not be used where the code for new construc- tion would not allow their use in buildings of similar occu- pancy, purpose and location R501.6 Historic buildings. Provisions of this code relating to the construction, repair, alteration, restoration and move- ment of structures, and change of occupancy shall not be mandatory for historic buildings provided that a report has been submitted to the code official and signed by the owner, a registered design professional, or a representative of the State Historic Preservation Office or the lustoric preservation authority having jurisdiction, demonstrating that compliance with that provision would threaten, degrade or destroy the historic form, fabric or function of the building SECTION R502 ADDITIONS R502.1 General. Additions to an existing building, building system or portion thereof shall conform to the provisions of this code as those provisions relate to new construction with- out requiring the unaltered portion of the existing building or building system to comply with this code Additions shall not create an unsafe or hazardous condition or overload existing building systems An addition shall be deemed to comply with this code where the addition alone complies, where the existing building and addition comply with this code as a sin- gle building, or where the building with the addition does not use more energy than the existing building Additions shall be in accordance with Section R502 1 1 or R502 1 2 R502.1.1 Prescriptive compliance. Additions shall com- ply with Sections R502 1 1 1 through R502 1 1 4 R502.1.1.1 Building envelope. New building envelope assemblies that are part of the addition shall comply with Sections R402 1, R402 2, R402 3 1 through R402 3 5, and R402 4 Exception: Where unconcktioned space is changed to conditioned space, the building envelope of the addition shall comply where the Total UA, as deter- mined in Section R402 1 5, of the existing building and the adckhon, and any alterations that are part of the project, is less than or equal to the Total UA gen- erated for the existing building R502.1.1.2 Heating and cooling systems. New heat- ing, cooling and duct systems that are part of the addi- hon shall comply with Section R403 Exception: Where ducts from an existing heating and cooling system are extended to an addition, duct 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-45 I 11 I CoLFIEILOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rvdme Oo,dA od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b6xlooe1vme 01 JM 15, ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( LEA Ag,, ^®'^Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomo,,m AtO, goodomo- by any Ot Party o, AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg L,oIRb¢Ad ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER EXISTING BUILDINGS systems with less than 40 linear feet (12 19 m) in unconditioned spaces shall not be required to be tested in accordance with Section R403 3 3 R502.1.1.3 Service hot water systems. New service hot water systems that are part of the addition shall comply with Section R403 4 R502.1.1.4 Lighting. New lighting systems that are part of the addition shall comply with Section R404 1 R502.1.2 Existing plus addition compliance (Simulated Performance Alternative). Where unconditioned space is changed to conditioned space, the adcktion shall comply where the annual energy cost or energy use of the addition and the existing building, and any alterations that are part of the project, is less than or equal to the annual energy cost of the existing building when modeled in accordance with Section R405 The addition and any alterations that are part of the project shall comply with Section R405 in its entirety SECTION R503 ALTERATIONS R503.1 General. Alterations to any building or structure shall comply with the requirements of the code for new con- struction Alterations shall be such that the existing building or structure is not less conforming to the provisions of this code than the existing building or structure was prior to the alteration Alterations to an existing building, building system or por- tion thereof shall conform to the provisions of this code as they relate to new construction without requiring the unal- tered portions of the existing building or builckng system to comply with this code Alterations shall not create an unsafe or hazardous condition or overload existing building systems Alterations shall be such that the existing building or struc- ture does not use more energy than the existing building or structure prior to the alteration Alterations to existing build- ings shall comply with Sections R503 1 1 through R503 2 R503.1.1 Building envelope. Building envelope assem- blies that are part of the alteration shall comply with Sec- tion R402 1 2 or R402 1 4, Sections R402 2 1 through R402 2 13, R402 3 1, R402 3 2, R402 4 3 and R402 4 5 Exception: The following alterations shall not be required to comply with the requirements for new con- struction provided that the energy use of the building is not increased 1 Storm windows installed over existing fenestra- tion 2 Existing ceiling, wall or floor cavities exposed during construction provided that these cavities are filled with insulation 3 Construction where the existing roof, wall or floor cavity is not exposed 4 Roof re-cover 5 Roofs without insulation in the cavity and where the sheathing or insulation is exposed during reroofing shall be insulated either above or below the sheathing 6 Surface -applied window film installed on exist- ing single pane fenestration assemblies to reduce solar heat gam provided that the code does not require the glazing or fenestration assembly to be replaced R503.1.1.1 Replacement fenestration. Where some or all of an existing fenestration unit is replaced with a new fenestration product, including sash and glazing, the replacement fenestration unit shall meet the appli- cable requirements for U-factor and SHGC as specified Table R402 1 2 Where more than one replacementfen- estration unit is to be installed, an area -weighted aver- age of the U-factor, SHGC or both of all replacement fenestration units shall be an alternative that can be used to show compliance R503.1.2 Heating and cooling systems. New heating, cooling and duct systems that are part of the alteration shall comply with Section R403 Exception: Where ducts from an existing heating and cooling system are extended, duct systems with less than 40 linear feet (12 19 m) in unconditioned spaces shall not be required to be tested in accordance with Section R403 3 3 R503.1.3 Service hot water systems. New service hot water systems that are part of the alteration shall comply with Section R403 5 R503.1.4 Lighting. New lighting systems that are part of the alteration shall comply with Section R404 1 Exception: Alterations that replace less than 50 percent of the luminaires in a space, provided that such alter- ations do not increase the installed interior lighting power R503.2 Change in space conditioning. Any nonconditioned or low -energy space that is altered to become conditioned space shall be required to be brought into full compliance with this code Exception: Where the simulated performance option in Section R405 is used to comply with this section, the annual energy cost of the proposed design is permitted to be 110 percent of the annual energy cost otherwise allowed by Section R405 3 SECTION R504 REPAIRS R504.1 General. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be repaired in compliance with Section R501 3 and this sec- tion Work on nondamaged components necessary for the required repair of damaged components shall be considered to be part of the repair and shall not be subject to the require- ments for alterations in this chapter Routine maintenance R-46 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® 1 I CopyngbtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Rvdme Oo,dA od om),(Qty of ERmdNmod)O[do,N=b6xlooe1vme 01 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) mt to ( I ( ITER 1, Ag,'^Rt, ICC No otths TAodomoo. m At6sodomo- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRISAd ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCTMN OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDEEAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER EXISTING BUILDINGS required by Section R501 3, ordinary repairs exempt from permit, and abatement of wear due to normal service condi- tions shall not be subject to the requirements for repairs in this section R504.2 Application. For the purposes of this code, the fol- lowing shall be considered to be repairs 1 Glass -only replacements in an existing sash and frame 2 Roof repairs 3 Repairs where only the bulb, ballast or both within the existing luminaires in a space are replaced provided that the replacement does not increase the installed interior lighting power SECTION R505 CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY OR USE R505.1 General. Spaces undergoing a change in occupancy that would result in an increase in demand for either fossil fuel or electrical energy shall comply with this code R505.2 General. Any space that is converted to a dwelling unit or portion thereof from another use or occupancy shall comply with this code Exception: Where the simulated performance option in Section R405 is used to comply with this section, the annual energy cost of the proposed design is permitted to be 110 percent of the annual energy cost allowed by Sec- tion R405 3 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-47 I 1 1 I CALFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O[do, Nomb,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) t to ( Lie Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomo,,m AtO,Pepeodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemdm6o d Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg LARISAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER R-48 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ' CopynghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van Cm,(Rvdme Oo,d—od om),(Qty of ERmdNmod)O[d6N=b6*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM(PET)p,,mmt to ( "( I I,—Ag,—^ '^^I, ICC No o tths ,Aodomoam ALM,, peodomo-by any Ot Party o[Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo— odyWpyaog and,yodwg GMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDEEAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER CHAPTER 6 [RE] REFERENCED STANDARDS User note: About this chapter This code contains numerous references to standards promulgated by other organizations that are used to provide requirements for materials and methods of construction Chapter 6 contains a comprehensive list of all standards that are referenced in this code These standards, in essence, are part of this code to the extent of the reference to the standard This chapter lists the standards that are referenced in various sections of this document The standards are listed herein by the promulgating agency of the standard, the standard identification, the effective date and title, and the section or sections of this document that reference the standard The application of the referenced standards shall be as specified in Section R107 AAMAAmerican Architectural Manufacturers Association 1827 Walden Office Square Suite 550 Schaumburg, IL 60173-4268 AAMA/W DMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A C440-17: North American Fenestration Standard/Specifications for Windows, Doors and Unit Skylights R402 4 3 ACCAAir Conditioning Contractors of America 2800 Sknrlington Road, Suite 300 Arlington, VA 22206 Manual J-16: Residential Load Calculation Eighth Edition R403 7 Manual S-14: Residential Equipment Selection n R403 7 Ain Si The Association of Pool & Spa Professionals 2111 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite 500 Alexandria, VA 22314 ANSI/APSP/ICC 14-2014: American National Standard for Portable Electric Spa Energy Efficiency R403 11 ANSI/APSP/ICC 15a-2011: American National Standard for Residential Swimming Pool and Spa Energy Efficiency —includes Addenda A Approved January 9, 2013 7� ,� R403 12 ASHRAE ASHRAE 1791 Tullie Circle NE Atlanta, GA 30329 ASHRAE-2017: ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals R402 1 5 ASHRAE-2001: 2001 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals Table R405 5 2(1) ASHRAE 193-2010(RA 2014): Method of Test for Determining the Airtightness of H VAC Equipment R403 3 2 1 AS 1T M ASTM International 100 Bari Harbor Drive, P O Box C700 West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 C1363-11: Standard Test Method for Thermal Performance of Building Materials and Envelope Assemblies by Means of a Hot Box Apparatus R303 1 4 1 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-49 I " ' CITFIght Oo 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(hv dme Oo,d—od om),(Qty of IF—d AAd)O[do,Nomb,,*10081vwS8 01JM 15, ZMO oc s AM(PET)puTrvant to ( LET Affiee^® Rt, ICC NofwN¢[TAodomo,,mAtO, odomo- by any Ot Party oT ATmboem-Romsd Mglo—ody mpyncg and Nyodwg LARISAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER REFERENCED STANDARDS ASTM—continued E283-04(2012): Test Method for Determining the Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen R402 4 4 E779-10: Standard Test Method for Determining Air Leakage Rate by Fan Pressurization R402 4 12 E1827--11: Standard Test Methods for Determining Airtightness of Building Using an Orifice Blower Door R402 4 12 CSA CSA Group 8501 East Pleasant Valley Road Cleveland, OH 44131-5516 AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-17: North American Fenestration Standard/Specification for Windows, Doors and Unit Skylights R402 4 3 CSA B55.1-2015: Test Method for Measuring Efficiency and Pressure Loss of Drain Water Heat Recovery Units R403 5 4 CSA B55.2-2015: Drain Water Heat Recovery Units R403 5 4 DASMADoor & Access Systems Manufacturers Association 1300 Sumner Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115-2851 105-2016: Test Method for Thermal Transmittance and Air Infiltration of Garage Doors and Rolling Doors 7R303 1 3 HVI Home Ventilating Institute 1000 North Rand Road, Suite 214 Wauconda, IL 60084 916-09: Airflow Test Procedure Table R403 6 1 ICCIntematroral Code Council, Inc 500 New Jersey Avenue NW 6th Floor Washington, DC 20001 ANSI/APSP/ICC 14-2014: American National Standard for Portable Electric Spa Energy Efficiency R403 11 ANSI/APSP/ICC 15a-2011: American National Standard for Residential Swimming Pool and Spa Energy Efficiency —includes Addenda A Approved January 9, 2013 R403 12 IBC-18: International Building Code® R201 3, R303 1 1, R303 2, R402 1 1, R501 4 ICC 400-17: Standard on the Design and Construction of Log Structures R402 1, Table R402 5 1 1 IEBC-18: International Existing Building Code® R501 4 IECC-18: International Energy Conservation Code® R101 4 1, R403 8 IECC-15: 2015 International Energy Conservation Code® Table R406 4 IECC-09: 2009 International Energy Conservation Code® R406 2 R-50 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® " ' CopynghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van DmT(Rvdme Oo,d—od om),(Qty of R—d—od)OTdo,N=b,,x1o08170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (GET) mt to ( I ( RR 1,—Ag,—^ '^Rt, ICC No otths TTAodomoo. m At6s Tepeodomo- by any Ot Party o[ ATmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo —ooly o,and Nyodwg GMIRIS d ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FED REAL COPYRIGHT 11 INC THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. INC REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER REFERENCED STANDARDS ICC—continued IECC-06: 2006 International Energy Conservation Code® R202 IFC-18: International Fire Code® R201 3, R501 4 IFGC-18: International Fuel Gas Code® R201 3, R501 4 IMC-18: International Mechanical Code® R201 3, R403 3 2, R403 3 6, R403 6, R501 4 IPC-18: International Plumbing Code® R201 3, R501 4 IPSDC-18: International Private Sewage Disposal Code® R501 4 IPMC-18: International Properly Maintenance Code® R501 4 IRC-18: International Residential Code® R201 3, R303 1 1, R303 2, R402 1 1, R402 2 11, R403 3 2, R403 3 6, R403 6, R501 4 ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2014: Standard for the Calculation and Labeling of the Energy Performance of Low-rise Residential Buildings using an Energy Rating Index First Published March 7, 2014—Republished January 2016 R406 3 ANSI/RESNET/ICC 350-2016: Standard for Testing Airtightness for Building Enclosures, Airtightness of Heating and Cooling Air Distribution Systems and Airflow of Mechanical Ventilation Systems —Republished January 2016 R402 4 12 IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc 3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor New York, NY 10016-5997 515.1-2012: IEEE Standard for the Testing, Design, Installation and Maintenance of Electrical Resistance Trace Heating for Commercial Applications R403512 NFPANational Fire Protection Association 1 Batterymarch Park Quincy, MA 02169-7471 70-17: National Electrical Code R501 4 NFRCNational Fenestration Rating Council, Inc 6305 Ivy Lane, Suite 140 Greenbelt, MD 20770 100-2017: Procedure for Determining Fenestration Products U-factors R303 1 3 200-2017: Procedure for Determining Fenestration Product Solar Heat Gain Coefficients and Visible Transmittance at Normal Incidence R303 1 3 400-2017: Procedure for Determining Fenestration ProductAir Leakage R402 4 3 RESNETResidential Energy Services Network, Inc P O Box 4561 Oceanside, CA 92052-4561 ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2014: Standard for the Calculation and Labeling of the Energy Performance of Low-rise Residential Buildings using an Energy Rating Index First Published March 7, 2014—Republished January 2016 R406 3, R406 6 1, R406 6 5 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-51 I " ' CITFIghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van Dme(Rvdme Oo,d—od om),(Qty of IFRmd—od)O[do,N=b,,*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,—t to ( L—e Ag,,—o aRt, ICC NofwN¢[TAodomoo.mAtO, goodomo- by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRb Ad ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER REFERENCED STANDARDS RESNET—continued ANSI/RESNET/ICC 350-2016: Standard for Testing Airtightness for Building Enclosures, Airtightness of Heating and Cooling Air Distribution Systems, and Airflow of Mechanical Ventilation Systems —Republished January 2016 R402 4 12 UL UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Road Northbrook, IL 60062 127-11: Standard for Factory Built Fireplaces —with Revisions through May 2015 R402 4 2 515-11: Electrical Resistance Heat Tracing for Commercial and Industrial Applications Including Revisions through July 2015 R403 5 12 US —FTC United States -Federal Trade Comrmssion 600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20580 CFR Title 16 (2015): R-value Rule R303 1 4 WDMA Window and Door Manufacturers Association 2025 M Street NW, Suite 800 Waslungton, DC 20036-3309 AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-17: North American Fenestration Standard/Specification for Windows, Doors and Unit Skylights R402 4 3 R-52 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® S " ' CopyagRtOo 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van DmA(Raodme Oo,dA od om),(Dty of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b,,*10081vwS8 01JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,mmt to I ( RR 1, s Ag,e^ '^Rt, ICC No otths TTodomoo. m AtOy Tgoodomo- by any Ot Party o[ AAmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—, ooly oTymg and Nyodwg TMIRIS d ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND REJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER APPENDIX RA SOLAR -READY PROVISIONS -DETACHED ONE- AND TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS AND TOWNHOUSES The provisions contained in this appendix are not mandatory unless specifically referenced in the adopting ordinance. User note: About this appendix., Harnessing the heat or radiation from the sun's rays is a method to reduce the energy consumption of a building Although Appendix RA does not require solar systems to be installed for a building, it does require the space(s) for installing such systems, providing pathways for connections and requiring adequate structural capacity of roof systems to support the systems SECTION RA101 SCOPE RAlOLl General. These provisions shall be applicable for new construction where solar -ready provisions are required SECTION RA102 GENERAL DEFINITION SOLAR -READY ZONE. A section or sections of the roof or building overhang designated and reserved for the future installation of a solar photovoltaic or solar thermal system SECTION RA103 SOLAR -READY ZONE RA103.1 General. New detached one- and two-family dwellings, and townhouses with not less than 600 square feet (55 74 m') of roof area oriented between 110 degrees and 270 degrees of true north shall comply with Sections RA103 2 through RA103 8 Exceptions: 1 New residential buildings with a permanently installed on -site renewable energy system 2 A building with a solar -ready zone that is shaded for more than 70 percent of daylight hours annually RA103.2 Construction document requirements for solar - ready zone. Construction documents shall indicate the solar - ready zone RA103.3 Solar -ready zone area. The total solar -ready zone area shall be not less than 300 square feet (27 87 in 2) exclu- sive of mandatory access or set back areas as required by the International Fire Code New townhouses three stories or less in height above grade plane and with a total floor area less than or equal to 2,000 square feet (185 8 m2) per dwelling shall have a solar -ready zone area of not less than 150 square feet (13 94 m2) The solar -ready zone shall be composed of areas not less than 5 feet (1524 mm) in width and not less than 80 square feet (7 44 m2) exclusive of access or set back areas as required by the International Fire Code RA103.4 Obstructions. Solar -ready zones shall be free from obstructions, including but not limited to vents, chimneys, and roof -mounted equipment RA103.5 Roof load documentation. The structural design loads for roof dead load and roof live load shall be clearly indicated on the construction documents RA103.6 Interconnection pathway. Construction docu- ments shall indicate pathways for routing of conduit or plumbing from the solar -ready zone to the electrical service panel or service hot water system RA103.7 Electrical service reserved space. The main elec- trical service panel shall have a reserved space to allow installation of a dual pole circuit breaker for future solar elec- tric installation and shall be labeled "For Future Solar Elec- tric " The reserved space shall be positioned at the opposite (load) end from the input feeder location or main circuit loca- tion RA103.8 Construction documentation certificate. A per- manent certificate, indicating the solar -ready zone and other requirements of this section, shall be posted near the electri- cal distribution panel, water heater or other conspicuous loca- tion by the builder or registered design professional 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-53 I 1 1 I CALFIEIL @ 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod) O[do, Nomb6 xl 00e170Se 01 JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) t to ( Lie Affiee^® Rt, ICC No fwN¢ [TAodomo,, m AtO, Pepeodomo-by any Ot Party o, Axmboema Romsd M glo ody mpyncg and NyodwgL ARTS Ad ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REICLA VCTION OR DISIRIBITTO N IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER R-54 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ' CopynghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van Cm,(Rvdme Oo,d—od om),(Qty of ERmdNmod)O[d6N=b6*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO oc s AM(PET)p,,mmt to ( "( I I,—Ag,—^ '^^I, ICC No o tths ,Aodomoam ALM,, peodomo-by any Ot Party o[Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo— odyWpyaog and,yodwg GMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDEEAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER INDEX 0 ACCESS HATCHES R402 2 4 ADDITION Defined R202 Requirements R501 1 1, R502 ALTERATION Defined R202 Requirements 503 ADMINISTRATION Chapter 1 AIR BARRIER Installation R402 4 1 1, Table R402 4 1 1 Testing R402 4 1 2 AIR INFILTRATION Requirements R402 4 1 2 AIR LEAKAGE R402 4, R403 3 3, R403 3 4 ALTERNATE MATERIALS R102 APPROVED Defined R202 AUTOMATIC Defined R202 ATMOSPHERIC VENTING Appendix RA Worst -case testing RA301 BASEMENT WALL Defined R202 Requirements R303 2 1, Table R402 1 2, R402 2 9, Table R405 5 2(1) BELOW -GRADE WALLS (see BASEMENT WALLS) BOARD OF APPEALS R109 Qualifications of members R109 3 BUILDING Defined R202 BUILDING THERMAL ENVELOPE Air tightness R402 4 1 Compliance documentation R103 2, R401 3 Defined R202 Insulation R303 1 1 Insulation and fenestration criteria R402 1 2 Performance method Table R405 5 2(1) Requirements R1021 1, R402 103 CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY R505 CIRCULATON SYSTEMS R403 5 1 CLIMATE TYPES Defined Table R301 3(1) CLIMATE ZONES R301, Figure R301 1, Table R301 1 By state or territory Figure R301 1, Table R301 1 International climate zones R301 3, Table R301 3(1), Table R301 3(2) Tropical R301 4 Warm humid R301 2, Table R301 1, Table R301 3(1) CODE OFFICIAL Defined R202 COMMERCIAL BUILDING Compliance R101 5 Defined R202 COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT R101 5 Compliance Report R405 4 2 2 CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA Defined R202 CONDITIONED SPACE Defined R202 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS R103 Amended R103 4 Approval R103 3 1 Examination R103 3 Information required R103 2 Phased R103 3 3 Previous R103 3 2 Retention R103 5 Thermal envelope depiction R103 2 1 CONTINUOUS AIR BARRIER Defined R202 CONTROLS Heat pump R403 1 2 Heating and cooling R403 1 Service water heating R403 5 CRAWL SPACE WALL Defined R202 Requirements R303 2 1, Table R402 1 2, Table R402 1 4, R402 1 4, R402 2 11, Table R405 5 2(1) CEILINGS R402 2 1, R402 2 1, D R402 2 2 Specification for standard DEFAULT DISTRIBUTION reference design Table R405 5 2(1) SYSTEM EFFICIENCIES Table R405 5 2(2) CERTIFICATE R401 3 DEFINITIONS Chapter 2 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-55 I " I CopyagRtOo 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv O,,pfnmda od om),(Dt, of FRmdNmod)O[d6N=b6xlooe1vme 01JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) mt to ( Lie Affiee^®t'^ M, ICC No (wN¢ [,Aodomo,, m ALM,, Pepeodomo-by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd M glo— ody mpyncg and ,yodwgp,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER INDEX DEGREE DAY COOLING Table R301 3(2) DEGREE DAY HEATING Table R301 3(2) DEMAND RECIRCULATION WATER SYSTEM Defined R202 Requirements R403 5 2 DESIGN CONDITIONS Chapter 3, R302 DOORS Attics and crawl spaces R402 2 4 Default U-factors Table R303 1 3(2) Opaque R402 3 4 Performance requirements Table R405 5 2(1) SHGC values Table R402 1 2 U-factors R402 1 4 DUCT Defined R202 Insulation R103 2, R401 3, R403 3 1, R403 3 1 6, R403 3 6, R403 3 7, R403 3 8 Sealing R103 2, R403 3 2 Tightness verification Postconstruction test R403 3 3 Rough -in test R403 3 3 Within conditioned space R403 3 7 DUCT SYSTEM Defined R202 DWELLING UNIT Defined R202 Multiple units R403 8 DYNAMIC GLAZING R402 3 2 E =FAMA=1-i_1yy4= Installation R402 2 3 ELECTRICAL POWER AND LIGHTING R404 ENERGY ANALYSIS, ANNUAL Defined R202 Documentation R405 4 Requirements R405 3 ENERGY COST Defined R202 Energy rating index R202, R406 3 Energy rating index compliance alternative R406 ERI-based compliance R406 4 ENERGY RECOVERY VENTILATION SYSTEMS Requirements Table R405 5 2(1) ENERGY SIMULATION TOOL Defined R202 ENVELOPE, BUILDING THERMAL Defined R202 ENVELOPE DESIGN PROCEDURES R402 EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCIES R103 2, R401 3 EQUIPMENT ROOM For fuel burning appliance R402 4 4 EXISTING BUILDINGS Chapter 5 EXTERIOR WALL Defined R202 Thermal performance R402, R402 1 2, Table R405 5 2(1) F FEES R104 Refunds R104 5 Related fees R104 4 Schedule of permit fees R104 2 FENESTRATION R303 1 3, R402 3, R402 3 2, R402 4 3 Default U-factors Table R303 1 3(1) Defined R202 Rating and labeling R303 1 3, R402 1 2 Replacement R402 3 5 Requirements Table R402 1 2 FENESTRATION PRODUCT, SITE -BUILT Defined R202 FIREPLACES R402 4 2 FLOORS Above -grade Table R405 5 2(1) Insulation R402 2 6 Slab -on -grade insulation requirements R402 2 10 FOUNDATIONS Requirements Table R402 41 1, Table R405 5 2(1) FURNACE EFFICIENCY Table R405 5 2(1) G GLAZED FENESTRATION R402 3 2, R402 3 3 H HEAT PUMP R403 1 2 HEATED SLAB Defined R202 HEATING AND COOLING LOADS R302 1, R403 1 2 HIGH -EFFICACY LAMPS Defined R202 HISTORIC BUILDING R202, R501 6 HOT WATER Piping insulation R403 5 3 R-56 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® I I Co,tght@2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awned by HDO,, Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(DU, of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b6xlooe1vme 01 JoK 15, fDO oc s AM(PET) To,ry tto ( I ( 1,, Ag,,Kta L, ICC Nof-thsT,odomo,,mAt,goodomo,o by any Ot Party, o[ Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Etghe ody,,Kygmd,Nyodaog T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHORIVED REPROD VCIION OR DISI RI E VTION IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT, AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER INDEX HOT WATER BOILER Outdoor temperature setback R403 2 HVAC SYSTEMS Tests Postconstruction R403 3 4 Rough -in -test R403 3 4 IDENTIFICATION (MATERIALS, EQUIPMENTAND SYSTEM) R303 1 INDIRECTLY CONDITIONED SPACE (see CONDITIONED SPACE) INFILTRATION, AIR LEAKAGE R402 4, Table R405 5 2(1) Defined R202 INSPECTIONS R105 INSULATION Air -impermeable R202, Table R402 4 1 1 Basement walls R402 2 9 Ceilings with attic spaces R402 2 1 Ceilings without attic spaces R402 2 2 Crawl space walls R402 2 11 Duct R403 3 1 Eave baffle R402 2 3 Floors R402 2 6, R402 2 8 Hot water piping R403 5 3 Identification R303 1, R3031 2 Installation R3031 1, R3031 1 1, R303 1 2, R303 2, Table R402 4 1 1 Masonry veneer R402 2 12 Mass walls R402 2 5 Mechanical system piping R403 4 Product rating R303 1 4 Protection of exposed foundation R303 2 1 Protection of piping insulation R403 4 1 Requirements Table R402 1 2, R402 2 Slab -on -grade floors R402 2 10 Steel -frame ceilings, walls and floors R402 2 6, Table R402 2 6 Sunroom R402 2 13 INSULATING SHEATHING Defined R202 Requirements Table R402 1 2, R402 1 2 L LABELED Defined R202 Requirements R303 1 3, R402 4 3 LIGHTING SYSTEMS R404 Recessed R402 4 5, R404 LISTED Defined R202 LOG HOMES R402 1, Table R402 4 1 1 LOW -ENERGY BUILDINGS R402 1 LOW -VOLTAGE LIGHTING Defined R202 LUMINAIRE Sealed R402 4 5 M MAINTENANCE INFORMATION R303 3 MANUAL Defined R202 MANUALS R101 5 1, R303 3 MASONRY VENEER Insulation R402 2 12 MASS Wall Table 402 1 2, R402 2 5 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT R303 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT R403, R405 1 MECHANICAL VENTILATION R403 6, Table R403 6 1, Table R405 5 2(1) MULTIPLE DWELLING UNITS R403 8 50] OCCUPANCY Requirements R101 4, R101 5 OPAQUE DOOR R202, R402 3 4 i PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS R405 PERMIT (see FEES) Work commencing before permit R104 4 PIPE INSULATION R403 4, R403 5 3 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS R103 POOLS R403 10 Covers R403 10 3 Heaters R403 10 1 Time switches R403 10 2 PROPOSED DESIGN Defined R202 Requirements R405, Table R405 5 2(1) PUMPS Time switches R403 10 2, R403 5 1 1 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-57 I " I CopyagRtOo 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED AwLDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rvdme pooch od om),(Qty of FRmdNmod)O[do,N=b6xlooe1vme 01JM 15. ZMO oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'At, ICC No f�Lth,[TAodomoo.mAt,�goodomo,o by any Ot Party o, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mgle ass¢ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER INDEX I.aT%11I1 Defined R202 Computation R402 1 3 Wood frame to cold formed steel frame ceiling, wall and floor insulation R-values Table R402 2 6 READILY ACCESSIBLE Defined R202 REFERENCED STANDARDS R107, Chapter 6 REPAIR Defined R202 Requirements R504 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Compliance R101 5 Defined R202 Energy rating index alternative R406 Simulated performance alternative R405 ROOF ASSEMBLY Defined R202 Requirements R303 1 1 1, R402 2 2, Table R405 5 2(1) C? SCOPE R101 2 SERVICE HOT WATER Requirements R403 5 SHEATHING, INSULATING (see INSULATING SHEATHING) SHGC (see SOLAR HEAT GAIN COEFFICIENT) SHUTOFF DAMPERS R403 6 SIMULATED PERFORMANCE ALTERNATIVE R405 Documentation R405 4 Mandatory requirements R405 2 Performance -based compliance R405 3 Report R405 4 2 Software tools R405 4 1 SIZING Equipment and system R405 6 1 SKYLIGHTS R303 1 3, R402 1 2, R402 3, Table R405 5 2(1) SNOW MELT SYSTEM CONTROLS R403 9 SOLAR HEAT GAIN COEFFICIENT (SHGC) R103 2, Table R303 1 3(3), R401 3, Table R402 1 2, R402 1 4, R402 3 2, R402 3 3, R402 3 5, R402 5 Defined R202 STANDARD REFERENCE DESIGN Defined R202 Requirements R405, Table R405 5 2(1) STANDARDS, REFERENCED R107, Chapter 6 STEEL FRAMING R402 2 6 STOP WORK ORDER R108 Authority R108 1 Emergencies R108 3 Failure to comply R108 4 Issuance R108 2 SUNROOM R402 2 13, R402 3 5, Table R405 5 2(1) Defined R202 Insulation R402 2 13 SWIMMING POOLS R403 10 kill THERMAL ISOLATION R402 2 13, R402 3 5, Table R405 5 2(1) Defined R202 THERMAL MASS (see MASS) THERMAL RESISTANCE (see R-VALUE) THERMAL TRANSMITTANCE (see U-FACTOR) THERMOSTAT Defined R202 Controls R403 1 Programmable R403 1 1 TIME SWITCHES R403 10 2 TOTAL BUILDING PERFORMANCE Residential R405 TOWNHOUSE (see RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS) TROPICAL CLIMATE ZONES R301 4, R401 2 1 U U-FACTOR Alternative R402 1 4, Table R402 1 4, R402 1 5 Default door Table R303 1 3(2) Default glazed fenestration Table R303 1 3(1) Defined R202, R402 3 1, R402 5 Skylights Table R402 1 2, Table R402 1 4, R402 3 5 Sunroom R402 3 5 11 VALIDITY R106 VAPOR RETARDER R402 1 1 VENTILATION R401 21, R403 6, Table R403 6 1, Table R405 5 2(1) Defined R202 R-58 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® I I CopyrightOO2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Awned by HDO,, Van Dme(Rvdme Oo,d-od om),(DU, of FRmdwood)O[do,N=b6xlooe1vme 01 JoK 15, fDO oc s AM(PET) To-t to ( I ( 1,-,Ag,,-KtaAt, IcC No huthsT,odomo,,mht,goodomo-by any Ot Party, o[Axmboem-tho[vsd Etgh-ody,,Kygmd,Nyo,Iaog T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHORIVED RBPROD VCIION OR DISI RI B VTION IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT, AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER INDEX VISIBLE TRANSMITTANCE (VT) Default glazed fenestration Table R303 1 3(3) Defined R202 Nh WALL Above -grade, defined R202 Standard reference design Table R405 5 2(1) Basement, defined R202 Installation R402 2 9 Standard reference design Table R405 5 2(1) Crawl space, defined R202 Installation R402 2 11 Standard reference design Table R405 5 2(1) Exterior, defined R202 Mass R402 2 5 Steel -frame R402 2 6, Table R402 2 6 With partial structural sheathing R402 2 7 WALLS (see EXTERIOR WALLS AND BUILDING THERMAL ENVELOPE) WALLS ADJACENT TO UNCONDITIONED SPACE (see BUILDING THERMAL ENVELOPE) WATER HEATING R401 3, R403 5, R405 1, Table R405 5 2(1) WHOLE HOUSE MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM Defined R202 System fan efficacy R403 6 1 WINDOW AREA (see FENESTRATION and GLAZING AREA) 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® R-59 I " I CopyagRt Oo 2017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDd by H®Ih¢ Van Dme(Rv dme pooch od om),(Dby of FRmdNmod) O,d6 N=b6 xl 00e170Se 01JM 15, m0 oc s AM (PET) Mt,b,mt to ( Lie Ag,, ^®'At, ICC No fwN¢[TAodomoo.m AtO, �goodomo- by anty y Ot Paro, Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo—ody oTyncg and Nyodwg T,oIRbAd ANY VNAVTHO RIVER REPROD VCTION OR DISIRIBITTON IS VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER R-60 2018 INTERNAT10NAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ' CopynghtOo2.017 ICC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A—LDdby H®Ih¢Van Cm,(Rvdme Oo,d—od om),(Qty of ERmdNmod)O[d6N=b6*1008170S801 JM 15. ZMO 06 s AM(PET)p,,mmt to ( "( I I,—Ag,—^ '^^I, ICC No o tths ,Aodomoam ALM,, peodomo-by any Ot Party o[Axmboemd,Oo[vsd Mglo— odyWpyaog and,yodwg GMIRISed ANY VNAVTHO OLDER REPROD VCIION OR D ISIRIEVTION IS VIOLATION OP THE FEDEEAL COPYRIGHT 11 AND THE LICENSE A G RE EM ENT. AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER :]A01Aak16qt1:I_1AT►NOkiAto]W1111i No matter where you are in your building career, put the benefits of ICC Membership to work for you! Membership in ICC connects you to exclusive I -Codes resources, continuing education opportunities and Members -Only benefits that include: Free code opinions from I -Codes experts Free I -Code book(s) or download to new Members' Discounts on I -Code resources, training and certification renewal Posting resumes and job search openings through the ICC Career Center Mentoring programs and valuable networking opportunities at ICC events Free benefits Corporate and Governmental Members: Your staff can receive free ICC benefits too' Savings of up to 25% on code books and training materials and more Put the benefits of ICC Membership to work for you and your career. Visit www.iccsafe.org/mem3 to join now or to renew your Membership. Or call 1-888-ICC-SAFE (422-7233), ext. 33804 to learn more today! 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Contact Solar Rating & Certification Corporation today! www.solar-rating.org 1 1-888-422-7233, x7735 1 202-370-1800 17-14097 NORD � ��o�mo�oso��oN�A�oa�o�oE����e���A�����A���;��aM��� P—M�� GET IMMEDIATE DOWNLOADS OF THE STANDARDS YOU NEED Browse hundreds of industry standards adopted by reference. Available to you 24/7! Count on ICC for standards from a variety of publishers, including: ACI AISC ANSI APA APSP ASHRAE ASTM AWC CPSC CSA DOC DOJ DOL DOTn FEMA GBI DOWNLOAD YOUR STANDARDS TOW SHOP.ICCSAFE.ORG GYPSUM HUD ICC ISO NSF SMACNA USC �A--. ,— .� mRa �d� _ ::P� I-�o�mo�oso�e�,o�IS.�oa�oNOF=-I P���.�T�---A—�j��waA-��I ���—